
variation in scrotal color among widely distributed vervet monkey populations (chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus and chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) exhibit bright blue scrotal skin which may function to mediate social interactions by acting as a socio-sexual signal. previous research on scrotal coloration among vervet monkeys was limited to experimental work on captive ch. a. sabaeus, the least colorful vervet subspecies, and two field studies of the more colorful ch. a. pygerythrus. in a study of free-ranging and captive vervet monkeys in south africa (ch. pygerythrus), west africa (ch. a. sabaeus) and ...201323606216
scalar social dynamics in female vervet monkey cohorts.primate social life and behaviour is contingent on a number of levels: phylogenetic, functional and proximate. although this contingency is recognized by socioecological theory, variability in behaviour is still commonly viewed as 'noise' around a central tendency, rather than as a source of information. an alternative view is that selection has acted on social reaction norms that encompass demographic variation both between and within populations and demes. here, using data from vervet monkeys ...201323569299
third-party ranks knowledge in wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus).the machiavellian/social intelligence hypothesis proposes that a complex social environment selected for advanced cognitive abilities in vertebrates. in primates it has been proposed that sophisticated social strategies like obtaining suitable coalition partners are an important component of social intelligence. knowing the rank relationships between group members is a basic requirement for the efficient use of coalitions and the anticipation of counter-coalitions. experimental evidence for such ...201323520521
detection of picobirnaviruses in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus sabaeus): molecular characterization of complete genomic segment-2.during 2014-2015, 270 fecal samples were collected from non-diarrheic, captive and wild african green monkeys (agms) on the island of st. kitts, caribbean region. by rna-page, picobirnaviruses (pbvs) were detected in sixteen captive agms. by rt-pcr and sequencing of partial gene segment-2, pbvs in 15 of these 16 samples were assigned to genogroup-i. the full-length nucleotide (nt) sequence of gene segment-2 of one of the genogroup-i pbv strains, strain pbv/african green monkey/kna/016593/2015, w ...201728057480
inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) regulatory region variation in non-human primates.inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos) is an enzyme that plays a key role in intracellular immune response against respiratory infections. since various species of nonhuman primates exhibit different levels of susceptibility to infectious respiratory diseases, and since variation in regulatory regions of genes is thought to play a key role in expression levels of genes, two candidate regulatory regions of inos were mapped, sequenced, and compared across five species of nonhuman primates: african ...201525675838
refinement of a protocol for the induction of lactation in nonpregnant nonhuman primates by using exogenous hormone treatment.obtaining sufficient quantities of milk from nhp is necessary for pharmacologic and immunologic studies required for the development and safety assessment of drugs and vaccines to be used in the maternal-infant setting. we previously induced lactation in nonpregnant female rhesus macaques (rm, macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (agm, chlorocebus sabaeus) for studies of immune responses in milk, but the volume collected was variable. to improve lactation induction protocols for nonbreeding ...201425650978
the genome landscape of the african green monkey kidney-derived vero cell line.continuous cell lines that originate from mammalian tissues serve as not only invaluable tools for life sciences, but also important animal cell substrates for the production of various types of biological pharmaceuticals. vero cells are susceptible to various types of microbes and toxins and have widely contributed to not only microbiology, but also the production of vaccines for human use. we here showed the genome landscape of a vero cell line, in which 25,877 putative protein-coding genes we ...201425267831
mhc polymorphism in caribbean african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agm) are among the most widely used nonhuman primate models used in various fields of medical research. one species of agm that originated from west africa, chlorocebus sabaeus, was introduced three centuries ago in the caribbean islands. we present here a systematic study of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) polymorphism of caribbean agm which is currently frequently used as an animal model. we studied 54 animals originated from barbados (n=25) or saint kitts (n= ...201424676686
meaning attribution in the west african green monkey: influence of call type and context.the search for the evolutionary roots of human language has fuelled much research into the cognitive mechanisms underlying communication in nonhuman animals. one core issue has been whether the context-specific calls of nonhuman animals are meaningful, with call meaning inferred from recipients' responses in the absence of supporting contextual cues. this direct inference may well offer an oversimplified view of how vocalisations are perceived, however, as responses under natural conditions are ...201423846397
photoluminescent green carbon nanodots from food-waste-derived sources: large-scale synthesis, properties, and biomedical applications.we have developed a simple approach for the large-scale synthesis of water-soluble green carbon nanodots (g-dots) from many kinds of large food waste-derived sources. about 120 g of g-dots per 100 kg of food waste can be synthesized using our simple and environmentally friendly synthesis approach. the g-dots exhibit a high degree of solubility in water because of the abundant oxygen-containing functional groups around their surface. the narrow band of photoluminescence emission (400-470 nm) conf ...201424512145
in vitro cultivation model for heterosporis saurida (microsporidia) isolated from lizardfish, saurida undosquamis (richardson).heterosporis saurida is a microsporidian that infects lizardfish, saurida undosquamis (richardson, 1848), in the arabian sea. spores were isolated from infected lizardfish and used to infect derived fish cell lines: common carp brain (ccb), epithelioma papulosum cyprinid (epc), fathead minnow epithelial (fhm), rainbow trout gonad (rtg), bluegill fry (bf-2) and chinook salmon embryo (chse). non-fish cell lines were also tested that include: insect (sf-9), rabbit (rk-13) and african green monkey ( ...201423957717
anticancer potential of selected fallopia adans species.the aim of the present study was to determine the anticancer potential of three species belonging to the fallopia genus (polygonaceae): fallopia convolvulus (f. convolvulus, fallopia dumetorum (f. dumetorum) and fallopia aubertii (f. aubertii). for this purpose, crude extracts were obtained and characterized for their phenolic and flavonoid total content and examined for their anticancer activity on three tumor cell lines: breast cancer (mcf7), colon carcinoma (caco-2) and cervical cancer (hela) ...201526622671
a new cytotoxic brominated acetylenic hydrocarbon from the marine sponge haliclona sp. with a selective effect against human breast cancer.three acetylenic brominated derivatives were isolated from a red sea sponge, haliclona sp. one of them, 18-bromooctadeca-9(e),17(e)-dien-7,15-diynoic acid (3), is a known metabolite, and the other two are new compounds, (1e,5e,12e,19e)-1,22-dibromodocosa-1,5,12,19-tetraen-3,14,21-triyne (1) and methyl 18-bromooctadeca-9(e),17(e)-dien-7,15-diynoate (2) which was isolated for the first time as a natural metabolite. structures of all compounds were determined based on extensive spectroscopic measur ...201323659175
significant genotype by diet (g × d) interaction effects on cardiometabolic responses to a pedigree-wide, dietary challenge in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).nutrient composition of a diet (d) has been shown to interact with genetic predispositions (g) to affect various lipid phenotypes. our aim in this study was to confirm g × d interaction and determine whether the interaction extends to other cardiometabolic risk factors such as glycemic measures and body weight. subjects were vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus; n = 309) from a multigenerational pedigreed colony initially fed with a plant-based diet, standard primate diet (18% calories f ...201323315630
the genetic stability of piv5-vectored rsv vaccine candidates after in vitro and in vivo passage.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the leading etiologic agent of lower respiratory tract infections in children, but no licensed vaccine exists. previously, our laboratory developed two parainfluenza virus 5 (piv5)-based rsv vaccine candidates that protect mice against rsv challenge. piv5 was engineered to express either the rsv fusion protein (f) or the rsv major attachment glycoprotein (g) between the hn and l genes of the piv5 genome [piv5-rsv-f (hn-l) or piv5-rsv-g (hn-l)]. to inves ...201728747497
filovirus research: how it began.the first reported filovirus outbreak occurred in august 1967, when laboratory workers in marburg and frankfurt, germany, and belgrade, yugoslavia (now serbia) became infected with an unknown highly pathogenic agent. the disease was characterized by high fever, malaise, rash, hemorrhagic and tetanic manifestations, and high lethality, amounting to 25%. the disease was introduced to europe by grivets (chlorocebus aethiops), which were used for biomedical research and vaccine production. the causa ...201728766193
molecular epidemiology of measles virus infection in shanghai in 2000-2012: the first appearance of genotype d8.the purpose of this study was to identify measles virus in shanghai in 2012 and study the genotype trend of measles virus epidemic strains during 2000-2012.201425281832
antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a non-human primate model.the study assessed the antiviral activity of tmc353121, a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) fusion inhibitor, in a preclinical non-human primate challenge model with a viral shedding pattern similar to that seen in humans, following continuous infusion (ci).201526010881
nonreplicating vaccines can protect african green monkeys from the memphis 37 strain of respiratory syncytial virus.we evaluated the immunological responses of african green monkeys immunized with multiple f and g protein-based vaccines and assessed protection against the memphis 37 strain of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv).201323596321
vacuolation activity and intracellular trafficking of artb, the binding subunit of an ab5 toxin produced by salmonella enterica serovar typhi.various salmonella enterica serovars, including s. enterica serovar typhi, encode an ab5 toxin (artab), the a subunit of which is an adp-ribosyltransferase related to the s1 subunit of pertussis toxin. however, although the a subunit is able to catalyze adp-ribosylation of host g proteins, a cytotoxic phenotype has yet to be identified for the holotoxin. here we show that its b subunit pentamer (artb) binds to receptors on the surface of vero (african green monkey kidney) cell, cho (chinese hams ...201728533468
severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus infection in aged nonhuman primates is associated with modulated pulmonary and systemic immune responses.many respiratory viruses disproportionately impact the elderly. likewise, advanced age correlated with more adverse disease outcomes following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) infection in humans. we used an aged african green monkey sars-cov infection model to better understand age-related mechanisms of increased susceptibility to viral respiratory infections. nonhuman primates are critical translational models for such research given their similarities to humans in immu ...201424642138
primary severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection limits replication but not lung inflammation upon homologous rechallenge.our knowledge regarding immune-protective and immunopathogenic events in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) infection is limited, and little is known about the dynamics of the immune response at the primary site of disease. here, an african green monkey (agm) model was used to elucidate immune mechanisms that facilitate viral clearance but may also contribute to persistent lung inflammation following sars-cov infection. during primary infection, sars-cov replicated in the a ...201222345460
identification and characterization of the tyrosinase gene (tyr) and its transcript variants (tyr_1 and tyr_2) in the crab-eating macaque (macaca fascicularis).tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme that regulates melanin biosynthesis and is encoded by the tyrosinase (tyr) gene. previous studies demonstrated that mutations in tyr could lead to oculocutaneous albinism type 1 (oca1) owing to the failure of melanin formation. although a previous study found that albinism in the rhesus monkey was derived from a mutation in tyr, the identification and characterization of this gene in non-human primates has not been achieved thus far. thus, using the rapid ...201728756020
modern-day siv viral diversity generated by extensive recombination and cross-species transmission.cross-species transmission (cst) has led to many devastating epidemics, but is still a poorly understood phenomenon. hiv-1 and hiv-2 (human immunodeficiency virus 1 and 2), which have collectively caused over 35 million deaths, are the result of multiple csts from chimpanzees, gorillas, and sooty mangabeys. while the immediate history of hiv is known, there are over 45 lentiviruses that infect specific species of primates, and patterns of host switching are not well characterized. we thus took a ...201728672035
coagulation biomarkers predict disease progression in siv-infected nonhuman infection is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular complications, the underlying mechanism of which remains unclear. plasma levels of the coagulation biomarker d-dimer (dd) correlate with increased mortality and cardiovascular events in hiv-infected patients. we compared the incidence of cardiovascular lesions and the levels of the coagulation markers dd and thrombin antithrombin in pathogenic siv infections of rhesus and pigtailed macaques (ptms) and in nonpathogenic siv infectio ...201222653975
distribution of interstitial telomeric sequences in primates and the pygmy tree shrew (scandentia).it has been hypothesized that interstitial telomeric sequences (itss), i.e., repeated telomeric dna sequences found at intrachromosomal sites in many vertebrates, could be correlated to chromosomal rearrangements and plasticity. to test this hypothesis, we hybridized a telomeric pna probe through fish on representative species of 2 primate infraorders, strepsirrhini (lemur catta, otolemur garnettii, nycticebus coucang) and catarrhini (erythrocebus patas, cercopithecus petaurista, chlorocebus aet ...201728423373
structural investigation of c6/36 and vero cell cultures infected with a brazilian zika virus.zika virus (zikv) is a member of the flavivirus genus, and its genome is approximately 10.8 kilobases of positive-strand rna enclosed in a capsid and surrounded by a membrane. studies on the replication dynamics of zikv are scarce, which limits the development of antiviral agents and vaccines directed against zikv. in this study, aedes albopictus mosquito lineage cells (c6/36 cells) and african green monkey kidney epithelial cells (vero cells) were inoculated with a zikv sample isolated from a b ...201728898286
inflammatory monocytes expressing tissue factor drive siv and hiv hiv infection, persistent inflammation despite effective antiretroviral therapy is linked to increased risk of noninfectious chronic complications such as cardiovascular and thromboembolic disease. a better understanding of inflammatory and coagulation pathways in hiv infection is needed to optimize clinical care. markers of monocyte activation and coagulation independently predict morbidity and mortality associated with non-aids events. we identified a specific subset of monocytes that expre ...201728855397
standardization of dna residual quantification method of vero cell rabies vaccine for human use.normalize the quantification of residual dna from vero cells in the rabies vaccine for use in human vahv i, by quantitative pcr in real time and the design of primers that amplified, highly repetitive sequences of cercopithecus aethiops and a constitutive gene according to sequences reported in the genbank and quantifying the residual dna in the vaccine vahv i in three consecutive batches according to the standard set by the world health organization.201728839473
genomic tools for the use of nonhuman primates in translational research.nonhuman primates (nhps) are important preclinical models for understanding the etiology of human diseases and for developing therapies and vaccines to cure or eliminate disease. most human diseases have genetic components. therefore, to be of maximal utility, the nhp species used for translational science should be as well characterized in regard to their genome and transcriptome as possible. this article reviews the current status of genomic information for the five nhp species used most often ...201728838069
cyclophilin a potentiates trim5α inhibition of hiv-1 nuclear import without promoting trim5α binding to the viral capsid.the host immunophilin cyclophilin a (cypa) binds to the capsid protein (ca) of hiv-1 and regulates its infectivity. depending on the target cell type, cypa can either promote or inhibit hiv-1 infection. the ability of cypa to promote hiv-1 infection has been extensively studied and linked to several steps in early replication including uncoating, reverse transcription and nuclear import. by contrast, the mechanism by which cypa inhibits infection is less well understood. we investigated the mech ...201728767697
smart release nano-formulation of cytochrome c and hyaluronic acid induces apoptosis in cancer cells.herein we tested a nanosized cancer-cell targeted delivery system based on cytochrome c (cyt c) and hyaluronic acid. cyt c was chosen since it is a per se non-toxic protein but causes apoptosis when delivered to the cytoplasm of target cells. hyaluronic acid was employed to create the nanosized delivery system with passive targeting capability in order to exploit the enhanced permeation and retention (epr) effect and active targeting capability of hyaluronic acid. in addition, our goal was to in ...201728706754
in vitro and in vivo anticancer studies of 2'-hydroxy chalcone derivatives exhibit apoptosis in colon cancer cells by hdac inhibition and cell cycle arrest.considering the therapeutic values of bioflavonoids in colon cancer treatment, six 2'-hydroxy chalcones (c1-c6) were synthesized, characterized and screened for in vitro cytotoxicity on human colon carcinoma (hct116) and african green monkey kidney epithelial cells (vero). only c5 showed selective cytotoxicity against hct116 cells. other potent cytotoxic compounds were c1, c2 and c3. further screening included enzyme inhibition studies on histone deacetylase (hdac) enzyme where c1 showed lowest ...201728694750
renal vascular and glomerular pathologies associated with spontaneous hypertension in the nonhuman primate chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus.hypertension is a complex, multifactorial disease affecting an estimated 78 million adults in the united states. despite scientific gains, the etiology of human essential hypertension is unknown and current experimental models do not recapitulate all the behavioral and physiological characteristics of the pathology. researchers should assess the translational capacity of these models and look to other animal models for the discovery of new therapies. chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus, the african gre ...201728659284
milk oligosaccharides inhibit human rotavirus infectivity in ma104 cells.background: oligosaccharides in milk act as soluble decoy receptors and prevent pathogen adhesion to the infant gut. milk oligosaccharides reduce infectivity of a porcine rotavirus strain; however, the effects on human rotaviruses are less well understood.objective: in this study, we determined the effect of specific and abundant milk oligosaccharides on the infectivity of 2 globally dominant human rotavirus strains.methods: four milk oligosaccharides-2'-fucosyllactose (2'fl), 3'-sialyllactose ( ...201728637685
time-dependent subcellular structure injuries induced by nano-/micron-sized calcium oxalate monohydrate and dihydrate crystals.comparative studies were conducted to investigate the time effect of cell injury induced by nano-sized (50nm) and micron-sized (10μm) calcium oxalate monohydrate (com) and dihydrate (cod) crystals in african green monkey renal epithelial (vero) cells. the effects of nano-/micron-sized com and cod exposure on vero cells were investigated by detecting the cell viability, cell morphology, ldh release, reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial membrane potential, cell cycle, and cell apoptosis, as well ...201728629039
optimized method for isolation of immature intracytoplasmic retroviral particles from mammalian biochemically and structurally characterize viral intracytoplasmic particles (icaps), a sample of high purity and homogeneity is usually required. production of icaps in the system closely related to their natural host cells is crucial for the analysis of host-cell binding proteins involved in icaps assembly, transport and budding. however, this approach is often hampered by problems with low yield of the icaps due to either low expression or fast release from the host cell. another obstacle ...201728619602
hematologic and biochemical ris for an aged population of captive african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).established ris for geriatric african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are critical for clinical differentiation of normal aging from disease-related changes in this population.201728543372
radiosynthesis and in vivo evaluation of [(11)c]a1070722, a high affinity gsk-3 pet tracer in primate brain.dysfunction of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (gsk-3) is implicated in the etiology of alzheimer's disease, parkinson's disease, diabetes, pain, and cancer. a radiotracer for functional positron emission tomography (pet) imaging could be used to study the kinase in brain disorders and to facilitate the development of small molecule inhibitors of gsk-3 for treatment. at present, there is no target-specific or validated pet tracer available for the in vivo monitoring of gsk-3. we radiolabeled the smal ...201728485573
characterization of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infectivity in human embryonic kidney cells.porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv), a causative agent of porcine epidemic diarrhea, causes economic loss in the global swine industry. vero cell, an african green monkey kidney cell line, has been commonly used to isolate and propagate pedv. however, since the production of interferon in these cells is defective, vero cells are not the ideal cell type to study the molecular mechanisms of pedv infection and the host antiviral innate immune response. in this study, we observed that human embry ...201728470417
vaccine cigb 247 is potentially safe for use as a novel therapeutic vaccine against cancer in chlorocebus aethiops monkeys.cigb 247 is a novel cancer therapeutic vaccine based on human vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) variant molecule as antigen, in combination with a bacterial adjuvant. this vaccine candidate has previously demonstrated efficacy and safety in mice, rats, rabbits and non-human primates. in the present study we evaluated the effects on the clinical, hematological and biochemical parameters of cigb 247 vaccine in chlorocebus aethiops monkeys. three groups of monkeys were immunized with three ...201728463787
cytotoxic t cell functions accumulate when cd4 is downregulated by cd4(+) t cells in african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agms) are a natural host of siv that do not develop simian aids. adult agms naturally have low numbers of cd4(+) t cells and a large population of mhc class ii-restricted cd8αα t cells that are generated through cd4 downregulation in cd4(+) t cells. in this article, we study the functional profiles and siv infection status in vivo of cd4(+) t cells, cd8αα t cells, and cd8αβ t cells in lymph nodes, peripheral blood, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of agms and rhesus macaqu ...201728438898
assessment of potential mirna biomarkers of vero-cell tumorigenicity in a new line (agmk1-9t7) of african green monkey kidney cells.patterns of microrna expression appear to delineate the process of spontaneous neoplastic development-transformation (spndt) occurring in the african green monkey kidney (agmk) vero cell line (teferedegne et al., 2010). analysis of microarray data identified 6 micrornas whose high-level of expression peaked when the world health organization 10-87 vero cells became tumorigenic at passage (p) 190. six mirnas were identified as potential biomarkers for the expression of the vero-cell tumorigenic p ...201728434690
effects of naturally occurring charged mutations on the structure, stability, and binding of the pin1 ww domain.pin1 is a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, whose ww domain specifically recognizes the pser/thr-pro motif. pin1 is involved in multiple phosphorylation events that regulate the activities of various substrates, and pin1 deregulation has been reported in various diseases, including cancer and alzheimer's disease. the ww domain of pin1 has been used as a small model protein to investigate the folding mechanisms of the β-sheet structure by studying the effect of mutations or its naturally occur ...201728431929
sodium alginate and gum acacia hydrogels of zinc oxide nanoparticles reduce hemolytic and oxidative stress inflicted by zinc oxide nanoparticles on mammalian cells.zinc oxide nanoparticles are important nanomaterials currently under research due to their applicability in nanomedicine. toxicity of zno nps has been extensively studied and has been shown to affect various cell types and animal systems. in this study, we investigated hemolytic potential and oxidative stress inflicted by zno nps and zno nps-loaded-sodium alginate-gum acacia hydrogels on horse erythrocytes and african green monkey kidney (vero) cells. our study provides a better understanding of ...201728373047
nanoethosomal formulation of gammaoryzanol for skin-aging protection and wrinkle improvement: a histopathological radical scavengers and antioxidants, with the main focus on enhanced targeting to the skin layers, can provide protection against skin ageing.201728277843
the demographic and adaptive history of the african green monkey.relatively little is known about the evolutionary history of the african green monkey (genus chlorocebus) due to the lack of sampled polymorphism data from wild populations. yet, this characterization of genetic diversity is not only critical for a better understanding of their own history, but also for human biomedical research given that they are one of the most widely used primate models. here, i analyze the demographic and selective history of the african green monkey, utilizing one of the m ...201728199709
size-dependent cellular uptake mechanism and cytotoxicity toward calcium oxalate on vero cells.urinary crystals with various sizes are present in healthy individuals and patients with kidney stone; however, the cellular uptake mechanism of calcium oxalate of various sizes has not been elucidated. this study aims to compare the internalization of nano-/micron-sized (50 nm, 100 nm, and 1 μm) calcium oxalate monohydrate (com) and dihydrate (cod) crystals in african green monkey renal epithelial (vero) cells. the internalization and adhesion of com and cod crystals to vero cells were enhanced ...201728150811
neural stem cells derived from human parthenogenetic stem cells engraft and promote recovery in a nonhuman primate model of parkinsons disease.cell therapy has attracted considerable interest as a promising therapeutic alternative for patients with parkinsons disease (pd). clinical studies have shown that grafted fetal neural tissue can achieve considerable biochemical and clinical improvements in pd. however, the source of fetal tissue grafts is limited and ethically controversial. human parthenogenetic stem cells offer a good alternative because they are derived from unfertilized oocytes without destroying potentially viable human em ...201627931506
in vivo evaluation of [(18)f]fecimbi-36, an agonist 5-ht2a/2c receptor pet radioligand in nonhuman primate.we recently reported the radiosynthesis and in vitro evaluation of [(18)f]-2-(4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-n-(2-(2-fluoroethoxy)benzyl)ethanamine, ([(18)f]fecimbi-36) or ([(18)f]1), an agonist radioligand for 5ht2a/2c receptors in postmortem samples of human brain. herein we describe the in vivo evaluation of [(18)f]fecimbi-36 in vervet/african green monkeys by pet imaging. pet images show that [(18)f]fecimbi-36 penetrates the blood-brain barrier and a low retention of radioactivity is observed ...201727889455
uterine angioleiomyoma in an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).a uterine neoplasm was observed, as an incidental finding, during post-mortem examination of a 26-year-old female multiparous african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus). the intramural, expansile, 2 to 3 cm well-demarcated, dark-red, nodular neoplasm was located on the anterior uterine body (corpus) wall.201727859319
phytosynthesized gold nanoparticles from c. roxburghii dc. leaf and their toxic effects on normal and cancer cell nanoparticles are considered of great importance compared to other noble metal nanoparticles and its wide range of applications like pharmaceutics, therapeutics and diagnostics etc. during the past decade, phytosynthesized gold nanoparticles (aunps) are more focused in in vitro and in vivo study. the present study was focused on the gold chloride and phytosynthesized gold nanoparticles from aqueous leaf extract of cassia roxburghii and their toxic effects on african green monkey normal kidn ...201627855358
development and evaluation of topotecan loaded solid lipid nanoparticles: a study in cervical cancer cell lines.the study aims at statistical development of solid lipid nanoparticles (slns) loaded with topotecan hydrochloride for avoiding the drawbacks of conventional drug therapies used in cervical cancer. twenty sln batches were prepared using organic solvent evaporation method to provide response surface curves. thereafter, optimized slns were obtained using numeric method based on desirability functions providing maximum drug loading and appropriate particle size. physical characterization of optimize ...201627816641
a single amino acid dictates protein kinase r susceptibility to unrelated viral antagonists.during millions of years of coevolution with their hosts, cytomegaloviruses (cmvs) have succeeded in adapting to overcome host-specific immune defenses, including the protein kinase r (pkr) pathway. consequently, these adaptations may also contribute to the inability of cmvs to cross species barriers. here, we provide evidence that the evolutionary arms race between the antiviral factor pkr and its cmv antagonist trs1 has led to extensive differences in the species-specificity of primate cmv trs ...201627780231
genomic changes detected after serial passages in cell culture of virulent human g1p[8] rotaviruses.serial passages of a virulent mouse rotavirus in cell cultures caused a loss of virulence in mice. to gain insight into the genomic mutations in human rotavirus during cell culture and its attenuation in humans, we serially passaged three wild type human g1p[8] rotavirus strains (wa, dc3695, dc5685) derived from diarrheal stool samples up to 60 times in two different cell cultures (human colon adenocarcinoma cell line: ht29, and primary african green monkey kidney cells: primary agmk). we sequen ...201627543393
protective effects of degraded soybean polysaccharides on renal epithelial cells exposed to oxidative damage.this study aimed to investigate the protective effects of degraded soybean polysaccharides (dsp) on oxidatively damaged african green monkey kidney epithelial (vero) cells. low dsp concentration (10 μg/ml) elicited an evident protective effect on h2o2-induced cell injury (0.3 mmol/l). the cell viabilities of the h2o2-treated group and the dsp-protected group were 57.3% and 93.1%, respectively. the cell viability decreased to 88.3% when the dosage was increased to 100 μg/ml. dsp protected vero ce ...201627701856
blood cell respirometry is associated with skeletal and cardiac muscle bioenergetics: implications for a minimally invasive biomarker of mitochondrial health.blood based bioenergetic profiling strategies are emerging as potential reporters of systemic mitochondrial function; however, the extent to which these measures reflect the bioenergetic capacity of other tissues is not known. the premise of this work is that highly metabolically active tissues, such as skeletal and cardiac muscle, are susceptible to differences in systemic bioenergetic capacity. therefore, we tested whether the respiratory capacity of blood cells, monocytes and platelets, are r ...201627693859
data on gene and protein expression changes induced by apabetalone (rvx-208) in ex vivo treated human whole blood and primary hepatocytes.apabetalone (rvx-208) inhibits the interaction between epigenetic regulators known as bromodomain and extraterminal (bet) proteins and acetyl-lysine marks on histone tails. data presented here supports the manuscript published in atherosclerosis "rvx-208, a bet-inhibitor for treating atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, raises apoa-i/hdl and represses pathways that contribute to cardiovascular disease" (gilham et al., 2016) [1]. it shows that rvx-208 and a comparator bet inhibitor (beti) jq1 ...201627570805
in vitro anticancer and cytotoxic activities of some plant extracts on hela and vero cell lines.the aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro anticancer and cytotoxic activity of the methanolic extracts of 14 medicinal plants, 8 of which are endemic species in anatolia, against the human hela cervical cancer cell line and to compare to the normal african green monkey kidney epithelial cell line (vero) using the mtt colorimetric assay.201627569095
reinjury risk of nano-calcium oxalate monohydrate and calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals on injured renal epithelial cells: aggravation of crystal adhesion and aggregation.renal epithelial cell injury facilitates crystal adhesion to cell surface and serves as a key step in renal stone formation. however, the effects of cell injury on the adhesion of nano-calcium oxalate crystals and the nano-crystal-induced reinjury risk of injured cells remain unclear.201627382277
neural stem cells derived from human parthenogenetic stem cells engraft and promote recovery in a nonhuman primate model of parkinson's disease.cell therapy has attracted considerable interest as a promising therapeutic alternative for patients with parkinson's disease (pd). clinical studies have shown that grafted fetal neural tissue can achieve considerable biochemical and clinical improvements in pd. however, the source of fetal tissue grafts is limited and ethically controversial. human parthenogenetic stem cells offer a good alternative because they are derived from unfertilized oocytes without destroying potentially viable human e ...201627213850
effects of heated hydrotherapy on muscle hsp70 and glucose metabolism in old and young vervet monkeys.increasing heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) in aged and/or insulin-resistant animal models confers benefits to healthspan and lifespan. heat application to increase core temperature induces hsps in metabolically important tissues, and preliminary human and animal data suggest that heated hydrotherapy is an effective method to achieve increased hsps. however, safety concerns exist, particularly in geriatric medicine where organ and cardiovascular disease commonly will preexist. we evaluated young ve ...201627188431
chemical constituents and antiproliferative effects of cultured mougeotia nummuloides and spirulina major against cancerous cell this study, the effect of mougeotia nummuloides and spirulina major on vero cells (african green monkey kidney), c6 cells (rat brain tumor cells) and hela cells (human uterus carcinoma) was investigated in vitro. the antiproliferative effect of the methanol extract of m. nummuloides and s. major compared with 5-fluorourasil (5-fu) and cisplatin was tested at various concentrations using the brdu cell proliferation elisa. both m. nummuloides and s. major extracts significantly inhibited the pr ...201626985685
impaired arm function and finger dexterity in a nonhuman primate model of stroke: motor and cognitive assessments.ischemic stroke is the leading cause of upper extremity motor impairments. although several well-characterized experimental stroke models exist, modeling of upper extremity motor impairments, which are unique to primates, is not well established. cortical representation of dexterous movements in nonhuman primates is functionally and topographically similar to that in humans. in this study, we characterize the african green monkey model of focal ischemia reperfusion with a defined syndrome, impai ...201626956259
human lineage-specific transcriptional regulation through ga-binding protein transcription factor alpha (gabpa).a substantial fraction of phenotypic differences between closely related species are likely caused by differences in gene regulation. while this has already been postulated over 30 years ago, only few examples of evolutionary changes in gene regulation have been verified. here, we identified and investigated binding sites of the transcription factor ga-binding protein alpha (gabpa) aiming to discover cis-regulatory adaptations on the human lineage. by performing chromatin immunoprecipitation-seq ...201626814189
a comparison of adult body size between captive and wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) on the island of st. kitts.weight and 34 morphological measurements were obtained from 103 vervet monkeys living either in the wild or in captive colonies derived from the wild populations on the island of st. kitts in the eastern caribbean. all measures were taken during the same week, eliminating bias that might result from changing seasonal environmental conditions. vervets on st. kitts are all descended from a small number of individuals brought to the island approximately 400 years ago from west africa, thus eliminat ...201626801341
vitamin d heritability and effect of pregnancy status in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) under conditions of modest and high dietary supplementation.the two objectives of the current study were to: 1) investigate the genetic contributions to variations in serum vitamin d concentrations under two dietary conditions (a standard monkey biscuit diet vs. a diet designed to model typical american consumption); and 2) explore the interaction of vitamin d with pregnancy status using a cohort of pedigreed female vervet/african green monkeys.201626708407
adhesion and internalization differences of com nanocrystals on vero cells before and after cell damage.the adhesion and internalization between african green monkey kidney epithelial (vero) cells (before and after oxidative damage by hydrogen peroxide) and calcium oxalate monohydrate (com) nanocrystals (97±35nm) were investigated so as to discuss the molecular and cellular mechanism of kidney stone formation. scanning electron microscope (sem) was used to observe the vero-com nanocrystal adhesion; the nanocrystal-cell adhesion was evaluated by measuring the content of malonaldehyde (mda), the act ...201626652375
measurement of hematological and serum biochemical normal values of captive housed chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus monkeys and correlation with the age.some factors such as sex, age, and captivity conditions have a direct influence on the normal hematological and serum biochemical parameters of african green monkeys. on the other hand, reliability in reported values is in many cases limited by studied animal number (<200) and there is not report on the correlation of these parameters with the age in each sex animal group. thus, this study sought determining normal hematological (11) and serum biochemical parameters (9) of 400 captive housed afr ...201626647919
can dicoumarol be used as a gonad-safe anticancer agent: an in vitro and in vivo experimental study.dicoumarol (dc) has potential for use as a gonad-safe anticancer agent.201626612783
variable responses of human and non-human primate gut microbiomes to a western diet.the human gut microbiota interacts closely with human diet and physiology. to better understand the mechanisms behind this relationship, gut microbiome research relies on complementing human studies with manipulations of animal models, including non-human primates. however, due to unique aspects of human diet and physiology, it is likely that host-gut microbe interactions operate differently in humans and non-human primates.201526568112
pair housing of vervets/african green monkeys for biomedical research.vervets, also known as african green monkeys, are a nonhuman primate species widely used in biomedical research. however, there are currently few references available describing techniques and rates of success for pair-housing this species. we present data from four cohorts of vervets from three different facilities: (i) the wake forest vervet research colony (vrc; n = 72 female pairs, n= 52 male pairs), (ii) the university of louisiana at lafayette-new iberia research center (ul-nirc; n = 57 fe ...201726539878
structural characterization, antioxidant and in vitro cytotoxic properties of seagrass, cymodocea serrulata ( asch. & magnus mediated silver nanoparticles.the present study pertains to the synthesis, structural elucidation, antioxidant and in vitro cytotoxic properties of silver nanoparticles (agnps) from marine angiosperm, cymodocea serrulata aqueous extract (csae). the characterization was made through uv-visible spectroscopy (uv-vis), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir), x-ray diffraction (xrd), field emission scanning electron microscopy (fesem), zeta potential and dynamic light scanning (dls) analyses. the uv-vis spectrum resulted ...201526409094
preparation, characterization, and in vitro cytotoxicity of com and cod crystals with various sizes.calcium oxalate crystals in urine often differ in size and crystal phase between healthy humans and patients with kidney stones. in this work, calcium oxalate monohydrate (com) and dihydrate (cod) with sizes of about 50 nm, 100 nm, 1 μm, 3 μm, and 10 μm were prepared by varying reactant concentration, reaction temperature, solvent, mixing manner, and stirring speed. these crystals mainly had a smooth surface and no obvious pore structure, except com-1 μm. in cell culture medium, the zeta potenti ...201526354249
experimental colitis in siv-uninfected rhesus macaques recapitulates important features of pathogenic siv infection.mucosal damage to the gastrointestinal (gi) tract with resulting microbial translocation is hypothesized to significantly contribute to the heightened and persistent chronic inflammation and immune activation characteristic to hiv infection. here we employ a non-human primate model of chemically induced colitis in siv-uninfected rhesus macaques that we developed using dextran sulfate sodium (dss), to directly test this hypothesis. dss treatment results in gi barrier damage with associated microb ...201526282376
hematology and clinical chemistry measures during and after pregnancy and age- and sex-specific reference intervals in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).clinical decisions and experimental analyses often involve the assessment of hematology and clinical chemistry. using clinical pathology to assess the health status of nhp in breeding colonies or data from studies than involve pregnancy can often be complicated by pregnancy status. this study had 2 objectives regarding the hematology and clinical chemistry of african green monkeys (agm, chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus): 1) to compare pregnant or recently postpartum animals with nonpregnant, nonlact ...201526224434
differentiation kinetics of blood monocytes and dendritic cells in macaques: insights to understanding human myeloid cell development.monocyte and dendritic cell (dc) development was evaluated using in vivo brdu pulse-chase analyses in rhesus macaques, and phenotype analyses of these cells in blood also were assessed by immunostaining and flow cytometry for comparisons among rhesus, cynomolgus, and pigtail macaques, as well as african green monkeys and humans. the nonhuman primate species and humans have three subsets of monocytes, cd14(+)cd16(-), cd14(+)cd16(+), and cd14(-)cd16(+) cells, which correspond to classical, interme ...201526179903
omip-026: phenotypic analysis of b and plasma cells in rhesus macaques. 201526115002
sequencing strategies and characterization of 721 vervet monkey genomes for future genetic analyses of medically relevant traits.we report here the first genome-wide high-resolution polymorphism resource for non-human primate (nhp) association and linkage studies, constructed for the caribbean-origin vervet monkey, or african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), one of the most widely used nhps in biomedical research. we generated this resource by whole genome sequencing (wgs) of monkeys from the vervet research colony (vrc), an nih-supported research resource for which extensive phenotypic data are available.201526092298
in vitro host range of feline morbillivirus.feline morbillivirus (fmopv) is an emerging virus in cats, which is associated with tubulointerstitial nephritis. to study the in vitro host range of fmopv, we inoculated fmopv strain ss1 to 32 cell lines originated from 13 species and cultured for 2 weeks, followed by rna extraction and reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction for fmopv detection. as a result, only cell lines derived from cats and african green monkeys were susceptible to fmopv. fmopv infects diverse feline cell lines: e ...201526027844
the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of 25 plant species used traditionally to treat pain in southern african.inflammation is a common risk factor in the pathogenesis of conditions such as infections, arthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity and cancer. an ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used traditionally to treat inflammation and related disorders such as pain, arthritis and stomach aches in southern africa led to the selection of 25 plant species used in this study.201526014115
selective cell adhesion and biosensing applications of bio-active block copolymers prepared by cuaac/thiol-ene double click reactions.n-acetyl-l-cysteine (nac)-capped poly(methyl methacrylate)-b-polycaprolactone block copolymer (pmma-b-pcl-nac) was prepared using the previously described one-pot photoinduced sequential cuaac/thiol-ene double click procedure. pmma-b-pcl-nac had previously shown good applicability as a matrix for cell adhesion of cells from the vero cell line (african green monkey kidney epithelial). here, in this work, pmma-b-pcl-nac served as an excellent immobilization matrix for biomolecule conjugation. cova ...201525974890
a potential compensatory role for endogenous striatal tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons in a nonhuman primate model of parkinson's disease.the possibility of enhancing endogenous brain repair following neurological disorders, such as parkinson's disease (pd), is of considerable recent interest. one such mechanism may exist in the striatum as an upregulated population of tyrosine hydroxylase (th)-immunoreactive neurons that appear after 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetra-hydropyridine (mptp) lesions in nonhuman primates as well as in humans with pd. an intriguing possibility is that these endogenous neurons reflect a compensatory mecha ...201525839107
potent restriction of hiv-1 and sivmac239 replication by african green monkey trim5α.the trim5α protein is a principal restriction factor that contributes to an hiv-1 replication block in rhesus macaque cd4+ t cells by preventing reverse transcription. hiv-1 restriction is induced in human cd4+ t cells by expression of rhesus trim5α as well as those of other old world monkeys. while trim5α restriction has been extensively studied in single-round infection assays, fewer studies have examined restriction after extended viral replication.201525809491
synthesis, spectroscopic properties, molecular docking, anti-colon cancer and anti-microbial studies of some novel metal complexes for 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole derivative.this article describes the synthesis of novel bidentate schiff base (h2l) from condensation of 2-amino-4-phenylthiazole (apt) with 4,6-diacetylresorcinol (dar) in the molar ratio 2:1. we studied interaction of ligand (h2l) with transition metal ions such as cr(iii), fe(iii), cu(ii), zn(ii) and cd(ii). the ligand (h2l) has two bidentate sets of (n-o) units which can coordinate with two metal ions to afford novel binuclear metal complexes. the directions of coordinate bonds are from nitrogen atoms ...201525796013
ocular biocompatibility of polyquaternium 10 gel: functional and morphological results.this paper deals with the characterization study of topical and intraocular biocompatibility and toxicity of cationic hydroxyethylcellulose polyquaternium 10 (pq10). it also evaluates the rheological properties of gels. the cytotoxicity assays were done in two cell lines: hep-2 and vero (human larynx epidermoid carcinoma cell and african green monkey kidney cells respectively). for the in vivo study, new zealand albino rabbits were used. the in vitro cytotoxic activity of pq10 shows no statistic ...201525631258
development of a novel miniplex dna identification system for the japanese aid dna identification using 36 short tandem repeat (str) loci for kinship analysis, likelihood ratio (lr) distributions were estimated using the allele frequency data evaluated for the japanese population in our previous study. the results revealed that the lr tended to be higher when kinship analysis was performed using the 36 str loci than when the analysis was performed using identifiler®, the most commonly used commercial dna typing kit in japan, even when a sibship case was analyzed. ho ...201525596639
calcium oxalate toxicity in renal epithelial cells: the mediation of crystal size on cell death mode.the cytotoxicity of calcium oxalate (caox) in renal epithelial cells has been studied extensively, but the cell death mode induced by caox with different physical properties, such as crystal size and crystal phase, has not been studied in detail. in this study, we comparatively investigated the differences of cell death mode induced by nano-sized (50 nm) and micron-sized (10 μm) calcium oxalate monohydrate (com) and calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) to explore the cell death mechanism. the effect ...201527551481
suppression of production of baboon endogenous virus by dominant negative mutants of cellular factors involved in multivesicular body sorting pathway.baboon endogenous virus (baev) is an infectious endogenous gammaretrovirus isolated from a baboon placenta. baev-related sequences have been identified in both old world monkeys and african apes, but not in humans or asian apes. recently, it was reported that baev-like particles were produced from vero cells derived from african green monkeys by chemical induction, and thus baev-like particles may contaminate biological products manufactured using vero cells. in this study, we constructed an inf ...201525463055
a polymorphism of the tim-1 igv domain: implications for the susceptibility to filovirus infection.filoviruses, including ebola and marburg viruses, cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and nonhuman primates with mortality rates of up to 90%. human t-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 1 (tim-1) is one of the host proteins that have been shown to promote filovirus entry into cells. in this study, we cloned tim-1 genes from three different african green monkey kidney cell lines (vero e6, cos-1, and bsc-1) and found that tim-1 of vero e6 had a 23-amino acid deletion and 6 amino acid substi ...201425449273
an agm model for changes in complement during pregnancy: neutralization of influenza virus by serum is diminished in late third trimester.pregnant women in the third trimester are at increased risk of severe influenza disease relative to the general population, though mechanisms behind this are not completely understood. the immune response to influenza infection employs both complement (c') and antibody (ab). the relative contributions of these components to the anti-viral response are difficult to dissect because most humans have pre-existing influenza-specific abs. we developed the african green monkey (agm) as a tractable nonh ...201425409303
quantitative proteomics for cardiac biomarker discovery using isoproterenol-treated nonhuman identify new cardiac biomarkers, a quantitative proteomic analysis has been performed on serum and heart tissue proteins from three species of nonhuman primates following isoproterenol (iso) treatment. three serum proteins--serum amyloid a (saa), α-1-acid glycoprotein (a1ag), and apolipoprotein a-1 (apo a1)--were consistently identified as changed and remained altered 72 h post dose in all three species post iso treatment, indicating the potential of including these proteins in preclinical or ...201425345801
tissue myeloid cells in siv-infected primates acquire viral dna through phagocytosis of infected t cells.the viral accessory protein vpx, expressed by certain simian and human immunodeficiency viruses (sivs and hivs), is thought to improve viral infectivity of myeloid cells. we infected 35 asian macaques and african green monkeys with viruses that do or do not express vpx and examined viral targeting of cells in vivo. while lack of vpx expression affected viral dynamics in vivo, with decreased viral loads and infection of cd4⁺ t cells, vpx expression had no detectable effect on infectivity of myelo ...201425238099
a new phenalenone derivative from the soil fungus penicillium herquei new phenalenone derivative, peniciherqueinone (1), together with five known phenalenone derivatives (2-6), one known anthraquinone (7) and two known acetophenones (8 and 9) were isolated from the soil fungus penicillium herquei psu-rspg93. their structures were established by spectroscopic evidence. the absolute configuration of 1 was determined by anisotropic effect and electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy. compound 2 exhibited mild antioxidant activity and is noncytotoxic to vero (af ...201425079041
micrornas as potential biomarkers for vero cell tumorigenicity.microrna expression appears to capture the process of neoplastic development in vitro in the vero line of african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells (teferedegne et al. plos one 2010;5(12):e14416). in that study, specific mirna signatures were correlated with the transition, during serial tissue-culture passage, of low-density passaged 10-87 vero cells from a non-tumorigenic phenotype at passage (p) 148 to a tumorigenic phenotype at p256. in the present study, six mirnas (mir-376a, mir-654-3p, mir ...201425024114
acute hantavirus infection induces galectin-3-binding protein.hantaviruses are zoonotic viruses that cause life-threatening diseases when transmitted to humans. severe hantavirus infection is manifested by impairment of renal function, pulmonary oedema and capillary leakage. both innate and adaptive immune responses contribute to the pathogenesis, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. here, we showed that galectin-3-binding protein (gal-3bp) was upregulated as a result of hantavirus infection both in vitro and in vivo. gal-3bp is a secret ...201425013204
hiv replication in conjunction with granzyme b production by ccr5+ memory cd4 t cells: implications for bystander cell and tissue pathologies.granzyme b (grzb) is expressed by activated t cells and mediates cellular apoptosis. grzb also acts as an extracellular protease involved in tissue degradation. we hypothesized that grzb production from activated memory cd4 t cells may be associated with hiv pathogenesis. we found that stimulated memory cd4 t cells (via costimulation, cytokines, and tlr ligands) concomitantly produced grzb and hiv. both grzb and hiv expression were mainly restricted to ccr5-expressing memory cd4+cd45ro+ t cells, ...201424999042
innate immune responses and rapid control of inflammation in african green monkeys treated or not with interferon-alpha during primary sivagm infection.chronic immune activation (ia) is considered as the driving force of cd4(+) t cell depletion and aids. fundamental clues in the mechanisms that regulate ia could lie in natural hosts of siv, such as african green monkeys (agms). here we investigated the role of innate immune cells and ifn-α in the control of ia in agms. agms displayed significant nk cell activation upon sivagm infection, which was correlated with the levels of ifn-α. moreover, we detected cytotoxic nk cells in lymph nodes during ...201424991927
anti-tumor effects of flavonoids from the ethnic medicine docynia delavayi (franch.) schneid. and its possible mechanism.this study investigated the active components and the anti-tumor efficacy and mechanisms of the flavonoids from docynia delavayi (franch.) schneid. (dds). mtt assay was used to examine the growth inhibitory effects of the four flavonoids, including chrysin, quercetin, naringenin, and avicularin that were isolated from the rhizome of dds, on human hematomas cell (hepg2), esophageal carcinoma cell (ec109), human cervical adenocarcinoma cell (hela), human colon adenocarcinoma cell (sw480), and afri ...201424940817
interactions with dcaf1 and ddb1 in the crl4 e3 ubiquitin ligase are required for vpr-mediated g2 vpr-mediated g2 cell cycle arrest is dependent on the interaction of vpr with an e3 ubiquitin ligase that contains damage-specific dna binding protein 1 (ddb1), cullin 4a (cul4a), ddb1 and cul4-associated factor 1 (dcaf1), and rbx1. vpr is thought to associate directly with dcaf1 in the e3 ubiquitin ligase complex although the exact interaction pattern of the proteins in the complex is not completely defined. the vpr of sivagm induces g2 arrest of cognate african green monkey (agm) cells b ...201424912982
Displaying items 2801 - 2900 of 3231