
[the influence of organic dust on the chemotaxis of lung cells. experimental studies].mechanisms of chemotaxis of alveolar macrophages (ams) and neutrophils (pmns) in response to microbial products derived from organic dust were studied using blindwell chemotaxis chamber technique. seven different agents (extract and endotoxin of erwinia herbicola, extracts from thermoactinomyces vulgaris and aspergillus fumigatus, thermophilic protease and two preparations of glucans), were used for experiments. these agents were evaluated for their ability to direct attraction of ams and pmns a ...19969190243
infectious ocular complications in orthotopic liver transplant patients.we report the frequency and type of infectious ocular complications following orthotopic liver transplantation (olt) and review diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. during the period september 1988 through november 1994, 684 patients underwent olt at mount sinai hospital (new york). nine orthotopic liver transplant patients (1.3%) developed ocular infections: candida albicans endophthalmitis (2), aspergillus fumigatus endophthalmitis (1), cytomegalovirus retinitis (4), herpes simplex virus ker ...19979195078
invasive mold sinusitis: 17 cases in immunocompromised patients and review of the literature.a 10-year retrospective analysis of invasive mold infections in hospitalized patients was performed to characterize the epidemiology and clinical features of invasive fungal sinusitis. seventeen cases of invasive mold sinusitis were identified. eleven cases were caused by aspergillus flavus, three were caused by unspecified species, and one each was caused by aspergillus fumigatus, rhizopus species, and alternaria species, respectively. fifteen patients had hematologic malignancies, and two had ...19979195079
sensitization to aspergillus fumigatus and lung function in children with cystic fibrosis.colonization with aspergillus fumigatus (af) constitutes a common finding in children with cystic fibrosis (cf). the relationship between sensitization to af and lung functon (lf) was studied in 118 patients with cf (61 girls and 57 boys; mean age: 14.3 yr; sd: 7 yr). mean follow up was 2.2 yr. on average, 8.1 (sd: 4.8) lf tests were performed per patient. measurement of total ige and specific ige antibodies to af, and a skin prick test (spt) for af, were done once a year. thirty-one children (2 ...19979196093
sialic acid-dependent recognition of laminin and fibrinogen by aspergillus fumigatus an attempt to define the molecular basis of the adherence of aspergillus fumigatus conidia to the host tissues, a step which might be mediated by the recognition of basement membrane laminin or fibrinogen, we analyzed the binding of these glycoproteins by flow cytometry and a microtiter plate adherence assay. flow cytometry revealed that the binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled laminin to conidia was saturable and specific. moreover, the ability of conidia to bind laminin increased w ...19979199441
adaptation of proteases and carbohydrates of saprophytic, phytopathogenic and entomopathogenic fungi to the requirements of their ecological niches.the abilities of isolates of saprophytes (neurospora crassa, aspergillus nidulans), an opportunistic human pathogen (aspergillus fumigatus), an opportunistic insect pathogen (aspergillus flavus), plant pathogens (verticillium albo-atrum, verticillium dahliae, nectria haematococca), a mushroom pathogen (verticillium fungicola) and entomopathogens (verticillium lecanii, beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae) to utilize plant cell walls and insect cuticle components in different nutrient media ...19979202474
isolated cerebral aspergilloma--long-term survival of a renal transplant recipient.a renal transplant recipient with isolated cerebral aspergilloma 4 months after allograft transplantation is reported. on admission cerebral computed tomography showed a ring-enhancing mass in the left frontal hemisphere and aspirated purulent material revealed a. fumigatus hyphae. he was cured by short-term antifungal therapy and neurosurgical removal of the well demarcated lesion. he is still alive more than two years later and the renal transplant is well functioning. this is the first report ...19979202871
[clinical results after en block double lung transplantation with direct bronchial revascularization. the first three and a half years' experience in denmark].en-bloc double lung transplantation with tracheal anastomosis and direct revascularization of the bronchial arteries to the left internal mammary artery has been carried out in denmark since june 1992. forty-seven patients (32 with alfa-1 antitrypsin deficiency, 11 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, two with cystic fibrosis and two with primary pulmonary hypertension), 25 men and 22 women, average age 39 years (17-64 years), have received their first double-lung transplant with bronchia ...19979206859
proteases from aspergillus fumigatus induce release of proinflammatory cytokines and cell detachment in airway epithelial cell lines.aspergillus fumigatus is a pathogen causing diverse respiratory disorders. several studies have suggested that fungal proteases may play a role in the pathogenicity of fungi. since the airways are the most common route for entry of a. fumigatus, this study focused on the ability of fungal proteases to induce the release of proinflammatory cytokines and to cause cell detachment in human pulmonary epithelial cell lines. it was shown that fungal serine protease activity induced the production of in ...19979207388
microbial growth inside saline-filled breast vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to determine whether intraluminal saline in breast implants can support the growth of common wound-infecting microorganisms over a prolonged period of time. the bacteria tested were staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus epidermidis, escherichia coli, corynebacterium jeikeium, enterobacter cloacae, klebsiella pneumoniae, and pseudomonas aeruginosa. three fungal species also were tested: aspergillus fumigatus, paecilomyces variotii, and candida albic ...19979207676
fungal allergens from important allergenic fungi imperfecti.occurrence of several fungal species in the environment seems to be related to hypersensitivity disorders in humans. fungal allergen studies reported in the literature are reviewed regarding to aspergillus, alternaria, penicillium and cladosporium genera. in this paper, we study by means of in vivo (skin prick test) and in vitro (rast and immunoblotting) the classical question of the best source of allergenic material using a population of asthmatic patients sensitized to different mould genera. ...19979208052
construction, expression and characterization of chimaeric toxins containing the ribonucleolytic toxin restrictocin: intracellular mechanism of action.restrictocin is a ribonucleolytic toxin produced by the fungus aspergillus restrictus. two chimaeric toxins containing restrictocin directed at the human transferrin receptor have been constructed. anti-tfr(scfv)-restrictocin is encoded by a gene produced by fusing the dna encoding a single-chain antigen-combining region (scfv) of a monoclonal antibody, directed at the human transferrin receptor, at the 5' end of that encoding restrictocin. the other chimaeric toxin, restrictocin-anti-tfr(scfv), ...19979210405
efficacy of sch-56592 in a temporarily neutropenic murine model of invasive aspergillosis with an itraconazole-susceptible and an itraconazole-resistant isolate of aspergillus fumigatus.sch-56592 (sch) is a novel triazole antifungal agent with excellent in vitro activity against aspergillus. we compared three doses (5, 10, and 25 mg/kg of body weight) of sch with itraconazole (itz; 25 mg/kg) and amphotericin b (ab; 5 mg/kg) in a temporarily neutropenic murine model of disseminated aspergillosis (lungs and kidneys) against one itz-susceptible (af71) and one itz-resistant (af90) isolate of aspergillus fumigatus. treatment started 24 h after infection and lasted for 10 days. dosin ...19979210674
purification of a major allergen, asp f 2 binding to ige in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, from culture filtrate of aspergillus fumigatus.most cases of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) are caused by the fungus aspergillus fumigatus. successful treatment of this disease depends on early diagnosis with the use of well-characterized and relevant antigens/allergens of the organism.19979215251
in-vitro activity of d0870, a new triazole antifungal drug, in comparison with fluconazole and itraconazole against aspergillus fumigatus and candida krusei.the activity of the new triazole antifungal d0870 was compared with those of itraconazole and fluconazole against candida krusei and aspergillus fumigatus, two fungi showing inherent tolerance of fluconazole. the activity of d0870 resembled that of itraconazole against whole cells of c. krusei, but it was less effective against a. fumigatus. however, the effect on sterol biosynthesis, in terms of the sterol type accumulating and ic50 for in-vitro biosynthesis, appeared similar in both species. t ...19979222042
a novel fungal gene encoding chitin synthase with a myosin motor-like domain.a csma gene that encodes chitin synthase with a myosin motor-like domain was isolated from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. initially, we obtained the csma as a homolog of the aspergillus fumigatus chse-partial fragment. a large open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 1,852 a.a. was identified by determining the cdna sequences. the chitin synthase conserved region was situated at the c-terminus and classified into class v as reported previously. on the other hand, the n-terminal ...19979223429
intracerebral aspergillus abscess: case report and review of the literature.intracranial aspergillosis is a rare pathologic condition, difficult to treat and often fatal, which generally affects immunodepressed patients. a case of brain abscess secondary to pulmonary localization in a patient with a non-hodgkin lymphoma is described. the most significant clinico-pathological findings of intracranial aspergillosis are examined in the light of the relevant literature.19979226675
recurrence of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in the posttransplant lungs of a cystic fibrosis patient.cystic fibrosis (cf) is an autosomal recessive disease of exocrine origin. allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is an immunologic disorder caused by colonization of the airways with aspergillus fumigatus. a fumigatus has been cultured from posttransplant lungs in cf patients. colonization of posttransplant lung with aspergillus is a recognized phenomenon. in this case report, however, we present a patient who developed abpa both before and after lung transplant. this patient meets the ...19979228393
virulence of an aspergillopepsin-deficient mutant of aspergillus fumigatus and evidence for another aspartic proteinase linked to the fungal cell wall.a gene replacement was performed to produce mutants of aspergillus fumigatus deficient in the aspergillopepsin pep (e.c. the correct replacement of the pep gene was confirmed by pcr and southern hybridization experiments, whereas the absence of pep production was demonstrated by western blots. the culture supernatant of the transformants showed no detectable acid proteinase activity, suggesting that there is only one acid proteinase secreted by the fungus. the wild-type strain and th ...19979229335
aspergillus mastoiditis in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.we present the case history of a patient who was severely immunocompromised due to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv), and who subsequently developed acute mastoiditis due to aspergillus fumigatus. fungal otomastoiditis is a rarely reported complication of hiv infection. a high index of suspicion is required in these patients to facilitate early diagnosis and appropriate therapy.19979231092
dipeptidyl-peptidase iv secreted by aspergillus fumigatus, a fungus pathogenic to humans.a dipeptidyl-peptidase iv was purified from the culture medium of the human-pathogenic fungus aspergillus fumigatus. the enzyme has an apparent molecular mass of 95 kda and contained approximately 10 kda of n-linked carbohydrate. this glycoprotein is antigenic and has all characteristics of the class iv dipeptidyl-peptidases: removal of xaa-pro and to a lesser extent xaa-ala dipeptides from the n termini of peptides, including bioactive peptides such as neuropeptide y, [des-arg1] bradykinin, and ...19979234752
genetic diversity among clinical and environmental isolates of aspergillus determine if cases of invasive aspergillosis (ia) were caused by strains of aspergillus fumigatus with unique characteristics, strains from immunosuppressed patients with ia were compared to strains obtained from sputa of patients with cystic fibrosis and to strains from the environment. an extremely high genomic diversity was observed among the 879 strains typed by southern blotting with a retrotransposon-like element from a. fumigatus (c. neuvéglise, j. sarfati, j. p. latgé, and s. paris, n ...19979234757
binding of pulmonary surfactant proteins a and d to aspergillus fumigatus conidia enhances phagocytosis and killing by human neutrophils and alveolar determine whether the lung surfactant proteins a (sp-a) and d (sp-d) are involved in the initial protective immunity against opportunistic pulmonary fungal infections caused by aspergillus fumigatus, we performed a series of in vitro functional studies to see if sp-a and sp-d enhanced binding, phagocytosis, activation, and killing of a. fumigatus conidia by human alveolar macrophages and circulating neutrophils. both sp-a and sp-d bound to carbohydrate structures on a. fumigatus conidia in a ...19979234771
invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses and orbit: can you save the eye? 19979242872
development of bone marrow eosinophilia in mice induced by aspergillus fumigatus antigens.a model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) developed by exposing mice to aspergillus fumigatus antigen (af) exhibits peripheral blood (pb), lung, and bone marrow (bm) eosinophilia. because the bm is a site of eosinophilopoiesis, we have investigated the role of af in the induction of this process in the bm. groups of mice were exposed intranasally (i.n.) or intraperitoneally (i.p.) to af. bm cells from mice were cultured with either af or allogenic spleen cell supernatant stimulat ...19979245556
the aspergillus fumigatus mepb gene encodes an 82 kda intracellular metalloproteinase structurally related to mammalian thimet oligopeptidases.aspergillus fumigatus produces an 82 kda intracellular metalloproteinase that hydrolyses the pz-peptide, 4-phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-pro-leu-gly-pro-arg, a typical substrate of members of the thimet oligopeptidase family which is ubiquitously distributed across animal species. the a. fumigatus mepb gene encoding this 82 kda metalloproteinase was cloned and sequenced. analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of mepb showed that the mepb protein is a cytosolic zinc metalloproteinase of the thi ...19979245813
murine macrophage elastolytic activity induced by aspergillus fumigatusstrains in vitro: evidence of the expression of two macrophage-induced protease genes.the interaction between aspergillus fumigatus conidia and murine macrophages of various origins was investigated. cocultures were carried out between a. fumigatus strains and freshly isolated murine pulmonary alveolar macrophages or two murine macrophage cell-lines: murine alveolar cell-line malu and murine astrocytoma cell-line j774. by measuring the variation of elastolytic activity in the coculture supernatants with two elastin substrates, we demonstrated that either viable or fixed a. fumiga ...19979246742
synthesis and antifungal activity of novel thiazole-containing triazole antifungals.a new series of thiazole-containing triazole antifungals was synthesized and evaluated for antifungal activity against a variety of clinically isolated pathogenic fungi in vitro and against systemic candidosis in vivo. among these compounds, (+/-)-1-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-1-[4-(2,4-difluorophenyl) thiazol-2-yl]-2-(1h-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)ethanol (er24161) showed the most potent and well-balanced in vitro activities and excellent in vivo efficacy. we also achieved an enantioselective synthesis of the ...19979246751
an extracellular phosphatase from aspergillus fumigatus.a potential producer of extracellular phosphatase has been isolated and identified as a. fumigatus. the fungal phosphatase is active in ph range 5 to 8 and its temperature optimum is 65 degrees c. the mineralisation of organic phosphates present in neem cake and press mud by this enzyme has been demonstrated.19969246922
[significance of aspergillus fumigatus rdna detected by polymerase chain reaction in diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis].we have studied the clinical significance of aspergillus fumigatus rdna detected by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for diagnosing aspergillosis. for this purpose, a specific and sensitive pcr assay was developed to amplify the 26s rdna/intergenic spacer region of a. fumigatus. control experiments showed that the set of primers used was capable of amplifying a. fumigatus dna specifically and that the dna amount of detection limit was 1 pg. eighteen samples from 13 patients with aspergillosis and ...19979248266
aspergillus fumigatus asp fi dna is prevalent in sputum from patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis.aspergillus fumigatus is an apportunistic nosocomial pathogen in immunosuppressed patients or in the lesion where the local defense mechanism was impaired. patients with pneumoconiosis are known to be susceptible to chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis. therefore, we hypothesized that a. fumigatus might be prevalent in sputum from patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis, and also that asthmatic symptoms in patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis may be associated with the presence o ...19979257365
in vitro antifungal activity of pneumocandin l-743,872 against a variety of clinically important molds.the in vitro activity of the new antifungal drug pneumocandin l-743,872 against 55 isolates of clinically important molds was examined by an adapted macrobroth dilution method for yeasts. pneumocandin l-743,872 exhibited in vitro antifungal activity against alternaria sp., aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, curvularia lunata, exophiala jeanselmei, fonsecaea pedrosoi, paecilomyces variotii, and scedosporium apiospermum. the drug appeared to lack significant in vitro inhibitory activity ag ...19979257774
chronic systemic aspergillosis. 19979260476
invasive aspergillus tympanomastoiditis in an immunocompetent patient. 19979263897
pneumatocele complicated by fungal lung abscess in job's syndrome. successful lobectomy with the aid of videothoracoscopy.hyperimmunoglobulin e (job's) syndrome, is a complex immune disorder characterized by complications involving, pulmonary and cutaneous infections. an 11-year-old girl presented with a pneumatocele superinfected by aspergillosis and occupying almost the entire right lower lobe. lobectomy was performed with the aid of videothoracoscopic instruments, and 9 months later the patient is doing well.19979264169
molecular cloning and expression of a recombinant aspergillus fumigatus protein asp f ii with significant immunoglobulin e reactivity in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.the cdna of aspergillus fumigatus encoding an allergen was cloned and expressed in escherichia coli. the 987 bp long cdna clone expressed a recombinant protein asp f ii of 34 kd. this protein exhibited binding to immunoglobulin e (ige) in the serum samples from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). the patients with abpa and central bronchiectasis demonstrated high levels of serum ige antibodies, whereas patients with abpa without central bronchiectasis, patients with ast ...19969273358
immunohistologic identification of aspergillus spp. and other hyaline fungi by using polyclonal fluorescent antibodies.isolation and identification of pathogenic aspergillus and fusarium spp. from clinical materials provide the most accurate means for establishing a diagnosis of infections by these molds. such efforts, however, are not always successful. histologic diagnosis also has its limitations. in vivo the hyphae of aspergillus and fusarium spp. are very similar and their in situ manifestations are not pathognomonic. to improve the histologic diagnosis of infections by aspergillus and fusarium species, we ...19979276388
immunoreactivity of a 38-kilodalton penicillium marneffei antigen with human immunodeficiency virus-positive sera.penicillium marneffei produced and secreted a 38-kda antigen that appeared to be specific for this dimorphic fungus. this component could not be detected in antigenic extracts of histoplasma capsulatum, cryptococcus neoformans, aspergillus niger, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus terreus, candida albicans, and two other species of penicillium by immunoblot analysis against the sera from patients with culture-confirmed penicilliosis marneffei. antibody reactive with this anti ...19979276391
paranasal sinus fungus balls.paranasal sinus fungus balls (mycetomas) are a form of fungal sinus infection distinct from allergic fungal sinusitis, fulminant invasive fungal disease, and paranasal aspergillus granulomas.19979278755
invasive aspergillus sinusitis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. report of 2 cases and review.aspergillus sinusitis is an uncommon complication of advanced human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. we describe 2 patients with aids who developed histologically proven invasive aspergillus sinusitis. we also review the findings of 14 histologically documented and 5 probable cases of invasive aspergillus sinusitis. the literature on the prevalence, predisposing factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of the infection is reviewed. major risk factors for the disease are advanced aids, ...19979279331
allergic fungal sinusitis: incidence and clinical and pathological features of seven cases.allergic fungal sinusitis, like allergic bronchopulmonary fungal disease, is a noninvasive inflammatory process. it manifests as recurrent nasal polyposis. histologically the characteristic feature is the presence of thick mucin with dense collections of degenerating eosinophils and charcot-leyden crystals (allergic mucin). demonstration of fungal hyphae in allergic mucin is diagnostic of the disease. we reviewed 85 cases of nasal polyposis operated upon during a period of four years. allergic f ...19959282671
antileukoprotease: an endogenous protein in the innate mucosal defense against fungi.previous studies have suggested that endogenous protease inhibitors may participate in the mucosal host defense. antileukoprotease (alp) is an important protease inhibitor found on various mucosal surfaces, including those of the respiratory and genital tracts. this study reports on the antimicrobial activity of recombinant (r) alp toward the human fungal pathogens aspergillus fumigatus and candida albicans. ralp expressed pronounced fungicidal activity toward metabolically active a. fumigatus c ...19979291323
post-traumatic intracranial epidural aspergillus fumigatus abscess.we report an intracranial epidural abscess caused by aspergillus fumigatus in an immunocompetent patient. infection occurred in a 20-year-old man 2 months after a frontal craniotomy following trauma. the abscess was encapsulated by a thickened dura and although the fungus did not invade the brain, frontal bone was infected and the patient presented with a subcutaneous frontal cellulitis. initial management combined surgical drainage, resection of necrotic bone and liposomal amphotericin b (1 mg ...19979292425
synthesis and antimicrobial activities of some new 2-substituted benzoxazole/benzothiazole the search for new antimicrobial compounds, several new sulfur bearing heterobicyclic moieties (4-11) have been synthesized by acylation and alkylation of acetamide, thioacetamide and semicarbazide derivatives. the structure of the products was deduced from elemental analyses as well as spectral data (ir, 1h nmr and ms). significant antimicrobial activities were obtained for all new compounds especially against fusarium oxysporum.19979292916
[contribution of air mycological control for the prevention of invasive nosocomial aspergillosis].this study analyses the results of systematic air sampling during 11 months in hospital areas where patients are particularly exposed to invasive nosocomial aspergillosis (ina). the results demonstrate that isolement of aspergillus fumigatus is occasional and allows the control and validation of cleaning, disinfection and filtration measures. the efficiency of this protocol suggests its prophylactic value in ina.19979296094
the soil fungus chaetomium in the human paranasal sinuses.chaetomium is a soil fungus of which more than 180 species are now known. most species cause degradation of cellulose-rich substrates, such as components in soil, straw or wood. growth of chaetomium globosum is often stimulated in the presence of aspergillus fumigatus, which excretes such compounds as sugar phosphates and phospho-glyceric acid. a 73-year-old woman, with long-standing pain and secretion from her left maxillary sinus, was admitted to hospital where an infundibulectomy was performe ...19979298672
the structures of polysaccharides and glycolipids of aspergillus fumigatus grown in the presence of human serum.a study was made of polysaccharides and glycosphingolipids isolated from aspergillus fumigatus grown in media supplemented with human serum from healthy donors. fractionation of cetavlon-precipitated polysaccharides on sephacryl s-400 gave rise to an excluded fraction (fraction i) with molecular weight of > 400 kda and an included peak (fraction ii) with an average molecular weight of 30-80 kda. fraction i comprises about 5% of total polysaccharide and was identified as a glycogen-like molecule. ...19979299754
new polyazole derivatives from 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dioxolane. antifungal activity. structure-activity relationships.six new polyazole derivatives from 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dioxolane were studied for their antifungal activity against pathogenic fungi for humans and animals. the antimycotic effect was largely restricted to the filamentous fungi with aspergillus fumigatus and scedosporium apiospermum being remarkably susceptible. three compounds were as effective as the two references, ketoconazole and oxiconazole. the structure-activity relationships revealed than an 'oxime group' combined with four chlor ...19979299755
polyamine metabolism in the thermotolerant mesophilic fungus aspergillus fumigatus.biomass production by aspergillus fumigatus was greatest at 40-45 degrees c and was associated with an increase in concentration of the diamine putrescine and activity of its biosynthetic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase. concentrations of the other amines, cadaverine, spermidine and spermine were considerably lower than putrescine concentration and did not change significantly over the temperature range 20-50 degrees c. this is surprising in view of the greatly increased flux of label from ornith ...19979303883
[otomastoiditis caused by aspergillus in aids].aspergillus otomastoiditis is an infrequent infection that occurs in most cases in immunocompromised hosts. although fungal infections are common in aids patients, few cases of aspergillus otomastoiditis have been reported.19979312279
renal aspergilloma mimicking a tumor on ultrasonography. 19979315212
antifungal activity of conjugated styryl ketones.the susceptibility of aspergillus fumigatus to a series of alpha, beta-unsaturated styryl ketones known to be thiol-alkylators was examined, and the results were compared with those obtained for candida albicans. among 13 compounds used in our study, one (designated nc1110) inhibited the growth of a. fumigatus completely at low concentrations (minimum inhibitory concentration = 32 microm). structure-activity analysis of these compounds indicated that the electron attracting property as well as t ...19979315235
activity of liposomal nystatin against disseminated aspergillus fumigatus infection in neutropenic mice.the purpose of this study was to examine the activity of liposomal nystatin against a disseminated aspergillus fumigatus infection in neutropenic mice. mice were made neutropenic with 5-fluorouracil and were administered the antifungal drug intravenously for 5 consecutive days beginning 24 h following infection. liposomal nystatin, at doses as low as 2 mg/kg of body weight/day, protected neutropenic mice against aspergillus-induced death in a statistically significant manner at the 50-day time p ...19979333054
correlation between in-vitro susceptibility testing to itraconazole and in-vivo outcome of aspergillus fumigatus infection.given the increased choice of therapeutic agents and the rising incidence of serious invasive disease, it is important that reliable in-vitro methods for detecting antifungal drug resistance in aspergillus spp. are developed. six clinical isolates of aspergillus fumigatus, obtained from patients in whom the clinical outcome was known, were selected for study. each was used to examine a range of parameters affecting agar dilution and broth microdilution susceptibility test results. the in-vitro r ...19979338494
paecilomyces lilacinus endophthalmitis with secondary keratitis: a case report and literature review.a case of endogenous fungous endophthalmitis with secondary pupillary block glaucoma and corneal invasion requiring penetrating keratoplasty is reported. initially paecilomyces lilacinus was isolated from a vitreous and a lens aspirate, but a second vitreous tap revealed aspergillus fumigatus and p lilacinus. this case highlights the difficulty of diagnosing endogenous fungous endophthalmitis presenting without risk factors and the difficulties of managing such cases using the antifungous agents ...19979338682
in vitro interaction of alveolar macrophages and aspergillus vitro interaction of alveolar macrophages (am) from rats with conidia from aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus candidus as well as inert control particles (amorphous silica) of similar diameter (about 3 microns), was studied. experimental observations showed that both kinds of conidia were phagocytized significantly faster by am than were the control particles due to a faster rate of attachment, but even more so due to a faster rate of ingestion. quantitative nitroblue tetrazolium reduction ...19979339215
ribonuclease activity dependent cytotoxicity of asp fl, a major allergen of a. fumigatus.a major allergen/antigen, asp fl, secreted by aspergillus fumigatus exhibits cytotoxicity towards eukaryotic cell lines. asp fl inhibited protein synthesis in raw cells with an ic50 of 4.5 nm and also degraded ribosomal rna of raw cells at a similar concentration. ribosomal inactivation by asp fl may be the probable mechanism for protein synthesis inhibition. specific ribonuclease activity of asp fl was observed to be 100,000 u/mg. presence of strong rnase activity in asp fl was further confirme ...19979350029
necrotizing choroiditis-retinitis as presenting symptom of disseminated aspergillosis after lung transplantation.endogenous endophthalmitis due to aspergillus is rare affecting the severely immunosuppressed population, in particular recipients of heart and lung transplants. ocular involvement of aspergillosis has always been observed late in the course of the disease.19979352286
cloning and disruption of the antigenic catalase gene of aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus possesses two catalases (described as fast and slow on the basis of their electrophoretic mobility). the slow catalase has been recognized as a diagnostic antigen for aspergillosis in immunocompetent patients. the antigenic catalase has been purified. the enzyme is a tetrameric protein composed of 90-kda subunits. the corresponding cat1 gene was cloned, and sequencing data show that the cat1 gene codes for a 728-amino-acid polypeptide. a recombinant protein expressed in pic ...19979353056
a single amino acid substitution in ribonucleolytic toxin restrictocin abolishes its specific substrate recognition activity.restrictocin is a small basic protein produced by the fungus aspergillus restrictus. it potently inhibits protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells by specifically cleaving a single phosphodiester bond in 28s rrna. a histidine residue at position 49 in restrictocin has been implicated in its active site. a mutant of restrictocin in which the histidine at position 49 was changed to an alanine was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, and the protein was expressed in escherichia coli. the mutant a ...19979354640
cloning and sequence analysis of the gene (epra1) encoding an extracellular protease from aeromonas hydrophila.a gene (epra1) encoding the extracellular protease of aeromonas hydrophila ah1 has been cloned and sequenced. nucleotide sequence analysis of epra1 predicted a single open reading frame (orf) of 1038 bp encoding a 346 amino acid (aa) polypeptide, with a potential 21-aa signal peptide. when the epra1 gene was expressed in minicells, one major band of approx. 37 kda was identified, while protease activity staining experiments identified a caseinolytic band of approx. 29 kda determined by sds-page ...19979358060
a new classification and diagnostic criteria for invasive fungal develop criteria for the diagnosis of invasive fungal sinusitis.19979366697
lung surfactant proteins a and d can inhibit specific ige binding to the allergens of aspergillus fumigatus and block allergen-induced histamine release from human basophils.aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fungal pathogen which, in the immunocompetent host, causes allergic disorders such as allergic rhinitis, allergic sinusitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). in the present study, the interaction of 3-week culture filtrate (3wcf) allergens and various purified glycosylated and non-glycosylated allergens of a. fumigatus with lung surfactant proteins, sp-a and sp-d, was investigated. purified sp-a and sp-d, ...19979367408
aspergillus airway colonization and invasive disease after lung transplantation.invasive aspergillus is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among lung transplant recipients. the diagnosis can be difficult and treatment is often unsuccessful so many centers preemptively treat all aspergillus airway isolates to prevent invasive disease. this approach is untested as little is known about the relationship between aspergillus airway colonization and invasive disease. this study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of aspergillus airway colonization after lung trans ...19979367451
an electrophoretic molecular karyotype of a clinical isolate of aspergillus fumigatus and localization of the mdr-like genes afumdr1 and afumdr2.the molecular karyotype of a clinical isolate of aspergillus fumigatus (10af/86/10) was determined by contour-clamped homogeneous electric field gel electrophoresis. five chromosomal bands were resolved by this method. the resolved chromosomes ranged in size from 1.7 to 4.8 mb, and together constituted a total genomic size of at least 15.8 mb. southern analysis of the separated chromosomes located the position of two mdr-like genes, afumdr1 and afumdr2, on chromosomes iii and iv, respectively. t ...19979368081
effects of aspergillus fumigatus and alternaria alternata on human ciliated epithelium in vitro.fungi represent the etiologic agent in a large number of patients with chronic sinusitis. despite this, no study has examined the effects of fungi on ciliated epithelium. this study evaluates the effects of cultures and filtrates of aspergillus fumigatus and alternaria alternata on ciliary beat frequency (cbf) in vitro. cbf was recorded after exposure to either a control or experimental solution. a statistical comparison of control and experimental values was performed to determine significance ...19979369399
diffusible component from the spore surface of the fungus aspergillus fumigatus which inhibits the macrophage oxidative burst is distinct from gliotoxin and other hyphal toxins.the fungus aspergillus fumigatus, whose spores are present ubiquitously in the air, causes a range of diseases in the human lung. a small molecular weight (< 10 kd) heat stable toxin released from the spores of clinical and environmental isolates of a fumigatus within minutes of deposition in aqueous solution has previously been described. a key effect of the toxin was to inhibit the oxidative burst of macrophages as measured by superoxide anion release. it was hypothesised that the toxin was on ...19979371210
in vitro preclinical evaluation studies with the echinocandin antifungal mk-0991 (l-743,872).the echinocandin mk-0991, formerly l-743,872, is a water-soluble lipopeptide that has been demonstrated in preclinical studies to have potent activity against candida spp., aspergillus fumigatus, and pneumocystis carinii. an extensive in vitro biological evaluation of mk-0991 was performed to better define the potential activities of this novel compound. susceptibility testing with mk-0991 against approximately 200 clinical isolates of candida, cryptococcus neoformans, and aspergillus isolates w ...19979371328
rotaviruses induce an early membrane permeabilization of ma104 cells and do not require a low intracellular ca2+ concentration to initiate their replication this work, we found that rotavirus infection induces an early membrane permeabilization of ma104 cells and promotes the coentry of toxins, such as alpha-sarcin, into the cell. this cell permeability was shown to depend on infectious virus and was also shown to be virus dose dependent, with 10 infectious particles per cell being sufficient to achieve maximum permeability; transient, lasting no more than 15 min after virus entry and probably occurring concomitantly with virus penetration; and s ...19979371563
genes encoding multiple drug resistance-like proteins in aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus flavus.polymerase chain reaction using degenerate primers was used to identify genes encoding proteins of the atp-binding cassette superfamily in aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus flavus. in a. fumigatus, two genes (afumdr1 and afumdr2) encoding proteins of the atp-binding cassette superfamily were identified. one gene (aflmdr1) was isolated from a. flavus and is the apparent homologue to afumdr1. afumdr1 and aflmdr1 encode proteins of molecular weights 148,000 and 143,000, respectively, each conta ...19979373135
efficacy of deoxycholate amphotericin b and unilamellar liposomal amphotericin b in prophylaxis of experimental aspergillus fumigatus evaluate and compare in vivo the protective efficacy of unilamellar liposomal amphotericin b (l-amb) with that of deoxycholate amphotericin b (d-amb) in experimental endocarditis.19979374975
cryopreservation of aspergillus fumigatus stock cultures with a commercial bead system.a method using beads and storage at -80 degrees c was used to maintain isolates of the pathogenic mould aspergillus fumigatus. viability was assessed after 6 and 15 months and all isolates were recovered in culture. this inexpensive technique was found to be an effective and easy method of preserving a. fumigatus and other pathogenic moulds.19979375496
infections in patients with cystic fibrosis following lung transplantation.there is controversy over whether colonization with drug-resistant organisms is a contraindication to lung transplantation.19979377954
the association of hla-dr alleles and t cell activation with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is a hypersensitivity lung disease caused by the mold aspergillus fumigatus. we previously reported that the majority of t cell clones (tcc) isolated from three abpa patients, and specific for a dominant ag of a. fumigatus, asp f 1, were il-4-producing cd4+ th2 cells capable of responding to ag in association with the hla-dr subtypes drb1*1501, *1503, and *1601 for hla-dr2, and drb1*1101, *1104, and *1202 for hla-dr5. in the present study we extende ...19979378997
[successful use of fluconazole against semi-invasive--pulmonary aspergillosis].a 53-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of productive coughing general malaise, and right-sided chest pain. at 41 years of age he was given a diagnosis of gastric cancer, underwent a and gastrectomy, was treated with anti-cancer drugs. at 49 years of age he suffered from atypical mycobacteriosis and received anti-tuberculosis drugs for 1 year. a chest x-ray film showed infiltrative shadows with a cavity in the right upper lung field. semi-invasive aspergillosis was diagnosed on th ...19979379561
aspergillus fumigatus arp1 modulates conidial pigmentation and complement deposition.aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen causing invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. the fungus propagates by conidia, which are the infectious structures inhaled by the human host. opsonophagocytosis is thought to contribute to clearance of the inhaled conidia, a process that is facilitated by complement deposition on conidial surfaces. we now show that conidial colour mutants exhibit significant increases in c3 binding capacity compared with wild type. a reddi ...19979383199
[preparation of fumitremorgin b].in order to prepare fumitremorgin b (ftb), strains of aspergillus fumigatus c4104 and 3656 were selected, based on the screening of high-ftb-production strains, and inoculated in rice medium of five kilograms and incubated for producing toxin. cultures were extracted with ethyl acetate, dehydrated with anhydrous sodium sulfate, defatted with n-hexane, decolorized with activated charcoal, chromatographed in silica gel h column, recrystallized by methanol, and finally, four grams of colorless fine ...19969388887
isolation and characterization of a pigmentless-conidium mutant of aspergillus fumigatus with altered conidial surface and reduced virulence.aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen of immunocompromised hosts, causing pneumonia and invasive disseminated disease with high mortality. the factors contributing to the predominance of a. fumigatus as an opportunistic pathogen are largely unknown. since the survival of conidia in the host is a prerequisite for establishing disease, we have been attempting to identify factors which are associated with conidia and, simultaneously, important for infection. therefore, an a. fumigatus muta ...19979393803
aspergillus fumigatus conidia induce a th1-type cytokine response.the response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (mnc) to aspergillus fumigatus in vitro was evaluated. in studies of the proliferative response of mnc from 18 healthy donors to heat-killed a. fumigatus conidia, 15 displayed a significant response, with a stimulation index (si) between 4 and 193. in contrast, all donors displayed a positive response to candida albicans blastoconidia (si ranged from 10 to 224). despite the variability in reactivity to a. fumigatus conidia, the response of ...19979395370
immunologic aspects of lung diseases and cystic fibrosis.immunologic lung disorders are accompanied by an array of laboratory abnormalities, some of which contribute to disease pathogenesis. allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, which complicates asthma and cystic fibrosis, causes mucous plugging of airways, eosinophilic pneumonia, and bronchiolitis obliterans. aspergillus fumigatus, growing saprophytically in bronchial mucus, is responsible for most cases, and prednisone, not antifungal agents, is the drug of choice because it controls the immunol ...19979396654
moisture and mould problems in schools and respiratory manifestations in schoolchildren: clinical and skin test findings.we performed a clinical study in 99 children attending schools with moisture problems and compared the findings with those of 34 children from a reference school. the aim of the study was to evaluate the possible association between respiratory or allergic diseases in the pupils and moisture or mould problems in the school buildings.19979401510
detection of antibodies to aspergillus fumigatus in serum of horses with mycosis of the auditory tube diverticulum (guttural pouch).to detect antibodies against aspergillus fumigatus antigens in serum samples from horses and to evaluate the relevance of this method as an alternative approach to the diagnosis of mycosis of the auditory tube diverticulum (guttural pouch mycosis [gpm]).19979401681
treatment of fungal corneal ulcers with amphotericin b report two patients with severe fungal corneal ulcers who were treated successfully with topical amphotericin b ointment.19979402830
longitudinal study of aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from cystic fibrosis patients.the colonization over time of cystic fibrosis patients by aspergillus fumigatus was investigated using a dna fingerprinting method. aspergillus fumigatus isolates collected sequentially for more than one year from six patients with cystic fibrosis were typed by southern blot hybridization with a repetitive dna sequence. each cystic fibrosis patient harbored several strains of aspergillus fumigatus that were isolated recurrently over time. isolates collected from a cystic fibrosis patient with as ...19979405946
analysis of hiv seropositive thalassemic children for antibodies specific to aspergillus fumigatus by luminescent immunoassay.the applicability of luminescent immunoassay (lia) in serodiagnosis of fungal infections in multitransfused (mt) thalassemic children seropositive for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) was investigated. thirty-one sera samples from hiv infected pediatric patients with thalassemia receiving repeated blood transfusions were analysed for the presence of antibodies specific to aspergillus fumigatus by lia. the lia was standardized using well defined antigens of a. fumigatus. ten out of 31 (32.2%) o ...19979406054
the use of dimethylsulfoxide for fixation of yeasts for electron microscopy.conventional methods of chemical fixation are often inadequate for preserving yeast ultrastructure. the thick cell wall severely limits penetration of fixatives rendering poor detail of the cell wall, membranes, and overall anatomy. dimethylsulfoxide (dmso) enhances penetration of chemicals and has been added to fixatives to improve cell preservation. at high concentrations (5 to 50%), however, it affects ultrastructure unpredictably. we found that adding 0.1% dmso to fixatives greatly improved ...19979408587
successful outcome of aspergillus brain abscess in a patient who underwent bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia.we report the course of an aspergillus brain abscess in an 18-year-old female patient who underwent bone marrow transplantation for aplastic anemia. the abscess was discovered on day 35 post-transplant, in a cranial computerized tomography (ct) scan performed for the evaluation of an unexplained headache. meanwhile, she was receiving broad-spectrum antibacterials and liposomal amphotericin b for a right upper pulmonary lobe infiltrate. a percutaneous puncture of the cerebral lesion was performed ...19979408772
allergens of aspergillus fumigatus and candida boidinii share ige-binding epitopes.from an aspergillus fumigatus complementary deoxyribonucleic acid (cdna) library displayed on phage surface, an allergen formally termed rasp f 3 was cloned. the open-reading frame of the cloned gene for the allergen encodes a protein of 168 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 18.5 kd, showing 36% identity and 58% similarity to two peroxisomal membrane proteins of candida boidinii. recombinant asp f 3 was expressed as a [his]6-tagged fusion protein in escherichia coil at yields of 30 ...19979412580
[aspergillus fumigatus and chaetomium homopilatum in a leukemic patient. pathogenic significance of chaetomium species].from the tracheal secretion of a leukaemic patient aspergillus fumigatus and chaetomium homopilatum was isolated. radiographically (hr-ct) an invasive pulmonary mycosis was diagnosed from which the patient died. as an autopsy was not performed, the role of the isolated fungi could not be clarified safely. aspergillus fumigatus is supposed to have been responsible for the invasive mycosis. the etiopathological significance of ch. homopilatum remained unclear. the isolation of ch. homopilatum was ...19979417506
reaction of human alveolar macrophages to exposure to aspergillus fumigatus and inert vitro interaction of human alveolar macrophages (am) with heat-killed conidia from aspergillus fumigatus and inert silica particles of similar size, about 3 microns, was studied. the conidia were phagocytized significantly faster by am than were the control particles partly due to the faster rate of attachment but especially due to the faster rate of ingestion. quantitative nitroblue tetrazolium (nbt) reduction by am, reflecting their release of oxygen radicals, was increased by a factor of 2 ...19979417845
comparative in vitro and in vivo evaluation of himachalol in murine invasive aspergillosis.aspergilli are increasingly important infections in immunocompromised patients (icp). the available antifungals often cause discrepancies in laboratory determination of mics and a correlation in therapy. an effort was made to compare in vitro techniques for testing of antifungals, viz. polyenes, imidazoles, 5-fluorocytosine, amorolfine; and screened a phytoproduct- himachalol (a sesquiterpene alcohol) from cedrus deodara (roxb.) loud against a. fumigatus clinical isolates (24) by macrobroth two- ...19979418375
aspergillus: a never-ending story. 19979422327
immunopathologic responses to aspergillus antigen in interleukin-4 knockout mice.two strains of interleukin-4 (il-4) gene knockout mice were studied and compared with wild strains to determine the role of il-4 in the immunopathogenesis of murine allergic aspergillosis. animals immunized intraperitoneally were subsequently challenged with aspergillus antigen intranasally. the animals were evaluated for total serum immunoglobulin e (ige) levels, aspergillus-specific igg antibody isotypes, peripheral blood eosinophils, cytokine and chemokine mrna transcripts in spleen cells, an ...19979422330
failure of pct to indicate severe fungal infection in two immunodeficient patients. 19979427059
aspergillus fumigatus fungus ball in a patient with healed paracoccidioidomycosis. 19979431402
in vitro activity of the new triazole voriconazole (uk-109,496) against opportunistic filamentous and dimorphic fungi and common and emerging yeast pathogens.the in vitro antifungal activity of a new triazole derivative, voriconazole, was compared with those of itraconazole and amphotericin b against 67 isolates of aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, bipolaris spp., fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani, pseudallescheria boydii, rhizopus arrhizus, blastomyces dermatitidis, histoplasma capsulatum, and sporothrix schenckii. the in vitro activities of voriconazole were also compared with those of amphotericin b, fluconazole, and itraconazole agains ...19989431946
in vitro susceptibility of respiratory isolates of aspergillus species to itraconazole and amphotericin b. acquired resistance to itraconazole.122 aspergillus strains were isolated from respiratory specimens from 80 patients. aspergillus fumigatus was the most common species, constituting 88% of the isolates. susceptibility testing by the nccls broth macrodilution procedure revealed that the minimal inhibitory concentration for 50% of the strains (mic50) was 0.25 mg/l for itraconazole and 0.5 mg/l for amphotericin b. the mic90 was 1 mg/l for both drugs. to our knowledge, no cases of in vitro resistance during long-term itraconazole use ...19979435042
postal transport of sputa from cystic fibrosis patients does not decrease the microbiological yield.ambulatory cystic fibrosis patients often submit sputum specimens by post. this study addressed the question if and how postal transport affects the microbiological results of sputum cultures from these patients. thirty-two fresh sputa and 32 next-day sputa posted from home were cultured qualitatively and quantitatively. the numbers of isolates of potentially pathogenic species and the mean numbers of colony-forming units of these isolates grown from parallel specimens were statistically not dif ...19979440195
endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis. clinical features and treatment outcomes.this study evaluated the clinical features and treatment outcomes in patients with endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis.19989442779
effect of inhalation of organic dust-derived microbial agents on the pulmonary phagocytic oxidative metabolism of guinea pigs.the effect of inhalation exposure of various biological agents associated with organic dusts on the function of guinea pigs pulmonary phagocytes was investigated. agents included antigens of erwinia herbicola, thermoactinomyces vulgaris, and aspergillus fumigatus; endotoxin of erwinia herbicola; bacterial protease; and a fungal glucan preparation. pulmonary parameters monitored in this study were cellular differential counts from bronchoalveolar lavage, and superoxide anion and/or hydrogen perox ...19989447225
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