
comparison of saliva collection methods for the determination of salivary cortisol levels in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta), cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis), and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).the ability to quickly and accurately determine cortisol as a biomarker for stress is a valuable tool in assessing the wellbeing of nhp. in this study, 2 methods of collecting saliva (a commercial collection device and passive drool) and the resulting free salivary cortisol levels were compared with total serum cortisol concentration in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta), cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) at 2 collection time points. serum a ...201728315649
comparison of saliva collection methods for the determination of salivary cortisol levels in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta), cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis), and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).the ability to quickly and accurately determine cortisol as a biomarker for stress is a valuable tool in assessing thewellbeing of nhp. in this study, 2 methods of collecting saliva (a commercial collection device and passive drool) and the resulting free salivary cortisol levels were compared with total serum cortisol concentration in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta),cynomolgus macaques (macaca fascicularis) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) at 2 collection time points.serum and ...201728256186
regulators of mitochondrial quality control differ in subcutaneous fat of metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese monkeys.obesity exists with and without accompanying cardiometabolic disease, termed metabolically unhealthy obesity (muo) and healthy obesity (mho), respectively. underlying differences in the ability of subcutaneous (sq) fat to respond to nutrient excess are emerging as a key pathway. this study aimed to document the first spontaneous animal model of mho and muo and differences in sq adipose tissue.201728236433
social behaviours and networks of vervet monkeys are influenced by gastrointestinal parasites.substantial research has shown that while some parasite infections can be fatal to hosts, most infections are sub-clinical and non-lethal. such sub-clinical infections can nonetheless have negative consequences for the long-term fitness of the host such as reducing juvenile growth and the host's ability to compete for food and mates. with such effects, infected individuals are expected to exhibit behavioural changes. here we use a parasite removal experiment to quantify how gastrointestinal para ...201627580121
mutation analysis of gldc, amt and gcsh in cataract captive-bred vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia (nkh) is an autosomal recessive inborn error of glycine metabolism characterized by accumulation of glycine in body fluids and various neurological symptoms.201627325422
ontogenetic scaling of fore limb and hind limb joint posture and limb bone cross-sectional geometry in vervets and baboons.previous studies suggest that the postures habitually adopted by an animal influence the mechanical loading of its long bones. relatively extended limb postures in larger animals should preferentially reduce anteroposterior (a-p) relative to mediolateral (m-l) bending of the limb bones and therefore decrease a-p/m-l rigidity. we test this hypothesis by examining growth-related changes in limb bone structure in two primate taxa that differ in ontogenetic patterns of joint posture.201627252095
pheochromocytoma in old world primates (macaca mulatta and chlorocebus aethiops).pheochromocytoma, a rarely reported adrenal gland neoplasm in old world primates, was diagnosed in 5 rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta) and 2 african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) from 3 research institutions. age and sex were available for 6 primates. two males and 4 females were affected, ranging in age from 9 to 31 years. all neoplasms were unilateral and, in the cases reporting the affected gland, 4 involved the right adrenal gland and 2 involved the left. diagnosis was established by c ...201627194431
acid and reduction stimulated logic "and"-type combinational release mode achieved in dox-loaded superparamagnetic nanogel.a superparamagnetic nanogel featured with a logic "and"-type ph/reduction combinational stimulated release mode was fabricated as a drug delivery system by virtue of parallel crosslinking. the disulfide bond and electrostatic interaction between thiolated alginate (sa-sh) and thiolated/aminated iron oxide nanoparticles (sh-mion-nh2) were employed to achieve the mechanism. the obtained dox-loaded magnetic nanogel is 122.7±20.3nm in size with superparamagnetism. the combinational conditions of ph5 ...201627157762
primary bone microanatomy records developmental aspects of life history in catarrhine primates.a central challenge in human origins research is to understand how evolution has shaped modern human life history. as fossilized remains of our ancestors provide the only direct evidence for life history evolution, efforts to reconstruct life history in paleontological contexts have focused on hard tissues, particularly on dental development. however, among investigators of other vertebrate groups, there is a long tradition of examining primary bone microstructure to decipher growth rates and ma ...201626989017
multi-atlas library for eliminating normalization failures in non-human primates.current tools for automated skull stripping, normalization, and segmentation of non-human primate (nhp) brain mri studies typically demonstrate high failure rates. many of these failures are due to a poor initial estimate for the affine component of the transformation. the purpose of this study is to introduce a multi-atlas approach to overcome these limitations and drive the failure rate to near zero. a library of study-specific templates (sst) spanning three old world primate species (macaca f ...201626643442
effect of age and sex on bone markers in chlorocebus aethiops raised in captivity.the objective was to evaluate the procollagen type i n-propeptide (pinp), osteocalcin (oc), β-crosslaps (β-ctx), and parathyroid hormone (pth) in relation to age and sex of chlorocebus aethiops in captivity.201626555766
variation in vervet (chlorocebus aethiops) hair cortisol concentrations reflects ecological disturbance by humans.vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) often live in close proximity to humans. vervets are known to raid crops, homes and gardens in suburban areas leading to human-vervet conflict. in general, primate groups with access to human foods experience increased population densities and intra-group aggression. this suggests high stress loads for vervets living in environments with high levels of human habitat disturbance and close proximity to humans. we tested the hypothesis that populations characte ...201526318176
immunohistochemical localization of anterior pituitary cell types of vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) following sub-chronic cathinone exposure.khat (catha edulis) contains cathinone, an active principal that is customarily used as a psychostimulant that wards off fatigue and to some extent used as an aphrodisiac.201526277490
joint mirna/mrna expression profiling reveals changes consistent with development of dysfunctional corpus luteum after weight gain.obese women exhibit decreased fertility, high miscarriage rates and dysfunctional corpus luteum (cl), but molecular mechanisms are poorly defined. we hypothesized that weight gain induces alterations in cl gene expression. rna sequencing was used to identify changes in the cl transcriptome in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) during weight gain. 10 months of high-fat, high-fructose diet (hfhf) resulted in a 20% weight gain for hfhf animals vs. 2% for controls (p = 0.03) and a 66% increase ...201526258540
a comparison of the pathogenesis of marburg virus disease in humans and nonhuman primates and evaluation of the suitability of these animal models for predicting clinical efficacy under the 'animal rule'.marburg virus outbreaks are sporadic, infrequent, brief, and relatively small in terms of numbers of subjects affected. in addition, outbreaks most likely will occur in remote regions where clinical trials are not feasible; therefore, definitive, well-controlled human efficacy studies to test the effectiveness of a drug or biologic product are not feasible. healthy human volunteers cannot ethically be deliberately exposed to a lethal agent such as marburg virus in order to test the efficacy of a ...201526141449
functional and molecular evidence for expression of the renin angiotensin system and adam17-mediated ace2 shedding in cos7 cells.the renin angiotensin system (ras) plays a vital role in the regulation of the cardiovascular and renal functions. cos7 is a robust and easily transfectable cell line derived from the kidney of the african green monkey, cercopithecus aethiops. the aims of this study were to 1) demonstrate the presence of an endogenous and functional ras in cos7, and 2) investigate the role of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase-17 (adam17) in the ectodomain shedding of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ace2). rev ...201525740155
wild vervet monkeys copy alternative methods for opening an artificial fruit.experimental studies of animal social learning in the wild remain rare, especially those that employ the most discriminating tests in which alternative means to complete naturalistic tasks are seeded in different groups. we applied this approach to wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) using an artificial fruit ('vervetable') opened by either lifting a door panel or sliding it left or right. in one group, a trained model lifted the door, and in two others, the model slid it either left or r ...201525539772
transcriptome reconstruction and annotation of cynomolgus and african green monkey.non-human primates (nhps) and humans share major biological mechanisms, functions, and responses due to their close evolutionary relationship and, as such, provide ideal animal models to study human diseases. rna expression in nhps provides specific signatures that are informative of disease mechanisms and therapeutic modes of action. unlike the human transcriptome, the transcriptomes of major nhp animal models are yet to be comprehensively annotated.201425277458
dietary cholesterol promotes adipocyte hypertrophy and adipose tissue inflammation in visceral, but not in subcutaneous, fat in monkeys.excessive caloric intake is associated with obesity and adipose tissue dysfunction. however, the role of dietary cholesterol in this process is unknown. the aim of this study was to determine whether increasing dietary cholesterol intake alters adipose tissue cholesterol content, adipocyte size, and endocrine function in nonhuman primates.201424969772
decreased global dna methylation in the white blood cells of high fat diet fed vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).epigenetic mechanisms are associated with the development of many chronic diseases and due to their reversible nature offer a unique window of opportunity to reverse the disease phenotype. this study investigated whether global dna methylation correlates with dysglycemia in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). diet-induced changes in dna methylation were observed where global dna methylation was twofold lower in monkeys fed a high fat diet (n = 10) compared to monkeys fed a standard diet (n ...201424943073
fire and home range expansion: a behavioral response to burning among savanna dwelling vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).the behavioral adaptations of primates to fire-modified landscapes are of considerable interest to anthropologists because fire is fundamental to life in the african savanna-the setting in which genus homo evolved. here we report the behavioral responses of a savanna-dwelling primate, vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops), to fire-induced ecological change. using behavioral and spatial data to characterize ranging patterns prior to and postburn and between burn and nonburn years, we show that th ...201424889076
vervet mri atlas and label map for fully automated morphometric analyses.currently available non-human primate templates typically require input of a skull-stripped brain for structural processing. this can be a manually intensive procedure, and considerably limits their utility. the purpose of this study was to create a vervet mri population template, associated tissue probability maps (tpm), and a label atlas to facilitate true fully automated magnetic resonance imaging (mri) structural analyses for morphometric analyses. structural mri scans of ten vervet monkeys ...201424850577
analysis of prostate-specific antigen transcripts in chimpanzees, cynomolgus monkeys, baboons, and african green monkeys.the function of prostate-specific antigen (psa) is to liquefy the semen coagulum so that the released sperm can fuse with the ovum. fifteen spliced variants of the psa gene have been reported in humans, but little is known about alternative splicing in nonhuman primates. positive selection has been reported in sex- and reproductive-related genes from sea urchins to drosophila to humans; however, there are few studies of adaptive evolution of the psa gene. here, using polymerase chain reaction (p ...201424732672
chemical synthesis, characterisation, and biocompatibility of nanometre scale porous anodic aluminium oxide membranes for use as a cell culture substrate for the vero cell line: a preliminary this preliminary study we investigate for the first time the biomedical potential of using porous anodic aluminium oxide (aao) membranes as a cell substrate for culturing the cercopithecus aethiops (african green monkey) kidney (vero) epithelial cell line. one advantage of using the inorganic aao membrane is the presence of nanometre scale pore channels that allow the exchange of molecules and nutrients across the membrane. the size of the pore channels can be preselected by adjusting the con ...201424579077
conservation challenge: human-herbivore conflict in chebera churchura national park, investigation on human-herbivore conflict was carried out in ccnp between 2011 and 2012 in seven randomly selected villages (chebera, serri, yora, shita, delba, chuchra, chewda) around the park. a total of 312 household samples were identified for interview. group discussion and field observation were also carried out. among the respondents, the majority (83.9%) faced crop damage. african elephant (loxodonta africana), hippopotamus (hippopotamus amphibious), african buffalo (syncerus caffer), ...201324506044
effects of short-term niacin treatment on plasma lipoprotein concentrations in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).niacin is the most effective drug available for raising levels of high-density lipoprotein (hdl) cholesterol. to evaluate its effects on plasma lipid concentrations, the authors administered a low dose of niacin to healthy, adult, female african green monkeys for 3 months. in the treated monkeys, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations decreased by 43% from baseline, whereas concentrations of hdl cholesterol and apolipoprotein a-i increased by 49% and 34%, respectively. the results su ...201424451360
dose-response inhibitory effects of purified cathinone from khat (catha edulis) on cortisol and prolactin release in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).this study reports acute and sub-chronic effects of cathinone on hormonal alterations in single-caged vervet monkeys. fourteen adult vervet monkeys were used, 12 of which were treated and 2 controls. pre-treatment phase of 1 month aimed at establishing baseline levels of hormones while treatment phase of 4 months considered the dose- and time-response effects of cathinone on serum cortisol and prolactin levels. test animals were allocated four groups of three animals each and administered 0.8, 1 ...201424190428
locomotor anatomy and behavior of patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) with comparison to vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) living in african savanna woodlands and grassland habitats have a locomotor system that allows them to run fast, presumably to avoid predators. long fore- and hindlimbs, long foot bones, short toes, and a digitigrade foot posture were proposed as anatomical correlates with speed. in addition to skeletal proportions, soft tissue and whole body proportions are important components of the locomotor system. to further distinguish patas anatomy from other old world ...201324187623
acute and sub-chronic effects of purified cathinone from khat (catha edulis) on behavioural profiles in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).we investigated the cumulative effects of cathinone on behavioural alterations in single-caged vervet monkeys. fourteen adult vervets were divided into tests (12 animals) and controls (2 animals), and exposed to escalating doses of cathinone at alternate days of each week for 4 months in presence and absence of cage enrichment. one month of pre-treatment phase served to establish baseline values. composite behavioural scores of aggression, anxiety, abnormal responses, withdrawal and appetite los ...201424154685
the influence of different therapeutic modalities and platelet rich plasma on apexogenesis: a preliminary study in monkeys.traumatic injuries of permanent teeth with incomplete root formation are frequent during childhood. adequate therapy is important for the further destiny of teeth with damaged pulp.201623986206
[peculiarities of the distribution of cryptosporidia (coccidia: cryptosporydiidae) in monkeys in an apery].a total of 520 monkeys belonging to 6 species (macaca mullata, m. fascicularis, m. nemestrina, cercopithecus aethiops, papio anubis, and p. hamadrias) were investigated. total frequency of occurrence of the protozoan cryptosporidium in the adler apery constituted 13.8%. the majority of parasites were found in animals with intestinal disorders such as diarrhea. the lowest frequency of cryptosporidias occurrence was revealed in clinically healthy monkeys. among sick monkeys, the invasion was most ...201323875203
molecular evaluation of a new highly sensitive aryl hydrocarbon receptor in ostriches.a 1,000-fold difference has been reported in dioxin sensitivity between avian species. this difference is because the 2 amino acids in the type 1 aryl hydrocarbon receptor (ahr1), at positions 325 and 381, correspond to leu324 and ser380 in chickens. the chicken had been reported to be the only avian species to possess a sensitive form of ahr1. this is the first study to reveal that the ostrich (struthio camelus), a nonchicken species, also has a pair of amino acids (ile-325 and ser-381) that sh ...201323776281
control of communicable disease; foreign--requirements for importers of nonhuman primates (nhp). final rule.the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc), located within the department of health and human services (hhs), is amending regulations for the importation of live nonhuman primates (nhps) by extending existing requirements for the importation of macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus), chlorocebus aethiops (african green), and macaca mulatta (rhesus) monkeys to all nhps with the exception of the filovirus testing requirement. filovirus testing will only be required for old world nhps in quaran ...201323476983
buccal dental microwear analyses support greater specialization in consumption of hard foodstuffs for australopithecus anamensis.molar occlusal microwear texture and anisotropy analyses of 3 australopithecus anamensis fossil specimens have shown complexity values similar to those of au. afarensis, indicating that neither of these hominin species had a diet dominated by hard food. however, many researchers have suggested that these were some of the earliest hominins to have such diets. here we examine buccal microwear patterns of 5 au. anamensis, 26 au. afarensis, 48 hominoidea and 80 cercopithecoidea primate specimens for ...201222781583
bilateral ovarian cysts originating from rete ovarii in an african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).ovarian cyst is common incidental finding in humans and many animals and includes follicular cysts, cystic rete ovarii and mesonephric duct cysts. ovarian cyst is often associated with reproductive disorders in humans and animals. we found accidentally bilateral cystic masses in ovaries in an african green monkey. grossly, the left and right ovarian cystic masses were single unilocular cystic structures measuring 0.6 and 1.8 cm in diameter, respectively. histologically, both cysts were thin-wall ...201222673701
aging does not reduce heat shock protein 70 in the absence of chronic insulin resistance.heat shock protein (hsp)70 decreases with age. often aging is associated with coincident insulin resistance and higher blood glucose levels, which also associate with lower hsp70. we aimed to understand how these factors interrelate through a series of experiments using vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeous). monkeys (n = 284, 4-25 years) fed low-fat diets showed no association of muscle hsp70 with age (r = .04, p = .53), but levels were highly heritable. insulin resistance was induced i ...201222403054
evidence for scent marking in vervet monkeys?we used data from two troops of free-ranging vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) to assess the proposition that the conspicuous chest rubbing observed in this species constitutes scent-marking behavior. our data indicate that chest-rubbing behavior is associated with higher-ranking males who are more likely to do so during the breeding season in areas where territorial encounters occur. we found no indication that chest rubbing was triggered directly by encounters between troops. we conclude t ...201222402771
the expression of calcitonin receptor detected in malignant cells of the brain tumour glioblastoma multiforme and functional properties in the cell line a172.previous studies have indicated that expression of calcitonin receptor (ctr) could be induced in a proinflammatory environment. in the present study, ctr-immunoreactivity (ctr-ir) was investigated in brain tissue from patients with glioblastoma multiforme (gbm).201222335784
newly discovered bale monkey populations in forest fragments in southern ethiopia: evidence of crop raiding, hybridization with grivets, and other conservation threats.until recently, the bale monkey (chlorocebus djamdjamensis), an arboreal primate endemic to the southern ethiopian highlands, remained virtually unstudied, and its distribution pattern inadequately documented. to broaden our knowledge of the species' distribution and abundance, we carried out interviews with local people and total count surveys for bale monkeys across 67 fragmented forest sites in human-dominated landscapes in the oromia and southern nations, nationalities, and people's regions, ...201222311711
assessment of the release of rehabilitated vervet monkeys into the ntendeka wilderness area, kwazulu-natal, south africa: a case south africa, vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) are frequently persecuted, resulting in large numbers of injured and/or orphaned animals. rehabilitation centres aim to care for these monkeys and ultimately return them to the wild whenever possible. however, it is unknown whether rehabilitation is successful in its goal of creating wild-living, independent, self-sustaining troops due to limited published research in this area. this study describes the release and subsequent fate of a troop ...201222258755
dental eruption sequence and eruption times in erythrocebus patas.erythrocebus patas has a short inter-birth interval, juveniles become independent from their mother early, females are young at first birth, and adult females have a high mortality rate. according to schultz's rule, the molars of fast-growing and shorter-lived primate species erupt early relative to the replacement teeth. based on the life history of e. patas, we hypothesized that the molars would erupt before the replacement teeth and/or that the eruption time of its molars would be early. the ...201222134419
the instantaneous center of rotation of the mandible in nonhuman primates.kinematic analyses of mandibular movement in humans demonstrate that the mandibular instantaneous center of rotation (icor) is commonly located near the level of the occlusal plane and varies in its position during a chewing sequence. few data are available regarding the location of the icor in nonhuman primates and it remains unclear how the position of the icor varies in association with mastication and/or gape behaviors. icor was quantified throughout the gape cycle in five species of nonhuma ...201121622946
regional variability in secondary remodeling within long bone cortices of catarrhine primates: the influence of bone growth history.secondary intracortical remodeling of bone varies considerably among and within vertebrate skeletons. although prior research has shed important light on its biomechanical significance, factors accounting for this variability remain poorly understood. we examined regional patterning of secondary osteonal bone in an ontogenetic series of wild-collected primates, at the midshaft femur and humerus of chlorocebus (cercopithecus) aethiops (n = 32) and hylobates lar (n = 28), and the midshaft femur of ...200818691379
prenatal dexamethasone exposure induces changes in nonhuman primate offspring cardiometabolic and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function.prenatal stress or glucocorticoid administration has persisting "programming" effects on offspring in rodents and other model species. multiple doses of glucocorticoids are in widespread use in obstetric practice. to examine the clinical relevance of glucocorticoid programming, we gave 50, 120, or 200 microg/kg/d of dexamethasone (dex50, dex120, or dex200) orally from mid-term to a singleton-bearing nonhuman primate, chlorocebus aethiops (african vervet). dexamethasone dose-dependently reduced m ...200717380204
vervet monkeys and whole-food diets for studying the effects of dietary lipids on plasma lipoprotein metabolism and is well established that some species of nonhuman primates are models of choice for polygenic hyperlipoproteinaemia and atherosclerosis induced and promoted by diets as occur in man. the vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) has proved to be one such model. our group has used this model extensively to determine the effects of a variety of dietary lipid components on plasma lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis against a background of a western atherogenic or prudent diet. the diets fed ...199724394647
neocortical infarction in subhuman primates leads to restricted morphological damage of the cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of meynert.the aim of the present study was to investigate the long-term effect of cortical infarction on the subhuman primate (cercopithecus aethiops) basal forebrain. the lesion, carried out by cauterizing the pial blood vessels supplying the left fronto-parieto-temporal neocortex, induced retrograde degenerative processes within the ipsilateral nucleus basalis of meynert. the morphometrical analysis revealed that significant shrinkage of cholinergic neurons and loss of neuritic processes were localized ...19947922512
protein polymorphism in three cercopithecid species and its application to conservation.genetic variation at up to 82 protein loci was studied in 3 cercopithecid primate species, cercopithecus aethiops, macaca fascicularis and m. mulatta. in both macaque species, genetic variability was higher than that commonly observed in other mammals. the observed protein variability is closely correlated with that expected under the neutral mutation hypothesis. the results are discussed with respect to the application of protein studies to the conservation of primate species.19947750859
autoradiographic localization of putative melatonin receptors in the brains of two old world primates: cercopithecus aethiops and papio ursinus.the distribution of putative melatonin receptors in the brains of two old world primates of the superfamily catarrhina, cercopithecus aethiops and papio ursinus, was characterized using 2-[125i]iodomelatonin autoradiography. the specific binding demonstrated a discrete distribution pattern. the median eminence was intensely labelled, and examination at the light microscopic level demonstrated that the binding was confined to the small layer of cells comprising the pars tuberalis of the pituitary ...19938383820
spleen morphometry in cercopithecus aethiops. 19921365794
highly repetitive dna patterns in humans and selected catarrhine primates (pan troglodytes, cercopithecus aethiops, macaca fascicularis). 19921330856
biometric analysis of the mandibles of papio anubis and cercopithecus aethiops.six biometric measurements were recorded from dry mandibles of 53 papio anubis and 84 cercopithecus aethiops: intercondylar width, intercoronoid width, intermolar width (imw), mesiodistal width of the condyles, height of the occlusal table and anteroposterior length of the chewing surface from p4 to m3 (cl). the mean values and correlation matrices of these variables show that, despite the difference in size, the overall shape of the mandible in male and female is similar within species. the pri ...19912007502
comparative analysis of the fragments of highly repeated dna of homo, pan, macaca and the present paper the restriction patterns of homo, pan troglodytes, macaca fascicularis and cercopithecus aethiops, obtained by digestion with eco ri endonuclease, were compared. all these species showed two common bands at 0.3 and 0.6 kb. in this region another band at 0.5 kb was present in macaca fascicularis and cercopithecus aethiops. furthermore macaca fascicularis, cercopithecus aethiops and pan troglodytes showed a series of bands not present in humans. the distance matrix shows a str ...19901979493
[a maxillary distomolar found in cercopithecus aethiops]. 19873506123
[relation between various measurement values of the heart and coronary arteries of cercopithecus aethiops]. 19863154059
quantitation of apolipoprotein e mrna in the liver and peripheral tissues of nonhuman primates.a sensitive dna-excess solution hybridization assay was used to quantitate apo-e mrna in the liver and peripheral tissues of two nonhuman primates, macaca fascicularis and cercopithecus aethiops. when expressed on the basis of total rna, apo-e mrna values for m. fascicularis adrenal, brain, testis, and spleen ranged from 17-52% of the liver value. apo-e mrna values for mesenteric lymph node, kidney, thymus, and skeletal muscle were 1-5% of the liver value. when expressed on a cellular basis, apo ...19852982818
relationships between arteries and bile ducts in cercopithecus aethiops. 19846336074
knotted umbilical cord as a cause of death in a cercopithecus aethiops fetus.a knotted umbilical cord was found in a third trimester cercopithecus aethiops abortus. on the maternal side of the knot, the umbilical cord was engorged with blood. the umbilical cord on the fetal side of the knot was devoid of blood, suggesting that the knot may have occluded blood flow to the fetus.19836620977
structural and functional organization of the suprapatella in two cercopithecines.gross and microscopic study of cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus and papio cyanocephalus anubis shows that these cercopithecines have a quadriceps tendon the distal portion of which consists mostly of dense collagenous bundles with scattered fine elastic fibres most of which lie in the loose connective tissue planes within and around the tendon and around blood vessels. a distinct fibrovesicular structure, the suprapatella, lies within the tendon of the vastus intermedius above the pony patella ...19836854652
[various heart measurements in the cercopithecus aethiops and their interrelations and relations to external body dimensions]. 19836600078
[electrophoretic polymorphism in different subspecies of cercopithecus aethiops].variations were observed in prealbumin, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, pgm-ii and ak systems in various subspecies of cercopithecus aethiops. the electrophoretic distance between three forms seems to indicate an intermediary status between populations and subspecies. the reasons for this moderate differentiation are discussed with regard to divergence of ethological characters, as recently studied.19826957364
the shape and measurements of the stomach in cercopithecus aethiops. 19816973512
banding patterns of the chromosomes of miopithecus talapoin compared with macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops.the g-, c-, and q-banding and nor patterns of the chromosomes of miopithecus talapoin are described. g-banding patterns are compared with those of macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops which show large homoeologies.19807449434
[morphology of the stomach of cercopithecus aethiops]. 19807349081
primate disease and breeding rates.33 species were compared for 12 disease categories over 3 years of laboratory housing. there were low correlations between popularity, birth, death, and illness rates. highest rates were: birth, macaca nemestrina; illness, pongo pygmaeus; death, cercopithecus aethiops. lowest rates were: birth, lemur catta; illness, sanguinus mystax; death, galago crassicaudatus. galago crassicaudatus and macaca fasicularus had low disease and high birth rates.1979119108
inhibition of control role behaviors in captive vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).a captive vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) colony was divided into subgroups to determine the influence of the control male and the control female on the expression of control role behaviors in other group members. separation from the control male invariably caused an increase in the control male factor score for other adult and subadult males in the colony, and reunion caused a decline to baseline. separation from the control female produced no consistent behavioral effect in othe ...197924924980
the primates in darfur, republic of sudan.the paper describes the distribution, group size and relative abundance of erythrocebus patas and papio doguera in darfur province, sudan. less detailed information is given on cercopithecus aethiops and galago senegalensis. detailed observations were carried out in the field and by low-level aerial survey during 1972--1978 and have been supplemented by references to the literature where appropriate.1979116947
social roles in captive vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus).behavior clusters were identified through factor analysis of individual behavior profiles over time and across groups of different composition in a captive vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) colony. the six resulting factors were assessed through examination of (1) the behaviors contributing to each factor, (2) the properties of the factors across groups, and (3) the distribution of individuals along the factor dimensions. three of the clusters were judged to represent the social rol ...197824895872
[analysis of the biological effect of city smog extract iv. growth inhibition of kidney cell cultures (cercopithecus aethiops) under the influence of a city smog extract and its polyaromatic fractions (author's transl)].the cell growth of exponentially growing kidney cell cultures of cercopithecus aethiops was determined by estimation of protein content. the effect of city smog extracts and its polyaromatic fractions on cell growth was examined. based on the benzo(a)pyren-content the crude extract of city smog exerted the strongest inhibition of cell growth, followed by non purified and purified fraction of polyaromates. the inhibition of cell growth was dose dependent. results indicate, that for cell growth in ...1978104484
[analysis of the biological effect of city smog extract. iii. comparative investigations on the effect of city smog extracts on cell replication and dna-synthesis of kidney cells in vitro from the primate cercopithecus aethiops (author's transl)].we analysed the cytotoxic effect of city smog extracts from a heavy industrialized area using kidney cell cultures from the primate cercopithecus aethiops.--using logarithmically growing cell cultures we determined cell replication and the rate of dna-synthesis after incorporation of 3h-thymidine.--in presence of city smog extracts we found a dose dependent reduction of cell replication and of dna-synthesis. in presence of high concentrations (bp-aquivalent 0.25-0.5 microgram/ml) of city smog ex ...1978102097
biological properties and physical map of the genome of a new papovavirus, hd virus.the superhelical dna of the hd papovavirus is heterogeneous and consists of two discrete size classes with molecular weights of 3.45 x 10(6) and 3.25 x 10(6). both size classes of dna are encapsidated into hd virion particles. their relative intracellular amounts differ, depending on the cell system. vero-76 carrier cultures in which hd virus was detected contain both size classes of dna, with the larger molecules prevailing by a factor of 10. five clonal lines derived from vero-76 cell cultures ...1978625085
[karyotyping of the cercopithecus (cercopithecus aethiops). banding and nomenclature].the karyotype of cercopithecus aethiops was analysed by rhg, gtg, and c banding, and a band nomenclature is proposed.1976825016
biochemical characteristics of certain salivary glycoproteins from cercopithecus aethiops. 1976825084
basic, proline-rich glycoproteins in the submandibular gland secretion of the cercopithecus aethiops. 1976819210
the st. kitts vervet (cercopithecus aethiops). 19744216632
[some characteristics of ovarian structure and the level of urinary sex steroid excretion in the green marmoset vervet (cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus)]. 19734634208
mucous and serous components of the submandibular and sublingual glands of macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops. 19734133231
social and solitary play in a colony of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).this study describes and defines play in a laboratory colony of vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). play is divided into 26 units of behavior and the frequencies of these behaviors are recorded. analysis shows that sex, age, and dominance have effects on some play behaviors. the play behavior of each age/sex group within the colony is described both quantitatively and qualitatively. adult females are characterized by reinforcement of the play of immature monkeys, adult males by rough play w ...197227520640
[preliminary observations on the articular receptors of cercopithecus aethiops]. 19714999858
cultivability in vitro of cercopithecus aethiops renal cells. attempts at obtaining cell lines. 19715005007
[cultivability in vitro of renal cells of cercopithecus aethiops. attempted obtainment of cell lines]. 19715001764
amygdalectomy in the free-ranging vervet (cercopithecus aethiops). 19704985911
sparganosis and "proliferative" spargana in vervets (cercopithecus aethiops) and baboons (papio sp.) from east africa. 19704984083
[steroid metabolism in primates. iv. isolation of aldosterone from adrenal venous blood of macacus rhesus, papio hamadryas, cercopithecus aethiops and erythrocebus patas]. 19694982968
[the sleep electroencephalogram in cercopithecinae: erythrocerbus patas and cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus]. 19694980057
[an infectious disease transmitted by cercopithecus aethiops ("marbury disease") with glial nodule encephalitis]. 19685748997
[experimental infection of cercopithecus aethiops with the agent of the frankfut-marburg syndrome (fms)]. 19684973288
the phagocytic activity of the trabecularmeshwork endothelium. an electron-microscopic study of the vervet (cercopithecus aethiops). 19684175056
a metrical study on the bony palate of macaca irus and cercopithecus aethiops. 19674966387
[chromosomes of cercopithecus aethiops]. 196414226076
activities of pseudocholinesterases (acylcholine-acylhydrolase, ec in macaca mulatta (rhesus) and cercopithecus aethiops. 196414208300
[on morphology of the sympathetic chain of cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus. (anatomocomparative research)]. 196414236654
[study on virus-chromosome relationships. ii. detailed karyotypes of macaca irus, erythrocebus patas and cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus]. 196414145256
[microcinematographic study of the cytopathogenic effect of the vacuolizing (sv 40) virus on renal cells of cercopithecus aethiops]. 196414131344
mitochondrial diversity and distribution of african green monkeys (chlorocebus gray, 1870).african green monkeys (chlorocebus) represent a widely distributed and morphologically diverse primate genus in sub-saharan africa. little attention has been paid to their genetic diversity and phylogeny. based on morphological data, six species are currently recognized, but their taxonomy remains disputed. here, we aim to characterize the mitochondrial (mt) dna diversity, biogeography and phylogeny of african green monkeys. we analyzed the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 126 samples ...201323307319
female monkeys use both the carrot and the stick to promote male participation in intergroup cooperation often poses a social dilemma in which joint action may be difficult to achieve. theoretical models and experimental work on humans show that social incentives, such as punishment of defectors and rewarding of cooperators, can promote cooperation in groups of unrelated individuals. here, we demonstrate that these processes can operate in a non-human animal species, and be used to effectively promote the production of a public good. we took advantage of the fact that interg ...201627881752
male food defence as a by-product of intersexual cooperation in a non-human primate.males in a number of group-living species fight in intergroup conflicts to defend access to food resources, a seemingly paradoxical behaviour, given that this resource does not usually limit male fitness directly. we investigated the mechanism(s) driving apparent male food defence in wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus) by testing the effect that female resource access, and female audience size and activity had on the response of focal males during simulated intergroup encounte ...201627775042
what's burning got to do with it? primate foraging opportunities in fire-modified landscapes.anecdotal and formal evidence indicate that primates take advantage of burned landscapes. however, little work has been done to quantify the costs and benefits of this behavior. using systematic behavioral observations from a population of south african vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus), we evaluate differences in food availability and energetics before and after controlled burns altered vegetation near their home range. we aim to determine whether burned habitats offer improved ...201626499205
limited geographic variation in the acoustic structure of and responses to adult male alarm barks of african green monkeys.the global diversity of human languages is a remarkable feature of our species, which requires a capacity for rapid vocal learning. given that primate alarm calling systems have played an important role in the language origin debate, identifying geographic variation in primate alarm calls and understanding the underlying causal mechanisms are important steps to help uncover evolutionary precursors to language. this study investigates geographic variation in the alarm bark of the widely distribut ...201424771960
barbados green monkeys (chlorocebus sabaeus) recognize ancestral alarm calls after 350 years of isolation.vervet monkeys (chlorocebus pygerythrus) produce alarm calls and anti-predator behaviors that are specific to a threatening predator's mode of attack. upon hearing a leopard alarm, the monkeys will run up trees where they are relatively safe. in contrast, eagle alarms prompt the monkeys to run under bushes and snake alarms stimulate bipedal standing. early researchers proposed that the meaning of each alarm call is conveyed by observational learning. if this true then absence of the predator tha ...201324129028
discordance between spatial distributions of y-chromosomal and mitochondrial haplotypes in african green monkeys ( chlorocebus spp.): a result of introgressive hybridization or cryptic diversity?introgressive hybridization may cause substantial discordances among phylogenies based on different genetic markers. such discordances have been found in diverse mammal species including primates. a recent study of mitochondrial dna (mtdna) revealed several poly- and paraphyletic relationships in african green monkeys (chlorocebus), suggesting contemporary and/or ancient introgressive hybridization among almost all parapatric species of the genus. however, mtdna analyses alone do not allow us to ...201324098065
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