
morbidity profiles of patients consulting during influenza and respiratory syncytial virus active periods.we compared the burden of illness due to a spectrum of respiratory diagnostic categories among persons presenting in a sentinel general practice network in england and wales during periods of influenza and of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) activity. during all periods of viral activity, incidence rates of influenza-like illness, bronchitis and common cold were elevated compared to those in baseline periods. excess rates per 100,000 of acute bronchitis were greater in children aged <1 year (me ...200717291381
stable isotope evidence for 1500 years of human diet at the city of york, uk.we present here the results of a large-scale diachronic palaeodietary (carbon and nitrogen isotopic measurements of bone collagen) study of humans and animals from a single site, the city of york (u.k.), dating from the roman period to the early 19th century. the human sample comprises 313 burials from the cemeteries of trentholme drive and blossom street (roman), belle vue house (anglo-saxon), fishergate (high and later medieval), and all saints, pavement (later and post-medieval). in addition, ...200717295296
the benefits of drinking water quality regulation--england and wales.this paper aims to demonstrate that the regulation of drinking water quality in england and wales has been successful in securing the improvements to drinking water quality resulting in better performance against eu and national standards. the water industry in england and wales went through a major change in 1989 when suppliers were privatised and the government set up a robust regulatory regime. the regime was necessary as the industry was, as a result of privatisation, a monopoly with custome ...200617302343
hyperglycemia and cystic fibrosis alter respiratory fluid glucose concentrations estimated by breath condensate animals, glucose concentrations are 3-20 times lower in lung lining fluid than in plasma. in humans, glucose concentrations are normally low (<1 mmol/l) in nasal and bronchial fluid, but they are elevated by inflammation or hyperglycemia. furthermore, elevated bronchial glucose is associated with increased respiratory infection in intensive care patients. our aims were to estimate normal glucose concentrations in fluid from distal human lung sampled noninvasively and to determine effects of h ...200717303703
workers at uk turkey farm with symptoms of bird flu test negative for h5n1. 200717303867
immunophenotyping of lymphosarcoma in south american camelids on six british premises.six cases of lymphosarcoma (lsa) in south american camelids (sacs) were selected from submissions to a diagnostic laboratory network servicing england and wales. immunophenotyping was carried out using anti-human cd3 and anti-human cd5 for t-cells; and anti-human cd79a and anti-human cd79b for b-cells/plasma cells. on the basis of labelling with mainly anti-cd3, four of the tumours were classified as t-cell tumours. one case was labelled with anti-cd79a and anti-cd79b, and was classified as a b- ...200817307369
[drug trials in humans. risks in the light of the london catastrophe].london's first-in-man drug trial with the monoclonal anti-cd28 antibody tgn1412 used for the treatment of oncological and autoimmune diseases resulted in a disaster with life-threatening adverse events in the volunteers triggered by an unexpected cytokine storm. potential mistakes and consequences from this trial are highlighted in the general context of drug development and its risks. risks in drug testing are not only found for high risk substances, such as tgn1412, or in the critical first-in ...200717308913
community children's nursing services in wales: will the nsf make a difference?the 2006 edition of the rcn community children's nursing directory lists 239 services--16 of which are based in wales, 12 in northern ireland, two in the channel islands, one in the isle of man, 23 in scotland and 185 in england. this listing highlights the continued development and expansion of services across the uk, as well as the further developments that are needed to ensure equity of provision in many areas. the lack of uk or national strategies means that services continue to be developed ...200717326553
influenza, campylobacter and mycoplasma infections, and hospital admissions for guillain-barré syndrome, england.guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis in polio-free regions. considerable evidence links campylobacter infection with gbs, but evidence that implicates other pathogens as triggers remains scarce. we conducted a time-series analysis to investigate short-term correlations between weekly laboratory-confirmed reports of putative triggering pathogens and weekly hospitalizations for gbs in england from 1993 through 2002. we found a positive association betwe ...200617326939
pandemic in print: the spread of influenza in the fin de siècle.the rapid spread of the 1889-1890 influenza epidemic was widely reported in the periodical press. as londoners read that another european capital had succumbed, they were struck that the illness was not only travelling as fast as the news, but was also moving along the same routes. although medical science quickly resolved that a germ was the cause of the illness, its mild nature but widespread social impact lead many to suspect that it was actually caused by newspaper hype. this link between th ...200717336384
protecting contacts of hepatitis a: what's the difference between vaccine and human normal immunoglobulin?the efficacy of vaccine when time since exposure is prolonged (more than 1 week from onset of illness in the index case) is unknown, but is likely to be significantly lower than human normal immunoglobulin (hnig). we estimated the number of additional secondary cases that may occur through giving vaccine instead of hnig to contacts of cases of hepatitis a who are identified more than 1 week after onset in the index case. this was calculated for different levels of vaccine efficacy, assuming hnig ...200817352837
medicine and the arts. all things wise and wonderful [excerpt] by james herriot. commentary. 200617354336
new man at portsmouth. interview by james verrinder. 200717355008
commercialisation of regenerative human tissue: regulation and reform in australia and england, wales and northern ireland.the commercialisation of therapeutic products containing regenerative human tissue is regulated by the common law, statute and ethical guidelines in australia and england, wales and northern ireland. this article examines the regulatory regimes in these jurisdictions and considers whether reform is required to both support scientific research and ensure conformity with modern social views on medical research and the use of human tissue. the authors consider the crucial role of informed consent i ...200717355098
george guthrie (1785-1856): surgeon to the duke of wellington, and a pioneer thoracic guthrie had a distinguished career as a soldier, surgeon and medical reformer. he revolutionized military surgery following his active service during the peninsular war in spain and portugal. his book commentaries on the surgery of war was based on this experience and was updated continuously; it remained the standard military text for half a century. during this campaign, he also struggled to improve the poor administration of the army medical service. he had little respect for establish ...200717356728
'tell brother regius...' clifford allbutt's correspondence with archibald malloch during osler's final illness.a very close friendship developed between sir clifford allbutt (1836-1925) and sir william osler (1849-1919) after they became regius professors at the universities of cambridge and oxford, respectively. in 1919, osler contracted influenza during the 1918-19 pandemic. the disease developed into serious pneumonia and empyema and was the cause of his death. one of his attending physicians in his final illness was dr t archibald malloch (1887-1953) with whom allbutt began to correspond. allbutt's l ...200717356739
'life in the tropics for europeans', an unpublished lecture by william unpublished lecture by william osler given in 1911 to young british administrators going to india gives glimpses of imperial history and travel medicine, and contains echoes of debates current at that time on a healthy tropical lifestyle and also the influence of race and climate on health.200717356745
a genetic association study of chromosome 11q22-24 in two different samples implicates the fxyd6 gene, encoding phosphohippolin, in susceptibility to schizophrenia.previous linkage analyses of families with multiple cases of schizophrenia by us and others have confirmed the involvement of the chromosome 11q22-24 region in the etiology of schizophrenia, with lod scores of 3.4 and 3.1. we now report fine mapping of a susceptibility gene in the 11q22-24 region, determined on the basis of a university college london (ucl) sample of 496 cases and 488 supernormal controls. confirmation was then performed by the study of an aberdeen sample consisting of 858 cases ...200717357072
rickets: vitamin d and calcium deficiency. 200717362137
analysis of the dermatophyte species isolated in the british isles between 1980 and 2005 and review of worldwide dermatophyte trends over the last three decades.infections of the skin, hair and nails by dermatophyte fungi are common in developed and developing countries alike. however, the species involved and the resulting clinical entities vary both geographically and with time. we have surveyed 15,333 dermatophytes obtained from primary isolations at the mycology reference laboratory, bristol, uk from 1980 through 2005. several striking trends in dermatophyte prevalence were apparent over this period. the relative frequencies of isolations of microsp ...200717365649
estimation of the duration of ventricular fibrillation using ecg single feature analysis.the duration of untreated ventricular fibrillation (vf) is of paramount importance for cpr success. moreover, therapeutic interventions taking into account the interval between cardiac arrest onset and initiation of cpr improve outcome. this study was performed to investigate whether vf feature analysis could be used to estimate the duration of vf in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. demographic data recorded according to the utstein guidelines and ecg recordings of 376 cardiac arres ...200717368907
an international case-control study of glutathione transferase and functionally related polymorphisms and risk of primary adult brain tumors.glutathione transferases (gst) detoxify environmental and endogenous compounds and levels of two polymorphic gst proteins, gstm3 and gstp1, are high in the brain. previous studies of gstm3 and gstp1 polymorphisms and adult brain tumor risk have produced inconsistent results, whereas the gstm3 -63 variant is newly identified and, therefore, has not yet been studied in this context. we therefore examined associations between gstm3 -63, gstm3 *a/*b, gstp1 105, and gstp1 114 variants and adult brain ...200717372252
cryptosporidiosis in two alpaca (lama pacos) holdings in the south-west of england.cryptosporidiosis was investigated on two alpaca (lama pacos) holdings in the south-west of england. diagnosis was initially confirmed in a cria with diarrhoea from each holding. cohort faeces samples were subsequently collected and examined for presence of cryptosporidium oocysts by immunofluorescence microscopy. on the first holding, 30 samples (24 adults, 6 crias) were tested, and oocysts were detected in three of the cria samples but in none of the adults. on the second holding, 14 floor fae ...200817374496
preferential association of serum amyloid p component with fibrillar deposits in familial british and danish dementias: similarities with alzheimer's disease.two hereditary forms of cerebrovascular amyloidosis, familial british and danish dementias (fbd and fdd), share striking similarities with alzheimer's disease (ad) despite structural differences among their amyloid subunits (abri in fbd, adan in fdd, and abeta in ad). neuropathological lesions in these disorders include neurofibrillary tangles, parenchymal amyloid and pre-amyloid deposits and overwhelming cerebral amyloid angiopathy co-localizing with reactive microglia and multiple amyloid asso ...200717374542
moving genetics into clinical cancer care: examples from brca gene testing and telemedicine.the translation of genetic knowledge from the research laboratory into the clinical arena is a complex and challenging process. the skills and expertise required are different from those required by a successful laboratory scientist. recognising the scale of the challenge, university college london has established the institute of human genetics and health; a unique, multi-disciplinary initiative examining the impact of genetic knowledge on human health and disease. the testing of the brca1 and ...200617382866
compliance with follow-up after occupational exposure to hepatitis c.accidental percutaneous exposure to blood containing hepatitis c virus (hcv) is reported by health care workers more frequently than exposure to human immunodeficiency and hepatitis b virus. the transmission rate following such an exposure is approximately 1.9%. little is known about the attendance rate of such staff for follow-up testing following exposure to hcv.200717387161
the garment and the man: masculine desire in harris's list of covent-garden ladies, 1764-1793. 200217387827
[shocking body art experience]. 200717393872
temporality and collectivity: diversity, history and the rhetorical construction of national entitativity.vernacular representations of nationhood collected in england differed from canonical accounts of social categorization in three respects. first, nations were not typically constructed as simple person categories, but rather as hybrid collectivities of human beings, objects and geographical locations. second, national representation was not confined to the present tense, but was typically conveyed through temporal distinctions and narratives. third, speakers displayed a reflexive concern over th ...200617393874
uk biobank gets 10% response rate as it starts recruiting volunteers. 200717395934
comparison of tissue distribution, persistence, and molecular epidemiology of parvovirus b19 and novel human parvoviruses parv4 and human bocavirus.parv4 and human bocavirus (hbov) are newly discovered human parvoviruses with poorly understood epidemiologies and disease associations. we investigated the frequencies of persistence, tissue distribution, and influence of immunosuppression on replication of these viruses.200717397006
quantifying distraction and interruption in urological enhance safety in surgery, it is necessary to develop a variety of tools for measuring and evaluating the system of work. one important consideration for safety in any high-risk work is the frequency and effect of distraction and interruption.200717403761
the dental caries experience of 5-year-old children in great britain (2005/6). surveys co-ordinated by the british association for the study of community dentistry.this paper reports the results of standardized clinical caries examinations of 5-year-old children from across england, wales and scotland in 2005/6. these co-ordinated surveys are the latest in a series which seek to monitor the dental health of children and to assess the delivery of dental services.200717405473
factors associated with dog ownership and contact with dogs in a uk community.dogs are popular pets in many countries. identifying differences between those who own dogs or have contact with dogs, and those who do not, is useful to those interested in the human-animal bond, human health and for provision of veterinary services. this census-based, epidemiological study aimed to investigate factors associated with dog ownership and contact with dogs, in a semi-rural community of 1278 households in cheshire, uk.200717407583
vzv infection in pregnancy: a retrospective review over 5 years in sheffield and discussion on the potential utilisation of varicella vaccine in study retrospectively the epidemiology, demography and clinical issues related to varicella in pregnancy in a uk city over a 5-year period and help inform the debate on the potential of varicella immunisation in prevention.200717418420
concentrations and chiral signatures of polychlorinated biphenyls in outdoor and indoor air and soil in a major u.k. conurbation.concentrations and chiral signatures of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) were measured in outdoor air (using polyurethane foam (puf)--disk passive samplers) and surface soil samples taken at approximately monthly intervals over 1 year at 10 locations on a rural-urban transect across the west midlands of the u.k. in both air and soil, concentrations clearly decrease with increasing distance from the city center, supporting the existence of an urban "pulse", that indicate the west midlands conurba ...200717438756
the seroepidemiology of varicella zoster virus among pregnant bangladeshi and white british women in the london borough of tower hamlets, uk.we investigated the comparative seroepidemiology of varicella zoster virus (vzv) in pregnant women of two ethnic groups, white british and bangladeshi, living in an inner city area of london, united kingdom. women aged 16-45 years were recruited from antenatal clinics of the royal london hospital in the borough of tower hamlets. complete data were obtained from 275 white british and 765 bangladeshi women. vzv antibody prevalence was 93.1% (95% ci 89.4-95.8) and 86.0% (95% ci 83.3-88.4) respectiv ...200717445317
[charles bell "the nervous system of the human body" 1830]. 200717447532
towards an understanding of british public attitudes concerning human cloning.the ability of scientists to apply cloning technology to humans has provoked public discussion and media coverage. the present paper reports on a series of studies examining public attitudes to human cloning in the uk, bringing together a range of quantitative and qualitative methods to address this question. these included a nationally representative survey, an experimental vignette study, focus groups and analyses of media coverage. overall the research presents a complex picture of attitude t ...200717449156
latitude-of-birth and season-of-birth effects on human color vision in the arctic.extreme natural ambient light reduction, in both energy and range of wavelength spectrum, occurs during the winter season at very high latitudes (above the arctic circle or 66 degrees 32' north) that in turn results in increased exposure to artificial lighting. in contrast, during the summer months, the sun remains above the horizon and there is no darkness or night. little is known about these extreme changes in light exposure on human visual perception. measuring color discriminations with the ...200717451775
clinical academies: innovative school-health services partnerships to deliver clinical education.during the past five years (2001-2006), the university of bristol medical school has developed and implemented a new model for delivering clinical education: the clinical academy. the principal features of the model are (1) having both in-bristol and out-of-bristol campuses for clinical education, (2) innovative partnerships with local health care providers, (3) local leadership of educational delivery, and (4) the recruitment and training of new cadres of clinical teachers. the seven clinical a ...200717457061
inquiry will study claims that sellafield workers' body parts were removed without families' consent. 200717463437
emotion in political discourse: contrasting approaches to stem cell governance in the usa, uk, israel and august 2004, stojkovic and murdoch from the university of newcastle upon tyne, uk, were granted the uk's first license to create human embryonic stem cells (hescs) using cell nuclear replacement. while this news made headlines around the globe, a spokesman for the german ministry of research warned scientists in his country of the illegality of advising their english colleagues on hesc research. meanwhile, us members of congress had asked president bush to revoke his decision to limit federal ...200617465763
social inequalities in self reported health in early old age: follow-up of prospective cohort describe differences in trajectories of self reported health in an ageing cohort according to occupational grade.200717468119
insig2 gene polymorphism is not associated with obesity in caucasian, afro-caribbean and indian subjects.a common polymorphism, rs7566605, 10 kb upstream of the insulin-induced gene 2 transcription start site has been associated with obesity in caucasian and african-american populations, with the hypothesis that an alteration in gene expression results in elevated plasma triglyceride levels. the goal of this study was to verify the findings in a cohort of 2721 healthy caucasian men (second northwick park heart study), and a separate study of 747 type 2 diabetic patients from caucasian, afro-caribbe ...200717471297
does the taste matter? taste and medicinal perceptions associated with five selected herbal drugs among three ethnic groups in west yorkshire, northern recent years, diverse scholars have addressed the issue of the chemosensory perceptions associated with traditional medicines, nevertheless there is still a distinct lack of studies grounded in the social sciences and conducted from a cross-cultural, comparative perspective. in this urban ethnobotanical field study, 254 informants belonging to the gujarati, kashmiri and english ethnic groups and living in western yorkshire in northern england were interviewed about the relationship between ta ...200717475019
dynamics of salmonella transmission on a british pig grower-finisher farm: a stochastic model.previous modelling studies have estimated that between 1% and 10% of human salmonella infections are attributable to pig meat consumption. in response to this food safety threat the british pig industry have initiated a salmonella monitoring programme. it is anticipated that this programme will contribute to achieving a uk food standards agency target for reducing salmonella levels in pigs at slaughter by 50% within 5 years. in order to better inform the monitoring programme, we have developed a ...200817475090
il23r variation determines susceptibility but not disease phenotype in inflammatory bowel disease.identification of inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) susceptibility genes is key to understanding pathogenic mechanisms. recently, the north american ibd genetics consortium provided compelling evidence for an association between ileal crohn's disease (cd) and the il23r gene using genome-wide association scanning. external replication is a priority, both to confirm this finding in other populations and to validate this new technique. we tested for association between il23r and ibd in a large indep ...200717484863
combined evidence from three large british association studies rejects tucan/card8 as an ibd susceptibility gene. 200717484911
mgmt inhibitors--the trinity college-paterson institute experience, a chemist's perception.the dna repair protein, o(6)-alkylguanine-dna alkyltransferase (mgmt) can confer resistance to the cancer chemotherapeutic effects of the class of dna damaging drugs generally referred to as the o(6)-alkylating agents. inactivation of mgmt is thus a practical approach to improving the efficacy of such agents. an account is given of the collaboration between groups at trinity college, dublin and the paterson institute, manchester which led to the development of the mgmt inactivating drug, patrin ...200717485250
british citizens in a regional community of southeastern spain with a pre-clinical organ xenotransplantation program. a study of attitude toward is important to find out about the social acceptance of xenotransplantation, especially in populations where there are pre-clinical xenotransplantation projects, and therefore the possibility of xenotransplantation to humans. in the native population of southeastern spain this situation is well-known, but in recent years there has been an important social change because of a considerable migrational flow into spain, especially from the british isles.200717489867
the northwick park tragedy--protecting healthy volunteers in future first-in-man trials.the development of potentially powerful drugs which may become effective in the treatment for disorders currently difficult to manage presents the pharmaceutical industry and the scientific community with a major challenge. such drugs with novel modes of action and the capacity to modify the body's immune system could also be very toxic. the possibility became a tragic reality on march 13th 2006 when tgn1412 was given to six healthy volunteers at northwick park hospital. all six became seriously ...200717489872
microbial source tracking: a forensic technique for microbial source identification?as the requirements of the water framework directive (wfd) and the us clean water act (uscwa) for the maintenance of microbiological water quality in 'protected areas' highlight, there is a growing recognition that integrated management of point and diffuse sources of microbial pollution is essential. new information on catchment microbial dynamics and, in particular, the sources of faecal indicator bacteria found in bathing and shellfish harvesting waters is a pre-requisite for the design of an ...200717492088
the substance of sexual difference: change and persistence in representations of the body in eighteenth-century england.the claims of thomas laqueur for a shift from a one-sex to a two-sex model of sexual difference are incorporated into many recent histories of gender in england between 1650 and 1850. yet the laqueurian narrative is not supported by discussions of the substance of sexual difference in eighteenth-century erotic books. this article argues that different models of sexual difference were not mutually exclusive and did not change in linear fashion, but that the themes of sameness and difference were ...200217494216
childhood conditions influence adult progesterone levels.average profiles of salivary progesterone in women vary significantly at the inter- and intrapopulation level as a function of age and acute energetic conditions related to energy intake, energy expenditure, or a combination of both. in addition to acute stressors, baseline progesterone levels differ among populations. the causes of such chronic differences are not well understood, but it has been hypothesised that they may result from varying tempos of growth and maturation and, by implication, ...200717503960
cdkn2a and cdk4 variants in latvian melanoma patients: analysis of a clinic-based population.germline mutations of the cdkn2a and cdk4 genes explain a significant proportion of familial melanoma. to date, there have been few published estimations of the prevalence of such mutations in sporadic melanoma patients. in this study, we investigated cdkn2a and cdk4 exon 2 for germline mutations in 125 consecutive cutaneous malignant melanoma patients recruited through the latvian oncological center, using amplicon melting analysis and sequencing. no disease-related cdkn2a germline mutations we ...200717505264
brief report: british adolescents' views about the rights of asylum-seeking children.the present study examined 60 (30 early-to-middle adolescents and 30 late adolescents) british adolescents' understanding of the rights of asylum-seeker children. participants completed semi-structured interviews designed to assess judgments and evaluations of hypothetical asylum-seeker children's nurturance and self-determination rights in conflict with the practices of authority. findings indicated that participants were more likely to endorse asylum-seeker children's nurturance rights over th ...200717507088
evaluation of critical care space requirements for three frequent and high-risk tasks.spatial requirements for clinical tasks have been recommended from many sources over the past 15 years, but little empiric evidence is offered to support recommendations. this article describes a series of functional space experiments using clinical scenarios to test the spatial requirements for a bed space in a critical care setting. the analysis found that an average of 23.26 m(2) was needed for a bed-to-bed transfer followed by 22.87 m(2) for a resuscitation task. the overall average space re ...200717512472
impact of hiv and aids on surgical practice.surgical intervention has become a common component in the management of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) or suffering from the clinical consequences of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids). we investigated the evolution of this involvement at a tertiary referral centre for this condition over a 16-year period.200717535610
the physiologist and the neurosurgeon: the enduring influence of charles sherrington on the career of wilder penfield.wilder penfield, a rhodes scholar from princeton university, new jersey, was a student in the first course on mammalian physiology given in 1915 at oxford university by charles sherrington, newly arrived from liverpool where, as holt professor of physiology for 20 years, he had become a leading authority on the physiology of the nervous system. the practical 'exercises' as well as graduate research on the golgi apparatus and the decerebrate preparation, carried out by penfield in sherrington's l ...200717535838
robert boyle's memoirs for the natural history of human blood (1684): print, manuscript and the impact of baconianism in seventeenth-century medical science. 200717538692
commentary on cowin, i., emmett, p. and the alspac study team (2000) diet in a group of 18-month-old children in south west england, and comparison with the results of a national survey. journal of human nutrition and dietetics; 13, 87-100. 200717539880
respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants admitted to paediatric intensive care units in london, and in their families.we carried out a study in five london paediatric intensive care units (picus), with the objectives of describing a cohort of infants with respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) infection, comparing hospital diagnosis with pcr results and investigating the spread of rsv in families. eligible infants were under 5 months old and admitted betweem november 1998 and october 1999 with respiratory failure, apnoea and/or bradycardia or acute life threatening episodes (alte). we diagnosed rsv by pcr analysis o ...200817541638
access for all: the rise of the paralympic games.the paralympic, or parallel, games for athletes with disabilities have played a major role over the past half century in changing attitudes towards disability and accelerating the agenda for inclusion. this article charts their development from small beginnings as a competition for disabled ex-servicemen and women in england founded shortly after the second world war to the present day ambulatory international festival of summer and winter games organized in conjunction with the olympic games. t ...200717542426
marr's vision: twenty-five years is twenty-five years since the posthumous publication of david marr's book vision[1]. only 35 years old when he died, marr had already dramatically influenced vision research. his book, and the series of papers that preceded it, have had a lasting impact on the way that researchers approach human and computer vision.200717550760
a prospective pilot study of antibodies against human papillomaviruses and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma nested in the oxford component of the european prospective investigation into cancer and a prospective pilot study nested in the epic-oxford cohort, we examined the seroprevalence of antibodies against the l1 antigen of 38 human papilloma virus (hpv) types among 39 cases of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (scc) for whom plasma was collected prior to diagnosis (incident) and 80 controls. fifteen cases having already developed scc at blood collection (prevalent) were also tested. there were no statistically significant differences in the seroprevalence of antibodies against any o ...200717565742
the contribution of respiratory pathogens to the seasonality of nhs direct calls.primary care is thought to bear half the cost of treating infections in the uk. we describe the seasonal variation in nhs direct respiratory calls (a new source of primary care data) and estimate the contribution of specific respiratory pathogens to this variation.200717582503
will considerations of environmental sustainability revitalise the policy links between the urban environment and health?this paper explores when and how considerations of population health have influenced the creation, planning and management of cities. cities--now the dominant human habitat--must be planned and managed sustainably in a world that is manifestly experiencing increasing environmental and social strains. early industrialisation entailed crowding, squalor and industrial environmental blight; the two great associated public health hazards were infectious diseases and air pollution. these hazards have ...200717601402
simple rationality? the law of healthcare resource allocation in england.this paper examines the law relating to healthcare resource allocation in england. the national health service (nhs) act 1977 does not impose an absolute duty to provide specified healthcare services. the courts will only interfere with a resource allocation decision made by an nhs body if that decision is frankly irrational (or where the decision infringes the principle of proportionality when a right under the european convention on human rights (echr) is engaged). such irrationality is very d ...200717601868
reconstructing exposures from the uk chemical warfare agent human research programme.the uk government has carried out a research programme studying military capability under conditions of chemical warfare at a facility at porton down, wiltshire, since world war i. in 2001 the ministry of defence commissioned a cohort study to investigate the long-term health effects on military veterans of their participation in this programme. we assessed the availability and quality of exposure assessment data held in the archive at porton down for the purpose of this study. this involved loo ...200717602209
human papillomavirus testing with conventional pap smear screening in three inner london community clinics.this observational study aimed to establish prevalence of high-risk human papillomaviruses (hrhpv) in women attending three inner london community clinics for routine screening and to pilot hrhpv testing in the triage of either borderline or negative cytology after previous abnormalities. hybrid capture 2 was carried out on brush samples taken alongside conventional smears from 1434 women aged 20-49 years. hrhpv positivity prompted earlier referral of women with previous abnormalities and either ...200717609075
multidisciplinary crisis simulations: the way forward for training surgical teams.high-reliability organizations have stressed the importance of non-technical skills for safety and of regularly providing such training to their teams. recently safety skills training has been applied in the practice of medicine. in this study, we developed and piloted a module using multidisciplinary crisis scenarios in a simulated operating theatre to train entire surgical teams.200717610109
public perception of human papillomavirus vaccine. 200717623513
increased rates of preterm delivery are associated with the initiation of highly active antiretrovial therapy during pregnancy: a single-center cohort remains controversial whether in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive pregnant women an increased rate of preterm delivery is associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart). since 1995 the management and outcome of all hiv-infected pregnant women delivering at st. mary's hospital london have been prospectively documented. the prevalence of preterm delivery and the correlation between gestational age and type of antiretroviral therapy were sought: preterm delivery occurred ...200717624841
gmc hearing against wakefield and colleagues opens. 200717626928
catastrophic flooding origin of shelf valley systems in the english channel.megaflood events involving sudden discharges of exceptionally large volumes of water are rare, but can significantly affect landscape evolution, continental-scale drainage patterns and climate change. it has been proposed that a significant flood event eroded a network of large ancient valleys on the floor of the english channel-the narrow seaway between england and france. this hypothesis has remained untested through lack of direct evidence, and alternative non-catastrophist ideas have been en ...200717637667
incorporating bioaccessibility in detailed quantitative human health risk assessments.current english policy and practice allows, and in places encourages, site specific estimates of arsenic oral bioavailability to be used in detailed quantitative human health risk assessment. english land contamination legislation does not differentiate between natural and man made arsenic soil contamination. english planning guidance requires developers to demonstrate that new houses are fit for purpose, including ensuring that there are no unacceptable risks to human health from soil contamina ...200717654139
bioaccessibility of arsenic in mine waste-contaminated soils: a case study from an abandoned arsenic mine in sw england (uk).this study characterises the total as concentrations and as bioaccessibility in 109 soils from devon great consols mine, an abandoned cu-as mine in devon, sw england, uk and discusses the soil and mineralogical factors that influence the bioaccessibility of this element. these data provide the basis for developing more accurate exposure estimates for use in human health risk assessments. the median value of the percent bioaccesible as of 15% for these as rich soils contaminated by mining activit ...200717654145
the effect of crank inertial load on the physiological and biomechanical responses of trained cyclists.the existing literature suggests that crank inertial load has little effect on the responses of untrained cyclists. however, it would be useful to be aware of any possible effect in the trained population, particularly considering the many laboratory-based studies that are conducted using relatively low-inertia ergometers. ten competitive cyclists (mean vo(2max) = 62.7 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), s = 6.1) attended the human performance laboratories at the university of wolverhampton. each cyclist com ...200717654231
hiv in gay and bisexual men in the united kingdom: 25 years of public health is more than 25 years since the first case of aids was reported in the united kingdom. in december 1981 a gay man was referred to a london hospital with opportunistic infections indicative of immunosuppression. national surveillance began the following year, in september 1982, with the notification of deaths and clinical reports of aids and kaposi's sarcoma plus laboratory reports of opportunistic infections. since then epidemiological surveillance systems have evolved, adapting to, and takin ...200817662168
maternal inheritance and familial fecundity factors in male homosexuality.this study, following camperio-ciani, corna, and capiluppi [(2004), proceedings of the royal society of london, series b, biological sciences, 271, 2217-2221] aimed to examine the familial history of male homosexuality, and test the so-called "fertile female" hypothesis for this trait in a contemporary british sample. using a comparative survey design, we found that white (comprising those of anglo-european descent) and non-white (comprising ethnic "blacks, "south asians," "east asians," "hispan ...200817665299
common variants in the tcf7l2 gene and predisposition to type 2 diabetes in uk european whites, indian asians and afro-caribbean men and women.common variants of tcf7l2, encoding a beta-cell-expressed transcription factor, are strongly associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (t2d). we examined this association using both prospective and case-control designs. a total of 2,676 healthy european white middle-aged men from the prospective nphsii (158 developed t2d over 15 years surveillance) were genotyped for two intronic snps [rs 7903146 (ivs3c>t) and rs12255372 (ivs4g>t)] which showed strong linkage disequilibrium (d' = 0.88, p ...200617665514
ancient human mtdna genotypes from england reveal lost variation over the last millennium.we analysed the historical genetic diversity of human populations in europe at the mtdna control region for 48 ancient britons who lived between ca ad 300 and 1000, and compared these with 6320 modern mtdna genotypes from england and across europe and the middle east. we found that the historical sample shows greater genetic diversity than for modern england and other modern populations, indicating the loss of diversity over the last millennium. the pattern of haplotypic diversity was clearly eu ...200717666375
type 2 diabetes whole-genome association study in four populations: the diagen consortium.type 2 diabetes (t2d) is a common, polygenic chronic disease with high heritability. the purpose of this whole-genome association study was to discover novel t2d-associated genes. we genotyped 500 familial cases and 497 controls with >300,000 hapmap-derived tagging single-nucleotide-polymorphism (snp) markers. when a stringent statistical correction for multiple testing was used, the only significant snp was at tcf7l2, which has already been discovered and confirmed as a t2d-susceptibility gene. ...200717668382
isolation and antimicrobial sensitivities of kluyvera spp. from humans in england, wales and northern ireland, 2005-2006. 200717669632
risk of serious neurologic disease after immunization of young children in britain and ireland.we sought to investigate the risk of serious neurologic disease after immunization in early childhood.200717671057
spitalfields knees study--a photographic challenge.this paper reports a study into human lower limb anatomy based on the spitalfields collection of human skeletons at the natural history museum, london. the objective was to document knee alignment in a range of rotations, and also to define the topography of the knee surfaces. the work was a collaborative between the medical illustration department and the orthopaedic surgical team. this project involved photographic challenges that required development of versatile techniques in order to genera ...200717671905
public awareness that hpv is a risk factor for cervical cancer.we assessed awareness of human papillomavirus (hpv) in a population sample of british women (n=1620) using similar questions to those in a survey in 2002. only 2.5% cited hpv as the cause of cervical cancer without prompting; up from 0.9% in 2002. public education about hpv is urgently needed.200717687335
using pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling in safety pharmacology to better define safety margins: a regional workshop of the safety pharmacology society.this meeting was convened to encourage the incorporation of empirical and mechanism-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (pk/pd) modelling into safety pharmacology to improve the predictability of nonclinical investigations for human outcomes. these technologies make use of mathematical expressions relating measured variables to derive essential parameters for describing responses and predicting the behaviour of biological systems to a drug. hence, empirical pk/pd modelling is intended to defin ...200717688390
expansive learning in the university setting: the case for simulated clinical experience.this paper argues that simulated practice in the university setting is not just a second best to learning in the clinical area but one which offers the potential for deliberation and deep learning [eraut, m., 2000. non-formal learning, implicit learning and tacit knowledge in professional work. journal of educational psychology, 70, 113-136]. the context of student learning in an undergraduate midwifery programme is analysed using human activity theory [engeström, y., 2001. expansive learning at ...200717689430
a survey of the preparedness for an influenza pandemic of general practitioners in the west midlands, uk.there is a lack of evidence regarding the preparedness of general practitioners (gps) to respond to pandemic influenza. a postal questionnaire survey was conducted to explore the self-perceived pandemic preparedness of gps in the west midlands, united kingdom, and to determine differences between urban and non-urban gps. the postal questionnaire was sent out to 773 gps in november 2005, and a reminder was sent in january 2006. in all, 427/773 (55%) questionnaires were returned, and 56% of respon ...200717690927
qualitative evaluation of an electronic prescribing and administration provide a formative socio-technical evaluation of a pilot implementation of an integrated electronic prescribing, automated dispensing, barcode patient identification and electronic medication administration record (emar) system on one ward.200717693675
collaboration with the voluntary sector in setting up an early medical abortion service in the pct.the 1967 abortion act and the 1990 human fertilisation and embryology act amendment allow abortions in acute hospitals or licensed premises only. provision of abortions in community unlicensed premises is unlicensed and not legal. at abortion assessment, counselling, chlamydia testing and/or treatment/partner notification and a contraceptive package is included. this works towards the overall aim of reducing unwanted pregnancies and reducing the burden of sexually transmitted infections in the c ...200717701802
multiple stable isotope (18o, 13c, 15n and 34s) analysis of human hair to identify the recent migrants in a rural community in sw england.relationships between recent migration and hair delta(18)o values were examined for 40 people living in a rural community in sw england. the isotopic contents of 35 'local' hair samples were compared with those of 5 recently arrived individuals (from australia, canada, chile, germany and the usa). the hair delta(18)o values of these 'visitors' were +7.9 (omaha, usa), +11.2 (jena, germany), +12.1 (osorno, chile), +12.6 (montreal, canada) and +14.3 per thousand (adelaide, australia). the hair valu ...200717705338
investigating the dynamics of nurse migration in early career: a longitudinal questionnaire survey of variation in regional retention of diploma qualifiers in england.increasing mobility of healthcare professionals has led to concerns that certain countries or regions are depleted of sufficient staff to meet healthcare needs. in formulating appropriate strategies to ensure better retention locally, human resource managers are hindered by lack of information about migration patterns. purpose and aims: purposes included studying movement of diploma nurses qualifying in england and contributing to literature on developing methods for obtaining migration data. sp ...200817706221
perspectives on injuries in snowboarders.adopting effective injury prevention practices continues to be problematic within snowboarding and the participation of older individuals is associated with an appreciable injury burden. the haddon matrix provides an important framework for developing injury prevention interventions. since prevention behaviour must 'fit' within individual aspirations, our study investigated the meanings and behaviours associated with snowboarding and injury prevention and then applied the findings to the establi ...200717711064
why sexual health promotion misses its audience: men who have sex with men reading the texts.sexual health promotion aimed at men who have sex with men (msm) is not achieving its objective of reducing the incidence of new infections of sexually transmitted diseases, notably hiv/aids, in the msm population. the paper aims to raise awareness of possible unintended consequences when using visual culture and advertising techniques in the field of sexual (and other) health promotion and public health messages.200717713183
detection of escherichia coli in biofilms from pipe samples and coupons in drinking water distribution networks.fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) was used for direct detection of escherichia coli on pipe surfaces and coupons in drinking water distribution networks. old cast iron main pipes were removed from water distribution networks in france, england, portugal, and latvia, and e. coli was analyzed in the biofilm. in addition, 44 flat coupons made of cast iron, polyvinyl chloride, or stainless steel were placed into and continuously exposed to water on 15 locations of 6 distribution networks in ...200717720845
prevalence of human papillomavirus antibodies in young female subjects in england.sera from 1483 female subjects in england aged 10-29 years were tested. the age-standardised seroprevalence was 10.7% (95% confidence intervals 9.0-12.3) for human papillomavirus (hpv) 6, 2.7% (1.8-3.6) for hpv 11, 11.9% (10.2-13.6) for hpv 16, 4.7% (3.5-5.8) for hpv 18, and 20.7% (18.6-22.7) for any of the four types.200717726462
'incongruous juxtapositions': the chimaera and mrs mck.a century ago, the german botanist hans winkler (best known for coining the term 'genome') accomplished two novel transplantations. first, he produced a single plant that grafted together two completely disparate species: tomato and nightshade. second, he chose the descriptive word 'chimaera' to name his innovation, transplanting the term from mythology to biology. this paper features mrs mck, the first human chimera, and thus follows the term from botany to clinical medicine. her remarkable sto ...200717727951
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