
critical role for the adenosine pathway in controlling simian immunodeficiency virus-related immune activation and inflammation in gut mucosal tissues.the role of the adenosine (ado) pathway in human immunodeficiency virus type 1/simian immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1/siv) infection remains unclear. we compared sivsab-induced changes of markers related to ado production (cd39 and cd73) and breakdown (cd26 and adenosine deaminase) on t cells from blood, lymph nodes, and intestine collected from pigtailed macaques (ptms) and african green monkeys (agms) that experience different sivsab infection outcomes. we also measured ado and inosine (ino) lev ...201526178986
rapid development of gp120-focused neutralizing b cell responses during acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection of african green monkeys.the initial phases of acute human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) infection may be critical for development of effective envelope (env)-specific antibodies capable of impeding the establishment of the latent pool of hiv-1-infected cd4(+) t cells, preventing virus-induced immune hyperactivation to limit disease progression and blocking vertical virus transmission. however, the initial systemic hiv-1 env-specific antibody response targets gp41 epitopes and fails to control acute-phase viremi ...201526157116
plasmacytoid dendritic cell infection and sensing capacity during pathogenic and nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus infection.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in humans and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) in macaques (mac) lead to chronic inflammation and aids. natural hosts, such as african green monkeys (agm) and sooty mangabeys (sm), are protected against siv-induced chronic inflammation and aids. here, we report that agm plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdc) express extremely low levels of cd4, unlike mac and human pdc. despite this, agm pdc efficiently sensed sivagm, but not heterologous hiv/siv isolates, indic ...201525903334
african green monkey trim5α restriction in simian immunodeficiency virus-specific rhesus macaque effector cd4 t cells enhances their survival and antiviral function.the expression of xenogeneic trim5α proteins can restrict infection in various retrovirus/host cell pairings. previously, we have shown that african green monkey trim5α (agmtrim5α) potently restricts both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus mac239 (siv(mac239)) replication in a transformed human t-cell line (l. v. coren, et al., retrovirology 12:11, 2015, to assess agmtrim5α restriction in primary cells, we t ...201525653448
primate lentiviruses are differentially inhibited by interferon-induced transmembrane proteins.interferon-induced transmembrane (ifitm) proteins inhibit the entry of a large number of viruses. not surprisingly, many viruses are refractory to this inhibition. in this study, we report that different strains of hiv and siv are inhibited by human ifitm proteins to various degrees, with siv of african green monkeys (siv(agm)) being mostly restricted by human ifitm2. interestingly, siv(agm) is as much inhibited by human ifitm2 as by ifitm3 of its own host african green monkeys. our data further ...201525463599
in cos cells vpu can both stabilize tetherin expression and counteract its antiviral activity.the interferon-inducible cellular protein tetherin (cd317/bst-2) inhibits the release of a broad range of enveloped viruses. the hiv-1 accessory protein vpu enhances virus particle release by counteracting this host restriction factor. while the antagonism of human tetherin by vpu has been associated with both proteasomal and lysosomal degradation, the link between vpu-mediated tetherin degradation and the ability of vpu to counteract the antiviral activity of tetherin remains poorly understood. ...201425360760
modulation of type i interferon-associated viral sensing during acute simian immunodeficiency virus infection in african green monkeys.natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), such as african green monkeys (agms), do not progress to aids when infected with siv. this is associated with an absence of a chronic type i interferon (ifn-i) signature. it is unclear how the ifn-i response is downmodulated in agms. we longitudinally assessed the capacity of agm blood cells to produce ifn-i in response to siv and herpes simplex virus (hsv) infection. phenotypes and functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdcs) and other m ...201525355871
g2/m cell cycle arrest correlates with primate lentiviral vpr interaction with the slx4 complex.the accessory gene vpr, common to all primate lentiviruses, induces potent g2/m arrest in cycling cells. a recent study showed that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) viral protein r (vpr) mediates this through activation of the slx4/mus81/eme1 exonuclease complex that forms part of the fanconi anemia dna repair pathway. to confirm these observations, we have examined the g2/m arrest phenotypes of a panel of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) vpr proteins. we show that siv vpr proteins ...201525320300
the neutralizing capacity of antibodies elicited by parainfluenza virus infection of african green monkeys is dependent on complement.the african green monkey (agm) model was used to analyze the role of complement in neutralization of parainfluenza virus. parainfluenza virus 5 (piv5) and human parainfluenza virus type 2 were effectively neutralized in vitro by naïve agm sera, but neutralizing capacity was lost by heat-inactivation. the mechanism of neutralization involved formation of massive aggregates, with no evidence of virion lysis. following inoculation of the respiratory tract with a piv5 vector expressing hiv gp160, ag ...201425010267
factors associated with siman immunodeficiency virus transmission in a natural african nonhuman primate host in the wild.african green monkeys (agms) are naturally infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) at high prevalence levels and do not progress to aids. sexual transmission is the main transmission route in agm, while mother-to-infant transmission (mtit) is negligible. we investigated siv transmission in wild agms to assess whether or not high siv prevalence is due to differences in mucosal permissivity to siv (i.e., whether the genetic bottleneck of viral transmission reported in humans and macaques ...201424623416
antagonism of samhd1 is actively maintained in natural infections of simian immunodeficiency virus.restriction factors are effectors of the innate immune response to viral pathogens that inhibit viral replication by operating as molecular barriers to steps of the viral life cycle. the restriction factor samhd1 blocks lentiviral reverse transcription in myeloid cells and resting cd4+ t cells. many lineages of lentiviruses, including hiv-2 and other simian immunodeficiency viruses, encode accessory genes that serve to counteract host samhd1 restriction by causing degradation of the antiviral fa ...201324324150
kinetics of myeloid dendritic cell trafficking and activation: impact on progressive, nonprogressive and controlled siv infections.we assessed the role of myeloid dendritic cells (mdcs) in the outcome of siv infection by comparing and contrasting their frequency, mobilization, phenotype, cytokine production and apoptosis in pathogenic (pigtailed macaques, ptms), nonpathogenic (african green monkeys, agms) and controlled (rhesus macaques, rms) sivagmsab infection. through the identification of recently replicating cells, we demonstrated that mdc mobilization from the bone marrow occurred in all species postinfection, being m ...201324098110
vif proteins from diverse primate lentiviral lineages use the same binding site in apobec3g.apobec3g (a3g) is a cytidine deaminase that restricts human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and other lentiviruses. most of these viruses encode a vif protein that directly binds a3g and leads to its proteasomal degradation. both vif proteins of hiv-1 and african green monkey simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) bind residue 128 of a3g. however, this position does not control the a3g degradation by vif variants derived from hiv-2 and sivmac, which both originated from siv of sooty mangab ...201323986590
lack of b cell dysfunction is associated with functional, gp120-dominant antibody responses in breast milk of simian immunodeficiency virus-infected african green monkeys.the design of an effective vaccine to reduce the incidence of mother-to-child transmission (mtct) of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) via breastfeeding will require identification of protective immune responses that block postnatal virus acquisition. natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) sustain nonpathogenic infection and rarely transmit the virus to their infants despite high milk virus rna loads. this is in contrast to hiv-infected women and siv-infected rhesus macaques (rhms ...201323926338
lentivirus restriction by diverse primate apobec3a proteins.rhesus macaque apobec3a (rha3a) is capable of restricting both simian-human immunodeficiency virus (shivδvif) and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1δvif) to a greater extent than ha3a. we constructed chimeric a3a proteins to define the domains required for differential lentivirus restriction. substitution of amino acids 25-33 from rha3a into ha3a was sufficient to restrict hivδvif to levels similar to rha3a restriction of shivδvif. we tested if differential lentivirus restriction is conserved b ...201323648232
insights into the dual activity of sivmac239 vif against human and african green monkey apobec3g.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) vif is essential for viral evasion of the host antiviral protein apobec3g (apo3g). the vif protein from a distantly related african green monkey (agm) simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) is unable to suppress the antiviral activity of human apo3g but is active against agm apo3g. sivmac vif on the other hand, possesses antiviral activity against both human and agm apo3g. in this study, we were interested in mapping domains in sivmac vif that are resp ...201223189135
short communication: hiv+ viremic slow progressors maintain low regulatory t cell numbers in rectal mucosa but exhibit high t cell activation.viremic slow progressors (vsp) are a rare subset of hiv-infected persons who exhibit slow immunologic progression despite high viremia. the mechanisms associated with this slow progression remain to be defined. clinical characteristics of vsp are similar to those of natural hosts for simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), such as sooty mangabeys (sm) and african green monkeys (agm), who maintain near-normal cd4 counts despite high-level viremia but maintain low immune activation. immune activation ...201322998457
hiv pathogenesis: the host.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) pathogenesis has proven to be quite complex and dynamic with most of the critical events (e.g., transmission, cd4(+) t-cell destruction) occurring in mucosal tissues. in addition, although the resulting disease can progress over years, it is clear that many critical events happen within the first few weeks of infection when most patients are unaware that they are infected. these events occur predominantly in tissues other than the peripheral blood, particularly ...201222951442
role of human trim5α in intrinsic immunity.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) has a very narrow host range. hiv type 1 (hiv-1) does not infect old world monkeys, such as the rhesus monkey (rh). rh trim5α was identified as a factor that confers resistance, intrinsic immunity, to hiv-1 infection. unfortunately, human trim5α is almost powerless to restrict hiv-1. however, human trim5α potently restricts n-tropic murine leukemia viruses (mlv) but not b-tropic mlv, indicating that human trim5α represents the restriction factor previously desi ...201222435067
the host restriction factor apobec3g and retroviral vif protein coevolve due to ongoing genetic conflict.apobec3g (a3g) is a host cytidine deaminase that inhibits retroviruses. hiv and related primate lentiviruses encode vif, which counteracts a3g by inducing its degradation. this vif-mediated a3g inhibition is species specific, suggesting that the a3g-vif interaction has evolved as primate lentiviruses have adapted to their hosts. we examined the evolutionary dynamics of the a3g-vif interaction within four african green monkey (agm) subspecies, which are each naturally infected with a distinct sim ...201222264516
[trim5alpha].human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) shows a very narrow host range limited only to humans and chimpanzees. hiv-1 dose not experimentally infect old world monkeys, such as rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys, and fails to replicate in activated cd4 positive t lymphocytes obtained from those monkeys. several lines of evidence have suggested that the block of hiv-1 replication in old world monkey cells occurred at a post-entry step and appeared to result from a failure to initiate reverse transcr ...200516557011
immunogenicity and efficacy of alphavirus-derived replicon vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus in nonhuman primates.human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) and human metapneumovirus (hmpv) are major causes of illness among children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. no vaccine has been licensed for protection against either of these viruses. we tested the ability of two venezuelan equine encephalitis virus-based viral replicon particle (vee-vrp) vaccines that express the hrsv or hmpv fusion (f) protein to confer protection against hrsv or hmpv in african green monkeys. animals immunized with vee-vrp va ...201626772634
a single dose recombinant piv5 expressing respiratory syncytial virus f and g proteins protected cotton rats and african green monkeys from rsv challenge.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a common cause of severe respiratory disease among infants, immunocompromised individuals and the elderly. no licensed vaccine is currently available. in this study, we evaluated two parainfluenza virus 5 (piv5)-vectored vaccines expressing rsv f (piv5/f) or g (piv5/g) proteins in the cotton rat and african green monkey models for their replication, immunogenicity and efficacy of protection against rsv challenge. following a single intranasal inoculatio ...201728298602
attenuation of human respiratory syncytial virus by genome-scale codon-pair deoptimization.human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most important viral agent of serious pediatric respiratory-tract disease worldwide. a vaccine or generally effective antiviral drug is not yet available. we designed new live attenuated rsv vaccine candidates by codon-pair deoptimization (cpd). specifically, viral orfs were recoded by rearranging existing synonymous codons to increase the content of underrepresented codon pairs. amino acid coding was completely unchanged. four cpd rsv genomes were ...201425157129
human respiratory syncytial virus memphis 37 grown in hep-2 cells causes more severe disease in lambs than virus grown in vero cells.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants and young children. a small percentage of these individuals develop severe and even fatal disease. to better understand the pathogenesis of severe disease and develop therapies unique to the less-developed infant immune system, a model of infant disease is needed. the neonatal lamb pulmonary development and physiology is similar to that of infants, and sheep are susceptible to ovine, bovine, or human strains o ...201324284879
evaluation of pneumonia virus of mice as a possible human pathogen.pneumonia virus of mice (pvm), a relative of human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), causes respiratory disease in mice. there is serologic evidence suggesting widespread exposure of humans to pvm. to investigate replication in primates, african green monkeys (agm) and rhesus macaques (n = 4) were inoculated with pvm by the respiratory route. virus was shed intermittently at low levels by a subset of animals, suggesting poor permissiveness. pvm efficiently replicated in cultured human cells and ...201222438539
evaluation of different embryonating bird eggs and cell cultures for isolation efficiency of avian influenza a virus and avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 from real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-positive wild bird surveillance samples.virus isolation rates for influenza a virus (fluav) and avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (apmv-1) from wild bird surveillance samples are lower than molecular detection rates for the specific viral genomes. the current study was conducted to examine the possibility of increased virus isolation rates from real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (real-time rt-pcr) using alternative virus isolation substrates such as embryonating duck eggs (edes), embryonating turkey eggs (etes), ma ...201222529126
antisense oligonucleotides targeting raf-1 block japanese encephalitis virus in vitro and in vivo.japanese encephalitis virus (jev) infections represent a major health concern in southeast asia since no effective treatments are available. recently, several reports have demonstrated that inhibition of certain host cell proteins prevents viral infection. raf-1 kinase is a central component of many signaling pathways involved in normal cell growth and oncogenic transformation, and ras/raf/erk signaling activation has been observed during viral infections (including jev infection). in this study ...201728051352
high frequency of merkel cell polyomavirus dna in the urine of kidney transplant recipients and healthy controls.polyomavirus (pyv) infection is common, ranging from 60% to 100% depending on the virus. the urinary excretion rates of jc virus (jcv) and bk virus (bkv) have been extensively studied, but less is known about the more recently discovered pyvs.201425467862
[experience of study and possible ways of elimination of false positive and false negative results during execution of polymerase chain reaction on an example of junin virus rna detection].experience of study and possible ways of elimination of false positive and false negative results during execution of polymerase chain reaction on an example of junin virus rna detection. materialss and methods: junin virus--causative agent of argentine hemorrhagic fever (ahf) strain xjpr37/5787 was obtained from the state collection of pathogenicity group i causative agents of the 48th central research institute. reagent kit for detection of junin virus rna by rt-pcr was developed in the instit ...201626950993
biofilm formation of hypermucoviscous and non-hypermucoviscous klebsiella pneumoniae recovered from clinically affected african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).in recent years, an emergent klebsiella pneumoniae hypermucoviscous (hmv) phenotype has been associated with increased invasiveness and pathogenicity in primates. the hmv phenotype is characterized by different capsular serotypes, associated with several genes including the rmpa (regulator of mucoid phenotype) and maga (mucoviscosity-associated) genes. in african green monkeys (agm) (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) serotypes k1 and k5 have been implicated in fatal multisystemic abscesses. in order ...201728366827
interaction of non-human primate complement and antibodies with hypermucoviscous klebsiella pneumoniae.emergent hypermucoviscosity (hmv) phenotypes of klebsiella pneumoniae have been associated with increased invasiveness and pathogenicity in primates. in this study, we investigated the interaction of african green monkeys (agm) (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) complement and antibody with hmv and non-hmv isolates as in vitro models of primate infection. significantly greater survival of hmv isolates was evident after incubation in normal serum or whole blood (p < 0.05) of agm donors when compared ...201626951091
resistance of klebsiella pneumoniae to the innate immune system of african green recent years, an emergent klebsiella pneumoniae hypermucoviscosity (hmv) phenotype has been associated with increased invasiveness and pathogenicity in primates. in this project, bacteria recovered from infected african green monkeys (agm) (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) were screened for hmv phenotype, and were compared to non-hmv isolates in in vitro, serum, and oxidative-mediated killing assays. complement-mediated killing was assessed utilizing freshly collected serum from healthy agm. oxi ...201525614101
phenotypic and genotypic characterization of klebsiella pneumoniae isolates recovered from nonhuman primates.klebsiella pneumoniae is a zoonotic, gram-negative member of the family enterobacteriaceae and is the causative agent of nosocomial septicemic, pneumonic, and urinary tract infections. recently, pathogenic strains of k. pneumoniae sharing a hypermucoviscosity (hmv) phenotype have been attributed to multisystemic abscessation in both human and nonhuman primates. although k. pneumoniae is a well-recognized zoonotic agent, there is a lack of general information including adequate diagnostic methods ...201222740526
immunization with leishmania vaccine-alum-bcg and montanide isa 720 adjuvants induces low-grade type 2 cytokines and high levels of igg2 subclass antibodies in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) model.the availability of hundreds of adjuvants has prompted a need for identifying rational standards for the selection of adjuvant formulation based on sound immunological principles for human vaccines. as cytokines elaborated by activated t cells are required for the regulation of isotype switch during b-cell development, a study of th2 cytokines and subclass distribution of the antibodies may shed new light on the processes involved in the polarization of the immune responses during vaccination st ...201222862788
leishmania donovani whole cell antigen delivered with adjuvants protects against visceral leishmaniasis in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).in a previous immunogenicity and efficacy study in mice, montanide isa 720 (misa) was indicated to be a better adjuvant than bacillus calmette guerin vaccine (bcg) for a leishmania vaccine. in the present study, we report the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of leishmania donovani (l. donovani) sonicated antigen delivered with alum-bcg (albcg), misa or monophosphoryl lipid a (mpla) in vervet monkeys following intradermal inoculums. vaccinated and control animals were challenged with virulent ...201223554725
combination and monotherapy of leishmania major infection in balb/c mice using plant extracts and herbicides.leishmaniasis is a growing health problem in many parts of the world. efforts to find new chemotherapeutics for leishmaniasis remain a priority. this study was carried out to determine the effect of combination and monotherapies using plant extracts and herbicides on leishmania major infection in balb/c mice.201223135005
adaptive gene amplification as an intermediate step in the expansion of virus host range.the majority of recently emerging infectious diseases in humans is due to cross-species pathogen transmissions from animals. to establish a productive infection in new host species, viruses must overcome barriers to replication mediated by diverse and rapidly evolving host restriction factors such as protein kinase r (pkr). many viral antagonists of these restriction factors are species specific. for example, the rhesus cytomegalovirus pkr antagonist, rhtrs1, inhibits pkr in some african green m ...201424626510
comparison of use of vero cell line and suspension culture of murine macrophage to attenuation of virulence of neospora this study the tachyzoite yields of neospora caninum were compared in two cell lines: vero (african green monkey kidney) and suspension culture of murine macrophage (j774) cell lines. then, n. caninum were continuously passaged in these cell lines for 3 months and the effect of host cells on virulence of tachyzoites was assessed by broiler chicken embryonated eggs. inoculation was performed in the chorioallantoic (ca) liquid of the embryonated eggs with different dilutions (0.5 × 10(4), 1.0 × ...201323684321
loss in lung volume and changes in the immune response demonstrate disease progression in african green monkeys infected by small-particle aerosol and intratracheal exposure to nipah virus.nipah virus (niv) is a paramyxovirus (genus henipavirus) that emerged in the late 1990s in malaysia and has since been identified as the cause of sporadic outbreaks of severe febrile disease in bangladesh and india. niv infection is frequently associated with severe respiratory or neurological disease in infected humans with transmission to humans through inhalation, contact or consumption of niv contaminated foods. in the work presented here, the development of disease was investigated in the a ...201728388650
pathogenic differences between nipah virus bangladesh and malaysia strains in primates: implications for antibody therapy.nipah virus (niv) is a paramyxovirus that causes severe disease in humans and animals. there are two distinct strains of niv, malaysia (nivm) and bangladesh (nivb). differences in transmission patterns and mortality rates suggest that nivb may be more pathogenic than nivm. to investigate pathogenic differences between strains, 4 african green monkeys (agm) were exposed to nivm and 4 agms were exposed to nivb. while nivb was uniformly lethal, only 50% of nivm-infected animals succumbed to infecti ...201627484128
single-dose live-attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccine protects african green monkeys from nipah virus disease.nipah virus is a zoonotic paramyxovirus that causes severe respiratory and/or encephalitic disease in humans, often resulting in death. it is transmitted from pteropus fruit bats, which serve as the natural reservoir of the virus, and outbreaks occur on an almost annual basis in bangladesh or india. outbreaks are small and sporadic, and several cases of human-to-human transmission have been documented as an important feature of the epidemiology of nipah virus disease. there are no approved count ...201525865472
detailed analysis of the african green monkey model of nipah virus disease.henipaviruses are implicated in severe and frequently fatal pneumonia and encephalitis in humans. there are no approved vaccines or treatments available for human use, and testing of candidates requires the use of well-characterized animal models that mimic human disease. we performed a comprehensive and statistically-powered evaluation of the african green monkey model to define parameters critical to disease progression and the extent to which they correlate with human disease. african green m ...201525706617
therapeutic treatment of nipah virus infection in nonhuman primates with a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody.nipah virus (niv) is an emerging zoonotic paramyxovirus that causes severe and often fatal disease in pigs and humans. there are currently no vaccines or treatments approved for human use. studies in small-animal models of niv infection suggest that antibody therapy may be a promising treatment. however, most studies have assessed treatment at times shortly after virus exposure before animals show signs of disease. we assessed the efficacy of a fully human monoclonal antibody, m102.4, at several ...201424964990
recombinant measles virus vaccine expressing the nipah virus glycoprotein protects against lethal nipah virus challenge.nipah virus (niv) is a member of the genus henipavirus, which emerged in malaysia in 1998. in pigs, infection resulted in a predominantly non-lethal respiratory disease; however, infection in humans resulted in over 100 deaths. nipah virus has continued to re-emerge in bangladesh and india, and person-to-person transmission appeared in the outbreak. although a number of niv vaccine studies have been reported, there are currently no vaccines or treatments licensed for human use. in this study, we ...201323516477
immune responses in mice vaccinated with a suicidal dna vaccine expressing the hemagglutinin glycoprotein from the peste des petits ruminants virus.peste des petits ruminants (ppr), an acute and highly contagious disease, affects sheep, goats, and some small ruminants. the hemagglutinin (h) glycoprotein of the ppr virus (pprv) is considered important for inducing protective immune responses. in this study, a suicidal dna vaccine based on the semliki forest virus (sfv) replicon was constructed and tested for its ability to induce immunogenicity in a mouse model. for this, the h gene of pprv was cloned and inserted into psca1, an sfv replicon ...201323896018
isolation, identification and characterization of a peste des petits ruminants virus from an outbreak in nanakpur, india.a peste des petits ruminants virus (pprv) was isolated from an outbreak that occurred in sheep and goats in nanakpur village of mathura district in uttar pradesh (india). based on hemagglutination of chicken red blood cells (rbcs), cytopathic effect similar to that caused by the morbilliviruses in vero cells, and amplification and sequence analysis of the viral nucleoprotein (n) gene, the identity of the virus was confirmed as pprv and named pprv/c. hircus-tc/india/2012/nanakpur1 (in short pprv/ ...201323500799
porcine epidemic diarrhea virus inhibits dsrna-induced interferon-β production in porcine intestinal epithelial cells by blockade of the rig-i-mediated pathway.the lack of optimal porcine cell lines has severely impeded the study and progress in elucidation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) pathogenesis. vero cell, an african green monkey kidney cell line, was often used to isolate and propagate pedv. nonetheless, the target cells of pedv in vivo are intestinal epithelial cells, during infection, intestinal epithelia would be damaged and resulted in digestive disorders. the immune functions of porcine epithelial cells and interactions with othe ...201526283628
the interferon-induced mx2 inhibits porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) causes one of the most economically important diseases of swine in the world. current vaccination strategies provide only limited protection against prrsv infection. recently, myxovirus resistance 2 (mx2) has been identified as a novel interferon (ifn)-induced, innate immunity restriction factor that inhibits some viral infections. however, the role of mx2 in prrsv infection is not well understood. in this study, we cloned the full-leng ...201626566027
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) inhibits rna-mediated gene silencing by targeting ago-2.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) infection strongly modulates the host's immune response. the rna silencing pathway is an intracellular innate response to viral infections. however, it is unknown whether prrsv interacts with cellular rna silencing to facilitate the viral infection. here, we report for the first time the interaction between prrsv and rna silencing in both the porcine macrophages and african green monkey kidney cell line (marc-145) cell line, which were ...201526512690
prrsv receptors and their roles in virus infection.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) has a restricted cell tropism and prefers to invade well-differentiated cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, such as pulmonary alveolar macrophages and african green monkey kidney cell line ma-104 and its derivatives, such as marc-145, vero and cl-2621. prrsv infection of the host cells actually is a receptor-mediated endocytosis and replication process. the presence and absence of the cellular receptors decide whether the cell lin ...201525666932
whole genome analysis provides evidence for porcine-to-simian interspecies transmission of rotavirus-a.we report here whole genome analysis of a porcine rotavirus-a (rva) strain rva/pig-wt/kna/et8b/2015/g5p[13] detected in a diarrheic piglet, and nearly whole genome (except for vp4 gene) analysis of a simian rva strain rva/simian-wt/kna/08979/2015/g5p[x] detected in a non-diarrheic african green monkey (agm) on the island of st. kitts, caribbean region. strain et8b exhibited a g5-p[13]-i5-r1-c1-m1-a8-n1-t7-e1-h1 genotype constellation that was identical to those of brazilian porcine rva g5p[13] s ...201728039076
alginate/gum acacia bipolymeric nanohydrogels--promising carrier for zinc oxide nanoparticles.zinc oxide nanoparticles (zno nps) are known to be effective against a wide array of microorganisms. at nanoscale, they have higher toxicity and they need to be rendered less toxic and more biocompatible. to achieve this, zno nps were incorporated in nanohydrogel particles made out of sodium alginate/gum acacia and cross-linker glutaraldehyde in order to ensure their gradual and sustained release instead of burst release, and hence lowering their toxicity. the particles synthesized were in the n ...201525304751
construction of an infectious clone of simian foamy virus of japanese macaque (sfvjm) and phylogenetic analyses of sfvjm isolates.foamy viruses belong to the genus spumavirus of the family retroviridae and have been isolated from many mammalian species. it was reported that simian foamy viruses (sfvs) have co-evolved with host species. in this study, we isolated four strains (wk1, wk2, ar1 and ar2) of sfv (named sfvjm) from japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) in main island honshu of japan. we constructed an infectious molecular clone of sfvjm strain wk1, termed pjm356. the virus derived from the clone replicated and induce ...201425017058
identification of recombination in the envelope gene of simian foamy virus serotype 2 isolated from macaca cyclopis.the full-length sequence of simian foamy virus serotype 2 (sfvmcy-2), isolated from a taiwanese macaque, was determined. sfvmcy-2 was highly related to sfv serotype 1 (sfvmcy-1), an isolate from the same species, except in the putative receptor binding domain (rbd) in env, which contained novel sequences related to sfv serotype 3 (sfvagm-3), isolated from an african green monkey. the results identify a potential region of neutralization in sfvs and demonstrate recombination between genetically d ...201323698303
uptake of rabies virus into epithelial cells by clathrin-mediated endocytosis depends upon actin.rabies virus (rabv) causes a fatal zoonotic encephalitis. disease symptoms require replication and spread of the virus within neuronal cells; however, in infected animals as well as in cell culture the virus replicates in a broad range of cell types. here we use a single-cycle rabv and a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rvsv) in which the glycoprotein (g) was replaced with that of rabv (rvsv rabv g) to examine rabv uptake into the african green monkey kidney cell line bs-c-1. combining bi ...201323966407
isolation of "candidatus rickettsia andeanae" (rickettsiales: rickettsiaceae) in embryonic cells of naturally infected amblyomma maculatum (ixodida: ixodidae).the gulf coast tick, amblyomma maculatum koch, has become increasingly important in public health for its role as a vector of the recently recognized human pathogen, rickettsia parkeri. more recently, these ticks were also found to harbor a novel spotted fever group rickettsia, "candidatus rickettsia andeanae." first identified in peru, and subsequently reported in ticks collected in the united states, chile, and argentina, "ca. r. andeanae" remains largely uncharacterized, in part because of th ...201324180118
short interfering rna inhibits rift valley fever virus replication and degradation of protein kinase r in human cells.rift valley fever virus (rvfv) is a mosquito-borne zoonotic pathogen causing severe outbreaks in humans and livestock in sub-saharan africa and the arabian peninsula. human infections are characterized by fever, sometimes leading to encephalitis, retinitis, hemorrhagic fever, and occasionally death. there are currently no fully licensed vaccines or effective therapies for human use. gene silencing mediated by double-stranded short interfering rna (sirna) is a sequence-specific, highly conserved ...201627933051
aerosolized rift valley fever virus causes fatal encephalitis in african green monkeys and common marmosets.rift valley fever (rvf) is a veterinary and human disease in africa and the middle east. the causative agent, rvf virus (rvfv), can be naturally transmitted by mosquito, direct contact, or aerosol. we sought to develop a nonhuman primate (nhp) model of severe rvf in humans to better understand the pathogenesis of rvf and to use for evaluation of medical countermeasures. nhp from four different species were exposed to aerosols containing rvfv. both cynomolgus and rhesus macaques developed mild fe ...201424335307
detection and characterization of diverse coccidian protozoa shed by california sea lions.tissue-cyst forming coccidia in the family sarcocystidae are etiologic agents of protozoal encephalitis in marine mammals including the federally listed southern sea otter (enhydra lutris). california sea lions (zalophus californianus), whose coastal habitat overlaps with sea otters, are definitive hosts for coccidian protozoa provisionally named coccidia a, b and c. while coccidia a and b have unknown clinical effects on aquatic wildlife hosts, coccidia c is associated with severe protozoal dis ...201627141438
isolation of a simian immunodeficiency virus from a malbrouck (chlorocebus cynosuros).to investigate the diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) among nonhuman primates (nhps) in zambia, next-generation sequencing was performed to determine the complete genome sequence of a novel siv recovered by co-culturing african green monkey (agm) peripheral blood lymphocytes with human cd4(+) t-cell lines. we report the first described siv (sivagmmal-zmb) from a malbrouck (chlorocebus cynosuros). sivagmmal-zmb was detected by real-time pcr analysis of splenic rna in 3.2% (3/94) of ...201727804019
interleukin-2 therapy induces cd4 downregulation, which decreases circulating cd4 t cell counts, in african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agms) are natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm). because these animals do not develop simian aids despite maintaining high viral loads, there is considerable interest in determining how these animals have evolved to avoid siv disease progression. unlike nonnatural hosts of siv, adult agms maintain low levels of cd4(+) t cells at steady states and also have a large population of virus-resistant cd8αα t cells that lack cd4 expression despite maintaining t h ...201627053558
simian immunodeficiency virus sivagm efficiently utilizes non-ccr5 entry pathways in african green monkey lymphocytes: potential role for gpr15 and cxcr6 as viral coreceptors.african green monkeys (agm) are natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), and infection in these animals is generally nonpathogenic, whereas infection of nonnatural hosts, such as rhesus macaques (rm), is commonly pathogenic. ccr5 has been described as the primary entry coreceptor for siv in vivo, while human-derived cxcr6 and gpr15 also appear to be used in vitro. however, sooty mangabeys that are genetically deficient in ccr5 due to an out-of-frame deletion are infectible with sivs ...201526656714
the genome of the vervet (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).we describe a genome reference of the african green monkey or vervet (chlorocebus aethiops). this member of the old world monkey (owm) superfamily is uniquely valuable for genetic investigations of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), for which it is the most abundant natural host species, and of a wide range of health-related phenotypes assessed in caribbean vervets (c. a. sabaeus), whose numbers have expanded dramatically since europeans introduced small numbers of their ancestors from west af ...201526377836
local virus extinctions following a host population bottleneck.a small number of african green monkeys (agms) were introduced into the caribbean from west africa in the 1600s. to determine the impact of this population bottleneck on the agm virome, we used metagenomics to compare the viral nucleic acids in the plasma of 43 wild agms from west africa (gambia) to those in 44 agms from the caribbean (st. kitts and nevis). three viruses were detected in the blood of gambian primates: simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm; in 42% of animals), a novel simian pegi ...201526018153
molecular characterization of a new mosaic simian immunodeficiency virus in a naturally infected tantalus monkey (chlorocebus tantalus) from cameroon: a challenge to the virus-host co-evolution of sivagm in african green monkeys.african green monkeys (agms) represent the most widely distributed non-human primates species in africa. sivagm naturally infects four of the 6 agms species at high prevalence in a species-specific manner. to date, only limited information is available on molecular characteristics of sivagm infecting chlorocebus tantalus. here, we characterized the full-length genome of a virus infecting a naturally infected captive c. tantalus from cameroon by amplifying and sequencing sub-genomic pcr fragments ...201525500294
homeostatic cytokines induce cd4 downregulation in african green monkeys independently of antigen exposure to generate simian immunodeficiency virus-resistant cd8αα t cells.african green monkeys (agms; genus chlorocebus) are a natural host of simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm). as they do not develop simian aids, there is great interest in understanding how this species has evolved to avoid immunodeficiency. adult african green monkeys naturally have low numbers of cd4 t cells and a large population of major histocompatibility complex class ii-restricted cd8α(dim) t cells that are generated through cd4 downregulation in cd4(+) t cells. mechanisms that drive thi ...201424991011
nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of the colon in a vervet monkey (cholorocebous aethiops).diffuse nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (dnlh) of gastrointestinal tract is regarded as a very rare disease in the adult population. it is characterized by presence of diffuse detectable small polypoid masses distributed in the small intestine, colon, or both.201424930866
pathogenic features associated with increased virulence upon simian immunodeficiency virus cross-species transmission from natural hosts.while simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) are generally nonpathogenic in their natural hosts, dramatic increases in pathogenicity may occur upon cross-species transmission to new hosts. deciphering the drivers of these increases in virulence is of major interest for understanding the emergence of new human immunodeficiency viruses (hivs). we transmitted sivsab from the sabaeus species of african green monkeys (agms) to pigtailed macaques (ptms). high acute viral replication occurred in all si ...201424696477
systems biology of the vervet monkey.nonhuman primates (nhp) provide crucial biomedical model systems intermediate between rodents and humans. the vervet monkey (also called the african green monkey) is a widely used nhp model that has unique value for genetic and genomic investigations of traits relevant to human diseases. this article describes the phylogeny and population history of the vervet monkey and summarizes the use of both captive and wild vervet monkeys in biomedical research. it also discusses the effort of an internat ...201324174437
transient compartmentalization of simian immunodeficiency virus variants in the breast milk of african green monkeys.natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv), african green monkeys (agms), rarely transmit siv via breast-feeding. in order to examine the genetic diversity of breast milk siv variants in this limited-transmission setting, we performed phylogenetic analysis on envelope sequences of milk and plasma siv variants of agms. low-diversity milk virus populations were compartmentalized from that in plasma. however, this compartmentalization was transient, as the milk virus lineages did not pers ...201323926337
memory cd4(+) t lymphocytes in the gastrointestinal tract are a major source of cell-associated simian immunodeficiency virus in chronic nonpathogenic infection of african green monkeys.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infection of natural hosts is characterized by nonpathogenic chronic viremia, maintenance of gastrointestinal epithelial barrier integrity, and low numbers of target cells. assessment of cell-associated virus load in t cell subsets in multiple anatomic compartments of chronically siv-infected sabeus african green monkeys (agms) revealed that gastrointestinal memory cd4(+) t lymphocytes are a major source of cell-associated virus and a significant contributor t ...201222896600
expression sequence tag library derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the chlorocebus sabaeus.african green monkeys (agm) are amongst the most frequently used nonhuman primate models in clinical and biomedical research, nevertheless only few genomic resources exist for this species. such information would be essential for the development of dedicated new generation technologies in fundamental and pre-clinical research using this model, and would deliver new insights into primate evolution.201222726727
mucosal simian immunodeficiency virus transmission in african green monkeys: susceptibility to infection is proportional to target cell availability at mucosal sites.african green monkeys (agms) are naturally infected with a simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) that is nonpathogenic in its host. although sivagm is common and widespread, little is known about the mechanisms that govern its transmission. since the earliest virus-host interactions may provide key insights into the nonpathogenic phenotype of sivagm, we developed a mucosal transmission model for this virus. using plasma from an acutely infected agm as the virus inoculum, we exposed adult and ju ...201222318138
nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus infections.the simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) are a diverse group of viruses that naturally infect a wide range of african primates, including african green monkeys (agms) and sooty mangabey monkeys (sms). although natural infection is widespread in feral populations of agms and sms, this infection generally does not result in immunodeficiency. however, experimental inoculation of asian macaques results in an immunodeficiency syndrome remarkably similar to human aids. thus, natural nonprogressive s ...201222315718
identification of a novel polyomavirus from vervet monkeys in examine polyomavirus (pyv) infection in wildlife, we investigated the presence of pyvs in zambia with permission from the zambia wildlife authority. we analysed 200 dna samples from the spleens and kidneys (n = 100 each) of yellow baboons and vervet monkeys (vms) (n = 50 each). we detected seven pyv genome fragments in 200 dna samples using a nested broad-spectrum pcr method, and identified five full-length viral genomes using an inverse pcr method. phylogenetic analysis of virally encoded pr ...201323426354
infectivity study of streptococcus phocae to seven fish and mammalian cell lines by confocal microscopy.streptococcus phocae is a beta-haemolytic bacterium that causes systemic infections in atlantic salmon, salmo salar l., cultured in southern chile and also in seals. in this study, the host-pathogen interaction between s. phocae and seven types of cell lines (fish and mammalian) was examined using an indirect fluorescent antibody and confocal microscopy (cm). chinook salmon embryo (chse-214), epithelioma papulosum cyprini (epc), salmon head kidney (shk-1) and atlantic salmon kidney were used as ...201222524521
a characterization of aerosolized sudan virus infection in african green monkeys, cynomolgus macaques, and rhesus macaques.filoviruses are members of the genera ebolavirus, marburgvirus, and "cuevavirus". because they cause human disease with high lethality and could potentially be used as a bioweapon, these viruses are classified as cdc category a bioterrorism agents. filoviruses are relatively stable in aerosols, retain virulence after lyophilization, and can be present on contaminated surfaces for extended periods of time. this study explores the characteristics of aerosolized sudan virus (sudv) boniface in non-h ...201223202456
first report of toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in wild-caught caribbean african green monkeys.toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite capable of infecting all warm-blooded animals. humans can become infected by ingesting infective oocysts from the environment or contaminated food or water, or by ingesting tissue cysts in undercooked infected meat or by handling infected meat. caribbean african green monkeys (chlorocebus sabaeus) are present in large numbers on the island of st. kitts in the caribbean, and it is not uncommon for these animals to be trapped and eaten by islanders. the ai ...201425491011
antifungal effect of brachyglottis repanda ethanol extract.the crude ethanol extract of b. repanda showed the cytotoxic activity against polio virus (25% activity at 150 μg/disk) and the minor cytotoxic activity against bsc cells (african green monkey kidney) . however, the crude ethanol extract of b. repanda was non-toxic to murine leukaemia cells ccl 46 p388d1 (ic50, > 62,500 ng/ml) . cytotoxic and antifungal activities were strongly shown by fr. 64-3 which was eluted with 90% ch3cn/h2o, 100% ch3cn, and 50% ch3cn/h2o (sm 2 at 150 μg/disk) . the fracti ...201024278514
genetic heterogeneity and phylogeny of trichuris spp. from captive non-human primates based on ribosomal dna sequence data.nematodes of the genus trichuris, known as whipworms, are recognized to infect numerous mammalian species including humans and non-human primates. several trichuris spp. have been described and species designation/identification is traditionally based on host-affiliation, although cross-infection and hybridization events may complicate species boundaries. the main aims of the present study were to genetically characterize adult trichuris specimens from captive japanese macaques (macaca fuscata) ...201526066463
il-6 is upregulated in late-stage disease in monkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.the management of human african trypanosomiasis (hat) is constrained by lack of simple-to-use diagnostic, staging, and treatment tools. the search for novel biomarkers is, therefore, essential in the fight against hat. the current study aimed at investigating the potential of il-6 as an adjunct parameter for hat stage determination in vervet monkey model. four adult vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) were experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and treated subcuratively at ...201324194772
removal of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion from large volumes of cell culture media supplemented with fetal bovine serum by using hollow fiber anion-exchange membrane chromatography.cases of variant creutzfeldt-jakob disease in people who had consumed contaminated meat products from cattle with bovine spongiform encephalopathy emphasize the need for measures aimed at preventing the transmission of the pathogenic prion protein (prpsc) from materials derived from cattle. highly stringent scrutiny is required for fetal bovine serum (fbs), a growth-medium supplement used in the production of parenteral vaccines and therapeutic recombinant proteins and in the ex vivo expansion o ...201525874629
the cyclical transmission of yellow fever virus through the grivet monkey, cercopithecus aethiops centralis neumann, and the mosquito aëdes (stegomyia) africanus theobald. 195024539937
multispecies epidemiologic surveillance study after an outbreak of yersiniosis at an african green monkey research facility.after an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica at a nhp research facility, we performed a multispecies investigation of the prevalence of yersinia spp. in various mammals that resided or foraged on the grounds of the facility, to better understand the epizootiology of yersiniosis. blood samples and fecal and rectal swabs were obtained from 105 captive african green monkeys (agm), 12 feral cats, 2 dogs, 20 mice, 12 rats, and 3 mongooses. total dna extracted from swab suspensions served as template ...201526678370
an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica in a captive colony of african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) in the caribbean.yersinia enterocolitica is a zoonotic gram-negative pathogen that causes mesenteric lymphadenitis, terminal ileitis, acute gastroenteritis, and septicemia in domestic animals and primates. in 2012, 46 captive african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) died during an outbreak of acutely fatal enteric disease over a period of 1 mo on the island of st kitts. the affected monkeys presented with a history of mucohemorrhagic diarrhea, marked dehydration, and depression. fifteen bacterial iso ...201324210021
plague vaccine development: current research and future trends.plague is one of the world's most lethal human diseases caused by yersinia pestis, a gram-negative bacterium. despite overwhelming studies for many years worldwide, there is no safe and effective vaccine against this fatal disease. inhalation of y. pestis bacilli causes pneumonic plague, a fast growing and deadly dangerous disease. f1/lcrv-based vaccines failed to provide adequate protection in african green monkey model in spite of providing protection in mice and cynomolgus macaques. there is ...201628018363
plazomicin is effective in a non-human primate pneumonic plague model.the efficacy of plazomicin for pneumonic plague was evaluated in a non-human primate model. african green monkeys challenged with a lethal aerosol of yersinia pestis [median (range) of 98 (15-331) ld50s] received placebo (n=12) or 'humanized' dose regimens (6.25, 12.5 or 25mg/kg every 24h) of plazomicin (n=52) after the onset of fever for a duration of 5 or 10days. all animals treated with placebo died, while 36 plazomicin-treated animals survived through study end. the majority (33/36) were eit ...201627614915
temporal progression of pneumonic plague in blood of nonhuman primate: a transcriptomic analysis.early identification of impending illness during widespread exposure to a pathogenic agent offers a potential means to initiate treatment during a timeframe when it would be most likely to be effective and has the potential to identify novel therapeutic strategies. the latter could be critical, especially as antibiotic resistance is becoming widespread. in order to examine pre-symptomatic illness, african green monkeys were challenged intranasally with aerosolized yersinia pestis strain co92 and ...201627003632
animal models for ebolavirus countermeasures discovery: what defines a useful model?ebolaviruses are highly pathogenic filoviruses, which cause disease in humans and nonhuman primates (nhp) in africa. the zaire ebolavirus outbreak in 2014, which continues to greatly affect western africa and other countries to which the hemorrhagic fever was exported due to travel of unsymptomatic yet infected individuals, was complicated by the lack of available licensed vaccines or therapeutics to combat infection. after almost a year of research at an increased pace to find and test vaccines ...201526004783
isolation, molecular characterization, and in vitro schizogonic development of sarcocystis sp. ex accipiter cooperii from a naturally infected cooper's hawk (accipiter cooperii).raptors serve as the definitive host for several sarcocystis species. the complete life cycles of only a few of these sarcocystis species that use birds of prey as definitive hosts have been described. in the present study, sarcocystis species sporocysts were obtained from the intestine of a cooper's hawk (accipiter cooperii) and were used to infect cell cultures of african green monkey kidney cells to isolate a continuous culture and describe asexual stages of the parasite. two clones of the pa ...201728033565
comprehensive characterization of evolutionary conserved breakpoints in four new world monkey karyotypes compared to chlorocebus aethiops and homo sapiens.comparative cytogenetic analysis in new world monkeys (nwms) using human multicolor banding (mcb) probe sets were not previously done. here we report on an mcb based fish-banding study complemented with selected locus-specific and heterochromatin specific probes in four nwms and one old world monkey (owm) species, i.e. in alouatta caraya (aca), callithrix jacchus (cja), cebus apella (cap), saimiri sciureus (ssc), and chlorocebus aethiops (cae), respectively. 107 individual evolutionary conserved ...201527441227
primate vaginal microbiomes exhibit species specificity without universal lactobacillus dominance.bacterial communities colonizing the reproductive tracts of primates (including humans) impact the health, survival and fitness of the host, and thereby the evolution of the host species. despite their importance, we currently have a poor understanding of primate microbiomes. the composition and structure of microbial communities vary considerably depending on the host and environmental factors. we conducted comparative analyses of the primate vaginal microbiome using pyrosequencing of the 16s r ...201425036926
systematic evaluation of monoclonal antibodies and immunoassays for the detection of interferon-γ and interleukin-2 in old and new world non-human primates.non-human primates (nhp) provide important animal models for studies on immune responses to infections and vaccines. when assessing cellular immunity in nhp, cytokines are almost exclusively analyzed utilizing cross-reactive anti-human antibodies. the functionality of antibodies has to be empirically established for each assay/application as well as nhp species. a rational approach was employed to identify monoclonal antibodies (mab) cross-reactive with many nhp species. panels of new and establ ...201727889562
detection of schmallenberg virus serum neutralising antibodies.schmallenberg virus (sbv) emerged in continental europe in late 2011, and further work is required to assess the prevalence of sbv throughout europe. since its detection in germany, sbv has now been detected in other european countries, including the united kingdom. infection with sbv can cause mild clinical signs in ruminants, including diarrhoea and reduced milk yield. however, the virus can have a devastating effect on the developing foetus leading to malformation in newborn offspring. this i ...201323201289
extracts of four plant species used traditionally to treat myiasis influence pupation rate, pupal mass and adult blowfly emergence of lucilia cuprina and chrysomya marginalis (diptera: calliphoridae).aloe zebrina, clausena anisata, erythrina lysistemon and spirostachys africana are used traditionally in southern africa to combat and/or treat myiasis, the infestation of the skin of mammals by larvae of a variety of fly species belonging to the arthropod order diptera.the objective of the study was to establish the in vitro effect of extracts of these plant species on blowfly larvae to ascertain the potential use of these extracts and validate the traditional use.201222902486
convergent balancing selection on the mu-opioid receptor in primates.the mu opioid receptor is involved in many natural processes including stress response, pleasure, and pain. mutations in the gene also have been associated with opiate and alcohol addictions as well as with responsivity to medication targeting these disorders. two common and mutually exclusive polymorphisms have been identified in humans, a118g (n40d), found commonly in non-african populations, and c17t (v6a), found almost exclusively in african populations. while a118g has been studied extensiv ...201728333316
anticancer activity of certain herbs and spices on the cervical epithelial carcinoma (hela) cell line.acetone extracts of selected plant species were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against a noncancerous african green monkey kidney (vero) cell line and an adenocarcinoma cervical cancer (hela) cell line. the plants studied were origanum vulgare l. (oregano), rosmarinus officinalis l. (upright and ground cove rosemary), lavandula spica l. (lavender), laurus nobilis l. (bay leaf), thymus vulgaris l. (thyme), lavandula x intermedia l. (margaret roberts lavender), petroselinum crispum mill ...201222649474
normal serum biochemical values of cercopithecus aethiops, cercocebus atys, and presbytis entellus. 19724343325
short-term effects of aflatoxin b1 on serum lipids in subhuman primates.aflatoxin b1 significantly depressed serum lipid levels in specimens of cercopithecus aethiops, cercopithecus mona, erythrocebus patas and papio anubis. serum cholesterol, total phospholipids and total lipids were not affected to the same extent.1979113622
Displaying items 2601 - 2700 of 3231