
lipid metabolism and other metabolic changes in vervet monkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.background  human african trypanosomiasis is associated with metabolic changes which have not been well characterized. methods  chlorocebus aethiops were experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and late-stage disease induced at 28 days post-infection. ear prick blood for glucose determination and blood samples were obtained at weekly intervals for 56 days. analysis was carried out using dry chemistry analysis. results  in early infection, there was a significant increase in c ...201122070162
the multi-basic cleavage site of the hemagglutinin of the highly pathogenic a/vietnam/1203/2004 (h5n1) avian influenza virus acts as a virulence factor in a host-specific manner in mammals.highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) viruses of the h5 and h7 subtypes typically possess multiple basic amino acids around the cleavage site (mbs) of their hemagglutinin (ha) protein, a recognized virulence motif in poultry. to determine the importance of the h5 ha mbs as a virulence factor in mammals, recombinant wild-type hpai a/vietnam/1203/2004 (h5n1) viruses that possessed (h5n1) or lacked (δh5n1) the h5 ha mbs were generated and evaluated for their virulence in balb/c mice, ferrets, an ...201122205751
inhibition of mir-33a/b in non-human primates raises plasma hdl and lowers vldl triglycerides.cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality in westernized countries, despite optimum medical therapy to reduce the levels of low-density lipoprotein (ldl)-associated cholesterol. the pursuit of novel therapies to target the residual risk has focused on raising the levels of high-density lipoprotein (hdl)-associated cholesterol in order to exploit its atheroprotective effects. micrornas (mirnas) have emerged as important post-transcriptional regulators of lipid metabolism and a ...201122012398
sendai virus-based rsv vaccine protects african green monkeys from rsv infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a serious disease of children, responsible for an estimated 160,000 deaths per year worldwide. despite the ongoing need for global prevention of rsv and decades of research, there remains no licensed vaccine. sendai virus (sev) is a mouse parainfluenza virus-type 1 which has been previously shown to confer protection against its human cousin, human parainfluenza virus-type 1 in african green monkeys (agm). here is described the study of a rsv vaccine (sevrsv) ...201122119594
Diversity and host specificity of Blastocystis in syntopic primates on Rubondo Island, Tanzania.The isolated ecosystem of Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania is an interesting model site, inhabited by an assembly of primate species with various histories: two introduced primate species, Pantroglodytes (chimpanzee) and Colobus guereza (colobus), and a single indigenous species Chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus (vervet monkey). Apart from important lessons for future introduction/re-introduction projects, Rubondo National Park offers a unique place to study the patterns of transmission of ...201121854778
ultrafast spectroscopic study on caffeine mediated dissociation of mutagenic ethidium from synthetic dna and various cell nuclei.we report a systematic investigation of caffeine-induced dissociation of ethidium (et) cation, a potential mutagen. time-resolved fluorescence studies are consistent with a mechanism where caffeine-et complex formation in bulk solution drives the dissociation of dna-bound et. temperature-dependent picosecond-resolved studies show the caffeine-et complex to be stable over a wide range of temperature, within and beyond the normal physiological limit. a combination of nmr spectroscopy and dynamic l ...201122029826
Containing the contagion: treating the virus that inspired the film.Postexposure passive immunotherapy protects African green monkeys from lethal challenge with Contagion-related Hendra virus.201122013121
human telomerase reverse transcriptase-immortalized porcine monomyeloid cell lines for the production of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) shows highly restricted cell tropism and targets subpopulations of differentiated macrophages such as porcine alveolar macrophages (pam) in the natural host. although primary pam cells would be ideal for in vitro virus production, they are not only difficult and expensive for establishment but cannot be frozen reliably for long-term storage and use. apart from pam cells, african green monkey kidney derived marc-145 cells are used common ...201221889956
seroprevalence of the human polyomavirus 9 (hpyv9) and cross-reactivity to the african green monkey-derived lymphotropic polyomavirus (lpv).human polyomavirus 9 (hpyv9) was recently discovered in immunocompromised patients and shown to be genetically closely related to the b-lymphotropic polyomavirus (lpyv). no serological data are available for hpyv9, but human antibodies against lpyv have been reported previously. to investigate the seroepidemiology of hpyv9 and the sero-crossreactivity between hpyv9 and lpyv, a capsomer-based igg elisa was established using the major capsid proteins vp1 of hpyv9 and lpyv. vp1 of an avian polyomav ...201222218677
monocyte tissue factor-dependent activation of coagulation in hypercholesterolemic mice and monkeys is inhibited by simvastatin.hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis. it also is associated with platelet hyperactivity, which increases morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. however, the mechanisms by which hypercholesterolemia produces a procoagulant state remain undefined. atherosclerosis is associated with accumulation of oxidized lipoproteins within atherosclerotic lesions. small quantities of oxidized lipoproteins are also present in the circulation of patients with coronary arte ...201222214850
low concentrations of bisphenol a suppress thyroid hormone receptor transcription through a nongenomic mechanism.bisphenol (bpa) is one of the highest-volume chemicals produced worldwide, and human exposure to bpa is thought to be ubiquitous. various rodent and in vitro studies have shown that thyroid hormone (th) function can be impaired by bpa. however, it is still unknown if low concentrations of bpa can suppress the thyroid hormone receptor (tr) transcription. the present study aims to investigate the possible suppressing effects of low concentrations of bpa on tr transcription and the involved mechani ...201122227104
the use of the african green monkey as a preclinical model for ocular pharmacokinetic studies.abstract purpose: this investigation evaluated the ocular and systemic pharmacokinetics of besifloxacin in african green monkeys compared with cynomolgus monkeys following topical ocular dosing. methods: a suspension formulation containing 0.6% besifloxacin was administered to african green and cynomolgus monkeys. animals were euthanized at predetermined time intervals, and ocular tissue and systemic blood samples were collected and analyzed by lc/ms/ms. results: in both african green and ...201222235843
mutations in the genome of the highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus potentially related to attenuation.a live-attenuated highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (hp-prrs) virus (hp-prrsv) tjm vaccine strain was derived from the hp-prrsv tj strain by passage 92 times in the african green monkey kidney epithelial cell line marc-145. we found that the virulence of the tj strain to piglets was decreased greatly from passage 19. to identify mutations associated with attenuation of the tjm vaccine strain, we determined the nucleotide changes that arose during marc-145 passage of ...201122245402
a comparative study of growth patterns in crested langurs and vervet monkeys.the physical growth patterns of crested langurs and vervet monkeys are investigated for several unilinear dimensions. long bone lengths, trunk height, foot length, epiphyseal fusion of the long bones and the pelvis, and cranial capacity are compared through six dental growth stages in male trachypithecus cristatus (crested langurs) and cercopithecus aethiops (vervet monkeys). results show that the body elements of crested langurs mature differently than those of vervets. in some dimensions, lang ...201122567303
the release of a troop of rehabilitated vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) in kwazulu-natal, south africa: outcomes and assessment.rehabilitation and release have become central to the management and welfare of primate species in south africa such as the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). however, limited research means that it is unknown whether rehabilitation is a successful management strategy for this species. this study describes the release of a troop of rehabilitated vervet monkeys and evaluates the results of 1 year of post-release monitoring. the released animals exhibited wild behaviours and established a home ...201122516926
acoustic detection of cell adhesion on a quartz crystal acoustic quartz crystal microbalance (qcm) was used to signal and follow the cell‑adhesion process of epithelial cells [human embryonic kidney(hek) 293t and cervical cancer (hela) and fibroblasts [african green monkey kidney cells (cos-7)] onto gold surfaces. cells were applied on the sensor and grown under serum-free and serum-supplemented culture media. the sensor resonance frequency (δf) and motional resistance (δr) variations were measured during cell growth to monitor cell adhesion proce ...201223586949
red-green color vision in three catarrhine primates.the evolution of the red-green visual subsystem in trichromatic primates has been linked to foraging advantages, specifically the detection of either ripe fruits or young leaves amid mature foliage, and to the intraspecific socio-sexual communication, namely the signal of the male rank, the mate choice and the reproductive strategies in females. new data should be added to the debate regarding the evolution of trichromatic color vision. three catarrhine primates were observed to achieve this goa ...201223336029
[steroid metabolism in primates. v. isolation of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and adrenosterone from adrenal venous blood of macacus rhesus, papio hamadryas, cercopithecus aethiops and erythrocebus patas]. 20144243440
characterization of plasma low density lipoproteins on nonhuman primates fed dietary cholesterol.ldl from animals of three nonhuman primate species, macaca mulatta, macaca fascicularis, and cercopithecus aethiops, were studied. a standard preparation of 125i-ldl was added to isolated lipoprotein mixtures just prior to separation of plasma lipoproteins by agarose gel chromatography. a relative size index, ri, was determined by dividing the elution volume of the iodinated ldl by the elution volume of the sample ldl, both volumes being determined simultaneously during chromatographic elution. ...1997191551
b-1 lymphocytes in mice and nonhuman primates.b-1 cells comprise subpopulations of b lymphocytes in mice that display developmental, phenotypic, and functional characteristics that are distinct from those of conventional b cell populations (b-2 cells). despite the known importance of murine b-1a (cd5(+) ) and b-1b (cd5(-) ) cells in the production of natural antibodies and rapid antigen-specific humoral responses to infection, evidence for b-1 cells in primates, including humans, is very limited. identifying these cells in humans proves cha ...201525930711
natural history of inhalation melioidosis in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is recognized as a serious health threat due to its involvement in septic and pulmonary infections in areas of endemicity and is recognized by the centers for disease control and prevention as a category b biothreat agent. an animal model is desirable to evaluate the pathogenesis of melioidosis and medical countermeasures. a model system that represents human melioidosis infections is essential in this process. a group of 10 rhesus m ...201222778104
differences in aerosolization of rift valley fever virus resulting from choice of inhalation exposure chamber: implications for animal challenge studies.the aerosol characteristics of rift valley fever virus (rvfv) were evaluated to achieve reproducible infection of experimental animals with aerosolized rvfv suitable for animal efficacy studies. spray factor (sf), the ratio between the concentrations of the aerosolized agent to the agent in the aerosol generator, is used to compare performance differences between aerosol exposures. sf indicates the efficiency of the aerosolization process; a higher sf means a lower nebulizer concentration is nee ...201424532259
comparison of experimental respiratory tularemia in three nonhuman primate species.tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by francisella tularensis, which is transmitted to humans most commonly by contact with infected animals, tick bites, or inhalation of aerosolized bacteria. f. tularensis is highly infectious via the aerosol route; inhalation of as few as 10-50 organisms can cause pneumonic tularemia. left untreated, the pneumonic form has more than >30% case-fatality rate but with early antibiotic intervention can be reduced to 3%. this study compared tularemia disease pro ...201525766142
a three-dimensional comparison of tick-borne flavivirus infection in mammalian and tick cell lines.tick-borne flaviviruses (tbfv) are sustained in nature through cycling between mammalian and tick hosts. in this study, we used african green monkey kidney cells (vero) and ixodes scapularis tick cells (ise6) to compare virus-induced changes in mammalian and arthropod cells. using confocal microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (tem), and electron tomography (et), we examined viral protein distribution and the ultrastructural changes that occur during tbfv infection. within host cells, fla ...201223112871
testing of novel dengue virus 2 vaccines in african green monkeys: safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy.the immunogenicity and safety of three novel host-range vaccines containing deletions in the transmembrane domain of dengue virus serotype 2 (dv2) e glycoprotein were evaluated in african green monkeys. the shorter transmembrane domains are capable of functionally spanning an insect but not a mammalian cell membrane, resulting in production of viral mutants that have reduced infectivity in mammalian hosts but efficient growth in insect cells. groups of four monkeys received one dose each of test ...201222890035
live attenuated tetravalent dengue virus host range vaccine is immunogenic in african green monkeys following a single vaccination.the causative agent of dengue fever, dengue virus (denv), is transmitted by mosquitoes, and as distribution of these insects has expanded, so has dengue-related disease. denv is a member of the flaviviridae family and has 4 distinct serotypes (denv-1, -2, -3, and -4). no lasting cross protection is afforded to heterologous serotypes following infection by any one of the individual serotypes. the presence of nonneutralizing antibodies to one serotype can facilitate the occurrence of more-severe d ...201424696467
identification of rnase l-dependent, 3'-end-modified, viral small rnas in sindbis virus-infected mammalian cells.small rnas play a critical role in host-pathogen interaction. indeed, small rna-mediated silencing or rna interference (rnai) is one of the earliest forms of antiviral immunity. although it represents the main defense system against viruses in many organisms, the antiviral role of rnai has not been clearly proven in higher vertebrates. however, it is well established that their response to viral infection relies on the recognition of viral rnas by host pattern recognition receptors (prrs) to tri ...201324255120
a kunjin replicon virus-like particle vaccine provides protection against ebola virus infection in nonhuman primates.the current unprecedented outbreak of ebola virus (ebov) disease in west africa has demonstrated the urgent need for a vaccine. here, we describe the evaluation of an ebov vaccine candidate based on kunjin replicon virus-like particles (kun vlps) encoding ebov glycoprotein with a d637l mutation (gp/d637l) in nonhuman primates. four african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops) were injected subcutaneously with a dose of 10(9) kun vlps per animal twice with an interval of 4 weeks, and animals we ...201525732811
monkey viperin restricts porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) is an important pathogen which causes huge economic damage globally in the swine industry. current vaccination strategies provide only limited protection against prrsv infection. viperin is an interferon (ifn) stimulated protein that inhibits some virus infections via ifn-dependent or ifn-independent pathways. however, the role of viperin in prrsv infection is not well understood. in this study, we cloned the full-length monkey viperin ...201627232627
population bottlenecks and pathogen extinction: "make this everyone's mission to mars, including yours".kapusinszky et al. (j virol 89:8152-8161, 2015, report that host population bottlenecks may result in pathogen extinction, which provides a compelling argument for an alternative approach to vaccination for the control of virus spread. by comparing the prevalence levels of three viral pathogens in two populations of african green monkeys (agms) (chlorocebus sabaeus) from africa and two caribbean islands, they convincingly show that a major host bottleneck ...201526018162
inclusion of flagellin during vaccination against influenza enhances recall responses in nonhuman primate neonates.influenza virus can cause life-threatening infections in neonates and young infants. although vaccination is a major countermeasure against influenza, current vaccines are not approved for use in infants less than 6 months of age, in part due to the weak immune response following vaccination. thus, there is a strong need to develop new vaccines with improved efficacy for this vulnerable population. to address this issue, we established a neonatal african green monkey (agm) nonhuman primate model ...201525948746
infection dynamics of sylvatic dengue virus in a natural primate host, the african green monkey.the four serotypes of mosquito-borne dengue virus (denv-1, -2, -3, and -4) that circulate in humans each emerged from an enzootic, sylvatic cycle in non-human primates. herein, we present the first study of sylvatic denv infection dynamics in a primate. three african green monkeys were inoculated with 10(5) plaque-forming units (pfu) denv-2 strain pm33974 from the sylvatic cycle, and one african green monkey was inoculated with 10(5) pfu denv-2 strain new guinea c from the human cycle. all four ...201425092823
characterization of the immune response in ganglia after primary simian varicella virus infection.primary simian varicella virus (svv) infection in non-human primates causes varicella, after which the virus becomes latent in ganglionic neurons and reactivates to cause zoster. the host response in ganglia during establishment of latency is ill-defined. ganglia from five african green monkeys (agms) obtained at 9, 13, and 20 days post-intratracheal svv inoculation (dpi) were analyzed by ex vivo flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. ganglia at 13 and 20 dpi exhibited ...201526676825
exploring of primate models of tick-borne flaviviruses infection for evaluation of vaccines and drugs efficacy.tick-borne encephalitis virus (tbev) is one of the most prevalent and medically important tick-borne arboviruses in eurasia. there are overlapping foci of two flaviviruses: tbev and omsk hemorrhagic fever virus (ohfv) in russia. inactivated vaccines exist only against tbe. there are no antiviral drugs for treatment of both diseases. optimal animal models are necessary to study efficacy of novel vaccines and treatment preparations against tbe and relative flaviviruses. the models for tbe and ohf ...201323585873
dengue viruses cluster antigenically but not as discrete serotypes.the four genetically divergent dengue virus (denv) types are traditionally classified as serotypes. antigenic and genetic differences among the denv types influence disease outcome, vaccine-induced protection, epidemic magnitude, and viral evolution. we characterized antigenic diversity in the denv types by antigenic maps constructed from neutralizing antibody titers obtained from african green monkeys and after human vaccination and natural infections. genetically, geographically, and temporall ...026383952
tofla virus: a newly identified nairovirus of the crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever group isolated from ticks in japan.ixodid ticks transmit several important viral pathogens. we isolated a new virus (tofla virus: tflv) from heamaphysalis flava and heamaphysalis formsensis in japan. the full-genome sequences revealed that tflv belonged to the genus nairovirus, family bunyaviridae. phylogenetic analyses and neutralization tests suggested that tflv is closely related to the hazara virus and that it is classified into the crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever group. tflv caused lethal infection in ifnar ko mice. the tflv ...201626863911
monitoring sheep and culicoides midges in montana for evidence of bunyamwera serogroup virus infection.a serological and entomological investigation was performed to monitor for potential bunyamwera (bun) serogroup virus activity in montana.201426392881
identification of a novel subtype of south river virus (family bunyaviridae).we previously reported the isolation of south river virus (sorv) from a pool of mosquitoes collected in the yucatan peninsula of mexico (farfan-ale et al. in vector borne zoonotic dis 10:777-783, 5). the isolate (designated sorv-252) was identified as sorv after a 197-nucleotide region of its small rna genome segment was sequenced. in the present study, the complete small and medium rna genome segments and part of the large rna genome segment of sorv-252 were sequenced and shown to have 92%, 85% ...201222411100
the human respiratory syncytial virus nonstructural protein 1 regulates type i and type ii interferon pathways.respiratory syncytial viruses encode a nonstructural protein (ns1) that interferes with type i and iii interferon and other antiviral responses. proteomic studies were conducted on human a549 type ii alveolar epithelial cells and type i interferon-deficient vero cells (african green monkey kidney cells) infected with wild-type and ns1-deficient clones of human respiratory syncytial virus to identify other potential pathway and molecular targets of ns1 interference. these analyses included two-di ...201222322095
biocontrol of aspergillus species on peanut kernels by antifungal diketopiperazine producing bacillus cereus associated with entomopathogenic nematode.the rhabditid entomopathogenic nematode associated bacillus cereus and the antifungal compounds produced by this bacterium were evaluated for their activity in reducing postharvest decay of peanut kernels caused by aspergillus species in in vitro and in vivo tests. the results showed that b. cereus had a significant effect on biocontrol effectiveness in in vitro and in vivo conditions. the antifungal compounds produced by the b. cereus were purified using silica gel column chromatography and the ...201425157831
chemical composition and biological activity of conyza bonariensis essential oil collected in mérida, venezuela.the essential oil from aerial parts of conyza bonariensis (l) cronquist collected in mérida was obtained by hydrodistillation and analysed by gc/ms. the major components were trans-beta-farnesene (37.8%), trans-ocimene (20.7%) and beta-sesquiphellandrene (9.8%). cytotoxicity assay was also performed with the essential oil against hela (cervix carcinoma), a-459 (lung carcinoma) and mcf-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) human cell lines and against normal vero cells (african green monkey kidney) with ic50 ...201324079198
parasitology of five primates in mahale mountains national park, tanzania.parasitological surveillance in primates has been performed using coprological observation and identification of specimens from chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in mahale mountains national park, tanzania (mahale). in this study, we conducted coprological surveillance to identify the fauna of parasite infection in five primate species in mahale: red colobus (procolobus badius tephrosceles), red-tailed monkeys (cercopithecus ascanius schmidti), vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops p ...201222661394
interaction between human polyomavirus bk and hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha.bk polyomavirus (bkv) has a worldwide seroprevalence of approximately 90%. after primary infection, bkv establishes a life-long latency within the urogenital tract. the severe immunological impairment occurring in renal transplant recipients leads to bkv reactivation, which may result in polyomavirus associated nephropathy (pvan). while the transplanted kidney is transiently unperfused, hypoxia inducible factors (hifs) mediate the cellular response to hypoxia. the α-subunit of hif isoform 1 (hif ...201626529465
animal models of respiratory syncytial virus infection.human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) is a major cause of respiratory disease and hospitalisation of infants, worldwide, and is also responsible for significant morbidity in adults and excess deaths in the elderly. there is no licensed hrsv vaccine or effective therapeutic agent. however, there are a growing number of hrsv vaccine candidates that have been developed targeting different populations at risk of hrsv infection. animal models of hrsv play an important role in the preclinical testi ...201727908639
evaluation of cells and biological reagents for adventitious agents using degenerate primer pcr and massively parallel sequencing.we employed a massively parallel sequencing (mps)-based approach to test reagents and model cell substrates including chinese hamster ovary (cho), madin-darby canine kidney (mdck), african green monkey kidney (vero), and high five insect cell lines for adventitious agents. rna and dna were extracted either directly from the samples or from viral capsid-enriched preparations, and then subjected to mps-based non-specific virus detection with degenerate oligonucleotide primer (dop) pcr. mps by 454, ...201425454874
serum biomarkers of burkholderia mallei infection elucidated by proteomic imaging of skin and lung abscesses.the bacterium burkholderia mallei is the etiological agent of glanders, a highly contagious, often fatal zoonotic infectious disease that is also a biodefense concern. clinical laboratory assays that analyze blood or other biological fluids are the highest priority because these specimens can be collected with minimal risk to the patient. however, progress in developing sensitive assays for monitoring b. mallei infection is hampered by a shortage of useful biomarkers.201526034464
characterization of cellular immune response and innate immune signaling in human and nonhuman primate primary mononuclear cells exposed to burkholderia mallei.burkholderia pseudomallei infection causes melioidosis and is often characterized by severe sepsis. although rare in humans, burkholderia mallei has caused infections in laboratory workers, and the early innate cellular response to b. mallei in human and nonhuman primates has not been characterized. in this study, we examined the primary cellular immune response to b. mallei in pbmc cultures of non-human primates (nhps), chlorocebus aethiops (african green monkeys), macaca fascicularis (cynomolg ...201525450887
synthesis, cytotoxicity and apoptosis of cyclotriphosphazene compounds as anti-cancer the present study, a number of new dispirobino and dispiroansa spermine derivatives of cyclotriphosphazene (8-10, 13) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, (1)h and (31)p nmr spectroscopy. at first, in vitro cytotoxic activity of cyclotriphosphazene compounds (1-14) against ht-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma), hep2 (human epidermoid larynx carcinoma), and vero (african green monkey kidney) cell lines was investigated. our study showed that most of these c ...201222483088
gexps multiplex pcr analysis of the simian varicella virus transcriptome in productively infected cells in culture and acutely infected ganglia.simian varicella zoster virus (svv) infection of non-human primates serves as a model to study varicella zoster virus (vzv) infection and pathogenesis in humans. while macroarray analysis detected all 69 predicted unique open reading frames (orfs) in svv-infected cells in culture, it lacked the sensitivity to detect the low-abundance transcripts expressed in latently infected monkey ganglia. recently, a multiplex rt-pcr assay using the genomelab genetic analysis system (gexps) identified 10 vzv ...201323769859
t-cell tropism of simian varicella virus during primary infection.varicella-zoster virus (vzv) causes varicella, establishes a life-long latent infection of ganglia and reactivates to cause herpes zoster. the cell types that transport vzv from the respiratory tract to skin and ganglia during primary infection are unknown. clinical, pathological, virological and immunological features of simian varicella virus (svv) infection of non-human primates parallel those of primary vzv infection in humans. to identify the host cell types involved in virus dissemination ...201323675304
c2-streptavidin mediates the delivery of biotin-conjugated tumor suppressor protein p53 into tumor cells.we have previously generated a recombinant c2-streptavidin fusion protein for the delivery of biotin-labeled molecules of low molecular weight into the cytosol of mammalian cells. a nontoxic moiety of clostridium botulinum c2 toxin mediates the cellular uptake, whereas the streptavidin unit serves as a binding platform for biotin-labeled cargo molecules. in the present study, we used the c2-streptavidin transporter to introduce biotin-conjugated p53 protein into various mammalian cell lines. the ...201323506195
purification, structural elucidation and bioactivity of tryptophan containing diketopiperazines, from comamonas testosteroni associated with a rhabditid entomopathogenic nematode against major human-pathogenic bacteria.the cell free culture filtrate of a comamonas testosteroni associated with an entomopathogenic nematode (epn), rhabditis (oscheius) sp. exhibited promising antimicrobial activity. the ethyl acetate extract of the bacterial culture filtrate was purified by silica gel column chromatography to obtain five diketopiperazines or cyclic dipeptides (dkp 1-5). the structure and absolute stereochemistry of the compounds were determined based on extensive spectroscopic analyses (hr-ms, (1)hnmr, (13)cnmr, ( ...201424120705
the antiviral effect of jiadifenoic acids c against coxsackievirus b3.coxsackievirus b type 3 (cvb3) is one of the major causative pathogens associated with viral meningitis and myocarditis, which are widespread in the human population and especially prevalent in neonates and children. these infections can result in dilated cardiomyopathy (dcm) and other severe clinical complications. there are no vaccines or drugs approved for the prevention or therapy of cvb3-induced diseases. during screening for anti-cvb3 candidates in our previous studies, we found that jiadi ...201426579396
expression of cryptosporidium parvum thioredoxin peroxidase in cos-7 cells confers radioprotection.cryptosporidium parvum is one of the most radioresistant organisms identified to date. in a previous study, we found that thioredoxin peroxidase (cptpx) was significantly upregulated in this species following exposure to high dose (10 kgy) of γ-irradiation. to assess the potential of cptpx to confer radioprotection in mammalian cells, it was expressed in cos-7 african green monkey kidney cells (cptpx-cos7). for comparison, the thioredoxin peroxidase of cryptosporidium muris (cmtpx) was also expr ...201626821294
characterization of a thienylcarboxamide derivative that inhibits the transactivation functions of cytomegalovirus ie2 and varicella zoster virus ie62.previously we established reporter cell lines for human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) and varicella zoster virus (vzv) and identified several antiviral compounds against these viruses using the reporter cells. in this study, we found that one of the identified anti-hcmv compounds, a thienylcarboxamide derivative (coded as 133g4), was effective against not only hcmv but also vzv. the following findings indicate that 133g4 inhibits the activation of early gene promoters by hcmv ie2 and vzv ie62: i) 133g4 ...201728161581
species specificity of protein kinase r antagonism by cytomegalovirus trs1 genes.the host antiviral protein kinase r (pkr) has rapidly evolved during primate evolution, likely in response to challenges posed by many different viral antagonists, such as the trs1 gene of cytomegaloviruses (cmvs). in turn, viral antagonists have adapted to changes in pkr. as a result of this "arms race," modern trs1 alleles in cmvs may function differently in cells derived from alternative species. we have previously shown that human cmv trs1 (hutrs1) blocks the pkr pathway and rescues replicat ...201222278235
detection of cyclospora in captive chimpanzees and macaques by a quantitative pcr-based mutation scanning approach.cyclospora is a protistan parasite that causes enteritis in several species of animals including humans. the aim of this study was to investigate the presence of cyclospora in captive non-human primates.201525972100
seroprevalence of zika virus in wild african green monkeys and baboons.zika virus (zikv) has recently spread through the americas and has been associated with a range of health effects, including birth defects in children born to women infected during pregnancy. although the natural reservoir of zikv remains poorly defined, the virus was first identified in a captive "sentinel" macaque monkey in africa in 1947. however, the virus has not been reported in humans or nonhuman primates (nhps) in africa outside gabon in over a decade. here, we examine zikv infection in ...201728289727
olive baboons: a non-human primate model for testing dengue virus type 2 replication.this study evaluated the use of a non-human primate, the olive baboon (papio anubis), as a model of dengue infection. olive baboons closely resemble humans genetically and physiologically and have been used extensively for assessing novel vaccine formulations.201324139794
attenuated human parainfluenza virus type 1 expressing ebola virus glycoprotein gp administered intranasally is immunogenic in african green monkeys.the recent 2014-2016 ebola virus (ebov) outbreak prompted increased efforts to develop vaccines against ebov disease. we describe the development and preclinical evaluation of an attenuated recombinant human parainfluenza virus type 1 (rhpiv1) expressing the membrane-anchored form of ebov glycoprotein gp, as an intranasal (in) ebov vaccine. gp was codon optimized and expressed either as a full-length protein or an engineered chimeric form in which its transmembrane and cytoplasmic tail (tmct) do ...201728250127
identification and molecular characterization of peroxiredoxin 6 from japanese eel (anguilla japonica) revealing its potent antioxidant properties and putative immune relevancy.peroxiredoxins (prdx) are thiol specific antioxidant enzymes that play a pivotal role in cellular oxidative stress by reducing toxic peroxide compounds into nontoxic products. in this study, we identified and characterized a peroxiredoxin 6 counterpart from japanese eel (anguilla japonica) (ajprdx6) at molecular, transcriptional and protein level. the identified full-length coding sequence of ajprdx6 (669 bp) coded for a polypeptide of 223 aa residues (24.9 kda). deduced protein of ajprdx6 showe ...201626911410
number of grooming partners is associated with hookworm infection in wild vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).there are many known benefits of social grooming among primates, including maintenance of social relationships, removal of ectoparasites, and improved physiological condition. recently, however, researchers have noted that social grooming and social contact may also present a significant cost by facilitating transmission of some parasites and pathogens. we investigated whether the number of social grooming partners varied based on infection status for gastrointestinal parasites. we used focal an ...201627682258
establishment of cell lines with increased susceptibility to ev71/ca16 by stable overexpression of scarb2.human enterovirus type 71 (ev71) and coxsackievirus a group type 16 (ca16) belong to human enterovirus species a of the family picornaviridae. these viruses are recognized as the major pathogens responsible for epidemics of hand-foot-mouth disease (hfmd), which presents with fever and vesicular eruptions of palms, soles of the feet or mouth. human scavenger receptor class b, member 2 (scarb2) has been identified as the receptor for both ev71 and ca16, as overexpression of scarb2 in cells can enh ...201323919614
enterovirus 71 induces autophagy by regulating has-mir-30a expression to promote viral replication.enterovirus 71 (ev71), the etiological agent of hand-foot-and-mouth disease, has increasingly become a public health challenge around the world. previous studies reported that ev71 infection can induce autophagic machinery to enhance viral replication in vitro and in vivo, but did not address the underlying mechanisms. increasing evidence suggests that autophagy, in a virus-specific manner, may function to degrade viruses or facilitate viral replication. in this study, we reported that ev71 infe ...201526515789
prenylated benzoylphloroglucinols and xanthones from the leaves of garcinia oblongifolia with antienteroviral acetone extract of the leaves of garcinia oblongifolia showed antiviral activity against enterovirus 71 (ev71) using a cytopathic effect inhibition assay. bioassay-guided fractionation yielded 12 new prenylated benzoylphloroglucinols, oblongifolins j-u (1-12), and five known compounds. the structures of 1-12 were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis including 1d- and 2d-nmr and mass spectrometry methods. the absolute configurations were determined by a combination of a mosher ester procedure ...201424679044
use of slam and pvrl4 and identification of pro-hb-egf as cell entry receptors for wild type phocine distemper virus.signalling lymphocyte activation molecule (slam) has been identified as an immune cell receptor for the morbilliviruses, measles (mv), canine distemper (cdv), rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants (pprv) viruses, while cd46 is a receptor for vaccine strains of mv. more recently poliovirus like receptor 4 (pvrl4), also known as nectin 4, has been identified as a receptor for mv, cdv and pprv on the basolateral surface of polarised epithelial cells. pvrl4 is also up-regulated by mv in human br ...201425171206
[protection of cercopithecus aethiops against virulent poliovirus by inoculation with guanidine-dependent poliovirus]. 196314090492
[behavior of a guanidine-dependent strain of poliovirus 1 in cercopithecus aethiops]. 196313931207
γ-butenolide and furanone derivatives from the soil-derived fungus aspergillus sclerotiorum psu-rspg178.chromatographic separation of the broth extract of the soil-derived fungus aspergillus sclerotiorum psu-rspg178 resulted in isolation of four γ-butenolide-furanone dimers, aspersclerotiorones a-d, a furanone derivative, aspersclerotiorone e, and two γ-butenolide derivatives, aspersclerotiorones f and g, together with six known compounds, penicillic acid, dihydropenicillic acid, 5,6-dihydro-6-hydroxypenicillic acid, 6-methoxy-5,6-dihydropenicillic acid, coculnol and (4r,5r)-4,5-dihydroxy-3-methox ...201728228227
antimicrobial properties of tris(homoleptic) ruthenium(ii) 2-pyridyl-1,2,3-triazole "click" complexes against pathogenic bacteria, including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa).a series of tris(homoleptic) ruthenium(ii) complexes of 2-(1-r-1h-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine "click" ligands (r-pytri) with various aliphatic (r = butyl, hexyl, octyl, dodecyl, and hexdecyl) and aromatic (r = phenyl and benzyl) substituents was synthesized in good yields (52%-66%). the [ru(r-pytri)3](2+)(x(-))2 complexes (where x(-) = pf6(-) or cl(-)) were characterized by elemental analysis, high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (hr-esi-ms), (1)h and (13)c nuclear magnetic ...201627657170
curli fimbria: an escherichia coli adhesin associated with human cystitis.escherichia coli is the major causative agent of human cystitis. in this study, a preliminary molecular analysis carried out by pcr (polymerase chain reaction) demonstrated that 100% of 31 e. coli strains isolated from patients with recurrent utis (urinary tract infections) showed the presence of the curli fimbria gene (csga). curli fimbria is known to be associated with bacterial biofilm formation but not with the adhesion of human cystitis-associated e. coli. therefore, this work aimed to stud ...201626991275
shiga toxin glycosphingolipid receptors of vero-b4 kidney epithelial cells and their membrane microdomain lipid environment.shiga toxins (stxs) are produced by enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec), which cause human infections with an often fatal outcome. vero cell lines, derived from african green monkey kidney, represent the gold standard for determining the cytotoxic effects of stxs. despite their global use, knowledge about the exact structures of the stx receptor glycosphingolipids (gsls) and their assembly in lipid rafts is poor. here we present a comprehensive structural analysis of stx receptor gsls and ...201526464281
an enzootic outbreak of acute disease associated with pathogenic e. coli in adler monkey spring 2009 in adler colony of the institute of medical primatology, a large enzootic outbreak of acute intestine infection associated with pathogenic e. coli occurred and caused 5% mortality of population (209 animals).201526215538
development of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus replicon vector for foot-and-mouth disease vaccine.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is an economically important global animal disease. to control fmd virus (fmdv) outbreaks, a lot of different novel approaches have been attempted. in this study, we proposed a novel porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) as a replicon vector to express fmdv structural protein.201424427767
reassortment of high-yield influenza viruses in vero cells and safety assessment as candidate vaccine strains.vaccination is the practiced and accessible measure for preventing influenza infection. because chicken embryos used for vaccine production have various insufficiencies, more efficient methods are needed. african green monkey kidney (vero) cells are recommended by the world health organization (who) as a safe substitute for influenza vaccine production for humans. however, the influenza virus usually had low-yield in vero cells, which limits the usage of vero cellular vaccines. this study used 2 ...201727648636
development of high-yield influenza a virus vaccine viruses.vaccination is one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent infection. influenza vaccines propagated in cultured cells are approved for use in humans, but their yields are often suboptimal. here, we screened a/puerto rico/8/34 (pr8) virus mutant libraries to develop vaccine backbones (defined here as the six viral rna segments not encoding haemagglutinin and neuraminidase) that support high yield in cell culture. we also tested mutations in the coding and regulatory regions of the virus, and c ...201526334134
evaluation of replication, immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated cold-adapted pandemic h1n1 influenza virus vaccine in non-human primates.we studied the replication of influenza a/california/07/09 (h1n1) wild type (ca09wt) virus in two non-human primate species and used one of these models to evaluate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated cold-adapted vaccine, which contains the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase from the h1n1 wild type (wt) virus and six internal protein gene segments of the a/ann arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (ca) master donor virus. we infected african green monkeys (agms) and rhesus macaques w ...201222789506
replication of live attenuated cold-adapted h2n2 influenza virus vaccine candidates in non human primates.the development of an h2n2 vaccine is a priority in pandemic preparedness planning. we previously showed that a single dose of a cold-adapted (ca) h2n2 live attenuated influenza vaccine (laiv) based on the influenza a/ann arbor/6/60 (aa ca) virus was immunogenic and efficacious in mice and ferrets. however, in a phase i clinical trial, viral replication was restricted and immunogenicity was poor. in this study, we compared the replication of four h2n2 laiv candidate viruses, aa ca, a/tecumseh/3/ ...201525444799
african green monkeys recapitulate the clinical experience with replication of live attenuated pandemic influenza virus vaccine attenuated cold-adapted (ca) h5n1, h7n3, h6n1, and h9n2 influenza vaccine viruses replicated in the respiratory tract of mice and ferrets, and 2 doses of vaccines were immunogenic and protected these animals from challenge infection with homologous and heterologous wild-type (wt) viruses of the corresponding subtypes. however, when these vaccine candidates were evaluated in phase i clinical trials, there were inconsistencies between the observations in animal models and in humans. the vacci ...201424807726
treatment with anti-c5a antibody improves the outcome of h7n9 virus infection in african green monkeys.patients infected with influenza a(h7n9) virus present with acute lung injury (ali) that is due to severe pneumonia and systemic inflammation. it is often fatal because there are few effective treatment options. complement activation has been implicated in the pathogenesis of virus-induced lung injury; therefore, we investigated the effect of targeted complement inhibition on ali induced by h7n9 virus infection.201525433014
isolation of hokkaido virus, genus hantavirus, using a newly established cell line derived from the kidney of the grey red-backed vole (myodes rufocanus bedfordiae).hantaviruses belong to the family bunyaviridae and are maintained in wild rodents. although vero e6 cells, which originate from african green monkey kidney, are used widely in hantavirus research, isolation of hantaviruses from this cell line is difficult. to develop an efficient method of propagation and isolation of hantaviruses we established a novel cell line, mrk101, derived from the kidney of the grey red-backed vole (myodes rufocanus bedfordiae), the natural host of hokkaido virus (hokv). ...201222791608
cytopathic effects of toxogenic strains of helicobacter pylori on different cell lines.many virulence factors are involved in the pathomechanism of infection caused by helicobacter pylori. toxins such as vacuolating cytotoxin, encoded by the vaca gene and the immunogenic protein caga, encoded by the caga gene (cytotoxin-associated gene) are major factors conferring the property of virulence. the current study is aimed at isolation of h. pylori and separation of its toxin from antral biopsies of patients.201424943747
a recombinant hendra virus g glycoprotein subunit vaccine protects nonhuman primates against hendra virus challenge.hendra virus (hev) is a zoonotic emerging virus belonging to the family paramyxoviridae. hev causes severe and often fatal respiratory and/or neurologic disease in both animals and humans. currently, there are no licensed vaccines or antiviral drugs approved for human use. a number of animal models have been developed for studying hev infection, with the african green monkey (agm) appearing to most faithfully reproduce the human disease. here, we assessed the utility of a newly developed recombi ...201424522928
a hendra virus g glycoprotein subunit vaccine protects african green monkeys from nipah virus the 1990s, hendra virus and nipah virus (niv), two closely related and previously unrecognized paramyxoviruses that cause severe disease and death in humans and a variety of animals, were discovered in australia and malaysia, respectively. outbreaks of disease have occurred nearly every year since niv was first discovered, with case fatality ranging from 10 to 100%. in the african green monkey (agm), niv causes a severe lethal respiratory and/or neurological disease that essentially mirrors f ...201222875827
animal challenge models of henipavirus infection and pathogenesis.the henipaviruses, hendra virus (hev), and nipah virus (niv), are enigmatic emerging pathogens that causes severe and often fatal neurologic and/or respiratory disease in both animals and humans. amongst people, case fatality rates range between 40 and 75% and there are no vaccines or treatments approved for human use. a number of species of animals including guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, ferrets, pigs, and african green monkeys have been employed as animal models of human henipavirus infection. ...201222476556
an intramolecular bond at cluster of differentiation 81 ectodomain is important for hepatitis c virus entry.hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection is one of the leading causes of chronic liver diseases; however, hcv vaccine remains unavailable to date. one main obstacle is the lack of an efficient small animal model. cluster of differentiation 81 (cd81) is an essential entry coreceptor for hcv species specificity to humans, though the underlying mechanisms are yet to be fully elucidated. we performed structural, biophysical, and virologic studies on hcv nonpermissive cd81s from mice and african green monke ...201526116703
replication-competent human adenovirus 11p vectors can propagate in vero cells.the use of continuous cell lines derived from the african green monkey kidney (agmk) has led to major advances in virus vaccine development. however, to date, these cells have not been used to facilitate the creation of human adenoviruses because most human adenoviruses undergo abortive infections in them. here, we report the susceptibility of agmk-derived cells to adenovirus 11p (ad11p) infection. first, we showed that cd46 molecules, which act as receptors for ad11p, are expressed in agmk cell ...201627176913
alantolactone exhibited anti-herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) action in vitro.the aim of this study was to determine the inhibitory action of alantolactone, a gradient of traditional chinese medicine inulae radix (tu-mu-xiang), on herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1). african green monkey kidney cells (vero cells) were infected with hsv-1 and the protective effects of alantolactone on vero cells were examined. at concentrations of 10(-6), 10(-7), and 10(-8) g/ml, alantolactone did not have a marked harmful effect on the viability of vero cells according to an mtt assay. based o ...201526781801
herpes simplex virus 1 protein ul37 interacts with viral glycoprotein gk and membrane protein ul20 and functions in cytoplasmic virion envelopment.we have shown that glycoprotein k (gk) and its interacting partner, the ul20 protein, play crucial roles in virion envelopment. specifically, virions lacking either gk or ul20 fail to acquire an envelope, thus causing accumulation of capsids in the cytoplasm of infected cells. the herpes simplex virus 1 (hsv-1) ul37 protein has also been implicated in cytoplasmic virion envelopment. to further investigate the role of ul37 in virion envelopment, the recombinant virus dc480 was constructed by inse ...201424600000
a replication competent hsv-1(mckrae) with a mutation in the amino-terminus of glycoprotein k (gk) is unable to infect mouse trigeminal ganglia after cornea determine the role of the amino terminus of herpes simplex virus-1 (hsv-1) glycoprotein k (gk) in corneal infection, neuroinvasion, and establishment of virus latency in trigeminal ganglia of mice.201424401006
sp-303, an antiviral oligomeric proanthocyanidin from the latex of croton lechleri (sangre de drago).sp-303, a large proanthocyanidin oligomer isolated from the latex of the plant species croton lechleri (eupborbiaceae) has demonstrated broad activity against a variety of dna and rna viruses. in cell culture, sp-303 exhibits potent activity against isolates and laboratory strains of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), influenza a virus (flu-a) and parainfluenza virus (piv). parallel assays of sp-303 and ribavirin showed comparable activity against these viruses. sp-303 also exhibits significant ...199423195881
animal models for human herpesvirus 6 infection.human herpesvirus (hhv)-6a and hhv-6b are two enveloped dna viruses of β-herpesvirus family, infecting over 90% of the population and associated with several diseases, including exanthema subitum (for hhv-6b), multiple sclerosis and encephalitis, particularly in immunosuppressed patients. animal models are highly important to better understand the pathogenesis of viral infections. naturally developed neutralizing antibodies to hhv-6 or a related virus were found in different species of monkeys, ...201323847599
cxcr6-mediated simian immunodeficiency virus sivagmsab entry into sabaeus african green monkey lymphocytes implicates widespread use of non-ccr5 pathways in natural host infections.african green monkeys (agm) and sooty mangabeys (sm) are well-studied natural hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) that do not progress to aids when infected with their species-specific viruses. natural hosts of siv express very low levels of the canonical entry coreceptor ccr5, and recent studies have shown that ccr5 is dispensable for siv infection of sm in vivo and that blocking of ccr5 does not prevent ex vivo infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from sm or vervet a ...201727903799
magnitude and quality of cytokine and chemokine storm during acute infection distinguish nonprogressive and progressive simian immunodeficiency virus infections of nonhuman primates.acute human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection represents a period of intense immune perturbation and activation of the host immune system. study of the eclipse and viral expansion phases of infection is difficult in humans, but studies in nonprogressive and progressive nonhuman primate (nhp) infection models can provide significant insight into critical events occurring during this time. cytokines, chemokines, and other soluble immune factors were measured in longitudinal samples from rhesu ...201627630228
vif proteins from diverse human immunodeficiency virus/simian immunodeficiency virus lineages have distinct binding sites in a3c.lentiviruses have evolved the vif protein to counteract apobec3 (a3) restriction factors by targeting them for proteasomal degradation. previous studies have identified important residues in the interface of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) vif and human apobec3c (ha3c) or human apobec3f (ha3f). however, the interaction between primate a3c proteins and hiv-1 vif or natural hiv-1 vif variants is still poorly understood. here, we report that hiv-1 vif is inactive against a3cs of rhesus ...201627581978
non-human primates in hiv research: achievements, limits and ideal model for hiv-1 research is still unavailable. however, infection of non-human primates (nhp), such as macaques, with simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) recapitulates most virological, immunological and clinical hallmarks of hiv infection in humans. it has become the most suitable model to study the mechanisms of transmission and physiopathology of hiv/aids. on the other hand, natural hosts of siv, such as african green monkeys and sooty mangabeys that when infected do not progress to ...201627469027
characterization of simian immunodeficiency virus variants anatomically compartmentalized in plasma and milk in chronically infected african green monkeys.unlike human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1)-infected humans, african-origin, natural simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) hosts, such as african green monkeys (agms), sustain nonpathogenic siv infections and rarely vertically transmit siv to their infants. interestingly, chronically siv-infected agms have anatomically compartmentalized siv variants in plasma and milk, whereas humans and siv-infected rhesus monkeys (rms), asian-origin nonnatural siv hosts, do not exhibit this compartmentali ...201627466415
envelope-specific b-cell populations in african green monkeys chronically infected with simian immunodeficiency virus.african green monkeys (agms) are natural primate hosts of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv). interestingly, features of the envelope-specific antibody responses in siv-infected agms are distinct from that of hiv-infected humans and siv-infected rhesus monkeys, including gp120-focused responses and rapid development of autologous neutralization. yet, the lack of genetic tools to evaluate b-cell lineages hinders potential use of this unique non-human primate model for hiv vaccine development. he ...201627381634
arteriviruses, pegiviruses, and lentiviruses are common among wild african monkeys.nonhuman primates (nhps) are a historically important source of zoonotic viruses and are a gold-standard model for research on many human pathogens. however, with the exception of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) (family retroviridae), the blood-borne viruses harbored by these animals in the wild remain incompletely characterized. here, we report the discovery and characterization of two novel simian pegiviruses (family flaviviridae) and two novel simian arteriviruses (family arteriviridae) i ...201627170760
critical role for the adenosine pathway in controlling simian immunodeficiency virus-related immune activation and inflammation in gut mucosal tissues.the role of the adenosine (ado) pathway in human immunodeficiency virus type 1/simian immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1/siv) infection remains unclear. we compared sivsab-induced changes of markers related to ado production (cd39 and cd73) and breakdown (cd26 and adenosine deaminase) on t cells from blood, lymph nodes, and intestine collected from pigtailed macaques (ptms) and african green monkeys (agms) that experience different sivsab infection outcomes. we also measured ado and inosine (ino) lev ...201526178986
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