
[treatment of experimental invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in rats with liposomal amphotericin b].liposomal amphotericin b was evaluated for toxicity, pharmacokinetic properties and therapeutic efficacy in invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in sprague-dawley rats. the protective effect of liposomes against the toxicity induced by repeated amphotericin b infusions was observed in a survival study of rats, thereby allowing higher dosages to be administered. pharmacokinetic studies showed that liposomes led to high levels of amphotericin b in the spleen and liver. drug levels in the lung were hig ...19938468494
sequential pathological studies in goats infected intratracheally with aspergillus fumigatus.intratracheal inoculation of goats with aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. the lesions were restricted to lungs and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body except liver in one goat 16 days after infection. the experiment was continued for 37 days. gross changes in lungs were observed up to the 24th day post-infection. the lesions, in general, included congestion and oedema in the first 6 days foll ...19938469269
[fungal tremorogens].fungi capable of producing tremorgenic secondary metabolites represent species from taxonomically diverse and unrelated groups. these fungi are capable of contaminating a variety of agricultural commodities such as faragas, corn, silage, etc. various animal diseases suspected or known to be caused by fungal tremorgens are paspalum staggers, ryegrass staggers, corn staggers, and bermuda grass tremors. other syndromes with probable involvement of fungal tremorgens were associated with corn silage ...19938475020
the alkaline protease of aspergillus fumigatus is not a virulence determinant in two murine models of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis.little is known of the pathophysiology of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa), an opportunistic fungal infection usually caused by aspergillus fumigatus. it has been suggested that the ability of the fungus to degrade elastin may aid its invasion and growth in lung tissue. we have described previously the construction of a strain of a. fumigatus in which the gene encoding an alkaline protease, afalp, had been disrupted (c.m. tang, j. cohen, and d.w. holden, mol. microbiol. 6:1663-1671, 1992); ...19938478053
nosocomial invasive aspergillosis in lymphoma patients treated with bone marrow or peripheral stem cell determine the prevalence of aspergillosis in lymphoma patients housed in a protective environment while undergoing a bone marrow transplant or peripheral stem cell transplant and its relation to lymphoma type, type of transplant, period of neutropenia, method of diagnosis, species of aspergillus, and the use of empiric amphotericin b.19938478525
mycoflora and mycotoxin of hazelnut (corylus avellana l.) and walnut (juglans regia l.) seeds in egypt.fifty-one species and 3 varieties appertaining to 20 genera were collected from 20 samples of each of hazelnut and walnut seeds on glucose- and 40% (w/v) sucrose-czapek's agar at 25 degrees c and 45 degrees c with the most common mesophiles were aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. niger, cladosporium cladosporioides, c. herbarum, penicillium chrysogenum, p. citrinum and p. oxalicum. fusarium (represented by f. equiseti, f. moniliforme and f. oxysporum) was recovered from walnut seeds in moderat ...19938480455
topical treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma by antifungals. relationship between duration of the disease and efficacy of therapy.twelve patients with aspergilloma were treated with intracavitary or endobronchial administration of antifungals. patients with successful therapy had significantly shorter mean duration of the disease course (3.6 months) than the less effective group (44.4 months, p < 0.01). minimal inhibitory concentrations of antifungal agents against isolated strains of aspergilli were considerably lower than estimated intracavitary concentrations of the antifungals. a pathologic examination suggested that t ...19938486021
correlation of cilofungin in vivo efficacy with its activity against aspergillus fumigatus (1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase.(1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase is a cell wall synthesis enzyme that is the target of cilofungin, an antifungal agent of the lipopeptide class. cilofungin's glucan synthase inhibitory activity, mic, and effective dose 50% in a systemic infection mouse model tend to correlate for candida albicans. this correlation is not seen in aspergillus fumigatus. mics for cilofungin against a. fumigatus were consistently > 125 micrograms/ml while the effective dose 50% in a systemic aspergillosis model was dete ...19938486238
mucormycosis during deferoxamine therapy is a siderophore-mediated infection. in vitro and in vivo animal studies.this study investigates the pathophysiology of mucormycosis caused by rhizopus, which has been reported in 46 dialysis patients, while treated with deferoxamine (dfo). this drug aggravates mucormycosis, which we experimentally induced in guinea pigs and which lead to a shortened animal survival (p < or = 0.01). the drug's effect on rhizopus is not mediated through the polymorphonuclear cells. fe.dfo, the iron chelate of dfo, abolishes the fungistatic effect of serum on rhizopus and increases the ...19938486769
[the action of exogenous rnase on the cells of lower eukaryotes].we studied the mechanism of growth-stimulating effect of various compounds using an exogenous rnase-micromycete model and found that the treatment with microdoses of rnase intensified the reproduction of the yeast candida valida and growth of aspergillus fumigatus. at the same time the respiration activity of yeast cells and fungal mitochondria as well as succinate dehydrogenase activity increased. the secretion of total protein, cellulase and cellobiase changed in the presence of rnase in the g ...19938488161
isolation and characterization of a recombinant heat shock protein of aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus, a common environmental fungus, is responsible for a number of lung disorders, including allergy and infection, in human beings. for immunodiagnosis of these diseases, standardized, pure, and relevant antigens are not currently available.19938491935
[allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (allergic bronchopulmonary fungal diseases)].allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is an allergic disease caused by viable aspergillus in a relatively large bronchus and by the type i and type iii allergies against the fungus. the clinical findings are characterized by recurrent pyrexial attacks (fever, cough and mucopurulent sputum containing mucous plugs, numerous eosinophils and the fungus), radiological evidence of recurrent collapse and consolidation in different areas of the lung, a blood eosinophilia and elevated serum ige ...19938492455
isolated primary cutaneous aspergillosis of the labia.isolated cutaneous aspergillosis is a rare complication of severe immunocompromised states. we describe a case of isolated cutaneous aspergillosis of the labia minora in an adolescent undergoing treatment for relapsed acute non-lymphocytic leukemia. the patient was successfully treated with a regimen that consisted of amphotericin b, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, and surgical debridement.19938492754
[food-related fungal infection risk in agranulocytosis. mycological control of 273 food items offered to patients hospitalized in sterile units].in sterile hospital units filamentous fungal infections are an unacceptable risk in patients with prolonged agranulocytosis. the occurrence of 3 successive cases in the sterile unit of university hospital of grenoble prompted us to investigate in all elements of sterile unit, and notably food-processing. two cooked rice dishes given to these patients were found to contain a substantial amount of aspergillus fumigatus and were probably responsible for these infections. a more detailed study was c ...19938493226
[estimation of infection by aspergillus fumigatus in mice infected experimentally by the respiratory route].to evaluate a new chitin detection technique for the quantification of aspergillus fumigatus infection in organs from air-borne infected mice.19938499510
pneumonia caused by nocardia nova and aspergillus fumigatus after cardiac transplantation.nocardia nova, a newly established species of the nocardia asteroides complex, has recently been characterized as a human pathogen. this report of a case of pneumonia caused by nocardia nova and aspergillus fumigatus in a patient after cardiac transplantation is the first reported infection caused by nocardia nova following its detailed description. accurate identification and susceptibility testing of the nocardia nova isolate allowed successful oral therapy with clarithromycin when therapy wit ...19938500477
evidence for possible involvement of an elastolytic serine protease in aspergillosis.a number of isolates of aspergillus fumigatus obtained from the hospital environment produced extracellular elastolytic activity. this activity was found to be catalyzed by a single 33-kda protein which was purified and characterized to be a serine protease. a. fumigatus, when grown on the insoluble structural material obtained from murine and bovine lung, produced the same extracellular 33-kda elastolytic protease, indicating that this enzyme is likely to be produced when the organism infects t ...19938500876
pradimicins t1 and t2, new antifungal antibiotics produced by an actinomycete. i. taxonomy, production, isolation, physico-chemical and biological properties.pradimicins t1 and t2, new members of the pradimicin family of antibiotics, were produced by an actinomycete strain aa3798. pradimicin t1 exhibited potent activity against a wide spectrum of fungi in vitro and demonstrated efficacy against systemic candida albicans and aspergillus fumigatus infections in mice.19938501001
application of polymerase chain reaction to fingerprinting aspergillus fumigatus by random amplification of polymorphic dna.a new method for fingerprinting aspergillus fumigatus by random amplification of polymorphic dna (rapd) by using single primers with arbitrary sequences is described. five primers were examined with 19 isolates from six patients with aspergilloma as well as with a. fumigatus ncpf 2109. two of the primers (gct ggt gg and gcg cac gg, 5' to 3') gave adequate discrimination between isolates, generating five and six types, respectively. combination of the results obtained with each of these two prime ...19938501211
infectious disease rounds: pneumonia due to aspergillus.angioinvasive fungi, like aspergillus, can cause invasive infections in patients immunosuppressed by steroid therapy. pulmonary infarction, manifested as pleuritic chest pain, frequently results from in situ thrombosis and is characteristic of aspergillus pneumonia.19938506105
aspergillus fumigatus pneumonia in neutropenic patients during therapy with fluconazole for infection due to candida species. 19938507771
immunoblot analysis of aspergillus fumigatus antigen with human antibodies and lectin probes.components of culture filtrate antigen of aspergillus (a.) fumigatus were electrophoretically separated, transferred to hydrophobic durapore membrane, and then probed with patients' sera and lectins. using human sera from patients with aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa), more than 13 igg binding components were identified. igg binding to high molecular weight components (hmw) of over 30 kda was observed in all patient sera tested, but igg binding to low molecular wei ...19938507937
airborne dust and aeroallergen concentration in a horse stable under two different management systems.airborne dust concentration (adc) was measured in 2 different horse management systems using an andersen cascade impactor in the box-stall, and a personal marple cascade impactor attached to the halter to measure adc in the breathing zone. the levels of aeroallergens implicated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were measured by radioallergosorbent-inhibition immunoassay. a conventional management system (system c) utilising hay feed and straw bedding, and a recommended environment (system ...19938508749
liposomal hamycin in the control of experimental aspergillosis in mice: effect of phosphatidic acid with and without cholesterol.hamycin incorporated into liposomes containing phosphatidylcholine (spc) and phosphatidic acid (pa) had reduced toxicity and an enhanced antifungal activity in experimental aspergillosis in balb/c mice. incorporation of cholesterol into liposomes led to a dose dependent decrease in the toxicity of hamycin. the ld50 (mg/kg) of hamycin contained in spc/cholesterol/pa (molar ratio 4:5:1) liposomes was 2.8 whereas that in spc/pa liposomes (molar ratio 9:1) was 0.35. although the free drug had little ...19938514651
the search for virulence determinants in aspergillus fumigatus.the development of aspergillosis in an immunodeficient host depends on interactions between fungal and host components. the recognition by aspergillus fumigatus of fibrinogen and laminin, and the secretion of extracellular proteinases and ribonucleotoxin have been suggested to mediate adherence to mucosal surfaces and subsequently to bring about host-tissue invasion.19958528619
(1-->3)-beta-d-glucan in culture fluid of fungi activates factor g, a limulus coagulation factor.two well-known polysaccharides, (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan and mannan, are major structural components of the fungus cell wall. the g test is a direct method to measure (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan using a (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan-sensitive component, factor g, fractionated from the limulus lysate. the concentration of (1-->3)-beta-d-glucan in culture supernatants of candida albicans increased to 1,390.0 pg/ml at 24 hours. the concentration of mannan also increased parallel with fungal growth. however, after d ...19958531015
purification and characterization of an extracellular aspartic proteinase from aspergillus fumigatus. 19958531029
preliminary studies of the antifungal activities of some medicinal plants against basidiobolus and some other pathogenic fungi.the antifungal activities of extracts of 10 medicinal plants collected from south-eastern parts of nigeria were tested against seven pathogenic fungi using the broth dilution and agar plate methods. all the extracts at 1:10 dilution inhibited the growth of basidiobolus haptosporus and b. ranarum but did not inhibit that of aspergillus fumigatus, geotrichum candidum and candida albicans. while extracts from piper guineense, ocimum gratissimum, moringa oleifera and erythrophleum suaveolens inhibit ...19958531930
combined use of fluconazole and selective digestive decontamination in the prevention of fungal infection after adult liver transplantation. 19958540077
[alveolar lipoproteinosis treated by bronchopulmonary lavage].alveolar lipoproteinosis is a rare disease, a review of the spanish medical index for 1971 to june 1994 showing only 9 reported cases. the intra-alveolar deposit of lipoprotein-type matter produces severe hypoxemia and favors infection by opportunistic germs. treatment with massive bronchial lavage (mbl) removes the matter from the alveolar space, improves gas exchange and decreases the risk of infection. we report a case of primary alveolar lipoproteinosis treated with mbl in which the patient ...19958542187
efficacy of oral saperconazole in systemic murine aspergillosis.saperconazole is a fluorinated bis-triazole. groups of ten 5-week-old female cd-1 mice were infected intravenously with 5.5 x 10(7) aspergillus conidia. saperconazole, dissolved in hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (hpbc), was given orally twice a day for 11 days, beginning 1 day post-infection, at 50, 100 or 200 mg kg-1 day-1. at day 18 post-infection, survivors were killed and residual infection quantified in the kidneys. with aspergillus fumigatus isolate 10af, 70% given no therapy, 100% given ...19958544084
rapid detection and identification of pathogenic fungi by polymerase chain reaction amplification of large subunit ribosomal dna.we describe a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) based approach to the detection and identification of pathogenic fungi which has potential for the diagnosis of systemic mycoses. primers to sequences of the large subunit ribosomal dna genes, which are universally conserved within the fungal kingdom, were capable of amplifying dna from 43 strains representing 20 species (12 genera) of medically important fungi. sequence analysis of the products obtained from aspergillus fumigatus, candida albicans a ...19958544085
[development of infection with aspergillus flavus in woman being treated for allergic pulmonary aspergillosis caused by aspergillus fumigatus].a 36-year-old woman who raised plants in a large greenhouse came to our hospital because of a cough and purulent sputum. a chest x-ray film showed infiltrative shadows in the left middle lung field. aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from samples of sputum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from the left b5. biopsy specimens revealed hyphae elements of aspergillus species and eosinophils in a plug of viscous material. also, eosinophils and lymphocytes had infiltrated through bronchial epi ...19958544382
improved detection of medically important fungi by immunoperoxidase staining with polyclonal antibodies.this study was performed to identify pathological fungi of eight species [aspergillus fumigatus, candida albicans, torulopsis (candida) glabrata, cryptococcus neoformans, fusarium anthophilum, rhizopus oryzae, sporothrix schenckii and trichosporon beigelii] in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections by indirect immunoperoxidase staining. mature albino rabbits were immunized with formalin-killed organisms. antibodies were prepared by precipitation. immunoperoxidase staining was applied ...19958548126
use of nebulised liposomal amphotericin b in the treatment of aspergillus fumigatus empyema.a 28 year old man with asthma, bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, pulmonary thromboembolic disease, and pulmonary hypertension developed aspergillus fumigatus empyema complicating a pneumothorax. his condition progressively deteriorated despite treatment with intravenous and intrapleural amphotericin b, but improved promptly after substituting nebulised liposomal amphotericin b and oral itraconazole. this experience suggests that nebulised liposomal amphotericin b is well tolerated and merits furth ...19958553311
aspergillus fumigatus somatic antigens: comparison between two methods of preparation and immunochemical characterization.aspergillus fumigatus and other species of the same genus can cause different pathological processes amongst which can be found pulmonary hypersensitivity, intracavitary colonization and invasive and disseminated aspergillosis. the diagnosis of these processes is helped in a great way by the immunological response of the patient to aspergillus antigens or by the detection of these as a metabolic product in blood and other fluids such as urine. to date, no firm agreement exists regarding the best ...19958553991
tryprostatins a and b, novel mammalian cell cycle inhibitors produced by aspergillus fumigatus. 19958557590
production and use of monoclonal antibodies to microsporum canis.microsporum canis ncpf 179 and m. canis ncpf 177 dermatophyte cytoplasmic extracts (dces) were used as antigens to generate monoclonal antibodies (mabs). hybridomas with supernatants of optical density (od) > 1 for homologous dermatophyte cytoplasmic extracts (ce) and od < 0.5 for heterologous ce of candida albicans tested by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) were selected for cloning. mabs secreted by cloned hybridoma lines were screened against ce of m. canis, m. gypseum, m. equin ...19958560740
combined effects of an angiogenesis inhibitor (tnp-470) and hyperthermia.tnp-470, a synthetic analogue of fumagillin first isolated from aspergillus fumigatus, is known to be a potent anti-angiogenic compound. the combined effects on tumour growth and tumour angiogenesis of tnp-470 and hyperthermia were investigated. the tumour used was sccvii carcinoma of the c3h/he mouse. the tumour response was evaluated by the tumour growth (tg) time assay. the tg time is the time required for one-half of the treated tumours to reach three times the initial tumour volume. signifi ...19968562329
structural investigation of cell-wall polysaccharides from neosartorya: relationships with their putative anamorphs of aspergillus. 19958565009
the use of collagen shields impregnated with amphotericin b to treat aspergillus keratomycosis.we treated three patients with aspergillus keratomycosis with collagen shields soaked in amphotericin b (0.50%) for 2 hours at 25 degrees c before application. these shields, replaced daily, were used in conjunction with amphotericin b (0.25%) eye drops, which were applied every 2 hours. cultures from the eyes of all patients became negative within 15 days of treatment. subsequently, two patients required keratoplasty. the results suggest that collagen shields prepared this way deliver an adequa ...19958565195
phenotypic and genotypic analysis of variability in aspergillus fumigatus.sixty-one isolates and collection strains of aspergillus fumigatus were compared for their phenotypic (morphological features and isoenzyme profiles) and genotypic (restriction enzyme-generated mitochondrial dna and ribosomal dna profiles and random amplified polymorphic dna patterns) features. the examined strains exhibited highly variable colony morphologies and growth rates at different temperatures, but their micromorphologies and conidial diameters were characteristic of the species. of the ...19958567884
comparison of six different pcr methods for detection of pneumocystis carinii.we have recently developed a nested pcr method which amplifies internal transcribed spacers (its) of the ribosomal rna genes of pneumocystis carinii. to determine whether this pcr method can be used to diagnose p. carinii infections, we examined 30 bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) specimens that were shown microscopically to contain p. carinii organisms by the p. carinii its pcr (pc-its-pcr) and five other pcr methods that have been described for detecting p. carinii in clinical specimens. the targe ...19958567928
a rapid method for the isolation of genomic dna from aspergillus fumigatus.a majority of aspergillus induced diseases are reported to be caused by aspergillus fumigatus. in immunocompromized and post transplant cases it can lead to invasive aspergillosis. due to this the molecular fingerprinting of aspergillus isolates by rflp analysis and development of dna diagnostic probes are gaining importance. different methodologies are being adopted for extraction of the genomic dna from fungus. the existing procedures for isolation of dna are time consuming and range from seve ...19958570567
molecular probes for diagnosis of fungal infections.we have developed 21 specific nucleic acid probes which target the large subunit rrna genes from aspergillus flavus, aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillus glaucus, aspergillus niger, aspergillus terreus, blastomyces dermatitidis, candida albicans, candida (torulopsis) glabrata, candida guilliermondii, candida kefyr, candida krusei, candida lusitaniae, candida parapsilosis, candida tropicalis, coccidioides immitis, cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii, cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans, filobas ...19958576345
[diagnostic value of protected bronchoalveolar lavage in hiv-associated pneumonia].the concept of the protected bronchoalveolar lavage (pbal) is to improve the diagnostic yield in bacterial pneumonia by unifying the high sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) and specificity of the protected specimen brush (psb). hiv-infected patients have been shown to have a high incidence of bacterial pneumonia as well as bacterial colonisation of the tracheobronchial tree. we therefore studied the value of pbal in this population.19958584525
aspergillus culture filtrates and sputum sols from patients with pulmonary aspergillosis cause damage to human respiratory ciliated epithelium in vitro.aspergillus species frequently colonize lower respiratory tracts and lungs with localized underlying conditions (healed tuberculous cavity, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, etc.) even in subjects without systemic predisposing factors. we investigated the in vitro effects of culture filtrates of aspergillus species and sputum sols from patients with pulmonary aspergillosis on ciliary beat frequency (cbf) and epithelial integrity of human respiratory ciliated epithelium. culture filtrates of 25 cl ...19958586122
pcr and single-strand conformational polymorphism for recognition of medically important opportunistic fungi.the application of pcr technology to molecular diagnostics holds great promise for the early identification of medically important pathogens. pcr has been shown to be useful for the detection of the presence of fungal dna in both laboratory and clinical samples. considerable interest has been focused on the utility of selecting universal primers, those that recognize constant regions among most, if not all, medically important fungi. once an amplicon, or piece of amplified dna determined by the ...19958586705
comparison of three typing methods for clinical and environmental isolates of aspergillus fumigatus. 19958586742
[a case of itraconazole-induced hypokalemia with pulmonary aspergilloma].a case of itraconazole-induced hypokalemia with pulmonary aspergilloma is reported. a 68-year-old female who had been followed for rheumatoid arthritis, gastric ulcer and pulmonary aspergilloma was admitted to our hospital because of a cough, low grade fever and hemosputum. she was treated with itraconazole (100 mg/day) for pulmonary aspergilloma of the left upper lobe. fifty seven days after starting the treatment, her serum potassium was 2.33 meq/l. since there was no history of diarrhea, vomi ...19958586896
discontinuation of intravenous antibiotic therapy during persistent neutropenia in patients receiving prophylaxis with oral evaluate the mortality and morbidity associated with early discontinuation of intravenously administered antibiotics, we prospectively examined the incidence and cause of recurrent fever in patients with persistent neutropenia who responded to a short course of intravenous antibiotic therapy. preventive measures included the use of oral ciprofloxacin as prophylaxis for infection by gram-negative bacteria during the entire neutropenic episode. the rate of response to either initial or modified ...19958589161
aspergillosis of the muscle in a woman with sarcoidosis and cd4+ t lymphocytopenia. 19958589180
binding of human fibronectin to aspergillus fumigatus conidia.aspergillus fumigatus conidia exhibited the ability to bind purified human fibronectin, whereas mycelial forms did not bind the ligand, as detected by an indirect immunofluorescence assay with an antifibronectin polyclonal antibody after incubation of the cells with fibronectin. flow cytometry confirmed that binding of the ligand to conidia was dose dependent and saturable. pretreatment of the cells with trypsin markedly reduced binding, which suggested a protein nature for the binding sites pre ...19968606071
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 14-1996. a 66-year-old woman with toxic epidermal necrolysis and a fatal course. 19968606722
geri-bp002-a, novel inhibitor of acyl-coa: cholesterol acyltransferase produced by aspergillus fumigatus f93.a new inhibitor of acyl-coa:cholesterol acyltransferase (acat), designated geri-bp002-a, was isolated from the culture broth of aspergillus fumigatus f93 by acetone extraction, etoac extraction, sio2 column chromatography and reverse phase hplc. spectroscopic analyses of the compound identified bis (2-hydroxy-3-tert-butyl-5-methylphenyl) methane as the structure and its molecular weight and formula to be 340 and c23h32o2, respectively. geri-bp002-a inhibited acat activity by 50% at the concentra ...19968609082
[cavernous changes as a result of pulmonary tissue hyperreactivity to aspergillus fumigatus infection].a case report is presented of a 74 year old male with chronic bronchitis in whom fever, malaise and sputum hypersecretion was observed. inflammatory changes in the right upper lobe were found on a chest radiogram. broad spectrum antibiotics and antituberculous agents did not produce any improvement. due to the fact that aspergillus fumigatus organisms were cultured from the sputum and the precipitin test was positive to aspergillin the diagnosis of aspergillus fumigatus infection was made. 5-flu ...19908614654
scanning electron microscopy studies of peritoneal catheter in capd peritonitis due to aspergillus fumigatus. 19968616180
[chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis complicated by pneumothorax].a 66-year-old man was admitted to the hospital due to a rapidly progressing interstitial shadow in both lower fields on a chest roentgenogram taken on november 30 1993. the diagnosis was idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. a corticosteroid and a neutrophil elastase inhibitor were administered and the interstitial shadow resolved. a new infiltration shadow appeared in the right upper lung field one and a half months after the start of steroid therapy. this shadow gradually grew and aspergillus fum ...19968622279
pyripyropenes, novel acat inhibitors produced by aspergillus fumigatus. iv. structure elucidation of pyripyropenes m to r.six new pyripyropenes, m to r, were isolated from the ethyl acetate extracts of the jar fermentation broth of aspergillus fumigatus fo-1289-2501. structural elucidation indicated that all the pyripyropenes have the same pyridino-alpha-pyrone sesquiterpene core as pyripyropenes a to l. among them pyripyropene m showed the most potent inhibition against acyl-coa : cholesterol acyltransferase activity with an ic50 value of 3.80 microm in rat liver microsomes, but pyripyropenes n to r showed moderat ...19968626247
afut1, a retrotransposon-like element from aspergillus fumigatus.a repeated dna sequence used for epidemiological studies of the human opportunistic pathogen aspergillus fumigatus has been characterized. it is a retroelement of 6914 bp in length, bounded by long terminal repeats of 282 bp, with sequence and features characteristic of retroviruses and retrotransposons. a 5 bp duplication site was found at its borders. this element, designated afut1, encodes amino acid sequences homologous to the reverse transcriptase, rnase h and endonuclease encoded by the po ...19968628674
generation of active immunotoxins containing recombinant restrictocin.restrictocin, a toxin produced by the fungus aspergillus restrictus, is a potent inhibitor of eukaryotic protein synthesis. recombinant restrictocin was made in escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity in large amounts. the recombinant protein was found to be poorly immunogenic in mice with low toxicity, when injected intraperitoneally. two immunotoxins were constructed by coupling the recombinant restrictocin to an antibody to the human transferrin receptor, using a cleavable and a stable l ...19968630074
primary aspergillus osteomyelitis in the tibia of an immunosuppressed man. 19968633431
transmission of invasive aspergillosis from a subclinically infected donor to three different organ transplant describe a cluster of donor-transmitted cases of invasive aspergillosis.19968635345
specific inhibition of mature fungal serine proteinases and metalloproteinases by their propeptides.the function of the long propeptides of fungal proteinases is not known. aspergillus fumigatus produces a 33-kda serine proteinase of the subtilisin family and a 42-kda metalloproteinase of the thermolysin family. these extracellular enzymes are synthesized as preproenzymes containing large amino-terminal propeptides. recombinant propeptides were produced in escherichia coli as soluble fusion proteins with glutathione s-transferase or thioredoxin and purified by affinity chromatography. a. fumig ...19968636020
t cell subsets, epitope mapping, and hla-restriction in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is a hypersensitivity lung disease characterized by aspergillus fumigatus (af) colonization, ige and igg anti-af antibodies, pulmonary infiltrates, bronchiectasis, and pulmonary fibrosis. little is known regarding t cell responses and their role in the pathogenesis of abpa. to examine t cell reactivity to af antigens, t cell clones (tcc) specific to the asp f 1 antigen, an 18-kd protein of af, were established from the peripheral blood of three abpa ...19968636413
fungal pneumonia: the predominant lung infection causing death in children undergoing bone marrow transplantation.the study included 6 children (aged 4-14 years) receiving a conditioning regimen for bone marrow transplantation (bmt) and 14 children (aged 2 14 years) with bone marrow transplants (13 allogeneic, 1 autologous). the children underwent flexible fibre-optic bronchoscopy (ffb) with bronchoalveolar lavage during 6 and 17 episodes of pneumonia, respectively. the aim was to compare the results of the two groups with respect to bronchoscopy findings, pneumonia-causing agents and outcome. during the co ...19968640044
evidence of multiple extracellular phospholipase activities of aspergillus fumigatus.extracellular phospholipase activity has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several bacterial infections. recently, extracellular phospholipase activity has been proposed as a virulence factor in the opportunistic yeast candida albicans. aspergillus fumigatus is the most pathogenic member of its genus, responsible for > 90% of infections. previously, no specific virulence factors have been determined. we investigated the ability of a. fumigatus to produce extracellular phospholipases at 37 d ...19968641777
inhibition of aspergillus serine proteinase by streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor and high-level expression of this inhibitor in pichia pastoris.aspergillus fumigatus encodes an extracellular serine proteinase of the subtilisin family that is thought to be involved in invasive aspergillus infection of immunocompromised patients. when the structure of proteinase k was used to model this aspergillus serine proteinase, streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (ssi) was predicted to be capable of binding to the serine proteinase. ssi purified from s. albogriseolus inhibited the serine proteinase with ki of 1 x 10(-9)m. this value is higher than tha ...19968645312
cloning aspergillus fumigatus allergens by the pjufo filamentous phage display system.a cdna library from aspergillus fumigatus has been displayed on the surface of filamentous phage m13 and screened for gene products binding to human serum ige. the physical linkage of cdna gene products to the genetic information required for their production, achieved by exploiting the high-affinity interaction of the jun and fos leucine zippers, allows rapid and easier screening of large libraries in semifluid systems. the pjufo cloning vector is designed to display proteins on the surface of ...19968645976
cross-reactivity between aspergillus fumigatus and penicillium.rabbit anti-aspergillus fumigatus, rabbit anti-penicillium and sera from patients with precipitating antibodies against a. fumigatus or penicillium were analyzed by means of inhibition experiments in elisa (igg) and (or) immunoblot analysis (igg). sera from healthy donors were also analyzed in elisa inhibition and sera from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) in rast (ige) inhibition. most sera from patients with precipitins against penicillium gave anti-a. fumigatus eli ...19968645995
invasive aspergillosis of the larynx: case report and review of the literature. 19968649885
[test for the effects of mutagenic toxic fungal metabolites originating from municipal landfill sites].the purpose of the study is to assess the mutagenic effect of mycotoxins produced by moulds growing on municipal landfill sites. mutagenicity of toxic fungal metabolites was determined by the salmonella plate incorporation assay with two strains of bacteria: ta98 and ta100, with and without metabolic activation. the results obtained indicate that there is a severe hazard caused by these mycotoxins detected main by ta98 with metabolic activation. the most mutagenic mixture of mycotoxins acting di ...19968656997
production of beta-xylosidase activity by trichoderma harzianum strains.nine trichoderma harzianum strains were screened for beta-xylosidase activity when grown in solid-state cultures on media containing wheat bran as the carbon source. all strains produced beta-xylosidase activity, the most active being in extracts of cultures of t. harzianum strain 4. a beta-xylosidase was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, ultrafiltration, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography from solid-state cultures of t. harzianum strain c. enzyme preparations yielded a si ...19968662186
selection of multiple disruption events in aspergillus fumigatus using the orotidine-5'-decarboxylase gene, pyrg, as a unique transformation marker.a 8.6-kb disruption cassette, referred to here as a pyrg-blaster and consisting of the aspergillus niger pyrg gene flanked by a direct repeat that encodes the neomycin phosphotransferase of transposon tn5 was constructed. following transformation of a uridine/uracil auxotrophic pyrg strain of a. fumigatus, genomic insertions of the pyrg-blaster were obtained either by targeted gene replacement at the roda locus, resulting in the formation of hydrophilic spores, or by ectopic integration. in both ...19968662213
[germicidal activity of the detergent virkon]. 19958663963
specific igg4 responses during chronic and transient antigen exposure in aspergillosis.the factors that lead to increased production of specific igg subclasses are still largely unknown. recent studies suggest that increased igg4 responses may be related to prolonged antigen exposure. we present data showing that increased igg4 responses are found under conditions of chronic exposure to aspergillus fumigatus (af) antigen. igg(total), igg subclass, and ige responses were studied using elisa, cap-feia, and immunoblotting techniques in patients with pulmonary aspergilloma (pa), which ...19968665060
aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses. a case report and radiographic review.aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses is uncommon; however, its incidence in recent years has shown a marked increase, and it is believed that it may account for a number of cases of nonspecific sinusitis. it may present in one of four forms, one of which is the noninvasive aspergillus mycetoma. one such case affecting the maxillary sinus is reported, and reference is made to its possible sequelae and management. the significance of its presentation as a radiodense focus within the antrum on pl ...19968665325
[extralobar sequestration presenting increased serum ca19-9 and associated with lung aspergillosis--an unusual case].in a thirty-four-year old man, an asymptomatic abnormal mass shadow was detected in s10 of the left lower lobe on chest x-ray film. the serum ca19-9 was abnormally elevated 395 u/ml). the definitive histological diagnosis was not obtained by both transbronchial and percutaneous lung biopsy preoperatively. surgery demonstrated that an abnormal mass was separated from s10 of the left lower lobe by a fibrous tissue, and it contained severe inflammatory changes and abscess. extralobar pulmonary sequ ...19968666881
the immunosuppressive fungal metabolite gliotoxin specifically inhibits transcription factor nf-kappab.opportunistic infections, such as aspergillosis, are among the most serious complications suffered by immunocompromised patients. aspergillus fumigatus and other pathogenic fungi synthesize a toxic epipolythiodioxopiperazine metabolite called gliotoxin. gliotoxin exhibits profound immunosuppressive activity in vivo. it induces apoptosis in thymocytes, splenocytes, and mesenteric lymph node cells and can selectively deplete bone marrow of mature lymphocytes. the molecular mechanism by which gliot ...19968666939
a 33 kda serine proteinase from scedosporium extracellular proteinase produced by the filamentous fungus scedosporium apiospermum has been purified and characterized. initially, in vitro conditions for enzyme synthesis were investigated. the highest yield of enzyme production was obtained when the fungus was cultivated in modified czapek-dox liquid medium supplemented with 0.1% bacteriological peptone and 1% (w/v) glucose as the nitrogen and carbon sources respectively. purification to homogeneity of the proteinase was accomplished by ( ...19968670095
nosocomial outbreak of aspergillus fumigatus infection among patients in a renal unit?aspergillus fumigatus is present in the environment worldwide and it is only able to infect debilitated or immunodepressed subjects. nosocomial outbreaks of a. fumigatus infection have been associated with hospital reconstruction. spores are released into the environment and are inhaled by immunodepressed patients housed in nearby medical units. specific clinical syndromes are allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis with characteristic radiological features. ...19968672030
invasive aspergillosis: a life-threatening complication of short-term steroid describe a patient with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis related to short-term steroid treatment.19958672828
[a case of acute disseminated pneumomycosis in a cow].the case of a five year old swiss braunvieh cow suffering from an acute disseminated mycotic pneumonia caused by an aspergillus fumigatus infection is presented. the animal had calved one month previously and was admitted to the clinic because of recurrent fever. clinical findings included a reduced general condition, a rectal temperature of 40.6 degrees c, an increased respiratory rate, coughing and serous nasal discharge. on auscultation increased bronchovesicular sounds and moist rales could ...19968677423
inhibition of the transcription factors nf-kappa b and ap-1 underlies loss of cytokine gene expression in rat alveolar macrophages treated with a diffusible product from the spores of aspergillus fumigatus.the spores of aspergillus fumigatus have a survival advantage over other respirable fungal spores in the lung, leading to a number of lung diseases associated with this fungus. we have hypothesized that a component on the spore surface can inhibit the activation of alveolar macrophages, known to play an essential role in immune regulation in the lung. a diffusible product from the spores of a. fumigatus (afd) inhibited the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf alpha) protein by alveolar ...19968679226
bronchopulmonary and disseminated granulomatous disease associated with aspergillus fumigatus and candida species infection in a golden retriever.a seven-year-old, female golden retriever was referred for a paroxysmal, chronic cough and dyspnea, dysphagia, facial pruritus, anterior uveitis, and deteriorating general condition. a severe, mixed interstitial and alveolar pattern, with poorly defined amorphous lesions, was seen on thoracic radiographs. multiple, whitish nodules disseminated on the hyperemic respiratory mucosa were noted on bronchoscopy. escherichia coli and aspergillus fumigatus were cultured from the bronchoalveolar lavage. ...19968680920
structure-activity relationships of 3-methyl and 3,3-dimethyl analogs of 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(omega-substituted alkyl)sulfonyl-1-(1h-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-propanols.3-methyl and 3,3-dimethyl analogs of 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-3-(omega-substituted alkyl)sulfonyl-1-(1h-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-propanols were synthesized and evaluated for their antifungal activities against candida albicans and aspergillus fumigatus. the 3,3-dimethyl analogs were found to have more potent activity both in vitro and in vivo than the corresponding 3-mono-methyl analogs. the prophylactic efficacy of the lead compounds against murine systemic candidiasis and aspergillosis was improved ...19968681411
ultrastructural alterations produced by sertaconazole on several opportunistic pathogenic fungi.sertaconazole is a new synthetic antifungal which has shown promising activity against numerous fungi. the morphological changes induced by the drug at two concentrations, the mic and 10 times the mic, during 24 and 48 h on the filamentous opportunistic fungi aspergillus fumigatus, chaetomium atrobrunneum and scedosporium prolificans indicated that the intensity of the ultrastructural breakdown depended on the dose and not on the time of exposure. common severe alterations of many fungal cells, ...19958683408
serodiagnosis and monitoring of aspergillus infections after lung determine whether quantification of specific antifungal antibody responses in serum can provide supplemental information for the diagnosis of aspergillus fumigatus infections and the monitoring of antifungal treatment in patients after lung transplantation.19968686977
humoral and cell-mediated autoimmunity in allergy to aspergillus fumigatus.a cdna encoding an allergenic protein was isolated from an aspergillus fumigatus (a. fumigatus) cdna library displayed on the surface of filamentous phage. serum immunoglobulin e (ige) from a. fumigatus-sensitized individuals was used to enrich phage-expressing gene products binding to ige. one of the cdnas encoded a 26.7-kd protein that was identified as a manganese superoxide dismutase (mnsod) sharing 51.5% identity and 67.2% homology to the corresponding human enzyme. both human and a. fumiga ...19968691141
a 12-year longitudinal study of aspergillus sensitivity in patients with cystic fibrosis.the object of the study was to longitudinally follow immune parameters of aspergillus fumigatus sensitization so as to predict those at risk for developing allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa).19968697834
novel mammalian cell cycle inhibitors, tryprostatins a, b and other diketopiperazines produced by aspergillus fumigatus. i. taxonomy, fermentation, isolation and biological properties.two novel diketopiperazines named tryprostatins a (1) and b (2) and a new natural product belonging to the diketopiperazine series, designated as demethoxyfumitremorgin c (3), together with four known diketopiperazines, fumitremorgin c (4), 12,13-dihydroxyfumitremorgin c (5), fumitremorgin b (6) and verruculogen (7), were isolated from the fermentation broth of aspergillus fumigatus bm939 by the combined use of solvent extraction, silica gel column chromatography, preparative tlc and repeated-pr ...19968698634
novel mammalian cell cycle inhibitors, tryprostatins a, b and other diketopiperazines produced by aspergillus fumigatus. ii. physico-chemical properties and structures.two novel diketopiperazines named tryprostatins a and b and a new natural product belonging to the diketopiperazine series, designated as demethoxyfumitremorgin c, together with four known diketopiperazines, fumitremorgin c, 12,13-dihydroxyfumitremorgin c, fumitremorgin b and verruculogen, are new m phase inhibitors of the mammalian cell cycle, which were isolated from the secondary metabolites of aspergillus fumigatus. the structures of tryprostatins a, b and demethoxyfumitremorgin c were deter ...19968698635
tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 alpha expression in a murine model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.tumor necrosis factor-alpha (tnf-alpha) and interleukin-1 alpha (il-1 alpha) are two important proinflammatory cytokines that may be involved in allergic inflammatory processes. we recently developed a murine model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis characterized by eosinophilic and lymphocyte lung infiltration and increased serum and bronchoalveolar lavage immunoglobulin e concentration. in this study we examined the expression of tnf-alpha and il-1 alpha in the lung tissue sections of ...19968699818
effects of tunicamycin on glycoprotein antigens of aspergillus fumigatus.tunicamycin, which inhibits n-glycosylation of proteins, was used as a tool to determine the type of linkage which occurs in glycoprotein antigens of aspergillus fumigatus. when a. fumigatus extracts were electrophoretically separated and blotted then probed with anti-aspergillus patients' sera, differences in antigenic profiles were noted when tunicamycin-treated samples were compared with controls. tunicamycin had no detectable effect on the cellular proteinases of a. fumigatus, most of which ...19968699966
central venous catheter infection by aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with b-type non-hodgkin lymphoma.invasive aspergillus infection is still a major problem in immunocompromised patients. a central venous catheter infection by aspergillus fumigatus, however, has not yet been reported. we describe the case of a 10-year-old female patient with b-type non-hodgkin lymphoma treated according to the german chemotherapy protocol nhl-bfm 90. isolation of aspergillus fumigatus from the blood was the first hint of invasive aspergillosis. a central venous catheter-associated infection was suggested, since ...19968700001
the ribosome-inactivating protein restrictocin deters insect feeding on aspergillus restrictus.the fungus-feeding beetle, carpophilus freemani, consumed equal quantities of young mycelia, fewer phialides bearing mature spores and much fewer phialides bearing developing spores of aspergillus restrictus compared to those of aspergillus nidulans when tested in diet choice assays. the degree to which specific fungal structures were consumed was inversely related to the localization of high levels of restrictocin, a ribosome-inactivating protein, to those structures. pure restrictocin added to ...19968704996
chemotaxis of alveolar macrophages and neutrophils in response to microbial products derived from organic dust.mechanisms of chemotaxis of alveolar macrophages (ams) and neutrophils (pmns) in response to microbial products derived from organic dust were studied using the blindwell chemotaxis chamber technique. seven different known etiological agents causing respiratory symptoms were used for experiments: cell extract and endotoxin from pantoea agglomerans (synonyms: erwinia herbicola, enterobacter agglomerans), cell extracts from thermoactinomyces vulgaris and aspergillus fumigatus, protease from bacill ...19958705013
effects of equine influenza and tetanus vaccination on pulmonary function in normal and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affected horses. 19968706648
antimicrobial activity of a 13 amino acid tryptophan-rich peptide derived from a putative porcine precursor protein of a novel family of antibacterial has long been speculated that porcine cathelin is an n-terminal fragment of a longer precursor protein which possesses antimicrobial activity. in an attempt to find such a precursor, a cdna clone was recently isolated and sequenced by screening a cdna library from porcine bone marrow. in order to identify the functional activity of the putative protein encoded by an open reading frame, we have synthesized various lengths of peptides that correspond to the c-terminal region of the protein and ...19968706838
chitin assay in aspergillus fumigatus.our study is an attempt to make the determination of chitin possible for large amount of samples with high sensitivity and reproducibility. these requirements are fulfilled if using acid hydrolysis to release glucosamine from chitin, evaporating the solution to remove hydrochloric acid, dissolving it in distilled water to obtain optimal concentration and assaying it fluorimetrically. the described method was used for determination of chitin in spores of aspergillus fumigatus.19948714085
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