
cellulose acetate electrophoretic determination of bone alkaline phosphatase activity in healthy subjects and diabetic patients with and without osteopenia.we adapted the electrophoretic method of bone alkaline phosphatase (alp) determination using neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae to separate bone and liver alp on cellulose acetate membrane. treatment of separator plus serum (1:8, neuraminidase 111 u/l in final) for 10 min at room temperature (25 +/- 1 degree c) and subsequent electrophoresis made it possible to quantify bone alp activity simply and rapidly. the precision of the data was at the level of cv of 1.6% (within-day) and 4.7% (day-to-da ...19921424153
the protease from vibrio cholerae nicks arginine at position 192 from the n-terminus of the heat-labile enterotoxin a subunit from enterotoxigenic escherichia was examined where a protease purified from vibrio cholerae might nick the heat-labile enterotoxin (lt) a subunit from enterotoxigenic escherichia coli. lt was digested by the protease and contained a fragment which had the same mobility on sds-page as that of the a1 fragment of lt digested by trypsin. the biological activity of lt by this protease was also identical to that of lt by trypsin. the amino acid sequence of the n-terminus of the a2-like fragment was thr-ser-thr-gly, which correspo ...19921426177
the second cholera toxin, zot, and its plasmid-encoded and phage-encoded homologues constitute a group of putative atpases with an altered purine ntp-binding is shown that the second cholera toxin, zot, orf3 product of pseudomonas plasmid pkb740, and orf424 product of bacteriophage pf1 are a group of closely related proteins containing a modified version of the purine ntp-binding motif, with a drastic substitution of tyrosine for a conserved glycine. they are distantly but reliably related to the product of gene i of filamentous bacteriophages which is a putative atpase containing the classical ntp-binding motif and is involved in bacteriophage as ...19921426234
reconstitution and kinetics of vacuolar h(+)-translocating atpases from plants and animals. 19921426540
neuronal expression of the tissue specific splicing protein smn and its possible role in pre mrna splicing. 19921426556
studies on the mechanism of the inhibition of lipogenesis by growth hormone in sheep adipose tissue. 19921426557
the regulation of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase differs between liver and kidney. 19921426558
purification and characterization of a feruloyl/p-coumaroyl esterase from solid-state cultures of the aerobic fungus penicillium pinophilum. 19921426561
effect of lipid peroxidation on molecular arrangement of phospholipids in liposomes prepared from egg yolk phosphatidylcholine or total rat brain lipids. a 31p nmr study.changes in molecular arrangement of membrane phospholipids in the course of lipid autoxidation were studied by means of broad-band 31-p nmr spectroscopy. multilamellar liposomes prepared from egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (pc) or total lipid extracts from rat brains (tl) were used as models. the initial lamellar arrangement of phospholipids of both types changed as lipid peroxidation proceeded and a narrow isotropic signal appeared in the spectra at 0 ppm, this phenomenon being more prominent for ...19921426979
the nysb sund double mutant of dictyostelium discoideum is blocked in the acquisition of non-degradative resistance to the pea phytoalexin pisatin.dictyostelium discoideum amoebae can be induced to acquire a non-degradative resistance to the pea phytoalexin pisatin. the nysb sund double mutant is blocked in the acquisition of this resistance. using parasexual genetics it has been shown that sund is a recessive mutation linked to nysb on linkage group vi.19921426988
development and evaluation of a rapid, simple, sensitive, monoclonal antibody-based co-agglutination test for direct detection of vibrio cholerae 01.cholera epidemics caused by vibrio cholerae 01 continue to represent a major public health concern in many developing countries. a rapid and simple test kit for the detection of v. cholerae 01 has been developed. the kit, cholerascreen is a monoclonal antibody-based, co-agglutination test and is used directly with stool specimens. it does not include culturing the specimen and is performed without the need for sophisticated laboratory equipment. specificity of the test was demonstrated, using 11 ...19921427010
experience with a measles vaccine manufactured in india.five hundred and twenty seven children between 7 months and 2 years of age were vaccinated with measles vaccine manufactured by the serum institute of india. the sero-conversion rate in children who had no antibodies previous to vaccination was 98.4% as tested in hi. ninety per cent of children who had pre-vaccination measles antibodies showed a two-fold or more rise in hi antibodies. the side reactions of the vaccine were negligible.19921428138
chloramphenicol resistant s. typhi. 19921428156
novel surface molecules involved in human nk cell activation and triggering of the lytic machinery.three new monoclonal antibodies (mabs) termed 7a6, pp35 and a6/143 were isolated after mouse immunization with cd3- cd16+ nk clones. the screening procedure was based on the ability of mabs to trigger cytolytic activity of the immunizing clones in a re-directed killing assay against the p815 murine mastocytoma cell line. the 7a6 mab reacts with 58 kda surface molecules that appear to belong to the same molecular family defined by the previously described nk-sub-set-specific gl183 and eb6 mabs. h ...19921428407
a non-invasive technique for the accurate measurement of leg length in animals.a novel, non-invasive technique for accurate measurements in animals (kyniklometry) is presented. kyniklometry (derived from greek ŏ kúvikloz the rabbit) determines the distance between soft tissue landmarks in conscious rabbits, in particular the rear lower leg. each measurement consists of six subsequent and independent estimations of this distance, with a technical error of 79 microns (study i), respectively 83 microns (study ii). the angle of the relaxed sitting animal's knee is approximatel ...19921428414
expression of transforming growth factor-beta (tgf-beta 1) and insulin-like growth factor ii (igf-ii) messenger rna in the developing subcutaneous tissue (sq) of the fetal pig.studies (in situ hybridization) were performed on the developing subcutaneous tissue (sq) of the pig fetus to determine sites of synthesis of tgf-beta 1 and igf-ii. tissues from 50, 70, 90, 110-day-old pig fetuses and 7-day-old postnatal pigs were bouin's fixed, paraffin embedded and hybridized with biotin labelled cdna probes. the expression of tgf-beta 1 messenger rna was detectable primarily in the dermis, hair follicle fat lobule, outer and inner sq areas at all ages. cells adjacent to adipo ...19921428415
candida albicans--saprophyte or pathogen?skin scrapings taken from toe spaces of 200 healthy volunteers and from toe webs and groins of 150 pediatric patients were cultured for candida albicans using the serum germ-tube test. the results showed that candida albicans can be isolated in about 15% of normal toe spaces and 14% of children with normal groins. although candida albicans can be found in various grades of athlete's foot and also in some abnormal groins, we believe that it is not necessarily responsible for these conditions and ...19921428429
cloning of a metalloprotease gene involved in the virulence mechanism of vibrio anguillarum.genetic evidence has previously suggested that a zinc metalloprotease is involved in the invasive mechanism of the fish pathogen vibrio anguillarum nb10. in this study, the metalloprotease gene was cloned and sequenced. the sequence encodes a polypeptide (611 amino acids) that contains a putative signal sequence followed by a large leader sequence and the mature protein (44.6 kda). since the purified protein has a molecular mass of 36 kda instead of the predicted 44.6 kda, the mature protein is ...19921429449
acute secretory travellers' diarrhoea caused by vibrio cholerae non-01 which does not produce cholera-like or heat-stable australian tourist suffering from severe acute watery diarrhoea and dehydration due to vibrio cholerae non-01 was studied. the v. cholerae strain isolated from the patient belonged to serovar 05. the organism did not produce any of the conventional enterotoxins including cholera-toxin (ct) or heat-stable toxins (nag-st) that are known to be associated with intestinal secretion. this report suggests that toxin(s) other than ct-like or nag-st may be involved in the pathogenesis of diarrhoea by ...19921430972
cholera in piura, peru: a modern urban late january 1991, epidemic cholera appeared in peru. within 2 months, 7922 cases and 17 deaths occurred in piura, a peruvian city of 361,868. a hospital-based culture survey showed that 79%-86% of diarrhea cases were cholera. high vibriocidal antibody titers were detected in 34% of the asymptomatic population. a study of 50 case-patients and 100 matched controls demonstrated that cholera was associated with drinking unboiled water (odds ratio [or], 3.9; 95% confidence interval [ci], 1.7-8.9) ...19921431259
outbreak of cholera associated with crab brought from an area with epidemic disease.from 31 march through 3 april 1991, 8 new jersey residents developed severe, watery diarrhea after eating crabmeat brought back in the suitcase of a traveler to ecuador. stool cultures yielded toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1, serotype inaba, biotype el tor from 4 persons, and vibriocidal antibody titers were > or = 1:640 in 7 persons, indicating recent infection with vibrio cholerae o1. eating crab was statistically associated with illness (p = .006); however, no leftover crabmeat was available for ...19921431260
increases in extracellular dopamine in the nucleus accumbens by cocaine are inversely related to basal levels: effects of acute and repeated administration.repeated administration of cocaine enhances several of the behavioral and neurochemical responses to subsequent cocaine injections, an effect that has been attributed, in part, to decreased somatodendritic autoreceptor sensitivity of mesocorticolimbic dopamine (da) neurons. such changes in autoregulation may not only modify the direct effects of cocaine on extracellular da levels but also result in tonically increased basal da release in the terminal areas of the mesocorticolimbic da system. the ...19921432099
impact of zinc supplementation on intestinal permeability in bangladeshi children with acute diarrhoea and persistent diarrhoea syndrome.zinc has been shown to enhance intestinal mucosal repair in patients suffering from acrodermatitis enteropathica; but the impact on mucosal integrity during acute (ad) or persistent (pd) diarrhoea is unknown. one hundred eleven children with ad and 190 with pd aged between 3 and 24 months received, randomly and blind to the investigators, either an elemental zinc supplement of 5 mg/kg body wt/day or placebo in multivitamin syrup for 2 weeks while intestinal permeability and, biochemical and anth ...19921432467
[effect of ph on preferential antibacterial-activity of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edta)].ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edta), a chelating agent, was examined for the antibacterial activity against 15 species of bacteria by treating with a 10mm solution at ph adjusted to 5.0, 7.0 or 9.0. all bacterial species tested were classified into three groups; tentatively named the ph5 edta-sensitive group comprising vibrio cholerae and staphylococcus aureus, the ph9 edta-sensitive group comprising escherichia coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa and the edta-nonsensitive group comprising proteu ...19921433911
kinetic studies of the mechanism of thrombocytopenia in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.isolated thrombocytopenia accompanied by increased amounts of platelet-associated antibody is a common manifestation of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection, and the thrombocytopenia often improves with zidovudine. it is not clear whether the mechanism of hiv-related thrombocytopenia primarily involves autoimmune destruction of platelets or reduced platelet production by megakaryocytes.19921435932
a periplasmic protein disulfide oxidoreductase is required for transformation of haemophilus influenzae rd.the mutated gene in jg16, a haemophilus influenzae strain deficient in competence-induced dna binding and uptake, was cloned and the wild-type allele was sequenced. the gene was shown by northern analysis to be constitutively expressed on a 1.7-kilobase transcript. the gene product was identified as a 20.6-kda protein targeted to the periplasm. the protein contains the sequence cys-pro-his-cys (cphc) and is highly similar to two other periplasmic cphc motif-containing proteins: dsba, an escheric ...19921438213
the mapping by high-ph anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection and capillary electrophoresis of the carbohydrate moieties of human plasma alpha 1-acid glycoprotein.the reducing oligosaccharides released from alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (agp) by conventional hydrazinolysis have been analyzed by two different mapping techniques, using high-ph anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (hpae-pad) and capillary electrophoresis (ce) with uv detection at 190 nm. the ce measurements proved about 4000 times more sensitive than the measurements by hpae-pad. the n-glycan pool was fractionated by mono q anion-exchange chromatography, and individua ...19921443615
induction of melanin biosynthesis in vibrio cholerae.vibrio cholerae synthesized the pigment melanin in response to specific physiological conditions that were stressful to the bacterium. pigmentation was induced when v. cholerae was subjected to hyperosmotic stress in conjunction with elevated growth temperatures (above 30 degrees c). the salt concentration tolerated by v. cholerae was lowered by additional abiotic factors such as acidic starting ph of the growth medium and limitation of organic nutrients. although the amount of toxin detected in ...19921444398
cloning and sequencing of a human cdna coding for dihydroorotate dehydrogenase by complementation of the corresponding yeast mutant.dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (dhodehase, ec catalyses the fourth enzymatic step in de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. a truncated human cdna encoding this enzyme was isolated from a hela cell cdna library by functional complementation of a corresponding deletion mutant from the yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae. the complementing clone contained a 1.5-kb poly(a)(+)-tailed insert with a 1191-bp open reading frame, hybridising with a unique human mrna of 1.6 kb. the deduced amino acid sequenc ...19921446837
ventilation is stimulated by small reductions in arterial pressure in the awake dog.changes in arterial pressure commonly accompany respiratory adaptations. the purpose of this study was to determine, in awake dogs (n = 6), the degree to which small acute decreases in arterial pressure affect ventilation and acid-base balance. mean arterial pressure (map) was reduced by 6 +/- 2, 10 +/- 3, and 16 +/- 2% by intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprusside for sequential 20-min periods. in another experiment, the ventilatory response to hypercapnia was determined during map reduction ...19921447103
[characteristics of the dynamics of hematopoietic precursor cells cloned in diffusion chambers and recorded in experiments on mice and dogs irradiated in median lethal doses].in experiments with mice and dogs irradiated with ld50, it was shown the postirradiation depopulation of haemopoietic polypotent (cfus) cell-precursors in mouse bone marrow was more pronounced than that of granulocytic and macrophagal cells (cfudc). the rate of repopulation of cfus during the first week was higher than that of cfudc (t1/2 was 2.5 and 8.8 days respectively). in dogs, one could notice a partial change in the colony formation, a prolonged plateau period in the postirradiation cfudc ...19921448562
[pathomorphology of acute and chronic stages of ccl4-induced liver fibrosis: immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies].the cellular localization of expression of various genes activated during the course of liver fibrosis and regeneration was studied by immunohistology and in situ hybridization in rat and human liver tissues. mesenchymal cells proved to be the principal sources of extracellular matrix proteins and of fibrogenic growth factors, whereas the collagenase-activating protease transin/stromelysin gene was transcribed in parenchymal cells as well. fibrogenesis by the mesenchymal compartment appears to b ...19921449012
molecular correlates of physiological regulation in a p-type h(+)-atpase. 19921449060
cloning and expression in escherichia coli of the gene encoding an extracellular deoxyribonuclease (dnase) from aeromonas hydrophila.the gene encoding an extracellular dnase from aeromonas hydrophila chc-1 has been cloned and sequenced. following expression of the dns in escherichia coli, it was revealed that some of the cloned enzyme was present in the cell-free extracellular supernatant fluid, and there was no cell lysis and concurrent release of cytoplasmic or periplasmic proteins. therefore, results suggest that e. coli cells were capable of secreting the dnase extracellularly, albeit very inefficiently. the dns is transc ...19921452026
dna sequence determination and functional characterization of the oct-plasmid-encoded alkjkl genes of pseudomonas oleovorans.the alkbfghjkl and alkst operons encode enzymes that allow pseudomonas putida (oleovorans) to metabolize alkanes. in this paper we report the nucleotide sequence of a 4592 bp region of the alkbfghjkl operon encoding the alkj, alkk and alkl polypeptides. the alkj gene encodes a protein of 59 kilodaltons. the predicted amino acid sequence shows significant homology with four flavin proteins: choline dehydrogenase, a glucose dehydrogenase and two oxidases. alkj is membrane-bound and converts alipha ...19921453953
[the comparative characteristics of vibrio cholerae hemolysins].biochemical and biological properties of in vivo and in vitro hemolysins of cholera germs isolated by different authors as well as hemolysins of vibrio parahaemolyticus and escherichia coli have been comparatively characterized. according to the above data hemolysin of cholera germ el tor is a thermolabile protein with molecular mass of 60-80 thou.; it is cytotoxic, enteropathogenic and lyses all the species of erythrocytes. hemolysins of v. eltor and germs are immunologically related. hemolysin ...19921453988
distribution of 5-ht1 binding sites in cat spinal cord.quantitative analysis of high affinity [3h]5-ht binding to 5-ht1 receptors in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spinal cord of the cat revealed specific binding throughout the grey matter, with the highest levels of binding in laminae ii and iii, and the lowest levels in laminae i and vii. relatively high levels were also observed in the thoracic intermediolateral cell column. there were no significant differences in the degree of binding between various segmental levels. comparison of ...19921454202
salmonella and vibrio cholerae in brackishwater cultured tropical prawns.the occurrence of salmonella and vibrio cholerae in brackishwater ponds was monitored over a 2-year period in one of the major prawn exporting countries in southeast asia. the principal production areas were identified and regular samples taken for salmonella and v. cholerae analysis. results demonstrated that brackishwater ponds and cultured prawns were inherently contaminated with both bacterial pathogens. salmonella spp. were present in 16.0% of prawns and 22.1% of mud/water samples from pond ...19921457289
structure of the n- and o-glycans of the a-chain of human plasma alpha 2hs-glycoprotein as deduced from the chemical compositions of the derivatives prepared by stepwise degradation with exoglycosidases.the structure of the glycans of the a-chain of human plasma alpha 2hs-glycoprotein was established from the chemical compositions of its derivatives prepared by sequential enzymatic degradation of the carbohydrate moiety, from the determination of the kind and amount of the monosaccharides liberated after each step of the enzymatic digestion, and from the distinct specificity of the highly purified exoglycosidases. the exoglycosidases were three sialidases (vibrio cholerae, fowl plague virus, an ...19921457416
bacterial lipopolysaccharide mediates the loss of cd4 from the surface of purified peripheral blood this study we have looked at the effect of lipopolysaccharide (lps) on the surface antigen expression of cultured monocytes. monocytes were purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) and cultured in the presence or absence of lps. the cultured cells were then stained with anti-mo3, anti-il-2r and anti-cd4 moabs. we have shown that freshly isolated monocytes are il-2r- and mo3-negative and express cd4 in low density. after overnight culture, without lps, the expression of these su ...19921458690
[incidence, frequency and resistance characteristics of methicillin-oxacillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strains in germany].in a multicentre study, the methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) isolates in 19 large clinics in germany were recorded, and the resistance characteristics of these strains were studied. oxacillin-mannitol-salt agar plates were distributed to all participants to ensure uniformity of screening, and each laboratory used these plates to investigate 200 consecutive staphylococcus aureus isolates for oxacillin-methicillin resistance. of the 3,794 evaluable staphylococcus aureus isolates, ...19921459021
characterization of two forms of hemagglutinin/protease produced by vibrio cholerae non-o1.two forms (34 kda and 32 kda) of hemagglutinin/protease produced by vibrio cholerae non-o1 were characterized. the hemagglutinin/protease purified by immunoaffinity column chromatography using a monoclonal antibody was essentially a 34-kda form. by incubation of the purified 34-kda form at 37 degrees c, it was processed (autodigested) to the 32-kda form. the n-terminal 20 amino acid sequences of both the 34- and 32-kda forms were identical, suggesting that proteolytic processing at the c-termina ...19921459409
n-acetyl-d-glucosamine-specific lectin purified from vibrio cholerae n-acetyl-d-glucosamine-specific cell associated hemagglutinin (ha) was isolated and purified from a strain of vibrio cholerae 01 by chitin affinity chromatography followed by separation on bio gel p-150. a single stained protein band of 47 kda in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) was observed with the purified ha. ha-antisera produced a single precipitin band against the purified ha in an immunodiffusion test without exhibiting any reactivity towards purifie ...19921459412
[brucella infection of the testis mimicking malignancy].a testicular mass is a diagnostic challenge, as it may include both benign and malignant processes. due to the difficulty in diagnosis and the need to prevent complications, it is sometimes necessary to perform orchiectomy. we present an unusual case of brucellosis in which the presenting features were persistent cough for 6 months and a right testicular mass. the clinical picture and ultrasound findings suggested malignancy. orchiectomy and medical treatment resulted in rapid resolution of symp ...19921459502
should cow milk be diluted for young infants. 19921459690
acquired malaria--how early can it occur. 19921459693
evidence for an s-layer protein pool in the peptidoglycan of bacillus stearothermophilus.intact cells of bacillus stearothermophilus pv72 revealed, after conventional thin-sectioning procedures, the typical cell wall profile of s-layer-carrying gram-positive eubacteria consisting of a ca. 10-nm-thick peptidoglycan-containing layer and a ca. 10-nm-thick s layer. cell wall preparations obtained by breaking the cells and removing the cytoplasmic membrane by treatment with triton x-100 revealed a triple-layer structure, with an additional s layer on the inner surface of the peptidoglyca ...19921459950
pathogenesis and ecology: the case of cholera.the way in which the results of various studies of cholera have influenced the understanding of the disease are discussed. attention is given to the outcomes of medical research, targeted on problems of cholera and biological research focused on understanding vibrio cholerae. the contrast between these approaches has produced a new understanding of the ecological nature of disease. the importance of the environmental reservoir of v. cholerae as the engine for the generation of diversity is highl ...19921460695
the protective activity of tea catechins against experimental infection by vibrio cholerae o1.tea catechins inhibited the fluid accumulation induced by cholera toxin in sealed adult mice. the catechins also reduced fluid accumulation by vibrio cholerae o1 in ligated intestinal loops of rabbits. these findings suggest that tea catechins may possess protective activity against v. cholerae o1.19921461156
guanine nucleotide binding proteins in the dual regulation of lacrimal function.the purpose of this study was to identify and characterize functional g proteins that couple regulatory peptides with lacrimal secretory functions. membranes were prepared from isolated rat exorbital lacrimal gland acini, and guanosine 5'-triphosphate (gtp)-dependence of adenylyl cyclase activity, known to be coupled with regulation of secretion, was measured. the guanine nucleotide gtp produced a biphasic response in the activity of membrane-bound adenylyl cyclase during a 10 min incubation wit ...19921464505
the diagnosis and treatment of cholera.cholera is a diarrheal disease that results from colonization of the small intestine by the vibrio cholerae organism. the disease is spread primarily by means of fecal contamination of drinking water and may begin with the sudden onset of profuse, watery diarrhea. vomiting, rapid dehydration, acidosis, muscular cramps and circulatory collapse are other prominent features of severe cholera. diagnosis is confirmed by identification of the organism in a stool specimen. treatment requires immediate ...19921465231
an oral b subunit: whole cell vaccine against cholera.during the last decade there has been a rapid progress in the development of new, much improved vaccines against cholera. these vaccines, which are given orally to stimulate the gut mucosal immune system, are based on either a combination of purified cholera toxin b (binding) subunit and killed cholera vibrios of inaba and ogawa serotypes and el tor and classical biotypes (b subunit-whole cell vaccine, b-wc) or on a live attenuated mutant strain of vibrio cholerae producing the b subunit (cvd 10 ...19921471411
identification of amino acid changes affecting yeast uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity by sequence analysis of hem12 mutant alleles.the molecular basis of the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase defect in eleven yeast 'uroporphyric' mutants was investigated. uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, an enzyme of the haem-biosynthetic pathway, catalyses the decarboxylation of uroporphyrinogen to coproporphyrinogen and is encoded by the hem12 gene in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae. the mutations were identified by sequencing the mutant hem12 alleles amplified in vitro from genomic dna extracted from the mutant strains. four mutations lea ...19921471989
human sperm proteins from testicular and epididymal origin that participate in fertilization: modulation of sperm binding to zona-free hamster oocytes, using monoclonal order to identify human sperm surface proteins involved in the gamete recognition process, mouse monoclonal antibodies were directed against human spermatozoa and screened with live spermatozoa by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). immunoperoxidase staining of human testis showed the early presence of four corresponding proteins on germinal cells, while six were detected primarily in testis fluid. the presence of 17 proteins was evidenced in the epididymis. eight were detected with a ...19921472377
resialylation of sialidase-treated sheep and human erythrocytes by trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase: restoration of complement resistance of desialylated sheep erythrocytes.trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (ts) is a recently described enzyme which transfers alpha(2-3)-linked sialic acid from host-derived sialylated glycoconjugates to parasite surface molecules [schenkman et al. (1991) cell, 65, 1117]. we report here on the ability of ts to transfer sialic acid from donor sialyl-alpha(2-3)lactose to sialidase-treated sheep and human erythrocytes. up to approximately 50% resialylation of both desialylated red cells could be attained. resialylation of desialylated sh ...19921472761
evaluation of new anti-infective drugs for the treatment of cholera. infectious diseases society of america and the food and drug administration.cholera is an acute gastrointestinal infection caused by vibrio cholerae. it is characterized by watery diarrhea that may lead to massive fluid loss, which in turn may result in hypotension, shock, and death within hours. key to the treatment of cholera is fluid replacement. anti-infective therapy decreases the severity and duration of diarrhea and the duration of shedding of v. cholerae. enrolled patients should have diarrhea that is moderate to severe and a culture that ultimately yields v. ch ...19921477236
characterisation of non-01 vibrio cholera isolated from stools of diarrhoeal patients.a characterisation of the biochemical and physiological properties of 30 strains of non 01 v. cholerae isolated from faecal samples, was undertaken. the strains consistently expressed a large number of characters that define them to be closer to the el tor biotype than their classical counterparts. they did not show much heterogeneity in their cultural and biochemical properties. the strains were strongly haemolysing (100%), haemagglutinating (96%) and also salt-tolerant, thereby acquiring a uni ...19921478723
ultrastructural alterations of brain cortex in rat following intraperitoneal administration of mercuric chloride.intraperitoneal administration of a single dose (6 mg/kg body weight) of mercuric chloride (hgcl2) results in ultrastructural changes in brain cortex of the rats. 18 hours after administration of hgcl2 the accumulation of dense deposits of mercury in nerve and glial cell cytoplasm was observed. the quantity of microglia in neuropil was also increased in this experimental group. we postulate that these cerebral macrophages can play an important role in the process of intoxication, too. 5 days aft ...19921479187
neural mechanisms of pupillary abnormality following thalamic lesions: experimental lesion and stimulation studies in cats, and consideration of pupillary findings in thalamic vascular lesions.neural mechanisms of the pupillary abnormality in thalamic lesions were experimentally studied in cats. moderate to considerable anisocoria appeared after kainic acid lesions involving the medial thalamus. the pupil on the side of the lesion was larger than its partner. only subtle or no pupillary inequality was produced by lateral thalamic lesions. electrical stimulation of the midline and medial thalamus evoked dilation bilaterally in sympathectomized pupils. thus, pupillary dilation produced ...19921479196
structure and function of cholera toxin and the related escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin.cholera and the related escherichia coli-associated diarrheal disease are important problems confronting third world nations and any area where water supplies can become contaminated. the disease is extremely debilitating and may be fatal in the absence of treatment. symptoms are caused by the action of cholera toxin, secreted by the bacterium vibrio cholerae, or by a closely related heat-labile enterotoxin, produced by escherichia coli, that causes a milder, more common traveler's diarrhea. bot ...19921480112
[body reaction to the action of laser radiation at a wave length of 0.44 nm]. 19921481511
[an outbreak of cholera (el tor) in samarkand province, uzbekistan in 1990].a group outbreak of cholera caused by vibrio eltor in the samarkand province++ in 1990 is analyzed. the retrospective analysis of the isolation of v. cholerae from water of surface reservoirs has been made. the study points out that since the cholera epidemic of 1985 v. cholerae avirulent strains, serogroup o1, have been periodically isolated in the samarkand province. the conclusion has been made that the isolation of even avirulent strains only from environmental objects is indicative of the u ...19921481601
phosphorylation-associated conformation shift of anti-oncogene phosphoprotein p53 in concanavalin-a activated human t lymphocytes.a new radioimmunoassay for p53, employing an anti-peptide antibody directed against conserved domain v, exhibited specificity for a relatively dephosphorylated form of p53. this form, correlated with the monoclonal antibody pab421+ conformation, appeared transiently in the cytosol of cycloheximide-treated t cells undergoing activation by concanavalin-a/serum. concurrently, there were decreased levels of p53 in the nucleus that correlated with increased phosphorylation of p53. after 90 min nuclea ...19921482375
vip-immunoreactive nerve structures of the gastrointestinal tract in the developing and adult domestic duck.the first appearance and distribution of vip-containing nerve structures were studied in the gut of embryonal, newly hatched and adult domestic ducks. immunoreactive structures appeared in the mesenchyme of the gizzard-duodenum junction (antrum) at 5 days of incubation, and soon after diffused both cranially and caudally. early in development, vip-positive cell bodies were more numerous than positive fibres, appearing 3 days before the latter. later on, the positive cell bodies decreased in numb ...19921482601
an extended sql for temporal data management in clinical decision-support systems.we are developing a database implementation to support temporal data management for the t-helper physician workstation, an advice system for protocol-based care of patients who have hiv disease. to understand the requirements for the temporal database, we have analyzed the types of temporal predicates found in clinical-trial protocols. we extend the standard relational data model in three ways to support these querying requirements. first, we incorporate timestamps into the two-dimensional relat ...19921482853
chess: a computer-based system for providing information, referrals, decision support and social support to people facing medical and other health-related crises.chess (the comprehensive health enhancement support system) is an interactive, computer-based system to support people facing health-related crises or concerns. chess provides information, referral to service providers, support in making tough decisions and networking to experts and others facing the same concerns. chess will improve access to health and human services for people who would otherwise face psychological, social, economic or geographic barriers to receiving services. chess has deve ...19921482860
an application of least squares fit mapping to clinical classification.this paper describes a unique approach, "least square fit mapping," to clinical data classification. we use large collections of human-assigned text-to-category matches as training sets to compute the correlations between physicians' terms and canonical concepts. a linear least squares fit (llsf) technique is employed to obtain a mapping function which optimally fits the known matches given in a training set and probabilistically captures the unknown matches for arbitrary texts. we tested our me ...19921482917
an evaluation of concept based latent semantic indexing for clinical information retrieval.latent semantic indexing (lsi) of surgical case report text using icd-9-cm procedure codes and index terms was evaluated. the precision-recall performance of this two-step matrix retrieval process was compared with the smart document retrieval system, surface word matching, and humanly assigned procedure codes. human coding performed best, two-step lsi did less well than surface matching or smart. this evaluation suggests that concept-based lsi may be compromised by its two-stage nature and its ...19921482949
the hha protein from escherichia coli is highly homologous to the ymoa protein from yersinia enterocolitica. 19921484495
ecology and distribution of toxigenic vibrio cholerae in aquatic environments of a temperate region.the occurrence of a human pathogen, vibrio cholerae, in aquatic environments and the distribution of toxigenic strains were studied for 2 years. the pathogen was isolated from freshwater, brackish and marine environments. v. cholerae non-01 was frequently recovered but the 01 serogroup was not detected. of the 57 environmental strains tested, eight (12%) were found to be potentially toxigenic. a number of atypical v. cholerae 01 strains were found which showed higher virulence potentials than th ...19921488021
avoidance of endotoxin-induced inflammation during studies of albumin clearance from caprine joints.intra-articular injection of radiolabelled, commercial goat serum albumin (gsa) produces acute arthritis in caprine joints. this inflammation distorts clearance values and vitiates studies of normal lymphatic function. endotoxin, routinely found in commercial albumin preparations, appears to cause this local reaction. we describe a simple method for the preparation of low-endotoxin, radioiodinated serum albumin from aseptically collected serum. we have used this technique to prepare gsa for use ...19921489542
analysis of the glucose transporter content of islet cell lines: implications for glucose-stimulated insulin release.glucose transport across the plasma membrane of mammalian cells is mediated by a family of homologous proteins. each glucose transporter isoform has a specific tissue distribution which relates to that tissue's demand for glucose. the beta-cells of pancreatic islets are known to express a distinct glucose transporter isoform, termed glut 2, which has a high km for glucose. in this study, we examined the glucose transporter content of normal rat islets and three beta cell lines, beta-tc, hit and ...19921489658
characterization, specificity, and igv gene usage of anti-lymphocyte monoclonal antibodies from perinatal mice.previous studies have shown that cd5+ b cells predominate during development of the immune system and frequently secrete self-reactive antibodies, some of which appear to influence the development of the adult b cell repertoire. in addition, we now show that a high frequency of perinatally derived antibodies react with lymphocytes. hybridomas derived from perinatal liver and splenic b cells and from spleens of adult balb/c and c57bl/6 mice were screened by immunofluorescence on thymocytes. anti- ...19921489727
the appearance and role of gamma delta t cells in the peritoneal cavity and liver during primary infection with listeria monocytogenes in rats.we have previously reported that gamma delta t cells play important roles in protection during the early stage of infection with listeria monocytogenes in mice. to generalize the protective roles of gamma delta t cells in listerial infection to different species, we examined the appearance of gamma delta t cells during infection with l. monocytogenes in fisher f344 rats. the numbers of bacteria in the peritoneal cavity and liver increased to a maximum level on day 3 and then decreased to an unde ...19921489731
[features of vibrio cholerae 0:1 el tor, inaba serotype, isolated during the cholera epidemic in cartagena (colombia)].cholera is an infectious transmissible disease characterized by the development of secretory diarrhea and that presents in epidemic and endemic forms. in latin-america we are currently seen what could be the eight pandemic in cholera history, due to vibrio cholerae 0:1 el tor, inaba serotype, infection. in the present preliminary study we analyze 300 patients with a clinical picture suggesting cholerae. in 250 cases, vibrio cholerae 0:1 strains were isolated. the identification was made using ma ...19921489792
[the suicide phenomenon and fermentative metabolic activity in strains of the aeromonas group isolated from feces].we study the "suicide" phenomena as well as metabolic pathways of mixed acids (methyl red test, mr) and butylene glycol (voges-proskauer, vp), in 107 strains belonging to mesophilic aeromonas group, isolated from stools. the strains have been identified as a. hydrophila, 28 cases (26.1%), a. sobria 26 cases (24.3%) and a. caviae 53 cases (49.6%). all a. caviae strains behave homogeneously as f+, rm+ and vp-, independently of temperature (30 or 37 degrees c). a. hydrophila strains only showed the ...19921489794
[resistance to antibiotics of vibrio cholerae strains isolated in angola].among 87 strains of vibrio choleare (78 ogawa serotype and 9 inaba serotype strains) isolated in angola in 1987-1990, 86% exhibited multiple resistance to antimicrobials. eighty-four to 86% of strains were resistant to ampicillin with beta-lactamase production (mic greater than or equal to 512 mg/l), streptomycin (mic greater than or equal to 64 mg/l), spectinomycin (mic greater than or equal to 1,024 mg/l), and trimethoprime-sulfisoxazole (mic greater than 1,024 mg/l). seventy-four per cent of ...19921495844
[the absence of differences between el tor cholera and classic cholera]. 19921496887
[habitual presence of non-01 vibrio cholerae in the aquatic environment]. 19921498185
a simple electrophoretic method for separating elevated liver and bone alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in plasma after neuraminidase treatment. 19921499140
safety and immunogenicity of a booster dose of vibrio cholerae cvd 103-hgr live oral cholera vaccine in swiss volunteers received a booster dose (4 x 10(8) cfu) of attenuated vibrio cholerae cvd 103-hgr oral vaccine 15 or 24 months after primary immunization. the immune response was modest, presumably due to rapid clearance of the vaccine strain by a primed immune system.19921500200
use of polymerase chain reaction for detection of toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 strains from the latin american cholera january 1991, an outbreak of cholera started in peru and spread throughout most of latin america within 8 months. as of march 1992, over 450,000 cases and approximately 4,000 deaths have been reported to the pan american health organization. the causative organism is toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 of the el tor biotype and is distinct from the u.s. gulf coast strains. a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) that amplifies a 564-bp fragment of the cholera toxin a subunit gene (ctxa) was used to identi ...19921500520
thrombin induction of plasminogen activator inhibitor mrna in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in culture.we have previously reported that incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvecs) with human alpha-thrombin causes a time- and concentration-dependent increase in secreted plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (pai-1) activity (gelehrter td, sznycer-laszuk r. j clin invest 1986;77:165-9). here we report that the regulation of pai-1 activity by thrombin is secondary to the thrombin-induced increase in pai-1 mrna accumulation. incubation of huvecs for 6 to 24 hours with 0.3 to 1.0 u/ ...19921500822
lactoferrin binding properties of vibrio cholerae.the lactoferrin binding properties of vibrio cholerae, a non-invasive pathogen were investigated. screening of fifty v. cholerae strains of different serogroups and serotypes, showed that 10% of the v. cholerae strains bound to 125i-labelled lactoferrin, and 40% of the 125i-labelled lactoferrin bound to v. cholerae strain 623 could be displaced by unlabelled lactoferrin. other iron-binding glycoproteins and ferroproteins like ferritin, transferrin, haemoglobin, and myoglobin inhibited the bindin ...19921501595
current topic: proteolysis in the penetration phase of the implantation process. 19921502134
crossed immunoelectrophoretic analysis of antigenic composition of b-subunit/whole-cell and whole-cell only killed oral cholera vaccines.crossed immunoelectrophoresis was used to identify antigens preserved in the whole-cell component of oral cholera vaccines tested in the field trial in bangladesh. the composition and immunogenicity of the vaccine antigens were compared with those of antigens obtained from live cells of vibrio cholerae 01 of both biovars and serovars. the whole-cell component of the vaccine contained ten antigens in comparison with the live vibrio cells which revealed the presence of 30 antigens. the whole-cell ...19921502836
interaction of vibrio cholerae cells with beta-lactam antibiotics: emergence of resistant cells at a high frequency.unlike other gram-negative enteric bacteria, vibrio cholerae cells were equally susceptible to penicillin and ampicillin and in general more susceptible than escherichia coli to most of the beta-lactam antibiotics. the turbidity of penicillin-treated cultures contained to increase exponentially for about 3 h, although the cell viability declined rapidly within 30 min of penicillin addition. prolonged treatment with beta-lactam antibiotics produced cells resistant to these antibiotics. a fluctuat ...19921503441
serovar, biotype, phage type, toxigenicity & antibiotic susceptibility patterns of vibrio cholerae isolated during two consecutive cholera seasons (1989-90) in calcutta.characteristics of v. cholerae isolated from patients of acute secretory diarrhoea admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, calcutta during two consecutive cholera seasons (1989 and 1990), with special emphasis on biotyping and toxigenicity, were investigated. the isolation rates of v. cholerae during 1989 and 1990 were 78 and 85.1 per cent respectively, with inaba serotype dominating in 1989 and ogawa in 1990. all the v. cholerae 01 strains isolated in this study belonged to biotype eltor ...19921506061
cholera associated with international travel, 1992.approximately one case of cholera per week is being reported in the united states. most of these cases have been acquired during international travel and involve persons who return to their homelands to visit family or foreign nationals visiting relatives in the united states. this report summarizes case reports from four states during 1992.19921513302
reassessment of the prevalence of heat-stable enterotoxin (nag-st) among environmental vibrio cholerae non-o1 strains isolated from calcutta, india, by using a nag-st dna probe.a collection of 521 environmental isolates of vibrio cholerae which were previously examined by the suckling mouse assay and found to be negative for the heat-stable enterotoxin nag-st were reassessed by a recently developed dna probe for nag-st. a total of 12 (2.3%) of the isolates hybridized with the nag-st probe. by using a cholera toxin (ct) dna probe, the ct gene was detected in six of the strains in the collection, although none of the isolates of v. cholerae non-o1 hybridized with both of ...19921514795
[sensitivity of vibrio and aeromonas to antibiotics].the antibiotic sensitivity of 696 cultures belonging to the family vibrionaceae (v. cholerae o1, v. cholerae non-o1, v. albensis, v. parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus and aeromonas spp.) was studied and general regularities of the antibiotic sensitivity were shown: a high sensitivity to broad-spectrum antibiotics (tetracycline and chloramphenicol) and a low sensitivity to ++beta lactams (carbenicillin and ampicillin). the comparative examinations revealed similarity in the antibioticograms of v ...19921514858
antibodies to outer membrane proteins of vibrio cholerae induce protection by inhibition of intestinal colonization of antiserum was raised against the outer membrane (om) preparation of a vibrio cholerae 01 strain (classical, ogawa) and rendered specific for the outer membrane proteins (omps) by absorption with its lipopolysaccharide (lps). the anti-omp serum showed reactivity against om preparations of other 01 and non-01 v. cholerae strains in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. the antiserum also induced significant protection against v. cholerae challenge in the suckling mouse model. this protection was f ...19921515155
purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic study of neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae and salmonella typhimurium lt2.the nanh genes of vibrio cholerae and salmonella typhimurium lt2 coding neuraminidase were cloned separately in escherichia coli, and the expression products purified. single crystals of the v. cholerae neuraminidase were obtained using the hanging drop vapour diffusion method with polyethylene glycol as precipitant at ph 7.2. the crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group p2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 71.9 a, b = 79.0 a, c = 165.7 a, and with one molecule in the asymmetric u ...19921518058
breast feeding and oral rehydration at home during diarrhoea to prevent a case-control study we evaluated the role of maternal behaviour, as reflected in maintenance of breast feeding and the use of oral rehydration therapy (ort) at home during acute diarrhoea, in preventing dehydration in infants and young children. a systematic 5% sample was taken of all children aged 1-35 months attending the treatment centre of the international centre for diarrhoeal disease research, bangladesh, with acute watery diarrhoea of six days or less between august 1988 and septembe ...19921520006
evidence for the existence of a restriction-modification system common to several species of the family vibrionaceae.a broad-host-range vibriophage kvp40 originally isolated on vibrio parahaemolyticus 1010 was restricted and modified by strains of at least five vibrio and one photobacterium species. 1010 was a non-restricting host. an anti-restriction mutant kvp40 aar1 was isolated after propagating the phage on a restricting host, v. anguillarum vib36. kvp40 aar1 grown on either 1010 or vib36, as well as the parental phage grown on vib36, showed much higher efficiencies of plating on all the restricting hosts ...19921521769
a convenient synthesis of n-succinimidyl-3-iodo-[125i]benzoate, a reagent for protein iodination.a convenient procedure has been developed for the synthesis of n-succinimidyl-3-iodo-[125i]benzoate. the procedure involved the synthesis of chloromercuribenzoic acid, its esterification with n-hydroxysuccinimide (nhs) and exchanging the mercury moiety with radioactive iodine in the presence of an oxidant. the obtained product was attached to human serum albumin and its stability was compared with chloramine-t (ch-t) radioiodinated protein. the results indicated that the reagent-radiolabeled pro ...19921522025
enteropathogenicity of non-toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 for adult mice.the enteropathogenic potential of 32 vibrio cholerae o1 isolates that do not produce cholera toxin was examined in the orally inoculated, sealed adult mouse model. live cultures (2 x 10(10) cfu/ml) of 7/16 clinical and 6/16 environmental isolates produced a positive intestinal fluid accumulation (fa) ratio that reached near maximum at approximately 5 h post-inoculation. colony hybridization did not detect genes for cholera toxin, escherichia coli heat-labile and heat-stable toxins, or shiga-like ...19921522800
effect of number of hens per nipple waterer on the performance of several strains of layers in cages.two experiments were designed to study the effects of housing in cages with several hens per nipple waterer (hpn) ratios on performance of several strains of white leghorn pullets. in experiment 1, only body weight gain and water consumption were significantly affected by the hpn; hens at the 2:1 hpn gained more weight and consumed more water per day than those at the 4:1 hpn. the lack of a significant strain by hpn interaction indicated that the four strains responded similarly to the different ...19921523178
effects of vitamin a on retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro.human retinal pigment epithelial (rpe) cell monolayers were used in an in vitro wound-healing experiment. wound closure were studied over time in the presence of various concentrations of all-trans retinol (vitamin a). it was found that 5-20 micrograms/ml (17.5-70 mumol/l) of vitamin a significantly inhibited wound closure by inhibiting cell migration and proliferation. in a collagen gel-contraction model, similar doses of vitamin a partially inhibited cell contractility. cellular morphology, as ...19921526732
onset and duration of protective immunity in challenged volunteers after vaccination with live oral cholera vaccine cvd 103-hgr.cvd 103-hgr is a live oral cholera vaccine that, in phase i and ii studies to date, has been well tolerated and immunogenic. in challenge studies of us volunteers conducted 4-5 weeks after vaccination, cvd 103-hgr provided significant protection against experimental cholera due to classical and el tor vibrio cholerae o1. to determine the onset and duration of protection, two volunteer challenge studies were conducted: the first, 6 months after vaccination and the second, 8 days after vaccination ...19921527420
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