
alkaline adaptation induces cross-protection against some environmental stresses and morphological change in vibrio parahaemolyticus.the relationship between alkaline adaptation and the resistance against environmental stresses was examined in vibrio parahaemolyticus. alkali-adapted cells were found to have increased resistance against various stresses, including heat, crystal violet, deoxycholic acid, and hydrogen peroxide. however, alkali-adapted cells showed no increased resistance against acid stress and heat-adapted cells did not show increased resistance against alkaline stress. furthermore, alkaline treatment induced c ...200212501988
serum antibody levels against select bacterial pathogens in atlantic bottlenose dolphins, tursiops truncatus, from beaufort nc usa and charleston harbor, charleston, sc, usa.concern over the emergence of zoonotic diseases in marine organisms is growing. in response to this concern, this study set out to measure antibody activities against bacterial pathogens in atlantic bottlenose dolphins, tursiops truncatus, from the coastal estuaries of nc and sc, usa. individuals from charleston sc harbor, a heavily industrialized shipping harbor estuary, and from beaufort nc, a non-shipping estuary, were examined. purified igg was obtained from pooled sera using ammonium sulfat ...200312502036
lysis of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus by 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol produced by pseudomonas sp. amsn isolated from a marine alga.previously 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (dapg) produced by pseudomonas sp. amsn isolated from a marine alga, had demonstrated a high level of anti-methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa) comparable with that of vancomycin. in this study, this substance had bacteriolytic activity against mrsa at 1 microg/ml as well as similar activity against vibrio parahaemolyticus at 24 microg/ml that suggests a novel antibacterial mode of action by this substance. heat and ph stability tests showed it ...200312507841
the norm efflux pump of neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis recognizes antimicrobial cationic neisseria gonorrhoeae and neisseria meningitidis, we identified a gene that would encode a protein highly similar to norm of vibrio parahaemolyticus (y. morita et al., antimicrob. agents chemother. 42:1778-1782, 1998). a nonpolar insertional mutation in either the gonococcal or meningococcal norm gene resulted in increased bacterial sensitivity to compounds harboring a quaternary ammonium on an aromatic ring (e.g., ethidium bromide, acriflavine hydrochloride, 2-n-methylellipticinium, and berb ...200312533487
oyster-to-oyster variability in levels of vibrio parahaemolyticus.this study examined the variability in the levels of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in individual oysters. twenty oysters were collected on three occasions (in june, july, and september 2001) from a site near mobile bay, ala. ten of these oysters were tested immediately, and 10 were tested after 24 h of storage at 26 degrees c. levels of total and pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus were determined by alkaline phosphatase-labeled dna probe procedures targeting the thermolabile hemolysin ...200312540193
[antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiles of vibrio isolates from cultured sparus sarba].a total of 51 potential pathogenic vibrios were isolated from moribund silver seabream sparus sarba, which were collected from local fish farms of hong kong. all the isolates were classified and identified as 7 species by the api 20 e system and the scheme of alsina & blanch. these species were vibrio alginolyticus (24 strains), vibrio vulnificus (12 strains), vibrio parahaemolyticus(7 strains), vibrio logei(4 strains), vibrio pelagius ii(2 strains), vibrio fluvialis (1 strains) and vibrio medit ...199912555529
genome sequence of vibrio parahaemolyticus: a pathogenic mechanism distinct from that of v cholerae.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a gram-negative marine bacterium, is a worldwide cause of food-borne gastroenteritis. v parahaemolyticus strains of a few specific serotypes, probably derived from a common clonal ancestor, have lately caused a pandemic of gastroenteritis. the organism is phylogenetically close to v cholerae, the causative agent of cholera.200312620739
seasonal abundance of total and pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in alabama oysters.recent vibrio parahaemolyticus outbreaks associated with consumption of raw shellfish in the united states focused attention on the occurrence of this organism in shellfish. from march 1999 through september 2000, paired oyster samples were collected biweekly from two shellfish-growing areas in mobile bay, ala. the presence and densities of v. parahaemolyticus were determined by using dna probes targeting the thermolabile hemolysin (tlh) and thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) genes for confirma ...200312620838
potentiality of a new compound for in vitro differentiation between halophilic and non-halophilic vibrios.sensitivity of 21 halophilic vibrios and 16 clinical isolates of non-halophilic vibrios was determined against a new possible antivibrio agent, a pyrimidine analogue, 4, 6-dimethylpyrimidine -2-thiol (4,6-dmpt). it appeared to be a vibriocidal agent, having a mean mic and mbc of 32 microg/ml for halophilic strains and 64 microg/ml for non-halophilic strains and an ld50 of 300 mg/kg body weight of mice. thus, 4,6-dmpt may help an in vitro distinction between halophilic and non-halophilic vibrios. ...200212622188
intercalation activating fluorescence dna probe and its application to homogeneous quantification of a target sequence by isothermal sequence amplification in a closed vessel.we developed a completely homogeneous and isothermal method of detecting rna sequences and demonstrated ultrarapid and direct quantification of pathogenic gene expression with high sensitivity. the assay is based on performing isothermal rna sequence amplification in the presence of our novel dna probe, an intercalation activating fluorescence dna probe, and measuring the fluorescence intensity of the reaction mixture. when detecting meca gene expression of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus a ...200312633605
detection of pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus in oyster enrichments by real time pcr.a real time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed and evaluated to detect the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh), a current marker of pathogenicity in vibrio parahaemolyticus. the real time pcr fluorogenic probe and primer set was tested against a panel of numerous strains from 13 different bacterial species. only v. parahaemolyticus strains possessing the tdh gene generated a fluorescent signal, and no cross-reaction was observed with tdh negative vibrio or n ...200312654486
detection of pathogenic bacteria in shellfish using multiplex pcr followed by covalink nh microwell plate sandwich hybridization.outbreak of diseases associated with consumption of raw shellfish especially oysters is a major concern to the seafood industry and public health agencies. a multiplex pcr amplification of targeted gene segments followed by dna-dna sandwich hybridization was optimized to detect the etiologic agents. first, a multiplex pcr amplification of hns, spvb, vvh, ctx and tl was developed enabling simultaneous detection of total salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio cholerae ...200312654491
vibrio rotiferianus sp. nov., isolated from cultures of the rotifer brachionus plicatilis.five gram-negative bacterial strains, oxidase-positive, motile by means of more than one polar flagella, facultative anaerobe, arginine dihydrolase-negative, lysine- and omithine decarboxylase-positive, sensitive to the vibriostatic agent o/129, were isolated from a flow-through rotifer culture system in gent, belgium, and previously characterized by fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism. comparison of the 16s rdna sequence of strain lmg 21460t indicated close relationships (approxi ...200312656179
adaptive and inflammatory immune responses in patients infected with strains of vibrio patients with diarrhea caused by vibrio parahaemolyticus, antibody-secreting cell responses to thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), lipopolysaccharide (lps), and whole-cell bacteria were seen. tdh- and lps-specific responses were seen in serum samples, and immunoglobulin a antibody responses were observed in stool. levels of c-reactive protein and nitric oxide metabolites increased in the systemic circulation at the onset of illness. tumor necrosis factor-alpha and lactoferrin levels were hig ...200312660923
pcr detection of a newly emerged pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pathogen in pure cultures and seeded waters from the gulf of mexico.this study describes the optimization of pcr parameters and testing of a wide number of microbial species to establish a highly specific and sensitive pcr-based method of detection of a newly emerged pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 strain in pure cultures and seeded waters from the gulf of mexico (gulf water). the selected open reading frame 8 (orf8) dna-specific oligonucleotide primers tested were found to specifically amplify all 35 pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus o3:k6 pandemic isolates ...200312676700
inactivation of bacteria in seawater by low-amperage electric current.seawater used in mariculture has been suspected of being a potential source of infection. in this study, the lethal effects of low-amperage electric treatment on microorganisms were examined in natural seawater and in seawater inoculated with vibrio parahaemolyticus. in both cases, bacteria including v. parahaemolyticus in seawater were completely eliminated in 100 ms by a 0.5-a, 12-v direct current. electron microscopic investigation of the electrically treated bacteria revealed substantial str ...200312676730
application of a microchamber array for dna amplification using a novel dispensing method.we recently developed a microchamber array chip for dna amplification by adopting semiconductor microfabrication technology; a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed in the microchamber array, and the amplified dna was detected using a fluorescent dye. in order to manipulate a single cell or sample into each microchamber individually in this system, the chip was directly sealed with a cover glass slip which impeded the retrieval of the products from each chamber. the present study was the ...200212680464
representation, dispersion, and variation of bacterial indicators in the coastal waters of nagore (east coast of india).the occurrence of bacterial indicators in the coastal waters of nagore on the east coast of india was studied during two monsoon and nonmonsoon cycles from 1995 to1996. proteus/klebsiella, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and total coliforms were typically present at a mean level of 10(9) colony-forming units/g dry sediment, whereas other indicators such as salmonella, shigella, and v. cholerae were at the 10(5) level. in the water column, total coliforms and salmonella were 2 to 3 orders of magnitude l ...200312683465
structure and serological characterization of 5,7-diamino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-non-2-ulosonic acid isolated from lipopolysaccharides of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 and o-untypable strain kx-v212.lipopolysaccharides (lps) of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 and o-untypable (out) strain (kx-v212) isolated from an individual patient were shown to contain 5,7-diamino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-non-2-ulosonic acid (nonla), which was readily released from lps by mild acid hydrolysis. in the present study, we investigated the chemical and serological properties of nonla isolated from lps of v. parahaemolyticus o2 and out kx-v212. gc-ms and nmr analysis identified the nonla from lps of o2 to be 5,7-diacetami ...200312706971
structural analysis of the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 lipopolysaccharides.a structural investigation has been carried out on the carbohydrate backbone of vibrio parahaemolyticus o2 lipopolysaccharides (lps) isolated by dephosphorylation, o-deacylation and n-deacylation. the carbohydrate backbone is a short-chain saccharide consisting of nine monosaccharide units i.e., 1 mol each of d-galactose (gal), d-glucose (glc), d-glucuronic acid (glca), l-glycero-d-manno-heptose (l,d-hep), d-glycero-d-manno-heptose (d,d-hep), 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (kdo), 5,7-diacet ...200312706972
flagellar basal body flg operon as a virulence determinant of vibrio vulnificus.vibrio vulnificus, a halophilic estuarine bacterium causing a rapidly progressing fatal septicemia, is highly cytotoxic to eukaryotic cells. to identify new virulence factors associated with cytotoxicity, we constructed a mariner-based transposon (tn himar1) library of the highly virulent clinical isolate mo6-24/o having a double mutation in the hemolysin and protease genes. the himar1 mutant library was extensively screened for the mutants showing decreased cytotoxicity to hela cells. we select ...200312711330
[vibrios (vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus)]. 200312718054
[noncholera vibrio infections (v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus and others)]. 200312718068
an iron-regulated gene required for utilization of aerobactin as an exogenous siderophore in vibrio parahaemolyticus.a previous investigation using the fur titration assay system showed that vibrio parahaemolyticus possesses a gene encoding a protein homologous to iuta, the outer-membrane receptor for ferric aerobactin in escherichia coli. in this study, a 5.6 kb dna region from the v. parahaemolyticus wp1 genome was cloned and two entire genes, iuta and alcd homologues, were identified which are absent from vibrio cholerae genomic sequences. the v. parahaemolyticus iuta and alcd proteins share 43 % identity w ...200312724383
[effect of irradiation on the shelf-life of aquatic products].the effect of irradiation at doses of 0-10 kgy on the shelf-life of aquatic products was determined. the results showed that irradiation could not prolong the shelf-life of aquatic products kept at 25 degrees c. while the aquatic products were kept at refrigerator (4 degrees c), the irradiation could prolong the shelf-life and effectively reduce the total aerobic plate count. irradiation could effectively reduce the number of coliform to less than 300/kg and eliminate shigella shigae, salmonella ...200012725095
the urease gene cluster of vibrio parahaemolyticus does not influence the expression of the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) gene or the tdh-related hemolysin order to investigate why the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and the tdh-related hemolysin (trh) of vibrio parahaemolyticus are produced at low levels from urease-positive strains, the effect of the functional urease gene cluster of v. parahaemolyticus on the expression of the tdh and trh genes was examined. transcriptional lacz fusions with the tdh1, tdh2, trh1 and trh2 genes representing variants of the tdh and trh genes were integrated into the chromosome of an escherichia coli strain ...200312725294
bactericidal effect of tio2 photocatalyst on selected food-borne pathogenic bacteria.titanium dioxide (tio(2)) photocatalysts have attracted great attention as a material for photocatalytic sterilization in the food and environmental industry. this research aimed to design a new photobioreactor and its application to sterilize selected food borne pathogenic bacteria, salmonella choleraesuis subsp., vibrio parahaemolyticus, and listeria monocytogenes. the photocatalytic reaction was carried out with various tio(2) concentrations and ultraviolet (uv) illumination time. a feasible ...200312729712
a polar flagella operon (flg) of aeromonas hydrophila contains genes required for lateral flagella expression.aeromonas spp. are pathogens of both humans and poikilothermic animals, causing a variety of diseases. certain strains are able to produce two distinct types of flagella; polar flagella for swimming in liquid and lateral flagella for swarming over surfaces. although, both types of flagella have been associated as colonisation factors, little is known about their organisation and expression. here we characterised a complete flagellar locus of aeromonas hydrophila (flg) containing 16 genes, this w ...200312732473
application of polymerase chain reaction for detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with tropical seafoods and coastal study the incidence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafoods, water and sediment by molecular techniques vs conventional microbiological methods.200312753253
vibrio parahaemolyticus infectious for both humans and edible mollusk abalone.the aims of this study are to report evidence of the first laboratory-acquired infection of vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with handling experimentally infected abalones and to describe the virulence of the two bacterial strains tested in these animals. two strains of v. parahaemolyticus, one from the stool of a patient with acute gastroenteritis (strain 880713) and the other from the hemolymph of a diseased small abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta (strain 880915), were identified and ...200312758276
study of capsular polysaccharide from vibrio parahaemolyticus.the leading cause of food poisoning in both taiwan and japan is vibrio parahaemolyticus infection, whose mechanism of enteropathogenesis is still unclear. to evaluate whether surface components are responsible for the intestinal adhesion of v. parahaemolyticus, we have developed a novel method for isolating the capsular polysaccharide (cps) from v. parahaemolyticus (serotype o4:k8). we found that culturing of v. parahaemolyticus in broth for 1 week or more changed the colony form of the bacteria ...200312761115
response of vibrio parahaemolyticus 03:k6 to a hot water/cold shock pasteurization process.vibrio vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus are natural inhabitants of estuarine environments world wide. pathogenic strains of these bacteria are often transmitted to humans through consumption of raw oysters, which flourish in the same estuaries. previous studies reported the effective use of hot water pasteurization followed by cold shock to eliminate from raw oysters naturally and artificially incurred environmental strains of v. vulnificus and v. parahaemolyticus common to the gulf of mexico. ...200312775474
flra, a sigma54-dependent transcriptional activator in vibrio fischeri, is required for motility and symbiotic light-organ colonization.flagellum-mediated motility of vibrio fischeri is an essential factor in the bacterium's ability to colonize its host, the hawaiian squid euprymna scolopes. to begin characterizing the nature of the flagellar regulon, we have cloned a gene, designated flra, from v. fischeri that encodes a putative sigma(54)-dependent transcriptional activator. genetic arrangement of the flra locus in v. fischeri is similar to motility master-regulator operons of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus. in ad ...200312775692
the good, the bad and the ugly? 200312781519
the complete sequence of marine bacteriophage vpv262 infecting vibrio parahaemolyticus indicates that an ancestral component of a t7 viral supergroup is widespread in the marine environment.the 46,012-bp sequence of the marine bacteriophage vpv262 infecting the bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus is reported. the vpv262 sequence reveals that it is a distant relative of marine roseophage sio1, and an even more distant relative of coliphage t7. vpv262 and sio1 appear to represent a widespread marine phage group that lacks an rna polymerase gene and is ancestral to the t7-like phages. we propose that this group together with the t7-like phages be designated as the t7 supergroup. the anc ...200312781722
density-dependent sorting of physiologically different cells of vibrio parahaemolyticus.a pure bacterial culture is composed of clonal cells in different physiological states. separation of those subpopulations is critical for further characterization and for understanding various processes in the cultured cells. we used density-dependent cell sorting with percoll to separate subpopulations from cultures of a marine bacterium, vibrio parahaemolyticus. cells from cultures in the exponential and stationary phases were fractionated according to their buoyant density, and their cultura ...200312788764
inactivation by ionizing radiation of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella infantis, and vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters (crassostrea brasiliana).irradiation is considered one of the most efficient technological processes for the reduction of microorganisms in food. it can be used to improve the safety of food products, and to extend their shelf lives. oysters are considered one of the most important vehicles for pathogenic bacteria because of their feeding characteristics. the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a gamma radiation process on high levels of salmonella enteritidis, salmonella infantis, and vibrio parahaemolyt ...200312801004
prevalence and serodiversity of the pandemic clone among the clinical strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated in southern thailand.we collected diarrhoea specimens in two hospitals in southern thailand in 1999 to examine whether infection by the vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic clone is prevalent. v. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 317 specimens. seventy-six per cent of the isolated strains had the pandemic clone-specific characteristics (tdh+, trh-, and an unique toxrs sequence detectable by gs-pcr) and an associated characteristic (the orf8 sequence of f237 phage). these strains belonged to the three pandemic servovars ...200312825723
analysis of the envelope proteins of heat-shocked vibrio parahaemolyticus cells by immunoblotting and biotin-labeling methods.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a common enteropathogen in tropical and subtropical coastal regions, exhibits significant adaptive acid tolerance response and heat-shock response, and the envelope proteins induced by stresses are suggested to be associated with virulence. this work examined the heat-shock proteins located in the envelope of v. parahaemolyticus by two rapid methods; namely, the immunoblotting and biotin-labeling methods. the bacterial cells were cultured at 25 c and heat shocked at 37 o ...200312825892
acute bacterial gastroenteritis: a study of adult patients with positive stool cultures treated in the emergency investigate the presenting clinical features of acute bacterial gastroenteritis in adult patients treated as outpatients in the emergency department (ed), and the pathogens responsible in this setting and population; and to identify the frequency with which positive stool culture result changes management.200312835343
prevalence of pandemic thermostable direct hemolysin-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus o3:k6 in seafood and the coastal environment in japan.although thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-producing vibrio parahaemolyticus has caused many infections in asian countries, the united states, and other countries, it has been difficult to detect the same pathogen in seafoods and other environmental samples. in this study, we detected and enumerated tdh gene-positive v. parahaemolyticus in japanese seafoods with a tdh-specific pcr method, a chromogenic agar medium, and a most-probable-number method. the tdh gene was detected in 33 of 329 seafo ...200312839757
dominance of vibrio fischeri in secreted mucus outside the light organ of euprymna scolopes: the first site of symbiont specificity.previous studies of the euprymna scolopes-vibrio fischeri symbiosis have demonstrated that, during colonization, the hatchling host secretes mucus in which gram-negative environmental bacteria amass in dense aggregations outside the sites of infection. in this study, experiments with green fluorescent protein-labeled symbiotic and nonsymbiotic species of gram-negative bacteria were used to characterize the behavior of cells in the aggregates. when hatchling animals were exposed to 10(3) to 10(6) ...200312839763
molecular, serological, and virulence characteristics of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from environmental, food, and clinical sources in north america and asia.potential virulence attributes, serotypes, and ribotypes were determined for 178 pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical, environmental, and food sources on the pacific, atlantic, and gulf coasts of the united states and from clinical sources in asia. the food and environmental isolates were generally from oysters, and they were defined as being pathogenic by using dna probes to detect the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) gene. the clinical isolates from the ...200312839774
cholera and other types of vibriosis: a story of human pandemics and oysters on the half shell.vibrios are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment and are commonly present in or on shellfish and other seafood. a small subset of strains/species are able to cause human disease, including the cholera toxin-producing strains of vibrio cholerae that are responsible for epidemic/pandemic cholera; thermostable direct hemolysin-producing strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus; and vibrio vulnificus, which can cause fulminant sepsis. cholera outbreaks can be initiated by transmission of "epidemic" v. ch ...200312856219
lateral flagellar gene system of vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus possesses dual flagellar systems adapted for movement under different circumstances. a single polar flagellum propels the bacterium in liquid (i.e., swimming) with a motor that is powered by the sodium motive force. multiple proton-driven lateral flagella enable translocation over surfaces (i.e., swarming). the polar flagellum is produced continuously, while production of lateral flagella is induced when the organism is grown on surfaces. this work describes the isolation ...200312867460
studies on pathogenic vibrio parahaemolyticus during a warm weather season in the seto inland sea, japan.vibrio parahaemolyticus is a potentially pathogenic bacterium, occurring naturally in estuarine and marine environments throughout the world. the incidence of this organism in an aquatic environment depends upon many ecofactors. sea water and organic material were collected during the warm weather season from a coast of the seto inland sea, japan, and analysed to determine v. parahaemolyticus densities and the occurrence of pathogenic strains, defined as those possessing tdh and/or trh genes by ...200312871237
bacteria that express lateral flagella enable dissection of the multifunctional roles of flagella in pathogenesis.flagella are much more than organelles of locomotion and have multiple roles that contribute to pathogenesis. bacteria, such as vibrio parahaemolyticus and aeromonas spp., that possess two distinct flagellar systems (a polar flagellum for swimming in liquid and lateral flagella for swarming over surfaces) are relatively uncommon and provide ideal models for the independent investigation of the contributions of these different types of motility and other flagellar functions to virulence and how t ...200312892877
complete genome sequence of the broad-host-range vibriophage kvp40: comparative genomics of a t4-related bacteriophage.the complete genome sequence of the t4-like, broad-host-range vibriophage kvp40 has been determined. the genome sequence is 244,835 bp, with an overall g+c content of 42.6%. it encodes 386 putative protein-encoding open reading frames (cdss), 30 trnas, 33 t4-like late promoters, and 57 potential rho-independent terminators. overall, 92.1% of the kvp40 genome is coding, with an average cds size of 587 bp. while 65% of the cdss were unique to kvp40 and had no known function, the genome sequence an ...200312923095
multiple regulators control capsular polysaccharide production in vibrio parahaemolyticus.vibrio parahaemolyticus, a biofouling marine bacterium and human pathogen, undergoes phase variation displaying translucent (tr) and opaque (op) colony morphologies. prior studies demonstrated that op colonies produce more capsular polysaccharide (cps) than tr colonies and that opacity is controlled by the vibrio harveyi luxr-type transcriptional activator opar. cps has also been shown to be regulated by the scrabc signaling pathway, which involves a ggdef-eal motif-containing sensory protein. t ...200312949095
studies on the enteropathogenic, facultatively halophilic bacteria, vibrio parahaemolyticus. i. morphological, cultural and biochemical properties and its taxonomical position. 196314071901
electron microscopy of flagellation of vibrio parahaemolyticus. 196414125370
[clinical findings of bacterial food poisoning cauxed by vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 196314157123
[biological and immunological studies on the dna derived from vibrio parahaemolyticus. 2nd report. immuno-serological studies on the extracted nucleic acid derived from vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 196414252825
[study on vibriostatic agent with special reference to vibrio parahaemolyticus sensitivity to pteridine derivatives]. 196414285725
[studies on the pathogenicity of vibrio parahaemolyticus. i. oral administration in monkeys and the application of the de-test]. 196514295688
[studies on the growth rate of various food bacteria. 1. the generation time of vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 196514326732
[factors leading to false judgement of the sucrose fermentability of vibrio parahaemolyticus]. 196514343322
antimicrobial performance of alkaline ionic fluid (gc-100x) and its ability to remove escherichia coli o157:h7 from the surface of efficacy test of gc-100x, a noncorrosive alkaline ionic fluid (ph 12) composed of free radicals and supplemented with xylitol, was carried out against six major foodborne pathogens-staphylococcus aureus fri 913, salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis atcc 13076, s. enterica serovar typhimurium dt104 korean isolate, vibrio parahaemolyticus atcc 17803, escherichia coli o157:h7 atcc 43894, and pseudomonas aeruginosa kctc 1637-at three different temperatures (4, 25, and 36 degrees c) with or wit ...200314503713
increased sensitivity in pcr detection of tdh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood with purified template dna.pcr is an important method for the detection of thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh)-positive (pathogenic hemolysin-producing) strains of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood because tdh-negative (nonpathogenic) v. parahaemolyticus strains often contaminate seafood and interfere with the direct isolation of tdh-positive v. parahaemolyticus. in this study, the use of pcr to detect the tdh gene of v. parahaemolyticus in various seafoods artificially contaminated with tdh-positive v. parahaemolyt ...200314503724
[rapid detection and identification of enteropathogenic bacteria by a single strain counting-pcr assay].the arbitrarily primed-pcr (ap-pcr) method is a technique to generate patterns of randomly amplified dna fragments, and is often used for typing clinical isolates. currently, we have been developing a modified ap-pcr method, the single strain counting-pcr (ssc-pcr), in order to discriminate among bacterial strains based on amplified patterns with multiple primers. here, we describe the availabilities of the ssc-pcr method to identify and detect enteropathogenic bacteria. the analysis of the ampl ...200314509944
purification and characterization of an antibacterial protein in the skin secretion of rockfish sebastes antibacterial protein in the skin secretion of rockfish (sebastes schlegeli) was purified by lectin affinity chromatography on con a-sepharose and gel filtration on tskgel g3000sw. the antibacterial protein featured the high molecular mass and selective action against gram-negative bacteria. the molecular mass of the protein was estimated to be approximately 150 kda in gel filtration and approximately 75 kda by sds-page, suggesting that it is dimeric. the antibacterial principle was an acidic ...200314522599
genotypic analyses of vibrio parahaemolyticus and development of a pandemic group-specific multiplex pcr assay.a total of 54 vibrio parahaemolyticus strains including pandemic o3:k6 strains and newly emerged o4:k68, o1:k25, o1:k26, and o1:k untypeable strains (collectively referred to as the "pandemic group") were examined for their pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and arbitrarily primed pcr (ap-pcr) profiles and for the presence or absence of genetic marker dna sequences, toxrs/new or orf8, that had been reported elsewhere to be specific for the pandemic group. both pfge and ap-pcr analyses indic ...200314532202
identification of tdh-positive vibrio parahaemolyticus from an outbreak associated with raw oyster consumption in spain.between august and september 1999, a total of 64 cases of illness were identified in three episodes of acute gastroenteritis associated with the consumption of live oysters from a typical outdoor street market in galicia (northwest spain). nine case patients were hospitalized and analysis of their stool samples revealed the presence of vibrio parahaemolyticus. the strains isolated from two stool samples were studied for antibiotic susceptibility, biochemical characteristics and presence of virul ...200314553923
genome sequences of two closely related vibrio parahaemolyticus phages, vp16t and vp16c.two bacteriophages of an environmental isolate of vibrio parahaemolyticus were isolated and sequenced. the vp16t and vp16c phages were separated from a mixed lysate based on plaque morphology and exhibit 73 to 88% sequence identity over about 80% of their genomes. only about 25% of their predicted open reading frames are similar to genes with known functions in the genbank database. both phages have cos sites and open reading frames encoding proteins closely related to coliphage lambda's termina ...200314563879
bactericidal effects of konjac fluid on several food-poisoning this study, the bactericidal effects of japanese alkaline foods on food-poisoning bacteria were evaluated. konjac is an alkaline food soaked in calcinated calcium (the ph of konjac fluid ranges from 11.42 to 12.53). konjac fluids completely inactivated escherichia coli, enterohemorrhagic e. coli o157:h7 and e. coil o26:h9, salmonella enteritidis, vibrio parahemolyticus. and staphylococcus aureus. the initial level of 6 log cfu/ml dramatically decreased after incubation with konjac fluid, and ...200314572219
retention of virulence in viable but non-culturable halophilic vibrio spp.the viable but non-culturable (vbnc) forms of two environmental strains of vibrio alginolyticus 1 and vibrio parahaemolyticus 66 and one strain of v. parahaemolyticus atcc 43996 showing virulence characteristics (hemolysin production, adhesive and/or cytotoxic ability, in vivo enteropathogenicity) were obtained by culturing bacteria in a microcosm consisting of artificial sea water (asw) and incubating at 5 degrees c with shaking. every 2 days, culturability of the cells in the microcosm was mon ...200314580971
duplex real-time sybr green pcr assays for detection of 17 species of food- or waterborne pathogens in stools.a duplex real-time sybr green lightcycler pcr (lc-pcr) assay with dna extraction using the qiaamp dna stool mini kit was evaluated with regard to detection of 8 of 17 species of food- or waterborne pathogens in five stool specimens in 2 h or less. the protocol used the same lc-pcr with 20 pairs of specific primers. the products formed were identified based on a melting point temperature (t(m)) curve analysis. the 17 species of food- or waterborne pathogens examined were enteroinvasive escherichi ...200314605150
identification of foodborne bacteria by infrared spectroscopy using cellular fatty acid methyl esters.identification of bacterial species by profiling fatty acid methyl esters (fames) has commonly been carried out by using a 20-min capillary gas chromatographic procedure followed by library matching of fame profiles using commercial midi databases and proprietary pattern recognition software. fast gc (5 min) fame procedures and mass spectrometric methodologies that require no lipid separation have also been reported. in this study, bacterial identification based on the rapid (2 min) infrared mea ...200314607413
identification and characterization of genes required for biosynthesis and transport of the siderophore vibrioferrin in vibrio response to low iron availability, vibrio parahaemolyticus synthesizes and secretes a polyhydroxycarboxylate-type siderophore vibrioferrin which is composed of 1 mol each of 2-ketoglutaric acid, l-alanine, ethanolamine, and citric acid. we have previously reported the cloning and characterization of the pvua gene, which encodes the 78-kda outer membrane receptor protein for ferric vibrioferrin. in this study, nine genes involved in the biosynthesis and transport of vibrioferrin have been iden ...200314617658
new indole alkaloids from the north sea bacterium vibrio parahaemolyticus bio249.several bis- and tris-indole derivatives were isolated from a north sea bacterium that was closely related to vibrio parahaemolyticus (98% homology). 1,1,3-tris(3-indolyl)butane (3) is a new compound, and 3,3-bis(3-indolyl)butane-2-one (1a), arundine (1b), and 1,1,1-tris(3-indolyl)methane (2a) were isolated from a microorganism for the first time here. additionally, many other known compounds were obtained from the ethyl acetate extract of the culture. their structures were established on the ba ...200314640534
accuracy of six commercially available systems for identification of members of the family vibrionaceae.six commercially available bacterial identification products were tested with vibrio alginolyticus (12 strains), v. cholerae (30 strains), photobacterium (vibrio) damselae (10 strains), v. fluvialis (10 strains), v. furnissii (4 strains), v. hollisae (10 strains), v. metschnikovii (9 strains), v. mimicus (10 strains), v. parahaemolyticus (30 strains), and v. vulnificus (10 strains) to determine the accuracy of each system for identification. the products included api 20e, crystal e/nf, microscan ...200314662957
attachment to and biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces by acinetobacter baumannii: involvement of a novel chaperone-usher pili assembly system.acinetobacter baumannii causes severe infections in compromised patients, survives on abiotic surfaces in hospital environments and colonizes different medical devices. in this study the analysis of the processes involved in surface attachment and biofilm formation by the prototype strain 19606 was initiated. this strain attaches to and forms biofilm structures on plastic and glass surfaces, particularly at the liquid-air interface of cultures incubated stagnantly. the cell aggregates, which con ...200314663080
structural characterization of the carbohydrate backbone of the lipopolysaccharide of vibrio parahaemolyticus o-untypeable strain kx-v212 isolated from a patient.vibrio parahaemolyticus strain kx-v212 of a novel serotype, which does not belong to any of the known 13 o-serotypes of this vibrio, was isolated from a patient. its o-antigen harbors a unique strain-specific o-antigenic factor(s), in addition to that shared by the o-antigen of v. parahaemolyticus serotype o2. a carbohydrate backbone nonasaccharide was isolated from the lipopolysaccharide (lps) of strain kx-v212 by dephosphorylation, reduction and deacylation and found to consist of one residue ...200314670729
sensitivity of vibrio species in phosphate-buffered saline and in oysters to high-pressure processing.multiple strains of vibrio vulnificus, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio cholerae non-o1 were tested in phosphate-buffered saline for their sensitivity to high-pressure processing (hpp). variability in sensitivity among strains was observed for all species; this variability decreased at higher pressures. v. vulnificus was the species that was most sensitive to treatment at 200 mpa (decimal reduction time [d] = 26 s), and v. cholerae was the species that was most resistant to treatment at 200 m ...200314672224
[purification of a big defensin from ruditapes philippinesis and its antibacterial activity].a novel big defensin was isolated and characterized from the plasma of ruditapes philippinesis. it was purified to homogeneity by means of precipitation with (nh(4))(2)so(4), gel-exclusion chromatography, two kinds of cation-exchange chromatography and named rpd-1. its relative molecular mass was 24.8 kd by means of sds-page. by means of abi437 amino acid sequence analyser, its 11 nh(2)-terminal amino acid sequence is avpdvafnayg. two databank systems (ncbi and ebi/embl) was indexed, no sequence ...200314673509
evaluation of novel beta-ribosidase substrates for the differentiation of gram-negative synthesize novel substrates for the detection of beta-ribosidase and assess their potential for the differentiation of gram-negative bacteria.200414678171
molecular cloning and characterization of the hmrm multidrug efflux pump from haemophilus influenzae rd.we cloned a gene responsible for norfloxacin resistance from the chromosomal dna of haemophilus influenzae rd, and designated the gene as hmrm. hmrm showed sequence similarity with norm of vibrio parahaemolyticus and ydhe of escherichia coli and others that belong to the mate family multidrug efflux pumps. the recombinant plasmid carrying the hmrm gene conferred elevated resistance not only to norfloxacin but also to acriflavine, 4 ', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, doxorubicin, ethidium bromide, te ...200314695443
induction of viable but nonculturable state in vibrio parahaemolyticus and its susceptibility to environmental stresses.this work analysed factors that influence the induction of viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state in the common enteric pathogen, vibrio parahaemolyticus. the susceptibility of the vbnc cells to environmental stresses was investigated.200414723697
amlodipine: a cardiovascular drug with powerful antimicrobial property.ten cardiovascular drugs were procured in pure form from their manufacturers in india and screened for antimicrobial property against fifteen known bacteria belonging to both gram-positive and gram-negative types. these bacteria were inhibited by the common antibiotics at 1-5 mg ml(-1) level through our earlier studies. since most of the bacteria were moderate to highly responsive to amlodipine, this compound was further tested in vitro against 504 bacteria comprising 4 genera of gram-positive a ...200314743981
[occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in mussels (perna perna, linnaeus, 1758) from a natural coastal bed in the municipality of palhoça, santa catarina, brazil].a study was carried out on the occurrence of vibrio parahaemolyticus in forty samples of mussels (perna perna, linnaeus, 1758) from a natural bed at pinheira beach, municipality of palhoça, santa catarina (brazil), during a three-month period. the most probable number technique was used for isolation methodology with prior enrichment of samples in alkaline peptone water and subsequent planting on thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose agar. vibrio parahaemolyticus was found in 52.5% of samples o ...200414762546
[epidemiological study of outbreaks and sporadic cases due to vibrio parahaemolyticus--serotype o3:k6 in aichi prefecture, japan, during 1988 and 2001].percentage of the outbreaks by o3:k6 vibrio parahaemolyticus (v. p) in aichi prefecture japan increased from 3% (3/86) for 1988-95 to 75% (33/44) for 1996-2001. the percentage of the sporadic diarrhea cases caused by o3:k6 v. p in a general hospital in aichi prefecture also increased from 0% (0/253) to 61% (135/221) during the same periods. thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh)-positive o3:k6 were isolated from 95% (19/20) of the outbreak incidents and 100% (135/135) of the sporadic cases. only on ...200314768341
effect of methyl parathion on the susceptibility of shrimp litopenaeus vannamei to experimental vibriosis.following increasing calls for environmental safety over the past 2 decades, persistent pesticides are being replaced by more rapidly degradable products. however, even these pesticides can affect non-target species, and may be associated with slow growth and increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. in this study, juvenile white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei (also named penaeus vannamei) were challenged by intramuscular injection with vibrio parahaemolyticus after 4 d prior expo ...200314960041
occurrence of the tdh and trh genes in vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from waters and raw shellfish collected in two french coastal areas and from seafood imported into france.the occurrence of the hemolysin genes, tdh and trh, in vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated from environmental samples collected in two french coastal areas, clinical samples, and seafood products imported into france was studied. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with two sets of primers was used to detect the hemolysin genes. most of the clinical isolates (91%) and 1.5% of the isolates from seafood possessed the hemolysin genes. three and fifteen percent, respectively, of the two groups of e ...200414984780
assessment of evolution of pandemic vibrio parahaemolyticus by multilocus sequence typing.the genetic relatedness of 81 isolates of vibrio parahaemolyticus was assessed by multilocus sequence typing. the strain with serotype o3:k6 emerged as a pandemic pathogen in 1996, with subsequent expansion to include strains having serotypes o1:kut, o4:k68, and o1:k25. sequence data from gyrb, reca, dnae, and gnd revealed that 16 distinct serogroups isolated prior to the pandemic were highly variable and only isolates of serogroup o3:k6 shared two alleles with the pandemic strains. the pandemic ...200415004094
inactivation of vibrio parahaemolyticus in effluent seawater by alternating-current treatment.vibrio parahaemolyticus, the cause of gastroenteritis in humans, was inactivated by alternating low-amperage electricity. in this study, the application of alternating low-amperage electric treatment to effluent seawater was investigated for the large-scale disinfection of seawater. this method was able to overcome the problem of chlorine generation that results from treatment with continuous direct current. in conclusion, our results showed that alternating-current treatment inactivates v. para ...200415006812
effect of vibrio parahaemolyticus haemolysin on human erythrocytes.haemolysin kanagawa, a toxin from vibrio parahaemolyticus, is known to trigger haemolysis. flux studies indicated that haemolysin forms a cation channel. in the present study, channel properties were elucidated by patch clamp and functional significance of ion fluxes by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (facs) analysis. treatment of human erythrocytes with 1 u ml-1 haemolysin within minutes induces a non-selective cation permeability. moreover, haemolysin activates clotrimazole-sensitive k+ ch ...200415009030
local conformational changes in the vibrio na+/galactose and sugar transport by cotransporters (symporters) is thought to occur as a series of ordered ligand-induced conformational changes. to localize these conformational changes in a bacterial na(+)/galactose cotransporter, we have employed a combination of cysteine-scanning and fluorescence techniques. single or pairs of cysteine residues were introduced into the external face of a cysteine-less vibrio parahaemolyticus sodium/glucose cotransporter for expression in escherichia coli, and each ...200415035632
evaluation of mpn method combined with pcr procedure for detection and enumeration of vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood.vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in spiked and naturally contaminated seafood samples were enumerated by the mpn method combined with a pcr procedure (mpn-pcr method) targeting the species-specific thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh), and by the mpn method using subcultivation of alkaline-peptone-water (apw) enrichment culture on thiosulfate-citrate-bile-sucrose (tcbs) agar (mpn-tcbs method). in the samples spiked with both v. parahaemolyticus and v. alginolyticus, the numbers of v. parahaemolyti ...200315038110
predation pattern and phylogenetic analysis of bdellovibrionaceae from the great salt lake, utah.the bdellovibrionaceae are predatory, intraperiplasmic bacteria that prey upon a variety of gram-negative bacteria. the prey susceptibility pattern is frequently used to characterize new isolates. the objective in this study was to isolate and characterize predators from the great salt lake (gsl) by prey susceptibility testing. to recover the predators, water samples were inoculated into an enrichment medium with vibrio parahaemolyticus as prey. after several days of incubation, the predators we ...200415057478
resuscitation of viable but non-culturable vibrio parahaemolyticus in a minimum salt medium.vibrio parahaemolyticus is food-borne pathogen prevalent in asian countries. this work analyzes factors that influence the resuscitation of the viable but nonculturable (vbnc) state in this bacterium. the mms-0.5% nacl medium alone limited cell multiplication, and in this medium, resuscitation was successful when the temperature was upshifted to 25 degrees c but not 37 degrees c. chloramphenicol inhibition experiments revealed that protein synthesis in the first 24 h of temperature upshift was c ...200415063495
[genetic diagnosis of thyroid diseases]. 200315067758
simultaneous detection of marine fish pathogens by using multiplex pcr and a dna microarray.we coupled multiplex pcr and a dna microarray to construct an assay suitable for the simultaneous detection of five important marine fish pathogens (vibrio vulnificus, listonella anguillarum, photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae, aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and vibrio parahaemolyticus). the array was composed of nine short oligonucleotide probes (25-mer) complementary to seven chromosomal loci (cyt, rpon, gyrb, toxr, urec, dly, and vapa) and two plasmid-borne loci (fata and ...200415070982
identification of a protein biomarker unique to the pandemic o3:k6 clone of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the present method of characterizing vibrio parahaemolyticus strains involves serotyping or detection methods based on assessment of the presence or absence of genes thought to be markers of an organism's pathogenicity. it is unclear whether these assays detect all pathogenic v. parahaemolyticus strains since a clear correlation between the presence of a particular gene and the organism's pathogenicity has not yet been observed. we have described a proteomics-based method to distinguish individu ...200415071022
a major li(+) extrusion system nhab of pseudomonas aeruginosa : comparison with the major na(+) extrusion system nhap.a gene encoding a li(+) extrusion system was cloned from the chromosomal dna of pseudomonas aeruginosa and expressed in escherichia coli cells. the gene enabled growth of e. coli knabc cells, which were unable to grow in the presence of 10 mm licl or 0.1 m nacl because of the lack of major na(+) (li(+))/h(+) antiporters. we detected li(+)/h(+) and na(+)/h(+) antiport activities in membrane vesicles prepared from e. coli knabc cells that harbored a plasmid carrying the cloned gene. activity of th ...200415107534
cytotoxicity and enterotoxicity of the thermostable direct hemolysin-deletion mutants of vibrio parahaemolyticus.the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) has been proposed to be a major virulence factor of vibrio parahaemolyticus. we have recently completed the genome sequence of a tdh-producing v. parahaemolyticus strain, rimd2210633. in this study, we constructed tdh-deletion mutants from the sequenced strain by homologous recombination and analyzed their phenotypes. although the deletion of both copies of tdh completely abolished the hemolytic activity of the wild-type strain, the deletion did not affect ...200415107542
emergence and serovar transition of vibrio parahaemolyticus pandemic strains isolated during a diarrhea outbreak in vietnam between 1997 and 1999.we characterized 523 vibrio parahaemolyticus strains isolated during a survey of diarrhea patients in khanh hoa province, vietnam between 1997 and 1999. forty-nine percent of the strains were judged to belong to the pandemic strains that emerged around 1996 and spread to many countries. these strains were positive in the gs-pcr assay and carried the tdh gene. the orf8 of the f237 phage genome, a possible marker of the pandemic clone, was absent in 10% of these strains. eleven o: k serovars were ...200415107543
use of novel pcr primers specific to the genes of staphylococcal enterotoxin g, h, i for the survey of staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from food-poisoning cases and food samples in regarding the incidence of the newly found enterotoxigenic staphylococcus aureus strains in food poisoning cases and in food samples were to date not available in taiwan. in this study, pcr primers specific for the detection of seg, h and i genes, i.e., seg, seh and sei, were used for the assay of 55 human isolates of s. aureus negative to the classical enterotoxins (sea-->see) detection. these isolates were from the fecal specimens of the patients suffering from food poisoning outbreaks. o ...200415109796
susceptibility of vibrio parahaemolyticus to various environmental stresses after cold shock treatment.vibrio parahaemolyticus was subjected to cold shock treatment at 20 or 15 degrees c for 2 or 4 h. the effect of cold shock on the survival of v. parahaemolyticus subjected to subsequent low temperature (5 and -18 degrees c) and other adverse conditions (47 degrees c, 6 ppm crystal violet, 1000 ppm h(2)o(2), 25 mm acetic acid and 25 mm lactic acid) was investigated. regardless of the cold shock treatment, survival of v. parahaemolyticus increased when stored at 5 or -18 degrees c, while no increa ...200415109798
the immune response of taiwan abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta and its susceptibility to vibrio parahaemolyticus at different salinity levels.addition of nacl at 2.5% to 3.5% to tryptic soy broth (tsb) significantly increased the growth of vibrio parahaemolyticus. taiwan abalone haliotis diversicolor supertexta held in 30 per thousand seawater were injected with v. parahaemolyticus grown in tsb containing nacl at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5% at a dose of 1.6 x 10(5)colony-forming units (cfu) abalone(-1). after 48 h, the cumulative mortality was significantly higher for the abalone challenged with v. parahaemolyticus grown in 2.5% than ...200415123299
detection of vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio cholerae in oyster, crassostrea rhizophorae, collected from a natural nursery in the cocó river estuary, fortaleza, ceará, brazil.oysters are edible organisms that are often ingested partially cooked or even raw, presenting therefore a very high risk to the consumers' health, especially in tropical regions. the presence of vibrio cholerae and vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters sampled at an estuary in the brazilian northeastern region was studied, with 300 oysters tested through an 8-months period. the salinity of the water at the sampling point varied between 3% and 27. v. cholerae was the most frequently detected species ...200415141271
Displaying items 2301 - 2400 of 6009