
virulence studies of aspergillus nidulans mutants requiring lysine or p-aminobenzoic acid in invasive pulmonary identify steps in fungal intermediary metabolism required by aspergillus spp. during invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, we have developed murine models involving aspergillus nidulans as the inoculum. the advantages of using a. nidulans over aspergillus fumigatus or aspergillus flavus, which are the most common agents of clinical disease, are the well-understood genetics of a. nidulans and a large range of mutants of this species which are affected in a variety of metabolic pathways. comparison ...19947960102
chemical and immunological characterization of the extracellular galactomannan of aspergillus fumigatus.the galactomannan (gm) produced extracellularly by aspergillus fumigatus has been purified by a double sequential hydrazine-nitrous acid treatment of the ethanol precipitate of the culture filtrate. nuclear magnetic resonance and gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis have been performed on intact gm, acid-hydrolyzed gm, and oligomers resulting from the acetolysis of the acid-hydrolyzed gm. results show that a. fumigatus gm is composed of a linear mannan core with an alpha-(1-2)-li ...19947960122
wf11899a, b and c, novel antifungal lipopeptides. ii. biological properties.wf11899a, b and c, novel water-soluble lipopeptides related to the echinocandins, possess potent anti-candida activities. the ic50s of the compounds against four clinical isolates of candida albicans ranged from 0.004 to 0.03 microgram/ml by microbroth dilution assay. these compounds mildly suppressed the growth of aspergillus fumigatus and a. niger. wf11899a, b and c showed a potent in vivo anti-candida activity. particularly, wf11899a was superior to cilofungin, and equal to fluconazole. 1,3-b ...19947961157
management of pulmonary aspergillosis in aids: an emerging clinical review the clinical, radiographic, and therapeutic features of 11 cases of respiratory aspergillus infection in patients with aids.19947962648
ige and eosinophil regulation in a murine model of allergic aspergillosis.exposure of balb/c mice to aspergillus fumigatus (af), the antigen responsible for causing allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in humans, caused elevated levels of serum immunoglobulin e (ige) and peripheral blood and lung eosinophilia similar to that observed in the human disease. we have investigated the role of interleukin-4 (il-4), il-5 and interferon-gamma in regulating ige and eosinophilia in the mouse model. animals were immunized by intraperitoneal injections of soluble af antigens a ...19947964167
sigmoidins j and k, two new prenylated isoflavonoids from erythrina addition to the two known compounds neotautenol [2] and erythrinassinate b [4], two new compounds, an isoflavanone named sigmoidin j [1] and a coumestan derivative named sigmoidin k [3], have been isolated and characterized from the root bark of the cameroonian medicinal plant erythrina sigmoidea. their structures have been established as 7, 4'-dihydroxy-2',5'-dimethoxy-6'(gamma, gamma-dimethylally)isoflavanone [1] and 3,9-dihydroxy-2,10-(gamma, gamma dimethylallyl) coumestan [3], respectivel ...19947964799
invasive aspergillosis: clusters and sources?clusters of invasive infection with aspergillus fumigatus are known to be associated with building works but studying the epidemiology has been hampered by the lack of a reliable typing system. a combination of three typing systems; silver staining of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, immunoblot fingerprinting, and random amplification of polymorphic dna (rapd) was applied to seven cases on a haematology unit. the results show three of the patients to have indistinguishable isolates, ...19947965492
western blot detection of igg anti-aspergillus fumigatus elastase in sera of patients with aspergillosis.anti-aspergillus fumigatus alkaline protease igg was investigated by western blot. specific igg antibodies were detected in sera of two of nine patients with proven or highly probable invasive aspergillosis and in sera of one of eight patients with proven or highly probable allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. no response was obtained in sera of 23 control patients. the specific but transient igg response to this induced enzyme does not recommend its use as sole serodiagnostic aid.19947965494
aspergillus spondylodiscitis: successful conservative treatment in 9 assess the effectiveness of medical treatment by clinical, radiological, and biological analysis of outcome in 9 patients with aspergillus spondylodiscitis.19947966071
[spontaneous course of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis].this case report illustrates the spontaneous course of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). the x-ray images cover a time-frame of nearly 20 years. all of the main criteria of abpa are fulfilled. despite intermittent oral corticosteroid treatment, recurrent eosinophilic infiltrates of the lungs occurred. new strategies in diagnosis and treatment of abpa are discussed.19947973517
rise in total ige as an indicator of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in cystic fibrosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is a serious complication of cystic fibrosis and may be difficult to diagnose. the aim of this study was to define the usefulness of measuring total ige compared with other major criteria in the diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in children with cystic fibrosis.19947974292
microbiologic contamination of peripheral blood stem cell autografts.we have determined the incidence and clinical significance of positive microbiologic cultures in a series of 290 peripheral blood stem cell concentrates in 95 patients undergoing multiple apheresis procedures for autologous stem cell rescue. specimens for bacterial cultures were obtained after processing of the autografts just prior to freezing. the incidence of microbial contamination was 4.5% (n = 13). the predominant pathogenic microorganism cultured was coagulase-negative staphylococcus (n = ...19947975449
morphological effects of lipopeptides against aspergillus fumigatus correlate with activities against (1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase.the lipopeptide antifungal agents, echinocandins, papulacandins, and pneumocandins, kill candida albicans by inhibiting glucan synthesis. for this fungus, there is a good correlation of in vitro enzyme inhibition with in vitro assays of mics. semisynthetic lipopeptides such as cilofungin, ly303366, l-693,989, and l-733,560 have activity in vivo against aspergillus infections but appear to be inactive in broth dilution in vitro tests (mics, > 128 micrograms/ml). to understand how compounds which ...19947979276
serological survey of infections in waterfowl in the guadalquivir marshes (spain).a serological survey was performed in the guadalquivir marshes (southern spain) in order to determine the presence and diffusion of six infective agents in wild waterfowl. the analysis covered 712 waterfowl from 13 species belonging to five taxa (podicipediformes, ciconiiformes, anseriformes, gruiformes, and charadriiformes). a range of immunological techniques led to detection of antibodies against the six infective agents studied: chlamydia psittaci (13.3%), mycoplasma anatis (3.5%), pasteurel ...19947980291
bidirectional gene transfer between aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus nidulans.a genomic dna library was constructed from a pathogenic strain of aspergillus fumigatus using the cosmid vector pcosax. cosmid clones with homologies to the roda, brla, flug, flba or trpc genes from a. nidulans were isolated from the library. each a. fumigatus clone was used to complement a strain of a. nidulans with a mutation in the homologous gene. a spontaneous white spored strain of a. fumigatus was isolated. the mutation was complemented by transforming the strain with a plasmid containing ...19947988865
microbial transformations of steroids--viii. transformation of progesterone by whole cells and microsomes of aspergillus fumigatus.the filamentous fungus, aspergillus fumigatus, efficiently hydroxylated exogenous progesterone producing, after 3 h of incubation, 11 alpha- and 15 beta-hydroxyprogesterone as major products, 7 beta-hydroxyprogesterone as a minor product and trace amounts of 7 beta, 15 beta- and 11 alpha, 15 beta-dihydroxyprogesterone. after 72 h the dihydroxyprogesterones were the sole metabolites in the culture medium. microsomes, prepared by ca2+ precipitation, catalysed only monohydroxylation of progesterone ...19948003446
particulate aspergillus fumigatus antigens elicit a th2 response in balb/c order to understand the immunoregulation in allergic aspergillosis, a murine model was developed by exposing animals to particulate and soluble antigens of aspergillus fumigatus.19948006306
production of tremorgenic mycotoxins by isolates of aspergillus fumigatus from sawmills in hundred and six strains of a. fumigatus were isolated from 21 sawmills in sweden, and 73 of these strains were examined for production of fumitremorgen b and verruculogen (tremorgenic mycotoxins) on yes-medium using thin layer chromatography (tlc). twenty-three strains (32%) were tremorgen producers and 50 strains (68%) were non-producers. tremorgenic mycotoxins were detected in conidia of seven a. fumigatus strains. the amount of toxin varied between 0.6-8.0 microgram/10(8) conidia (mean va ...19938008045
aspergillosis infection in neurosurgical practice.fungal infections including those due to aspergillus are rare in neurosurgical practice despite their possible inclusion in many differential diagnoses. recently, these diseases have been diagnosed with increasing frequency, principally as opportunistic infections in patients undergoing treatment for diseases resulting in immune compromise. the epidemiology is poorly understood as mycoses are not notifiable diseases. we have recently been involved in the care of seven patients with aspergillosis ...19948011191
[subcutaneous swelling of infectious origin on the instep of the foot in an immunosuppressed patient]. 19948011702
aspergillus fumigatus pneumonia in neutropenic patients receiving fluconazole for infection due to candida species: is amphotericin b combined with fluconazole the appropriate answer? 19948011849
chemical and immunological analysis of the aspergillus fumigatus cell wall.hyphal-wall preparations of aspergillus fumigatus have been analysed by sequential treatment with koh, nitrous acid and again with koh. by acidification of the alkali-soluble extract, a polyglucose was precipitated which showed an x-ray diffraction pattern similar to that of (1-->3)-alpha-glucan. the remainder of the alkali-soluble fraction was precipitated with ethanol; it contained all the mannose, galactose and protein of the wall and, in addition, 6.2% of the amino sugars. this wall-associat ...19948012598
structural determination of n-2'-hydroxyoctadecenoyl-1-o-beta-d-glucopyranosyl-9-methyl-4, 8-sphingadienine from species of aspergillus.ceramide monohexosides from aspergillus fumigatus 2140 and 2109 strains and aspergillus versicolor 550 strain, obtained by silica gel 60, and iatrobeads chromatography were analysed using high-resolution 1d-, 2d-1h-nmr and 13c-nmr spectroscopy and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (fab-ms). the ceramide monohexoside fraction (cmh) from a. fumigatus 2140 and a. versicolor 550 was identified as glucosylceramide, whereas glucose and galactose were present at a ratio of 1:1 in the cmh of a. fu ...19948013053
[current aspects of fungal spores allergy].in industrialized countries the prevalence of allergic inhalant diseases is some 15-20%. more than 10% of these individuals are sensitized to fungal allergens. many fungal spores are less than 10 microns in size, which permits penetration into the smaller airways of the lung. bronchial provocation tests have demonstrated that fungal spores and spore extracts can cause both an early and a late phase reaction in sensitive subjects. over 80 genera of fungi have been associated with symptoms of resp ...19948016603
computed tomographic scanning of the lung in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and in asthmatic patients with a positive skin test to aspergillus fumigatus.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is a disease of asthmatic patients which may follow a protracted course and result in chronic lung damage such as central bronchiectasis. in asthma uncomplicated by allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, in particular in asthmatic patients with immediate hypersensitivity type skin reactions to aspergillus fumigatus, the incidence of bronchiectasis is uncertain.19948016796
computed tomography (ct) in the diagnosis of sinus aspergillosis.19 patients with radiodense sinus concretions found on standard radiography underwent a preoperative computed tomographic examination of the sinus maxillaris and the sinus concretions. 13 patients (68.4%) with the occurrence of radiodense concretions presented postoperative histologically and microbiologically diagnosed sinus aspergillosis infection. in 13 patients, the sinus concretions had a density higher than 2000 hu (hounsfield unit) and 6 patients had concretions with a density lower than ...19948021320
humoral immunoresponse of pigeons to aspergillus fumigatus antigens.the aim of this study was to develop an immunological model of avian aspergillosis by studying the humoral response of pigeons to aspergillus fumigatus antigens. immunization was performed by administering weekly injections of a. fumigatus extracts for 70 days (10 weeks). a new booster injection was given 270 days (9 months) following the last immunization. results showed an early aspergillus-specific humoral immunoresponse which reached a maximum level at 42-63 days (6-9 weeks) post-immunizatio ...19938022463
the effect of elastase-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies on the virulence of aspergillus fumigatus in immunocompromised mice.elastase has been implicated as a potential virulence factor involved in the invasion process of the opportunistic pathogen, aspergillus fumigatus. monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, known to inhibit elastase in vitro, were employed in an immunocompromised mouse model of invasive aspergillosis to determine if the antibodies could protect mice from fatal infection. individual monoclonal antibodies, known to inhibit elastase partially (13 to 23%), or combinations of monoclonal antibodies, known ...19948028645
4-ethylphenol metabolism by aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus atcc 28282 was found to be capable of growth on 4-ethylphenol as its sole carbon and energy source. a pathway for the metabolism of this compound has been proposed. the initial step involves hydroxylation of the methylene group of 4-ethylphenol to form 1-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol, followed by oxidation to 4-hydroxyacetophenone. the hydroxylase was nadph and oxygen dependent, which is a characteristic of a monooxygenase type of enzyme. the 1-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol isolate ...19948031091
a new look at the natural history of aspergillus hypersensitivity in asthmatics. 19948036299
allergens in aspergillus fumigatus. i. characterization of two different allergen extracts and evaluation of their stability and the importance of carbohydrate for ige binding.aspergillus fumigatus grown in submerged and surface cultures was extracted, and the extracts were analyzed separately. the submerged extract contained 31.9% protein and 8.3% carbohydrate, while the corresponding values were 17.0% and 33.3% for the surface material. with individual sera from patients with allergic asthma, sds-page combined with immunoblotting revealed that the submerged extract contained at least six strong ige-binding components (20, 30, 38, 50, 68, and 90 kda) in addition to s ...19948037357
analysis of igg subclass and ige response in allergic disease caused by aspergillus fumigatus by immunoblotting techniques.analysis of sera from patients suffering from allergic asthma, extrinsic allergic alveolitis (eaa) due to aspergillus fumigatus or allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) by means of ief immunoprint and western blot showed characteristic igg subclasses and ige responses. asthmatic patients revealed specific ige antibodies. igg subclass reactivities in asthmatics and healthy blood donors were weak and uncharacteristic. major allergens recognized by asthmatic patients have isoelectric point ...19948038618
sequential pathological studies in the udder of goats intramammarily infected with aspergillus fumigatus.intramammary inoculation of goats with aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of mastitis with characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. the mastitis and the lesions were restricted to the infected udder halves only and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body. the experiment was continued for 45 days. gross changes in the infected udder were observed up to the 45th day post-infection. the lesions, in general, included variable sized abscesses in ...19948052292
mold allergy in adana, order to investigate the possible role of molds in respiratory allergy, skin prick tests with the extracts of 19 different fungi were applied to 614 respiratory allergic patients. indoor mold samples of some of these mold sensitive patients are also presented. most of the patients (72.6%) had extrinsic asthma while 27.4% having allergic rhinitis. the diagnosis was based on history, clinical examination and skin prick test which was done according to peppy's method. aspergillus fumigatus was t ...19948059675
aspergillus brain abscess complicating allergic aspergillus sinusitis. 19948064081
[detection of aspergillus fumigatus dna by polymerase chain reaction in the clinical samples from individuals with pulmonary aspergillosis].aspergillosis is a disastrous cause of mortality and morbidity in patients in an immunocompromised state and old lung tuberculosis. however, the diagnosis of aspergillosis remains unsettled. in the present study, we developed a test to detect the aspergillus fumigatus dna using polymerase chain reaction (pcr) in clinical samples including sputum and bronchial aspirations from the patients with aspergillosis. we selected 2 pairs of oligonucleotide primers and the dna for the small subunit ribosom ...19948065031
invasive aspergillosis--a rabbit invasive aspergillosis model in rabbits was attempted using 3 concentrations of a. fumigatus conidia. conidia concentrations of 1 x 10(6), 1 x 10(7) and 1 x 10(8) were inoculated intravenously into rabbits. the severity of infection was directly proportional to the inoculum size of the conidia. aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from livers, kidneys, spleens, hearts and lungs of infected rabbits at a rate of 82%, 75%, 57%, 54% and 32% respectively. cultures of urine specimens taken by bladder ...19938065172
characterization and cilofungin inhibition of solubilized aspergillus fumigatus (1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase.(1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase, a major cell wall synthesis enzyme, is the target of antifungal drugs of the lipopeptide class. aspergillus fumigatus (1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase was prepared and its activity was measured by incorporation of [14c]glucose from udp-[u-14c]glucose into an insoluble polymer in the presence of alpha-amylase. solubilization of the (1,3)-beta-d-glucan synthase was attempted with several detergents, and the maximum percent solubilization was obtained with a polyoxyethylen ...19948067773
microbial and mycotoxic contamination of peppers and food safety.twelve random samples of pepper powders were analyzed for contamination by microorganisms of public health significance (bacteria, moulds) and for aflatoxin b1 concentration. black peppers were more heavily contaminated than white peppers but the most important bacteria causing foodborne diseases were not isolated; the mould flora was dominated by xerophilic species, particularly aspergillus fumigatus, a. flavus, a. niger and a. ochraceus. these potentially pathogenic species can be dangerous fo ...19948068234
in vitro evaluation of mr hypointensity in aspergillus demonstrate that paramagnetic elements in fungal colonies can cause hypointensity in mr images.19948073984
airborne fungal spore monitoring in a protective environment during hospital construction, and correlation with an outbreak of invasive aspergillosis.evaluate aerobiological monitoring for fungal spores during hospital construction and correlate results with an outbreak of invasive aspergillosis (ia).19948077640
cloning and nucleotide sequence of cdna encoding asp-hemolysin from aspergillus fumigatus.the nucleotide sequence of a cdna encoding asp-hemolysin from aspergillus fumigatus was clarified. the deduced amino acid sequence was shown to contain a set of negatively charged domains similar to portions of the cysteine-rich sequence in the ligand-binding domain of ldl-receptor. a potential signal sequence was also identified in the n-terminal domain of the deduced amino acid sequence.19948086452
refinement of physiological roles for cerato-ulmin by analogy with other hydrophobins.cerato-ulmin, a hydrophobic protein produced by the dutch elm disease fungus ophiostoma ulmi, is toxic to susceptible elms. the physiological role of this protein may be related to its location on hyphal surfaces. cerato-ulmin is a member of the hydrophobins, proteins used in the formation of structures involved in asexual reproduction (sporulation and conidiation).19948087455
effect of glyphosate on fungal population, respiration and the decay of some organic matters in egyptian soil.glyphosate (roundup), when applied to the soil usually did not exert any significant effect on the total count of soil fungi after all periods of the experiment except after 6 and 10 weeks where the count was inhibited by the two doses used (1.84, 9.2 mg active ingredient/kg dry soil). when the herbicide was incorporated into the agar medium the count of total fungi, acremonium strictum and aspergillus fumigatus was significantly increased by the two doses used and of penicillium glabrum by the ...19948087475
[characterization of fungi isolated from woody-chip piles, especially thermophilic and thermotolerant isolates].samples were taken in order to isolate fungi from four woodychip piles (three of these were treated with liquid manure) from different depths. 39 species of 121 isolates could be determined. they represent 28 genera. aspergillus fumigatus, trichoderma reseei, corynascus sespedonium and mucor hiemalis were isolated most frequently. the isolates were examined for their temperature requirements. following the definitions of hawskworth (1983) they could be classified into the three groups of "thermo ...19948087476
[keratomycosis, from head injury to aspergillosis].keratomycosis due to aspergillus fumigatus occurs most often in immuno-competent patients who live and work in a fungus-rich atmosphere. previous trauma with epithelial lesion are reported by most authors. while the new antifungal drugs may be effective, corneal graft is the most effective solution in uncontrolled cases. when performed early, good visual recovery was observed in most cases as reported in the literature and in our case.19948089409
pulmonary aspergillosis: imaging findings with pathologic correlation.pulmonary involvement with aspergillus fumigatus is varied and largely dependent on the patient's underlying pulmonary and immune status. hypersensitivity reactions from inhalation of spores can cause acute allergic alveolitis, and bronchial colonization can cause allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). the latter is found mainly in patients with asthma or cystic fibrosis. mycetomas develop from secondary colonization of preexisting lung cavities. invasive and semi-invasive aspergillosis ...19948092014
itraconazole for experimental pulmonary aspergillosis: comparison with amphotericin b, interaction with cyclosporin a, and correlation between therapeutic response and itraconazole concentrations in plasma.itraconazole and amphotericin b were compared by using a newly developed model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in rabbits immunosuppressed with methylprednisolone and cyclosporin a (csa). both itraconazole at 40 mg/kg (given orally) and amphotericin b at 1 mg/kg (given intravenously) had in vivo antifungal activity in comparison with controls. at these dosages, amphotericin b was more effective than itraconazole in reducing the tissue burden (log10 cfu per gram) of aspergillus fumigatus (p < ...19948092829
virulence of alkaline protease-deficient mutants of aspergillus fumigatus.the gene encoding the secreted alkaline protease, a suspected virulence factor of aspergillus fumigatus, was inactivated by gene disruption. the disruption was performed by transformation of a pathogenic strain of the fungus with a linear dna fragment carrying the gene from which the central part was replaced by the selectable escherichia coli hygromycin b dominant resistance marker. two transformants were shown to produce no alkaline protease. restriction fragment analysis of the dna of these t ...19938095038
development of dna probes for fingerprinting aspergillus fumigatus.several different dna fragments containing nonribosomal repetitive sequences have been isolated from the genome of aspergillus fumigatus and tested as potential dna fingerprinting probes. eight of these clones generate 19 or more bands when hybridized to ecori-digested dna of a reference strain in southern blots, and they fall into four families. individual clones from two families were tested and were found to generate complex southern blot hybridization patterns which are stable within a singl ...19938100242
efficacy of unilamellar liposomal amphotericin b in treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis in persistently granulocytopenic rabbits: the potential role of bronchoalveolar d-mannitol and serum galactomannan as markers of infection.a model of primary pulmonary aspergillosis in rabbits was developed to reproduce the persistent levels of profound granulocytopenia and the histopathologic features of bronchopneumonia, vascular invasion, and hemorrhagic infarction encountered in humans. d-mannitol was detectable in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid by gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy, and galactomannan was measurable in serum by latex agglutination immunoassay. a pharmacokinetically distinctive unilamellar vesicle formula ...19948106769
neurologic complications following pediatric orthotopic liver transplantation. 19948108938
efficacy of intravenous itraconazole against experimental pulmonary aspergillosis.the efficacy of intravenous itraconazole solubilized in hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin was assessed in a rat model of aspergillus fumigatus pneumonia. immunosuppressed rats were infected by intratracheal inoculation of a. fumigatus conidia. intravenous administration of various doses of itraconazole was started immediately after infection and continued once a day for 7 days. a 10-mg dose of intravenous itraconazole per kg was as effective on survival as 1 mg of amphotericin b per kg daily (a su ...19938109952
recombinant expression and antigenic properties of a 32-kilodalton extracellular alkaline protease, representing a possible virulence factor from aspergillus fumigatus.a 32-kda nonglycosylated alkaline protease (ec with elastolytic activity, secreted by the opportunistic pathogen aspergillus fumigatus atcc 42202, is suggested to be a virulence factor of this fungus. the enzyme is a serine protease of the subtilisin family, and its cdna nucleotide sequence has recently been reported. we have cloned the cdna encoding the mature protease into a high-level escherichia coli expression plasmid and produced the recombinant protease as a fusion protein with ...19948112866
[a case of allergic bronchopulmonary fungosis caused by several kinds of fungi].a 36-year-old man, who had been treated for bronchial asthma since 10 years of age was admitted to haibara general hospital because of asthma attack and abnormal chest x-ray shadows. chest roentgenogram on admission revealed patchy and consolidation shadows in both lung fields. blood eosinophilia (15%, 1,155/mm3) and elevation of total ige (7,800 iu/ml) were demonstrated by laboratory examination. bronchography showed central bronchial ectasia in right b2, b3, b6 and left b1+2, b3 and b6. invest ...19948114374
typing by immunoblot of aspergillus fumigatus from nosocomial infections.forty-four isolates of aspergillus fumigatus from patients with nosocomial aspergillosis and their hospital environment were collected and typed by immunoblot. laser densitometric analysis of the profiles and homology studies within each case were performed which established relationships between patient and environmental types and showed that patients are often contaminated by several types of a. fumigatus, not all necessarily responsible for the mycosis. one of the cases appeared to be a typic ...19938114802
[aspergillus fumigatus sinusitis in aids]. 19938115323
management of invasive aspergillosis with itraconazole. 19938117553
[inhibition of growth of microscopic fungi with organic acids].fungicidal effects of five selected organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic, oxalic, and propionic) in concentrations 3, 5, 10, 20 and 50 ml/l on nine selected species of moulds were tested. lactic and oxalic acids did not prove the satisfactory fungicidal activity in any of the chosen concentrations. the antifungal effect of the other three acids, manifested by the growth inhibition of the tested moulds is shown in tab. i and it can be expressed by sequence: propionic acid, formic acid, and aceti ...19938122343
development of infection with streptococcus bovis and aspergillus sp. in irradiated mice after glycopeptide therapy.the use of ofloxacin and glycopeptides was evaluated for the treatment of infections arising in c3h/hen female mice irradiated with 8.3 gy from a 60co source. the 21 day regimen began 72 h after irradiation when each of five sets of experimental animals received three antimicrobial therapy regimens and a saline-treated control group. with 40 mice in each group, 20 were used to monitor survival, 20 for the recovery of bacteria from the liver culture. treatment groups were oral ofloxacin 20 mg/kg/ ...19938125835
characterization of the 1,3-beta-glucan synthase of aspergillus fumigatus.1,3-beta-glucan synthase activity has been detected in a membrane fraction extracted from the mycelium of the filamentous fungus aspergillus fumigatus. the enzyme was solubilized by chaps and stabilized by filtration on a bio-gel p30 column. highest activity was obtained in the early exponential phase of growth. four factors--gtp, naf, sucrose and edta--added during the extraction procedure, were essential for optimal 1,3-beta-glucan synthase activity. the soluble enzyme preparation was photolab ...19938126434
neuro-ophthalmological presentation of non-invasive aspergillus sinus disease in the non-immunocompromised host.two cases of non-invasive aspergillosis of the nose and paranasal sinuses are described. the first presented with left proptosis and ophthalmoplegia. imaging and histology showed a maxillary sinus aspergilloma. the second case presented as a compressive optic neuropathy and histology showed allergic aspergillus sinusitis. the pathological distinction between invasive and non-invasive forms of aspergillus sinusitis is important as in invasive aspergillosis surgical treatment is most effectively c ...19948126516
synthesis and structure-activity relationships of the novel homopropargylamine antimycotics.analogues of the antimycotic allylamine terbinafine were prepared in which the naphthalene and the tert-butyl-acetylene moieties were preserved, but the spacer between these two groups was varied, and the antifungal activity of the new compounds was evaluated. all modifications of the original spacer such as reduction of the double bond, switching the position of the nitrogen atom, shortening, and elongation resulted in decreased potencies with one exception: compounds with the ch2nmech2ch2 grou ...19948126700
aspergillus fumigatus colonisation and population density of place of residence in cystic fibrosis.the relation between antibody titres of aspergillus in patients with cystic fibrosis and the population density of their place of residence was investigated. patients with high titres of antibodies to aspergillus fumigatus were significantly more likely to live in an area of low population density. living in a rural environment may predispose to a fumigatus colonisation.19948129438
in vitro susceptibility of fungal isolates of clinically important specimens to itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin b.the in vitro activity of itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin b was tested against 207 yeast strains and 3 aspergillus fumigatus strains isolated from blood. the other 42 a. fumigatus strains were selected from respiratory tract infections. a microdilution method was employed to determine the inhibitory concentrations to restrain 70% of isolate growth (ic30). the inhibition concentrations of amphotericin b are all around the value 0.25 mg/l with a deviation of two concentration degrees, in ...19948131639
microbial transformations of steroids. 19938131902
gastrointestinal aspergillosis and zygomycosis of cattle.gastrointestinal mycosis was diagnosed in 73 lesions of 32 cattle without a history of engorgement, and tissues of 29 animals were examined histopathologically. the omasum was the target organ for infection, followed by the rumen and reticulum. acute necrohemorrhagic lesions dominated, with infiltration of neutrophils and thrombosis. the etiologic diagnosis was accomplished by indirect immunohistochemical staining of fungal elements with a panel of mono- and polyclonal antibodies raised against ...19948140723
in-vitro activity of the new triazole d0870 compared with amphotericin b and itraconazole against aspergillus spp.the in-vitro activity of d0870, a new triazole, was compared with amphotericin b (amp b) and itraconazole (itz) against 40 aspergillus isolates, which included 25 isolates of aspergillus fumigatus, using a broth macro-dilution method at 37 degrees c. minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) and minimum fungicidal concentration (mfc) (killing of > or = 98%) were measured. for 40 isolates, geometric mean (gm) mic values and ranges were d0870 10.55 and 2-32, itz 2.26 and 0.5-64, amp b 2.42 and 1-64 m ...19938144422
crossed immunoelectrophoresis of fungal antigens in tissues as a means of diagnosing systemic aspergillosis and zygomycosis in cattle.a novel method for diagnosing bovine aspergillosis and zygomycosis is described. rabbit hyperimmune antisera raised against somatic antigens of aspergillus fumigatus and absidia corymbifera were used in crossed immunoelectrophoresis with supernatants from disintegrated tissues from acute necrohaemorrhagic mycotic lesions from cattle. the method specifically identified 4 of 5 lesions with aspergillosis and 2 of 5 lesions with zygomycosis. one lesion dually infected with aspergillosis and zygomyco ...19938146952
pyripyropenes, novel inhibitors of acyl-coa:cholesterol acyltransferase produced by aspergillus fumigatus. i. production, isolation, and biological properties.aspergillus fumigatus fo-1289, a soil isolate, was found to produce a series of novel inhibitors of acyl-coa:cholesterol acyltransferase (acat). four active compounds, named pyripyropenes a, b, c and d, were isolated from the fermentation broth of the producing strain by solvent extraction, silica gel column chromatography, ods column chromatography and preparative hplc. pyripyropenes a, b, c and d show very potent acat inhibitory activity in an enzyme assay system using rat liver microsomes wit ...19948150709
pyripyropenes, novel inhibitors of acyl-coa:cholesterol acyltransferase produced by aspergillus fumigatus. ii. structure elucidation of pyripyropenes a, b, c and d.the structures of pyripyropenes a, b, c and d, novel acyl-coa:cholesterol acyltransferase (acat) inhibitors, were determined mainly by spectroscopic studies including various nmr measurements. pyripyropenes have a common structure which consists of pyridine, alpha-pyrone and sesquiterpene moieties. one of the three o-acetyl residues in the sesquiterpene moiety of pyripyropene a is replaced with an o-propionyl residue in pyripyropenes b, c and d.19948150710
suppression of fungal growth exhibited by pseudomonas aeruginosa.three surgery patients were monitored postoperatively, with particular reference to lung infection. in each case there was a clinical impression that pseudomonas aeruginosa suppressed the growth of candida albicans in patients with clinically significant lung infections from whom both of these organisms were isolated from serial sputum samples. regrowth of c. albicans after p. aeruginosa eradication occurred in two patients, despite fluconazole therapy, to which both c. albicans isolates were su ...19948150966
use of dna moderately repetitive sequence to type aspergillus fumigatus isolates from aspergilloma patients.polymorphism of forty-seven sequential clinical isolates from 3 patients with an aspergilloma was analyzed. dna from each isolate was digested with ecori and hybridized in southern blots with a 32p-labeled nonribosomal dna repetitive sequence. most isolates from each patient displayed the same hybridization pattern. southern blot patterns obtained with dna repetitive sequences can be used to type clinical isolates of aspergillus fumigatus and have shown that aspergilloma patients are most probab ...19948158052
sternal osteomyelitis due to aspergillus fumigatus after cardiac surgery.sternal osteomyelitis due to aspergillus fumigatus after cardiac surgery occurred in two nonimmunosuppressed patients. the clinical features of the infection were markedly different in the two cases. in the first patient, sepsis showed a late and insidious onset followed by slow progression. in the second case, fungi were isolated from wound swabs within a few days of surgery and the clinical picture showed acute onset and rapid progression. only a few cases of sternal osteomyelitis due to asper ...19948162769
immunologic significance of a collagen-derived culture filtrate containing proteolytic activity in aspergillus-related diseases.despite increasing evidence implicating fungal proteases in the virulence of pulmonary fungal diseases, routine fungal culture media do not favor protease production. hence, filtrates that serve as the source of antigen for serologic determinations are poor in proteases, and consequently, the immunologic significance of these enzymes is unknown.19948163786
disseminated aspergillosis in a patient with cystic fibrosis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is a well-known complication of cystic fibrosis (cf), with an estimated incidence of up to 11%. in patients with cf, the diagnosis of abpa must be based on significant elevation of aspergillus fumigatus (af) antibody and total serum ige, since it is common to already have other clinical and laboratory features of abpa (laufer et al., j allergy clin immunol. 1984; 73:44-48). once abpa is identified in a patient, institution of corticosteroids is stan ...19948165040
successful medical therapy of aspergillus osteomyelitis of the spine in an 11-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous disease. 19948165091
aspergillus fumigatus metalloproteinase that hydrolyses native collagen: purification by dye-binding chromatography.a proteinase was purified from the human pathogenic fungus aspergillus fumigatus. the four chromatographic steps, a "negative" dye column, a "positive" dye column, hydroxyapatite ultrogel, and modified tsk gel (hw 55), gave a 14% overall yield. the protein migrated as a single band on sds-page and isoelectric focusing, with an m(r) of 82,000 and a pi of 5.6. inhibitor studies suggested that the enzyme was a metalloproteinase. it hydrolyzed phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-pro-leu-gly-pro-arg and cleav ...19948167478
a case of aspergillus fumigatus peritonitis complicating liver transplantation.a 55-year-old male underwent orthotopic liver transplantation for sub-fulminant hepatitis b/delta infection superimposed on probable genetic hemochromatosis with early cirrhosis. pre-operatively, he demonstrated serologic evidence of cytomegalovirus reactivation and developed cytomegalovirus viremia when ganciclovir was discontinued post-operatively. his post-operative course was complicated by chronic ductopenic rejection, biliary anastomotic leak, and persistent confusion and malaise. at the t ...19948168555
inhibition of serine palmitoyl-transferase activity by lipoxamycin. 19948175492
serum anti-aspergillus fumigatus antibodies by immunoblot and elisa in cystic fibrosis with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) occurs with a prevalence of 5% to 15% in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf). because of the frequent colonization with aspergillus fumigatus (af) in cf, the causative agent of abpa, antibody reactivity to af proteins is frequently observed, which obscures the diagnosis of abpa. patients with cf are also categorized according to the presence of positive skin test responses to af and/or the presence of positive precipitins. in this study we used elisa ...19948182235
purification and characterization of an elastinolytic metalloprotease from aspergillus fumigatus and immunoelectron microscopic evidence of secretion of this enzyme by the fungus invading the murine lung.extracellular proteases have been suggested to be virulence factors in invasive aspergillosis. since serine protease gene-disrupted mutants retain virulence, other proteases are suspected to be also involved in the degradation of lung structural material. an elastinolytic neutral metalloprotease was purified 320-fold from the extracellular fluid of aspergillus fumigatus grown on elastin by affinity chromatography on bacitracin-sepharose 4b and gel filtration on sephadex g-75. the molecular mass ...19948188335
specific interaction of aspergillus fumigatus with fibrinogen and its role in cell adhesion.interaction between aspergillus fumigatus conidia and different proteins known to mediate the attachment of malignant tumor cells or microorganisms to the host tissues was studied in vitro. flow cytometry using fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated fibrinogen confirmed that binding of human fibrinogen to the conidia was dose dependent and specific. binding was inhibited by unlabeled fibrinogen and by basement membrane laminin. moreover, the expression of fibrinogen receptors at the surfaces of c ...19948188338
check for mould on non-sterile examination gloves. 19948190375
[isolated renal aspergillosis in aids. a case report]. 19948190949
otic administration of amphotericin b 0.25% in sterile report otic administration of parenteral amphotericin b 0.25% in sterile water.19948193421
[pulmonary aspergillosis in an immunocompetent female patient].symptoms of bronchopneumonia developed over 4 months in a 63-year-old woman in previously good health. the symptoms worsened despite treatment with tetracycline (500 mg twice daily for 10 days). middle-lobe pneumonia was diagnosed both clinically and radiologically, but monotherapy with ofloxacin (200 mg twice daily) was ineffective, as well as combined treatment with gentamycin (80 mg), oxacillin (1 g) and azlocillin (5 g), each three times daily intravenously. bronchoscopy revealed obstruction ...19948194452
molecular epidemiology of nosocomial invasive aspergillosis.moderately repeated dna sequences were used to fingerprint strains of aspergillus fumigatus isolated from patients with invasive aspergillosis and their hospital environment. most strains sampled from the environment displayed different southern blot hybridization patterns. a temporal survey of air contaminants showed that some strains can persist in the same environment for at least 6 months. patients with invasive aspergillosis were infected by a single strain. in two patients, a nosocomial or ...19948195379
aspergillus ribotoxins react with ige and igg antibodies of patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.asp f i has been identified as a major allergen of aspergillus fumigatus and shows amino acid sequence homology with the mitogillin family of cytotoxins. in this study we compared the various cytotoxins from aspergillus species for their reactivity with immunoglobulin e (ige) and immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies in the serum samples of patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. elevated levels of ige and igg antibodies to all a. fumigatus antigens and ribotoxins were demonstrated in ...19948195680
the bovine placentome in bacterial and mycotic abortions.placentomes were extracted from the uteri of 22 aborted cows and examined to detect the cause of abortion; fetuses or fetal abomasal contents from 15 of the cows were also examined. firm diagnoses of pasteurella haemolytica, actinomyces pyogenes, listeria monocytogenes, bacillus licheniformis, aspergillus fumigatus or mortierella wolfii abortion were made in 11 cases. the histopathological lesions showed some correlation with the identity of the bacterium isolated; the lesions of mycotic abortio ...19948197693
dose-dependent antifungal activity and nephrotoxicity of amphotericin b colloidal dispersion in experimental pulmonary aspergillosis.we investigated the safety and efficacy of amphotericin b colloidal dispersion (abcd) for the treatment of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in persistently granulocytopenic rabbits. treatment groups included abcd in dosages of 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day intravenously or conventional desoxycholate amphotericin b (damb) at 1 mg/kg/day intravenously. antifungal activity was directly related to increasing dosage of abcd as determined by the concentration of aspergillus fumigatus organisms in lungs and t ...19948203848
[value of tc99m-nanocolloid spect in diagnosis and follow-up of necrotizing external otitis].necrotizing external otitis (neo), or malignant external otitis, a severe penetrating infection of the ear canal and the temporal bone, which occurs almost exclusively in diabetic or immunodepressed elderly patients, is caused in most cases by pseudomonas aeruginosa while staphylococcus epidermidis and aspergillus fumigatus have been described as other possible agents. recently bone scintigraphy, carried out above all employing spect, has been considered an important tool in diagnosis and follow ...19938209690
serum igg antibodies to mold spores in two norwegian sawmill populations: relationship to respiratory and other work-related symptoms.wood trimmers and planing operators from two separate sawmill populations (n = 303 and 170) were studied by serology assessment and a self-administered questionnaire. igg antibodies to rhizopus microsporus ssp. rhizopodiformis, paecilomyces variotii, and aspergillus fumigatus were measured by elisa. the questionnaire included questions about general respiratory symptoms and symptoms after handling moldy timber. personal exposure of wood trimmers to mold spores and wood dust was measured in one p ...19938213847
a proposed pathogenetic process in the formation of aspergillus mycotic aneurysm in the central nervous selectively infiltrating and destroying the internal elastica of a major cerebral artery, aspergillus fungus (af) induces disruption and incipient dilatation of the vascular wall with or without inflammation. this unique pathogenetic mechanism of forming "true" fungal mycotic aneurysms (fmas) was clearly demonstrated in a middle-aged adult male who died of a pontine stroke. the latter was secondary to thrombosis in the basilar artery of which the internal elastica was infiltrated and replaced ...19938215210
intracranial aspergillus granuloma.intracranial aspergillus granulomas over a 12-year period were studied retrospectively. three distinctive types of presentations were seen, namely nine patients had the rhinocerebral form with primary involvement of the air sinuses and secondary involvement of the skull base, cranial nerves and brain, three patients with the apparently purely intracranial form presented like any other space occupying lesion and one patient who had a 'stroke-like' presentation had a parasellar lesion. none of the ...19938216908
heat resistance of fungi from soil.the survival of fungi from soil samples has been investigated after exposure to temperatures of 60, 70, 80 and 90 degrees c in sabouraud agar. the least resistant fungi surviving 60 degrees c for 60 min were the aspergillus (a.) niger group, chaetomium spp, penicillium spp, and scytalidium lignicola. none of these survived 70 degrees c for 10 min. the next group surviving 70 degrees c for 60 min included the a. glaucus group, byssochlamys nivea, dichotomomyces cejpii, gelasinospora spp, rhizocto ...19938217516
isolation and characterization of a major allergenic component (gp55) of aspergillus fumigatus.ige class antibodies specific for antigens in a water-soluble extract of aspergillus fumigatus (strain nhl-5759) were analyzed by immunoblotting with sera from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. all the sera tested were reactive with a major 50 to 60 kd protein in the extract. this allergen, designated gp55, was purified by gel filtration and preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the antigen was found to be present in the water-soluble extract ...19938227861
[in vitro susceptibility to fluconazole of fungal strains freshly isolated from child patients with deep-seated mycoses].the susceptibility to fluconazole (flcz) were evaluated for 40 strains of 8 yeast species and 4 strains of 3 aspergillus species, all of which were isolated from clinical specimens during clinical trials of flcz in child patients performed from january 1991 to january 1993 in this country. the in vitro activity of flcz against yeast isolates and aspergillus isolates were measured using the microdilution method with semisolid saamf (synthetic amino acid medium fungal) agar and the macrodilution m ...19938230734
experimental aspergillosis in goats: clinical, haematological and mycological studies.thirty-one (including ten lactating) healthy goats were divided into 3 groups viz. intravenous (i/v), intratracheal (i/t) and intramammary (i/m) on the basis of route of inoculation of aspergillus fumigatus spores. two animals were kept as control for each group. clinical aspergillosis developed and was more severe and fatal in consequence in i/v group than those of other groups. respiratory symptoms appeared and persisted in both i/v and i/t groups. acute mastitis developed in the right infecte ...19938237198
vertebral aspergillosis. a case report and review of the literature.a case of aspergillus osteomyelitis of the spine is presented and the world literature is reviewed, for a total of 32 cases. aspergillus osteomyelitis is rare, but the spine is most frequently affected. it can be induced hematogenously, by contiguity or by direct inoculation. up to now medical treatment has been based on amphotericin b, but its toxicity is problematic. itraconazole and fluconazole do not have this shortcoming. additional surgery has been advocated in the past. in the present ser ...19938237349
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