
diagnosis and management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.early diagnosis and treatment is essential for patients afflicted with bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa). inflammatory damage to the airways may be significantly reduced through use of corticosteroids. without treatment, bronchiectasis causing permanent anatomic alteration of the airways may occur. abpa should be considered in any asthmatic who requires oral corticosteroids and has recurrent pulmonary infiltrates. evaluation should include determination of total serum ige, which generally ex ...19947721084
immunodiagnosis of invasive fungal infections. 19947722790
in vitro antifungal and fungicidal spectra of a new pradimicin derivative, bms-181184.a new pradimicin derivative, bms-181184, was compared with amphotericin b and fluconazole against 249 strains from 35 fungal species to determine its antifungal spectrum. antifungal testing was performed by the broth macrodilution reference method recommended by the national committee for clinical laboratory standards (document m27-p, 1992). bms-181184 mics for 97% of the 167 strains of candida spp., cryptococcus neoformans, torulopsis glabrata, and rhodotorula spp. tested were < or = 8 microgra ...19957726485
comparative and collaborative evaluation of standardization of antifungal susceptibility testing for filamentous fungi.the purpose of the study was to evaluate the interlaboratory agreement of broth dilution susceptibility methods for five species of conidium-forming (size range, 2 to 7 microns) filamentous fungi. the methods used included both macro- and microdilution methods that were adaptations of the proposed reference method of the national committee for clinical laboratory standards for yeasts (m27-p). the mics of amphotericin b, fluconazole, itraconazole, miconazole, and ketoconazole were determined in s ...19957726488
percutaneous intracavitary antifungals for a patient with pulmonary aspergilloma; with a special reference to in vivo efficacies and in vitro susceptibility results.a 61-year-old man with pulmonary aspergilloma received two antifungals intracavitarily. although clinical, serological and roentgenographic improvement were observed with fluconazole therapy, bronchial secretions continuously yielded aspergillus fumigatus. when fluconazole was switched to amphotericin b, the pathogen was eradicated immediately. the minimal inhibitory concentrations (mics) of the isolate were 400 micrograms/ml for fluconazole, and 0.2 microgram/ml for amphotericin b. although the ...19957727884
lack of involvement of nitric oxide in killing of aspergillus fumigatus conidia by pulmonary alveolar macrophages.nitric oxide is an important antimicrobial mechanism of phagocytes from mice and rats, but in the case of human phagocytes, secretion is still controversial. we investigated whether nitric oxide is involved in the killing of aspergillus fumigatus conidia by human or murine pulmonary alveolar macrophages. stimulation of the macrophages with gamma interferon and escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide had no effect on fungicidal activity against conidia in vitro, with or without the addition of tetrah ...19957729922
prophylactic efficacy of aerosolized liposomal (ambisome) and non-liposomal (fungizone) amphotericin b in murine pulmonary aspergillosis.pulmonary aspergillosis is a serious opportunistic disease in patients with immune suppression. prophylactic measures would be highly beneficial because treatment often fails after infection occurs. the principle objective of this study was to evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of aerosolized liposomal (ambisome) and non-liposomal (fungizone) amphotericin b in a murine model. immunocompromised mice were treated prophylactically for 3 days with ambisome or fungizone using a small particle aerosol ...19947730214
use of the pastorex aspergillus antigen latex agglutination test for the diagnosis of invasive evaluate the pastorex aspergillus antigen latex agglutination test for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients undergoing liver or bone marrow transplantation.19957730478
moulds in containers with biological wastes.the collection of biological wastes in separate bio-containers can lead to a favoured development of thermophilic and thermotolerant moulds, especially of mucoraceous species and aspergilli, among which the human pathogen a. fumigatus is especially frequent. the abundantly produced spores are released into the air and can evoke severe infections in persons with immune-deficiencies. in two series of experiments it was demonstrated that the following procedures can reduce the number of spores in t ...19957735722
purification and characterization of an extracellular aspartic proteinase from aspergillus aspartic proteinase (pep) from the culture supernatant of a clinical isolate of aspergillus fumigatus was purified to virtual homogeneity at a yield of 24%. the procedure involved affinity chromatography on pepstatin agarose, the interaction requiring a chaotropic salt (sodium trifluoroacetate) for complete elution of the enzyme. among 11 amino acids of the n-terminal region, nine were identical with the corresponding sequence of the aspartic proteinase aspergillopepsin a from aspergillus nig ...19947738725
[a case of chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis in which intravenous infusion of amphotericin b was effective].a 49-year-old man with a history of left upper lung lobectomy for pulmonary asperigilloma developed a productive cough in the middle of april 1992, and his chest x-ray film showed infiltration of the left s6. treatment with several different antibiotics was tried, but the shadow expanded and developed a cavity over the following 8 months. a clinical diagnosis of chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis was made, based on repeated detection of aspergillus fumigatus in the patient's sputum and ...19957739180
[infectious corneal ulcers--once with endophthalmitis--after photorefractive keratotomy with disposable contact lens].infections of the cornea with or without involvement of intraocular tissues are severe complications after photorefractive keratectomy. we report on three cases with ulcerative keratitis and one case with severe endophthalmitis, which developed some days after laser treatment.19957739199
prophylaxis of candida and aspergillus infections with oral administration of itraconazole.the broad-spectrum oral triazole antifungal, itraconazole, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of superficial and systemic infections with fungi including candida albicans, c. krusei and c. glabrata, cryptococcus, aspergillus, histoplasma, blastomyces and others. its broad spectrum of activity, high and persistent tissue levels and favourable safety profile suggest that it may be appropriate for the prevention of opportunistic fungal infections in at-risk patients. in this study, itr ...19947739653
discrepancies between mic and mlc values of amphotericin b against isolates of aspergillus species.there is little information addressing the phenomena of discrepancy between minimal inhibitory concentrations (mic) and minimal lethal concentrations (mlc) values of amphotericin b (amb) to clinical isolates of fungi. this study assessed in vitro activity of amb against 70 clinical isolates of aspergilli: 30 strains of aspergillus fumigatus, 20 strains of aspergillus flavus and 20 strains of aspergillus niger. susceptibility tests were accomplished using a macro broth dilution procedure, with sp ...19947739726
articular aspergillosis: case report.we present an unusual case of osteomyelitis of the tibia and septic arthritis of the knee caused by aspergillus fumigatus in a renal transplant recipient. although the characteristic joint involvement was present, the synovial fluid was initially sterile and contained numerous pyrophosphate crystals.19957742456
increased expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1) in a murine model of pulmonary eosinophilia and high ige level.t lymphocytes and eosinophils are probably involved in the pathogenesis of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa), a disease characterized by pulmonary eosinophilia and high serum and lavage ige levels. we recently developed a murine model of abpa. to investigate the mechanisms of t lymphocyte and eosinophil recruitment to the lung in this disease, we examined the expression of icam-1 in the lung tissue of mouse challenged with aspergillus fumigatus (af) antigen. c57b1/6 mice were intran ...19957743671
renal aspergillosis and aids.primary renal aspergillosis is an extremely rare entity. only 19 cases have been reported, 3 of them in patients with aids. we report one new case of renal aspergillosis in a patient with aids. his disease pattern was multiple bilateral renal abscesses with a normal excretory pathway. the treatment established was percutaneous drainage and systemic antifungal drugs. he had a bad evolution and died 14 weeks after diagnosis. in the previously reported cases of aspergillosis in patients with aids, ...19957744161
[endobronchial stenting in bronchial stenosis following lung transplantation].endobronchial stricture is not an uncommon complication following lung transplantation and may cause significant morbidity and mortality. we report our experience in a 36-year-old woman and a 39-year-old man who underwent lung transplantation and developed stenosis in the anastomotic area. implantation of a silicone stent in 1 patient and an expandable metal stent in the other were successful. both patients developed infections with aspergillus fumigatus, 1 of whom died of fungal dissemination.19957744343
cerebellar granuloma caused by aspergillus fumigatus: first report from india. 19957747317
molecular characterization of the food-borne fungus neosartorya fischeri (malloch and cain).the food-borne fungus neosartorya fischeri, which is phenotypically related to the human opportunistic pathogen aspergillus fumigatus, causes spoilage of heat-processed fruit products. genomic methods were used to type n. fischeri strains and identify the genomic relationship between a. fumigatus and n. fischeri and between the different varieties of n. fischeri. ecori restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) patterns obtained after ethidium bromide staining could differentiate most of n. ...19957747958
an analysis of antibodies against aspergillus fumigatus in bovine serum by immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.serum samples from 20 cows with spontaneously acquired systemic aspergillosis and serum collected consecutively from a cow with experimentally induced aspergillosis were assayed for antibodies against aspergillus fumigatus in immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. purified antigens (18 kda protein and 20 kda galactomannan) from a. fumigatus as well as complex preparations of metabolic and somatic antigens were used. antibodies against a. fumigatus were found in both infected and ...19957748536
susceptibility testing of candida albicans and aspergillus species by a simple microtiter menadione-augmented 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2h-tetrazolium bromide assay.we describe a simple microtiter method for determining the susceptibility of candida albicans and hyphal forms of aspergillus fumigatus against antifungal agents. the assay measures mitochondrial respiration by determining reduction of 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2h-tetrazolium bromide (mtt) to formazan, a process that is enhanced in the presence of menadione. c. albicans or conidial suspensions of a. fumigatus are seeded into microtiter plates. hyphal outgrowth of aspergillus spp. ...19957751374
childhood allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. 19957751501
synthesis and structure-activity relationships of side-chain-substituted analogs of the allylamine antimycotic terbinafine lacking the central amino function.terbinafine is a therapeutically used inhibitor of fungal squalene epoxidase that has prompted extensive derivatization programs for structure-activity relationship studies. in the present study, derivatives of terbinafine were synthesized that lack the central tertiary amino group but have polar substitutents at the tert-butyl residue of the side chain. evaluation of the antifungal potential revealed that representatives of this novel structural type can also exhibit broad antifungal activity, ...19957752208
use of randomly amplified polymorphic dna markers (rapd) to demonstrate nosocomial contamination in a case of lethal invasive aspergillosis. 19957759835
[diagnosis and treatment of mycotic complications in female patient with pulmonary tuberculosis]. 19957761386
prenylated isoflavanone from the roots of erythrina sigmoidea.a novel prenylated isoflavanone, sigmoidin i, has been isolated from the roots of erythrina sigmoidea, in addition to the known isoflavones, corylin and neobavaisoflavone and the known pterocarpan, phaseollidin. its structure was established as 7,4'-dihydroxy-3'-methoxy-5'-(3-methylbut-2-enyl) isoflavanone by means of spectroscopic analyses and chemical transformations. neobavaisoflavone displayed antifungal potency in vitro with minimum inhibitory concentrations against aspergillus fumigatus an ...19947765206
antifungal effects of allium sativum (garlic) extract against the aspergillus species involved in otomycosis.otomycosis due to saprophytic keratolytic fungi represents a small percentage of clinical external otitis. although there are certain antibacterial and antifungal agents available, they usually are very caustic, potentially ototoxic and cannot be used if the ear drum is perforated. garlic is utilized as a folk medicine in many countries for its antimicrobial and other beneficial properties. in response to a lack of otic preparations, the authors studied the efficacy of garlic extracts against th ...19957765862
[a case report of intralobar sequestration associated with lung aspergillus].a 21-year-old woman with fever and dyspnea was admitted to our hospital. x-ray examination of this patient showed abscess forming in the right lower lobe of the lung. aspergillus fumigatus was detected by percutaneous lung biopsy. she had repeated pneumonia since her childhood, so congenital lung disease was suspected. aortic angiography showed the flow of an aberrant artery originated from the right inferior phrenic artery into the right lower lobe. preoperative diagnosis of the patient was lun ...19957769345
immune responses to aspergillus fumigatus and pseudomonas aeruginosa antigens in cystic fibrosis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) in cystic fibrosis (cf) is well documented. aspergillus fumigatus is the causative agent of abpa, and pseudomonas aeruginosa particularly the mucoid variety has been frequently isolated from the sputum of patients with cf. this study investigates the cellular and humoral immune response to both a fumigatus and p aeruginosa antigens in patients with cf and abpa (cf/abpa), cf only, and healthy controls. the a fumigatus and p aeruginosa antigen specifi ...19947774329
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis: review of 20 account of clinical, radiological and laboratory findings in 20 cases of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, seen over a period of 6 years is presented. all patients showed blood eosinophilia (with 30% having an absolute eosinophil count (aec) of over 2000 mm3) and a positive immediate skin reaction. however, dual skin reaction with aspergillus fumigatus antigen was observed in 7 (35%) cases. serum precipitins against a. fumigatus antigen was detected in all cases while culture of sputum ...19947774964
morphological and colour mutants of aspergillus using the scanning electron microscope the morphological deviations of 17 colour mutants of aspergillus fumigatus were characterized. these mutants originated by genetic blocks in various stages of conidiophores and conidia differentiation. the complementation test was carried out with the light-pigmented mutants. the group of allelic strains was found and 4 diploid strains were isolated.19947778497
ems induced morphological and thermo-sensitive mutants of aspergillus fumigatus.the sensibility of the strain as-f2 aspergillus fumigatus to ems was determined by using the scale of doses. seventeen thermo-sensitive or thermotolerant morphological mutants with decreased sporulation and growth rate as compared with a wild strain was isolated. their more detailed characteristic will be a contents of our further paper.19947778511
evidence of two pathways for the metabolism of phenol by aspergillus fumigatus.aspergillus fumigatus (atcc 28282), a thermotolerant fungus, has been shown to be capable of growth on phenol as the sole carbon and energy source. during growth of the organism on phenol, catechol and hydroquinone accumulated transiently in the medium; cells grown on phenol oxidised these compounds without a lag period. two different routes operating simultaneously, leading to different ring-fission substrates, are proposed for the metabolism of phenol. in one route, phenol undergoes ortho-hydr ...19957778974
invasive aspergillosis. a complication of treatment of temporal arteritis.temporal arteritis is a systemic necrotizing vasculitis for which the only effective treatment is systemic corticosteroids. a review of the literature suggests that there is a significant mortality rate in untreated patients but that those patients who receive adequate corticosteroid treatment rarely experience a reduced life expectancy. i had the opportunity to evaluate a patient with temporal arteritis who eventually died from disseminated aspergillosis 6 weeks after beginning corticosteroid t ...19957780570
high-performance liquid chromatography comparison of supercritical-fluid extraction and solvent extraction of microbial fermentation products.the use of supercritical fluids for the extraction of biologically active compounds from the biomass of microbial fermentations has been compared with extraction using the organic solvents methanol and dichloromethane. compounds representing a range of structural types were selected for investigation. all the extracts obtained were examined using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. the extractability of metabolites using unmodified and methanol-modified supercritical-fluid car ...19957780576
[the liver transplant program of the hospital general universitario gregorio marañón: an analysis of the first 100 patients].during a 3-year period between 1990 and 1993, 100 patients received orthotopic liver transplantation at the "gregorio marañón" university general hospital. the mean age of the patients was relatively high (46.9 +/- 10 years), with an important number of cirrhotic patients (91%). the rate of primary liver failure was relatively low (4.5% of transplantations) although 12 cases with more than 55 years were included in the present series. eleven retransplantations were performed, 8 for early failure ...19957784653
aspergillus arthritis of the shoulder in a renal transplant recipient. failure of itraconazole therapy.we report a case of aspergillus arthritis of the shoulder in a renal transplant recipient. cultures of three joint fluid specimens grew aspergillus fumigatus. itraconazole as sole treatment resulted in initial clinical and roentgenographic improvements but failed to prevent deterioration in joint function. a relapse with fatal neurologic involvement occurred. immune deficiency-inducing risk factors for aspergillosis include neutropenia and corticosteroid therapy. previously published cases of as ...19957788340
soluble serum interleukin 2 receptors in patients with asthma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.when t cells are activated, they produce two distinct surface receptors for interleukin 2 (il2). one of these surface receptors is a 55-kd protein called il2ra which is released into peripheral blood following t cell activation. this soluble protein (sil2r) can be measured in peripheral blood utilizing an elisa, and thus provides an indirect indicator of t cell activation.19957788514
three cases of bronchial stump aspergillosis: unusual clinical presentations and beneficial effect of oral itraconazole.bronchial stump aspergillosis (bsa), i.e. aspergillus infection of bronchial granulation tissue surrounding endobronchial suture threads, is a very rare variant of localized suppurative bronchial aspergillus infection. the majority of reported cases have occurred within one year after lung surgery. we present three more patients, in whom bsa occurred very late (4.5, 6 and 7 yrs) after pulmonary resection. other unusual features were: complete absence of symptoms in one patient, and simultaneous ...19957789500
specific antibody detection in invasive aspergillosis by analytical isoelectrofocusing and immunoblotting methods.aspergillus fumigatus antigens have been tested to determine their potential as aids in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis (ia). immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies to these antigens were detected by analytical isoelectrofocusing in conjunction with immunoblotting. a total of 12 antigenic fractions, including culture filtrates and surface and mycelial extracts of a. fumigatus, were investigated. eleven were reactive with serum specimens from patients with aspergilloma, which served as positiv ...19957790472
[a case of productive aspergilloma on the inner wall of a cavity, in which perbronchial fiberoptic bronchoscopy within the cavity was useful for the diagnosis and therapeutic evaluation].a 45-year-old man complaining of bloody sputum was admitted. he had been treated for pulmonary tuberculosis since october 1988. he had bloody sputum in october 1989. his chest x-ray findings showed a cavitary lesion with a thickened and irregular wall in the right upper lobe. fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed white nodules on the cavity wall and the biopsy specimen from the nodule yielded a fungus granuloma. aspergillus fumigatus was cultured from the sputum obtained after the bronchoscopy. based ...19957791280
biocontrol of mold growth in high-moisture wheat stored under airtight conditions by pichia anomala, pichia guilliermondii, and saccharomyces cerevisiae.pichia anomala inhibits the growth of penicillium roqueforti and aspergillus candidus on agar. in this investigation, antagonistic activity on agar against 17 mold species was determined. the abilities of pichia anomala, pichia guilliermondii, and saccharomyces cerevisiae to inhibit the growth of the mold penicillium roqueforti in nonsterile high-moisture wheat were compared by adding 10(3) penicillium roqueforti spores and different amounts of yeast cells per gram of wheat. inoculated grain was ...19957793907
massive fungal contamination in animal care facilities traced to bedding supply.during the course of immunologic studies involving the gastrointestinal colonization of mice with candida albicans, it became apparent that the animals were being exposed to large numbers of aspergillus fumigatus spores which interfered with the c. albicans colonization. to determine the source of the a. fumigatus exposure and the extent of fungal contamination of the medical school vivarium and four satellite facilities, fungal analyses of feed, bedding, and air were undertaken. initial samples ...19957793950
a comparative study of the microbiologic effectiveness of chemical disinfectants and peroxide-neutralizer systems.we evaluated the antimicrobial activity of chemical and hydrogen peroxide-neutralizer contact lens disinfection systems. the acute activity, storage, and recontamination potential of the two disinfection methods were compared by challenging the disinfectants with staphylococcus spp., pseudomonas aeruginosa, serratia marcescens, candida spp., and aspergillus fumigatus. chemical disinfectants preserved with polyquaternium-1 and polyhexamethylene biguanide and hydrogen peroxide-neutralizer systems ...19957796529
[six cases of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis].six cases of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) were evaluated. in four cases, diagnosis and steroid therapy were delayed, which resulted in irreversible pulmonary dysfunction. the important points for early diagnosis were: (1) differentiation from pulmonary tuberculosis, (2) the presence of bronchial asthma was not essential for diagnosis, and (3) fungi other than aspergillus fumigatus might cause this syndrome.19947799552
airway stenoses after lung transplantation: management with expanding metal stents.success in lung transplantation has been hindered by airway complications, usually as a result of anastomotic ischemia and stenosis. we report our experience with expanding metal stents in managing airway stenoses after lung transplantation. from april 1984 through november 1993, 46 single lung, 5 double lung, and 154 heart-lung transplantations were performed at papworth hospital. all patients received immunosuppression with azathioprine, cyclosporine, methylprednisolone, and induction antithym ...19947803417
aspergillus discitis with acute disc abscess.aspergillus osteomyelitis of the vertebral body and disc space is rare. this report discusses a case that occurred in an immunosuppressed 29-year-old man and reviews the pertinent medical literature.19947809759
serologic monitoring of disease and treatment in a patient with pulmonary aspergilloma.disease progression and efficacy of fungistatic treatment in pulmonary aspergilloma (pa) are difficult to monitor. the usefulness of chest tomography, igg-elisa serology, double immunodiffusion, and igg-immunoblotting was assessed in monitoring disease progression and efficacy of itraconazole treatment during a 9-yr follow-up of a patient with two exacerbations of pa. a rise in igg-elisa titer coincided with a recrudescence of clinical symptoms, whereas a decrease after treatment paralleled clin ...19957812553
treatment of intractable gastrointestinal manifestations of chronic granulomatous disease with cyclosporine.gastrointestinal manifestations of chronic granulomatous disease of childhood include granulomatous inflammatory bowel disease. severe colitis and perirectal disease developed in a 12-year-old boy with chronic granulomatous disease while he was receiving interferon gamma therapy. the boy had a deficiency of the 22 kd light chain of the cytochrome b heterodimer. after conventional medical therapy proved to be ineffective, a rapid clinical response was obtained to cyclosporine.19957815206
specific detection of aspergillus and penicillium species from respiratory specimens by polymerase chain reaction (pcr).a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) method capable of detecting both aspergillus fumigatus infections, pulmonary non-fumigatus aspergillus species (spp.) and penicillium spp. from clinical specimens was established. the primer pair was designed on the basis of the sequence of the 18s-ribosomal rna gene of a. fumigatus and p. notatum. a 385 bp product was successfully amplified by this pcr method from all of 12 medically important aspergillus spp. and penicillium spp. (38 strains), but not from hum ...19947823410
endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis after lung transplantation.purpose/methods: by fundus photography and histopathologic examination, we documented a case of early endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis in a 29-year-old man after lung transplantation. results/conclusions: the clinical and histopathologic features of this case are consistent with those of previous case reports of endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis. endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis represents a manifestation of disseminated aspergillosis, usually a fatal infection. this diagnosis s ...19957825680
heterologous expression of the cytotoxin restriction in aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus niger.the cdna clone of restrictocin was placed under the control of the glucoamylase promoter from aspergillus awamori and was transformed into aspergillus nidulans and aspergillus niger. site-specific changes were introduced into cdna constructs and these were transformed into a. nidulans. the secretion signal sequence was deleted from one form of the gene and three mutations introduced single amino acid substitutions into the protein. culture conditions were optimized for maximum expression levels ...19947827506
aspergillus fumigatus keratitis with intraocular invasion in 15-day-old chicks.eye infections were initially observed in single-comb white leghorn breeder chicks at 5 days of age, and morbidity increased from 0.05% to 1.5% after debeaking at 7 days of age. all chicks necropsied at 15 days of age had cheesy yellow exudate within the conjunctival sac of one eye and small (1 mm diameter) white nodular lesions in lungs and on thoracic air-sac membranes. histopathologic examination of the eyes revealed septate fungal hyphae and inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber, cornea ...19947832725
value of antigen and antibody detection in the serological diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological a study to determine the value of antigen and antibody detection in the serological diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with hematological malignancies, 436 sequential serum samples from 79 neutropenic patients were tested. circulating galactomannan antigen was detected with a latex agglutination method (pastorex aspergillus) and antibody to aspergillus fumigatus with an immunodiffusion test on agar gel. among the 79 patients 18 cases of invasive aspergillosis were detected (4 pro ...19947843181
experimental aspergillosis in guinea pigs: influence of itraconazole on fungaemia and invasive fungal growth.the guinea pig model of experimental aspergillosis was used to evaluate the efficacy of itraconazole 2.5 and 5 mg kg-1 in preventing the invasive phase of the disease when animals were already loaded with aspergillus conidia. evaluations were made by recording the survival rates, culturing fragments of nine organs, examining seven organs by means of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry (mab eb-a1 to aspergillus galactomannan) and by serological titration of galactomannan. the data indicate th ...19947845416
successful treatment of cerebral aspergillosis by stereotactic operation and antifungal therapy.the following is a case report of a cerebral aspergillus abscess in a male patient predisposed to this disease on account of many years of alcohol abuse. after timely identification of the pathogenic organism, the patient was cured by stereotactic operation in conjunction with antifungal therapy using amphotericin b and 5-fluorocytosine. the origin and the starting point of the infection remain obscure.19947845417
molecular genetics of aspergillus pathogenicity.aspergillus fumigatus is the most frequent cause of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa), a life-threatening disease of immunosuppressed patients. in addition to a number of general physiological attributes of this fungus, it has been suggested that extracellular elastase and toxins might facilitate its growth in lung tissue. we have investigated the roles of two extracellular proteins, an alkaline protease with elastase activity (afalp), and the ribotoxin restrictocin in murine models of ipa. ...19947847892
osteomyelitis caused by neosartorya pseudofischeri.the first case of osteomyelitis caused by neosartorya pseudofischeri is reported. the patient, a 77-year-old male with a history of silicosis and tuberculosis, on x-ray examination revealed lytic lesions of l2 and l3 vertebrae suspicious for metastatic lesions. histologic examination of biopsy specimens from vertebral bodies showed short, distorted, extra- and intracellular, hyaline hyphal fragments. the culture from the biopsy tissue produced numerous, evanescent asci containing eight ellipsoid ...19947852580
a multigene family related to chitin synthase genes of yeast in the opportunistic pathogen aspergillus fumigatus.two approaches were used to isolate fragments of chitin synthase genes from the opportunistic human pathogen aspergillus fumigatus. firstly, regions of amino acid conservation in chitin synthases of saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to design degenerate primers for amplification of portions of related genes, and secondly, a segment of the s. cerevisiae csd2 gene was used to screen an a. fumigatus lambda genomic dna library. the polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based approach led to the identific ...19957854320
[therapy with ciclopirox lacquer of onychomycoses caused by molds].60 patients, suffering from an onychomycosis produced by molds were treated for a maximum of 6 months with ciclopirox nail lacquer (8%). these molds determined by culture were scopulariopsis brevicaulis (51 x), aspergillus niger (6 x), aspergillus fumigatus (2 x) and hendersonula toruloidea. anamnesis gave no hints, why molds were the causing fungi of onychomycosis. the achieved mycological cure rate was determined with 90% (culture) respectively 85% (koh preparation). the local treatment with c ...19947854374
effects of pidotimod on macrophage functions in methylprednisolone-treated mice were treated with methylprednisolone (mpdn) 2-5 mg/kg s.c., for 11 or 6 days, in order to achieve an immunosuppressed state. for the same length of time a group of mice also received pidotimod ((r)-3-[(s)-(5-oxo-2-pyrrolidinyl) carbonyl]-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid. pgt/1a, cas 121808-62-6) i.p. at 100 or 10 mg/kg. at the end of treatment, peritoneal macrophages (mo) were recovered, purified by adherence to plastic and activated in vitro with different stimuli. after 24 h of incubat ...19947857336
[pulmonary aspergillosis diagnosed with blood culture]. 19947865561
aspergillus peritonitis in a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patient. case report and review of the literature.aspergillus peritonitis is a rare but treatable complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. we report a case of aspergillus peritonitis in a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patient and review the nine other cases reported in the literature. the course was often insidious, and the clinical manifestation and laboratory findings were similar to those of bacterial peritonitis. the distinctive feature of these cases was the persistence of symptoms despite broad-spectrum antib ...19947867312
dna typing of epidemiologically-related isolates of aspergillus fumigatus.invasive aspergillosis is often nosocomially acquired and carries a high mortality. molecular typing methods to discriminate isolates have now been developed. using simple restriction endonuclease (sal1 and xho1) digestion of total genomic dna, we have typed 25 epidemiologically-related isolates of a. fumigatus from six hospital episodes of invasive aspergillosis. eight dna types were found and in each case the dna type matched precisely the epidemiological data. thus dna typing of a. fumigatus ...19957867735
[tools, progress and questions in the molecular study of aspergillus fumigatus and invasive aspergillosis].development of a. fumigatus in the host tissues is due to the intrinsic biological characteristics of this fungus and to the impairment of the cellular defence reactions of the host. however, even today the understanding of the factors governing the infectivity of a. fumigatus remains very limited. for example, the cellular mechanisms involved in the killing of a. fumigatus are still not elucidated. the cellular site(s) of infection and the role of the different lung epithelia in the establishme ...19947877854
[mechanisms and implications of the adhesion phenomenon in aspergillus fumigatus].during the last few years, several works have demonstrated the fixation of different host proteins on aspergillus fumigatus conidia. thus, after incubation in the presence of normal human plasma, the c3 component of complement is detected at the surface of conidia. in fact, most of the c3 deposited on conidia is converted in c3b or ic3b which would facilitate their phagocytosis by the macrophages. in the non immune host, the activation of the alternative pathway seems to be the main mechanism of ...19947877855
[aspergillosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome].from 1983 to 1991 only isolated cases of aspergillosis in aids patients were reported; since 1991, an increasing number of cases have been reported suggesting a recent emergence of this fungal infection. aspergillosis occurs about 10 to 25 months after aids diagnosis in patients with cd4 below 50/mm3. neutropenia and/or steroid therapy, which are known as predisposing factors in aspergillosis, are noticed in about one half of the patients. previous pulmonary infection, especially pneumocystosis, ...19947877856
an open study on the safety and efficacy of fluconazole in the treatment of disseminated candida infections in patients treated for hematological malignancy.disseminated candidiasis is a serious infectious complication with a mortality as high as 50%. standard therapy consists of parenteral amphotericin b which is associated with major side effects and prolonged hospitalization. the aim of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of fluconazole in an open, noncomparative study. fluconazole, as a single agent, was given intravenously for the first 3 days at a dose of 200 mg twice daily, followed by 200 mg twice daily orally until resolution of ...19957880929
the influence of increased bronchial responsiveness, atopy, and serum ige on decline in fev1. a longitudinal study in the elderly.we have performed a 4-yr prospective survey of the association of allergen skin test positivity, total serum immunoglobulin e (ige), and bronchial responsiveness to methacholine, with longitudinal decline in fev1, in subjects over 65 yr of age. in 1987, 324 subjects completed a respiratory questionnaire, and underwent measurement of fev1 and fvc, methacholine challenge, skin prick testing (to dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, cat fur, mixed grasses, and aspergillus fumigatus) and estimation of tot ...19957881652
[usefulness of percutaneous instillation of antifungal agents for pulmonary aspergilloma].we studied the usefulness of percutaneous instillation of antifungal agents for treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma. the subjects were six patients, four males and two females, with a mean age of 69 years (range, 45 to 90 years). in all cases, radiography revealed a fungus ball or thickened cavity wall in residual tuberculous cavities. the patients had clinical symptoms including hemoptysis, fever, cough and sputum, and most of them showed severe emaciation, anemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypoxia. ...19957884995
fungal pulmonary abscess in an adult secondary to hyperimmunoglobulin e (job's) syndrome.job's syndrome is characterized by recurring bacterial infections of the skin and sinopulmonary tract. laboratory evaluation reveals consistent elevation of circulating immunoglobulin e levels. the syndrome has been reported as a rare cause of bacterial pulmonary abscess and pneumatocele formation in childhood; here we present a case of cavitating fungal abscess in an adult with job's syndrome.19957887732
aspergillus pneumonia successfully treated with itraconazole in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.the case of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus who developed pneumonia caused by aspergillus fumigatus is described. she was treated with itraconazole 200 mg twice daily, with a rapid response. after a follow-up period of 5 years no recurrence of the infection has been detected. to our knowledge this is the first report on the use of itraconazole in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. considering the poor prognosis associated with aspergillus pneumonia in patients with systemic ...19947894223
anterior decompression and fusion for aspergillus osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine associated with paraparesis.a very rare case of aspergillus fumigatus osteomyelitis of the spine is described. the differential diagnosis, medical and operative treatment, and follow-up evaluation are reported.19947899969
[a case of coexisting allergic aspergillosis of the lungs with branchial candidiasis].a case is presented of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in a 36-year-old man. this disease was accompanied by bronchial candidiasis as the complication after longterm antibiotic therapy administered before the diagnosis was established. diagnostic difficulties and outstanding effects of combined antifungal and corticoid treatment are described.19937900391
environmental sampling for aspergilli during building construction on a hospital site.during the course of extensive building activity at guy's hospital, london, air sampling was carried out weekly, for one year, to monitor the frequency of spores of aspergillus spp. in both the hospital grounds and a number of defined ward areas. nasal swabs were taken from patients on a selected ward to assess the nasal carriage of aspergillus. the weather conditions were monitored at the time of sampling. the predominant species was aspergillus fumigatus which occurred at a low frequency throu ...19947910180
asp f i cd4+ th2-like t-cell lines in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (abpa) is a hypersensitivity lung disease caused by bronchial colonization with aspergillus fumigatus (af) characterized by elevated serum total and af-specific ige levels and eosinophilia. in order to examine t-cell reactivity to af antigens, six t-cell lines were established from the peripheral blood of patients with abpa to asp f i, an 18 kd protein purified from af extracts. the asp f i-specific t-cell lines, analyzed by flow cytometry, were 100% cd3+ ...19947914901
molecular epidemiological study of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a renal transplantation unit.the molecular epidemiology of an outbreak of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis which occurred on a renal transplantation unit was investigated. restriction fragment length polymorphism and random amplified polymorphic dna analyses were used to characterise the isolates of aspergillus fumigatus from the patients (2 isolates from each of 2 patients) and from the environment (11 isolates). while the isolates from the environment could be readily distinguished from each other by both methods, each pa ...19947915233
the aids epidemic.the nature of the clinical presentation of hiv infection continues to evolve over time. new cutaneous (e.g., seborrheic dermatitis, onychomycosis, and tinea pedis) and systemic (e.g., aspergillus fumigatus and penicillium marneffei) opportunistic fungal infections can now be added to the classic clinical markers for progressive hiv infection, such as kaposi's sarcoma, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, mycobacterium avium intercellulare infections, and cryptococcal meningitis. the fact that the app ...19947915731
activated t cells and cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavages from patients with various lung diseases associated with eosinophilia.increasing evidence suggests an important role for cytokines in the regulation of eosinophilic inflammation. in the present study we investigated the distribution of leukocytes, lymphocyte subsets, their activation state, and the cytokine profile present in bal fluid from patients with various lung diseases associated with eosinophilia. for this purpose, we analyzed the levels of il-1 beta, il-2, il-4, il-5, il-6, il-8, gm-csf, tnf-alpha, and ifn-gamma, as well as soluble il-2 and tnf receptors, ...19947921434
primary sternal osteomyelitis by aspergillus fumigatus. 19947921771
superoxide anion production in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide and fungal spores implicated in organic dust toxic syndrome.high amounts of fungal spores, bacteria, and bacterial endotoxin have been found in dust associated with the poorly characterized syndrome, organic dust toxic syndrome (odts). as part of an ongoing investigation to determine the etiopathogenesis for odts, this study has focused on activation of guinea pig bronchial alveolar lavage (bal) cells as evidenced by the production of superoxide anion in response to fungal spores and lipopolysaccharide (lps). fungal spores from aspergillus candidus, aspe ...19947925197
sterility and the disinfection potential of indian contact lens solutions.ocular infection associated with microbial contamination of contact lens care products is a major problem in contact lens wearers. the sterility and the antimicrobial activity of contact lens care systems reflect their suitability for disinfection of contact lenses. these factors remain to be evaluated for the various newer contact lens care products manufactured in india. in this study, 35 bottles of contact lens solutions marketed by different manufacturing units in india were tested for steri ...19947927633
molecular cloning and sequencing of the cdna and gene for a novel elastinolytic metalloproteinase from aspergillus fumigatus and its expression in escherichia extracellular elastinolytic metalloproteinase, purified from aspergillus fumigatus isolated from an aspergillosis and patient/and an internal peptide derived from it were subjected to n-terminal sequencing. oligonucleotide primers based on these sequences were used to pcr amplify a segment of the metalloproteinase cdna, which was used as a probe to isolate the cdna and gene for this enzyme. the gene sequence matched exactly with the cdna sequence except for the four introns that interrupted t ...19947927676
rodletless mutants of aspergillus fumigatus.conidia of aspergillus fumigatus adhere in vitro to host proteins and cells via the outer cell wall layer. the roda gene of a. fumigatus was cloned by homology with the roda gene of aspergillus nidulans, which is involved in the structure of the rodlets characteristic of the surface layer. the a. fumigatus roda protein sequence has 85% similarity to that of a. nidulans roda; the sequence codes for a hydrophobin, a low-molecular-weight protein moderately hydrophobic and rich in cysteines. the gen ...19947927699
hyp1, a hydrophobin gene from aspergillus fumigatus, complements the rodletless phenotype in aspergillus nidulans.aspergillus fumigatus produces conidia that are highly dispersable and resistant to degradation. we have sought to analyze these properties by studying the rodlets which form the outer spore coat protein. degenerate primers based on hydrophobins in other fungi were applied to genomic dna from a. fumigatus in pcr. a product of this reaction with similarity to an aspergillus nidulans gene as judged by southern hybridization was chosen for further study. cloning and sequencing revealed a gene with ...19947927700
general primer-mediated pcr for detection of aspergillus species.a pcr assay was developed for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. for this purpose, the complete nucleotide sequences of the genes encoding the 18s rrna of aspergillus nidulans, aspergillus terreus, aspergillus niger, and aspergillus flavus were elucidated and aligned to the sequences of aspergillus fumigatus and other clinically relevant prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. genus-specific sequences could be identified in the v7 to v9 region of 18s rrna. ...19947929762
antifungal activity of elutriated human monocytes against aspergillus fumigatus hyphae: enhancement by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interferon-gamma.human monocytes are important effector cells in host defenses against aspergillus hyphae, and as elutriated monocytes (ehm) they may be transfused in large quantities to leukopenic patients with invasive aspergillosis. the antifungal activity of ehm against aspergillus hyphae was compared with that of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl). the effects of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (gm-csf) and interferon-gamma (ifn-gamma) on superoxide anion (o2-) release and on hyphal damage ...19947930733
construction and pathogenicity of aspergillus fumigatus mutants that do not produce the ribotoxin restrictocin.aspergillus fumigatus, the most common cause of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (ipa), produces a potent cytotoxin called restrictocin. to investigate the role of restrictocin in ipa, we have constructed fungal strains in which the res gene has been inactivated by gene disruption. these disruptants lack the specific extracellular ribonucleolytic activity associated with restrictocin, as measured by an in vitro rabbit reticulocyte lysate assay. western blot analysis of one disruptant, using an a ...19937934913
a study of the alkaline proteases secreted by different aspergillus species.strains from several species of aspergillus were grown in the presence of soluble collagen, and the major secreted proteins present in the culture fluid were examined for proteolytic activity. the possibility of relatedness among the alkaline proteases secreted by aspergillus was studied by probing extracts from the various species with polyclonal antisera raised to the isolated alkaline proteases of a. fumigatus and a. oryzae. the pathogenic species a. flavus, a. terreus and a. nidulans hydroly ...19937935565
amphotericin b refractory aspergillosis after itraconazole: evidence for significant antagonism.failure of amphotericin b to halt aspergillosis in a patient previously treated with itraconazole raised the question of whether amphotericin b lost its activity as a result of antagonism between the two antifungal drugs. azoles exhaust the target of amphotericin b on the fungal cell membrane. accordingly amphotericin b in vitro lost its activity against six isolates of aspergillus fumigatus after exposure to subfungicidal concentrations of itraconazole. prior treatment of mice with itraconazole ...19937935575
comparison of in vitro antifungal activity of itraconazole and hydroxy-itraconazole by colorimetric mtt assay.the in vitro antifungal activities of itraconazole and its active hydroxyl metabolite, hydroxy-itraconazole (r 63372), against aspergillus fumigatus, candida albicans and cryptococcus neoformans were compared by visual assessment of growth as well as by colorimetric mtt [3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2h tetrazolium bromide] assay using microtitre plates containing four different media. minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) end points determined by the colorimetric mtt assay correlat ...19947935588
effect of essential oil of hyssopus officinalis on the lipid composition of aspergillus fumigatus.addition of the essential oil of hyssopus officinalis to the culture medium of aspergillus fumigatus induced alterations in both growth and lipid composition of this mould. total lipids and sterols were reduced, whereas total phospholipids were increased. there were alterations in the proportions of fatty acids, neutral lipid and phospholipid fractions.19947935731
invasive multiple sinusitis by aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with aids. 19947948163
clinical aspects of fungal infection in organ transplant recipients.fungal infections following solid organ transplantation remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality. candida species and aspergillus fumigatus continue to account for the majority of these infections, although the attack rate is higher among recipients of organs other than kidneys because those patients receive more immunosuppressive therapy. although amphotericin b remains the drug of choice for treatment of invasive aspergillosis, its toxicity profile limits its widespread use. recent expe ...19947948569
hydrocortisone-enhanced growth of aspergillus spp.: implications for pathogenesis.aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus flavus are the most common cause of invasive mould infections worldwide and carry a high mortality. corticosteroid therapy and cushing's disease are associated with an increase in invasive aspergillosis. corticosteroids impair immune function in mammals and, specifically, the conidicidal activity of human macrophages, which was thought to be sufficient explanation for this increased risk. however, we have found a 30-40% increase in growth rate of a. fumigatu ...19947952197
development of immune responses to aspergillus at an early age in children with cystic fibrosis.although the ability of aspergillus organisms to colonize the respiratory tract in patients with cystic fibrosis (cf) is well recognized, the contribution of aspergillus to the disease process is poorly understood. using sera from 147 cf patients (age 5 to 43 yr), we measured ige antibody (ab) to aspergillus fumigatus and five common inhalant allergens with a radioallergosorbent test (rast). total ige levels and igg ab to radio-labeled asp f i, an allergen purified from a. fumigatus and a potent ...19947952609
display of expression products of cdna libraries on phage surfaces. a versatile screening system for selective isolation of genes by specific gene-product/ligand interaction.techniques for cloning cdnas from bacteriophage libraries immobilised on solid supports are well established. however, these techniques do not allow selective enrichment of clones expressing proteins of interest. screening of cdna libraries would be simplified if the proteins encoded by cdnas could be expressed on the surface of phage. phage carrying genes encoding proteins for which a ligand is available can be selected directly by affinity interaction [crameri, r. & suter, m. (1993) gene (amst ...19947957259
pulmonary superinfection with strongyloides stercoralis in an immunocompromised retired coal miner. 19947957278
virulence of aspergillus fumigatus double mutants lacking restriction and an alkaline protease in a low-dose model of invasive pulmonary investigate the pathogenicity of aspergillus fumigatus mutants lacking putative virulence factors, we have developed a new murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis based on neutropenia, the major factor predisposing patients to this infection. mice were treated with cyclophosphamide and inoculated by the intranasal route with 5 x 10(3) conidia, a significant reduction from inoculum levels used in previous models. evidence for the production of the extracellular alkaline protease (alp) ...19947960101
Displaying items 2101 - 2200 of 9580