
a dominant-negative effect of cynomolgus monkey tripartite motif protein trim5alpha on anti-simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac activity of an african green monkey orthologue.african green monkey (agm) tripartite motif protein (trim) 5alpha can inhibit both human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus sivmac, whereas cynomolgus monkey (cm) trim5alpha can inhibit hiv-1, but not sivmac. we previously reported that the 17-amino-acid region and an adjacent 20-amino-acid duplication in the spry(b30.2) domain of agm trim5alpha determined the species specificity. in the present study, we demonstrated that cm trim5alpha had a dominant-negativ ...200616647098
cystoisospora belli: in vitro multiplication in mammalian cells.intracellular development of cystoisospora belli was demonstrated in 4 different mammalian cell lines. human ileocecal adenocarcinoma (hct-8), epithelial carcinoma of lung (a549), madin-darby bovine kidney (mdbk), and african green monkey kidney (vero) were exposed in vitro to c. belli sporozoites, which had been isolated from the feces of hiv-aids patients. parasites invaded all the cellular types between 4 and 12h after exposure and multiplication was demonstrated after 24 h. grater number of ...200616674944
quantitation of vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in plasma and platelets. 200616676087
selection and characterization of an hiv-1 gp120-binding affibody evaluate the possibility of generating novel proteins binding to highly glycosylated viral proteins, affibody ligands were selected by bacteriophage display technology to the hiv-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (glycoprotein 120), from a combinatorial protein library based on the 58-amino-acid-residue staphylococcal protein a domain. the predominant variant from the bacteriophage selection was produced in escherichia coli and characterized by biosensor analyses. both univalent and bivalent affi ...200616712522
modification of the trypsin-dependent cleavage activation site of the human metapneumovirus fusion protein to be trypsin independent does not increase replication or spread in rodents or nonhuman primates.the contribution of cleavage activation of the fusion f protein of human metapneumovirus (hmpv) to replication and pathogenicity in rodents and nonhuman primates was investigated. recombinant hmpvs were generated in which the naturally occurring trypsin-dependent cleavage sequence (r-q-s-r downward arrow) was replaced by each of three sequences whose cleavage in vitro does not depend upon added trypsin. two of these were multibasic sequences derived from avian metapneumovirus type a (r-r-r-r) or ...200616731919
mutational alteration of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vif allows for functional interaction with nonhuman primate apobec3g.human apobec3f (ha3f) and apobec3g (ha3g) are antiretroviral cytidine deaminases that can be encapsidated during virus assembly to catalyze c-->u deamination of the viral reverse transcripts in the next round of infection. lentiviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) have evolved the accessory protein vif to induce their degradation before packaging. hiv type 1 (hiv-1) vif counteracts ha3g but not rhesus macaque apobec3g (rha3g) or african green ...200616731937
attenuating mutations in the p/c gene of human parainfluenza virus type 1 (hpiv1) vaccine candidates abrogate the inhibition of both induction and signaling of type i interferon (ifn) by wild-type hpiv1.recombinant human parainfluenza virus type 1 (hpiv1) and mutants containing point and deletion (delta) mutations in the p/c gene (r-cdelta10-15hnt553a, r-cr84g, r-cf170s and r-cdelta170), which have previously been evaluated as hpiv1 vaccine candidates, were evaluated for their effect on the type i interferon (ifn) response in vitro. hpiv1 wt infection inhibited the ifn response by inhibiting ifn regulatory factor-3 (irf-3) activation and ifn production in a549 cells and ifn signaling in vero ce ...200616750233
fumonisin concentration and ceramide synthase inhibitory activity of corn, masa, and tortilla chips.nixtamalization removes fumonisins from corn and reduces their amounts in masa and tortilla products. fumonisin concentrations and potential toxicity could be underestimated, however, if unknown but biologically active fumonisins are present. therefore, the relative amounts of fumonisins in extracts of fumonisin-contaminated corn and its masa and tortilla chip nixtamalization products were determined with an in vitro ceramide synthase inhibition bioassay using increased sphinganine (sa) and sphi ...200616760143
sulfur mustard-induced neutropenia: treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.although best known as a blistering agent, sulfur mustard (hd) can also induce neutropenia in exposed individuals, increasing their susceptibility to infection. granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (g-csf) and pegylated g-csf (peg-g-csf) have been approved by the u.s. food and drug administration as hematopoietic growth factors to treat chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. the goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of g-csf and peg-g-csf in ameliorating hd-induced neutropenia. afric ...200616761898
in vivo and in vitro characterization of chlorzoxazone metabolism and hepatic cyp2e1 levels in african green monkeys: induction by chronic nicotine treatment.cyp2e1 metabolizes compounds, including clinical drugs, organic solvents, and tobacco-specific carcinogens. chlorzoxazone (czn) is a probe drug used to phenotype for cyp2e1 activity. smokers have increased czn clearance during smoking compared with nonsmoking periods; however, it is unclear which cigarette smoke component is causing the increased activity. the relationships between in vivo czn disposition, in vitro czn metabolism, and hepatic cyp2e1 have not been investigated in a within-animal ...200616763012
the boundary of macaque rdna is constituted by low-copy sequences conserved during macaca mulatta, the single rdna array is flanked by a patchwork of sequences including subregions of human yp11.2, 4q35.2, and 10p15.3. this composite dna region is characterized by unique or low-copy sequences, resembling a potentially transcribed region. the analysis of cercopithecus aethiops, presbytis cristata, and hylobates lar suggests that this complex sequence organization could be shared by old world monkey and lesser ape species. after the lesser apes/great apes divergence, the uniq ...200616765020
quantitative estimation of nipah virus replication kinetics in vitro.nipah virus is a zoonotic virus isolated from an outbreak in malaysia in 1998. the virus causes infections in humans, pigs, and several other domestic animals. it has also been isolated from fruit bats. the pathogenesis of nipah virus infection is still not well described. in the present study, nipah virus replication kinetics were estimated from infection of african green monkey kidney cells (vero) using the one-step sybr green i-based quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase cha ...200616784519
increased efficiency of group b coxsackievirus isolation from clinical specimens by use of bgm cells.a continuous african green monkey kidney cell line, designated bgm, was compared with primary cynomolgus monkey kidney cells and human embryonic lung cells for efficiency of enterovirus isolation. a selective enhanced sensitivity of bgm cells both in terms of isolation rate and speed of isolation was found for group b coxsackieviruses but could not be demonstrated for a number of other nonpolio enteroviruses.198216789270
distinct expression profiles of tgf-beta1 signaling mediators in pathogenic sivmac and non-pathogenic sivagm infections.the generalized t-cell activation characterizing hiv-1 and sivmac infections in humans and macaques (macs) is not found in the non-pathogenic sivagm infection in african green monkeys (agms). we have previously shown that tgf-beta1, foxp3 and il-10 are induced very early after sivagm infection. in sivmac-infected macs, plasma tgf-beta1 induction persists during primary infection 1. we raised the hypothesis that macs are unable to respond to tgf-beta1 and thus cannot resorb virus-driven inflammat ...200616800882
note on aversion learning to the shape of food by monkeys.vervet and grivet monkeys were repeatedly tested eating bar- and circle-shaped cookies. one subject was always injected with lithium immediately after eating cookies with the circle shape and learned to avoid the circular cookies while continuing to eat the bar-shaped cookies. another subject received similar treatment except that lithium injections were always delayed 30 minutes after access to the circle-shaped cookies. she also acquired a discriminative aversion. aversion learning was not obs ...198216812287
operant conditioning of autogrooming in vervet monkeys: cercopithecus aethiops.vervet monkeys received food reinforcement contingent on autogrooming. experiment 1 reinforced grooming on a schedule of increasing intermittency and grooming increased in frequency and duration; with only pauses reinforced, grooming decreased in frequency and duration. experiment 2 demonstrated differentiation of operant autogrooming; in each session a different single form of grooming was reinforced (for example, grooming the tail only), and that form increased in frequency while other forms b ...198416812384
identification and functional analysis of a human homologue of the monkey replication origin ors8.we previously isolated from african green monkey (cv-1) cells a replication origin, ors8, that is active at the onset of s-phase. here, its homologous sequence (hors8, accession number: dq230978) was amplified from human cells, using the monkey-ors8-specific primers. sequence alignment between the monkey and the human fragment revealed a 92% identity. nascent dna abundance analysis, involving quantification by real-time pcr, indicated that hors8 is an active replication origin, as the abundance ...200616823771
antiandrogenic activity of pyrethroid pesticides and their metabolite in reporter gene assay.many pesticides possess hormonal activity and have thus been classified as endocrine disruptors. pyrethroids are commonly used pesticides worldwide, but little has been done to characterize their antiandrogenic activity potential. we tested three frequently encountered pyrethroids (fenvalerate, cypermethrin, permethrin) and their metabolite 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (3-pba) for antiandrogenic and androgenic activity using a human androgen receptor (ar) mediated luciferase reporter gene assay in cv-1 ...200716857237
simian immunodeficiency viruses replication dynamics in african non-human primate hosts: common patterns and species-specific define potential common features of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infections in different naturally infected host species, we compared the dynamics of viral replication in 31 african green monkeys (10 sabeus, 15 vervets and seven caribbean agms), 14 mandrills and three sooty mangabeys (sms) that were experimentally infected with their species-specific viruses.200616872282
betaherpesvirus-conserved cytomegalovirus tegument protein ppul32 (pp150) controls cytoplasmic events during virion maturation.the ul32 gene of human cytomegalovirus (cmv) encodes a prominent betaherpesvirus-conserved virion tegument protein, called pp150 (basic phosphoprotein/ppul32), that accumulates within a cytoplasmic inclusion adjacent to the nucleus at late times during infection. using a ul32 deletion mutant (deltaul32-bac) (where bac is bacterial artificial chromosome), we demonstrate that pp150 is critical for virion maturation in the cytoplasmic compartment. cotransfection of a pp150 expression plasmid with d ...200616873276
vervet monkeys and humans show brain asymmetries for processing conspecific vocalizations, but with opposite patterns of laterality.a robust finding in the human neurosciences is the observation of a left hemisphere specialization for processing spoken language. previous studies suggest that this auditory specialization and brain asymmetry derive from a primate ancestor. most of these studies focus on the genus macaca and all demonstrate a left hemisphere bias. due to the narrow taxonomic scope, however, we lack a sense of the distribution of this asymmetry among primates. further, although the left hemisphere bias appears m ...200616928633
diverse cd81 proteins support hepatitis c virus infection.hepatitis c virus (hcv) entry is dependent on cd81. to investigate whether the cd81 sequence is a determinant of hcv host range, we expressed a panel of diverse cd81 proteins and tested their ability to interact with hcv. cd81 large extracellular loop (lel) sequences were expressed as recombinant proteins; the human and, to a low level, the african green monkey sequences bound soluble hcv e2 (se2) and inhibited infection by retrovirus pseudotype particles bearing hcv glycoproteins (hcvpp). in co ...200616943299
inhibition of hiv-1 replication by simian restriction factors, trim5alpha and apobec3g.old world monkey trim5alpha targets incoming human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) viral capsid, whereas the apolipoprotein b mrna-editing enzyme-catalytic polypeptide-like (apobec)3 family hypermutate/degrade viral sequences. here, we show the potentials of simian trim5alpha and apobec3g as therapeutic sequences for aids gene therapy. both rhesus and african green monkey (agm) trim5alpha efficiently restrict hiv-1 vectors with divergent gag from different hiv-1 subtypes. human t cells gen ...200716943852
serum cytokines of the 20 krad-irradiated s. mansoni cercariae vaccinated, primary and superinfected cercopethicus aethiops aethiops.appropriate animal models are necessary to better understand the immune response in schistosomiasis. schistosoma mansoni infection was established using irradiated cercariae in cercopithecus aethiops aethiops (grivet monkey) to describe immune responses of the serum cytokines, il-4, il-10, il-12, ifn- gamma, and tnf-alpha. intraperitoneal irradiated cercariae immunization on three occasions resulted in some differences of cytokine production. in primary infection, il-4 was significantly raised ( ...200716949577
effects of heterologous expression of thioredoxin reductase on the level of reactive oxygen species in cos-7 cells.thioredoxin reductase (trxr), a component of the redox control system involving thioredoxin (trx), is implicated in defense against oxidative stress, control of cell growth and proliferation, and regulation of apoptosis. in the present study a stable transfectant was made by introducing the vector pcdna3.0 harboring the fission yeast trxr gene into cos-7 african green monkey kidney fibroblast cells. the exogenous trxr gene led to an increase in trxr activity of up to 3.2-fold but did not affect ...200616951558
cytotoxic activity of clinical stenotrophomonas determine the potential virulence factors produced by culture supernatants of clinical isolates of stenotrophomonas maltophilia.200616965377
high frequency of genetic recombination is a common feature of primate lentivirus replication.recent studies indicate that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) recombines at exceedingly high rates, approximately 1 order of magnitude more frequently than simple gammaretroviruses such as murine leukemia virus and spleen necrosis virus. we hypothesize that this high frequency of genetic recombination is a common feature of primate lentiviruses. alternatively, it is possible that hiv-1 is unique among primate lentiviruses in possessing high recombination rates. among other primate len ...200616973569
novel derivatives of methyl and ethyl 2-(4-oxo-8-aryl-2h-3,4,6,7-tetrahydroimidazo[2,1-c][1,2,4]triazin-3-yl)acetates from biologically active 1-aryl-2-hydrazinoimidazolines: synthesis, crystal structure and antiproliferative activity.the 1-aryl-2-hydrazinoimidazolines (2a-h) were directly obtained from appropriate 1-aryl-2-methylthioimidazolines (1a-h) by condensation reaction with hydrazine hydrate. antimicrobial activities of two 1-aryl-2-hydrazinoimidazolines (2b and 2e) are presented. their chemical structures were confirmed by ir, (1)h nmr, ei-ms and elemental analysis. the susceptibility of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial strains, mould and yeast-like fungi strains to synthesized compounds and the mic values ...200616996655
paucity of cd4+ccr5+ t cells is a typical feature of natural siv contrast to lentiviral infections of humans and macaques, simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infection of natural hosts is nonpathogenic despite high levels of viral replication. however, the mechanisms underlying this absence of disease are unknown. here we report that natural hosts for siv infection express remarkably low levels of ccr5 on cd4+ t cells isolated from blood, lymph nodes, and mucosal tissues. given that this immunologic feature is found in 5 different species of natural siv h ...200717003371
phenobarbital induces monkey brain cyp2e1 protein but not hepatic cyp2e1, in vitro or in vivo chlorzoxazone metabolism.cytochrome p450 2e1 (cyp2e1) is expressed in the brain and liver, and can metabolize clinical drugs and activate toxins. the effect of phenobarbital on hepatic and brain cyp2e1 is unclear. we investigated the effect of chronic phenobarbital treatment on in vivo chlorzoxazone disposition (a cyp2e1 probe drug), in vitro chlorzoxazone metabolism, and hepatic and brain cyp2e1 protein levels in african green monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops). monkeys were given oral saccharine or saccharine supplement ...200617049344
the thyroid disruptor 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethane appears to be an uncompetitive inverse agonist for the thyrotropin this study, we aimed at establishing whether two previously identified thyroid disruptors, the insecticide 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (ddt) and aroclor 1254 (a complex mixture of polychlorinated water), may inhibit thyrotropin (tsh) receptor (tshr) activity. ddt and aroclor 1254 were shown to inhibit both the basal and bovine tsh (btsh)-stimulated accumulation of camp in chinese hamster ovary (cho)-k1 cells stably transfected with the tshr. furthermore, both ddt and aroclor ...200717062616
vitamin a toxicity in wild-caught african green vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) after 2 years in captivity.primate lab diets typically contain high vitamin a concentrations when compared with human recommended intakes. in this study, we analyzed the vitamin a contents of liver and serum from 13 adult female african green vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops). these monkeys were wild-caught and held in captivity for 2 y, during which time they consumed a standard primate diet. liver vitamin a concentration (mean +/- 1 standard deviation) was 14.6 +/- 2.3 micromol retinol/g liver; subtoxicity in humans ...200617069027
[the short form of heparin-binding egf-like growth factor. part ii].the structure of monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) heparin-binding egf-like growth factor (hb-egf) gene has been investigated in this work in comparison with the known structure of human gene. it was shown that hb-egf short form (sf-hb-egf) specific exon 3a is mapped between exons 3 and 4 at distance 700 b.p. from exon 4. in a number of human and simian cell lines the main part of sf-hb-egf mrna does not contain hb-egf mrna specific exons 4 and 5. in comparison with hb-egf mrna in sf-hb-egf mrna p-f ...200617086990
avian virulence and thermostable replication of the north american strain of west nile virus.the ny99 genotype of west nile virus (wnv) introduced into north america has demonstrated high virulence for american crows (amcrs), whilst a closely related wnv strain (ken-3829) from kenya exhibits substantially reduced virulence in amcrs [brault, a. c., langevin, s. a., bowen, r. a., panella, n. a., biggerstaff, b. j., miller, b. r. & nicholas, k. (2004). emerg infect dis 10, 2161-2168]. viruses rescued from infectious cdna clones of both the ny99 and ken-3829 strains demonstrated virulence c ...200617098976
symbols are not uniquely human.modern semiotics is a branch of logics that formally defines symbol-based communication. in recent years, the semiotic classification of signs has been invoked to support the notion that symbols are uniquely human. here we show that alarm-calls such as those used by african vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops), logically satisfy the semiotic definition of symbol. we also show that the acquisition of vocal symbols in vervet monkeys can be successfully simulated by a computer program based on m ...200717101209
evaluation of cognitive and biochemical effects of low-level exposure to sarin in rhesus and african green monkeys.we investigated the potential of low-level exposures to the chemical warfare nerve agent, sarin, to produce adverse effects. rhesus (macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus acthiops) were trained on a serial probe recognition (spr) task before im administration of a low-level concentration (5.87 microg/kg or 2.93 microg/kg) of sarin. blood was sampled before agent administration and at various times following administration. sarin administration did not disrupt performance on the ...200717126468
whole genome sequence data of an infectious molecular clone of the sivagm tyo-1 strain.we first sequenced a full genome of simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from african green monkey (sivagm) but the clone sequenced was found not to be biologically active. we subsequently succeeded in reconstructing a full genome infectious molecular clone, named psa212. the infectious psa212 clone (known as the tyo-1 strain of sivagm) has been distributed widely for research analysis of sivagm but its genome has never been fully sequenced. here, we report the whole genome sequence of the inf ...200617147508
the association of drd4 and novelty seeking is found in a nonhuman primate model.the association of novelty seeking with a repeat polymorphism in the coding region of the dopamine d4 receptor gene (drd4) has been demonstrated in several human populations, but not in others. the objective of this study was to test the generality of the association in a captive nonhuman primate population of known history, using objective methods for assessing novelty seeking and a pedigree-based association design.200717167341
molecular cloning and initial characterization of african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops) corticotropin releasing factor receptor type 1 (crf1) from cos-7 cells.we report the expression of endogenous crf1 in cos-7 cells (african green monkey origin). cloning of the coding region of crf1 gene identified three alternatively spliced isoforms with nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences corresponding to the membrane bound alpha and c and soluble e isoforms. dna sequencing of the main isoform crf1alpha showed homologies of 99%, 97% and 91% with the rhesus monkey, human and rodent genes, respectively; the deduced protein sequence differed in only one am ...200717175121
a cell-detaching reactor for inoculation of anchorage-dependent cho and vero cells between stepwise-expanded bioreactors.a cell-detaching reactor was developed to collect cells growing on microcarriers for inoculation between stepwise-expanded bioreactors. it consisted of a trypsinization zone and a separation zone, which were separated by a 200-mesh stainless steel screen. the screen allowed the cells only to pass through to the next bioreactor, after the cells have been trypsinized and detached from microcarriers. the operating feasibility of the cell-detaching reactor was tested with anchorage-dependent recombi ...200717216536
[aggression and composition of conflicting pairs in green monkeys].the aggressive behaviour of green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) maintained in corrals of adler primate center was studied. the influence of the composition conflicting pairs, the quality of their relationships as well as the relatedness and hierarchic relations between the antagonists on the intensity and structure of aggressive relationships was investigated. it was found that the frequency of contact forms of aggression was not dependent on the composition of conflicting pairs of animals. at ...200617217249
diclofenac hydroxylation in monkeys: efficiency, regioselectivity, and response to inhibitors.the catalytic efficiency, regioselectivity, and response to chemical inhibitors of diclofenac (df) hydroxylation in three old world monkey liver microsomes (rhesus, cynomolgus, and african green monkey) are different from those determined with human liver microsomes. in contrast to the high affinity-high capacity (low km-high vmax) characteristics of df 4'-hydroxylation in humans, this reaction proceeded in all monkey species with catalytic efficiencies >20-fold lower. however, df 5-hydroxylatio ...200717223083
immunoglobulin a (iga) is a natural ligand of hepatitis a virus cellular receptor 1 (havcr1), and the association of iga with havcr1 enhances virus-receptor interactions.the hepatitis a virus cellular receptor 1 (havcr1/tim1), a member of the t-cell immunoglobulin mucin (tim) family, is an important atopy susceptibility gene in humans. the exact natural function of havcr1/tim1 and the inverse association between hav infection and prevention of atopy are not well understood. to identify natural ligands of human havcr1/tim1, we used an expression cloning strategy based on the binding of dog cells transfected with a human lymph node cdna library to a havcr1/tim1 fc ...200717229699
in vitro studies on the binding, antioxidant, and cytotoxic actions of punicalagin.the protective bioactivity of punicalagin, a high molecular weight polyphenol isolated from pomegranate fruit pith and carpellary membrane, against oxidative damages to lipids, amino acids constituting the proteins, and guanosine as a model for dna has been investigated. the abts*-, guanosine, and tryptophan radical generated pulse radiolytically were repaired by punicalagin, k = (0.9-15) x 10(7) dm3 mol-1 s-1. the results are rationalized on the basis of the scavenging activity of punicalagin a ...200717243704
infection with a novel gammaherpesvirus in northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris).twenty juvenile northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) that died between 1998 and 2004 had ulcers on the tongue, palatine mucosa, and/or tonsils. histologic examination of the lesions revealed cytoplasmic swelling, nuclear pyknosis, and eosinophilic to amphophilic intranuclear inclusions bodies suggestive of herpesviral infection. electron microscopic examination and polymerase chain reaction analysis confirmed the presence of a herpesvirus. subsequent dna sequencing identified this t ...200617255451
repeated phencyclidine in monkeys results in loss of parvalbumin-containing axo-axonic projections in the prefrontal cortex.repeated exposure to the n-methyl-d-aspartate antagonist, phencyclidine, has been shown to result in biochemical and cognitive changes similar to aspects of schizophrenia. recently, emerging evidence indicated that the symptoms of schizophrenia might result at least in part from dysfunction of local circuit neurons containing parvalbumin, including a loss of their axo-axonic projections to pyramidal neurons.200717265073
a mobile element-based evolutionary history of guenons (tribe cercopithecini).guenons (tribe cercopithecini) are a species-rich group of primates that have attracted considerable attention from both primatologists and evolutionary biologists. the complex speciation pattern has made the elucidation of their relationships a challenging task, and many questions remain unanswered. sines are a class of non-autonomous mobile elements and are essentially homoplasy-free characters with known ancestral states, making them useful genetic markers for phylogenetic studies.200717266768
comparison of methods to stimulate ovarian follicular growth in cynomolgus and african green monkeys for collection of mature oocytes.the objective was to compare various gonadotropin-based methods to stimulate ovarian follicular growth in female cynomolgus (n=16) and african green monkeys (n=8) for collection of mature oocytes. on the 1st day of menstruation, the monkeys were treated with 3.75 mg leuprorelin acetate (a gnrh agonist). starting 2-3 weeks later, ovarian follicular growth was stimulated as follows: (a) 25 iu/kg of human fsh (hfsh) in a glycerol solution given once daily for 9 d; (b) 200 iu of ecg given six times ...200717270266
induction of apoptosis in vero cells by aeromonas veronii biovar sobria vacuolating cytotoxic factor.recently, a cytotoxin named vacuolating cytotoxic factor (vcf) in aeromonas sobria and aeromonas veronii biovar sobria was described. we have now purified this factor using ion metallic affinity chromatography. the vcf is a nonhemolytic enterotoxin that acts as a serine protease. the toxin can be partially neutralized by serum antiaerolysin and it induced not only cytoplasmatic vacuole formation, but also mitochondrial disorders that must be signaling the apoptotic pathways, leading to vero (afr ...200717286562
hematological changes in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) during eight months' adaptation to captivity.this study investigated fluctuations in hematological values of 50 wild-caught vervet monkeys (african green monkeys, grivets, chlorocebus aethiops) during habituation to captivity. the monkeys were categorized into four groups according to age and sex viz adult males, adult females, juvenile males, and juvenile females. the erythrocyte values were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the adult males than in the other animals. there was an increase in most of the erythrocyte parameters studied durin ...200717294427
assessment of menstruation in the vervet (cercopithecus aethiops).vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) are old world nonhumans that display attenuated menstruation that requires detection by vaginal swab. the physiology underlying attenuated menstruation in this species has not been previously studied. to fill this gap, we evaluated endometrial cell proliferation, steroid receptor localization and expression of menstruation-associated matrix metalloproteinase (mmp) enzymes in vervets during natural and artificial menstrual cycles. the artificial cycles were i ...200717294431
characteristics and regulation of the ovarian cycle in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).this study was designed to evaluate the timecourse of ovarian and pituitary endocrine events throughout the menstrual cycle in the vervet monkey, and whether circulating luteinizing hormone (lh) or the uterus regulates the functional lifespan of the vervet corpus luteum. daily saphenous blood samples were collected from adult females (1) during spontaneous menstrual cycles (n = 7), and (2) during cycles in which a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (acyline) was administered for 3 days at ...200717294432
dopamine d2/d3 receptors play a specific role in the reversal of a learned visual discrimination in monkeys.converging evidence supports a role for mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic systems in a subject's ability to shift behavior in response to changing stimulus-reward contingencies. to characterize the dopaminergic mechanisms involved in this function, we quantified the effects of subtype-specific dopamine (da) receptor antagonists on acquisition, retention, and reversal of a visual discrimination task in non-human primates (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus). we used a modified wisconsin general test appar ...200717299511
effect of ketamine anesthesia on daily food intake in macaca mulatta and cercopithecus aethiops.ketamine hydrochloride is frequently administered to non-human primates as a means of chemical restraint. this procedure can be a frequent source of stress to monkeys at research facilities, impacting animal health, well-being and research quality. this study was designed to measure ketamine's effect on daily food intake, a parameter that reflects and influences animal well-being and directly impacts research studies. on five occasions, baseline daily food intake was compared to daily food intak ...200717330308
uterine epithelioid trophoblastic tumor in an african green monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).a uterine mass was detected on physical exam in a multiparous african green monkey as an incidental finding, and the well-circumscribed mass was removed via hysterectomy. histologically, the mass consisted of sheets, nests, and cords of uniform intermediate trophoblastic cells with eosinophilic or clear cytoplasm. these neoplastic cells aggregated around blood vessels, forming islands of viable tumor cells amid extensive areas of coagulative necrosis with calcification in a 'geographic' pattern ...200717343360
effects of three mydriatic drug regimens on pupil size in rhesus (macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).human mydriatric drug use in non-human primates (nhps) has been documented but not quantified and compared for effectiveness. the objective of this study was to determine which drug regimen provided the most effective and consistent mydriatic effect for ophthalmologic examinations and other procedures. secondary objectives were to determine average time to maximum dilation and whether species differences existed.200717359464
a primate model for alzheimer's disease: investigation of the apolipoprotein e profile of the vervet monkey of st. kitts.the apolipoprotein e4 allele has been previously associated with late onset alzheimer's disease (ad). the major neuropathology of ad, senile (amyloid) plaques, and neurofibrillary tangles, has been observed in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). to further assess the suitability of the vervet as a model for ad, we undertook to determine the sequence of the vervet apoe exon 4 and to genotype an unrelated group of 30 aged animals raging from 15 to 28 years of age. all 30 animals were homozyg ...200717373728
recent integrations of mammalian hmg retropseudogenes.we propose that select retropseudogenes of the high mobility group nonhistone chromosomal protein genes have recently integrated into mammalian genomes on the basis of the high sequence identity of the copies to the cdna sequences derived from the original genes. these include the hmg1 gene family in mice and the hmgn2 family in humans. we investigated orthologous loci of several strains and species of mus for presence or absence of apparently young hmg1 retropseudogenes. three of four analysed ...200617406091
pathogenesis of leptospirosis: interaction of leptospira interrogans with in vitro cultured mammalian cells.interactions of virulent leptospira interrogans with murine monocyte-macrophage-like j774a.1 cells and vero (african green monkey kidney fibroblasts) cells from attachment to internalization were investigated by a series of morphological analysis. fontana silver staining revealed that only the pathogenic leptospires were able to attach to host cells and the attachment pattern varied depending on cell types that they interacted with. transmission electron microscopy (tem) analysis confirmed the f ...200717429690
anticancer effect of a new benzophenanthridine isolated from zanthoxylum madagascariense (rutaceline).fractionation of the cyclohexane extract from the stem bark powder of zanthoxylum madagascariense led to the isolation of a new benzophenanthridine-type alkaloid, hydrochloride of 2,3-methylendioxy-8-hydroxy- 7-methoxy-benzo[c]phenanthridine (rutaceline), characterized on the basis of its spectral data. rutaceline was evaluated for its antiproliferative capacity on the human colorectal adenocarcinoma (caco-2) and the african green monkey kidney (vero) cell lines. the 50% inhibition of cell growt ...200717436597
in vivo cardiac electrophysiologic and antiarrhythmic effects of an isoquinoline ikur blocker, isq-1, in rat, dog, and nonhuman primate.the cardiac electrophysiologic effects of isq-1, an isoquinolinone i(kur) blocker, were characterized in vivo. in rat, isq-1 elicited maximal 33% to 36% increases in atrial and ventricular refractoriness at a plasma concentration of 11.5 microm. in african green monkey, isq-1 increased atrial refractory period (maximal 17% at plasma concentration up to 20 microm) with no effect on ventricular refractory period or ecg qtc. likewise in dog, isq-1 increased atrial refractory period (maximal 16% at ...200717438409
hla-g polymorphism and evolution.six proteins, one null allele and 22 human leukocyte antigen (hla)-g alleles were found in humans. bonobo, chimpanzee and gorilla only show one allele and orangutan shows five alleles. all cercopithecus alleles show stop codons at position 164 (macaca mulatta with seven dna alleles, macaca fascicularis with seven dna alleles and cercopithecus aethiops with three dna alleles). cotton-top tamarin new world monkeys showed 20 dna and protein alleles; the major histocompatibility complex (mhc)-g new ...200717445193
transmission electron microscopy on simian immunodeficiency virus-infected cocultures of vervet monkeys.healthy african green monkeys are the natural reservoirs for certain hiv-related sivs. more research is now focused on these nonhuman primates that are asymptomatic, so as to answer questions of origins, pathogenesis and therapy with respect to hiv in man. the present study involves the isolation and subsequent co-cultivation of siv variants from two healthy vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus). western blots (new lav blot 1 and new lav blot 2, pasteur) revealed sero cross-reactiv ...199617451298
purification of 3 monomeric monocot mannose-binding lectins and their evaluation for antipoxviral activity: potential applications in multiple viral diseases caused by enveloped viruses.three monomeric monocot lectins from zephyranthes carinata, zephyranthes candida, and gloriosa superba with carbohydrate specificity towards mannose derivatives and (or) oligomannose have been isolated and purified from their storage tissues. the lectins were purified by anion-exchange chromatography on deae-sephacyl and by gel filtration chromatography on biogel p-200 followed by high-performance liquid chromatography. the purified lectins, z. carinata, z. candida, and g. superba had molecular ...200717464348
lithium chloride inhibits the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus in cell culture.the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a major economic pathogen of domestic poultry that, despite vaccination, causes mortality and significant losses in production. during replication of the rna genome there is a high frequency of mutation and recombination, which has given rise to many strains of ibv and results in the potential for new and emerging strains. currently the live-attenuated vaccine gives poor cross-strain immunity. effective antiviral agents may therefore be ...200717479370
cranberry cocktail juice, cranberry concentrates, and proanthocyanidins reduce reovirus infectivity titers in african green monkey kidney epithelial cell cultures.studies were performed to investigate the effect of several cranberry and grape juice extracts on the inhibition of reovirus infectivity following cell culture inoculation. infectivity testing was performed utilizing cranberry juice extracts nutricran-100 and nutricran-90. at 5% extract concentrations, titers were reduced by ca. 50%. cranberry cocktail juice caused an infectivity loss of ca. 10%. we ascribe these data to higher concentrations of proanthocyanidins (pacs) in the cranberry extracts ...200717487927
use of a low-concentration heparin solution to extend the life of central venous catheters in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).normal hematologic values for african green monkeys have been reported, but these results are confounded by the effect of chemical restraint (for example, ketamine), physical restraint, and capture stress. the dual-lumen central venous catheter, jacket, and tether combination we describe here allows intravenous fluid administration and repeated blood sampling without the use of anesthesia or inducing capture-related stress. the use of a low-concentration heparin solution for catheter maintenance ...200717487955
photobiological impact of [{(bpy)2ru(dpp)}2rhcl2]cl5 and [{(bpy)2os(dpp)}2rhcl2]cl5 [bpy=2,2'-bipyridine; dpp=2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine] on vero cells.the in vitro photobiology of the supramolecular complexes [{(bpy)2ru(dpp)}2rhcl2]cl5 and [{(bpy)2os(dpp)}2rhcl2]cl5 [bpy=2,2'-bipyridine; dpp=2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine] with african green monkey kidney epithelial (vero) cells was investigated. previously, the complexes have been shown to photocleave dna in the presence or absence of o2. vero cell replication was uninhibited for cells exposed to the metal complex but protected from light. vero cells that were exposed to metal complex, rinsed, an ...200717488069
the effect of harp music on heart rate, mean blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature in the african green monkey.the effectiveness of recorded harp music as a tool for relaxation for non-human primates is explored in this study.200717493139
cd163 expression confers susceptibility to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome functional screening of a cdna expression library derived from primary porcine alveolar macrophages (pam) revealed that cd163 is capable of conferring a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv)-permissive phenotype when introduced into nonpermissive cells. transient-transfection experiments showed that full-length cd163 cdnas from pam, human u937 cells (histiocytic lymphoma), african green monkey kidney cells (marc-145 and vero), primary mouse peritoneal macrophages, an ...200717494075
human and simian immunodeficiency virus-mediated upregulation of the apoptotic factor trail occurs in antigen-presenting cells from aids-susceptible but not from aids-resistant species.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infections lead to aids in humans and rhesus macaques (rm), while they are asymptomatic in species naturally infected with siv, such as chimpanzees, sooty mangabeys (sm), and african green monkeys (agm). differential cd4(+) t-cell apoptosis may be responsible for these species-specific differences in susceptibility to disease. to identify factors that influence the different apoptotic responses of these species, we analyz ...200717494085
[4647-cell culture for preparation of recombinant bivaccine against smallpox and hepatitis b].the seeding and working banks of a 4647-cell culture have been created. the 4647-cell culture in these banks has a high proliferative activity, as well as the morphology, typical of this line, and the karyotype and the enzymogram, which are characteristic for the cells of an african talapoin (cercopithecus aethiops). the culture is not contaminated with bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, and viruses, including oncoviruses. the deposited 4647 cells have high viral productive properties for the accumula ...200717500238
organisation of nucleosomal arrays reconstituted with repetitive african green monkey alpha-satellite dna as analysed by atomic force microscopy.alpha-satellite dna (as) is part of centromeric dna and could be relevant for centromeric chromatin structure: its repetitive character may generate a specifically ordered nucleosomal arrangement and thereby facilitate kinetochore protein binding and chromatin condensation. although nucleosomal positioning on some satellite sequences had been shown, including as from african green monkey (agm), the sequence-dependent nucleosomal organisation of repetitive as of this species has so far not been a ...200717503032
long oligonucleotide microarrays for african green monkey gene expression profile analysis.nonhuman primates, including african green monkey (agm), are important models for biomedical research. the information on monkey genomes is still limited and no versatile gene expression screening tool is available. we tested human whole genome microarrays for cross-species reactivity with agm transcripts using both long oligonucleotide arrays (60-mer probes) and short oligonucleotide arrays (25-mer). using the long oligonucleotide arrays, we detected 4-fold more agm transcripts than with the sh ...200717507667
species identification of animal cells by nested pcr targeted to mitochondrial dna.we developed a highly sensitive and convenient method of nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) targeted to mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) to identify animal species quickly in cultured cells. fourteen vertebrate species, including human, cynomolgus monkey, african green monkey, mouse, rat, syrian hamster, chinese hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, dog, cat, cow, pig, and chicken, could be distinguished from each other by nested pcr. the first pcr amplifies mitochondrial dna fragments with ...200717516125
vif counteracts a cyclophilin a-imposed inhibition of simian immunodeficiency viruses in human cells.vif is a primate lentiviral accessory protein that is crucial for viral infectivity. vif counteracts the antiviral activity of host deaminases such as apobec3g and apobec3f. we now report a novel function of african green monkey simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) vif that promotes replication of sivagm in human cells lacking detectable deaminase activity. we found that cyclophilin a (cypa) was excluded from wild-type siv particles but was efficiently packaged into vif-deficient sivagm virion ...200717522232
rescue of degradation-prone mutants of the fk506-rapamycin binding (frb) protein with chemical ligands.we recently reported that certain mutations in the fk506-rapamycin binding (frb) domain disrupt its stability in vitro and in vivo (stankunas et al. mol. cell, 2003, 12, 1615). to determine the precise residues that cause instability, we calculated the folding free energy (delta g) of a collection of frb mutants by measuring their intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence during reversible chaotropic denaturation. our results implicate the t2098l point mutation as a key determinant of instability. furth ...200717525916
newcastle disease virus, a host range-restricted virus, as a vaccine vector for intranasal immunization against emerging pathogens.the international outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (sars-cov) in 2002-2003 highlighted the need to develop pretested human vaccine vectors that can be used in a rapid response against newly emerging pathogens. we evaluated newcastle disease virus (ndv), an avian paramyxovirus that is highly attenuated in primates, as a topical respiratory vaccine vector with sars-cov as a test pathogen. complete recombinant ndv was engineered to express the sars-cov spike ...200717535926
role of cd151, a tetraspanin, in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) is a rna virus causing respiratory and reproductive diseases in swine. the susceptibility for prrsv varies between the different breeds of swine. in cell culture, prrsv virus can be propagated in primary porcine alveolar macrophages and some african green monkey kidney cell lines, such as marc-145 cells. previous studies have shown that 3' untranslated region (utr) rnas of the arteriviruses play an important role in the replication of t ...200717572908
extensive accumulation of influenza virus ns1 protein in the nuclei causes effective viral growth in vero cells.we previously showed that modified a/puerto rico/8/34 (pr8) influenza master strain had improved viral rescue and growth properties in african green monkey kidney (vero) cell line by introducing ns gene of vero-adapted a/england/1/53 (vaeng53). in the present study, it was found that the ns1 protein derived from vaeng53 was extensively accumulated in the nuclei than that of pr8. this accumulation was caused by 7 amino acid differences in c-terminal region of ns1 protein. these results suggest th ...200717579268
the development of hepatic granulomas in 20 krad irradiated schistosoma mansoni cercaria vaccinated grivet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops aethiops).the absence of appropriate animal models is a challenge for those designing anti-schistosome vaccines. in order to observe the development of hepatic granulomata, 20 krad irradiated cercaria vaccinated grivet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) were experimentally infected with schistosoma mansoni. most human clinical manifestations of schistosomiasis were noted in the infected monkeys. intraperitonial immunization with 20 krad irradiated cercaria resulted in a relatively less granulomatou ...200717603044
attenuation and efficacy of human parainfluenza virus type 1 (hpiv1) vaccine candidates containing stabilized mutations in the p/c and l genes.two recombinant, live attenuated human parainfluenza virus type 1 (rhpiv1) mutant viruses have been developed, using a reverse genetics system, for evaluation as potential intranasal vaccine candidates. these rhpiv1 vaccine candidates have two non-temperature sensitive (non-ts) attenuating (att) mutations primarily in the p/c gene, namely cr84ghnt553a (two point mutations used together as a set) and cdelta170 (a short deletion mutation), and two ts att mutations in the l gene, namely ly942a (a p ...200717605811
a challenge to the ancient origin of sivagm based on african green monkey mitochondrial genomes.while the circumstances surrounding the origin and spread of hiv are becoming clearer, the particulars of the origin of simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) are still unknown. specifically, the age of siv, whether it is an ancient or recent infection, has not been resolved. although many instances of cross-species transmission of siv have been documented, the similarity between the african green monkey (agm) and sivagm phylogenies has long been held as suggestive of ancient codivergence between s ...200717616975
a genetic linkage map of the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).the spectacular progress in genomics increasingly highlights the importance of comparative biology in biomedical research. in particular, nonhuman primates, as model systems, provide a crucial intermediate between humans and mice. the close similarities between humans and other primates are stimulating primate studies in virtually every area of biomedical research, including development, anatomy, physiology, immunology, and behavior. the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) is an importa ...200717629771
trans fat diet induces abdominal obesity and changes in insulin sensitivity in monkeys.there is conflicting evidence about the propensity of trans fatty acids (tfas) to cause obesity and insulin resistance. the effect of moderately high intake of dietary monounsaturated tfas on body composition and indices of glucose metabolism was evaluated to determine any pro-diabetic effect in the absence of weight gain.200717636085
primatb stat-pak assay, a novel, rapid lateral-flow test for tuberculosis in nonhuman primates.tuberculosis (tb) is the most important zoonotic bacterial disease in nonhuman primates (nhp). the current diagnostic method, the intradermal palpebral tuberculin test, has serious shortcomings. we characterized antibody responses in nhp against mycobacterium tuberculosis to identify immunodominant antigens and develop a rapid serodiagnostic test for tb. a total of 422 nhp were evaluated, including 243 rhesus (macaca mulatta), 46 cynomolgus (macaca fascicularis), and 133 african green (cercopith ...200717652522
recombinant human parainfluenza virus type 2 vaccine candidates containing a 3' genomic promoter mutation and l polymerase mutations are attenuated and protective in non-human primates.previously, we identified several attenuating mutations in the l polymerase protein of human parainfluenza virus type 2 (hpiv2) and genetically stabilized those mutations using reverse genetics [nolan sm, surman s, amaro-carambot e, collins pl, murphy br, skiadopoulos mh. live-attenuated intranasal parainfluenza virus type 2 vaccine candidates developed by reverse genetics containing l polymerase protein mutations imported from heterologous paramyxoviruses. vaccine 2005;39(23):4765-74]. here we ...200717658669
acute loss of intestinal cd4+ t cells is not predictive of simian immunodeficiency virus virulence.the predictive value of acute gut-associated lymphoid tissue (galt) cd4+ t cell depletion in lentiviral infections was assessed by comparing three animal models illustrative of the outcomes of siv infection: pathogenic infection (sivsmm infection of rhesus macaques (rh)), persistent nonprogressive infection (sivagm infection of african green monkeys (agm)), and transient, controlled infection (sivagm infection of rh). massive acute depletion of galt cd4+ t cells was a common feature of acute siv ...200717709518
immunization of primates with a newcastle disease virus-vectored vaccine via the respiratory tract induces a high titer of serum neutralizing antibodies against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.the ongoing outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (hpaiv) in birds, the incidence of transmission to humans with a resulting high mortality rate, and the possibility of a human pandemic warrant the development of effective human vaccines against hpaiv. we developed an experimental live-attenuated vaccine for direct inoculation of the respiratory tract based on recombinant avian newcastle disease virus (ndv) expressing the hemagglutinin (ha) glycoprotein of h5n1 hpaiv (ndv-ha). expr ...200717715243
systemic and skin toxicity in cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus monkeys treated during 26 weeks with a high intravenous dose of the anti- epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody nimotuzumab.nimotuzumab (h-r3) is a humanized anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody (mab) registered for treating head and neck tumours. the present study was designed to evaluate the systemic and skin toxicity of chronic intravenous administration of the h-r3 in a relevant species demonstrated by comparing the h-r3 binding affinity constants (kd) in microsomal placental fractions from homo sapiens and cercopithecus aethiops monkeys using an egf-receptor radioligand competition assay. th ...200717827980
pathology of inhalational anthrax infection in the african green monkey.there is a critical need for an alternative nonhuman primate model for inhalational anthrax infection because of the increasingly limited supply and cost of the current model. this report describes the pathology in 12 african green monkeys (agms) that succumbed to inhalational anthrax after exposure to a low dose (presented dose 200-2 x 10(4)colony-forming units [cfu]) or a high dose (presented dose 2 x 10(4)-1 x 10(7) cfu) of bacillus anthracis (ames strain) spores. frequent gross lesions noted ...200717846250
despotic wild patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) in kala maloue, cameroon.the socio-ecological model predicts that the quality, distribution, and patch size of food resources determines the dominance hierarchy of female monkeys based on the type of food competition they experience. comparative studies of closely related species have evaluated the socio-ecological model and confirmed its validity. for example, female patas monkeys in laikipia, kenya, form a nonlinear and unstable dominance hierarchy (i.e., egalitarian), whereas females of sympatric, closely related sav ...200817854072
a quantitative trait locus for variation in dopamine metabolism mapped in a primate model using reference sequences from related species.non-human primates (nhp) provide crucial research models. their strong similarities to humans make them particularly valuable for understanding complex behavioral traits and brain structure and function. we report here the genetic mapping of an nhp nervous system biologic trait, the cerebrospinal fluid (csf) concentration of the dopamine metabolite homovanillic acid (hva), in an extended inbred vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) pedigree. csf hva is an index of cns dopamine activity, w ...200717884980
a domain of the thyroid adenoma associated gene (thada) conserved in vertebrates becomes destroyed by chromosomal rearrangements observed in thyroid adenomas.thada, mapping to chromosomal band 2p21 is target gene of specific chromosomal rearrangements observed in thyroid benign tumors. thus, it is one of the most common gene targets in chromosomal rearrangements in benign epithelial tumors. nevertheless, nothing is known about the function of its protein. therefore, we have analyzed the genetic structure of thada homologous genes in selected vertebrates (canis familiaris, chlorocebus aethiops, gallus gallus, and mus musculus), which are not character ...200717889454
antimalarial benzoquinones from an endophytic fungus, xylaria sp.two novel benzoquinone metabolites, 2-chloro-5-methoxy-3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione ( 1) and xylariaquinone a ( 2) together with two known compounds were isolated from an endophytic fungus, xylaria sp. their structures were assigned by analysis of spectroscopic data, and the structures of 1 and 3 were also confirmed by single-crystal x-ray data. compounds 1 and 2 showed in vitro activity against plasmodium falciparum, k1 strain, with ic 50 values of 1.84 and 6.68 microm and cytotoxicity ...200717892262
both trim5alpha and trimcyp have only weak antiviral activity in canine d17 cells.trim5alpha, which is expressed in most primates and the related trimcyp, which has been found in one of the new world monkey species, are antiviral proteins of the trim5 family that are able to intercept incoming retroviruses early after their entry into cells. the mechanism of action has been partially elucidated for trim5alpha, which seems to promote premature decapsidation of the restricted retroviruses. in addition, through its n-terminal ring domain, trim5alpha may sensitize retroviruses to ...200717892575
toxoplasma gondii: virulence of tachyzoites in serum free media at different temperatures.highly virulent toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite multiplication was recorded on the 4th and 5th days post cultivation (dpc) in seven selected cell lines either with or without fetal calf serum (fcs) in the maintenance media. the multiplication rate was slightly lower in the absence of fcs. the cell line mono-layers collapsed dying by the 6th day of infection both in presence or absence of fcs at 37 degrees c. carcinoma of human larynx (hep2) and madian darby bovine kidney (mdbk) cell lines were the ...200817904554
comparative requirements for the restriction of retrovirus infection by trim5alpha and trimcyp.the restriction factors, trim5alpha in most primates and trimcyp in owl monkeys, block infection of various retroviruses soon after virus entry into the host cell. rhesus monkey trim5alpha (trim5alpha rh) inhibits human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1) and feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) more potently than human trim5alpha (trim5alpha hu). trimcyp restricts infection of hiv-1, simian immunodeficiency virus of african green monkeys (siv agm) and fiv. early after infection, trimcyp, like trim5al ...200717920096
influence of cell preparation and target location on the behavioral recovery after striatal transplantation of fetal dopaminergic neurons in a primate model of parkinson's disease.surgeries involving transplantation of fetal dopamine (da) neurons into the caudate-putamen of patients with parkinson's disease (pd) have been performed in various clinical trials to examine a potential restoration of motor function. the absence of studies in non-human primates to define the best transplantation protocols have lead to the use of a broad variety of techniques that potentially could have a major impact on the clinical outcome. the effects of using different cell and tissue prepar ...200817920901
ctr2 is partially localized to the plasma membrane and stimulates copper uptake in cos-7 cells.ctr1 (copper transporter 1) mediates high-affinity copper uptake. ctr2 (copper transporter 2) shares sequence similarity with ctr1, yet its function in mammalian cells is poorly understood. in african green monkey kidney cos-7 cells and rat tissues, ctr2 migrated as a predominant band of approximately 70 kda and was most abundantly expressed in placenta and heart. a transiently expressed hctr2-gfp (human ctr2-green fluorescent protein) fusion protein and the endogenous ctr2 in cos-7 cells were m ...200817944601
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