
the isolation of an unclassified virus from an outbreak of infantile diarrhoea. 196414239922
inactivation of the infectivity of viral hemagglutinating antigens with the use of betaprone. 196414239962
growth, plaque production, and cationic stabilization of rhinovirus type 1 (echovirus 28).behbehani, abbas m. (baylor university college of medicine, houston, tex.), and l. h. lee. growth, plaque production, and cationic stabilization of rhinovirus type 1 (echovirus 28). j. bacteriol. 88:1608-1611. 1964.-a variety of conditions for the growth of echovirus 28 were investigated. the virus grew more readily and to the highest titer when secondary mk cells maintained in low bicarbonate and rolled at 33 c were employed. viral plaques were produced in human diploid (wi-38) cell cultures. t ...196414240946
isolation of rubella virus: an epidemic characterized by rash and arthritis. 196514242416
physical properties of infectious unit, hemagglutinin and complement-fixing antigen of echo virus 19. 196414247358
an outbreak of meningitis associated with e.c.h.o. virus type 9.this paper describes an outbreak of aseptic meningitis associated with e.c.h.o virus type 9 among members of the royal air force and their families stationed in western germany in 1961. there was a total of 44 cases. epistaxis occurred in eight cases and in 16 there was a rash. virus was isolated from faeces in 11 of 24 cases examined and from cerebrospinal fluid in three out of six.196514247699
[pathogenic viruses of the respiratory tract and their methods of identification]. 196414250271
[ exanthematous diseases caused by echo virus type 9]. 196514251021
[enterovirus infections]. 196514252381
antiviral activity of gliotoxin and gliotoxin acetate. 196414254440
characterization of prototype virus echo-32. 196514254542
[considerations on an epidemic episode of echo virus infections in early childhood]. 196414255374
[on the behavior of some serum enzyme activities (got, gpt, aldolase) in a group of subjects with echo virus infections]. 196414255375
photodynamic inactivation of enteroviruses.wallis, craig (baylor university college of medicine, houston, tex.), and joseph l. melnick. photodynamic inactivation of enteroviruses. j. bacteriol. 89:41-46. 1965.-enteroviruses are usually resistant to photodynamic inactivation, but they can be rendered completely photosensitive to proflavine at ph 9 to 10, if they are first purified by filtration through an anion resin. in addition, if enteroviruses are grown in cells maintained in a salt-glucose medium, they can be photosensitized. of 38 e ...196514255679
[viral infections in a childrens-disease hospital. a 4 year statistical study]. 196414255811
[common principles in the classification of clinical forms of influenza and influenza like virus infections in children]. 196414257244
[familial epidemic of exanthematc disease due to echo 9 virus]. 196414257464
[on the significance of viruses in the etiology of gastrointestinal diseases in young children]. 196514259086
[changes in the pharynx in children with enterovirus infections]. 196514259098
[data on the virological examination of infants]. 196514264452
echo 4 meningoencephalitis. 196514264872
enterovirus antibodies in mouse ascitic fluids after immunization. 196514265896
human western equine encephalomyelitis (wee) in saskatchewan. 196514266381
[primary viral meningoencephalitis]. 196514267922
echo virus type 25, infection in adult volunteers. 196514268627
interference between proflavine treated reovirus and related and unrelated viruses. 196514269254
enteroviral syndromes in toronto, 1964.virological or serological investigations of 72 children in toronto and environs, who were hospitalized between january and october 1964 with a variety of syndromes, revealed evidence of enteroviral infection in 29 subjects. coxsackie b2 was the dominant enterovirus, being isolated from feces and/or cerebrospinal fluid (csf) of three children with aseptic meningitis, three with pleurodynia, one with myalgia and one with pericarditis; four additional patients showed rising antibody titres to this ...196514269435
[correlation of influenza viruses a2 with enteroviruses during their multiplication in tissue culture]. 196414271692
[establishment of 2 strains of transplantable cells of the embryonic origin in the study of viral spectra]. 196414271697
comparative sensitivity of human fetal diploid kidney cell strains and monkey kidney cell cultures for isolation of certain human viruses. 196514275846
inhibition of poliovirus minute-plaque mutants and echoviruses by sulfated polysaccharides. 196514277676
[the prevalence of aseptic meningitis caused by echo-14 virus]. 196414280855
on the growth of certain "newer" respiratory viruses in organ cultures. 196514286939
aseptic meningitis associated with echo virus type 9 infection. with special reference to variability by sex and incidence of paralytic sequelae.the clinical and clinical laboratory findings in a group of 104 patients with aseptic meningitis associated with echo-9 infection were widely variable.a male to female case ratio of 3.7:1 was noted, and the mean age of the female group was significantly greater than that of the male group. the median of cerebrospinal fluid leukocyte counts was significantly higher in the male than in the female patients. clinical manifestations of the disease were similar to those noted in other reports. residua ...196514288142
extraction of cell-associated virus without damage of the culture. (brief report). 196514292789
differences in cystine dependence and chromatographic behavior between two type 4 echovirus strains.wallis, craig (baylor university college of medicine, houston, tex.), and joseph l. melnick. differences in cystine dependence and chromatographic behavior between two type 4 echovirus strains. j. bacteriol. 89:1310-1313. 1965.-type 4 strains of echovirus, which are known to differ in the ease in which they can be neutralized, have been found to differ in other properties also. the prototype strain (pesascek) differed from a readily neutralizable strain (dutoit) in that the pesascek strain could ...196514293003
glucose consumption of cultured cells before and after infection with enteroviruses or virus nucleic acids. 196514293873
studies of mutants of echovirus 6. 3. behavior in monkey and human cell culture. 196514294412
studies of mutants of echovirus 6. i. biologic and serologic characteristics. 196514294416
studies of mutants of echovirus 6. ii. isolation from human alimentary tract. 196514294417
effect of 3-methylmercapto4-thio-6-azauracil on picornavirus multiplication. 196514299356
[some considerations on viruses]. 196514308179
[on the frequency of antibody fixing complement for adenovirus and for echo 9 virus among the personnel of a hospital complex]. 196414308969
[aspects of the isolation of enteric viruses from the cerebrospinal fluid in the years 1961-63]. 196414309289
the r ole of infection in chronic bronchitis. 196514309801
current status of coxsackie and echo viruses in human disease. 196414310575
[petechial exanthema, meningeal reaction and diarrhea associated with infection by the type 7 echo virus in an infant]. 196514312724
[epidemic of echo virus type 4 in the netherlands. preliminary report]. 196514312765
experimental infection of beagles with echo virus type 6. lf-25. 196514313026
[virological and serological investigation of neuroinfections of hospital patients in warsaw in 1963]. 196514317137
facilitation of infection of monkey kidney cells with certain picornavirus ribonucleic acids. 196414317378
enterovirus immunizing antigens in the form of cation-stabilized and concentrated virus preparations. 196514322585
[aerobic glycolysis in tissue cultures infected with poliomyelitis viruses and echo virus type 9]. 196414324022
[familial outbreak of infantile diarrhea, with isolation of echo virus (type 14)]. 196514325097
comparison of the elution and adsorption of picornaviruses by cotton and calcium alginate wool swabs.the recovery of picornaviruses by cotton and calcium alginate wool swabs was studied by use of prototype strains of poliovirus 1, echovirus 1, coxsackievirus a9, and rhinovirus 16/60. no significant differences in recovery of viruses by the two types of swabs could be demonstrated. it is suggested that use of cotton swabs in the virus laboratory be continued, since wool swabs may favor the recovery of undesirable bacterial contaminants. adsorption of viruses by cotton and wool swabs was similar ...196514325287
a non-protein-synthesis-dependent stage of latent period and time of photosensitivity loss of virus in its interaction with the cell. 196514328217
on the alleged antigenic relation between echo virus types 29 and 32. 196514330904
studies on the etiology of aseptic meningitis in peking. 196514333145
echovirus 25 infections in scotland, 1961-64. 196514337826
[the guillain-barr'e syndrome due to echo 3 virus]. 196514341361
serological evidence of coxsackie and echo virus infections. 196514342008
[behavior of complement-fixing antibodies for adenovirus and echo 6 virus in a closed community and in a free environment]. 196514343240
persistent infection of human conjunctiva cell cultures by myxovirus parainfluenza 3. 196514346128
effects of mutations in the vp2/vp4 cleavage site of swine vesicular disease virus on rna encapsidation and viral infectivity.we studied vp0 cleavage of swine vesicular disease virus (svdv), a member of the picornaviridae using a full-length cdna copy of the dutch svdv isolate. the influences of mutations, introduced at the cleavage site of svdv, on vp0 cleavage, rna encapsidation and viral infection were studied. double mutations at asparagine (vp0 aa 69) and serine (vp0 aa 70) resulted in no cleavage of vp0 and 100% inhibition of virus production. mutation of the asparagine into threonine or phenylalanine resulted in ...200314505087
cardiomyocyte apoptosis in experimental coxsackievirus b3 myocarditis.viruses are known to induce apoptosis in their host cells. we studied whether cardiomyocyte apoptosis occurs upon coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) infection and whether virus-associated apoptosis plays a role in the pathogenesis of experimental myocarditis.200314507574
annual report of the australian national poliovirus reference laboratory, 2002.acute flaccid paralysis is the main clinical manifestation of poliomyelitis. faecal specimens from cases of acute flaccid paralysis in australia are referred to the national poliovirus reference laboratory for virus culture to determine if poliovirus is the causative agent. isolations of poliovirus are tested to determine whether they have characteristics of the sabin oral polio vaccine virus strains or wild type polioviruses. in 2002, a poliovirus type 3, which tested as sabin vaccine-like, was ...200314510060
nitric oxide donors inhibit the coxsackievirus b3 proteinases 2a and 3c in vitro, virus production in cells, and signs of myocarditis in virus-infected mice.the antiviral effect of nitric oxide (no)-releasing compounds was investigated. using bacterially expressed and purified proteinases 2a and 3c of coxsackievirus b3, in vitro assays demonstrated the inhibition of the 2a proteinase activity in the presence of s-nitroso- n-acetyl-penicillamine (snap), 3-morpholinosydnonimine (sin-1), 4-phenyl-3-furoxancarbonitrile (pfc), glyceryl trinitrate (gtn), and isosorbide dinitrate (isdn). sodium nitroprusside (snp), which releases no after metabolization, h ...200414513374
development of resistance to disoxaril in coxsackie b1 virus-infected newborn mice.treatment with disoxaril (a win compound binding to the hydrophobic pocket within the enterovirus vp1 capsid protein) in newborn mice infected with coxsackie b1 virus, for 10 days post virus inoculation at a daily subcutaneous dose of 25mg/kg decreased the virus titer in the mouse brain till day 7. thereafter (on days 8 and 9) drug-resistant virus progeny in brain samples isolates was noted with disoxaril ic(50) values of >40 microm as compared to 0.59-1.37 microm in placebo. study on phenotypic ...200314516919
[polio-like myelitis due to coxsackie-virus b 3: course under treatment with pleconaril].enteroviruses are common with infections of the cns, such as encephalitis and myelitis, but they may cause various diseases in different organ systems, particulary with fatal outcome. pleconaril is a new orally acting antiviral drug with broad anti-picornavirus activity, which provides to treat rhinoviral and enteroviral infections. to explain the importance for clinical use, we report a case of severe enteroviral infections of the cns, treated by pleconaril. a 14 year old girl presented with a ...200314520593
[epidemic outbreak of meningitis due to echovirus type 13 on the island of gran canaria (spain)].since the implementation of routine vaccination against mumps, enteroviruses have become the commonest cause of viral meningitis. in spain the most frequently isolated echoviruses are serotypes 30, 9, 6 and 4.objectives. determine the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of a meningitis outbreak due to echovirus type 13.200314525689
molecular evidence of persistent echovirus 13 meningoencephalitis in a patient with relapsed lymphoma after an outbreak of meningitis in 2000.enteroviral meningoencephalitis was diagnosed in a patient with an immunodeficiency syndrome acquired after treatment with rituximab for a relapsed primary b-cell lymphoma. a second meningoencephalitic episode was diagnosed 6 months later and was successfully treated with a combination of immunoglobulins and pleconaril. the infection was persistent since the enterovirus genome was detected in five sequential specimens of cerebrospinal fluid collected over 9 months. an echovirus 13 isolate was is ...200314532190
coxsackievirus b1-induced chronic inflammatory myopathy: differences in induction of autoantibodies to muscle and nuclear antigens by cloned myopathic and amyopathic viruses.infection of susceptible strains of mice with the myopathic tucson strain of coxsackievirus b1 (cvb1(t)) leads to the development of chronic inflammatory myopathy (cim). the underlying mechanism of cim appears to be immunopathic, but it is not known whether autoimmunity is involved. the objectives of this study were to determine whether autoantibodies are produced and whether they correlate with the pathology of cim. mice were infected with either a myopathic (mp1.23 or mp1.24) or an amyopathic ...200314532908
coxsackievirus-mediated hyperglycemia is enhanced by reinfection and this occurs independent of t cells.the induction of autoimmunity by viruses has been hypothesized to occur by a number of mechanisms. coxsackievirus b4 (cb4) induces hyperglycemia in sjl mice resembling diabetes in humans. while virus is effectively cleared within 2 weeks, hyperglycemia does not appear until about 8-12 weeks postinfection at a time when replicative virus is no longer detectable. in sjl mice, reinfection with cb4 enhanced the development of hyperglycemia. as predicted, the immune system responded more rapidly to t ...200314554080
multiple viral determinants mediate myopathogenicity in coxsackievirus b1-induced chronic inflammatory myopathy.mice infected with myopathic coxsackievirus b1 tucson (cvb1(t)) develop chronic inflammatory myopathy (cim) consisting of hind limb weakness and inflammation. amyopathic virus variants are infectious but attenuated for cim. in this report, viral clones, chimeras, and sequencing were used to identify viral determinants of cim. chimeras identified several regions involved in cim and localized a weakness determinant to nucleotides 2493 to 3200 of vp1. sequencing of multiple clones and viruses ident ...200314557670
enterovirus related metabolic myopathy: a postviral fatigue detect and characterise enterovirus rna in skeletal muscle from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (cfs) and to compare efficiency of muscle energy metabolism in enterovirus positive and negative cfs patients.200314570830
lack of islet neogenesis plays a key role in beta-cell depletion in mice infected with a diabetogenic variant of coxsackievirus b coxsackieviruses (cvbs) have a well-established association with type 1 diabetes but the mechanism of depletion of beta-cell mass following infection has not yet been defined. in this report we show that the major difference in pathogenesis between the e2 diabetogenic strain of cvb4 and the prototypic jvb strain in sjl mice is not in tropism for islet cells but in the degree of damage inflicted on the exocrine pancreas and the resulting capacity for regeneration of both acinar and islet ...200314573810
direct interferon-gamma-mediated protection caused by a recombinant coxsackievirus b3.coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) is one of the most important causes of viral myocarditis. cytokines are involved in the control of cvb3 replication and pathogenesis. local expression of specific cytokines by recombinant cvb3 confers prevention of virus-caused myocarditis. expression of ifn-gamma by cvb3(ifn-gamma) protected balb/c and c57bl/6 mice when the lethal infection with the highly pathogenic cvb3h3 variant was given directly after or prior to cvb3(ifn-gamma) inoculation by decreasing the viral ...200314585336
coxsackievirus b3-induced myocarditis: differences in the immune response of c57bl/6 and balb/c mice.coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) infections are the most frequent causes of human myocarditis, often resulting in chronic stages characterized by fibrosis and loss of function. this disease is called dilated cardiomyopathy (dcm). persistent virus in the myocardium may lead to chronic activation of fibroblasts, and subsequently, to fibrosis of the myocardium. studies with immunodeficient mice have shown that certain defects of the immune system retard the rate at which virus is eliminated from the heart, ...200414593475
[acute infantile hemiplegia caused by coxsackie b virus].acute infantile hemiplegia (aih) is a syndrome that appears, typically, in infants without any underlying neurological damage. it can be due to a number of causes, in which viral infections play an important role. we report a case of aih caused by coxsackie b virus.200314593632
the structure of echovirus type 12 bound to a two-domain fragment of its cellular attachment protein decay-accelerating factor (cd 55).echovirus type 12 (ev12), an enterovirus of the picornaviridae family, uses the complement regulator decay-accelerating factor (daf, cd55) as a cellular receptor. we have calculated a three-dimensional reconstruction of ev12 bound to a fragment of daf consisting of short consensus repeat domains 3 and 4 from cryo-negative stain electron microscopy data (emd code 1057). this shows that, as for an earlier reconstruction of the related echovirus type 7 bound to daf, attachment is not within the vir ...200414634014
transfection of prion protein gene suppresses coxsackievirus b3 replication in prion protein gene-deficient cells.the susceptibility of prion protein gene (prnp)-null cells to coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3) was investigated. primary cultures of murine prnp(-/-) brain cells were more sensitive to cvbs than corresponding cells from wild-type mice. the viral susceptibility of a prnp-null cell line (hpl3-4) derived from the murine hippocampus was compared with that of two established cell lines (hela and hep-2) that are widely employed for cvb3 studies. after infection with cvb3, hpl3-4 cells showed a very rapid and ...200314645931
transgenic mouse model for echovirus myocarditis and paralysis.echoviruses have been implicated in multiple human disease syndromes, including aseptic meningitis, paralysis, and heart disease, but no animal model is available for studying the pathogenesis of infection. production of human integrin very late antigen 2, a receptor for echovirus type 1, in transgenic mice conferred susceptibility to viral infection. intracerebral inoculation of newborn transgenic mice with echovirus leads to paralysis and wasting. no disease was observed in infected nontransge ...200314673080
lipid raft microdomains: key sites for coxsackievirus a9 infectious cycle.lipid rafts have an important property to preferentially concentrate some proteins, while excluding others. lipid rafts can also act as functional platforms for multiple signalling and trafficking processes. several reports have shown that lipid rafts play a crucial role in the assembly of several enveloped viruses and possibly their cell entry. in this study we investigated the importance of lipid raft formation in coxsackievirus a9 (cav-9) entry and cell infection. here by using a variety of b ...200314675631
an approach based on rflp assay to investigate outbreaks of enteroviral meningitis.enteroviruses (ev) circulate worldwide and are a major cause for annual epidemics of meningitis in humans. during the last two decades, echovirus type 30 (e-30) has revealed to be one of the most prevalent enteroviruses at the origin of epidemics of ev meningitis.200414675871
mycophenolate mofetil inhibits the development of coxsackie b3-virus-induced myocarditis in mice.viral replication as well as an immunopathological component are assumed to be involved in the development of coxsackie b virus (cbv)-induced myocarditis. we observed that mycophenolic acid (mpa), the active metabolite of the immunosuppressive agent mycophenolate mofetil (mmf), inhibits coxsackie b3 virus (cbv3) replication in primary human myocardial fibroblasts. we therefore studied whether mmf, which is thus endowed with a direct antiviral as well as immunosuppressive effect, may prevent cbv- ...200314687413
the interferon inducer ampligen [poly(i)-poly(c12u)] markedly protects mice against coxsackie b3 virus-induced myocarditis.viral replication, as well as an immunopathological component, is assumed to be involved in coxsackie b virus-induced myocarditis. we evaluated the efficacy of the interferon inducer ampligen on coxsackie b3 virus-induced myocarditis in c3h/henhsd mice. the efficacy of ampligen was compared with that of the interferon inducer poly(inosinic acid)-poly(cytidylic acid) [poly(ic)], alpha interferon 2b (intron a), and pegylated alpha interferon 2b (peg-intron-alpha-2b). ampligen at 20 mg/kg of body w ...200414693549
evidence for frequent recombination within species human enterovirus b based on complete genomic sequences of all thirty-seven serotypes.the species human enterovirus b (hev-b) in the family picornaviridae consists of coxsackievirus a9; coxsackieviruses b1 to b6; echoviruses 1 to 7, 9, 11 to 21, 24 to 27, and 29 to 33; and enteroviruses 69 and 73. we have determined complete genome sequences for the remaining 22 hev-b serotypes whose sequences were not represented in public databases and analyzed these in conjunction with previously available complete sequences in genbank. members of hev-b were monophyletic relative to all other ...200414694117
inhibition of coxsackie b3 virus induced myocarditis in mice by 2-(3,4-dichlorophenoxy)-5-nitrobenzonitrile.myocarditis is a common cause of dilated cardiomyopathy, one of the most important single causes of heart transplantation. coxsackie b viruses (cbv) are considered to be the principal etiological agents of viral myocarditis and direct virus-induced damage to the heart tissue has been suggested to be the main mechanism underlying myocarditis in the murine model [horwitz et al. 2000 nat med 6:693-697]. we demonstrate that 2-(3,4-dichloro-phenoxy)-5-nitrobenzonitrile (dnb), a compound that was earl ...200414695668
molecular characterization of coxsackievirus b5 isolates.coxsackie b viruses of serotype 5 are associated frequently with sporadic cases of neurological diseases, epidemics of meningitis, and chronic diseases such as cardiomyopathy and diabetes. in this article, 15 strains of coxsackievirus b5 isolated from patients with neurological disorders and healthy people were investigated by partial sequencing in the 5' half of the vp1 region and compared to other published sequences of coxsackievirus b5, in the same genomic region. all coxsackievirus b5 seque ...200414695669
structural and functional analysis of integrin alpha2i domain interaction with echovirus 1.integrins are cell surface receptors for several microbial pathogens including echovirus 1 (ev1), a picornavirus. cryo-electron microscopy revealed that the functional domain (alpha(2)i) of human alpha(2)beta(1) integrin binds to a surface depression on the ev1 capsid. this three-dimensional structure of ev1 bound to alpha(2)i domain provides the first structural details of an integrin interacting with a picornavirus. the model indicates that alpha(2)beta(1) integrin cannot simultaneously bind b ...200414701832
vaccination procedures against coxsackievirus-induced heart disease.coxsackievirus b3--a member of the picornavirus family--is one of the major causes of virus-induced acute or chronic heart disease. despite the fact that the molecular structure of this pathogen has been characterized very precisely during the last 10 years, until recently, there was no virus-specific preventive or therapeutic procedure against coxsackievirus b3-induced human heart disease in clinical use. however, using different murine model systems it has been demonstrated that classic as wel ...200314711363
acute transverse myelitis caused by coxsackie virus b5 infection.a 6-year-old boy developed symptoms of rapidly progressive paraplegia, associated with bowel and urinary dysfunction, but without sensory loss. magnetic resonance imaging (mri) examination showed diffuse swelling of the lower spinal cord on t1-weighted images. based on the clinical presentation and mri findings, a diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis was made. the serum titer of neutralizing antibody against coxsackie virus b5 rose from 1/4 on admission to 1/256 1 month later and coxsackie vir ...200414718010
enterovirus infection in human pancreatic islet cells, islet tropism in vivo and receptor involvement in cultured islet beta is thought that enterovirus infections cause beta-cell damage and contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes by replicating in the pancreatic islets. we sought evidence for this through autopsy studies and by investigating known enterovirus receptors in cultured human islets.200414727023
induction of chemokines in human astrocytes by picornavirus infection requires activation of both ap-1 and nf-kappa b.infection with different picornaviruses can cause meningitis/encephalitis in humans and experimental animals. to investigate the mechanisms of such inflammatory diseases, potential chemokine gene activation in human astrocytes was investigated following infection with theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (tmev), coxsackievirus b3 (cvb3), or coxsackievirus b4 (cvb4). we report that all these viruses are potent inducers for the expression of interleukin-8 (il-8) and monocyte chemoattractant pr ...200414730702
evaluation of real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays for the detection of swine vesicular disease virus.differential detection of swine vesicular disease virus (svdv) from the other vesicular disease viruses of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd), vesicular stomatitis (vs) and vesivirus is important as the vesicular lesions produced by these viruses are indistinguishable in pigs. two independent sets of primers and probe, designed from nucleotide sequences within the 5' untranslated region (utr) of the svdv genome, were evaluated in a real-time (5' nuclease probe-based or fluorogenic) pcr format. althoug ...200414738984
mechanisms of beta cell death during restricted and unrestricted enterovirus infection.coxsackie b virus (cvb-5) infections potentially trigger and accelerate pancreatic beta cell damage leading to type 1 diabetes. in vivo, all viruses face natural resistance mediated by various host factors which restrict the progression of infection. thus, the aims of this study were to generate a tissue culture model of restricted coxsackie b virus infection in primary islet cells by preventing the production of viral progeny with a selective inhibitor of viral rna replication and to investigat ...200414748069
isolation and identification of an enterovirus 77 recovered from a refugee child from kosovo, and characterization of the complete virus genome.the complete nucleotide sequence of an enterovirus 77 isolate is reported. the virus designated fr/cf496-99 (france/clermont-ferrand 496-1999) was recovered from the feces of a 4-year-old child hospitalized for salmonella gastroenteritis. the virus was identified by a molecular typing assay based on the genomic sequence encoding the vp1 capsid protein. the phylogenetic analysis based on the vp1 sequence demonstrated that the enterovirus isolated in the child clustered with viruses included in th ...200414749180
the humoral immune response in viral heart disease: characterization and pathophysiological significance of antibodies.several lines of evidence suggest a viral infection as the initiating event for the development of myocarditis (mc). especially enteroviruses like coxsackie b3 virus have been shown to induce mc in humans and strains of mc-prone mice after an infection. the further course of the disease is, however, determined not only by the viral infection but also by the host's immune system. both the humoral and the cellular immune system can modify the extent of the damage caused by the disease. the humoral ...200414760530
in vitro antiviral activity of bael (aegle marmelos corr) upon human coxsackieviruses b1-b6.the in-vitro antiviral activity of a series of compounds in samples extracted from various parts of the indian holy tree, bael (aegle marmelos corr.) were evaluated for their efficacy against human coxsackieviruses b1-b6. the inhibitory concentrations (ic50) for leaves (l1 and l2) stem and stem bark (s1, s2, s3 and s4) fruit (f1 and f2micro) root and root bark (r1 and r2) and pure compound, the marmelide were 1000 microg/ml (for l1 and l2), 1000 microg/ml (for s1, s2, s3 and s4), 1000 microg/ml ...200214768825
solution structure of the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor domain 1.the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (car) mediates entry of coxsackievirus b (cvb) and adenovirus (ad). the normal cellular function of car, which is expressed in a wide variety of tissue types, is thought to involve homophilic cell adhesion in the developing brain. the extracellular domain of car consists of two immunoglobulin (ig) domains termed car-d1 and car-d2. car-d1 is shown by sedimentation velocity to be monomeric at ph 3.0. the solution structure and the dynamic properties of mo ...200414967025
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