
[generalized pseudotuberculosis]. 19938046904
[the use of streptococcal immunoglobulin fc receptors in the technology of producing a pseudotuberculosis diagnostic test system].the conditions of obtaining the igm from hyperimmune sera to yersinia pseudotuberculosis have been established. the process includes the adsorption of these sera by streptococci belonging to serological groups g and a and having receptors which bind the fc-fragment of igg and iga molecules. the data confirming the fact that specific antibodies to y. pseudotuberculosis belong to igm have been obtained. the use of isolated igm fractions for the preparation of a pseudotuberculosis diagnostic assay ...19938059560
[yersinia l-transformation in experimental pseudotuberculosis].an experiment on guinea pigs infected with virulent y. pseudotuberculosis has revealed for the first time that in the host body yersinia cells undergo ultrastructural changes, characteristic of l-transformation. these changes are manifested by damages in the cell wall and peptidoglycan layer of bacteria, dramatic expansion of the peri-plasmatic space, appearance of spheroplast bacterial cells. myelin-like structures are formed around dead bacteria. these changes reveal one of the possible mechan ...19938067064
[the epidemiology of yersinia infections in the central taiga subzone of the eastern european plain].the seroepidemiological survey of the population in four southern regions of the komi republic for the presence of pseudotuberculosis and enteric yersiniosis was carried out. the survey revealed a high level of seroconversions to with respect to enteric yersiniosis (26.2 +/- 2.7% with the average antibody titer being 2.6 +/- 0.2 log2) and rare contacts of the rural population with y. pseudotuberculosis (0.4%). moreover, the intensity of contacts of the population with the infective agent was fou ...19938067089
[study of nonpathogenic strains of francisella, brucella and yersinia as producers of recombinant beta-endorphin]. 19948068916
studies of the biosynthesis of 3,6-dideoxyhexoses: molecular cloning and characterization of the asc (ascarylose) region from yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup va.the 3,6-dideoxyhexoses are found in the lipopolysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria, where they have been shown to be the dominant antigenic determinants. of the five 3,6-dideoxyhexoses known to occur naturally, four have been found in various strains of salmonella enterica (abequose, tyvelose, paratose, and colitose) and all five, including ascarylose, are present among the serotypes of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. although there exists one report of the cloning of the rfb region harboring th ...19948071227
[serum ige in patients with pseudotuberculosis and chronic opisthorchiasis]. 19938079540
[the isolation of the biologically active component of the membrane ribosomal fraction obtained from l-transformants of yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19938079580
[the function of the body phagocytic system in yersiniosis and the possibilities for correcting its disorders]. 19938079586
[latex immunoglobulin preparations for the rapid diagnosis of yersiniosis]. 19938079594
yersinia pestis ph 6 antigen forms fimbriae and is induced by intracellular association with macrophages.ability to express ph 6 antigen (ag) is necessary for full virulence of yersinia pestis; however, the function of the ag in pathogenesis remains unclear. we determined the nucleotide sequence of a 4232 bp region of y. pestis dna which encoded the ph 6 ag structural gene (psaa) and accessory loci necessary for ag synthesis. protein sequences encoded by the y. pestis dna were similar to accessory proteins which function in the biosynthesis of escherichia coli fimbriae pap, k88, k99 and cs3 as well ...19938100346
[the clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of yersinia hepatitis and viral hepatitis a and b].hepatic involvement in yersiniosis is associated with clinical symptoms of hepatitis, sometimes dominant in the clinical picture. such cases need differentiation of yersiniosis with viral hepatitides a and b. clinical and biochemical findings were compared for matched patients with yersiniosis-induced hepatic lesions, viral hepatitis a and viral hepatitis b verified at specific laboratory examination. this permitted introduction of differential diagnostic signs able to recognize one disease from ...19938108790
[the functional status and work capacity of convalescents after pseudotuberculosis].the authors have studied the recovery process of functional state and performance capability in 887 convalescents after pseudotuberculosis. all the examinees were servicemen of male sex, age 18-23, without somatic or psychoneurological disorders. clinical, biochemical, immunological and psychophysiological methods of examinations were applied. it was found out that the outcomes of the diseases were favourable. at the same time in 79.8% of patients functional disorders of nerve, cardiovascular, h ...19938109088
immunization with live aroa recombinant salmonella typhimurium producing invasin inhibits intestinal translocation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene encodes invasin, a 103-kda outer membrane protein that allows bacteria to enter mammalian cells. the gene was subcloned into the attenuated aroa mutant of salmonella typhimurium sl3261. invasin was produced by the recombinant salmonella strain and increased the ability of microorganisms to translocate from the intestinal lumen to the mesenteric lymph nodes. specific antibodies for invasin were detected in sera and intestinal secretions of mice following o ...19948112856
experimental infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis of ground squirrels (citellus citellus).an experimental infection was induced in the european ground squirrel (citellus citellus) by intraperitoneally injecting of 1 ml. of microbial suspension, containing 1 x 10(9) cfu (colony forming units) of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, serotypes i and iii. the infectious process was dynamically followed up from the 1st up to the 30th day, respectively. account was rendered to the general condition, the internal body temperature and the mortality rate. the phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophag ...19938122448
comparison of siderophore production and utilization in pathogenic and environmental isolates of yersinia enterocolitica.yersinia enterocolitica strains of serotypes lethal to mice have been reported previously to produce an endogenous siderophore. in this study, an ethyl acetate-extractable siderophore was characterized and given the name yersiniophore. yersiniophore was produced by 16 of 16 human isolates of serotypes o:4, o:4,32, o:8, o:21, and one nonhuman isolate of serotype o:21. it was not produced by isolates of serotype o:3, o:5, or o:9. one strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis produced yersiniophore, bu ...19948126201
pcr-based random amplified polymorphic dna fingerprinting of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and its practical applications.the random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) fingerprinting method was used to distinguish between various strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, a causative agent of gastroenteritis in humans. the rapd test uses arbitrarily chosen dna oligomers of 10 nucleotides to prime dna synthesis from genomic sites to which they are accidentally matched or almost matched. most 10-nucleotide primers yielded strain-specific arrays. ten y. pseudotuberculosis type strains were distinguishable from each other b ...19948126206
an unusual case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis-induced diarrhoea in mangalore, south india. 19948134950
[spontaneous infection of ascitic fluid caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis revealing probable genetic hemochromatosis]. 19938143963
cloning, sequencing, and overexpression in escherichia coli of the alpha-d-glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase gene isolated from yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a clone of yersinia pseudotuberculosis dna carrying the asca gene was constructed, and the corresponding protein was successfully overexpressed in escherichia coli. a protocol consisting of deae-cellulose and sephadex g-100 column chromatography was developed and led to a nearly homogeneous purification of the asca product. initial characterization showed that the asca-encoded protein is actually the alpha-d-glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase which catalyzes the first step of the biosynthe ...19948144449
the effect of iron on the invasiveness of escherichia coli carrying the inv gene of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the effect of growth in iron-excess or iron-limitation conditions on the invasiveness for hela cells of escherichia coli hb101 carrying plasmid pri203 which bears the invasion gene of yersinia pseudotuberculosis was examined. iron-limitation reduced adhesion and the number of organisms internalised by hela cells by about 100-fold. the reduced adhesion of iron-starved bacteria correlated with reduced hydrophobicity and the reduced invasiveness appeared to depend on the plasmid copy number, which ...19948151672
[yersinia pneumonia]. 19948151918
[morphology of granulomatous inflammation in pseudotuberculosis].the study of pathology in pseudotuberculosis has showed that clinical and morphological nature of the disease is related to granulomatous inflammation in organs and tissues. the authors have established that a relapsing course of this infection may be due to pronounced specific sensitization of the body when granulomas appear in large numbers. morphogenesis of acute granulomatous inflammation in pseudotuberculosis reflects a consecutive involvement of cellular reactions of the immediate and dela ...19938154984
adhesins in yersinia pestis. 19938162411
evidence for a group ii intron in escherichia coli inserted into a highly conserved reading frame associated with mobile dna sequences.the distribution of group ii introns in the living world is an important aspect of the hypothesis which postulates their evolutionary relation to the nuclear spliceosome. as an alternative to the restricted experimental approaches towards their identification we devised a strategy to recognize group ii introns in sequence data. by this approach we identified a locus on a plasmid in the bacterium escherichia coli. modelling of the derived rna secondary structure reveals the presence of perfectly ...19948165129
selective isolation from hela cell lines of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, pathogenic y. enterocolitica and enteroinvasive escherichia coli.using hela cell lines, we obtained an optimal and selective isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, pathogenic y. enterocolitica and enteroinvasive escherichia coli from samples such as pork, feces and river water heavily contaminated with other bacteria.19948167427
responsiveness of susceptible inbred mice to yersinia pseudotuberculosis serovar iii infection.the susceptibility of balb/c, c57bl and bdf1-hybrid mouse strains to yersinia pseudotuberculosis serovar iii infection was studied. the bacterial load in the viscera and brain and the host responses at different levels, i.e. blood, peritoneal cavity and organs were determined. blood cell parameters and peritoneal exudate cell population were evaluated during the infection using the automated hematologic analyzer technicon h-1. it was found that bdf1-hybrid mice produced an early peritoneal infla ...19948167430
characterization of the c-terminal domains of intimin-like proteins of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli, citrobacter freundii, and hafnia alvei.surface proteins called intimins (int), which are homologous to the invasin protein (inv) of yersinia spp., play a role in inducing brush border damage, termed attachment and effacement, which follows infection by enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli, citrobacter freundii biotype 4280, and hafnia alvei. maltose-binding protein (mbp) fusions containing the c-terminal 280 amino acids of int-like proteins of strains of enteropathogenic e. coli, enterohemorrhagic e. coli, h. alvei ...19948168946
the lcrb (yscn/u) gene cluster of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is involved in yop secretion and shows high homology to the spa gene clusters of shigella flexneri and salmonella typhimurium.virulent bacteria of the genus yersinia secrete a number of virulence determinants called yops. these proteins lack typical signal sequences and are not posttranslationally processed. two gene loci have been identified as being involved in the specific yop secretion system (g. cornelis, p. 231-265, in c. e. hormache, c. w. penn, and c. j. smythe, ed., molecular biology of bacterial infection, 1992; s. c. straley, g. v. plano, e. skrzypek, p. l. haddix, and k. a. fields, mol. microbiol. 8:1005-10 ...19948169210
in vivo expression of virulence genes of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the common virulence plasmid of pathogenic yersinia species encodes a number of secreted proteins denoted yops. yope and yoph are indispensable for virulence and act in concert to mediate resistance to phagocytosis. in vitro all yop genes are coordinately regulated, with maximal expression and secretion at 37 degrees c in medium lacking ca2+. in order to facilitate studies of in vivo expression of yope and yoph we constructed operon fusions between these two genes and a promoterless luxab operon ...19938173809
lactobacillus acidophilus la 1 binds to cultured human intestinal cell lines and inhibits cell attachment and cell invasion by enterovirulent bacteria.four human lactobacillus acidophilus strains were tested for their ability to adhere onto human enterocyte like caco-2 cells in culture. the la 1 strain exhibited a high calcium independent adhesive property. this adhesion onto caco-2 cells required a proteinaceous adhesion promoting factor, which was present in the spent bacterial broth culture supernatant. la 1 strain also strongly bound to the mucus secreted by the homogeneous cultured human goblet cell line ht29-mtx. the inhibitory effect of ...19948174985
pathogenicity of porcine intestinal spirochetes in gnotobiotic pigs.twelve intestinal spirochete strains of porcine origin were characterized on the basis of their phenotypic properties, by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and by pathogenicity testing in gnotobiotic pigs. the spirochetes used included two strains of serpulina hyodysenteriae (b204 and p18a), two strains of serpulina innocens (b256 and 4/71), one strain from the proposed new genus and species "anguillina coli" (p43/6/78), and seven non-s. hyodysenteriae strains recently isolated from united king ...19948188364
adhering heat-killed human lactobacillus acidophilus, strain lb, inhibits the process of pathogenicity of diarrhoeagenic bacteria in cultured human intestinal cells.heat-killed l. acidophilus, strain lb, was tested for its ability to adhere in vitro onto human enterocyte-like caco-2 and muco-secreting ht29-mtx cells in culture. the heat-killed lb bacteria exhibited a high adhesive property. a diffuse pattern of adhesion was observed to the undifferentiated cells, the apical brush border of the enterocytic cells, and to the mucus layer that covered the surface of the mucus-secreting cells. the inhibitory effect of heat-killed lb organisms against the human i ...19938188996
cofactor characterization and mechanistic studies of cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase: exploration into a novel enzymatic c-o bond cleavage event.the cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase (e3) is a nadh-dependent enzyme which catalyzes the key reduction of the c-3 deoxygenation step during the formation of cdp-ascarylose, a 3,6-dideoxyhexose found in the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. this highly purified enzyme is also a nadh oxidase capable of mediating the direct electron transfer from nadh to o2, forming h2o2. while previous work showed that e3 contains no common cofactor, one fad and one plant ferredoxin type ...19938218267
the salting-out test to identify virulent yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a total of 54 strains including 8 serotypes of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were examined to find out about their cell surface hydrophobicity and virulence plasmid-associated properties. all the strains which aggregated in 0.9% saline expressed the properties of calcium-dependent growth and autoagglutination. however, the hydrophilic strains did not possess virulence plasmid-associated properties. the above results suggest that the salting-out test with 0.9% saline could be an effective measure t ...19938219494
an overview of selected diseases and drug needs for deer. 19938236761
bacterial antibodies in hla-b27+ healthy individuals. 19938240443
bovine abortion associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19938256423
[interaction of the outer membrane pore-forming protein of yersinia pseudotuberculosis with lipid a and its synthetic analogs].interaction of the major outer membrane protein form yersinia pseudotuberculosis with lipid a was investigated by intrinsic fluorescence, cd spectroscopy and cscl gradient centrifugation methods. the protein was shown to have two independent binding sites with an association constant 6.1 x 10(4) m-1. the interaction depends on both the type of the glycoside bond and hydrophilic--hydrophobic balance of the glycolipid molecule.19938274168
studies on aerosol yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection of guinea-pigs.aerosol y. pseudotuberculosis infection in guinea-pigs has been reproduced. in the course of infectious process, alveolar macrophages respiration is activated due to a rise in their cytochrome oxidase activity.19938285130
adhesion of human bifidobacterial strains to cultured human intestinal epithelial cells and inhibition of enteropathogen-cell interactions.thirteen human bifidobacterial strains were tested for their abilities to adhere to human enterocyte-like caco-2 cells in culture. the adhering strains were also tested for binding to the mucus produced by the human mucus-secreting ht29-mtx cell line in culture. a high level of calcium-independent adherence was observed for bifidobacterium breve 4, for bifidobacterium infantis 1, and for three fresh human isolates from adults. as observed by scanning electron microscopy, adhesion occurs to the a ...19938285709
cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase from yersinia pseudotuberculosis: enzyme purification and characterization of the cloned gene.the 3,6-dideoxyhexoses, usually confined to the cell wall lipopolysaccharide of gram-negative bacteria, are essential to serological specificity and are formed via a complex biosynthetic pathway beginning with cdp-d-hexoses. in particular, the biosynthesis of cdp-ascarylose, one of the naturally occurring 3,6-dideoxyhexoses, consists of five enzymatic steps, with cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase (e3) participating as the key enzyme in this catalysis. this enzyme has been previously puri ...19948288541
[design of recombinant dna intended for insertional mutagenesis of bacteria].the recombinant plasmid pkc47m has been constructed on the base of a mini-mu-phage and the replicon of plasmid pbr328. the plasmid was constructed for in vivo insertional mutagenesis in bacteria. use of the plasmid in vivo alleviates the possibility of secondary transposition of the inserted sequences and enrichment of multiple-site mutations. efficient mutagenesis caused by plasmid pkc47m was tested by induction auxotrophic mutations in escherichia coli, yersinia enterocolitica, yersinia pseudo ...19938289840
bacterial and viral protein tyrosine phosphatases.unrestricted protein tyrosine phosphatase (ptpase) activity may play a role in pathogenesis. for instance, the virulence determinant gene, yoph, of yersinia pseudotuberculosis encodes a ptpase. the phosphatase activity of the yoph protein is essential for the pathogenesis of y. pseudotuberculosis. yersinia pestis, the bacterium which causes the bubonic plague, also contains a gene closely related to yoph. the action of yoph on host proteins appears to break down signal transduction mechanisms in ...19938305677
virulence of yersinia enterocolitica is closely associated with siderophore production, expression of an iron-repressible outer membrane polypeptide of 65,000 da and pesticin sensitivity.iron-repressible outer membrane proteins (irp) and siderophore production of yersinia enterocolitica, serotype 08, were subjected to analysis. here four irps of apparent molecular weights of 62,000, 65,000, 74,000 and 75,000 could be identified which were expressed constitutively by a fur mutant. production of a novel catechol-containing siderophore (denoted yersiniabactin) was detected by siderophore-indicator agar (chrome azurol s) and feeding experiments. growth support by yersiniabactin unde ...19938316088
chromosomal irp2 gene in yersinia: distribution, expression, deletion and impact on virulence.iron starvation induces the synthesis of two high molecular weight proteins (hmwp1 and 2) in yersinia. the presence of the irp2 gene coding for the hmwp2 was investigated in 170 yersinia strains. this gene was absent from all avirulent or weakly pathogenic species and was restricted to highly pathogenic strains. one hundred percent of the potentially highly pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica biotype 1b harbored irp2 but surprisingly, 70.4% of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis tested lacked the gen ...19938321119
expression of 65- and 67-kilodalton heat-regulated proteins and a 70-kilodalton heat shock cognate protein of leishmania donovani in macrophages.heat shock protein (hsp) expression was examined in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages infected with stationary-phase promastigotes of leishmania donovani. immunoblotting performed with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against hsp60 from heliothis virescens (moth) revealed the de novo appearance of 65- and 67-kda proteins in leishmania-infected macrophages. a third protein of 60 kda, which represented murine hsp60, was also detected, and its expression did not change in response to infec ...19938335360
ruffles induced by salmonella and other stimuli direct macropinocytosis of bacteria.ruffles are specialized plasma membrane ultrastructures of mammalian cells though to be integral to growth, development and locomotion. induced by growth factors, mitogens or oncogene expression, ruffles are sites of filamentous actin rearrangement and are temporally associated with enhanced pinocytosis. but the function of ruffles, their mechanism of induction and their role in pinocytosis are not understood. we have observed formation of structures resembling ruffles associated with the site o ...19938350922
inhibition of adhesion of enteroinvasive pathogens to human intestinal caco-2 cells by lactobacillus acidophilus strain lb decreases bacterial invasion.salmonella typhimurium and enteropathogenic escherichia coli (epec) were found to adhere to the brush border of differentiated human intestinal epithelial caco-2 cells in culture, whereas yersinia pseudotuberculosis and listeria monocytogenes adhered to the periphery of undifferentiated caco-2 cells. all these enterovirulent strains invaded the caco-2 cells. using a heat-killed human lactobacillus acidophilus (strain lb) which strongly adheres both to undifferentiated and differentiated caco-2 c ...19938354463
yersinia pseudotuberculosis in italy. attempted recovery from 37,666 samples.from 1981 to 1991, 37,666 human, animal, food and environmental samples were cultured for yersinia pseudotuberculosis using direct plating methods and/or cold enhancement techniques. despite an intensive surveillance and adequate culture methods, y. pseudotuberculosis was isolated from stools of 0.05% (5/9,720) of patients with acute enteritis, and alimentary tracts of 0.1% (10/6,849) of apparently healthy animals. no y. pseudotuberculosis strains were recovered from stools of 4,726 health contr ...19938355621
cellular internalization in the absence of invasin expression is promoted by the yersinia pseudotuberculosis yada product.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein is able to promote bacterial penetration into mammalian cells. insertion mutations that eliminate production of this protein show residual internalization that is dependent on the presence of the yersinia virulence plasmid. an enrichment procedure was used to isolate molecular clones containing regions of the virulence plasmid that confer this low-level uptake on y. pseudotuberculosis inv mutants. all of the y. pseudotuberculosis strains isolated f ...19938359913
purification and partial characterization of a product from yersinia pseudotuberculosis with the ability to activate human t cells.we tried to purify a substance exhibiting mitogenicity for human peripheral blood lymphocytes from yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from patients with y. pseudotuberculosis infection manifesting acute and systemic clinical symptoms. the supernatant of a suspension of the bacteria disrupted by sonication was serially chromatographed on deae-sepharose fast-flow, sephacryl s-100 hr, and tsk-gel g2000sw high-pressure liquid chromatography columns. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electr ...19938359914
a 76-amino acid disulfide loop in the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein is required for integrin receptor recognition.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein is a 986-amino acid protein that promotes bacterial penetration into mammalian cells by avidly binding multiple beta 1-chain integrins. a 192-amino acid carboxyl-terminal domain of invasin was previously shown to be sufficient for binding. evidence is presented here that a 76-amino acid disulfide loop in the integrin binding domain of invasin is required for invasin-mediated cell binding and entry. bacterial mutants that were altered at either of 2 ...19938376409
effect of low concentrations of quinolone antibiotics on bacterial virulence mechanisms.recent studies have shown that exposure to quinolone antibiotics at or below the minimal inhibitory concentration (mic) results in reduction in the level of production or total elimination of certain factors that contribute to the virulence of bacteria. this study was designed to determine whether low concentrations of enoxacin, lomefloxacin, and ciprofloxacin altered the morphology or affected the production of various virulence factors in several different genera of bacteria. the factors studi ...19938388327
evidence for superantigen production by yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersinia pseudotuberculosis is an enteric pathogen that induces a variety of clinical symptoms, fever, scarlatiniform rash, diarrhea, vomiting, and arthritis. characteristic histopathologic findings in y. pseudotuberculosis infection such as lymphoid hyperplasia, typically seen in mesenteric lymph nodes, suggest that the stimulation of a large proportion of t lymphocytes may be involved in the pathogenesis of this infection. in this study, we assessed the mitogenic activity of culture supernatan ...19938409395
superantigenic properties of a novel mitogenic substance produced by yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from patients manifesting acute and systemic symptoms.a novel product from yersinia pseudotuberculosis exhibiting mitogenic activity for human pbmc (designated y. pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen, ypm) was examined for its biologic activities for human lymphocytes. ypm induced a substantial proliferative response and il-2 production at 0.1 ng/ml or more in whole pbmc but not in t-depleted pbmc. il-2 production occurred within 12 h after ypm stimulation. t cells from pbmc produced il-2 in the presence of l cells transfected with hla dr genes or dp ...19938409410
serological response of sheep to plasmid-encoded proteins of yersinia species following natural infection with y. enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis.a prospective study of the serological response to natural infection with yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis was performed in an experimental flock of sheep. a preliminary investigation with immunoblotting techniques showed that lambs infected with virulent yersinia spp. produced antibodies to several yersinia outer-membrane proteins (yops) encoded by a virulence plasmid (pyv) of y. enterocolitica or y. pseudotuberculosis. thereafter, an enzyme immunoassay (eia) was developed to m ...19938411087
association between virulence of yersinia pestis and suppression of gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor is established that yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague, and enteropathogenic yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica share a ca. 70-kb low-calcium response or lcr plasmid (lcr+). the latter is known to encode regulatory functions that restrict growth at 37 degrees c in ca(2+)-deficient medium and virulence factors that are expressed only in vitro within this environment (e.g., certain yops and v antigen). in this study, gamma interferon (ifn-gamma) was neve ...19938418045
yopb and yopd constitute a novel class of yersinia yop proteins.virulent yersinia species harbor a common plasmid that encodes essential virulence determinants (yersinia outer proteins [yops]), which are regulated by the extracellular stimuli ca2+ and temperature. the v-antigen-encoding operon has been shown to be involved in the ca(2+)-regulated negative pathway. the genetic organization of the v-antigen operon and the sequence of the lcrgvh genes were recently presented. the v-antigen operon was shown to be a polycistronic operon having the gene order lcrg ...19938418066
very late antigen 4-dependent adhesion and costimulation of resting human t cells by the bacterial beta 1 integrin ligand invasin.bacteria and viruses often use the normal biological properties of host adhesion molecules to infect relevant host cells. the outer membrane bacterial protein invasin mediates the attachment of yersinia pseudotuberculosis to human cells. in vitro studies have shown that four members of the very late antigen (vla) integrin family of adhesion molecules, vla-3, vla-4, vla-5, and vla-6, can bind to invasin. since cd4+ t cells express and use these integrins, we have investigated the interaction of c ...19938418202
population genetics of human, animal, and environmental yersinia strains.multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyze 244 strains of nine yersinia species isolated from the environment, animals, and humans at 18 genes encoding metabolic enzymes. all 18 enzymes were polymorphic. among the 137 electrophoretic types (ets) distinguished, the mean allelic diversity per locus was 0.531. yersinia frederiksenii ets were divided into three major clusters that were separated by a large genetic distance, and one et was more closely related to yersinia enterocolitica. t ...19938434911
a secreted protein kinase of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is an indispensable virulence determinant.phosphorylation of proteins catalysed by protein kinases is associated with central functions in growth and proliferation of the eukaryotic cell, and kinases are particularly important in the signal transduction pathways. enterobacterial protein kinases are structurally and functionally different from eukaryotic protein kinases, and no prokaryotic kinase has so far been described implicating a direct role for this activity in virulence. virulent yersinia possess a common virulence plasmid that e ...19938441468
molecular analysis of the 3,6-dideoxyhexose pathway genes of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup iia.salmonella enterica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis are the only examples in nature known to use a variety of 3,6-dideoxyhexose derivatives as o antigen constituents. to allow a comparison of the responsible biosynthetic genes of the two organisms, we have sequenced a section of the y. pseudotuberculosis serogroup iia rfb region that contained the genes for the abequose biosynthetic pathway. comparison of the identified genes with the rfb region of s. enterica lt2 showed that the two dideoxyhexo ...19938444803
[large scale outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype 5a infection at noheji-machi in aomori prefecture].in june 1991, there were large scale outbreaks of yersinia pseudotuberculosis at 4 primary schools and 1 junior high-school in noheji-machi in aomori prefecture. a total of 732 patients (725 pupils and school children, 7 teachers and personnel) were affected and 134 were hospitalized. sex ratio of incidence was 1.1:1.0 without appreciable difference. clinical symptoms (478 patients) were represented frequently by pyrexia (86.4%), eruption (73.8%), abdominal pain (66.7%), vomiting nausea (63.4%), ...19938450273
rapid and specific identification of yersinia pestis by using a nested polymerase chain reaction procedure.we developed a 4-h nested polymerase chain reaction assay that detected a region of the plasminogen activator gene of yersinia pestis in 100% of 43 y. pestis strains isolated from humans, rats, and fleas yet was unreactive with the closely related species yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.19938458980
yersinia pseudotuberculosis bovine abortion. 19938466968
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis as a possible cause of abortion in sheep (short communication)].a case report is given on cases of abortion in a flock of sheep herded on different pastures. in three fetuses yersinia pseudotuberculosis could be detected additionally to chlamydia for the first time in the district of the veterinary office of cottbus.19938471016
identification of yersinia pestis with varied plasmid composition using monoclonal and polyclonal fluorescent immunoglobulins.the efficiency of serological identification of yersinia pestis strains which contain different plasmids was assessed with polyclonal and monoclonal immunoglobulin preparations in the direct fluorescent antibody method. plague polyclonal luminescent immunoglobulins recognize only those y. pestis strains which contain ppst, pfra plasmids or both. anticapsular plague monoclonal antibodies interact only with capsule-forming plague agent strains (pfra+) grown at 37 degrees c. with plague monoclonal ...19938472014
[in vivo and in vitro study of plasmid fragments from ca2+-dependent yersinia pestis (lehmann, neumann)].the bank of the hindiii, ecori and psti fragments of yersinia pestis ca(2+)-dependence plasmid (pcad) was constructed and used as molecular probes, combined with the restriction analysis to map pcad. experiments on laboratory animals showed two subfragments of the fifth hindiii fragment to impart virulence, invasiveness to the plasmidless avirulent strains of y. pestis, y. pseudotuberculosis and escherichia coli, and the protective activity to y. pestis clones, while the original fifth hindiii f ...19938486253
influence of lactoferrin on the entry process of escherichia coli hb101 (pri203) in hela cells.lactoferrin (lf) is an iron-binding protein which plays an important role in the host defense systems of different mucosal surfaces including the intestinal mucosa. in the present research the role of apo-lf and iron-saturated lf in the invasion process of enteroinvasive bacteria, grown in iron stress or excess, was investigated. as enteroinvasive bacterium, escherichia coli hb101 strain harboring a plasmid which contains the chromosomal inv gene from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was utilized. th ...19938497210
acute renal failure due to interstitial nephritis associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection. 19938518108
prevalence of yersinia antibodies in blood donors.agglutinins titers against y. enterocolitica 0:3, 0:5, 0:9 and y. pseudotuberculosis i were determined by the microagglutination method in 777 blood donor sera. titers of < or = 1/10 were observed in 93.5% of the subjects for y. enterocolitica 0:3, in 87.8% for y. enterocolitica 0:9 and in 95.1% for y. enterocolitica 0:5 and for y. pseudotuberculosis i. low level titers (1/10 - 1/20) were found in 11.4% to 23.1%. titers of > or = 1/40 were observed in 1.7% for y. enterocolitica 0:3, in 1.4% for ...19938519362
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis in a model marine ecosystem (experimental research)].materials on the behavior of y. pseudotuberculosis in the model of marine ecosystem are presented. y. pseudotuberculosis, both carrying and having lost the virulence plasmid of 45 md, die in nonsterile sea water, but are capable of prolonged survival in sterile sea water and in the bodies of echinoderms. the death of these bacteria is accelerated in the presence of larvae of echinoderms. in sea water at low temperature y. pseudotuberculosis maintained their high pathogenicity potential which the ...19958525742
environmental modulation of gene expression and pathogenesis in yersinia.the yersiniae are a useful model for understanding how environmental modulation of gene expression allows pathogens to inhabit a wide range of niches. this review follows the enteropathogenic yersiniae, yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and the agent of plague, yersinia pestis, through their life cycles, describing how adaptive gene expression may promote successful pathogenesis.19958528615
report of four cases of yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia and a literature review.yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a rare cause of disease in humans, the most common manifestation being mesenteric lymphadenitis accompanied by abdominal pain and fever. a septicemic form of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection has been reported only rarely. it is usually seen in patients with underlying disorders such as diabetes, hepatic cirrhosis or iron overload. fifty-four cases of septicemic infection were found in the literature. the earlier published cases are reviewed, and four cases occ ...19958536731
[hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by a home humidifier].a 33-year-old man was admitted complaining of a fever, dyspnea, and a dry cough almost every night since december of 1992. he had been using an ultrasonic humidifier at home. the chest ct scan and roentgenogram showed bilateral reticulonodular shadows. after admission, the symptoms resolved spontaneously. these findings were suggestive of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. after analysis of fluid obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage and of a specimen obtained by transbronchial biopsy, "humidifier lung" ...19958538084
genetic organisation and evolution of yersinia pseudotuberculosis 3,6-dideoxyhexose biosynthetic genes.3,6-dideoxyhexose (ddh) sugars occur in some of the o antigens of salmonella enterica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis, but are otherwise rarely found in nature. y. pseudotuberculosis ddh biosynthetic genes rfbs (encoding cdp-paratose synthetase) and rfbe (encoding cdp-tyvelose epimerase) were amplified and cloned, and their sequences determined. comparisons with the equivalent genes of s. enterica show that the genetic arrangement of ddh genes is very similar; however, in y. pseudotuberculosis t ...19958541300
[is there kawasaki disease (syndrome) in our country?]. 19958553790
[a secreted trypsin-like proteinase from yersinia pseudotuberculosis].a proteolytic enzyme splitting casein and catalyzing the hydrolysis of the ester bond in the synthetic substrate, baee, in a trypsin-like manner, has been isolated from the cultural filtrate of yersinia pseudotuberculosis using ultrafiltration and gel-filtration. the molecular mass of the enzyme is 110 kda. the rate of hydrolysis is proportional to the enzyme and substrate concentrations which is typical for the kinetics of enzymatic reactions. the km value for the y. pseudotuberculosis enzyme i ...19958555358
invasin production by yersinia pestis is abolished by insertion of an is200-like element within the inv gene.the two enteropathogens yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica penetrate eukaryotic cells in vitro through invasin, a surface-exposed protein. in contrast, yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, is unable to enter mammalian cell lines, although the inv gene is present on its chromosome. although 99.3% identical to the inv gene of y. pseudotuberculosis, the y. pestis inv gene was disrupted in its central region by a 708-bp is200-like element. multiple copies of this inse ...19968557370
yersinia pseudotuberculosis in china.thirty strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were isolated from rabbits (17 strains), wild rats (9 strains) and house rats (4 strains) in china between 1990 and 1993. the biochemical properties of these isolates were identical with those of y. pseudotuberculosis and no special characteristics were found in these strains. serologically, serogroups 4b and 5b were identical to isolates found in japan, and a new serogroup 1c and unclassified strains have also been detected. the existence of virulen ...19958577274
geographical heterogeneity between far east and europe in prevalence of ypm gene encoding the novel superantigen among yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains.yersinia pseudotuberculosis is known to produce a novel superantigen designated y. pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen. in the present study, we demonstrated that there was a distinct geographical heterogeneity between the far east (higher prevalence) and europe (lower prevalence) in the prevalence of the ypm gene encoding the superantigen among y. pseudotuberculosis strains.19958586739
[the characteristics of the epidemic process of pseudotuberculosis infection in the southern and northwestern foci of irkutsk province].a long-term study of pseudotuberculosis epidemiology has revealed two independent foci in the south and northwest of irkutsk province, which differ in the level and pattern of morbidity, seasonal features, patients' age distribution, severity of a clinical course. each focus is characterized by the clonal structure of the pseudotuberculosis bacillus, which is persistent in terms of the plasmid profile. strains with the two plasmids 47 md (pyv) and 82 md (pvm) circulate in the southern focus, whi ...19958587513
[adaptive mechanisms in the ecology of the pseudotuberculosis microbe].the paper presents the radiorespirometric and enzymatic findings of the insensitivity of catabolism of glucose and acetate in y. pseudotuberculosis cells. the reduction in a y. pseudotuberculosis cultivation temperature (4 degrees c) has been found to be followed by higher activities of nadp(+)-dependent dehydrogenases and increased functioning of the glyoxylate cycle. the temperature-compensated increase in the functioning intensity of alternative metabolic pathways appears to be part of adapta ...19958587515
[a methodology for determining reservoirs of the causative agents of sapronoses].comparative ecological strategy for choosing the causative agents of melioidosis and glanders, pseudotuberculosis and plague after mcarthur [correction of macartura] and wilson were studied. the kinetic analysis of the populations of these bacilli in the steppe neocultured chestnut soil formed a basis of the study with the consideration of data on their growth and death in artificial culture media. to identify the types of selection, the authors defined the rate of growth, the level of populatio ...19958587519
low levels of cytokines and endotoxin in a fatal case of myocardial depression and septic shock due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19958588151
[isolation of yersinia pestis and yersinia pseudotuberculosis by amplifying 16s rrna and its genes]. 19958592502
cell-surface-bound yersinia translocate the protein tyrosine phosphatase yoph by a polarized mechanism into the target cell.yoph is translocated by cell-surface-bound bacteria through the plasma membrane to the cytosol of the hela cell. the transfer mechanism is contact dependent and polarizes the translocation to only occur at the contact zone between the bacterium and the target cell. more than 99% of the ptpase activity is associated with the hela cells. in contrast to the wild-type strain, the yopbd mutant cannot deliver yoph to the cytosol. instead yoph is deposited in localized areas in the proximity of cell-as ...19958596454
[yersinia infections].the genus yersinia contains three pathogenic species: y. pestis, y. enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis. all pathogenic strains contain a 70 kb plasmid coding for a number of virulence factors, of which outer membrane proteins including an adhesin are the most important. in 65% of the patients the infection is self-limiting, but in the others a chronic local inflammation develops. persistence of the infection has been associated with the immune status and the hla-b27 antigen. y. enterocolit ...19968618629
identification of the yope and yoph domains required for secretion and internalization into the cytosol of macrophages, using the cyaa gene fusion approach.pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called yops, by a type iii secretion mechanism. upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin yope across the host cell plasma membrane. several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase yoph follows the same pathway. we analyzed internalization of yope and yoph into murine pu5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant y. enterocolitica producin ...19958618831
bacteriophage t4 host range is expanded by duplications of a small domain of the tail fiber adhesin.the adsorption specificity of t4 is determined by the tip of the gene 37 tail fibers which bind to receptors on the bacterial surface. t4 infects only escherichia coli and closely related shigella species, but rare host range mutants can be isolated that infect yersinia pseudotuberculosis i, an evolutionally distant bacterium. some of these mutations result in amino acid residue substitutions in the c-terminal portion of gene 37, but others involve unequal exchanges between a series of sequence ...19968637004
invasin of yersinia pseudotuberculosis activates human peripheral b cells.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis cell surface-located protein invasin was found to promote binding between the pathogen and resting peripheral b cells via beta 1 integrin receptors (cd29). b cells responded by expressing several activation markers and by growing, in contrast, t cells did not react, although these cells express cd29. an isogenic inva mutant failed to activate b cells. the mutation could be complemented by providing the inva+ gene in trans. purified invasin alone did not activate b ...19968641788
[sensitivity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis to pefloxacin].pefloxacin susceptibility of 27 yersinia pseudo-tuberculosis isolates from the infected humans and animals (serovars 1a and 1b with different plasmid spectra) was studied by the method of two-fold serial dilutions in the liquid medium. the culture was incubated at a temperature of 37 degrees c for 48 hours. it was shown that all the isolates were highly susceptible to the antibiotic. the mic was 0.0625-1.0 microgram/ml and did not depend on the source of the strain isolation.19958645054
cervical suppurative lymphadenitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19958645821
ovine abortion caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19968650921
probing the coenzyme and substrate binding events of cdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase: mechanistic implications.nad+-dependent nucleotidyl diphosphohexose 4,6-dehydratases which transform nucleotidyl diphosphohexoses into corresponding 4-keto-6-deoxy sugar derivatives are essential to the formation of all 6-deoxyhexoses. studies of the cdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (eod) from yersinia had shown that this dimeric protein binds only 1 equiv of nad+/mol of enzyme and, unlike other enzymes of the same class, displays a unique nad+ requirement for full catalytic activity. analysis of the primary sequence revea ...19968664262
kinetics of the reductive half-reaction of the iron-sulfur flavoenzyme cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase reductase.the conversion of cdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose to cdp-4-keto-3,6-dideoxy-d-glucose is a key step in biosynthesis of ascarylose, the terminal dideoxyhexose of the o-antigen tetrasaccharide of the lipopolysaccharide from yersinia pseudotuberculosis v. this transformation is catalyzed by two enzymes: cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase (e1), which contains a pyridoxamine and a [2fe-2s] center, and an nadh-dependent cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase reductase (e3) ...19968672475
studies of the redox properties of cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase (e1) and cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase reductase (e3): two important enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of ascarylose.studies of the biosynthesis of ascarylose, a 3,6-dideoxyhexose found in the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis v, have shown that the c-3 deoxygenation is a process consisting of two enzymatic steps. the first enzyme involved in this transformation is cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase (e1), which is a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate dependent iron-sulfur protein. the second catalyst, cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase reductase, formally called cdp-6 ...19968672489
[a case of diagnosis of ewing's sarcoma in a patient with pseudotuberculosis]. 19958691788
the psa locus is responsible for thermoinducible binding of yersinia pseudotuberculosis to cultured cells.yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv mutant strains cured of the virulence plasmid exhibit thermoinducible adhesion to cultured mammalian cells. to identify the genes responsible for this phenotype, y. pseudotuberculosis homologs of the y. enterocolitica ail and the y. pestis psa loci were identified. mutations in the y. pseudotuberculosis ail and psa loci were constructed and tested for thermoinducible binding. results of cellular binding assays indicated that only mutations in psa, not in ail, resu ...19968698470
Displaying items 2001 - 2100 of 5215