central connections of the toad neural lobe as shown by retrograde neuronal labeling: classical and new connections. | iontophoretic deposit of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the hypophysial neural lobe (nl) of the toad labeled neurons in the classical neurosecretory preoptic magnocellular nucleus. further, a number of labeled neurons appeared in the whole extension of the periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. the latter were continuous dorsally with two other labeled areas known as the bed nucleus of the hippocampal commissure (which appears to be homologous to the subfornical organ in mammals) and the v ... | 1980 | 6772271 |
hemin-catalyzed generation of triplet acetone. | hemin can substitute for horseradish peroxidase as a catalyst for the aerobic oxidation of isobutanal to acetone and formate. previous studies have shown that the chemiphosphorescent emission observed in the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is due to the production of acetone in its triplet state. although no chemiphosphorescence is observed with the model system (hemin), generation of triplet acetone in this system is indicated by an analysis of data for energy transfer to the 9,10-dibromoanthracene-2 ... | 1980 | 7397246 |
correlation of the diagnostic skin test with the immunoperoxidase assay in ragweed hypersensitivity. | the results of the diagnostic skin test are correlated with those obtained with an immunoperoxidase (ip) assay in 17 patients with positive histories for ragweed hay fever. the ip assay, a version of the elisa technique, employs polystyrene microtiter plates as the solid-phase, horseradish peroxidase as the enzymatic label and o-phenylene diamine as the enzyme substrate. concordance between the results of these two diagnostic techniques was observed in 66 patients (86%). among the 11 patients wi ... | 1980 | 6996536 |
interactions among lumbar motoneurons on opposite sides of the frog spinal cord: morphological and electrophysiological studies. | light and electron microscopy have been used to study the projections of dendrites from motoneurons in lumbar segments of the spinal cord of the frog following administration of horseradish peroxidase to cut ventral roots. processes originating from motoneurons crossed to the opposite side of the spinal cord via the anterior commissure and made contact with dendrites and motoneuronal somata. typically, in segments 6 to 8 the crossing dendrites showed irregular enlargements in diameter. electroph ... | 1980 | 6252251 |
delivery of antiviral chemotherapeutic agents to neurons by retrograde axonal transport. | it may be possible to eliminate herpes simplex or zoster viruses from the neurons of carriers by treatment with an antiviral chemotherapeutic agent such as adenine arabinoside, ribavirin or acyclovir, coupled to a compound such as horseradish peroxidase that undergoes retrograde axonal transport. | 1980 | 6160375 |
proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the electronic and molecular structure of the heme crevice in horseradish peroxidase. | high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to investigate the electronic and molecular structure of the ferric heme in the resting state of horseradish peroxidase. deuterium labeling of selected positions of hemin and deuterohemin which were subsequently reconstituted into apo-horseradish peroxidase yielded hyperfine shift patterns for the prosthetic group which are consistent with a ferric porphyrin exhibiting appreciable s = 3/2 character in a quantum mixed spin state. ... | 1980 | 7391041 |
histological localization of binding sites of alpha-bungarotoxin and of antibodies specific to acetylcholine receptor in goldfish optic nerve and tectum. | goldfish optic nerve as well as ganglion cell neurites grown in culture selectively bind rhodamine-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin following tissue fixation. binding is competed for by unlabeled bungarotoxin, by carbamylcholine and tubocurarine, but not by atropine. in cross-sections, the label is seen confined to axonal bundles. the binding is not detectable without prior fixation and is very faint in brain sections, even after fixation. to further establish the nature of the binding, immunocytochem ... | 1980 | 7378835 |
the efferent projections of the pretectal complex: an autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase analysis. | anterograde autoradiographic data reveal that neurons within the pretectal complex of the tree shrew possess axons which terminate within three general categories of targets. first, there are targets of a major ipsilateral descending pathway which include: the dorsal cap of kooy of the inferior olivary complex, the dorsolateral and dorsomedial regions of the griseum pontis, the mesencephalic reticular formation which lies immediately dorsal and lateral to the red nucleus, the medial terminal nuc ... | 1980 | 7378831 |
bonyfish lateral line efferent neurons identified by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). | | 1980 | 6155178 |
polarization of endocytosis and receptor topography on cultured macrophages. | in the 1774.2 macrophage cell line, microtubule disassembly by colchicine causes the polarization of membrane functions ane structure. colchicine-treated cells develop a bulge or protuberance that is bordered by microvillous membrane. the protuberance is the site of concanavalin a cap formation. the fluid pinocytosis of horseradish peroxidase and of fluorescein- and rhodamine-conjugated high molecular-weight dextrans, the adsorptive pinocytosis of concanavalin a, and the concentration and phagoc ... | 1980 | 7419574 |
covalent structure of turnip peroxidase 7. cyanogen bromide fragments, complete structure and comparison to horseradish peroxidase c. | the complete amino acid sequence of turnip peroxidase tp 7, the principal isoperoxidase during winter in turnip, brassica napus l., variety blanc dur d'hiver, has been determined by sequence analysis of cyanogen bromide fragments and of tryptic peptides. the turnip peroxidase tp 7 enzyme is composed of 296 amino acids, one hemin group and one neutral carbohydrate side chain attached through asparagine. the molecular weight of the polypeptide part is 31,060, and including hemin and carbohydrate t ... | 1980 | 7408864 |
fine structure and radioautography of retinal cone outer segments in goldfish and carp. | cone but not rod outer segments (oss) in the retinas of goldfish and carp are diffusely labeled after intravitreal injection of 3h-fucose. among the different cone types, the oss are heavily labeled in the long double, short single, and some long single cones. the oss of short double and the remaining long single cones are consistently more lightly labeled. a correlation thus exists between heavy labeling of oss maximally sensitive to red and blue light and lighter labeling of oss with maximum s ... | 1980 | 7390721 |
horseradish peroxidase. xli. complex formation with nitrate and its effect upon compound i formation. | | 1980 | 7396956 |
anatomy and physiology of a binocular system in the frog rana pipiens. | the locations of tectal neurons projecting to nucleus isthmi (n. isthmi) were found by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into n. isthmi. after retrograde transport, stained tectal somata are found to lie almost exclusively in layer 6 and below of the ipsilateral tectum. many cells are colored throughout the extent of their dendrites into the fine rami, giving the appearance of a golgi stain. nucleus isthmi receives projections from the ipsilateral tectum and from no other r ... | 1980 | 6966525 |
covalent attachment of horseradish peroxidase to the outer surface of liposomes. | we describe a method by which horseradish peroxidase may be attached covalently to the surface of liposomes under conditions which permit minimal non-covalent association of the enzyme with the lipids. the coupling method adopted does not allow the formation of homopolymers of liposomes or peroxidase. for phosphatidylelthanolamine/phosphatidylcholine and stearylamine/phosphatidylcholine and vesicles, minimal disruption of vesicular structure is observed, whilst for phosphatidylserine vesicles, t ... | 1980 | 7397158 |
placental permeability during early gestation in the hamster. electron microscopic observations using horseradish peroxidase as a macromolecular tracer. | the permeabilities of the parietal yolk sac placenta and the preplacental region of the hamster conceptus during early postimplantation (day 8) were compared by means of electron microscopy and a macromolecular protein tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp was administered by injection into the maternal venous system; samples of the two placental tissues were obtained for examination at intervals between 4 minutes and 1 hour later. the three layers of the parietal yolk sac wall (from outer t ... | 1980 | 7416517 |
the infrared trigemino-tectal pathway in the rattlesnake and in the python. | we have studied the infrared trigemino-tectal pathway of the rattlesnake (crotalus viridis) and the python (p. reticulatus). in the rattlesnake, horseradish perosidase (hrp) injections into the nucleus reticularis caloris (rc) result in retrograde filling of cells in the ipsilateral nucleus of the lateral descending trigeminal tract (lttd) and in the anterograde labelling of terminal fields in the contralateral optic tectum, confirming our previous finding of an rc-tectal projection. the primary ... | 1980 | 7410602 |
origins of crossed and uncrossed retinal projections in pigmented and albino mice. | the extent of the binocular cortical field in albino mice, as revealed by recording from single cells, was almost normal; although the input from the ipsilateral eye was weaker than normal, most cells were driven from both eyes. by backfilling retinal ganglion cells from one optic tract with horseradish peroxidase we examined the origins of the retinofugal projections. filled cells ipsilateral to the injected tract were concentrated in a crescent-shaped area bordering the inferior temperal retin ... | 1980 | 7410600 |
regulatory effects of iodide and thiocyanate on tyrosine oxidation catalyzed by thyroid peroxidase. | the effects of iodide, thiocyanate and perchlorate, three anions with the same molecular size, on the oxidation of tyrosine to 3,3'-bityrosine by several peroxidases were evaluated at ph 8.8, i.e. in conditions in which iodide is not oxidized. the following results were obtained: 1. iodide greatly stimulates the rate of bityrosine formation in the presence of thyroid peroxidase. no effect was seen with horseradish peroxidase or lactoperoxidase. maximal iodide effects were obtained with about 0.5 ... | 1980 | 7398641 |
water proton relaxation studies of the heme-environment in mn(iii)-substituted and native horseradish peroxidases. | | 1980 | 7396528 |
spectrophotometric determination of urinary oxalate with oxalate oxidase prepared from moss. | a novel spectrophotometric enzymic procedure for estimating oxalic acid in urine is described. oxalate oxidase, prepared from moss species, converts oxalic acid to hydrogen peroxide and carbon dioxide. hydrogen peroxide is determined enzymatically with horseradish peroxidase, by oxidative coupling of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone with n,n-dimethylaniline; the resulting indamine due is determined spectrophotometrically at 595 nm. interfering substances are removed by adsorption to ion-ex ... | 1980 | 7379303 |
functional analysis of hypothalamic control of the cardiovascular responses accompanying emotional behavior. | the cardiovascular (cv) responses to an acute emotional situation in unanesthetized, chair-restrained baboons include elevations in heart rate, blood pressure, and terminal aortic flow and a complex biphasic reduction in renal flow. the same cv responses can be produced by stimulating an area in the hypothalamus. furthermore, bilateral ablation of the hypothalamic area eliminates cv responses to the emotional behavior while responses to exercise, free feed, and lever press remain unaltered. this ... | 1980 | 6769712 |
retrograde labeling of migrating spinal motoneurons in bullfrog larvae. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to the ventral root or developing limb bud of bullfrog tadpoles. in animals younger than stage xii/xiii [9] ventral root application consistently labeled neurons located between the lateral motor column (lmc) and the neuroepithelium. only occasional motoneurons outside the lmc were labeled in animals older than stage xiv/xv. limb bud application of hrp in any-stage tadpole did not label ectopic lmc motoneurons. these results indicate that lmc motoneurons ... | 1980 | 6189018 |
origin of efferent fibers of the vestibular apparatus in goldfish. a horseradish peroxidase study. | after injecting a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) solution into the vestibular apparatus in goldfish (carassius auratus), cells in the medulla oblongata exhibited retrogradely transported hrp reaction product. these labeled cells were confined to 3 nuclei, i.e. the nucleus motorius tegmenti of bartelmez (with the most prominent labeled cell groups), the ventral vestibular nucleus (dieter's nucleus) and the medial vestibular nucleus. we consider these labeled cells to be the origin of the efferent i ... | 1980 | 6189014 |
projections from the brain stem reticular formation to laminae i and ii of the spinal cord. studies using light and electron microscopic techniques in the north american opossum. | the horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic methods show that laminae i and outer ii are innervated by the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis pars ventralis, and the nucleus reticularis pontis pars ventralis. both areas contain neurons of the indolamine type and probably account for the indolamine-like varicosities which are present within laminae i and ii. degeneration materiom the above nuclei end on small dendritic shafts and spines as well as on vesicle-filled proflies. the terminals ... | 1980 | 7370781 |
motoneurone projection patterns in the chick hind limb following early partial reversals of the spinal cord. | 1. the development of motoneurone projection patterns in the chick hind limb from reversed spinal cord segments was studied from the onset of axonal outgrowth (st. 24) to the establishment of mature connectivity patterns (st. 36). approximately the first three lumbosacral cord segments were reversed along the anterior-posterior axis at st. 15-16. 2. projection patterns from reversed cord segments were assessed electrophysiologically by direct spinal cord and spinal nerve stimulation and anatomic ... | 1980 | 7411470 |
motoneurone projection patterns in embryonic chick limbs following partial deletions of the spinal cord. | 1. several anterior segments of the lumbosacral spinal cord were deleted in a series of st. 15-16 chick embryos, which is prior to the birthdate of the motoneurones and to limb bud formation. deleted segments did not regenerate and therefore some muscles were deprived of their normal source of innervation. 2. the projection pattern of motoneurones in remaining lumbosacral segments was assessed electrophsiologically (st. 30-36) and by orthograde and retrograde labelling of motoneurones with horse ... | 1980 | 7411469 |
a light microscopic and electron microscopic study of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus of the tree shrew (tupaia glis). | histochemical, golgi, and electron microscopic methods were used to study the superficial layers of the superior colliculus of the tree shrew. following horseradish peroxidase injections in the dorsal lateral ceniculate nucleus (lgd) and the pulvinar (pul), retrogradely labeled somata were found in the upper two-thirds and the lower third of the stratum griseum superficiale (sgs), respectively, as has been described by albano et al. ('79). in tissue prepared with golgi methods, somata, similar i ... | 1980 | 7400390 |
effects of insulin-induced hypoglycemia on cerebrovascular permeability to horseradish peroxidase. | the effects of hypoglycemia on cerebrovascular permeability to a protein, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), were studied in mice given 3 or 8 units of crytalline zinc insulin intraperitoneally. hrp (10 mg in 0.1 ml saline) was injected intravenously 15 to 20 minutes prior to sacrifice. both mildly and severely hypoglycemic groups of mice showed a drastic reduction in the normal transit of hrp across cerebral arterioles. the number of normally-stained vessel segments and of hrp-filled endothelial ves ... | 1980 | 6988550 |
nonimmunologic binding of horseradish peroxidase to hepatitis b surface antigen. a possible source of error in immunohistochemistry. | in the process of establishing the specificity of direct immunoperoxidase staining of liver tissue for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), an affinity of free horseradish peroxidase (hrp) for hbsag in hepatocytes (ground-glass cells) was found. of 95 patients, the horseradish peroxidase reaction was only positive in the livers of the 35 who were chronically hbsag seropositive and not in the livers from 60 control patients with alcoholic cirrhosis who were hbsag seronegative. comparison studies ... | 1980 | 6155065 |
order in the optic nerve of goldfish. | a small amount of horseradish peroxidase, injected into the goldfish optic nerve and transported into the retina, filled an annulus of ganglion cells. since the retina grew by annular addition of cells, this result shows that axons from cells of similar age clustered together in the nerve. | 1980 | 6154314 |
high-pressure proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of hemoproteins. pressure-induced structural change in heme environments of myoglobin, hemoglobin, and horseradish peroxidase. | hyperfine shifted proton nmr spectra of metmyoglobin, methemoglobin, and their complexes with azide, imidazole, and cyanide as well as the spectrum of native horseradish peroxidase were obtained at high pressures up to 2000 atm with a specially designed high-pressure cell for 220-mhz superconducting nmr spectrometer. for the azide complexes of metmyoglobin, in all of which the iron atoms are in thermal spin equilibrium between high- and low-spin states, the increased pressure shifted their heme ... | 1980 | 7378366 |
resonance raman study of the heme-linked ionization in reduced horseradish peroxidase. | | 1980 | 7387668 |
localization of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites to the goldfish retinotectal projection. | the optic tectum of the goldfish carassius auratus is a rich source of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-btx) binding protein. in order to determine whether some fraction of these receptors is present at retinotectal synapses, we have compared the histological distribution of receptors revealed by the use of [125i]alpha-btx radioautography to the distribution of optic nerve terminals revealed by the use of cobalt and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) techniques. the majority of alpha-btx binding is concentra ... | 1980 | 7357466 |
stabilizing and rapid thionin staining of tmb-based hrp reaction product. | tetramethyl benzidine (tmb) as a substrate for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry offers a great advantage over other substrates in its sensitivity but the reaction product is unstable in alcohol. immersing tmb-reacted sections in methyl salicylate renders the reaction product stable enough so that exposure to ethanol for 10 min causes no detectable loss of hrp labelled neurons. a rapid thionin stain is introduced which, after stabilizing the tmb-based reaction product in methyl salicyl ... | 1980 | 7052469 |
constant occurrence of an ipsilateral retino-tectal projection in the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) revealed by horseradish peroxidase tracing. | cut optic nerves were filled orthogradely with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to reveal contralateral and ipsilateral retino-tectal projections in the axolotl, by light and electron microscopy. the ipsilateral projection is small but consistently present. it is concentrated in the rostral tectum particularly the dorsomedial and ventrolateral areas. the results are compared with findings in other vertebrates. | 1980 | 7052461 |
lysophosphatidyl choline facilitates labeling of cns projections with horseradish peroxidase. | previously, it has been difficult to label sensory terminations in the cns by back-filling peripheral sensory nerves with horseradish peroxidase (hrp), apparently because the amount of hrp transported along the axons is insufficient. labeling of central sensory projections in axolotls and frogs can be improved by agents known to disrupt membranes. of those tested, l-alpha-lysophosphatidyl choline is the most effective. the addition of this detergent ot the hrp solution dramatically increases bot ... | 1980 | 6967137 |
somatotopic organization of the embryonic chick trigeminal ganglion. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been injected into periocular, upper beak, or lower jaw tissues of chick embryos aged 6--8 days of incubation. subsequent mapping of the distribution of labeled neurons in the trigeminal ganglion indicates that the somatotopic organization of neurons is essentially identical to that found after hatching. at these stages most labeled cells are in the distal parts of the bilobed ganglion. there is no indication that any of these neurons, most but not all of which a ... | 1980 | 6967075 |
ultrastructural study of a blood-muscle spindle barrier after systemic administration of horseradish peroxidase. | the permeability of the normal muscle spindle capsule to the entrance of an exogenous protein tracer was assessed by the use of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). adult mice were injected intravenously with a solution of hrp (mw 40,000). after varying intervals, ranging from two to 240 minutes, animals were perfused aortically with fixative, and anterior tibialis muscles were removed, processed, and examined. the results were evaluated by electron microscopic cytochemical techniques, and attention wa ... | 1980 | 6447453 |
neuronal transport of acid hydrolases and peroxidase within the lysosomal system or organelles: involvement of agranular reticulum-like cisterns. | neurosecretory neurons of the hyperosmotically stressed hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system have been a useful model with which to demonstrate interrelationships among perikaryal lysosomes, agranular reticulum-like cisterns, endocytotic vacuoles, and the axoplasmic transport of acid hydrolases and horseradish peroxidase. supraoptic neurons from normal mice and mice given 2% salt water to drink for 5--8 days have been studied using enzyme cytochemical techniques for peroxidase and lysosomal acid ... | 1980 | 6156186 |
the conversion of horseradish peroxidase c to a verdohemoprotein by a hydroperoxide derived enzymatically from indole-3-acetic acid and by m-nitroperoxybenzoic acid. | a verdohemoprotein was formed from compound i of horseradish peroxidase c upon the addition of about 2 molar equivalents of m-nitroperoxybenzoic acid (mnpba) or hydroperoxide formed from indole-3-acetic acid during its catalytic oxidation. the formation of the verdohemoprotein occurred via two intermediates which have an absorbance peak at 965 or 940 nm. carbon monoxide was evolved in the reaction from the 940 compound to the verdohemoprotein. from the kinetic and titration data, the following r ... | 1980 | 7354079 |
cobalt and horseradish peroxidase tracer studies in the stellate ganglion of octopus. | the connectivity of the stellate ganglion of octopus was investigated using cobalt and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracers applied to severed preganglionic and postganglionic nerves. centripetal cells, defined as cells in the ganglion which send their axons back toward the brain, were discovered by both methods. application of hrp to the pallial (preganglionic) nerve labeled the preganglionic fibers which enter the ganglion and spread widely within the neuropil. application of either tracer to ... | 1980 | 7357410 |
prestriate afferents to inferior temporal cortex: an hrp study. | the inferior temporal (it) cortex of 6 macaques was injected with horseradish peroxidase. hrp-labeled cells were found throughout it cortex itself (outside the injection area) but were not found in the polysensory areas that surround it dorsally, anteriorly and ventrally. posterior to it, labeled cells were found in the anterior parts of prestriate cortex. in one animal, the anterior prestriate region was injected with hrp. labeled cells were then found in the regions of posterior prestriate cor ... | 1980 | 6766778 |
projections of the nucleus of the basal optic root in the pigeon: an autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase study. | the efferent projections of the nbor complex, have been studied with both anterograde autoradiographic and retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) techniques. the nbor complex includes three distinct subdivisions: the nucleus of the basal optic root (nbor), the nbor pars dorsalis (nbord) and the nbor pars lateralis (nbor1). unilateral injections of 3h-leucine or 3h-proline/3h-leucine mixtures into the nbor complex have demonstrated prominent bilateral projections upon (1) the vestibulocerebellum ... | 1980 | 7381044 |
o,o-dityrosine in native and horseradish peroxidase-activated galactose oxidase. | | 1980 | 7362603 |
morphological characteristics of retinal ganglion cells projecting to the suprachiasmatic nucleus: a horseradish peroxidase study. | | 1980 | 7353151 |
identification of a decarboxylation product of retinoic acid. | the oxidative decarboxylation of retinoic acid was investigated utilizing a model system consisting of all-trans-retinoic acid, h2o2 and horseradish peroxidase. the decarboxylation products were purified by high-performance liquid chromatography on bonded, octadecylsilane columns. based on mass spectral, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet and fourier transform infrared analyses, the major decarboxylation product was identified as a 4-oxo-c19 aldehyde with a hydroxyl group on the side chain ... | 1980 | 7353057 |
on noncarcinogenic chromogens for horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. | | 1980 | 7354215 |
morphology and electrophysiology of the ovulation hormone producing neuro-endocrine cells of the freshwater snail lymnaea stagnalis (l.). | the ovulation hormone producing neuro-endocrine cells of lymnaea stagnalis, the caudo-dorsal cells (cdc), are comparable to the bag cells of aplysia. both cell types are capable of the production of a long-lasting activity (afterdischarge) during which an ovulation hormone is released. the cdc (30 cells in the left cerebral ganglion and 70 cells in the right) are usually electrically silent but an afterdischarge can be brought about in all cells of both groups by direct, repetitive electrical st ... | 1980 | 7189207 |
a quantitative analysis of ultrastructural changes induced by electrical stimulation of identified spinal cord axons in the larval lamprey. | microelectrodes filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were used to label single identified giant axons in the isolated lamprey spinal cord. subsequent to the iontophoretic injection of hrp, the spinal cord was stimulated at repetition rates of 20-30/s and the activity in labelled axons monitored. immediately following failure of the action potential, the spinal cord was fixed by immersion and processed for light and electron microscopy. electron micrographs were taken of synaptic contacts mad ... | 1980 | 6162921 |
neuroanatomical identification of the frog habenular connections using peroxidase (hrp). | a study of the habenular nuclei connections by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has never been carried out in amphibia. in the present paper we have investigated the afferent projections of the left and right habenular nuclei of the frog rana esculenta using this technique. cells, labelled by hrp, were either in a golgi-like pattern or in a granular pattern. it appears that the habenular nuclei on the two sides of the epithalamus do not show different connections even though they are morpho ... | 1980 | 6154592 |
horseradish peroxidase nerve backfilling in leech. | | 1980 | 6986953 |
retrograde intraaxonal transport of horseradish peroxidase by neurons in octopus. | while retrograde axonal transport is the basis of a widely used neuroanatomical method, it has been rigorously demonstrated in vivo only in a few vertebrate species and not yet in an invertebrate. evidence is presented that motor neurons of the octopus stellate ganglion are capable of retrograde intraaxonal transport of horeseradish peroxidase. this demonstration shows that retrograde transport occurs in widely divergent groups of animals, and may be a general property of neurons. | 1980 | 6153146 |
the formation of hydrogen cyanide from histidine in the presence of amino acid oxidase and peroxidase. | conditions were sought to increase the yield of hcn from l-histidine incubated with l-amino acid oxidase (l-amino acid:oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating), ec from snake venom, and horseradish peroxidase (donor:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, ec small amounts of histidine and high buffer concentrations favored high hcn yields, which reached a maximum of 72%. imidazole 4-aldehyde and imidazole 4-carboxylic acid were identified among the reaction products, together with co2, ... | 1980 | 7350910 |
afferents to the cerebellar cortex of turtles studied by means of the horseradish peroxidase technique. | | 1980 | 7469035 |
[optimization of the horseradish peroxidase activity determination]. | | 1980 | 7467681 |
retinal projections in european salamandridae. | the retinal projections to the brain were studied in three species of european salamandridae using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and autoradiography. the results obtained were basically identical for all species and confirmed earlir findings on the fiber supply to the preoptic nucleus and the basal optic neuropil. in the anterior thalamus projections to three distinct terminal fields are clearly visible: (i) the diffusely stained corpus geniculatum thalamicum, (ii) the neuropil ... | 1980 | 7460004 |
a visual thalamo-telencephalic pathway in a teleost fish (holocentrus rufus). | injections of large doses of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the telencephalon of the squirrel fish (holocentrus rufus) revealed the first anatomical evidence for a visual thalamo-telencephalic projection in a teleost. the central optic nucleus of the thalamus appears to be the only visual thalamic nucleus projecting to the telencephalon in this species. since the central optic nucleus has a large tectal input but not a direct one from the retina, it is suggested that a retino-geniculo-telence ... | 1980 | 7448852 |
interhemispheric striate projections in the prosimian primate, galago senegalensis. | previous studies have shown interhemispheric visual connections in primates to be limited to extrastriate cortex. using the retrograde transport technique of horseradish peroxidase, we show that in the prosimian primate galago senegalensis both striate and extrastriate cortex contribute a substantial projection to the contralateral hemisphere. thus, the lack of an interhemispheric projection from area 17 is not a characteristic of primates and may be peculiar to only a few primate species. | 1980 | 7437900 |
identification of different cells types in the command (pacemaker) nucleus of several gynotiform species by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1980 | 7432629 |
axonal projection patterns visualized with horseradish peroxidase in organized cultures of cerebellum. | | 1980 | 7432625 |
the blood-testis barrier in aphanius dispar (teleostei). | thin sections of normal testes from the cyprinodont aphanius dispar were studied by electron microscopy after intravascular injection of live specimens with horseradish peroxidase. the intercellular space in the spermatogenic cysts is marked differently by the tracer according to the degree of differentiation of the germ cells. spermatogonia and gonocytes undergoing meiosis are surrounded by a dark band of the marker. this band gradually disappears during spermiogenesis. in cysts containing ripe ... | 1980 | 7417984 |
size classes of ganglion cells in the central yellow field of the pigeon retina. | ganglion cells in the central yellow field of the pigeon retina were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the optic tectum. the soma size range was from 5 to 16 micrometers, with the mean at 7.7 micrometers. at least 85% of the cells in the ganglion cell layer are true orthotopic ganglion cells, tightly packed in a non-random array. | 1980 | 7398822 |
a study of structurally related binding properties of concanavalin a using differential scanning calorimetry. | differential scanning calorimetry has been used to study the interactions between concanavalin a and different carbohydrates. it was found that the binding of carbohydrate to concanavalin a stabilizes the structure of the protein as judged by an increase in transition temperature of the lectin. furthermore, the degree of stabilization is shown to be a function of the association constant for each sugar moiety. interactions between concanavalin a and the glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase were a ... | 1980 | 7398639 |
interaction of phenothiazine derivatives with horseradish peroxidase and lactoperoxidase. | | 1980 | 7390133 |
the pontocerebellar system in the opossum, didelphis virginiana. a horseradish peroxidase study. | the method of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase was employed to demonstrate certain organizational features of the pontocerebellar system in adult opossums. the spinal cerebellum (anterior lobe, pyramis and paramedian lobule) receives input from neurons situated in ventral and lateral regions throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the pons. the projection to the anterior lobe and pyramis was primarily contralateral, whereas the projection to the paramedian lobule included a s ... | 1980 | 7388596 |
depletion of neurosecretory granules and membrane retrieval in the sinus gland of the crab. | ultrastructural aspects of hormone release from the sinus gland of the crab carcinus maenas, have been studied by incubation of glands in vitro (i) in high potassium-containing media to induce hormone release; (ii) in a high potassium-containing calcium-free medium in which depolarisation but no hormone release would be expected; and (iii) in control saline. uptake of horseradish peroxidase into subcellular organelles was also studied. many neurosecretory granules could be found in the nerve ter ... | 1980 | 7363307 |
competition for survival among developing ciliary ganglion cells. | 1. functionally different subgroups, each innervating a different part of the peripheral target, were defined within the ciliary population of the avian ciliary ganglion by electrical stimulation of the various ciliary nerve branches. 2. although neurons innervating defined parts of the peripheral target consistently sent their axons through certain nerves, the technique of retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) transport showed that the ganglion cell bodies were not spatially grouped but distr ... | 1980 | 7351549 |
method for tracing single fibers in the organ of corti with horseradish peroxidase. | a method based on the axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been developed to trace single fibers in the organ of corti. hrp was injected into the auditory nerve or cochlear nucleus of the adult chinchilla, and the entire cochlea was subsequently incubated for reaction product. of most significance was the golgi-like labelling of single radial afferents innervating the inner hair cells. heretofore, radial afferents have been difficult to trace with more conventional staining techn ... | 1980 | 7351393 |
experimental studies on specific immunotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc). | the igg fraction was isolated from the serum of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma and conjugated with ferritin or horseradish peroxidase. the conjugate was injected i.v. in nude mice on which transplanted nasopharyngeal carcinomas were growing. electron-microscopic examination of the tissue revealed localization of the antibodies of the igg class (vca, ebna) exclusively within the tumor cell association of npc transplants, mainly on the outer cell membrane, on mitochondria of the cytoplasm, ... | 1980 | 7008757 |
protein a-peroxidase conjugates for two-stage immunoenzyme staining of intracellular antigens in paraffin-embedded tissues. | staphylococcal protein a conjugated to horseradish peroxidase was employed in an indirect immuno-staining technique to identify intracellular antigens in paraffin-embedded tissues. the sections were incubated with specific antisera and the antigen-igg complexes demonstrated with protein a-peroxidase conjugate. immunoglobulins, lysozyme and insulin were satisfactorily detected by this technique. a comparison of this method with the pap, "labelled antigen" and peroxidase-labelled antibody sandwich ... | 1980 | 7007507 |
[inhibition of the autoxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids by superoxide dismutase]. | in this comprehensive approach, inhibition of autoxidation of pufa by sod or other enzymes has been studied. the systems used were: 1) in miscible media in which enzyme, substrat, and peroxidation products are soluble; 2) in non-miscible media such as emulsions; 3) in heterogenous media containing subcellular fragments or whole blended tissue. depending on experimental conditions, inhibition or activation of peroxidation by sod can be observed in miscible systems. other enzymes such as phospholi ... | 1980 | 7001994 |
[increase of horseradish peroxidase activity due to detergents]. | | 1980 | 7001785 |
central projections of the frontal organ of rana pipiens, as demonstrated by the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the central projections of the frontal organ of rana pipiens are more widespread, and more similar to those of the epiphysis, than previously realized. fibers labeled with horseradish peroxidase were traced to the amygdala, the epiphysis, the pretectal region, and several nuclear areas of the mesencephalic and diencephalic central gray. when peroxidase reaction product was carefully distinguished from neuromelanin by means of polarization microscopy, no unequivocally labeled cell bodies off cent ... | 1980 | 6968242 |
early development and migration of the trigeminal motor nucleus in the chick embryo. | the development of the trigeminal motor nucleus in the chick embryo was studied using autoradiographic, cell staining, fiber staining, and axonal transport techniques. it was found that this nucleus arises very early in neurogenesis, with the first cells produced at 48 hours of incubation (stage 12), peak cell production at 50--56 hours (stage 15), and neuroblast proliferation completed by 72 hours (stage 18). as has been described in mammalian embryos, the primordial trigeminal cells move from ... | 1980 | 6965380 |
scanning and transmission electron microscopic study of the supraependymal macrophages in the lateral ventricles of the toad brain. | transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the lateral ventricles of the toad brain revealed the presence of supraependymal cells that have the features of macrophages. based solely on their surface morphology three different cell forms could be identified. the most frequently observed cells are flat and multipolar, and have a smooth or ruffled surface. the second type is spherical with a ruffled surface and occurs either singly, in which case it lacks processes, or in clusters from which ... | 1980 | 6771015 |
a modification of the tetramethylbenzidine method for the histochemical demonstration of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) under the light microscope. | | 1980 | 6189278 |
retinal projections in lamprey (lampetra fluviatilis). | visual projections in lamprey were investigated using two methods,--one by revealing transport of horseradish peroxidase, and the other by silver impregnation of degenerating axons and terminals after enucleation of the eye. both methods produced similar results. the chiasm showed incomplete crossing of retinal fibres, the major part of which, as an optic tract, proceed along the contralateral thalamus up to the entry into the optic tectum, while the smaller part takes the same course on the ips ... | 1980 | 6158536 |
the staining of golgi membranes with ricinus communis agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate in mice tissue cells. | | 1980 | 6153163 |
projections of lamprey spinal neurons determined by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the spinal cords of larval sea lampreys (petromyzon marinus) and adult river lampreys (ichthyomyzon unicuspis) were injected with horseradish peroxidase through a transection 1 cm caudal to the last gill. some animals also had a spinal hemisection 1 cm caudal to the injection. after recovery periods of 1 to 52 days, the spinal cords were treated with diaminobenzidene and hydrogen peroxide, and the projections of various cell types determined in wholemount slides. from these observations the foll ... | 1979 | 391835 |
the relationship between some measures of synaptic ultrastructure as a function of distance from the soma on lamprey reticulospinal neurons. | synaptic junctions located on the dendrites of lamprey (petromyzon marinus) reticulospinal neurons labelled with intracellularly-injected horseradish peroxidase were studied. the normal ultrastructure of the synaptic junctions was defined and several quantitative measures made from each junction in order to test the hypothesis that distally-located synapses are ultrastructurally different from those located at proximal dendritic sites. a total of 820 contacts from one neuron and 279 from a secon ... | 1979 | 541691 |
localization of synaptic input on dendrites of a lamprey spinal cord neurone from physiological measurements of membrane properties. | 1. composite excitatory post-synaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.s) resulting from electrotonic and chemical synaptic junctions were recorded from eighteen interneurones following stimulation of the i2 burster axon in the isolated lamprey spinal cord. 2. in each cell, the half-width of the electrotonic e.p.s.p. was measured and used, together with the cable parameters estimated for the same neurone, to locate the position of synaptic contact made by the i2 axon on the dendrites of the interneurone. the ... | 1979 | 536916 |
ultrastructure of supraspinal dorsal root projections in the toad. ii. the cerebellar granular layer. | following section of the left dorsal roots, degenerating fibres and boutons were observed in the granular layer of the ipsilateral cerebellum. the degenerating terminals were identified as large en passant varicosities of mossy fibres contacting the dendrites of presumptive granule cells. they contained round synaptic vesicles and neurofilaments and established gray type i contacts. the terminals initially underwent filamentous degeneration with neurofilamentous hypertrophy, swollen mitochondria ... | 1979 | 120416 |
connections of the tectum of the rattlesnake crotalus viridis: an hrp study. | we have studied the connections of the tectum of the rattlesnake by tectal application of horseradish peroxidase. the tectum receives bilateral input from nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, posterolateral tegmental nuclei, anterior tegmental nuclei and periventricular nuclei; ipsilateral input from nucleus geniculatus pretectalis, and lateral geniculate nucleus pars dorsalis; and contralateral input from dorso-lateral posterior tegmental nucleus and the previously undescribed nucleus reticularis ... | 1979 | 500853 |
acth-like immunoreactivity in two electronically coupled giant neurons in the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis. | two giant neurons (diameter 130 micron) were identified immunocytochemically by means of the unlabeled antibody enzyme technique with anti-acth 1-39 and 1-24 in the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis. the cells are located in the visceral and the right parietal ganglion, respectively. they contain moderately electron dense elementary granules (diameter 150-160 nm). by means of the intracellular horseradish peroxidase injection technique it was shown that the cells send fibres into the neuropiles of va ... | 1979 | 229956 |
synaptic regeneration in identified neurons of the lamprey spinal cords. | identified reticulospinal neurons whose giant axons were severed after spinal cord transection were filled with horseradish peroxidase. whole mounts and serial-section light and electron micrographs show axon regeneration across the spinal lesion and the formation of new synapses. normal swimming activity returns in the spinally transected animals, although the regenerated synapses are in atypical regions of the spinal cord. | 1979 | 482943 |
mechanisms involved in differential conduction of potentials at high frequency in a branching axon. | 1. the ionic mechanisms involved in block of conduction of action potentials following high frequency stimulation were studied in a branching axon of the lobster panulirus penicillatus. 2. a 2-3 mm increase in extracellular k concentration (normal concentration 12 mm) produced block of conduction into both daughter branches. 3. while conduction block induced by high frequency stimulation occurs first into the large daughter branch and only later into the smaller one, propagation into both branch ... | 1979 | 521940 |
chemical modification of horseradish peroxidase. preparation and characterization of tracer enzymes with different isoelectric points. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a plant glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 40,000 d and a molecular radius (ae) of 30 a, has been modified chemically to prepare tracer molecules with different molecular charge. modification of free carboxyl groups on the enzyme is achieved by carbodiimide activation and subsequent reaction of activated carboxyl groups with a nucleophile; uncharged groups or radicals containing additional positively charged moieties are introduced into the protein molecule res ... | 1979 | 41873 |
a spin label study of horseradish peroxidase. | the topography of the active sites of native horseradish peroxidase and manganic horseradish peroxidase has been studied with the aid of a spin-labeled analog of benzhydroxamic acid (n-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrroline-3-carboxy)-p-aminobenzhydroxamic acid). the optical spectra of complexes between the spin-labeled analog of benzhydroxamic acid and fe3+ or mn3+ horseradish peroxidase resembled the spectra of the corresponding enzyme complexes with benzhydroxamic acid. electron spin resonance ... | 1979 | 44680 |
calcium binding by horseradish peroxidase c and the heme environmental structure. | | 1979 | 508331 |
horseradish peroxidase. xxxvii. compound i formation from reconstituted enzyme lacking free carboxyl groups as heme side chains. | | 1979 | 508318 |
the oxidation-reduction potentials of compound i/compound ii and compound ii/ferric couples of horseradish peroxidases a2 and c. | the reversibility of the stepwise reduction of compound i to the ferric state via compound ii was confirmed in horseradish peroxidases a2 and c. the values of e'o (compound i/compound ii) and e'o (compound ii/ferric) were measured from equilibrium data coupled with the k2ircl6-k3ircl6 system in a narrow region of ph near 6.3. the ferric enzymes were also oxidized by ferricyanide to compound ii at alkaline ph and the values of e'o (compound ii/ferric) were measured from the equilibrium data. the ... | 1979 | 39073 |
the regression of synapses formed by a foreign nerve in a mature axolotl striated muscle. | a study has been made of the factors which determine that the terminals of a foreign flexor nerve at synaptic sites in a unrodele extensor muscle regress on return of the original extensor nerve. the quantal content (m) of the endplate potential (epp) at flexor nerve terminal synapses, during innervation of a previously denervated extensor muscle, increased in about 8 weeks to reach the same size as at normal extensor nerve terminals; the same time was taken for m to reach normal size at extenso ... | 1979 | 487102 |
two different and compatible intraneuronal labels for ultrastructural study of synaptically related cells. | to examine the structural interactions between synaptically connected neurons in aplysia, we have developed a method for simultaneously labeling two identified cell with different and compatible intraneuronal marking agents (horseradish peroxidase and [3h]n-acetyl-d-galactosamine) visible in both the light and electron microscopes. combining these two agents within a single cell yields a third label. | 1979 | 226210 |
assignment of exchangeable proximal histidine resonances in high-spin ferric hemoproteins: substrate binding in horseradish peroxidase. | | 1979 | 496987 |
chemical modification of the epsilon-amino groups of lysine residues in horseradish peroxidase and its effect on the catalytic properties and thermostability of the enzyme. | chemical modification of horseradish peroxidase (donor:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, ec (isoenzyme c) by anhydrides of mono- and dicarboxylic acids and picryl sulfonic acid has been performed. the effect of the modification on the catalytic activity, absorption and circular dichroism spectra of peroxidase has been studied. rate constants of irreversible thermoinactivation (kin) for the native and modified peroxidase at 56--80 degrees c have been measured. the effective values of th ... | 1979 | 39612 |
endocytosis and chloroquine accumulation during the cell cycle of hepatoma cells in culture. | variations of endocytic and of lysosomal functions during the cell cycle have been investigated in synchronized hepatoma cells (derived from morris hepatoma 7288c) by following the cellular uptake of horseradish peroxidase, dextran (mol wt. 70,000), and chloroquine. cell fractionation and cytochemistry show that in asynchronously growing cells exposed for 1 h to 5 mg/ml peroxidase, the bulk of the enzyme taken up by the cells is found in phagosomes. by using the same experimental system with syn ... | 1979 | 511930 |
the morphologic effects of histamine on the lateral cochlear wall. | the chinchilla lateral cochlear wall (stria vascularis, spiral ligament, and spiral prominence) was examined by morphologic and histochemical techniques following various doses of intravenous histamine. the three main findings were as follows: (1) the basic ultrastructure was not altered by histamine; (2) there is a time- and dose-dependent change in the rate of stria vascularis vessel permeability to a small protein tracer (horseradish peroxidase), but the mode of transport (large pore system) ... | 2013 | 503533 |
vestibular neuroanatomy: recent observations. | the modern neuroanatomical technique of using a retrograde axoplasmic tracer (horseradish peroxidase) to label neurons has aided the revelation of several important connections in the vestibular system. the organization of the oculomotor nucleus and the existence of an interneuron in the abducens nucleus have importance in understanding some ocular disorders. a detailed description of the location of vestibulo-ocular neurons to individual extraocular muscles is now available which may provide a ... | 2017 | 386889 |
endocytic activity of subependymal microglial cells in the toad brain: a cytochemical study of peroxidase uptake. | a population of microglial cells that rapidly incorporate extracellular material introduced into the ventricular system has been identified just beneath the ependyma of all four cerebral ventricles in the toad (bufo marinus). in untreated tissue these cells appear to be scattered, possess few processes and have an elongate shape with their long axes lying parallel to the ventricular surface. their most distinctive ultrastructural features are nuclei containing clumps of chromatin, cytoplasmic de ... | 1979 | 114551 |