
test and teach. number twenty-six. diagnosis: yersinia pseudotuberculosis acute mesenteric lymphadenitis. 19817220096
mesenteric lymphadenitis due to yersinia enterocolitica.the histopathological diagnosis of yersinia enterocolitica infections in mesenteric lymph nodes is described on the basis of biopsy material from 14 cases collected at the lymph node registry in kiel. in all cases, the aetiological diagnosis was verified by demonstrating significant antibody titres in serological tests and, in two cases, by isolating yersinia enterocolitica from faeces. the mesenteric lymph nodes showed a rather specific histological picture. in all cases, the capsule was thicke ...19817222465
occurrence of yersinia enterocolitica in wild animals.yersinia species were isolated from 16 of 495 small wild animals and from 1 of 38 foxes. the animals were trapped in seven regions of hokkaido, japan. of the 17 strains isolated, 9 were yersinia enterocolitica o6; 2 were y. enterocolitica o5a; 1 was y. enterocolitica, o4; 1 was y. enterocolitica o9; 1 was yersinia pseudotuberculosis ivb; and 3 were sucrose-negative strains. yersinia pestis was not isolated. the o6 organism was most prevalent in large red-back mice (clethrionomys rufocanus bedfor ...19817224628
[occurrence of human pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in slaughter animals]. 19817225050
yersinia and viruses in acute non-specific abdominal pain and appendicitis.four out of 24 patients presenting as an emergency with acute non-specific abdominal pain showed serological evidence of infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. two out of 13 patients presenting with acute appendicitis during the same period also had evidence of yersinia infection. viral infection was present in only 1 patient in each group. since it is rare to find antibodies to yersinia in healthy individuals, it seems likely that yersinia is a cause of some cases of non-specific abdominal ...19817225744
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from diarrhoea in pigs. 19817225783
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection: study of an epizootic in squirrel epizootic of an acutely fatal enteric disease in a colony of squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) was attributed to infection by yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iii. of a total adult population of 96 animals at risk, there were six fatal cases of yersiniosis. serological evaluation of the colony just after the outbreak ended revealed that 22 of 60 monkeys tested (37%) had significant antibody to y. pseudotuberculosis (microagglutination titer of greater than or equal to 1:80) but did not ...19817240387
[isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica from patients with acute hepatitis of the icteric type]. 19817245950
[radioactive precursor incorporation into yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells]. 19817311899
incidence of yersiniosis in finland.during 1971 through 1978 antibodies against yersinia enterocolitica types 3 and 9 and yersinia pseudotuberculosis ia were measured in 25307 patients with symptoms compatible with yersinia infections in southwestern finland. agglutinin titres greater than or equal to 160 were found in 1 500 patients. the annual incidence of elevated titres varied, but no significant overall change was found during this period. the results suggest that yersiniosis is not a "new" infection with increasing incidence ...19817313586
[demonstration of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in fecal samples of healthy slaughter swine depending on the season]. 19817324640
structural studies on the o-specific polysaccharide side-chains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, type iii, lipopolysaccharides.lipopolysaccharide from pathogenic yersinia pseudotuberculosis type iii, strain 209, has been isolated and characterized. lipopolysaccharide was shown to contain lipid a (30%), protein (4.4%), 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (7.8%) and a polysaccharide component (45%), which consisted of paratose, l-fucose, d-mannose, d-glucose, d-galactose (trace), l- and d-glycero-d-manno-heptose, 2-deoxy-2-amino-d-glucose and 2-deoxy-2-amino-d-galactose residues. molecular -sieve chromatography on sephadex g-50 afford ...19807398633
plague virulence antigens from yersinia enterocolitica.the virulence of yersinia enterocolitica, biotype 2, serotype o:8, in mice is related to its ability to produce plague v and w antigens. v and w antigens in y. enterocolitica are shown to be immunologically identical to the previously described v and w antigens of yersinia pestis and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.19807399681
peptidoglycan from yersinia pseudotuberculosis: isolation and general characterization.a peptidoglycan layer of y. pseudotuberculosis cell wall was isolated from cells after treatment with sodium dodecylsulphate and digestion with pronase. the isolated peptidoglycan contained glucosamine, muramic acid, alanine, glutamic acid and diaminopimelic acid in the approximate molar ratio of 1:0.8:2:1:1.19807421603
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis ileitis (bacillus malassez and vignal) with complications]. 19807443509
[dynamics of the humoral immune response to the lipopolysaccharide-protein complex of yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19807445865
[serodiagnosis of human yersinia infections. preliminary results].preliminary data are reported on experience with newly developed complement-fixing (cf) antigens prepared from cultures of type 3 and type 9 yersinia enterocolitica and from yersinia pseudotuberculosis. antigens were immunologically potent and not anti-complementary, thus making it possible to obtain satisfactory serologic tests. the results may be summarized as follows: 1. yersinia cf antigens do not react with sera from healthy blood donors. there was only one low titer reaction with type 9 an ...19807455648
the chaperone-like protein yera of yersinia pseudotuberculosis stabilizes yope in the cytoplasm but is dispensible for targeting to the secretion loci.the virulence plasmid-encoded yope cytotoxin of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is secreted across the bacterial membranes and subsequently translocated into the eukaryotic cell. translocation of yope into target cells was recently shown to be polarized and only occurred at the zone of contact between the pathogen and the eukaryotic cell. immunogold electron microscopy on cryosectioned y. pseudotuberculosis revealed that yope is secreted and deposited on the bacterial cell surface when the bacteria ...19957476159
acute renal failure associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.since 1987, we have experienced 11 children with acute renal failure (arf) associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis (yp) infection. the illness began with the sudden onset of high fever, skin rash and gastrointestinal symptoms. later in the course, periungual desquamation developed, mimicking kawasaki disease. elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein and thrombocytosis were noticeable, and mild degrees of proteinuria, glycosuria and sterile pyuria were common. arf, which ty ...19957477620
[a case of lesniowski-crohn disease preceded by yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection].in etiopathogenesis of leśniowski-crohn disease we consider environmental genetical, immunological and physical factors. among the bacteria that are of importance in a disease process there are: jarsinia, tubercle bacillus and para- tubercle bacillus. we are to state that the pro.... of the bacteria per se doesn't influence the initiation of a disease. the initiation is caused by a change of the immune response. the introduced case shows the occurrence of leśniowski-crohn disease proceeded by ja ...19947483629
lack of antibody response to invasin in humans with yersiniosis.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene encodes invasin, a 103-kda outer membrane protein allowing bacteria to penetrate mammalian cells. this protein is produced in vitro at below 30 degrees c. in this work, we studied the antibody response against invasin in humans suffering from yersiniosis and in mice orally infected with a virulent strain of y. pseudotuberculosis. infection with enteropathogenic yersinia strains did not induce either a systemic or a gut antibody response to invasin. our re ...19947496952
isolation and identification of eukaryotic receptors promoting bacterial internalization. 19947526128
salmonella typhimurium induces selective aggregation and internalization of host cell surface proteins during invasion of epithelial cells.salmonella interact with eucaryotic membranes to trigger internalization into non-phagocytic cells. in this study we examined the distribution of host plasma membrane proteins during s. typhimurium invasion of epithelial cells. entry of s. typhimurium into hela epithelial cells produced extensive aggregation of cell surface class i mhc heavy chain, beta 2-microglobulin, fibronectin-receptor (alpha 5 beta 1 integrin), and hyaluronate receptor (cd-44). other cell surface proteins such as transferr ...19947527051
an aspartate residue of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein that is critical for integrin binding.the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein mediates bacterial entry into mammalian cells by binding multiple beta 1-chain integrins. invasin binding to purified alpha 5 beta 1 integrin is inhibited by arg-gly-asp (rgd)-containing peptides, although invasin contains no rgd sequence. fifteen mutations that diminished binding and bacterial entry were isolated after mutagenesis of the entire inv gene. all of the mutations altered residues within the c-terminal 192 amino acids of invasin, previo ...19957532130
a plasmid-borne o-antigen chain length determinant and its relationship to other chain length determinants.we identify a function-controlling o antigen chain length for a plasmid-borne gene, cldphs-2, harboured by flexneri strains of escherichia coli known to cause reactive arthritis. the predicted amino acid sequence of the gene product is very similar to those of other cld genes and that of fepe, thought to be part of the enterobactin iron uptake system of e. coli. the predicted proteins are compared with rfb-associated chain length determinants as a family of related genes.19957532605
chlamydia trachomatis does not bind to alpha beta 1 integrins to colonize a human endometrial epithelial cell line cultured in vitro.chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterially acquired sexually transmitted diseases in the united states and europe. as an obligate intracellular pathogen, this bacterium must invade epithelial cells in order to survive and grow. thus, multiple strategies probably exist for initial binding of chlamydiae to their target cells. since a variety of bacteria have exploited integrins to colonize tissues, and a precedent existed for the involvement of extracellular matrix components in chl ...19947535373
transferases of o-antigen biosynthesis in salmonella enterica: dideoxyhexosyltransferases of groups b and c2 and acetyltransferase of group c2.the o antigen is a polymer of oligosaccharide units. o antigens differ in their sugar composition and glycosidic linkages, and genes responsible for o-antigen-specific biosynthesis are grouped in the rfb gene cluster. in this study, we identified two abequosyltransferase genes and an acetyltransferase gene in salmonella enterica groups b and c2 by in vitro assay and identified paratosyl-, tyvelosyl-, and abequosyltransferase genes from s. enterica groups a and d and yersinia pseudotuberculosis s ...19957541787
in vivo and in vitro effects of lactoferrin on yersinia pseudotuberculosis.iron is a growth requirement for virtually all microbes. in the human body, extracellular iron is sequestered from microbes by binding to proteins such as lactoferrin. in this study the effect of lactoferrin and human milk on yersinia pseudotuberculosis was investigated. its growth in vitro was inhibited by iron-free, but not iron saturated, pure lactoferrin or human milk. iron-free human milk and to a less extent normal human milk were bactericidal for y. pseudotuberculosis cells that were susp ...19957553361
effect of some physical and chemical factors on the bactericidal activity of human lactoferrin and transferrin against yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the iron-chelating proteins lactoferrin and transferrin have been shown to be bactericidal for a variety of organisms. in this study, the effect of ph, temperature, their concentration, and magnesium and calcium on the bactericidal activity against yersinia pseudotuberculosis was investigated. the bactericidal activity of lactoferrin was higher at acid ph, whereas, the bactericidal activity of transferrin was higher at alkaline ph. both were not efficient at 4 degrees, 15 degrees, and 25 degrees ...19957553362
ten-year follow up study of patients from a yersinia pseudotuberculosis iii outbreak.a yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iii outbreak in 1982 was characterized by a high frequency of post-infectious complications. ten years later 16 out of the 19 patients originally included in the outbreak were reached for a follow up evaluation. altogether nine patients suffered from chronic joint symptoms. four of them were hla b27-positive. two of these had ankylosing spondylitis; one with severe erosive polyarthritis and secondary amyloidosis which led to uremia requiring haemodialysis a ...19957554560
functional conservation of the secretion and translocation machinery for virulence proteins of yersiniae, salmonellae and shigellae.virulent bacteria of the genera yersinia, shigella and salmonella secrete a number of virulence determinants, yops, ipas and sips respectively, by a type iii secretion pathway. the ipab protein of shigella flexneri was expressed in yersinia pseudotuberculosis and found to be secreted under the same conditions required for yop secretion. likewise, yope was secreted by the wild-type strain lt2 of salmonella typhimurium, but yope was not secreted by the isogenic inva mutant. secretion of both ipab ...19957556059
[the effect of chitosan on biological properties of gram-negative bacterial endotoxins]. 19957579277
[use of porin from the outer membrane of yersinia pseudotuberculosis for serodiagnosis of pseudotuberculosis]. 19957579285
[genetic study of plasmid pvm82 which contributes to the pathogenicity of the pseudotuberculosis pathogen].the large pvm82 plasmid isolated from epidemic strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis includes the 25md segment, which encodes a series of properties affecting the virulence of the bacterium. insertion mutants of pvm82 containing transposition-defective tn2507 with a kanamycin-resistance marker in different hind iii fragments of the 25md segment were obtained. by recombination between two homologous pvm82 containing genetic markers in different parts, deletion derivatives of pvm82 plasmid and in ...19957590200
molecular characterization of a carboxy-terminal eukaryotic-cell-binding domain of intimin from enteropathogenic escherichia coli.a eukaryotic cell-binding domain from the intimin (int) polypeptide of enteropathogenic escherichia coli o127 (epec) was investigated. derivatives of the carboxy-terminal 280-amino-acid domains of int (int-epec280) and the int homolog invasin (inv) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis (invyp280) were fused to the e. coli maltose-binding protein (mbp), expressed, and purified. the smallest mbp-intepec fusion protein that efficiently mediated binding to hep-2 cells, monitored by using purified fusion ...19957591066
[the mononuclear syndrome in yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis].as many as 95 patients with generalized form of yersiniosis and 66 patients with scarlatiniform pseudotuberculosis were examined. atypical mononuclears were detected in the peripheral blood of 23.2% of patients with yersiniosis and 13.6% of those with pseudotuberculosis. in 83.9% their numbers varied from 2 to 9% and in 16.1% only their count amounted to 10-11%. clinical symptoms occurring in patients with yersiniosis (fever, changes in the fauces, exanthema, polyadenopathy, affection of the liv ...19947604559
ultrastructure of circulating immune complexes isolated from the blood plasma of patients suffering from infectious original procedure which permits to isolate circulating immune complexes (cic) from the blood plasma in a form of a dense pellet was developed. this procedure was applied for the ultrastructural analysis of cic isolated from blood of healthy blood donors and patients suffering from yersinia enterocolitica (ye) and yersinia pseudotuberculosis (yp) infections. the here reported method of cic isolation from blood plasma permitted to visualize cic electronmicroscopically as amorphous masses of lo ...19957608863
[masshoff's disease].masshoff's disease (pseudotuberculous mesadenitis) was diagnosed in a 20-year-old male on the basis of histological investigation of surgically removed appendix and ileocaecal lymph nodes. the appendix was intact. hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue with formation of small abscesses and karyorrhexis of neutrophils, but without giant polynuclear cells was histologically revealed in lymph nodes. foci of fibrinoid necrosis were found in lymph node capsules. serological test for pseudotuberculosis was st ...19957611906
mutual influence of plasmid profile and growth temperature on the lipid composition of yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria.the effect of a 82 mda plasmid or its 25 mda dna fragment and growth temperature on the qualitative and the quantitative fatty acid and phospholipid composition of yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells has been examined. in the cold, plasmid-containing and plasmid-free strains failed to differ appreciably in the contents of phospholipid and fatty acid. the exceptions were an elevated proportion of diphosphatidylglycerine and a decreased fatty acid unsaturation index in the plasmidless cells and thos ...19957619851
suppression of cytokines in mice by protein a-v antigen fusion peptide and restoration of synthesis by active is established that an approximately 70-kb lcr plasmid enables yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague, to multiply in focal necrotic lesions within visceral organs of mice by preventing net synthesis of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnf-alpha) and gamma interferon (ifn-gamma), thereby minimizing inflammation (lcr+). rabbit antiserum raised against cloned staphylococcal protein a-v antigen fusion peptide (pav) is known to passively immunize mice against 10 minimum ...19957622225
yersinia pseudotuberculosis inhibits fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in j774 cells.nonopsonized as well as immunoglobulin-g (igg)-opsonized yersinia pseudotuberculosis resists phagocytic uptake by the macrophage-like cell line j774 by a mechanism involving the plasmid-encoded proteins yops. the tyrosine phosphatase yoph was of great importance for the antiphagocytic effect of the bacteria. yoph-negative mutants did not induce antiphagocytosis; instead, they were readily ingested, almost to the same extent as that of the translocation mutants yopb and yopd and the plasmid-cured ...19957622239
[bacterial enterotoxins bearing superantigenic properties]. 19957623416
[the detection and study of the dynamics of the count of nonculturable forms of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the environment by using the polymerase chain reaction].on the basis of the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) a test system permitting the detection of y.pseudotuberculosis in different environmental objects was developed. on a model approximating natural conditions the dynamics of the amount of these bacteria in sterile soil extract were studied. the comparison of the amount of y.pseudotuberculosis, determined in terms of colony forming units and by the detection of their dna marker fragment with the use of pcr, showed the possibility of the transitio ...19957653144
identification of a global repressor gene, rsma, of erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora that controls extracellular enzymes, n-(3-oxohexanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone, and pathogenicity in soft-rotting erwinia spp.the production of extracellular enzymes such as pectate lyase (pel), polygalacturonase (peh), cellulase (cel), and protease (prt) is activated by the cell density (quorum)-sensing signal, n-(3-oxohexanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone (hsl); plant signals; and aep genes during postexponential growth of erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora 71. studies with mutants of e. carotovora subsp. carotovora 71 derepressed in exoenzyme production led to the identification of a negative regulator gene, rsma (rsm, r ...19957665490
[effect of the method of extracting the pore-forming protein from yersinia pseudotuberculosis on its macromolecular organization].by means of physico-chemical methods, lipid bilayer reconstitution and immunoenzyme assay, macromolecular organization of porin oligomers from yersinia pseudotuberculosis, isolated by two extraction methods, was studied. use of sds and high temperature in the course of the extraction led to a partial denaturation of porin trimers at the level of the tertiary structure, these conformational changes affecting the porin's pore-forming activity and antigenic structure. at the same time, the partiall ...19937686369
residues added to the carboxyl terminus of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein interfere with recognition by integrin receptors.escherichia coli strains encoding the yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein are efficiently internalized by mammalian cells. bacterial uptake into cultured cell lines became defective, however, if invasin was altered by fusion of its carboxyl terminus to e. coli alkaline phosphatase or by the addition of two hydrophobic amino acids to its carboxyl-terminal end. probing with anti-invasin monoclonal antibodies revealed that the amino-terminal end of invasin was properly localized on the bact ...19937687999
characterization of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroups o9, o10 and o11; subdivision of o1 serogroup into o1a, o1b, and o1c this study, three new antigens (o9, o10 and o11) of yersinia pseudotuberculosis are described. the o1 antigen is further subdivided into o1a, o1b and o1c. the methods used to prepare specific antisera for o-antigen identification are also described. furthermore, the h antigens of these new serogroups are determined and their biochemical characteristics analysed. the antigenic formulae of the known serogroups within the basic antigenic scheme introduced by the authors' laboratories are present ...19937689000
the yersinia pseudotuberculosis adhesin yada mediates intimate bacterial attachment to and entry into hep-2 cells.we characterized a bacterium-host cell interaction that is mediated by the yersinia adhesin yada. derivatives of the virulence plasmid pib1 harboring mutations in yada, yope, or yoph or in a low-calcium-response regulatory locus were introduced into a yersinia pseudotuberculosis ypiii strain defective for inv. the mutant strains were tested for the capacity to attach to and enter hep-2 cells and express the cytotoxic activities of yope and yoph. as previously shown, expression of yada was necess ...19937689542
mechanistic studies on cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase: the role of cysteine residues in catalysis as probed by chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis.cdp-6-deoxy-delta 3,4-glucoseen reductase (e3), which catalyzes the reduction of the c-3 deoxygenation step during the formation of cdp-ascarylose, a 3,6-dideoxyhexose found in the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, has been expressed at high level in escherichia coli (670 times over the wild-type strain). this flavoenzyme, which also contains one plant ferredoxin type [2fe-2s] cluster, was inactivated by 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (dtnb) and n-ethylmaleimide. in both ca ...19957703227
[binding of porin with lipopolysaccharide from yersinia pseudotuberculosis].interactions, of porin a protein from yersinia pseudotuberculosis, with s- and r-lps and lipid a were investigated by means of fluorescence and cd-spectroscopy, differential scanning microcalorimetry and cscl gradient ultracentrifugation. s-lps--porin monomer stoichiometry was shown by fluorescence titration to be 6:1. ultracentrifugation data suggest that the maximum number of lps molecules bound per porin monomer in three. two equivalent lipid a binding sites on porin were determined, data the ...19957710418
mechanistic studies on cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose 3-dehydrase identification of his-220 as the active-site base by chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis.cdp-6-deoxy-l-threo-d-glycero-4-hexulose 3-dehydrase (e1) purified from yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate (pmp) dependent iron-sulfur-containing enzyme which catalyzes the c-o bond cleavage at c-3 of its substrate leading to the formation of 3,6-dideoxyhexose. this enzyme is rapidly inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate (dep) at ph 6.0 and 25 degrees c. the inactivation of e1 by dep, which is reversible upon treatment of hydroxylamine, appears to be attributable solely to ...19957718567
laboratory diagnosis of plague. 19947721365
dna sequencing of the gene encoding a bacterial superantigen, yersinia pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen (ypm), and characterization of the gene product, cloned ypm.previously, we found a novel bacterial superantigen from yersinia pseudotuberculosis, designated y. pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen (ypm). in the present study, we analyzed the dna sequence of the gene encoding ypm. the ypm gene was cloned into a plasmid vector pmw119 and expressed in escherichia coli dh10b. like the native ypm, the cloned ypm required the expression of mhc class ii molecules on accessory cells in the induction of il-2 production by human t cells. tcr-v beta repertoire of hum ...19957730627
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from river waters in japan and germany using direct koh and hela cell treatments.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was recovered from precipitates directly treated with koh and/or hela cell in 25.7% of 680 river water samples collected in japan. recovery was nil in similar samples from germany. treatment of precipitates by koh and infection of hela cells, respectively, is an expedient and selective means for isolation of y. pseudotuberculosis from such samples.19957734828
acute tubulointerstitial nephritis in association with yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.a 4-year-old girl was diagnosed as having acute renal failure due to tubulointerstitial nephritis. the girl presented with remittent fever, vomiting and non-oliguric acute renal failure with sterile pyuria and tubular reabsorptive dysfunction. ultrasound examination revealed that the kidneys were markedly enlarged with diffuse hyperechogenicity in the cortex when the abnormal renal function was present and were restored in size and echogenicity when the renal function normalised. a diagnosis of ...19957742229
sequence analysis of the gene for a novel superantigen produced by yersinia pseudotuberculosis and expression of the recombinant protein.we previously reported that the gram-negative bacterium yersinia pseudotuberculosis produces a superantigen (ypm, y. pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen) that expands t cells bearing v betas 3, 9, 13.1, and 13.2 in an mhc class ii-dependent manner. based on the previously determined n-terminal 23 amino acids of ypm (t-d-y-d-n-t-l-n-s-i-p-s-l-r-i-p-n-i-a-t-y-t-g- (one-letter code)), we cloned the ypm gene and analyzed the nucleotide sequence. the gene encodes a 151-amino acid protein with a 20-ami ...19957751634
effect of temperature on the lipid and fatty acid composition of yersinia yersinia pseudotuberculosis, the total lipid content is increased by decreasing the temperature of the growth medium. thin layer chromatography of phospholipids revealed the presence of phosphatidy glycerols (pg) and phosphatidylethanolamine (pe) in the bacterium when grown at 26 degrees and 37 degrees c. cardiolipin (cl) is present only in the bacterium grown at 37 degrees c, while lysophosphatidylglycerol (lpg) is present only in the bacterium grown at 26 degrees c. unidentified phospholipi ...19957760754
virulence plasmid-encoded yopk is essential for yersinia pseudotuberculosis to cause systemic infection in mice.the virulence plasmid common to pathogenic yersinia species encodes a number of secreted proteins denoted yops (yersinia outer proteins). here, we identify and characterize a novel plasmid-encoded virulence determinant of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, yopk. the yopk gene was found to be conserved among the three pathogenic yersinia species and to be homologous to the previously described yopq and yopk genes of y. enterocolitica and y. pestis, respectively. similar to the other yops, yopk expressi ...19957768608
outbreaks of yersiniosis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis in farmed cervids.yersiniosis, caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis, was diagnosed in 25 deer submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratories of the ontario ministry of agriculture and food from 8 farms in ontario, canada, over the 4-year period of january 1990 to december 1993. the organism was cultured, usually in large numbers, from the intestines and, less frequently, mesenteric lymph nodes and/or the spleen of 13 red deer (cervus elaphus), 6 elk (c. e. canadiensis), 4 fallow deer (dama dama), and 2 red ...19957779969
differentiation of yersinia pestis and y. pseudotuberculosis by sds-page analysis of lipopolysaccharide. 19957786503
inhibition of the fc receptor-mediated oxidative burst in macrophages by the yersinia pseudotuberculosis tyrosine phosphatase.suppression of host-cell-mediated immunity is a hallmark feature of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection. to better understand this process, the interaction of y. pseudotuberculosis with macrophages and the effect of the virulence plasmid-encoded yersinia tyrosine phosphatase (yoph) on the oxidative burst was analyzed in a chemiluminescence assay. an oxidative burst was generated upon infection of macrophages with a plasmid-cured strain of y. pseudotuberculosis opsonized with immunoglobulin g a ...19957822039
functional conservation among members of the salmonella typhimurium inva family of proteins.inva, which is essential for salmonella spp. to enter cultured epithelial cells, is a member of a family of proteins involved in either flagellar biosynthesis or the secretion of virulence determinants by a number of plant and mammalian pathogens. the predicted overall secondary structures of these proteins show significant similarities and indicate a modular construction with a hydrophobic amino-terminal half, consisting of six to eight potential transmembrane domains, and a hydrophilic carboxy ...19957822051
interaction between yersinia pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica and fish cells.virulent strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica cultured at 10 degrees c were studied with respect to their interaction with cultured fish cells. infection with yersinia at 25 degrees c resulted in the formation of pseudopodia and the adherence of bacteria to the cell surface. the adherent bacteria were ingested 2 h after infection. yersinia was found to be cytotoxic for the cells and the intracellular bacteria seemed to reside in phagosomes and were found in stages of divi ...19947837993
how intestinal epithelial cell differentiation inhibits the cell-entry of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in colon carcinoma caco-2 cell line in the human intestine, target cells of enteropathogens differentiate during cell migration along the crypt-villus axis. we have recently provided evidence that intestinal cell differentiation up-regulates intestinal cell infection by the noninvasive enterotoxigenic escherichia coli [5, 23]. several enterovirulent bacteria can penetrate intestinal epithelial cells, which are normally nonphagocytic. to document the role of intestinal epithelial cell differentiation in the pathogenesis of enteroin ...19947867897
yersinia pseudotuberculosis affecting the appendix.yersinia pseudotuberculosis is an uncommon cause of abdominal pain. it has a much lower incidence than yersinia enterocolitica, and most reports have emanated from europe or north america. this report is about a patient with yersiniosis affecting the appendix alone, in contrast to the usual picture of mesenteric adenitis or septicemia associated with this organism.19947877053
[the mixotrophy of pathogenic bacteria].this work deals with materials on the utilization of carbon dioxide and hydrogen from gas-air mixture by yersinia pseudotuberculosis and listeria monocytogenes in the process of their cultivation in hirsch's mineral medium. as follows from the data presented in these materials, the above-mentioned bacterial species are heterotrophic when the infectious process is reproduced in the body of warm-blooded animals and chemolithoautotrophic under the conditions of their life in environmental objects. ...19947879477
translocation of a hybrid yope-adenylate cyclase from yersinia enterocolitica into hela cells.pathogenic bacteria of the genus yersinia release in vitro a set of antihost proteins called yops. upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular yersinia pseudotuberculosis transfers yope across the host cell plasma membrane. to facilitate the study of this translocation process, we constructed a recombinant yersinia enterocolitica strain producing yope fused to a reporter enzyme. as a reporter, we selected the calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase of bordetella pertussis and we mo ...19947885236
[quantitative pcr-analysis: development of a system for determining the level of an amplified dna fragment].a new technique is elaborated for quantitative evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) results based on a system for yopa gene identification in yersinia pseudotuberculosis fragment located on p45 plasmid. the analysis schedule includes amplification of the studied dna sequence under the conditions when the reverse primer carries chemically bound biotin label on the 5'-end, hybridization of the labelled amplified fragment with the probe immobilized on the microplate surface, the probe ...19947891729
[use of serum to thermostable toxin for identification of yersinia pseudotuberculosis].serum to thermostable y. pseudotuberculosis toxin is shown to induce agglutination of bacteria belonging to all 8 serologic variants of this species. no cross reactions with other enterobacterial species, including four yersinia species, were detected. the results permit us recommend the antitoxic serum for identification of y. pseudotuberculosis.19947894912
yersinia spp. hmwp2, a cytosolic protein with a cryptic internal signal sequence which can promote alkaline phosphatase export.the iron starvation-induced, 2,042-amino-acid protein hmwp2 of yersinia enterocolitica has two internal hydrophobic segments which might promote its export and association with the cytoplasmic membrane. to determine whether part of hmwp2 could be exported beyond the periplasmic face of the cytoplasmic membrane, we used tnphoa mutagenesis to construct 10 hybrid proteins in which periplasmic alkaline phosphatase (phoa) was fused to the end of c-terminally truncated hmwp1 (at amino acid positions 1 ...19957896701
[the nature, frequency, specificity and duration of the retention of changes in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract in yersiniosis].400 patients with yersiniosis, shigellosis, salmonellosis and abdominal typhoid were examined clinically, roentgenologically and using various instrument techniques for changes in the stomach and intestine. yersiniosis and abdominal typhoid were characterized by dyskinesia of the small intestine and ileotyphlitis, flexner's shigellosis by catarrhal-hemorrhagic proctosigmoiditis, sonne salmonellosis and shigellosis by enteritis. terminal ileitis occurred more frequently in yersiniosis patients in ...19947900003
[intestinal dysbacteriosis in yersiniosis patients and the possibility of its correction with biopreparations].intestinal dysbacteriosis was found in all 37 patients with intestinal yersiniosis or pseudotuberculosis. administration of biopreparations containing lacto- or bifidobacteria produced a good clinico-microbiological response rate (above 90%). the authors think it valid to include biopreparations in combined treatment of yersiniosis to prevent unfavourable outcomes.19947900004
[the clinico-laboratory characteristics of pseudotuberculosis in persons with chronic opisthorchiasis].clinical and laboratory parameters investigated in pseudotuberculosis patients with and without co proved patients with mixed infection to be more seriously affected. they had more pronounced polymorphism of clinical symptoms, more severe intoxication, fever, hepato- and splenomegaly, longer convalescence, more frequent relapses, worse laboratory findings. complicated course of pseudotuberculosis patients with co may be due to hypersensitization of the body and hepatobiliary disorders resultant ...19947900007
protective role for heat shock protein-reactive alpha beta t cells in murine investigate the role of heat shock proteins (hsp) of yersinia enterocolitica for the host immune response against this pathogen, we cloned and expressed a 60-kda hsp of y. enterocolitica serotype o8. a fragment of y. enterocolitica o8 hsp60 encoded by amino acids 90 to 286 was sequenced and showed more than 90% homology with hsp60 of y. enterocolitica o3 and groel of escherichia coli and 59% homology with hsp65 of mycobacterium bovis. the arthritogenic t-cell epitope of mycobacterial hsp65 (a ...19947911784
restriction endonuclease analysis of virulence plasmids for molecular epidemiology of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections.restriction endonuclease analysis of virulence plasmid dna was used to study the epidemiology of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections. the origin of y. pseudotuberculosis could be divided into two focus areas: eastern asia and europe. wild animals were an important reservoir for the y. pseudotuberculosis seen in infections in humans.19947914210
[an experimental model of pseudotuberculosis infection in monkeys]. 19947919275
differential integrin expression facilitates isolation of human fetal pancreatic epithelial cells.we have studied the expression of the beta 1 family of integrins in fetal and adult human pancreas. immunohistochemical staining with a monoclonal anti-beta 1 antibody revealed that the epithelial cells of the human fetal pancreas express high amounts of beta 1 integrin, while the pancreatic stromal cells express substantially lower amounts. islets of langerhans from human adult pancreas also expressed high amounts of beta 1 integrin. taking advantage of the extremely high affinity binding betwe ...19947921635
passive immunity to yersiniae mediated by anti-recombinant v antigen and protein a-v antigen fusion peptide.lcrv (v antigen), a known unstable 37.3-kda monomeric peptide encoded on the ca. 70-kb lcr plasmid of yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia enterocolitica, has been implicated as a regulator of the low-calcium response, virulence factor, and protective antigen. in this study, lcrv of y. pestis was cloned into protease-deficient escherichia coli bl21. the resulting recombinant v antigen underwent marked degradation from the c-terminal end during purification, yielding major p ...19947927675
salmonella invasion of nonphagocytic cells induces formation of macropinosomes in the host cell.salmonella typhimurium induced massive uptake of extracellular fluid in epithelial cells in the form of macropinosomes. the appearance of macropinosomes in the infected cell was related to the induction of membrane ruffling during bacterial invasion. a noninvasive s. typhimurium inva mutant did not trigger such effects in the host cell. similarly, s. typhimurium inva mutants that invaded via the invasin protein from yersinia pseudotuberculosis or adhered to the host cell via the afimbrial afa-i ...19947927733
effect of lactoferricin b, a pepsin-generated peptide of bovine lactoferrin, on escherichia coli hb101 (pri203) entry into hela cells.bovine lactoferrin and a pepsin-generated peptide of bovine lactoferrin, known as lactoferricin b, were tested for an ability to influence the cell-invasive properties of an escherichia coli hb101 strain carrying the plasmid pri203, which encodes the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene. at non-cytotoxic and non-bactericidal concentration (0.5 mg/ml) lactoferricin b lowered by about tenfold the cell invasion capability of e. coli hb101 (pri203), whereas no effect was observed when bovine lactofe ...19947935162
[potential hosts and routes of the circulation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in an aqueous ecosystem].the interaction between y. pseudotuberculosis and different representatives of the aqueous and, partially, soil biocenosis was studied. the study revealed that invertebrates of the plankton and benthos (water fleas, cyclops, mollusks, oligochaeta, larvae of insects), as well as fish and higher plants, ensured the prolonged existence of yersinia in water. thus hydrobiotic organisms were to be regarded as potential natural hosts of y. pseudotuberculosis. a suggestion was made that fish, the final ...19947941869
use of staphylococcus aureus coated with invasin derivatives to assay invasin function. 19947968640
a review of pseudotuberculosis in mara at whipsnade wild animal park (1967-1990). 19947975061
pathogenicity of a strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from a pig with porcine colitis syndrome.a strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis (nctc 12718), isolated from a seven-week-old pig suffering from an ulcerative typhlocolitis, was inoculated orally into 16 growing pigs in two separate experiments. at necropsy 10 days later, typhlocolitis was present in nine of the pigs, and it was accompanied by diarrhoea in four cases. in both the original case and in the experimental pigs, the typhlocolitis was characterised by microabscesses of the lamina propria, frequently involving ulceration or er ...19947975086
purification and characterization of a novel superantigen produced by a clinical isolate of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a superantigen designated as yersinia pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen (ypm) was purified in an equal manner from both the culture supernatant and cell lysate of a clinical isolate (kur-1) of y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b. a significant proliferative response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to purified ypm was detectable even at a concentration of 1 pg/ml. the n-terminal sequence of ypm which included 23 amino acid residues was determined, by automated edman degradation, as thr ...19947988709
[the protective activity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis antigens].samples of y.pseudotuberculosis (serovar i) antigens, represent a high-molecular lipopolysaccharide (lps) fraction with a mol. wt. of 22.5 kd and fractions of outer membrane proteins isolated by the method of m. osborn and r. munson (1974), were tested in comparison with the activity with live cells of y. pseudotuberculosis i attenuated mutant kv 9/2, having lost its cad plasmid of virulence with a mol. wt. of 47 md and carrying 2 attenuating markers: resistance to crystal violet and nalidixic a ...19947992535
[immunochemical methods for the diagnosis of pseudotuberculosis (a review of the literature)]. 19937994540
[the prognosis of a protracted course of pseudotuberculosis in chronic opisthorchiasis].forty-five pseudotuberculosis patients with concomitant chronic opisthorchiasis were examined at the peak of infection and in early convalescence, as were 30 patients with chronic opisthorchiasis and 30 normal subjects. the immunologic status of pseudotuberculosis patients coursing in the presence of chronic opisthorchiasis was found changed. reduction of b lymphocyte counts by 1.7 times, of absolute theophyllin-resistant counts by 1.6 times, and of the relative theophyllin-resistant lymphocyte ...19937994553
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from city-living crows captured in a study the distribution of pathogenic yersinia in city-living birds, 145 wild jungle crows were captured in a zoo between june, 1992 and april, 1993. although pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica was not isolated, y. pseudotuberculosis belonging to serovar 4b was independently isolated from 7 caecal contents, respectively. all 7 isolates were positive on temperature-dependent autoagglutination and had a 70 kb large plasmid. the plasmid dnas from the 7 strains had the same bamhi digestion pattern ...19947999913
[staged treatment and follow-up of patients with yersinia infections].basing on the data obtained on immunopathogenetic and lipid metabolism features of intestinal yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis in children, the authors offer variants of etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment specific for certain stages of the above diseases which are able to reduce the rate of aggravations, recurrences and complications by 10-12%. long-term follow-up showed that unfavourable outcomes of yersiniosis are not infrequent this urging the necessity of 6-12-month follow-up of the con ...19948015242
[an analysis of the antibodies to the outer cell membrane proteins in yersinia in the varying course of human pseudotuberculosis].time course changes in the formation and spectrum of the antibodies to the proteins of yersinia pseudotuberculosis external cellular membrane were studied by immunoblotting. a total of 154 samples of blood serum from 46 pseudotuberculosis (pt) patients were tested. 53 samples were obtained from pt patients with acute disease, 50 from pt patients with recurrences and 51 samples cam from pt subjects with protracted disease. electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel with sodium dodecyl sulfate disclose ...19948016734
[the immune system indices of patients with pseudotuberculosis and concomitant chronic opisthorchiasis].the quantitative characteristics of t and b-lymphocytes and their subpopulations (theophylline-resistant and theophylline-sensitive lymphocytes), the reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation (rlbt) after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (pha) and the level of circulating immune complexes (cic) in pseudotuberculosis patients with and without concomitant opisthorchiasis were studied and compared. for control opisthorchiasis patients undergoing dehelminthization and healthy persons were exami ...19948017125
pseudotumor cerebri associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection. 19948025412
[the early deworming of pseudotuberculosis patients with chronic opisthorchiasis]. 19938028561
[meningitis in yersiniosis]. 19938030289
[a differential-diagnostic nutrient medium for the isolation of yersinia]. 19938032790
antimicrobial antibodies in danish slaughterhouse workers and greenhouse a consequence of contact with animals and animal products slaughterhouse workers might be at risk of infection with pathogenic microorganisms. this hypothesis has been supported by some earlier studies. in this study 217 slaughtermen and a control group of 113 greenhouse workers were investigated for the prevalence of serum antibodies to toxoplasma gondii, campylobacter jejuni (iga and igg), yersinia enterocolitica types 3 and 9, yersinia pseudotuberculosis types i, ii, iii, iv, and v, salmon ...19948034365
epithelial cell invasion and adherence directed by the enterotoxigenic escherichia coli tib locus is associated with a 104-kilodalton outer membrane protein.enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) is capable of invading epithelial cell lines derived from the human colon and ileocecum. two separate loci (tia and tib) that direct noninvasive e. coli hb101 to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells have previously been cosmid cloned from etec h10407. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of cellular fractions from tib-positive hb101 shows that the tib locus directs the synthesis of a 104-kda outer membrane protein ...19948039917
characterization of the operon encoding the ypka ser/thr protein kinase and the yopj protein of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the ser/thr protein kinase ypka, encoded by the virulence plasmid pib1, is an indispensable virulence determinant of yersinia pseudotuberculosis [e. e. galyov, s. håkansson, a. forsberg, and h. wolf-watz, nature (london) 361:730-732, 1993]. in this study, the organization of the ypka-containing operon and the in vitro regulation of this transcriptional unit were characterized. the operon contains two structural genes, ypka and yopj, and is regulated by temperature and the extracellular concentra ...19948045884
yersinia pseudotuberculosis in a 3 year old and rapid response to cefotaxime. 19948046732
Displaying items 1901 - 2000 of 5215