
applying nightingale charts to evaluate the heterogeneity of biomedical waste in a evaluate the heterogeneity of biomedical waste (bw) using nightingale charts.201425591088
candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis in ticks from migrating birds in sweden.candidatus neoehrlichia mikurensis (cnm; family anaplasmataceae) was recently recognized as a potential tick-borne human pathogen. the presence of cnm in mammals, in host-seeking ixodes ticks and in ticks attached to mammals and birds has been reported recently. we investigated the presence of cnm in ornithophagous ticks from migrating birds. a total of 1,150 ticks (582 nymphs, 548 larvae, 18 undetermined ticks and two adult females) collected from 5,365 birds captured in south-eastern sweden wa ...201526207834
tick-borne zoonotic pathogens in ticks feeding on the common nightingale including a novel strain of rickettsia sp.we examined 77 ixodes ricinus ticks found on 33 out of 120 common nightingales (luscinia megarhynchos) sampled in the czech republic in 2008 for the presence of borrelia spirochetes, anaplasma phagocytophilum, rickettsia spp., and babesia spp. we detected borrelia garinii (in 4% of ticks), a. phagocytophilum (1%), rickettsia helvetica (3%), a novel strain of rickettsia sp. (sister taxon of r. bellii; 1%), and babesia sp. eu1 (1%). thus, we conclude that nightingales are unlikely to be important ...201222906497
rickettsiae of spotted fever group, borrelia valaisiana, and coxiella burnetii in ticks on passerine birds and mammals from the camargue in the south of france.ticks are obligate hematophagous arthropods that have a limited mobility, but can be transported over large geographical distances by wild and domestic mammals and birds. in this study, we analyze the presence of emerging zoonotic bacteria in ticks collected from passerine birds and mammals present in the camargue, in the south of france, which is a major rallying point for birds migrating from eurasia and africa. the presence of coxiella burnetii, rickettsia, borrelia, and bartonella was examin ...201223141104
[clostridium difficile epidemic, chile 2012: report of the chilean society for infectious diseases. a scientific historical analysis].a summary report from the chilean society for infectious diseases regarding the presence of a clostridium difficile epidemic with several fatalities in chile's premier emergency public hospital in santiago is used to make a scientific historical analysis of the situation. this summary report identifies several hygienic and sanitary shortcomings that may have played a role in triggering this major epidemic. these include deficiencies in hand washing policies, overcrowding of beds in wards, relaxa ...201223096554
occurrence and relevance of mycoplasma sturni in free-ranging corvids in germany.several mycoplasma spp. are well-known pathogens in poultry. in birds of prey, white storks ( ciconia ciconia ), and some waterfowl (anatidae, pelecanidae) species, mycoplasmas occur commonly and seem to be apathogenic or commensal and most likely belong to the physiologic microbial flora of the respiratory tract. in other bird species, such as common nightingales ( luscinia megarhynchos ) and tits (paridae), mycoplasma spp. are absent in healthy birds. in corvids, the prevalence and role of myc ...201728099075
first isolation of salmonella enterica serovar napoli from wild birds in italy.salmonella enterica serovar napoli (s. napoli) is an emerging serovar in italy. it accounts for 2-4% of all serovars isolated from human infections. the zoonotic origin of this serovar is still unknown and this makes difficult to apply any control intervention. we report here the isolation of s. napoli from a river nightingale (cettia cetti, temminck 1820) which represents the first description of this serovar from wild birds. this finding adds knowledge to the ecology of s. napoli and addresses ...201424695259
ticks of the hyalomma marginatum complex transported by migratory birds into central europe.hyalomma ticks are well-known vectors transmitting infectious agents, which can result in severe and potentially fatal diseases in humans. migratory birds may carry infected ticks over long distances. here, we report on records of ticks of the h. marginatum complex in birds from central europe during the spring migration in 2008-2012. a total of 1172 birds belonging to 32 species, 16 families, and 3 orders was examined for ticks. sixteen individuals of 6 passerine species were found to transport ...201424877976
polymorphism at the clock gene predicts phenology of long-distance migration in birds.dissecting phenotypic variance in life history traits into its genetic and environmental components is at the focus of evolutionary studies and of pivotal importance to identify the mechanisms and predict the consequences of human-driven environmental change. the timing of recurrent life history events (phenology) is under strong selection, but the study of the genes that control potential environmental canalization in phenological traits is at its infancy. candidate genes for circadian behaviou ...201525780812
computer simulation of fat and muscle burn in long-distance bird migrationthe mechanical power required from a bird's flight muscles was recalculated at regular intervals (default 6 min), and the energy consumed in the interval was accounted for by reducing fuel reserves, which also reduced the all-up mass and the body cross-sectional area. part of the energy requirement was met by consuming flight muscle tissue, according to one of three alternative "muscle burn criteria". these were (1) specific work held constant, (2) power density held constant and (3) muscle mass ...19989593656
geographic isolation drives divergence of uncorrelated genetic and song variation in the ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush (catharus frantzii; aves: turdidae).montane barriers influence the evolutionary history of lineages by promoting isolation of populations. the effects of these historical processes are evident in patterns of differentiation among extant populations, which are often expressed as genetic and behavioral variation between populations. we investigated the effects of geographic barriers on the evolutionary history of a mesoamerican bird by studying patterns of genetic and vocal variation in the ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush (turdidae: ...201626302950
a coupled kinematics-energetics model for predicting energy efficient flapping flight.a new computational model based on an optimal power, wake-only aerodynamics method is presented to predict the interdependency of energetics and kinematics in bird and bat flight. the model is divided into offline, intermediate and online modules. in the offline module, a four-dimensional design space sweep is performed (lift, thrust, flapping amplitude and flapping frequency). in the intermediate stage, the physical characteristics of the animal are introduced (wing span, mass, wing area, aspec ...201323084891
'candidatus rickettsia mendelii', a novel basal group rickettsia detected in ixodes ricinus ticks in the czech republic.a novel rickettsial sequence in the citrate synthase glta gene indicating a novel rickettsia species has been detected in 7 out of 4524 ixodes ricinus ticks examined within several surveys performed in the czech republic from 2005 to 2009. this new candidatus rickettsia sp. sequence has been found in 2 nymphs feeding on wild birds (luscinia megarhynchos and erithacus rubecula), in a male tick from vegetation, and 4 ticks feeding on a dog (3 males, 1 female tick). portions of the ompa, ompb, sca4 ...201626873811
fuelling decisions in migratory birds: geomagnetic cues override the seasonal effect.recent evaluations of both temporal and spatial precision in bird migration have called for external cues in addition to the inherited programme defining the migratory journey in terms of direction, distance and fuelling behaviour along the route. we used juvenile european robins (erithacus rubecula) to study whether geomagnetic cues affect fuel deposition in a medium-distance migrant by simulating a migratory journey from southeast sweden to the wintering area in southern spain. in the late pha ...200717609189
vortex wakes generated by robins erithacus rubecula during free flight in a wind tunnel.the wakes of two individual robins were measured in digital particle image velocimetry (dpiv) experiments conducted in the lund wind tunnel. wake measurements were compared with each other, and with previous studies in the same facility. there was no significant individual variation in any of the measured quantities. qualitatively, the wake structure and its gradual variation with flight speed were exactly as previously measured for the thrush nightingale. a procedure that accounts for the dispa ...200616849236
[aromatherapy and nursing: historical and theoretical conception].aromatherapy is a practical or complementary health therapy that uses volatile concentrates extracted from plants called essential oils, in order to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being. aromatherapy has been practiced historically and worldwide by nurses and, as in brazil is supported by the federal nursing council, it is relevant to discuss this practice in the context of nursing through theories of nursing. this study of theoretical reflection, exploratory and descriptive, aims t ...201627007430
rebuttal from l. e. k. ratcliffe, w. pijacka, f. d. mcbryde, a. p. abdala, d. j. moraes, p. a. sobotka, e. c. hart, k. narkiewicz, a. k. nightingale and j. f. r. paton. 201425225256
exposure of birds to cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides following a forest application for tick control.a mixture of malathion (4%), carbaryl (2%) and cypermethrin (4%) was applied as dry powder to forest and grasslands at a rate of 5kg/ha for tick control in 1500ha of a deer hunting estate in the south of spain. the effect on plasma cholinesterase (che) of house sparrow and nightingale, and brain che of red-legged partridge was studied. plasma che was lower after the treatment in passerine birds, but brain ache was not affected in partridges. the body condition of house sparrows was significantly ...200721783779
resource tracking within and across continents in long-distance bird migrants.migratory birds track seasonal resources across and between continents. we propose a general strategy of tracking the broad seasonal abundance of resources throughout the annual cycle in the longest-distance migrating land birds as an alternative to tracking a certain climatic niche or shorter-term resource surplus occurring, for example, during spring foliation. whether and how this is possible for complex annual spatiotemporal schedules is not known. new tracking technology enables unprecedent ...201728070557
wake structure and wingbeat kinematics of a house-martin delichon urbica.the wingbeat kinematics and wake structure of a trained house martin in free, steady flight in a wind tunnel have been studied over a range of flight speeds, and compared and contrasted with similar measurements for a thrush nightingale and a pair of robins. the house martin has a higher aspect ratio (more slender) wing, and is a more obviously agile and aerobatic flyer, catching insects on the wing. the wingbeat is notable for the presence at higher flight speeds of a characteristic pause in th ...200717264054
drought in africa caused delayed arrival of european songbirds.despite an overall advancement in breeding area arrival, one of the latest spring arrivals in northwest europe since 1950 of several trans-saharan songbird species occurred in 2011. year-round tracking of red-backed shrikes and thrush nightingales revealed that the cause of the delay was a prolongation of stopover time during spring migration at the horn of africa, which was affected by extreme drought. our results help to establish a direct link at the individual level between changes in local ...201223224549
[nematodes (procyrnea mansioni, spirurida) as a cause of stomach changes in chinese nightingales (leiothrix lutea) and rothschild's mynah birds (leucopsar rothschildi)]. 19854071021
anomalous weather events and horizontal transfer of the thrush nightingale (luscinia luscinia) vocal models. 201526335967
investigation of musicality in birdsong.songbirds spend much of their time learning, producing, and listening to complex vocal sequences we call songs. songs are learned via cultural transmission, and singing, usually by males, has a strong impact on the behavioral state of the listeners, often promoting affiliation, pair bonding, or aggression. what is it in the acoustic structure of birdsong that makes it such a potent stimulus? we suggest that birdsong potency might be driven by principles similar to those that make music so effect ...201424036130
the causes and evolutionary consequences of mixed singing in two hybridizing songbird species (luscinia spp.).bird song plays an important role in the establishment and maintenance of prezygotic reproductive barriers. when two closely related species come into secondary contact, song convergence caused by acquisition of heterospecific songs into the birds' repertoires is often observed. the proximate mechanisms responsible for such mixed singing, and its effect on the speciation process, are poorly understood. we used a combination of genetic and bioacoustic analyses to test whether mixed singing observ ...201323577089
female heterogamety and speciation: reduced introgression of the z chromosome between two species of nightingales.several lines of evidence suggest that the x chromosome plays a large role in intrinsic postzygotic isolation. the role of the z chromosome in speciation is much less understood. to explore the role of the z chromosome in reproductive isolation, we studied nucleotide variation in two closely related bird species, the thrush nightingale (luscinia luscinia) and the common nightingale (l. megarhynchos). these species are isolated by incomplete prezygotic isolation and female hybrid sterility. we se ...201019796142
information from the geomagnetic field triggers a reduced adrenocortical response in a migratory bird.long-distance migrants regularly pass ecological barriers, like the sahara desert, where extensive fuel loads are necessary for a successful crossing. a central question is how inexperienced migrants know when to put on extensive fuel loads. beside the endogenous rhythm, external cues have been suggested to be important. geomagnetic information has been shown to trigger changes in foraging behaviour and fuel deposition rate in migratory birds. the underlying mechanism for these adjustments, howe ...200919717671
food intake and fuel deposition in a migratory bird is affected by multiple as well as single-step changes in the magnetic field.recent studies have shown that migratory thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia) experimentally treated with multiple changes of the magnetic field simulating a journey to their target stopover area in northern egypt, increased fuel deposition as expected in preparation to cross the sahara desert. to investigate the significance of food intake on the body mass changes observed, in the work described here we analysed food intake of the nightingales under study in those earlier experiments. furthe ...200818281326
the relationship between wingbeat kinematics and vortex wake of a thrush nightingale.the wingbeat kinematics of a thrush nightingale luscinia luscinia were measured for steady flight in a wind tunnel over a range of flight speeds (5-10 m s(-1)), and the results are interpreted and discussed in the context of a detailed, previously published, wake analysis of the same bird. neither the wingbeat frequency nor wingbeat amplitude change significantly over the investigated speed range and consequently dimensionless measures that compare timescales of flapping vs. timescales due to th ...200415531647
magnetic cues and time of season affect fuel deposition in migratory thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia).bird migration requires high energy expenditure, and long-distance migrants accumulate fat for use as fuel during stopovers throughout their journey. recent studies have shown that long-distance migratory birds, besides accumulating fat for use as fuel, also show adaptive phenotypic flexibility in several organs during migration. the migratory routes of many songbirds include stretches of sea and desert where fuelling is not possible. large fuel loads increase flight costs and predation risk, th ...200312639316
magnetic cues trigger extensive refuelling.long stretches of sea and desert often interrupt the migration routes of small songbirds, whose fat reserves must be restored before these can be crossed as they provide no opportunity for refuelling. to investigate whether magnetic cues might enable inexperienced migratory birds to recognize a region where they need to replenish their body fat, we caught and held thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia) in sweden just before their first migration and exposed them to a magnetic field simulating t ...200111689932
maximum daily energy intake: it takes time to lift the metabolic ceiling.conventionally, maximum capacities for energy assimilation are presented as daily averages. however, maximum daily energy intake is determined by the maximum metabolizable energy intake rate and the time available for assimilation of food energy. thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia) in migratory disposition were given limited food rations for 3 d to reduce their energy stores. subsequently, groups of birds were fed ad lib. during fixed time periods varying between 7 and 23 h per day. metaboli ...200610685904
composition of fuel stores and digestive limitations to fuel deposition rate in the long-distance migratory thrush nightingale, luscinia luscinia.during their autumn migratory phase, thrush nightingales (luscinia luscinia) previously starved for 2 d were allowed to refuel under three different ambient temperature conditions (-7 degrees, 7 degrees, and 22 degrees c). during the refueling period, as well as during the preceding control and starvation periods, food intake, body mass, and feces production were monitored. in addition, daily energy expenditure was measured during the refueling period. the compilation of the energy balance durin ...20139231384
studying the old masters of nursing: a critical student experience for developing nursing the past professional identity in nursing was inculcated in students alongside institutional pride. a strong sense of professional identity is key to staff retention and recruitment and key to the delivery of quality nursing care. with the wholesale transfer of pre-registration nursing education to the third level sector, however, the reality is that students now divide their affiliations between university and healthcare institutions and professional identity development may be stymied. for ...201728822955
forging a unique nursing partnership with china.when members of a london nursing faculty forged a learning partnership with a chinese counterpart they likely did not expect to be discussing the benefits of using florence nightingale lamps to decorate hospital walls. but there is nothing ordinary about the collaboration between king's college london and nanjing health school.201728699470
"brighter hours will come": the signet ring of florence nightingale. 201728692496
why self-care is key to providing high-quality care to mccormick, consultant nurse and associate director of nursing, belfast health and social care trust, , and sally hayes, director of strategy, planning and resources at the open university, share their insights from undertaking a florence nightingale leadership scholarship.201728640729
historically-informed nursing: a transnational case study in china.the term 'nurse' (hushi-'caring scholar') did not enter the chinese language until the early 20th century. modern nursing-a fundamentally western notion popularized by nightingale and introduced to china in 1884-profoundly changed the way care of the sick was practiced. for 65 years, until 1949, nursing developed in china as a transnational project, with western and chinese influences shaping the profession of nursing in ways that linger today. co-authored by chinese, canadian, and american nurs ...201728631346
nursing education trial using a virtual nightingale ward.nursing department students are expected to correctly grasp the entire concept of nursing through their education. the authors created a movie of a nightingale ward (virtual ward, hereafter) with an architectural computer design software for education. the students' reaction to the virtual ward was categorized into three viewpoints: that of nurses, of patients, and of nurses and patients in common. most of the reactions in each viewpoint were: "easy to observe patients" in the nurses' viewpoint; ...201728626129
resign en masse or strike - it is time for nurses to get tough.the annual florence nightingale memorial service, held in westminster abbey to commemorate international nurses day on may 12, is a poignant occasion where you feel you are renewing your nursing vows.201728610494
assisted therapy with dogs is an effective tool.cases of animal-assisted therapy (aat) have been documented as far back as 1869, when florence nightingale used it with her patients ( goddard and gilmer 2015 ).201728604217
establishing a nurse-led pelvic floor and functional bowel service.jane turner, colorectal nurse specialist, cardiff and vale university health board, was awarded a travel scholarship by the florence nightingale foundation. she used it to find out about the running of nurse-led pelvic floor and functional bowel services around the uk.201728594614
crisis at guy's hospital (1880) and the nature of nursing work.this historical study aims to refine understanding of the nature of nursing work. the study focuses on the 1880 crisis at guy's hospital in london to examine the nature and meaning of nursing work, particularly the concept of nursing work as many 'little things.' in this paper, an examination of margaret lonsdale's writing offers an original contribution to our understanding of the ways in which nursing work differs from medical practice. in this way, we use the late-nineteenth-century controver ...201728544051
nightingale commemoration.the life and legacy of florence nightingale has been celebrated at westminster abbey.201728537162
role of nurses in supporting patients to self-manage chronic conditions.the burden of chronic illness is increasing globally as a result of increased life expectancy, unhealthy lifestyles, and advances in medical interventions and treatments. therefore, people living with chronic conditions, and their families, will have to assume greater responsibility in managing such conditions. however, to do so they require appropriate support from healthcare services. this article explores some of the tensions that hinder the self-management of chronic conditions. it emphasise ...201728513400
a sense of belonging unites queen's 1893, florence nightingale said hospitals are 'only an intermediate stage of civilization, never intended at all even to take in the whole sick population'.201728513367
saving lives for 35 years: sentara nightingale looks forward.the nightingale regional air ambulance program, operated by norfolk, va-based not-for-profit sentara healthcare, is marking its 35th year of operation in 2017, having surpassed 20,000 safe flights. looking ahead, the program is adding ifr capabilities, designated landing zones to rendezvous with ems partners and clinical training in a simulation lab, and collaborating with cardiac and neurology services to provide quicker interventions for stemi and stroke patients at sentara norfolk general hos ...201728499678
modernising patient clothing: a florence nightingale foundation project.christine fitzgerald, matron at the hillingdon hospitals nhs foundation trust (currently on secondment) discusses a project to boost patient self-esteem and dignity through the clothing provided for them to wear.201728453329
scholarship offers chance to learn and get ahead.have you ever considered studying nursing practice overseas, undertaking a bespoke leadership programme or engaging in a clinical research project? if so, a florence nightingale foundation scholarship could be for you.201728443447
reducing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases.cardiovascular disease and other non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory disease, are a leading cause of premature death and disability worldwide. this article emphasises the importance of prevention in reducing death and disability from preventable non-communicable diseases, especially for individuals with established risk factors for these diseases. it reviews global initiatives to reduce morality rates from these diseases, identifies opportunities for nurse ...201728421965
the origins of a two-tier profession: a nursing school at a poor law infirmary.niall mccrae, lecturer, and katerina kuzminska, postgraduate nursing student, florence nightingale faculty of nursing and midwifery, king's college, london, chart the influences of nightingale's poor law infirmary reforms.201728328273
effective pain management in patients in hospital.chronic pain is experienced by between one third and one half of the uk population. nurses should ensure that patients' pain is assessed and managed when they present to hospital, including pre-existing chronic pain and acute pain as a result of trauma or surgical interventions. acute pain that is inadequately managed may result in chronic pain, impeding the patient's return to normal function and daily activities. depression and increasing age affect the likelihood of patients experiencing chro ...201728293996
more senior bme nurses on agenda for new chief.the new chief executive at the florence nightingale foundation, ursula ward, is keen to promote black and minority ethnic (bme) issues and tackle systemic problems in nursing.201728271781
'you get out what you put in'.chris o'connor trained at the nightingale school of nursing at st thomas' hospital in london, qualifying as a mental health nurse in 1993. he worked in acute psychiatry, and learning disabilities and older people's services, before becoming head of nursing practice for a london mental health trust. his current role is nurse consultant for dementia and older people at east surrey hospital.201728247798
what is a nurse? the francis report and the historic voice of nursing.following the francis report into shockingly deficient standards of care at an english hospital, this paper examines uk nurse education and revisits the premises on which the professional narrative of nursing was built. the uk government's response to the report is to introduce the "associate nurse" role, to be nationally trained to do fundamental care in place of the registered nurse, and a nursing apprenticeship scheme-on-the-job training for a nursing degree. uk nursing bodies do not address ...201728239918
the nightingale experience: a community service collaboration between a magnet® hospital and nursing program. 201728234764
florence nightingale, saintly rebel.gillian gill's biography reveals the woman behind the legend.201728230692
the history of evidence-based practice in nursing education and practice.beginning with florence nightingale in the 1800s and evolving again within the medical community, evidence-based practice continues to advance along with the nursing discipline. evidence-based practice is foundational to undergraduate and graduate nursing education and is a way for the nursing discipline to minimize the theory to practice gap. this article discusses the concept of evidence-based practice from a historical perspective as it relates to nursing in the educational and practice domai ...201728131148
an evaluation of the florence nightingale foundation scholarships.the florence nightingale foundation (fnf) is a charity that awards scholarships in leadership, travel and research to nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals to promote excellence in practice. the fnf offers mentoring support to scholars, and provides support with career development and writing articles for publication, in addition to the financial award. the leadership scholarships are bespoke: leadership scholars can access a range of development opportunities that are specially co ...201728098011
working in partnership with patients and policy and healthcare professional guidelines promote patient and carer involvement, which includes working in partnership with service users in all aspects of healthcare provision, research and education. this article explores the expectations for nurses to work in partnership with patients and carers, examines the definitions and theories of working in partnership and related concepts, as well as considering examples of partnership working in nursing practice.201627925563
clinical academic careers: embracing the art and science of nursing.clinical academics make a unique contribution to health research and scholarship by undertaking practice-focused research that offers direct benefits to patient care. the florence nightingale foundation supports the development of research skills in nursing and midwifery through its scholarships and by establishing a network of chairs in clinical nursing practice research. the florence nightingale foundation also provides leadership scholarships to deans and aspiring deans of university facultie ...201627892230
clean up florence nightingale statue and 'show her respect', petition urges.a campaign has been launched to move a florence nightingale statue in derbyshire amid concerns about antisocial behaviour.201627745073
mary seacole and claims of evidence-based practice and global influence.the aim of this paper was to explore the contribution of mary seacole to nursing and health care, notably in comparison with that of florence nightingale.201627708811
nursing's code of ethics, social ethics, and social policy.modern american nursing arose during the civil war and subsequently adopted the nightingale educational model in the 1870s. by 1889, the journal trained nurse and hospital review had been established. it published a six-part series on ethics in nursing. with the establishment of the american nurses association in 1893, the articles of incorporation gave the organization its first charge: "to establish and maintain a code of ethics." while the rich and enduring tradition of nursing's ethics has b ...201627649923
i'm saddened by statue debate.mary seacole and florence nightingale would have been saddened by the continuing arguments within the profession and the media over the relative prominence of their statues and which of them has the greatest legacy (news, 29 june).201627440351
[congratulations - florence nightingale]. 201627430059
nursing in ghana: a search for florence nightingale in an african city.nursing in ghana is a crucial subject that permeates almost every issue in the society especially the field of hospital care. to a large extent, the frontiers of nursing have expanded since the time of florence nightingale. globally some studies have been done to study nursing icons like her. the values in nursing practice however continue to preoccupy our minds. the need to accentuate the gains made by historical figures in nursing in present times as well as the nature of interactions between ...201627382644
the two nursing disciplinary scientific revolutions: florence nightingale and martha e. rogers.the purpose of this essay is to share kan koffi's ideas about scientific revolutions in the discipline of nursing. koffi has proposed that the works of florence nightingale and martha e. rogers represent two scientific revolutions in nursing as a learned discipline. the outcome of these two scientific revolutions is a catalyst for critical disciplinary and paradigmatic debate about the universal conceptualization of nursing's distinctive professional and scientific knowledge.201627271140
florence nightingale would have taken on the political fight, and so should we.i agree with mike travis' comments (letters april 20) about the role and responsibilities of the trade union movement, and those of the rcn in caring for and fighting politically on behalf of nurses at all levels.201627206198
visiting the lady with the have two options if you want to see the florence nightingale museum. london's st thomas' hospital is visitor-friendly with a beautiful display, but if you want context you have to fly to turkey.201627206181
patient-centered homes and integrated behavioral health care: reclaiming the role of "consultant" for psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner.the notion of patient-centered care has long been linked with nursing practice since florence nightingale. the discipline of nursing is focused on the holistic care of individuals, families, and communities in times of sickness and/or health. however, in psychiatric-mental health nursing, the concepts of mental health and psychiatric illness still remain marginalized in our health care delivery systems, as well as in nursing education, knowledge development, and practice. even with the concept o ...201627144999
scholarship can help ideas from the florence nightingale foundation are providing nurses with the financial means to put innovative ideas into practice. nurses from all four countries of the uk can apply for leadership, travel and research scholarships to support their career development and help improve patient care.201626959448
cardiovascular nursing: from florence to melbourne.this paper, based on the 2015 csanz cardiovascular nursing lecture, takes its title from the invitation to give this lecture in melbourne being received when the author was visiting florence, after whom florence nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, is named. her work has indirectly shaped and influenced cardiovascular nursing, which has developed over the past 50 years. despite its relatively short history, cardiovascular nursing has made a major contribution to improving the cardiovascul ...201626935162 the on the move column in our february 10 issue we said that abigail masterson has been appointed chief executive of the florence nightingale foundation. in fact she is deputy chief executive. we also described her as a former nurse, but ms masterson remains on the professional register. we apologise for the error.201626884034
efficacy of the nurse ethicist in reducing moral distress: what can the nhs learn from the usa? part the second of two interrelated articles exploring the concept of moral distress, this article will discuss the efficacy of the nurse ethicist in reducing moral distress. the author will draw on the current literature and on her experiences while in the usa to discuss the ways in which moral distress is being addressed at the team/unit and institutional/organisational levels. it is argued that the nature of moral distress in the uk should be explored further, and that many of the tools used to ...201626878407
the florence nightingale effect: organizational identification explains the peculiar link between others' suffering and workplace functioning in the homelessness sector.frontline employees in the helping professions often perform their duties against a difficult backdrop, including a complex client base and ongoing themes of crisis, suffering, and distress. these factors combine to create an environment in which workers are vulnerable to workplace stress and burnout. the present study tested two models to understand how frontline workers in the homelessness sector deal with the suffering of their clients. first, we examined whether relationships between sufferi ...201626858670
longer wings for faster springs - wing length relates to spring phenology in a long-distance migrant across its migratory birds, morphological adaptations for efficient migratory flight often oppose morphological adaptations for efficient behavior during resident periods. this includes adaptations in wing shape for either flying long distances or foraging in the vegetation and in climate-driven variation of body size. in addition, the timing of migratory flights and particularly the timely arrival at local breeding sites is crucial because fitness prospects depend on site-specific phenology. thus, adap ...201626811775
efficacy of the nurse ethicist in reducing moral distress: what can the nhs learn from the usa?having first been introduced to nursing 30 years ago, 'moral distress' is not a new concept. despite this, original research exploring moral distress has been largely absent from nursing literature produced in the uk, yet it has received increasing interest in the usa. nurse researchers there have sought to explore, measure and understand moral distress. they are now beginning to develop and test ways in which the effects of moral distress can be reduced. the author of this article travelled to ...201626768043
role of the hospital environment in norovirus containment.norovirus is an important cause of gastroenteritis in healthcare settings; these infections occur frequently, are highly contagious, and can be difficult to control. norovirus outbreaks were investigated during a 3-month enhanced surveillance period from 1 february to 30 april 2015 in 6 london, united kingdom, hospitals (coded a-e). during this surveillance period, 1379 stool samples were tested for the presence of norovirus. of these, 129 (9.4%) demonstrated the presence of norovirus rna. two o ...201626744426
how real-time data can improve patient care.ever since florence nightingale analysed the causes of death of british soldiers in the crimea, interpreting and analysing data has been used to improve nursing. now some forms of data, such as electronically recorded patient observations, are instantly available to nurses and managers. this article outlines how real-time data can be used to improve patient care, staff efficiency and overall management of hospitals.201626548281
a chance to meet miss nightingale. 201526530553
comparing palliative care provision in india and the uk.the prince & princess of wales hospice in glasgow is committed to developing culturally competent, sensitive services to meet the needs of local ethnic minority communities. the clinical nurse specialist for widening access travelled to india, funded by a travel scholarship from the florence nightingale foundation. the main rationale for this visit was to observe and compare palliative care practice in india in community, hospice and hospital settings with the current service provision by the ho ...201626500126
florence nightingale and the conundrum of counting icu beds. 201526468709
quetelet and the emergence of the behavioral sciences.adolphe quetelet was one of the most prominent figures of the second half of the nineteenth century, yet in present-day histories of several social sciences the impact of his ideas is widely ignored. the first part consists of a sketch of his life and work. astronomer and statistician, he sought to apply the mathematical tools of astronomy to create was has been called a 'mathematics of society'. in particular he demonstrated regularities in the incidence of various social phenomena, notably cri ...201526361574
florence nightingale: the mother of nursing. 201526339672
i. k. brunel's crimean war hospital. re: crimean mortality, florence nightingale and mary seacole. 201526211028
models of care choices in today's nursing workplace: where does team nursing sit?this paper provides an overview of the developmental history of models of care (moc) in nursing since florence nightingale introduced nurse training programs in a drive to make nursing a discipline-based career option. the four principal choices of models of nursing care delivery (primary nursing, individual patient allocation, team nursing and functional nursing) are outlined and discussed, and recent moc literature reviewed. the paper suggests that, given the ways work is being rapidly reconfi ...201526143068
corrigendum.the article florence nightingale (1820-1910) and sir john forbes (1787-1861): neighbours in old burlington street, westminster (doi: 10.1177/0967772013505051) by robin agnew, which appeared in the journal of medical biography volume 23, issue 2, included a date error. on page 95 of the issue, 'promulgated by auenbrugger in 1876 […]' should be 'promulgated by auenbrugger in 1761 […]'.201526113149
multiple song features are related to paternal effort in common nightingales.sexual ornamentation may be related to the degree of paternal care and the 'good-parent' model predicts that male secondary characters honestly advertise paternal investment. in most birds, males are involved in bringing up the young and successful reproduction highly depends on male contribution during breeding. in passerines, male song is indicative of male attributes and for few species it has been shown that song features also signal paternal investment to females. males of nightingales lusc ...201526084455
nesfatin-1 levels and metabolic markers in polycystic ovary syndrome.nesfatin-1 is a novel hormone synthesized in hypothalamus and several other specific organs to regulate eating habits, appetite and is thought to be related to ovarian functions. in our study, we aimed to evaluate the nesfatin-1 levels with other metabolic parameters in polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos), a condition that is known to be related to both ovarian functions and obesity. study subjects were chosen from the women attended to the obstetrics and gynecology department of istanbul bilim uni ...201526062107
"holding on to nightingale myths will damage her legacy". 201626012101
british icons and catholic perfidy--anglo-saxon historiography and the battle for crimean war nursing.taking as its starting point carr's view that historical narrative reflects the preoccupations of the time in which it is written and foucault's concept of consensual historical discourse as the outcome of a social struggle in which the victor suppresses or at least diminishes contrary versions of historical events in favour of their own, this paper traces and discusses the historical narrative of british nursing in the crimean war and, in particular, three competing narratives that have arisen ...201625982961
patient safety/quality improvement (ps/qi): florence nightingale prevails. 201525953909
is administration of trastuzumab an independent risk factor for developing osteonecrosis of the jaw among metastatic breast cancer patients under zoledronic acid treatment?one of the most important adverse effects of zoledronic acid (za) is osteonecrosis of the jaw (onj). in previous literature, several risk factors have been identified in the development of onj. in this study, we aimed to determine the role of trastuzumab, an antiangiogenic agent, as an independent risk factor for the development of this serious side effect.our study included 97 patients (mean age: 54 ± 10 years) with breast cancer, recorded in the archives of the istanbul florence nightingale br ...201525950681
managing cytotoxic chemotherapy extravasation: use of saline washout.florence nightingale foundation scholar karen harrold received funding to support her phd exploring the patient experience of saline washout as a management strategy for chemotherapy extravasation. she discusses the focus of her thesis, the completion of phase one and looks ahead to phase two.201525904536
hybrid vascular surgery approaches for multilevel arterial occlusive disease.the incidence of multilevel vascular occlusive disease is increased with patient age. multilevel arterial occlusive disease cases are some of the hardest in the vascular surgical realm because of the comorbidities. in these high-risk patients inflow constrictions may limit the success of distal bypasses. at the same time the constrictions in the outflow may necessitate long bypass circuits that have less long-term patency rates.201525881221
success is not final: onward to the future 
of evidence-based practice.the oncology nursing society (ons) is celebrating its 40th anniversary, so it seems only fitting that this column focuses on how evidence-based practice (ebp) has evolved for oncology nurses and ons during the past 40 years. ebp has been around for a very long time. in the famous notes on nursing published in 1860, florence nightingale noted that, "the most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe-how to observe-what symptoms can indicate improvemen ...201525840378
registered nurses' descriptions of caring: a phenomenographic interview study.nursing has come a long way since the days of florence nightingale and even though no consensus exists it would seem reasonable to assume that caring still remains the inner core, the essence of nursing. in the light of the societal, contextual and political changes that have taken place during the 21st century, it is important to explore whether these might have influenced the essence of nursing. the aim of this study was to describe registered nurses' conceptions of caring.201525834478
report from the 2014 scoliosis research society travelling fellowship.the scoliosis research society traveling fellowship was conceptualized in 1970, repeated in 1972, and, after a pause, restarted in 1993. international traveling fellows visiting north america first commenced in 2000 and have since alternated annually with the north american fellows. although a senior fellow had always traveled with them, in 2012 the first senior international fellow traveled with the group. this year, the senior fellow was daniel chopin from the neuro-orthopedic spine unit, lill ...201527927300
what florence nightingale awards mean. 201525643560
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 1384