
historical outbreak of salmonella hadar.this article reports a historical outbreak of salmonella hadar in a maternity setting. the outbreak occurred following admission of an infected index case, with transmission to 11 other individuals over a three-month period in a maternity and neonatal unit.201526184663
the first attempt of an active integrated laboratory-based salmonella surveillance programme in the north-eastern region of identify the sources of salmonella contamination, distribution, prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns, which have significant impact on public and animal health, and international trade.201323848364
[epidemiological characteristics of salmonellosis in new zagreb during the 1990-2009 period].in croatia, salmonellosis is the leading cause of bacterial foodborne diseases. the aim of the study was to determine the incidence of the disease, patient breakdown by age and sex, the most frequently isolated salmonella serotypes, the length of carriership, and the most frequent source of infection. it was a retrospective analysis, and the sources of data were reports and epidemiological questionnaires administered to those affected with the disease. during the 1990-2009 period, 4492 cases of ...201121568073
emergence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and ampc-type beta-lactamases in human salmonella isolated in spain from 2001 to study the resistance to third-generation cephalosporins in salmonella strains isolated from humans in a 5 year period in spain, and to identify the responsible genes and their dissemination.200919815633
contamination of salmonella spp. in a pig finishing herd, from the arrival of the animals to the slaughterhouse.the aim of the present study was to investigate the contamination sources and the transmission of salmonella within a pig finishing herd in italy. nine sets of samples were collected during the fattening period from cleaned and disinfected pens, animals at different ages (4 days after arrival, 90, 150, 170 and 240 days of age) and at slaughter. salmonella was isolated from cleaned pens, individual faecal samples, the truck used to transport the pigs to the abattoir and after slaughter (cecal con ...200818230403
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