
bionomics and vectorial capacity of anopheles annularis with special reference to india: a review.anopheles annularis is widely distributed mosquito species all over the country. an. annularis has been incriminated as a malaria vector in india, sri lanka, bangladesh, myanmar, indonesia, malaysia and china. in india, it has been reported to play an important role in malaria transmission as a secondary vector in certain parts of assam, west bengal and u.p. in odisha and some neighbouring countries such as sri lanka, nepal and myanmar it has been recognised as a primary vector of malaria. this ...201425141549
molecular identification of mosquito species in the anopheles annularis group in southern asia.the anopheles annularis group of subgenus cellia theobald (diptera: culicidae) includes five currently recognized species in southern asia: an. annularis van der wulp, anopheles nivipes (theobald) and anopheles philippinensis ludlow, which are widespread in the region, anopheles pallidus theobald, which is known in sri lanka, india and myanmar, and anopheles schueffneri stanton, which occurs in java and sumatra. identification of the four mainland species based on morphology is problematic. in v ...200717373944
pcr-rflp method for the identification of four members of the anopheles annularis group of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae).the anopheles annularis group of mosquitoes is widely distributed in southeast asia and may be locally important as malaria vectors. members of this group are morphologically very similar and often difficult to distinguish, particularly a. nivipes and a. philippinensis. we report the sequence analysis of the rdna internal transcribed spacer 2 (its2) and domain-3 (d3) regions of the four members of the a. annularis group -a. nivipes, a. philippinensis, a. annularis and a. pallidus - and a method ...200716806334
bacterial isolates from laboratory colonies of anopheles annularis. 19883241069
a note on adaptation of anopheles annularis van der wulp, kanchanaburi, thailand to free mating in a 30 x 30 x 30 cm cage. 19836673134
laboratory observations on the ovipositional preferences of anopheles annularis. 19807229317
successful laboratory colonization of anopheles annularis van der wulp, 1834. 19807451936
malaria epidemiology in an area of stable transmission in tribal population of jharkhand, india.malaria remains an important health problem in india with approximately 1 million cases in 2014. of these, 7% occurred in the jharkhand state mainly in the tribal population.201728464875
molecular typing and phylogeny of wolbachia: a study from assam, north-eastern part of india.wolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbiotic alphaproteobacteria, infecting 40-75% of arthropod species. knowledge on distribution of native strains infecting mosquito vectors from endemic regions is essential for successful implementation of vector control interventions utilizing potential strains of wolbachia. study identified various native strains of wolbachia inhabiting different mosquito species from field and colonised conditions of assam. the fly drosophila melanogaster was also incl ...201728939497
molecular characterization of anopheline (diptera: culicidae) mosquitoes from eight geographical locations of sri lanka.genus anopheles is a major mosquito group of interest in sri lanka as it includes vectors of malaria and its members exist as species complexes. taxonomy of the group is mainly based on morphological features, which are not conclusive and can be easily erased while handling the specimens. a combined effort, using morphology and dna barcoding (using the markers cytochrome c oxidase subunit i (coi) gene and internal transcribed spacer 2 (its2) region, was made during the present study to recognize ...201728578667
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