
the biosynthesis of a choline nucleotide by a cell-free extract from streptococcus pneumoniae.choline, a component of the wall teichoic acid of streptococcus pneumoniae, was converted to cytidine diphosphocholine via choline phosphate by enzymes which were identified in cell-free extracts of the pneumococcus. the first enzyme, choline kinase, was investigated in some detail. it appeared to have a ph optimum of 7.3 to 7.4 and was stimulated by mg2+. kinetic studies gave an apparent michaelis constant (km) for atp of i mm, and for choline of 0.19 mm, with vmax values of 3 nmol min-1 (mg pr ...197717650
phosphonic analogues as antagonists of amino acid excitants. 197717707
heterogeneity of staphylococcal enterotoxin a on isoelectric focusing and disc electrophoresis.heterogeneity of purified staphylococcal enterotoxin a, obtained from a culture supernatant of staphylococcus aureus, strain 13n-2909, was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing. the toxin was composed of three immunologically identical fractions with isoelectric points of 6.5, 7.0 and approximately 8.0. heterogeneity of the toxin was also shown by disc electrophoresis. at ph 8.0 and 9.4 two major bands and a faint minor band were observed, while at ph 4.3 only one band was observed. the faster-mo ...197717815
factors influencing l-asparaginase production by staphylococci.cultural and nutritional requirements for a maximum synthesis of 1-asparaginase by staphylococci were determined. the best production of the enzyme was found in the stationary phase of growth of a batch culture. the highest 1-asparaginase yield was obtained when the culture were aerated during an exponential phase of growth and further incubated in the stationary phase. optimum ph for the enzyme production was 7.5. glucose inhibited the enzyme formation. maximum yield of 1-asparaginase was obtai ...197717983
bacteremia in hospitalized children.the results of 6,951 blood cultures taken from hospitalized children are reviewed. one or more organisms grew from 6% (399) of the cultures, of which 189 (two thirds) were considered to represent confirmed bacteremia. the most common organisms associated with bacteremia were haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae, enterobacteriaceae, and staphylococcus aureus. patients with deficient host defenses (newborns, oncology patients) with bacteremia had a higher mortality than normal children ...197718005
neural control of glycogen content and its diurnal rhythm in mouse pineal adult male dd mice, possible mechanisms regulating the glycogen content in the pineal cell were investigated by a semiquantitative histochemical method, with particular reference to the role of the sympathetic innervation. reserpine, superior cervical ganglionectomy (scgx), or decentralization of the ganglia (dc), as well as continuous light, prevented the nocturnal decrease in the glycogen content, causing a marked increase, and caused a gradual decrease in the size of the pineal cell. in th ...197718016
azlocillin: in vitro studies of a new semisynthetic penicillin.the activity of azlocillin, a new semisynthetic penicillin, was determined against 582 clinical isolates of gram-negative bacilli and gram-positive cocci. over 75% of the isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa were inhibited at a concentration of 12.5 mug or less per ml. azlocillin is also active against indole-negative and -positive proteus spp., inhibiting 98 and 71%, respectively, at a concentration of 12.5 mug or less per ml. isolates of klebsiella spp. and enterobacter spp. showed less suscepti ...197718083
acetate uptake by the unicellular cyanobacteria synechococcus and aphanocapsa. 197718124
effect of 30 months in a locked environment on the microbial flora of dogs. 197718131
distribution of steroids, steroid production and steroid metabolizing enzymes in rat testis. 197518321
studies of binding c3-substitute rifamycins to human and bovine serum albumin.the interactions of a series of c3-substituted rifamycins with human and bovine serum albumins were studied in order to find possible correlations between the degree of binding and the structural features of the various molecules. the results obtained indicate some of the physicochemical properties and, therefore, of the structural requirements which appear to determine or influence the bonding mechanisms of this series of rifamycins. two types of interaction were found to exist, ionic and hydro ...197718428
prognosis of pneumonia: sputum culture and gram stain. 197718694
accentuation of staphylococcal hemolysis (camp-like test) by pneumococci.a camp-like phenomenon can be observed in streptococcus pneumoniae. it is supposed to be caused likewise as in group b streptococci by a haemolysis accentuating factor. however, the form of the accentuated haemolysis is different from that in group b streptococci and similar to that in listeria.197718864
effects of microiontophoretically applied putative transmitters on cortical neurons under conditioning proceedings. 197718874
adrenergic mechanisms in infection. iii. alpha-and beta-receptor blocking agents in treatment.raised epinephrine concentrations concentrations developed in the blood of mice near death after an intraperitoneal challenge with 10(9) staphylococcus aureus or escherichia coli. both epinephrine levels were elevated in the urine near death. these challenges were infections and not intoxications, as they could be successfully treated with antibiotics. using the same model infections, we studied the effect of alpha-and beta-receptor blocking agents and other adrenergically active compounds. the ...197718930
pathogenesis of otitis media. 197718976
delineation of the relative antibacterial activity of cefamandole and cefamandole conventional laboratory evaluation procedures, the in vitro antibacterial activities of cefamandole and its o-formyl ester, cefamandole nafate, appear virtually identical. when the activities of these two compounds were examined for their ability to lyse log-phase cultures of susceptible bacteria, however, cefamandole was found to be about 10 times more active than cefamandole nafate. cefamandole nafate was shown to be rapidly converted to cefamandole in bacteriological media, with a half-lif ...197718988
purification and properties of glyoxalase i from sheep liver. 197519241
effect of temperature on bacterial killing by serum and by polymorphonuclear leukocytes.bacterial killing by serum alone and by polymorphonuclear )pmn) leukocytes was studied at 37 degrees c and compared with killing at 39 and 41 degrees c. the test organisms for serum killing were staphylococcus aureus 502a (serum resistant) and escherichia coli o14 (serum sensitive). the organisms used in pmn killing tests were streptococcus pneumoniae type 29 and e. coli o86.s aureus was not killed by serum alone at any temperature. changes in temperature did not affect the rate of serum killing ...197719356
allantoin transport in saccharomyces cerevisiae.allantoin uptake in both growing and resting cultures of saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs by a low-km (ca. 15 micrometer) transport system that uses energy that is likely generated in the cytoplasm. this conclusion was based on the observation that transport did not occur in the absence of glucose or the presence of dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide-m-chloro-phenyl hydrazine, fluoride, or arsenate ions. normal uptake was observed, however, in the presence of cyanide. the rate of accumulation was ma ...197719421
soterenol and related compounds: molecular modifications and changes in selectivity, affinity and efficacy at beta-adrenoreceptors in guinea-pig atria and trachea. 197720258
purification of protease from staphylococcus aureus (author's transl).380 (80%) of 475 staphylococcus aureus cultures isolated from humans, cattle and dogs were proteolytically active either on casein or gelatin or both (table 1). protease-activity could also be demonstrated in experimental body-cavities of rabbits (fig. 1). the enzyme-activity was estimated with azocasein. protease from s. aureus, m 135 precipitated from the culture supernatant with ammonium sulfate at 65% saturation (table 2). it was purified by 2 filtrations on ultrogel aca 44 (fig. 2,3) and su ...197720720
experimental cryptorchidism in adult male rats: histological and hormonal sequelae.mature male rats were rendered cryptorchid and followed for up to nine weeks during which serial blood specimens were obtained for multiple hormonal analyses; serial testicular samples were obtained as well. in contrast with control animals, cryptorchid rats showed transient rises in fsh which returned to normal at the end of the study; estrogen levels were high in the final weeks. plasma testosterone levels were unchanged and lh levels changed little. light and electron microscopic studies of t ...197720820
conditional killing effect of staphylococcin 1580 and repair of sublethal injury in staphylococcus aureus.treatment of sensitive cells with staphylococcin 1580, a bacteriocin of staphylococcus epidermidis, rapidly induced gross changes in the permeability of the membrane. however, only a small fraction of the cells was killed when treated cells were plated on media containing low amounts of salts. killing was greatly enhanced by increasing the amounts of small cations incorporated in the plate medium and raising the alkalinity of the medium. the effect of cations correlated inversely with the ion ra ...197720837
aerobic glycolysis in bone in the context of membrane-compartmentalization. 197721023
efficient sporulation of yeast in media buffered near ph6.diploid cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae underwent meiosis and sporulation when placed in 1% potassium acetate sporulation medium. in unbuffered sporulation medium the ph rose very rapidly, reaching ph 8.4 after 2 h of sporulation. under these conditions, the uptake of radioactive adenine and lysine was extremely limited, and ascus formation was insensitive to inhibitors such as 5-fluorouracil and canavanine. by using several different buffers, we showed that an increase in the ph of sporulatio ...197721160
evidence for more than one type of 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor in the human colon.the actions of methysergide, a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) antagonist, have been examined on muscle strips taken from the circular and longitudinal layers of the human colon. relaxations of the longitudinal muscle to 5-ht were antagonized by concentrations of methysergide known to be selective. relaxations of the circular muscle to 5-ht were unaffected by similar concentrations of methysergide. responses of both types of muscle to 5-ht were partially reduced by tetrodotoxin. furthermore there was ...197721257
septicemia in the elderly (author's transl).out of 1,251 patients above 65 years of age staying at the charles foix hospital (prolonged hospitalization) and the st. joseph hospital (acute cases), 168 had one or more positive blood cultures. urinary tract infection is a major source of septicemia due to gram negative bacilli. it is important to stress cases of septicemia due to pneumococcal pneumoniae, eschars, and other skin lesions. mortality varies between 33 and 36%, depending upon the hospital. collapse, although infrequent, still por ...197721383
determinants of lung bacterial clearance in mice after acute lung bacterial clearance in normal mice is determined by the balance of in vivo bacterial multiplication on the one hand, and the defense mechanisms of mucociliary clearance and phagocytosis and killing by the oxygen-dependent alveolar macrophage on the other. the bactericidal function of the macrophage is the major component of the defense mechanism. the effect of acute hypoxia on the defense mechanism was studied in mice exposed to aerosols of staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, klebs ...197721603
hepatotoxicity of erythromycin estolate during pregnancy.women in the second half of pregnancy, who were infected with genital mycoplasmas and who gave written informed consent, were randomly assigned to receive capsules of identical appearance containing erythromycin estolate, clindamycin hydrochloride, or a placebo for 6 weeks. levels of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (sgot) were determined before and during treatment by a fluorometric method. all pretreatment levels of sgot were normal (<41 units). participants who received erythromycin est ...197721610
effect of pindolol on experimental hypertension in the dog. comparison with propranolol, practolol, oxprenolol, bupranolol, alprenolol and butoxamine. 197721636
glutamine synthetase control of nitrogen fixation in rhizobia. 197721651
effects of benzodiazepine derivatives on the cns (author's transl). 197721725
energy requirements for maltose transport in yeast.maltose transport in yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) is inhibited by uncouplers under conditions where the intracellular concentration of the sugar is lower than in the medium. the uncouplers did not deplete the atp content of the yeast cells and a 50--100-fold reduction in atp caused by antimycin and 2-deoxyglucose had no effect on maltose transport. in atp-depleted cells, the maltose transported is partially hydrolyzed to glucose but not further metabolized and therefore a mechanism of transp ...197721792
autacoid and anaphylactic reactivity of pulmonary and hepatic smooth musculature of the cat.histamine, 2-methylhistamine (2-meh: a relatively specific h1 receptor agonist), 5-ht, carbachol, bradykinin (bk) and pgf2alpha contract isolated cat pulmonary vein, artery and hepatic vein. pge1, pgf2alpha and 4-methylhistamine (4-meh: a relatively specific h2-receptor agonist) contract pulmonary arterial strips but further increase in the dose of pge1 produces relaxation. isoproterenol relaxes partially contracted blood vessels at low doses, but contracts at high doses. cat trachea contracts t ...197721798
comparison of an aceclidine tremor with arecoline and nicotine ones in rats of different ages.a comparative characterization of a tremor produced by aceclidine (0.5--200 mg/kg), arecoline (1--30 mg/kg) and nicotine (0.1--8 mg/kg) in rats of different age is given and the influence on the tremor of atropine sulphate (1--100 mg/kg) and scopolamine hydrobromide hydrobromide (2.5 mg/kg) described. the common character of effects produced by aceclidine and arecoline was ascertained. the tremor develops in rats aged 7--8 days and its maximum duration is in rattlings of junior and medium age. m ...197721806
rabbit intestinal fluid stimulation by an enterotoxigenic factor of staphylococcus exoprotein of staphylococcus aureus 100 that elicited a positive ileal loop response in the rabbit model was investigated in this study. the protein, as it occurred in the culture supernatant fluid, could be detected initially in the late log phase of growth under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. it was stable under acidic conditions to ph 2.0 after 24 h at 4 degrees c. thirty-minute treatments at 80 degrees c destroyed the ileal loop activity whereas similar trials at 70 degrees c had no ef ...197721850
a prospective analysis interstitial pneumonia and opportunistic viral infection among recipients of allogeneic bone marrow grafts.a prospective study of 80 bone marrow transplant recipients with acute leukemia and aplastic anemia employed serial viral cultures, determination of complement-fixing antibody to cytomegalovirus (cmv), and study of material obtained from open lung biopsy and autopsy. there were 43 episodes of interstitial pneumonia, 28 of which were fatal. about 40% of the cases were idiopathic. cmv was the most common candidate pathogen, present in 47% of affected lungs. by a median of 53 days following transpl ...197721931
the age dependence of bile acid metabolism in rats.the age dependence of bile acid metabolism in rats was investigated and the following results were obtained. 1) synthesis rate, pool size and total secretion decreased in old rats (24 month) significantly compared to young rats (6 weeks). 2) the quotient of taurine to glycine conjugates is is significant lower in old rats compared to young rats. 3) the lithogenic index remains unchanged in all age groups. 4) old rats show a significantly higher km for cholic acid uptake, whereas the diffusion co ...197722256
surface properties of cells of some methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus aureus.methicillin-sensitive (ms) cells of staphylococcus aureus had a minimum electrophoretic mobility at ph 4.5, whereas methicillin-resistant (mr) strains showed only a slight plateau effect. trypsin removed the trough effect of the ms oxford strain. there was no correlation between surface lipid and resistance in mr strains. cell walls of ms strains contained much more teichoic acid than walls of mr strains. lysostaphin lysed all mr and ms strains, and mucopeptide does not appear to be involved in ...197722530
comparison of the ribonucleoproteins of different rabies virus serotypes by radioimmunoassay.radioimmunoassay (ria) provides a sensitive serological procedure for detecting rabies virus ribonucleoprotein (rnp) as well as its specific antibodies, ria was carried out using highly purified rnps labelled by the chloramine-t method. this paper describes optimal conditions for iodination of rnp with high specific activity. the optimal concentrations of 125i, rnp, chloramine-t, and reducing agent as well as the effect of ph on the reaction were investigated. ria proved to be extremely sensitiv ...197722569
the influence of adrenalectomy on monoamine oxidase and nadh cytochrome c reductase in the rat heart.the effect of adrenalectomy on the activities of monoamine oxidase (mao), nadh cytochrome c reductase (ncr), succinate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, fumarase, nad+ nucleosidase and acid phosphatase in homogenates of rat hearts was examined. besides mao only the ncr activity increased. however, both the total and the rotenone-insensitive ncr activities increased, with that of the rotenone-insensitive being about half of the total, which indicated that the effect of adrenalectomy was exerte ...197722598
the mechanism of the release of prostaglandin-like activity from guinea-pig isolated ileum. 197722612
the mode of action of tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (ctab) on staphylococcus aureus proceedings. 197722699
influence of (ethoxy)5 octyl phenol on the antibacterial properties of preservatives proceedings. 197722700
pharmaceutical significance of plasmid-mediated mercury resistance proceedings. 197722704
the effect of urea on the activity of some antimicrobial compounds proceedings. 197722705
de-iodination of labelled protein during intestinal transmission in the suckling rat. 197722858
ph and the effect of fluoride and zinc on protein and collagen biosynthesis in rabbit dental pulp in vitro.the effect of ph in the range 6.6-8.2 on the incorporation of 14c-proline into the rabbit dental pulp incubated in vitro has been studied. the amount of label in the cold tca-soluble pool, total protein, and hydroxyproline (i.e. collagen) of the pulp tissue increased linearly with ph in all three fractions. a similar increase was found in the amount of labeled total protein and collagen recovered from the incubation medium. the results indicated that the uptake of 14c-proline into the tca-solubl ...197722925
an in vivo and in vitro analysis of the alloantigen response in syrian hamsters. 197722946
secretion of various antimicrobial substances in dogs with experimental bacterial prostatitis.bacterial prostatitis in dogs was induced by injection of an e. coli 06 suspension into a branch of the prostatic artery. three to six days later, secretion from the inflamed glands was obtained by pilocarpine stimulation and the concentrations of trimethoprim, sulphamethoxazole, erythromycin, doxycycline and ampicillin were measured during constant infusion of these drugs. in the prostatic secretion, only the concentrations of the lipid soluble substances trimethoprim and erythromycin exceeded ...197722949
occurrence and distribution of western equine encephalomyelitis in florida.research and surveillance programs relating to the occurrence and distribution of western equine encephalomyelitis virus in florida, conducted between 1955 and 1976, suggest that the virus is (1) an endemic arbordae, (2) transmitted in a continuous cycle throughout the year by culiseta melanura mosquitoes, and (3) restricted to fresh water swamps and waterways in central, north, and northwest florida.197823372
effect of ph upon the activity of cefoxitin. 197723373
chemical and physical factors influencing methicillin resistance of staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidermidis. 197723376
comparative digestibility of acid detergent fiber by laboratory albino and wild polynesian rats.the effects of adding 5%, 10%, and 15% acid detergent fiber to a nonfibrous basal diet were examined in a comparative feeding study with polynesian rats (rattus exulans) and laboratory rats. digestibility coefficients for dry matter, crude protein, and gross energy declined significantly in both species as fiber content increased, but averaged significantly lower in the polynesian than in the laboratory rat. fiber digestibility was not significantly affected by fiber level but was by species, wi ...197823419
clinical results with amoxicillin tablets in pediatrics (author's transl). 197723445
tyrosine hydroxylase activity increases in pineal sympathetic nerves after depletion of neuronal serotonin. 197723499
do bacteria mutate to erythromycin resistance? 197723582
augmentation of sulfate ion absorption from the rat lung by heavy metals. 197723594
the effect of thyroxine on the 2,3-diphosphoglycerate content of erythrocytes in vivo and in vitro.after ending a continous treatment with thyroxine the average dropping of the 2,3 dpg level was 0.4 mumol/ml. t4 decreased on the average by 7.6 microgram/ml. one time application of 1 mg thyroxine p.o. led within 24 hours to an increase of the 2,3 dpg level of -chi = 0.2 mumol/ml, the ph in the erythrocytes increased by 0.02 on the average. blood incubation with thyroxine added in a concentration of -chi = 24 microgram/100 ml showed no increase of 2,3 dpg, ph and phosphate, while there was a si ...197723631
optimal conditions of alpha-amylase production by aspergillus oryzae in liquid media.the alpha-amylase secretion in a mineral culture medium containing starch and glucose follow the lysis of mycelium. this lysis seems to result from the hydrolysing action of dextranase and levulanase on cell wall. cell lysis and amylase secretion are greatly enhanced by ph elevation of culture medium (optimal ph 8,8). in such conditions of production the amylase is not stable but can be stabilized by addition of starch. a method is described using ph and starch content modifications, which allow ...197723718
a pleiotropic mutant of rhodopseudomonas capsulata defective in nitrogen metabolism.wild type strains of rhodopseudomonas capsulata typically can use n2, nh+4, or various nitrogenous organic compounds as n sources for photosynthetic growth. one class of mutants selected for inability to grow on n2 (nif-) also shows simultaneous loss of capacity to obtain n from numerous organic substrates. when supplied at relatively high concentrations, ammonia can be used as the sole n source for growth of such strains. enzymatic analysis of one mutant (w11) indicates that the pleiotropic eff ...197723732
in-vitro inhibition of ph changes by chlorhexidine in human dental plague suspensions. 197723747
intracellular localization of hepatic propionyl-coa carboxylase and methylmalonyl-coa mutase in humans and normal and vitamin b12 deficient rats.the intracellular localization of the enzymes in the vitamin b12 dependent pathway which involves the oxidation of propionate was studied in rat liver obtained from normal and vitamin b12 deficient rats as well as from man. the subcellular site of propionyl coa carboxylase and the vitamin b12 dependent-methylmalonyl coa mutase were determined. all of the activity of these two enzymes was demonstrated to be in the mitochondria and those enzymes were shown to be loosely bound to the inner membrane ...197524458
changing ecology of acute bacterial empyema: occurrence and mortality at boston city hospital during 12 selected years from 1935 to 1972.the occurrence, etiology, and demography of acute bacterial empyema are presented to reflect the widespread use of sulfonamides, penicillin, and other active antibiotics. in community-acquired (c-a) cases streptococcus pneumoniae, hemolytic streptococci, and staphylococcus aureus were the most frequent single organisms identified in initial positive cultures of pleural fluid during 1935. s. pneumoniae declined steadily until 1953 but continued to occur frequently in c-a cases. hemolytic streptoc ...197824669
cytoplasmic vacuoles of rous virus transformed cells are organelles involved in cation uptake.cytoplasmic vacuoles induced during transformation of cells by bryan strain rous sarcoma virus (rsv-bh) have been studied using the cationic dye, neutral red(nr). both the rate of uptake and the accumulation of nr are greater in rsv-bh transformed cells than non-transformed cells however, uptake was greater in vacuolated than in non-vacuolated cells, whether or not they were transformed. the nr was incorporated into pre-existing vacuoles in the absence of cytoplasmic staining, suggesting the exi ...197824677
survival of plasmid-containing strains of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus in phenylmercuric nitrate and thiomersal.strains of escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus harbouring plasmids that confer mercury resistance grew in nutrient broth containing concentrations of phenylmercuric nitrate (pmn) that were inhibitory to isogenic plasmid-less strains. decimal reduction times of p. aeruginosa and s. aureus in aqueous pmn solution were also increased by the presence of plasmids. the viable count of a plasmid-containing p. aeruginosa strain in davis and mingioli's minimal medium (dm) c ...197824710
plasmodium falciparum malaria: probable role of mosquitoes imported by aerial way. 197824831
application of a tricin-buffered modification of the cmrl-1969 medium in cell and virus cultivation (author's transl).cmrl-1969 medium (healy et al., 1971) was modified by using 0.02 molar n-tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl-glycin (= tricin) instead of bicarbonate as the buffer substance. several permanent cell lines and primary cell cultures did not show growth differences in the two medium variants. like other non volatile buffers tricin abolishes the initial increase of the ph in freshly split or newly fed closed vessel cultures, but in 0.02 m concentration maintains the same buffering capacity of the medium as c ...197724962
use of gel precipitin test in the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infections.cytomegalovirus (cmv) antibody was detected in human sera by the gel precipitin test. the results were closely related to those obtained by complement fixation. the simplicity of the test makes it useful for the routine serological diagnosis of cmv infection.197825010
bacterial 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenases.enterobacter aerogenes, aeromonas hydrophila, serratia marcescens and staphylococcus aureus possessing l(+)-butanediol dehydrogenase produced mainly meso-butanediol and small amounts of optically active butanediol; acetobacter suboxydans, bacillus polymyxa and erwinia carotovora containing d(-)-butanediol dehydrogenase produced more optically active butanediol than meso-butanediol. resting and growing cells of these organisms oxidezed only one enantiomer of racemic butanediol. the d(-)-butanedio ...197825056
significance of microbial contamination of stored cadaver kidneys.the importance of microbial contamination of cadaver kidneys was assessed in 83 consecutively stored and transplanted kidneys. fourteen kidneys had a single positive culture during storage and five had multiple positive cultures. only one postoperative infection could be traced to kidney contamination during storage (candida wound infection). in three of 64 patients who received noncontaminated kidneys, posttransplant wound infections developed. no wound infections occurred in 35 patients who re ...197825059
reaction kinetic studies on the formation of n-nitrosoephedrine in vitro and in vivo (author's transl).n-nitrosoephedrine was synthesized at a high yield (greater than 90%). the influence of ph on the reaction process (ephedrine sulfate + nitrous acid in hydrochloric acid) was investigated and the ph-optimum determined. furthermore the influence of coffee, ascorbic acid, citric acid, cyclamate/saccharin (10:1), smoke condensate of cigarettes, glucose and ethanol on the reaction process was also determined. the tests with animals (rats) showed that n-nitrosoephedrine could be detected in serum aft ...197825070
l-glutamate dehydrogenase. the catalytic properties of the mercurial-activated enzyme. 197825185
cell-free biosynthesis of the o-acetylated n-acetylneuraminic acid capsular polysaccharide of group c meningococci.a cell-free system was established to study the biosynthesis of group c meningococcal capsular polysaccharide, an alpha-2 leads to 9-linked n-acetylneuraminic acid (neuac) homopolymer containing o-acetyl groups at either c7 or c8. sialyltransferase activity, isolated from group c meningococcus strain c-11, catalyzed incorporation of 14cneuac from cmp (cmp--14cneuac) into polymeric form. this sialyltransferase was stimulated by addition of meningococcus group c and escherichia coli k92 capsular p ...197825263
biological characteristics of peptidoglycans of group a streptococcus and some other bacterial species. i. tolerance and effect of antibody in fever response, and heart damaging effect in rabbits.induced tolerance to the pyrogenic action of group a streptococcus peptidoglycan decreased after one week and was no longer detectable after the second week. however, one or two further doses of peptidoglycan rapidly restored the tolerance. the passive transfer of plasma from rabbits tolerant to streptococcus peptidoglycan to nontolerant animals failed to transfer tolerance. antiserum to streptococcus peptidoglycan neutralized the pyrogenic effect of not only streptococcus but also staphylococcu ...197725304
use of furagin in treatment of urinary tract infections. 197825493
characteristics of pancreatic basal secretion in the dog.a method is described for the simultaneous evaluation of the pancreatic, the biliary and the gastric secretion in long-term experiments. under these conditions, the pancreatic basal secretion is characterized. the pancreatic basal secretion is a very variable reference value that is influenced by endogenous stimuli. the upper threshold value for the secretion rate was 2.2 ml/15 min. under the influence of spontaneous biliary secretion, the protein concentration amounts to a characteristic value ...197825516
physiological conditions affecting staphylococcus aureus susceptibility to staphylococcin 1580.loss of salt tolerance, irreversible loss of viability, inhibition of l-glutamic acid uptake and effects on the high energy state of the membrane were used as parameters to measure the injury induced by staphylococcin 1580, a bacteriocin of staphylococcus epidermidis, in susceptible cells of staphylococcus aureus oxford 209p. a small part of a growing cell population appeared to be temporarily resistant to the bacteriocin, and the cells were arrested in this stage when suspended in buffer. the p ...197825615
acute nephritis and pulmonary alveolitis following pneumococcal pneumonia.acute glomerulonephritis developed in a man with pneumococcal pneumonia. serum complement studies revealed decreased levels of c4, properdin, and c3. renal immunofluorescence studies demonstrated pneumococcal antigen, c1q, c4, c3 proactivator, properdin, c3, igg, and igm. circulating cryoglobulin contained pneumococcal antigen and antibody, c3, and immunoglobulins. serial pneumococcal antigen and antibody levels did not display patterns that were characteristic of classical immune elimination, b ...197825635
acidification of rat colon with lactulose. its effects on the healing of colonic anastomoses.preoperative preparation of rats with lactulose, 2.5 ml/kg of a 52.5% w/w solution, for two days resulted in increased bursting pressure and bursting wall tension of low colonic anastomoses three days postoperatively when compared with unprepared controls (85.8, viz, 36.1 mm hg and 0.55, viz, 0.19 dynes/cm x 10(-5). after seven days, there was no appreciable difference in the rats with colonic acidification and in the controls.197825642
pyruvate-to-ethanol pathway in entamoeba histolytica.the pyruvate-to-ethanol pathway in entamoeba histolytica is unusual when compared with most investigated organisms. pyruvate decarboxylase (ec, a key enzyme for ethanol production, is not found. pyruvate is converted into acetyl-coa and co2 by the enzyme pyruvate synthase (ec, which has been demonstrated previously in this parasitic amoeba. acetyl-coa is reduced to acetaldehyde and coa by the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) (ec at an enzyme activity of 9 uni ...197825658
circular dichroism studies on the binding of type i substrates and reverse type i compounds to rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome p-450. 197825718
anemia as a stimulus to aortic and carotid chemoreceptors in the cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose, the activities of aortic and carotid chemoreceptor nerves were measured during a control period and during anemia where the hematocrit was lowered in steps by dextran-for-blood exchange. with anemia there was a sustained nonlinear increase in firing of aortic chemoreceptors. there was a greater firing of aortic chemoreceptors for a given lowering of hematocrit from an initial low blood hematocrit than for a similar decrease in hematocrit from an initia ...197825859
interpatient microbiological cross-contamination after dental radiographic examination.pairs of patients were evaluated for microbiological cross-contamination after radiographic examination. in 30 of these pairs of patients there was the possibility of transference of s pyogenes, s aureus, or d pneumoniae. such transference was observed in 23 (77%) of these 30 pairs of patients. the vectors for such transfer include the hands of the x-ray technician and the radiographic equipment. further, it was found that each of these organisms would survive for at least 48 hours after being p ...197825909
therapy of hypertension. i. new antihypertensive agents, pharmacologic and pharmacokinetic bases. beta-adrenergic blockers and blood pressure lowering. 197726152
the influence on efficacy of formaldehyd and phenol against bacterial cells i. effect of drying, cations and ph-value (author's transl).1. when cells of e. coli and staph. aureus are dried, the efficacy of phenol is reduced but the efficacy of formaldehyde is increased. 2. a change of the aw-value by addition of salts changes the efficacy of formaldehyde as well as that of phenol. for these tests the chlorides of various alkali and alkaline earth metals were used in different concentrations. 3. the optimal efficacy of phenol and formaldehyde within the tested concentration gradientis caused by different concentrations of the ion ...197826155
elimination of radioactivity following administration of 15,16-3hnaltrexone to rats and guinea pigs.the elimination of radioactivity after 15,16-3hnaltrexone administration was studied in rats and guinea pigs. an average of 42% of the dose was eliminated in urine and 55% in feces following administration of 1 mg/kg iv to each of three rats. analysis of radioactivity in the excreta of one rat that received the same dose im yielded similar results. on the other hand, four guinea pigs that received 1 mg/kg iv excreted only 14% of the dose in feces and 84% in urine. similar results were obtained f ...197826554
localization of d-amino acid oxidase on the cell surface of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes.the ultrastructural localization of d-amino acid oxidase (dao) was studied cytochemically by detecting sites of hydrogen peroxide production in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmns). reaction product, which forms when cerous ions react with h2o2 to form an electron-dense precipitate, was demonstrated on the cell surface and within the phagosomes of phagocytically stimulated cells when d-amino acids were provided as substrate. resting cells showed only slight activity. the competitive inhibit ...197826690
bacterial etiology of otitis media during the first six weeks of life.tympanocentesis was performed on 70 infants who had otitis media during the first six weeks of life. the bacteria isolated from their middle-ear effusions were streptococcus pneumoniae (13 patients), neisseria catarrhalis (11 patients), hemophilus influenzae (ten patients), enterobacteriaceae (four patients), staphylococcus aureus (four patients), streptococci (groups a and b) (three patients), and pseudomonas aeruginosa (two patients). thirty patients (42.9%) had middle-ear effusions which did ...197826735
the effect of route of administration on the biliary excretion of phenolphthalein and its glucuronide. 197826774
the importance of age dependent changes of the organism for therapy (author's transl).molecular and supramolecular mechanisms of ageing involve biochemical, physiological and morphological alterations of organs. furthermore physiological disturbances are superimposed by pathological mechanisms of ageing. as a result the number of diseases in higher age increases as well as there are a lot of therapeutical problems. the following paper tries to reveal that physiological and pathological changes of different organs (heart, kidney, lung, brain) influence the therapy of older man. th ...197827107
irreversible effects of serum proteins on beta-lactam antibiotics.the chromogenic cephalosporin nitrocefin (87/312) demonstrates rapid and visible instability to serum from many species. this phenomenon was distinct from serum binding, being significantly slower. destruction of another cephalosporin, 10485, by serum appeared to account for some anomalous results during investigation into its human pharmacokinetics. many cephalosporins of very different structures also showed serum instability, unrelated to their degrees of serum binding as measured by plate as ...197827139
neurochemical anatomy of the neuroendocrine hypothalamus. neurochemical anatomy of the hypothalamus.microdissection techniques for isolated removal of the various regions of the hypothalamus as well as the individual hypothalamic nuclei are detailed. recent development of biochemical microassays have made it possible that the concentrations of neurohormones, neuropeptides, neurotransmitters and their related enzymes could be detected in such a small volume of brain tissue than the hypothalamic nuclei. data available of the hypothalamic distribution of above substances are summarized. the possi ...197827266
effect of ph on the antimicrobial activity of some triphenylmethane dyes.four common dyes were tested as inhibitors of four types of bacteria over the ph range 5.0-9.0. inhibition of the gram-negative types, salmonella anatum and enterobacter aerogenes, was markedly affected by the ph of the medium. these organisms tolerated concentrations of crystal violet and ethyl violet about 100-fold higher at ph 5.0 than at ph 9.0. above ph 7.0 brilliant green (bg) and malachite green (mg) were precipitated as their respective carbinols and lost their inhibitory properties with ...197827297
coupling of cerebral metabolism and blood flow in epileptic seizures, hypoxia and hypoglycaemia.this study examines the possibility that changes of cerebral extracellular ph (ph e) or adenosine concentration may provide coupling mechanisms of a general nautre, adjusting cerebral blood flow (cbf) to metabolic demands. although there is considerable indirect evidence that cbf varies inversely with phe, results obtained during the last few years indicate that large increases in flow may occur in the absence of a fall in phe. thus, induction of hypoxia or epileptic seizures leads to maximal in ...197827337
1-n hapa gentamicin b, a new aminoglycoside active against gentamicin resistant isolates--activity compared to other aminoglycosides.1-n hapa gentamicin b is a new aminoglycoside active against most enterobacteriaceae, pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. among 504 clinical isolates at a concentration of 12.5 microgram/ml all staph. aureus, escherichia coli, klebsiella, enterobacter, proteus rettgeri, providencia and 78% of pseudomonas, 86% of proteus morganii were inhibited. like other aminoglycosides, the activity was greatest at an alkaline ph and reduced by high cations concentrations. 1-n hapa gentamicin b w ...197827494
the effect of complement depletion on lung clearance of bacteria.we have investigated the effect of hypocomplementemia on early pulmonary clearance of four species of bacteria. the experiments were performed in an inbred animal model to minimize immunologic variability. complement was depleted by cobra venom factor, and activity in serum was monitored with a phagocytic assay. bacterial specific antibodies were examined by an indirect radioimmunoassay, and animals with high levels of activity were excluded from anaysis. 4 h after aerosolization with streptococ ...197827534
increased binding of 3hapomorphine in caudate membranes after dopamine pretreatment in vitro. 197827612
transient myopia with angle closure glaucoma. case report and biometric findings (author's transl).a 36-year-old man suffered from diarrhoea for some weeks and was treated with salazosulphapyridie and fluocortulon when he developed a transient myopia combined with an angle closure glaucoma. the refraction of his mild hyperopic eyes (+0,5 dpt) changed to -5,5 dpt and the intraocular pressure increased to 40 mm hg in the right and 42 mm hg in the left eye. accommodation and pupillary reflexes were normal. ultrasonic examination showed an increased axial diameter and a forward shifting of the le ...197827665
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