
occurrence of rhipecephalus sanguineus in london. 19695391246
obesity in pet dogs. 19705465678
the department of surgical sciences. 19705490639
human rabies: wild animals challenge dogs as sources of contagion. 19705530591
[comparative pathology of gastrointestinal cancer in the dog and cat]. 19675626321
observations on the incidence of toxocara and toxascaris in dogs and cats from the london area. 19655886486
infection with animal helminths as a factor in causing poliomyelitis and epilepsy. 19665949491
distemper in grimsby. 19921441118
editorial: new areas for small animal research. 19751146185
letter: treatment for strays--who pays? 19751121733
studies on the epidemiology of uncinaria stenocephala infections in british greyhounds: seasonal availability of larvae on grass runs.the numbers of uncinaria stenocephala larvae on the grass in a small paddock used continually for exercising greyhounds followed the seasonal pattern associated with gastro-intestinal nematodes of ruminants, pigs and horses in britain. contamination persisted throughout the winter months but near-zero values were recorded in the early summer, followed by a rapid rise in mid-july to a peak level in september.1976968193
dog bites and rabies: an assessment of risk. 1976944607
sociological and ethical considerations in small animal practice. 1976940100
aujeszky's disease in a pack of hounds.aujeszky's disease occurred in a pack of harrier hounds in the south west of england and caused the death of 11 of a pack of 51 animals. the onset appeared to have followed the feeding of pig carcase material from a very large fattening unit. no evidence of clinical disease was seen in pigs in this unit, but serological evidence of earlier infection was obtained. interesting lesions in the intestinal wall of the hounds are described.1977906226
rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the dog: a survey from practices in the kent region bsava. 1977853734
toxocariasis in perspective. 1977609714
endo- and ecto-parasites of dogs and cats: a survey from practices in the east anglian region, bsava. 1977604675
the dietary management of diabetes in adults.the ultimate object of all types of dietary management before the introduction of insulin was to prevent emaciation and death: the consequences of metabolic derangements due to lack of insulin. now, while dietary therapy continues to be important in minimizing the requirement for endogenous insulin or in balancing administered insulin, the major objects are changing to prevention of large vessel and microvascular disease. the next decade will probably see a more widespread introduction of diets ...1979394152
angiostrongylus vasorum: transmission in south east england. 19902368287
early intravenous anesthesia: an eyewitness account.descriptions of the earliest iv injections of various substances by individuals who actually witnessed the experiments in 1656 are presented. of particular interest is an apparently overlooked account of an experiment in which opium was administered intravenously to a dog many years before 1674 as related by the physician and anatomist thomas willis. he does not identify the precise date nor the experimenters. however, at the time of this event willis would have been at oxford. there he was a ve ...19902404427
prevalence of giardia in dogs and cats in the united kingdom: survey of an essex veterinary clinic. 19892617648
dogs and paget's disease. 19852866320
cutaneous protothecosis in the dog: first confirmed case in britain. 19883201697
strongyloides in british greyhounds. 19883363835
group l beta-haemolytic streptococcal infection in meat handlers: another streptococcal zoonosis?group l, beta-haemolytic streptococci can cause infection in dogs, pigs, cattle and sheep but there have been very few reports in man. in studies of skin infection in meat handlers we cultured group l streptococci from clinically infected wounds, impetigo and paronychia of 15 patients involved in the slaughter and processing of chickens and pigs. staphylococcus aureus was also present in eight (53%) of the lesions. at least five other infections with group l streptococci in meat and animal handl ...19873678390
stephen hales' "statical way". 19853909194
storage mites culturing, sampling technique, identification and their role in housedust allergy in rural areas in the united kingdom.patients with symptoms suggesting housedust mite allergy were tested to storage mites, housedust, and dermatophagoides spp. housedust was examined for mites. all patients responded to storage mites. some were negative to dermatophagoides. all houses proved to have storage mites in the dust as well as dermatophagoides, mainly in food stores or pet beds. storage mites, therefore, are involved in dust allergy.19854014790
parvovirus vaccination. 19854024444
crop-eared dobermanns. 19854090228
presidential address. the clinical unit in tropical medicine and epidemiology. 19734596372
a survey of racing injuries in the greyhound. 1976933469
pasteurella septica infection in respiratory disease. 19676067792
oil pollution of animals and birds in south-west england. 19676068116
spondylosis deformans (vertebral osteophytosis) in the dog. a radiographic study from england, sweden and u.s.a. 19676068839
in-vitro culture of human hydatid material. 19806101653
some excerpts from the writings of stephen hales, with comment on their relation to the concept of heart failure. 19836340260
equine anaesthesia: discovery and rediscovery. 19836349982
historical review of pharyngo-oesophageal reconstruction after resection for carcinoma of pharynx and cervical oesophagus. 19836357571
john hunter's application of science to surgery. 19846362538
a comparison of biotypes and serotypes of campylobacter sp. isolated from patients with enteritis and from animal and environmental sources.the origin of sporadic campylobacter infections has been investigated by means of a collaborative study. from a total of 1152 cases reported in north west england in 1982, campylobacter strains isolated during one month in each quarter of the year were biotyped and serotyped. for comparison, 875 strains of campylobacter isolated from environmental and animal sources were similarly examined. most strains from human beings were campylobacter jejuni; about half of them were of three serotypes. thos ...19846501895
juvenile renal disease in a dobermann. 19846506437
upper digestive tract neoplasia in the cat (a comparative study).along with man and the dog, the cat is predisposed to a variety of neoplasia of the upper digestive tract. the present paper is an account of the case material seen in a surgical pathology department during a 24-year period, with comments on the comparative aspects where relevant.19846512394
canine and feline campylobacteriosis: epizootiology and clinical and public health features. 19836606637
pet health insurance. 19836609475
'slugs and snails and puppy-dog tails'-children's ideas about the inside of their bodies.twenty-six children at each of four age-levels (6, 8, 10 and 12 years) were asked to draw the inside of their bodies and to answer some questions on body organization and function. although knowledge increased with age, it was consistently below that reported in earlier american studies. children's responses to questions about how their bodies worked revealed some basic misunderstandings and errors. the significance of these data both for health education and for communicating with sick children ...19836640850
liver disease in skye terriers. 19846702081
comparison of canine oropharyngeal malignancy in various geographical locations.the variation in prevalence of neoplasms over time and location has been of value in identifying environmental carcinogens. studies on the relative frequency of the different histological types of canine oropharyngeal malignant neoplasm have shown that squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil occurs four times more commonly in south east england, and twice as frequently in the united states of america as in melbourne, australia. the prevalence of tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma in london in 1950 ...19846719788
autotransfusion: intraoperative scavenging. 19826757147
campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni: the need for surveillance. 19806768813
toxocaral and toxoplasmal antibodies in cat breeders and in icelanders exposed to cats but not to dogs. 19826800442
hearing dogs for the deaf. 19836889261
transplantation--a perspective. 19807010715
some haematological data for fallow deer (dama dama) in england.the concentrations of haemoglobin, erythrocytes and leucocytes and the packed cell volume, plasma viscosity and some red cell indices were measured in the blood of 42 fallow deer and analysed with respect to age, season and sex. the mean haemoglobin concentration was greater in females than in males. in all the deer the number of leucocytes was considerably smaller than in the usual domestic mammals, namely, cats, cattle, dogs, goats, horses, pigs and sheep. plasma viscosity was statistically gr ...19827146629
angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs and slugs. 19827147643
prevalence of fleas on dogs and cats in an area of central london. 19817193779
studies on the epidemiology of uncinaria stenocephala infections in british greyhounds: development and persistence of larvae on herbage. 19817198820
canine parvovirus infection. 19807210433
incidence of campylobacter, salmonella and shigella infections in dogs in an industrial town. 19807257102
shot dog. 19807361402
the dysgonic form of microsporum canis in n.w. account is given of the occurrence in n.w. london of ringworm due to the dysgonic form of microsporum canis in cats, dogs, and humans. the unusual morphology of the dysgonic strain is described as is the extraordinary lability of the fungus in culture. the distribution of cases in man and animals in the area is mapped. the clinical and epidemiological behaviour of the fungus, as illustrated by four family outbreaks, differs little from that of the typical strain. the origin of the dysgonic st ...19807387885
canine vaccination survey. 19807445324
canine parvovirus infection. 19807445338
contractility of lungs and air-tubes: experiments performed in 1840 by charles j.b. the 18th century, some medical practitioners considered the main pathological feature of asthma to be the production of mucus. later, during the 19th century, airway smooth muscle contraction was recognized to be a possible cause of airflow obstruction. however, not until 1840 was the contractility of airway smooth muscle clearly established by charles j.b. williams, a famous london physician. in a number of innovative experiments in dogs, rabbits, livestock and even donkeys, he showed: 1) th ...19948013615
epidemiological and diagnostic features of canine and feline dermatophytosis in the united kingdom from 1956 to 1991.between 1956 and 1991, 8349 samples from dogs and cats were received for investigation of suspected dermatophytosis, and 1368 (16 per cent) yielded positive cultures. cats had a significantly higher proportion of positive cultures (26 per cent) than dogs (10 per cent), and of these microsporum canis accounted for 92 per cent in cats and 65 per cent in dogs. the other isolates were diverse but mainly sylvatic dermatophytes, and m gypseum was isolated on only four occasions. different breeds of do ...19938212483
prevalence of antibodies to neospora caninum in a population of urban dogs in england.of 163 dogs, randomly selected from those examined at the university of liverpool small animal hospital, 12.9 per cent had antibody titres > or = to 1/200 to neospora caninum in an indirect fluorescent antibody test. none was apparently suffering clinical neosporosis. there was no association between the occurrence of neospora antibodies and either toxoplasma antibodies measured by the dye test, sex, age, type of feeding or the presence of other dogs in the household. antibody was detected at ti ...19938447050
control of hydatid disease in evaluate the success of the south powys hydatid control programme by analysis of trends in cystic disease in humans and sheep and dog infestation.19968597734
the distribution of clostridium difficile in the environment of south wales.a large study of the distribution of clostridium difficile in the environment of the cardiff area of south wales was performed with a methodology designed to maximise recovery. a total of 2580 samples was taken, with 184 (7.1%) yielding isolates. the highest yield for c. difficile was obtained from river waters, with 14 (87.5%) of 16 samples from four rivers positive, and from sea water samples with 7 (44%) of 15 positive from six beaches on the bristol channel. in addition, 7 (46.7%) of 15 samp ...19968683549
computer-aided veterinary learning at the university of approach of computer-assisted learning in veterinary education at the university of cambridge, involving the development of four types of learning module, is outlined. a tutorial on regional perineural anaesthesia in the horse, based on the familiar tape-slide format but with significant improvements, is described. a question and answer self-assessment package and a computer-based 'digital lecture' are also discussed, together with a case simulation involving the investigation of a polydipsic ...19968686151
angiostrongylus vasorum infection in foxes (vulpes vulpes) in cornwall.a post mortem examination on a young fox which had been observed to be clinically ill revealed a severe infection with angiostrongylus vasorum. a further 11 foxes were examined and four were infected with the parasite; three of these also had advanced lesions of sarcoptic mange. the cases all occurred outside the previously defined focus of endemic infection for dogs in cornwall and they appear to be the first recorded cases of a vasorum in foxes in the united kingdom.19968931300
charles drew and the origins of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.convinced that the high risk of operation using the early heart-lung machines was due to a toxic effect of the oxygenators in use in the 1950s, charles drew of westminster hospital in london devised a circulatory support system in which the patient's own lungs functioned as the oxygenator. with this support, body temperature was reduced to the point where circulatory arrest could be tolerated for the time required to carry out the intracardiac operation. he used only this technique for the rest ...19979124943
distribution of borrelia burgdorferi s.l. spirochaete dna in british ticks (argasidae and ixodidae) since the 19th century, assessed by pcr.the distribution of borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the lyme borreliosis agent, was surveyed in british ticks in the collection of the natural history museum, london. alcohol-preserved specimens of eight species of ticks known to attack humans were studied: ixodes ricinus, i. hexagonus, i. uriae, i. trianguliceps, dermacentor reticulatus, haemaphysalis punctata, rhipicephalus sanguineus and argas vespertilionis. the sample comprised all life stages and originated from a wide range of host speci ...19989513944
series of pancreatitis cases. 19989577765
a serological study of canine herpes virus-1 infection in the english dog epidemiological survey investigated the prevalence of canine herpes virus-1 antibodies in a population of 325 pet dogs in england. sera were analysed for the presence of canine herpes virus-1 neutralising antibody by means of a serum neutralisation test and for virus-specific igg and igm by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. in contrast with published results from other parts of the world, canine herpes virus-1 infection was shown to be common among the domestic dog population of en ...19989739327
use of sentinel lambs to survey the effect of an education programme on control of transmission of echinococcus granulosus in south powys, this article the effects of an education programme (area ii) on transmission of echinococcus granulosus from dogs to sheep in wales and of substitution of the education programme by a 6-weekly anthelmintic control programme (area i) are compared with the situation in an area where no control interventions had occurred (area iii). the education programme failed to prevent transmission of e. granulosus to sentinel lambs examined at 15 months of age, 6%, 4%, and 10% of which were infected in are ...19989868837
facilities management. dog bytes dog. 199310124163
another busy year for the veterinary poisons information service. 199910516954
reasons for the euthanasia of dogs and cats. 19989725180
skin prick testing in general practice: a pilot study.allergy skin prick testing is regarded as a routine diagnostic procedure in hospital settings, but its role in general practice is not yet defined. our aim was to explore the ways in which skin prick testing might facilitate the work of general practice nurses engaged in asthma patient care. a structured questionnaire was completed by 18 practice nurses before and again after administering allergy skin tests to four common aeroallergens (dust mite, grass pollen, cat and dog danders) to 319 conse ...19979378875
rabies and quarantine. 19979342091
non-market costs of rabies policy. 19979342088
hunting inquiry. 200011014492
rabies and quarantine. 19979316249
the bva/kc scoring scheme for control of hip dysplasia: interpretation of criteria. 19979316245
[a new toy: upswing in curare use in spanish anesthesia].the introduction of curare for general anesthesia by harold griffith in 1942 was one of the most important moments in the development of anesthesiology. however, several years passed before curare came to be used in spain. we review the early application of curare and the role played by robert macintosh, professor of anaesthesia at oxford, in introducing the drug to spain.200011103115
james parkinson (1755-1824): a pioneer of child care.james parkinson (1755-1824) of parkinson's disease, is well recognized as a pioneer of clinical neurology; and is even more famous as a founder of modern palaeontology. we have reviewed from primary sources his extensive contributions to clinical child care and his pioneering advocacy for child welfare, protection and safety. his writings, outreach and advocacy for children's health characterizes him as one whose influence was an important springboard from which evolved the modern specialty of p ...200111168861
intrac vaccine: batch recall. 19979265715
analysis of influenza a h3n2 strains isolated in england during 1995-1996 using polymerase chain reaction restriction.a polymerase chain reaction-restriction (pcr-restriction) endonuclease assay was developed to allow rapid analysis of influenza a h3n2 viruses circulating in england during 1995-1996. restriction endonuclease digestion with two enzymes of amplicons derived from pcr of the ha1 portion of the influenza haemagglutinin (ha) gene was able to differentiate antigenically similar influenza strains into two groups. group i variants were similar genetically to the 1995/96 vaccine strain, a/johannesburg/33 ...19979139090
prevalence of toxocara ova in dog faeces. 19979061878
rabies and quarantine. 19968938970
borrelia burgdorferi infection in uk horses.antibody levels (igg and igm) to borrelia burgdorferi were measured in the sera and synovial fluids of uk horses. western blotting against b. burgdorferi was also used on samples from seropositive horses. a low incidence of seropositivity was shown in horses from most parts of the uk. this increased in areas that have a high incidence of human and canine borreliosis (norfolk and south coast). leptospira infections of horses did not cause cross reactions in the b. burgdorferi elisa. most horses d ...19948542836
the seasonality of canine births and human campylobacteriosis: a hypothesis.the seasonality of canine births was investigated using records from the kennel club and the breeding centre for the guide dogs for the blind association. in these populations a distinct seasonal pattern was found with a greater number of puppies being born in the summer months than the winter. the hypothesis that the greater number of puppies acquired as pets during the summer months may contribute to the seasonal rise in human campylobacter cases, seen at this time, is discussed.19938472770
studies on the epizootiology of canine coronavirus.the seroprevalence and, or, incidence of canine coronavirus infection was determined in several dog populations in the uk. seroprevalence ranged from 76 per cent for a rescue kennel to 100 per cent in a commercial breeding colony. in the rescue kennel there was no difference in seroprevalence of the virus between dogs less than or more than four months of age. in the breeding colony, subclinical seroconversion occurred between six and 10 weeks of age. the virus was isolated from faecal samples f ...19938382389
the development of cimetidine: 1964-1976. a human story.there was still controversy regarding the physiology of acid secretion in 1964 when a team at smith kline & french laboratories in england started a project to prove the existence of more than one receptor for histamine and to find a substance capable of blocking the effects not blocked by the commonly used antihistamines. the team was convinced that histamine was the final mediator of acid secretion. after 8 years, james black and his coworkers published evidence of the first histamine2-recepto ...19947806839
canine atopic disease: the prevalence of positive intradermal skin tests at two sites in the north and south of great britain.results of intradermal skin test responses to the same panel of 53 allergens were compared in 118 dogs with atopic disease presented at two geographical centres, edinburgh (87 cases) and london (31 cases). the allergens most commonly positive at both centres were human dander and dermatophagoides farinae, but positive tests to all of the allergens used occurred in at least one case. the mean number of allergens to which positive tests resulted in atopic dogs was 5.126 (edinburgh) and 5.129 (lond ...19957747407
sensitization to common allergens and its association with allergic disorders at age 4 years: a whole population birth cohort study.atopy is defined as the genetic propensity to develop immunoglobulin e antibodies in response to exposure to allergens and assessed by skin prick test responses to common allergens. although it is generally agreed that atopy is an important risk factor for allergic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, and eczema, the extent to which atopy accounts for these diseases is controversial.200111483843
mad dogs and englishmen: the conflict over rabies in late victorian england. 197911632380
hearing dogs. 19957709579
samuel jones gee (1839-1911) and stereotypic movements caused by apomorphia. 19957673956
providencia alcalifaciens in diarrhoeic dogs and cats. 200211936417
earliest attempt at free skin grafting. 19957639497
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 386