demonstration of hypothalamo-cerebellar and cerebello-hypothalamic fibres in a prosimian primate (galago crassicaudatus). | hypothalamo-cerebellar and cerebello-hypothalamic fibres in the greater bushbaby (galago crassicaudatus) have been demonstrated by means of retrograde and anterograde transport of the wheat germ agglutinin--horseradish peroxidase complex. the hypothalamo-cerebellar projection is bilateral and has its main origin in the lateral hypothalamic area. the posterior and dorsal hypothalamic areas and the lateral mammillary, tuberomammillary and periventricular nuclei also project to cerebellum. cerebell ... | 1984 | 6524682 |
[characteristics of the connections of superior olivary and inferior collicular neurons reacting to the presentation of amplitude-modulated stimuli with synchronized discharges in the bat]. | anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase revealed projections from local neuronal populations in the superior olivary complex and inferior colliculus of bats which specifically responded to amplitude-modulated stimuli to nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. neurons from this reticular nucleus generated synchronized discharges to amplitude-modulated stimuli within frequency ranges corresponding to those in the specific auditory structures. a conclusion is made that after encod ... | 1984 | 6521791 |
projections from the superior colliculus to a region of the central mesencephalic reticular formation (cmrf) associated with horizontal saccadic eye movements. | radioactive wheatgerm agglutinin (wga) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were injected into portions of the mesencephalic reticular formation at sites where electrical stimulation induced either small or large contralateral horizontal saccadic eye movements. we have designated this region as the central mrf (cmrf). it contains both cells and fiber tracts, including the efferent output of the superior colliculus (sc), destined for the dorsal tegmental decussation and the predorsal bundle. cells la ... | 1984 | 6519224 |
evidence for vesicular transport of horseradish peroxidase across endoneurial vessels of the sciatic nerve in normal mice. | the permeability of the endoneurial blood vessels of the sciatic nerve to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was investigated in mice. the animals were killed 2,5, or 30 min after an i.v. injection of the protein, and the distribution of hrp in the sciatic nerve was studied by light and electron microscopy. hrp was frequently found in endothelial vesicles that were located near both the luminal and the abluminal side of the endothelium. the intercellular junctions appeared to be closed to hrp. the per ... | 1984 | 6475492 |
a comparison of visual callosal organization in normal, bilaterally enucleated and congenitally anophthalmic mice. | visual callosal connections were examined using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique in normal, neonatal and adult c57bl mice, and in adults of this strain which were bilaterally enucleated within 12 h of birth. in addition, callosal connections were also delineated in two strains of congenitally anophthalmic mice, zrdct-an and orj. material from 129/j mice served as controls for the latter strain. in normal adults anterograde labelling and hrp labelled cells were visible primarily at the ... | 1984 | 6468571 |
synaptic organization of a multifunctional interneuron in the central nervous system of helix pomatia l. | the morphology, axonal arborization and ultrastructure of synaptic connections of the v21 giant neuron in the visceral ganglion of the snail helix pomatia has been investigated following intracellular labelling with horseradish peroxidase. the v21 neuron establishes several afferent and efferent axo-axonic connections, mainly along the first half of the primary axon. collaterals of 200-300 micron length originate from the primary axon, which shows further arborization, and both afferent and effe ... | 1984 | 6467342 |
a study of dynamic membrane phenomena during the gastric secretory cycle: fusion, retrieval and recycling of membranes. | the possibility of recycling, fusion and retrieval of membranes during the gastric secretory process was studied in isolated gastric mucosae of the toad bufo marinus. incorporation and efflux of 14c-inulin and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the tissue as well as transmission and freeze-fracture electron microscopic studies during the secretory cycle were done. hrp and 14c-inulin were incorporated into the tubulovesicular membrane system during the secreting-resting transition. upon restimulat ... | 1984 | 6434743 |
monoclonal antibodies against horseradish peroxidase. | four hybridomas making monoclonal antibodies against horseradish peroxidase have been established. two of them are igm and two are igg1 with kappa light chains. antibody hp-03 has been selected as the most suitable one for preparation of the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase complex. furthermore, optimal conditions for construction and applications of the pap complex in immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical methods are shown. | 1984 | 6394370 |
electron microscopic study of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. | | 1984 | 6389411 |
[determination of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) with the substrates h2o2 and p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (hpa) in the fluorescence enzyme immunoassay]. | | 1984 | 6372281 |
homogeneous enzyme immunoassay of diosgenin and its glycosides. | homogeneous enzyme immunoassay has been used as a tool for the determination of diosgenin and its glycosides in plants. diosgenin antisera was found to inhibit the activity of diosgenin hemisuccinate-horseradish peroxidase conjugate which was reversed by the addition of free diosgenin or its glycosides. the increase of enzyme activity was proportional to the quantity of the hapten over a certain range of hapten concentration. thus, a minimum of 2.5 micrograms/ml of diosgenin and 11.5 micrograms/ ... | 1984 | 6370034 |
cerebellar afferents in the frogs, rana esculenta and rana temporaria. | afferents to the cerebellum in frogs (rana esculenta, rana temporaria) were studied by use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. following injections restricted to the molecular layer of the cerebellum cell labelling was found in the contralateral inferior olive and the ventral portion of the caudal medullary raphe. injections involving the granular layer resulted in labelling in the ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord, the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus, the nucleus caudalis ... | 1984 | 6332678 |
analysis of association fiber system in piriform cortex with intracellular recording and staining techniques. | the piriform cortex of the opossum has been studied with intracellular recording and staining techniques. the experiments were designed to investigate the association fiber system, but the results have also revealed new properties of the afferent fiber system from the olfactory bulb and the inhibitory systems within the piriform cortex. following shock stimulation of the lateral olfactory tract (lot), the response of pyramidal cells consists of an initial excitatory postsynaptic potential (epsp) ... | 1984 | 6319624 |
follicle cell tubular system in the prawn macrobrachium rosenbergii: a route for exchanges between haemolymph and vitellogenic oocytes? | the epithelial cells of the ovary follicles have been studied in the prawn macrobrachium rosenbergii using electron microscope and horseradish peroxidase. a network of circumvoluted and anastomosed tubules, measuring about 0.15 micron in diameter, communicates with the extracellular spaces. this tubular network is a structure which extensively increases the permeability of the follicular epithelium. | 1984 | 6241004 |
motor innervation of the mole and shrew snout muscles by means of horseradish peroxidase technique. | the axonal transport method of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used for defining the anatomical background of the snout movements in 54 japanese shrew-moles, urotrichus talpoides, 4 temminck's moles, mogera wogura, and 21 big-clawed shrews, sorex unguiculatus. either snout muscle or proximal stump of the facial nerve on one side was exposed to hrp. the results obtained from this experimental study were as follows: hrp-containing cells were found either ipsilaterally or bilaterally in the fa ... | 1984 | 6234823 |
synaptic connexions between primary afferents and thoracic motoneurones in the frog. | synaptic actions were evoked in thoracic motoneurones of the isolated frog spinal cord by 6th or 7th dorsal root volleys or impulses in single primary afferents. in a few cases the impaled motoneurones or the whole dorsal root were filled with horseradish peroxidase. although hrp labelling has revealed that motoneurones have extensive dendritic arborizations extending into the dorsal horn, the zone in which thoracic dorsal root afferents terminate, there is no positive evidence for a direct link ... | 1984 | 6200354 |
basic optokinetic-ocular reflex pathways in the frog. | frogs (rana temporaria) have two midbrain nuclei that receive contralateral retinal afferents, and whose neurons respond to optokinetic stimulation. the basal optic nucleus is composed of direction-selective neurons with different response types. one type is activated exclusively by upward moving optokinetic targets; another type is activated only by downward moving targets. two other types of basal optic neurons show this vertical preference, but each is also activated by patterns moved horizon ... | 1984 | 6198496 |
regulation of efficacy at central synapses. | the quantal nature of synaptic depression produced by high frequency stimulations has been analyzed at a central synapse for the first time. simultaneous intracellular recordings were obtained from the mauthner cell and adjacent identifiable inhibitory interneurons. the presynaptic cells were stimulated at frequencies from 2 to 33 hz, and the corresponding release parameters were determined using a computational procedure described elsewhere (korn, h., a. triller, a. mallet, and d. s. faber (198 ... | 1984 | 6198489 |
hypothalamo-cerebellar and cerebello-hypothalamic pathways: a review and hypothesis concerning cerebellar circuits which may influence autonomic centers affective behavior. | experimental data which have suggested the probability of connections between the cerebellum and hypothalamus are reviewed. early studies relied mainly on physiological methods and, in general, concluded that such connections were multisynaptic being relayed via an undetermined number of synapses in the bulbar reticular formation. recent studies, using horseradish peroxidase techniques, have identified direct connections between cerebellar nuclei and the hypothalamus and between several regions ... | 1984 | 6093922 |
use of horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent dextrans to study fluid pinocytosis in leukocytes. | | 1984 | 6084797 |
topography of retinal axons in the diencephalon of goldfish. | the projections of horseradish peroxidase-filled axons from each quadrant of the retina were studied to determine whether retinal projections of goldfish are topographically organized in diencephalic target nuclei. a distinct topography of the dorsal, nasal, ventral and temporal retina exists in the lateral geniculate nucleus and in the dorsolateral optic nucleus of the thalamus. the projections of retinal quadrants show minimal spatial overlap in each of these nuclei. the suprachiasmatic nucleu ... | 1984 | 6084555 |
central connections of the olfactory bulb in the goldfish, carassius auratus. | the central connections of the goldfish olfactory bulb were studied with the use of horseradish peroxidase methods. the olfactory bulb projects bilaterally to ventral and dorsolateral areas of the telencephalon; further targets include the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis and a caudal olfactory nucleus near the nucleus posterior tuberis in the diencephalon, bilaterally. the contralateral bulb and the anterior commissure also receive an input from the olfactory bulb. contralateral projection ... | 1984 | 6084554 |
a pretectal projection upon the accessory optic nucleus in the pigeon: an anatomical and electrophysiological study. | neurons of the nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, the avian homologue of the optic tract nucleus, were retrogradely filled with horseradish peroxidase after injections of the enzyme into the accessory optic nucleus in pigeons. the projection appeared exclusively ipsilaterally, and was confirmed by unitary and evoked potential recordings. together with previous reports in both birds and mammals, the present study contributes information linking the accessory optic system to the pretectal nucleus o ... | 1983 | 6199692 |
hyperplasia in the spinal sensory system of the frog. ii. central and peripheral connectivity patterns. | central and peripheral connectivity patterns of hyperplastic dorsal root ganglia (drgs) in rana pipiens are examined in order to determine the relative roles of peripheral and central contacts in the production of drg hyperplasias. the hyperplasias are produced in the intact hindlimb drgs after the removal in tadpoles and young postmetamorphic frogs of neighboring drgs (davis and constantine-paton, '83). the peripheral target zones of the hyperplastic drgs, determined by physiological recordings ... | 1983 | 6607270 |
central projections of the brachial nerve in bullfrogs: muscle and cutaneous afferents project to different regions of the spinal cord. | the central projections of muscle and cutaneous sensory neurons in the bullfrog were labeled by filling their peripheral axons in the forelimb with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). muscle afferent fibers were found to project exclusively to the ventral neuropil of the brachial spinal cord in the intermediate gray zone. cutaneous afferent axons had their arbors limited to the dorsal neuropil. there is therefore a topography in the central representation of two classes of sensory modalities. | 1983 | 6606655 |
the auditory brainstem nuclei and some of their projections to the inferior colliculus in the north american opossum. | afferent projections to the inferior colliculus in the north american opossum have been examined using the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. projections to primarily the contralateral inferior colliculus arise in the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, the auditory nerve nucleus and the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars caudalis, while ipsilateral projections arise in the superior paraolivary nucleus, the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body, the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemnis ... | 1983 | 6664491 |
tongue evolution in lungless salamanders, family plethodontidae. iii. patterns of peripheral innervation. | innervation of the tongue and associated musculature in plethodontid salamanders was studied using palmgren stained sectioned materials, fresh dissection, and whole mounts of experimental specimens treated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). species studied were chosen to represent modes of tongue projection recognized by lombard and wake ('77). special attention was given to species of the genera plethodon, batrachoseps, pseudoeurycea, and hydromantes, but representatives of other genera were in ... | 1983 | 6663625 |
central projections of the octavolateralis nerves of the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria. | the central projections of first-order lateral line and octavus nerve afferents of the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria, were determined by nerve degeneration and horseradish peroxidase techniques. the octavolateralis area of the medulla, which receives these afferents, is organized into dorsal, intermediate, and ventral longitudinal columns of cells and neuropil. fibers that innervate the electroreceptive sense organs enter the dorsal longitudinal column via the dorsal root of the anterior late ... | 1983 | 6655082 |
accuracy of regeneration of vagal parasympathetic axons. | the degree of accuracy with which regenerating preganglionic parasympathetic fibers can restore their original connections was examined in the frog, rana pipiens. the normal motor pool of the vagus nerve was determined by labeling the vagal cardiac branch fibers with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). cardiac neurons form a relatively compact subgroup within the rostral half of the vagal motor column and represent less than 5% of the total vagal motor pool. five to 14 weeks after crushing the vagus n ... | 1983 | 6606654 |
the development of the retinopetal nucleus olfacto-retinalis of two cichlid fish as revealed by horseradish peroxidase. | adult patterns and the development of the nucleus of origin of centrifugal innervation of the retina, the nucleus olfacto-retinalis (nor), were studied with horseradish peroxidase in 2 cichlid fish species. in the adults large and small cells within the nuclear boundaries can be distinguished by their cytoarchitecture and their hrp-labelling. the nor is already formed at hatching (5.5 days post-spawning) but cannot be filled by hrp injections into one eye until 2 days later. the number of labell ... | 1983 | 6365246 |
enzyme immunoassay for carcinoembryonic antigen. | in this rapid, simple enzyme immunoassay for carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) in serum the "sandwich" system is used. the cea is first extracted from the serum into acetate buffer by heating at 70 degrees c, then incubated in a polyvinyl microtitration plate previously coated with anti-cea. the bound cea is then reacted with anti-cea conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and the activity of the peroxidase bound to the wells of the plate is quantified by adding the enzyme substrate. the assay is sen ... | 1983 | 6357540 |
stimulation of peroxidase reactions by hydroxamates. | salicylhydroxamic acid, benzohydroxamic acid, and phenylacetohydroxamic acid were found to stimulate the oxidation of nadh, dithiothreitol, and ferrocyanide by horseradish peroxidase. the hydroxamates themselves served as substrates in peroxidase reactions, and the observed stimulations may involve hydroxamate free-radical formation. | 1983 | 6651854 |
mechanism of halide-stimulated activity of chloroperoxidase evidence for enzymatic formation of free hypohalous acid. | in acidic solutions, bromide stimulates h2o2 decomposition catalyzed by chloroperoxidase or horseradish peroxidase, altogether similar to stimulation, by chloride and bromide, of h2o2 oxidation by hocl. low levels of an ultra-pure nacl inhibited chloroperoxidase catalatic activity whereas very high concentrations of this salt stimulated the reaction. the stimulation reflects low bromide contamination of the ultra-pure nacl, which is considerably less than br levels in most ar grade chloride salt ... | 1983 | 6316972 |
anatomy of the gustatory system in the hamster: central projections of the chorda tympani and the lingual nerve. | the sensory modalities of taste and touch, for the anterior tongue, are relegated to separate cranial nerves. the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve mediates touch: the chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve mediates taste. the chorda tympani also contains efferent axons which originate in the superior salivatory nucleus. the central projections of these two nerves have been visualized in the hamster by anterograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). afferent fibers of the chorda ... | 1983 | 6643734 |
x-ray absorption spectroscopic studies of high valent iron porphyrins. horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii and synthetic models. | x-ray absorption edge and extended x-ray absorption fine structure studies have been undertaken on resting (ferric) horseradish peroxidase, hrp compound i (hrp-i), hrp compound ii (hrp-ii), and several highly oxidized synthetic iron porphyrins that may have relevance as models for the iron site in horseradish peroxidase. the energies of the absorption edges are consistent with an fe(iv) formulation for the highly oxidized species. the shapes of the absorption edges further support the assignment ... | 1983 | 6630205 |
trypanosoma rhodesiense bloodstream trypomastigote and culture procyclic cell surface carbohydrates. | bloodstream trypomastigote and culture procyclic (insect midgut) forms of a cloned t. rhodesiense variant (wrat at 1) were tested for agglutination with the lectins concanavalin a (con a), phytohemagglutinin p (pp), soybean agglutinin (sba), fucose binding protein (fbp), wheat germ agglutinin (wga), and castor bean lectin (rca). fluorescence-microscopic localization of lectin binding to both formalin-fixed trypomastigotes and red cells was determined with fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc)-conjug ... | 1983 | 6689336 |
[connections of the thalamic and telencephalic centers of the auditory system in turtles]. | in the turtles emys orbicularis and testudo horsfieldi connections of the thalamic (n. reuniens) and telencephalic (medio-ventral part of the dorsal ventricular edge--dve) centers of the auditory system have been revealed by means of the retrograde and anterograde horseradish peroxidase (hp) transport method. at a local hp administration into the n. reuniens, the labelled neurons are detected bilaterally in the midbrain: in the auditory center (n. centralis of the torus) and predominantly in the ... | 1983 | 6661054 |
tectal connections in python reticulatus. | the origins of the axons terminating in the mesencephalic tectum in python reticulatus were examined by unilateral tectal injections of horseradish peroxidase. retrogradely labeled cells were observed bilaterally throughout the spinal cord in all subdivisions of the trigeminal system, with the exception of nucleus principalis, which showed labeled cells only on the ipsilateral side. labeling of the reticular formation occurred bilaterally in nucleus reticularis inferior magnocellularis, nucleus ... | 1983 | 6643732 |
qualitative and quantitative measures of plasticity during the normal development of the rana pipiens retinotectal projection. | we have examined the following aspects of retinal development in the frog, rana pipiens: (1) the overall pattern of cell addition to the retina; (2) the relative rate of retinal ganglion cell (rgc) accretion; and (3) the changes in rgc density during larval development. in addition, we have studied the development of the retinal projection onto the tectum by means of the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and measurements of the volume of tectal neuropil at several larval stag ... | 1983 | 6606482 |
resonance raman studies of nitric oxide binding to ferric and ferrous hemoproteins: detection of fe(iii)--no stretching, fe(iii)--n--o bending, and fe(ii)--n--o bending vibrations. | the nature of bonding interactions between fe(iii) and no in the ferric nitrosyl complexes of myoglobin (mb), hemoglobin a (hba), and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is investigated by soret-excited resonance raman spectroscopy. on the basis of 15no and n18o isotope shifts, we clearly identified the fe(iii)--no bond stretching frequencies at 595 cm-1 (ferric mb x no), 594 cm-1 (ferric hba x no), and 604 cm-1 (ferric hrp x no). the fe(iii)--n--o bending vibrations are located at 573 cm-1 (ferric mb ... | 1983 | 6580627 |
axons connecting somata and axon terminals of luminosity-type horizontal cells in the turtle retina: receptive field studies and intracellular injections of hrp. | luminosity (l)-type horizontal cell responses to small and large spots of light in the turtle (geoclemys) retina were recorded intracellularly, and each cell so studied was filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) by ionophoretic injection. following histochemical reaction of the hrp with diaminobenzidine (dab), light microscopic inspection demonstrated that this type of horizontal cell has a cell body connected to a tuberous axon terminal by a fine axon. by examining the location of the cell in ... | 1983 | 6643725 |
the relationship between ionization potential and horseradish peroxidase/hydrogen peroxide-catalyzed binding of aromatic hydrocarbons to dna. | the ionization potentials (ip) of 91 alternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pah) were determined from the absorption maximum of the charge-transfer complex of each hydrocarbon and chloranil in chloroform. the extent of horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-catalyzed binding to dna of 14 hydrocarbons of varying ip was measured. only hydrocarbons with ip less than approx. 7.35 ev were significantly bound to dna. these results provide further evidence that hrp-mediated binding of pah to dna occurs by o ... | 1983 | 6640787 |
the ascending connections of the torus semicircularis central nucleus in chrysemys scripta elegans. | horseradish peroxidase was injected into the torus semicircularis central nucleus of the red-eared turtle chrysemys scripta elegans. the following observations were made. axons originating in the central nucleus project ipsilaterally through the tectoreuniens tract to the ipsilateral nucleus reunions. a second tract leaves the central nucleus medioventrally, courses under the floor of the cerebral aqueduct and terminates as an axonal field in the contralateral central nucleus. finally, there was ... | 1983 | 6662825 |
sprouting and regeneration of sensory axons after destruction of ensheathing glial cells in the leech central nervous system. | to test the importance of glia during regeneration of mechanosensory neuron axons in the leech central nervous system, individual glial cells that ensheathed the axons were destroyed by intracellular protease injection. recordings with intracellular microelectrodes showed that glial-desheathed axons re-established synaptic connections with their appropriate target cell, a motor neuron, as frequently and as selectively as control, glial-ensheathed axons. intracellular staining with horseradish pe ... | 1983 | 6619920 |
cell lineage analysis in ascidian embryos by intracellular injection of a tracer enzyme. i. up to the eight-cell stage. | cell lineages during development of ascidian embryos were analyzed by injection of horseradish peroxidase as a tracer enzyme into identified cells at the one-, two-, four-, and eight-cell stages of the ascidians, halocynthia roretzi, ciona intestinalis, and ascidia ahodori. identical results were obtained with eggs of the three different species examined. the first cleavage furrow coincided with the bilateral symmetry plane of the embryo. the second furrow did not always divided the embryo into ... | 1983 | 6618008 |
quantification of urinary oxalate with oxalate oxidase from beet stems. | we describe an automated (aba-100) enzymic method for determination of urinary oxalate by use of oxalate oxidase (ec isolated from beet stems. the h2o2 produced by the oxidation of oxalate by oxalate oxidase is measured by coupling with oxidation and conjugation of 3-methyl-3-benzothiazolinone hydrazone with n,n-dimethylaniline with catalysis by horseradish peroxidase. the resulting indamine dye is measured spectrophotometrically by the difference in absorption at 500 and 600 nm. interf ... | 1983 | 6616830 |
maturation of the goldfish preoptic area: ultrastructural correlates of position and maturation of neurosecretory cells. | a gradation of small rostral to larger caudal neurosecretory cells is found in the preoptic area of fish. regional variations in ultrastructural features were assessed in this region of fish ranging widely in size (1.7-283.1 g), some of which had received intraperitoneal injections of horseradish peroxidase in order to label neurons projecting beyond the blood-brain barrier (i.e. neurosecretory cells). in small (less than or equal to 6.6 g) fish, neurosecretory cells of the caudal preoptic area ... | 1983 | 6314177 |
ligational effects on reduction of myoglobin and horseradish peroxidase by inorganic reagents. | previous studies of the reduction of metmyoglobin and adducts by dithionite have been extended to horseradish peroxidase and its complexes. in addition, the reduction of metmyoglobin, horseradish peroxidase and adducts by a much bulkier reactant, cobalt(ii) sepulchrate has been studied. similar patterns of kinetic behavior were observed, namely, direct reduction of cyanide and imidazole adducts of the iron(iii) proteins and indirect (via dissociation) reduction of the fluoride adduct. in the red ... | 1983 | 6311260 |
chemical nature of the porphyrin pi cation radical in horseradish peroxidase compound i. | the electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) and mössbauer properties of native horseradish peroxidase have been compared with those of a synthetic derivative of the enzyme in which a mesohemin residue replaces the natural iron protoporphyrin ix heme prosthetic group. the oxyferryl pi cation radical intermediate, compound i, has been formed from both the native and synthetic enzyme, and the magnetic properties of both intermediates have been examined. the optical absorption characteristics of compo ... | 1983 | 6313048 |
neuroanatomy and electrophysiology of the lacertilian nucleus isthmi. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracings showed a bidirectional connection between the optic tectum (ot) and the ipsilateral nucleus isthmi (ni) pars magnocellularis (imc) in nocturnal gekko gekko and diurnal shinisaurus crocodilurus. we found that, in addition to a direct neuronal pathway, there is an indirect pathway from ot to imc via the nucleus profundus mesencephali (npm). the morphology of cells in ot, npm and ni was studied. visual units extracellularly recorded from ni were located within ... | 1983 | 6194859 |
the laminar source of efferent projections from the avian wulst. | following horseradish peroxidase injections into the pigeon tractus septomesencephalicus, the efferent outflow bundle of the avian wulst, retrogradely labeled neurons within the wulst were confined to the superficialmost layer, the hyperstriatum accessorium. these results suggest that the hyperstriatum accessorium is the sole source of wulst efferent projections. in similarity to the laminar organization of mammalian striate cortex, this efferent layer is juxtaposed to the thalamorecipient layer ... | 1983 | 6194858 |
cytochrome c/h2o2-mediated one electron oxidation of carcinogenic n-fluorenylacetohydroxamic acids to nitroxyl free radicals. | the oxidation of carcinogenic hydroxamic acids, n-hydroxy-n-2-fluorenylacetamide (n-oh-2-faa) and n-hydroxy-n-3-fluorenylacetamide (n-oh-3-faa) catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or cytochrome c in the presence of h2o2 was investigated. hrp/h2o2 was a more efficient system in oxidation of both hydroxamic acids and the standard substrate, guaiacol, then cytochrome c/h2o2. peroxidative activity of cytochrome c was shown after incubation with triton x-100 and h2o2 for 20 min at room temperat ... | 1983 | 6315247 |
organized projection of the goldfish saccular nerve onto the mauthner cell lateral dendrite. | application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to the proximal end of the transected saccular nerve in the goldfish results in uptake by fibers projecting to the distal half of the mauthner (m) cell's lateral dendrite. more discrete hrp injections reveal an organized projection from the saccular nerve onto the lateral dendrite, as small groups of stained fibers terminate there in restricted regions. the possibility that this represents a tonotopic projection onto the m-cell is considered. | 1983 | 6626958 |
the inferior olive of a prosimian primate, galago senegalensis. ii. olivocerebellar projections to the vestibulocerebellum. | olivocerebellar projections to the vestibulocerebellum of galago senegalensis, a prosimian primate, were studied by using a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. following implants of hrp into the flocculus, labeled cells are found in subgroup d of contralateral medial accessory olive (mao), while labeled somata are present throughout subgroups c and d after injections of hrp into the nodulus and adjacent parts of the uvula. labeled cells are also located throughout the dorsomedial cell column (d ... | 1983 | 6194188 |
development of motor innervation of the chick following dorsal-ventral limb bud rotations. | to test mechanisms which motoneurons may use to grow to their appropriate targets, i rotated the limb around the dorsal-ventral axis prior to motoneuron outgrowth. the positions of motoneurons in the spinal cord innervating individual muscles and muscle masses were then determined using retrograde horseradish peroxidase uptake. motoneurons innervated their appropriate muscles after dorsal-ventral limb rotation, before and after motoneuron death. thus, cell death does not serve to remove errors i ... | 1983 | 6886745 |
the expression of antigens by embryonic neurons and glia in segmental ganglia of the leech haemopis marmorata. | monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against adult leech nervous systems were screened on embryos of the leech haemopis marmorata in order to determine when in development specific antigens are first expressed and the order in which they are expressed by different cells or tissues. three of the mabs produced by zipser and mckay (zipser, b., and r. mckay (1981) nature 289: 549-554) were screened: lan3-1, lan3-5, and lan3-6. each mab shows a different pattern of labeling in the adult leech nerve co ... | 1983 | 6886744 |
uveal compartmentalization in the hamster eye revealed by fine structural and tracer studies: implications for uveoscleral outflow. | the uveal tracts of hamster eyes have been examined using electron microscopy and electron opaque tracer infusion. a heretofore undescribed intrauveal "compact zone" was detected at the level of the ora serrata. together with extensive, sheet-like fibroblastic layers within the lamina fusca and the well-known junctional barriers of the pigment epithelium, the compact zone appears to separate anterior and posterior uveal regions into defineable compartments. to test this possibility and study pot ... | 1983 | 6885313 |
n-[acetyl-3h] wheat germ agglutinin: anatomical and biochemical studies of a sensitive bidirectionally transported axonal tracer. | both retrograde and anterograde autoradiographic axonal labeling were associated with the appropriate pathways after injections of n-[acetyl-3h] wheat germ agglutinin within numerous structures in the central nervous system of mice. sections processed for light microscopic autoradiography following the placement of injections mainly within the neocortex, neostriatum, or cerebellum have revealed patterns of bidirectional axonal labeling in various thalamic, monoaminergic, deep cerebellar and prec ... | 1983 | 6689059 |
posterior lateral line afferent and efferent pathways within the central nervous system of the goldfish with special reference to the mauthner cell. | the goldfish posterior lateral line nerve consists of a dorsal and a ventral branch, each of which is associated with a ramus of the sensory branch of the viith nerve (ramus recurrens facialis). the afferent and efferent pathways of these nerves within the central nervous system were studied by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry. the afferent fibers of the ramus recurrens facialis travel in the ventral portion of the viith nerve as it enters the brain and project predominantly to ... | 1983 | 6619328 |
acute no2 effects on penetration and transport of horseradish peroxidase in hamster respiratory epithelium. | | 1983 | 6614647 |
functional properties of the paracellular pathway in some leaky epithelia. | we here review the functional properties of the paracellular pathway of leaky epithelia such as gallbladder and renal proximal tubule. these epithelia are characterized by leaky terminal bars between adjacent cells which allow small ions, non-electrolytes and water to leak from lumen to interstitial fluid or back. in the past 10 years a great deal of information has been obtained about the properties of the misnamed 'tight' junctions in the terminal bars, by assuming that the overall permeation ... | 1983 | 6361205 |
an internally referenced test strip immunoassay for morphine. | we describe an internally referenced immunochemical test-strip for use in the rapid detection of morphine. the method is based on the "enzyme-channelling" immunoassay technique, and a glucose oxidase-horseradish peroxidase enzyme pair is used to immunospecifically generate an insoluble, colored reaction product on the test-strip surface. test strips are composed of two active surfaces, each of which contain co-immobilized glucose oxidase and antibody. the indicator pad contains antibody directed ... | 1983 | 6349853 |
formation of receptosomes from plasma membrane coated pits during endocytosis: analysis by serial sections with improved membrane labeling and preservation techniques. | the early events in the entry of ligands into cultured fibroblasts through plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits were examined by using serial sections and electron microscopy. swiss 3t3 cells were labeled at 4 degrees c with concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase and warmed to 37 degrees c for 1 or 2 min to label organelles participating in endocytosis. cells were fixed in glutaraldehyde and further preserved with a membrane contrast-enhancement technique that utilized sequential osmium/ferrocyan ... | 1983 | 6136969 |
the mechanism of oxidation of nitroalkanes by horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase catalyzes the anaerobic oxidation of 2-nitropropane (probably as the nitronate r-) by h2o2 via compounds i and ii to form r-r. the oxidation rate is stimulated 10-fold by o2 and the products become acetone and no-2. the aerobic oxidation of r- is a free radical chain reaction which is initiated by peroxidase and propagated by r because (a) r-r, reasonably, must arise as 2r leads to r-r, (b) over 90% of the enzyme-initiated reaction occurs free in solution, and (c) the km v ... | 1983 | 6885775 |
maturation and recycling of trigeminal motoneurons in anuran larvae. | development of the trigeminal motor system was analyzed in rana pipiens larvae and adults. the aim of this investigation was to determine the postmetamorphic fate of the primary motoneurons that innervate the larval jaw muscles. specifically, we wanted to ascertain whether these neurons were deleted in conjunction with their muscular targets during metamorphosis or reused to innervate the adult jaw muscles. cell counts and horseradish peroxidase tracer were used to distinguish between these two ... | 1983 | 6604740 |
adaptive changes of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in flatfish are achieved by reorganization of central nervous pathways. | flatfish provide a natural model for the study of adaptive changes in the vestibulo-ocular reflex system. during metamorphosis their vestibular and oculomotor coordinate systems undergo a 90 degree relative displacement. as a result, during swimming movements different types of compensatory eye movements are produced before and after metamorphosis by the same vestibular stimulation. intracellular staining of central nervous connections in the flatfish with horseradish peroxidase revealed that in ... | 1983 | 6603656 |
functional differences between peroxidase compound i and the cytochrome p-450 reactive oxygen intermediate. | a series of seven hemeproteins, cytochromes p-450lm2, p-450lm4, and p-420lm2, horseradish peroxidase, chloroperoxidase, catalase, and metmyoglobin, as well as hemin were tested for their ability to catalyze a set of five oxidative reactions. these reactions were a typical peroxidative reaction (oxidation of pyrogallol to purpurogallin) and three characteristic p-450 reactions (aliphatic hydroxylation, aromatic hydroxylation, and olefinic epoxidation). in addition, the ability to decarboxylate a ... | 1983 | 6874682 |
the organization of the fibers in the optic nerve of normal and tectum-less rana pipiens. | we have examined the detailed order of retinal ganglion cell (rgc) axons in the optic nerve and tract of the frog, rana pipiens. by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into small regions of the retina, the tectum, and at various points along the visual pathway, it has been possible to follow labelled fibers throughout their course in the nerve and tract. several surprising features in the order of fibers in the visual pathway were discovered in our investigation. the fascicular pattern ... | 1983 | 6604077 |
recovery from spinal transection in fish: regrowth of axons past the transection. | in fish axons reportedly cross a spinal transection, form synapses, and then cease growing or grow in abnormal directions. this obviously would not restore previous synaptic connections, and since fish recover function, it is often stated that recovery of function in fish seems to be independent of restoration of normal synaptic architecture. by contrast, the present study emphasizes that many axons in goldfish continue growing after they pass a spinal transection. horseradish peroxidase was inj ... | 1983 | 6633929 |
octavolateral projections to the torus semicircularis of the trout, salmo gairdneri. | microiontophoretic delivery of horseradish peroxidase in the torus semicircularis of the trout resulted in heavy labeling of somata in the rhombencephalic nucleus intermedius octavolateralis and nucleus octavus magnocellularis. in addition some labeled somata were found closely to the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis and in the diencephalon. efferents leave the torus to the diencephalon, the tegmentum and the tectum and, via the fasciculus longitudinalis lateralis, to the rhombencephalon and ... | 1983 | 6633927 |
nongeniculate afferents to striate cortex in macaques. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected in relatively massive amounts to cover most, or portions, of opercular striate cortex in four macaques. absence of transcallosal or circumventricular labelling, plus discrete and consistent retrograde labelling in other areas in the four cases, assured the validity and specificity of the observations. numerous labelled cells in regions directly bordering striate cortex, however, were excluded from the analysis because of the possibility of uptake consequ ... | 1983 | 6886069 |
intramolecular tryptophan heme energy transfer in horseradish peroxidase. | | 1983 | 6634959 |
morphological evidence that regenerating axons can fuse with severed axon segments. | regenerating axons of sensory neurons in the leech nerve cord usually reconnect with their normal targets by growing the entire distance from the site of lesion to the target. however, in less than 1% to nearly 10% of cases a rapid restoration of the normal arborization occurs when the regenerating axon connects with the severed distal segment of the same cell or another cell of the same modality. the passage of horseradish peroxidase (mol. wt approximately 40,000 daltons) from the regenerating ... | 1983 | 6616192 |
reversible blockage of membrane retrieval and endocytosis in the garland cell of the temperature-sensitive mutant of drosophila melanogaster, shibirets1. | temperature-induced structural changes in the cortical region of the garland cell, which is considered to be active in endocytosis, were investigated in a temperature-sensitive, single gene mutant of drosophila melanogaster, shibirets1 (shi) and wild-type (oregon-r). at 19 degrees c, both shi and wild type showed similar structural features: an irregularly extended network of labyrinthine channels, coated pits and vesicles, tubular elements and alpha vacuoles. tannic acid (ta) impregnation showe ... | 1983 | 6411734 |
a simple solid phase enzyme immunoassay for aldosterone in plasma and saliva. | a sensitive, solid phase enzyme immunoassay for the determination of aldosterone in plasma and saliva has been developed. for this purpose anti-aldosterone coated tubes were used. the enzyme marker was a covalently linked aldosterone/horseradish peroxidase conjugate. the assay had a limit of detection of 5 pg/assay tube. the test requires neither centrifuge nor gamma or beta counter, but only a simple photometer. the free/bound separation is based on the solid phase technique with a simple washi ... | 1983 | 6313402 |
uptake of [3h]serotonin in the abdominal ganglion of aplysia californica. further studies on the morphological and biochemical basis of presynaptic facilitation. | sensitization of the gill-withdrawal reflex in aplysia california is mediated, in part, by a group of identified neurons, the l29 cells, which produce presynaptic facilitation of transmitter release from siphon sensory neurons. physiological and pharmacological studies have provided indirect evidence that the l29 cells are serotonergic. in the present study we have used the specific uptake [3h]serotonin ([3h]5-ht) and electron-microscopic autoradiography in combination with horseradish peroxidas ... | 1983 | 6193837 |
peroxidase-catalyzed removal of phenols from coal-conversion waste waters. | a novel, enzymatic approach has been developed for the removal of phenols from coal-conversion aqueous effluents. treatment with horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide precipitates 97 to 99 percent of the phenol in a wide range of ph and phenol concentrations; both model mixtures and real industrial waste-water samples have been treated successfully. other pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, can be enzymatically coprecipitated with the phenols. | 1983 | 17815191 |
characterization of the n-demethylation reactions catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. | the hydroperoxide-supported n-demethylation reactions catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase have been characterized in detail. the ethyl hydroperoxide-supported n-demethylation of n,n-dimethylaniline by horseradish peroxidase resulted in the formation of equimolar amounts of n-methylaniline and formaldehyde with no other products detectable by high performance liquid chromatography analysis of the reaction mixture. one molecule of ethyl hydroperoxide was consumed for each molecule of formaldehyde ... | 1983 | 6863282 |
afferent and efferent components of the hypoglossal nerve in the grass frog, rana pipiens. | in amphibians, the spinomedullary region of the central nervous system is compressed rostrocaudally because of the absence of a neck. in ranid frogs, the hypoglossal nerve emerges as the ventral ramus of the second spinal nerve. the first spinal nerve, though present in tadpoles, is absent as a separate nerve in adults. to investigate the central nervous system components of the hypoglossal nerve in rana pipiens, we soaked identified, transected branches of this nerve in horseradish peroxidase, ... | 1983 | 6604074 |
termination of afferent axons in macaque striate cortex. | we used horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to orthogradely label afferent axons in macaque striate cortex. of the 38 axons that we recovered, nine were recorded intracellularly before being filled with hrp. light microscope and computer reconstructions of filled processes reveal highly stereotyped patterns of arborization and suggest that there are at least five discrete populations of lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) afferent axon: (1) those to layer 4c beta, which have extremely circumscribed, dense ... | 1983 | 6864254 |
[experimental study on the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis--a deviation of lower motor neurons of the spinal muscle detected by the horseradish peroxidase method]. | in order to elucidate the etiology of idiopathic scoliosis, studies were carried out by hrp method on the topographical localization and numerical alteration of spinal motor neurons innervating the spinal muscle of the non-scoliotic japanese quail and the scoliotic one established by s. hijikata in 1976. the topographical localization of spinal motor neurons innervating the triceps brachii muscle of the both groups, furthermore, was examined by the same method, and the anatomical fiber connectio ... | 1983 | 6197498 |
morphology of geniculo-striate afferents in a prosimian primate. | in order to analyze the arborization pattern of single axons innervating layer iv of striate cortex in galago (a prosimian primate), injections of horseradish peroxidase were made into the white matter below visual cortex. two distinct fiber types were identified which ramify within different subdivisions of layer iv. fibers with large axons (type i) have relatively wide terminal arbors which ramify in layer iva and lower layer iii, while those with small axons (type ii) arborize in restricted z ... | 1983 | 6191838 |
central organization of the electrosensory lateral line system in bullhead catfish ictalurus nebulosus. | the connections of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ell) of ictalurid catfish were examined by means of horseradish peroxidase tracing methods. the ell receives direct input from the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. some of these nerve fibers continue through the ell to end as mossy fibers in the lateral portion of the eminentia granularis. granule cells in this area as well as those in lobus caudalis of the cerebellum project back to the ell as parallel fibers in the upper molec ... | 1983 | 6875048 |
a beta-galactosidase linked immunoassay for the analysis of antigens on individual cells. | antibodies conjugated to enzymes such as horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase are widely used to detect antibody binding to individual cells or tissue sections through the deposit of insoluble colored reaction products. however, the presence of endogenous enzyme activity, especially in lymphomyeloid cell populations, necessitates the use of inhibitors which can be shown to decrease the sensitivity of the assay, a particular problem when monoclonal antibodies are used. as no endogenous ... | 1983 | 6406607 |
oogenesis in fundulus heteroclitus. iii. vitellogenesis. | several physiological parameters associated with oocyte growth (vitellogenesis) in the killifish, fundulus heteroclitus, are defined. hepatocytes from females and estrogen-treated males are highly synthetic cells, whereas those from males are relatively quiescent. a 2000,000-molecular weight phosphoprotein (vitellogenin) has been identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate (sds)-gel electrophoresis in the plasma of females and estrogen-treated males and isolated chromatographically using a potassium ph ... | 1983 | 6886667 |
establishment of embryonic axes in larvae of the starfish, asterina pectinifera. | in order to clarify the relationships between the first cleavage plane and the embryonic axes, early cleavage pattern of the fertilized eggs of the starfish. asterina pectinifera was reexamined. it was ascertained that the polar bodies were formed at the site to which the germinal vesicle had closely located before the initiation of the meiotic division, and that the first cleavage plane passed near this site of polar body formation. while some of the early embryos of this starfish were observed ... | 1983 | 6886618 |
integration of biphasic synaptic input by electrotonically coupled neuroendocrine caudodorsal cells in the pond snail. | the ovulation hormone-producing caudodorsal cells (cdcs) of the pond snail lymnaea stagnalis form two clusters of electrotonically coupled cells, each containing a few specialized (ventral) cells that connect the clusters. the hormone is secreted during a pacemaker-driven discharge. the cdcs receive a biphasic cholinergic postsynaptic potential (psp), consisting of a rapid excitatory postsynaptic potential (epsp) and a slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (ipsp) that is elicited by stimulation ... | 1983 | 6875630 |
incorporation of small unilamellar liposomes loaded with horseradish peroxidase into isolated nerve endings from electric organ of torpedo marmorata. | a population of small unilamellar liposomes loaded with horseradish peroxidase, an electron dense marker, was prepared by passing the lipid-protein-detergent micelles through sephadex g-50. by electron microscopy it was shown that these artificial lipid vesicles were incorporated into the cytoplasm of isolated pure cholinergic nerve endings from the electric organ of torpedo marmorata. this liposome carrier system may be useful in manipulating the internal parameters involved in presynaptic proc ... | 1983 | 6875621 |
position-dependent motor innervation of the chick hindlimb following serial and parallel duplications of limb segments. | in this paper we report investigations of the innervation of duplicated limb segments to test whether the addition of limb segments along the proximodistal axons could stimulate the growth of appropriate motoneurons into double occurrences of these muscles. our evidence indicates that it does not. using retrograde horseradish peroxidase nerve-tracing techniques and reconstructions of experimental limbs, we investigated the motor projection to parallel and serially duplicated legs. in all cases, ... | 1983 | 6854369 |
conjunctival and episcleral blood vessels are permeable to blood-borne horseradish peroxidase. | the vessels of the conjunctival and episcleral plexuses of macaca mulatta eye are of the continuous type. most of the vessels in the conjunctival plexus have the diameter of capillaries, while the vast majority of the vessels in the episcleral plexus are venules. both types of vessels have a simple wall, which consists of an endothelium and a discontinuous layer of pericytes. the aim of this study was to establish their permeability properties to blood-borne horseradish peroxidase (hrp). after i ... | 1983 | 6853098 |
[hemato-encephalic barriers. morphologic data]. | within the cranio-spinal cavity we can consider three compartments: blood, cerebro-spinal fluid and nervous parenchyma and thus, three barriers (blood-cerebro-spinal fluid, blood-brain, cerebro-spinal fluid-brain). the morphological studies of these barriers were performed with exogenous tracers such as horseradish peroxidase, cytochrome c and ferritin or endogenous tracers such as autologous antiperoxidase immunoglobulins. 1. the blood-brain barrier is exogenous and endogenous tracers proof. it ... | 1983 | 6612115 |
immunoelectron microscopic demonstration of fibronectin in rheumatoid pannus and at the cartilage-pannus junction. | the presence of fibronectin (fn) in rheumatoid pannus was investigated by an immunoelectron microscopic method using horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antibody to stain fn. large amounts of fn were demonstrated in the interstitial collagenous tissue of invasive rheumatoid pannus. fn was also observed on the surface of both fibroblast-like and macrophage-like pannus cells, suggesting that it was secreted by these cells and that the secreted fn might facilitate the spreading of the pannus cells ov ... | 1983 | 6344809 |
the morphologic pathway of binding and internalization of epidermal growth factor in cultured cells. studies on a431, kb, and 3t3 cells, using multiple methods of labelling. | we have prepared several electron and light microscopic labels of epidermal growth factor (egf) to analyse the morphologic features of its binding and internalization by cultured cells. these include a ferritin conjugate of egf, a covalent conjugate of egf and horseradish peroxidase (egf-hrp), a colloidal gold marker system using egf-hrp as a primary antigen, and a covalent complex of egf with rhodamine-labelled lactalbumin. all of the light and electron microscopic labels showed similar pattern ... | 1983 | 6190668 |
pathways of the electric organ discharge command and its corollary discharges in mormyrid fish. | the motoneurons which innervate the mormyrid electric organ are driven by a descending volley from the medullary relay nucleus. this nucleus does not initiate the electric organ discharge (eod) but is driven in an obligatory manner by another center, a command nucleus. one goal of the present study was to identify this command nucleus anatomically. a second goal was to determine the pathways by which corollary discharges of the eod motor command exert their effects on sensory input to the electr ... | 1983 | 6306068 |
patterns of extraocular innervation by the oculomotor complex in the chick. | the horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracer technique was used to map the projection pattern of the oculomotor nuclear complex to the extraocular muscles in the chick embryo. the following projection pattern was found: the dorsolateral oculomotor subnucleus innervates the ipsilateral inferior rectus muscle, the dorsomedial subnucleus innervates the ipsilateral medial rectus muscle, a lateral division of the ventromedial subnucleus innervates the ipsilateral inferior oblique muscle, and a medial ... | 1983 | 6306064 |
nucleus rotundus in a snake, thamnophis sirtalis: an analysis of a nonretinotopic projection. | nucleus rotundus, a tectorecipient thalamic nucleus in reptiles and birds, is described for the first time in a snake. the morphology of rotundal neurons and tectorotundal axons was studied at the light microscopic level by using anterograde and retrograde filling with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injections of hrp in the dorsal ventricular ridge retrogradely fill neurons in rotundus. rotundus is situated centrally in the caudal diencephalon medial to the cell plate of the retinorecipient g ... | 1983 | 6863601 |
extrinsic and intrinsic fiber connections of the telencephalon in a teleost, sebastiscus marmoratus. | extrinsic and intrinsic fiber connections of the telencephalic subdivisions of nieuwenhuys ('62) in a teleost, sebastiscus marmoratus, were studied by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and fink-heimer methods. the olfactory bulb projects bilaterally to area dorsalis pars posterior, area ventralis pars ventralis, pars lateralis, pars posterior, pars intermedia, and the nucleus posterior tuberis of peter et al. ('75) and receives fibers from ipsilateral area dorsalis pars centralis, pars poste ... | 1983 | 6863598 |
the acoustic and lateral line nuclei are distinct in the premetamorphic frog, rana catesbeiana. | the transition from aquatic to terrestrial hearing in the frog occurs during metamorphosis and during the disappearance of the lateral line system. the coincidence in time of these two processes and morphological similarities between the acoustic and lateral line systems has led to the suggestion (larsell, '34) that the lateral line nuclei are transformed into the acoustic nuclei. the relation between the acoustic and lateral line systems was investigated by studying the distribution of primary ... | 1983 | 6602814 |
brainstem projections to the facial nucleus of the opossum. a study using axonal transport techniques. | the horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic techniques have been used to determine the origin and intranuclear termination of brainstem axons projecting to the facial nucleus of the opossum and to define networks which could be utilized in some oral-facial behaviors. two regions of the midbrain have dense projections to the facial nucleus. one region is the ventral periaqueductal gray and adjacent interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus which project bilaterally to those a ... | 1983 | 6190536 |
retinohypothalamic pathway in the dove demonstrated by anterograde hrp. | the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn) of the ring dove was demonstrated by the presence of labeled retinal processes. horseradish peroxidase or tritiated proline were injected into the vitreous of the eye and were transported in an anterograde manner to label the scn. after identifying the retinorecipient area of the hypothalamus by anterograde tracing procedures, a diffusely organized nucleus corresponding to this region was noted in nissl material. | 1983 | 6871740 |