
binding of benzo(a)pyrene with peroxidase and its oxidation by peroxidase-h2o2 intermediate.the oxidation of benzo(a)pyrene (bp) by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) (ec was examined spectrophotometrically by the decomposition of peroxidase-h2o2 intermediate "compound ii." the rate constant of the oxidation of bp was 9.5 x 10(4) m-1 sec-1. the oxidation of bp by hrp was inhibited at high bp concentrations, and the hydrogen donor (bp) inhibition constant, ka', was 1.48 microm. the association constant, kassoc, of the formation of a complex of bp and hrp at 403 nm was 4.37 x 10(4) m ...19846488152
localization of active sites along the myelinated goldfish mauthner axon: morphological and pharmacological evidence for saltatory conduction.injections of lucifer yellow (ly) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were made within the myelin sheath of the goldfish mauthner axon to determine the domains of individual oligodendrocytes. long segments of the myelin sheath were stained with both markers. the lengths and locations of these sheath segments were analyzed in whole mount preparations (ly) or in reconstructions of serial vibratome sections (hrp). the termination sites of individual myelin sheaths, relative to gross anatomical landmar ...19846481453
segmental variation in the arborization of identified neurons in the leech central nervous system.mechanosensory and motor neurons in the central nervous system of the leech have been examined by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase and electrophysiological mapping of their peripheral fields to determine how the arborizations of homologous cells are influenced by their segmental position. the branching patterns of annulus erector (ae) motoneurons in ganglia near the head and tail were found to be more extensive than those of cells in midbody ganglia. as in midbody ganglia, the p ...19846480905
developing descending neurons of the early xenopus tail spinal cord in the caudal spinal cord of early xenopus.the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to describe and identify neurons, axons of which initiate the earliest descending pathways of the tail spinal cord of xenopus embryos and larvae. spinal cords were pierced at different rostrocaudal levels with fine insect pins coated with hrp. the resulting pattern of cellular labeling indicated that primitive sensory (rohon-beard) axons were at the lead of developing descending tracts followed by axons of primary motor neurons. axons of these two ...19846480904
identical populations of phagocytes and dying neurons revealed by intravascularly injected horseradish peroxidase, and by endogenous glutaraldehyde-resistant acid phosphatase, in the brains of chick embryos.intravascularly injected horseradish peroxidase selectively labels certain classes of cells in the brains of chick embryos: phagocytes, which have characteristic distributions and resemble either gitter cells or microglia; and some, but not all, dying neurons. healthy neurons are not labelled. if the isthmo-optic nucleus is caused to degenerate by an intraocular injection of colchicine on the opposite side, most of its neurons take up peroxidase. however, destroying the afferents to the isthmo-o ...19846434494
stable free radical and benzoquinone imine metabolites of an acetaminophen analogue.the enzymatic oxidation of the acetaminophen analogue 3',5'-dimethyl-4'-hydroxyacetanilide (3',5'-dimethylacetaminophen) with the horseradish peroxidase/hydrogen peroxide system forms a phenoxyl free radical metabolite. the structure of this free radical is established by a complete analysis of the esr spectrum and confirmed by deuterium isotope substitution. concomitant with phenoxyl radical formation, n-acetyl-3,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone imine was detected by optical spectroscopy. the free rad ...19846088491
changes in the topographically organized connections between the nucleus isthmi and the optic tectum after partial tectal ablation in adult goldfish.the projection of the nucleus isthmi to the ipsilateral optic tectum was examined in normal goldfish. this was compared to the projection in animals in which the entire visual field had been induced to compress onto a rostral half tectum by caudal tectal ablation. the isthmo-tectal projection was examined by making localized injections of horseradish peroxidase into the optic tecta and observing the patterns of labeled cells within the nucleus isthmi. the teleost nucleus isthmi consists of a cel ...19846470220
evidence for a radical mechanism of halogenation of monochlorodimedone catalyzed by chloroperoxidase.a radical species of monochlorodimedone has been characterized by its high reactivity with molecular o2. horseradish peroxidase greatly accelerated o2 uptake by acidic solutions of this substrate; the enzymatic reaction required exogenous h2o2 only with freshly prepared substrate solutions, and the total substrate oxidized was equal to the sum of h2o2 added and o2 consumed. however, with excess br- and horseradish peroxidase, or high br- or cl- and chloroperoxidase, a 1:1 stoichiometry between h ...19846540548
lymph node involvement in a humoral immune response.mice were primed subcutaneously in the hind footpads with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and boosted intravenously 10 weeks later. the appearance of cells with cytoplasmic anti-hrp antibody was studied in several lymph nodes. it appeared that following intravenous boosting antibody-forming cells appeared in significant numbers in the popliteal, the lumbar, and (in some animals) the sciatic lymph nodes exclusively. in the other lymph nodes examined specific antibody-forming cells were observed only ...19846541006
coated vesicles are associated with acetylcholine receptors at nerve-muscle contacts.cholinergic synapses form between ciliary neurons and cultured myotubes. we have identified these synaptic contacts using alpha-bungarotoxin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (alpha btx-hrp). the enzymatic reaction product was limited to a small portion of the sarcolemma in direct apposition to the nerve terminal. multiple neuronal processes contact the region of the myotube containing acetylcholine receptors (achrs). at the early stages of nerve-muscle contacts neuronal processes protrude in ...19846481410
developmental sequence in the origin of descending spinal pathways. studies using retrograde transport techniques in the north american opossum (didelphis virginiana).the origin of descending pathways to thoracic and cervical levels of the spinal cord has been investigated with retrograde tracing techniques in a series of pouch young and adult opossums. the opossum was chosen because it is born in a very immature state, 12-13 days after conception, and has a protracted development in an external pouch. a few neurons in the pontine reticular formation and nucleus coeruleus were labeled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections of the thoracic cord as early as ...19846478250
effect of an osmotic gradient on antidiuretic hormone-induced endocytosis and hydroosmosis in the toad urinary bladder.the luminal (apical) border of the epithelium of the bladder in the well-hydrated toad is relatively impermeable, so the bladder usually stores hyposmotic urine. when antidiuretic hormone (adh) increases apical membrane osmotic permeability dramatically, water is resorbed from hyposmotic mucosal solution; in the presence of hyposmotic or isosmotic mucosal solutions, adh concomitantly induces exocytosis at the apical border of granule-rich (g) cells. then adh induces endocytosis at this border. w ...19846205599
topographic organization of connections between the main olfactory bulb and pars externa of the anterior olfactory nucleus in the hamster.the organization of connections between the main olfactory bulb (mob) and pars externa (pe) of the anterior olfactory nucleus was studied in hamsters by using wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase as both an anterograde and a retrograde neuronal tracer. bulbar efferents of pe project exclusively to the contralateral mob. a topographic organization is evident in these efferents, such that distinct sectors of pe project predominantly to certain sectors of the contralateral mob and lightly t ...19846470206
on the mechanism of peroxidase-catalyzed chemiluminescence from isobutyraldehyde.the reaction of isobutyraldehyde with dissolved oxygen catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase has been studied from the standpoint of determining the rate-limiting factor under a variety of conditions. chemiluminescence from the product triplet acetone and rate of oxygen uptake were determined in simultaneous experiments. the reaction is initiated by the peracid obtained from the uncatalyzed autoxidation of the aldehyde; and under certain conditions the amount of peracid is also rate-limiting in th ...19846743333
use of a lectin-peroxidase conjugate (wga-hrp) to assess the retinotopic precision of goldfish optic terminals.the lectin wheat-germ agglutinin (wga), conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp), is an effective tracer for goldfish optic axons. under suitable conditions, wga-hrp injected iontophoretically into the normal goldfish tectum is taken up by retinotopic optic terminals (but not by axons of passage) and labels a small, discoid patch of retinal ganglion cells. under identical conditions, unconjugated hrp is mainly taken up by injured axons of passage. wga-hrp injected into the tectum after regener ...19846548002
identified central axons differ in their response to spinal cord transection.the responses of two distinct populations of neurons to axotomy were examined in this study. spinal cord transections were made in mice, and horseradish peroxidase was used to label the severed axons of dorsal root ganglion cells and corticospinal neurons at various times after injury. corticospinal axons formed terminal bulbs near the site of injury, and exhibited little evidence of regrowth. dorsal column axons, that lie adjacent to corticospinal axons in the dorsal funiculus, formed terminal ...19846744055
retinal terminals in the goldfish optic tectum: identification and characterization.retinal terminal profiles in the goldfish optic tectum were identified electron microscopically after (1) labeling with horseradish peroxidase and (2) in the early stages of degeneration in short-term eye enucleates. all labeled terminals shared certain common morphological characteristics which were identical to those of a population of terminals in normal tecta. terminals of this type disappeared 30 days after enucleation of the contralateral eye. retinal terminal presynaptic profiles were cha ...19846747029
relationships between the nigrotectal pathway and the cells of origin of the predorsal bundle.the goal of this study was to define the anatomical relationships between the terminal field of the nigrotectal pathway and the tectal neurons which project to contralateral brainstem gaze centers by way of the predorsal bundle. the distribution and morphology of the cells of origin for the predorsal bundle were determined by using a modification of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique which homogeneously filled their somas and dendrites. the terminal distribution of the nigrotectal t ...19846747028
central neural connections of the pineal organ and retina in the teleost gasterosteus aculeatus l.the relations of the central neural connections of the pineal organ to those of the retinae of the lateral eyes were investigated in the three-spined stickleback, gasterosteus aculeatus l. (teleostei), by anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). hrp was applied to the crushed pineal stalk and/or injected into the left or the right eye. both pineal and retinal efferents project to area praetectalis, dorsal and ventral thalamic areas, and dorsal tegmentum. the most not ...19846747025
embryonic origins of cells in the leech helobdella ascertain the embryonic origins of the cells in various tissues of the leech helobdella triserialis, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected as a cell lineage tracer into all identified blastomeres of the early embryo in turn, except for a few of the micromeres, and the resulting distribution of hrp-labeled cells was then examined in the late embryo. in this way it was found that in every body segment a topographically characteristic set of neurons in the ganglion and body wall and a charac ...19846734941
anatomical basis of specific connections between sensory axons and motor neurons in the brachial spinal cord of the bullfrog.the anatomical basis for the specificity of the monosynaptic stretch reflex has been studied in the brachial spinal cord of bullfrogs. sensory axons from the triceps brachii muscle innervate the corresponding triceps motoneurons but do not innervate two types of unrelated motoneurons (subscapularis and pectoralis) (lichtman, j.w., and e. frank (1984) j. neurosci. 4: 1745-1753). retrograde labeling of these three types of motoneurons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) demonstrated that their cell ...19846610729
an enzyme-linked lectin binding assay for quantitative determination of lectin enzyme-linked lectin binding assay (elba) has been developed for the detection of soluble lectin binding substances (receptors) and the determination of their relative affinity for the lectin. the assay is based on competitive binding to enzyme-labeled lectin of a known lectin receptor, bound to a solid phase, and unknown sample receptors. in this paper the assay is exemplified with the mannose/glucose-specific pea lectin, with the glycoprotein ovalbumin as its receptor, and with horseradish ...19846486415
aggregate-carrying membranes during adh stimulation and washout in toad bladder.aggregates of intramembrane particles are found in cytoplasmic structures that we now term "aggrephores." antidiuretic hormone (adh) causes aggrephores to fuse with the luminal membrane. aggregates subsequently become dispersed in the membrane and behave as sites for water flow. in the present studies we examined further the behavior of aggrephores. 1) bladders stimulated for 10, 30, or 60 min in the absence of an osmotic gradient had two to three times more fusions as those stimulated in the pr ...19846430101
[telencephalic sources of the afferents of the main olfactory bulb in the frog rana temporaria].following horseradish peroxidase iontophoretic application into the main olfactory bulb (mob) retrograde neuronal labeling was examined in the telencephalon in the frog. labeled neurons, the sources of the mob afferents are found in the mitral cell layer of the contralateral mob, pallial and some subpallial areas. very heavy labeling is observed in the pars ventralis of the lateral pallium, and to a lesser extent in the medial pallium, pars dorsalis of the lateral pallium and in the dorsal palli ...20066385573
neuroanatomical evidence for electroreception in lampreys.the patterns of the anterior lateral-line afferents of lampetra fluviatilis as revealed by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase are described. the afferents form two roots in entering the rhombencephalon. fibers of the dorsalmost root can be traced to a short dorsal fascicle which runs along the dorsal nucleus. the ventral roots form two fascicles adjacent to the nucleus intermedius. comparison with urodeles indicates that lampreys, like urodeles and other anamniotic vertebrates a ...20166208702
innervation of the corpus allatum in the colorado potato beetle as revealed by retrograde diffusion with horseradish peroxidase.the application of horseradish peroxidase for tracing the cells innervating the corpus allatum in adult leptinotarsa decemlineata, using simple instruments, is described. the corpus allatum in this insect appears to be innervated by a single group of about eight cells. the size and position of these cells indicate that they belong to the l-type lateral neurosecretory cells. the axons from each of these cells split into two pathways: one pathway arborizes extensively in the dorsal part of the bra ...19846204906
peroxidatic oxidation of catecholamines. a kinetic electron spin resonance investigation using the spin stabilization approach.using spin stabilization, esr measurements have been made of o-semiquinone production from the horseradish peroxidase-h2o2 oxidation of catecholamine substrates. the termination rate constant for semiquinones stabilized with zn2+ at ph 5 is about 10(4) times smaller than for uncomplexed semiquinones at neutral ph. stabilization allows steady state concentrations of semiquinones to be obtained. the duration of the steady state is dependent upon the concentrations of enzyme, hydrogen peroxide, and ...19846330064
projections from the superior olivary complex to the cochlear nucleus in the tree shrew.the origins and targets of projections from the superior olivary complex to the cochlear nuclei were studied in the tree shrew by placing small injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the cochlear nucleus and small injections of 3h-leucine in the superior olivary complex. the results show that the descending pathways originate in periolivary cell groups surrounding the medial and lateral superior olives and that periolivary nuclei differ from one another in their patterns of projections to ...19846736304
axonal projections of mechanosensory neurons in the connectives and peripheral nerves of the leech, haemopis marmorata.the axonal projections of the seven mechanosensory neurons in the connectives and peripheral nerves were examined by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections. in the connective the closely functionally related mechanosensory neurons travel in two bilaterally symmetrical regions, which comprise less than 10% of the connective's cross-sectional area. this grouping may reflect the similar functional properties and synaptic connections of the cells. serial sections through the neuropil-connective jun ...19846736302
distribution and morphology of nociceptive cells in the cns of three species of leeches.the present study describes the segmental variation in the distribution and morphology of nociceptive neurons (n cells) in the central nervous system of the leech. n cells of midbody ganglia can be segregated into lateral and medial types. we show that monoclonal antibodies specific for n cells can distinguish between the two populations. the monoclonal antibodies were used to map the complete distribution of the cells along the nervous cord. there are two pairs of the medial and lateral nocicep ...19846330180
effects of permeability of midtectal barriers in goldfish on compression of the visuotectal projection rostrally and regenerative escape caudally.physiological mapping and anatomical methods were used to evaluate changes in the retinotectal projection of goldfish 16-200 days after insertion of permeable or impermeable barriers that bisected the tectum into rostral and caudal halves. the projection to rostral tectum was left intact. barriers composed of gelfilm or impermeable nucleopore material induced within 2-3 months an orderly compression of the visual field representation in rostral tectum only slightly less complete than that observ ...19846736293
macromolecular transport in jejunal mucosa of children with severe malnutrition: a quantitative study.small intestinal permeability to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was assessed in jejunal biopsies of malnourished children. clinical examination, intestinal function (d-xylose test), and the histological appearance of the mucosa were assessed in 14 children during the malnutrition phase and in eight children after 3 months of nutritional rehabilitation. macromolecular permeability was evaluated by measuring transepithelial hrp fluxes from mucosa to serosa (jhrpms) using ussing chambers. intact hrp ...19846737179
asymmetry of the olfactory system in the brain of the winter flounder, pseudopleuronectes flatfishes exhibit grossly asymmetric external morphology. even the olfactory apparatus is asymmetric, being larger on the upward-facing side. we undertook the present study on the winter flounder, pseudopleuronectes americanus, to examine whether the asymmetry of the peripheral olfactory system is maintained in its central organization. in winter flounder, the right olfactory organ, nerve, and bulb are larger than the contralateral counterparts. in addition, the right telencephalon is abo ...19846736288
paths of axons in the visual system of perciform fish and implications of these paths for rules governing axonal growth.the optic nerve of many perciform fish is ribbon-shaped, and axons from ganglion cells in specific parts of the retina are consistently found in specific places in this ribbon. i utilized this organization to fill selected groups of axons with horseradish peroxidase. i then traced these groups of axons through the nerve and across the tectum to their terminal arbors. the paths of the axons suggest that axons use a number of different mechanisms to guide them to their correct terminal sites. at s ...19846726340
homotopic and heterotopic transplantations of quail tectal primordia in chick embryos: organization of the retinotectal projections in the chimeric study the adaptative capabilities of the retinotectal system in birds, the primordium of one optic tectum from 12-somite embryos of japanese quail was transplanted either homotopically , to replace the ablated same primordium, or heterotopically, to replace the ablated dorsal diencephalon in white leghorn chick embryos of the same stage. the quail nucleolar marker was used to recognize the transplants. the cytoarchitecture of the tecta and the retinal projections from the eye contralateral to ...19846724134
applications of immunohistochemistry to ophthalmic pathology.immunohistological techniques have been increasingly used, both in general and ophthalmic pathology, for identification of specific cell types that may not be possible on morphological grounds or by conventional histochemical methods alone. enzyme conjugate techniques using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (pap) immune complex method and the avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase method (abc) are particularly useful as they are highly sensitive, provide permanent results, allow the use of paraffin-em ...19846205342
the cytoarchitecture and some efferent projections of the centromedian-parafascicular complex in the lesser bushbaby (galago senegalensis).the morphology of neurons in the centromedian (cm) and parafascicular (pf) nuclei in the lesser bushbaby (galago senegalensis) is described in coronal and horizontal brain sections using golgi-, horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-, and nissl-staining procedures. the cm contains two types of cells referred to as principal neurons and golgi type ii (like) neurons. cell bodies of principal neurons are relatively large in cross-sectional area (mean = 130.42 micron2), round to spindle in shape, support sho ...19846203940
initial steps in receptor-mediated endocytosis. the influence of temperature on the shape and distribution of plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits in cultured mammalian cells.we have examined the shape and distribution of clathrin-coated pits in swiss 3t3 cells at 4 or 37 degrees c using electron microscopy with serial sections and immunofluorescence light microscopy. both groups were fixed in glutaraldehyde and preserved further using a membrane contrast enhancement technique consisting of sequential osmium-ferrocyanide, thiocarbohydrazide and osmium-ferrocyanide treatment in situ. concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase (cona-hrp) was used to identify these structure ...19846144562
oxidation of benzo(a)pyrene and 7,8-dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene by horseradish peroxidase-h2o2 intermediate: fluorometric study.the capacity of oxidation of benzo(a)pyrene (bp) and its analog to be oxidized by peroxidases in several tissues has been studied. the kinetics of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) oxidation of bp and 7,8-dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy benzo(a)pyrene (bp-7,8-diol) were examined. effective ratios of h2o2 and hrp for catalytic oxidation were 13.74 for bp and 4.58 for bp-7,8-diol. the maximum ratio was approximately 90 for both hydrogen donors (bp and bp-7,8-diol) to the es complex. the maximum ratio of oxid ...19846088031
a chemical modification to make horseradish peroxidase soluble and active in benzene.horseradish peroxidase was modified with 2,4-bis(o- methoxypolyethylene glycol)-6-chloro-s-triazine. the modified peroxidase, in which 60% of the amino groups were coupled with polyethylene glycol, had 70% of the enzymic activity in aqueous solution and was found to be soluble in benzene. since the modified peroxidase in benzene had an absorption spectrum similar to that of unmodified peroxidase in aqueous solution, the prosthetic group, protohaemin ix, remained with the apoprotein even in benze ...19846732806
visualization of antigenic proteins blotted onto nitrocellulose using the immuno-gold-staining (igs) method.a new and simple method for the detection of antigenic proteins blotted onto nitrocellulose was developed. after transfer of spinach stromal proteins and purified phosphoribulokinase immunolabeling was performed with phosphoribulokinase antiserum, followed by a) protein a-labeled colloidal gold particles, and b) by horseradish peroxidase conjugated protein a and substrate mixture. the protein a-gold method is at least twofold more sensitive than the protein a-peroxidase procedure. incubation of ...19846203530
directional specificity in the regeneration of lamprey spinal axons.after spinal transection in ammocoetes (lamprey larvae) 4 to 5 years old, functional recovery is accompanied by a limited regeneration in which axons grow as far as 5 millimeters beyond the scar. in axotomized giant interneurons labeled intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase 16 to 120 days after transection, 74 percent of regenerating neurites grew in their normal projection pattern, rostal and contralateral to the cell body. one third of the neurites originated anomalously from posterior d ...19846719120
development of the cochlear innervation of the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the hamster.the development of cochlear fibers and terminals in the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the hamster was studied with light and electron microscopic techniques. like the dorsal cochlear nucleus of most other mammals, the dorsal cochlear nucleus of the adult hamster is a laminated structure. three distinct layers can be identified in cresyl-violet-stained sections: the molecular layer, the fusiform cell layer, and the deep layer. the deep layer consists of a superficial zone, free of large cell bodies, ...19846725644
free radical metabolites of l-cysteine oxidation.the oxidation of l-cysteine by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of oxygen forms a thiyl free radical as demonstrated with the spin-trapping esr technique. reactions of this thiyl free radical result in oxygen consumption, which is inhibited by the spin trap 5,5'-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-n-oxide. cysteine sulfinic acid, a cysteine metabolite, is a poorer substrate for horseradish peroxidase than cysteine and is oxidized to form both sulfur-centered and carbon-centered free radicals.19846325443
presence of a blood-nerve barrier within blood vessels of frog sciatic nerve.the morphological correlates of protein permeability in endoneurial blood vessels of the frog sciatic nerve were investigated. the endothelial cells of these vessels possess numerous free and anastomosing vesicles at both their lumenal and ablumenal surfaces. the cells are joined by junctions characterized by one or two areas of membrane apposition. however, vesicular transport, transcellular channels or open junctions are not found. the protein tracers horseradish peroxidase and microperoxidase ...19846609749
the origin of centrifugal inner ear fibers of gymnophions (amphibia). a horseradish peroxidase study.the cells of origin of the centrifugal innervation to the inner ear were investigated in the amphibian order gymnophiona. after applying hrp to the viiith nerve inside the otic capsul a golgi-like labeling was obtained only in a small number of cells in the ipsilateral rhombencephalic basal plate and in the viiith nerve afferents. the axons of these cells course after entrance to the raphe and then turn back to the efferent cells in the reticular formation. with respect to the exclusively ipsila ...19846738912
observations on the brainstem-spinal descending systems of normal and reeler mutant mice by the retrograde hrp method.brainstem neurons which project to the lumbar spinal level were identified in both reeler mutant mice and normal controls (balb/c mice) by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. in normal controls after hrp injection into the lumbar cord, retrogradely labelled neurons were observed in (1) the lateral vestibular nucleus, (2) the pontine and medullary reticular formations including the nucleus centralis caudalis pontis, nucleus gigantocellularis, nucleus paragigantocellularis, nucl ...19846725641
central projections of the lateral line nerves in the shovelnose sturgeon.primary projections of the anterior ( alln ) and posterior ( plln ) lateral line nerves were traced in the shovelnose sturgeon by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry and silver degeneration. the trunk of the alln divides into dorsal and ventral roots as it enters the medulla. fibers of the dorsal root form ascending and descending branches that terminate within the ipsilateral dorsal octavolateralis nucleus and the dorsal granular component of the lateral eminentia granularis. f ...19846725636
basal optic complex in the frog (rana pipiens): a physiological and hrp study.the basal optic projection in the frog rana pipiens has been investigated by single-unit extracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry. we approached the projection from the ventral side of the brain and recorded single units in the basal optic projection proper as well as in the adjacent dorsomedial region (jointly called the basal optic complex). we found a) units responsive to stimuli moving in a vertical direction, b) an approximately equal number of units responsiv ...19846610025
morphology, kinetics and secretory activity of antibody-forming cells.specific antibody-forming cells from spleen, bone marrow and popliteal lymph nodes were studied in mice after subcutaneous priming and intravenous boosting with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). functional antibody-secreting capacity of these cells was correlated with their morphology at the cell population level. for this purpose, cells synthesizing anti-hrp antibody from the same cell suspensions were studied simultaneously by light and electron microscopy and by a plaque assay. it appeared that t ...19846376333
quantitative lineage analysis of the frog's nervous system. i. lineages of rohon-beard neurons and primary motoneurons.after injection of horseradish peroxidase into single blastomeres in xenopus embryos at 2- to 512-cell stages, all of the descendants could be traced and counted at tailbud stages. progenitors of rohon-beard neurons and of primary spinal motoneurons were identified, and all neurons of each type that originated from individual progenitors were counted. from these data were derived the geometric mean of the number (n) of rohon-beard neurons (or primary motoneurons) that descended from a single pro ...19846202852
light-dependent change of cone-horizontal cell interactions in carp retina.carp h2 horizontal cells were investigated at various stages of dark and light adaptation. their state of adaptation was verified by evaluating in computer reconstructed serial sections the number of small, fingerlike protrusions originating from h1 processes. these so-called spinules are absent in the dark-adapted state and are reformed during light adaptation. intracellular recordings showed that long-wave-induced depolarization thought to be mediated by sign-inverted feedback from h1 horizont ...19846326947
ultrastructural correlates of electrical-chemical synaptic transmission in goldfish cranial motor nuclei.the output connections of the cranial relay neurons, part of the mauthner cell network, were examined in goldfish with light and electron microscopic techniques. either lucifer yellow or horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into cranial relay neuron axons to demonstrate that they diverge to several motor nuclei and to many motoneurons within one nucleus. retrograde transport of the enzyme from injections of mandibular muscles was used to label the trigeminal motoneurons. in the electron mic ...19846325513
tracing of frog sensory-motor synapses by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase.monosynaptically connected primary afferent fibres and motoneurones of the isolated spinal cord of the frog were injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). six labelled afferent fibre-motoneurone pairs were reconstructed and subjected to detailed analysis. frog motoneurones possess eight to twelve dendritic arrays displaying some dorso-ventral asymmetry. dorsal dendrites exhibit a rostro-caudal extent of 1.7-2.6 mm (average 2.2 mm). primary afferent fibres bifurcate in the dorsal funiculus. fir ...19846737301
the relationship of dorsal root afferents to motoneuron somata and dendrites in the adult bullfrog: a light and electron microscopic study using horseradish peroxidase.the relationship of lumbar dorsal root afferents to lateral motor column motoneurons was studied using anterograde injury filling of dorsal roots and retrograde injury filling of ventral roots with horseradish peroxidase. at the light microscopic level, horseradish peroxidase labelled dorsal root axons were observed to separate into a medial division of large diameter axons which enter the dorsal funiculus and a lateral division of small diameter axons which form a compact bundle in the dorsolat ...19846610840
anatomical characteristics of the anterior vestibular nerve of the was made of the dimensions of the nerves to the receptor organs in the anterior branch of the bullfrog vestibular nerve. the number of fibers and their diameters and trajectories in the nerve and scarpa's ganglion were studied. a correlation was made between the anatomical and physiological properties of neurons identified with intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase. the data suggest a specific pattern of innervation of the organs, organization of fibers and cells in the vestib ...19846608652
axonal pathfinding in the absence of normal pathways and impulse activity.retinal axons were challenged to grow to their targets both along abnormal pathways and in the absence of impulse activity. eye primordia were first transplanted from normal to ectopic sites in axolotl embryos. most of the hosts were genetically eyeless, others were enucleated normal embryos. these axolotl embryos were then parabiotically joined to california newt embryos. both operations were completed by stage 28, which is before axons have left the eye. the result of the parabiosis was a para ...19846325605
an evaluation of the hypothesis of shifting terminals in goldfish optic has been proposed that the terminal arbors of retinal ganglion cells continually shift positions in the optic tectum as a natural consequence of growth in larval amphibians and teleost fish. here, we develop a detailed anatomical model of this process, based on recent observations in goldfish. the model predicts some unusual structural features of optic axons in the tectum. it was tested in two ways by use of the tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). in the first, optic axons in the tectum we ...19846325603
rules of order in the retinotectal fascicles of goldfish.individual fascicles of retinal axons were labeled in the goldfish tectum with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the contralateral retina was later processed for hrp histochemistry to mark the cells that had axons in the fascicles. labeled cells were found in a partial half anulus in ventral hemiretina, centered on the optic disk. the distance of the partial anulus from the disk depended on which tectal fascicle had been labeled; the more rostrocentral the fascicle, the smaller was the annular radiu ...19846325602
the use of osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium (oto) and ferrocyanide-reduced osmium methods to enhance membrane contrast and preservation in cultured cells.the preservation and contrast of membranous structures in cultured cells using various postfixation procedures prior to embedding have been investigated. these include routine oso4, ferrocyanide-reduced oso4, osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium (oto), and ferrocyanide-reduced osmium-thiocarbohydrazide-ferrocyanide-reduced osmium (r-oto). with standard ethanol-epon dehydration/embedding techniques, a dramatic improvement in both membrane contrast and preservation of bilayer membrane structure was ac ...19846323574
synaptic strength and horseradish peroxidase uptake in crayfish nerve terminals.uptake of horseradish peroxidase was studied by examining percentages of labelled synaptic vesicles in nerve endings of the excitatory axon innervating the opener muscle of the walking leg in the crayfish (procambarus clarkii). terminals on fibres with large excitatory postsynaptic potentials (epsp) had higher percentage of labelled vesicles than terminals of fibres with small ejps. the extent of labelling in the synaptic vesicle pool was greater for terminals with higher transmitter output. evi ...19846202849
relation between structural and release parameters at the frog sensory-motor synapse.the sensory-motor synaptic connexions in the frog lumbar cord have been used to examine the relationship between the statistical characteristics of the unitary excitatory post-synaptic potential (e.p.s.p.) and the number and organization of synaptic contacts determined when the primary afferent fibre used in evoking the e.p.s.p., and a motoneurone in which it was recorded, were both labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). a significant correlation is found between the number of contacting bo ...19846145791
some efferent connections of the superficial pretectum in the goldfish.the diencephalic nuclei known as the lateral geniculate and rotundus in goldfish appear to belong to the pretectal region. they do not project to the telencephalon. a combination of degeneration and horseradish tract-tracing experiments show that that the latter nucleus projects caudally to the so-called mammillary body and to a precerebellar cell group-nucleus lateralis valvulae.19846201237
peroxidase-catalyzed n-demethylation reactions. substrate deuterium isotope effects.deuterium isotope effects on the kinetic parameters for the hydroperoxide-supported n-demethylation of n,n-dimethylaniline catalyzed by chloroperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase were determined using n,n-di-(trideuteromethyl)aniline. the isotope effect on the vmax for the chloroperoxidase-catalyzed demethylation reaction supported by ethyl hydroperoxide was 1.42 +/- 0.31. the isotope effects on the vmax for the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed reaction supported by ethyl hydroperoxide and hydr ...19846538566
neuroanatomical effects of neonatal transection of the corpus callosum in hamsters.newborn hamsters were subjected to surgical transection of their corpora callosa under hypothermic anesthesia. after completion of their development, one group of animals had their brains prepared for cyto- and myeloarchitectonic analysis. another group had a small pellet of polyacrylamide gel containing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) implanted in different cortical loci. all were perfused with fixatives and had their brains cut into serial sections. the operated brains showed the following anatom ...19846715571
comparative studies on kinetic behavior of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes.kinetic parameters for each reaction step of the peroxidase-catalyzed reaction were determined by the stopped-flow technique on three distinct isoenzymes: acidic a2, neutral c1, and basic e5. the ph dependence of the reaction for the formation of compound i with hydrogen peroxide was examined. the three isoenzymes had a common ionizing group at about pk 4 which affects the rate constant for the formation of compound i. the heat of ionization determined from the temperature dependence of the diss ...19846725238
anatomical and functional organization of pathway from superior colliculus to lateral posterior nucleus in hamster.a series of anatomical (autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase, hrp) and electrophysiological experiments were carried out to determine the organization of the pathway from the superior colliculus (sc) to the lateral posterior nucleus (lp) in the hamster. small, electrophoretic hrp deposits restricted to lp labeled numerous cells in both the ipsilateral and contralateral colliculus. over 95% of the labeled cells were located in the lower one-half of the stratum griseum superficiale (sgs) an ...19846699674
the absence of specific dye-coupling among frog spinal neurons.a double fluorescence labeling technique was developed to study the specificity of dye-coupling among frog spinal neurons. a pool of motoneurons known to be electrically coupled was prelabeled with a large molecule (rhodamine conjugated to horseradish peroxidase) that was not expected to pass through gap junctions. then a single sensory or motor neuron within or outside this pool was injected with lucifer yellow to see if the dye spread specifically among neurons that are electrically coupled. w ...19846607766
interhemispheric connections of the visual cortex in the grey squirrel (sciurus carolinensis).the total pattern of visual callosal connections was studied in the grey squirrel by using the fink-heimer technique for axonal and terminal degeneration and the autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase techniques for axonal transport. the pattern of terminations was correlated with architectonic landmarks. the results show that callosal terminations are distributed in a complex fashion within the visual cortical areas. the major terminations form a band in area 17 along its border with area ...19846200520
elimination of ipsilateral retinotectal projections in mono-ophthalmic chick embryos.there are two transient ipsilateral retinotectal projections in the chick embryo: a normal one, appearing with a similar projection pattern in both binocular and monocular embryos, and an additional abnormal projection appearing only in mono-ophthalmic embryos. the development and the elimination of the ipsilateral retinotectal projections in mono-ophthalmic chick embryos was investigated using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and the fluorescent dye rhodamine-b-isothiocyanate (ritc) as tracers for ...19846709229
a comparison of the normal and regenerated retinotectal pathways of goldfish.this is a light and electron microscopic study of the retinotectal pathway: intact and after regeneration of the optic nerve. the spatiotemporal pattern of axonal outgrowth and termination was studied with the methods of proline autoradiography, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labeling, and fiber degeneration. the spatial order of optic fibers in the normal and regenerated pathways was assessed by labeling small groups intraretinally with hrp and then tracing them to the tectum. the labeled fibers ...19846200514
efferent projections of the torus semicircularis to the medulla of the tadpole, rana catesbeiana.horseradish peroxidase injections into the medulla of tadpoles demonstrate, by back-filling, efferent neurons in the torus semicircularis which project to the ipsilateral superior olive. this projection, as well as one to the vicinity of the efferent neurons of the contralateral viii and lateral line nerves, is confirmed by tracing anterograde transport following hrp injections into the torus semicircularis. these efferent neurons, located primarily in the principal nucleus of the torus within t ...19846607090
the activation patterns of embryonic chick motoneurones projecting to inappropriate muscles.chick lumbosacral motoneurones were caused to innervate foreign muscles by surgically rotating or shifting the limb bud about the anterior-posterior axis in stage 17-18 embryos. the activation pattern of such wrongly projecting motoneurones was assessed at stages 35-38 by recording electromyographic activity from muscles in an isolated spinal cord/hind limb preparation. muscle activity was classed as flexor- or extensor-like according to the characteristics of the patterned sequence of bursts el ...19846707957
survival of isthmo-optic neurons after early removal of one a series of normal 12- or 13-day-old chick embryos in which the neuroanatomical tracer wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was injected into one eye, about 25,000 neurons were found to be retrogradely labeled in the isthmic region of the brain. of these, about 100 were found on the side of the injection, whereas about 22,000 were found in the contralateral isthmo-optic nucleus (ion, the nucleus of origin of centrifugal fibers to the retina) and a further 3000 ...19846704755
chinese hamster ovary cell lysosomes retain pinocytized horseradish peroxidase and in situ-radioiodinated proteins.we used chinese hamster ovary cells, a cell line of fibroblastic origin, to investigate whether lysosomes are an exocytic compartment. to label lysosomal contents, chinese hamster ovary cells were incubated with the solute marker horseradish peroxidase. after an 18-h uptake period, horseradish peroxidase was found in lysosomes by cell fractionation in percoll gradients and by electron microscope cytochemistry. over a 24-h period, lysosomal horseradish peroxidase was quantitatively retained by ch ...19846700591
more useful maleimide compounds for the conjugation of fab' to horseradish peroxidase through thiol groups in the hinge.nine different maleimide compounds were evaluated for the conjugation of fab' to horseradish peroxidase through thiol groups in the hinge. the compounds evaluated were succinimidyl maleimidoacetate (i), succinimidyl 4-maleimidobutyrate (ii), succinimidyl 6-maleimidohexanoate (iii), succinimidyl 4-(n-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate (iv), succinimidyl m-maleimidobenzoate (v), succinimidyl 4-(p-maleimidophenyl)butyrate (vi), sulfosuccinimidyl 4-(n-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate ...20066490581
an immunospecific enzyme assay for horseradish peroxidase.a sensitive assay highly specific for horseradish peroxidase has been developed. the basic principle of the procedure is similar to that of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. sensitivity is the range 0.156-2.5 ng/ml. background activity in undiluted plasma and lymph under these conditions is negligible.19846375451
highly efficient and simple methods for the preparation of peroxidase and active peroxidase-antibody conjugates for enzyme immunoassays.the periodate-mediated conjugation of horseradish peroxidase to antibody is one of the most popular methods to prepare conjugates for enzyme immunoassays of antigens or corresponding antibodies. a very simple method to obtain peroxidase, which is both about five times cheaper than the rather expensive commercial preparations and has a significant higher activity, is reported. moreover, the conjugation method was critically investigated and considerably simplified. conjugates thus obtained are ab ...19846372541
the origin of thalamic inputs to the arcuate premotor and supplementary motor areas.we have used retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase to examine the origin of thalamic input to the two premotor areas with the densest projections to the motor cortex: the arcuate premotor area (apa) and the supplementary motor area (sma). retrograde transport demonstrated that the two premotor areas and the motor cortex each receive thalamic input from separate, cytoarchitectonically well defined subdivisions of the ventrolateral thalamus. according t ...19846199485
three distinct morphological classes of receptors in fish olfactory organs.three morphologically distinct classes of receptor-neurons are proposed: (1) type i ciliar cells, (2) microvillar cells and (3) type ii ciliar cells. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase by axons in the olfactory nerve to the olfactory organs of goldfish (carassius auratus) and channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus) provided evidence that these axon-bearing cells are present in the organs of both species. goldfish olfactory organs were also studied with scanning electron microscopy, dis ...19846199384
evidence that coated vesicles transport acetylcholine receptors to the surface membrane of chick myotubes.coated vesicles are present in the myoplasm of embryonic chick myotubes grown in vitro. they are most numerous beneath regions of the surface membrane that contain a high density of acetylcholine receptors (achr). prolonged exposure of myotubes to saline extract of chick brain increases the number of intracellular achr and the number of coated vesicles. this suggests that coated vesicles contain achr, and this hypothesis was tested with horseradish peroxidase-alpha-bungarotoxin (hrp-alpha btx) c ...19846141172
distribution of accessory and hypoglossal nerves in the hindbrain and spinal cord of lungless salamanders, family of the innervation of the musculature related to feeding behavior in plethodontid salamanders by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique has demonstrated the existence of a true spinal accessory nerve which innervates neck musculature, enters the brain via the ganglion of ix/x cranial nerves and has its motor neurons within the nucleus of the second spinal nerve. further, it has been shown that the first spinal nerve, being strictly motor, alone constitutes the ramus hypoglossu ...19846717853
projections of cerebellar purkinje cells in the dogfish, the dogfish scyliorhinus degenerating axons and terminals arising from purkinje cells and resulting from small superficial lesions made in the cerebellar corpus were found to be predominantly restricted to the ipsilateral cerebellar nucleus; none was observed in the tegmentum. horseradish peroxidase placed within the cerebellar nucleus was transported retrogradely to the purkinje cells. it appears that in these fishes, as in mammals, cerebellar output is relayed through cerebellar nuclei.19846717851
organization within the cranial ix-x complex in ranid frogs: a horseradish peroxidase transport study.cranial nerves ix and x in frogs have been described as originating from a nuclear group referred to as the ix-x complex. we studied the central nervous system components of this complex in rana pipiens and r. catesbiana by labeling peripheral branches of cranial nerves ix and x and identifying the central nervous system contributions of these branches. various peripheral nerves (ix and the cardiac, gastric, pulmonary, and laryngeal branches of x) were identified and soaked in horseradish peroxi ...19846607937
the non-photosensitized potentiation by the photosensitizer hematoporphyrin of the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed h2o2-mediated oxidation of nadph to nadp+.horseradish peroxidase is known to oxidize nadph in a reaction initiated by hydrogen peroxide. the present study demonstrates that the photosensitizer hematoporphyrin acting in a non-photodynamic manner, has a marked potentiating effect on the nucleotide oxidation rate. over 90 percent of the nadph oxidation product is enzymatically active nadp+. the ratio of nadph oxidized to nadph added indicates the existence of a chain reaction. it is suggested that the enzymatic generation of hematoporphyri ...19846696756
electron spin resonance-spin stabilization of semiquinones produced during oxidation of epinephrine and its analogues.the esr-spin stabilization approach has been employed to detect and characterize o-semiquinone radicals from the oxidation of epinephrine and related materials (norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxynorephedrine, isoproterenol, and adrenalone) in aqueous solutions. semiquinones were generated by various oxidative procedures--enzymatic oxidation (with horseradish peroxidase/h2o2), chemical oxidation (with ag2o) and photooxidation--and subsequently kinetically stabilized through complexation with zn2+ ions ...19846323406
the relationship of pinocytosis and synaptic vesicles at the frog neuromuscular junction.the fate of the extracellular marker horseradish peroxidase (hrp), following intense transmitter release was studied using identified muscle fibers from the frog sartorius nerve-muscle preparation. the muscle was stimulated indirectly via its nerve at 10 hz or k+-depolarized for 15 min. other preparations were also stimulated or k+-depolarized for 15 min and then rested for an additional 15 min. endings from only identified muscle fibers were photographed with the electron microscope. it was fou ...19846607088
neonatal superior collicular lesions alter visual callosal development in hamster.visual callosal connections were examined using autoradiographic (arg) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) techniques in normal adult hamsters, and in adults subjected to ablation of the superficial tectal laminae at birth. additional arg and hrp experiments were carried out in hamsters 1-27 days of age in order to describe the normal development of this pathway. neonatal collicular lesions, which deprived visual cortical neurons of a major terminal zone in the midbrain, substantially altered the v ...19846745358
synaptic actions produced by individual ventrolateral tract fibres in frog lumbar motoneurones.excitatory post-synaptic potentials (epsps) were evoked in lumbar motoneurones of the isolated frog spinal cord by impulses in single ventrolateral tract fibres. in a few cases after recording an epsp the fibre and the motoneurone involved were both filled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and the synaptic connexion between them was studied histologically. monosynaptic epsps produced by direct stimulation of supraspinal (mainly reticulospinal) or unidentified (presumably propriospinal) fibres ar ...19846723871
electrophysiology and anatomy of direction-specific pretectal units in salamandra salamandra.pretectal cells of the european fire salamander were recorded extracellularly during binocular and monocular horizontal optokinetic stimulations. the locations of the individual units within the pretectal nucleus were verified with alcian blue injections. the particular anatomical properties of single cells were demonstrated after single-unit recordings by means of horseradish peroxidase preparations. direction selective pretectal cells were found to be predominantly (2/3) sensitive to temporo-n ...19846723861
the ultrastructure of prosternal sensory hair afferents within the locust central nervous system.the sensory neurones innervating long prosternal hairs of locusta migratorioides were backfilled with horseradish peroxidase through their dendrites. the neurones' central projections in and around the medial ventral tract were examined with electron microscopy. most synapses occur on axon collaterals which ramify through the neuropile around the tract where both input and output synapses were observed. serial sectioning methods were used to determine the relative distribution of inputs and outp ...19846709188
evidence for both prelysosomal and lysosomal intermediates in endocytic pathways.horseradish peroxidase (hrp), an enzyme internalized by fluid phase pinocytosis, has been used to study the process by which pinosome contents are delivered to lysosomes in chinese hamster ovary cells. pinosome contents were labeled by allowing cells to internalize hrp for 3-5 min. following various chase times, cells were either processed for hrp and acid phosphatase (acpase) cytochemistry or homogenized and fractionated in percoll gradients. in percoll gradients, pinosomes labeled by a 3-5 min ...19846707080
the cellular envelope of oocytes in teleosts.structural and functional relationships between oocytes and their envelopes were studied by means of electron microscopy in several teleost species after injection of live fish with horseradish peroxidase. the marker first appeared in the capillaries and the pericapillary spaces of the ovarian stroma. it then entered the collagen-filled spaces between the granulosa and theca cells; these spaces are in direct connection with the pericapillary spaces. the marker penetrated between the follicle cel ...19846705041
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of ochratoxin a in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed for the quantitation of ochratoxin a amended to wheat. ochratoxin a conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as an enzyme marker in the assay. at toxin levels below 30 ppb, a cleanup treatment was necessary for elisa. among 3 cleanup methods tested (solvent partition, sep-pak cartridge treatment, solvent partition and cartridge treatment), reverse phase cartridge treatment was the most simple and effective. in the analysis, oc ...20126698931
contrast enhancement of the brownish horseradish peroxidase-activated 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride reaction product in black and white photomicrography by the use of interference interference filter combination for contrast enhancement of the brownish, peroxidase-activated, 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride reaction product has been developed. this filter combination allows transmission of light in two narrow bands, representing those of the primary colors green (480-500 nm) and red (575-585 nm) as well as a broader band between 385-430 nm. the visual contrast enhancement of horseradish peroxidase-containing neurons caused by the interference filters was excell ...19846690599
functional morphology of tonsillar crypts in recurrent tonsillitis.the cryptal epithelia contained three types of micropores (termed microcrypt) in association with free cells. type iii microcrypts appeared between ordinary epithelial cells with microridges and "specialized epithelial cells". the specialized epithelial cells consist of ciliated cells and non-ciliated cells having secretory granules and pinocytotic vesicles. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was taken up by phagocytes which protruded from the microcrypt and the superficial squamous epithelial cells w ...19846598276
the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis in the lizard varanus exanthematicus. 1. interstitiospinal, reticulospinal and vestibulospinal components.with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique the various descending components of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (flm) have been studied in the lizard varanus exanthematicus. after wheat germ agglutinin conjugated hrp injections at the spinomedullary border, retrogradely labeled fibers passing via the flm could be traced to various parts of the magnocellular rhombencephalic reticular formation, the descending and ventromedial vestibular nuclei and the interstitial nucleus of the flm. by i ...19846547576
the effect of hematin on bilirubin binding in bilirubin-enriched neonatal cord has been suggested that the serum of infants with abo hemolytic disease contains hematin which might interfere with bilirubin binding to albumin, increasing the risk of kerincterus. using the horseradish peroxidase assay, we investigated this possibility. cord serum from healthy term infants was enriched with bilirubin to a bilirubin/albumin molar ratio of 0.6, and then varying amounts of hematin were added. hematin had a significant adverse effect on bilirubin binding when present in half to ...19846538099
monoclonal antibody directed against the 43 000 dalton v1 polypeptide from torpedo marmorata electric organ.the acetylcholine receptor (acchor) plays an essential role at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction and in the fish electric organ: it mediates the opening of the post-synaptic ion channel by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (accho). the supra-molecular organization of the acchor within the subsynaptic membrane is highly characteristic. in the course of the maturation of the cholinergic synapse during embryogenesis, the acchor molecules change from being diffusely distributed and metabolicall ...19846526147
morphological studies of the goldfish hindgut mucosa in organ culture.the morphology of the absorptive cells of the goldfish hindgut mucosa, and their capability for horseradish peroxidase (hrp) uptake, were investigated by electron microscopy after a 24-h organ culture. the columnar appearance and the fine structure of the absorptive cells were well preserved for 24 h at room temperature and 37 degrees c with 5% co2 in air, in all the media used in this study. mitoses were frequently observed in the epithelium at the bottom of cultured mucosal folds, and re-epith ...19846525617
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