differentiation of primary embryonic neuroblasts in purified neural cell cultures from drosophila. | embryonic neuroblasts of drosophila are undifferentiated precursor cells that give rise to the central nervous system. centrifugal elutriation has been employed to fractionate embryonic cells on the basis of size. a fraction of large cells was found to be greatly enriched for neuroblasts, whereas mesodermal precursor cells were completely excluded. this allowed a second step of purification, based upon adhesion to glass, to provide virtually pure cultures of neural cells. the cells in these cult ... | 1985 | 3886453 |
the outer horizontal cell of the frog retina: morphology, receptor input, and function. | the outer horizontal cell (ohc) of the frog rana pipiens was studied by light and electron microscopy of golgi-stained and horseradish peroxidase-injected cells. responses of ohcs were recorded with intracellular electrodes. the ohcs are probably axonless cells. their dendritic terminals are lateral processes at synaptic ribbons and are involved frequently in reciprocal invaginating contacts with receptors, ie, contacts characterized by invagination of receptor membrane deeply into the horizonta ... | 1985 | 2987150 |
the growth of motor axons in the spinal cord of xenopus embryos. | the innervation of the myotomal muscles in the trunk region of xenopus embryos has been examined to see how the path taken by motoneurons within the spinal cord is formed. the growth of motor axons has been studied by retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase and the growth of the spinal cord and myotomes has been studied by labeling with fluorescent beads. results show that motoneurons initially innervate the nearest muscles. then through a process of differential growth whereby the muscl ... | 1985 | 2985458 |
morphology of identified neurosecretory and non-neurosecretory cells in the cockroach pars intercerebralis. | electrophysiologically identified cells of the cockroach pars intercerebralis (periplaneta americana) were injected with the dye lucifer yellow for morphological examination and with horseradish peroxidase for ultrastructural marking. in addition to this, uninjected cells were also studied to elaborate the findings from the injected material. the two electrophysiologically distinct classes of cells (type i and type ii) correspond to two distinct morphological and ultrastructural classes. type i ... | 1985 | 2582075 |
chemiluminescence in l-tyrosine-h2o2-horseradish peroxidase system: possible formation of tyrosine cation radical. | tyrosine-h2o2-horseradish peroxidase system at ph 7.4 emitted light in visible region. phenolic compounds other than tyrosine were also emissive, whereas methoxy phenylalanine and phenyl compounds were not, in h2o2-peroxidase systems. chemiluminescence spectrum of tyrosine of tyrosine-h2o2-horseradish peroxidase system showed two prominent peaks at 478 nm and 500 nm (luminescence 1) and additional two or three peaks near 550 and 610 nm (luminescence 2). luminescence 1 is quite similar to the pho ... | 1985 | 3994728 |
observation of the feiv=o stretching vibration of ferryl myoglobin by resonance raman spectroscopy. | we have directly observed the oxyferryl group of ferryl myoglobin by resonance raman spectroscopy. the feiv = o stretching vibration is observed at 797 cm-1 and confirmed by an 18o-induced isotopic shift to 771 cm-1. the porphyrin center-to-nitrogen distance of ferryl myoglobin is significantly less than that previously observed for horseradish peroxidase compound ii, which also contains an feiv = o heme. the feiii-cn- stretch of myoglobin (feiii) cyanide is observed at 454 cm-1, which shifts to ... | 1985 | 3986209 |
a direct magnocellular-preopticospinal pathway in goldfish: implications for control of sex behavior. | neurons in the pars magnocellularis and gigantocellularis of the goldfish magnocellular preoptic nucleus concentrate horseradish peroxidase by retrograde transport following its placement into sectioned spinal cord. implants at rostral levels labeled the greatest number of preoptic cells. the pathway demonstrated is primarily ipsilateral and appears equivalent to the paraventricular-spinal system of tetrapods. in goldfish it may control sperm release and other stereotyped reproductive responses. | 1985 | 4011031 |
connections of the lobus inferior hypothalami of the clearnose skate raja eglanteria (chondrichthyes). | the afferent and efferent connections of the lobus inferior hypothalami of the clearnose skate were demonstrated by the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the main source of afferents is from the midbrain tegmentum and telencephalon. the major midbrain input is from cells of the ipsilateral nucleus tegmentalis lateralis and the caudal tegmental area. another prominent, mostly ipsilateral, projection arises from nucleus f of the isthmic region. a few labeled cells als ... | 1985 | 3988991 |
nadph oxidation catalyzed by the peroxidase/h2o2 system. iodide-mediated oxidation of nadph to iodinated nadp. | oxidation of nadph catalyzed by the peroxidase/h2o2 system is known to require the presence of mediating molecules. using either lactoperoxidase or horseradish peroxidase, we demonstrated that in the peroxidase/h2o2 system, nadph oxidation was mediated by iodide. the oxidation product was the iodinated nadp. this product was shown to possess spectral characteristics different from those of nadp+ and nadph, since for iodinated nadp, increased absorbance was observed in the 280-nm region and was d ... | 1985 | 3987687 |
generation of nitric oxide by enzymatic oxidation of n-hydroxy-n-nitrosamines. | the nitric oxide (n = o) free radical exhibits potent cytocidal, mutagenic and vasodilatory properties. we have examined the hypothesis that the hydroxynitrosamino functionality (see sequence in text), which occurs naturally in antineoplastic and antihypertensive agents, will directly generate n = o following peroxidatic 1-electron oxidation. cupferron (see sequence in text) is indeed an excellent (k greater than 10(7) m-1 s-1) substrate for horseradish peroxidase. the products are n = o and nit ... | 1985 | 3980468 |
ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells in the eastern chipmunk (tamias sibiricus asiaticus). | ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells were studied in whole-mounted retinas of the eastern chipmunk (tamias sibiricus asiaticus) by labelling these cells with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injected into the optic tract. the hrp-labelled cells were distributed exclusively in the temporal crescent which occupied about a quarter of the whole retinal area. the temporal crescent contained contralaterally projecting cells as well as ipsilaterally projecting cells. the soma size of ipsilaterally proje ... | 1985 | 4000548 |
the pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali of rana pipiens. | the pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali (nlm) of rana pipiens was investigated with autoradiographic, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and golgi techniques. retinal afferents to nlm originate primarily from the central retina. the primary projection is contralateral with a small ipsilateral component. following optic nerve transection and hrp impregnation, contralateral retinal afferents show a restricted, dense core of hrp label in the superficial portion of the nucleus with sparser hrp lab ... | 1985 | 3872890 |
monitoring of aromatic amines by hplc with electrochemical detection: comparison of methods for destruction of carcinogenic aromatic amines in laboratory wastes. | a new chemical method for destruction of carcinogenic aromatic amines in laboratory wastes has been developed. the method is based on enzymatic oxidation of the amines in solution (with hydrogen peroxide and horseradish peroxidase), followed by oxidation of the solid residues with permanganate in sulphuric acid medium. to monitor the efficiency of destruction, a reversed-phase hplc system has been developed, with voltammetric detection with a carbon-fibre detector, which is substantially more se ... | 1985 | 18963843 |
detection of hydrogen peroxide produced by microorganisms on an abts peroxidase medium. | previously published methods to detect the production of hydrogen peroxide by microorganisms have been of limited usefulness for routine diagnosis because the sensitivity of some of these procedures does not allow the isolation of single h2o2-producing colonies. the new medium containing 2,2'-azino-di (3-ethyl benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) and horseradish peroxidase is more sensitive and faster than established methods. | 1985 | 4013558 |
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for met-enkephalin using unconjugated enkephalin as a solid phase antigen. | this paper presents a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for met-enkephalin, in which there is no need for preparing any special derivative of met-enkephalin for its optimal function as a solid-phase antigen. immunoplate wells were first coated with free met-enkephalin, and then incubated with antiserum and free met-enkephalin. the antibodies bound to the solid-phase met-enkephalin were determined by using anti-igg conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. the detection limit of the assay ... | 1985 | 3993941 |
the reaction of horseradish peroxidase with hydroperoxides derived from triton x-100. | all of the commercially available triton x-100 examined gave compound i upon reaction with horseradish peroxidase, followed by its gradual transition into compound ii. titration of horseradish peroxidase with triton x-100 to form compound i indicated that 1% (v/v) aqueous solutions of the detergent contained 0.4 to 3.2 microm equivalent peroxide but iodometric titration revealed 1.1 to 5.0 microm peroxide, suggesting the occurrence of different types of peroxides, reactive and unreactive with th ... | 1985 | 3993940 |
cochlear nerve of the alligator lizard. | the innervation of the auditory organ of the alligator lizard is described. patterns of distribution of the nerve fibers were studied at the light microscopic level with the horseradish peroxidase technique, and the types of synaptic contacts with hair cells were studied at the transmission electron microscopic level with standard techniques. the innervation of the two regions of the basilar papilla differs in the following ways. in the apical region, some fibers send branches along the length o ... | 1985 | 3980780 |
coupling and uncoupling of amphibian neuroglia. | glial cells in the optic nerve of necturus are coupled to each other by low resistance pathways which also permit the diffusion of the fluorescent dye lucifer yellow ch among the cells. the spread of dye is readily observed as nuclei of cells distant from the site of intracellular injection are stained. by contrast, horseradish peroxidase does not traverse the intercellular pathways. this protein remains in the injected cell. the addition of weak acids (carbonic or propionic) to the bathing medi ... | 1985 | 3921878 |
morphology and laminar distribution of electrophysiologically identified cells in the pigeon's optic tectum: an intracellular study. | the responses of 65 cells to electrical stimulation of the contralateral optic nerve were intracellularly recorded in the pigeon optic tectum by using micropipettes filled with a solution of horseradish peroxidase. nineteen of them were successfully labeled. microscopic examination of the filled cells shows that our sample includes six pyramidal, ten ganglion, two stellate, and one bipolar horizontal cells. thus, pyramidal and ganglion neurons constitute the most numerous types of cells in our s ... | 1985 | 2984257 |
oxidation of nad dimers by horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase catalyses the oxidation of nad dimers, (nad)2, to nad+ in accordance with a reaction that is ph-dependent and requires 1 mol of o2 per 2 mol of (nad)2. horseradish peroxidase also catalyses the peroxidation of (nad)2 to nad+. in contrast, bacterial nadh peroxidase does not catalyse the peroxidation or the oxidation of (nad)2. a free-radical mechanism is proposed for both horseradish-peroxidase-catalysed oxidation and peroxidation of (nad)2. | 1985 | 3994664 |
tectoreticular pathways in the turtle, pseudemys scripta. i. morphology of tectoreticular axons. | tectoreticular projections in turtles were examined by reconstructing from serial sections axons that were anterogradely filled with horseradish peroxidase after tectal injections. three tectoreticular pathways each contain extensively collateralized axons. the crossed dorsal pathway (tbd) contains large and small caliber axons. after leaving the tectum, tbd axons emit collaterals into the ipsilateral profundus mesencephali rostralis and then give off a main rostral branch that bears secondary c ... | 1985 | 3980772 |
enhanced luminescence enzyme immunoassay for factor viii related antigen. | a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for plasma factor viii related antigen has been developed which exploits a para-iodophenol enhanced chemiluminescent reaction to detect the horseradish peroxidase label. the assay entailed 15 min incubations with sample and with conjugate and had a detection limit of 0.12 mu. it showed good within batch precision (coefficient of variation = 2.95-5.8%) and results on a series of 57 specimens agreed with results obtained by immunoelectrophoresis (correlation coefficie ... | 1985 | 3919065 |
ultrastructural analysis of acute lymphoblastic cells: peanut lectin binding correlates with degree of differentiation of the leukemic cells. | peanut agglutinin (pna) has been shown to bind selectively to immature cells. bone marrow cells from some children having acute lymphocytic leukemia (all) bind pna while cells from other all patients do not bind, the significance being that the patients whose cells bind pna have a poorer prognosis than those not binding pna. in the present study, pna was conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and the two cell types were compared. cells binding pna are immature compared with the non-pna-binding cel ... | 1985 | 3872222 |
enzymatic and nonenzymatic superoxide-generating reactions of isoniazid. | during the course of horseradish peroxidase-mediated oxidation of either o-dianisidine or 2-2'-azino-di(3-ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (abts), no o2 consumption took place. when isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid) (inh) was included in the reaction mixture, o2 was consumed in amounts linearly related to the inh concentration. nicotinic acid hydrazide at equimolar concentrations induced lower rates of o2 consumption. superoxide dismutase activated o2 consumption. at equimolar concent ... | 1985 | 2986546 |
regeneration of lumbar dorsal root axons into the spinal cord of adult frogs (rana pipiens), an hrp study. | lumbar dorsal roots of adult frogs were crushed or cut and reanastomosed. following survival times of up to 75 days, the regenerating dorsal roots were recut and anterogradely injury-filled with horseradish peroxidase. this revealed that in the adult frog, regenerating axons re-enter the spinal cord. comparison of the distribution of these axons with that of normal dorsal root axons showed that there is a partial restoration of the segmental distribution in the gray matter. however, the long asc ... | 1985 | 3872317 |
enhancement of the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed chemiluminescent oxidation of cyclic diacyl hydrazides by 6-hydroxybenzothiazoles. | 6-hydroxybenzothiazole, 2-cyano-6-hydroxybenzothiazole, and 2-(6-hydroxy-2-benzothiazolyl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (dehydroluciferin) dramatically enhance light emission from the horseradish peroxidase conjugate catalyzed oxidation of luminol, isoluminol, n-(6-aminobutyl)-n-ethyl isoluminol, and 7-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid hydrazide by either peroxide or perborate. light emission is enhanced by up to 1000-fold, which is an improvement over the enhancement previously observ ... | 1985 | 4003766 |
selective retinal reinnervation of a surgically created tectal island in goldfish. ii. electron microscopic analysis. | in the preceding study (edwards et al., '85), we showed that regenerating optic axons reestablish a topographically restricted projection to a caudal tectal island created by surgical removal of a 1-mm-wide strip of caudal tectum in goldfish. in the present ultrastructural study, we evaluated the dependence of this axonal outgrowth on the presence of tectal target tissue caudal to the gap. axon counts in the lesion zone were compared between cases with complete caudal tectal ablation and cases w ... | 1985 | 3973098 |
selective retinal reinnervation of a surgically created tectal island in goldfish. i. light microscopic analysis. | through anatomical and physiological studies of the regenerating retinotectal projection of goldfish, we sought to determine whether the establishment of a topographic projection is attained through a refinement of an initially less precise pattern of innervation. a 1-mm-wide mediolateral strip of caudal tectum was removed so that a small island of tectal tissue was spared at the caudal pole, and the contralateral nerve was either crushed (tix) or left intact (ti). the presence of regenerated ax ... | 1985 | 3973097 |
the onset and development of descending pathways to the spinal cord in the chick embryo. | the ontogenetic development of afferent (supraspinal and propriospinal) as well as efferent (ascending) fiber connections of the spinal cord was examined following the injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat germ agglutinin hrp (wga-hrp) into the cervical and lumbar spinal cords (or brains) of embryos ranging in age from 4 to 14 days of incubation. a few cells were first reliably retrogradely labelled in the pontine reticular formation on embryonic day (e) 4 and e5 following the injec ... | 1985 | 3973087 |
characterization and mechanism of formation of reactive products formed during peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of p-phenetidine. trapping of reactive species by reduced glutathione and butylated hydroxyanisole. | off products of horseradish peroxidase (ec oxidation of p-phenetidine were isolated and reactive species were trapped with reduced glutathione (gsh) and butylated hydroxyanisole (bha). when bha was added to a reaction mixture after 5 min, subsequent tlc and mass spectrometric analysis revealed the formation of an adduct of bha and 4-(ethoxyphenyl)-p-benzoquinone diimine (a). the diimine derivative (a) was unstable and its expected degradation products, 4-(ethoxyphenyl)-p-benz ... | 1985 | 3969071 |
a monoclonal-antibody enzyme immunoassay for detection of hepatitis b surface antigen with use of a biotin-avidin system. | in this solid-phase two-site enzyme immunoassay for hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), three monoclonal anti-hbs are used: 5d3 (igm) is immobilized on plastic beads; 5c3 (igg2a) and 5c 11 (igg1), labeled with biotin, are used as the first conjugate. horseradish peroxidase covalently linked to avidin is the second conjugate. first, serum or plasma is incubated with the antibody-coated bead and biotin-labeled antibodies, simultaneously, at 45 degrees c for 1 h ("stat" procedure), 3 h ("standard" ... | 1985 | 3881200 |
miniature endplate potential frequency and amplitude determined by an extension of campbell's theorem. | a method based upon an extension of campbell's theorem is used to measure the amplitude, waveform, and frequency of occurrence of miniature endplate potentials (mepps) at rapidly secreting neuromuscular junctions of frog cutaneous pectoris muscles. measurements of the variance, skew, and power spectrum of the fluctuations in membrane potential are used to deduce the mepp parameters. these estimates of mepp amplitude and frequency are insensitive to slow drifts in membrane potential that preclude ... | 1985 | 3872137 |
the oxidation of p-phenetidine by horseradish peroxidase and prostaglandin synthase and the fate of glutathione during such oxidations. | the oxidation of p-phenetidine by horseradish peroxidase and prostaglandin synthase was investigated. the existence of a free radical intermediate formed during enzymatic oxidation was supported by a ratio of hydrogen peroxide: p-phenetidine consumed of 1:2 in the horseradish peroxidase system. furthermore in both enzyme systems a rapid oxidation of added glutathione was observed and in the presence of the thiol there was a decreased removal of p-phenetidine. this suggests the reduction of a p-p ... | 1985 | 2982385 |
thyroid hormone synthesis and thyroglobulin iodination related to the peroxidase localization of oxidizing equivalents: studies with cytochrome c peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase. | cytochrome c peroxidase (ccp) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp), when combined with a stoichiometric amount of h2o2, form stable compounds i which are known as feiv ro and feiv o pi + structures, respectively. these compounds were assayed in the catalysis of thyroid hormone synthesis and the iodination reaction. as previously shown for the lactoperoxidase feiv ro compound, the ccp feiv ro compound was involved in the coupling and not in the iodination reactions. in contrast, the hrp feiv o pi + c ... | 1985 | 2982316 |
peripheral and central distribution of major branches of the facial taste nerve in the carp. | the major pathways of the peripheral facial taste system in the carp, cyprinus carpio, are the maxillary (max), mandibular (mand), palatine (pal) and recurrent nerve rami. the peripheral distribution of the sensory fibers of these branches (b) was determined by means of electrophysiological techniques. max.b., mand.b. and pal.b., each of which arises from the gasserian-geniculate ganglionic complexes, were found to innervate respectively, the upper lip and the adjacent skin, the internal and ext ... | 1985 | 3978434 |
reflex connections of the facial and vagal gustatory systems in the brainstem of the bullhead catfish, ictalurus nebulosus. | the primary gustatory sensory nuclei in catfish are grossly divisible into a vagal lobe and a facial lobe. in this study, the reflex connections of each gustatory lobe were determined with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing methods. in addition, in order to determine the loci and morphology of the other brainstem cranial nerve nuclei, hrp was applied to the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, or vagus nerve. the sensory fibers of the facial nerve terminate in the facial lobe. the facial lobe ... | 1985 | 3968255 |
the morphology of growth cones of regenerating optic nerve axons. | the morphology of growth cones of regenerating optic nerve axons was examined by light and electron microscopy in adult frogs (rana pipiens), using a horseradish peroxidase (hrp) fiber-filling method, during early and later phases of regeneration. optic nerve regeneration was initiated unilaterally by crushing the optic nerve in mid-orbit. fiber filling was accomplished by severing the affected nerve closer to the eye 24-48 hrs. prior to sacrifice and applying hrp to the central stump. regenerat ... | 1985 | 3871444 |
receptor-mediated uptake of labeled transferrin by embryonic chicken dorsal root ganglion neurons in culture. | transferrin is a growth-promoting plasma protein which is known to occur within developing neurons. since little information exists on the process by which transferrin is internalized by neurons, we studied this process using dissociated embryonic chicken dorsal root ganglion neurons in culture. cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons were incubated in the presence of 3.75 nm (125)i-transferrin at 37°c, the cultures were extensively washed, the neurons were solubilized in a triton-containing buffe ... | 1985 | 24874753 |
elaborations of the basal surface of the cells of the malpighian tubules of an insect. | electrical measurements of membrane potential and resistance using intracellular microelectrodes showed that the fluid-secreting parts of the malpighian tubules of rhodnius have superficial regions different in electrical properties from the main body of the cell. the membrane potential in these superficial regions was smaller by 30-40 mv, but showed a standard depolarization on changing the potassium concentration of the bathing medium. the response to changes in the external chloride concentra ... | 1985 | 18620151 |
growing tips of embryonic cerebellar axons in vivo. | few studies have focused on the transformation of growth cones to mature synaptic arbors. to study these events in developing axons in vivo, we have labeled growing cerebellar axons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in postnatal stages [mason and gregory, 1984]. this report will provide the first data on embryonic cerebellar axons, and will ask whether growth cones differ in tracts and in target tissue and what features characterize axons that enter the cerebellum in fetal periods. during the ea ... | 1985 | 4038747 |
the oculomotor nucleus, not the abducent, innervates the muscles which advance the nictitating membrane in birds. | the topographic distribution of the neurones that innervate the muscles that advance the nictitating membrane in birds was studied using intra-axonal retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. the motor neurones are distributed in the oculomotor complex of the ipsilateral and contralateral sides. in the ipsilateral side, the neurones innervating the pyramidalis muscles were located in the dorsolateral, dorsomedial and ventromedial subnuclei, while those neurones innervating the quadratus mu ... | 1985 | 4013646 |
nerve cells and synaptic connections in the intestinal nerve of the snail, helix pomatia l. an ultrastructural and hrp study. | the ultrastructure of nerve cells and the fine-structural organization of synaptic contacts have been investigated in the intestinal nerve in the snail helix pomatia. three types of nerve cells, occurring singly or in groups, can be distinguished on the basis of the ultrastructure of their perikaryon and content of granules. the peripheral output of these nerve cells has been verified by retrograde cocl2 and nicl2 staining. both axosomatic and axo-axonic specialized synaptic contacts occur in th ... | 1985 | 3986882 |
uptake and transport of intact macromolecules in the intestinal epithelium of carp (cyprinus carpio l.) and the possible immunological implications. | two protein antigens, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and ferritin, have been administered to the digestive tract of carp. electron-microscopical observations reveal considerable absorption of both antigens in the second segment of the gut (from 70 to 95% of the total length) and also, although to a lesser extent, in the first segment (from 0 to 70% of the total length). even when administered physiologically with food, a large amount of ferritin is absorbed by enterocytes in the second gut segment ... | 1985 | 3986879 |
synaptic organization of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the adult hamster. an electron microscope study using degeneration and horseradish peroxidase tracing techniques. | the synaptic organization of the alpha sector of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus has been examined by electron microscopy in normal adult hamsters and in adult hamsters subjected to unilateral eye enucleation or intravitreal injection of horseradish peroxidase. two types of neuropil are apparent. islands of complex neuropil partially enclosed by astrocyte processes (synaptic glomeruli) are surrounded by a sea of simpler non-glomerular neuropil. the latter is dominated by small axon termina ... | 1985 | 3985371 |
morphology of primary afferents to the spinal cord of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans. | the morphology of primary afferents to the spinal cord of the turtle pseudemys scripta elegans was studied by means of intra-axonal injections of horseradish peroxidase. a total of 74 collaterals arising from 34 different afferents in 22 animals was investigated. within this sample, a division into three morphologically distinct collateral types appeared possible. collaterals of the same parent axon could always be classified to the same type. type a collateral arborizations could be found withi ... | 1985 | 3985359 |
the riboflavin-sensitized photooxidation of horseradish apoperoxidase. | native horseradish peroxidase, as well as its reduced and carboxymethylated form, and the apoenzyme, showed resistance to photodynamic action. sensitivity to this action was detected only in reduced and carboxymethylated apoenzyme, when the photooxidation of its histidine residues was observed. when analyzing the bulk hydrophobic character (hf) and the accessibility coefficients (br) in those amino acid residues which can be subjected to photooxidation in horseradish peroxidase, it was found tha ... | 1985 | 3975350 |
permeability of external gill filaments in the embryonic shark. electron microscopic observations using horseradish peroxidase as a macromolecular tracer. | external gill filaments of sharks are purely transient embryonic structures. they contain a single vascular sinusoidal loop that is continuous with the afferent and efferent branchial arteries. each filament is comprised of a squamous epithelial bilayer that rests upon a prominent basal lamina. a collagenous stroma separates the epithelium from the underlying endothelium. the epithelium, from an embryo 4.5 cm in total length, is characterized by microvilli with smooth walled vesicles at their ba ... | 1985 | 3973954 |
rod cells dissociated from mature salamander retina: ultrastructure and uptake of horseradish peroxidase. | to test the effects of isolation on adult neurons, we investigated the fine structure and synaptic activity of rod cells dissociated from the mature salamander retina and maintained in vitro. first, freshly isolated rod cells appeared remarkably similar to their counterparts in the intact retina: the outer segment retained its stack of membranous disks and the inner segment contained its normal complements of organelles. some reorganization of the cell surface, however, was observed: (a) radial ... | 1985 | 3965470 |
distribution of parasympathetic motoneurones in the oculomotor complex innervating the ciliary ganglion in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus). | parasympathetic motoneurones in the oculomotor complex which innervate the ciliary ganglion were identified using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde axonal tracer technique. the ciliary ganglion was located behind the eye by a lateral orbital approach and injected with hrp pellets mounted on the tips of microelectrodes. most of the labelled cells were distributed throughout the whole edinger-westphal nucleus (ew). outside the ew, only a small number of labelled cells were found, and mos ... | 1985 | 3918402 |
serotonergic innervation of the forebrain in the north american opossum. | the forebrain distribution of axons showing serotonin-like immunoreactivity was studied in the north american opossum. serotonergic innervation of the hypothalamus was extensive, particularly within the ventromedial nucleus, the periventricular nucleus and the rostral supraoptic nucleus. serotonergic axons were also present within the fields of forel and zona incerta, but they tended to avoid parts of the subthalamic nucleus. in the thalamus serotonergic innervation was dense within the midline ... | 1985 | 3910165 |
enzyme labeling of steroids by the n-succinimidyl ester method. preparation of horseradish peroxidase-labeled antigen for use in enzyme immunoassay. | | 1985 | 3891119 |
a new solid-phase immunoassay for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase: analysis of tdt antigen in cells, plasma, and serum. | a solid-phase immunoassay for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase has been developed using a primary antibody-coated polystyrene bead and secondary antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase. the immunoassay was compared with assays for enzyme activity and detection of antigen with immunofluorescence using cells from peripheral blood and bone marrow from patients with leukemia or lymphoma. in each instance, the solid-phase immunoassay correlated correctly with cellular samples judged to b ... | 1985 | 3880644 |
the dendritic extent of motoneurons in frog brachial spinal cord: a computer reconstruction of hrp-filled cells. with comments on dendritic reconstruction methodologies. | a lateral and a medial motoneuron in the brachial spinal cord of the leopard frog, rana pipiens, were labeled by horseradish peroxidase applied to the ventral root. their dendritic trees were traced, analyzed, and plotted using a computer-microscope system. some dendrites of the medial motoneuron crossed the midline of the spinal cord, but no dendrites of the lateral motoneuron crossed the midline. nevertheless, the total dendritic length of the lateral motoneuron exceeded that of the medial mot ... | 1985 | 3879889 |
projection of secondary vestibular neurons to the abducens nucleus in the carpet shark cephaloscyllium isabella. | the abducens nucleus in carpet sharks is not a discrete delimited nucleus, as the dendrites of the motoneurons extend into the reticular formation and the medial longitudinal fasciculus. injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) designed to trace the inputs to these neurons are therefore difficult to confine to this system alone. despite this problem a consistent finding from injection of hrp in the area of the abducens nucleus is the retrograde labelling of a column of cells in the contralater ... | 1985 | 3879743 |
sonic motor pathways in teleost fishes: a comparative hrp study. | among marine teleost fishes, one neuroeffector pathway for sonic communication consists of two components: a peripheral effector organ that consists of a swimbladder with associated 'drum' muscles, and a swimbladder or 'sonic' motor nucleus (smn) located at the junction of the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata. here, the organization of the smn is compared in two unrelated groups of teleosts, the midshipmen, porichthys notatus and p. myriaster, and the sea robin, prionotus carolinus. horsera ... | 1985 | 3843068 |
monocular and binocular optic inputs to salamander pretectal neurons: intracellular recording and hrp labelling study. | intracellular recordings and horseradish peroxidase injections were performed in the pretectum and adjacent tegmentum of salamandra salamandra, while both optic nerves were electrically stimulated. in approximately half of the recorded units no spikes could be evoked but rather graded postsynaptic potentials. the latter type morphologically showed features of interneurons. from a total of 48 recorded units, nearly 60% were excited only by the contralateral optic nerve, whereas approximately 40% ... | 1985 | 3836729 |
oculomotor areas involved in the parasympathetic control of accommodation and pupil size in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus). | the motoneurons of the oculomotor complex responsible for controlling accommodation and pupil size of the marmoset were identified by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the ciliary ganglion. the anatomical organization of accommodation and pupil constrictor motoneurons was determined using electrical stimulation techniques. hrp-labelled cells were found through the whole length of the edinger-westphal nucleus (ew) and also just ventral to this nucleus in caudal sections. a projection fr ... | 1985 | 3835987 |
excited species generation in horseradish peroxidase-mediated oxidation of glutathione. | photoemissive excited species are produced by the horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-catalyzed oxidation of reduced glutathione (gsh), without exogenously added hydroperoxide under aerobic conditions. the emitted low-level chemiluminescence consisted of two phases. light emission occurred at wavelengths beyond 610 nm (greater than or equal to 90% intensity), indicative of singlet oxygen 1o2. deuterium oxide enhanced photoemission 4.4-fold. ascorbate inhibited chemiluminescence completely. in the absen ... | 1985 | 3013981 |
resonance raman spectroscopy as a probe of heme protein structure and dynamics. | our understanding of metalloporphyrin resonance raman spectra has advanced to the point where it is possible to obtain detailed information about the structure of the heme group in situ in heme proteins. the porphyrin skeletal mode frequencies can be analyzed in terms of the ligation and spin state of the heme and may provide information about protein-induced stresses. the high-frequency region of the spectrum also contains bands due to vibrations of the porphyrin peripheral substituents, which ... | 1985 | 2998161 |
growth cone-target interactions in the frog retinotectal pathway. | the growth cones of retinal ganglion cell axons were studied in the optic tract and tectum with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry and electron microscopy. the ganglion cell growth cones has many morphological features similar to those described in vitro and in other in vivo systems. however, we found that some processes formed highly differentiated terminal arborizations, while retaining growth cones on many of their branches. in addition, ultrastructural examination of the tectal neur ... | 1985 | 2983078 |
growth cones of developing retinal cells in vivo, on culture surfaces, and in collagen matrices. | the outgrowth of axons from the early retina in vivo is compared with that from retinal explants in two types of culture systems. the normal time course of axonal growth along the primordial optic pathway to the optic tectum is characterized, using tritiated proline and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as anterograde tracers. the rate of axonal elongation in vivo is estimated to be about 32 micron/hr at 22 degrees c. the hrp technique allows visualization of retinal growth cones in vivo. observation ... | 1985 | 2983077 |
a new homogeneous enzyme immunoassay. its application to measurement of alpha-fetoprotein. | a rapid and sensitive homogeneous enzyme immunoassay (homogeneous eia) was developed for determination of serum proteins such as alpha-fetoprotein (afp). there are two assay systems, one is a competitive system including horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeled antigen, antibody and substrate, and the other is a non-competitive system including hrp-labeled antibody and substrate. when the aggregate was formed through the binding of hrp-labeled afp and anti-afp antibody or through the binding of hrp- ... | 1985 | 2581937 |
vascular permeability (problem of the blood-brain barrier) in the pineal organ of the rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri. | the problem of the blood-brain barrier in the pineal organ of the rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri, was investigated following intraperitoneal or intracardial injections of several tracers and dyes with different molecular weights. as demonstrated at the light-microscopic level, repeated injections of trypan blue or horseradish peroxidase (hrp) resulted in an accumulation of these substances in the pineal epithelium (parenchyma). by use of the electron microscope, hrp was found in electron-dense b ... | 1985 | 2580630 |
lectin-binding pattern in extramammary paget's disease by horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeling method--specific staining with dolichos biflorus agglutinin (dba). | lectin-binding pattern in extramammary paget's disease was studied using seven different lectins (con a, wga, rca-i, pna, sba, dba, and uea-i) by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeling method. by light microscopy it was observed that con a, wga, rca-i, and dba stained almost all the extramammary paget cells, while pna, sba, and uea-i stained only some of them. normal keratinocytes and tumor cells from other diseases such as mammary paget's disease, malignant melanoma, squamous cell c ... | 1985 | 2578774 |
role of immunocytochemistry in diagnosis of prostatic neoplasia by fine needle aspiration biopsy. | the efficacy of immunocytochemical staining for prostate-specific antigen (psa) and prostate-specific acid phosphatase (psap) was studied in aspiration biopsy specimens from 19 patients. eighteen patients had prostatic carcinoma and one had hyperplasia of prostate. specimens were obtained from both the primary tumors and metastatic sites. immunoperoxidase staining was performed on alcohol-fixed cytology smears (some prepared up to 9 years previously) using appropriate antisera followed by an avi ... | 2006 | 2424683 |
morphological and electrophysiological properties of the electromotoneurones of the electric ray torpedo marmorata in vivo and in in vitro brain slices. | the morphology of the adult electromotoneurones of the electric ray torpedo marmorata has been investigated by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. the results show particularly small dendritic fields, poor dendritic branching, and the existence of two distinct types of dendrites. the electrophysiological data demonstrate that the electromotoneurones behave similarly in vivo and in in vitro brain slices. observations on spontaneous and stimulus-evoked postsynaptic potentials sugges ... | 1985 | 2412757 |
retrograde labeling of regenerated electromotor neurons with hrp in a teleost fish, sternarchus albifrons: relation to cell death. | back-labeling of regenerated electromotor neurons in the teleost sternarchus albifrons was performed to test the hypothesis that, in regenerated spinal cord, incorrectly located electromotor neurons are eliminated because their axons do not reach the correct target area (electric organ). in each cross section examined, all of the regenerated electromotor neurons ipsilateral to the implantation site were labeled with horseradish peroxidase, including those ectopic cells located at the edge of the ... | 1985 | 2411410 |
connections of the mesencephalic, thalamic and telencephalic auditory centers in turtles. some structural bases for audiosomatic interrelations. | the organization of auditory projections at the mesencephalic, thalamic and telencephalic brain levels was studied utilizing the method of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) transport in two species of the turtle--emys orbicularis and testudo horsfieldi. it was shown that the torus semicircularis receives bilateral afferents from the brain stem auditory centers. they arise predominantly from the contralateral cochlear nuclei, the ipsilateral superior olive, the dorsal and ventral nuclei of the lateral ... | 1985 | 2410486 |
production and identification of bityrosine in horseradish peroxidase-h2o2-tyrosine system. | production of bityrosine (2,2'-dihydroxy-5,5'-bis (beta-carboxy-beta-aminoetyl)-diphenyl) was established in horseradish peroxidase-h2o2-tyrosine system at ph 9.2 by mass and nmr spectrometries. | 1984 | 6517945 |
dendrites of deep layer, somatosensory superior collicular neurons extend into the superficial laminae. | intracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection techniques were used to delineate the structural and functional properties of superior collicular (sc) neurons in hamsters. of 34 cells recovered from the deep laminae (those ventral to the stratum opticum--so), 26 were exclusively somatosensory and 10 of these extended dendrites into the superficial layers, the stratum griseum superficiale (sgs) and so. in 2 instances, dendrites extended only to the so, but in 8 others they reac ... | 1984 | 6529626 |
the localization of vagal neurons in the terrapin (trionyx sinensis) as revealed by the retrograde horseradish peroxidase method. | after the application of horseradish peroxidase in nonidet p40 solution to the right cervical vagus in the terrapin, the neurons giving origin to efferent fibers and the transganglionic sensory fibres are labeled. the neurons forming the vagus nerve at the mid-cervical level are located in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (dmx), in the nucleus ambiguus (na), in an area located ventral to the dmx, and less definitely in the nucleus of the spinal accessory nerve. the dmx and na neurons ... | 1984 | 6512177 |
activity and the formation of ocular dominance patches in dually innervated tectum of goldfish. | this study tested (1) whether blocking impulse activity in both eyes of fish with one tectum prevents the formation of ocular dominance patches, (2) whether areas receiving a high density of innervation from one eye receive a low density from the other, and (3) whether there is an electrophysiological correlate to the anatomical patches. one tectum was removed in goldfish so that the optic nerve fibers from both eyes would compete for synaptic space in the remaining tectum. the terminal arbors f ... | 1984 | 6502209 |
the internal horizontal cell of the frog. analysis of receptor input. | the inner horizontal cell (ihc) of the retina of rana pipiens was studied by light and electron microscopy of golgi stained or horseradish peroxidase injected cells. responses of ihcs were recorded with intracellular electrodes. both axon and dendritic terminals of the ihc make synaptic contact with all classes of receptor. the terminals occur as lateral or medial processes at synaptic ribbons. reciprocal invaginations of receptor into horizontal cell process are common. different classes of rec ... | 1984 | 6334663 |
the neuronal endoplasmic reticulum: its cytochemistry and contribution to the endomembrane system. ii. axons and terminals. | the morphology and cytochemistry of the endoplasmic reticulum (er) in axons and terminals of a number of different types of neurons in brains from mice were investigated ultrastructurally. the neurohypophysis received particular attention because the morphology and enzyme cytochemical activities of many of the preterminal swellings of hypothalamo-neurohypophysial axons are altered by chronic salt-stress. membrane contrast and enzyme cytochemical staining techniques were employed to characterize ... | 1984 | 6210310 |
thiyl radicals--formation during peroxidase-catalyzed metabolism of acetaminophen in the presence of thiols. | we confirm using epr spectroscopy in conjunction with the spin probe 2-ethyl-1-hydroxy-2,5,5-trimethyl-3-oxazolidine (oxanoh) that horseradish peroxidase catalyzed metabolism of the analgesic acetaminophen occurs via a one electron mechanism. when either glutathione cysteine or n-acetylcysteine were included in the reaction the thiols reduced the acetaminophen-derived radicals to generate thiyl radicals which were trapped with the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-n-oxide (dmpo) and observed us ... | 1984 | 6095833 |
evidence for a one-electron mechanism of 2-aminofluorene oxidation by prostaglandin h synthase and horseradish peroxidase. | previous studies have shown that the primary arylamine carcinogen 2-aminofluorene (2-af) is oxidized by the prostaglandin h synthase peroxidase to mutagenic and electrophilic products capable of covalent binding to macromolecules. the present study was designed to identify the potential reactive intermediate(s) responsible for binding, and to characterize further the metabolic intermediates in 2-af peroxidation. both prostaglandin h synthase and horseradish peroxidase, with h2o2, oxidize 2-af to ... | 1984 | 6438085 |
an electron spin resonance study of o-semiquinones formed during the enzymatic and autoxidation of catechol estrogens. | electron spin resonance spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate production of semiquinone-free radicals from the oxidation of the catechol estrogens 2- and 4-hydroxyestradiol and 2,6- and 4,6-dihydroxyestradiol. radicals were generated either enzymatically (using horseradish peroxidase-h2o2 or tyrosinase-o2) or by autoxidation, and were detected as their complexes with spin-stabilizing metal ions (zn2+ and/or mg2+). in the peroxidase system, radicals are produced by one-electron oxidation of t ... | 1984 | 6094535 |
telencephalic connections in lizards. ii. projections to anterior dorsal ventricular ridge. | three distinct cytoarchitectonic regions were identified within the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge (advr) of two species of lizards, gekko gecko and iguana iguana. these regions have been named according to their general topographical positions: medial area, caudolateral area, and rostrolateral area. injections of horseradish peroxidase throughout the advr demonstrated that each of the three areas of the advr receives projections from specific thalamic nuclei which are associated with specifi ... | 1984 | 6209314 |
telencephalic connections in lizards. i. projections to cortex. | the afferent connections to five cortical regions in two distantly related species of lizards (gekko gecko and iguana iguana) were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. each of the five cortical regions is characterized by a specific pattern of projections from telencephalic, thalamic, hypothalamic, and brainstem regions. subdivisions within the five cortical regions also receive different patterns of projections. the thalamo-cort ... | 1984 | 6209313 |
binding of concanavalin a and wheat germ agglutinin by murine peritoneal macrophages: ultrastructural and cytophotometric studies. | concanavalin a and wheat germ agglutinin were employed in conjunction with the horseradish peroxidase-diaminobenzidine method for the detection of sugar residues on the surface coat of exudate and resident murine peritoneal macrophages. electron microscopical and cytophotometric techniques were used for the visualization and quantification of the final reaction product on the surface of cells. after incubation with concanavalin a and wheat germ agglutinin, both exudate and resident macrophages s ... | 1984 | 6548993 |
normal postnatal development of retinogeniculate axons and terminals and identification of inappropriately-located transient synapses: electron microscope studies of horseradish peroxidase-labelled retinal axons in the hamster. | axons from the eyes reach the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the hamster at birth and both crossed and uncrossed axons spread throughout the nucleus within which they overlap extensively between postnatal days 2-6, before segregating to terminate in different parts of the nucleus by days 8-10 [so, schneider and frost (1978) brain res. 142, 343-352]. we have labelled retinal axons and their terminations between the day of birth (day 0) and day 6 by injecting one eye with horseradish peroxid ... | 1984 | 6527777 |
architectonic and hodological organization of the cerebellum in reeler mutant mice. | the architectonic and hodologic organization of the reeler cerebellum has been studied by means of immunohistochemistry, general cell and fiber stains and by horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic tracing methods. malposition of purkinje cells, which varies in degree, is the most salient architectonic anomaly of the mutant cerebellum. mapping the distribution of purkinje cells is facilitated by a monoclonal antibody which selectively stains neurons of this class in the cerebellum. although ... | 1984 | 6498501 |
regeneration of sensory-motor synapses in the spinal cord of the bullfrog. | sensory fibers innervating muscles in the arm of the bullfrog form specific patterns of monosynaptic connections with motoneurons in the spinal cord. we show here that these normal patterns are re-established after interruption of the second dorsal root (dr2) in tadpoles and postmetamorphic frogs. dr2 was either cut or crushed, and 2 to 8 months later the extent and specificity of regeneration were assessed anatomically and physiologically. horseradish peroxidase labeling of dr2 showed that sens ... | 1984 | 6334143 |
projection patterns of lateral-line afferents in anurans: a comparative hrp study. | primary projections of the anterior and posterior lateral-line nerves were traced by means of transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase in species belonging to five of the six anuran superfamilies. both anterior and posterior lateral-line nerve afferents each enter the brain via a single root which divides into two or more bundles. these bundles carry fibers from neuromasts only. no separate dorsal fascicle and no ampullary organs as in urodeles and gymnophions have been found. all bun ... | 1984 | 6209307 |
primary projections of the trigeminal nerve in two species of sturgeon: acipenser oxyrhynchus and scaphirhynchus platorynchus. | horseradish peroxidase histochemical studies of afferent and efferent projections of the trigeminal nerve in two species of chondrostean fishes revealed medial, descending and ascending projections. entering fibers of the trigeminal sensory root project medially to terminate in the medial trigeminal nucleus, located along the medial wall of the rostral medulla. other entering sensory fibers turn caudally within the medulla, forming the trigeminal spinal tract, and terminate within the descending ... | 1984 | 6096566 |
rules for retinotectal terminal arborizations in the goldfish optic tectum: a whole-mount study. | retinal axons were labeled in the retina and optic nerve with horseradish peroxidase and traced in tectal whole-mounts. the typical network formed by retinal fibers in the five retinorecipient layers of tectum is illustrated in camera lucida drawings. three size classes of terminal arbors were identified in the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (sfgs)-ca. 34 x 52, ca. 103 x 150, and ca. 158 x 274 micron. terminal arbors are flattened and occupy three sublayers of sfgs. passing an hrp-coat ... | 1984 | 6501601 |
anterior thalamic nucleus projections to the dorsal pallium in ranid frogs. | wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) applied in the anterior thalamic nucleus of ranid frogs was anterogradely transported to both the medial pallium and a ventral part of the dorsal pallium. applications of wga-hrp in the medial pallium labeled cells in the ipsilateral and contralateral anterior nucleus, including those considered to receive retinal input. an identical pattern of labeled cells was found in the anterior nucleus after wga-hrp applications in the dorsal pallium. ... | 1984 | 6334823 |
a horseradish peroxidase procedure for tracing the central projections of peripheral nerves in exsanguinated anamniotes. | this report outlines a procedure for demonstrating the central connections of peripheral nerves in anamniotes by exposing the nerves to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) subsequent to perfusion of the animal with cold saline. the tissue is fixed by immersion after a 6-10 h exposure to the hrp, embedded, sectioned and finally reacted using tetramethylbenzidine as a chromogen. the pattern of afferent projections of the posterior lateral line nerve in the teleost fish crenicichla as demonstrated by this ... | 1984 | 6083513 |
central organization of eighth nerve and mechanosensory lateral line systems in the brainstem of ictalurid catfish. | the octavolateral sensory systems in teleost fish comprise at least four distinct hair-cell sensory modalities which are processed separately within the cns. two of these modalities, the mechanosensory lateral line system and the eighth nerve auditory system, have been implicated in the animal's ability to detect and localize underwater vibrations. distinct mechanosensory lateral line and auditory nuclei are present within the torus semicircularis, the midbrain homologue of the inferior collicul ... | 1984 | 6490974 |
effects of chlorhexidine on the structure and permeability of hamster cheek pouch mucosa. | this study examined the effects of chlorhexidine (chd) on the clinical appearance, morphology, and in vitro permeability of hamster cheek pouch mucosa. the cheek pouches were treated daily for 3 weeks with topical applications of saline, 0.2% chd, or 2.0% chd. treatment with 2.0% chd resulted in the formation of discrete white lesions in every animal in the group, whereas no changes were identified in any animal treated with 0.2% chd or saline. upon microscopic examination it was determined that ... | 1984 | 6593455 |
male hamster copulatory responses to a high molecular weight fraction of vaginal discharge: effects of vomeronasal organ removal. | the importance of the vomeronasal (accessory olfactory) system for the copulatory responses of male hamsters to a high molecular weight fraction (hmf) of vaginal discharge was assessed in animals that had their vomeronasal organs (vno) removed. these organs were extirpated bilaterally using an oral approach through the palate so as to eliminate the peripheral afferents to the accessory olfactory bulb (aob) with minimal or no damage to the main olfactory system. the selective peripheral deafferen ... | 1984 | 6522485 |
motor innervation of proximally rotated chick embryo wings. | chick embryo wing buds were rotated close to the lateral edge of the somites at stage 19, prior to limb innervation. despite the abnormal orientation of the resulting limb, the motor pools to biceps and triceps were largely normal, as judged by electrical stimulation and horseradish peroxidase labelling just prior to hatching. the only abnormalities were a few caudal motoneurons innervating biceps and a few rostral motoneurons innervating triceps. this distribution is similar to that seen normal ... | 1984 | 6502074 |
interaction of the photosensitization products of oestrone with dna: comparison with the horseradish peroxidase catalyzed reaction. | the interaction with dna of [4-14c]oestrone upon photosensitization with hematoporphyrin (hp) as a photosensitizer has been investigated. by means of sephadex lh-20 gel filtration and extraction with dichloromethane it was found that, after irradiation (lambda greater than 425 nm) of a solution of hp, dna and [4-14c]oestrone 21% of the radiolabel was associated with dna. if dna was added after irradiation 23% was bound to dna, whereas 25% of the oestrone remained after photoreaction under the co ... | 1984 | 6488394 |
an enhanced chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay for serum progesterone. | a competitive enhanced luminescent enzyme immunoassay for serum progesterone is described, which is based on a 11 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone 11-hemisuccinyl-horseradish peroxidase conjugate and a black polystyrene microtitre plate sensitised with anti-progesterone igg. bound label was determined using a mixture of 4-iodophenol, luminol and peroxide, and the light emitted from the wells of the plate quantitated using a luminescent plate reader. the assay was sensitive (detection limit 0.5 pg), pre ... | 1984 | 6400058 |
central projections of vestibular afferents innervating the macula of the saccule in gerbil. | the central distribution of vestibular afferents that innervate the saccule has been investigated in the gerbil using transganglionic transport techniques. following horseradish peroxidase injection into the saccular neuroepithelium, labeled ganglion cells were clustered at the junction of the superior and inferior ganglion. labeled fibers entered the vestibular nuclear complex and divided into rostral and caudal branches. terminal fields were observed in the interstitial nucleus of the vestibul ... | 1984 | 6151153 |
mössbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance studies of horseradish peroxidase and its catalytic intermediates. | we report mössbauer and epr measurements on horseradish peroxidase in the native state and the reaction intermediates with peroxide and chlorite. a detailed analysis of the electronic state of the heme iron is given, and comparisons are drawn with related systems. the native enzyme is high-spin ferric and thus has three kramers doublets. the unusual magnetic properties of the ground doublet and the large energy of the second, (e2-e1)/k approximately equal to 41 k, and third doublet, (e3-e1)/k gr ... | 1984 | 6093863 |
development of retinohypothalamic projections in the chick embryo. | the retinal projection to the hypothalamus was investigated in embryonic as well as hatched chick using wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase as an anterograde tracer. the presence of an aggregation of anterogradely labeled terminals in the hypothalamus was used to identify the suprachiasmatic nucleus (scn). the first clear labeling of retinal fibers in the scn was found on embryonic day 16, whereas labeling was found in the other primary visual projections, in the diencephalon ... | 1984 | 6493638 |
sexual behavior and aggression in male mice: involvement of the vomeronasal system. | recent observations have implicated the vomeronasal (accessory olfactory) system in the chemosensory control of rodent social behaviors. the purpose of this study was to observe the effects of peripheral vomeronasal organ extirpation on sexual behavior, aggression, and urine marking in male mice. relative to sham-operated control animals, mice lacking vomeronasal organs displayed significantly reduced levels of copulatory behavior and intermale aggression. urine marking rates were not reduced. t ... | 1984 | 6541245 |
the fate of severed corticospinal axons. | the potential for regeneration of severed corticospinal axons was examined by labeling these axons with horseradish peroxidase following thoracic spinal cord transections in mice. shortly after severance, the proximal ends of corticospinal axons formed terminal bulbs that persisted for weeks and were associated with axonal retraction. there were few signs of corticospinal axonal sprouting or elongation. by 2 months after injury, corticospinal axons near the transection site showed an increased n ... | 1984 | 6540402 |
opening of the blood-brain barrier in anolis carolinensis. a high voltage electron microscope protein tracer study. | the tight junctions between endothelial cells of capillaries in the forebrain of anolis carolinensis are a common component of the structural basis for the blood-brain barrier in this reptile. the complexity of these junctions, which is apparent in platinum replicas of freeze-fractured brain capillaries, is unchanged by treatments designed to render the blood-brain barrier of these lizards leaky to horseradish peroxidase. an alternative route for extravasation of horseradish peroxidase, followin ... | 2006 | 6521844 |