
ultrastructural demonstration of maclura pomifera agglutinin binding sites in the membranocystic lesions of membranous lipodystrophy (nasu-hakola disease).this paper reports three cases of membranous lipodystrophy (nasu-hakola disease) in two families and studies the carbohydrate components of membranocystic lesions in all three cases, using twelve kinds of lectins labelled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp). maclura pomifera agglutinin (mpa), which specifically binds alpha-d-galactose residues, strongly stained typical membranocystic lesions, whereas the other lectins did not. however, helix pomatia agglutinin (hpa), which specifically binds to n-ac ...19883144083
factors that control the efficacy of group ia synapses in alpha-motoneurons.1.) this review considers factors that produce systematic variations in the amplitude of monosynaptic group ia epsps in triceps surae alpha-motoneurons belonging to different motor unit types. 2.) anatomical studies using horseradish peroxidase to label functionally-identified group ia afferents and motoneurons postsynaptic to them, and combined anatomicalelectro-physiological studies of type-identified alpha-motoneurons, have constrained some of the factors that produce variations in peak ia ep ...20063078438
semi-quinone formation from the catechol and ortho-quinone metabolites of the antitumor agent vp-16-213.the catechol metabolite of the antitumor agent vp-16-213 and the ortho-quinone of vp-16-213--a secondary metabolite formed from the catechol--easily undergo auto-oxidation into a free radical at ph greater than or equal to 7.4. by elevation of the ph from 7.4 to 10, an increase in the production of the free radical was observed, which was accompanied by the formation of products with higher hydrophylicity than the catechol and ortho-quinone, as found by hplc-analysis. the hyperfine structure of ...19882854106
the lateral-line and inner-ear afferents in larval and adult urodeles.the inner-ear and lateral-line afferents were studied in members of almost all urodele families and in two primitive representatives of anurans and gymnophionans by means of transganglionically transported horseradish peroxidase. the lateral-line projection patterns are, when present, identical in all urodeles and gymnophionans. this is in agreement with the presence of ampullary organs in all urodeles and gymnophionans which possess a lateral-line neuromast system. in contrast, even the most pr ...19882843258
peroxidase-induced enhancement of chemiluminescence by murine peritoneal macrophages.a number of substances have been shown to enhance the respiratory burst (rb) of macrophages. many of these substances are not normally found in vivo. the present study suggests that a group of enzymes characterized as peroxidases have the ability to significantly enhance the rb and concomitant phagocytosis by murine peritoneal macrophages. horseradish peroxidase (hrp), lactoperoxidase (lpo), and microperoxidase (mpo) can significantly augment these functions. both resident and thioglycollate-ind ...19882842569
pretectum and accessory optic system in the filefish navodon modestus (balistidae, teleostei) with special reference to visual projections to the cerebellum and oculomotor nuclei.the fiber connections of the accessory optic system (aos) were investigated in a balistid fish, navodon modestus (filefish), by means of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and degeneration methods. following injections of hrp into the corpus cerebelli, neurons in two retinal recipient nuclei, the area pretectalis pars dorsalis (apd) and area pretectalis pars ventralis (apv), were labeled retrogradely. in addition, a few neurons near the nucleus of the accessory optic tract (naot) were labeled. these n ...19882836017
development of retinofugal neuropil areas in the brain of the alpine newt, triturus alpestris. ii. topographic organization and formation of projections.the development of retinal projections and the formation of their retinotopic organization were studied by means of anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in the newt, triturus alpestris. all tracts found in the adult on the contralateral brain side are established during embryonic stages. at this stage a few uncrossed fibers are also detectable. retinal fibers project first to the contralateral optic tectum. these are followed by contralateral projections to the thalamic recipient area ...19882833132
diapedesis and the permeability of venous microvessels to protein macromolecules: the impact of leukotriene b4 (ltb4).the cellular basis of the reported neutrophil-dependent increase in microvascular permeability evoked by leukotriene b4 (ltb4) was probed using protein intravascular fluorescent and electron dense tracers in conjunction with intravital, light and electron microscopy. ltb4 (1 microm) applied topically to the hamster cheek pouch promoted neutrophil (pmn) adherence to endothelial cells (ecs) and resulted in limited, diffuse leakage of fluorescein-labeled albumin from pericytic venules. ecs to which ...19882830471
callosal projections between areas 17 in the adult tree shrew (tupaia belangeri).in the primary visual cortex (area 17) of the tree shrew (tupaia belangeri) neurons projecting to the contralateral area 17 via the corpus callosum were identified by horseradish peroxidase histochemistry (hrp, wga-hrp). the distribution of homotopic and heterotopic connections was studied. we found that a narrow stripe of area 17 close to the dorsal area 17/18 border - which corresponds to the visual field along the vertical meridian - is connected via homotopic callosal projections. the adjace ...19882466679
the early development of subcortical projections to presumptive somatic sensory-motor areas of neocortex in the north american opossum.we have studied the early development of subcortical projections to presumptive somatic sensory-motor areas of neocortex in the north american opossum didelphis virginiana. the opossum is born in a very immature state, 12-13 days after conception, and climbs into an external pouch where it is available for experimental manipulation. using the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, we have obtained evidence that axons from the dorsal raphe and superior ...19882459990
[neural connections in the septum of lizards studied by the method of horseradish peroxidase axonal transport].septal connections in lizards (ophisaurus apodus) were studied by means of the massive iontophoretic hrp injection into the septum. reciprocal connections between the septum and both dorsal and mediodorsal cortex, projections of the nucleus of broca diagonal band and anterior thalamic nuclei (mainly dorsolateral) to the septum were revealed. reciprocal connections of the septum with the preoptic area, periventricular hypothalamic structures containing dopaminergic neurons, as well as with the nu ...19882459624
extracellular matrix alterations during endochondral ossification in humans.immunohistochemical methods were employed to examine alterations in the cartilage extracellular matrix constituents associated with endochondral ossification in humans. the distributions of chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate and keratan sulfate proteoglycan (pg) determinants, cartilage pg link protein, collagen types i and ii, and fibronectin were determined in iliac crest growth-plate specimens using the avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase system. collagen type ii was distributed throughout the grow ...19882459331
corticospinal projections from the medial wall of the hemisphere.we injected wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into different segments of the spinal cord in order to examine the topographic organization of corticospinal projections from the medial wall of the hemisphere. we observed that substantial projections to the spinal cord originate not only from the supplementary motor area (sma) in area 6, but also from 2 regions within the cingulate sulcus. the distribution of labeled neurons following tracer injections into different spinal ...19882458281
concanavalin a reactivity of vitellogenin and yolk proteins of the threespined stickleback gasterosteus aculeatus (teleostei).1. concanavalin a (con a) reactive proteins have been detected in the plasma and ovaries of the oestradiol treated gasterosteus aculeatus. 2. concanavalin a-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique applied on nitrocellulose membranes reveals that vitellogenin (vg) is the only mannose and glucose rich glycoprotein present in the plasma of oestradiol treated sticklebacks. stickleback vg can be purified by con a-sepharose chromatography. 3. con a reactivity in the ovary changes in the course of devel ...19882456179
[isolation of enzymes from mixed reversed micelles of surface-active agents].the catalytic activities of lysozyme, horseradish peroxidase (hp), catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pdh) and lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) were studied in aqueous solutions and after isolation of the enzymes from mixed reversed micelles of aerosol ot and triton x-45 by organic solvents (acetone, ethanol, isopropanol), by acetone-water mixtures, as well as by aqueous solutions containing urea, glycerol, polyethylene glycol 6000 and ammonium sulphate. the isolation conditions were foun ...20152453051
organization of forebrain projections from the medullary reticular formation in the north american opossum. evidence for connectional heterogeneity.we have employed axonal transport techniques to study the organization of projections from the medullary reticular formation (rf) to the forebrain of the north american opossum. the results of retrograde transport studies using large injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to hrp (wga-hrp), and fluorescent markers suggest that all nuclei of the medullary rf project to the forebrain although the parvocellular reticular nucleus makes only a very small contribut ...19882450621
visualizing anterogradely transported hrp by use of tmb histochemistry: comparison of the tmb-snf and tmb-ahm methods.horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a commonly used enzymatic marker for tracing pathways in the central nervous system, can be visualized histochemically with the aid of the chromogen tetramethyl benzidine (tmb). in a recent report, olucha and collaborators (j neurosci meth 13:131, 1985) introduced the use of ammonium heptamolybdate (ahm) as a substitute for sodium nitroferricyanide (snf) which serves to stabilize the hrp reaction product. this tmb-ahm method of olucha et al. proves superior to the t ...19882447152
evidence for centripetally shifting terminals on the tectum of postmetamorphic rana larval frogs the retina and tectum grow in topologically dissimilar patterns: new cells are added as peripheral annuli in the retina and as caudal crescents in the tectum. retinotopy is maintained by the continual caudalward shifting of the terminals of the optic axons. after metamorphosis the pattern of growth changes. the retina continues to add new ganglion cells peripherally, but there is no neurogenesis in the tectum. to maintain retinotopy in postmetamorphic frogs, the terminals of the ...19873501793
afferent and efferent connections of the primary octaval nuclei in the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria.horseradish peroxidase techniques were employed to trace the central projections of afferents from the individual endorgans of the membranous labyrinth and to delineate the efferent projections from the primary octaval nuclei to the spinal cord and midbrain octavolateralis area in the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria. first-order octaval afferents project ipsilaterally to five primary octaval nuclei, namely: magnocellular, descending, posterior, anterior, and periventricular. octaval afferents a ...19872449470
in situ visualization of glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms using lectin-peroxidase conjugates.a technique is described for direct detection by lectins conjugated to horseradish peroxidase of the oligosaccharides of glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. final visualization is accomplished using a substrate medium consisting of hydrogen peroxide and 3,3'-diaminobenzidine. the procedure is rapid, specific, sensitive and highly reproducible, and staining patterns are stable for years. in addition to providing preliminary structural information, this technique can be employed in com ...19873443628
retina of the tadpole and frog: delayed dendritic development in a subpopulation of ganglion cells coincident with this study, the morphology of tadpole retinal ganglion cells was compared to that of frogs to determine if changes in dendritic structure occur during metamorphosis. ganglion cells were analyzed in the tadpole and frog after backfilling with horseradish peroxidase. representative ganglion cells are present in the tadpole retina, which directly correspond to each of the 7 cell classes found in the frog. however, cells in 3 of these classes (1, 3, and 7) exist in morphologically immature states ...19873500970
retinal ganglion cell morphology in the frog, rana pipiens.the morphology of retinal ganglion cells in the frog, rana pipiens, has been examined in retinal flatmounts following backfilling of axons with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). size and shape of the cell body and of the dendritic arbor, the dendritic branching pattern, and the depth of dendritic arborization within the inner plexiform layer (ipl) were all used to classify these cells. all of the ganglion cells so visualized can be grouped into one of 7 distinct cell classes. class 1 contains the la ...19873500969
oxidation of phenylpyruvic acid.mn2+ catalyzes the aerobic oxidation of phenylpyruvic acid. benzaldehyde and oxalate are the major products, the former being generated to some extent in an excited state, as indicated by chlorophyll-sensitized emission. both oxygen consumption and emission are enhanced by addition of horseradish peroxidase. in the presence of the enzyme, halogen-containing xanthene dyes also sensitize the emission. from the values of the benzaldehyde/oxalate product ratio, it is inferred that two oxidation path ...19873689821
the effects of tectal lesion on the survival of isthmic neurones in xenopus.the isthmic nucleus (in) is a visual relay centre of the frog brain. it receives afferent projection from the optic tectum of the same side and projects bilaterally to both tecta. in young postmetamorphic xenopus frogs, the survival of neurones in the in on both sides was studied following the complete removal of the right tectum. in 6- to 8-week-old frogs, the right tectum was surgically removed and the operated animals allowed to survive for 1 to 13 weeks after operation. in selected animals, ...19873503700
abnormally high variability in the uncrossed retinofugal pathway of mice with albino mosaicism.female mice showing albino mosaicism due to an x-autosome translocation [is(in7;x)ct] have been studied in order to investigate the relationship between the distribution of melanin and the formation, early in development, of the abnormally small uncrossed retinofugal pathway characteristically found in all albino mammals. earlier evidence indicates that cells normally bearing melanin play a role in producing the abnormality. in the mosaic mice, the albino gene is expressed in only about half of ...19873503699
tubular profiles do not form transendothelial channels through the blood-brain barrier.the contribution of tubular profiles within the mammalian cerebral endothelium to the formation of transcellular channels was analysed following exposure of the endothelium to native horseradish peroxidase (hrp) dissolved in saline or dimethyl sulphoxide (dmso) administered intravenously in mice. within 5-15 min, but not at 30 min to 2 h postinjection, peroxidase-positive extravasations were evident within the parenchyma of the forebrain and brainstem of mice exposed and not exposed to dmso. the ...19873450785
electroblotting and immunohistochemical staining for identification of platelet antibodies.the western blot procedure has been adapted for use with a biotinylated antiglobulin reagent and a horseradish peroxidase complex (vectastain abc) to determine specific sites of antigen binding and permit discrimination between various types of platelet antibodies. monospecific anti-pla1 antisera or sera containing mixtures of multispecific hla and unidentified platelet specific antibodies were tested with pla1 phenotyped platelets. using monospecific anti-pla1, one intense band with relative mo ...19873426961
[clinical studies of gamma-seminoprotein in prostatic disease. ii. immunohistochemical study of gamma-seminoprotein].localization of gamma-seminoprotein (gamma-sm) was examined using horseradish peroxidase-labeled anti-gamma-sm antibody (chugai corp. ltd., tokyo, japan) by the enzyme-labeled antibody method in paraffin embedded specimens of 18 benign prostatic hyperplasias and 32 untreated prostatic cancers. the level of serum gamma-sm was also determined by enzyme immunoassay in 10 untreated patients with prostatic cancer and 18 with benign prostatic hyperplasia. specific gamma-sm staining was detected in pro ...19873329454
neural-specific carbohydrate moiety shared by many surface glycoproteins in drosophila and grasshopper embryos.antiserum against horseradish peroxidase (anti-hrp ab) labels the surfaces of neurons in both drosophila and grasshopper (jan and jan, 1982). here we show that the anti-hrp ab (1) immunoprecipitates at least 17 different membrane glycoproteins from the drosophila embryo cns (and a similar array from grasshopper), and (2) recognizes a neural-specific carbohydrate moiety expressed by most if not all of these proteins. although the anti-hrp ab stains all axon pathways, 2 of the anti-hrp glycoprotei ...19873320283
visualization of endocytosed markers in freeze-fracture studies of toad urinary bladder.antidiuretic hormone (adh) stimulation increases the apical membrane water permeability of granular cells in toad urinary bladder. this response correlates closely with the fusion of tubular cytoplasmic vesicles with the membrane and delivery of intramembrane particle (imp) aggregates from the tubules (aggrephores) to the apical membrane. these aggregates are believed to be associated with the channels responsible for the water permeability increase. removal of adh triggers apical membrane endoc ...19873119700
transection of the infraorbital nerve in newborn hamsters alters the somatosensory but not the visual representation in the superior colliculus.the experiments described in this report were designed to determine whether changing the somatosensory representation in the deep laminae of the hamster's superior colliculus would result in a corresponding reorganization in the visual map in the overlying superficial layers. the somatosensory representation was altered by transecting the infraorbital (io) nerve on the day of birth. this trigeminal branch supplies, among other targets, the snout and mystacial vibrissa follicles. these peripheral ...19872448350
superior colliculus efferents to five subcortical visual system structures in the ground squirrel.we compared the laminar location and morphology of superior colliculus cells projecting to the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei (lgd, lgv), the pretectum (pt), the parabigeminal nucleus (pb), and nucleus lateralis posterior (lp) in the ground squirrel spermophilus tridecemlineatus. horseradish peroxidase was iontophoretically injected into lgd, lgv, pt, pb and each of the 3 subdivisions of the lp. after survival periods of 24-72 h the animals were perfused intracardially and brain se ...19873690310
peroxidase-catalyzed metabolism of etoposide (vp-16-213) and covalent binding of reactive intermediates to cellular macromolecules.the horseradish peroxidase- and prostaglandin synthetase-catalyzed oxidative metabolism of the highly active anticancer drug, etoposide (vp-16-213), has been studied in vitro. this oxidation of vp-16 resulted in the formation of vp-16 quinone, an aromatic vp-16 derivative and the corresponding aromatic vp-16 quinone. this oxidative metabolism of vp-16 also resulted in the formation of reactive species that covalently bound to exogenously added dna and heat-inactivated microsomal proteins. the pe ...19873117357
structure and catalytic mechanism of horseradish peroxidase. regiospecific meso alkylation of the prosthetic heme group by alkylhydrazines.horseradish peroxidase is inactivated in a time-, h2o2-, and concentration-dependent manner by phenylethyl-, ethyl-, and methylhydrazine. the pseudo- first order kinetic constants for these inactivation reactions at ph 7 are: phenylethyl (ki = 115 microm, kinact = 1.5 min-1, partition ratio = 11), ethyl (ki = 145 microm, kinact = 0.08 min-1, partition ratio = 32), and methyl (ki = 3000 microm, kinact = 0.12 min-1, partition ratio = 80). at ph 5, the constants for the phenylethyl reaction change ...19873667617
porphobilinogen oxygenase. purification and evidence of its hemoprotein structure.porphobilinogen oxygenase oxidizes porphobilinogen to 2-hydroxy-5-oxo-porphobilinogen. this enzyme isolated from wheat germ has been purified to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under both nondenaturing and denaturing conditions. the molecular weight of the enzyme formed from two identical (or very similar) polypeptide chains is 70,000. it has a pi of 9.0 indicating its cationic nature. the pure enzyme contains 1 mol of high-spin heme and 2 mol of non-heme iron. it re ...19872822713
blood-brain barrier permeability to horseradish peroxidase in twitcher and cuprizone-intoxicated mice.the status of blood-brain barrier (bbb) permeability was investigated in the twitcher, an authentic murine model of globoid cell leukodystrophy (gld, krabbe disease) and cuprizone-intoxicated mice. although extensive demyelination was noted in the cns of both mice and additionally, macrophage infiltration was pronounced in the twitcher, bbb remained intact to horseradish peroxidase. thus, the change of microenvironment caused by demyelination is not necessarily a responsible factor for increased ...19873427420
central connections of the ixth and xth cranial nerves in the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria.the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was utilized to identify the motor nuclei and sensory connections of the ixth and xth cranial nerves in the clearnose skate, raja eglanteria. the majority of viith, ixth, and xth nerve motoneurons form an ipsilateral dorsal visceromotor column, extending from the level of the posterior lateral line nerve root to the 3rd-4th ventral spinal roots. within this column, the motor nucleus of ix (ixm) occurs rostral to vagal motoneurons ...19872827841
lignin degradation by peroxidase in organic media: a reassessment.the effect of horseradish peroxidase/h(2)o(2) in organic medium (dioxane/aqueous buffer, ph 5, 95:5) on the depolymerization of synthetic (dehydrogenatively polymerized) lignin was reinvestigated. in contrast to previous claims [dordick, j. s., marletta, m. a. & klibanov, a. m. (1986) proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 83, 6255-6257], our results demonstrated that vigorous depolymerization of this substrate did not occur. further, during this treatment ferulic acid was not a significant biodegradation p ...198716593892
[giant raman scattering of alkaline phosphatase, horseradish peroxidase and lactoperoxidase on silver electrodes].surface enhanced raman scattering of three enzymes--alkaline phosphatase, horseradish peroxidase and lactoperoxidase is studied. the intensity of normal vibrations of definite amino acids is determined by their orientation on the surface and depends on the electrode potential. alkaline phosphatase and lactoperoxidase make a complex with silver ions.20133435720
descending projection neurons to the spinal cord of the goldfish, carassius auratus.the sources of descending spinal tracts in the goldfish, carassius auratus, were visualized by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) administered to the hemisected spinal cord. in the diencephalon, hrp-positive neurons were identified in the nucleus preopticus magnocellularis pars magnocellularis and ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus of the ipsilateral side. in the mesencephalic tegmentum, a few somata of the contralateral nucleus ruber and several ipsilateral neurons of the nu ...19872826554
an immunoenzyme triple-staining method using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies from the same species. application of combined direct, indirect, and avidin-biotin complex (abc) technique.for immunohistological analysis, simultaneous detection of multiple cellular epitopes, as compared to single staining of serial sections, is sometimes needed. therefore, immunoenzyme triple-staining protocols were tested with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies on tissue sections and cytospin preparations. various immunoconjugates were used in different combinations of methods, of which not all proved to be suitable. of the tested protocols, one yielded superior results for both monoclonal and ...19872443555
electron microscopical evidence for common inner ear and lateral line efferents in urodeles.the efferents of the lateral line system and the inner ear were examined in urodeles using retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the golgi-like filling thus achieved allowed tracing of the axons of efferent cells from one inner ear to the other and from the lateral line nerves into both inner ears. electron microscopic examination of the inner ear revealed hrp label only in vesicle filled terminals on hair cells traditionally considered as efferent synapses. these data confirm ...19872447525
a reliable technique for marking the location of extracellular recording sites using glass micropipettes.a simple and highly reliable technique is described for marking the locations of extracellularly recorded neurons using double-barreled glass micropipettes. one barrel contains 3 m nacl for recording; the other contains horseradish peroxidase (hrp) that is iontophoretically ejected using low currents. with appropriate processing of the tissue, small well-localized spots are produced that contain a small number of hrp-filled neurons. the technique is effective in marking sequential recording site ...19872447523
cellular and synaptic morphology of a feeding motor circuit in aplysia californica.the cellular and synaptic morphology of a component of the feeding motor circuit in aplysia californica was examined with light and electron microscopic techniques. the circuit consists of a pair of inhibitory premotor interneurons, b4 and b5, as well as two motoneurons, b15 and b16, which innervate the accessory radula closer muscle. the neurons have wide, varicose arborizations in the buccal ganglion neuropil. all four of these neurons are cholinergic, and in addition, b15 contains immunoreact ...19873680635
primary neurons of the lateral line nerves and their central projections in hagfishes.the hagfish lateral line system was studied by horseradish peroxidase transganglionic transport. the anterior lateral line nerve innervates the group of lateral line canals situated anteriorly to the eye, and the posterior lateral line nerve innervates the group of canals situated posteriorly to the eye. although both nerves pass through the muscle fascia at the same point, each runs a different course to the brain. the anterior lateral line nerve runs near the trigeminal nerve and its ganglion ...19873680634
some connections of the area octavolateralis of pleurodeles waltlii. a study with horseradish peroxidase under in vitro conditions.horseradish peroxidase application in exsanguinated, pre-perfused newts, pleurodeles waltlii, appeared to be very useful to study the connections of the area octavolateralis. efferents from the octavolateral area course via bilateral lemnisci to the tectum and a presumptive torus semicircularis in the midbrain. additional projections to the oculomotor nuclei, cerebellum, reticular formation, contralateral octavolateral area, and spinal cord were observed. the area octavolateralis receives inputs ...19872445450
central projections of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves in the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus: clues to differential processing of visceral inputs.transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to trace the pattern of medullary terminations of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve complex in the channel catfish, ictalurus punctatus. the glossopharyngeal root terminates centrally in the anterior end of the vagal lobe except for two fascicles that terminate in separate regions of the nucleus intermedius of the facial lobe. vagal nerve branches innervating regions of the oropharynx terminate in an overlapping, segmental fashion t ...19873680629
the enzymatic oxidation of desferal to a nitroxide free radical.desferrioxamine mesylate (desferal), a transition metal ion chelator, has been used to inhibit the in vitro redox cycling of transition metal ions. esr spectroscopy was utilized to detect and identify desferal's one-electron oxidation product. we demonstrate that a horseradish peroxidase/h2o2 system, a xanthine oxidase/hypoxanthine system, and a hydroxyl radical-generating system are all capable of oxidizing desferal to a nitroxide free radical. the same 9-line esr spectrum (g = 2.0065, alpha n ...19872820803
direct contacts between glossopharyngeal afferent terminals and hypoglossal motoneurons revealed by double labeling with cobaltic-lysine and horseradish peroxidase in the japanese toad.glossopharyngeal (ix) afferents and hypoglossal (xii) motoneurons of the japanese toad were simultaneously labeled with cobaltic-lysine and horseradish peroxidase, respectively. some of the terminal branches of the ix afferents had direct contacts with the dorsal dendrites, the lateral dendrites and the somata of the xii motoneurons, but not with the medial dendrites. such direct contacts mainly occurred in the rostral region of the dorsomedial xii nucleus, where tongue-retractor motoneurons pre ...19872446209
two types of very long visual fibers found in the optic lobe of the flesh-fly, boettcherisca peregrina.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) uptake (through a corneal incision) in photoreceptor cells of the compound eye of boettcherisca peregrina, resulted in the labeling of two types of very long visual fibers. one of them (the long fiber, if) penetrates through the lamina and medulla, and directly terminates within the lobula. the other (the bypass fiber, bpf) terminates in the medulla, like the axons of r7 and r8 photoreceptor cells, but the fibers run a considerably roundabout course. the photorecepto ...198721253764
local vs systemic effects of acoustic trauma on cochlear structure and transport.whether certain effects of acoustic trauma on cochlear structure and function were due to local or systemic agents was investigated in the chinchilla. after unilateral ossicular disarticulation, the animals were given a noise exposure known to cause cochlear damage and vessel transport changes in the stria vascularis. the cochleas with disarticulated ossicular chains received an effective exposure well below one that causes pathologic damage. only the cochleas with intact ossicular chains showed ...19873620127
regeneration of the eighth cranial nerve. ii. physiologic verification in the bullfrog.two experiments were performed to document the functional capacity of the regenerated eighth cranial nerve. in experiment 1, the eighth cranial nerve was sectioned preganglionically and allowed to regenerate in a group of bullfrogs with normal contralateral eighth nerve and labyrinth. posture and reflex to lateral tilt were measured preoperatively and postoperatively for a minimum of 3 months. similar measures were performed in a second group of bullfrogs in which the eighth nerve had been destr ...19873498867
the effect of polymerization of horseradish peroxidase on the peroxidase activity in the presence of excess h2o2: a background for a homogeneous enzyme immunoassay.the phenol oxidation catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is slowed down by the presence of excess h2o2. this inhibition is due to accumulation of compound iii, which is a catalytically sluggish form of hrp. when hrp is polymerized through covalent bonds, compound iii becomes unstable and the peroxidase activity is less sensitive to excess h2o2. under suitable experimental conditions, the phenol oxidation is increased by about 20-fold upon polymerization of the enzyme. this fact represents ...19873325503
electrophysiological properties of neurons recorded intracellularly in slices of the pigeon optic tectum.the electrical properties of pigeon's optic tectum neurons located in the non-retinorecipient region of layer ii have been studied in vitro slice preparations by using intracellular recordings. as judged from the somatodendritic characteristics of cells intracellularly labeled with horseradish peroxidase recordings were obtained from pyramidal neurons, the main morphological type, as well as from ganglion cells. when stimulated with depolarizing current pulses of 300-500 ms duration, three disti ...19872825075
enzymatic enhancement of the catalytic rate of sulfhydryl oxidase.the rate of oxidation of glutathione by solubilized sulfhydryl oxidase was significantly enhanced in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (donor:hydrogen-peroxide oxidoreductase, ec this enhancement was proportional to the amount of active peroxidase in the assay, but could not be attributed solely to the oxidation of glutathione catalyzed by the peroxidase. a change in the soret region of the horseradish peroxidase spectrum was observed when both glutathione and peroxidase were pre ...19873115296
the axon reaction of lamprey spinal interneurons.axotomy and partial denervation of giant interneurons (gis) and lateral cells (lcs) were produced by complete spinal transection in the larval lamprey spinal cord. both cell types demonstrated a reduction in cytoplasmic basophilia, increase in cell size, nuclear eccentricity, and formation of a chromophilic nuclear cap. this was quantified in the case of cell diameter. during the first 8 weeks of recovery, the gis with the largest diameters were found progressively further from the scar and this ...19873690284
axonal growth cones in the developing amphibian spinal cord.axonal growth cones in the spinal cord of embryonic and larval xenopus (stages 24-48) were filled with the anatomical tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp). growth cones of lateral and ventral marginal zones, including those of descending spinal and supraspinal pathways, were labeled by application of tracer to the caudal medulla or to one of several levels of the spinal cord. central axons of sensory neurons were filled via their peripheral processes. growth cone configuration varied widely but f ...19873667985
a horseradish peroxidase study of the olfactory system of the frog, rana esculenta.the olfactory system of the frog rana esculenta was studied by using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing of axonal pathways. injections of hrp were made in the main olfactory bulb (mob), accessory olfactory bulb (aob), anterior olfactory nucleus (aon), the amygdala (amy), and in a zone of the leteral wall of the telencephalic hemisphere immediately posterior to the aob. projections from these sites are described and are generally similar to those obtained by degeneration methods. however, hrp r ...19873499452
the formation of ferric haem during low-temperature photolysis of horseradish peroxidase compound i.illumination at low temperature of the peroxide compound of horseradish peroxidase (hrp-i) causes partial conversion of the haem electronic structure from a ferryl-porphyrin radical species into a low-spin ferric state. magnetic-c.d. (m.c.d.) and e.p.r. spectral features of the photolysis product are almost identical with those of the alkaline form of ferric hrp, proposed on the basis of its near-i.r. m.c.d. spectrum to be a fe(iii)-oh species. the ferric product of hrp-i photolysis also contain ...19872825645
postnatal development of geniculocortical projections in the tree shrew.we examined the postnatal development of retrogradely labeled cells in the tree shrew lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) following cortical injections of horseradish peroxidase. results show that at birth (p0) when the lgn is still unlaminated: (1) the mature proportion of relay cells and interneurons already exists, (2) relay cells present are larger than interneurons, and (3) relay cells are topographically connected with the cortex. aside from changes in absolute lgn soma size, the primary post ...19873651828
apparent difference in the roles of spleen and lymph nodes in the pathogenesis of host-versus-graft disease in murine parent/f1 (hvg) disease is the often fatal immunodeficiency syndrome that can be induced in susceptible strains of mice by the perinatal inoculation of semiallogenic spleen cells. to determine the distribution and engraftment of the donor cells in the spleens and lymph nodes of rfm hosts, sequential tests were done for the presence of (t6 x rfm)f1 cells marked by their ability to form donor-specific antibodies to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and by the t6 chromosome. quantitation of cell ...19873498242
rate of regrowth of damaged retinal ganglion cell axons regenerating in a peripheral nerve graft in adult hamsters.the rate of regrowth of ganglion cell axons regenerating into a peripheral nerve graft implanted into the retina of adult hamster was measured, utilizing the method of retrograde labelling by horseradish peroxidase. the fastest regrowing axons were found, after an initial delay of 4.5 days, to extend at about 2 mm/day in the graft. the role of the cell body in controlling the rate of axonal regeneration was briefly discussed.19873315114
an internal clock reaction used in a one-step enzyme immunochromatographic assay of theophylline in whole blood.we describe the development and performance of a second-generation enzyme immunochromatography method for visually quantifying theophylline in whole blood without the use of instrumentation. we have developed the novel concept of an internal chemical clock reaction to combine the capillary-migration and color-generation protocol of the two-step immunochromatographic assay into a single-step, simultaneous protocol. the two assay components are (a) chromatographic paper to which glucose oxidase (e ...19873304712
focal labeling of axonal terminals with active synapses recorded by an extracellular macro-patch electrode.a technique to label active synaptic terminals, whose electrophysiology had been monitored by a macro-patch electrode, was developed for a crustacean neuromuscular preparation. the active synaptic terminals were labeled by release-dependent uptake of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into synaptic vesicles. the focal labeling technique involved the following steps: (1) locating a site where evoked synaptic currents could be recorded at a subset of neuromuscular synapses by a macro-patch electrode; (2 ...19872821328
horseradish peroxidase study of the localization of motoneurons in the accessory nucleus (xi) of the japanese has been conventionally accepted that the anuran accessory nerve (nxi) only innervates the musculus cucullaris (c). however, we have found that the nxi of the japanese toad innervated the musculus interscapularis (is) in addition to the c. the motoneurons innervating these muscles were labelled by the intramuscular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). in the accessory nucleus (xi), the motoneurons were somatotopically organized: the c motoneurons were localized more rostrally, while the ...19873658216
evidence for the one-electron oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium (mpdp+).optical data have shown that the neurotoxin metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium undergoes one-electron oxidation/reduction in the presence of iron chelates. the activation energy for one-electron oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium is less than that for two-electron oxidation. horseradish peroxidase catalyzes the oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium. reactivity of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinyl radical is discussed in relation to the well-known pyridin ...19873632675
cooxidation of styrene by horseradish peroxidase and phenols: a biochemical model for protein-mediated cooxidation.styrene is oxidized to styrene oxide and benzaldehyde when incubated with horseradish peroxidase, h2o2, and 4-methylphenol. styrene oxide is not formed in the absence of any of these reaction components or of molecular oxygen. the coupling products 2-(4-methylphenoxy)-1-phenylethane, 2-(4-methylphenoxy)-1-phenylethan-1-ol, and 2-(4-methylphenoxy)-2-phenylethan-1-ol are not formed, but the ortho-linked dimer of 4-methylphenol is a major product. the epoxide oxygen is labeled in the presence of 18 ...19872823878
distribution and morphology of abducens motoneurons innervating the lateral rectus and retractor bulbi muscles in the frog rana ridibunda.the distribution and morphology of the neurons innervating the lateral rectus and retractor bulbi muscles of the frog rana ridibunda were studied by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the neurons are located in the rhombencephalon in two distinct groups which lie dorsolateral and lateral to the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis and represent the main and accessory abducens nuclei, respectively. from hrp injections into the two muscles, it can be concluded that ...19873670732
preferential loss of collaterals from goldfish retinal axons in the optic tract is delayed by tetrodotoxin.following optic nerve section (ons) in goldfish, the right eye was repeatedly injected with tetrodotoxin (ttx) and the left eye with ringer solution. at various survival periods after ons, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was applied to small groups of axons in dorsal or ventral retina in both eyes. counts of labeled regenerating retinal axons show that 43 +/- 4.6% of regenerating axons course through the inappropriate brachium of the optic tract between 20 and 65 days after ons. the amount of misro ...19873670716
2,3-diaminophenazine is the product from the horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of o-phenylenediamine.nmr and mass spectroscopic evidence has been obtained which indicates that the product of the oxidation of o-phenylenediamine by hydrogen peroxide, uncatalyzed or catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase, is 2,3-diaminophenazine. these results settle disparate literature descriptions. the process is most likely free radical in nature starting with the abstraction of a labile amino hydrogen atom.19873688435
purification and characterization of lysosomes from chinese hamster ovary cells.lysosomes were isolated from chinese hamster ovary cells by fractionation of a postnuclear supernatant in consecutive density gradients. by marker enzyme analysis, the preparation was 63-fold enriched for lysosomes compared to the homogenate and contained at most trace amounts of marker activities for plasma membrane, golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, cytosol, and mitochondria. the lysosomes were intact as indicated by greater than 95% latency of beta-hexosaminidase activity, and the yi ...19872957960
on the mechanism of the peroxidase-catalyzed oxygen-transfer reaction.we reported evidence that horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and chloroperoxidase (cpo) catalyze oxygen transfer from h2o2 to thioanisoles [kobayashi, s., nakano, m., goto, t., kimura, t., & schaap, a. p. (1986) biochem. biophys. res. commun. 135, 166-171]. in the present paper, the reaction mechanism of this oxygen transfer is discussed. the oxidation of para-substituted thioanisoles by hrp compound ii showed a large negative rho value of -1.46 vs. the sigma + parameter in a hammett plot. these resul ...19873663642
influence of heme-surrounding amino acid residues on the manganese (v)-nitrido bond in manganese-substituted hemoproteins: resonance raman evidence for porphyrin core expansion and reduction of the manganese(v)-nitrido stretching force constant.nitridomanganese(v) protoporphyrin ix was prepared by hypochlorite oxidation of the corresponding manganese(iii) protoporphyrin ix derivative in the presence of ammonium ion and by photolysis of the corresponding azidomanganese(iii) complex. myoglobin and horseradish peroxidase containing this novel protoporphyrin derivative were prepared for the first time. these remarkably stable species were examined by electronic absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance, and resonance raman spectroscopies ...19873663640
ipsilateral retinofugal and retinopetal projections in normal and monocular cichlid fish.a previously unknown ipsilateral retinotectal projection in juvenile and adult cichlid fishes is revealed by anterograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp). enucleation results in an enlarged ipsilateral projection from the intact eye; after 4 months this projection may cover the tectum almost completely. these data are interpreted as an increase in the normally occurring ipsilateral projection of newly differentiated ganglion cells due to the absence of interocular competition. convers ...19873627561
a quantitative study of anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of exogenous proteins in olfactory nerve c-fibers.the pike olfactory nerve which consists of a homogeneous population of c-fibers of 0.25 micron diameter or less was used to study quantitatively both anterograde and retrograde axoplasmic transport of wheat germ agglutinin and horseradish peroxidase. it was found that even in these extremely thin axons anterograde and retrograde transport takes place. activity distribution profiles (transport profiles) for retrograde transport were established and found to be similar to the typical profiles of a ...19873670606
[connections between the anterior thalamic nuclei in turtles (data of the peroxidase method)].it turtles, testudo horsfieldi (gray) connections of anterior dorsomedial and dorsolateral thalamic nuclei have been investigated by means of horseradish peroxidase, injected ionophoretically. retrogradely labelled neurons are predominantly revealed ipsilaterally in the cerebral structures belonging to the limbic system: in the forebrain--basal parts of the hemisphere, septum, adjoining nucleus, nuclei of the anterior and hippocampal commissures, hippocampal cortex, preoptic area; in the diencep ...19873328968
characterization by lectin binding of the sugar moiety of glycocompounds stored in inherited diseases.kidney and liver samples from two cases of fabry's disease and spleen and liver samples from gaucher and niemann-pick diseases were tested for binding to lectins such as peanut agglutinin (pna), bandeiraea simplicifolia, (bsa), canavalia ensiformis (con a), soybean agglutinin (sba) and wheat germ agglutinin (wga) labelled with horseradish peroxidase using histochemical techniques. these techniques allowed the localization of compounds with alpha-galactosyl residues in tissues from fabry's diseas ...19873123429
rapid typing of serum paraproteins by immunoblotting without antigen-excess this new immunoblotting procedure for determining the heavy-chain class and light-chain type of monoclonal serum immunoglobulins, proteins are transferred from agarose electrophoretic gels to nitrocellulose by brief capillary blotting. paraproteins transferred are detected with appropriate horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antisera to light chain and heavy chain. examination of 121 serum specimens probably containing a paraprotein (as detected by protein staining) by immunoblotting and by imm ...19873111752
prostaglandin h synthase-catalyzed metabolism and dna binding of 2-naphthylamine.the oxidation of the bladder carcinogen 2-naphthylamine (2-na) by prostaglandin h synthase (phs) in vitro was examined. oxygen uptake studies of 2-na oxidation in the presence of glutathione, as well as extensive product analysis data, are consistent with a one-electron mechanism of 2-na oxidation by phs. the formation of 2-nitrosonaphthalene is not observed under any condition. metabolism studies with a purified phs preparation confirm that 2-na oxidation is dependent upon the peroxidase activi ...19873111680
acidification of the cytosol inhibits endocytosis from coated pits.acidification of the cytosol of a number of different cell lines strongly reduced the endocytic uptake of transferrin and epidermal growth factor. the number of transferrin binding sites at the cell surface was increased in acidified cells. electron microscopic studies showed that the number of coated pits at the cell surface was not reduced in cells with acidified cytosol. experiments with transferrin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates and a monoclonal anti-transferrin receptor antibody demonstr ...19872887575
convergence of electrotonic club endings, gaba- and serotoninergic terminals on second order neurons of the electrosensory pathway in mormyrid fish, gnathonemus petersii and brienomyrus niger (teleostei).previous electrophysiological data indicate that the afferent electrosensory impulses conveyed towards the mesencephalon are blocked in the rhombencephalic electrosensory lateral line nucleus (nell) by the concomitantly occurring eod (electric organ discharge) command-associated (corollary) discharge. electron-microscopic observations and anterograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase show that the primary electrosensory fibers terminate with club endings on the adendritic soma of the nell cel ...19872441869
affinophoresis of pea lectin and fava bean lectin with an anionic affinophore, bearing rho-aminophenyl-alpha-d-mannoside as an affinity ligand.affinophoresis is an electrophoretic separation technique for biological polymers with the aid of an affinophore, which is a macromolecular polyelectrolyte bearing affinity ligands. the affinophore migrates rapidly in an electric field, and consequently the electrophoretic mobility of molecules having an affinity for the ligand is specifically changed. an anionic affinophore-bearing mannosyl residue was synthesized for the affinophoresis of lectins. rho-aminophenyl-alpha-d-mannopyranoside and am ...19873667759
anatomical study of neural projections to the superior colliculus of the big brown bat, eptesicus fuscus.auditory inputs to the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus of the bat, eptesicus fuscus, were studied by iontophoretic injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the superior colliculus. hrp was injected into the recording sites of superior collicular neurons that responded to acoustic stimuli (4 ms duration, 0.5 ms rise-decay times). the results showed that the superior colliculus received its auditory projections mainly from the inferior colliculus bilaterally, but with ...19873620966
amygdalofugal and amygdalopetal connections with modality-specific visual cortical areas in macaques (macaca fuscata, m. mulatta, and m. fascicularis).the origins and terminations of the amygdaloid connections with the modality-specific visual cortical areas tea (anterior te area), tep (posterior te area), teo, v4, v2, mst (medial superior temporal visual area), mt (middle temporal visual area), and v1 were studied in macaques. these were compared with the amygdaloid connections of a vision-related polysensory area tg by making cortical injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and incubating the sections with tetramethylbenzidine (tmb) as th ...19873611417
polymerization of phenols catalyzed by peroxidase in nonaqueous media.polymers produced by horseradish-peroxidase-catalyzed coupling of phenols have been explored as potential substitutes for phenol-formaldehyde resins. to overcome low substrate solubilities and product molecular weights in water, enzymatic polymerizations in aqueous-organic mixtures have been examined. peroxidase vigorously polymerizes a number of phenols in mixtures of water with water-miscible solvents such as dioxane, acetone, di-methylformamide, and methyl formate with the solvent content up ...198718576580
oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid-amino acid conjugates by horseradish peroxidase.the stability of 21 amino acid conjugates of indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) toward horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was studied. the iaa conjugates of arg, ile, leu, tyr, and val were oxidized readily by peroxidase. those of ala, beta-ala, asp, cys, gln, glu, gly, and lys were not degraded and their recovery was above 92% after 1 hour incubation with hrp. a correlation between the stability of iaa conjugates toward peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation and the hydrophobicity of the amino acid moiety conjugated ...198716665529
in situ immune complex formation within the uvea. potential role of cationic antibody.a murine model has been developed to study the role of immunoglobulin charge in the regulation of the intraocular distribution of circulating igg antibodies. intravenously injected cationic antibodies to the tracer enzyme horseradish peroxidase bind within the ciliary body and choroid (cb/ch). these cationic antibodies can selectively entrap and bind circulating antigens forming immune complexes (ic) within the uveal tissues. the structure of the uvea with its fenestrated cb/ch capillaries and f ...19873596995
ultrastructural evidence of the formation of synapses by retinal ganglion cell axons in two nonstandard targets.after unilateral ablation of the optic tectum in the frog (rana pipiens), retinal ganglion cell axons enter the lateral thalamic neuropil in large numbers. this area is normally a target of the tectal efferent projection but is not innervated directly from the retina in normal frogs nor in frogs undergoing optic nerve regeneration in the presence of an intact tectum. the ability of retinal axons to form synaptic contacts in this nonstandard target, previously suspected only from light microscope ...19873497955
vascular permeability in transplantable murine gliomas: morphological correlation with tracer studies.invasive astrocytomas were produced in mice by intracerebral injection of a cell line obtained from a spontaneous murine astrocytoma. these tumours grew in the cerebral hemispheres and, in many cases, extended through the needle hole in the skull to give rise to large extracranial tumours. on injection of the tracers, evans' blue or horseradish peroxidase (hrp), into the femoral vein, differences were noted in the vascular permeability of the intracerebral and extracranial tumours; the latter al ...20152443863
retention of pinocytized solute by cho cell lysosomes correlates with molecular weight.we compared the exocytosis by chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells of a set of fluid-phase pinocytic tracers. the tracers were horseradish peroxidase (hrp), a glycoprotein of approximately 40 kda, lucifer yellow (luy), a 457 dalton, membrane-impermeant fluorescent dye, and glucose polymers ranging from sucrose through higher molecular weight, fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc) dextrans. after a long term uptake (16-20 h), each of these tracers was localized to lysosomes. exocytosis of the majority o ...19872443256
growth of retinal ganglion cell axons following optic nerve crush in adult hamsters.regrowth of retinal ganglion cell axons was examined 2 to 60 days after intraorbital optic nerve crush lesions in adult hamsters. anterograde axonal transport of intraocularly injected wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate was used to label the axons after specific postinjury time periods. labeled axons were present in the region of the optic nerve lying between the eye and the crush site at all times, but their numbers appeared to decrease with increasing survival time. labeled ...19872438151
rapid data acquisition from a microtiter plate fluorescence reader and applications in kinetic measurements.programs written in applesoft basic for the rapid acquisition and evaluation of data from a commercially available microtiter plate fluorescence reader are presented. using the data acquisition program, the relative fluorescence readings from all 96 wells of the microtiter plate (one read cycle of the fluorescence reader) can be stored in each of up to 90 consecutively numbered files on a single-sided diskette. a simple timer circuit is described which, when used in conjunction with the above pr ...19873598197
a competitive inhibition test of enzyme immunoassay for the anti-nrnp antibody.a competitive inhibition test for anti-nrnp antibody was developed, using horseradish-peroxidase-labelled anti-nrnp igg derived from the serum of a patient with mixed connective tissue disease. in this test, the anti-nrnp antibody was clearly distinguished from the anti-sm antibody in the patients' sera, and the sensitivity of the assay for anti-nrnp antibody was close to 50 ng/ml.19873298435
evaluation of advanced silica packings for the separation of biopolymers by high-performance liquid chromatography. iv. mobile phase and surface-mediated effects on recovery of native proteins in gradient elution on non-porous, monodisperse 1.5-microns reversed-phase silicas.the reversed-phase chromatography of proteins by gradient elution with acidic, low-ionic-strength aqueous-organic eluents is often associated with losses of the biological activity of the protein. in this study, the enzymatic activities of catalase, horseradish peroxidase and pepsin were examined under static and dynamic column conditions on non-porous, monodisperse 1.5-microns reversed-phase silicas with various n-alkyl ligands. catalase readily lost its enzymatic activity under the influence o ...19872821039
the development of the amphibian trochlear nucleus. an hrp study.the quantitative and qualitative development of the trochlear nucleus of salamanders and frogs was studied using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a retrograde marker. a higher number of labelled motoneurons significantly declined in later larval stages, presumably by cell death, as in birds and mammals. in agreement with this assumption, hrp-filled apoptotic cells were found in larvae. many more labelled trochlear motoneurons were found in adult than in larval amphibians, and [3h]thymidine labell ...19873601225
development of brainstem and cerebellar projections to the diencephalon with notes on thalamocortical projections: studies in the north american opossum.the north american opossum is born in a very immature state, 12 days after conception, and climbs into an external pouch where it remains attached to a nipple for an extended period of time. we have taken advantage of the opossum's embryology to study the development of brainstem and cerebellar projections to the diencephalon as well as the timing of diencephalic projections to somatosensory motor areas of neocortex. the techniques employed included immunocytochemistry for serotonin, the retrogr ...19873038968
the avian somatosensory system: connections of regions of body representation in the forebrain of the order to establish the basic connectivity of physiologically identified somatosensory regions of the thalamus and telencephalon in the pigeon, injections of wheatgerm agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase were made under electrophysiological control and the projections were charted following conventional neurohistochemistry. the physiological recordings generally confirmed the findings of delius and bennetto (brain research, 37 (1972) 205-221) of somatosensory sites within the dorsal thalamus, an ...19873300850
the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve of the hamster: ultrastructure of vagal neurons and their responses to vagotomy.the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve of the hamster was studied electron microscopically. two types of neuron distinguished by their ultrastructural features were identified. type i cells, which had an average dimension of 20 x 12 microns, were rich in cytoplasmic organelles. the smaller type ii cells (15 x 9 microns) had scanty cytoplasm and a deeply indented nucleus. type i cells were labelled by horseradish peroxidase (hrp) following its injection into the vagus nerve, whereas type ii ...19873654367
determinative properties of muscle lineages in ascidian embryos.blastomeres removed from early cleavage stage ascidian embryos and reared to 'maturity' as partial embryos often elaborate tissue-specific features typical of their constituent cell lineages. we used this property to study recent corrections of the ascidian larval muscle lineage and to compare the ways in which different lineages give rise to muscle. our evaluation of muscle differentiation was based on histochemical localization and quantitative radiometric measurement of a muscle-specific acet ...19873652970
the functional organization of the crayfish lamina ganglionaris. ii. large-field spiking and nonspiking cells.the functional properties of the multicolumnar interneurons of the crayfish lamina ganglionaris were examined by intracellular recording and the cell structures were revealed with the aid of lucifer yellow or horseradish peroxidase iontophoresis. the multicolumnar monopolar cell m5 responds to a light pulse with a depolarizing compound epsp and a burst of action potentials. both the epsp amplitude and the spike rate decay toward a lower level plateau in less than 200 ms after light onset. m5 is ...19873612593
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