
retinal projections in the catfish, mystus vittatus (bloch) as revealed by tracer studies with horseradish peroxidase.the retinal efferents of the catfish, mystus vittatus, were investigated with the use of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. most retinal fibres extended contralateral to the eye that had received hrp label, while a few fascicles projected to the ipsilateral side without decussation in the optic chiasma. the contralateral fibres projected to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pretect ...19883416343
maternal-embryonic relationships in the goodeid teleost, xenoophorus captivus. the vacuolar apparatus in trophotaenial absorptive cells and its role in macromolecular transport.the endodermal trophotaenial epithelium in goodeid embryos acts as a placental exchange site. fine structural and cytochemical data indicate that the trophotaenial absorptive cells are endocytotically highly active. to test their micropinocytotic capacity and characterize the cellular mechanisms involved in membrane, solute and ligand movements, living embryos of xenoophorus captivus were incubated in saline media containing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and/or cationized ferritin (cf) in vitro, ...19883416334
the vestibular nerve of the chinchilla. ii. relation between afferent response properties and peripheral innervation patterns in the semicircular canals.1. the relation between the response properties of semicircular canal afferents and their peripheral innervation patterns was studied by the use of intra-axonal labeling techniques. fifty physiologically characterized units were injected with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or lucifer yellow ch (ly) and their processes were traced to the crista. the resting discharge, discharge regularity, and responses to both externally applied galvanic currents and sinusoidal head rotations were determined for m ...19883404216
the vestibular nerve of the chinchilla. i. peripheral innervation patterns in the horizontal and superior semicircular canals.1. afferent fibers supplying the horizontal and superior semicircular canals of the chinchilla were labeled by extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the vestibular nerve. the arborizations of labeled fibers within the sensory epithelium were reconstructed from serial sections of the crista. 2. the sensory epithelium of the crista can be divided into central, intermediate, and peripheral zones of approximately equal areas. the three zones can be distinguished in normal mat ...19883404215
an inexpensive method for sensitive enzymatic determination of oxalate in urine and this simple, sensitive, and rapid enzymatic method for the determination of oxalate in urine or plasma, oxalate oxidase (ec prepared from barley seedlings is used to convert oxalate to carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide, which is determined photometrically at 600 nm, with use of horseradish peroxidase, by oxidative coupling of 3-methyl-2-benzothiazoline hydrazine with n,n-dimethylaniline. plasma is pre-treated by ultrafiltration and co-precipitation of oxalate with calcium sulfate ...19883390916
exogenous phospholipase c permeabilizes mammalian cells to proteins.mammalian cells treated with low concentrations of phospholipase c become permeable to the protein toxin alpha-sarcin. a similar permeabilization is not induced upon treatment with other lipases such as phospholipase a2, sphingomyelinase, or cholesterol esterase. concentrations of 10 micrograms/ml alpha-sarcin almost completely blocked translation in hela cells treated with 0.3 u/ml phospholipase c (pl-c) for 1 h. in contrast, 200 micrograms/ml of alpha-sarcin had no effect at all on protein syn ...19883134247
[the use of monoclonal antibodies for the quantitative determination of myoglobin by the solid phase immunoenzyme "sandwich" assay].a procedure of solid phase single step immunoenzyme assay of the "sandwich" type involving monoclonal antibodies was developed to estimate myoglobin in blood serum of patients, 30 stable hybridomic clones. producing antibodies to not less than six various epitopes of myoglobin, were obtained. content of myoglobin in blood serum was studied using antibodies of the igg type to two various epitopes of myoglobin as well as of their conjugates with horseradish peroxidase. the procedure developed enab ...20153057738
amygdaloid projections to commissural interneurons for masticatory motoneurons.injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into the trigeminal motor nucleus resulted in retrograde labeling of neurons, called commissural interneurons for masticatory motoneurons, in the contralateral supratrigeminal region. further hrp studies, in which wga-hrp injections were made into the amygdala and supratrigeminal region, indicated that the supratrigeminal region receives fibers from the central nucleus of the amygdala ipsilaterally. these findings ra ...19882464421
interaction of propylthiouracil and its precursors with horseradish peroxidase.interactions of horseradish peroxidase with propylthiouracil, thiouracil, propyluracil and uracil lead to the formation of complexes that exhibit different absorption spectra which can be attributed to the perturbation of peroxidase as the result of the drug-binding on a polar site in the protein. in this paper, by dilatometry and viscometry structural alterations in horseradish peroxidase were detected from its interaction with propylthiouracil and thiouracil only, and the physiological inhibit ...19883390188
production and elisa application of bispecific monoclonal antibodies against fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp).hybrid hybridomas producing bispecific monoclonal antibodies reacting with both horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (fitc) were obtained by fusing two hybridoma lines and selecting the fused cells using a fluorescence activated cell sorter (facs). fitc was used to label different monoclonal antibodies and the bispecific antibodies acted as a linking agent between fitc-labelled antibody and the marker enzyme hrp. this system was used in enzyme immunoassays for the detectio ...19882455756
distribution and morphology of synapses on nonspiking local interneurones in the thoracic nervous system of the locust.the structure and distribution of synapses on nonspiking local interneurones in the metathoracic ganglion of the locust was revealed by electron microscopy following intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). before staining, each interneurone was characterized physiologically as nonspiking and its output effects on motor neurones innervating muscles in a hindleg were investigated. three nonspiking interneurones of different morphologies, each typical of a previously described popu ...19883417899
peripheral nerve transection induces innervation of embryonic neocortical transplants by specific thalamic fibers in adult mice.embryonic neocortical tissue survives and differentiates when grafted to injured adult neocortex. while these transplants are readily innervated by the host cholinergic fibers, specific thalamic fibers fail to innervate them. the present study was designed to test whether changing the activity levels of the thalamic ventrobasal projection neurons would promote sprouting of their axons into the embryonic cortical implants placed in the barrel field cortex. to achieve this the main input to these ...19882843583
regeneration of descending axons in the spinal cord of the axolotl.horseradish peroxidase was used to describe the positions and approximate numbers of neurones with axons that descend to the lumbar spinal cord in normal axolotls and axolotls whose spinal cord had been transected 3-23 months previously. three to 4 months after the transection approximately 10% of the axons had grown across the cut and returned to the lumbar spinal cord whereas 23 months after the transection the number and distribution of these cells were approaching those of the controls.19883399135
a comparison of non-radioisotopic hybridization assay methods using fluorescent, chemiluminescent and enzyme labeled synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes.n4-[n-(6-trifluoroacetylamidocaproyl)-2-aminoethyl]-5'-o-dimethoxy trityl -5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine-3'-n,n-diisopropyl-methylphosphoramidite++ + has been synthesized. this n4-alkylamino deoxycytidine derivative has been incorporated into oligonucleotide probes during chemical dna synthesis. subsequent to deprotection and purification, fluorescent (fluorescein, texas red and rhodamine), chemiluminescent (isoluminol), and enzyme (horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase) labels have been spec ...19883387214
the coupling of catharanthine and vindoline to form 3',4'-anhydrovinblastine by haemoproteins and haemin.the enzymic coupling of catharanthine and vindoline can be performed with plant peroxidases in a reaction which yields 3',4'-anhydrovinblastine (avlb) as the major product. this has led to an investigation of other sources of peroxidase activity and haem. high levels of avlb were obtained using microperoxidase (haem-undecapeptide) and haemin, and lower yields were also detected with lactoperoxidase, cytochrome c, and haemoglobin. the activity with haemin and microperoxidase has been optimized an ...198817265256
photoreceptor responses to light in the isolated pineal organ of the trout, salmo gairdneri.photoreceptor potentials were recorded intracellularly from the isolated pineal organ of the teleost, salmo gairdneri, maintained in tissue culture medium for 2-20 h. after electrophysiological characterization the photoreceptor cells were iontophoretically injected with lucifer yellow or with horseradish peroxidase for subsequent morphological identification. a brief flash of light elicited a hyperpolarization which was graded with light intensity in the dark-adapted photoreceptor. for dim flas ...19883405425
responses of mitral/tufted cells to orthodromic and antidromic electrical stimulation in the olfactory bulb of the tiger salamander.1. responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve and olfactory tracts were analyzed in 46 output cells of the salamander olfactory bulb, in vivo. labeling of several cells with horseradish peroxidase indicated that they were mitral and/or tufted neurons. the responses contained reproducible sequences of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials, which changed with increases in stimulus intensity. 2. stimulation of the nerve with intensities subthreshold for evoking spikes i ...19883404202
hypertonic sucrose inhibition of endocytic transport suggests multiple early endocytic compartments.incubation of animal cells with hypertonic sucrose and polyethylene glycol (peg) 1,000 renders endosomes sensitive in situ to hypotonic shock (okada and rechsteiner, 1982). we found that: 1) in vitro endosomes were osmotically insensitive; and 2) hypertonic sucrose inhibited transport from very early endosomes to lysosomes. endocytic vesicles were labeled by incubating chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells for 1-10 min at 37 degrees c with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and/or fluorescein isothiocyana ...19883397386
the nucleus magnocellularis in the red-eared turtle, chrysemys scripta elegans: eighth nerve endings and neuronal types.eighth nerve endings and neuronal types in the nucleus magnocellularis were analyzed in the red-eared turtle (chrysemys scripta elegans). one group of turtles had horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injected into the surgically exposed inner ear. following injection the animals survived for 3-5 days and then their 8th nerve fibers and endings were analyzed. a second group of turtles were impregnated by the golgi-kopsch technique. this also demonstrated 8th nerve endings and neurons in the nucleus magno ...19883384760
reformation of specific neuromuscular connections during axolotl limb regeneration: evidence that the first contacts are correct.retrograde neuronal tracing with horseradish peroxidase was used to determine the position in the spinal cord of the motor neurone pools of a proximal (biceps) and a distal (extensor digitorum) limb muscle at various times during axolotl limb regeneration. it was found that from the earliest stages of muscle redifferentiation (as judged by light and electron microscopic analysis) the vast majority of axons innervating the regenerating muscles came from cells within the bounds of the normal motor ...19883224559
distribution of synaptic inputs onto goldfish retinal ganglion cell dendrites.retinal ganglion cells in the goldfish were labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase, and areas near the optic disk where the dendrites appeared to be completely filled were analyzed by electron microscopy. only 6% of their inputs were ribbon synapses from bipolar cells; the other 94% of the inputs were conventional synapses mostly or entirely from amacrine cells. there were three strata of the inner plexiform layer with high densities of inputs to ganglion cells, the first cent ...19883197765
embryogenesis of the connective chordotonal organ in the pedicel of the american cockroach: cell lineage and morphological differentiation.the ontogenesis of single scolopidia of the chordotonal organ of the american cockroach, periplaneta americana, takes about 4 days. at 23% embryogenesis (100%=30 d) the first anlagen of scolopidia were identified within the eipithelium by staining with anti-horseradish peroxidase. reconstruction of the cell lineage of the scolopidial cells was facilitated by two facts: (i) the arrangement of the cells throughout ontogenesis follows a strict pattern, and (ii) daughter cells are recognizable for s ...19883190831
radical cations in the horseradish peroxidase and prostaglandin h synthase mediated metabolism and binding of benzo[a]pyrene to deoxyribonucleic acid.metabolism and dna binding studies are used to investigate mechanisms of activation for carcinogens. in this paper we describe metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene (bp) and 6-fluorobenzo[a]pyrene (6-fbp) by two peroxidases, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and prostaglandin h synthase (phs), which are known to catalyze one-electron oxidation. in addition, binding of bp and bp quinones to dna was compared in the two enzyme systems. the only metabolites formed from bp or 6-fbp by either enzyme were the quinon ...19883132173
role of microtubules in the cytoplasmic compartmentation of neurons. ii. endocytosis in the growth cone and neurite shaft.we investigated the role of microtubules in the compartmentation of motility and endocytosis in the neurite shaft and growth cone of cultured chick sensory neurons. as reported previously by letourneau and ressler (j. cell biol., 98 (1984) 1355-1362), stimulating microtubule polymerization with taxol inhibits growth cone motility. in neurons that had grown for 18-30 h, taxol treatment caused growth cones to round up forming an obvious varicosity (taxol bulb) at the terminal. removal of taxol all ...19882900046
studies of the early stages of optic axon regeneration in the goldfish.we have studied the early stages (4-14 days) of axonal regeneration following intraorbital optic nerve crush in the goldfish. we used 3h-proline autoradiography to anterogradely label and visualize the growing axons and wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga:hrp) for retrograde labeling to determine the cells of origin of the earliest projections. the first retinal ganglion cells (rgcs) that could be retrogradely filled from the optic tract, following optic nerve crush, wer ...19882454964
synthesis and hybridization of a series of biotinylated oligonucleotides.a series of oligonucleotides containing biotin-11-dump at various positions were synthesized and compared in quantitative, colorimetric hybridization-detection studies. a deoxyuridine phosphoramidite containing a protected allylamino sidearm was synthesized and used in standard, automated synthesis cycles to prepare oligonucleotides with allylamino residues at various positions within a standard 17-base sequence. biotin substituents were subsequently attached to the allylamino sidearms by reacti ...19883375076
basal forebrain lesions facilitate adult host fiber ingrowth into neocortical transplants.the ability of mature host thalamic neurons to innervate embryonic (e19) cortex when implanted into the cortex of adult hosts was compared in normal and basal forebrain lesioned mice. the ingrowth of mature horseradish peroxidase-labeled thalamic axons into the transplants is facilitated by prior basal forebrain lesions. we discuss the possible reasons for the lesion-induced enhancement of axonal ingrowth, including the possibility that the enhanced ingrowth of thalamic fiber systems may be rela ...19882455584
localization of choline acetyltransferase to somata of posterior lateral line efferents in the goldfish.the somata of posterior lateral line efferents in goldfish have been identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. co-localization of retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase and choline acetyltransferase, detected by immunohistochemical staining with the monoclonal antibody ab8, supports the view that some lateral line efferent neurons in the goldfish are cholinergic.19882455582
retinal projections to the superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii): ii. topography after rotation of an eye prior to retinal innervation of the brain.retinal projections to visual centers in a marsupial mammal, the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii), have been investigated after an eye rotation prior to retinal innervation of the brain. retinal topography to the superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus was mapped by using laser lesions of the retina and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. despite the change in orientation of optic axon outgrowth from the developing eye after rotation, retinal ganglion cells made orderly con ...19883379165
retinal projections to the superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in the tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii): i. normal topography.the topography of retinal projections to the superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of a wallaby, the tammar (macropus eugenii), was investigated by an anatomical method. small laser lesions were made in the retinas of experimental animals, and the remaining retinal projections were visualized by means of horseradish-peroxidase histochemistry. the position of each lesion was correlated with the position of the filling defects in the terminal label. the whole of the retina proj ...19883379164
time-resolved and static resonance raman spectroscopy of horseradish peroxidase using pulsed and continuous wave laser irradiation in the 350-450-nm region, we have characterized raman scattering from horseradish peroxidase (hrp) compounds i and ii and from iron porphyrin pi-cation radical model compounds. for compound ii we support the suggestion [terner, j., sitter, a. j., & reczek, c. m. (1985) biochim. biophys. acta 828, 73-80; proniewicz, l. m., bajdor, k., & nakamoto, k. (1986) j. phys. chem. 90, 1760-1766] that resonance enhancement of the feiv = o vibration proce ...19883390434
structure of the horseradish peroxidase isozyme c genes.we have isolated, cloned and characterized three cdnas and two genomic dnas corresponding to the mrnas and genes for the horseradish (armoracia rusticana) peroxidase isoenzyme c (hpr c). the amino acid sequence of hrp c1, deduced from the nucleotide sequence of one of the cdna clone, psk1, contained the same primary sequence as that of the purified enzyme established by welinder [febs lett. 72, 19-23 (1976)] with additional sequences at the n and c terminal. all three inserts in the cdna clones, ...19883371352
adrenaline-induced hypertension: morphological consequences of the blood-brain barrier disturbance.acute hypertension may transiently open the blood-brain barrier (bbb). to determine whether such temporary exposure of the brain parenchyma to plasma constituents may lead to permanent morphological alterations, acute hypertension was induced by i.v. adrenaline in conscious rates given evan's blue and horseradish peroxidase as tracers. the brain were perfused in situ 24 h later: 17 of 21 brains showed multifocal sites of extravasation of the tracers and of endogenous plasma albumin, fibrinogen a ...19883414376
receptive-field properties and morphological characteristics of the superior collicular neurons that project to the lateral posterior and dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei in the hamster.1. intracellular recording, antidromic activation, and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection techniques were employed to characterize the receptive-field properties and morphology of the superior collicular (sc) neurons in the hamster that projected to the lateral posterior nucleus (lp) or the dorsal lateral geniculate body (lgnd). 2. twenty-three tecto-lp and 21 tecto-lgnd cells were successfully characterized, filled with hrp, and recovered. additional physiological information was obtained f ...19883385463
induction of aberrant functional afferents to the chick cochlear nucleus.surgical extirpation of the otocyst on embryonic day (e) 3 in chick embryos prevents formation of the cochlear nerve and results in development of an aberrant axonal projection from the contralateral cochlear nucleus (nucleus magnocellularis, nm) to the deafferented nm. we have studied the morphology of this projection using horseradish peroxidase injections in nm axons and light and electron microscopy. the ability of the projection to activate its target neurons synaptically was assessed by me ...19883385006
the trochlear motoneurons of lampreys (lampetra fluviatilis): location, morphology and numbers as revealed with horseradish peroxidase.the cells of origin of the trochlear nerve of lampetra fluviatilis have been labelled with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in order to compare the location and morphology of trochlear motoneurons with those of other vertebrates and to gain insight into the phylogenetic changes of the trochlear system. about 126 bipolar and tripolar trochlear motoneuron perikarya are found in a dorsal tegmental position close to the trochlear root. only approximately 16% of the labelled cells are on the ipsilateral ...19883383208
enzyme immunoassay for detection of drosophila melanogaster antigens in the juice of various enzyme immunoassay (eia) was developed to identify and quantitate soluble antigens originating from drosophila melanogaster eggs. polystyrene microtiter plates were coated with anti-egg antibody. egg antigen standards or samples were reacted with the sensitized wells. the immobilized antigen was reacted with biotinylated antibody, and the complex was quantitated by an avidin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. the assay can detect egg antigens equivalent to 0.03 eggs/ml. the antibody was direct ...20133134333
in situ nick translation of the fragile x the present time, the molecular nature of the fragile site at xq27.3 is not well understood. to examine the sensitivity of this region to dnaase i, in situ nick translation was performed on metaphase chromosomes from a fragile x (fra(x] positive individual. in this technique dnaase i is used to nick regions of chromosomal dna that are in "open" conformation. biotinylated dutp was incorporated by nick translation at these sites. the incorporation was identified by double antibody labeling and ...20143052067
an enhanced chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay for serum oestradiol.oestradiol in serum was determined with a simple enhanced chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay. the assay is based on oestradiol labelled with horseradish peroxidase and the igg fraction of an oestradiol antiserum coated on a black polystyrene microtitre plate. the enzyme activity of bound label was determined using a p-hydroxycinnamic acid-enhanced chemiluminescent reaction. the assay was sensitive (1.8 fmol/well), precise (intra- and inter-assay cv 4-10% and 8-12%, respectively for sample conce ...19883041904
afferent connections of the sexually dimorphic area of the hypothalamus of male and female gerbils.we studied neural inputs to the sexually dimorphic area (sda) of the gerbil hypothalamus by injecting wheat-germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase into its medial or lateral components in males and females. to confirm the topography of sda afferents, we injected phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin into areas where retrograde labeling from the medial and lateral sda differed. both methods indicated that the medial sda received stronger inputs from the medial part of the bed nucleus of the stria te ...19882454962
probing structure-function relations in heme-containing oxygenases and peroxidases.structural factors that influence functional properties are examined in the case of four heme enzymes: cytochrome p-450, chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and secondary amine mono-oxygenase. the identity of the axial ligand, the nature of the heme environment, and the steric accessibility of the heme iron and heme edge combine to play major roles in determining the reactivity of each enzyme. the importance of synthetic porphyrin models in understanding the properties of the protein-free ...19883358128
origin of ascending projections to an isofrequency region of the mustache bat's inferior colliculus.the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat is similar in most respects to the inferior colliculus of more commonly studied mammals, but one isofrequency contour, the dorsoposterior division, is greatly overrepresented. the present study utilizes this specialization of the auditory system in the mustache bat to determine the total set of ascending projections to a single isofrequency contour of the inferior colliculus. within the dorsoposterior division, neurons are all very narrowly tuned to 60 ...19882836478
histochemical localization of cytochrome oxidase in the retina and optic tectum of normal goldfish: a combined cytochrome oxidase-horseradish peroxidase study.cytochrome oxidase (c.o.) was histochemically localized in the normal retina and optic tectum of goldfish in order to examine the laminar and cellular oxidative metabolic organization of these structures. in the optic tectum, c.o. exhibited a distinct laminar, regional, and cellular distribution. the laminae with highest c.o. levels were those that receive optic input, suggesting a dominant role for visual activity in tectal function. this was demonstrated by colocalizing c.o. and hrp-filled opt ...19882836476
mudpuppy retinal ganglion cell morphology revealed by an hrp impregnation technique which provides golgi-like staining.a new technique of retrograde labeling of ganglion cells with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) has been developed, based on orbital injections of hrp combined with a detergent (lysolecithin). when injections are followed by an appropriate survival time, dense staining of a small number of widely scattered cells results in golgi-like filling of each neuron. this technique, as well as a variation which causes mass staining of ganglion cell somas, has been used to analyze the morphology of mudpuppy ret ...19882454245
low-temperature magnetic circular dichroism studies of the photoreaction of horseradish peroxidase compound i.horseradish peroxidase (hrp) compound i is photolabile at all temperatures between room temperature and 4 k. the photoredox reaction has been studied in frozen glassy solutions by using optical absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra following photolysis of hrp compound i with visible-wavelength light at 4.2 and 77 k. the photochemical process is characterized as a concerted two-electron transfer reaction which results in the conversion of the fe(iv) heme pi-cation radical species of ...19883382635
indole-3-acetic acid oxidation and crocin bleaching by horseradish peroxidase.during indoleacetic acid (iaa) oxidation by horseradish peroxidase the water soluble model polyene, crocin, is bleached. iaa-oxidation and crocin bleaching are stimulated at acidic ph as well as by the monophenol p-hydroxyacetophenone. iaa oxidation and crocin bleaching are neither influenced by catalase or superoxide dismutase nor by different oh-radical scavengers, whereas both ascorbate and propylgallate are inhibitory.198816666072
enzymic coupling of catharanthine and vindoline to form 3',4'-anhydrovinblastine by horseradish peroxidase. 19883406173
the origin of projections from the medullary reticular formation to the spinal cord, the diencephalon and the cerebellum at different stages of development in the north american opossum: studies using single and double labeling techniques.we have employed the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase alone or conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin, to label neurons within the medullary reticular formation which project to the spinal cord, the diencephalon and the cerebellum at different stages of development in the north american opossum. at selected ages, the fluorescent markers fast blue and diamidino yellow were also used in double-labeling experiments to determine if single neurons innervate both the spinal cord and diencep ...19883393288
the projection from the superficial to the deep layers of the superior colliculus: an intracellular horseradish peroxidase injection study in the hamster.intracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injection techniques were employed to examine the projections of superficial layer [stratum griseum superficiale (sgs) and stratum opticum (so)] superior collicular (sc) neurons in the hamster that sent axon collaterals into the deep laminae (those ventral to the so) of this structure. sixty-nine neurons were studied, selected from a sample of over 185 hrp-filled superficial layer cells on the basis of having heavily stained axons. of the ...19883357022
the bitter herbs of seder: more on horseradish horrors. 19883346970
increase in ganglion cell size after optic nerve regeneration in the frog, rana pipiens.even though optic regeneration is successful in the frog, rana pipiens, at completion considerable ganglion cell loss has occurred. to determine whether ganglion cell loss affects the size of the remaining ganglion cells, these cells were back-filled with horseradish peroxidase. the size of one class of ganglion cell 6 months to 1 year following nerve crush injury (n = 4) was compared to that of normal cells of this class (n = 4). the average area of the perikaryon was 35% larger than normal (le ...19883258247
preparation of [3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionoyl]insulins and horseradish peroxidase-insulin conjugates by high-performance liquid chromatographic separation. 19883046762
fibroblasts maintain a complete endocytic pathway in the presence of lysosomotropic amines.we have investigated the effects of the lysosomotropic amines, ammonium chloride and chloroquine, on the delivery of fluid-phase pinocytic tracers to lysosomes in chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells. in preliminary experiments, 15 mm ammonium chloride and 0.1 mm chloroquine were found to be sufficient to give maximal protection of endocytosed material from digestion in a lysosome. in the presence of either amine at these concentrations, the generation time of cho cells was depressed by less than 3 ...19882452090
formation of porphyrin pi-cation radical in myoglobin. a study on one electron oxidation products of nickel (ii)-substituted hemoproteins.nickel (ii)-substituted myoglobin (mb), hemoglobin (hb) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were oxidized with iridate to examine whether porphyrin pi-cation radical is formed or not in these hemoproteins. it was found that ni (ii)-porphyrin pi-cation radical is formed in all of these hemoproteins as confirmed by uv-visible and esr spectra, although the porphyrin pi-cation radical in mb and hb was less stable than in hrp. these results are discussed in relation to the different features of higher o ...19882833259
the tertiary gustatory center in sunfishes is not nucleus glomerulosus.injection of horseradish peroxidase into the secondary gustatory nucleus of the green sunfish, lepomis cyanellus, resulted in retrogradely filled neurons bilaterally in the viscerosensory column of the brainstem and in anterograde transport revealing ipsilateral terminal fields in the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, the nucleus of the torus lateralis and the central and periventricular nucleus of the inferior lobe. thus, the glomerular nucleus of percomorph teleosts is not a tertiary g ...19883362429
an elisa for the detection of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies using biotinylated antibody-capture enzyme immunoassay has been developed for the detection of anti-acetylcholine receptor (achr) antibodies in tissue culture supernatants using biotinylated alpha-bungarotoxin (b alpha bgt). immunoglobulins in culture supernatants were bound indirectly to microtitre plates via an anti-globulin antibody already coupled to polyvinyl plates. anti-achr antibodies were then detected by incubation with achr crude extract. bound achr was revealed by incubation with b alpha bgt followe ...19883346551
ultrastructure of kidney from three patients with hbeag-associated nephropathy with special reference to virus-like particles in the glomerular tufts.the biopsied kidneys from three patients with hepatitis be antigen (hbeag)-associated nephropathy were observed by light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. by an indirect technique utilizing horseradish peroxidase-conjugated antisera, hbeag was found to be deposited in a diffuse granular fashion along the glomerular capillary wall. no deposition of hepatitis bs or hepatitis bc antigen was detected. the three cases were diagnosed as hbeag-associated nephropathy. ultrastruct ...19883394523
connections between the nucleus isthmi and the tectum in larval and post-metamorphic axolotls.the nucleus isthmi (ni) is the primary relay for the frog's ipsilateral visuotectal projection. using electrophysiological methods, ipsilateral visuotectal activity has been recorded in thyroxine-treated, postmetamorphic axolotls but not in larval axolotls. in order to determine whether changes in isthmotectal projections are responsible for this change in electrophysiological responsiveness, we have investigated the connections between the tectum and the ni using horseradish peroxidase. our res ...19883351504
specificity of sensory projections to the spinal cord during development in bullfrogs.sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia of frogs project to areas of the spinal cord they do not normally innervate following removal of adjacent ganglia at tadpole stages (frank and westerfield, j. physiol. (lond.) 324:495-505, '82b). a possible explanation of this phenomenon is that sensory neurons project to wider areas of the spinal cord in tadpoles than in adult frogs and that partial deafferentation causes the retention of these widespread projections. therefore, the specificity of sensory ...19883258874
tonotopic projection from the dorsal to the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of understand how auditory information is processed in the cochlear nuclei, it is crucial to know what circuitry exists and how it functions. in slice preparations, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (avcn) reveal two circuits: a connection between the dorsal cochlear nucleus (dcn) and avcn and a local circuit confined to the avcn. extracellular injection in the avcn labels a band of cells in the dcn. the labeled cells in the dcn lie within a band of ...19883360996
visual system of the channel catfish (ictalurus punctatus): iii. fiber order in the optic nerve and optic channel catfish the ganglion cell axons leave the retina via a ring of approximately 13 separate optic papillae. each papilla serves an area of retina extending from the central zone of the retina to the periphery. papillae located at a dorsal position in the ring serve exclusively dorsal retina. ventrally located papillae, however, have an exaggerated peripheral retinal representation, so that they serve mostly ventral retina but also some areas of peripheral retina dorsal to the nasal and t ...19883360990
the influence of porphyrins on iron-catalysed generation of hydroxyl radicals.uroporphyrin i, haematoporphyrin and haematoporphyrin derivative had no effect on o2-. generation during oxidation of hypoxanthine by xanthine oxidase and on the formation of hydroxyl radicals (oh.) in the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase/fe3+-edta/deoxyribose system. on the other hand, these porphyrins strongly inhibited o2-. formation in a horseradish peroxidase/h2o2/nadph mixture, whereas they augmented oh. generation in this system after addition of fe3+-edta. experimental evidence suggests tha ...19882833235
quantitation of proteins by dot-immunobinding assay. a comparison of visualization methods using eukaryotic initiation factor 2 and a monospecific antibody.various visualization methods were compared for quantitation of proteins by the dot-immunobinding assay. comparisons were carried out using a multi-subunit protein, eukaryotic initiation factor 2, and monospecific antibodies directed against two of the factor's subunits. the protein was spotted onto nitrocellulose and the membranes were incubated with primary antibody. the antigen-antibody complex was visualized by one of six methods using either alkaline phosphatase-, horseradish peroxidase-, o ...19883276793
cortical connections of electrophysiologically and architectonically defined subdivisions of auditory cortex in squirrels.multiunit recordings with microelectrodes were used to identify and delimit subdivision of auditory cortex in squirrels. in the same animals, cortical connections of subdivisions of auditory cortex were determined by placing injections of the tracer wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) into electrophysiologically defined locations. the electrophysiological results and patterns of connections were later related to myeloarchitectonic distinctions in brain sections ...19883360984
tracer in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid is soon detected in choroid plexus capillaries.horseradish peroxidase was detected in the choroid plexus capillary 5 min after the onset of a 2 1/2-min injection of 7.5 microliter of 40% solution into the cisterna cerebellomedullaris in mice. venous capillaries in the capillary beds of circumventricular organs including the choroid plexus were indicated as sites of cerebrospinal fluid absorption.19882451976
retinotopically inappropriate synapses of subnormal density formed by surgically misdirected optic fibers in goldfish tectum.selected optic fibers were surgically deflected from one tectum onto the opposite host tectum which was denervated by eye enucleation. at 6-8 months, deflected fibers were labeled with horseradish peroxidase and the retinotopically inappropriate part of tectum was examined using electron microscopy. numerous (labeled) optic synapses were found in the primary optic innervation layer of the 'wrong' part of tectum but they were about half the normal density. the number and density of non-optic syna ...19883359320
effects of ph, detergent and salt on aggregation of chinese-hamster-ovary-cell lysosomal enzymes.upon detergent or hypo-osmotic lysis of cho-cell postnuclear supernatants or isolated lysosomes at ph 4.8, the lysosomal enzymes beta-hexosaminidase, beta-galactosidase, alpha-fucosidase and cathepsin c were readily pelleted, whereas the exogenous marker, long-term-internalized horseradish peroxidase, was not. salt or ph elevation greatly decreased lysosomal-enzyme pelletability. the results suggest that, under native conditions, lysosomal hydrolases may be aggregated. aggregation could promote ...19882965575
improved avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (abc) staining.a considerable intensification of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex staining system (abc) was obtained by sequentially overlaying the sections to be immunostained with an avidin-rich and a biotin-rich complex. each sequential addition contributed to the deposition of horseradish peroxidase on the immunostained site and allowed the subsequent binding of a complementary complex. with this technique a higher dilution of the antisera could be used and minute amounts of antigen masked by the fixat ...19882455699
protein transport between crayfish lateral giant axons.segmental lateral giant axons (slgas) in crayfish were used to determine whether functionally intact proteins can move between axons under physiological conditions. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was chosen as the tracer protein because its localization requires intact enzymatic activity and because it can be localized in living cells using a non-cytotoxic procedure. following iontophoretic injection of hrp in a single slga, hrp often transferred to adjacent slgas. hrp transferred from an injected ...19882451972
synaptic connections between primary trigeminal afferents and accessory abducens motoneurons in the monitor lizard, varanus exanthematicus.we studied the anatomical pathway underlying the nictitating reflex in the monitor lizard varanus exanthematicus by the anterograde degeneration technique combined with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and electron microscopy. after application of hrp to the abducens nerve, retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the ipsilateral principal and accessory abducens motor nuclei. the transection, in the same experiments, of the root of the trigeminal nerve resulted in massiv ...19883343407
the motor nuclei and sensory neurons of the iiird, ivth, and vith cranial nerves in the monitor lizard, varanus exanthematicus.the motor nuclei of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves of the reptile varanus exanthematicus and the neurons that subserve the sensory innervation of the extraocular muscles were identified and localized by retrograde and anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the highly differentiated oculomotor nuclear complex, located dorsomedially in the tegmentum of the midbrain, consists of the accessory oculomotor nucleus and the dorsomedial, dorsolateral, intermediate, and ven ...19883343406
glycoconjugate boundaries during early postnatal development of the neostriatal mosaic.the dispositions of galactosyl-containing glycoconjugates were studied during postnatal development of the caudate putamen in mice. the binding of the lectin peanut agglutinin, which has an affinity for galactosyl b-1,3 n-acetylgalactosamine residues, was compared to acetylcholinesterase staining and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the immature and adult neostriatum. the binding of peanut agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, in sections that were processed for peroxidase his ...19882893817
detection of peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals produced by reaction of hydroperoxides with heme-proteins by electron spin resonance spectroscopy.esr spin trapping using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline n-oxide (dmpo) has been used to directly detect alkoxyl radicals (with hyperfine coupling constants an 1.488, ah 1.600 mt and an 1.488, ah 1.504 mt for the tbuo. and phc(ch3)2o. adducts, respectively) and peroxyl radicals (an 1.448, ah 1.088, ah 0.130 mt and an 1.456, ah 1.064, ah 0.128 mt for the tbuoo. and phc(ch3)2oo. adducts, respectively) produced from t-butyl or cumene hydroperoxides by a variety of heme-containing substances ( ...19882825818
somatotopic organization of the primary sensory trigeminal neurons in the hagfish, eptatretus burgeri.primary sensory trigeminal projections were investigated in the hagfish following application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to the sensory branches. in our control preparations we were able to distinguish five sensory ganglia and their respective nerves. hrp application confirmed the almost exclusive relation of each of these nerves to their respective ganglia, with very little overlap. in normal frontal sections of the medulla oblongata, five columns of fibers surrounded by neuronal cell bodi ...19883343402
morphology of physiologically identified mitral cells in the carp olfactory bulb: a light microscopic study after intracellular staining with horseradish peroxidase.physiologically identified mitral cells in the carp olfactory bulb were stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase in order to study the morphology in detail. the somata were fusiform, elongated, oval, triangular, or irregular. the mean diameters of the somata were 30 microns x 14 microns. two to five thick dendrites arose from the somata and frequently gave off branches to form glomerular tufts. the dendrites extended less than 400 microns; the dendritic field of single mitral ...19883343400
distribution of cells projecting to thalamus vs. those projecting to cerebellum in subdivisions of the dorsal column nuclei in learn the distribution of cells projecting to the thalamus, as opposed to the cerebellum, in the mechanosensory nuclei of the dorsal medulla of raccoons, we analyzed the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus and from the cerebellum. we found six nuclear regions projecting heavily to the thalamus with very small projections to the cerebellum: bischoff's, central cuneate, central gracile, rostral cuneate, rostral gracile nuclei, and cell gro ...19883343398
luminescent detection of specific dna sequences.the process whereby part of the energy evolved in a chemical reaction is emitted as light is known as luminescence. when luminol is oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), light is evolved (1). this is shown in fig. 1. luciferin not only enhances the reaction, but prolongs the emission over several minutes (2). the light may be measured in a luminometer or visualized as the blackening of photographic film, as will be described. fig. 1. oxidation of luminol ...198821424652
cortical and brain stem projections to the spinal cord of the hedgehog (erinaceus europaeus). a horseradish peroxidase study.cortical and brain stem neurons projecting to the spinal cord in the hedgehog were studied by means of the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing method. hrp injections were placed in the first cervical segments, in the cervical enlargement (c5-t3) and in the lumbar enlargement. following injections in the first cervical segments and in the cervical enlargement labelled neurons were observed in the somatic motor and somatic sensory cortices, the paraventricular and the dorsomedial hypothalamic nuc ...19883414978
dark and light adaptation of pineal photoreceptors.dark and light adaptation of pineal photoreceptors was studied in the isolated pineal organ of the rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri. after intracellular recording, the photoreceptors were iontophoretically injected with lucifer yellow ch or with horseradish peroxidase for morphological characterization. pineal photoreceptor cells responded to light with a hyperpolarization whose amplitude was graded with intensity. following a 30-60 s bleach, receptor responsiveness was greatly reduced with a grad ...19883413998
protonation of the ferryl and oxy- forms of horseradish peroxidases a and c. 19883406033
primary connections of the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves in the oyster toadfish.this study used anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase to identify primary projections of the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves in the oyster toadfish, opsanus tau. both lateralis nerves project to the nucleus medialis and nucleus caudalis, which comprise a continuous lateralis cell column. separation between nucleus medialis and nucleus caudalis is based on cell type and position. unlike the primitive condition, the nuclei are not obviously separable on the basis of gross topo ...19883395839
a method for intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase by pressure.a technique for intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase and other tracers into neurones is described. the method utilises gas pressure to force the tracer solution out of glass micropipettes and allows electrophysiological recordings to be made simultaneously with the injection process. constructional details of the simple and inexpensive equipment are given. the method has the advantages of being equally suitable for charged and uncharged tracer molecules, and of providing reliable in ...19883361944
individual prepacemaker neurons can modulate the pacemaker cycle of the gymnotiform electric fish, eigenmannia.the prepacemaker nucleus (ppn) in the midbrain of the gymnotiform electric fish eigenmannia provides the only known neuronal input to the medullary pacemaker nucleus, which triggers each electric organ discharge (eod) cycle by a single command pulse. electrical stimulation of the ppn elicited two distinct forms of modulations in the pacemaker activity, brief accelerations, hence referred to as 'chirps', and gradual frequency shifts with a time constant of approximately one second. the associated ...19883351783
optical and electrochemical detection of dna.there is a growing demand for the production of a dna biosensor with applications in medicine, the food industry, agriculture, veterinary science and environmental science. in this paper we describe methods for the optical and electrochemical detection of dna using the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (ec and glucose oxidase (ec we have used bis-methylacridinium nitrate and luminol for the optical detection of dna using a purpose built, inexpensive luminometer. using this system ...19883280040
the area acustico-vestibularis of discoglossus pictus. ii. the primary afferent the present report the primary projections to the dorsal rhombencephalic alar plate (area acustico-vestibularis, aav) of the adult anuran amphibian discoglossus pictus have been studied by means of the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). as in alytes cisternasii, other member of the family discoglossidae, no primary afferent fibers to the aav were found from nerves other than the viiith cranial nerve. no remanent of the lateral line system in the adult stage is present. the ...19883263415
hematin iron valence in catalase and peroxidase compound i: relationship to free radical reaction mechanism.the material in this paper is centered on the structure of compound i (first reaction intermediate) in the case of catalase and a classical peroxidase (horseradish peroxidase, hrp). the concept of a pi-cation radical is accepted for hrp but is rejected in the case of catalase. a possible mechanism for catalatic action previously proposed assumes fev for the hematin iron of catalase and hydride ion transfer in the reduction of fev by the second molecule of h2o2, no free radical being involved. in ...19883254300
enzymatic oxidative activation and transformation of the antitumor agent mitoxantrone.ambient temperature incubation of the anticancer agent mitoxantrone with horseradish peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide converts it into a hexahydronaphtho[2,3-f]quinoxaline-7,12-dione in which one side chain has cyclized to the chromophore. the structure of this cyclic metabolite was secured by independent synthesis. this peroxidative conversion of mitoxantrone, the progress of which can be followed spectrophotometrically, is accompanied by formation of a free radical species. the epr characteris ...19883254299
the neurogenesis of the callosal population of cortical cells in hamsters.the neurogenesis of the callosal subpopulation of cortical cells was determined in hamsters by associating incorporation of [3h]-thymidine injected on different embryonic days with horseradish peroxidase retrograde labelling in adulthood. despite the great radial dispersion of migratory destinations of neurons born simultaneously, it was found that callosal birthdates in cortical area 6 extend from day e13 to day e15, a period that corresponds to the neurogenesis of layers iii-v, where most call ...19883228631
the development of callosal and corticocortical innervation in the neocortex of the hamster.the development of cortical afferentation by callosal and ipsilateral corticocortical fibers was studied in hamsters by transport of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. elongation of callosal axons (and possibly also of corticocortical fibers) started a couple of days before birth and extended through the first postnatal days. after a "waiting" period of a few days, axons were seen innervating restricted target sectors of the cortex. the zones of origin of these projectio ...19883228630
the principle of "conservation of total axonal arborizations": massive compensatory sprouting in the hamster subcortical visual system after early tectal lesions.unilateral lesions of the right superior colliculus (sc) were made in hamsters on the day after birth. in order to quantify the extent of abnormal innervation by left eye fibers in the diencephalon and midbrain, the left eye was removed on postnatal day 12 or 36, and after an appropriate survival time, the brains were stained for degenerating axons and axon terminals with the fink-heimer method. in additional cases, anterograde transport of 3h proline-leucine or horseradish peroxidase was used t ...19883224660
a temporal analysis of the origin and distribution of serotoninergic afferents in the cerebellum of pouch young the present study, a temporal analysis of the pattern of distribution of serotoninergic fibers and varicosities within the cerebellum of pouch young opossums was carried out. particular attention was focused on animals ranging in age from postnatal day (pd) 21-pd 72, because there is a transient expression of serotonin immunoreactivity in the cerebellar cortex during that interval. between pd 1-33, there is a progressive increase in serotoninergic immunoreactivity throughout the cerebellar co ...19883213954
sensitivity limitations encountered in enhanced horseradish peroxidase catalysed chemiluminescence.conditions for the enhanced horseradish peroxidase (hrp) catalysed reaction between luminol and hydrogen peroxide were optimized to determine detection limits for hrp conjugated to antibody fragment (hrp-fab) in solution phase. light output was linear with respect to hrp-fab concentration but became nonlinear at low hrp-fab concentrations when an accelerator (enhancer) of the reaction was used. para-phenylphenol was a more effective enhancer than p-iodophenol at hrp-fab concentrations below 20 p ...20133213591
the sensory trigeminal tract of pacific hagfish. primary afferent projections and neurons of the tract nucleus.the central projections of primary trigeminal afferents in pacific hagfish (eptatretus stouti) were examined by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) placed in the principal nerves of the trigeminal complex. central to the trigeminal ganglia, labeled afferents in the ophthalmic, external and dental nerves coursed caudally in the descending trigeminal tract of the ipsilateral medulla. the trigeminal tract occupies an extensive portion of the dorsolateral medulla and is subdivi ...19883196896
central projections of the nervus terminalis in lampreys, lungfishes, and bichirs.central projections of the nervus terminalis were investigated in a cyclostome (lampetra planeri), in a sarcopterygian (protopterus dolloi), and in an actinopterygian fish (polypterus palmas), following the injection of horseradish peroxidase into the olfactory epithelium. despite differences in forebrain morphology (inversion versus eversion of the hemispheres), projections of the terminal nerve are similar in the species investigated. the nervus terminalis courses through the subpallium (septu ...19883196894
the bilirubin-displacing capacity of bumetanide in critically ill neonates.effects of bumetanide on in vitro bilirubin binding to albumin were studied in pooled sera of critically ill neonates using the hydroxybenzeneazobenzoic acid (hbaba) dye binding method and the horseradish peroxidase assay. mean hbaba dye binding capacity decreased significantly from 63.75 +/- 5.9% in the absence of drug to 50.8 +/- 6.7% and 44.6 +/- 6.3% with concentrations of 0.25 and 50 micrograms/ml, respectively (p less than 0.005). bumetanide caused an increase in unbound bilirubin concentr ...19883191818
peak density and distribution of ganglion cells in the retinae of microchiropteran bats: implications for visual acuity.we have estimated the total number, distribution and peak density of retinal ganglion cells (rgcs) in retinal wholemounts of several species of microchiropteran (echolocating) bats. the estimates are based on counts of nissl-stained, presumed rgcs. the total number of presumed rgcs varies among the species: from about 4,500 in rhinolophus rouxi to about 120,000 in macroderma gigas. in addition, in two species (nyctophilus gouldi and m. gigas), the estimates are based on counts of positively iden ...19883191381
accommodation motor neurons in the foveate teleost paralabrax clathratus: horseradish peroxidase labeling and axonal morphometry, with comparisons to other ciliary nerve components.although much is known about the optics and mechanism of ocular accommodation in teleost fishes, there is to date no description of the neurons innervating the muscle of accommodation, the lens retractor. i have identified accommodation motor neurons in the kelp bass, paralabrax clathratus, by backfilling the lens retractor nerve (a branch of the short ciliary nerve) with the retrograde tracer horseradish peroxidase. these neurons comprise a subpopulation of relatively large unipolar neurons in ...19883191380
projections of the olfactory bulb and nervus terminalis in the silver lamprey.the connections of the olfactory bulb were traced using horseradish peroxidase. a homologue of the medial olfactory tract in gnathostomes projects to the ipsilateral septal nucleus, preoptic area and, possibly, the rostral striatum. a homologue of the lateral olfactory tract projects to the ipsilateral lateral pallium, dorsal pallium and, possibly, the medial pallium, as well as to the posterior diencephalon. a component of the lateral olfactory tract decussates in the habenular and posterior co ...19883179698
medullary and mesencephalic pathways and connections of lateral line neurons of the spiny dogfish squalus acanthias.the neuronal connections of the electrosensory dorsal and the mechanosensory medial octavolateralis nuclei of the spiny dogfish squalus acanthias were studied by horseradish peroxidase, autoradiographic and axonal degeneration methods. efferents from each nucleus, in addition to extensive commissural components, give rise to ipsilateral and contralateral lemnisci that ascend to midbrain levels and terminate among the cells of the lateral mesencephalic nucleus (lmn). within lmn, electrosensory an ...19883179696
ultrastructural identification of platelet surface glycoproteins and particle endocytosis with gold-labeled reagents.blood platet surface labeling was obtained by the use of the lectins concavalin a and wheat germ agglutinin. colloidal gold particles coated with horseradish peroxidase and ovomucoid respectively were used as markers. also erythrocytes and leukocytes were labeled. using monoclonal antibodies against the platelet surface glycoproteins ib and iib-iiia specific labeling of the platelets was obtained, whereas the red cells and the leukocytes were entirely free of labeling. with glutaraldehyde fixed ...19883179033
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