
spectral studies on the oxidation of organic sulfides (thioanisoles) by horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii.using both rapid-scan and conventional spectrophotometry, oxygenation of p-substituted thioanisoles by horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii was investigated at ph 5, 7 and 9. the ph-jump technique was applied to the compound ii reactions at acidic and neutral ph. the rate of oxidation of the sulfides is dependent on ph, concentration of substrate and on the different substituents in the para position of the benzene ring. our results, based on transient state observations of the enzyme inter ...19902317520
a discrete projection of the sacculus and lagena to a distinct brainstem nucleus in a catfish.the projection of individual inner ear maculae of the catfish, ancistrus spec. were labelled with horseradish peroxidases (hrp) or fluorescent dextran amines. in ostariophysans, fibres which innervate epithelia known or assumed to be sensitive to the pressure component of aquatic sound, i.e. acoustic fibres which come from the sacculus and lagena, have projections separate from those of the utriculus and canal organs. in ancistrus afferents of sacculus and lagena terminate in an area which is di ...19902336194
the topographical projection of the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (ipc) onto the tectum opticum in the pigeon.the projection of the nucleus isthmi pars parvocellularis (ipc) onto the tectum opticum was studied with tectal injections of three different fluorescent tracers and wheat germ-agglutinated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) in 21 pigeons. in frontal sections obtained, the relationship between position and size of the tectal injection and the location of the retrogradely labelled ipc neurons were analyzed. the results reveal a topographically organized system with reciprocal projections in which t ...19902336184
development of retinotopy in projections from the eye to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus of the wallaby (macropus eugenii).the development of retinotopy in projections from the eye to the dorsal lateral geniculate (dlgn) and superior colliculus (sc) has been studied in the marsupial wallaby. discrete retinal lesions were made and the remaining retinal projections were traced with horseradish peroxidase in animals at stages ranging from just after optic innervation of the dlgn and sc to the time when the projections are mature. topographically organised projections could be recognized a few weeks after axons first re ...19902329195
transient-state kinetics of the reactions of 1-methoxy-4-(methylthio)benzene with horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii.transient-state reactions of horseradish peroxidase compounds i and ii with 1-methoxy-4-(methylthio)benzene (a para-substituted thioanisole) were studied over the ph range from 3.4 to 10.5. the ph-jump technique was applied to the compound ii reactions at ph values below 8.6. the reactions of both compound i and compound ii with the para-substituted thioanisole consisted predominantly of an initial burst. the burst was followed by a steady-state phase that became more obvious at lower concentrat ...19902346746
supplementary eye field as defined by intracortical microstimulation: connections in macaques, the frontal eye field and the recently defined supplementary eye field play a role in the production of eye movements. whereas the structure and function of the frontal eye field are well understood, little is known about the supplementary eye field. the goal of this study was to determine the connections of the physiologically defined supplementary eye field. in each case, the location of the supplementary eye field was determined by using intracortical microstimulation, the border ...199019189718
a search for the cortical gustatory area in the hamster.the gustatory area was searched in the cerebral cortex of the hamster by means of a combined approach using electrophysiological, behavioral, and histological experiments. the chorda tympani (ct), which innervates taste buds on the anterior part of the tongue, projected to a confined area anterior to the middle cerebral artery and just dorsal to the rhinal fissure. the trigeminal component of the lingual nerve (ln) area was located anterodorsal to the ct area, and the glossopharyngeal nerve (gn) ...19901691952
one-electron reduction of the oxy form of cobalt-substituted hemoproteins.the reduction of oxy forms in cobalt-substituted hemoproteins by the hydrated electron (e(aq)-) was investigated by pulse radiolysis. the hydrated electron (e(aq)-) reacted with the oxy form of cobalt horseradish peroxidase (cohrp) to form cohrp. on the other hand, the initial product observed in the reaction of the oxy form of cobalt myoglobin (comb) with e(aq)- is neither comb nor co3+ mb. subsequently, the product was found to convert to another form, the irreversible change in the porphyrin. ...19902310746
development and survival of thoracic motoneurons and hindlimb musculature following transplantation of the thoracic neural tube to the lumbar region in the chick embryo: anatomical aspects.thoracic spinal cord transplanted to the lumbar region at the time of neural tube closure in the chick embryo survives and initially differentiates normally similar to in situ thoracic cord. normal numbers of motoneurons are produced that innervate the host hindlimb musculature. in control thoracic cord approximately 70% of the motoneurons are lost by normal cell death between embryonic day (e) 6 and e11-e12. by contrast, the transplanted thoracic cord loses only about 30% of the motoneurons dur ...19902307977
a spectrophotometric assay for quantitative analysis of the oxidation of 4-hydroxystilbene by peroxidase-h2o2 systems.a new and sensitive spectrophotometric assay has been developed to study and to characterize kinetically the oxidation of 4-hydroxystilbene (an analogue of the putative viniferin precursor, trans-resveratrol, directly involved in the resistance mechanism of the grapevine to fungal diseases) by peroxidase-h2o2 systems. the technique measures the overall increase in absorbance at 248 nm in the reaction media, probably due to the formation of a phenoxy radical of the 4-hydroxystilbene (4-hs). this ...19902161027
specific phenotyping of t-cell proliferations in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. use of antibodies to the t-cell receptor beta f1.antibody beta f1 to a common framework determinant of the beta subunit of the t-cell receptor (tcr) was used as a specific phenotypic marker for t-cell differentiation in malignant lymphomas. sensitivity of immunoperoxidase staining in paraffin sections was enhanced by pronase pretreatment, overnight incubation of primary antibody in tween 20, and use of streptavidin horseradish peroxidase complexes to amplify the reaction. all 43 cases of b-cell lymphoma were negative for tcr. reed sternberg (r ...19901689944
enhanced chemiluminescence for tissue antigen and cellular viral dna detection.the ability to use enhanced chemiluminescence (ecl) to detect horseradish peroxidase as a label for tissue antigens and cellular viral dna was demonstrated. a liquid nitrogen-cooled charged-coupled device (ccd) was used to detect light output, which was visualized on a monitor or was quantitated using an attached microcomputer. in a tissue antigen model, equivalent sensitivity was observed between ecl and colorimetric detection.19901689340
reactions of the nad radical with higher oxidation states of horseradish peroxidase.the reactions of the nad radical (nad.) with ferric horseradish peroxidase and with compounds i and ii were investigated by pulse radiolysis. nad. reacted with the ferric enzyme and with compound i to form the ferrous enzyme and compound ii with second-order rate constants of 8 x 10(8) and 1.5 x 10(8) m-1 s-1, respectively, at ph 7.0. in contrast, no reaction of nad. with native compound ii at ph 10.0 nor with diacetyldeutero-compound ii at ph 5.0-8.0 could be detected. other reducing species ge ...19902328239
telodendrial contact of hrp-filled photoreceptors in the turtle retina: pathways of photoreceptor coupling.synaptic contacts of photoreceptors in the turtle retina were studied by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and electron microscopy. both cone and rod photoreceptors radiated basal processes (telodendria) from their terminal endings. these telodendria ran laterally in the outer plexiform layer. the telodendria of cones gave rise to many fine branches that penetrated synaptic cavities of several neighboring cones. tips of these branches terminated near the walls of synaptic c ...19902324315
functional organization of ascending and descending connections of the cochlear nucleus of horseshoe bats.the ascending projections of the cochlear nucleus (cn) and the sources of descending inputs to the cn were investigated in horseshoe bats (rhinolophus rouxi) by tracing the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp or wga-hrp) injected into the cn. the tracer was iontophoretically deposited into physiologically characterized regions of the cochlear nucleus (feng and vater, '85). we report the course and termination of pathways arising from the anteroventral (avcn), post ...19901692850
spectroscopic and equilibrium studies of ligand and organic substrate binding to indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase.the binding of a number of ligands to the heme protein indolamine 2,3-dioxygenase has been examined with uv-visible absorption and with natural and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. relatively large ligands (e.g., norharman) which do not readily form complexes with myoglobin and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) can bind to the dioxygenase. except for only a few cases (e.g., 4-phenylimidazole) for the ferric dioxygenase, a direct competition for the enzyme rarely occurs between the substrate ...19902334706
morphological organization of thalamocortical relay cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the north american opossum.the morphology of relay cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the north american opossum was studied by using both golgi-cox material and cells stained from retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. in general, soma sizes were largest in the part of the nucleus representing the central retina and decreased from the middle third of the nucleus to the anterior to posterior poles. relay cells labeled with horseradish peroxidase were found to constitute approximately 90% of the dor ...19902319015
calcitonin gene-related peptide containing primary afferent fibers synapse on primate spinothalamic tract cells.spinothalamic tract (stt) cells were identified by intracellular injection or retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the primate spinal cord. using immunohistochemical techniques, a population of primary afferents containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (cgrp) is demonstrated in synaptic contact with these neurons. large glomerular type cgrp terminals with morphology considered typical of primary afferent fibers are occasionally observed in contact with stt profiles in lamin ...19902314643
spontaneous activity as a determinant of axonal investigate the role of spontaneous retinal activity in map refinement, we studied goldfish kept in darkness during regeneration of a cut optic nerve. in one experiment, such fish (with lenses ablated to blur vision) were maintained for 70 days in stroboscopic light, diurnal light, or total darkness interrupted daily by 15 minutes of stroboscopic light. the retinotectal projection was then assessed for retinotopy by standard methods, using retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horsera ...199012106059
[lectin histochemistry of primary and metastatic tumor cells of laryngeal cancer].in order to clarify possible alterations of membrane-, and cytoplasma-glycoconjugates of laryngeal cancer cells in metastatic process, a histochemical study was performed on laryngeal squamous carcinoma, using seven lectins conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (hrp); pna, uea-i, wga, rca-i, dba, sba and mpa. the author studied 32 primary tumors and 32 corresponding metastatic tumors obtained from 32 patients and primary tumors from 8 patients without histological evidence of lymph node metasta ...19902348278
enzymatic generation of triplet acetone by deglycosylated horseradish peroxidase.a study of the effects of deglycosylation of horseradish peroxidase on protein conformation, as well as on its catalytic activity of oxidation of isobutyraldehyde or its enol form to triplet acetone and formic acid, was performed. the loss of carbohydrates leads to structural modifications of this enzyme. this is confirmed by a change in the circular dichroism spectrum, an increase in tryptophan's environment polarity, and a loss of the chiral specificity toward d- and l-tryptophan. deglycosylat ...19902154952
musculotopic organization of the facial motor nucleus in macaca fascicularis: a morphometric and retrograde tracing study with cholera toxin b-hrp.morphometric and retrograde tracing methods were used to determine the location and number of motoneurons innervating individual facial muscles in macaca fascicularis. intramuscular injections of the cholera toxin b subunit-horseradish peroxidase conjugate produced discrete labeling patterns in the ipsilateral facial motor nucleus with good definition of somata and their processes. the facial nucleus extended rostrocaudally in the pons for about 2 mm, varying in shape and cross-sectional area al ...19902329193
projections ascending from the spinal cord to the brain in petromyzontid and myxinoid agnathans.the course of projections ascending through the rostral spinal cord to nuclei in the brains of petromyzontid and myxinoid agnathans was examined with silver staining of anterograde degeneration and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. as in jawed vertebrates, the ascending spinal projections of lampreys and hagfishes appear to be organized into two major systems, the spinal lemniscal and dorsal column pathways. the spinal lemniscal pathway, extending rostrally along the ventrolateral margin of ...19902329187
olivocerebellar fiber maturation in normal and lurcher mutant mice: defective development in lurcher.olivocerebellar fiber maturation was examined in normal and lurcher mutant mice between postnatal day 5 (p5) and p15, using the anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) from the inferior olive. immunocytochemistry for the purkinje cell marker pep-19 was used to demonstrate purkinje cell development in the same material. in mutant and normal animals, a regional developmental variation is observed such that, when compared at a given age, cortex lining the ver ...19902298941
glutathione and ascorbate reduction of the acetaminophen radical formed by peroxidase. detection of the glutathione disulfide radical anion and the ascorbyl radical.the acetaminophen phenoxyl radical was generated by the oxidation of acetaminophen by horseradish peroxidase in a fast-flow esr experiment, and its reaction with glutathione and ascorbate was studied. glutathione reduces the phenoxyl radical of acetaminophen to regenerate acetaminophen and form the thiyl radical of glutathione. this thiyl radical reacts with the thiolate anion of glutathione to form the disulfide radical anion, which was detected and characterized by esr spectroscopy. in the pre ...19902153116
dissociation, cross-linking, and glycosylation of the coated vesicle proton order to refine further our structural model of the coated vesicle (h+)-atpase (arai, h., terres, g., pink, s., and forgac, m. (1988) j. biol. chem. 263, 8796-8802), we have extended our structural analysis to identify peripheral and glycosylated subunits of the pump as well as to identify subunits which are in close proximity in the native (h+)-atpase complex. treatment of the purified, reconstituted (h+)-atpase with 0.30 m ki in the presence or absence of atp or mgatp results in the release ...19901967252
changes in mean concentration, phase shifts, and dissipation in a forced oscillatory reaction.experiments are presented that confirm earlier predictions that the mode of supply of reactants to a nonlinear (bio)chemical reaction determines or controls concentrations at steady states far from equilibrium. the oxidation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nadh) catalyzed by the enzyme horseradish peroxidase with continuous input of oxygen was studied; nad+ is continuously recycled to nadh through a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase system. a comparison of steady-state concentrations is ma ...19902294601
gaba-ergic and glycinergic pathways in the inner plexiform layer of the goldfish retina.gaba-ergic and glycinergic circuitry in the inner plexiform layer of the goldfish retina was evaluated by electron microscopic autoradiography of 3h-gaba and 3h-glycine uptake, combined with retrograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labeling of ganglion cells. gaba-ergic and glycinergic synapses were found on labeled ganglion cells throughout the inner plexiform layer. this reinforces the idea that physiological evidence of gaba-ergic and glycinergic influence on a variety of ganglion cells in gol ...19902298935
descending connections from the brainstem to the spinal cord in the electric fish eigenmannia. quantitative description based on retrograde horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent-dye transport.the descending connections from the brainstem to the spinal cord in eigenmannia sp. were demonstrated using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. the spinal cord was transected and hrp crystals were deposited in the cut. the point of transection was located at varying distances from the head in different specimens. in all experiments, cells were labeled in both the rhombencephalic and mesencephalic tegmentum. no labeled cells were found in the cerebellum, the lateral-line lobes, the torus ...19902379082
demonstration of sensory-motor innervation of postmetamorphic forelimb regenerates of triturus alpestris (urodela) on cryotome serial sections using horseradish peroxidase.a method has been developed to obtain horseradish peroxidase-treated serial sections containing spinal cord as well as bilateral ventral and dorsal roots, dorsal root ganglia and spinal nerves. young postmetamorphic newts (triturus alpestris) served as experimental animals. after cryotome cross sectioning the forelimb region of the trunk, slices 80 microns in thickness were mounted serially with up to 15 sections per slide. this facilitated subsequent staining manipulations and made partial loss ...19902378008
testosterone interferes with the kinetics of endocytosis in the hamster seminal vesicle.endocytosis was studied in the seminal vesicle secretory cells of castrated and control hamsters in order to investigate the effect of testosterone withdrawal in the endocytic activity of these cells. horseradish peroxidase was injected into the glands lumen after removal of their contents, and tracer distribution was qualitatively studied, and the number of labeled endocytic vesicles quantitatively analyzed, following 5, 20, 40 and 60 min incubation. the following compartments are labeled both ...19902375968
paired helical filaments are not the major binding sites for wheat germ and dolichos biflorus agglutinins in the neurofibrillary tangles of alzheimer's disease.the isolated paired helical filaments (phf) that occur in the neurofibrillary tangles of alzheimer's disease were assayed to determine if they contained n-acetyl-glucosamine and n-acetyl-galactosamine residues. the enzyme-linked lectin assay was used to detect their total content in the phf preparation. the assay employed biotinylated dolichos biflorus and wheat germ agglutinins and was developed with avidin-horseradish peroxidase. the total phf preparation was shown to contain very little of th ...19902360410
the directed growth of retinal axons towards surgically transposed tecta in xenopus; an examination of homing behaviour by retinal ganglion cell axons.the growth of optic axons towards experimentally rotated tecta has been studied. in stage 24/25 embryos, a piece of the dorsal neural tube, containing the dorsal midbrain rudiment, was rotated through 180 degrees. at later stages of development, the pathways of growing optic axons were investigated by labelling with either horseradish peroxidase or fluorescent dye. it is shown that retinal ganglion cell axons followed well-defined pathways, in spite of the abnormal structure of the brain, and we ...19902351060
the development of a simple scaffold of axon tracts in the brain of the embryonic zebrafish, brachydanio rerio.we have examined neuronal differentiation and the formation of axon tracts in the embryonic forebrain and midbrain of the zebrafish, between 1 and 2 days postfertilisation. axons were visualised with three techniques; immunocytochemistry (using hnk-1 and antiacetylated tubulin antibodies) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labelling in whole-mounted brains, and transmission electron microscopy. differentiation was monitored by histochemical staining for acetylcholinesterase (ache). these independe ...19902351059
binocularity in the little owl, athene noctua. i. anatomical investigation of the thalamo-wulst pathway.the efferent projections from the visual thalamus to the wulst were studied in the little owl, athene noctua. cells of origin were identified by retrograde labeling after injections of wheat-germ-agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the wulst. the labeled-cell distribution was correlated with the distribution of anterogradely labeled retinal terminals as revealed by intraocular injections of horseradish peroxidase. the results demonstrated a bilateral thalamofugal visual pathway asc ...19902340413
improved methods for the determination of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine labelling index in clones and colonies growing in plasma clots.bromodeoxyuridine (brdurd), an analogue of thymidine is one of the most employed marker to detect the s-phase of the cell cycle. difficulties are described for the in situ detection of s-phase cells in normal and neoplastic growing clones. in this paper we propose new methods for the detection of brdurd in neoplastic clones, growing in plasma clots. in particular, these methods are based on the immunocytochemical staining with horseradish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase, as well as on a new ...19902337406
development of topographic connections between the isthmic nuclei and optic tecta in the frog limnodynastes the frog limnodynastes dorsalis, the pattern of topographic connections between the isthmic nuclei and optic tecta was determined by anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from localised tectal regions. in both larvae and adults, reciprocal mapping of the uncrossed isthmo-tectal and tecto-isthmal projections was evidenced by the juxtaposition of labelled tecto-isthmal terminations with labelled cells in the cortex and medulla of the ipsilateral isthmic nucleus. the cro ...19902327597
corticospinal projections from areas 4 and 6 in the raccoon.the corticospinal projections from areas 4 and 6 were investigated in the raccoon using the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde tracing technique. multiple injections of lectin bound hrp and hrp were made into either the cervical or lumbar cord in 7 anesthetized raccoons. retrogradely labeled neurons were observed throughout a wide extent of areas 4 and 6a beta. the hrp positive cells were most numerous within the dorsal bank of the cruciate sulcus within area 4 and continued around the fund ...19902323372
evaluation of horseradish peroxidase as an intracellular stain in electrophysiological recording.iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase into cells during intracellular electrophysiological recording to visualize the neurons recorded from is a powerful technique, but its success depends on a number of critical factors. the described agar injection technique is a simple method for the evaluation of several parameters at once, using procedures which closely resemble recording from, fixing, and processing to visualize the hrp in experimental tissue.19902308379
inhibition of ehrlich ascites tumor in vivo by paf-antagonists.several lines of evidence support that paf modulates the inflammatory and immune responses, and that tumors may inhibit both these processes. in the present study we analysed the effect of paf antagonists on the growth of ehrlich ascites tumor (eat) in vivo. mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 1 x 10(3) eat cells and the tumor growth evaluated by counting the number of peritoneal cells, 1,6 and 10 days after tumor implantation. bn 52021 was administered intraperitoneally, intravenously o ...19902303318
tectal connectivity in the frog rana pipiens: tectotegmental projections and a general analysis of topographic organization.recent studies of visually elicited orienting in the frog rana pipiens suggest that tectofugal signals important in this behavior relay in the midbrain tegmentum before descending to the spinal cord. they also suggest that the high degree of topographic organization displayed by the retinotectal projection may be less characteristic of other tectal afferent and efferent pathways. to explore these possibilities, we have studied patterns of retrograde and anterograde labelling following multiple a ...19902298926
antenatal diagnosis of beta-thalassemia in sardinia.this paper reviews the characteristics and the results of 15 years of experience with a preventive program, based on carrier screening and prenatal diagnosis, designed to control thalassemia major in the sardinian population. the education of the population about thalassemia and the modalities for its prevention was accomplished via the mass media. carrier screening was carried out voluntarily on couples of child-bearing age. prenatal diagnosis was initially carried out by fetal blood analysis; ...19902291548
histochemical detection of sugar residues in the chick embryo mesonephros with lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates.fragments of mesonephros were taken from chick embryos and studied from the 4th to the 21st day of incubation. a battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins was used to study the distribution of carbohydrate residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron during the period of excretory activity and the period of involution. cona and wga reacted at every site of the nephron thus showing the ubiquitous presence of alpha-d-mannose and n-acetyl-d-glucosamine. sba was ...19902286534
ipsilateral retinofugal projections in a percomorph bony fish: their experimental induction, specificity and bony fish possess only a small ipsilateral retinofugal projection, if any. experimental manipulation, such as unilateral enucleation, can lead to an enhancement of this projection. we examined the patterns of, as well as the conditions for the development and maintenance of an enhanced ipsilateral retinofugal projection (eirp) after nerve crush, after enucleation, and after various combinations of both types of surgery in juvenile and adult haplochromis burtoni (cichlidae). retinal project ...19902285855
competition between ligands of glycosyltransferases and horseradish peroxidase for binding sites on intracellular and plasma membranes of hela cells. application of a micro-method for the semi-quantitation of surface-bound hrp.a micro-method for the semi-quantitation of surface-bound horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was developed and was applied to study the competition between ligands of glycosyltransferases and hrp for binding sites on the surface of hela cells. dried coverslip cultures of hela cells, fixed in methanol, were placed on 0.3 ml of the incubation medium on parafilm and were incubated for 45 min at 37 degrees c. the incubation medium contained hrp, lysozyme and ca2+ in hepes buffer, ph 7.2. after washing, th ...19902283314
auditory cortex of the long-eared hedgehog (hemiechinus auritus). i. boundaries and frequency representation.the boundaries of the primary auditory cortex of the long-eared hedgehog, hemiechinus auritus, were determined by single-cell recordings, myeloarchitecture and retrograde horseradish peroxidase labeling in the medial geniculate, using anesthetized animals. the auditory cortex is located on the lateral surface of the temporal cortex, medial to the rhinal fissure. responses to pure tones revealed an orderly representation of best frequencies in the primary auditory cortex, with low frequencies rep ...19902279237
afferent connections of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens in the lizard gekko gecko.the afferent connections of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens of the lizard gekko gecko were studied with retrograde tracing by means of horseradish peroxidase and fluoro-gold and with anterograde tracing by means of phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin. the striatum receives projections from the cortex, the dorsal ventricular ridge, the lateral amygdaloid nucleus, the globus pallidus, the anterior peduncular nucleus, the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra, the area ventral to the su ...19902257479
retinofugal projections in a marsupial, tarsipes rostratus (honey possum).we examined the mature retinal projections of the honey possum, tarsipes rostratus, an australian, diprotodont marsupial, using uni-ocular injections of horseradish peroxidase and tetramethylbenzidine processing. the suprachiasmatic nucleus, medial, lateral and dorsal terminal nuclei of the accessory optic tract, pretectal nuclei and superior colliculus received bilateral retinal input. contralateral input only was observed in the lateral posterior nucleus. the pattern of input to these regions ...19902257478
thalamic projections from a midbrain somatosensory area in a reptile, caiman crocodilus.ascending projections to the thalamus from a midbrain somatosensory area were investigated in a reptile, caiman crocodilus. connections were determined utilizing horseradish peroxidase (hrp) neurohistochemistry in which tetramethylbenzidine was the chromogen. anterograde experiments, in which hrp injections were placed into the midbrain, revealed bilateral projections to the medialis complex of the dorsal thalamus. these observations were confirmed by hrp injections into the medialis complex whi ...19902257476
identification of motoneurons in the spinal cord of the zebrafish (brachydanio rerio), with special reference to motoneurons that innervate intermediate muscle fibers.we investigated the location and size distribution of motoneurons that innervate red, intermediate and white muscle fibers in the axial musculature of the zebrafish (brachydanio rerio). motoneurons were identified by retrograde labeling from the respective myotomal compartments with horseradish peroxidase applied either in small polyacrylamide gel fragments or as pure crystals. we found a spatial relationship between the three myotomal muscle fiber types and the corresponding motoneurons. the wh ...19902240597
[the determination of cortisol in plasma with a direct luminescence enzyme immunoassay].the assay is based on the luminescent measurement of horseradish peroxidase. the igg fraction of a cortisol antiserum is coated on suitable polystyrene tubes (in use for the measurement of luminescence). the enzyme activity of bound label was determined using a p-iodophenol enhanced chemiluminescent reaction. the assay was sensitive and precise for a wide cortisol concentration range and showed a good agreement with conventional elisa-technique. there was no extraction necessary for cortisol fro ...19902184617
neurogenesis and development of callosal and intracortical connections in the hamster.the developmental time-course of callosal and ipsilateral corticocortical projections was studied in embryonic and postnatal hamsters, from the time of neurogenesis until the appearance of adult patterns. callosal neurogenesis was determined by combining the incorporation of [3h]thymidine injected on specific embryonic days with retrograde labelling of callosal neurons in the adult animal. the development of both callosal and corticocortical projections was studied by the transport of wheat germ ...19902175019
the horseradish peroxidase catalysed oxidation of deoxyribose sugars.the ability of horseradish peroxidase (e.c., donor: h2o2 oxidoreductase) to catalytically oxidize 2-deoxyribose sugars to a free radical species was investigated. the esr spin-trapping technique was used to demonstrate that free radical species were formed. results with the spin trap 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene sulphonic acid showed that horseradish peroxidase can catalyse the oxidation of 2-deoxyribose to produce an esr spectrum characteristic of a nitroxide radical spectrum. this spe ...19902167268
a photochemical system for generating free radicals: superoxide, phenoxyl, ferryl and methyl.the photosensitizer flavin mononucleotide (fmn), in conjunction with the reducing agents diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (dtpa), hydrazine and hydroxylamines derived from nitroxides, generates superoxide radicals in a strictly light-dependent reaction in aerobic solution. addition of superoxide dismutase (sod) converts this system to a hydrogen peroxide generator. in the presence of horseradish peroxidase the latter system becomes a phenoxyl radical generator with appropriate phenolic substra ...19902161388
coordination geometry of heme in lactoperoxidase: ph-dependent 1h relaxivity and optical spectral studies.molar relaxivity of water proton in lactoperoxidase solution was studied as a function of ph in the range of 2-13 by spin-lattice relaxation time measurements on a bruker am 500 mhz nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) spectrometer. it was shown by comparison with the molar relaxivities of met myoglobin (mb) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) solutions that the sixth coordination position of the heme pocket in lactoperoxidase (lpo) is vacant. distance of the water proton in the heme pocket from ferric ...19902159053
myeloperoxidase catalysed cooxidative metabolism of methimazole: oxidation of glutathione and nadh by free radical intermediates.the myeloperoxidase catalysed oxidation of methimazole in the presence of nadh or gsh resulted in oxygen uptake suggesting that metabolism proceeded via a one electron mechanism. the gsh was oxidised to gssg and the thiyl radical could be trapped with dmpo while nadh was oxidized to nad+. metabolism proceeded without the inactivation of the enzyme myeloperoxidase. myeloperoxidase catalyzed oxidation of other substrates which proceed via one electron intermediates; 2,6-dimethylphenol, n,n,n',n'-t ...19902155713
[typology and distribution of ganglion cells in the retina of lamprey (lampetra fluviatilis)].retinal ganglion cells (gc) of the lamprey were studied after in vitro labeling of these cells by iontophoretic deposition of horseradish peroxidase into the optic nerve. the majority of gc are located at the boundary between the inner nuclear layer and the inner plexiform layer; a small proportion (20%) lies in the vitreous portion of the inner plexiform layer. four types of gc were identified.19902125850
morphological classification and retinal distribution of large ganglion cells in the retina of bufo marinus.the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and cobaltic-lysine complex (clc) was used to morphologically characterize large ganglion cells (gcs) and to determine their distribution in retinal wholemounts and in sectioned material in the retina of bufo marinus. large gcs, amounting to about 0.5% of total gc population, were defined to be those with very large dendritic field sizes varying between 0.1 mm2 to 0.6 mm2 and cell soma sizes of between 100 microns 2 to 400 microns 2. these ...19902108873
immobilization of glucose oxidase and peroxidase and their application in flow-injection analysis for glucose in serum.glucose oxidase (god) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were covalently coupled to alkylamine controlled pore glass by means of glutaraldehyde. about 700-800 u/g of immobilized god and 300-400 u/g of immobilized hrp were obtained. some factors of affecting enzyme immobilization were discussed. the immobilized enzymes were packed into a plastic tube and used in flow-injection analysis (fia) for glucose in serum. a good linearity range was observed for this immobilized enzyme system at 20 mg/ml to ...19902105696
immunodetection methods for grass pollen allergens on western blots.a comparison is made of eight different methods to detect allergenic proteins in western blots of rye-grass pollen extracts. horseradish peroxidase-based enhanced chemiluminescence (ecl) provides a sensitive method for the detection of allergenic proteins. the method has been modified to use more dilute solutions of ecl substrate to reduce the background, can be applied to a standard nitrocellulose membrane, and used with kodak x-ray film. the assays can be performed rapidly, replacing use of ra ...19902101125
ultrastructure and permeability of immature neural and extraneural blood vessels.the ultrastructure and permeability to the marker horseradish peroxidase in the leptomeningeal and neural vessels of the optic lobes, and in the wing bud vessels, were compared, during early stages of chick embryo vasculogenesis, in order to ascertain whether young neural vessels, like mature ones, possess structural specificity preventing the free transport of molecules through their wall (blood-brain barrier). the results demonstrated that immature endothelia are always permeable to the tracer ...20152091805
uptake of antitetanus f(ab')2 fragments into eukaryotic cells.1. in order to introduce antitetanus immunoglobulin fragments into eukaryotic cells, either antitetanus f(ab')2 or fab' fragments have been linked to carrier molecules. aciclovir, horseradish peroxidase, wheat germ agglutinin, and transferrin were tried as carriers. 2. f(ab')2-aciclovir and fab'-horseradish peroxidase were not internalized by ng108-15 neurohybridoma cells. 3. [fab']2-wheat germ agglutinin and f(ab')2-transferrin conjugates were internalized into various cells. 4. f(ab')2-transfe ...19902074544
striatal afferents in the newt triturus order to investigate the neuronal populations projecting to the corpus striatum in the brain of a urodele, triturus cristatus, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) retrograde labeling was used in parallel with anterograde degeneration, glyoxylic acid histofluorescence and behavioral testing. striatal injections of hrp revealed that the main striatal afferent systems originate within the diencephalon, specifically in the dorsal thalamus and paraventricular organ of the hypothalamus. several small grou ...19901974164
induction of somatic sensory inputs to the lateral geniculate nucleus in congenitally blind mice and in phenotypically normal mice.the incidence of aberrant innervation of the lateral geniculate nucleus by ascending somatic sensory axons was examined following injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase into the dorsal column nuclei of adult mice which were: (1) normal; (2) normal, but bilaterally enucleated on the day of birth; (3) normal, but received a large unilateral lesion of the rostral cortex on the day of birth; (4) normal, bilaterally enucleated, as well as unilaterally lesioned in t ...19901711167
innervation patterns of single physiologically identified geniculocortical axons in the striate cortex of the tree shrew.we examined the termination patterns of single geniculocortical axons in the striate cortex of the tree shrew by using intracellular recording and horseradish peroxidase staining methods. axons were classified by whether they responded to light onset (on center) or light offset (off center) and whether they were driven by the ipsi- or contralateral eye. afferents with on-center responses end in the upper part of layer iv (iva) whereas afferents with off-center responses end in the lower part of ...19901688659
kinetics of the reaction of compound ii of horseradish peroxidase with hydrogen peroxide to form compound iii.the kinetics of the reaction of h2o2 with compound ii of horseradish peroxidase were studied as a function of ph at 25 degrees c and constant ionic strength of 0.11 m. the reaction of h2o2 with compound ii involves the transient formation of ferric peroxidase and superoxide anion as the first step followed by the reaction of the intermediate species with h2o2 to form compound iii. both reactions are also observed with peracetic acid as substrate, though the amplitude of the first step was too sm ...19892606105
hypothalamic innervation of the pituitary in the catfish, clarias batrachus (l.): a retrograde horseradish peroxidase study.intrahypophysial administration of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) resulted in extensive labelling of the cells of nucleus preopticus and nucleus lateralis tuberis. besides, isolated retrogradely labelled neurons were observed in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis in the preoptic area, nucleus of the horizontal commissure, nucleus hypothalamicus ventralis in the rostral tuberal area, and nucleus arcuatus hypothalamicus in the caudal tuberal area. a few labelled cells were also observed in the ...19892616047
motor innervation of respiratory muscles and an opercular display muscle in siamese fighting fish betta splendens.horseradish peroxidase was used to identify motor neurons projecting to the adductor mandibulae, levator hyomandibulae, levator operculi, adductor operculi, and dilator operculi muscles in siamese fighting fish, betta splendens. these muscles participate in the production of respiratory and feeding movements in teleost fishes. the dilator operculi is also the effector muscle for gill-cover erection behavior that is part of betta's aggressive display. the motor innervation of these muscles in bet ...19892592620
connections and frequency representation in the auditory brainstem of the mustache bat, pteronotus parnellii.the goals of this study were to describe the cochlear frequency map of the mustache bat, pteronotus parnellii, and to relate the organization of cochlear primary afferents to that of the second-order projections from the cochlear nucleus to the superior olivary complex. small deposits of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) were placed in the cochlear nucleus at sites that were physiologically characterized with respect to unit-best frequency. from the deposits, labeled fibers were traced in the retrogr ...19892592612
evaluation of dot-immunobinding assay for carcinoembryonic antigen determination in nipple discharge as an adjunct in the diagnosis of early breast cancer. research group for carcinoembryonic antigen in nipple discharge.we have previously reported carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) measurement in nipple discharge to be a useful adjunct in the diagnosis of non-palpable breast cancer. as an extension, a dot-immunobinding assay was developed to screen a large number of patients with nipple discharge for non-palpable breast cancer. the principle is as follows. cea bound to a solid phase monoclonal anti-cea antibody is detected by a second monoclonal anti-cea antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase. the use of t ...19892691732
interaction of the peroxidase-derived metabolite of mitoxantrone with nucleic acids. evidence for covalent binding of 14c-labeled drug.the antitumor agent mitoxantrone undergoes horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation by hydrogen peroxide to an identifiable cyclic metabolite which is a substituted hexahydronaphtho[2,3-f]-quinoxaline-7,12-dione. binding of mitoxantrone to dna inhibited enzymatic oxidation of the drug. the metabolite of mitoxantrone, derived from the action of the hrp/h2o2 system on the drug, bound non-covalently to dna oligomers. spectrophotometric analyses of such complexes showed formation of a new, blue-sh ...19892597197
a quantitative analysis of the endocytic pathway in baby hamster kidney cells.a morphological analysis of the compartments of the endocytic pathway in baby hamster kidney (bhk) cells has been made using the fluid-phase marker horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the endocytic structures labeled after increasing times of endocytosis have been identified and their volume and surface densities measured. in the first 2 min of hrp uptake the volume density of the labeled structures increased rapidly and thereafter remained constant for the next 13-18 min. this plateau represents the ...19892592402
rapid enzymatic determination of urinary oxalate.this new reagent kit for the quantitative measurement of oxalate in urine is a modification of an earlier sigma oxalate assay procedure (procedure no. 590), a coupled enzyme assay involving oxalate oxidase and horseradish peroxidase. the new analytical procedure includes methods for processing urine specimens to eliminate interference with oxalate color development at 590 nm by ascorbic acid, divalent cations, and other urinary constituents. the reaction is complete in less than 5 min, and resul ...19892591053
retinal projections in the ground squirrel (citellus tridecemlineatus).the retinal projections of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel were determined by tracing anterograde transport of intravitreally injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or wheat-germ conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp). label was seen in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and adjacent anterior hypothalamic area, the accessory optic system (the medial, dorsal, and lateral terminal nuclei), the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei, the intergeniculate leaflet, the pretectal nuclei (the ante ...19892484824
interaction of thiocyanate with horseradish peroxidase. 1h and 15n nuclear magnetic resonance studies.interaction of thiocyanate with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was investigated by relaxation rate measurements (at 50.68 mhz) of the 15n resonance of thiocyanate nitrogen and by following the hyperfine shifted ring methyl proton resonances (at 500 mhz) of the heme group of scn-.hrp solutions. at ph 4.0, the apparent dissociation constant (kd) for thiocyanate binding to hrp was deduced to be 158 mm from the relaxation rate measurements. chemical shift changes of 1- and 8-ring methyl proton resonan ...19892584188
the oxidation of n-substituted aromatic amines by horseradish peroxidase.the mechanism of n-dealkylation by peroxidases of the ca2+ indicator quin2 and analogs was investigated and compared with the mechanism of n-dealkylation of some n-methyl-substituted aromatic amines. nitrogen-centered cation radicals were detected by esr spectroscopy for all the compounds studied. further oxidation of the nitrogen-centered cation radicals, however, was dependent upon the structure of the radical formed. in the case of quin2 and analogs, a carbon-centered radical could be detecte ...19892555333
quantitative analysis of cone photoreceptor-horizontal cell connectivity patterns in the retina of a cyprinid fish: electron microscopy of functionally identified and hrp-labelled horizontal cells.horizontal cells generating photopic luminosity and biphasic/chromaticity-type s-potentials were identified and intracellularly labelled with horseradish peroxidase in the retina of the roach. the synaptic connectivity patterns of the horizontal cell dendrites within pedicles of different spectral types of cone were then quantitatively studied by electron microscopy. luminosity-type responses were generated by h1-like horizontal cells contacting similar numbers of red- and green-sensitive cones ...19892592596
ganglion cells and retinopetal fibers of the larval lamprey retina: an hrp ultrastructural study.the ultrastructure of ganglion cells and centrifugal fibers of the larval lamprey retinas were studied using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) as a marker. larval ganglion cells were found both in the inner nuclear layer and the inner plexiform layer of the differentiated retina, and also were present in the undifferentiated retina. direct photoreceptor-ganglion cell contacts and the presence of centrifugal fibers are described for the first time in the lamprey. the centrifugal fibers contact directl ...19892586814
morphology of retinal ganglion cells in lungless salamanders (fam. plethodontidae): an hrp and golgi study.the family plethodontidae consists of nearly two-thirds of all living urodeles; most of them possess highly developed visual abilities. we investigated the morphology of retinal ganglion cells (rgcs) in four representative species by means of the horseradish peroxidase method in flatmounts and in transverse sections and with the golgi method in transverse sections. in flatmount preparations, four classes of rgcs were found, differing in dendritic arborization, dendritic field size, and stratific ...19892478599
[quantitative immunoenzyme determination of lactoferrin in the serum and plasma].a procedure for quantitative estimation of lactoferrin is developed using the "sandwich" type of immunoenzymatic assay. preparation of lactoferrin was purified from women colostrum by means of ion exchange chromatography; the sorbent (a ligand-containing complex of lactoferrin) was synthesized; the antibody conjugate against lactoferrin and peroxidase from horseradish was prepared; optimal conditions of the immunoenzymatic assay were selected. concentration of lactoferrin in donor blood serum or ...20112697964
role of competition among sensory neurons in regulation of pattern of innervation at their central and peripheral targets.1. the importance of competitive interactions among muscle sensory afferents on their projections to central and peripheral targets was studied by producing large reductions in the number of afferents during development. removal of the brachial dorsal root ganglion (drg2), which normally supplies the entire sensory innervation of the forelimb, in bullfrog (rana catesbeiana) tadpoles caused a smaller number of neurons in the adjacent thoracic ganglion (drg3) to sprout into the forelimb and into t ...19892585049
cochlear vessel permeability to horseradish peroxidase after diuretic administration in the chinchilla.the permeability of strial vessels to the small protein, hrp, was examined after administration of diuretics to determine if increased vascular permeability is a factor in the development of strial edema as it is in acoustic trauma. chinchillas were injected with hrp and either ethacrynic acid, a loop-inhibiting diuretic, or mannitol, an osmotic diuretic. there was no increased vascular permeability to hrp. therefore, unlike the increased vessel permeability of hrp seen after an acoustic insult, ...20132511735
transsynaptic transfer of retrogradely transported tetanus protein-peroxidase conjugates.tetanus toxin and its atoxic binding fragment, c-fragment (cf), are the only known proteins which undergo extensive transfer from motoneurons to presynaptic terminals in the spinal cord. intramuscular injection of cf conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to elucidate the ultrastructural basis for this unique property. motoneurons labeled by retrograde axonal transport contained enzymatic reaction product within cytoplasmic vesicles and were surrounded by presynaptic terminals with ...19892478384
cell groups afferent to the telencephalon in a cartilaginous fish (platyrhinoidis triseriata). a wga-hrp study.cell groups projecting to the telencephalon in the guitarfish platyrhinoidis triseriata were localized by retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) from injections into the basal forebrain bundle. labeled neurons were observed bilaterally in the dorsal and ventral thalamus, hypothalamus, mesencephalon and rostral rhombencephalon. a comparison of the labeled cell groups to those which project to the telencephalon in terrestrial vertebrates reveals many paralle ...19892485886
cerebellar connections with the motor cortex and the arcuate premotor area: an analysis employing retrograde transneuronal transport of wga-hrp.we have employed transneuronal transport to examine the anatomical relationships between the deep cerebellar nuclei and 2 cortical motor areas: the primary motor cortex and the arcuate premotor area (apa). in the same animals, we have also examined the patterns of labeling in the thalamus and the red nucleus to provide evidence for the potential routes of transneuronal transport to the cerebellum. when the appropriate technical procedures were employed, cortical injections of wheat germ agglutin ...19892478593
rapid homogeneous enzyme immunoassay of plasma protein c.a homogeneous eia (h-eia) technique for plasma protein c antigen using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was developed. this technique, which avoids the bound/free separation and washing procedures and shortens the assay time to 30 min, has several advantages over the conventional eia technique. the measurement was valid for 1.0% to 200% of the plasma protein c level and had intraassay coefficients of variation of 2.3-11.0%. the results of this assay correlated well with those of conventional sandwic ...19892692877
the heme environment of ovoperoxidase as determined by optical spectroscopy.native ovoperoxidase exhibited an optical absorption spectrum with certain similarities to lactoperoxidase, but not horseradish peroxidase, over the ph range 4.5-11.5. ovoperoxidase had three distinct spectral forms dependent on ph, with transitions at apparent pka values of 6.6 and 3.0. complexes of ovoperoxidase with cn-, n3-, f-, or when reduced and ligated to carbon monoxide, cn-, or pyridine, were distinct from other peroxidases. ovoperoxidase formed two specific and different spectral deri ...19892793852
reorganization of visual pathways following posthatching removal of one retina in pigeons.organization of visual pathways was studied in 2-month-old pigeons that underwent unilateral retinal removal on either the day of hatching (era, i.e., early retinal ablated) or the 9th day after hatching (lra, i.e., late retinal ablated). a general size reduction of visual areas contralateral to the removed retina was found in era pigeons, which additionally showed an altered differentiation of thalamic visual targets as well as a different cytoarchitectonic arrangement of the superficial layers ...19892477422
primate spinothalamic pathways: iii. thalamic terminations of the dorsolateral and ventral spinothalamic pathways.the termination sites of the dorsolateral (dstt) and ventral (vstt) spinothalamic pathways were determined by using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the lumbar spinal cord in primates. one animal had no spinal cord lesion, while of two other animals, one received a midthoracic dorsolateral funiculus lesion, and the other received a midthoracic ventral quadrant lesion contralateral to the injection. the thalamic label in the animal with no spinal cord lesion was much less than ...19892477421
synaptic structure and axon collaterals of type b neurons in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia: intracellular horseradish peroxidase (hrp)-labeling study.type b neurons of the bullfrog sympathetic ganglia were examined to confirm the existence of axon collaterals and the distribution of synaptic contacts using the intracellular horseradish peroxidase (hrp) labeling method. the mean diameter of the perikarya was 60.8 (+/- 11.5 standard deviation; n = 36) x 43.8 (+/- 11.3) microns and the mean diameter of the initial segments of axons was 6.0 (+/- 1.8; n = 36) microns. axon collaterals were found in 6 cells among 36 examined. they branched from axo ...19892812570
central vestibular projections of primary cervical fibers in the frog.the origin of cervicovestibular inputs was documented in frogs, as well as the number of fibers, site of projection, and their distribution within the nuclei. the first spinal nerve in 15 frogs was labeled with extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase. the brain stem and the posterior root were sectioned serially. the trajectories of the fibers in the central nervous system were reconstructed, and the number and diameters of the fibers in the posterior root were determined. the average ...19892796557
relationship between isthmotectal fibers and other tectopetal systems in the leopard frog.we studied the relationship of isthmotectal input to other tectal afferent fiber systems in three ways. 1) using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry, we determined the nonretinal inputs to the superficial tectum. in different sets of animals we a) applied hrp to the tectal surface; b) inserted hrp crystals into the tectum; c) injected small volumes of hrp solutions into the superficial tectum. n. isthmi accounts for more than 65% of the nonretinal extrinsic input in the superficial tecta ...19892794136
an aberrant retinal pathway and visual centers in xenopus tadpoles share a common cell surface molecule, a5 antigen.a monoclonal antibody a5 (mab-a5), which was raised against xenopus tadpole tectal cells, recognizes a cell surface-related protein molecule (a5 antigen) expressed on the visual centers of xenopus tadpoles (s. takagi, t. tsuji, t. amagai, t. takamatsu, and h. fujisawa, 1987, dev. biol. 122, 90-100). the present immunohistochemistry using mab-a5 indicated that, in addition to the visual centers, a5 antigen was expressed on the general somatic sensory tract in the medulla and spinal cord of xenopu ...19892776965
some aspects of the chromogen 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine as hydrogen donor in a horseradish peroxidase assay.enzyme immunoassays frequently incorporate the use of horseradish peroxidase as the enzyme label. this enzyme usually catalyses the oxidation of a chromogen which can be quantified after termination of the enzyme reaction. a chromogen widely used for this purpose is 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine. the two electron oxidation of tetramethylbenzidine yields a component with an absorbance maximum at 450 nm. if the enzyme reaction is terminated by lowering of the ph (less than 1.0), an additional inc ...19892689571
cytoarchitectonic organisation of the abducens nucleus in the pigeon (columbia livia).the distribution of abducens nucleus motoneurons and internuclear neurons was determined in the pigeon (columbia livia) by injecting horseradish peroxidase or fluorochromes into the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle and/or in the contralateral oculomotor nucleus. a small degree of intermingling of motoneurons and internuclear neurons in the caudal two thirds of the nucleus and an almost complete segregation of both types of neurons in the rostral third was observed. both labelled populations, mo ...19892621139
idiotype-anti-idiotype hapten immunoassays: assay for cotinine.practical application of the idiotype-anti-idiotype reaction to hapten immunoassays has been demonstrated with cotinine as an example. the assay relies on the ability of cotinine, a major nicotine metabolite, to inhibit binding between a monoclonal anti-cotinine antibody (the idiotype) and a second monoclonal antibody (the anti-idiotype) specific for the antigen combining region on the idiotype. a solid phase enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (elisa) format was adopted in which fluid phase ant ...19892604043
retinal projections in quail (coturnix coturnix).the trajectory of retinal projections and the location of retinorecipient nuclei in the quail brain was examined after application of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) either to the cut end of the optic nerve or following intraocular injection of hrp. retinal projections to the hypothalamus, dorsalateral anterior thalamus (rostralateral part, magnocellular part, and lateral part), lateral anterior thalamus, lateroventral geniculate nucleus, lateral geniculate intercalated nuclei (rostral and caudal p ...19892487114
multiple immunoblot: a sensitive technique to stain proteins and detect multiple antigens on a single two-dimensional replica.a multiple immunoblotting technique was developed to positively identify up to three different antigens on a single nitrocellulose replica of a two-dimensional isoelectric focusing/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel. three highly sensitive immunoblot assays were selected, including: horseradish peroxidase/luminescence, alkaline phosphatase, and silver-enhanced immunogold. as a major advantage, the method permits a simultaneous detection of up to three different antigens without eluting th ...19892482174
resonance raman spectroscopy of horseradish peroxidase derivatives and intermediates with excitation in the near ultraviolet.resonance raman enhancement of derivatives and intermediates of horseradish peroxidase in the near ultraviolet (n-band excitation) results in intensity and enhancement patterns that are different from those normally observed within the porphyrin soret (b-band) and alpha-beta (q-band) absorptions. in particular it allows the resolution of resonance raman spectra of horseradish peroxidase compound i. the bands above 1300 cm-1 can be assigned to porphyrin vibrational modes that are characteristical ...19892777776
phosphorylation of tyrosine prevents dityrosine formation in vitro.treatment of l-tyrosine in a peroxidase/h2o2 system results in the formation of dityrosine. however, the phosphoester derivative of tyrosine, o-phospho-l-tyrosine, was unable to form dityrosine even in mixtures with free l-tyrosine. dephosphorylation of o-phospho-l-tyrosine by alkaline phosphatase followed by horseradish peroxidase/h2o2 treatment resulted in the formation of dityrosine. our in vitro results indicate that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of l-tyrosine may regulate dityrosine for ...19892477282
Displaying items 18501 - 18600 of 20690