
virus pneumonia in calves. 19704314046
[plaque tests with agarose overlay on herpes simplex virus and adenovirus]. 19684314369
[report on the etiology of virus diseases. 1st quarter 1968. 3]. 19684314370
experience with production of attenuated poliovirus in monkey kidney and wi-38 cells. 19694314420
studies with sv 40--adeno 7 hybrid virus. 19694314435
establishment and maintenance of a specific pathogen free (spf) flock of white leghorn chickens. 19694314439
a consideration of the cell substrates used in human virus vaccine preparation. 19694314442
[differential diagnosis of acute respiratory diseases]. 19684314516
comparison of transformation and t antigen induction in human cell fibroblast cultures were established from eight individuals. these cell cultures, together with wi-38 cells, were examined for susceptibility to transformation by sv40 virus. four transformation-susceptible cell lines (ts), established from patients with down's syndrome, were found to be three to four times more susceptible to transformation than transformation-resistant cell lines (tr) from normal individuals. tr and ts cell lines were compared for their susceptibility to induction of sv40 ...19704314550
alkylated pyrimidine derivatives as antiviral agents. i. syntheses and antiviral screening of alkylpyrimidine and 5-alkyluracil nucleoside. 19704314619
alkylated pyrimidine derivatives as antiviral agents. ii. inhibition of early stages of viral multiplication by 5-alkyluracil and 5-alkyluracil nucleoside. 19704314620
cell-virus interaction in virus-induced animal tumours. 19704315112
suppression of antibody formation against sendai virus in the sv40 and adenovirus 16 infected hamsters. 19704315529
[microspectrophotometry studies on feulgen-stained primary goiter cells in infections with adenovirus type 3]. 19704315727
[virus infections of the otorhinolaryngologic organs]. 19694315763
[microbe-virus associations in various clinical forms of chronic tonsillitis in children]. 19694315764
the effects of cesarean derivation and foster nursing procedures on enzootic viruses of the lsh strain of inbred hamsters. 19704315778
[the blocking action of human adenovirus type 16 on the formation of tumors caused by papovavirus sv40]. 19704315801
virus as the cause of rhinopharyngeal carcinoma. 19694315883
quantitative characteristics of the transformation of hamster cells by para (defective simian virus 40)-adenovirus in vitro method for the quantitative measurement of transformation in hamster embryo fibroblasts by the para [defective simian virus 40 (sv40)]-adenovirus 7 hybrid has been developed. transformation by para particles followed one-hit kinetics with a ratio of 1 focus-forming unit per 250 plaque-forming units. the method of viral adsorption had a direct effect upon the total number of foci which developed but not on the quantitative aspects of this assay. a fluorescent-focus assay was developed ...19704315956
biochemical consequences of type 2 adenovirus and simian virus 40 double infections of african green monkey kidney cells.african green monkey kidney (agmk) cells were nonpermissive hosts for type 2 adenovirus although the restriction was not complete; when only 3 plaque-forming units/cell was employed as the inoculum, the viral yield was about 0.1% of the maximum virus produced when simian virus 40 (sv40) enhanced adenovirus multiplication. the viral yield of cells infected only with type 2 adenovirus increased as the multiplicity of infection was increased. type 2 adenovirus could infect almost all agmk cells in ...19704315958
adenovirus transformation of hamster embryo cells.inoculation of hamster embryo cell cultures with human adenovirus type 12 (ad12) or simian adenovirus (sa7) resulted in the formation of foci of morphologically transformed cells within 12 days. the rapid appearance of well-defined foci was dependent upon the transfer of cells into new plates, with sufficient dilution after virus adsorption, and was independent of virus dose. dose-response studies showed linearity of focus formation with dilution of ad12 or sa7. results averaged from several exp ...19684316017
transformation of african green monkey kidney cells by irradiated adenovirus 7-simian virus 40 hybrid.the ability of adenovirus 7-simian virus 40 (sv40) hybrid (strain ll "e-46") to replicate decreased exponentially as a function of the amount of gamma-irradiation; the ability to induce sv40 and adenovirus 7 t antigen decreased at a much slower rate. nevertheless, the virus was still able to transform african green monkey kidney cells at a radiation dosage that had completely destroyed its replication ability. all transformed colonies were positive for sv40 t antigen but were negative for adenov ...19684316019
virus infections during pregnancy. 19684316073
growth of viruses in organ cultures of intestine. 19704316099
[chromosome abnormalities caused by dna oncogenic viruses on animal cells]. 19704316192
prevalence of antibody against viruses in the tiriyo, an isolated amazon tribe. 19704316199
enhancement of the replication of human adenoviruses in simian cells by simian adenovirus sv15. 19674316232
characterization of the strain of adenovirus type 7 carrying the defective monkey cell-adapting component.the strain of adenovirus type 7 carrying the defective monkey cell-adapting component (mac) has been further characterized. mac is more sensitive to inactivation by ultraviolet light than the associated adenovirus, which, in turn, is more rapidly inactivated than complete simian virus 40 (sv40). the 37% dose was 16 sec for mac, 60 sec for adenovirus, and 84 sec for sv40. filtration through membranes revealed that both mac and adenovirus were retained by 100-mmu filters. mac equilibrated in cesiu ...19674316236
thymidine kinase from normal, simian virus 40-transformed and simian virus 40-lytically infected cells.simian virus 40 (sv40) infection of human diploid cells failed to cause an enhanced production of thymidine kinase during the first 10 days after infection. thymidine kinase activities from extracts of sv40-transformed cultures (human or simian) were considerably higher than the activity levels in extracts from the normal cells of origin. in addition, whereas the kinase activities obtained for human diploid cultures decreased as the cell sheet became confluent, the kinase activities for sv40-tra ...19674316240
transformation of simian virus 40-resistant hamster cells with an adenovirus 7-simian virus 40 hybrid.when the hamster cell lines bhk21 and nil-2 were infected at a multiplicity of 100 with the adenovirus 7-simian virus 40 (sv40) hybrid (strain lle46), sv40 t antigen was induced in 0.1 to 6% of the cells during the first 96 hr postinfection, morphological changes occurred 3 to 7 weeks later, and eventually all the cells contained sv40 t antigen, but no adeno 7 t antigen. results were similar when primary and secondary monolayer cultures of hamster embryo (he) cells were infected with the adeno 7 ...19674316243
symposium on immunity to selected canine infectious diseases. report of the panel. 19704316284
a comparison of the pathogenesis and antigenicity of infectious canine hepatitis virus and the a26-61 virus strain (toronto). 19704316286
comments on infectious canine hepatitis and toronto a26-61 virus. 19704316287
[virus etiology of erythema multiforme exudativum]. 19684316451
[mixed acute respiratory virus infections in young children]. 19704316676
[infectious pathology. ii. viral pathology]. 19704316940
characteristics of a human diploid cell designated mrc-5. 19704316953
[human cancer viruses]. 19704317005
[the effect of red streptomyces pigments on multiplication of adeno- and polioviruses in hela cells by means of fluorescence photometry]. 19684317008
[interference and production of interferon in chicken cells infected with adenovirus 4, 7, 8 and 18]. 19704317012
[enteritis and enterocolitis in viral respiratory infections]. 19704317130
[use of interferon for prevention of hospital infection in departments for respiratory diseases]. 19704317131
[3 cases of pluriorificial ectodermosis with rhinopharyngitis, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, adenomegaly and significant serologic ascent for apc virus]. 19704317147
[overcoming of species cellular resistance by tumor viruses]. 19704317197
viral flora of the gastrointestinal tract of newly imported juvenile chimpanzees. 19704317205
cultures of segments of human fetal intestine: applications to cytologic and virologic investigations. 19704317261
virus-induced chromosome pulverization in human diploid cells. 19704317262
[stimulation of the growth and artificial heterogenization of tumors by vacuolating sv40 virus and type 16 adenovirus]. 19674317311
effect of persistent fibroma virus infection on susceptibility of cells to other viruses.shope fibroma virus establishes a persistent cytoplasmic infection in primary (rk) and serially cultivated (drk(3)) rabbit kidney cells which is accompanied by a morphological alteration of the cells. the response of such cells to superinfection by other viruses was compared with that of control cells by determining plaque production and virus yield of superinfecting viruses. it was found that the growth of other poxviruses, myxoma and vaccinia, was greatly inhibited in the fibroma virus-infecte ...19704317346
susceptibility to superinfection of simian cells transformed by sv 40. 19704317364
cancer viruses in primates. 19704317400
[the interaction between tumor cells, vacuolizing sv40 virus and type 16 adenovirus]. 19674317415
role of cell association in virus infection and virus rescue. 19704317454
reaction of serum from pregnant hamsters with surface of cells transformed by sv40. 19704317510
[comparative clinical study of acute respiratory virus diseases]. 19684317584
[basic directions in the prevention of influenza and other respiratory virus infections]. 19684317585
[multiple serologic responses in respiratory virus infections in children]. 19684317587
[the virucidal effect of tannic acid and the eventual application of tannic compounds for the treatment of various virus diseases]. 19684317594
[cell nucleus antigen in virus infection. a contribution to the hepatitis virology]. 19704317665
some properties of a new epithelial cell line of human origin. 19704317734
establishment of human fetal intestinal organ cultures for growth of viruses. 19704317758
viral tumor induction: importance of sex and route of inoculation. 19684317838
growth characteristics of virus-transformed cells. maximum population density, inhibition by normal cells, serum requirement, growth in soft agar, and xenogeneic transplantability.virus transformants (like cancer cells, cells transformed by x-ray or carcinogens, or those which have transformed spontaneously) exhibit a number of phenotypic changes which are usually associated, and which may be lost concurrently. that association is, however, not invariable. more particularly, the altered characteristics here studied (escape from contact inhibition of growth and susceptibility to inhibition by other cells, decreased serum requirement, and ability to grow in soft agar) do no ...19704317881
[viral diseases with respiratory and digestive manifestations]. 19704317892
[viral infections during whooping cough. preliminary observations]. 19684317983
biological characteristics of cell line gl-v3 derived from the kidney of a vervet monkey (cercopithecus aethiops). 19704318075
the influence of mycoplasma infection on the sensitivity of hela cells for growth of viruses. 19704318076
isolation of two plaque variants from the adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid population which differ in their efficiency in yielding simian virus 40.studies on the adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 (sv40) hybrid population demonstrated two genetically stable variants within this population, which were isolated by plaquing in african green monkey kidney cells. these variants were similar in that each induced sv40 t antigen in human embryonic kidney cells and contained similar concentrations of nonhybrid adenovirus type 2 virions and adenovirus-encapsidated particles containing the infectious sv40 genome. these variants differed markedly, howe ...19704318083
equilibrium density gradient studies on simian virus 40-yielding variants of the adenovirus type 2-simian virus 40 hybrid population.the simian virus 40 (sv40)-yielding variants of the adenovirus type 2 (ad.2)-sv40 hybrid (ad.2(++)) population were studied by means of fixed-angle equilibrium density gradient centrifugation in cesium chloride. the hybrid virions of the ad.2(++) high-efficiency yielder population banded at densities of 0.004 g/cm(3) lighter than the nonhybrid ad.2 virions. the degree of separation of the hybrid particles was sufficient to permit greater than 100-fold relative purification by two cycles of centr ...19704318084
biophysical comparison of two canine adenoviruses.the two canine adenoviruses, infectious canine hepatitis (ich) virus and infectious canine laryngotracheitis (icl) virus (also designated as toronto a26/61 virus), were studied with respect to their morphology and the biological properties of their soluble components. the two viruses were found to be composed of soluble components similar to, and carrying biological activities corresponding to, those of the human adenoviruses after fractionation by rate zonal centrifugation and anion-exchange ch ...19704318090
a micro-modification of immune adherence hemagglutination test. 19704318176
[virus isolation experiments from aphous oral mucosa diseases]. 19704318406
some respiratory virus and mycoplasma infections of animals. 19684318430
respiratory viruses. 19684318431
a survey of indigenous murine viruses in a variety of production and research animal facilities. 19704318537
stimulatory and inhibitory effects of adenovirus and sv40 on various virus-cell systems. 19704318579
[laboratory studies on the problem of epidemic hepatitis. i]. 19694318610
polyribosomes of cells abortively or productively infected with adenovirus, papovavirus, or their hybrid. 19694318616
sensitivity of baby hamster kidney (bhk 21-c 13) cells to enteric viruses. brief report. 19704318626
adenovirus-associated viruses: enhancement by human herpesviruses. 19704318667
specific aggregation of sv40-transformed cells by ornithine, leucine copolymers.a basic copolymer of ornithine and leucine (1:1) was shown to rapidly agglutinate, in the absence of serum, normal cells and cells transformed by viral and nonviral carcinogens. this agglutination was inhibited by addition of serum. in presence of serum, the same copolymer and those of ornithine and valine (1:1) and arginine and leucine (1:1), produced a specific aggregation of simian virus 40 (sv40)-transformed cells cultured for about 24 hr after addition of the peptide. the rapid agglutinatio ...19704318776
a longitudinal study of enterovirus infections in kawasaki, japan. i. virus isolations from 1962 to 1966. 19704318913
virus aggregation as the cause of the non-neutralizable persistent fraction.the non-neutralizable or persistent fraction of virus populations has been found to be caused by aggregated virus. detailed investigation was performed with the prototype strain of echovirus type 4 (pesascek), as this virus is notorious for its large non-neutralizable fraction. when pesascek virus was clarified by low-speed centrifugation, homologous antiserum hardly neutralized the virus. however, when the virus was filtered through membranes having a porosity only twice the diameter of the vir ...19674318956
replication of an adeno-associated virus in canine and human cells with infectious canine hepatitis virus as a "helper". 19674318961
the role of herpesviruses in adenovirus-associated virus replication in vitro. 19704318977
transformation of hamster cells by variants of para-adenovirus 7 able to induce sv40 tumor antigen in the cytoplasm. 19704318984
some recent trends in vaccination against respiratory viruses. 19694319087
serologic evidence that infectious canine hepatitis virus commonly infects humans and is related to human adenovirus type 8. 19704319375
[oxoline in virus diseases of the conjunctivae and cornea]. 19694319407
[viral-genetic concept of tumor development (experimental evidence)]. 19704319410
[electron microscopic study of the epithelium of the upper respiratory passages in patients with acute respiratory virus infections]. 19704319414
[induction of cellular dna synthesis by oncogenic viruses]. 19704319529
[isolation of a bovine adenovirus from enzootic cuffing pneumonia in calves]. 19694319651
[applicability of tissue culture antigens to the detection of infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, fowl pox and celo virus infection by the agar gel precipitation test]. 19694319653
a two-year respiratory virus survey in four villages in west bengal, india. 19704319714
intestinal resistance in the experimental enteric infection of mice with a mouse adenovirus. i. growth of the virus and appearance of a neutralizing substance in the intestinal tract. 19704319728
[acute respiratory syndromes caused by viruses and rickettsia]. 19674320013
neurological, electroencephalographic, and virological findings in febrile cheldren. 19704320122
adenovirus, rs virus and m. pneumoniae infections in young population of prague in 1962-1967. 19704320329
Displaying items 1701 - 1800 of 9159