
the effect of penicillin on pasteurella pseudotuberculosis morphology. 19645853677
the detection of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis antibodies by the microhemagglutination test. 19665910270
[immune biological studies on yersinia pseudotuberculosis (synonym: pasteurella pseudotuberculosis)]. 19665927559
[collective food toxi-infection caused by pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19665939944
[a contribution to the clinical picture of the mesenteric form of human pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection]. 19665973778
[further studies on thermolabile antigens of yersinia pseudotuberculosis (syn. pasteurella pseudotuberculosis)]. 19665995376
fatal case of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection associated with hepatic cirrhosis. 19676023991
isolation of thymidine diphosphate d-glucose, thymidine diphosphate d-galactose, and thymidine diphosphate 4-acetamido-4, 6-dideoxy-d-galactose from pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19676025312
studies on the phagocytosis of a pasteurella pseudotuberculosis strain. ii. phagocytosis of s and r forms in the presence of opsonins in vitro. 19676050437
infection due to pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19676057963
growth of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis in simulated intracellular and extracellular environments. 19676078220
[enterotoxic activity of the pseudotuberculosis microbe].for the first time the activity of y. pseudotuberculosis, its extracellular, surface antigen and westphal's lipolysaccharide has been studied with the use of biological models (the ligated loop of the small intestine of a rabbit, the pulmonary model, the intradermal tests). this microorganism has been found capable of inducing the accumulation of exudate in the ligated loop of the small intestine of a rabbit and interfering with the permeability of the vascular walls. the toxic action of y. pseu ...19816117165
yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicaemia in thalassaemia major. 19846140358
lack of correlation between the presence of plasmids and fimbriae in yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.thirty-nine strains of yersinia enterocolitica and 10 strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were studied for the presence of fimbriae, plasmids and two plasmid associated phenotypic expressions, autoagglutination and ca2+ dependent growth at 37 degrees c. all of the strains studied became fimbriated, which was confirmed by electron microscopy and haemagglutination tests. fimbriation was not correlated with the presence or absence of plasmids.19846146593
[adhesion of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iii].the use of the erythrocyte agglutination test for characterizing the properties of y. pseudotuberculosis led to the detection of a highly adhesive strain belonging to serotype iii and capable of forming pili at 37 degrees c. the adhesion of the cells provided with pili was completely inhibited by the mixture of gangliosides, specific antibodies, and the preliminary treatment of erythrocytes with neuraminidases sharply enhanced the effectiveness of adhesion. the adhesion pili consisted of protein ...19846151768
[method of isolating and identifying yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica]. 19806156316
cross-protection against fecal excretion of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in mice by oral vaccination of viable cells.mice given orally either the o3, o9, or o5b serovar of yersinia enterocolitica showed protection upon subsequent oral challenge with another of these strains. excretion of serovar o3 in the feces was inhibited in mice surviving oral challenge with yersinia pseudotuberculosis iva. cross-reaction of o antigen among these four strains was 32 or more times lower than the homologous titers.19826177641
[neutrophil damage test in far eastern scarlet-like fever (human pseudotuberculosis)]. 19826183527
[rapid method of determination of structural characteristics of lipopolysaccharide by the presence of aldoheptose in pasteurella pestis and pseudotuberculosis bacteria]. 19826185755
the vwa+ virulence factor of yersiniae: the molecular basis of the attendant nutritional requirement for ca++.the plague v antigen is a cytoplasmic 90,000-dalton peptide, and the w antigen is a primarily extracellular 145,000-dalton lipoprotein of unknown origin. wild-type yersiniae undergo restriction of cell division when producing these plasmid-mediated virulence antigens (vwa+) during cultivation at 37 c in ca++-deficient media. in yersinia pestis both restriction and synthesis of v and w antigens are potentiated in this environment by elevated mg++ and prevented by ca++ or exogenous nucleoside trip ...19836195719
[method for producing monoreceptor pseudotuberculosis sera]. 19836196538
[test for differentiating plague and pseudotuberculosis cultures]. 19836201661
[structure of o-specific polysaccharide isolated from the yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype 1a lipopolysaccharide].an o-specific polysaccharide from the lipopolysaccharide yersinia pseudotuberculosis 1a serovar has been isolated and characterized. this compound was shown to contain residues of paratose, 6-deoxy-d-manno-heptose, d-galactose and 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose in equimolar ratios. using methylation studies, partial acid hydrolysis and 13c nmr spectroscopy, the following structure was proposed for the repeating unit of the o-specific polysaccharide: (formula: see text).19846207836
[study of a lipopolysaccharide from yersinia pseudotuberculosis of the iva serotype].the comparative studied on lipopolysaccharides from yersinia pseudotuberculosis iva serovar, strains 32 and 31d, have been conducted. the identity of the lipopolysaccharides isolated from these strains has been shown. the structural pattern of the repeating unit of the o-specific side chain of the lipopolysaccharide has been suggested: (formula: see text)19836207839
[13c-nmr spectrum of o-specific polysaccharide from the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis of serotype iii].a 13c nmr spectrum of o-specific polysaccharide isolated from yersinia pseudotuberculosis iii serovar lipopolysaccharide has been interpreted. this allowed to define more precisely the configuration of glycosidic bonds and to confirm the structure of the repeating unit of the specific polysaccharide which was earlier established by other methods.19836207840
[structure of o-specific polysaccharide from yersinia pseudotuberculosis of serotype vi lipopolysaccharide].using methylation studies, partial hydrolysis and 13c nmr spectroscopy data, the following structure of o-specific polysaccharide from lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis vi serovar has been proposed: (formula: see text).19836210095
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis acute pericarditis]. 19836224203
[zooanthroponotic infections in the northwest (i. leptospirosis, q rickettsiosis, pseudotuberculosis and tularemia)]. 19836230772
[yersiniasis in leningrad]. 19836230776
[epidemiology of pseudotuberculosis in leningrad]. 19836230777
[gougerot-sjögren's syndrome. clinical and biological correlations with the serology of yersinia infections].an unusual case of sjögren's syndrome (ss) induced or revealed by a yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iv infection has prompted the authors to undertake a retrospective study of 32 patients with that syndrome. high titers of antibodies to y. pseudotuberculosis serotype iv (greater than 1/200 th) were found in 4 patients with primary sjögren's syndrome and sharp's syndrome. seven other patients (5 with primary sjögren's syndrome, 1 with systemic lupus erythematosus and 1 with sharp's syndrome) ...19846231628
presence of a virulence-associated plasmid in yersinia pseudotuberculosis.we have shown that yersinia pseudotuberculosis can possess plasmids which are similar in size and function to the previously described vwa plasmids of y. enterocolitica. these plasmids are associated with the production of v and w antigens (calcium dependency) and pathogenicity of the organism. further investigation of these plasmids from y. pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica with restriction endonucleases revealed significant differences in their fragmentation pattern.19806249747
[etiologic aspects of reiter syndrome. role of yersinial infections (author's transl)].reiter syndrome occurs as a reaction to various infections, either by intracellular microorganisms (chlamydia, mlycoplasma) or by intestinal bacteria (dysenteric bacilli, salmonella, campylobacter, klebsiella, yersinia). four personal observations of reiter syndrome following yersinial infections (yersinia enterocolitis in two cases and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the two other cases) are reported. data concerning the yersinial etiology of reiter syndrome are reviewed.19826287603
[rheumatic manifestations in the presence of antibodies to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. apropos of 4 cases].rheumatic manifestations due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis are apparently rare. we report four personal observations, including one of a patient with reiter disease and significant titres of antibodies to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. in all four patients a non-specific syndrome, with fever and digestive symptoms, preceded the onset of joint disease. both peripheral and axial joints were affected. one patient had hla b27; the brother of another patient had spondyloarthropathy with hla b27. stool ...19826293082
[interaction of a camp-deficient yersinia pseudotuberculosis mutant with a macrophage culture in vitro].the behavior of a virulent y. pseudotuberculosis strain and its c-amp-deficient mutant possessing lower virulence in their in vitro interaction with the culture of peritoneal macrophages of white mice, as well as a change in the level of c-amp in macrophages in the process of the phagocytosis of the initial and mutant strains were studied. the c-amp-deficient mutant was shown to retain its ability to infect macrophages and to multiply in them, while loosing its cytotoxic effect. macrophages obta ...19826297188
[yersinia enterocolitica and pseudotuberculosis reactive arthritis with antinuclear antibodies. 4 cases].antinuclear antibodies (ana) were demonstrated in four patients (2 male, 2 female) with reactive arthritis (ra) due to yersinia enterocolitica (ye) and yersinia pseudotuberculosis (ypt). changes in ana titres and serologic tests were not correlated. the two patients are hla b27 positive. polysaccharides could be partly responsible for yersinia antigenicity. the presence of ana in chronic forms of ra due to yersinia warrants discussion.19836301030
characterization of common virulence plasmids in yersinia species and their role in the expression of outer membrane proteins.the virulence plasmids pyv019, pyv8081, and pib1 from yersinia pestis, yersinia enterocolitica, and yersinia pseudotuberculosis, respectively, were characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis. the three plasmids exhibited a region of common dna previously shown to encode determinants which confer ca2+ dependence. the plasmids from y. pestis and y. pseudotuberculosis were similar throughout their genomes. in contrast, a region of the plasmid from y. enterocolitica which contained an origin ...19846317562
molecular cloning of the temperature-inducible outer membrane protein 1 of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.when yersinia pseudotuberculosis is shifted from growth at 26 degrees c to growth at 37 degrees c, the synthesis of a plasmid-associated outer membrane protein, protein 1, is induced (bölin et al., infect. immun. 37:506-512). the structural gene of this protein was found to be located on the virulence plasmid pib1 of y. pseudotuberculosis. one cosmid hybrid plasmid pbw8 was studied which carried a region of the virulence plasmid. this hybrid plasmid expressed in escherichia coli k-12 a novel tem ...19846317574
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis arthritis with visceral involvement simulating connective tissue disease]. 19836320353
[joint manifestations and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. correlation between the clinical and biological aspects].the authors attempt to evaluate the specificity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis (ypt) serology on the basis of 94 new cases of aseptic joint lesions associated with serology considered to be positive. the cases selected from the file of the international reference centre for yersinioses (institut pasteur, paris, prof. h.h. mollaret), were divided into 4 groups: group a (n = 46) where the joint lesions had no proven aetiology and the positive ypt serology makes the diagnosis of yersiniosis possibl ...19846333711
acetone-treated agglutinin against yersinia pseudotuberculosis in free-living rats.retrospective investigation was done on yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in barn rat populations living in an yersinia endemic area and in zoo rat populations living in a nonendemic area. the oh agglutinins against y pseudotuberculosis were normally distributed within both populations. most of the oh agglutinin titers and many o agglutinin titers were reduced by treatment of sera with acetone. sera with o and oh agglutinin titers were assigned to 2 groups, one with a titer less than 1:8 and ...19836340569
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children, resembling izumi fever and kawasaki syndrome.yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection was diagnosed in 12 children on the basis of recovery of the organism from stool cultures and a 4-fold or greater titer change in agglutinating antibody. eight of the 12 yersinia isolates were recovered from stool cultures only after cold enrichment. clinical findings in 50% or more of patients were fever, rash, diarrhea, desquamation, strawberry tongue, vomiting, red and cracked lips, abdominal pain, arthralgias, hepatomegaly and conjunctivitis. the patient ...19836344044
[articular manifestations of yersinia infections. apropos of 4 personal cases. review of the literature].the reactive arthritis due to yersinia enterocolitica (yec) have been know for a little more than ten years. a great many cases have been reported, especially by scandinavian authors. in contrast, few cases have been reported in the course of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections (ypt). analysis of 36 cases in the literature shows that although they are rare, the ypt reactive arthritis do exist and are not fundamentally different from those due to yec. a few minor differences in their clinical ...19836344185
ecology of plague in africa: response of indigenous wild rodents to experimental plague infection.the mastomys natalensis species complex, subdivided into genetically distinct species having diploid chromosome numbers 2n = 32 and 2n = 36, is a reservoir for several zoonoses including lassa fever and plague. this report describes a study to determine whether these sibling species and three other rodent species have different potential as reservoirs for plague. it was found that m. natalensis (2n = 32) was significantly more resistant to experimental plague infection (50% survived inoculation ...19836345015
yersiniosis in a breeding unit of macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus monkeys).2 outbreaks of acute fatal enteric disease involving 20 animals in a breeding unit of approximately 200 cynomolgus monkeys were diagnosed as yersiniosis; yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from 50% of the clinically affected animals. post-mortem findings included enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes with some enterocolitis and necrotic foci in liver and spleen. approximately 7% of clinically healthy monkeys were found to be excreting y. pseudotuberculosis and a further 5% y. enterocolitica. rec ...19836345931
[use of the keratoconjunctival test for determining the virulence of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis].when tested in guinea pigs, y. pseudotuberculosis strains, serovar i (25 strains) and serovar v (1 strain), were found for the first time to be capable of causing keratoconjunctivitis in the animals; the most virulent of these strains caused progressive conjunctivitis and keratitis with generalized infection. the minimum infective dose was 10(4) for conjunctivitis and 10(6) for keratitis. the studied y. pseudotuberculosis strains, serovars o3 and o9, were found to be incapable of causing conjunc ...19836346760
several outbreaks of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in california turkey flocks. 19836347170
[pathogenic properties of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in different biological models].the study of the action of y. pseudotuberculosis introduced into the cavity of the ligated intestinal loop of a rabbit, into the stomach of 2- to 4-day-old suckling mice or injected intradermally has made it possible to establish the importance of the invasive and toxic activity of this microbe in the pathogenesis of pseudotuberculosis infection. the lesion of the small intestine develops due to the penetration of the bacteria into the mucous membrane and the combined action of the microbial cel ...19836349189
evaluation of the updated ms-2 bacterial identification system in comparison with the api 20e system.the recently updated ms-2 bacterial identification system software (abbott laboratories, diagnostic division, irving, tex.) was compared with the original ms-2 bacterial identification software and the api 20e, using 968 strains of enterobacteriaceae. the updated ms-2 software correctly identified 94.4% of the isolates tested. api 20e and the original ms-2 software correctly identified 91 and 85.3% of the strains, respectively. ms-2 responses were considered to be equivocal (needing additional t ...19836350342
[systemic manifestations and diseases related to positive serology for yersinia pseudotuberculosis. apropos of 9 observations].a series of 9 cases of systemic affections associated with positive serology for yersinia pseudotuberculosis is reported. the clinical presentation of four cases was classical reactive arthritis with or without erythema nodosa; in two cases the patients had sacroileitis or reiter's syndrome. the other three patients had unusual presentations: one löfgren's syndrome, one cutaneous leukocytoclasis vasculitis with polyarthritis and glomerulonephritis, and one rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis. four pa ...19836351213
yersinia pseudotuberculosis: unusual features of a unusual case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia is reported. diabetes mellitus was the sole underlying disease; liver enzyme elevations were only transitory. the strain did not show motility until after 50 days at room temperature; it showed temperature and media-dependent fermentation of arabinose, melibiose and rhamnose.19836352510
pathogenicity of 42-44 mdal plasmid positive and negative yersinia pseudotuberculosis i and yersinia enterocolitica 0:8 and 0:9 studied in the guinea pig eye model (serény test).when virulence plasmid (42-44 mdal) positive and negative yersinia pseudotuberculosis i and yersinia enterocolitica 0:8 and 0:9 were tested in the guinea pig eye model the following order of pathogenicity was observed: plasmid-positive y. pseudotuberculosis i (death of the animal) greater than plasmid-negative y. pseudotuberculosis i approximately equal to plasmid-positive y. enterocolitica 0:8 (severe conjunctivitis) greater than plasmid-positive y. enterocolitica 0:9 (mild conjunctivitis) grea ...19836353857
yersinia enterocolitica: guidelines for serologic diagnosis of human the united states the diagnosis of human infection due to yersinia enterocolitica is usually achieved by recovery of the microorganism. serology as a diagnostic adjunct has been used minimally because of the absence of sufficient guidelines for interpretation of agglutinin titers. the serologic response among three groups of subjects (control, febrile, and infected) was assessed, and the serologic diagnosis of y. enterocolitica infection was found to be multifactorial. except in well-circumsc ...19836356271
[recurrences of pseudotuberculous infection and the status of cellular immunity]. 19836359542
a case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia accompanied by a large abdominal tumor.a 2-year-old girl with yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia had a large abdominal mass that had to be differentiated from malignant tumor. the mass disappeared rapidly with antibiotic therapy and was defined to be a cluster of enlarged ileocecal lymph nodes by the clinical course and the findings at ultrasonic examination and gallium scintigraphy.19846362954
[various clinical forms of yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19836364248
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica].yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a very homogeneous species, with only six sero-groups and which can not also be lysotyped. the essential reservoir is made up of rodents, birds, cats and soil and is the origin of human infection. y. enterocolitica has 5 biochemical types, 57 serotypes (types 03 and 09 are the most commonly involved in human pathology) and 11 lysotypes. contamination is essentially by direct human-human contact from healthy carriers or, more rarely, via infected food. the aetiologi ...19836364313
[monoarthritis with positive yersinia pseudotuberculosis serology in an 18-month-old girl].a case of yersinia pseudo-tuberculosis arthritis is reported in a 18 month-old girl. the authors emphasize the rarity of such cases, the value of testing for yersinia antibodies in cases with arthritis of unknown origin and the uncertain long-term outcome.19836365013
[the place of anatomo-pathological study in the diagnosis of enterocolitis complicated by yersinia pseudo-tuberculosis].over a period of 3 months, 3 patients were operated on for subacute enterocolitis. the first case was a 3 years old boy with a transverse colonic perforation near the right angle and gross lymphadenopathy. the second case was a 21 years old man who had subacute terminal ileitis. histopathological study showed specific lesions in those two cases: ovoïd or starry abscesses with preepithelioïd cells, rare giant langhans cells, rare altered polynuclear cells in necrosis, massive lymphoïd hyperplasia ...19836365109
in vivo comparison of avirulent vwa- and pgm- or pstr phenotypes of yersiniae.the abilities of yersinia pestis to undergo restriction in ca2+-deficient medium with concomitant production of v and w antigens (vwa+) and to absorb exogenous pigments (pgm+) are established virulence factors. mutation of y. pestis to pgm- is known to promote resistance to pesticin (pstr) and reduced lethality by peripheral routes of injection. vwa+ pgm- isolates of y. pestis were shown in this study to retain virulence in mice when injected intravenously. although pgm- in appearance, wild-type ...19846365786
[clinico-laboratory characteristics of moderately severe forms of yersinia infection]. 19836366355
y. pseudotuberculosis infection. 19846366491
[laboratory diagnosis of pseudotuberculosis]. 19846367091
[modeling of pseudotuberculosis infection]. 19836367149
[hepatitis caused by yersinia enterocolitica in children]. 19846371698
[severe course of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a 14-year-old boy]. 19836372254
[granulomatous appendicitis]. 19846373517
[invasiveness characteristics of the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis].the comparative characteristics of the invasiveness of y. pseudotuberculosis, the most important element of its pathogenicity, is given on the basis of the results obtained in testing 57 y. pseudotuberculosis strains and 23 y. enterocolitica strains, all of them recently isolated, on experimental models (the monolayer cultures of hep-2 cells, the enteral inoculation of mice and guinea pigs, the keratoconjunctival test). the invasiveness of y. pseudotuberculosis has been shown to be manifested im ...19846377777
[pathomorphology of experimental pseudotuberculous (yersinia) arthritis].experimental pseudotuberculosis arthritis was reproduced by means of antigenic irritation of the knee joint in the presence of specific sensibilization. pathomorphology is characteristic of the acute exudative-proliferative synovitis and periarthritis. the results obtained allow one to draw the conclusion on the infectious-allergic genesis of the joint involvement in pseudotuberculosis. the stages in the allergic responses of the synovial membrane with subsequent development of early and late im ...19846380461
roles of v antigen in promoting virulence and immunity in is established that yersiniae harboring an approximately 45-megadalton vwa-plasmid can produce v and w antigens (vwa+), and that sera containing anti-v provides passive protection to mice against yersinia pestis. this observation was extended by the use of monospecific anti-v prepared by injecting rabbits with partially purified v, absorption of antisera with a vwa- extract, and then separation of gamma-globulin by traditional processes of fractionation or by affinity chromatography. these pr ...19846381597
[an abdominal form of pseudotuberculosis simulating acute appendicitis]. 19846388120
growth of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in mouse spleen despite loss of a virulence plasmid of mol. wt 47 x 10(6).a highly virulent strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis (ld50 c. 10(2) bacteria/mouse) harboured two plasmids with mol. wt of 47 x 10(6) and 61 x 10(6). the role of these plasmids in virulence was studied in mice with derived strains cured of plasmids. it was confirmed that the plasmid of mol. wt 47 x 10(6) played a major function in virulence. this was shown both by the increase of the ld50 and the lower rate of multiplication in the spleen obtained with strains cured of the plasmid of mol. wt ...19846389874
[pathogenesis and pathologic anatomy of human yersinia infections].yersinioses are zoonoses inspite of the fact, that the pathogen is rarely transferred directly from the animal to man, but mostly from contaminated food or contaminated surroundings. enteritis or enterocolitis develop in most cases after infection with y. enterocolitica (enteritic form), whereas pseudoappendicitis accompanied by massive mesenterial lymphadenitis of the ileocecal lymph nodes with or without the participation of adjacent parts of the intestine develops after infection with y. pseu ...19836392801
[sedimentation properties of a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex from yersinia pseudotuberculosis].it was shown that in water media lipopolysaccharide-protein complex (lpspc-) forms compact units with molecular weight 1.29 x 10(6) inclined to self-association. disaggregation of lpspc to subunits with molecular weight 7 x 10(4) under the action of the detergent and edta reveals the substantial role of hydrophobic interaction of ions of divalent metals in the formation of high molecular weight aggregates.19846394052
[severe forms of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection]. 19846397236
incidence of yersinia organism in hare in the northwestern region of okayama prefecture. 19846398397
[differential pathomorphologic diagnosis of brucellosis in hares].the examination comprised 656 cases of brucellosis, 208 cases of pseudotuberculosis, 31 cases of yersiniosis, 13 cases of tularemia and 120 cases of pasteurellosis. in brucellosis, changes in liver, spleen and sexual organs prevailed. the macroscopy of the changes was typical. a histiocytic granuloma of tuberculoid type was found by histological examination. owing to caryolysis, the central necrosis of granulomata contained a conspicuously small amount of nuclear detritus, and big cells of langh ...19836410578
[heterogenetic antigens of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in human erythrocytes and organs].the study of the antigenic relationship between y. pseudotuberculosis in red blood cells and different highly vulnerable tissues of the human body (in the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, the lymph nodes, the intestine) has been carried out; as a result, the presence of heterogeneous substances has been shown. y. pseudotuberculosis heterogeneous antigens play an important role in the formation of severe forms of the disease and determine the frequency of relapses; they also determine the specific ...19836410623
an outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a small indoor breeding colony of red-bellied (saguinus labiatus) tamarins.a spontaneous outbreak of yersiniosis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iib occurred in a small indoor breeding colony of red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) during the winter of 1981. of 35 monkeys at risk 6 died of an acute or subacute infection over a period of 23 days. clinical signs were anorexia, weakness, listlessness and depression. the disease was characterized by focal necrosis of the liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, ulcerative enteritis, and the presence of col ...19836431180
[a child case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicemia]. 19846434658
[pseudotuberculosis in leningrad]. 19806461099
[incidence of pseudotuberculosis in man and animals]. 19806461100
patients with active crohn's disease have elevated serum antibodies to antigens of seven enteric bacterial pathogens.a variety of bacterial pathogens including campylobacter, yersinia, listeria, brucella, and mycobacteria have been suggested as potential etiologic agents for crohn's disease. to assess the role of these organisms we studied responses to eight antigens in sera from patients with active crohn's disease and healthy age- and sex-matched controls. in complement-fixation assays, the sera from the crohn's disease patients had enhanced reactivity compared with the control sera to all seven orally inges ...19846468876
characterization and pathogenicity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from swine and other animals.yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup iii is most frequently detected in healthy pigs. y. pseudotuberculosis strains were divided into two biogroups on the basis of their fermentation of melibiose. melibiose-fermenting strains were distributed in all the hosts and serogroups examined. melibiose-nonfermenting strains were limited to serogroup iii isolated from healthy pigs. autoagglutination and calcium dependency were not related to fermentation of melibiose. melibiose-fermenting strains seem to ...19846470095
distinctive electrophoretic and isoelectric focusing patterns of esterases from yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.esterases of 53 strains of yersinia enterocolitica sensu stricto, including five previously defined biotypes, and 30 strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were analysed by horizontal polyacrylamide-agarose gel electrophoresis and by isoelectrofocusing in thin-layer polyacrylamide gel. esterase bands were defined by their range of activity towards several synthetic substrates, their resistance to heat and to di-isopropyl fluorophosphate. the two species were characterized by distinct electrophor ...19846481338
[electron microscopic study of the interaction of yersinia pseudotuberculosis with macrophages and hela cells].the comparative electron-microscopic study of early stages of the interaction of y. pseudotuberculosis virulent strain (no. 282) with "professional" (macrophages) and "nonprofessional" (hela cells) phagocytes has been carried out. the character of the intimate mechanism of this interaction has been found to be essentially different. the common feature for both systems is the adsorption of bacteria and their penetration into cells due to phagocytosis. but the subsequent fate of y. pseudotuberculo ...19846485665
[study of a lipid a-protein complex from yersinia pseudotuberculosis endotoxin].mild acid hydrolysis of endotoxin of yersinia pseudotuberculosis afforded a lipid a--protein complex composed of amino acids and all characteristic components of lipid a: glucosamine, dodecanoic, 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acids and phosphorus in a molar ratio of 2 : 1,5 : 2,8 : 1,7, respectively. the protein component of the complex was shown by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate to consist of two polypeptides with apparent molecular weights of 12000 and 8000. the lipid a ...19846487389
yersinia enterocolitica 03 findings on porcine tongues in comparison with yersiniosis incidence in man in czechoslovakia.positive isolations of yersinia obtained in repeated bacteriological examinations of porcine tongues at three slaughter-houses in prague and a single examination at the slaughter-house at kladno were compared with notified yersiniosis morbidity. the incidence of illnesses caused by y. enterocolitica 03 does not exceed values of 4.5/100,000 and 3.5/100,000 population in the czech and slovak socialist republics, respectively, and is equal to a sixtieth part of the notified shigellosis and salmonel ...19846491274
community outbreak of yersinia outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in kurashiki, japan is described. this is the first conclusive report of a community outbreak of this microorganism. a total of 535 pupils, five teachers, and one food attendant contracted the organism. causative organisms were detected in 19 out of 30 patients. all isolated strains belonged to serotype va. out of 653 sera of the pupils, 488 showed elevated agglutinin titers ranging from 1:80 to 1:1,280 or more within a period of 3 months.19846503742
ovine abortion and stillbirth due to purulent placentitis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from an aborted placenta and stillborn lamb from a sheep flock having multiple abortions. given intravenously, it caused elevated body temperatures and purulent placentitis in eight of nine ewes. two ewes died following infection at 2.5 months of gestation. two ewes infected at 3.5 months gestation aborted; three infected at four months gave birth to weak, premature, or moribund lambs. one ewe infected at 4.5 months gave birth to a healthy lamb. one lamb ...19846516181
a comparison of serological techniques for plague surveillance.sera collected from 691 dogs and 231 rodents in south africa were tested in parallel by the passive haemagglutination (pha) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for antibodies to the fraction 1 antigen of the plague bacillus (yersinia pseudotuberculosis subsp. pestis). there was a high degree of correlation between the tests, both in over-all numbers positive and in serum titres. 42 dog sera were positive by pha and 41 by elisa, 40 sera being positive by both tests. however, using elisa ...19846533848
d-3-dodecanoyltetradecanoic acid as a constituent of lipid a from the lipopolysaccharide of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.d-3-dodecanoyltetradecanoic acid has been separated from the lipid a of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and its structure has been established by chromato-mass-spectrometry and 13c nmr spectroscopy, by comparison with authentic samples.19846547679
[reactive yersinia pseudotuberculosis arthritis with acute hepatic histological involvement disclosing latent ankylosing spondylitis]. 19836607507
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from feces of a newborn. 19836613960
isolation of yersinia spp. from bovine feces.yersinia spp. were sought in 618 fecal samples from cows. four strains of yersinia enterocolitica, serotype o:12,26 (one), o:13,7 (two), and o:18 (one); seven strains of yersinia kristensenii, serotype o:11,24 (five) and o:12,26 (two); and one strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype iib, were isolated. this is the first time that y. pseudotuberculosis has been isolated from cows in japan, and the isolation of serotype iib of this organism from cows seems to be the first in the world.19836630475
yersinia pseudotuberculosis and kawasaki disease. 19836657508
[action of sodium chloride on yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica].the bacteriostatic and bactericidal action of sodium chloride on 60 y. pseudotuberculosis strains, 75 y. enterocolitica strains and 158 urine-fermenting strains has been studied. a new specific feature of y. pseudotuberculosis has been revealed: high sensitivity to sodium chloride. the suitability of the sodium chloride test has been shown for the identification of yersinia and the differentiation of y. pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica.19836659761
clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of flumequine after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration in pigeons (columba livia).the in-vitro activity of flumequine against 157 strains of bacteria isolated from birds was determined. the minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of 96.3% of the enterobacteriaceae, proteus spp. and yersinia pseudotuberculosis studied (n = 135) was less than or equal to 1 microgram/ml. pharmacokinetics of flumequine in pigeons (columba livia) was investigated after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration. from the blood disappearance curves after i.v. bolus injection (10 mg/kg body w ...19836668641
an outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.nineteen patients were involved in an outbreak of infection caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype 3. no epidemics attributable to this microorganism have been previously reported; the most extensive known cluster of cases involved four children in one family and their pet dog. the key finding in the outbreak described in the present study was the bacteriologic identification of serotype 3 in stool specimens from patients with clinically typical yersiniosis. twelve cases were identified ...19846699434
virulence plasmid-associated autoagglutination in yersinia spp.the autoagglutination of yersinia enterocolitica was dependent on the presence of the virulence plasmid and on the active growth of bacteria in tissue culture media at 37 degrees c. cultures with a high initial concentration of bacteria failed to autoagglutinate , indicating that synthesis of new virulence plasmid-associated surface factors was essential for autoagglutination. the synthesis of a plasmid-encoded polypeptide (molecular weight, 240,000), designated p1, that could be dissociated und ...19846725209
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