organisation of the zebrafish spinal cord: distribution of motoneuron dendrites and 5-ht containing cells. | in order to find arguments for a selective innervation and modulation of the fast and slow spinal motoneurons in the zebrafish, we determined: the territories occupied by the dendritic trees of the large spinal motoneurons innervating the fast white muscle (wmns) and those of the smaller motoneurons (rimns) innervating the slower red and intermediate fibers; the distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) immunoreactive cells, which constitute one of the systems for the modulation of motoneuron a ... | 1996 | 9090993 |
the effect of damage of the brachium of the superior colliculus in neonatal and adult hamsters and the use of peripheral nerve to restore retinocollicular projections. | using horseradish peroxidase (hrp) tracing technique, we were able to confirm the critical age in hamsters as reported previously (so et al., 1981). thus, following transection of the retinal fibers at the brachium of the superior colliculus (bsc) on postnatal-day 4 (p4) or later, no retinocollicular projections were observed in the adult stage. however, the retinal fibers were observed to reinnervate the superior colliculus (sc) if the bsc was cut on p3 or earlier. physiological recording showe ... | 1996 | 8979842 |
area dorsalis pars lateralis of the telencephalon in a teleost (sebastiscus marmoratus) can be divided into dorsal and ventral regions. | area dorsalis pars lateralis was shown to be subdivided into a dorsal region and a ventral region by a shallow groove on the telencephalic surface. in the dorsal region, three layers were distinguished by nissl staining; a surface layer i, a middle layer ii, and a deep layer iii. although a three-layered structure was also observed in the ventral region, it was not as clear as that in the dorsal region. cells in area dorsalis pars lateralis were classified by golgi-cox staining into 5 types; sma ... | 1996 | 8955962 |
retinopetal projections in lampreys. | in the lamprey lampetra fluviatilis the centrifugal visual system is well developed. centrifugal fibers arise from cells of two tegmentomesencephalic nuclei-reticular mesencephalic area and nucleus m5 of schober-as demonstrated by axonal tracing techniques and antidromic neuronal recordings after optic nerve stimulation. amacrine and ganglion cells in the retina are targets of centrifugal innervation, as shown by electrophysiology and axonal tracing. following postembedding immunogold labeling, ... | 1996 | 8932868 |
innervation of propatagial musculature in a flying squirrel, glaucomys volans (rodentia, sciuridae). | the propatagium of gliding and flying mammals is of both functional and phylogenetic interest. the innervation of the propatagial muscle, platysma ii, was studied with the axonal tracer wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) in a flying squirrel, glaucomys volans. injections of wga-hrp into the proximal third of platysma ii labeled motoneurons in the lateral part of the medial subdivision of the ipsilateral facial nucleus and in the ipsilateral ventral horn of the brac ... | 1996 | 8834780 |
the nucleus of the optic tract (not) and the dorsal terminal nucleus (dtn) of opossums (didelphis marsupialis aurita). | wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (wga-hrp) was injected unilaterally into the pretectocollicular region of opossums (didelphis marsupialis aurita), primarily to investigate the existence of a commissural subcortical pathway but also to reveal afferents and efferents of the nucleus of the optic tract (not) and dorsal terminal nucleus (dtn) in this species. labelled cells and terminals were observed in the contralateral not-dtn. furthermore, hrp was injected bilaterally i ... | 1996 | 8828860 |
peroxynitrite-dependent tyrosine nitration catalyzed by superoxide dismutase, myeloperoxidase, and horseradish peroxidase. | | 1996 | 8791651 |
rapid activity-dependent sprouting of optic fibers into a local area denervated by application of beta-bungarotoxin in goldfish tectum. | the retinotectal projection is known to be capable of extensive long-term expansion of connections, but it is not known how fast such changes can occur or what triggers sprouting of terminals. we studied sprouting of optic fibers into an area denervated by local microinjection of beta-bungarotoxin (beta-btx), a specific presynaptic neurotoxin with phospholipase a2 activity that destroys nerve terminals at the neuromuscular junction. after injection of 0.1 pmol of beta-btx, the optic terminals fi ... | 1996 | 8748373 |
modification of horseradish peroxidase induced by hydroxyl radicals. the influence of oxygen. | reactions of hydroxyl radicals with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) have been studied by means of pulse radiolysis technique in the absence and presence of oxygen. hydroxyl radicals, produced in excess towards enzyme, react exclusively with the protein part of hrp with the rate constant k = 1.1 x 10(11) m-1 s-1. activity loss induced by oh. is connected with such an enzyme modification that causes both the interference with substrate binding and partial blocking of the channel used by peroxide. it ... | 1996 | 8725012 |
the preparation of horseradish peroxidase-labeled nucleic acid probes and their detection using enhanced chemiluminescence. | | 1996 | 8713851 |
differential expression of jackfruit-lectin-specific glycoconjugates in metastatic adenocarcinoma and reactive mesothelial cells-a diagnostic aid in effusion cytology. | distinguishing reactive mesothelial cells from adenocarcinoma cells in serous effusions on the basis of morphological criteria alone is often difficult. interest has therefore been focused on identifying reliable methods to supplement the conventional cytological techniques. plant lectins have been reported as diagnostic markers for malignant cells. we studied 51 aspirated samples of benign and malignant effusions using horseradish-peroxidase-conjugated jackfruit lectin. no significant differenc ... | 1996 | 8690755 |
effect of enhancers on the pyridopyridazine-peroxide-hrp reaction. | 4-substituted phenyl boronic acids (e.g., 4-iodo, 4-bromo, 4-phenyl) are effective enhancers of the horseradish peroxidase (type via) catalysed chemiluminescent oxidation of various pyrido[3,4-d]pyridazine-1,4(2h,3h)dione derivatives. the most effective combination was 4-biphenylboronic acid and 8-amino-5-chloro-7-phenylpyrido[3,4-d]- pyridazine-1,4(2h,3h)dione. generally, the intensity of light emission in the presence of peroxidase was higher with the pyridopyridazines than with sodium luminol ... | 2013 | 8686492 |
afferent and efferent connections of the central prosencephalic nucleus in the pacific hagfish. | injections of horseradish peroxidase, or the carbocyanine dye dil, into the central prosencephalic nucleus of hagfishes reveal reciprocal connections with the septum, preoptic area, habenula, thalamus and hypothalamus. efferent projections also occur to the olfactory bulb, pallium, posterior tubercle and tegmentum and to the contralateral central prosencephalic nucleus. these connections suggest that the central prosencephalic nucleus of hagfishes may be homologous to portions of the medial pall ... | 1996 | 8680848 |
connections of octaval and lateral line nuclei of the medulla in the goldfish, including the cytoarchitecture of the secondary octaval population in goldfish and catfish. | cytoarchitectural analyses combined with injections of the tracer horseradish peroxidase in various structures in the brain of the goldfish, carassius auratus, have defined some of the major components of acoustic and lateral line mechanosensory circuits between the medulla and midbrain. the main acoustic receptor in carassius, the saccule, is known to provide a major input to the dorsomedial zone of the descending octaval nucleus. the dorsomedial zone in turn projects bilaterally to the seconda ... | 1996 | 8680846 |
the vesiculo-vacuolar organelle (vvo): a distinct endothelial cell structure that provides a transcellular pathway for macromolecular extravasation. | the vesiculo-vacuolar organelle (vvo) is a recently described organelle found in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells that line tumor microvessels and normal venules. vvos are grape-like clusters of interconnecting uncoated vesicles and vacuoles, bounded by trilaminar unit membranes, that span the entire thickness of vascular endothelium, thereby providing a potential trans-endothelial connection between the vascular lumen and the extravascular space. macromolecular tracers preferentially cross hy ... | 1996 | 8558058 |
cell-cell interactions in the testis of teleosts and elasmobranchs. | in this paper we present the state of knowledge on cell-cell interactions in the testis of two groups of anamniote vertebrates--teleosts and elasmobranchs--which include most fish. in these fish, the structural organization of the testis differs fundamentally from that which characterizes amniotes in which the germinal tissue is located in tubules open at both ends and consists of a permanent population of sertoli cells associated with successive stages of germ cell development. in fish, the spe ... | 1995 | 8605400 |
structural and functional characterization of a muscle tendon proprioceptor in lobster. | a morphological and electrophysiological study was made on a unique primary mechanosensory neuron, the anterior gastric receptor (agr), previously shown to arise from power-stroke muscle gm1 of the gastric mill system in the lobster foregut. ultrastructural analysis of horseradish peroxidase injected agr demonstrated that its peripheral dendrites do not ramify in muscle but are confined strictly to the connective tissue/epidermal interface in the tendon of gm1. these terminals are rich in mitoch ... | 1995 | 8642071 |
the oxidation of oxytocin and vasopressin by peroxidase/h2o 2 system. | oxytocin and vasopressin are oxidized by horseradish peroxidase and by lactoperoxidase, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. spectrophotometric measurements are indicative of the formation of dityrosine. kinetic parameters indicate that the affinity of horseradish peroxidase is slightly higher for oxytocin with respect to vasopressin and that the two hormones are better substrates for both peroxidases than free tyrosine. | 1995 | 24186516 |
early development and organization of the retinopetal system in the larval sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus l. an hrp study. | development of the retinopetal system of the larval sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus, was investigated following labelling of this system by injection of horseradish peroxidase into the orbit. this study extends our previous report on larval stages and provides a detailed description of the development of this system. we present quantitative and qualitative evidence suggesting that the retinopetal nuclei of schober's m2-m5 nucleus, the mesencephalic reticular area and the tectum arise sequentiall ... | 1995 | 8751109 |
how alternative are immunoassay systems employing non-radioisotopic labels? a comparative appraisal of their main analytical characteristics. | the immunoassay is one of the most sensitive and reliable analytical techniques available in the clinical laboratory. the original label for immunoassays was radioisotopes, and these methods, radioimmunoassay (ria) and immunoradiometric assay (irma) are still the reference methods, because of invulnerability of the radioactive emission with respect to environmental interference. labels other than radioisotopes have been tested for use in immunoassay to improve the sensitivity and reliability and ... | 1995 | 8624786 |
staurosporine blocks evoked release of fm1-43 but not acetylcholine from frog motor nerve terminals. | the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine inhibited, and often abolished, activity-dependent destaining of frog motor nerve terminals that had been preloaded with the fluorescent dye fm1-43. staurosporine did not, however, block synaptic transmission; staurosporine treated muscles twitched in response to nerve stimulation, and the amplitudes of evoked end plate potentials were reduced only slightly, and in some cases not at all. the blockade of fm1-43 destaining was not reversed by washing, alt ... | 1995 | 8613758 |
changes in retinal arbors in compressed projections to half tecta in goldfish. | in adult goldfish, electrophysiological studies have shown that the retinotectal projection reorganizes, following removal of half of the tectum, to form a complete but compressed projection over the remaining half tectum. as a result, each fiber terminates more rostrally than normal. electron microscopic studies suggest a competition between retinal fibers for a fixed number of synaptic sites. the current study examines whether retinal arbors in the compressed projection are smaller than normal ... | 1995 | 8592102 |
a comparative study of the inactivation of wild-type, recombinant and two mutant horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes c by hydrogen peroxide and m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid. | the mechanism-based inactivation of four horseradish peroxidase (hrp-c) enzyme variants has been studied kinetically with either hydrogen peroxide or the xenobiotic m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mclo2-bzoh) as sole substrate. the concentration and time dependence of inactivation was investigated for the wild-type plant enzyme (hrp-c), the unglycosylated recombinant enzyme (hrp-c*), and two site-directed mutants with phe143 replaced by ala ([f143a]hrp-c*) or arg38 replaced by lys ([r38k]hrp-c*). th ... | 1995 | 8536696 |
anterograde and retrograde traffic between the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi complex. | the transfer of newly synthesized membrane proteins moving from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) to the golgi complex has been studied by electron microscopy in hep-2 cells transfected with cdnas for chimeric proteins. these proteins consist of a reporter enzyme, horseradish peroxidase (hrp), anchored to the transmembrane domains of two integral membrane proteins, the transferrin receptor and sialyl-transferase. the chimeras are distributed throughout the nuclear envelope, rer, vesicular tu ... | 1995 | 8522599 |
metamorphosis of spinal-projecting neurons in the brain of the sea lamprey during transformation of the larva to adult: normal anatomy and response to axotomy. | the spinal projecting system of the sea lamprey (petromyzon marinus) has been used extensively in studies of axonal regeneration in both larvae and adults. however, little is known about the changes that are undergone by this system during metamorphosis. in order to determine the developmental changes in the size of the descending spinal projection and in the morphology of its neurons, larval, transforming, and adult lamprey brains were labeled by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase ( ... | 1995 | 8636461 |
formation of a porphyrin pi-cation radical in the fluoride complex of horseradish peroxidase. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was oxidized by ircl6(2-) to a mixture of compounds i and ii, the rate of oxidation and the ratio of the mixture being greatly affected by ph (hayashi & yamazaki, 1979). oxidation of hrp by ircl6(2-) in the presence of fluoride was significantly accelerated. this resulted in the formation of a new compound which is a ferric fluoride complex containing a porphyrin pi-cation radical. the spectrum of the new compound showed a decreased absorption band in the soret regio ... | 1995 | 7578110 |
a reagent for both visualization and chemiluminescence detection of horseradish peroxidase-tagged dna probes. | | 1995 | 8600825 |
generation of superoxide and tyrosine peroxide as a result of tyrosyl radical scavenging by glutathione. | enzymatically generated tyrosyl radicals are effectively scavenged by reduced glutathione (gsh), thereby generating glutathione thiyl radicals and superoxide radicals, subsequently. here, we have used horseradish peroxidase to generate tyrosyl radicals and investigated the fate of the superoxide radicals. at low gsh concentrations (with a maximum effect at 250 microm) a major reaction was between superoxide and the phenoxyl radical leading to a tyrosine peroxide. formation of the peroxide was co ... | 1995 | 7487108 |
dimethyl sulfoxide rather than superoxide is the reactive species in horseradish peroxidase--ko2/dimethyl sulfoxide system. | it has been shown that dimethyl sulfoxide competes with the enzyme substrate towards horseradish peroxidase compound i, but probably not towards horseradish peroxidase compound ii. dimethyl sulfoxide may hinder the reaction of superoxide with horseradish peroxidase compound ii by modifying heme center. in this connection dimethyl sulfoxide is not recommended as a solvent in catalytic studies of horseradish peroxidase. | 1995 | 8624484 |
the adipokinetic cells in the corpus cardiacum of locusta migratoria preferentially release young secretory granules. | the influence of flight activity on the release of secretory granules from the adipokinetic cells in the corpus cardiacum of locusta migratoria was studied. two labeling methods, an enzymatical and a radioactive one, were used to label young, newly synthesized secretory granules and so distinguish them from older, preexisting granules. both methods demonstrated that the ratio between the numbers of labeled and unlabeled secretory granules was lower in flight-stimulated adipokinetic cells than in ... | 1995 | 8603679 |
dual functionalities of 4-aminodiphenylamine in enzymatic assay and mediated biosensor construction. | 4-aminodiphenylamine (n-phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine, cas 101-54-2) and its water-soluble hcl salt (cas 2198-59-6) were demonstrated to be efficient mediators for glucose oxidase, lactate oxidase, xanthine oxidase, and lysine oxidase. using cyclic voltammetry, single oxidative peak potentials were observed for scans ranging from 0 to 0.5 v vs ag/agcl. the half-wave potential for both preparations was 0.11 v vs ag/agcl at ph 7 and decreased 59 mv per unit ph increase. peak current data were analyz ... | 1995 | 8594991 |
determination of rate constants for rapid peroxidase reactions. | we describe an improved enzyme-monitored stopped-flow method for determining rate constants for peroxidase reactions that are too rapid to measure by conventional pseudo-first-order methods. ascorbate will reduce many substrate radicals as rapidly as they are generated by a peroxidase. this ensures a constant substrate concentration during the peroxidase reaction. we investigated the reactions of horseradish peroxidase compound i (hrp-i) with three standard substrates (chlorpromazine (cpz), 2,2' ... | 1995 | 8594981 |
restoration of olfactory mediated behavior after olfactory bulb deafferentation. | transection of olfactory nerve fibers leads to deafferentation of olfactory bulbs and a loss of olfactory mediated behavior. nerve transection studies have shown that during recovery, olfactory nerve fibers can reestablish connections with the olfactory bulbs. two groups of experimental animals were studied to determine if olfactory mediated behavior returns after recovery. one group (n = 18) received bilateral olfactory nerve transection (btx), while the second group (n = 4) received a sham sur ... | 1995 | 8577894 |
detection of cystic fibrosis delta f508 mutation by anti-double-stranded dna antibody. | this study evaluated an enzyme immunoassay (eia) as a screening tool for detection of the most common mutation (delta f508) in cystic fibrosis (cf). guthrie card bloodspots were extracted to remove whole blood polymerase chain reaction (pcr) inhibitors. the washed filter paper was directly amplified under standard (98 bp amplicons) or modified pcr conditions (491 bp amplicons) for the delta f508 mutation. monoclonal anti-double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid antibody was used to detect competent ... | 2004 | 8572556 |
the primary afferent pathway of extraocular muscle proprioception in the pigeon. | recent physiological experiments in our laboratory suggest that extraocular muscle proprioceptive signals are involved in oculomotor control in the pigeon [e.g., knox and donaldson (1993) proc. r. soc. lond. b 253, 77-82]; the present results provide information about the primary afferent pathway involved in these actions. in other physiological experiments [hayman et al. (1993) proc. r. soc. lond. b 254, 115-122] we have shown that extraocular muscle afferent signals modify vestibularly driven ... | 1995 | 8552259 |
[specific quantification of gamma-seminoprotein-alpha 1 antichymotrypsin complex in serum by monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay]. | gamma-seminoprotein (gamma-sm) is one of the serine proteinases in seminal plasma, and is well known as a tumor marker of prostate cancer. in the blood, a major portion of gamma-sm combines with alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (act), a serine proteinase inhibitor. we developed a sensitive enzyme immunoassay (eia) for the gamma-sm-act complex using two different monoclonal antibodies (moabs). one moab, prepared against gamma-sm, is used for the capture, and the other, prepared against act, is conjugated ... | 1995 | 8551680 |
horseradish peroxidase inhibition by thiouracils. | in this paper, the activity of horseradish peroxidase was further determined in the presence of several uracil derivatives. the rate of guaiacol peroxidation decreases in presence of 2-thiouracil and of 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil, but is not changed by 6-n-propyluracil nor uracil. thus, thiouracils inhibit horseradish peroxidase in a noncompetitive form. the binding of 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil, 2-thiouracil, 6-n-propyluracil and uracil with horseradish peroxidase shows difference spectra due to chan ... | 1995 | 7589532 |
evidence for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase as a regulator of endocytosis via activation of rab5. | phosphatidylinositol (pi) 3-kinases have been implicated in several aspects of intracellular membrane trafficking, although a detailed mechanism is yet to be established. in this study we demonstrated that wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of pi 3-kinases, inhibited constitutive endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase and transferrin in bhk-21 and trvb-1 cells. the ic50 was approximately 40 ng/ml (93 nm). in addition, wortmannin blocked the stimulation of horseradish peroxidase uptake by the small ... | 1995 | 7479754 |
identification of residues in the aromatic substrate binding site of horseradish peroxidase by 1h nmr studies on isozymes. | the cyanide-inhibited complexes of two horseradish peroxidase acidic isozymes, a1 (hrpa1, unsequenced) and a2 (hrpa2, sequenced), have been examined by solution two-dimensional 1h nmr methods, and the active site molecular and electronic structure compared to that of the well-characterized isozyme c (hrpc) (chen, z., de ropp, j.s., hernández, g., & la mar, g.n. (1994) j. am. chem. soc. 116, 8772-8783), as well as to that of cytochrome c peroxidase. the identity and alignment of catalytically rel ... | 1995 | 7577936 |
solution characterisation by nmr spectroscopy of two horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme c mutants with alanine replacing either phe142 or phe143. | site-directed mutagenesis of the horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme c (hrp c) gene has been undertaken in order to provide two recombinant enzymes where alanine replaces either phe142 or phe143 ([f142a]hrp c and [f143a]hrp c, respectively). these heme enzymes have been characterised in solution using proton nmr spectroscopy for both the high-spin resting and low-spin cyanide-ligated states. comparison of their nmr spectra with those recorded for wild-type plant hrp c indicates that both the protei ... | 1995 | 7588812 |
stable and general-purpose chemiluminescent detection system for horseradish peroxidase employing a thiazole compound enhancer and some additives. | a stable and highly sensitive chemiluminescent detection system for horseradish peroxidase (hrp)/luminol/hydrogen peroxide using a newly designed thiazole compound enhancer has been established. some additives for the chemiluminescent reaction were explored to overcome some defects of the reaction such as rapid decay and high background of light emission. recrystallization of luminol and the addition of several detergents into the reacting solution were effective to increase specific light emiss ... | 1995 | 8678297 |
concurrent reduction of iodine and oxidation of edta at the active site of horseradish peroxidase: probing the iodine binding site by optical difference spectroscopy and steady state kinetic analysis for the formation of active enzyme-i(+)-edta ternary complex for iodine reductase activity. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) catalyzes the reduction of iodine to iodide by edta with pseudocatalatic degradation of h2o2 to o2 (banerjee et al., (1986) j. biol. chem. 261, 10592-10597; and banerjee (1989) j. biol. chem. 264, 9188-9194). the reduction of iodine (i+) is dependent on edta concentration and is blocked by spin trap, dmpo, indicating the involvement of free radical species in the reduction process. incubation of edta with both hrp and h2o2 results in the appearance of triplet esr sig ... | 1995 | 7548058 |
regeneration of olfactory sensory neurons and reconnection in the aging hamster central nervous system. | olfactory neuron recovery and axon growth was studied in 12-24 month old hamsters after unilateral olfactory nerve transection. at recovery times ranging from 4 to 126 days olfactory nerve regeneration and axon reconnection to the olfactory bulb were examined by anterograde horseradish peroxidase (hrp) neurohistochemistry and electron microscopy. nerve transection produced immediate retrograde neuron degeneration and there was no hrp reaction product in the bulb at 4 days post transection. by da ... | 1995 | 8552324 |
distinct morphological characteristics of touch, temperature, and mechanical nociceptive neurons in the crotaline trigeminal ganglia. | intrasomal recording and horseradish peroxidase injection techniques were employed in vivo to determine the morphological characteristics of touch, temperature, and mechanical nociceptive neurons in the trigeminal ganglia of crotaline snakes. the touch neurons, with a peripheral axon conducting at the a-beta range, could be subdivided into tactile and vibrotactile neurons according to their response properties, but there were no morphological differences between them. these neurons exhibited a l ... | 1995 | 8801254 |
enzymically generated electron-excited species increase the membrane order parameter without changing the rotational relaxation time of tma-dph. | the effect of enzymically generated triplet acetone produced from 60 mmol/1 2-methylpropanal (mpal) in the presence of 2 mumol/l horseradish peroxidase on the properties of artificial unilamellar liposomes was studied. the concentration of malondialdehyde, membrane lateral pressure (membrane order parameter), lifetime distribution of the excited state of tma-dph incorporated into liposomes, and rotational relaxation time of tma-dph were determined. the concentration of mda increased with the mpa ... | 1995 | 8786039 |
immune-complex trapping in the splenic ellipsoids of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). | rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), immunised with horseradish peroxidase, were given horseradish peroxidase intravenously, and the trapping of antigen in the spleen was followed 1, 24, and 48 h after injection. after 1 h, the localisation of horseradish peroxidase indicated that the antigen had been extensively trapped in the walls of the splenic ellipsoids. the colocalization of horseradish peroxidase with rainbow trout immunoglobulin m and complement factor 3 was shown with a double immunofl ... | 1995 | 8581925 |
polarized epithelial cells of the hamster seminal vesicle in a serum-free bicameral culture system: evidence of secretory and endocytic activities. | primary cultures of epithelial cells from the hamster seminal vesicle were established in a chemically defined medium supplemented with hormones and growth factors. epithelial cell clusters were prepared combining enzymatic dissociation and mechanical disaggregation and then seeded in bicameral systems equipped with collagen-membrane inserts. a growth curve was generated and the cells were characterized morphologically and morphometrically by light and electron microscopy. the immunocytochemical ... | 1995 | 8581921 |
central projections from the goldfish pineal organ traced by hrp-immunocytochemistry. | pineal efferent projections have been traced in the brain of the goldfish (carassius auratus) by administration of a concentrated solution of horseradish peroxidase onto the pineal organ. after different survival times, fish were sacrificed and the administered peroxidase was revealed by immunocytochemistry on paraffin sections using an anti-horseradish peroxidase antiserum. immunoreactive fibres were seen in the anterior hypothalamus, habenula, dorsal thalamus, ventral thalamus, optic tectum, t ... | 1995 | 8574005 |
a critical period for axon regrowth through a lesion in the developing mammalian retina. | although the central nervous system of mature mammals is incapable of regeneration, certain elements present in the developing system must permit and promote the growth of new axons to their initial targets. we investigate whether the environment of a developing visual system is capable of supporting regeneration in the brazilian opossum monodelphis domestica, in which the retinofugal system develops postnatally. retinae were lesioned up to the 16th postnatal day and analysed for regeneration af ... | 1995 | 8542068 |
transient and steady-state kinetics of the oxidation of scopoletin by horseradish peroxidase compounds i, ii and iii in the presence of nadh. | scopoletin, a naturally occurring fluorescent component of some plants and a proven plant growth inhibitor, is a known reactant with peroxidase. however, the kinetics of the elementary steps of the reaction have never been investigated, nor has the quantitative effect of interfering substances ever been explored in detail, despite the fact that scopoletin is widely used in a peroxidase assay for h2o2. in this work, we employed both transient-state and steady-state methods to determine the second ... | 1995 | 7588768 |
peripheral regeneration and central sprouting of sensory neurone axons in aplysia californica following nerve injury. | morphological methods were used to examine injury-induced growth of peripheral and central axons of nociceptive mechanosensory neurones in the ventrocaudal (vc) clusters of the pleural ganglia of aplysia californica. pedal nerve crush transected all axons in the nerve while leaving the overlying sheath largely intact. immunohistochemical staining was performed with an antibody to a sensory-neurone-specific peptide, sensorin-a. following bilateral crush of pedal nerve p9, which innervates the tai ... | 1995 | 7500002 |
animal cell mutants unable to take up biologically active glycerophospholipids. | we have isolated two mutant strains from the murine, macrophage-like cell line, raw 264.7, that are resistant to the cytotoxic effects of the antineoplastic, platelet activating factor analogue, 1-octadecyl-2-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine (et-18-ome). the mutants were isolated using a single round of selection to ensure that resistance was due to a single gene defect. these mutants, raw.r1 and raw.r23, are approximately 20 times more resistant to et-18-ome (id50 = 15-17 microm) than the pa ... | 1995 | 8558075 |
assay of cholinesterase using a pro-enhancer of the luminol-h2o2-horseradish peroxidase reaction. | 2-naphthyl acetate acts as a pro-enhancer of the luminol-h2o2-horseradish peroxidase reaction. cholinesterase hydrolyses the bound acetyl group and produces 2-naphthol, and this compound is an enhancer of the chemiluminescent reaction. we studied the kinetics of chemiluminescent emission and the influence of 2-naphthyl acetate and cholinesterase enzyme concentrations. the cholinesterase concentration versus chemiluminescence intensity maximum was linear for cholinesterase between 0 and 181 micro ... | 2013 | 8533610 |
monocyte-related cytokines in acute myocardial infarction. | to elucidate the role of monocytes in the cytokine system in acute myocardial infarction (ami), we examined the time courses of plasma concentrations and generation capacities of monocyte-related cytokines in 17 consecutive patients with uncomplicated ami (from day 1 to 28) and in 10 control subjects. the concentrations of monocyte-related cytokines were measured by enzyme immunoassay with horseradish peroxidase. cytokine generation capacity was evaluated by cytokine concentrations in the cultur ... | 1995 | 7661059 |
calcium-dependent transmitter secretion from fibroblasts: modulation by synaptotagmin i. | following endocytic uptake of acetylcholine (ach), cho fibroblasts exhibit ca(2+)-dependent spontaneous quantal ach release and depolarization-evoked ach release, as detected by a whole-cell voltage-clamped myocyte in contact with the fibroblast. cho fibroblasts transfected with synaptotagmin i, an integral membrane protein of synaptic vesicles, showed a reduced spontaneous quantal ach release and an enhanced ca(2+)-evoked ach release, as compared with control cells. biochemical and ultrastructu ... | 1995 | 7546747 |
differences in the brain stem terminations of large- and small-diameter vestibular primary afferents. | 1. we visualized the central axons of 32 vestibular afferents from the posterior canal by extracellular application of horseradish peroxidase, reconstructed them in three dimensions, and quantified their morphology. here we compare the descending limbs of central axons that differ in parent axon diameter. 2. the brain stem distribution of descending limb terminals (collaterals and associated varicosities) varies systematically with parent axon diameter. large-diameter afferents concentrate their ... | 1995 | 7500159 |
[enzyme labeling methods and it's specificities]. | enzyme labeled antigen for use in elisa of hapten (steroids, prostanoid, carbohydrate, nucleic acid, peptide, herbicide, insecticide and antibiotic) have usually been prepared by condensation of carboxy group of hapten with amino groups of lysine residue in enzyme. the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) is best suitable as labeling enzyme, therefore it is small molecular, and substrate turnover is much higher compared to the other enzymes. the mixed anhydride and carbodiimide methods have mainly been ... | 1995 | 7474375 |
[properties of enzymes for enzyme immunoassay]. | enzyme selection is very important to establish enzyme immunoassay system. the appropriate enzyme selected to label an immunochemical reagent must have certain qualities as follows: 1) highly purified and high specific activity, 2) inexpensive, 3) stable during conjugation and for a long time in a proper storage condition, 4) easily conjugated, measured, and applied to highly sensitive assay. several enzymes fulfill most of the above requirements and have been successfully used in enzyme immunoa ... | 1995 | 7474374 |
horseradish peroxidase his-42 --> ala, his-42 --> val, and phe-41 --> ala mutants. histidine catalysis and control of substrate access to the heme iron. | polyhistidine-tagged horseradish peroxidase (hhrp) and its f41a, h42a, and h42v mutants have expressed in an insect cell system. kinetic studies show that the rates of compound i formation and peroxidative catalysis are greatly decreased by the his-42 mutation. furthermore, compound ii is not detected during turnover of the his-42 mutants. compounds i and ii are the two- and one-electron oxidized intermediates, respectively, of hhrp. in peroxygenative catalysis, the f41a and h42a mutants catalyz ... | 1995 | 7642625 |
segregation of optic axons based on central target: the medial optic tract in rana pipiens. | the retinofugal projection to the nucleus of bellonci (nb) was examined in rana pipiens using both anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). following hrp injection into the nb, retrogradely labeled optic axons formed a discrete fascicle that crossed the lateral margin of the anterior diencephalon. we have designated this branch of the retinofugal pathway as the "medial optic tract." hrp-positive, medial optic tract axons projecting to nb occupied the rostral and most ... | 1995 | 8584209 |
trigeminal, vagal, and spinal projections of supramedullary cells in the puffer fish, takifugu niphobles. | the supramedullary cells (smcs) of teleosts have been studied for nearly 100 years, but their peripheral connections have remained obscure. we examined the supramedullary cells of the puffer fish, takifugu niphobles, using horseradish peroxidase transport. horseradish peroxidase labeling was found bilaterally after application to the trigeminal, the posterior branch of the vagal, and the spinal nerves. no labeled neurons were found after application to the anterior or visceral branches of the va ... | 1995 | 7593749 |
lipid peroxidation by peroxidase-catalyzed bioactivation of tyrosine. | tyrosyl free radicals generated by the peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of peptide tyrosyl residues are known to yield the stable cross-linked product dityrosine. in the present report, horseradish peroxidase is used as a model of peroxidase to study oxidative modifications of non-protein cellular components. tyrosyl free radicals promote, as many free radicals, the decay of β-phycoerythrin fluorescence emission, they oxidize nadh and ascorbic acid and initiate arachidonic acid peroxidation with f ... | 1995 | 27405716 |
vagal preganglionic neurons innervating the different gastric regions in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). | the cytoarchitecture and distribution patterns of the vagal preganglionic neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (dmnx) innervating the proventriculus and the gizzard of the japanese quail were examined by nissl staining and the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method. a 30% solution of hrp was injected into nine different gastric regions: the ventral and dorsal parts of the proventriculus, the caudodorsal and cranioventral thick muscles, the craniodorsal and caudoventral thin mu ... | 1995 | 8559557 |
energy landscape of the tautomer states of mesoporphyrin embedded in horseradish peroxidase. | the energy hypersurface of the dominant tautomer states of mesoporphyrin-substituted horseradish peroxidase was determined by creation of a nonequilibrium population of these states through photochemical transformation at 5 k and measurement of the temperature changes of the respective spectral bands as they were warmed to room temperature. | 1995 | 8527672 |
an ultrasensitive immunoassay for prostate-specific antigen based on conventional colorimetric detection. | development of an ultrasensitive immunoassay for serum psa involving conventional detection probes. | 1995 | 8521595 |
development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for 2,3-dinor-6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha in urine using a monoclonal antibody. | to develop and validate an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for measurement of urinary 2,3-dinor-6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha (2,3d6kpgf1 alpha) using a monoclonal antibody and a horseradish peroxidase-linked antigen. | 1995 | 8521593 |
olfactory dysfunction and related nutritional risk in free-living, elderly women. | to determine the nutritional risk associated with measured olfactory dysfunction in free-living, elderly women through analytic observational methods. olfactory perception was measured orthonasally (odor: butanol threshold and odor identification) and retronasally (flavor: orange flavor threshold in sweetened gelatin). | 1995 | 7636078 |
a comparative ultrastructural study of primary afferents from the brachial and cervical plexuses to the external cuneate nucleus of gerbils. | the synaptic organisation of the primary afferents from the brachial and cervical plexuses to the external cuneate nucleus of gerbils was compared following an intraneural injection of horseradish peroxidase into the musculocutaneous, median, ulnar and radial nerves of the brachial plexus or the main branches of the cervical plexus; 407 labelled primary afferent terminals from the brachial and 459 from the cervical plexus were studied. these boutons made synaptic contacts with 586 and 633 dendri ... | 1995 | 7591972 |
qualitative alterations in laminin expression in experimental lupus nephritis. | previous studies have revealed quantitative alterations in laminin-1 expression at the mrna and protein levels during the development of glomerulonephritis and glomerulosclerosis in chronic graft-versus-host disease in mice, a model for lupus nephritis. we have now studied the qualitative alterations in laminin expression with two monoclonal antibodies that recognize epitopes on either the e8 or the p1 fragment of laminin-1. both of these fragments are involved in cell-matrix and matrix-matrix i ... | 1995 | 7543736 |
use of alpha-n,n-bis[carboxymethyl]lysine-modified peroxidase in immunoassays. | horseradish peroxidase was activated by periodate oxidation of the carbohydrate moiety and then modified by the covalent attachment of alpha-n,n-bis[carboxyethyl]lysine (cm-lys) by reductive alkylation using sodium cyanoborohydride. the resultant cm-lys peroxidase was charged with nickel ions and then used as a specific labeling reagent for histidine-tagged recombinant proteins. this labeling method was effective for proteins that are soluble or insoluble in the absence of chaotropic agents. the ... | 1995 | 8533895 |
detection and quantitation of hexa-histidine-tagged recombinant proteins on western blots and by a surface plasmon resonance biosensor technique. | the use of short peptide affinity tag sequences has become commonplace for the expression and purification of recombinant proteins. many of these tags are antibody epitopes and detection of tagged proteins via western blots is straightforward. however, the most common affinity tag used at present for the expression of recombinant proteins is a hexa-histidine, or like sequence, which exhibits strong affinity for ni(ii). the one drawback of histidine-containing affinity tags is the inability to sp ... | 1995 | 8533880 |
the organization of the turtle inner retina. i. on- and off-center pathways. | intracellular recordings and dye injections of lucifer yellow, horseradish peroxidase, or neurobiotin were made in bipolar, amacrine, and ganglion cells of the pseudemys turtle retina. by using a standard light-stimulation protocol in a sample of 375 labeled neurons, we were able to identify morphological and physiological characteristics of 11 types of bipolar cell, 37 types of amacrine cell, and 24 types of ganglion cell. to make sense of these data, we have chosen to group the 72 essentially ... | 1995 | 7560272 |
origin of ascending projections to the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus in the big brown bat, eptesicus fuscus. | the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus in the echolocating bat, eptesicus fuscus, are large and highly differentiated. in each nucleus, different characteristic response properties predominate. to determine whether the dissimilar response properties are due in part to differential ascending input, we examined the retrograde transport from small deposits of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) or hrp conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (wga-hrp) in the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus. the intermediate nuc ... | 1995 | 7545702 |
kinetics of phenolic polymerization catalyzed by peroxidase in organic media. | phenolic polymerization was carried out by enzymatic catalysis in organic media, and its kinetics was studied by using high-pressure liquid chromatography (hplc). phenols and aromatic amines with electron-withdrawing groups could hardly be polymerized by hrp catalysis, but phenols and aromatic amines with electron-donating groups could easily be polymerized. the reaction rate of either the para-substituted substrate or meta-substituted substrate was higher than that of ortho-substituted substrat ... | 1995 | 18623373 |
effects of light and growth regulators on adventitious bud formation in horseradish (armoracia rusticana). | to clarify that the presence of ri t-dna genes are not prerequisite for the light-induced bud formation in horseradish (armoracia rusticana) hairy roots, leaf and root segments of nontransformed horseradish plants were used as explants. bud formation from nontransformed tissues was observed in hormone-free medium under 16 h daylight conditions, but not under continuous darkness. to investigate the effects of growth regulators on bud formation, leaf and root explants were treated with auxin (1-na ... | 1995 | 24194306 |
evaluation of new rapid commercial enzyme immunoassay for detection of cryptosporidium oocysts in untreated stool specimens. | sixty-six stool specimens were evaluated by the prospectr cryptosporidium rapid enzyme immunoassay (eia) (alexon, sunnyvale, calif.). approximately 2 g of untreated stool suspended in buffer was filtered through membranes labelled with anti-cryptosporidium-specific antigen antibody. anti-cryptosporidium-specific antigen antibody was labelled with biotin, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to streptavidin, and tetramethylbenzidine, and each labelled antibody was added in sequence to the membranes. ... | 1995 | 7665685 |
histology and lectin-binding patterns in the skin of the terrestrial horned frog ceratophrys ornata. | the terrestrial horned frog, ceratophrys ornata, lives on a wet substratum and absorbs water through the ventral epidermis; water is lost by evaporation from the dorsal skin. thus, this species may be useful as a model for determining whether or not skin histology and lectin-binding patterns, indicative of glycoconjugates, are related to skin functions such as osmoregulation and water balance. with this in mind, a histological and lectin-histochemical study was carried out on dorsal and ventral ... | 1995 | 7621521 |
tumour necrosis factor-alpha induces morphological and functional alterations of intestinal ht29 cl.19a cell monolayers. | tnf-alpha is a widely distributed proinflammatory cytokine, involved in many disease states. although it has widely distributed effects, a precise mechanism of action has never been described, in particular at the epithelial level. morpho-functional changes of the intestinal epithelial monolayer ht29 cl.19a exposed to tnf-alpha were therefore assessed, using electron microscopy (including freeze-fracture replica analysis), as well as measurement of mannitol, na+ and horseradish peroxidase fluxes ... | 1995 | 7578982 |
retinal projections to the subcortical nuclei in the japanese field vole (microtus montebelli). | retinal projections in the japanese field vole (microtus montebelli) were determined by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). injection of hrp into the unilateral vitreous body demonstrated that the terminal labeling of the optic projections was seen bilaterally in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (sch), the ventral (glv) and dorsal (gld) lateral geniculate nuclei, the intergeniculate leaflet (igl), the medial pretectal nucleus (ntom) of the pretectum (pt) and the superficial layer o ... | 1995 | 7556420 |
studies on the permeability of the blood-testis barrier in stainless steel-administered mice. | previous trials performed in our laboratory have demonstrated that stainless steel corrosion products induced morphological changes in mice seminiferous cells. in this study the functional nature of the blood-testis barrier was investigated, in view of the extensive use of this metallic alloy in orthopaedic surgery. the uptake of horseradish peroxidase by the seminiferous tubules was used as a tracer method being exposed in vitro for different periods of time and observed at the ultrastructural ... | 1995 | 7550070 |
characterization of nervana, a drosophila melanogaster neuron-specific glycoprotein antigen recognized by anti-horseradish peroxidase antibodies. | antibodies to the plant glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase (hrp) are used extensively to identify neurons in drosophila and other insects. we are interested in characterizing the gene product(s) recognized by anti-hrp antibodies because it may be important for nervous system function and/or development. here we identify and purify from adult drosophila heads an anti-hrp-reactive mr 42k glycoprotein that is likely to be the major contributor to neuronal specific anti-hrp staining. several differ ... | 1995 | 7540667 |
chick wing innervation. iii. formation of axon collaterals in developing peripheral nerves. | axon navigation during vertebrate limb innervation has been shown to be associated with position-dependent changes in size and complexity of the axon growth cones, and sometimes with bifurcation of terminal growth cones and axon branching (hollyday and morgan-carr, companion paper). we have further examined axon branching and asked whether it extends to the projection of collaterals to different nerves. injections of horseradish peroxidase or dil were made into individual peripheral nerves in th ... | 1995 | 7665729 |
chick wing innervation. ii. morphology of motor and sensory axons and their growth cones during early development. | the development and distribution of neuronal projections to the developing chick wing was studied using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). small injections of hrp were made into motor or sensory neuronal populations in order to visualize individual axons and their associated growth cones. motor growth cones were observed in different regions of the embryo at different stages, in a proximal-to-distal pattern of distribution which paralleled the process of axon outgrowth and ne ... | 1995 | 7665728 |
chick wing innervation. i. time course of innervation and early differentiation of the peripheral nerve pattern. | anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to map the initial projection patterns of motor and sensory axons innervating the wing of the chick embryo. injections which resulted in labeling large numbers of motor and sensory axons, separately or in combination, were used to define the time course of innervation and to visualize the progressive morphogenesis of the peripheral nerve pattern. motor axons emerged from the spinal cord and accumulated near the ventromedial border of the m ... | 1995 | 7665727 |
principal neurons of the lumbar sympathetic ganglia increase in number with body size. | neuron number appears to be matched to body size during early development by the modulation of the processes of proliferation and naturally occurring cell death. however, body size increases rapidly as the juvenile becomes an adult, long after these processes cease to operate. the present study shows that principal neurons of lumbar sympathetic ganglia increase in number four- to fivefold during postmetamorphic life of the bullfrog. rana catesbeiana. this increase in neuron number cannot be attr ... | 1995 | 7673461 |
time course of reinnervation of the olfactory bulb after transection of the primary olfactory nerve in the pigeon. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) histochemistry was used to study the time course of reinnervation of the pigeon olfactory bulb after simple transection of the primary olfactory nerve. at selected intervals (9, 13, 29, 61 and 93 days) after transection of the right olfactory nerve, a concentrated solution of hrp was instilled in both nasal cavities. intracarotid perfusion was performed 3 days after nasal instillation of hrp and 40-microns sections of olfactory bulb processed with the tetramethylbenz ... | 1995 | 7552350 |
fine structure of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the turtle, emys orbicularis: a golgi, combined hrp tracing and gaba immunocytochemical study. | the afferent and efferent cortical projections of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (gld) of adult specimens of the turtle emys orbicularis were investigated after intraocular or intracortical injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp), and the distribution of gamma aminobutyric acid (gaba) immunoreactivity in the nucleus was carried out by immunocytochemical techniques, both techniques being combined with light and electron microscopy. in addition, some specimens were prepared for double-la ... | 1995 | 7560269 |
two drosophila nervous system antigens, nervana 1 and 2, are homologous to the beta subunit of na+,k(+)-atpase. | a nervous system-specific glycoprotein antigen from adult drosophila heads, designated nervana (nrv), has been purified on the basis of reactivity of its carbohydrate epitope(s) with anti-horseradish peroxidase (hrp) antibodies that are specific markers for drosophila neurons. anti-nrv monoclonal antibodies (mabs), specific for the protein moiety of nrv, were used to screen a drosophila embryo cdna expression library. three cdna clones (designated nrv1, nrv2.1, and nrv2.2) were isolated that cod ... | 1995 | 7777518 |
ceramide as a modulator of endocytosis. | the effects of ceramide analogs on the uptake of markers for fluid-phase (horseradish peroxidase, hrp) and receptor-mediated (low density lipoprotein, ldl) endocytosis were studied in chinese hamster fibroblasts. n-hexanoyl-d-erythro-sphingosine (c6-cer) decreased the uptake of hrp in a dose-dependent manner. internalization was inhibited > 40% with 25 microm c6-cer, relative to controls, and was apparent within 5 min. internalization of hrp was also inhibited by other cer analogs and by treatme ... | 1995 | 7768929 |
morphogenesis of the antenna of the male silkmoth, antheraea polyphemus. v. development of the peripheral nervous system. | the imaginal antenna of the male silkmoth antheraea polyphemus is a feather-shaped structure consisting of about 30 flagellomeres, each of which gives off two pairs of side branches. during the pupal stage (lasting for 3 weeks), the antenna develops from a leaf-shaped, flattened epidermal sac ('antennal blade') via two series of incisions which proceed from the periphery towards the prospective antennal stem. the development of the peripheral nervous system was studied by staining the neurons wi ... | 1995 | 18621300 |
[an alternative to immunofluorescence on frozen tissue for the diagnosis of sub-epidermal auto-immune bullous dermatosis]. | the diagnosis of subepidermal auto-immune bullous dermatosis is usually based on immunofluorescence which demonstrates iga, igg, igm or c3 on dermo-epidermal junction. however in some instance, this technique could not be performed. here we report an alternative to immunofluorescence. it is a preembedding technique of immunolabelling using horseradish peroxidase, on fresh tissue without any freezing, before an inclusion in wax. so the observation of the labelling is possible with a standard micr ... | 1995 | 8534921 |
an ultrastructural study of cuneocerebellar neurons and primary afferent terminals in the external cuneate nucleus of gerbils as revealed by retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase. | the present study examined the synaptic organization of cuneocerebellar neurons and their relationships with the primary afferents in the gerbil external cuneate nucleus following multiple injections of horseradish peroxidase over a widespread area in the cerebellum in conjunction with a simultaneous injection of horseradish peroxidase into the cervical or brachial nerve plexus. the external cuneate nucleus is topographically organized: the rostral portion receiving the primary afferents from th ... | 1995 | 7595662 |
regeneration of axons in transection of the carp spinal cord. | axonal regeneration in the central nervous system (cns) was investigated in the fine structural and histochemical aspects using carp spinal cord, which was completely transected at the level of the dorsal fin. fusion of the transection region and the regeneration of axons already began to be recognized 26 days after operation by electron microscopy. at 115 days after operation, the rostral and caudal parts of the transected spinal cord were completely connected by the regenerating nervous tissue ... | 1995 | 7580813 |
multiple origins of cerebellar cholinergic afferents from the lower brainstem in the gerbil. | the possible origins of cerebellar cholinergic afferents from the lower brainstem of the gerbil were examined using immunohistochemistry combined with retrograde neuronal labelling techniques. choline acetyltransferase (chat) monoclonal antibody was used in conjunction with a retrogradely transported tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the use of this technique allowed an unequivocal localisation of cholinergic neurons in different parts of the lower brainstem projecting to the cerebellum. in ... | 1995 | 7559128 |
somatosensory and visual correlation in the optic tectum of a python, python regius: a horseradish peroxidase and golgi study. | in snakes with infrared receptors the optic tectum receives infrared input in addition to visual and general somatosensory inputs. in order to observe their tectal termination patterns in ball pythons, python regius, we injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the nucleus of the lateral descending trigeminal tract (lttd) which mediates infrared information, the optic nerve, and the nucleus of the trigeminal descending tract (ttd) which relays general somatosensory information. fibers from lttd ... | 1995 | 7478295 |
nadph-diaphorase activity in the sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the filefish, stephanolepis cirrhifer. | enzyme histochemistry combined with horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing demonstrated nadph-diaphorase activity in the spinal sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord of the filefish, stephanolepis cirrhifer, these neurons with nadph-diaphorase activity were located just dorsal and lateral to the central canal. the results indicate that nitric oxide is synthesized in the spinal sympathetic preganglionic neurons of filefish. | 1995 | 7644141 |
endogenous intracellular glutathionyl radicals are generated in neuroblastoma cells under hydrogen peroxide oxidative stress. | we report the detection of endogenous intracellular glutathionyl (gs.) radicals in the intact neuroblastoma cell line ncb-20 under oxidative stress. spin-trapping and electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectroscopic methods were used for monitoring the radicals. the cells incubated with the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline 1-oxide (dmpo) were challenged with h2o2 generated by the enzymic reaction of glucose/glucose oxidase. these cells exhibit the epr spectrum of the gs. radical adduct of d ... | 1995 | 7753847 |
synaptic connectivity of local circuit neurons in laminae iii and iv of hamster spinal cord. | the present study was undertaken to examine the morphological bases of local synaptic interactions between dorsal horn interneurons. seven interneurons responding to innocuous mechanical stimuli were intracellularly recorded in lamina iii/iv of an isolated preparation of hamster spinal cord with partially intact innervation from an excised patch of hairy skin. axonal arborizations were stained with horseradish peroxidase (hrp) and examined with an electron microscope. five cells had extensive sy ... | 1995 | 7636020 |
two cationic peroxidases from cell walls of araucaria araucana seeds. | we have previously reported the purification and partial characterization of two cationic peroxidases from the cell walls of seeds and seedlings of the south american conifer, araucaria araucana. in this work, we have studied the amino acid composition and nh2-terminal sequences of both enzymes. we also compare the data obtained from these analyses with those reported for other plant peroxidases. the two peroxidases are similar in their amino acid compositions. both are particularly rich in glyc ... | 1995 | 7786490 |
gaba and glutamate-like immunoreactivity at synapses received by dorsal unpaired median neurones in the abdominal nerve cord of the locust. | dorsal unpaired median (dum) neurones in the abdominal ganglia of the locust were impaled with microelectrodes and some were injected intracellularly with horseradish peroxidase so that their synapses could be identified in the electron microscope. simultaneous recordings from dum neurones in different abdominal ganglia revealed that they received common postsynaptic potentials from descending interneurones. post-embedding immunocytochemistry using antibodies against gaba and glutamate was carri ... | 1995 | 7781030 |