
the multitentaculate cirratulidae of the genera cirriformia and timarete (annelida: polychaeta) from shallow waters of brazil.a large number multitentaculate cirratulids have been described worldwide but most are only known through the original descriptions. type material, voucher and recently collected specimens from brazil were revisited in order to reveal their true identity and confirm the records of widely distributed species in this region. six species are described, three of which are new, cirriformia capixabensis sp. nov., cirriformia chicoi sp. nov. and timarete ceciliae sp. nov. coi and 16s sequences were obt ...201425393759
review of canadian species of the genera gnathusa fenyes, mniusa mulsant & rey and ocyusa kraatz (coleoptera, staphylinidae, aleocharinae).four species of gnathusa fenyes (g. alfacaribou klimaszewski & langor, g. caribou lohse, g. eva fenyes, and g. tenuicornis fenyes) occur in the nearctic and in canada. three species of ocyusa kraatz (o. asperula casey, o. californica bernhauer, o. canadensis lohse), and three species of mniusa mulsant and ray (m. minutissima (klimaszewski & langor), m. yukonensis (klimaszewski & godin), and m. odelli klimaszewski & webster, sp. n.), are known from the nearctic and all but o. californica occur in ...201424899860
use of length heterogeneity polymerase chain reaction (lh-pcr) as non-invasive approach for dietary analysis of svalbard reindeer, rangifer tarandus efficiently investigate the forage preference of svalbard reindeer (rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), we applied length-heterogeneity polymerase chain reaction (lh-pcr) based on length differences of internal transcribed spacer (its) regions of ribosomal rna (rrna) to fecal samples from r. tarandus platyrhynchus. a length-heterogeneity (lh) database was constructed using both collected potential food sources of svalbard reindeer and fecal samples, followed by pcr, cloning and sequencing. in t ...201424618847
theileriosis in a reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) associated with a potentially novel theileria sp.a 5-year-old male neutered reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) from missouri was presented with a 3-week history of anorexia, respiratory distress, lethargy, and weight loss. blood smear review revealed that a small percentage of rbcs contained small (1-2 μm in length) pleomorphic piroplasms (signet ring, rod- or pear-shaped, and elongate forms) with an eccentric magenta nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm. nested pcr to specifically amplify a portion of the piroplasm small subunit ribosomal rna ...201223025520
a new eimeria species (protozoa: eimeriidae) from caribou in ameralik, west greenland.fecal samples of 11 calves shot in the ameralik area, west greenland, in august-september 2014 were examined for coccidian parasites. the calves belonged to a population of interbreeding indigenous caribou rangifer tarandus groenlandicus and feral semi-domestic norwegian reindeer rangifer tarandus tarandus. two coccidian species were found: eimeria rangiferis and a coccidium that was identified and described as a new species. the latter's sporulated oocyst is spherical or slightly subspherical. ...201626758447
phylogenetic position of linguatula arctica and linguatula serrata (pentastomida) as inferred from the nuclear 18s rrna gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit i gene.genomic dna was isolated from a linguatula serrata female expelled from a dog imported to norway from romania and from four linguatula arctica females collected from semi-domesticated reindeer from northern norway and subjected to pcr amplification of the complete nuclear 18s rrna gene and a 1,045-bp portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit i gene (cox1). the two species differed at two of 1,830 nucleotide positions (99.9% identity) of the complete 18s rrna gene sequences and at ...201323873617
neanderthal infant and adult infracranial remains from marillac (charente, france).at the site of marillac, near the ligonne river in marillac-le-franc (charente, france), a remarkable stratigraphic sequence has yielded a wealth of archaeological information, palaeoenvironmental data, as well as faunal and human remains. marillac must have been a sinkhole used by neanderthal groups as a hunting camp during mis 4 (tl date 57,600 ± 4,600bp), where quina mousterian lithics and fragmented bones of reindeer predominate. this article describes three infracranial skeleton fragments. ...201424919796
neandertal mobility and large-game hunting: the exploitation of reindeer during the quina mousterian at chez-pinaud jonzac (charente-maritime, france).neandertals were effective hunters of large ungulates throughout their geographic and temporal ranges. equipped with this knowledge, researchers in paleoanthropology continue to seek insight on the relationships between hunting and subsistence strategies with other components of the neandertals' niche, such as mobility, site use, and lithic technology. the quina mousterian deposits from the rockshelter site of chez pinaud jonzac (charente-maritime, france; hereafter jonzac) offer an excellent op ...201222951376
what to eat now? shifts in polar bear diet during the ice-free season in western hudson bay.under current climate trends, spring ice breakup in hudson bay is advancing rapidly, leaving polar bears (ursus maritimus) less time to hunt seals during the spring when they accumulate the majority of their annual fat reserves. for this reason, foods that polar bears consume during the ice-free season may become increasingly important in alleviating nutritional stress from lost seal hunting opportunities. defining how the terrestrial diet might have changed since the onset of rapid climate chan ...201324223286
continental divide: predicting climate-mediated fragmentation and biodiversity loss in the boreal forest.climate change threatens natural landscapes through shifting distribution and abundance of species and attendant change in the structure and function of ecosystems. however, it remains unclear how climate-mediated variation in species' environmental niche space may lead to large-scale fragmentation of species distributions, altered meta-population dynamics and gene flow, and disrupted ecosystem integrity. such change may be especially relevant when species distributions are restricted either spa ...201728505173
explicit not implicit preferences predict conservation intentions for endangered species and biomes.conservation of biodiversity is determined in part by human preferences. preferences relevant to conservation have been examined largely via explicit measures (e.g., a self-reported degree of liking), with implicit measures (e.g., preconscious, automatic evaluations) receiving relatively less attention. this is the case despite psychological evidence from other contexts that implicit preferences are more informative of behavior. thus, the type of measure that predicts conservation intentions for ...201728135298
dna evidence of bowhead whale exploitation by greenlandic paleo-inuit 4,000 years ago.the demographic history of greenland is characterized by recurrent migrations and extinctions since the first humans arrived 4,500 years ago. our current understanding of these extinct cultures relies primarily on preserved fossils found in their archaeological deposits, which hold valuable information on past subsistence practices. however, some exploited taxa, though economically important, comprise only a small fraction of these sub-fossil assemblages. here we reconstruct a comprehensive reco ...201627824339
the impact of global climate change on the spread of parasitic nematodesclimate changes may influence the frequency, intensity and geographical distribution of parasites, directly affecting their dispersive stages in the environment (eggs, larvae) and, indirectly, the larvae living mainly in invertebrate intermediate hosts. in biologically diverse nematodes climate warming contributes to the increase in the range of distribution, colonization of new hosts and modification of their development cycles. this is particularly acute in the arctic and pertains, for instanc ...201728432859
clinical outbreak of babesiosis caused by babesia capreoli in captive reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) in the netherlands.from a herd of captive reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) consisting of two males and seven females with five calves, three calves were diagnosed on post mortem examination with a babesia capreoli infection. the diagnosis was indicated by pcr and when the other reindeer were examined two adult females and a one-year-old male were babesia-positive. molecular characterization of the 18s rdna of the parasite showed complete identity with known b. capreoli sequences. ixodes ricinus has been demon ...201728648772
the structure of the infectious prion protein and its propagation.the prion diseases, which include creutzfeldt-jakob disease in humans, chronic wasting disease in cervids (i.e., deer, elk, moose, and reindeer), bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, as well as sheep and goat scrapie, are caused by the conversion of the cellular prion protein (prp(c)) into a disease-causing conformer (prp(sc)). prp(c) is a regular, gpi-anchored protein that is expressed on the cell surface of neurons and many other cell types. the structure of prp(c) is well studied, base ...201728838667
cervid herpesvirus 2 and not moraxella bovoculi caused keratoconjunctivitis in experimentally inoculated semi-domesticated eurasian tundra reindeer.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) is a transmissible disease in semi-domesticated eurasian reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus). it is regarded as multifactorial and a single causative pathogen has not yet been identified. from clinical outbreaks we have previously identified cervid herpesvirus 2 (cvhv2) and moraxella bovoculi as candidates for experimental investigations. eighteen reindeer were inoculated in the right eye with cvhv2 (n = 5), m. bovoculi (n = 5), cvhv2 and m. bovoculi (n =  ...201728438213
meat inspection of reindeer - a rich source of data for monitoring food safety and animal and environmental health in sweden.background: ​this study scrutinized carcass conditions recorded in post mortem inspections (pmi) of reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus, l.) during 2015-2016 because of the importance for monitoring food safety and animal and environmental health threats. material and methods: pmi results were retrieved from the national food agency. a negative binomial regression model was applied. for actual parameters, incident risk rate (irr) with confidence intervals was calculated. results and discussion: ...201728811870
enhanced understanding of predator-prey relationships using molecular methods to identify predator species, individual and sex.predator species identification is an important step in understanding predator-prey interactions, but predator identifications using kill site observations are often unreliable. we used molecular tools to analyse predator saliva, scat and hair from caribou calf kills in newfoundland, canada to identify the predator species, individual and sex. we sampled dna from 32 carcasses using cotton swabs to collect predator saliva. we used fragment length analysis and sequencing of mitochondrial dna to di ...201423957886
experimental moose reduction lowers wolf density and stops decline of endangered caribou.the expansion of moose into southern british columbia caused the decline and extirpation of woodland caribou due to their shared predators, a process commonly referred to as apparent competition. using an adaptive management experiment, we tested the hypothesis that reducing moose to historic levels would reduce apparent competition and therefor recover caribou populations. nested within this broad hypothesis were three specific hypotheses: (1) sport hunting could be used to substantially reduce ...201728875080
radioecological modelling of polonium-210 and caesium-137 in lichen-reindeer-man and top predators.this work deals with analysis and modelling of the radionuclides (210)pb and(210)po in the food-chain lichen-reindeer-man in addition to (210)po and (137)cs in top predators. by using the methods of partial least square regression (plsr) the atmospheric deposition of (210)pb and (210)po is predicted at the sample locations. dynamic modelling of the activity concentration with differential equations is fitted to the sample data. reindeer lichen consumption, gastrointestinal absorption, organ dist ...201728870414
tracking neighbours promotes the coexistence of large carnivores.the study of competition and coexistence among similar interacting species has long been considered a cornerstone in evolutionary and community ecology. however, understanding coexistence remains a challenge. using two similar and sympatric competing large carnivores, eurasian lynx and wolverines, we tested the hypotheses that tracking among heterospecifics and reactive responses to potential risk decreases the probability of an agonistic encounter when predators access shared food resources, th ...201626979573
reproductive patterns result from age-related sensitivity to resources and reproductive costs in a mammalian carnivore.although the effects of individual age, resource availability, and reproductive costs have been extensively studied to understand the causes of variation in reproductive output, there are almost no studies showing how these factors interact in explaining this variation. to examine this interaction, we used longitudinal demographic data from an 18-year study of 53 breeding female wolverines (gulo gulo), and corresponding environmental data from their individual home ranges. females showed a typic ...201526909422
the role of predation and food limitation on claims for compensation, reindeer demography and population dynamics.a major challenge in biodiversity conservation is to facilitate viable populations of large apex predators in ecosystems where they were recently driven to ecological extinction due to resource conflict with humans.monetary compensation for losses of livestock due to predation is currently a key instrument to encourage human-carnivore coexistence. however, a lack of quantitative estimates of livestock losses due to predation leads to disagreement over the practice of compensation payments. this ...201425558085
high female mortality resulting in herd collapse in free-ranging domesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) in sweden.reindeer herding in sweden is a form of pastoralism practised by the indigenous sámi population. the economy is mainly based on meat production. herd size is generally regulated by harvest in order not to overuse grazing ranges and keep a productive herd. nonetheless, herd growth and room for harvest is currently small in many areas. negative herd growth and low harvest rate were observed in one of two herds in a reindeer herding community in central sweden. the herds (a and b) used the same ran ...201425356591
native predators reduce harvest of reindeer by sámi pastoralists.contemporary efforts to protect biological diversity recognize the importance of sustaining traditional human livelihoods, particularly uses of the land that are compatible with intact landscapes and ecologically complete food webs. however, these efforts often confront conflicting goals. for example, conserving native predators may harm pastoralist economies because predators consume domestic livestock that sustain people. this potential conflict must be reconciled by policy, but such reconcili ...201222908719
activity patterns of eurasian lynx are modulated by light regime and individual traits over a wide latitudinal range.the activity patterns of most terrestrial animals are regarded as being primarily influenced by light, although other factors, such as sexual cycle and climatic conditions, can modify the underlying patterns. however, most activity studies have been limited to a single study area, which in turn limit the variability of light conditions and other factors. here we considered a range of variables that might potentially influence the activity of a large carnivore, the eurasian lynx, in a network of ...201425517902
evolutionary demography of agricultural expansion in preindustrial northern finland.a shift from nomadic foraging to sedentary agriculture was a major turning point in human evolutionary history, increasing our population size and eventually leading to the development of modern societies. we however lack understanding of the changes in life histories that contributed to the increased population growth rate of agriculturalists, because comparable individual-based reproductive records of sympatric populations of agriculturalists and foragers are rarely found. here, we compared ke ...201425232134
consumption of tomato products is associated with lower blood mercury levels in inuit preschool children.some evidence suggests that various diet components and nutrients, including vegetables, fruit and food-derived antioxidants, could mitigate contaminant exposure and/or adverse health effects of contaminants. to examine the effect of the consumption of tomato products on blood mercury levels in inuit preschool children, 155 inuit children (25.0±9.1months) were recruited from 2006-2008 in nunavik childcare centers (northern québec, canada). food frequency questionnaires were completed at home and ...201323127601
dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants and metals among inuit and chukchi in russian arctic chukotka.the general aim was to assess dietary exposure to selected persistent organic pollutants (pops) and metals among eskimo (inuit) and chukchi of the chukotka peninsula of the russian arctic, and to establish recommendations for exposure risk reduction.201222789517
dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants and metals among inuit and chukchi in russian arctic chukotka.the general aim was to assess dietary exposure to selected persistent organic pollutants (pops) and metals among eskimo (inuit) and chukchi of the chukotka peninsula of the russian arctic, and to establish recommendations for exposure risk reduction.201228417734
conservation strategies for species affected by apparent competition.apparent competition is an indirect interaction between 2 or more prey species through a shared predator, and it is increasingly recognized as a mechanism of the decline and extinction of many species. through case studies, we evaluated the effectiveness of 4 management strategies for species affected by apparent competition: predator control, reduction in the abundances of alternate prey, simultaneous control of predators and alternate prey, and no active management of predators or alternate pr ...201323282104
evaluating random search strategies in three mammals from distinct feeding guilds.searching allows animals to find food, mates, shelter and other resources essential for survival and reproduction and is thus among the most important activities performed by animals. theory predicts that animals will use random search strategies in highly variable and unpredictable environments. two prominent models have been suggested for animals searching in sparse and heterogeneous environments: (i) the lévy walk and (ii) the composite correlated random walk (ccrw) and its associated area-re ...201627354185
efficacy of a portable oxygen concentrator with pulsed delivery for treatment of hypoxemia during anesthesia of wildlife.portable battery-driven oxygen concentrators provide an alternative to the use of oxygen cylinders for treatment of hypoxemia during field anesthesia. the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of the evergo portable oxygen concentrator (respironics, murrysville, pennsylvania 15668, usa) with pulse-dose delivery for improvement of arterial oxygenation during anesthesia of wildlife. this concentrator delivers oxygen in a pulsed flow with pulse volumes from 12 to 70 ml, up to a maximum capacity ...201222448511
the energetic value of land-based foods in western hudson bay and their potential to alleviate energy deficits of starving adult male polar bears.climate change is predicted to expand the ice-free season in western hudson bay and when it grows to 180 days, 28-48% of adult male polar bears are projected to starve unless nutritional deficits can be offset by foods consumed on land. we updated a dynamic energy budget model developed by molnar et al. to allow influx of additional energy from novel terrestrial foods (lesser snow geese, eggs, caribou) that polar bears currently consume as part of a mixed diet while on land. we calculated the un ...201526061693
physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling of pops in greenlanders.human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (pops) and the potential health impact in the arctic far from the emission sources have been highlighted in numerous studies. as a supplement to human pop biomonitoring studies, a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (pbpk) model was set up to estimate the fate of pops in greenlandic inuit's liver, blood, muscle and adipose tissue following long-term exposure to traditional greenlandic diet. the pbpk model described metabolism, excretion and pop a ...201424382481
levels and temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (pops) in arctic foxes (vulpes lagopus) from svalbard in relation to dietary habits and food availability.temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (pops) in arctic foxes (vulpes lagopus) from svalbard, norway, were investigated in relation to feeding habits and seasonal food availability. arctic foxes from svalbard forage in both marine and terrestrial ecosystems and the availability of their food items are impacted by climatic variability. concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), organochlorinated pesticides (ocps) and brominated flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers [ ...201525536177
two missense mutations in melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) are strongly associated with dark ventral coat color in reindeer (rangifer tarandus).the protein-coding region of melanocortin 1 receptor (mc1r) was sequenced to identify potential variation affecting coat color in reindeer (rangifer tarandus). a t→c sequence variation at nucleotide position 218 (c.218t>c) causing an amino acid (aa) change from methionine to threonine at aa position 73 (p.met73thr) was identified. in addition, a t→g sequence variation was found at nucleotide position 839 (c.839t>g), causing phenylalanine to be exchanged by cysteine at aa position 280 (p.phe280cy ...201425039753
reproductive responses to spatial and temporal prey availability in a coastal arctic fox population.1. input of external subsidies in the arctic may have substantial effects on predator populations that otherwise would have been limited by low local primary productivity. 2. we explore life-history traits, age-specific fecundity, litter sizes and survival, and the population dynamics of an arctic fox (vulpes lagopus) population to explore the influence of the spatial distribution and temporal availability of its main prey; including both resident and migrating (external) prey resources. 3. this ...201222211323
temporal variability in arctic fox diet as reflected in stable-carbon isotopes; the importance of sea ice.consumption of marine foods by terrestrial predators can lead to increased predator densities, potentially impacting their terrestrial resources. for arctic foxes (alopex lagopus), access to such marine foods in winter depends on sea ice, which is threatened by global climate change. to quantify the importance of marine foods (seal carrion and seal pups) and document temporal variation in arctic fox diet i measured the ratios of the stable isotopes of carbon ((13)c/(12)c) in hair of arctic foxes ...200224599371
dietary variation in arctic foxes (alopex lagopus)-an analysis of stable carbon isotopes.we used stable carbon isotopes to analyse individual variation in arctic fox diet. we extracted collagen from bones (the lower jaw), and measured stable carbon isotopes. the foxes came from three different localities: iceland, where both microtines and reindeer are rare; west greenland, where microtines are absent; and sweden, where scat analyses showed the primary food to be microtine rodents and reindeer. the icelandic samples included foxes from both coastal and inland habitats, the swedish s ...199428313876
(1) h nmr study and multivariate data analysis of reindeer skin tanning methods.reindeer skin clothing has been an essential component in the lives of indigenous people of the arctic and sub-arctic regions, keeping them warm during harsh winters. however, the skin processing technology, which often conveys the history and tradition of the indigenous group, has not been well documented. in this study, nmr spectra and relaxation behaviors of reindeer skin samples treated with a variety of vegetable tannin extracts, oils and fatty substances are studied and compared. with the ...027654838
preservation of viral genomes in 700-y-old caribou feces from a subarctic ice patch.viruses preserved in ancient materials provide snapshots of past viral diversity and a means to trace viral evolution through time. here, we use a metagenomics approach to identify filterable and nuclease-resistant nucleic acids preserved in 700-y-old caribou feces frozen in a permanent ice patch. we were able to recover and characterize two viruses in replicated experiments performed in two different laboratories: a small circular dna viral genome (ancient caribou feces associated virus, or acf ...201425349412
surveillance of ixodes ricinus ticks (acari: ixodidae) in iceland.ixodes ricinus is a three-host tick, a principal vector of borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) and one of the main vectors of tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) virus. iceland is located in the north atlantic ocean with subpolar oceanic climate. during the past 3-4 decades, average temperature has increased, supporting more favourable conditions for ticks. reports of i. ricinus have increased in recent years. if these ticks were able to establish in a changing climate, iceland may face new threats posed by t ...201729017579
molecular characterization of myoglobin from sciurus vulgaris meridionalis: primary structure, kinetics and spectroscopic studies.myoglobins (mbs) are heme-proteins involved in dioxygen storage necessary for metabolic respiration. mbs are intensely investigated as archetype to investigate structure/function relationship in globular proteins. in this work, the myoglobin from sciurus vulgaris meridionalis has been for the first time isolated and purified with a high yield and homogeneity. the primary structure characterization has been performed by applying a strategy based on high resolution tandem mass spectrometry. proxim ...201728216225
congruent responses to weather variability in high arctic herbivores.assessing the role of weather in the dynamics of wildlife populations is a pressing task in the face of rapid environmental change. rodents and ruminants are abundant herbivore species in most arctic ecosystems, many of which are experiencing particularly rapid climate change. their different life-history characteristics, with the exception of their trophic position, suggest that they should show different responses to environmental variation. here we show that the only mammalian herbivores on t ...201223015455
human myiasis caused by the reindeer warble fly, hypoderma tarandi, case series from norway, 2011 to 2016.hypoderma tarandi causes myiasis in reindeer and caribou (rangifer tarandus spp.) in most northern hemisphere regions where these animals live. we report a series of 39 human myiasis cases caused by h. tarandi in norway from 2011 to 2016. thirty-two were residents of finnmark, the northernmost county of norway, one a visitor to finnmark, and six lived in other counties of norway where reindeer live. clinical manifestations involved migratory dermal swellings of the face and head, enlargement of ...201728749332
[the first case of hypoderma tarandi-associated human myiasis in greenland].we present the first case of human myiasis in greenland caused by the warble fly hypoderma tarandi. noticing a persisting, migrating, stinging facial sensation, a female patient eventually extirpated a larva from her upper eyelid, and the larva was confirmed to species level using dna-based methods. a high prevalence of h. tarandi in reindeer, the main reservoir host, and increasing populations of musk ox may imply an increased risk of zoonotic transmission. although diagnosis is challenging, ra ...201626750192
confirming hypoderma tarandi (diptera: oestridae) human ophthalmomyiasis by larval dna barcoding.dna barcoding is a practical tool for species identification, when morphological classification of an organism is difficult. herein we describe the utilisation of this technique in a case of ophthalmomyiasis interna. a 12-year-old boy was infested during a summer holiday in northern norway, while visiting an area populated with reindeer. following medical examination, a diptera larva was surgically removed from the boy's eye and tentatively identified from its morphological traits as hypoderma t ...201424827102
warble infestations by hypoderma tarandi (diptera; oestridae) recorded for the first time in west greenland the northern hemisphere, caribou (rangifer spp.) populations are known to be infested with the skin-penetrating ectoparasite, hypoderma tarandi (diptera; oestridae). although regarded as host specific, h. tarandi has been reported from other species, and has become of increasing concern as a zoonosis infecting humans. in february 2012, concurrent with the hunting of muskoxen, we examined carcasses for muscle and tissue parasites, and recorded warble larvae infestations. dna extracted from sam ...201324533338
infestation by hypoderma tarandi in reindeer calves from northern finland--prevalence and risk factors.serum samples from 953 reindeer (rangifer t. tarandus) calves-of-the-year from 21 reindeer herding co-operatives in finland in slaughter season 2006/2007 were assayed for antibodies against hypodermin c by an elisa detecting igg. data on presence of hypoderma tarandi larvae on 12,327 reindeer hides from 17 of the 21 herding co-operatives in slaughter season 2005/2006 were included for support. elisa showed a seroprevalence of 60.9%, with no significant difference between females and males, and i ...201424412359
reindeer warble fly-associated human myiasis, scandinavia. 201323697827
babesia odocoilei as a cause of mortality in captive cervids in canada.nine cases of fatal infection with babesia odocoilei were confirmed in reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) and elk (cervus canadensis) housed in zoological institutions located in southern quebec, ontario, and manitoba, canada between 2013 and 2016. all animals died of a hemolytic crisis. frequent postmortem findings were extensive hemorrhage, pigmenturia, and intrahepatic cholestasis. the described ante- and postmortem signs are consistent with those of previously reported cases in the united ...201829302103
acute impacts of the deer ked (lipoptena cervi) infestation on reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) behaviour.blood-sucking ectoparasites have often a strong impact on the behaviour of their hosts. the annual insect harassment of reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) has increased in the southern part of the finnish reindeer herding area because of the recent invasion of a blood-feeding ectoparasitic louse-fly, the deer ked (lipoptena cervi). we studied the impact of the deer ked on the behaviour of reindeer. twelve reindeer were infested with a total of 300 keds/reindeer on six occasions in a 5-week pe ...201424562815
gammaherpesvirus infection in semidomesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus): a cross-sectional, serologic study in northern norway.malignant catarrhal fever (mcf) is caused by a group of gammaherpesviruses that primarily affect domestic and wild ruminants. using competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we screened 3,339 apparently healthy, semidomesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) from finnmark county, norway, sampled during slaughter. the overall antibody prevalence was 3.5% and varied among reindeer herding districts in finnmark (0-6.7%), the largest reindeer herding region in norway. the ris ...201323568901
a new type f wolbachia from splendidofilariinae (onchocercidae) supports the recent emergence of this supergroup.wolbachia are vertically transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria of arthropods and onchocercid nematodes. it is commonly accepted that they co-evolved with their filarial hosts, and have secondarily been lost in some species. however, most of the data on the wolbachia/onchocercidae relationship have been derived from studies on two subfamilies, the dirofilariinae and the onchocercinae, which harbour parasites of humans and domestic animals. within the last few years, analyses of more diverse material ...201223041355
shapes of differential pulse voltammograms and level of metallothionein at different animal species.metallothioneins play a key role in maintaining homeostasis of essential metalsand in protecting of cells against metal toxicity as well as oxidative damaging. exceptinghumans, blood levels of metallothionein have not yet been reported from any animalspecies. blood plasma samples of 9 animal species were analysed by the adsorptive transferstripping technique to obtain species specific voltammograms. quite distinct records wereobtained from the takin (budorcas taxicolor), while other interesting ...200728903235
infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated eurasian tundra reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus): microbiological study of clinically affected and unaffected animals with special reference to cervid herpesvirus 2.infectious keratoconjunctivitis (ikc) is one of the most common ocular diseases in ruminants worldwide. in addition to keratitis and conjunctivitis, animals with ikc can develop uveitis, corneal ulcer, and in severe cases, blindness. the bacteria moraxella spp. has been described as the primary causative agent of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (ibk) in cattle (bos taurus), while chlamydia spp. and mycoplasma conjunctivae are considered the main causative agents of ikc in sheep (ovis arie ...201829338721
karyotype relationships among selected deer species and cattle revealed by bovine fish probes.the cervidae family comprises more than fifty species divided into three subfamilies: capreolinae, cervinae and hydropotinae. a characteristic attribute for the species included in this family is the great karyotype diversity, with the chromosomal numbers ranging from 2n = 6 observed in female muntiacus muntjak vaginalis to 2n = 70 found in mazama gouazoubira as a result of numerous robertsonian and tandem fusions. this work reports chromosomal homologies between cattle (bos taurus, 2n = 60) and ...201729112970
draft genome of the reindeer (rangifer tarandus).the reindeer (rangifer tarandus) is the only fully domesticated species in the cervidae family, and it is the only cervid with a circumpolar distribution. unlike all other cervids, female reindeer, as well as males, regularly grow cranial appendages (antlers, the defining characteristics of cervids). moreover, reindeer milk contains more protein and less lactose than bovids' milk. a high-quality reference genome of this species will assist efforts to elucidate these and other important features ...201729099922
yew (taxus) intoxication in free-ranging cervids.wild ruminants, including deer species (cervids) have incorrectly been regarded as refractory to yew (taxus) intoxication. this assumption has been based upon anecdotal observations of individual deer browsing on yew over time without apparent adverse effect. a single case of yew intoxication was reported in a free-ranging norwegian moose (alces alces) in 2008. the current report describes five additional cases of yew toxicosis in moose, seven in roe deer (capreolus capreolus) and two in reindee ...201729281648
development and validation of a fallow deer (dama dama)-specific taqman real-time pcr assay for the detection of food adulteration.the aim of the present study was to develop a real-time pcr assay for the identification and quantification of fallow deer (dama dama) in food to detect food adulteration. despite high sequence homology among different deer species, a fallow deer-specific primer/probe system targeting a fragment of the nuclear mc1-r gene was designed. this primer/probe system did not amplify dna from 19 other animals and 50 edible plant species. moderate cross-reactivity was observed for sika deer, red deer, roe ...201829146373
ante-mortem detection of chronic wasting disease in recto-anal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues from elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) using real-time quaking-induced conversion (rt-quic) assay: a blinded collaborative study.prion diseases are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (tses) characterized by fatal, progressive neurologic diseases with prolonged incubation periods and an accumulation of infectious misfolded prion proteins. antemortem diagnosis is often difficult due to a long asymptomatic incubation period, differences in the pathogenesis of different prions, and the presence of very low levels of infectious prion in easily accessible samples. chronic wasting disease (cwd) is a tse affecting both wil ...201729098931
myiasis of domestic and wild ruminants caused by hypodermatinae in the mediterranean and indian subcontinent.myiasis caused by hypodermatinae flies is an economically important disease affecting domesticated and wild ruminants in countries of the mediterranean and indian subcontinent. the adult flies have a short life span of 1 week, and they spread disease by laying their eggs on the coat of animals. hypoderma spp. primarily lay their eggs on cattle, buffalo, roe deer, red deer and reindeer, while przhevalskiana spp. lay eggs on the coat of goats. the larvae live as tissue parasites, inducing myiasis ...201728807296
how many routes lead to migration? comparison of methods to assess and characterize migratory movements.decreasing rate of migration in several species as a consequence of climate change and anthropic pressure, together with increasing evidence of space-use strategies intermediate between residency and complete migration, are very strong motivations to evaluate migration occurrence and features in animal populations. the main goal of this paper was to perform a relative comparison between methods for identifying and characterizing migration at the individual and population level on the basis of an ...201626412564
mitochondrial genomes of giant deers suggest their late survival in central europe.the giant deer megaloceros giganteus is among the most fascinating late pleistocene eurasian megafauna that became extinct at the end of the last ice age. important questions persist regarding its phylogenetic relationship to contemporary taxa and the reasons for its extinction. we analyzed two large ancient cervid bone fragments recovered from cave sites in the swabian jura (baden-württemberg, germany) dated to 12,000 years ago. using hybridization capture in combination with next generation se ...201526052672
framing the relationship between people and nature in the context of european conservation.a key controversy in conservation is the framing of the relationship between people and nature. the extent to which the realms of nature and human culture are viewed as separate (dualistic view) or integrated is often discussed in the social sciences. to explore how this relationship is represented in the practice of conservation in europe, we considered examples of cultural landscapes, wildlife (red deer, reindeer, horses), and protected area management. we found little support, for a dualistic ...201525997474
cross-amplification of nonspecific microsatellites markers: a useful tool to study endangered/vulnerable species of southern andes deer.thirty-nine microsatellite loci that are highly conserved in red deer, sika deer, reindeer, soay sheep, and other artiodactyls were tested in two vulnerable and endangered neotropical deer (pudu: pudu puda and huemul: hippocamelus bisulcus) with the aim of producing a standardized set of markers that can be used successfully in noninvasive samples from these species. we also compared these nonspecific loci against eight polymorphic loci that were recently developed for huemul to determine whethe ...201424841651
the structure of prpscprions.prpsc(scrapie isoform of the prion protein) prions are the infectious agent behind diseases such as creutzfeldt-jakob disease in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy in cattle, chronic wasting disease in cervids (deer, elk, moose, and reindeer), as well as goat and sheep scrapie. prpscis an alternatively folded variant of the cellular prion protein, prpc, which is a regular, gpi-anchored protein that is present on the cell surface of neurons and other cell types. while the structure of prpci ...201829414853
the chronology of reindeer hunting on norway's highest ice patches.the melting of perennial ice patches globally is uncovering a fragile record of alpine activity, especially hunting and the use of mountain passes. when rescued by systematic fieldwork (glacial archaeology), this evidence opens an unprecedented window on the chronology of high-elevation activity. recent research in jotunheimen and surrounding mountain areas of norway has recovered over 2000 finds-many associated with reindeer hunting (e.g. arrows). we report the radiocarbon dates of 153 objects ...201829410869
colonizing the high arctic: mitochondrial dna reveals common origin of eurasian archipelagic reindeer (rangifer tarandus).in light of current debates on global climate change it has become important to know more on how large, roaming species have responded to environmental change in the past. using the highly variable mitochondrial control region, we revisit theories of rangifer colonization and propose that the high arctic archipelagos of svalbard, franz josef land, and novaia zemlia were colonized by reindeer from the eurasian mainland after the last glacial maximum. comparing mtdna control region sequences from ...201627880778
the complex admixture history and recent southern origins of siberian populations.although siberia was inhabited by modern humans at an early stage, there is still debate over whether it remained habitable during the extreme cold of the last glacial maximum or whether it was subsequently repopulated by peoples with recent shared ancestry. previous studies of the genetic history of siberian populations were hampered by the extensive admixture that appears to have taken place among these populations, because commonly used methods assume a tree-like population history and at mos ...201626993256
proximal design: users as designers of mobility in the russian examining mobility in remote arctic areas, we analyze how challenging environmental conditions, while affecting technology performance, evoke people's creativity and efforts as technology users. based on historical materials and ethnographic observations of user inventiveness in the transport sector in the russian north, we define and document a phenomenon of "proximal design" in three different modes: the proximal complementation of "distant design" machines (trucks and military equipment) t ...201728569693
the sheep kap8-2 gene, a new kap8 family member that is absent in humans.the keratin-associated proteins (kaps) are fundamental components of hair and wool fibres, and are believed to in part be responsible for some of the properties of these fibres. kaps can be divided into three groups: the high sulphur (hs) kaps, the ultra-high sulphur (uhs) kaps and the high glycine-tyrosine (hgt) kaps. kap8 is a hgt-kap family and was believed to be coded for by a single gene in both humans and sheep. however, the recent identification of a kap8-2 gene in goats led us to investi ...201425279319
aboveground and belowground legacies of native sami land use on boreal forest in northern sweden 100 years after abandonment.human activities that involve land-use change often cause major transformations to community and ecosystem properties both aboveground and belowground, and when land use is abandoned, these modifications can persist for extended periods. however, the mechanisms responsible for rapid recovery vs. long-term maintenance of ecosystem changes following abandonment remain poorly understood. here, we examined the long-term ecological effects of two remote former settlements, regularly visited for -300 ...201424933815
brucellosis in terrestrial wildlife.the epidemiological link between brucellosis in wildlife and brucellosis in livestock and people is widely recognised. when studying brucellosis in wildlife, three questions arise: (i) is this the result of a spillover from livestock or a sustainable infection in one or more host species of wildlife? (ii) does wildlife brucellosis represent a reservoir of brucella strains for livestock? (iii) is it of zoonotic concern? despite their different host preferences, b. abortus and b. suis have been is ...201323837363
the bow and arrow in northern north america.there were at least four waves of bow and arrow use in northern north america. these occurred at 12000, 4500, 2400, and after about 1300 years ago. but to understand the role of the bow and arrow in the north, one must begin in the eighteenth century, when the russians first arrived in the aleutian islands. at that time, the aleut were using both the atlatl and dart and the bow and arrow (fig. ). this is significant for two particular and important reasons. first, there are few historic cases in ...201523776050
[molecular-genetic characterization of canine and rangiferine brucella isolates from different regions of russia].comparative molecular-genetic characterization of brucella isolates from dogs and reindeers in russia by molecular-genetic typing methods.201223248850
why rudolph's nose is red: observational characterise the functional morphology of the nasal microcirculation in humans in comparison with reindeer as a means of testing the hypothesis that the luminous red nose of rudolph, one of the most well known reindeer pulling santa claus's sleigh, is due to the presence of a highly dense and rich nasal microcirculation.201223247980
persistence of vigilance and flight response behaviour in wild reindeer with varying domestic ancestry.knowledge about changes in behavioural traits related to wildness and tameness is for most mammals lacking, despite the increased trend of using domestic stock to re-establish wild populations into historical ranges. to test for persistence of behavioural traits of wild reindeer (rangifer tarandus l.) exposed to hunting, we sampled dna, vigilance and flight responses in wild reindeer herds with varying domestic ancestry. analyses of 14 dna microsatellite loci revealed a dichotomous main genetic ...201222587024
level of selected nutrients in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer t. tarandus l.).to acquire new knowledge on the nutritional composition of semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer t. tarandus l.) and their nutritional value for humans. the results could be useful in updating the norwegian food composition database, whose current data on reindeer is limited.201222456051
level of selected nutrients in meat, liver, tallow and bone marrow from semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer t. tarandus l.).to acquire new knowledge on the nutritional composition of semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer t. tarandus l.) and their nutritional value for humans. the results could be useful in updating the norwegian food composition database, whose current data on reindeer is limited.201228417745
bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and alternative halogenated flame retardants in a vegetation-caribou-wolf food chain of the canadian arctic.the trophodynamics of halogenated flame retardants (hfrs) including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and alternative hfrs were investigated in the terrestrial, vegetation-caribou-wolf food chain in the bathurst region of northern canada. the greatest concentrations in vegetation (geometric mean of lichens, moss, grasses, willow, and mushrooms) were of the order 2,4,6-tribromophenyl allyl ether (tbp-ae) (10 ng g-1 lw) > bde47 (5.5 ng g-1 lw) > bde99 (3.9 ng g-1 lw) > bde100 (0.82 ng g-1 lw) ...201829320633
the effects of logging residue extraction for energy on ecosystem services and biodiversity: a synthesis.we review the consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services from the industrial-scale extraction of logging residues (tops, branches and stumps from harvested trees and small-diameter trees from thinnings) in managed forests. logging residue extraction can replace fossil fuels, and thus contribute to climate change mitigation. the additional biomass and nutrients removed, and soils and other structures disturbed, have several potential environmental impacts. to evaluate potential impacts ...201829309965
molecular taxonomy and subgeneric classification of tapeworms of the genus moniezia blanchard, 1891 (cestoda, anoplocephalidae) in northern cervids (alces and rangifer).phylogenetic relationships of tapeworms of the genus moniezia blanchard, 1891 (cestoda, anoplocephalidae) parasitizing the eurasian elk alces alces, the moose a. americanus and the reindeer/caribou rangifer tarandus (cervidae) were studied using dna sequences of two mitochondrial genes (cox1 and nad1). several isolates from domestic ruminants, representing moniezia expansa (rudolphi, 1810) sensu lato and m. benedeni (moniez, 1879) sensu lato, and one unidentified isolate from an african antelope ...201729288139
immune function in arctic mammals: natural killer (nk) cell-like activity in polar bear, muskox and reindeer.natural killer (nk) cells are a vital part of the rapid and non-specific immune defense against invading pathogens and tumor cells. this study evaluated nk cell-like activity by flow cytometry for the first time in three ecologically and culturally important arctic mammal species: polar bear (ursus maritimus), muskox (ovibos moschatus) and reindeer (rangifer tarandus). nk cell-like activity for all three species was most effective against the mouse lymphoma cell line yac-1, compared to the human ...201829249321
understanding predation risk and individual variation in risk avoidance for threatened boreal caribou.predation risk is a driver of species' distributions. animals can increase risk avoidance in response to fluctuations in predation risk, but questions remain regarding individual variability and the capacity to respond to changes in spatial risk across human-altered landscapes. in northeast british columbia, canada, boreal caribou populations declined as roads and seismic lines have increased, which are theorized to increase gray wolf predation. our goal was to model risk and to evaluate individ ...201729238553
challenging anaesthetic management of captive reindeer (rangifer tarandus): report of 4 cases.four captive reindeer underwent anaesthesia to allow dehorning or drainage of lymph nodes abscessation. premedication was based on xylazine (dose range: 0.075- 0.5 mg/kg, im or iv), with or without ketamine (dose range: 1-2 mg/kg, im or iv), all of which failed to produce effective sedation without side effects. during anaesthesia, 2 reindeer experienced severe hypoxaemia and hypoventilation. recovery was smooth in 3 out 4 animals, but delayed in one reindeer sedated with 0.5 mg/kg of xylazine i ...201729208583
expansion of deciduous tall shrubs but not evergreen dwarf shrubs inhibited by reindeer in scandes mountain of the most palpable effects of warming in arctic ecosystems is shrub expansion above the tree line. however, previous studies have found that reindeer can influence plant community responses to warming and inhibit shrubification of the tundra.we revisited grazed (ambient) and ungrazed study plots (exclosures), at the southern as well as the northern limits of the swedish alpine region, to study long-term grazing effects and vegetation changes in response to increasing temperatures between 1 ...201729200500
climate change can alter predator-prey dynamics and population viability of prey.for many organisms, climate change can directly drive population declines, but it is less clear how such variation may influence populations indirectly through modified biotic interactions. for instance, how will climate change alter complex, multi-species relationships that are modulated by climatic variation and that underlie ecosystem-level processes? caribou (rangifer tarandus), a keystone species in newfoundland, canada, provides a useful model for unravelling potential and complex long-ter ...201829167983
morphological keys to advance the understanding of protostrongylid biodiversity in caribou (rangifer spp.) at high latitudes.the protostrongylidae is a diverse family of nematodes capable of causing significant respiratory and neuromuscular disease in their ungulate and lagomorph hosts. establishing the species diversity and abundance of the protostrongylid fauna has been hindered because the first stage larvae, commonly referred as dorsal spined larvae (dsl), that are shed in the feces are morphologically very similar among several genera. we aimed to determine the protostrongylid diversity and distribution in caribo ...201729159064
meningoencephalitis in a royal marine after skinning reindeer in norway.meningoencephalitis presenting in service personnel overseas may present a diagnostic challenge due to the broad range of potential differential diagnosis as well as the requirement for rapid assessment and treatment. a 25-year-old royal marine was evacuated to the royal centre for defence medicine in birmingham, uk, with a history of rash consistent with erythema chronicum migrans, a seizure, and lymphocytic pleocytosis after skinning reindeer in norway. neuroborreliosis was suspected and empir ...201729151040
canada fails to protect its caribou. 201729123055
compensatory selection for roads over natural linear features by wolves in northern ontario: implications for caribou conservation.woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) in ontario are a threatened species that have experienced a substantial retraction of their historic range. part of their decline has been attributed to increasing densities of anthropogenic linear features such as trails, roads, railways, and hydro lines. these features have been shown to increase the search efficiency and kill rate of wolves. however, it is unclear whether selection for anthropogenic linear features is additive or compensatory to se ...201729117234
growth responses of the common arctic graminoid eriophorum vaginatum to simulated grazing are independent of soil nitrogen availability.plant compensatory growth responses to herbivory are mediated by soil fertility and can have significant feedbacks that affect overall ecosystem nutrient cycling. the sedge eriophorum vaginatum is the dominant graminoid in arctic mesic tundra, and is heavily consumed by caribou. here, we compare the principal compensatory growth models in explaining the impact of a single episode of simulated caribou grazing at two clipping intensities on e. vaginatum total growing season shoot production, nitro ...201829098420
parameterization and validation of an ungulate-pasture model.ungulate grazing and trampling strongly affect pastures and ecosystems throughout the world. ecological population models are used for studying these systems and determining the guidelines for sustainable and economically viable management. however, the effect of trampling and other resource wastage is either not taken into account or quantified with data in earlier models. also, the ability of models to describe the herbivore impact on pastures is usually not validated. we used a detailed model ...201729075449
origin of the ornamented bâton percé from the gołębiewo site 47 as a trigger of discussion on long-distance exchange among early mesolithic communities of central poland and northern europe.this article describes evidence for contact and exchange among mesolithic communities in poland and scandinavia, based on the interdisciplinary analysis of an ornamented bâton percé from gołębiewo site 47 (central poland). typological and chronological-cultural analyses show the artefact to be most likely produced in the north european plain, during the boreal period. carbon-14 dating confirms the antiquity of the artefact. ancient dna analysis shows the artefact to be of rangifer tarandus antle ...201728977014
the recommendations of icrp publication 111 in the light of the icrp dialogue initiative in fukushima.publication 111, published by the international commission on radiological protection (icrp) in 2009, provided the first recommendations for dealing with the long-term recovery phase after a nuclear accident. its focus is on the protection of people living in long-term contaminated areas after a nuclear accident, drawing on the experience of the belarus population, cumbrian sheep farmers in the uk, and sami reindeer herders in norway affected by the fallout from chernobyl. the icrp dialogue init ...201628952350
comparison of hydrochemistry and organic compound transport in two non-glaciated high arctic catchments with a permafrost regime (bellsund fjord, spitsbergen).an increase in air temperature related to climate change results in the retreat of glaciers, the degradation of permafrost, and the expansion of glacier-free areas in the polar regions. all these processes lead to changes in the arctic landscape. they influence the hydrochemistry of streams and rivers fed by glaciers and thawing permafrost. in this study, we examine eighty two water samples from two non-glaciated catchments with snow-permafrost regime: the tyvjobekken creek and the reindeer cree ...201828950666
nowhere to hide: effects of linear features on predator-prey dynamics in a large mammal system.rapid landscape alteration associated with human activity is currently challenging the evolved dynamical stability of many predator-prey systems by forcing species to behaviourally respond to novel environmental stimuli. in many forested systems, linear features (lfs) such as roads, pipelines and resource exploration lines (i.e. seismic lines) are a ubiquitous form of landscape alteration that have been implicated in altering predator-prey dynamics. one hypothesized effect is that lfs facilitate ...201828940254
intestinal histoplasmosis in a captive reindeer (rangifer tarandus), missouri, infection with histoplasma capsulatum was diagnosed in a farmed reindeer in missouri, an endemic area for histoplasmosis, localized in the intestine. the intrahistiocytic organisms were identified in tissue sections using histologic methods and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. this is the first report of histoplasmosis in a reindeer or in any deer species.201728920817
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 2145