
studies on the maternal effect of the semilethal gene, v, in the mexican axolotl. i. influence of temperature on the expression of the effect. ii. cytological changes in the affected embryos. 196213873071
[cytology of the islets of langerhans in the axolotl (siredon mexicanum) and ambyostoma maculatum]. 196214455288
histochemical localization of beta-glucuronidase in healing wounds of the axolotl. 196214039532
nuclear transplantation in the axolotl. 196213912738
[action of myleran on regenerating striated muscle in axolotl]. 196213933521
a study of myofibril sarcomere structure during the present investigation of cross-striated muscle fibers of axolotl, we succeeded in observing in one field of vision of the electron microscope all the stages of myofibril contraction. this allowed us to avoid errors in establishing the sequence of individual contraction stages. our studies reveal a new contraction stage which appears at the shortening of the sarcomere below 74 per cent of the "resting length" but prior to the formation of typical "maximally shortened" sarcomeres, character ...196213898583
[culture of ovaries of axolotl on different media]. 196113893979
[cytochemistry of the nucleotides and nucleic acids in axolotl liver cells]. 200613975042
the self-differentiation of the paddle-shaped limb regenerate, transplanted with normal and reversed proximo-distal orientation after removal of the digital plate (ambystoma mexicanum). 196113770156
internal factors influencing normal and compensatory growth of the axolotl pronephros. 196013701095
reaction of limb regenerates of adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum) to x-irradiation. 196013805394
a maternal effect of a gene (f) for a fluid imbalance in the mexican axolotl. 196014405375
an experimental analysis of regional organization in the regenerating fore limb of the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum). 200613821173
[intracellular electrogram (i.c.e.), external electrogram and mechanogram of the heart of the axolotl (amblystoma tigrinum)]. 196013759035
[electron microscopic study of the fine structures of the cytoplasm of the early embryonal stages of ambystoma mexicanum]. 196013689453
[regeneration of the extremities of the adult axolotl, at the expense of embryonal grafts]. 195914414792
further investigation of the effect of roentgen irradiation upon the development of the head of the young axolotl. 195913805393
the origin of spontaneous heteroploids in the progeny of diploid, triploid, and tetraploid axolotl females. 200613698113
studies on the process of lens induction inxenopus laevis (daudin).1. optic vesicle from stage 24 (nieuwkoop andfaber 1956) can induce lens in the ectoderm from early to mid grastrula, and even from ventral ectoderm of a tail bud stage. 2. lenses were induced from early ectoderm cultured over night before grafting even though it remained thick. 3. for lens formation and its differentiation, prolonged contact with the optic vesicle seems essential. 4. lens anlage removed from the influence of the optic vesicle as late as the stage 24 (nieuwkoop andfaber 1956) an ...195928354744
[xenoplastic transplantation of the caudal bud of urodela embryos on the limb region of anuran embryos (axolotl-discoglossus pictus)]. 195913855773
roentgen regression and roentgen stimulation in axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195913805395
the roentgen sensitivity of various portions of the eye of young axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195813595168
the effect of different doses of roentgen rays on adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195813545474
on mast cells in the choroid plexus of the axolotl (ambystoma mex.). 195813625921
the effect of total-body x-irradiation on the adult axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195813506032
histopathology of roentgen death of young axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195713458572
the developmental mechanics of pigment pattern formation in the black axolotl, amblystoma mexicanum. i. the formation of yellow and black bars in young larvae. 195713481300
the origin of spontaneous and experimental haploids in the mexican axolotl (siredonor ambystoma-mexicanum). 195713475654
[causes of lose of regenerative properties in the extremities of axolotl following roentgen ray irradiation]. 195713445954
male homogamety in the mexican axolotl: a study of the progeny obtained when germ cells of a genetic male are incorporated in a developing ovary. 195713428947
[effects of x-rays on the metachromic skin substance in the axolotl]. 195713432196
investigation of the lethal effect of x-irradiation on the young axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195613359680
mapping centromeres in the axolotl. 195617247612
the axolotl (siredon mexicanum). ii. morphology and pathology. 200613272307
the influence of roentgen irradiation on the development of the eye of the axolotl. 195513228774
[action of acth on the axolotl as a function of successive deficiency of the principle salts of the environment]. 195513327435
[the effect of phenothiazine preparations on the regeneration process of planaria and axolotl]. 195513262707
the axolotl (siredon mexicanum). i. as material for scientific research. 200613234311
[malignant neoplasms produced in axolotl with crystals of methylcholanthrene]. 195414365611
[effect of isolated hormones on the experimental development and metamorphosis of the axolotl as a function of a deficiency of the main salts of the medium, potassium and sodium]. 195414364939
a comparison of the effects of local roentgen irradiation on jaw and tooth development in young axolotls and mice. 195413188997
[effect of thyrotropin of sturgeon on metamorphosis of axolotl]. 195413210240
[effect of isolated hormones on the development and experimental metamorphosis of axolotls in relation to successive deficiency of the principle salts of the environment; suppression of calcium and magnesium]. 195413219807
[effect of isolated hormones on the development and experimental metamorphosis of the axolotl as a function of deficiency of the principal salts of the medum]. 195414376947
[study of the action of isolated hormones and combinations of hormones on the metamorphosis of the axolotl, as a function of variation of the environment]. 201213115785
[action of cortisone and acth on hypophysectomized axolotls (amblystoma tigrinum green) as a function of the ph of the environmental medium]. 195313150652
[fine morphological and histochemical studies on the skin of axolotl]. 195313126292
[effect of cortisone and acth associated with thyroxin on the metamorphosis of the axolotl with reference to the ph of environmental medium]. 195313148679
[the effect of benzopyrene on the development of triton and axolotls]. 195313103400
[effect of roentgen irradiation of the spinal cord on regeneration of peripheral nerves in axolotls]. 195213021020
the rare occurrence of mitosis without spindle apparatus ("colchicine mitosis") producing endopolyploidy in embryos of the axolotl. 195216589227
[action of cortisone and of acth on axolotls (amblystoma tigrinum green) as a function of the ph of the surrounding medium]. 195213043092
the effect of local x-ray irradiation upon the teeth and surrounding tissues in young axolotls (siredon mexicanum). 195212990722
[factors inhibiting development of the axial organs in axolotl in his homoplasty into the tail fin]. 195212980029
[developmental disorders of the vertebral column in axolotl in parts of the body deprived of the spinal cord]. 195214936897
[role of the light in early stages of development of axolotl]. 195214926635
influence of local x-ray treatment on development of jaws in young axolotl (siredon mexicanum). 195214920442
[mechanism of the effect of the central nervous system on surrounding mesenchyma in foundation of axial skeleton in antogenesis in axolotl]. 195214906247
[effect of fasting and of protein diet on hepatic protoplasm in axolotl]. 195213043687
[functional restoration of denervated extremity in axolotl following roentgen irradiation]. 195114906191
[regeneration of roentgen irradiated axolotl extremity in implantation of non-specific tissue]. 195114887583
[distribution of ribonucleic acid during extremity regeneration in the axolotl]. 195114860074
[brunn reaction in axolotls]. 195114859614
[the neurohypophysis of the axolotl (amblystoma mexicanum)]. 195114826989
[action of hormones in function of ph of milieu, on the metamorphosis and development of the axolotl (amblystoma tigrinum green); injections of raceme thyroxin and antuitrin s]. 195114849071
[budding of erythrocytes of non-mammals in culture medium; positive culture of axolotl blood]. 195114913009
[investigations on the effect of certain iodinated and brominated aromatic compounds on metamorphosis in axolotl]. 195114858374
[effect of the extract of the whole hypophysis combined with other hormones on the development of axolotl]. 195114847255
[factors determining time, place, and type of development of the axial skeleton in axolotl]. 195114793442
[similarity of correlations of the central nervous system with surrounding tissue in ontogenesis and in transplantation in the axolotl]. 195114793425
[change of regeneration in axolotl by antithyroid substances]. 195113029629
[the inhibitory action of thiouracil on the melanogenesis of the regenerating tail of axolotl]. 195015421315
the effects of local x-ray irradiation on the tail development of young axolotls. 195024537002
biochemical gradients in the axolotl gastrula. 195015444065
[isolated action of different hormones on the metamorphosis of hypophysectomized axolotls]. 195015421580
developmental analysis of genetic differences in pigmentation in the axolotl. 194916588892
the influence of the corticotropic hormone from ox on the active salt uptake in the axolotl. 194918129272
reversal of sex in females of genotype ww in the axolotl (siredon or ambystoma mexicanum) and its bearing upon the role of the z chromosomes in the development of the testis. 194818101409
the effect of total brain ablation at stage 28 on subsequent development and behavior in two species of amblystoma. 194818889754
the influence of local x-ray treatment on the tail development of the young axolotl, siredon mexicanum. 194818934404
origin and transplantation of melanotic tumor in the axolotl. 194818862173
development and chromosome number of the offspring of a tetraploid axolotl female mated with a diploid male. 194720290903
the ovaries in triploid axolotl females of different genotypes with respect to sex chromosomes. 194621020598
response of sex glands and secondary sex characters of zw and ww female axolotl larvae to testosterone propionate. 194621020499
an infectious disease causing wide-spread necrosis in the liver of the mexican axolotl. 193717732647
changes in oxygen consumption during metamorphosis induced by thyroid administration in the axolotl. 192716993919
"origin of the elastic fibres in the heart and aorta of the axolotl and the salmon trout." 189719971150
curious dropsical condition of an axolotl. 188717231716
the mexican axolotl and its susceptibility to transformations. 188517837280
the mexican axolotl, and its susceptibility-to transformations. 188517808850
protein expression pattern and analysis of differentially expressed peptides during various stages of tail regeneration in hemidactylus flaviviridis.epimorphic regeneration is a process allowing the animal to regain its lost structure which depends on the resident pluripotent stem cells as well as de-differentiation of existing cells to form multi-potent stem cells. many studies have been done to understand the appendage regeneration mechanism. the animal model used since decades is an urodele amphibian the axolotl. however, this ability is also seen in some members of reptiles, mainly lizards which on autotomy of tail regain the same by for ...201829410260
complement receptor c5ar1 plays an evolutionarily conserved role in successful cardiac regeneration.background-defining conserved molecular pathways in animal models of successful cardiac regeneration could yield insight into why adult mammals have inadequate cardiac regeneration after injury. insight into the transcriptomic landscape of early cardiac regeneration from model organisms will shed light on evolutionarily conserved pathways in successful cardiac regeneration.methods-here we describe a cross-species transcriptomic screen in three model organisms for cardiac regeneration -axolotl, n ...201829348261
operation spinal cord regeneration: patterning information residing in extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycans.spinal cord injuries are devastating, with many complications beyond paralysis and loss of sensory function. although spinal cord regeneration can revolutionize treatment for spinal cord injuries, the goal has not yet been achieved. the regenerative mechanism of axolotls demonstrates that the regeneration is a repeat of developmental process that all animals have all the genes, but axolotls have both the genes and the patterning information to do it at the adult stage.202031944630
single-cell rna-seq reveals novel mitochondria-related musculoskeletal cell populations during adult axolotl limb regeneration process.while the capacity to regenerate tissues or limbs is limited in mammals, including humans, axolotls are able to regrow entire limbs and major organs after incurring a wound. the wound blastema has been extensively studied in limb regeneration. however, due to the inadequate characterization of ecm and cell subpopulations involved in the regeneration process, the discovery of the key drivers for human limb regeneration remains unknown. in this study, we applied large-scale single-cell rna sequenc ...202033116295
divergent influenza-like viruses of amphibians and fish support an ancient evolutionary association.influenza viruses (family orthomyxoviridae) infect a variety of vertebrates, including birds, humans, and other mammals. recent metatranscriptomic studies have uncovered divergent influenza viruses in amphibians, fish and jawless vertebrates, suggesting that these viruses may be widely distributed. we sought to identify additional vertebrate influenza-like viruses through the analysis of publicly available rna sequencing data. accordingly, by data mining, we identified the complete coding segmen ...202032962015
advancements to the axolotl model for regeneration and aging.loss of regenerative capacity is a normal part of aging. however, some organisms, such as the mexican axolotl, retain striking regenerative capacity throughout their lives. moreover, the development of age-related diseases is rare in this organism. in this review, we will explore how axolotls are used as a model system to study regenerative processes, the exciting new technological advancements now available for this model, and how we can apply the lessons we learn from studying regeneration in ...202031779024
analysis of "old" proteins unmasks dynamic gradient of cartilage turnover in human limbs.unlike highly regenerative animals, such as axolotls, humans are believed to be unable to counteract cumulative damage, such as repetitive joint use and injury that lead to the breakdown of cartilage and the development of osteoarthritis. turnover of insoluble collagen has been suggested to be very limited in human adult cartilage. the goal of this study was to explore protein turnover in articular cartilage from human lower limb joints. analyzing molecular clocks in the form of nonenzymatically ...201931633025
label-free imaging of tissue architecture during axolotl peripheral nerve regeneration in comparison to functional recovery.human peripheral nerves hold the potential to regenerate after injuries; however, whether a successful axonal regrowth was achieved can be elucidated only months after injury by assessing function. the axolotl salamander is a regenerative model where nerves always regenerate quickly and fully after all types of injury. here, de- and regeneration of the axolotl sciatic nerve were investigated in a single and double injury model by label-free multiphoton imaging in comparison to functional recover ...201931477751
cancer drug repositioning by comparison of gene expression in humans and axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) during wound healing.urodele amphibians such as the axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) display a large capacity for tissue regeneration and remarkable resistance to cancer. as a model organism, axolotl thus offers a unique opportunity for cancer research and anticancer drug discovery, not to mention the discerning mechanisms that underpin controlled cellular growth and regeneration versus cancer. to the best of our knowledge, little is known on comparative gene expression changes during regeneration events such as wound ...201931305215
glycosaminoglycans compositional analysis of urodele axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) and porcine retina.retinal degenerative diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (amd) and retinitis pigmentosa (rp), are major causes of blindness worldwide. humans cannot regenerate retina, however, axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum), a laboratory-bred salamander, can regenerate retinal tissue throughout adulthood. classic signaling pathways, including fibroblast growth factor (fgf), are involved in axolotl regeneration. glycosaminoglycan (gag) interaction with fgf is required for signal transduction in thi ...201930963354
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 1847