
cholera el tor in orissa. 1979549919
significance of coagulation and fibrinolysis in pathophysiology of kidney. 1979550683
vitrectomy in experimental uveitis. ii. method in eyes with protein-induced uveitis. 1979550811
water and mineral metabolism and kidney function in man at high altitudes. 1979551035
protein deprivation causes reversible impariment of mucosal immune response to cholera toxoid/toxin in rat gut.scretory antibodies may be the major defence against mucosal infections, especially those due to viruses and non-invasive pathogens such as vibrio cholerae and toxinogenic escherichia coli. the high incidence of mucosal infections in malnourished protein-deficient children may result from defective antibody production, but evidence for this is conflicting. we report here that protein deficiency markedly impairs the mucosal immune reponse to cholera toxiod/toxin (ct), a protein antigen, in rats a ...1979551268
zoological origin of gonadotropin subunits and association kinetics.mammalian luteinizing hormone (lh) is an association of two dissimilar subunits, alpha and beta. in vitro studies, mainly using difference spectrophotometry, had shown that this phenomenon was slow, especially at low temperatures. if the situation was the same in poikiloterms, it would probably make gonadotropin (gth) synthesis difficult for these animals in a cold environment. we have found that the formation of a teleost gonadotropin is in fact strikingly more rapid and less thermodependent th ...1979551279
studies on the inhibitory effects of zinc heptanoate on microorganisms.inhibitory effect of zinc heptanoate was observed on different cultures of bacteria and fungi. growth of all the bacteria was inhibited by the compound. greatest inhibition was seen in the case of staphylococcus albus, streptococcus pyogenes, shigella dysenteriae, shigella sonnei, shigella flexneri, salmonella typhi, s. paratyphi a, s. paratyphi b, vibrio cholerae, corynebacterium diphtheriae, and e. coli whereas least inhibition was found in the case of staphylococcus aureus. in triethanolamine ...1979553835
[ovarian cancer: treatment by specific neuraminidase]. 1979554105
adhesion and aggregation of human platelets to rabbit subendothelium. a new approach for investigation: specific sgg antibody occurring in a recently transfused thrombasthenic patient inhibited all the adp-mediated aggregations and platelet-platelet interaction (thrombus formation) on rabbit aorta subendothelium; another igg antibody occurring in a multitransfused bernard-soulier patient inhibited ristocetin and bovine factor viii mediated aggregation and platelet-subendothelium interaction.1977556700
a simple method for the determination of the o-acetyl substitution pattern of the sialic acids of colonic epithelial glycoprotein. 1977560241
[cellular response in the mouse to two antigenic extracts from "vibrio cholerae" (author's transl)].at the cellular level the primary response in balb/c mice to an antigen prepared from a strain of vibrio cholerae ogawa was studied by a localized vibriolytic plaque procedures which permits the enumeration of immunocytes. the antibody response to a single injection with identical doses of antigen was comparatively studied by both intraperitoneal and subcutaneous immunization. the highest titre was noted two weeks after the intraperitoneal and three days after the subcutaneous injection. inhibit ...1978568906
basic criteria and classification scheme for bacteriophages acting against cholera vibrios of the classical and el tor accordance with the principles, nomenclature and taxonomic tests recommended by the tcnv for the systematization of viruses, cholera and el tor phages were classified in all categories of the taxonomic hierarchy. on the basis of this classification, all known cholera bacteriophages could be affiliated to the biological type vira, sub-type deoxyvira, class 2/d b -- deoxybinala, family phagoviridae, genus phagovirus vibrio and species phagovirus cholerae. phagovirus cholerae includes homologous ...1979574886
phage typing of vibrio cholerae using a new collection of phages.the authors formed a collection of typing phages in order to differentiate cholera vibrios of both biotypes. the collection consists of 7 phages proposed by mukerjee for typing vibrios of the classical biotype and 3 el tor phages isolated at the period of the 7th pandemy of cholera. in forming the typing collection the authors observed the following principles: 1) to crate a single set of typing phages and a single scheme of phage type differentiation of classical cholera and el tor vibrios; 2) ...1979575151
[serologic investigations in a village of haute volta at the end of a cholera epidemic]. 1977579326
ecological study of vibrios in tiber, aniene and small rivers in the rome outskirts. 1977579327
isolation of nontoxinogenic mutants of vibrio cholerae in a colorimetric assay for cholera toxin using the s49 mouse lymphosarcoma cell line.a mouse lymphosarcoma (s49) cell line that is growth-inhibited by agents that elevate intracellular concentrations of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic phosphate was used in a sensitive and convenient colorimetric assay for cholera toxin. s49 cells suspended in dulbecco's modified eagle's minimal essential medium containing 10(-5)--10(-6) m ro 20-1724, an analogue of 4-(3,4-demethoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, were growth-inhibited by subnanogram concentrations of cholera t ...1978580785
nucleic acids hydrolysis by vibrio cholerae. 1978581570
antibiotic resistance of vibrio cholerae: special considerations of r-plasmids.studies on the transmission of r plasmid by conjugation between enterobacteria and vibrio or related bacteria were reviewed. the majority of the reports confirmed successful transmission from enterobacteria to vibrio cholerae and related species, although the transmission frequencies were extremely low and the transmitted r plasmid was very unstable except for thermosensitive kanamycin plasmid and usual r plasmid coexisting with p plasmid. strains of v. cholerae and aeromonas liquefaciens as wel ...1978581573
characterization of lipid a and polysaccharide moieties of the lipopolysaccharides from vibrio cholerae.lipid a and polysaccharide moieties obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of the lipopolysaccharides from vibrio cholerae 569 b (inaba) and vibrio el-tor (inaba) were characterized. heterogeneity of lipid a fractions was indicated by t.l.c. and by gel filtration of the de-o-acylated products from mild alkaline methanolysis of the lipids. presumably lipid a contains a glucosamine backbone, and the fatty acids are probably bound to the hydroxyl and amino groups of glucosamine residues. approximately eq ...1977588246
variations in whole cell extractable lipids of two antigenically different strains of vibrio cholerae under different growth conditions. 1977590982
the rapid diagnosis of cholera.a simple method is described for the diagnosis of cholera, literally within seconds, and for the typing of the organism within minutes. diagnosis is made directly by the microscopical examination of a drop of rice-water stool, using immersion dark-ground illumination, with no adjustment whatever of the lighting, condenser, or objective. it uses the miniature microscope, either in the laboratory, or held in the hand in the absence of a bench, for example at the bedside or in the field. the method ...1977592456
the combined effect of radiotherapy and neuraminidase-treated tumor cells on 3-methylcholanthrene-induced immunotherapy with tumor cells treated in vitro with vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (vcn) plus mitomycin c augments the antitumor effects of local x irradiation in the treatment of firmly established methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma, mc-43, in syngeneic c3h/hej female mice. in most experiments, the inhibition of tumor growth was greater when vcn-treated tumor cells were combined with local irradiation than could be achieved with vcn-treated tumor cells or local irradiation alone. ev ...1977592852
[method of identifying l-forms of cholera vibrios]. 1977596012
[detection of l forms of vibrio cholerae in the water of open water reservoirs].l-forms of cholera vibrios were isolated from the river water for the first time. the presence of l-forms in water permitted to suppose that such variants served as one of the forms of cholera causative agent preservation in the external medium.1977596014
a simple selective medium for isolation of vibrios with particular reference to vibrio parahaemolyticus. 1977598910
membrane-bound enterotoxin of vibrio cholerae.the mode of transport of the complex toxin molecule of vibrio cholerae (which has a mol. wt of 84000 and consists of several subunits) across the inner and outer membranes of v. cholerae is not known. in this study we found two peptides in the outer and inner membranes of v. cholerae which may be the form in which the toxin subunits are transported across the membrane. we examined two growth conditions: aerobic growth at 37 degrees c, when most of the synthesized toxin is membrane-bound; and ana ...1977599329
additional serovars and inter-o antigenic relationships of vibrio cholerae. 1977599728
serovars of vibrio cholerae identified during 1970-1975. 1977599729
[houseflies (m. domestica l.) as transmitters of the agent of cholera].the authors present the experimental results of study of the role played by domestic flies in the spread of cholera causative agents. it was found that cholera microbes survived on the external surface of flies for 5 to 7 days, and in the insect organism--in the course of their whole life. cholera vibrios underwent no sharp changes in the organism of flies. by means of individual infection method and keeping of flies excluding a possibility. by means of individual infection method and keeping o ...1977602541
re-examination of small intestinal disposal of vibrio cholerae in mice.the rapid disposal of antibody-treated vibrios by peristalsis in whole animal models makes it difficult to obtain clear evidence for a simultaneous intra-intestinal bactericidal effect. in this paper we have re-examined the evidence for direct intra-intestinal killing. we have found that the data can be explained adequately by peristaltic effects without postulating a direct bactericidal action in vivo.1977603462
isolation and characterisation of a non-toxinogenic mutant of v. cholerae and possibility of a live oral cholera vaccine. 1977604253
boosting of secretory iga antibody responses in man by parenteral cholera vaccination.the occurrence of specific antibodies to vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide in serum, milk, and saliva of pakistani women from a very low socioeconomic group was studied before and after a single subcutaneous cholera vaccination. before immunization all women had low levels of specific antibodies in serum, primarily of igm class, and in many cases cholera iga angibodies were found in milk and saliva as well, indicating earlier natural exposure. the vaccination consistently induced a marked rise ...1977605366
[choleric vibrios and their atypical forms]. 1977607469
possible immunological action of vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (vcn) in tumor immunotherapy. 1977608528
spontaneous mammary tumors in mongrel dogs. a relevant model to demonstrate tumor therapeutical success by application of neuraminidase-treated tumor cells. 1977608530
toxicological studies with therapeutically-applicable vibrio cholerae neuraminidase.neuraminidase was submitted to a preclinical toxicological investigation in short--and long--term experiments. the acute toxicity in mice, rats, and guinea pigs is low (ld 50 i.v.: mouse 30,000 units/kg, rat 44,000 units/kg, guinea pig 7,700 units/kg; s.c.: mouse, rat, guinea pig more than 30,000 u/kg). after i.v. injection into dogs, respiration is not at all and blood pressure only slightly altered. neuraminidase is pyrogenfree in the rabbit test. assays of antigenicity in guinea pigs and test ...1977608531
an investigation of cholora outbreak in raipur district. 1977608722
carrier state in cholera. 1977608772
an epidemiological approach to the study of the role of carriers and natural water sources in the maintenance of cholera infection in an endemic area in calcutta. 1977608773
[non agglutinable cholera vibrios (nag) in sewage, riverwater, and seawater (author's transl)]. 1977610254
studies of the polysaccharide fraction from the cell wall lipopolysaccharides (o-antigens) of vibrio cholerae. 1977612536
"vibrio cholerae" nag strains typable with cholera phages. 1977616256
bacteriology and laboratory diagnosis of cholera. 1977617670
failure of immunotherapy with neuraminidase-treated tumor cell vaccine in mice bearing established 3-methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas.c3h/hej mice bearing mc-80 fibrosarcomas were given immunotherapy consisting of multiple injections of a vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (vcn)-treated tumor cell vaccine at a site remote from the established tumor. in five separate experiments we were unable to show either partial or complete tumor regression or prolongation of survival for vaccine-treated mice compared to appropriate controls. further, the use of bcg in addition to vcn-treated tumor cells failed to show any therapeutic efficacy. ...1978621758
quantitative measurements of cholera enterotoxin in cultures of toxinogenic wild-type and nontoxinogenic mutant strains of vibrio cholerae by using a sensitive and specific reversed passive hemagglutination assay for cholera enerotoxin.a sensitive and specific reversed passive hemagglutination (rpha) assay for cholera enterotoxin has been developed. equine anti-choleragenoid antibodies purified by immunoadsorption were covalently coupled to formalinized sheep erythrocytes, using bis-diazotized benzidine, and the antitoxin-sensitized erythrocytes were shown to agglutinate specifically in the presence of cholera enterotoxin. in a microtiter rpha assay system, the smallest quantity of enterotoxin that caused hemagglutination was ...1978624584
suppression of pathogenicity by p and v plasmids in vibrio experimental models of cholera, some strains of vibrio cholerae harbouring p or v or both plasmids were markedly less pathogenic than isogenic strains devoid of these plasmids. this effect was due to decreased production of toxin by p+, v+ or p+v+ bacteria compared with their parents.1978632803
effect of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on vibrio clearance in cholera (el tor): a comparative study.the efficacy of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (tmp-smx) has been compared with that of tetracycline and chloramphenicol in 175 bacteriologically confirmed cases of cholera admitted to the infectious diseases hospital delhi. vibrio cholerae, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, were isolated from all the patients. tmp-smx showed greater in vitro inhibition and earlier eradication from the intestinal tract and is recommended as a suitable vibriocidal agent against cholera.1978635974
on the significance of sialic acid in high affinity 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake by synaptosomes.synaptosomes isolated from rat brain cortex incorporated [14c]5-hydroxytryptamine at 37 degrees c with high affinity. an apparent transport constant of kt = 50nm was found. the high affinity uptake was decreased by treatment of synaptosomes with neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae or clostridium perfringens prior to incubation with [14c]5-hydroxytryptamine. the inhibition was related to the amount of sialic acid released, with a ki value of 3.5 micrometer. a non-competitive type of inhibition was ...1978640586
some interesting isolates from a diagnostic laboratory.citrobacter koseri, plesiomonas shigelloides, edwardsiella tarda, yersinia enterocolitica, alkalescens dispar, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and vibrio alginolyticus were seven interesting microorganisms isolated recently in our diagnostic laboratory.1978641196
non-cholera vibrio infections in the united states. clinical, epidemiologic, and laboratory features.non-cholera vibrios are organisms that are biochemically indistinguishable from vibrio cholerae but do not agglutinate in vibrio 0 group 1 antiserum. since 1972 there has been a dramatic increase in the number of these organisms referred to the center for disease control for identification. clinical, epidemiologic, and laboratory data were analyzed for 26 of 28 patients with isolates identified between january 1972 and march 1975. thirteen (50%) of the isolates were obtained from feces of patien ...1978646241
[morphological and immunomorphological changes in the intestines and regional lymph nodes of gnotobiotic rats--chronic carriers of vibrio cholerae el-tor].in the course of chronic carrier state of el-tor vibrio cholerae gnotobiotic rats develop an immunomorphological reaction in the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines, peter's patches, and mesenterial lymph nodes consisting in activation of reactive centers of follicles, hyperplasia of reticular cells, and an increase in the number of pyroninophilic plasma cells. the vibrio cholerae caused no pathological changes in enterocytes and other cells but its inoculation was accompanied by ...1978646664
[a patient with cholera in the netherlands]. 1978652083
the critical role of iron in host-bacterial interactions.the ability of potential pathogens to acquire iron in a host is an important determinant of both their virulence and the nature of the infection produced. virulent gram-negative bacteria are capable of acquiring sufficient iron from the host because their virulence (for chick embryos) is unaffected by exogenous iron. avirulent mutants which are apparently limited in their ability to acquire iron could be isolated from the virulent strains. the lethality of these mutants was significantly enhance ...1978659605
[selected chapters from clinical bacteriology. ii. cholera]. 1978662828
[enteropathogenicity of hemolysing el tor vibrios].the authors studied the enteropathogenic properties of 11 strains of hemolysing e1 tor vibrios, of which 8 in enteric administration to suckling rabbits caused no death of the animals, and 3 caused the animal death with the phenomena of diarrhea, but without any typical cholerogenicity syndrome. in case of administration with mucine the pathogenic properties were revealed in 6 strains more. use of strains grown on media with starch for the infection led, in individual cases, to the manifestation ...1978665017
[effect of sulfide water from natural springs on the properties of vibrino cholerae].the authors studied the properties of e1 tor cholera vibrios isolated from sulfide water of the natural sources. there was demonstrated under experimental and natural conditions the influence of ecological conditions of sulfide water on such vibrio properties as cholerogenicity, sensitivity to diagnostic and typing phages, hemolytic activity and the value of the hemolysin-destructive factor. a short-liver stay of cholera vibrios in sulfide water was accompanied by some reduction of their virulen ...1978665018
[el tor vibrios with different enteropathogenicities].the authors summed up the results of study of enteropathogenicity of 270 strains of the el tor vibrios isolated the last 11 years. over 2 000 nursling rabbits were used. el tor vibrios were divided by their enteropathogenic properties into three categories: 1) the highly enteropathogenic (cholerogenic) ones causing the death of all the biotest nursling rabbits with a characteristic syndrome of cholerogenicity, and failing to lyse sheep erythrocytes; 2) enteropathogenic ones, causing death of som ...1978665027
[search for an optimal medium for culturing the cholera vibrio using a method of mathematical experimental design]. 1978665047
neuraminidase gangliosides interactions. 1978665377
purification of cholera toxin and its subunits: new methods of preparation and the use of hypertoxinogenic mutants.cholera toxin was obtained in pure form by fractionation on two phosphocellulose columns successively. cholera toxin and choleragenoid were quantitatively and selectively adsorbed to the first column in 10 mm phosphate buffer, ph 7.0, and were subsequently eluted with buffer of high ionic strength. the toxin was then separated from choleragenoid on the second column by chromatography at ph 8.3. the toxin obtained was highly active and pure as judged by electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and ...1978669812
sialic acid release by vibrio cholerae sialidase (neuraminidase) from the outer surface of neural cells is greatly raised by halothane. 1978671010
[the choice of optimal sensitizing dose of the antigen in the preparation of cholera erythrocytic diagnostic agent, with consideration to the avidity of antibodies under study].the authors studied the comparative antigenic activity in the indirect hemagglutination test (ihat) of erythrocytic diagnostic agents sensitized with various doses of cholera o-antigen. a definite dependence of the ihat results on the avidity degree of the antibodies determined in the serum was demonstrated. to ascertain the maximal levels of highly avid antibodies (in the hyperimmune cholera sera) it is possible to use antigen doses exceeding the optimal sensitizing ones. in examination of less ...1978676601
structural studies of a specific polysaccharide isolated from non-agglutinable vibrio.the purified, specific polysaccharide from vibrio cholera type nag, nv 384, o-antigen, 2a, 2b human, contains glucose (5.14%), galactose (4.21%), mannose (64.8%), xylose (3.16%), arabinose (1.98%), fucose (1.50%), mannuronic acid (14.3%), phosphate (0.32%), 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose (2.9%), and 2-amino-2-deoxy-d-galactose (1.0%). various reactions have shown that the material comprises a phosphoric diester-linked polysaccharide containing mainly ( 1 leads to 2)-linked mannopyranose residues that ...1978679219
isolation and characterization of protease-deficient mutants of vibrio cholerae.mutants of vibrio cholerae that were deficient in protease production were isolated by picking clones form gelatin or casein plates which showed reduced zones of proteolysis. all mutants showed reduced ability to degrade complex proteins (casein and gelatin), and those tested were deficient in ability to degrade chicken egg ovomucin. some of the mutants demonstrated a decrease in neuraminidase activity. almost all mutants showed a dramatic loss of virulence in the infant mouse, although toxin wa ...1978681794
[isolation and properties of cholera vibrio neuraminidase]. 1978685200
vibriocidal antibody titer rise after rectal or anal administration of vibrio cholerae in many developing countries and ablution with surface water is a daily habit. this water is heavily contaminated with microbes, raising the possibility that and contamination may lead to immune responses. this hypothesis was experimentally tested in 21 dogs by anal or rectal application of vibrio cholerae suspension v. cholerae was recovered from rectal swab cultures for a mean of one day after rectal contamination and 2.5 days after anal application (p less than .02). significant increases occ ...1978685952
the 4-amino sugars present in the lipopolysaccharides of vibro cholerae and related vibrios.brief treatment, with 10 m hydrochloric acid, of the lipopolysaccharides of vibrio cholerae and related organisms led to the release of 4-amino-4, 6-dideoxy-d-mannose (d-perosamine) and 4-amino-4-deoxyl-l-arabinose. these sugar are highly unstable and undergo complex changes in neutral and basic media. of the strains examined, the lipopolysaccharides from representatives of the inaba group contain only d-perosamine, while those of the ogawa biotype have 4-amino-4-deoxyl-l-arabinose as an additio ...1978687663
effect of immunization by bcg and phytohaemagglutinin-p on the kinetics of antibody response to v. cholerae. 1978689711
intestinal distribution of vibrio cholerae in orally infected infant mice: kinetics of recovery of radiolabel and viable cells.kinetics of distribution of vibrio cholerae in the gastrointestinal tract of orally challenged infant mice were examined by determining recovery of input dose from the whole gut and from individual segments of stomach, upper bowel, and lower bowel. the strains studied were 569b, ca401, and vb12 (a rough ca401). recovery was determined as a percentage of either input radiolabel using 35s-labeled cells or input colony-forming units. we found clearance of radiolabel and viable cells from the stomac ...1978689734
mannose-sensitive haemagglutinins in adherence of vibrio cholerae eltor to intestine. 1978690600
protective antitoxic cholera immunity in mice: influence of route and number of immunizations and mode of action of protective adult mouse model has been elaborated for studies of experimental cholera (vibrio cholerae enterotoxin-induced intestinal secretion) and protective antitoxic immunity in either ligated small bowel loops or intact small intestine. mice of different inbred strains varied markedly in intestinal susceptibility to toxin, c57b1 being the most sensitive strain tested. fluid accumulation started within 1 h after the inoculation of toxin and was maximal after 5 h, whereafter recovery gradually ensued. ...1978696335
stability of r plasmids belonging to different incompatibility groups in vibrio cholerae "eltor".twenty two resistance plasmids belonging to fourteen incompatibility groups have been transferred by conjugation into two sensitive strains of vibrio cholerae "eltor". only five plasmids were stably inherited in these strains: four of these belong to group incc, and one to group incj. all other plasmids were lost at high frequency when the bacteria were grown in drug-free medium. these facts might explain why very few multiresistant strains of v. cholerae have been isolated so far but do not exc ...1978697261
genetic transformation of enterobacteria & vibrios to streptomycin resistance. 1978700786
vibrio cholerae neuraminidase susceptible n-acetyl neuraminic acid (sialic acid) levels in human leukaemia. 1978700974
single-dose doxycycline for determine the efficacy of single-dose doxycycline in the treatment of cholera, we carried out a randomized prospective trial in 65 patients. treatment consisted of either a single dose of 200 mg of doxycycline (or 4 mg/kg in patients less than 15 years old) or multiple doses of doxycycline, 500 mg over 4 days (or 10 mg/kg in patients less than 15 years old). there were no differences between the groups in the volumes of intravenous fluid required, volumes of diarrheal stool, or durations of d ...1978708024
induction of a mucosal antitoxin response and its role in immunity to experimental canine cholera.the induction of a jejunal antitoxin response was studied in dogs immunized with cholera toxin or toxoid. single doses of toxoid given subcutaneously (s.c.) or of toxin given intraluminally (i.l.) were each effective in priming the mucosal immune system, whereas toxoid given i.l. was much less effective. in contrast, toxin and toxoid given i.l. were each effective as booster antigens. the local secondary response was rapid and brief, the peak occurring at about 7 days after i.l. boosting and dec ...1978711314
genetic mapping of mutations in independently isolated nontoxinogenic mutants of vibrio cholerae.conjugal mating experiments were performed between donor strains of vibrio cholerae carrying the vibrio sex plasmid p and recipient strains lacking the p plasmid. donor and recipient genotypes differed with respect to toxinogenicity (tox), nutritional requirements, and antibiotic susceptibilities. recombinants carrying selected donor and recipient markers were produced at low frequencies in conjugal matings. mapping of tox markers was accomplished by scoring for the frequency of coinheritance of ...1978711315
prevalence of non-cholera vibrios in cavum nasi and pharynx of ducks.investigations among ducks on ten different farms showed a high prevalence of vibrio cholerae in cavum nasi and pharynx after the ducks were admitted to the open field. in no case was vibrio cholerae isolated from ducks which had never been outside the houses. at least six serovars were isolated, 0:54 being the most prevalent. all the strains isolated produced a distinctive cytotoxic effect in yi adrenal cells and caused fluid accumulation in rabbit gut loops. migratory birds were incriminated a ...1978716918
[animal study on radioactive antigenic fractions isolated from v.cholerae. i. the ch 1 + 2 fraction].the ch 1 + 2 fraction has been marked by means of culture of vibrio cholerae ogawa hk1 on a synthetic medium containing leucine h3. the antigen distribution has been then studied before and after vaccination with the same non-marked antigen in normal and axenic mice, at the same time by the demonstration of radioactivity and radioimmunofluorescence in intestine, spleen, liver, kidney and thymus. whichever the administration route, intestine and spleen are first stimulated, then more intensively ...1978719845
desialylation of glycoconjugates using immobilized vibrio cholerae neuraminidase. preparation, properties and use of the bound enzyme.neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae was immobilized on sepharose 4b using the cyanogen bromide technique. the properties of the bound enzyme were found to be similar to those of the soluble form, except for an appreciably improved stability on storage at equivalent dilution and a reduction in recovered activity. evidence was obtained that the binding of large molecular weight substrates to the bound enzyme is modified due to the immobilized state of the enzyme. the use of the enzyme gel for desia ...1978721069
[morphologic variability of cholera vibrios]. 1978726740
[viability and properties of cholera vibrios cultivated in mineral water].samples of mineral water from thermal spas of "matsesta" health resorts were infected with cholera vibrio strains. in nonsterile mineral water diluted with distilled water 1 : 2, 1 : 4, and 1 : 8 and stored at 37 degrees c survival periods of cholera vibrio constituted 289 days for classic biotype, and 413 days for el tor biotype. in boiled mineral water stored at 20-24 degrees c this period was 1429 days for both biotypes. prolonged cultivation of cholera vibrios in mineral water had no effect ...1978726747
glycine-containing lipopolysaccharide isolated from vibrio cholerae 4715 (nag). 1978729130
study of lactose teepol agar in diagnosis of cholera. 1978730265
isolation and phenotypic characterization of virulence-deficient mutants of vibrio cholerae.mutants of vibrio cholerae was isolated on the basis of reduced ability to induce diarrhea in orally challenged infant mice. nitrosoguanidine-treated clones were screened for low fluid accumulation ratios in individual mice, and presumptive mutants were confirmed in additional mouse tests. mutants were examined for alterations in phage type, motility, toxin production, proteolytic activity, neuraminidase production, amylase production, morphology, growth requirements, carbohydrate fermentations, ...1978730346
role of motility in experimental cholera in adult rabbits.the role of motility in the pathogenesis of cholera was evaluated in ligated ileal loops of adult rabbits. four strains of vibrio cholerae (including both inaba and ogawa serotypes of both classical and el tor biotypes) were compared with their aflagellated, but fully toxigenic and prototrophic, isogenic derivatives as to their ability to produce fluid accumulation in the rabbit gut. the nonmotile mutants required an at least 100-fold-higher dose than their respective wild-type strains to produc ...1978730361
survival and multiplication of vibrio cholerae in the upper bowel of infant mice.the survival and multiplication of vibrio cholerae strains of varying virulence in the upper bowel of orally challenged infant mice early in infection has been examined. analysis of changes in the apparent specific activity (counts per minute per colony-forming unit) of the cell population after 4 h compared with the inoculum indicated that strain ca401 established a viable, multiplying cell population, whereas strains vb12 (a rough variant) and 569b were subject to host bactericidal and bacteri ...1978730364
cholera: possible infection from aircraft effluent.this paper presents the hypothesis that some cases of cholera might be due to effluent discharge from aircraft. the theoretical case is borne out by inspection of data on the physical conditions pertaining between high altitudes and ground level. a study of the distribution of isolated outbreaks and single cases of disease and their relation to major airline routes showed a reasonable correspondence. sporadic outbreaks of cholera in europe between 1970 and 1975 were found to lie within the fligh ...1978731020
sialic acid: a specific role in hematopoietic spleen colony formation.vibrio cholerae neuraminidase (vcn) treatment of donor bone marrow cells results in a reduction in the number of hematopoietic colonies (cfus) formed in the spleens of lethally irradiated mice. treatment of marrow cells with sodium periodate under mild conditions, known to preferentially oxidize sialic acid, also reduced cfus while subsequent potassium borohydride reduction restored cfus to 80% of control levels. innoculum viability as measured by in vitro incorporation of tritiated precursors i ...1978732308
plasmid-induced loss of virulence in vibrio cholerae. 1978732874
[occurrence and ecology of nag vibrios in surface waters (author's transl)]. 1978735570
difference in resistance of subunits a and b of vibrio cholerae toxin (choleragen) to treatment with pronase.disc electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate, performed on choleragen after incubation with pronase, only showed the band corresponding to the b subunit, while the a subunit was lost. when examined in immunodiffusion, the digested choleragen was still able to precipitate with specific antibodies. on the other hand, toxicity was considerably reduced.1978738397
toxic and immunological properties of the lipopolysaccharides (o-antigens) from vibrio el-tor. 1978738758
isolation and characterization of a novel ganglioside, monosialosyl pentahexaosyl ceramide from human brain.a novel monosialosyl ganglioside was isolated from human brain in a yield of 2.1 nmol of the lipid-bound sialic acid per g of wet weight (0.09% of total lipid-bound sialic acid). the ganglioside was resistant to the action of vibrio cholerae neuraminidase. by treatment with n-acetylhexosaminidase, methylation analysis, cro3 oxidation, and partial acid hydrolysis, the structure of this ganglioside was determined to be; galnac(beta, 1-4)gal(beta, 1-3)galnac(beta, 1-4)gal(beta, 1-4)glc(beta, 1-1)ce ...1978739007
survey of vibriocidal antibody level among normal population in kalyoubia, egypt. 1978739204
the role of antigen form and the induction of an intestinal immune response to cholera toxin/toxoid in rats. 1978742499
motility of the pathogen and intestinal immunity of the host in experimental cholera.1) motility seems to be required for an intimate association with the intestinal mucosa which is necessary for efficient toxin delivery in the pathogenicity of v. cholerae. 2) a vaccine of semipurified flagella (cf) afforded a high degree of active and passive immunity in the rabbit ileum to both homologous and heterologous challenge strains. 3) the nature of the immunoglobulin type involved in the active immunity elicited by cf was not clear but preliminary indications implicate both s-iga and ...1978742500
inactivation of endogenous fsh by neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae.counting experiments on ovary-slices of animals treated with neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae demonstrate that endogenous fsh is inactivated by the enzyme. comparisons with a zero-test group showed inhibition of antrum formation.1978744182
[study of vibrio cholerae fractions. ii. a comparison of the immunochemical and biological properties of preparations of alkaline extracts (vibrionin) and the endotoxin of vibrio cholerae].comparative study of immuno-chemical and biological properties of vibrionin and cholera vibrio endotoxin showed vibrionin to contain up to 73.5% of protein, whereas endotoxin preparations contained only 25% of protein. use of disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel permitted to determine the relative electrophoretic mobility of the protein component bands of both preparations. residual quantities of o-antigenic cholera vibrio determinants were revealed serologically in the vibrionin preparati ...1978747006
[study of vibrio cholerae fractions. iii. the gel chromatographic and immunochemical characteristics of vibrionin].three fractions differing by molecular weight (fraction 1--greater than 14 x 10(4)--less than 2 x 10(6) dalton, fraction 11--greater than 7 x 10(4)--less than 14 x 10(4) dalton, fraction iii--greater than l0(4) less 35 x 10(3) dalton) were isolated from vibrionin, a preparation of cholera allergen, by gel chromatography on sephadex g-150. these fractions possessed a different immunochemical activity and were capable of detecting the state of increased sensitivity to cholera vibrio.1978747007
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