
synthesis of 3,6-dideoxy-d-erythro-hexos-4-ulose and identification as the 3,6-dideoxy-4-ketohexose from pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19734733819
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 3. isolation and cultivation]. 19734737302
sperm-egg interaction in immature hamster oocytes. 19734754413
micropipet collection of succus entericus at crypt ostia of guinea pig jejunum. 19734765729
uptake and effects of melatonin on the synthesis of proteins by the rat cerebral cortex. 19734766259
toxicity of halogenated oxyquinolines in dogs. a clinical study. i. a survey of cases. 19734772605
[determination of the serological type of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis cultures using type pasteurella pseudotuberculosis bacteriophages]. 19734785003
[neuronal organization of the auditory cortex in the cat]. 19734785718
[quantitative comparison of the synaptic organization in the visual cortices of the cat and rabbit]. 19734787180
[pathological studies on pseudotuberculosis caused by yersinia (pasteurella) pseudotuberculosis. iv. a case of natural infection of a goat]. 19734797134
[effect of insulin and hydrocortisone on hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in rat testis in conditions of chronic hypoxia]. 19734802195
[effects of hormones and chemical mediators on some functional parameters of the rabbit heart. 3. effect of 5-ht]. 19734802212
gastroduodenal motility and synchronization. 19734804464
[ultrastructural characteristics of the craniopharyngoma (normal tumor, organotypical culture, before and after amethopterin)]. 19734807764
microangiography of dog coronary arteries under stress. 19744810146
structure of o-specific side chains of lipopolysaccharides from yersinia pseudotuberculosis.lipopolysaccharide prepared from cells of yersinia (pasteurella) pseudotuberculosis of serogroups i, ii, iii, iv, and v is known to contain the 3,6-dideoxyhexose (ddh) paratose, abequose, paratose, tyvelose, and ascarylose in its respective o-specific side chains. lipopolysaccharides or lipid-free polysaccharides of all of the 10 known serogroups and subgroups were subjected to methylation analysis and determined as alditol acetates by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. the results ...19744813891
[pseudotumoral form of mesenteric lymphadenitis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19744819968
acute terminal ileitis and yersinia infection.acute terminal ileitis was for many years thought to be due only to crohn's disease, though most patients found at laparotomy to have this condition did not progress to the chronic form of crohn's disease. a case of acute terminal ileitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis is presented here to draw attention to another, perhaps predominant, cause of this condition.19744827074
variations in hematologic responses to increased lead absorption in young the study of human populations, much emphasis is placed on the concentration of lead in whole peripheral blood. there is a considerable body of evidence which indicates that this measurement reflects recent and current assimilation of lead. while broad ranges in blood lead concentration have been associated with differing risks of toxicity for groups, it is not a precise index of adverse effect per se, even at elevated levels. within the red blood cell itself there is not a close association ...19744831151
enzymatic synthesis of cytidine diphosphate 3,6-dideoxyhexosis. ix. purification and properties of the cytidine diphosphate-d-glucose pyrophosphorylase from pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. type v. 19744833746
[sugar composition of the lipopolysaccharides of various yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains]. 19744836323
purification and characterization of the molybdenum-iron protein component of nitrogenase from soybean nodule bacteroids. 19744855615
the therapeutic efficacy of thiabendazole for helminthic infections in man; a literature review. 19664861935
heterophile antibodies in human transplantation.sensitization of human recipients with transplantation antigens (leucocytes, skin, or kidney allografts) has resulted in the appearance of serum hemagglutinins directed against sheep, guinea pig, and rat erythrocytes. such hemagglutinins have been identified as igg and igm antibodies. their appearance was not related to ab0 erythrocyte group incompatibility between donors and recipients, and the antibodies were not of the forssman or paul-bunnel type. the antibody responses appeared to be primar ...19684866325
use of tissue adhesives for arterial anastomoses. 19684868534
selective quinone requirement for a limited in vitro multiplication of m. leprae murium. 19674869833
temperature-sensitivity of the weak bonds by which chloramphenicol is held in intact cells. 19684870245
experimental studies by means of fluorescent antibodies (fa) in antisera of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19684870811
sensitivity of klebsiella, enterobacter, and escherichia coli to cephalothin. 19694885058
cellular defense in an arthropod in response to infection with a salmonella typhimurium strain. 19694891326
effects of arterial hypertension and chronic dilatation of receptor area on aortic baroreceptor activity. 19684898787
human growth hormone and hypopituitargrowth retardation. 19694898810
[the position of the teeth in the problem of transplantation]. 19704907129
[noise induced lesions with special reference to abortions in cattle]. 19704919332
recovery of bacteria from damages induced by heat. 19704922670
growth of male-specific bacteriophage in pasteurella harboring f-genotes derived from escherichia coli.when either the f' lac or the f'cm plasmid was transferred from escherichia coli into pasteurella pseudotuberculosis, the p. pseudotuberculosis (f') strains isolated formed plaques with both ribonucleic acid (rna)-containing and deoxyribonucleic acid-containing male-specific phages. in contrast, strains of p. pestis harboring e. coli (f') plasmids did not form plaques with male-specific phages, although such strains permitted limited multiplication of phage ms2. the adsorption and burst size of ...19714925437
chromoome mapping of asteurella pseudotuberculosis by interrupted mating.pasteurella pseudotuberculosis, containing the escherichia coli plasmid f'lac, transferred its chromosome in an oriented manner to each of five multiply auxotrophic strains of p. pseudotuberculosis. in a mating system containing gelatin, glucose, and phosphate buffer, a maximum of 0.02% of the donor cells transferred lead markers. the donor population was counterselected with nalidixic acid. we established the entry time of seven markers as follows: proline (11 min); arginine (14 min); histidine ...19714926685
thymidine diphosphate 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxyhexoses. iv. purification and properties of thymidine diphosphate 4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose transaminase from pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19714928644
induction of immunological tolerance by a hapten (dnp) bound to a non-immunogenic protein carrier. 19714928923
[characteristics of yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains isolated from diseases in humans]. 19714931521
variations in the metal content of some commercial media and their effect on microbial growth.the cation content in commercial media obtained from two manufacturers showed considerable variation. even different batches of the same make were found to be inconsistent in the content of metal ions. with cultures of cytophaga sp. and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in base media, growth stimulation was dependent on additions of certain commercial media. it could be demonstrated that this stimulation was derived solely from increased mg(2+) concentration in the media.19714940866
high-frequency gene transfer in pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19714947316
the growing importance of california arboviruses in the etiology of human disease. 19714950607
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis information as background for understanding plague. 19654953247
studies on phagocytosis of a strain of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. i. in vitro phagocytosis without participation of opsonins. 19664958855
material for the study ofvariation in the malayan langat virus (tp-21 strain).the lack of genetic uniformity of the malayan langat virus, tp-21 strain isolated from ixodes granulatus ticks in malaya, was demonstrated.increased pathogenicity of the virus for white mice and rhesus monkeys after passage through chick-embryo fibroblast cultures at temperatures of 36 degrees c and 40 degrees c is due to the selection of the pathogenic virus particles which are always present in the initial brain-tissue suspension of the tp-21 langat strain.the frequency of the occurrence of pa ...19684973556
some characteristics of a heat-labile toxin from pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19694976343
rhizobia (with particular reference to relationships with host plants). 19694981085
[familial occurrence of human pseudotuberculosis caused by pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19694981300
[isolation of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis from inguinal lymph nodes]. 19694989348
[contribution to the serology and epidemiology of human pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19694989484
studies on yersinia (pasteurella) pseudotuberculosis. i. sources and serological classification of the organism isolated in japan. 19704990817
staphylococcal clumping and fibrinogen and fibrin degradation products in inflammatory exudate. 19714993215
increasing effectiveness of antilymphocytic globulin by prevention of antibody formation to horse igg. 19714999467
osteomyelitis in turkeys caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19725022504
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infections in western canada. 19725025378
a morphometric and electron microscopic study of the aortic wall in experimental hypertension. 19725050953
[the morphodynamics of experimental infection caused by pasteurela (yersinia) pseudotuberculosis]. 19725052120
retroperitoneal abscess and septic arthritis of the hip in children: a problem in differential diagnosis. 19725054453
regulation of the immune system by synthetic polynucleotides. iv. amplification of proliferation of thymus-influenced lymphocytes. 19725062324
[appendicular form of familial infection with yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19725064730
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in the united states. speticema, appendicitis, and mesenteric lymphadenitis. 19715093665
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection complicating acute appendicitis. 19715093863
the metabolism of tantalum in the rat. 19715095638
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection: three cases in the united states. 19715099779
studies on yersinia (pasteurella) pseudotuberculosis. ii. a new type of y. pseudotuberculosis, type vi, and subdivision of type v strains. 19715105015
[case of fatal septicemia due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19715107028
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. acute sepsis with survival. 19715111667
human infection with pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19715113409
bacteriologic diagnosis of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19715148868
chemical and immunochemical studies on pasteurella pseudotuberculosis lipopolysaccharides. i. isolation and general characterization. 19715167880
tissue reactions in white mice after intraperitoneal introduction of killed yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria. preliminary report. 19695260972
the influence of some physical and chemical agents on survival of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19715285309
[pasteurella pseudotuberculosis (syn. yersinia pseudotuberculosis) as the causing agent of parinaud's conjunctivitis]. 19675302145
[comparative investigations on the detection of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis antibodies with the indirect fluorescence serological method and widal reaction]. 19655322987
[pasteurella pseudotuberculosis in man]. 19655323829
[recent experimental studies with pasteurella pseudotuberculosis (yersinia pseudotuberculosis)]. 19655333435
[relationship between coliphages t2 and 3, and phage pst of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19695348706
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis as a cause of erythema nodosum. 19695359900
[human infection caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis (malassez and vignal bacillus) and yersinia enterocolitica]. 19695380346
morphological change of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis on tellurite media. 19695386332
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis associated with abortion and pneumonia in the bovine. 19695388273
[experiments to explain the possibility of multiplication and increase in virulence of the septicemic-infective agent in the crop of blood-sucking arthropods. i. study on a pasteurella pseudotuberculosis model]. 19695398232
[pathology of the natural yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in cats]. 19695408015
mesenteric lymphadenitis and terminal ileitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19705424008
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis as a cause of suppurative mesenteric lymphadenitis. 19705464483
[on the reproductive ability and changes in the energy metabolism of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis strains of varying virulence]. 19705511979
mesenteric lymphadenitis due to pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19705520422
mesenteric lymphadenitis due to pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. 19705527610
"a minor epidemic" of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection. 19705530845
fatal septicaemia due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19715547581
septicemia with pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and liver disease. 19715560870
[erythema nodosum caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19715564726
[the identification of humoral antibodies after immunization against yersinia pseudotuberculosis (synonym pasteurella pseudotuberculosis)]. 19675601716
[epidemiologic experiences with cumulative incidence of diseases caused by pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19675624730
[differential medium for isolating pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19685713231
acute mesenteric lymphadenitis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19685731344
[a case of familal infection with pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19695805869
erythema nodosum due to pasteurella pseudotuberculosis.two children developed erythema nodosum due to pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. neither case showed typical signs of p. pseudotuberculosis infection, but this cause was shown by positive agglutination tests. it is suggested that this organism is a more common cause of erythema nodosum than is at present recognized.19695813681
sources and serological classification of 177 strains of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis isolated in great britain. 19655843946
Displaying items 1601 - 1700 of 5215