QX-like infectious bronchitis virus in Africa. | | 2011 | 22121184 |
a recombinant avian infectious bronchitis virus expressing a heterologous spike gene belonging to the 4/91 serotype. | we have shown previously that replacement of the spike (s) gene of the apathogenic ibv strain beau-r with that from the pathogenic strain of the same serotype, m41, resulted in an apathogenic virus, beaur-m41(s), that conferred protection against challenge with m41. we have constructed a recombinant ibv, beaur-4/91(s), with the genetic backbone of beau-r but expressing the spike protein of the pathogenic ibv strain 4/91(uk), which belongs to a different serogroup as beaudette or m41. similar to ... | 2011 | 21912629 |
preparation and characterization of egg yolk immunoglobulin y specific to influenza b virus. | the aim of this study was to prepare egg yolk immunoglobulin (igy) for use in the prevention and treatment of influenza b viral infections. laying hens were immunized with inactivated influenza b virus (ibv), and igy was isolated from the egg yolk by multiple polyethylene glycol (peg) 6000 extraction and ammonium sulfate purification steps. the titers and specificity of the purified antibodies were assessed. the specific igy titer increased beginning the second week after the first immunization, ... | 2012 | 22127067 |
Phylogenetic analysis of S1 gene of infectious bronchitis virus isolates from China. | Between 2006 and 2009, seven strains of infectious bronchitis (IB) virus (IBV) were isolated from vaccinated chicken flocks on different chicken farms in China. The pathogenic characters of seven IBV strains were assessed. Each of the seven strains was infective to the test chickens and could induce an immune response. The results from chicken embryo cross-neutralization assays showed that these strains were antigenically distinct from classic IBV strains of H120, M41, Conn, and Gray. Compared t ... | 2011 | 22017046 |
Modification of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus for vaccine development. | Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes an infectious respiratory disease of domestic fowl that affects poultry of all ages causing economic problems for the poultry industry worldwide. Although IBV is controlled using live attenuated and inactivated vaccines it continues to be a major problem due to the existence of many serotypes, determined by the surface spike protein resulting in poor cross-protection, and loss of immunogenicity associated with vaccine production. Live attenuated IBV vacci ... | 2012 | 22179147 |
Annexin A2 binds RNA and reduces the frameshifting efficiency of infectious bronchitis virus. | Annexin A2 (ANXA2) is a protein implicated in diverse cellular functions, including exocytosis, DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. It was recently proposed to be involved in RNA metabolism because it was shown to associate with some cellular mRNA. Here, we identified ANXA2 as a RNA binding protein (RBP) that binds IBV (Infectious Bronchitis Virus) pseudoknot RNA. We first confirmed the binding of ANXA2 to IBV pseudoknot RNA by ultraviolet crosslinking and showed its binding to RNA pseudoknot ... | 2011 | 21918681 |
Coronavirus infection induces DNA replication stress partly through interaction of its nonstructural protein 13 with the p125 subunit of DNA polymerase d. | Perturbation of cell cycle regulation is a characteristic feature of infection by many DNA and RNA viruses, including Coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). IBV infection was shown to induce cell cycle arrest at both S and G(2)/M phases for the enhancement of viral replication and progeny production. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well explored. In this study we show that activation of cellular DNA damage response is one of the mechanisms exploited by Coronavirus to induce ce ... | 2011 | 21918226 |
New insights on infectious bronchitis virus pathogenesis: characterization of Italy 02 serotype in chicks and adult hens. | Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a worldwide disease affecting chickens of all ages and causing important economic losses in poultry industry. Despite being one of the predominant IB virus (IBV) serotype in several European countries, slightly is known about pathogenesis and pathogenicity of Italy 02 serotype. In this study chicks and old hens were infected by oculo-nasal route with Italy 02 serotype. Clinical signs, gross and microscopic findings were evaluated, viral nucleic acid detection was as ... | 2011 | 22172297 |
Detection of Chinese Q1 strain of infectious bronchitis virus in Europe. | | 2011 | 21856669 |
The SARS-coronavirus-host interactome: identification of cyclophilins as target for pan-coronavirus inhibitors. | Coronaviruses (CoVs) are important human and animal pathogens that induce fatal respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological disease. The outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002/2003 has demonstrated human vulnerability to (Coronavirus) CoV epidemics. Neither vaccines nor therapeutics are available against human and animal CoVs. Knowledge of host cell proteins that take part in pivotal virus-host interactions could define broad-spectrum antiviral targets. In this study ... | 2011 | 22046132 |
regulation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and dual-specificity phosphatase 1 feedback loop modulates the induction of interleukin 6 and 8 in cells infected with coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. | induction of pro-inflammatory response is a crucial cellular process that detects and controls the invading viruses at early stages of the infection. along with other innate immunity, this nonspecific response would either clear the invading viruses or allow the adaptive immune system to establish an effective antiviral response at late stages of the infection. the objective of this study was to characterize cellular mechanisms exploited by coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) to regula ... | 2011 | 21959016 |
coronavirus genomics and bioinformatics analysis. | the drastic increase in the number of coronaviruses discovered and coronavirus genomes being sequenced have given us an unprecedented opportunity to perform genomics and bioinformatics analysis on this family of viruses. coronaviruses possess the largest genomes (26.4 to 31.7 kb) among all known rna viruses, with g + c contents varying from 32% to 43%. variable numbers of small orfs are present between the various conserved genes (orf1ab, spike, envelope, membrane and nucleocapsid) and downstrea ... | 2010 | 21994708 |
Molecular characterization of infectious bronchitis virus isolates from Russia and neighbouring countries: identification of intertypic recombination in the S1 gene. | Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates recovered in Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan between 2007 and 2010 were subjected to molecular characterization and compared with those isolated a decade ago. The IBV genome was detected in 202 out of 605 field samples from chickens with various clinical signs. Partial sequencing of the S1 gene revealed 153 vaccine strains and 49 field isolates of several genetic groups. Massachusetts, 793/B and D274 remained the predominant IBV genotypes along with QX, ... | 2011 | 21854179 |
profiling of substrate specificities of 3c-like proteases from group 1, 2a, 2b, and 3 coronaviruses. | coronaviruses (covs) can be classified into alphacoronavirus (group 1), betacoronavirus (group 2), and gammacoronavirus (group 3) based on diversity of the protein sequences. their 3c-like protease (3cl(pro)), which catalyzes the proteolytic processing of the polyproteins for viral replication, is a potential target for anti-coronaviral infection. | 2011 | 22073294 |
Emergence of novel strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus in Sweden. | Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes avian infectious bronchitis, an important disease that produces severe economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide. Recent IBV infections in Sweden have been associated with poor growth in broilers, drop in egg production and thin egg shells in layers. The complete spike gene of selected isolates from IBV cases was amplified and sequenced using conventional RT-PCR. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons have shown that the recent isolates be ... | 2011 | 22005179 |
Antiviral activity of arbidol, a broad-spectrum drug for use against respiratory viruses, varies according to test conditions. | The therapeutic activity of arbidol was investigated against representatives of seven different virus families. Its 50% median effective concentration (EC(50) ) was 0.22-11.8?µg/ml (0.41-22?nM). Therapeutic indices of 91 were obtained for type 1 poliovirus and 1.9-8.5 for influenza A and B, human paramyxo-3, avian infectious bronchitis-, and Marek's disease viruses. Arbidol was more inhibitory for influenza A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) virus than rimantadine or amantadine (EC(50) 10 vs. >15 and >31.6?µg/ ... | 2012 | 22028179 |
Live attenuated nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus vaccine provides broad cross protection against new variant strains. | Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infections cause great economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide, and the emergence of new variant strains complicates disease control. The present study investigated the genetic and protectotypic features of newly emerged Korean IBV strains. A phylogenetic analysis showed that several recent isolates formed 2 different clusters (new cluster 1 and 2), which were distinct from other preexisting clusters. New cluster 1 IBV strains represented recombinants ... | 2012 | 22184432 |
nephritis associated with infectious bronchitis virus cal99 variant in game chickens. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) cal99 variant was isolated from the kidneys of seven 2-5-mo-old game chickens with nephritis and respiratory disease. ibv cal99 variant is usually associated with respiratory disease in broiler chickens in california. macroscopically, the majority of the birds had moderately to severely enlarged and mottled pale kidneys, with increased urates in the ureters. microscopically, most of the birds had acute nephrosis and interstitial nephritis. the birds also had sin ... | 2011 | 22017040 |
complete nucleotide analysis of the structural genome of the infectious bronchitis virus strain md27 reveals its mosaic nature. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) causes highly contagious respiratory or urogenital tract diseases in chickens. the maryland 27(md27) strain was first isolated in 1976 from diseased chicken flocks in the delmarva peninsula region. to understand the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of existing strains with md27, the complete nucleotide sequence of the 3'end coding region (~7.2 kb) of md27 was determined and compared with other ibv strains and coronaviruses. it has the same s-3-m-5 ... | 2009 | 21994587 |
egg production in relation to the results of a long term serological survey of 73 flocks of fowl. | summary seventy-three flocks of fowl were tested at regular intervals for the presence of precipitins to fowl adenovirus (av) and infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), haem-agglutinating inhibiting antibodies to bc14 virus, and of agglutinins to mycoplasma gallisepticum (m.g.) and mycoplasma synoviae (m.s.). in all the eight flocks affected with egg drop syndrome (eds '76), egg production problems were associated with increasing numbers of bci4 virus reactors and av reactors. in flocks showing p ... | 1980 | 22039854 |
Serotype and genotype diversity of infectious bronchitis viruses isolated during 1985-2008 in Guangxi, China. | The genetic diversity of the hypervariable region I of S1 gene (HVR I) of infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine strains H120, Ma5 and 4/91 was compared to that of 26 infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strains isolated from the field in Guangxi province of China during the years 1985-2008, and the field isolates were classified into five major genotypes. Monovalent antisera against three vaccine strains and seven field isolates of different genotypes were prepared by immunizing rabbits with mineral o ... | 2011 | 22198411 |
Effects of immune stress on growth performance, immunity, and cecal microflora in chickens. | Immune stress is the loss of immune homeostasis by external forces. This study investigated the effects of different types of immune stress on growth performance, immunity, and the distribution of cecal microflora in broiler chickens. In total, 540 one-day-old Cobb 500 broilers were randomly assigned to receive 1 of 5 (n = 108 birds/group) treatments: 1) no vaccination; 2) simplified vaccination, which included the infectious bronchitis vaccine (H120), the inactivated avian influenza vaccine (AI ... | 2011 | 22080012 |
up-regulation of mcl-1 and bak by coronavirus infection of human, avian and animal cells modulates apoptosis and viral replication. | virus-induced apoptosis and viral mechanisms that regulate this cell death program are key issues in understanding virus-host interactions and viral pathogenesis. like many other human and animal viruses, coronavirus infection of mammalian cells induces apoptosis. in this study, the global gene expression profiles are first determined in ibv-infected vero cells at 24 hours post-infection by affymetrix array, using avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) as a model system. it reveals ... | 2012 | 22253918 |
influenza c virus-associated community-acquired pneumonia in children. | to evaluate the impact of influenza c (icv) infection in children with community-acquired pneumonia (cap), all of the children consecutively seen during 4 influenza seasons with respiratory symptoms and radiographically confirmed cap were prospectively evaluated. icv was identified in the respiratory secretions of five of 391 patients (1·3%). in children with icv-associated cap, clinical data were similar to those observed in children with iav-associated cap and worse than those observed in chil ... | 2012 | 23594251 |
the proportion of specific viral subpopulations in attenuated arkansas delmarva poultry industry infectious bronchitis vaccines influences vaccination outcome. | we investigated the significance of differing proportions of specific subpopulations among commercial arkansas (ark) delmarva poultry industry (dpi) vaccines with regard to vaccination outcome. two arkdpi-derived vaccines that contain a higher proportion of viruses with s1 genes that become selected during replication in chickens exhibited more rapid establishment of those selected subpopulations in chickens, produced significantly higher viral loads in tears, and induced higher antibody respons ... | 2012 | 23397834 |
review of infectious bronchitis virus around the world. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a gamma coronavirus that causes a highly contagious disease in chickens. the virus can affect the upper respiratory tract and the reproductive tract, and some strains can cause a nephritis. different serotypes and genetic types of the virus have been identified worldwide and for the most part do not cross-protect. in addition, new types of the virus continue to arise due to mutations and recombination events in the viral genome, making this virus difficult to ... | 2012 | 23397833 |
[evaluation of antigenic relationship of guangxi isolates of infectious bronchitis virus]. | monovalent antisera of 3 vaccine strains and 7 representative field isolates were prepared based on the comparison of genetic diversity of the hypervariable region i of s1 gene (hvr i from 3 infectious bronchitis (ib) vaccine strains (h120, ma5 and 4/91) ,one reference strain m41 and 26 ib field isolates. these 30 strains were classified in 7 different genotypes, respectively. virus-neutralizing test on tracheal organ cultures (toc) with chicken embryo were used to evaluate relatedness values of ... | 2012 | 23367560 |
sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a pathogenic chicken coronavirus. currently, vaccination against ibv is only partially protective; therefore, better preventions and treatments are needed. plants produce antimicrobial secondary compounds, which may be a source for novel anti-viral drugs. non-cytotoxic, crude ethanol extracts of rhodiola rosea roots, nigella sativa seeds, and sambucus nigra fruit were tested for anti-ibv activity, since these safe, widely used plant tissues contain polyphenol ... | 2014 | 24433341 |
co-infection of broilers with ornithobacterium rhinotracheale and h9n2 avian influenza virus. | since 2008, a progressive pneumonia has become prevalent in broilers and laying hens. this disease occurrs the first day after hatching and lasts more than 30 days, resulting in approximately 70% morbidity and 30% mortality in broilers. the objective of this study was to isolate and identify the pathogens that are responsible for the progressive pneumonia and establish an animal model for drug screening. | 2012 | 22748160 |
infectious bronchitis virus generates spherules from zippered endoplasmic reticulum membranes. | replication of positive-sense rna viruses is associated with the rearrangement of cellular membranes. previous work on the infection of tissue culture cell lines with the betacoronaviruses mouse hepatitis virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) showed that they generate double-membrane vesicles (dmvs) and convoluted membranes as part of a reticular membrane network. here we describe a detailed study of the membrane rearrangements induced by the avian gammacoronavirus i ... | 2013 | 24149513 |
bioinformatics and evolutionary insight on the spike glycoprotein gene of qx-like and massachusetts strains of infectious bronchitis virus. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a gammacoronavirus of the family coronaviridae and is a causative agent of an economically important disease in poultry. the spike glycoprotein of ibv is essential for host cell attachment, neutralization, and is involved in the induction of protective immunity. previously obtained sequence data of the spike gene of ibv qx-like and massachusetts strains were subjected to bioinformatics analysis. | 2012 | 22992336 |
extensive coronavirus-induced membrane rearrangements are not a determinant of pathogenicity. | positive-strand rna (+rna) viruses rearrange cellular membranes during replication, possibly in order to concentrate and arrange viral replication machinery for efficient viral rna synthesis. our previous work showed that in addition to the conserved coronavirus double membrane vesicles (dmvs), beau-r, an apathogenic strain of avian gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), induces regions of er that are zippered together and tethered open-necked double membrane spherules that resemble ... | 2016 | 27255716 |
spherules and ibv. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is an economically important virus infecting chickens, causing large losses to the poultry industry globally. while vaccines are available, there is a requirement for novel vaccine strategies due to high strain variation and poor cross-protection. this requires a more detailed understanding of virus-host cell interactions to identify candidates for targeted virus attenuation. one key area of research in the positive sense rna virus field, due to its central role ... | 0 | 25482229 |
visualizing the autophagy pathway in avian cells and its application to studying infectious bronchitis virus. | autophagy is a highly conserved cellular response to starvation that leads to the degradation of organelles and long-lived proteins in lysosomes and is important for cellular homeostasis, tissue development and as a defense against aggregated proteins, damaged organelles and infectious agents. although autophagy has been studied in many animal species, reagents to study autophagy in avian systems are lacking. microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (map1lc3/lc3) is an important marker for ... | 2013 | 23328491 |
expression of the c-type lectins dc-sign or l-sign alters host cell susceptibility for the avian coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), an avian coronavirus, is a cause of great economic loss in the poultry industry. the virus mainly infects respiratory epithelium, but can be also detected in other organs. the functional receptor for the virus has not been found and field strains of ibv do not infect conventional cell lines. recently, it has been shown that the c-type lectins dc-sign/l-sign can promote entry of several coronaviruses. here we examine whether dc-sign/l-sign are entry determinants ... | 2012 | 22340967 |
infectious bronchitis coronavirus inhibits stat1 signaling and requires accessory proteins for resistance to type i interferon activity. | the innate immune response is the first line of defense against viruses, and type i interferon (ifn) is a critical component of this response. similar to other viruses, the gammacoronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) has evolved under evolutionary pressure to evade and counteract the ifn response to enable its survival. previously, we reported that ibv induces a delayed activation of the ifn response. in the present work, we describe the resistance of ibv to ifn and the potential role of ... | 2015 | 26401035 |
seroepidemiologic survey of potential pathogens in obligate and facultative scavenging avian species in california. | throughout the world, populations of scavenger birds are declining rapidly with some populations already on the brink of extinction. much of the current research into the factors contributing to these declines has focused on exposure to drug residues, lead, and other toxins. despite increased monitoring of these declining populations, little is known about infectious diseases affecting scavenger bird species. to assess potential infectious disease risks to both obligate and facultative scavenger ... | 2015 | 26606755 |
upregulation of chop/gadd153 during coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus infection modulates apoptosis by restricting activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway. | induction of the unfolded protein response (upr) is an adaptive cellular response to endoplasmic reticulum (er) stress that allows a cell to reestablish er homeostasis. however, under severe and persistent er stress, prolonged upr may activate unique pathways that lead to cell death. in this study, we investigated the activation of the protein kinase r-like er kinase (perk) pathway of upr in cells infected with the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and its relationship with ibv-induc ... | 2013 | 23678184 |
suppression of coronavirus replication by cyclophilin inhibitors. | coronaviruses infect a variety of mammalian and avian species and cause serious diseases in humans, cats, mice, and birds in the form of severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars), feline infectious peritonitis (fip), mouse hepatitis, and avian infectious bronchitis, respectively. no effective vaccine or treatment has been developed for sars-coronavirus or fip virus, both of which cause lethal diseases. it has been reported that a cyclophilin inhibitor, cyclosporin a (csa), could inhibit the repli ... | 2013 | 23698397 |
the cellular interactome of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus nucleocapsid protein and functional implications for virus biology. | the coronavirus nucleocapsid (n) protein plays a multifunctional role in the virus life cycle, from regulation of replication and transcription and genome packaging to modulation of host cell processes. these functions are likely to be facilitated by interactions with host cell proteins. the potential interactome of the infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) n protein was mapped using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (silac) coupled to a green fluorescent protein-nanotrap pull ... | 2013 | 23637410 |
genome-wide screen reveals valosin-containing protein requirement for coronavirus exit from endosomes. | coronaviruses are rna viruses with a large zoonotic reservoir and propensity for host switching, representing a real threat for public health, as evidenced by severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) and the emerging middle east respiratory syndrome (mers). cellular factors required for their replication are poorly understood. using genome-wide small interfering rna (sirna) screening, we identified 83 novel genes supporting infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) replication in human cells. thirty of ... | 2015 | 26311884 |
antiviral cystine knot α-amylase inhibitors from alstonia scholaris. | cystine knot α-amylase inhibitors are cysteine-rich, proline-rich peptides found in the amaranthaceae and apocynaceae plant species. they are characterized by a pseudocyclic backbone with two to four prolines and three disulfides arranged in a knotted motif. similar to other knottins, cystine knot α-amylase inhibitors are highly resistant to degradation by heat and protease treatments. thus far, only the α-amylase inhibition activity has been described for members of this family. here, we show t ... | 2015 | 26546678 |
development and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against the s1 subunit protein of qx-like avian infectious bronchitis virus strain sczy3. | infectious bronchitis (ib) is a highly contagious disease in chickens caused by infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). the present study was carried out with the aim to develop anti-spike 1 (s1) subunit monoclonal antibodies (mabs) that could react with ibv strains of different genotypes. the high antigenicity region of s1 gene of an qx-like ibv strain sczy3 was amplified and ligated into the prokaryotic expression vector pet-32a(+), and the recombinant his-s1 fusion proteins were expressed and puri ... | 0 | 25723279 |
production and immunogenicity of chimeric virus-like particles containing the spike glycoprotein of infectious bronchitis virus. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) poses a severe threat to the poultry industry and causes heavy economic losses worldwide. vaccination is the most effective method of preventing infection and controlling the spread of ibv, but currently available inactivated and attenuated virus vaccines have some disadvantages. we developed a chimeric virus-like particle (vlp)-based candidate vaccine for ibv protection. the chimeric vlp was composed of matrix 1 protein from avian influenza h5n1 virus and a fus ... | 2013 | 24378590 |
full genome analysis of australian infectious bronchitis viruses suggests frequent recombination events between vaccine strains and multiple phylogenetically distant avian coronaviruses of unknown origin. | australian strains of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) have been evolving independently for many years, with control achieved by vaccination with local attenuated strains. previous studies have documented the emergence of recombinants over the last 20 years, with the most recent one, ck/aus/n1/08, detected in 2008. these recombinants did not appear to be controlled by the vaccines currently in use. in this study we sequenced the complete genomes of three emergent australian strains of ibv (ibv/ ... | 2016 | 27938680 |
identification of an infectious bronchitis coronavirus strain exhibiting a classical genotype but altered antigenicity, pathogenicity, and innate immunity profile. | avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) poses economic threat to the poultry industry worldwide. pathogenic ibv 3575/08 was isolated from broilers vaccinated with the attenuated viral vaccine derived from a taiwan strain 2575/98. in this study, extensive investigations were conducted on the genome sequences, antigenicity, pathogenicity, and host immune responses of several ibv strains in specific-pathogen-free chickens. sequence analyses revealed that 3575/08 and 2575/98 shared high ... | 2016 | 27876864 |
gamma and deltacoronaviruses in quail and pheasants from northern italy. | in view of the restricted knowledge on the diversity of coronaviruses in poultry other than chicken, this study aimed to investigate the genetic diversity of coronaviruses in quail, pheasant, and partridge from two regions of northern italy. to this end, pools of tracheal and cloacal swabs from european quail (coturnix coturnix) and intestinal tract from pheasants (phasianus colchicus) and partridge (perdix perdix) flocks, with or without enteric signs, were collected during 2015. avian coronavi ... | 2016 | 27738120 |
phylogeny and s1 gene variation of infectious bronchitis virus detected in broilers and layers in turkey. | the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (avcov-ibv) is recognized as an important global pathogen because new variants are a continuous threat to the poultry industry worldwide. this study investigates the genetic origin and diversity of avcov-ibv by analysis of the s1 sequence derived from 49 broiler flocks and 14 layer flocks in different regions of turkey. avcov-ibv rna was detected in 41 (83.6%) broiler flocks and nine (64.2%) of the layer flocks by taqman real-time rt-pcr. in addi ... | 2016 | 27610718 |
synthetic virus-like particles prepared via protein corona formation enable effective vaccination in an avian model of coronavirus infection. | the ongoing battle against current and rising viral infectious threats has prompted increasing effort in the development of vaccine technology. a major thrust in vaccine research focuses on developing formulations with virus-like features towards enhancing antigen presentation and immune processing. herein, a facile approach to formulate synthetic virus-like particles (svlps) is demonstrated by exploiting the phenomenon of protein corona formation induced by the high-energy surfaces of synthetic ... | 2016 | 27552321 |
dynamics of avian coronavirus circulation in commercial and non-commercial birds in asia--a review. | it is essential to understand the latest situation regarding avian coronaviruses (acovs), commonly referred to as the well-known avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), given that new and diverse types of ibv are continually being identified worldwide, particularly ones that are isolated from commercial poultry and associated with a wide range of disease conditions. the existing ibvs continue to evolve in various geographic areas in asia, which results in the recombination and co-circulation be ... | 2016 | 26629927 |
isolation and molecular characterization of nephropathic infectious bronchitis virus isolates of gujarat state, india. | infectious bronchitis (ib) is a common, highly contagious, acute, and economically important viral disease of chickens caused by infectious bronchitis virus (ibv, sp. avian coronavirus). five pooled tissue suspensions of 50 layer birds and one reference massachusetts vaccine strain were inoculated into specific pathogen free (spf) chicken egg for isolation of ibv. reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) was carried out using post inoculated allontoic fluid to amplify the spike ( ... | 2015 | 26436120 |
hatchery spray cabinet administration does not damage avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus vaccine based on analysis by electron microscopy and virus titration. | studies in our laboratory showed that the arkansas-delmarva poultry industry (ark-dpi) vaccine given to 1-day-old chickens by hatchery spray cabinet replicated poorly and failed to adequately protect broilers against homologous virus challenge, whereas the same vaccine given by eye-drop did replicate and the birds were protected following homologous virus challenge. to determine if mechanical damage following spray application plays a role in failure of the ark-dpi vaccine, we examined the morph ... | 2015 | 26292549 |
experimental infection of inbred balb/c and a/j mice with massachusetts and brazilian strains of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). | the ability of avian coronaviruses to replicate in mice was investigated to investigate interspecies transmission. two inbred mouse strains (balb/c and a/j) with different genetic backgrounds were inoculated with the avian coronavirus strains mass and br-i and monitored for at least 10 days. analysis of viral rna, histopathological examinations, immunohistochemistry and serology were performed. after virus inoculation, neither clinical signs nor evident gross lesions were observed. viral rna, hi ... | 2015 | 25951972 |
age-dependent immune responses and immune protection after avian coronavirus vaccination. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is an endemic disease of chickens and a major contributor to economic losses for the poultry industry despite vaccination. recent observations indicated that chicks may have an immature immune system immediately after hatching when vaccinated for ibv. therefore we hypothesized that early ibv vaccination will generate an immature, poorly protective ibv-specific immune response contributing to immune escape and persistence of ibv. to test this hypothesis the ibv-s ... | 2015 | 25910920 |
transient dominant selection for the modification and generation of recombinant infectious bronchitis coronaviruses. | we have developed a reverse genetics system for the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) in which a full-length cdna corresponding to the ibv genome is inserted into the vaccinia virus genome under the control of a t7 promoter sequence. vaccinia virus as a vector for the full-length ibv cdna has the advantage that modifications can be introduced into the ibv cdna using homologous recombination, a method frequently used to insert and delete sequences from the vaccinia virus genome. ... | 2015 | 25720477 |
the avian coronavirus spike protein. | avian coronaviruses of the genus gammacoronavirus are represented by infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), the coronavirus of chicken. ibv causes a highly contagious disease affecting the respiratory tract and, depending on the strain, other tissues including the reproductive and urogenital tract. the control of ibv in the field is hampered by the many different strains circulating worldwide and the limited protection across strains due to serotype diversity. this diversity is believed to be due to ... | 2014 | 25451062 |
the genotyping of infectious bronchitis virus in taiwan by a multiplex amplification refractory mutation system reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv; avian coronavirus) causes acute respiratory and reproductive and urogenital diseases in chickens. following sequence alignment of ibv strains, a combination of selective primer sets was designed to individually amplify the ibv wild-type and vaccine strains using a multiplex amplification refractory mutation system reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (arms rt-pcr) approach. this system was shown to discriminate the ibv wild-type and vaccine strains. m ... | 2014 | 25223342 |
the endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor ire1α protects cells from apoptosis induced by the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. | the unfolded-protein response (upr) is a signal transduction cascade triggered by perturbation of the homeostasis of the endoplasmic reticulum (er). upr resolves er stress by activating a cascade of cellular responses, including the induction of molecular chaperones, translational attenuation, er-associated degradation, and other mechanisms. under prolonged and irremediable er stress, however, the upr can also trigger apoptosis. here, we report that in cells infected with the avian coronavirus i ... | 2014 | 25142592 |
immunoglobulin a as an early humoral responder after mucosal avian coronavirus vaccination. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a highly contagious coronavirus prevalent in all countries with an extensive poultry industry and continues to cause economic losses. ibv strains of the ark serotype are highly prevalent in the southeastern united states despite extensive vaccination. one explanation for this observation is the high genetic variability of ibv. in addition, ibv ark-type vaccines may induce suboptimal mucosal immune responses, contributing to the prevalence and persistence of t ... | 2014 | 25055633 |
coronavirus nsp6 restricts autophagosome expansion. | autophagy is a cellular response to starvation that generates autophagosomes to carry long-lived proteins and cellular organelles to lysosomes for degradation. activation of autophagy by viruses can provide an innate defense against infection, and for (+) strand rna viruses autophagosomes can facilitate assembly of replicase proteins. we demonstrated that nonstructural protein (nsp) 6 of the avian coronavirus, infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), generates autophagosomes from the er. a statistical ... | 2014 | 24991833 |
differences in the tissue tropism to chicken oviduct epithelial cells between avian coronavirus ibv strains qx and b1648 are not related to the sialic acid binding properties of their spike proteins. | the avian coronavirus (avcov) infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a major poultry pathogen. a characteristic feature of ibv is the occurrence of many different strains belonging to different serotypes, which makes a complete control of the disease by vaccinations a challenging task. reasons for differences in the tissue tropism and pathogenicity between ibv strains, e.g. a predilection for the kidneys or the oviduct are still an open question. strains of the qx genotype have been major pathogen ... | 2014 | 24928425 |
how the double spherules of infectious bronchitis virus impact our understanding of rna virus replicative organelles. | powered by advances in electron tomography, recent studies have extended our understanding of how viruses construct "replication factories" inside infected cells. their function, however, remains an area of speculation with important implications for human health. it is clear from these studies that whatever their purpose, organelle structure is dynamic (m. ulasli, m. h. verheije, c. a. de haan, and f. reggiori, cell. microbiol. 12:844-861, 2010) and intricate (k. knoops, m. kikkert, s. h. worm, ... | 2013 | 24345746 |
mapping of the receptor-binding domain and amino acids critical for attachment in the spike protein of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. | the infection of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is initiated by the binding of the spike glycoprotein s to sialic acids on the chicken host cell. in this study we identified the receptor-binding domain (rbd) of the spike of the prototype ibv strain m41. by analyzing the ability of recombinantly expressed chimeric and truncated spike proteins to bind to chicken tissues, we demonstrate that the n-terminal 253 amino acids of the spike are both required and sufficient for bi ... | 2014 | 24314633 |
molecular characterization of major structural protein genes of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus isolates in southern china. | to gain comprehensive genetic information of circulating avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) isolates in china, analysis of the phylogenetic tree, entropy of the amino acid sequences, and the positive selection as well as computational recombinations of s1, m and n genes of 23 ibv isolates was conducted in the present study. the phylogenetic trees based on the s1, m and n genes exhibited considerably different topology and the ck/ch/lsc/99i-type isolates were the predominant ibvs ... | 2013 | 24304696 |
discovery of a novel bottlenose dolphin coronavirus reveals a distinct species of marine mammal coronavirus in gammacoronavirus. | while gammacoronaviruses mainly comprise infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and its closely related bird coronaviruses (covs), the only mammalian gammacoronavirus was discovered from a white beluga whale (beluga whale cov [bwcov] sw1) in 2008. in this study, we discovered a novel gammacoronavirus from fecal samples from three indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins (tursiops aduncus), which we named bottlenose dolphin cov (bdcov) hku22. all the three bdcov hku22-positive samples were collected on the sa ... | 2014 | 24227844 |
assembly and immunogenicity of coronavirus-like particles carrying infectious bronchitis virus m and s proteins. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) as an avian coronavirus is still posing a persistent and imminent threat to the poultry industry worldwide. here we report that transfection of sf9 cells with a single recombinant baculovirus encoding m and s proteins resulted in the assembly of ibv vlps; this is the first report that s protein plus m protein alone were able to be assembled into vlps for coronaviruses. we further showed that the generated ibv vlps could induce humoral immune responses in a level ... | 2013 | 24099870 |
contributions of the s2 spike ectodomain to attachment and host range of infectious bronchitis virus. | the spike protein is the major viral attachment protein of the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and ultimately determines viral tropism. the s1 subunit of the spike is assumed to be required for virus attachment. however, we have previously shown that this domain of the embryo- and cell culture adapted beaudette strain, in contrast to that of the virulent m41 strain, is not sufficient for binding to chicken trachea (wickramasinghe et al., 2011). in the present study, we demons ... | 2013 | 24041648 |
identification and survey of a novel avian coronavirus in ducks. | the rapid discovery of novel viruses using next generation sequencing (ngs) technologies including dna-seq and rna-seq, has greatly expanded our understanding of viral diversity in recent years. the timely identification of novel viruses using ngs technologies is also important for us to control emerging infectious diseases caused by novel viruses. in this study, we identified a novel duck coronavirus (cov), distinct with chicken infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), using rna-seq. the novel duck-s ... | 2013 | 24023656 |
cell-mediated immune responses in the head-associated lymphoid tissues induced to a live attenuated avian coronavirus vaccine. | humoral immunity is important for controlling viral diseases of poultry, but recent studies have indicated that cytotoxic t cells also play an important role in the immune response to infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). to better understand the cell mediated immune responses to ibv in the mucosal and systemic immune compartments chickens were ocularly vaccinated with ibv. this induced a lymphocyte expansion in head-associated lymphoid tissues (halt) and to a lesser extent in the spleen, followed ... | 2013 | 23948147 |
simultaneous detection of five major serotypes of avian coronavirus by a multiplex microsphere-based assay. | avian coronavirus (commonly known as infectious bronchitis virus [ibv]) is of major economic importance to commercial chicken producers worldwide. due to the existence of multiple serotypes and variants of the virus that do not cross-protect, it is important to diagnose circulating serotypes and choose the right vaccine type for successful protection. in an effort to improve conventional diagnostic tests, a microsphere-based assay was developed and evaluated for simultaneous detection of the mos ... | 2013 | 23847226 |
infectious bronchitis virus as a vector for the expression of heterologous genes. | the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is the causative agent of the respiratory disease infectious bronchitis of domestic fowl, and is controlled by routine vaccination. to explore the potential use of ibv as a vaccine vector a reverse genetics system was utilised to generate infectious recombinant ibvs (ribvs) expressing the reporter genes enhanced green fluorescent protein (egfp) or humanised renilla luciferase (hrluc). infectious ribvs were obtained following the replacement ... | 2013 | 23840781 |
association of the chicken mhc b haplotypes with resistance to avian coronavirus. | clinical respiratory illness was compared in five homozygous chicken lines, originating from homozygous b2, b8, b12 and b19, and heterozygous b2/b12 birds after infection with either of two strains of the infectious bronchitis virus (ibv). all chickens used in these studies originated from white leghorn and ancona linages. ibv gray strain infection of mhc homozygous b12 and b19 haplotype chicks resulted in severe respiratory disease compared to chicks with b2/b2 and b5/b5 haplotypes. demonstrati ... | 2013 | 23178407 |
detection of avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus type qx infection in switzerland. | infectious bronchitis, a disease of chickens caused by avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), leads to severe economic losses for the poultry industry worldwide. various attempts to control the virus based on vaccination strategies are performed. however, due to the emergence of novel genotypes, an effective control of the virus is hindered. in 1996, a novel viral genotype named ibv-qx was reported for the first time in qingdao, shandong province, china. the first appearance of an ... | 2012 | 23051829 |
complete genome sequences of two chinese virulent avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus variants. | avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is variable, which causes many serotypes. here we reported the complete genome sequences of two virulent ibv variants from china, gx-yl5 and gx-yl9, belonging to different serotypes. differences between gx-yl5 and gx-yl9 were found mainly in stem-loop structure i in the predicted rna secondary structure of open reading frame (orf) 1b and the s protein gene fusion region, which will help us understand the molecular evolutionary mechanism of ibv ... | 2012 | 22966194 |
avian coronavirus spike glycoprotein ectodomain shows a low codon adaptation to gallus gallus with virus-exclusive codons in strategic amino acids positions. | this is a study on the avian coronavirus ibv and chicken host-relationship from the codon usage point of view based on fifty-nine non-redundant ibv s1 sequences (nt 1-507) from strains detected worldwide and chicken tissue-specific protein genes sequences from ibv-replicating sites. the effective number of codons (enc) values ranged from 36 to 47.8, indicating a high-to-moderate codon usage bias. the highest ibv codon adaptation index (cai) value was 0.7, indicating a distant virus versus host s ... | 2012 | 22903606 |
molecular evolution and emergence of avian gammacoronaviruses. | coronaviruses, which are single stranded, positive sense rna viruses, are responsible for a wide variety of existing and emerging diseases in humans and other animals. the gammacoronaviruses primarily infect avian hosts. within this genus of coronaviruses, the avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) causes a highly infectious upper-respiratory tract disease in commercial poultry. ibv shows rapid evolution in chickens, frequently producing new antigenic types, which adds to the multip ... | 2012 | 22609285 |
a serosurvey of greater sage-grouse ( centrocercus urophasianus ) in nevada, usa. | to better understand the potential avian diseases in greater sage-grouse ( centrocercus urophasianus ) in the great basin in nevada, us, we collected 31 blood samples march-april 2014 and tested for antibodies to eight viruses and two bacteria. specifically, sera were tested for antibodies to avian leukosis virus type a, b, and j (alv-a, alv-b, and alv-j, respectively), infectious bursal disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus, reticuloendothelial virus, avian influenza virus (aiv), west nile ... | 2017 | 27705104 |
development of an antigen-capture elisa for the detection of avian leukosis virus p27 antigen. | an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ac-elisa) employing monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against p27 was developed for the detection of the avian leukosis virus (alv). the specificity of the optimized ac-elisa was evaluated using avian leukosis virus subgroup j (alv-j), avian leukosis virus subgroup a (alv-a), avian leukosis virus subgroup b (alv-b), avian infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), marek's disease virus (mdv), avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv), fowlpo ... | 2013 | 23201286 |
detection of infectious bronchitis virus 793b, avian metapneumovirus, mycoplasma gallisepticum and mycoplasma synoviae in poultry in ethiopia. | a survey was conducted into respiratory infectious diseases of poultry on a chicken breeder farm run by the ethiopian institute of agricultural research (eiar), located in debre zeit, ethiopia. oropharyngeal swabs were collected from 117 randomly selected birds, and blood was taken from a subset of 73 of these birds. a combination of serological and molecular methods was used for detection of pathogens. for the first time in ethiopia, we report the detection of variant infectious bronchitis viru ... | 2017 | 27924415 |
co-infection with multiple respiratory pathogens contributes to increased mortality rates in algerian poultry flocks. | respiratory infections are a common cause for increased mortality rates in poultry worldwide. to improve intervention strategies, circulating pathogens have to be identified and further characterized. because of the lack of diagnostic tools, it was not known what pathogens contribute to the high mortality rates in association with respiratory disease in algeria. our objective was to determine if primary pathogens including mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg), mycoplasma synoviae (ms), avian influenza ... | 2015 | 26478165 |
longitudinal monitoring for respiratory pathogens in broiler chickens reveals co-infection of chlamydia psittaci and ornithobacterium rhinotracheale. | chlamydia psittaci is prevalent in broiler chicken production. however, the role of c. psittaci in the respiratory disease complex needs to be clarified. our aim was to identify the time point when a c. psittaci infection appeared on a broiler farm and to examine the presence of other respiratory pathogens at that time. we focused on the 'major' respiratory pathogens occurring in belgian broilers, namely infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), avian metapneumovirus (ampv), ornithobacterium rhinotrach ... | 2015 | 25724936 |
high seroprevalence of respiratory pathogens in hobby poultry. | seroprevalence studies on respiratory pathogens have been done extensively in commercial laying hens, broilers, and, to a lesser extent, backyard poultry. in europe, seroprevalence studies in backyard and fancy breed poultry flocks are scarce and limited to a few pathogens, such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg); others, such as ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ort), are missing. a commercial elisa for detection of antibodies against six selected pathogens was performed on 460 serum samples from ... | 2014 | 25619008 |
molecular detection of infectious bronchitis and avian metapneumoviruses in oman backyard poultry. | infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) and avian metapneumovirus (ampv) are economically important viral pathogens infecting chickens globally. identification of endemic ibv and ampv strains promotes better control of both diseases and prevents production losses. orophrayngeal swab samples were taken from 2317 birds within 243 different backyard flocks in oman. swabs from each flock were examined by rt-pcr using part-s1 and g gene primers for ibv and ampv respectively. thirty-nine chicken flocks were ... | 2015 | 25613085 |
immune responses and interactions following simultaneous application of live newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and avian metapneumovirus vaccines in specific-pathogen-free chicks. | interactions between live newcastle disease virus (ndv), avian metapneumovirus (ampv) and infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) vaccines following simultaneous vaccination of day old specific pathogen free (spf) chicks were evaluated. the chicks were divided into eight groups: seven vaccinated against ndv, ampv and ibv (single, dual or triple) and one unvaccinated as control. haemagglutination inhibition (hi) ndv antibody titres were similar across all groups but were above protective titres. ampv v ... | 2015 | 25482324 |
avian metapneumoviruses expressing infectious bronchitis virus genes are stable and induce protection. | the study investigates the ability of subtype a avian metapneumovirus (ampv) to accept foreign genes and be used as a vector for delivery of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) qx genes to chickens. initially the gfp gene was added to ampv at all gene junctions in conjunction with the development of cassetted full length dna ampv copies. after recombinant virus had been recovered by reverse genetics, gfp positions supporting gene expression while maintaining virus viability in vitro, were determin ... | 2013 | 23588091 |
health evaluation of african penguins (<i>spheniscus demersus</i>) in southern africa. | the african penguin (spheniscus demersus) is an endangered seabird that breeds along the coast of namibia and south africa, and disease surveillance was identified as a priority for its conservation. aiming for the establishment of baseline data on the presence of potential pathogens in this species, a comprehensive health assessment (blood smear examination, haematology, biochemistry and serology) was conducted on samples obtained from 578 african penguins at 11 breeding colonies and a rehabili ... | 2016 | 27796116 |
potential immunomodulatory effects of non-dialyzable materials of cranberry extract in poultry production. | studies on effects of cranberry products in animals, especially in chickens, are very scarce or even lacking. this study investigated the immunomodulatory effect of high molecular weight non-dialyzable materials (ndms) of cranberry extract. the in vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities were investigated. the ability of ndms (0, 1, 2, or 4 mg/ml) to enhance phagocytic activities was also evaluated using chicken heterophils (ches) against staphylococcus aureus furthermore, a broiler mo ... | 2017 | 27587728 |
detection and molecular characterization of chicken astrovirus associated with chicks that have an unusual condition known as "white chicks" in brazil. | chicken astrovirus (castv) is one of many viruses related to enteric diseases in poultry that are associated with runting-stunting syndrome (rss), which affects young chickens. castv was also recently associated with an unusual condition in chicks called "white chicks." some hatcheries in certain states of brazil have reported several incubation problems, mortality, and the presence of chicks with white plumages over the past several months. these chicks were termed locally as "white chicks." th ... | 2016 | 26976903 |
molecular detection of chicken parvovirus in broilers with enteric disorders presenting curving of duodenal loop, pancreatic atrophy, and mesenteritis. | enteric disorders are an important cause of economic losses in broiler chickens worldwide. several agents have been associated with enteric problems, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. in this study, broiler chickens showing signs of enteric disorders were subjected to molecular diagnosis for several viral agents and also for pathological examination for elucidating this problem. thus, the chickens were screened for avian nephritis virus (anv), chicken astrovirus (castv), avian rotavirus ... | 2016 | 26908891 |
isolation of chicken astrovirus from specific pathogen-free chicken embryonated eggs. | astroviruses have been associated with enteric disorders in many animal species, including chickens. here, we describe the isolation, propagation, and pathological characteristics of chicken astrovirus (castv) in specific pathogen free (spf) chicken embryonated eggs (cee) from chickens with diarrhea and runting-stunting syndrome. the cee were inoculated via the yolk sac route. viral confirmation was carried out using pcr techniques and transmission electron microscopy negative staining with ammo ... | 2015 | 25805833 |
acoustic trapping as a generic non-contact incubation site for multiplex bead-based assays. | in this study, we show a significantly reduced assay time and a greatly increased bead recovery for a commercial luminex-based multiplex diagnostic immunoassay by performing all liquid handling steps of the assay protocol in a non-contact acoustic trapping platform. the luminex assay is designed for detecting antibodies in poultry serum for infectious bursal disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus, newcastle disease virus and avian reovirus. here, we show proof-of-concept of a microfluidic sy ... | 2015 | 25467518 |
simultaneous typing of nine avian respiratory pathogens using a novel gexp analyzer-based multiplex pcr assay. | a new, rapid, and high-throughput genomelab gene expression profiler (gexp) analyzer-based multiplex pcr method was developed for simultaneous detection and differentiation of nine avian respiratory pathogens. the respiratory pathogens included in this study were avian influenza subtypes h5, h7, and h9, infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), newcastle disease virus (ndv), infectious laryngotracheitis virus (iltv), mycoplasma gallisepticum (mg), mycoplasma synoviae (ms) and haemophilus paragallinarum ... | 2014 | 25025815 |
molecular survey of enteric viruses in commercial chicken farms in korea with a history of enteritis. | several enteric viruses have increasingly received attention as potential causative agents of runting-stunting syndrome (rss) in chickens. a molecular survey was performed to determine the presence of a broad range of enteric viruses, namely chicken astrovirus (castv), avian nephritis virus (anv), chicken parvovirus (chpv), infectious bronchitis virus (ibv), avian rotavirus (avrv), avian reovirus (arv), and fowl adenovirus (fadv), in intestinal samples derived from 34 commercial chicken flocks t ... | 2013 | 24135590 |
serosurvey for selected infectious agents in two sympatric species of cormorants (phalacrocorax atriceps and phalacrocorax magellanicus) from coastal patagonia, argentina. | we conducted a serologic survey for selected infectious agents on two sympatric cormorants, the imperial cormorant (phalacrocorax atriceps) and the rock shag (phalacrocorax magellanicus). blood was collected from 267 imperial cormorants and 106 rock shags at 17 colonies along the patagonia atlantic shore during nine breeding seasons (1994, 1999-2001-2005-2008-2010). antibodies to four pathogens were common to both species and frequently observed: avian paramyxovirus type 1 (56% of imperial cormo ... | 2013 | 23778597 |
avian reovirus sigma c enhances the mucosal and systemic immune responses elicited by antigen-conjugated lactic acid bacteria. | mucosal surfaces are common sites of pathogen colonization/entry. effective mucosal immunity by vaccination should provide protection at this primary infection site. our aim was to develop a new vaccination strategy that elicits a mucosal immune response. a new strain of enterococcus faecium, a non pathogenic lactic acid bacteria (lab) with strong cell adhesion ability, was identified and used as a vaccine vector to deliver two model antigens. specifically, sigma (σ) c protein of avian reovirus ... | 2012 | 22531554 |
maternal antibody decay and antibody-mediated immune responses in chicken pullets fed prebiotics and synbiotics. | three experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of yeast-derived carbohydrates (ydc), and a blend of probiotics and ydc (synbiotic, snb) on serum igg concentration, maternal-derived antibody (mda) decay, and specific antibody-mediated immune response in chick pullets following immunization with t-cell dependent antigens. a total of 300 day-old pullet chicks were randomly assigned to 3 dietary treatments including: a basal diet (control), and diets containing ydc, and snb (lactobacillus a ... | 2017 | 27433011 |
emerging viral diseases of livestock in the developing world. | emerging and reemerging viral diseases of livestock and human beings are in sharp rise in recent years. importantly, many of these viruses, including influenza, hendra, nipah and corona are of zoonotic importance. several viral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue, peste des petits ruminants, camel pox, equine infectious anaemia, chicken anaemia and sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever are crossing their traditional boundaries. emergence of new serotypes and variant forms of viruses as ... | 2013 | 24426290 |
evaluating protection against infectious bronchitis virus by clinical signs, ciliostasis, challenge virus detection, and histopathology. | in this study, we examined the association among clinical signs, ciliostasis, virus detection, and histopathology for evaluating protection of vaccinated chickens against homologous and heterologous infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) challenge. at 5 days following challenge with ibv, we found a good correlation among clinical signs, ciliostasis in the trachea, challenge virus detection, and microscopic lesions in the trachea, with all four criteria being negative in fully protected birds and posi ... | 2015 | 26478154 |
regulation of coronaviral poly(a) tail length during infection is not coronavirus species- or host cell-specific. | it has been demonstrated that the length of the poly(a) tail in the bovine coronavirus (bcov), which belongs to genus betacoronaviruses, is regulated throughout infection in human rectal tumor-18 (hrt-18) cells, and the length of the poly(a) tail is associated with the efficiency of virus translation. here, we examined whether the regulation of viral poly(a) tail length is cell-type independent and whether it is a common feature of coronaviruses to assess the significance of the regulation. by l ... | 2014 | 25034371 |
negatively charged residues in the endodomain are critical for specific assembly of spike protein into murine coronavirus. | coronavirus spike (s) protein assembles into virions via its carboxy-terminus, which is composed of a transmembrane domain and an endodomain. here, the carboxy-terminal charge-rich motif in the endodomain was verified to be critical for the specificity of s assembly into mouse hepatitis virus (mhv). recombinant mhvs exhibited a range of abilities to accommodate the homologous s endodomains from the betacoronaviruses bovine coronavirus and human sars-associated coronavirus, the alphacoronavirus p ... | 2013 | 23628137 |