
[cockroaches and co. the role of health pests as allergen source].in most of the cases health pests are carriers of pathogens or parasites which have a negative impact on human health or affect the health of other mammals. what is lesser known is that they can also act as allergens. most of the health pests in this sense belong to the arthropods, such as cockroaches (blattaria), mosquitos (culiciformia), lice (pediculus humanus corporis), fleas (siphonaptera) and ticks (argasidae). in the group of vertebrates rats (rattus norvegicus and rattus rattus), house m ...201424781916
dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities associated with eggshells during incubation.microorganisms are closely associated with eggs and may play a determinant role in embryo survival. yet, the majority of studies focusing on this association relied on culture-based methodology, eventually leading to a skewed assessment of microbial communities. by targeting the 16s rrna gene and internal transcribed spacer (its) region, we, respectively, described bacterial and fungal communities on eggshells of the homing pigeon columba livia. we explored their structure, abundance, and compos ...201424772289
discovery and characterization of the first genuine avian leptin gene in the rock dove (columba livia).leptin, the key regulator of mammalian energy balance, has been at the center of a great controversy in avian biology for the last 15 years since initial reports of a putative leptin gene (lep) in chickens. here, we characterize a novel lep in rock dove (columba livia) with low similarity of the predicted protein sequence (30% identity, 47% similarity) to the human ortholog. searching the sequence-read-archive database revealed leptin transcripts, in the dove's liver, with 2 noncoding exons prec ...201424758303
learning multiple routes in homing pigeons.the aerial lifestyle of central-place foraging birds allows wide-ranging movements, raising fundamental questions about their remarkable navigation and memory systems. for example, we know that pigeons (columba livia), long-standing models for avian navigation, rely on individually distinct routes when homing from familiar sites. but it remains unknown how they cope with the task of learning several routes in parallel. here, we examined how learning multiple routes influences homing in pigeons. ...201424718093
observation of magnetic field effects on transient fluorescence spectra of cryptochrome 1 from homing pigeons.cryptochromes are suggested to be involved in the bird magnetoreception based on the radical pair mechanism (rpm), a well established theory of weak magnetic field effects on chemical reactions. two members of cryptochrome/photolyase family were found to respond to magnetic field, however, no direct responses of bird cryptochrome to magnetic field as weak as the earth's magnetic field have been obtained so far. in this study, we used transient fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize the weak m ...201424689535
attentional tradeoffs in the pigeon.we deployed the multiple necessary cues (mnc) discrimination task to see if pigeons can simultaneously attend to four different dimensions of complex visual stimuli. specifically, we trained nine pigeons (columba livia) on a go/no go discrimination to peck only 1 of 16 compound stimuli created from all possible combinations of two stimulus values from four separable visual dimensions: shape (circle/square), size (large/small), line orientation (horizontal/vertical), and brightness (dark/light). ...201424634281
perception of complex motion in humans and pigeons (columba livia).in the primate visual system, local motion signals are pooled to create a global motion percept. like primates, many birds are highly dependent on vision for their survival, yet relatively little is known about motion perception in birds. we used random-dot stimuli to investigate pigeons' ability to detect complex motion (radial, rotation, and spiral) compared to humans. our human participants had a significantly lower threshold for rotational and radial motion when compared to spiral motion. th ...201424570385
detection of diisocyanates in nesting material associated with mortality in pigeon chicks.diisocyanates, commonly used in the production of polyurethane foams, paints, elastomers, varnishes, and coatings, are considered among the most hazardous inhalation toxicants. the present report describes 2 unusual cases of mortality in pigeon chicks associated with nesting material contaminated by diisocyanates. case 1 was submitted by a racing pigeon breeder who had lost all the hatchlings (n = 125) following replacement of the nesting material with a different lot. all adult birds appeared h ...201424567542
a global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers.urbanization contributes to the loss of the world's biodiversity and the homogenization of its biota. however, comparative studies of urban biodiversity leading to robust generalities of the status and drivers of biodiversity in cities at the global scale are lacking. here, we compiled the largest global dataset to date of two diverse taxa in cities: birds (54 cities) and plants (110 cities). we found that the majority of urban bird and plant species are native in the world's cities. few plants ...201424523278
epistatic and combinatorial effects of pigmentary gene mutations in the domestic pigeon.understanding the molecular basis of phenotypic diversity is a critical challenge in biology, yet we know little about the mechanistic effects of different mutations and epistatic relationships among loci that contribute to complex traits. pigmentation genetics offers a powerful model for identifying mutations underlying diversity and for determining how additional complexity emerges from interactions among loci. centuries of artificial selection in domestic rock pigeons (columba livia) have cul ...201424508169
collective learning in route a recent paper,(1) we examined how experience of repeatedly flying with a specific partner influences pigeons' subsequent navigational decision-making in larger flocks. we found that pairs develop into a "behavioral unit" through their shared experience of joint flights, acquiring a single idiosyncratic route during training, and then forming spatially distinct subgroups when flying with other pairs. further, differences between the route preferences of different pairs appear to be reconciled ...201324505504
distribution of neurotransmitter receptors and zinc in the pigeon (columba livia) hippocampal formation: a basis for further comparison with the mammalian hippocampus.the avian hippocampal formation (hf) and mammalian hippocampus share a similar functional role in spatial cognition, but the underlying neuronal mechanisms allowing the functional similarity are incompletely understood. to understand better the organization of the avian hf and its transmitter receptors, we analyzed binding site densities for glutamatergic ampa, nmda, and kainate receptors; gabaa receptors; muscarinic m1 , m2 and nicotinic (nach) acetylcholine receptors; noradrenergic α1 and α2 r ...201424477871
necrotizing hepatitis in a domestic pigeon (columba livia).an adult male domestic pigeon (columba livia) was presented for necropsy following natural death after a period of chronic weight loss and severe intestinal ascariasis. histopathologic examination of the liver found moderate to marked, multifocal necrotizing hepatitis with large, basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies. transmission electron microscopy of affected hepatocytes demonstrated numerous intra- and perinuclear icosahedral virions arranged in a lattice structure, consistent with adenov ...201424457158
the complete mitochondrial genome of the feral rock pigeon (columba livia breed feral).abstract in the present work, we report the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of feral rock pigeon for the first time. the total length of the mitogenome was 17,239 bp with the base composition of 30.3% for a, 24.0% for t, 31.9% for c, and 13.8% for g and an a-t (54.3 %)-rich feature was detected. it harbored 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, 22 transfer rna genes and 1 non-coding control region (d-loop region). the arrangement of all genes was identical to the typical mitocho ...201424438239
morphology, projection pattern, and neurochemical identity of cajal's "centrifugal neurons": the cells of origin of the tectoventrogeniculate pathway in pigeon (columba livia) and chicken (gallus gallus).the nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis (glv) is a prominent retinal target in all amniotes. in birds, it is in receipt of a dense and topographically organized retinal projection. the glv is also the target of substantial and topographically organized projections from the optic tectum and the visual wulst (hyperpallium). tectal and retinal afferents terminate homotopically within the external glv-neuropil. efferents from the glv follow a descending course through the tegmentum and can ...201424435811
route following and the pigeon's familiar area map.homing pigeons (columba livia) have been the central model of avian navigation research for many decades, but only more recently has research extended into understanding their mechanisms of orientation in the familiar area. the discovery (facilitated by gps tracking) that pigeons gradually acquire with experience individually idiosyncratic routes home to which they remain faithful on repeated releases, even if displaced off-route, has helped uncover the fundamental role of familiar visual landma ...201424431141
molecular cloning and sequencing analysis of the interferon receptor (ifnar-1) from columba livia.partial sequence cloning of interferon receptor (ifnar-1) of columba livia.201426155117
sarcocystis calchasi has an expanded host range and induces neurological disease in cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicus) and north american rock pigeons (columbia livia f. dom.).pigeon protozoal encephalitis (ppe) is an emerging central nervous system disease of pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) caused by the apicomplexan parasite sarcocystis calchasi. the intermediate host specificity of s. calchasi had been considered high, as domestic chickens were resistant to experimental infection. here, we have re-evaluated this concept and expanded the known host range of s. calchasi by experimental infection of cockatiels (nymphicus hollandicus), a species distantly related ...201424360290
food availability and maternal immunization affect transfer and persistence of maternal antibodies in nestling pigeons.the ability of mothers to transfer antibodies (abs) to their young and the temporal persistence of maternal abs in offspring constitute important life-history traits that can impact the evolution of host-parasite interactions. here, we examined the effects of food availability and parental immunization on the transfer and persistence of maternal antibodies in nestling pigeons (columba livia). this species can transmit maternal abs to offspring before hatching through the egg yolk and potentially ...201324348905
plasma exogenous creatinine excretion for the assessment of renal function in avian medicine--pharmacokinetic modeling in racing pigeons (columba livia).the diagnostic evaluation of the glomerular filtration rate by urinary clearance has significant practical limitations in birds because urine is excreted together with feces. thus, pharmacokinetic modeling of an exogenous plasma creatinine clearance could be useful for assessing renal creatinine excretion in birds. for this study, creatinine (50 mg/kg) was administered to 2 groups of 15 pigeons (columba livia) each; in one group by the intravenous (iv) route and in the second by the intramuscula ...201324344507
hippocampal lesions in homing pigeons do not impair feature-quality or feature-quantity discrimination.the role of the avian hippocampal formation (hf) in spatial cognition is well demonstrated. however, it remains uncertain if the avian hippocampus, like its mammalian counterpart, has a role in the integration of elements that could compose a memory independent of space. the two experiments in the current study examined whether the hf of homing pigeons (columba livia) was required to encode into memory a discriminative representation of food quality (experiment 1) and quantity (experiment 2) wit ...201424300891
efferent and afferent connections of the olfactory bulb and prepiriform cortex in the pigeon (columba livia).although olfaction in birds is known to be involved in a variety of behaviors, there is comparatively little detailed information on the olfactory brain. in the pigeon brain, the olfactory bulb (ob) is known to project to the prepiriform cortex (cpp), piriform cortex (cpi), and dorsolateral corticoid area (cdl), which together are called the olfactory pallium, but centrifugal pathways to the ob have not been fully explored. fiber connections of cpi and cdl have been reported, but those of other ...201424222632
change detection and change blindness in pigeons (columba livia).change blindness is a phenomenon in which even obvious details in a visual scene change without being noticed. although change blindness has been studied extensively in humans, we do not yet know if it is a phenomenon that also occurs in other animals. thus, investigation of change blindness in a nonhuman species may prove to be valuable by beginning to provide some insight into its ultimate causes. pigeons learned a change detection task in which pecks to the location of a change in a sequence ...201424188621
positive influence of l-carnitine on the different muscle fibres types of racing pigeons.succinate dehydrogenase (sdh), ca(2+) atpase, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh), are involved in energy metabolism. these enzymes can be used as indicators of the energy capacity of aerobic cells. the study investigated the effects of l-carnitine supplementation on m. pectoralis superficialis, m. pectoralis profundus, m. extensor carpi radialis muscle and m. flexor carpi ulnaris. twenty-eight racing pigeons hatched at the same time were divided randomly into three groups. eight pigeons, which were use ...201424164218
[examinations on the pharmacokinetics and compatibility of enalapril in racing pigeons].it was the aim of this study to examine the compatibility and the pharmacokinetics of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril after oral application in racing pigeons and amazons, and to contribute to a safe dosage regime of this drug in birds.201324127029
detection of magnetic field intensity gradient by homing pigeons (columba livia) in a novel "virtual magnetic map" conditioning has long been thought that birds may use the earth's magnetic field not only as a compass for direction finding, but that it could also provide spatial information for position determination analogous to a map during navigation. since magnetic field intensity varies systematically with latitude and theoretically could also provide longitudinal information during position determination, birds using a magnetic map should be able to discriminate magnetic field intensity cues in the laboratory. h ...201324039812
evaluation of two methods for quantifying passeriform lice.two methods commonly used to quantify ectoparasites on live birds are visual examination and dust-ruffling. visual examination provides an estimate of ectoparasite abundance based on an observer's timed inspection of various body regions on a bird. dust-ruffling involves application of insecticidal powder to feathers that are then ruffled to dislodge ectoparasites onto a collection surface where they can then be counted. despite the common use of these methods in the field, the proportion of act ...201324039328
the behavioral satiety sequence in pigeons (columba livia). description and development of a method for quantitative analysis.the postprandial event known as the specific dynamic action is an evolutionarily conserved physiological set of metabolic responses to feeding. its behavioral counterpart, a sequence of drinking, maintenance (e.g., grooming) and sleep-like behaviors known as the behavioral satiety sequence (bss), has been thoroughly described in rodents and has enabled the refined evaluation of potential appetite modifiers. however, the presence and attributes of a bss have not been systematically studied in non ...201324021922
analysis of oxygen affinity in aquatic amphibian; homology modelling of the major haemoglobin component hba1 from the african clawed frog (xenopus laevis, anura).the homology model of major haemoglobin component hba1 of the african clawed frog was predicted using the pigeon (columba livia) haemoglobin as a template. the model was built with the help of modeller9v8. the models were evaluated with prosa and procheck. in x. laevis gln38α is unable to form a hydrogen bond with β97his or β99asp, which is responsible for the increase in oxygen affinity of the xenopus hba1. the hydrogen bond between α34thr and β124pro, which stabilises the deoxy state of the ha ...201324001722
a val85met mutation in melanocortin-1 receptor is associated with reductions in eumelanic pigmentation and cell surface expression in domestic rock pigeons (columba livia).variation in the melanocortin-1 receptor (mc1r) is associated with pigmentation diversity in wild and domesticated populations of vertebrates, including several species of birds. among domestic bird species, pigmentation variation in the rock pigeon (columbalivia) is particularly diverse. to determine the potential contribution of mc1r variants to pigment diversity in pigeons, we sequenced mc1r in a wide range of pigeon breeds and identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms, including a v ...201323977400
plasma protein electrophoresis in birds: comparison of a semiautomated agarose gel system with an automated capillary system.plasma agarose gel electrophoresis (age) is recognized as a very reliable diagnostic tool in avian medicine. within the last 10 years, new electrophoresis techniques such as capillary zone electrophoresis (cze) have emerged in human laboratory medicine but have never been investigated in birds. to investigate the use of cze in birds and to compare it with age, plasma samples from 30 roosters (gallus gallus), 20 black kites (milvus migrans), and 10 racing pigeons (columba livia) were analyzed by ...201323971218
an avifaunal survey of mesic manmade ecosystems "oases" in algerian hot-hyperarid made ecosystems of dry lands are key habitats due to their ecological characteristics to survey biodiversity. this study investigated bird diversity in three oases of the northern algerian sahara (i.e., biskra in 2006, oued souf in 2008 and ouargla in 2009), by using the spot-mapping method. bird density "d" (pairs/10 ha), species richness "s" (number species), diversity (shannon index) "h'" (in bits), and evenness "e" varied from one oasis to another (biskra: d = 98.5, s = 47, h' = 4.49, e  ...201323961217
color differences among feral pigeons (columba livia) are not attributable to sequence variation in the coding region of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (mc1r).genetic variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor (mc1r) gene is correlated with melanin color variation in many birds. feral pigeons (columba livia) show two major melanin-based colorations: a red coloration due to pheomelanic pigment and a black coloration due to eumelanic pigment. furthermore, within each color type, feral pigeons display continuous variation in the amount of melanin pigment present in the feathers, with individuals varying from pure white to a full dark melanic color. colorat ...201323915680
testing cognitive navigation in unknown territories: homing pigeons choose different targets.homing pigeons (columba livia) are believed to adopt a map-and-compass strategy to find their way home. surprisingly, to date a clear demonstration of the use of a cognitive map in free-flight experiments is missing. in this study, we investigated whether homing pigeons use a mental map in which - at an unknown release site - their own position, the home loft and a food loft are represented simultaneously. in order to test this, homing pigeons were trained to fly to a 25-30 km distant food loft. ...201323885090
theoretical modelling of wakes from retractable flapping wings in forward flight.a free-wake method is used to simulate the wake from retractable, jointed wings. the method serves to complement existing experimental studies that visualise flying animal wakes. simulated wakes are shown to be numerically convergent for a case study of the rock pigeon in minimum power cruising flight. the free-wake model is robust in simulating wakes for a range of wing geometries and dynamics without requiring changes to the numerical method. the method is found to be useful for providing low ...201323882442
effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates on hatchability, body weight, and energy status in domestic pigeons (columba livia).the effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates on hatchability, bw, yolk sac weights (ysw), pectoral muscle weights (pmw), liver and pectoral muscle glycogen concentration, serum glucose level, and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase activity of domestic pigeons, hatched from eggs laid by a 40-wk-old breeder flock, were investigated. at 14.5 of incubation, fertile eggs were injected with 200 μl of 1.5% maltose (m) + 1.5% sucrose (s), 2.5% m + 2.5% s, 3.5% m + 3.5% s, or 4.5% m + 4.5% s in 0.75% saline ...201323873560
experimental evaluation of flow-induced noise in level flight of the pigeon (columba livia).the experimental method employed in an anechoic wind tunnel to characterize flow-induced noise of the pigeon (columba livia) during level flight is described in this letter. a live pigeon was managed to maintain a steady level flight at the wind tunnel test flow of 15 m/s. a microphone array was fabricated, and the conventional beamforming method was then adopted to yield the corresponding narrowband acoustic images and broadband sound pressure spectral results. the results justified the experim ...201323862907
a simple method to count total faecal capillaria worm eggs in racing pigeons (columba livia).capillaria columbae and c. longicollis are fine threadworms found in racing pigeons' small intestines that produce a characteristic lemon shaped bipolar egg. clinically, capillariasis in racing pigeons can present as severe illness and it has been suggested that worms may affect race performance. a major aim of this study was to validate a cheap, simple to perform flotation technique for counting capillaria worm eggs in racing pigeon droppings. trials using reference samples of pigeon droppings ...201323830686
testing visual short-term memory of pigeons (columba livia) and a rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta) with a location change detection task.change detection is commonly used to assess capacity (number of objects) of human visual short-term memory (vstm). comparisons with the performance of non-human animals completing similar tasks have shown similarities and differences in object-based vstm, which is only one aspect ("what") of memory. another important aspect of memory, which has received less attention, is spatial short-term memory for "where" an object is in space. in this article, we show for the first time that a monkey and pi ...201323754273
manipulation of primary sex ratio in birds: lessons from the homing pigeon (columba livia domestica).across various animal taxa not only the secondary sex ratio but also the primary sex ratio (at conception) shows significant deviations from the expected equal proportions of sons and daughters. birds are especially intriguing to study this phenomenon as avian females are the heterogametic sex (zw); therefore sex determination might be under direct control of the mother. avian sex ratios vary in relation to environmental or maternal condition, which can also affect the production of maternal ste ...201323720529
a potential role for parasites in the maintenance of color polymorphism in urban birds.urbanization is a major challenge for biodiversity conservation, yet the evolutionary processes taking place in urbanized areas remain poorly known. human activities in cities set new selective forces in motion which need to be investigated to predict the evolutionary responses of animal species living in urban areas. in this study, we investigated the role of urbanization and parasites in the maintenance of melanin-based color polymorphism in the feral pigeon columba livia. using a correlative ...201323685880
effects of in ovo injection of carbohydrate solution on small intestine development in domestic pigeons (columba livia).the objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that in ovo injection of carbohydrates into pigeon (columba livia) amnion may improve the small intestine development. at d 14.5 of incubation, 80 fertile eggs were injected with 200 μl of carbohydrate solution, and 80 control eggs were not injected. the carbohydrate solution (wt/vol) contained 2.5% maltose + 2.5% sucrose, all dissolved in 0.75% saline. twelve eggs from each treatment were randomly sampled at d 16 of incubation and the day o ...201323658350
domestic pigeons. 201323618660
pigeons discriminate objects on the basis of abstract familiarity.knowledge of previous encounters with conspecifics is thought to be beneficial as it allows fast and appropriate behavioral responses toward those animals. this level of categorization goes beyond perceptual similarity and requires the individual to refer to a more abstract common referent, namely familiarity. it has been shown that pigeons are able to form functional classes of conspecifics that are based on familiarity. to date, we do not know whether this ability is restricted to the social c ...201323584617
pigeons integrate past knowledge across sensory modalities.advanced inferring abilities that are used for predator recognition and avoidance have been documented in a variety of animal species that produce alarm calls. in contrast, evidence for cognitive abilities that underpin predation avoidance in nonalarm-calling species is restricted to associative learning of heterospecific alarm calls and predator presence. we investigated cognitive capacities that underlie the perception and computation of external information beyond associative learning by addr ...201323487497
a magnetic pulse does not affect homing pigeon navigation: a gps tracking experiment.the cues by which homing pigeons are able to return to a home loft after displacement to unfamiliar release sites remain debated. a number of experiments in which migratory birds have been treated with a magnetic pulse have produced a disruption in their orientation, which argues that a ferrimagnetic sense is used for navigation in birds. one previous experiment has also indicated an effect of magnetic pulses on homing pigeon navigation, although with inconsistent results. previous studies have ...201323470658
effects of bridge construction on songbirds and small mammals at blennerhassett island, ohio river, of man-made objects such as roads and bridges may have impacts on wildlife depending on species or location. we investigated songbirds and small mammals along the ohio river, wv, usa at a new bridge both before and after construction and at a bridge crossing that was present throughout the study. comparisons were made at each site over three time periods (1985-1987 [phase i] and 1998-2000 [phase ii] [pre-construction], 2007-2009 [phase iii] [post-construction]) and at three distance ...201323435850
an experimental test of the capture-restraint protocol for estimating the acute stress response.stress-induced increases in glucocorticoids (gcs) modulate behavior and are key in directing energy reserves. the capture-restraint protocol was developed to experimentally stimulate and quantify the magnitude of the acute stress response by comparing baseline gc levels with those collected after restraining a subject for a period of time, typically 30 min. this protocol has been used extensively in the field and lab, yet few studies have investigated whether it parallels hypothalamic-pituitary- ...201323434787
evaluation of three miniplate systems for fracture stabilization in pigeons (columba livia).bone plates are rarely used in avian fracture management for several reasons, and until recently, there was no plating system considered appropriate for use in birds with a body mass less than 500 g. to evaluate 3 different miniplate systems in avian fracture repair, 3 groups (a, b, and c) of 6 pigeons (columba livia) each were used. the left ulna and radius of the pigeons were transected, and the ulna was stabilized. in group a, a 1.3-mm adaption plate was used. in group b, a limited contact sy ...201223409431
modulation of the host th1 immune response in pigeon protozoal encephalitis caused by sarcocystis calchasi.pigeon protozoal encephalitis (ppe) is an emerging central-nervous disease of domestic pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) reported in germany and the united states. it is caused by the apicomplexan parasite sarcocystis calchasi which is transmitted by accipter hawks. in contrast to other members of the apicomplexa such as toxoplasma and plasmodium, the knowledge about the pathophysiology and host manipulation of sarcocystis is scarce and almost nothing is known about ppe. here we show by mrna ...201323398807
the first description of a congenital right ventricular cardiac aneurysm in a pigeon (columba livia domestica, cluj blue tumbler pigeon).congenital cardiac aneurysms and diverticula are rare cardiac outpouchings first described in humans. our paper describes a congenital cardiac aneurysm in the wall of the right ventricle in a pigeon. a number of pigeons (n = 23), cluj blue tumblers (aves: columbiformes: columbidae: columba livia domestica), were found dead (accidental poisoning) in october 5, 2011 in cluj-napoca, central romania. one individual (a 7-mo-old male) presented with a thin-walled pouch in the wall of the right cardiac ...201223397857
genomic diversity and evolution of the head crest in the rock pigeon.the geographic origins of breeds and the genetic basis of variation within the widely distributed and phenotypically diverse domestic rock pigeon (columba livia) remain largely unknown. we generated a rock pigeon reference genome and additional genome sequences representing domestic and feral populations. we found evidence for the origins of major breed groups in the middle east and contributions from a racing breed to north american feral populations. we identified the gene ephb2 as a strong ca ...201323371554
three-dimensional organisation of rna-processing machinery in avian growing oocyte nucleus.chromosome architecture and assorted nuclear compartments play an essential role in rna transcription and processing. growing vertebrate oocytes represent an advantageous model to study the principles of nuclear structure and function. in this article, the data on three-dimensional (3d) organisation of intact and non-deformed oocyte nuclei (germinal vesicles) in four species of birds (domestic chicken, japanese quail, rock pigeon and chaffinch) obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy are ...201223318709
motion parallax processing in pigeon (columba livia) pretectal the visual system of invertebrates and vertebrates there are specialised groups of motion-sensitive neurons, with large receptive fields, which are optimally tuned to respond to optic flow produced by the animals' movement through the 3-d world. from their response characteristics, shared frame of reference with the vestibular or inertial system, and anatomical connections, these neurons have been implicated in the stabilisation of retinal images, the control of posture and balance, and the a ...201323294181
sunk cost and work ethic effects reflect suboptimal choice between different work requirements.we investigated suboptimal choice between different work requirements in pigeons (columba livia), namely the sunk cost effect, an irrational tendency to persist with an initial investment, despite the availability of a better option. pigeons chose between two keys, one with a fixed work requirement to food of 20 pecks (left key), and the other with a work requirement to food which varied across conditions (center key). on some trials within each session, such choices were preceded by an investme ...201323274847
effectiveness of gel repellents on feral pigeons.millions of feral pigeons (columba livia) live in close association with the human population in our cities. they pose serious health risks to humans and lead to high economic loss due to damage caused to buildings. consequently, house owners and city authorities are not willing to allow pigeons on their buildings. while various avian repellents are regularly introduced onto the market, scientific proof of efficacy is lacking. this study aimed at testing the effectiveness of two avian gel repell ...201326479881
striatal dopamine d1 receptors are involved in the dissociation of learning based on we investigate the contribution of striatal dopamine receptors (d1) to the influence of reward-magnitude on learning. pigeons (columba livia) were trained on a discrimination-task with two pairs of stimuli; correct discrimination resulted in a large reward in one pair of stimuli and in a small reward in the other pair. acquisition of the discrimination-task was accompanied by intracranial injections to the medial striatum, either of a dopamine-antagonist (sch23390) or of vehicle. in the con ...201323159320
immunohistochemical detection of the putative mechanoproteins asic2 and trpv4 in avian herbst sensory corpuscles.the avian herbst corpuscles are the equivalent of the pacinian corpuscles in mammals, and detect vibration and the movement of joints and feathers. therefore, they can be regarded as rapidly adapting low-threshold mechanoreceptors. in recent years, it has been establish that some ion channels are involved in mechanosensation and are present in both mechanosensory neurons and mechanoreceptors. here we have used immunohistochemistry to localize some putative mechanoproteins in the herbst corpuscle ...201323152301
distribution and characterization of doublecortin-expressing cells and fibers in the brain of the adult pigeon (columba livia).doublecortin (dcx) is a microtubule-associated protein essential for the migration of immature neurons in the developing and adult vertebrate brain. herein, the distribution of dcx-immunoreactive (dcx-ir) cells in the prosencephalon of the adult pigeon (columba livia) is described, in order to collect the evidence of their immature neural phenotype and to investigate their putative place of origin. bipolar and multipolar dcx-ir cells were observed to be widespread throughout the parenchyma of th ...201323137815
not just passengers: pigeons, columba livia, can learn homing routes while flying with a more experienced conspecific.for animals that travel in groups, the directional choices of conspecifics are potentially a rich source of information for spatial learning. in this study, we investigate how the opportunity to follow a locally experienced demonstrator affects route learning by pigeons over repeated homing flights. this test of social influences on navigation takes advantage of the individually distinctive routes that pigeons establish when trained alone. we found that pigeons learn routes just as effectively w ...201323135677
do pigeons (columba livia) seek information when they have insufficient knowledge?seeking information in uncertain situations has been interpreted as evidence of metacognitive abilities. we examined whether pigeons could monitor their own knowledge states and seek new information when in need. in experiment 1, we required the pigeons to learn novel sequences of responses for various trios of illustrations. on half of the trials, subjects were given the opportunity to ask for "hints" as to the next correct response in a sequence. if the subjects completed a trial correctly wit ...201323065184
new insights into morphological features of hadjelia truncata (spirurida: habronematidae), as revealed by sem.hadjelia truncata (spirurida: habronematidae) is a nematode found in the gizzard of several avian species. however, it has been reported pathogenic only in pigeons (columba livia), in which it causes severe ventriculitis. scanning electron microscopy (sem) was used to study the morphological aspects of adult worms of this nematode in detail. males and females measured 6.5-9 and 12-16.5 mm, respectively. the bodies were straight with moderate uniform thickness in both males and females, narrowing ...201323064811
conditioned suppression/avoidance as a procedure for testing hearing in birds: the domestic pigeon (columba livia).although the domestic pigeon is commonly used in learning experiments, it is a notoriously difficult subject in auditory psychophysical experiments, even those in which it need only respond when it detects a sound. this is because pigeons tend to respond in the absence of sound-that is, they have a high false-positive rate-which makes it difficult to determine a pigeon's audiogram. however, false positives are easily controlled in the method of conditioned suppression/avoidance, in which a pigeo ...201323055174
further tests of pigeons' (columba livia) planning behavior using a computerized plus-shaped maze task.miyata and fujita in 2008 reported that pigeons, trained to move a target square to a goal square by pecking, plan one step ahead while performing on a plus-shaped maze, that is, the birds frequently made errors to move the target toward the previous goal direction after the goal jumped to another arm. in the present study, pigeons' planning using this maze was further examined. in experiment 1, when goals appeared at all three of the arms during solution, the birds did not choose the old goal a ...201223033743
distribution of prosaposin mrna in the central nervous system of the pigeon (columba livia).bioassay and immunohistochemical studies have detected the presence of prosaposin in the central nervous system (cns) of mammals. here, first time, we have determined the partial cdna sequence of pigeon prosaposin and mapped the distribution of its mrna in the pigeon cns. the predicted amino acid sequence of pigeon prosaposin showed 93 and 60% identity to chicken and human prosaposin, respectively. in situ hybridization, autoradiograms showed that the prosaposin mrna expression was found in the ...201322994540
muscle function during takeoff and landing flight in the pigeon (columba livia).this study explored the muscle strain and activation patterns of several key flight muscles of the pigeon (columba livia) during takeoff and landing flight. using electromyography (emg) to measure muscle activation, and sonomicrometry to quantify muscle strain, we evaluated the muscle function patterns of the pectoralis, biceps, humerotriceps and scapulotriceps as pigeons flew between two perches. these recordings were analyzed in the context of three-dimensional wing kinematics. to understand t ...201222972885
serotonergic control of ingestive and post-ingestive behaviors in pigeons (columba livia): the role of 5-ht1a receptor-mediated central mechanisms.central injections of serotonin (5-ht) produce hyperdipsic and hypnogenic behavioral effects that are correlated to decreased fos-immunorreactivity of 5-ht neurons in free-feeding pigeons. we herein (1) probed the role of 5-ht(1a) receptors on the 5-ht- or 8-oh-dpat-evoked postprandial behaviors and (2) described the sleep-waking states (waking, w; drowsiness, d; slow-wave sleep, sws; rapid-eye movement sleep, rems) and sleep architecture of free-feeding pigeons after these treatments. latency, ...201322954717
dosing of adult pigeons with as little as one #9 lead pellet caused severe δ-alad depression, suggesting potential adverse effects in wild populations.avian wildlife species commonly ingest lead (pb) spent shot or bullet fragments as grit or mistakenly as food. in previous studies in our laboratory and others, the toxicity varied based on the diet as well as type and quantity of pb ingested. in the current study, domestic pigeons were gavaged with 1, 2, or 3 pb pellets and then followed with weekly radiographs and blood physiologic endpoints for 28 days. pellet retention decreased by roughly 50 % per week as pellets were either absorbed or exc ...201222903291
a novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification approach for sex identification of columbidae birds.because it is difficult to differentiate male and female columbidae birds (e.g., columba livia) on the basis of morphology, detection of dna fragments associated with chromobox-helicase-dna binding genes or female-specific genes have been widely used. the objective was to establish a loop-mediated isothermal amplification system involving the 18s ribosomal rna gene and a female-specific gene for sex identification of columba livia birds. unlike polymerase chain reaction (pcr), random amplificati ...201222898019
prevalence of pigeon circovirus infections in feral pigeons in ljubljana, slovenia.pigeon circovirus (picv) was detected by real-time pcr in cloacal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, and serum samples taken from 74 feral pigeons (columba livia var. domestica) that were caught at various locations in the city of ljubljana, slovenia. picv infections were detected in the majority of the tested birds. the highest (74.3%) detection rate was observed in the cloacal swabs and the lowest (31.1%) in serum samples. picv dna was more readily detected in the cloacal swabs, pharyngeal swabs, and se ...201222856208
study of nebulization delivery of aerosolized fluorescent microspheres to the avian respiratory tract.this study investigated the delivery of an aerosol of monodisperse microspheres to the respiratory tract of birds following aerosol exposure. adult domestic pigeons (columbia livia domestica, n = 5 birds per timed treatment) were exposed to an aerosol of fluorescent 1.0 microm diameter carboxylate microspheres for 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 hr. during the aerosolization period, the birds were free-standing in a plexiglass treatment chamber and the aerosol was delivered using a commercial nebulizer. immedia ...201222856198
physiological and hormonal aspects in female domestic pigeons (columba livia) associated with breeding stage and experience.the present study examined the changes in serum biochemical values, hormone profiles and ovary prolactin receptor (prlr) gene expression occurring in female domestic pigeons (columba livia) under different breeding status and experience. the egg-laying pigeons had lower calcium, total protein, albumin, prolactin levels and higher oestrogen levels than those of incubating birds (p < 0.05). first-time breeders had higher (p < 0.05) progesterone levels and lower (p < 0.05) prolactin levels than tha ...201322853555
the long view: a selective review of 40 years of newcastle disease research.this review is written for the series celebrating the 40th year since the first issue of avian pathology. the aim of the authors was to cover the developments in newcastle disease (nd) research over the last 40 years that they considered significant. during those 40 years there have been several panzootics of this serious disease in poultry and for the last 30 years there has been a continuing panzootic in domestic pigeons, which has spread to wild birds and poultry. the 40-year period began wit ...201222834545
intense flight and endotoxin injection elicit similar effects on leukocyte distributions but dissimilar effects on plasma-based immunological indices in pigeons.most birds rely on flight for survival. yet as an energetically taxing and physiologically integrative process, flight has many repercussions. studying pigeons (columba livia) and employing physiological and immunological indices that are relevant to ecologists working with wild birds, we determined what, if any, acute immune-like responses result from bouts of intense, non-migratory flight. we compared the effects of flight with the effects of a simulated bacterial infection. we also investigat ...201222811245
the ontogeny of nutrient transporter and digestive enzyme gene expression in domestic pigeon (columba livia) intestine and yolk sac membrane during pre- and posthatch better understand the digestive capacity in domestic pigeons (columba livia), this study was conducted to evaluate nutrient transporters and digestive enzymes gene expression in small intestine and yolk sac membrane (ysm) during pre- and posthatch development. we investigated the oligopeptide transporter pept1, sodium glucose transporter sglt1, glucose transporter glut2, aminopeptidase-n (apn), and sucrase-isomaltase (si). intestine was collected at embryo d 12, 14, and 16, day of hatch, and ...201222802193
posthatch development of intestinal morphology and digestive enzyme activities in domestic pigeons (columba livia).the gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in studies of avian ontogenies because of its key function in nutrient intake. the pattern of intestinal development during postnatal growth in domestic pigeons (columba livia), as an altricial bird, would be different from the pattern observed in precocial poultry. in this study, the intestinal morphology, mucosal enzyme activities, and pancreatic enzyme activities were determined from hatch to 14 d of age in pigeons. rapid morphological develo ...201222802182
how effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? an experimental test with pigeons and hippoboscid flies.birds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. however, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relatively slow moving. less is known about the effectiveness of preening as a defence against more mobile and evasive ectoparasites such as hippoboscid flies. hippoboscids, which feed on blood, have direct ...201222787587
evidence for discrete landmark use by pigeons during homing.considerable efforts have been made to investigate how homing pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) are able to return to their loft from distant, unfamiliar sites while the mechanisms underlying navigation in familiar territory have received less attention. with the recent advent of global positioning system (gps) data loggers small enough to be carried by pigeons, the role of visual environmental features in guiding navigation over familiar areas is beginning to be understood, yet, surprisingly ...201222735350
molecular cloning, characterization, and expression analysis of fatty acid translocase (fat/cd36) in the pigeon (columba livia domestica).fatty acid translocase (fat/cd36) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that plays an important role in transporting long-chain fatty acids. in the current study, a full-length cdna of fat/cd36 was first cloned from the intestine of white king pigeon by rapid amplification of cdna ends (race) method. the full-length cdna of pigeon fat/cd36 was 2,282 bp, including a 5'-untranslated region of 224 bp, a 3'-untranslated region of 642 bp, and an open reading frame of 1,416 bp encoding a protein of 471 amin ...201222700514
maintenance of core body temperature in anaesthetised pigeons (columba livia domestica): a comparison of two thermal thermal devices are used to prevent hypothermia during anaesthetic procedures. two thermal devices, one conductive and one convective, were compared for their effect on maintenance of core body temperature (cbt) during 1h of general anaesthesia in pigeons (columba livia domestica). in a randomised crossover trial, cbt decreased significantly less with the conductive device than when the convective device was used (2.5 ± 0.7°c and 3.8 ± 0.9°c, respectively; p<0.01). moreover, cbt was maint ...201222695002
visual artificial grammar learning: comparative research on humans, kea (nestor notabilis) and pigeons (columba livia).artificial grammar learning (agl) provides a useful tool for exploring rule learning strategies linked to general purpose pattern perception. to be able to directly compare performance of humans with other species with different memory capacities, we developed an agl task in the visual domain. presenting entire visual patterns simultaneously instead of sequentially minimizes the amount of required working memory. this approach allowed us to evaluate performance levels of two bird species, kea (n ...201222688635
distribution pattern of apicomplexan parasites (sporozoa: haemosporida) in columba livia, gmelin.during 39 months of sampling, the prevalence of apicomplexan parasites (haemoproteus and plasmodium) was studied in columba livia gmelin of rohilkhand region, up, india, according to the sex of the host, different seasons and host localities. out of 266 pigeons sampled, 148 pigeons were positive for haemoproteus at a prevalence of 55.63%. only 18 pigeons (2.67%) had a dual haemoproteus and plasmodium infection and 130 pigeons (48.87%) had haemoproteus infection. no pigeons were positive for plas ...201122654310
contrasting levels of heavy metals in the feathers of urban pigeons from close habitats suggest limited movements at a restricted scale.despite restrictions in emissions, heavy metals may remain a major environmental issue due to their numerous sources and their persistence. here, we assessed current levels of 4 metals (copper, cadmium, lead, zinc) in the feathers of 91 feral pigeons (columba livia) from 7 sites in the urbanized region of paris. elements were detected in all pigeons, indicating that metals persist in urbanized areas. the ratio between metal concentrations in the feathers vs. in the environment calculated using d ...201222584112
choice behavior of pigeons (columba livia), college students, and preschool children (homo sapiens) in the monty hall the monty hall dilemma, an individual chooses between three options, only one of which will deliver a prize. after the initial choice, one of the nonchosen options is revealed as a losing option, and the individual can choose to stay with the original choice or switch to the other remaining option. previous studies have found that most adults stay with their initial choice, although the chances of winning are 2/3 for switching and 1/3 for staying. pigeons, college students, and preschool chil ...201222582816
assessing the effects of three potential chemical repellents to prevent bird damage to corn seeds and seedlings.bird damage to seeds and seedlings of maize (zea mays) and other crops is widespread, especially in organic farming, because no adequate seed protection is available. in this study, the effect of seed treatments with three substances likely to affect bird feeding behaviour (anthraquinone, pulegone and methyl anthranilate) was tested. their repellent effect was tested in food and seedling choice (treated versus untreated) experiments with feral pigeons (columba livia f. domestica) in aviaries. mo ...201322499556
acquisition of a same-different discrimination task by pigeons (columba livia).four homing pigeons were trained to discriminate two figures simultaneously presented on an lcd screen. the figure was either a rectangle (a) or a square (b), and four combinations of the two figures, aa, ab, ba, bb, appeared in a pseudo-randomized order. the pigeons' task was to peck one of these figures based upon whether the two figures were identical or not. one pigeon successfully learned this discrimination, with proportions of correct responses above 90% in two consecutive sessions. of th ...201222489391
pharmacokinetics of clindamycin administered orally to determine the plasma concentration of clindamycin in pigeons after oral administration, 12 rock pigeons (columba livia) were used in a 2-phase study. in the first phase, 8 pigeons received clindamycin by gavage at 100 mg/kg as a single dose. blood samples were collected at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 hours, and the plasma was separated, frozen, and subsequently analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for clindamycin and its active metabolites, n-demethylclindamycin (ncld) and ...201122458181
heterotopic implantation of autologous bone marrow in rock pigeons (columba livia): possible applications in avian bone grafting.autologous bone marrow, alone or as a composite marrow graft, has received much attention in various species. to assess the potential osteogenicity of autologous, extramedullary bone marrow implants in an avian model, 24 adult pigeons (columba livia) were given intramuscular implantations of autologous marrow aspirated from the medial tibiotarsus. birds were euthanatized at 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks after surgery to evaluate whether ectopic bone had formed at the implant sites. primary evalua ...201122458179
new records and a new species of chewing lice (phthiraptera, amblycera, ischnocera) found on columbidae (columbiformes) in pakistan.the chewing lice (phthiraptera) of columbidae (columbiformes) from pakistan are studied. six species of chewing lice with new host records are recorded and one new species of the genus colpocephalum is described from columba livia in the karachi region. all the columbid chewing lice from pakistan are keyed out and the new species is illustrated and compared with the closest allied species.201222451786
reversal learning in rats (rattus norvegicus) and pigeons (columba livia): qualitative differences in behavioral flexibility.research has shown that pigeons given a simultaneous visually based discrimination reversal, in which a single reversal occurs at the midpoint of each session, consistently show anticipation prior to the reversal as well as perseveration after the reversal, suggesting that they use a less effective cue (time or trial number into the session) than what would be optimal to maximize reinforcement (local feedback from the most recent trials). in the present research, pigeons (columba livia) and rats ...201322428983
change detection by rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) and pigeons (columba livia).two monkeys (macaca mulatta) learned a color change-detection task where two colored circles (selected from a 4-color set) were presented on a 4 × 4 invisible matrix. following a delay, the correct response was to touch the changed colored circle. the monkeys' learning, color transfer, and delay transfer were compared to a similar experiment with pigeons. monkeys, like pigeons (columba livia), showed full transfer to four novel colors, and to delays as long as 6.4 s, suggesting they remembered t ...201222428982
hematology and enzyme histochemistry of peripheral blood lymphocytes in domestic pigeon (columba livia f. domestica).the purpose of our study was to determine the percentages of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (anae)-positive and acid phosphatase (acp)-positive peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) in both sexes of one-year-old domestic pigeons (columba livia f. domestica). blood samples obtained from 12 healthy domestic pigeons were used. the mean percentages of anae-positive pbl for females and males were 47.8% and 48.8%, respectively, whereas the mean percentages of acp-positive pbl were 67.5% and 68.6%, respe ...201222409509
non-canonical cajal bodies form in the nucleus of late stage avian oocytes lacking functional the somatic cell nucleus, there are several universal domains such as nucleolus, sc35-domains, cajal bodies (cbs) and histone locus bodies (hlbs). among them, cbs were described more than 100 years ago; however, we still do not have a final understanding of their nature and biological significance. the giant nucleus of avian and amphibian growing oocytes represents an advantageous model for analysis of functions and biogenesis of various nuclear domains. nevertheless, in large-sized avian ooc ...201222382586
analgesic effects of meloxicam administration on postoperative orthopedic pain in domestic pigeons (columba livia).to assess the analgesic effects of 2 doses of meloxicam on the degree of postoperative orthopedic pain in pigeons.201222369527
evaluation of a fracture pain model in domestic pigeons (columba livia).to validate a model of postfracture pain in perching birds.201222369526
parasitic ventriculitis caused by hadjelia truncata in california rock pigeons (columba livia).severe ventriculitis and emaciation caused by the infestation of the nematode hadjelia truncata occurred in meat-type breeder rock pigeons (columba livia) in southern and central california. hadjelia truncata can infest several species of birds, although it has only been reported as pathogenic in pigeons. the factors that contribute to h. truncata pathogenicity are not known. the gross and microscopic pathology caused by the infestation of h. truncata in the ventriculus of pigeons and its morpho ...201122362812
divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeon.domestic pigeons are spectacularly diverse and exhibit variation in more traits than any other bird species [1]. in the origin of species, charles darwin repeatedly calls attention to the striking variation among domestic pigeon breeds-generated by thousands of years of artificial selection on a single species by human breeders-as a model for the process of natural divergence among wild populations and species [2]. darwin proposed a morphology-based classification of domestic pigeon breeds [3], ...201222264611
eighteen polymorphic microsatellites for domestic pigeon columba livia var. domestica developed by cross species amplification of chicken markers. 201122232198
clinicopathologic, gross necropsy, and histologic findings after intramuscular injection of carprofen in a pigeon (columba livia) evaluate the pathologic effects of carprofen in a pigeon model (columba livia), 52 young adult pigeons were used in a randomized control study design. sixteen pigeons were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups and received carprofen by intramuscular injection at dosages of either 2, 5, or 10 mg/kg once daily for 7 days. four pigeons served as saline-injected controls. four pigeons from each group and 1 control pigeon were randomly selected on days 2, 4, 6, and 8 to obtain blood samples ...201122216717
comparison of assessment of pigeon sperm viability by contrast-phase microscope (eosin-nigrosin staining) and flow cytometry (sybr-14/propidium iodide (pi) staining) [evaluation of pigeon sperm viability].the aim of these experiments was to compare the conventional, microscopic method of evaluating pigeon sperm viability to sperm assessed by flow cytometry. semen was collected twice a week from two groups of pigeons. in every group were 20 males (group i: meat-type breed; group ii: fancy pigeon breed). semen was collected using the lumbosacral and cloacal region massage method. ejaculates collected from each group were pooled and diluted to 10 × 10(6) sperm/ml in bpse solution. samples were divid ...201222056017
Displaying items 1501 - 1600 of 2008