
[the role of active polypeptides in the homeostatic mechanism. on the peripheral chemoreceptive action of antiotensin and oxytocin]. 19674294231
[the role of active polypeptides in the homeostatic mechanism. on the peripheral chemoreceptive action of antiotensin and oxytocin]. 19674294231
advances in connective tissue research and their relationship to the aetiology of periodontal disease. 19674295408
morphological changes in the rat hypothalamus and adrenal cortex in the early postnatal period after acth and hydrocortisone administration, stress, and adrenalectomy. 19684302635
plasma membranes of the rat liver. isolation and enzymatic characterization of a fraction rich in bile canaliculi.a method is described for the rapid isolation of a plasma membrane fraction containing a high concentration of intact bile canaliculi from the rat liver. isolated bile canaliculi retain most of the ultrastructural features exhibited in the intact liver cell. the final fraction contains 5'-nucleotidase activity at approximately the same concentration as that in previous preparations of plasma membranes. in the presence of 0.01 m mg(++), 5'-nucleotidase exhibits a double ph optimum at ph values of ...19694304740
effect of x-irradiation on the functional status of lysosomal enzymes of mouse mammary gland carcinomas. 19714324247
[electrophysiologic, histochemical and immunologic correlates in the central mechanism of audiogenic epilepsy]. 19724336346
effects of chloramphenicol isomers and erythromycin on enzyme and lipid synthesis induced by oxygen in wild-type and petite yeast.the synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes induced by exposure of anaerobically grown, lipid-depleted saccharomyces cerevisiae to oxygen is inhibited by d(-)-threo-chloramphenicol and erythromycin. the concentration of these antibiotics required to cause 50% inhibition of this synthesis is less than 1 mm; this is also approximately the concentration required to inhibit by the same amount mitochondrial protein synthesis in situ. the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids, ergosterol, and phospholipid i ...19724336687
a comparison of the intestinal absorption, lymph and plasma transport, and tissue uptake of -and -tocopherols in the rat. 19724337563
two new herpesviruses from spider monkeys (ateles geoffroyi). 19724338773
association of an endoribonuclease with the avian myeloblastosis virus deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase. 19724344646
lipid composition of selected strains of yersinia pestis and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19734351505
histoenzymologic and biochemical investigations into the nervous tissue round an experimentally-induced cerebral hemorrhagic focus. 19724352668
[the radiological findings due to infection by yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica--observation of five cases]. 19734354277
superoxide dismutase: a contaminant of bovine catalase.some commercial samples of bovine catalase contain superoxide dismutase activity. therefore the inhibition of a reaction on the addition of a catalase preparation need not necessarily mean that h(2)o(2) is responsible for the reaction.19734357956
concordant segregation of the expression of sv40 t antigen and human chromosome 7 in mouse-human hybrid subclones.subcloning of simian virus 40 (sv40) t antigen-positive mouse-human hybrids, derived from the fusion of mouse cells deficient in thymidine kinase with sv40-transformed lesch nyhan fibroblasts, resulted in their segregation into t antigen-positive and negative subclones. positive correlation between the presence of human chromosome 7 and the expression of sv40 t antigen was established in the subclones examined. these results negate the possibility of a transfer of the sv40 genome to a mouse chro ...19744363410
prostaglandins and the regulation of uterine blood flow in pregnancy. 19744364355
demonstration of alpha-fetoglobulin in hepatoma tissue by fluorescent antibody technique. 19744368565
[the role of adrenocorticotropic hormone and hydrocortisone in regulating the processes of reparative regeneration in the rat adrenal cortex]. 19744376681
metabolism of carbohydrates by pasteurella pseudotuberculosis.cell-free extracts of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and p. pestis catalyzed a rapid and reversible exchange of electrons between pyridine nucleotides. although the extent of this exchange approximated that promoted by the soluble nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) transhydrogenase of pseudomonas fluorescens, the reaction in the pasteurellae was associated with a particulate fraction and was not influenced by adenosine-2'-monophosphate. the ability of p. pseudotuberculosis to utilize ...19684384969
[light-induced pigment formation in saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus. studies on the nature of the pigment]. 19694388833
effects of chronic nicotine, acute hypoxia, and their interactions on myocardial enzymes. 19704393062
[percutaneous absorption of 32p-trichlorophon and 32p-dimethoate in sheep]. 19704394879
altered immunogenicity of the allogeneic spleen cell preparations from rats affected by the graft-versus-host reaction. 19714397020
ii. acid proteinases. chemical studies of porcine pepsin. 19704399040
biological evaluation of various spacecraft cabin atmospheres. i. 19704399079
intravenously administered doxycycline in urological and surgical infections. 19724402952
[biochemical investigations of somatic and flagellar components of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19714403540
yersinia pseudotuberculosis mesenteric adenitis. 19744421361
[morphological changes in the myocardium in indirect revascularization]. 19744431149
effect of prednisolone on the electromechanical activity of isolated human atrial muscle. 19744433470
correspondence: dropped jaw in dogs. 19744450384
difference in susceptibility to benzylpenicillin between yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19744453026
chemical and immunochemical studies on yersinia pseudotuberculosis lipopolysaccharides. ii. lipopolysaccharides from type ib microorganism. 19744463157
the response of mouse haemopoietic colony forming units to repeated whole body x-irradiation. 19744464991
ovarian activity and peripheral plasma levels of oestrogens and progesterone in the lactating sow. 19744468919
[mechanism of action of estradiol valerate. ii. changes in the genital tract of rats castrated and subjected to prolonged treatment]. 19744471561
human plasma kallikrein. purification and preliminary characterization. 19744474835
studies on immunochemistry of the o-antigens (endotoxins) from yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19744476736
[penicillinase activity of pasteurella pestis, pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and pasteurella x]. 19734492492
antibody-dependent lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity in man: no requirement for lymphocytes with membrane-bound immunoglobulin. 19734542262
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from an appendix in man. 19734543608
[absorption and excretion of cephapirin (author's transl)]. 19744546584
isolation of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis from swine, cattle and rats at an abattoir. 19744546844
biological availability of nutrients in feeds: availability of major mineral ions. 19724560285
phases of the inflammatory response to subcutaneous implantation of a cotton pellet and their modification by certain anti-inflammatory agents. 19724562620
adjuvant effect of endotoxin; antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in mice after transfer of syngeneic lymphoid cells treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide in vitro. 19734567393
[role of r factor in shaping of antibiotic resistance in yersinia pseudotuberculosis. ii. resistance acquired in vivo]. 19734573374
mechanism of dna chain growth. xi. structure of rna-linked dna fragments of escherichia coli. 19734579449
[comparative study on multiplication of various virulent salmonella typhimurium and pasteurella pseudotuberculosis strains in chick embryos]. 19724579505
[various concepts and current observations on the neurohumoral control of prolactin secretion in mammals]. 19734585867
effect of immunization on the spread of transplanted mouse lymphoma cells. 19734587755
amoxicillin in the treatment of urinary tract infections. 19744601195
sporulation in mating type homozygotes of saccharomyces cerevisiae. 19744601401
sporulation in mating type homozygotes of saccharomyces cerevisiae. 19744601401
biochemical and antibiotic susceptibility studies of h2s-negative citrobacter.ninety-four strains of h(2)s-negative citrobacter were biochemically characterized and their antibiograms were determined. the antibiograms demonstrated not only a difference from enterobacter cloacae but also a difference within the citrobacter group between the indole-negative and indole-positive strains. these differences were statistically significant and emphasize the importance of the indole reaction as an aid to speciation of the h(2)s-negative citrobacter.19744602308
[hypothalamic topography of lh-rh producing cells in mammals]. 19744603589
appearance of specific colostrum antibodies after clinical infection with salmonella typhimurium.colostrum and serum antibodies to salmonella typhimurium have been found in three patients after clinical gastrointestinal infection during pregnancy. high levels of colostrum iga agglutinins were directed specifically against both the flagellar and somatic antigens of the infective organism. the levels of colostrum agglutinating activity exceeded those found in the patients sera, while control colostrum gave negative results.19744606237
transcription of supercoiled mitochondrial dna by bacterial rna polymerase. 19744607306
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype v from the blood of a patient with sickle-cell anaemia. 19744607637
use of t. pertenue in the fluorescent and immobilization tests. investigation of sera from yaws areas found reactive only in the tpha test. 19744608741
[pseudotuberculosis from the clinical point of view (synonyms: yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection, pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection, lymphadenitis mesenterialis masshoff)]. 19744611060
yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis from wildlife in ontario. 19744612176
effect of immediate vascular anastomosis and enhancing alloimmune serum on skin graft survival. 19744612776
[clinico-immunologic parallels in far eastern scarlatina-like fever]. 19744615528
[moderate phage of the agent of plague]. 19744615529
[bacterial carrier state in pseudotuberculosis]. 19734616455
[serological activity of lipopolysaccharide isolated from yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19744616578
[isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from a human lymph node]. 19744618779
bacterial motility and chemotaxis: light-induced tumbling response and visualization of individual flagella. 19744618854
[sugar composition of lipopolysaccharides of various yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains]. 19744618943
[morphogenesis of experimental infection following intraperitoneal and subcutaneous inoculation of animals with pasteurella (yersinia) pseudotuberculosis]. 19734620293
[incidence of antibodies to yersinia pseudotuberculosis and listeria monocytogenes]. 19724622140
serum lipid-lipoprotein profiles in rabbits infected with mycobacterium bovis, listeria monocytogenes, pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and with m. avium. 19724623167
an outbreak of infection by yersinia pseudotuberculosis in nonhuman primates.between october 1970 and june 1971, at the national center for primate biology, yersinia pseudotuberculosis of serotypes i-b and iii was isolated from 9 monkeys (one during life and 8 at necropsy) of the following species: macaca cynomolgus, macaca nemestrina, macaca radiata and cercocebus fulliginosus. all these animals had characteristic gastrointestinal lesions consisting of superficial erosions or ulcerations with masses of gram-negative coccobacilli and an acute inflammatory exudate. involv ...19724628884
isolation of a new rna polymerase-binding protein from sporulating bacillus subtilis.rna polymerase was precipitated from extracts of radioactively labeled vegetative and sporulating bacillus subtilis with antiserum prepared against vegetative core polymerase. the precipitates were solubilized and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. antiserum added to an extract of vegetative b. subtilis precipitated only the known subunits of core rna polymerase, but antiserum added to an extract of sporulating cells precipitated a new polypeptide of 70,000 da ...19734631355
[balanced parenteral nutrition of the young miniature pig]. 19724631449
the effect of phosphate on -amylase production and sporulation by bacillus subtilis. 19724631803
purification and properties of the adenosine diphosphoglucose: glycogen transglucosylase of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis.the enzyme which catalyzes the transfer of glucosyl residues from adenosine diphospho(adp)-glucose to glycogen has been partially purified from extracts of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. in contrast to other glycogen synthetases of this type, guanosine diphospho-glucose had about 5% of the activity of adp-glucose as a glucosyl donor. some other properties of the enzyme are described and compared to other bacterial glycogen synthetases.19734632326
the effect of some antibiotics on rickettsia prowazeki and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in body louse pediculus humanus humanus l. 19724634101
sexual differentiation of steroid metabolizing enzymes in the rat liver. further studies on predetermination by testosterone at birth. 19724644222
uptake of dipeptides containing basic and acidic amino acids by rat small intestine in vitro. 19724646276
[anoxic tolerance of heart function and electrolyte distribution in the myocardium of isoprenaline-resistant rats]. 19724649053
changes in organ weights and fluid volumes during growth of the bovine fetus. 19724651636
bone strength. the effect of screw holes. 19724652047
pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection in the cat. 19724652152
[laminar coordination of apical dendrite spines of lamina v pyramidal cells in the sensorimotor cortex of the albino rat]. 19724658026
the influence of temperature on the course of experimental infection of ornithodoros moubata (murray) due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19724660762
the growth of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in artificially infected ornithodoros moubata (murray) ticks in dependence on their developmental stage. 19724660763
[excretion of trapymin (rocornal)]. 19724664646
[human yersinia pseudotuberculosis. ii. familial incidence]. 19734688050
distribution of intestinal helminths in children in the yemen arab republic. 19734693996
distribution of intestinal helminths in children in the yemen arab republic. 19734693996
[role of r factor in shaping of antibiotic resistance in yersinia pseudotuberculosis. i. resistance acquired in vitro]. 19734700531
[familial incidence of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis infection]. 19734705311
biological activity of proinsulin and related polypeptides in the fat tissue. 19734708090
[urinary infection due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19734711744
mapping the chromosome of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by interrupted mating. 19734723946
single and two-stage hippocampal lesions: a similar syndrome. 19734730259
single and two-stage hippocampal lesions: a similar syndrome. 19734730259
Displaying items 1501 - 1600 of 5215