
hypercholesterolaemia accentuates platelet activity.platelet aggregation response to collagen has been studied in 20 rabbits, randomly allocated to receive a normal (control) or high cholesterol diet. the sensitivity of platelets to collagen was significantly higher in the hypercholesterolaemic group (p less than 0.01) compared to controls. all hypercholesterolaemic rabbits developed generalised atherosclerosis and this may be due to increased circulating platelet activity.19863944521
plasmid-determined cytotoxicity in yersinia pestis and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersinia pestis kim5 was found to be cytotoxic for the ic21 and p388d1 mouse macrophage cell lines, as well as for resident peritoneal macrophages from c57bl/6 mice. affected cells phagocytosed kim5 inefficiently, became spherical, detached readily from culture dishes, and retained 51cr poorly. the cytotoxic effect was dependent on the presence of the 75-kilobase plasmid pcd1. because this plasmid also encodes the low calcium response (lcr), three mu d1 insertion mutants previously shown to be l ...19863949380
binding of 4(5)-[2-(4-azido-2-nitroanilino)ethyl]imidazole to histamine receptors in guinea pig cerebral cortical membranes.the interaction of 4(5)-[2-(4-azido-2-nitroanilino)ethyl]imidazole (aah), a photolabile histamine receptor antagonist, with the binding of histamine, mepyramine, and tiotidine to guinea pig cerebral cortical membranes was examined to evaluate the specificity of aah for histamine h1 and h2 receptors. saturable, specific binding of [3h]histamine, [3h]mepyramine, and [3h]tiotidine to the membranes was observed. competition assays were used to assess the relative affinity of aah for h1- and h2-recep ...19863952080
nadph/nadh-dependent cold-labile glutamate dehydrogenase in azospirillum brasilense. purification and properties.a cold-labile glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh, ec has been purified to homogeneity from the crude extracts of azospirillum brasilense. the purified enzyme shows a dual coenzyme specificity, and both the nadph and nadh-dependent activities are equally cold-sensitive. the enzyme is highly specific for the substrates 2-oxoglutarate and glutamate. kinetic studies with gdh indicate that the enzyme is primarily designed to catalyse the reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate. the nadp+-linked acti ...19863956501
cyclic amp-dependent phosphorylation of high molecular mass proteins in pig thyroid cells.four high molecular mass (h mr) proteins were found to be phosphorylated in a cyclic amp-dependent manner in both partially purified pig thyroid membrane fractions and in pig thyroid cells in culture. these phosphoproteins did not correspond to major cellular proteins; they were found in both soluble and particulate subfractions of homogenates from cultured thyroid cells. the molecular mass of the 4 proteins named hmr1 to hmr4 determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the in the presen ...19863956855
does the pattern of tissue mobilization dictate protein requirements? 19863957715
granulomatous appendicitis: is it crohn's disease? report of a case and review of the literature.primary granulomatous inflammation of the appendix is a rare entity. when fungi, parasites, foreign bodies, and obstruction secondary to fecalith, mucocele, or tumor have been eliminated histologically as causes, fewer than 80 cases have been reported in the literature since 1932. various diseases have also been suggested, including tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, crohn's disease, and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. a case of primary granulomatous inflammation of the appendix is presented, and 61 cases ...19863962954
the effect of heat shock on the cell cycle regulation of tubulin expression in physarum the myxomycete physarum polycephalum, tubulin synthesis is subject to mitotic cycle control. virtually all tubulin synthesis is limited to a 2-h period immediately preceding mitosis, and the peak of tubulin protein synthesis is accompanied by a parallel increase in the level of tubulin mrna. the mechanism by which the accumulation of tubulin mrna is turned on and off is not clear. to probe the relationship between tubulin regulation and cell cycle controls, we have used heat shocks to delay m ...19853968184
expression of the temperature-inducible outer membrane proteins of yersiniae.the expression of the temperature-inducible plasmid-coded outer membrane proteins (yops) of yersinia pseudotuberculosis was studied. these proteins were not recovered in the outer membrane fraction when the strain was grown in minimal medium at 37 degrees c, but they were expressed under these conditions. a strict correlation was found between ca2+ dependency in the virulent strain, ypiii(pib1), and ability to express yops. ca2+-independent plasmid mutants or rna-polymerase mutants harboring the ...19853980086
evaluation of the micro-id system for the identification of yersinia hundred isolates of yersinia pestis identified by conventional means were tested by the micro-id system to assess its reliability for distinguishing y. pestis from other members of the family enterobacteriaceae. the micro-id system gave y. pestis as a choice for the identification of 89 of these cultures, although not always as the first choice. most nitrate-negative strains of y. pestis keyed out with yersinia pseudotuberculosis as first choice and y. pestis as second or fourth choice.19853980695
metastatic nontraumatic clostridium septicum osteomyelitis.nontraumatic clostridial infections are rare, but need to be diagnosed and treated early or high morbidity and mortality rates result. we believe that this is the first reported case of metastatic nontraumatic clostridium septicum osteomyelitis. early treatment with surgical debridement and parenteral antibiotics without hyperbaric oxygen was used. an associated occult rectal malignancy was discovered and treated.19853980945
problems concerning the usefulness of adjustment of urinary cadmium for creatinine and specific gravity.a previous study concluded that there are some doubts as to the validity of creatinine as a parameter for adjusting the values of biological indicators determined on spot samples of urine, since it is subject to marked inter- and intraindividual variations. furthermore, since there was only a moderate correlation between creatinine levels and specific density, it can be assumed that these two parameters cannot be used indifferently for adjustment. nevertheless, it seemed advisable to verify whet ...19853988354
plasmid dna relatedness among different serogroups of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.thirteen different serogroup strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and two strains of yersinia enterocolitica o:3 were examined for the presence of plasmids and plasmid-mediated properties, calcium growth dependency, and autoagglutination. two y. enterocolitica strains and eight serogroup (ia, iia, iic, iii, iva, vb, vi, and viii) strains, except for five serogroups (ib, iib, ivb, va, and vii), of y. pseudotuberculosis harbored plasmids ranging in molecular size from 27 to 115 kilobases. filter ...19853988910
phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase c from bovine blood platelets. inhibition by calmodulin-inhibitors--activation by atp and adp.the phospholipase c-activity in crude extracts of bovine blood platelets is strongly inhibited by the calmodulin-inhibitors fluphenazine and calmidazolium in the mm range, and activated by atp and adp, but not by amp. the activating effect is also shown by the nonhydrolysable atp- and adp-analogs alpha,beta- and beta,gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate and alpha,beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-diphosphate, thus indicating that it is an allosteric effect. the stimulation of the phospholipase c-ac ...19853993181
the corneal endothelial cell interface.the apical edges of corneal endothelial cells have been separated along lines forming a crisscross pattern, by the help of a special method of preparation. the visualization by sem of the lateral faces of the cells is thereby made possible. the separation leads to the formation of thin strands spanning the gap between the apical edges of adjoining cells. they are formed by stretching of the normal apical flaps. this stretching demonstrates that the main intercellular adherence is located at the ...19853993338
31p-saturation-transfer nuclear-magnetic-resonance measurements of phosphocreatine turnover in guinea-pig brain slices.the technique of 31p saturation-transfer n.m.r. was used to determine the forward and the reverse rate constants of creatine phosphotransferase in superfused guinea-pig cerebral tissues in vitro. the calculated forward rate constant of 0.22 +/- 0.03s-1 compared well with a previously reported value for rat brain in vivo [shoubridge, briggs & radda (1982) febs lett. 140, 288-292]. the reverse rate constant was found to be 0.55 +/- 0.10s-1. 3. by using concentrations of atp and phosphocreatine est ...19854004799
glycine antagonism by ru the spinal cord of the pentobarbitone-anaesthetised cat, microelectrophoretic ru 5135, a steroid derivative, was a potent strychnine-like glycine antagonist, having less effect on the inhibition by gaba of neuronal firing.19854007055
[24-hour energy metabolism in the human: circadian rhythm, relation to body weight and nutrition].in 7 men with normal weight and 9 man with overweight and healthy metabolism the resting and fasting energy expenditure was indirectly calorimetrically pursued in the open system over 24 hours. the total energy expenditure over 24 hours revealed an ascertained dependence on body-weight and nutrition. the persons with overweight had a higher absolute energy expenditure, however, the activity of the energy metabolism of the body mass free from fat and the active body mass, respectively, decreased ...19854013439
defining the mechanical border zone: a study in the pig heart.wall motion abnormalities can occur in nonischemic areas contiguous with ischemic myocardium. the extent of the mechanical border zone contiguous with an acute myocardial ischemic region was mapped in eight open-chest anesthetized pigs using sonomicrometer crystals implanted parallel with the visible ischemic border in the subepicardium of ischemic (iz), proximal border (bz1), distal border (bz2), and remote normal (nz) zones. regional systolic shortening fraction was near 15%, and epicardial bl ...19854014488
programmed aging or error catastrophe? an examination by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.we have examined newly synthesized proteins in the young adult and in older populations of the nematode caenorhabditis elegans using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2d page). a temperature-sensitive mutant strain, dh26, with a mean life span of about 15 days, under our conditions, was used to block progeny development. nematodes of several different ages were pulse-labeled for 5 h, in vivo, with 35s-labeled e. coli, a subsequent 30-min chase with unlabeled e. coli served to r ...19854021560
inhibition of fatty acid synthesis in rabbit mammary alveolar explants by progesterone and related steroids.the possible inhibitory effect of steroids related to progesterone on prolactin-stimulated fatty acid synthesis in mammary alveolar explants from 11-day pseudopregnant rabbits, after culture, was investigated. like progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, medroxyprogesterone acetate, ethinodiol diacetate, org 2058 were inhibitory whereas pregnenolone and 5 alpha-pregnan-3,20-dione were not.19854033116
schistosoma mansoni: an ultrastructural examination of skin migration in the hamster cheek pouch.the hamster cheek pouch has been used to investigate the skin migration of schistosomula at the ultrastructural level. parasites have been observed up to 72 h post-infection. despite rapidly reaching the epidermal basement membrane schistosomula remain in an epidermal location for at least 40 h post-infection, by which time the acetabular glands and their ducts have been lost and the transformation from cercaria to schistosomulum completed. entry into the dermis and exit from the skin via the bl ...19854034241
viability and pattern of emergence of dictyocaulus viviparus larvae in sporangia of the fungus pilobolus kleinii.recoveries of third stage dicytocaulus viviparus larvae (l3) from pilobolus species sporangia ranged from 23 per cent at 21 days to 3 per cent after 90 days for sporangia attached to polythene discs positioned on pasture. there was a continuous release of l3 for up to 16 days from sporangia which were placed under conditions simulating those occurring on pasture.19854035088
injury to the isolated, perfused lung by exposure in vitro to monocrotaline pyrrole.monocrotaline pyrrole (mctp) is a reactive metabolite of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid monocrotaline. it causes pulmonary lesions associated with pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. conditions of exposure to mctp that result in early lung injury were examined in isolated rat lungs perfused with buffered medium containing 4% bovine serum albumin. when a high, acutely lethal dose (8.1 mg) of chemically synthesized mctp was added to the 50-ml perfusion medium reservoir, no effect ...19854043006
cryptococcal meningitis: presentation as sudden deafness.a patient presented with a bilateral profound hearing loss of sudden onset following a two-month neurologic illness. microscopy and culture of cerebrospinal fluid revealed cryptococcus neoformans. treatment with amphotericin b and 5-fluorocytosine failed to restore hearing. auditory brain stem response and electrical promontory stimulation suggest a profound deafness with poor neuronal survival. this is consistent with previous temporal bone histopathology reports in individuals dying of cryptoc ...19854050983
abortion and early neonatal death of kids attributed to intrauterine yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from placenta and abomasal contents of triplet goat kids, two of which were aborted and one of which died shortly after birth. necropsy findings in the kids were suppurative placentitis and suppurative pneumonia. the public health implications in intrauterine yersinia infection in goats are discussed.19854055503
characterization of a mitochondrial transport system for branched chain alpha-keto acids.efflux of branched chain alpha-keto acids from preloaded rat heart mitochondria was slow at low external ph. efflux was first order, and measured rate constants, kappa efflux, were 0.104 +/- 0.005 and 0.115 +/- 0.006 min-1 for alpha-ketoisovalerate and alpha-ketoisocaproate (kic), respectively. efflux was stimulated significantly by branched chain alpha-keto acids and related carboxylates such as alpha-ketocaproate and alpha-ketovalerate, but not by substrates for the pyruvate transporter. kic w ...19854055776
avulsions of the auricle. 19854064990
the state of and prospects for molecular genetics in burkitt's lymphoma. 19854065951
[study of the aggregation of membrane proteins of erythrocyte ghosts using sds-paag electrophoresis].using the method of electrophoresis in sds-paag the authors showed a diminution of proteins of bands i + ii (spectrins) and iii (major integral protein) after irradiation of erythrocyte ghosts with doses of 50 to 1000 gy. we failed to ascertain that radiation-induced lipid peroxidation is involved into membrane protein aggregation. among the radiolysis products, oh-radicals were shown to contribute markedly to the radiation effect observed.19854070566
direct isolation of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis from meat.studies were done to determine the usefulness of dilute alkali (koh) treatment of meat samples for direct isolation of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis, without enrichment. virulent y. enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis in pork contaminated with 10(2), 10(3), and 10(4) cells per g survived the direct koh treatment and were never recovered by using koh postenrichment treatment. from 6 (4.8%) of 125 samples of retail ground pork, four biotype 4 serotype o3 and one biot ...19854073898
[study of a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex from yersinia pseudotuberculosis in aqueous solutions by light scattering].lipopolysaccharide-protein complex isolated from yersinia pseudotuberculosis forms aggregates in aqueous solutions. dissociation of aggregates was found by light scattering method for 1 m sodium chloride, 1 m guanidine chloride, and urea solutions. very large particles were detected also in these solutions and acid media. little light scattering alterations have been observed for 0.27 g/l solution, and pronounced effect of temperature has been detected for more diluted solutions.19854074765
fertility at low and high altitude in central nepal.since the 1930s, a number of different studies have tended to show that fertility is lower at high altitude. the present investigation attempts to provide some answers to this question by examining completed fertility rate (cfr) in highland and lowland villages in central nepal and relating rate differences to age at menarche, age at 1st childbirth, age at 1st marriage, incidence of venereal disease, birth control (vasectomy or hysterectomy), length of postpartum amenorrhea, and breastfeeding. ...19854081808
presence of zoonotic pathogens (yersinia spp., campylobacter jejuni, salmonella spp., and leptospira spp.) simultaneously in dogs and cats.the purpose of this study was to determine the presence of zoonotic pathogens simultaneously in animals. the isolation of human pathogenic yersinia enterocolitica (ye), yersinia pseudotuberculosis (yp), campylobacter jejuni (cj), salmonella spp. (sal) and leptospira spp. (lep) in 318 cats and 252 dogs were performed in shimane prefecture, japan. a total of 13 isolates of yp (4 strains) and sal (9 strains) were recovered from intestine and/or mesenteric lymph nodes (mln) of 13 cats (4.1%) but not ...19854096152
[development of polyribosomes during maturation of reticulocytes in vivo]. 19704098024
joining of lymph routes and autotransplantation of lymph nodes in experiments. 19704100783
effect of oral contraceptive steroids on jejunal pyruvate kinase and adenyl cyclase activities. 19714105307
histamine release by inorganic cations from mast cell granules isolated by different procedures. 19724113827
mechanisms of the host response in the eye. vi. immune and toxic stimulation of inflammation in the germ-free guinea pig. 19724117788
[a common factor in types i to v of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis]. 19724124475
cerebrospinal-fluid igm in patients with sleeping-sickness. 19734125294
studies on the location and orientation of proteins in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 19734131254
studies on the location and orientation of proteins in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 19734131254
distamycin: an inhibitor of dna-dependent nucleic acid synthesis. 19744132657
proceedings: arterial and venous blood histamine levels after i.v. administration of histamine liberators in the dog in vivo. 19744135778
the ultrastructure and permeability for colloidal carbon of intestinal submucosal arterioles in rats. 19744138011
characterization of polyribosomes and maturation of ribosomal rna in hepatoma cells treated with 5-azacytidine. 19744138102
surface structures of the gonococcus. 19744138949
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis, the pathogen of bovine matitis]. 19724144805
[sensitivity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis to antibiotics in vitro]. 19724145216
letter: a note on the analysis of disodium cromoglycate (intal) in human urine. 19734148447
proceedings: combined effects of lb46 resp. practolol and histamine on parameters of respiration and circulation in guinea pigs. 19744152364
acute and chronic morphine treatment and the hydroxylation of (1-14c)-l-tyrosine in the mouse brain.tyrosine hydroxylase activity in slices of caudate nucleus was increased by morphine (100 mg/kg i.p.) administered to naive mice. during chronic treatment with morphine tolerance developed to this effect and 36 h after the final chronic morphine injection there was a decrease in enzyme activity in this area. there was no change in tyrosine hydroxylase activity in slices of diencephalon, brainstem or parietal cortex from either naive or morphine tolerant mice. there- fore, changes in tyrosine hyd ...19744152762
[natural foci and epidemiological characteristics of pseudotuberculosis on sakhalin and the kurile islands]. 19744156140
characterization of two different agglutinators in the latex fixation test, occurring in normal human sera. 19664160336
lymphoid cells producing antibody against simple haptens: detection and enumeration.enumeration of cells producing antibody against arsanilic acid was made feasible by the use of hapten-conjugated sheep erythrocytes for the localized hemolysis-in-gel technique. the time of appearance and numbers of these hapten-specific plaque-forming cells correlated closely with the development of arsanilic acid-specific serum antibodies.19664160821
application of miniature goats in ruminant research. 19664161797
waves associated with eye movement in the awake and sleeping cat. 19684172737
[studies on the differentiation of the foot-and-mouth disease virus types o, a and c in cell culture using the direct coons' method]. 19684176180
[non-steroid anti-inflammatory therapy. i. the local "chemical answer" of the connective tissue in acute inflammation]. 19674180319
[method of titration of the pasteurella pseudotuberculosis phage]. 19684185071
proteolytic activity during the absorption of 131-i-gamma-globulin in the new-born calf.1. proteolytic activity within the small intestine of unsuckled calves less than 20 hr of age, anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone, has been assessed from the break-down of [(131)i]bovine serum gamma-globulin infused into the duodenum.2. absorption of [(131)i]gamma-globulin was measured by analysis of venous blood, the levels of radioactivity attained in which were comparable with those when [(131)i]pvp k.60 (mean mol.wt. 160,000) was administered. when lymph collected from the thoracic duc ...19694187872
hydrophobic chromatography: use for purification of glycogen synthetase.a homologous series of omega-aminoalkylagaroses [sepharose-nh(ch(2))(n)nh(2)] that varied in the length of their hydrocarbon side chains was synthesized. this family of agaroses was used for a new type of chromatography, in which retention of proteins is achieved mainly through lipophilic interactions between the hydrocarbon side chains on the agarose and accessible hydrophobic pockets in the protein. when an extract of rabbit muscle was subjected to chromatography on these modified agaroses, th ...19734197628
feedlot performance and blood plasma amino acid patterns in beef steers fed diethylstilbestrol under ad libitum, restricted, and compensatory conditions. 19734198210
thymus dependency of cells involved in transfer of delayed hypersensitivity to listeria monocytogenes in mice. 19734199203
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a siberian tiger and a spider monkey. 19734200446
studies in venereal disease. ii. improved diagnosis of gonorrhoea by the parallel use of conventional and l-phase media for culture. 19734202721
sequential studies of experimentally induced ovine listerial abortion: pathologic changes. 19744205017
pyrazapon (ci-683): a new antianxiety agent. 19744208323
isolation of human reagins differing in their affinity for ragweed immunosorbent. 19744213669
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection occurred spontaneously in a group of patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas). 19744215918
ovulation induced by norepinephrine in rats made anovulatory by various experimental procedures. 19744215986
[case of terminal ileitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19744216612
[study of the virulence of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis and its interception in organs following passage through the digestive tract (due to cannibalism) in the white mouse]. 19674230775
studies on (na+-k+)-activated atpase. xx. properties of (na+-k+)-activated atpase in rat liver. 19684231299
[experimental studies on the fracture resistance of the human tibia]. 19694248843
motor unit areas in a cat limb muscle. 19714251992
the effect of sodium and potassium ions on the contractility of a contractile protein extracted from arterial wall. 19714253520
relative importance of neuronal and extraneuronal mechanisms for the uptake and retention of noradrenaline in different tissues of the rat. 19714254626
[treatment of dictyocauliasis in sheep]. 19714256465
effects of amino acid structure, ionic strength, and magnesium ion concentration on rates of nonenzymic hydrolysis of aminoacyl transfer ribonucleic acid. 19724260429
gene transfer in pasteurella pestis harboring the f'cm plasmid of escherichia coli.a strain of pasteurella pestis, harboring the f'cm plasmid from escherichia coli, was able to donate its chromosome to auxotrophic recipient strains of p. pestis. the frequency of gene transfer in p. pestis was approximately 10(-6) per donor cell, 100 times less efficient than gene transfer in pasteurella pseudotuberculosis, but efficient enough to determine entry times for the markers histidine, threonine, and tryptophan and to show linkage to the markers arginine and pigmentation. an attempt t ...19724260562
the effects of a soluble factor and of catecholamines on the activity of adenosine triphosphatase in subcellular fractions of rat brain. 19724265047
the effect of para-chlorophenylalanine on aversion thresholds and reactivity to foot shock. 19724269198
impaired in vitro cell-mediated immunity to rubella virus during pregnancy. 19734269242
severe yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection diagnosed at laparoscopy. 19734270427
the fine structure of human epithelial mast cells in periodontal disease. 19734271727
the response of rabbit lymphocytes to mitogens and alloantigens: evidence for t cell heterogeneity. 19744279263
uptake, subcellular distribution, and transfer processes of imipramine and its metabolites formed in rat liver perfusion systems. 19744281060
[pseudotuberculosis in the novgorod region]. 19734283478
the response of the pituitary-adrenal system to a stressful stimulus: the effect of conditioning and pentobarbitone treatment. 19654284301
[simple method for constantly obtaining a high-titer perfringens alpha-toxin. i. role of the medium for toxigenesis and of dextrin]. 19644284523
electron microscope studies on enzyme activity and the isolation of thiohydantoin-induced myelin figures in rat liver.characteristic cytoplasmic inclusions (myelin figures), consisting of concentric multilaminar paired membranes surrounding one or more lipid bodies, were produced in rat liver parenchymal cells by incorporating high doses of an anticonvulsant agent (bax 422z) into the animals' diet. enzymatic reaction product (presumably lead phosphate) was found around the central fat of these myelin figures in liver which had been fixed in glutaraldehyde, incubated in wachstein and meisel's medium containing a ...19654284569
oncogenic activity of mill hill (harris) strain of rous sarcoma virus for hamsters. 19654284590
interaction of a simian papovavirus and adenoviruses. i. induction of adenovirus tumor antigen during abortive infection of simian cells.feldman, lawrence a. (baylor university college of medicine, houston, tex.), janet s. butel, and fred rapp. interaction of a simian papovavirus and adenoviruses. i. induction of adenovirus tumor antigen during abortive infection of simian cells. j. bacteriol. 91:813-818. 1966.-adenovirus types 2, 7, and 12 undergo an abortive growth cycle in green monkey kidney cells; they induce the formation of adenovirus tumor antigen, but synthesis of adeno capsid antigen and infectious adenovirus was observ ...19664286827
renal angiotensinase activity. its localization and the effects of mercury. 19664288684
renal angiotensinase activity. its localization and the effects of mercury. 19664288684
enhancement and inhibition by anionic polymers of plaque development by a variant of mengo encephalomyelitis virus. 19664290666
acth induced changes in tryptophan turnover along induceable pathways in man. 19664290913
acth induced changes in tryptophan turnover along induceable pathways in man. 19664290913
Displaying items 1401 - 1500 of 5215