
fear-potentiated startle using an auditory conditioned stimulus: effect of lesions of the amygdala.the effect of lesions of the amygdala on fear-potentiated startle using an auditory conditioned stimulus (cs) was evaluated, after replicating and extending previous findings that a tone is an effective cs for fear-potentiated startle. rats received 10 tone-shock pairings on 2 successive days. at 24-48 hr following training, they received bilateral electrolytic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala or sham operations, and then were tested for fear-potentiated startle 4-5 days later. les ...19873575483
mycobacterium marinum infections of the hand.fifteen patients had culture proven mycobacterium marinum infections of the hand; 11 had injured their hands while fishing in water around long island. no patient had type i lesions (verrucal), six patients had type ii lesions (subcutaneous granulomas), and nine patients had type iii lesions (deep). histologic examination showed noncaseating granulomas in all cases. a specific defect in the patients' lymphocytes ability to respond to m. marinum antigens was identified. a combination of surgery a ...19873584892
cardiac-specific troponin-i radioimmunoassay in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.the cardiac isotype of the myofibrillar contractile protein, troponin-i, is located specifically in the mammalian heart. a sensitive radioimmunoassay has been developed to detect human and nonhuman primate cardiac troponin-i in serum down to 10 ng/ml. immunochemical cross reactivity with skeletal troponin-i was only 2% and was species nonspecific. normal patient levels of cardiac troponin-i are about 10 ng/ml. in patients with acute myocardial infarction (n = 32), serum cardiac troponin-i was el ...19873591601
pulsatile release of antipyretic neuropeptide alpha-msh from septum of rabbit during fever.the effects on fever of central administration of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-msh) and its antiserum, the specific increase in central concentration of alpha-msh during fever, and related results indicate that this neuropeptide is important to central nervous system (cns) regulation of the febrile response. the present experiments were designed to establish whether alpha-msh is released from septal tissue during fever and, if so, in what temporal course relative to the febrile re ...19873591986
granulomatous hepatitis in yersinia enterocolitica infection.liver involvement in infections with yersinia enterocolitica or yersinia pseudotuberculosis is apparently rare. in a 69-year-old male patient with acute yersinia enterocolitica infection with positive faecal culture and a serum titre of 1/1280, the liver tests were slightly abnormal. a liver biopsy revealed granulomatous hepatitis. follow-up after six months revealed normal liver function and histology.19873596457
the role of iron overload in yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteremia in hemodialysis patients. 19873598237
[exoenzymes of yersinia pseudotuberculosis].pseudotuberculous microbe produced (in natural medium, at 10-14 degrees) toxins and exoenzymes, pathogenic effect of which was studied in experimental conditions. after invasion of pseudotuberculous microbe into macroorganism its populations appear to change, as a result of this activities of neuraminidase and hyaluronidase were increased. cultivation of pseudotuberculosis bacteria in vivo may serve as a promising model for studies of enzymatic mechanisms of pathogenesis.19873604139
cingulate cortex of the rhesus monkey: i. cytoarchitecture and thalamic afferents.the cytoarchitecture and thalamic afferents of cingulate cortex were evaluated in the rhesus monkey (macaca mulatta). area 24 has three divisions of which area 24a is adjacent to the callosal sulcus and has the least laminar differentiation. area 24b has more clearly defined layers ii, iii, and va, and area 24c, which forms the lower bank of the anterior cingulate sulcus, has a particularly dense layer iii. area 23 also has three divisions, each of which has a distinct layer iv. area 23a is adja ...19873624554
effect of environmental temperature and dietary fat on growth and physiological responses of newborn calves.effects of cold environmental temperature and supplemental dietary fat (energy) on growth rate and physiological responses of young dairy calves fed a milk replacer diet were studied. thirty-six holstein bull calves were randomly assigned to one of six treatments allotted in a 2(-4 degrees c or 10 degrees c) x 3(10, 17.5, or 25% dietary fat) factorial arrangement of treatments calves began the experiment at an average of 6 d of age and received .6 kg dry milk replacer in 4 l of water daily for 3 ...19873624595
the effect of a single large dose of amoxycillin on oral streptococci.salivary samples were examined for a period three weeks before, and three weeks after the administration of 3 g of amoxycillin in ten volunteers. there was a marked drop in the concentration of streptococci in all subjects in the first 4 h but most had substantially recovered within 48 h. all had recovered at seven days. no strains were resistant to 1 mg/l amoxycillin in the pre-treatment control series, and no resistant streptococci emerged.19863639085
virulence-plasmid is associated with the inhibition of opsonization in yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.plasmid-cured variants of virulent strains of yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis were obtained by selection after growth in calcium-deficient medium. to obtain antigen preparations consisting of whole bacteria the original plasmid-containing strains and the plasmid-cured variants were grown in conditions favouring expression of the temperature-inducible outer membrane proteins of yersinia (yop) (37 degrees c, calcium-deficient culture medium). the presence or absence of the yop on ...19873652518
impairment of the extraneuronal o-methylating system of isoproterenol by stop-flow ischemia in the perfused rat heart.effects of ischemia on the extraneuronal o-methylating system were investigated in the perfused rat heart. ischemia was produced by stopping of the perfusion for 30 min. isoproterenol (iso) was used as a model substrate for the extraneuronal uptake of catecholamines. the accumulation of iso when catechol-o-methyltransferase (comt) (ec was inhibited by 3',4'-dihydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone (u-0521) was decreased by ischemia to about 50% of the control value. ischemia decreased the format ...19873656108
studies of chlorpromazine-induced enhancement of the potentials evoked by peripheral stimulation of the cat cerebellum.1) in the experiments reported here, we investigated effects of cpz on the amplitude of cerebellar potentials using decerebrated or spinal cat; furthermore, we also examined the effects of microinjecting cpz, da or ne into the precerebellar nuclei on the amplitude of the cerebellar potentials. 2) purkinje cell spontaneous discharge was either hardly changed or was depressed by cpz. 3) cpz did not change the potentials evoked by peripheral stimulation on the dorsal surface of the spinal cord. 4) ...19873656785
drug susceptibility of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19873665490
roles of v antigen in promoting virulence in yersiniae. 19873665496
straight intracisternal tubules in rough endoplasmic reticulum of human melanoma cells.this case presentation illustrates peculiar tubular aggregates in rough endoplasmic reticulum (rer) of human melanoma cells, a location in which they have been reported in a small percentage of malignant melanomas.19873686713
effect of verapamil on cholesteryl ester hydrolysis and reesterification in macrophages.the macrophage-like cell line, j774, and its variant, ct2, were used to study the effect of verapamil on metabolism of esterified cholesterol. the cells had been labelled with 3h-cholesterol for 24 hours and thereafter acetylated low density lipoprotein (ldl) or d less than 1.019 g/ml fraction of hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma was added. after an additional 24 hours, 60% or 40% of the label, respectively, was recovered in esterified cholesterol in control dishes, but only 2% to 15%, in the p ...19873689204
treatment of the enhanced intestinal uptake of glucose in diabetic rats with a polyunsaturated fatty acid diet.intestinal absorption of most nutrients is enhanced in diabetic rats. we wished to test the hypothesis that manipulation of dietary fatty acids will modify enhanced uptake of glucose in rats with established streptozotocin-diabetes. chow-fed control rats or animals with one week of streptozotocin-diabetes were continued on chow or were fed ad libitum for three weeks with semisynthetic isocaloric diets containing a high content of either essential polyunsaturated or non-essential saturated fatty ...19873689786
[ratio of the frequency of chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges to the dose of the mutagenic exposure to cyclophosphamide in vivo and in vitro].cyclophosphamide (cp) and its metabolites were used to compare the rate of chromosomal aberrations (ca) and sister chromatid exchange (sce) in the rabbit lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. the dose-dependent increase of cytogenetic effects rate appeared to be of linear and exponential dependence for sce and ca, respectively, both in vivo and in vitro. the regression equation coefficients coincided in in vivo and in vitro experiments.19863697494
the radiosensitivity of microcolony- and macrocolony-forming cells in mouse tail epidermis.a new microcolony technique is described for measuring the survival of colony-forming cells in mouse tail epidermis. the survival curve is characterised by d0 = 2.70 +/- 0.12 gy. the number of microcolonies per cm2 is similar to the number of macrocolonies after high doses, which shows for the first time that all microcolonies (greater than or equal to 32 cells) in epidermis develop into macrocolonies. at low doses the number of macrocolonies underestimates the number of colony-forming cells bec ...19863697617
an improved synthesis of 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine using antipyrine as starting material.a partly new synthesis of 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine, an important metabolite of antipyrine in man and therefore frequently used as a reference substance, is described. the use of tri-n-butyltin hydride to reduce the vinyl bromide system in 3-hydroxymethyl-4-bromoantipyrine is the main improvement, since it enables the isolation of salt-free 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine in an almost quantitative yield.19863707658
acute toxicity of t2 mycotoxin to the guinea-pig by inhalation and subcutaneous routes.the acute inhalation and subcutaneous toxicity of t2 mycotoxin has been investigated in guinea-pigs. the toxicity by the two routes was quantitatively and qualitatively similar. the lct50 was 5749 mg min m-3 and the subcutaneous ld50 1-2 mg kg-1. histological changes in the decedents which were similar by both routes of administration were most marked in the lymphoreticular system but also occurred in the gut. lymphocytolysis and phagocytosis occurred in both the cortex of the thymus and of the ...19863707855
the effect of amiodarone on thyroxine kinetics.amiodarone was given by daily intraperitoneal injection (10 mg/kg body weight) to a group of 11 new zealand white rabbits. over 6 weeks there were significant increases (p less than 0.01) in plasma total t4 concentration (43 +/- 8 to 60 +/- 13 nmol/l; mean +/- 1 sd) and rt3 concentration (0.12 +/- 0.06 to 0.31 +/- 0.16 nmol/l) and a significant fall in total plasma t3 (2.3 +/- 0.3 to 1.7 +/- 0.2 nmol/l). the plasma clearance of t4 in rabbits treated with amiodarone for 6 weeks was significantly ...19863708866
salt-promoted adsorption: recent developments.efficient fractionation of human serum proteins is accomplished by use of a series of tandem-coupled beds of group-affinity adsorbents. the general fractionation strategy for group fractionation of a complex protein mixture is discussed.19863711197
adherence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica to l-929 cells: association with virulence plasmid and effects of cultivation- and adsorption-temperatures. 19863712898
absence of role of endothelium in the response of isolated porcine coronary arteries to acetylcholine.isolated precontracted arteries of various vascular beds relax in response to acetylcholine only if the endothelium is present. one explanation for this is that this drug stimulates the endothelial cells to release a vasodilator substance that in turn relaxes the underlying smooth muscle. to determine whether this mechanism is concerned also in the acetylcholine contraction of isolated porcine coronary arteries transverse strips of the extramural part of the left circumflex artery were used for ...19863719611
effect of thyroid hormones on plasma protein concentrations in man.plasma concentrations of proteins secreted by the liver (prealbumin, haptoglobin, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, alpha 1-antitrypsin, antithrombin iii, and t4-binding globulin) and proteins mainly derived from endothelium [fibronectin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ace), and factor viii-related antigen (f viii r:ag)] were measured in 27 hyperthyroid and 30 normal women. significantly increased plasma concentrations (p less than 0.01) of endothelium-associated proteins, including fibronectin, ace, ...19863722331
growth of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica biotype 3b serotype o3 inhibited on cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin agar.a total of 169 strains of yersinia spp. were analyzed for their ability to grow on two different kinds of cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin (cin) agar containing 15 or 4 micrograms of cefsulodin per ml, on salmonella-shigella agar, and on macconkey agar. cin media inhibited the growth of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica biotype 3b serotype o3 (3b/o3) but not the growth of the other yersinia organisms used. relative to growth on trypticase soy agar (bbl microbiology systems, co ...19863722357
[clostridium difficile and its significance as an intestinal pathogenic bacterium]. 19863725396
directionality and alignment of the foveal receptors, assessed with light scattered from the human fundus in vivo.the directionality of the foveal receptors of four subjects is assessed with a technique based on light scattering, and a psychophysical technique. the width and orientation of the absorbance diagram (difference between the scattering diagram in a bleached and unbleached state of the visual pigment) are compared with the stiles-crawford function. results show that the directionality in the scattering diagram points into approximately the same direction as the s-c function, but the width of the s ...19863727414
a drug interaction study of ceftriaxone and frusemide in healthy volunteers.ceftriaxone, a recently developed cephalosporin significantly reduced the diuretic activity of frusemide in rats. for this reason and because an interaction of unknown mechanism is well established between frusemide and some cephalosporins, we studied the interference of ceftriaxone with the diuretic effect of frusemide in healthy volunteers. twelve subjects received frusemide (40 mg p.o.) or placebo in combination with ceftriaxone (2 g i.v.) or saline on 4 different days (cross-over, randomized ...19863733274
a drug interaction study of ceftriaxone and frusemide in healthy volunteers.ceftriaxone, a recently developed cephalosporin significantly reduced the diuretic activity of frusemide in rats. for this reason and because an interaction of unknown mechanism is well established between frusemide and some cephalosporins, we studied the interference of ceftriaxone with the diuretic effect of frusemide in healthy volunteers. twelve subjects received frusemide (40 mg p.o.) or placebo in combination with ceftriaxone (2 g i.v.) or saline on 4 different days (cross-over, randomized ...19863733274
effect of training on plasma anabolic and catabolic steroid hormones and their response during physical exercise. 19863744643
[reactogenic properties and immunogenicity of measles and mumps vaccines when used by different procedures].in the controlled epidemiological trial the reactogenic and immunogenic properties of live measles vaccine (lmv) and live parotitis vaccine (lpv) were evaluated in identical groups of children immunized in accordance with different schedules: only lmv or lpv, the injection of these preparations mixed in one syringe or with the use of separate syringes, or at an interval of 3 months. the highest number of febrile reactions, rash and catarrhal symptoms was registered among children immunized with ...19863751401
[reactogenic properties and immunogenicity of measles and mumps vaccines when used by different procedures].in the controlled epidemiological trial the reactogenic and immunogenic properties of live measles vaccine (lmv) and live parotitis vaccine (lpv) were evaluated in identical groups of children immunized in accordance with different schedules: only lmv or lpv, the injection of these preparations mixed in one syringe or with the use of separate syringes, or at an interval of 3 months. the highest number of febrile reactions, rash and catarrhal symptoms was registered among children immunized with ...19863751401
open lung biopsy in mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.pathologic descriptions of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in humans are scarce, and most descriptions are from autopsy studies. we studied open lung biopsy specimens from six patients with proved or probable m pneumoniae pneumonia and reviewed the findings on m pneumoniae pneumonia that have been reported in the literature, as well as the electron microscopic characteristics of the organism, to document the morphologic spectrum. five of our six cases showed a typical but nonspecific polymorphon ...19863753567
is reactive gliosis a property of a distinct subpopulation of astrocytes?we have shown previously that the a2b5 monoclonal antibody distinguishes two types of glial fibrillary acidic protein-containing astrocytes in semithin frozen sections of adult rat optic nerve: a2b5- (type-1) astrocytes are found mainly at the periphery of the nerve, where they form the glial limiting membrane, while a2b5+ (type-2) astrocytes are found mainly in the interior of the nerve and constitute more than 65% of the astrocytes in the adult optic nerve. in the present study we show that al ...19863753719
the effects of betamethasone on plasma and intestinal calcium binding protein and on 25-hydroxyvitamin d3 metabolism in the pig.betamethasone (50 micrograms/kg body weight/day) given to young pigs reduced calcium absorption, growth and plasma vitamin d dependent calcium binding protein (cabp) concentration. no changes occurred in plasma 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 (1,25(oh)2d3) and intestinal cabp concentrations. 1,25(oh)2d3 (0.1 microgram/kg body weight/day) given with betamethasone increased calcium absorption although growth and plasma cabp concentrations remained low. intestinal cabp levels remained unchanged. plasma ca ...19863754194
cadmium toxicity in kidney cells. resistance induced by short term pretreatment in vitro and in vivo.epithelial cells from the kidney were freshly isolated from rats pretreated by daily subcutaneous doses of cdcl2 in vivo (0.5-2 mg cd/kg x 5). such cells were incubated in vitro in media with different concentrations of cadmium chloride (0-200 micrograms cd/ml). there was no inhibition of cell growth in such cells. however, in cells isolated from non-treated rats, in vitro exposure to the same concentrations of cdcl2 caused a dose dependent decrease in viability. when cells, isolated from non-tr ...19863754681
intracranial hypertension and cerebrospinal fluid production in dogs: effects of furosemide.a method using chronically prepared, anesthetized dogs was devised for studying the effects of treatments of intracranial hypertension induced by applying a reversible extradural mass lesion while simultaneously measuring production of cerebrospinal fluid. this was measured with a ventricular-cisternal perfusion technique in which the rate of cisternal outflow could be controlled by a pump and matched to the inflow, allowing intracranial pressure to fluctuate despite simultaneous measurement of ...19863758288
[hemolytic properties of yersinia. iv. studies of the filterable properties of hemolysins]. 19863762261
[hemolytic properties of yersinia. v. studies of the transferable properties of hemolysins by conjugation]. 19863762262
failure of norfloxacin to eradicate chlamydia trachomatis in nongonococcal urethritis.norfloxacin has some activity in vitro against chlamydia trachomatis and ureaplasma urealyticum, although not at levels attainable in serum. in this study, norfloxacin was administered (400 mg orally twice daily for 10 days) to men with acute nongonococcal urethritis. of 25 men from whom c. trachomatis was initially isolated, 21 had the organism reisolated at the first follow-up visit posttreatment, and there were minimal changes in the number of inclusion-forming units in culture. ultimately, a ...19863789692
scleredema in an infant.a 3-month-old infant with scleredema had associated cytomegalovirus pneumonia with a rapidly fatal course. because differentiation of scleredema from scleredema neonatorum, subcutaneous fat necrosis, and scleroderma may be difficult, histologic diagnosis is important. cetylpyridinium chloride was used successfully as a fixative to demonstrate acid mucopolysaccharides histologically.19863789776
[various characteristics of yersinia pseudotuberculosis determined by plasmid 45 md associated with calcium dependence].the clones of two types (t+ and t-) have been identified among the strains of y. pseudotuberculosis. the difference in the morphology of the clones is based on the ability of t+ clones to agglutinate in the process of growth. the identified clones are different in calcium dependence, in the ability to agglutinate and in their virulence for the laboratory animals. the differences have been proved to be connected with the presence of a 45 md plasmid in t+ cells. replication of this plasmid is supp ...19863796652
developmental arrest of haemonchus contortus in sheep treated with a corticosteroid. 19863804575
furosemide lowers intracranial pressure by inhibiting csf production.furosemide administration effectively lowers intracranial pressure in newborn preterm and term rabbit pups. this effect may be due to the diuretic action of the drug, its ability to inhibit cerebrospinal fluid production or to a combination of both. to test these possibilities newborn rabbits were either injected with furosemide and left unmolested for 6 hours, or anaesthetized and subjected to ventriculocisternal perfusions. during the 6 hour postnatal period the decrease in body weight was 8 t ...19863811613
recirculation after cerebral ischemia. simultaneous measurement of cerebral bloodflow, brain edema, cerebrovascular permeability and cortical eeg in the rat.the 4-vessel occlusion rat model of cerebral ischemia was modified to permit the simultaneous measurement of cerebral blood flow (hydrogen clearance), brain edema (specific gravity), cerebrovascular permeability (14c-aib) and electrocardiogram. surgery was performed in one stage in the anesthetised, paralysed and ventilated rat and severe hemispheric ischemia was produced in all animals. electrode implantation did not alter cortical specific gravity or ki for 14c-aib. during 4-vessel occlusion m ...19863811832
human term placenta releases placental protein 10 (pp10) in tissue culture.placenta, decidua, chorion and amnion were studied to determine the tissue concentration of placental protein 10 (pp10). as measured by radio-immunoassay, all tissues studied were found to contain approximately the same concentration of pp10, in both early and late pregnancy. the release of pp10 was studied in tissue culture, first by using explants of placenta, decidua, amnion and chorion in four preliminary studies. only the placenta released significant amounts of pp10 into the culture medium ...19863811843
resistance to pesticin, storage of iron, and invasion of hela cells by yersiniae.the independent abilities of yersinia pestis to absorb exogenous pigments including hemin and congo red (pgm+) and to produce the bacteriocin pesticin with genetically linked invasive enzymes (pst+) are established virulence factors of the species. pst- pgm+ strains of y. pestis are sensitive to pesticin (psts), and mutation of these isolates to pesticin resistance (pstr) is known to result in concomitant conversion to pgm-. wild-type cells of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolit ...19873818085
defective biosynthesis of proteolipid protein in pelizaeus-merzbacher disease.the brain of an 18-year-old patient with pelizaeus-merzbacher disease was examined by standard neuropathological and biochemical methods and by immunocytochemical and immunochemical techniques. analysis revealed a lack of myelin-specific lipids, but showed a residual immunoreactivity for myelin basic protein, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphodiesterase. examination by immunocytochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed an absence of proteolipid a ...19873827224
role of virulence-associated plasmid in the uptake and killing of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by resident macrophages.resistance to phagocytosis of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by mouse resident macrophages was investigated using a highly virulent plasmid-bearing strain and its low-virulent plasmid-free derivative. it was found that plasmid-bearing and plasmid-less bacteria did not resist the ingestion step nor inhibit the oxidative burst and phagolysosomal fusion in the peritoneal macrophages. these in vitro data were further confirmed by the study of bacterial survival in infected mice. bacteria from plasmid-b ...19853833056
lutzomyia gasparviannai martins, godoy & silva, 1962, probable vector of leishmania mexicana ssp. in viana municipality, espírito santo state, brazil. 19853837837
prevention of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia in non-human primates by zn-protoporphyrin.non-human primates were used as a model of human neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia and its chemotherapeutic suppression. high levels of haem oxygenase activity were detected in the liver and the spleen of neonatal rhesus (macaca mulatta) and cynomolgus (macaca irus) monkeys. when 1-day-old neonatal animals were given a single injection of zn-protoporphyrin (40 mumol/kg, subcutaneously), serum bilirubin levels declined to nearly normal adult levels within 24 h and remained suppressed throughout the po ...19853838470
characteristics of primary isolates of alveolar type ii cells from neonatal rats.alveolar type ii cells from 6-day-old rat pups were obtained at approximately 90% purity, as judged by light and electron microscopy. within 48-72 h in culture, the cells formed a monolayer with tight junctions typical of epithelial cells. type ii cells aggregated into raised domelike areas, which when sectioned showed alveolarlike structures comprised of type ii cells. after 3 days in culture these structures showed abundant lamellar body secretion. phospholipid profiles were characteristic of ...19853840085
changes in the sedimentation properties of cytosolic androgen receptors associated with activation in vitro and in cell-free systems androgen receptor (ar) labeled with (3h)dht at 0 degrees c in the presence of 50mm molybdate remains unactivated (less than 3% binding to nuclei) and untransformed (7-8s on sucrose density gradients containing 0.4m kcl and 50mm molybdate). in the absence of molybdate, however, these complexes undergo activation and transformation even at 0 degrees c, albeit, very slowly. incubation of unactivated, untransformed ar complexes at 18 degrees c, or at 0 degrees c in the presence ...19853842022
quantitative assessment of the role of o6-methylguanine in the initiation of carcinogenesis by methylating agents.induction of transformation, cell lethality, and dna lesions were quantitatively compared in syrian hamster embryo cells (hec) treated with three different methylating agents: n-methyl-n'-nitro-n-nitrosoguanidine (mnng), n-methyl-n-nitrosourea (mnu), or methyl methanesulfonate (mms). each induced transformation in a dose-dependent manner. on a molar basis, mnng was approximately equal to 100- and 500-fold more effective than mnu and mms, respectively. for each carcinogen the induction and repair ...19853855560
reactivities of neoplastic t cells to human autoantibody and monoclonal antibodies. 19853873778
synthesis in e. coli of alpha 1-antitrypsin variants of therapeutic potential for emphysema and thrombosis.the primary function of alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1-at), an antiprotease produced by the liver, is the inhibition of neutrophil elastase, a protease capable of hydrolysing most connective tissue components. the importance of alpha 1-at is demonstrated by the high incidence of early-onset emphysema in individuals with hereditary alpha 1-at deficiency (type pizz), in whom serum levels of alpha 1-at are 10-20% of normal. oxidants in tobacco smoke can inactivate alpha 1-at in vitro, and studies hav ...19853880873
temperature-inducible surface fibrillae associated with the virulence plasmid of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.when cultivated at 37 degrees c in static broth, human clinical isolates of yersinia enterocolitica (serogroups o:3, o:8, and o:9) and yersinia pseudotuberculosis (serogroup o:iii) produced numerous nonflagellar surface appendages, which appeared as a lawn of fine fibrillae, each having a diameter of 1.5 to 2.0 nm and a length of 50 to 70 nm. cultivation at 22 degrees c resulted in complete disappearance of the fibrillae. the phenotypic expression of these appendages was correlated with the pres ...19853881355
[psychrophilic properties of pathogenic microorganisms and their epidemiological and pathogenetic significance]. 19853883673
transfer of the virulence plasmid of yersinia pestis to yersinia pseudotuberculosis.transposon tn5 insertion derivatives of the virulence plasmid pyv019 of yersinia pestis were transferred by p1 transduction into a plasmid-free strain of y. pseudotuberculosis. one of these plasmid derivatives conferred virulence upon the y. pseudotuberculosis strain. this strain had the ability to express temperature-inducible plasmid-coded outer membrane proteins and was also found to be ca2+ dependent.19853884511
yersinia colitis associated with crohn's disease.a previously healthy patient developed serologically-proven yersinia pseudotuberculosis enterocolitis and made a complete recovery. over a year later, further gastrointestinal symptoms developed and crohn's disease was diagnosed. the possible relevance to the aetiology of crohn's disease is discussed.19853885200
[rare forms of yersinia infections in adults]. 19853887018
repair of dna single-strand breaks in x-irradiated yeast. ii. kinetics of repair as measured by the dna-unwinding method.the kinetics of disappearance of single-strand breaks (ssb) from the dna of x-irradiated stationary yeast cells under liquid-holding conditions was found to proceed in a dose-independent manner up to a dose of at least 2400 gy, and was found to be complete after incubation of cells for 1 h. this was deduced from data for a yeast wild-type (wt) haploid and diploid strain as well as for rad52 haploid cells defective in dna double-strand break (dsb) repair. in all cases an initial fast repair compo ...19853889609
[effect of lipopolysaccharide of the pseudotuberculosis bacterium on the functional activity of macrophages].study of the effect of lipopolysaccharide (lps) of y. pseudotuberculosis on the culture of peritoneal macrophages of guinea pigs has established that in concentrations of 1-10 micrograms/ml lps stimulated the absorption and digestive activity of the macrophages. in concentrations of 50-100 micrograms/ml it had a cytotoxic effect on the cell elements and inhibited their phagocytic function. the study of the lps effect on absorption and liberation of 14c-labeled bacteria of y. pseudotuberculosis s ...19853890720
[epidemiological analysis of the incidence of infectious diseases]. 19853892887
[interaction of yersinia pseudotuberculosis with the epithelium of the small intestine in experimental infection].some data showing specific ways of interaction of yersinia pseudotuberculosis with the epithelium of the small intestinal mucosa have been received for the first time by using light microscopy of semithin sections. comparative study of the lesion of the epithelium of different parts of rabbit small intestine by oral inoculation with yersinia tuberculosis has expanded the ideas of the infection entry. it has been established for the first time that the most intensive penetration of the microorgan ...19853893561
[diseases of nutria and their therapeutic potential].the article reports important diseases and different farming techniques of nutria. e. coli and salmonella infections are the most important bacterial diseases. coccidiosis and strongyloidosis are frequently observed in nutria farms. differentiated prophylactic treatment and hygiene are necessary for optimal breeding conditions.19853895571
epidemiological study of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections in shimane prefecture, shimane prefecture, japan, 175 yersinia enterocolitica isolates from 6,479 stools and 347 appendixes of patients were separated into biotype 3b (vp-, sorbose-, inositol-) serotype o3 phage type ii (22 isolates); biotype 4 (84 isolates), biotype 4 (ornithine-) (16 isolates) and biotype 4 (maltose-) (9 isolates) of serotype o3 phage type viii, biotype 2 serotype o9 (1 isolate) and biotype 1 (43 isolates). this may be the first documentation of isolation of y. enterocolitica biotype 3b serotype ...19853895776
gonadotropin-releasing hormone within the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis in the ovariectomized, estrogen/progesterone-treated rat: a quantitative immunocytochemical study using image specific function has been ascribed to the high gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) content of the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis (ovlt). the objective of this study was to determine whether levels of gnrh within the ovlt are altered during cyclic gonadotropin secretion. gnrh levels were determined at various times during an estrogen/progesterone (e/p)-induced lh surge. groups of e/p and sesame oil-treated animals were decapitated at 12.00 h, 14.00 h, 16.00 h, 18.00 h, and 22.00 h fol ...19853896396
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis infections. etiologic clarification using fecal cultures].isolation of the causative organism in stool proved the aetiology of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in two patients. in a 12-year-old boy the clinical picture was of appendicitis. after appendicectomy the histological findings provided the diagnosis. the second patient, a 2-year-old girl, had protracted enteritis, completely cured by a course of cotrimoxazole. culturing of y. pseudotuberculosis from stool has previously been very rare. but new methods of culturing and other recent advances provide ...19853896724
[inflammatory cancer of the breast. assessment after 6 years of 16 patients treated by primary immunochemotherapy].sixteen patients with clinical primary inflammatory carcinoma of the breast were treated with initial immunochemotherapy from september 1974 to may 1977. this chemotherapy was an association of adriamycin, vincristine, fluorouracil, methotrexate, and melphalan. thermographic cooling was taken as the criterion of operability. chemotherapy was resumed after surgery up to a total of ten periods, and followed by a minimum one year chemotherapy. i-bcg-f pasteur was used as immunotherapy and associate ...19853897362
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection]. 19853897661
[synthesis of vitamin d in the skin]. 19853898049
[synthesis of lipid a analogs. obtaining conjugates of 6-phosphate 2-desoxy-2-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)amino-d-glucose with polymer carriers and their immunological properties].the derivatives of 2-acylamino-6-o-(2-aminoethyl) phosphono-3-deoxy-d-glucose acylated with acetic or d,l-3-hydroxytetradecanoic acid were obtained, and their 31p-and 13c-nmr spectra investigated. these haptens were bound with a polysaccharide (ficoll) or proteins (albumins, bovine gamma-globulin). the protein conjugates were immunogenic in rabbits, specific antibodies against the hapten being revealed by two immunochemical methods. as shown by the enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay, the specif ...19853899123
protection against yersinia infection induced by non-virulence-plasmid-encoded antigens.specific immunity against yersinia was induced by plasmid-encoded antigens not associated with virulence. mice were immunised with viable bacteria from a virulence-plasmid-cured strain of y. pseudotuberculosis. this antigenic stimulation generated specific protection against virulence-plasmid-harbouring strains of y. pseudotuberculosis and y. pestis, demonstrating that protection can be generated by organisms lacking plasmid-encoded virulence antigens.19853900406
[state of the kidneys in patients with pseudotuberculosis]. 19853900559
[role of biologically active substances in the pathogenesis of the allergic component of pseudotuberculosis in children]. 19853900918
splenectomy in experimental pancreas transplantation. 19853904093
[taxonomy of the causative agents of plague and pseudotuberculosis]. 19853904284
a case of infection of yersinia pseudotuberculosis associated with complement abnormalities. 19853905549
contribution to the aetiology of diabetes insipidus: yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.a case concerning a young man presenting with polyuria and polydipsia which were preceded 1 month earlier by a febrile enteritis is reported. the role of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in diabetes insipidus of this type is discussed on the basis of clinical, biological and evolutional criteria.19853907238
determination of nanogram quantities of vanadium in biological material by isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry with ion counting detection. 19853907412
establishment of pregnancy and its immunological implications in the pig.the consideration of the fetus as a semi-allograft by virtue of its paternally inherited histocompatibility antigens is generally accepted. many hypotheses have been put forward to explain the immunological acceptance of the conceptus by the maternal immune system, but no single theory has proved to be adequate. most studies so far have been carried out with laboratory rodents and men but corresponding investigations of farm animals and especially the pig are limited. because striking difference ...19853910828
calcitonin cell population and distribution in the thyroid gland of the rat.calcitonin-containing cells (c cells) were identified in male wistar white rats using an immunoperoxidase technique. they occupied a central position within the thyroid; very few were found peripherally, inferiorly, and superiorly; and none were present in the isthmus. the number of calcitonin-containing cells present per gram of body weight increased with age up to 70 days and had declined by 100 days. determining the true total c-cell count through the entire thyroid is a very laborious proced ...19853910845
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis plasmids and their significance in the realization of the epidemic process in pseudotuberculosis].the results obtained in the electrophoretic study of the plasmid spectra of 190 y. pseudotuberculosis strains, isolated from different sources, in 0.6% agarose gel are presented. 11 types of plasmids differing in their molecular weight have been detected. plasmids with a molecular weight of 45 md determine ca2+ dependence, bacterial virulence for white mice and autoagglutination. the presence of differences in y. pseudotuberculosis strains of serovars i, iii and iv has been established, which is ...19853911686
the resistance to anti-microbial agents of bacteria isolated from pathological conditions of birds in victoria, 1978 to 1983.the resistance to anti-microbial agents of bacteria isolated from pathological conditions of birds in victoria, 1978 to 1983, was determined for isolates of escherichia coli, salmonella species, staphylococcus aureus, pasteurella multocida, p. anatipestifer, yersinia pseudotuberculosis and haemophilus paragallinarum. the isolates of e. coli had a high prevalence of resistance to tetracycline and sulphonamides, and a lower prevalence of resistance to furazolidone and sulphamethoxazole-trimethopri ...19853914884
[pseudotuberculosis in young children]. 19853916347
regulation of cardiac vulnerability by the cerebral defense system.psychosocial stressors are risk factors for sudden cardiac death. a theoretical model of the brain mechanism that links defined environmental events (stressors) to cardiac vulnerability (initiation of ventricular fibrillation) has been developed. in the model, a stressor event evokes a set of electrochemical responses in the frontal cortex. depending on the state of acquisition of these electrochemical responses to the stressor, activity will or will not be initiated in the frontocortical-brains ...19853923079
[the incidence and seasonal dynamics of yersinioses (y. pseudotuberculosis, y. enterocolitica), staphylococcoses and pasteurelloses in hares from 1976 to 1982].in the years 1976-1982, 2071 dead hares from 64 districts of the czech socialist republic were examined. the diseases under study killed 400 hares (19.3%). pseudotuberculosis which killed 210 hares (10.14%) from 46 districts of the czech socialist republic (71.9%) is considered as the most important hare population regulator. the highest occurrence of diseases was recorded in 1978. pseudotuberculosis was of seasonal nature with the highest incidence in november and december. the second most wide ...19853927559
[effect of acidin-pepsin on yersinia pseudotuberculosis].the effect of acidin-pepsin solution at a concentration of 1 : 100 on newly isolated yersinia cultures has been tested in three series of experiments. acidin-pepsin has been found to exert a bactericidal effect on yersinia and to induce the appearance of involutionary forms and large rod-shaped yersinia cells with a better capacity for survival. the surviving yersinia cells do not pass their resistance to acidin-pepsin on to their progeny and show low invasiveness and pathogenicity in white mice ...19853929505
identification of proteolytic pseudomonads isolated from raw milk.proteolytic pseudomonads isolated from raw milk were classified by numerical taxonomy. unweighted pair-group average-linkage cluster analysis was used to cluster 49 bacterial strains, of which 26 were pseudomonas species, as described in the bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology, based on 52 characters. the milk isolates resided in two clusters; one containing pseudomonas fluorescens and the other pseudomonas fragi. the isolates identified with pseudomonas fluorescens hydrolyzed milk pro ...19853930583
lhrh-agonist treatment in clinical and experimental human breast cancer.thirty-one premenopausal patients with metastatic breast cancer were treated for 3-33 months with the potent lhrh-agonist buserelin (hoe 766) as a first-line therapy. twelve women (group ia) were treated with a daily dose of 3 x 400 micrograms buserelin intranasally and 10 women (group ib) with a daily dose of 2 x 1 mg subcutaneously after parenteral treatment with 3 mg per day in the first week. nine patients (group ii) were treated chronically with 3 x 400 micrograms buserelin intranasally in ...19853935869
influence of the thromboxane antagonist bm 13.177 on the arachidonic acid-induced increase in pulmonary vascular resistance and permeability in rabbit blood-free perfused isolated rabbit lungs increased availability of free arachidonic acid (aa), whether exogenously applied or released from the endogenous membrane phospholipid pool after different stimuli, causes an acute pulmonary artery pressor response and an increase in vascular permeability. previous experiments suggested that the vasoconstriction is caused primarily by the cyclooxygenase product thromboxane (tx) a2, whereas an increase in the capillary filtration coefficient must be a ...19853937288
the addition of nitrous oxide to halothane decreases renal and splanchnic flow and increases cerebral blood flow in rats.thirteen male sprague-dawley rats were anaesthetized with halothane and catheters were placed in the femoral artery and left ventricle. the animals breathed spontaneously through a tracheostomy throughout the investigation. after the surgical preparation, the inspired halothane concentration was maintained at 1.5 vol% (f/o2 = 0.3). after a 30-min stabilization period, strontium-85 radiolabelled microspheres (15 +/- 1 micron) were injected to the left ventricle for determination of cardiac output ...19863942673
the addition of nitrous oxide to halothane decreases renal and splanchnic flow and increases cerebral blood flow in rats.thirteen male sprague-dawley rats were anaesthetized with halothane and catheters were placed in the femoral artery and left ventricle. the animals breathed spontaneously through a tracheostomy throughout the investigation. after the surgical preparation, the inspired halothane concentration was maintained at 1.5 vol% (f/o2 = 0.3). after a 30-min stabilization period, strontium-85 radiolabelled microspheres (15 +/- 1 micron) were injected to the left ventricle for determination of cardiac output ...19863942673
fate of n-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymers with pendent galactosamine residues after intravenous administration to rats.n-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (hpma) copolymers bearing galactosamine residues accumulate in the liver after intravenous administration to rats (duncan, r., kopecek, j., rejmanová, p. and lloyd, j.b. (1983) biochim. biophys. acta 755, 518-521). in this study hpma copolymers bearing pendent galactosamine residues (1.0-11.6 mol%) were injected intravenously into rats and their rates of blood clearance and liver accumulation were measured. a level of substitution of 4 mol% was found to be suffi ...19863942780
ostertagia ostertagi: excretory secretory chemotactic substance from infective larvae as cause of eosinophil locomotion.the infective (third stage) larva of ostertagia ostertagi produced an excretory secretory substance that is chemotactic for bovine eosinophils. the eosinophil chemotactic substance was present in supernatants of larval cultures within 6 hr of incubation in eagle's minimum essential medium containing 25 mm n-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-n'-2-ethanesulfonic acid. the substance responsible for eosinophil chemotaxis has activity in small amounts, a molecular weight (mw) greater than 2000, and is heat la ...19863943588
ostertagia ostertagi: excretory secretory chemotactic substance from infective larvae as cause of eosinophil locomotion.the infective (third stage) larva of ostertagia ostertagi produced an excretory secretory substance that is chemotactic for bovine eosinophils. the eosinophil chemotactic substance was present in supernatants of larval cultures within 6 hr of incubation in eagle's minimum essential medium containing 25 mm n-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-n'-2-ethanesulfonic acid. the substance responsible for eosinophil chemotaxis has activity in small amounts, a molecular weight (mw) greater than 2000, and is heat la ...19863943588
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