
a method for staining intracellular antigens in thin sections with ferritin-labeled antibody. 19714104970
mosaics of capsid components produced by cocultivation of certain human adenoviruses in vitro. 19714105258
chick embryo lethal orphan (celo) virus: some physical and immunological properties. 19714105260
attachment of myxoviruses to artificial membranes: electron microscopic studies. 19714105990
[study of the cytopathogenic effect of adenoviruses isolated from pharyngeal and conjunctival scrapings]. 19714106821
defective virions in human adenovirus type 12.purified preparations of human adenovirus type 12 showed two bands when subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in a density gradient of cesium chloride. their density difference was about 0.003 g/ml, suggesting a small difference in their deoxyribonucleic acid to protein ratio. virions with a lighter density can kill human kb cells and induce t antigen as efficiently as the heavy virions. however, they appeared incapable to form plaques. two passages of the heavy infectious virions at low multipl ...19714106970
temperature-sensitive conditional-lethal mutants of an avian adenovirus (celo). i. isolation and characterization. 19714106984
use of b-iv zonal rotor centrifugation as a simple tool for the separation of adeno-associated x 7 virus (aavx 7 ) from helper adenoviruses. 19714107031
the preparation of an antiserum to adenovirus group (hexon) antigen, to be used for immunofluorescent detection of infection with different adenoviruses. 19714107477
viruses and whooping-cough. 19714107931
purification and properties of chick embryo lethal orphan virus (an avian adenovirus). 19714108184
isolation and characterisation of sheep adenoviruses. 19714109495
electron microscope methods for the identification of adenoviruses isolated in micro tissue cultures.a tissue culture micromethod is described for adenovirus isolation and preparation for presumptive identification by electron microscopy. these procedures are easier, more economical, and faster than conventional methods. the micro techniques make it more feasible to utilize direct visualization of virus in infected cells as an adjunctive diagnostic and research tool.19724110422
sensitization and neutralization of adenovirus by specific sera against capsid subunits. 19724110982
the purification of adenovirus neutralizing antibody: adenovirus type 5 hexon immunoadsorbent. 19724110983
isolation of adenoviruses from turkeys. 19724111557
the relationship of adenovirus-induced paracrystalline structures of the virus core protein(s). 19724112037
establishment of organ cultures of human embryonic liver for growth of viruses. 19724112843
titration of adenovirus by counting cells containing virus-induced inclusion bodies.a new method for the titration of adenovirus types 2 and 12 based on the enumeration of viral inclusions in infected cells was devised and evaluated. the technique gave virus titers comparable to those obtained by the plaque assay procedure.19724113255
the ultrastructural basis of cell injury in viral infections. 19724114141
cytochemistry and immunofluorescence of celo virus, an oncogenic avian adenovirus, in chicken embryo kidney and chicken embryo fibroblastic cell cultures. 19724114142
isolation and a preliminary characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of adenovirus 31. 19724115402
electron microscope study on the replication of aav-1 in herpes-infected cells. 19724115404
serological classification of avian adenoviruses. 19724117913
structure and function of virion proteins of adenoviruses. 19734120865
ultrastructural study of viral replication in human fetal intestinal organ culture. 19734121665
a new tissue-culture system for clinical virology. 19734122822
structure, hemagglutinins, and subgroup position of adenovirus 20, 25, and 28. 19724124025
localization and induction of the human thymidine kinase gene by adenovirus 12. 19734126392
cultures of tissues from patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 19734126530
[the antigenic structure of virus particles and empty capsids in adenoviruses (author's transl)]. 19734126896
penetration of host cell membranes by adenovirus 2.highly purified human adenovirus type 2 directly penetrated the plasma membranes of kb cells. the process of membrane penetration resulted in the appearance of large numbers of adenovirions free in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. the virions underwent a morphological change as they penetrated the cell surface. penetration of the plasma membranes and the accompanying alteration in virion morphology was dependent on a function associated with the intact cells, because neither event occurred w ...19734127052
feulgen-derived techniques for electron microscopical cytochemistry of dna. 19734127220
virus antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases. 19734127423
editorial: biohazards of biologists. 19734128729
editorial: virus infection of the kidney and urinary tract. 19744128995
letter: virus particles in gastroenteritis. 19734129337
[viral diseases of the respiratory organs of the child (report) (author's transl)]. 19714130810
a colinear map relating the simian virus 40 (sv40) dna segments of six adenovirus-sv40 hybrids to the dna fragments produced by restriction endonuclease cleavage of sv40 dna.the simian virus 40 (sv40) dna segments present in a series of adenovirus-sv40 hybrids have been mapped with respect to the sites of cleavage of sv40 dna by restriction endonucleases. two approaches have been used. first, nucleic acid hybridizations were performed between equimolar quantities of the denatured dnas of sv40 and each hybrid virus and the radiolabeled transcripts of 11 dna fragments obtained by cleavage of sv40 dna by restriction endonuclease from hemophilus influenzae. secondly, se ...19744131276
measles virus antibodies in multiple sclerosis. comparison of antibody titers in cerebrospinal fluid and serum. 19744131598
rapid adenovirus typing by immunoelectron microscopy.a rapid method of typing adenoviruses by immunoelectron microscopy is discribed. this emphasizes the value of an electron microscope in diagnostic virology, especially when a rapid result is required in epidemiology.19734131693
pneumonias acquired outside the hospital. recognition and treatment. 19744132588
[use of droplet microreaction of complement fixation for the diagnosis of viral respiratory infections]. 19734133162
distribution of a beta-globulin in tissues of normal and virus-infected chickens. 19744133827
progress with antiviral agents. 19744137135
the nature of nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles containing virus-specific rna. 19744137990
diagnostic electron microscopy of faeces. i. the viral flora of the faeces as seen by electron microscopy.a method is described for examining viruses in faeces by direct electron microscopy using negative staining. the particles found in a group of patients with gastroenteritis and a group with other conditions are compared. small particles in the range of sizes covering parvoviruses and enteroviruses were found about as frequently in each group. many of these were probably bacteriophages. many bacteriophages with tails of various sizes and lengths were found. adenoviruses were found in five of eigh ...19744138653
serotyping of adenoviruses using immune electron microscopy.immune electron microscopy may be used to determine the type specificity of several common human adenoviruses. the method described utilized equine antisera and was used to serotype adenoviruses within hours after typical cytopathic effect was observed in tissue culture. adenovirus types 1, 2, 3, 5, 7a, 8, and 11 were isolated from clinical specimens and serotyped by serum neutralization and immune electron microscopy. five of the seven types were identified consistently and identically by the t ...19744138881
letter: cytomegalovirus in non-b post-transfusion hepatitis. 19744139618
the length of the terminal repetition in adenovirus-2 dna.adenovirus-2 dna was end-labeled by partial digestion with escherichia coli exonuclease iii and resynthesis with the dna polymerase from avian myeloblastosis virus and alpha-(32)p-labeled deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. this end-labeled dna was cleaved with several specific endonucleases and the terminal fragments were characterized by gel electrophoresis and pyrimidine tract analysis. two endonucleases gave identical fragments from both ends, presumably from cleavage within the inverted term ...19744139703
early interaction between animal viruses and cells. 19744140469
[agglutination by certain viruses of erythrocytes, treated with trypsin]. 19744140964
basic methodology for cell culture--cell transformation. 19744141037
cellular immune response to virus-specific antigen in hamsters bearing isografts of cytomegalovirus-transformed cells. 19744142468
cancer viruses. 19724142604
[replication of adenovirus type 5 in culture of cord blood lymphocytes (author's transl)]. 19744143244
dynamics of accumulation of capsid proteins of type 1 adenovirus (immunofluorescence and cytofluorometric data). 19734144275
anti-interfering and anti-interferon-inducing properties of adenociral soluble antigens. 19734144286
paracrystalline formation in cells infected by adenovirus type 12. 19724146130
interference between a2 and b influenza viruses and adenovirus in cell culture. 19734147138
[a comparison of antibodies labelled with fluorochrom or with enzyme for the demonstration of adenoviruses in cell cultures (author's transl)]. 19734147691
[a comparison of antibodies labelled with fitc or with peroxidase for the demonstration of adenovirus types 1 to 7 (author's transl)]. 19734147692
[clinico-immunologic characteristics of different forms of complications following smallpox vaccination in children]. 19734149961
[etiology, clinical aspects, differential diagnosis and therapy of neurovirus infections]. 19744153928
[laboratory procedures in adenoviruses. i. qualitative and quantitative immunofluorescence (author's transl)]. 19744155861
cell resistance induced by virus--antibody complexes. 19654158520
stabilization in acid of mercaptoethanol-reduced adenovirus antibody by combination with virus. 19654159193
[characterization and typing of an adenovirus (1st isolation) in argentina (strain 2404)]. 19654159260
viruses in the aetiology of acute appendicitis. 19664162203
examination of virus-gamma-m antibody complexes by electron microscopy. i. configuration of gamma-m antibodies and mode of attachment to antigen. 19674164533
[further studies on the cultivation of swine plague virus in cell cultures with a cytopathogenic effect]. 19664168083
encephalitis. a four-year survey. 19684171845
effects of anti-lymphoid sera on viral infections. 19684172696
a virus-latex agglutination test for detecting antibodies against isolates associated with viral hepatitis. 19684173557
another respiratory-virus vaccine. 19684175099
effect of pyronin y on adenovirus. 19684176418
monoclonal gammopathy in a child with leukemia. 19684176911
protective action of benzimidazole derivatives against virus infections in tissue culture and in vivo. 19694179506
viral transformation of cells. 19694180102
biologic activity and morphology of three types of rabbit igm antibody subunits. 19694181246
cytophotometric study of dna accumulation in cells in the course of development of intranuclear inclusions caused by type 1 adenovirus. 19694181973
localization of virus antigens by enzyme-labelled antibodies. 19694184786
deoxyribonucleic acid of adeno-associated satellite virus.staining patterns suggest that in the adeno-associated satellite virion there exist quasi single-stranded regions which are renatured after extraction to exhibit double strandedness.19694185169
properties of a small virus associated with infectious canine hepatitis virus. 19694186129
otitis media and its complications (1967 and 1968). 19694186143
[the eye and viruses]. 19694187891
recent virologic applications of ferritin conjugates. 19694190493
immunoenzyme techniques: enzymes as markers for the localization of antigens and antibodies. 19704190535
[a simple method for quick identification of virus contamination of tissue cultures]. 19684191153
a sensitive neutralization test for the adeno-associated satellite viruses. 19704191167
interaction between sv 40 and other viruses in tissue culture: interference and double infection. 19694192471
immunological and morphological studies on human adenovirus type 31. 19684192794
[electron microscopic studies of kidney cells of erythrocebus patas after infection with sv 40 and adenovirus type 12]. 19704193497
early events in cell-animal virus interactions. 19734200163
counterimmunoelectrophoresis with adenovirus type-specific anti-hemagglutinin sera as a rapid diagnostic method. 19744204564
in vitro synthesis of adenovirus core proteins.mrna extracted from polysomes of kb cells at late stages of productive infection with adenovirus type 2 was translated in a cell-free system derived from krebs ii ascites cells. two of the polypeptides obtained in this reaction corresponded to the adenovirus core protein v and the precursor to core protein vii. the following criteria were used to establish identity between the in vitro products and the virion proteins: comigration during sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ...19744211166
transformation potentials of the noninfectious (defective) component in pools of adenoviruses type 12 and simian adenovirus 7.pools of adenovirus 12 and simian adenovirus 7 were separated into four or five fractions by density gradient centrifugation in cesium chloride. each fraction was analyzed for total in vitro infectivity units, total transformation activity, and for total virus particle (vp) content. two major subpopulations were separated with mean densities of 1.30 +/- 0.02 and 1.34 +/- 0.02 g/ml, respectively. virions in the 1.34 g/ml range were highly infectious (10(2) to 10(3) vp per infectivity unit) in con ...19744211167
subcellular localization and properties of thymidine kinase from adenovirus-infected cells. 19744212374
isolation of bovine adenovirus type 1 in the sudan. 19734213204
viruria in man, an update. 19744214304
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 9159