
biofragmentable bowel anastomosis ring: comparative efficacy studies in dogs.three studies were conducted in a total of 178 dogs to determine the efficacy of a biofragmentable bowel anastomosis ring (bar) composed of polyglycolic acid and 12.5% barium sulfate. wound strength and healing of bar, suture, and staple colonic anastomoses were compared for intervals of up to 1 year. the effect of systemic steroid treatment and bar size on anastomotic wound strength and healing was also studied. the bars fragmented at a mean time of 15.06 days postoperatively and were passed in ...19883336869
identification and mapping of the temperature-inducible, plasmid-encoded proteins of yersinia spp.the structural genes of the outer membrane polypeptides of yersinia spp. (yops) and the v antigen of plasmid pib1 of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were recently cloned and mapped (a. forsberg, i. bölin, l. norlander, and h. wolf-watz, microb. pathogen. 2:123-137, 1987). the corresponding genes were localized on pyv019 and pyv8081 of yersinia pestis and yersinia enterocolitica, respectively. no obvious differences were observed on comparison of pib1 and pyv019, whereas pyv8081 showed intragenic as ...19883338844
induction of secondary ige antibody response in rats immunized with x-irradiated metacercariae of paragonimus ohirai.rats reinfected with paragonimus ohirai (p.o.) elicited little secondary ige response to adult p.o. antigen. in contrast, rats immunized with x-irradiated (2-10 krad) metacercariae elicited not only a marked primary ige response comparable to that in normally infected rats, but also a marked secondary ige response after challenge infection. rats immunized with 2 krad x-irradiated metacercariae yielded a higher secondary ige response than with 5 or 10 krad irradiated ones, and elicited a secondar ...19883338861
lack of correlation between haemagglutination and adherence to epithelial cells in yersinia pseudotuberculosis.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was examined for its haemagglutinating activity and adherence to cultured epithelial cells (hep-2) in relation to possession of a virulence (vw) plasmid and to growth conditions. vw-lacking (vw-) bacteria were isolated from ten vw+ strains of each serovar which, after they were grown on cfa plates at 37 degrees c, agglutinated the erythrocytes from five different species. in contrast to the bacteria possessing the plasmid (vw+) half of the vw- bacteria, grown on cfa p ...19883346900
study of prostaglandins and intraocular pressure in rabbits after nd:yag laser anterior segment procedures.radioimmunoassay of rabbit aqueous humor one hour after nd:yag laser anterior capsulotomies revealed increased concentrations of 6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha (pgf1 alpha), and thromboxane b2 (tbb2). coincidental rises in intraocular pressure (iop) and aqueous humor protein were observed. these changes correlated with the laser power used. pretreatment with topical 1% prednisolone acetate or 1% indomethacin prior to anterior capsulotomies inhibited the post laser rise in pgf1 alpha and tbb2, but ...19883347454
ascorbic acid specifically increases type i and type iii procollagen messenger rna levels in human skin cultured human skin fibroblasts, ascorbic acid stimulates collagen production with no apparent change in the intracellular degradation of newly synthesized procollagen. to understand the basis for this effect, we measured the steady-state levels of type i and type iii procollagen mrnas in cells treated with ascorbic acid. a three- to fourfold increase in collagen synthesis was associated with a two- to threefold increase in the levels of mrnas for both type i and type iii procollagens. these ...19883351329
[reorganization of neural circuits caused by early brain damage]. 19883358876
characterization of size-dependent exchange of peg molecules between the blood and extravascular space in the pig.different sized polyethylene glycols (pegs) have been used as probe molecules in studies of size-dependent permeation through the intestinal wall and the glomerular membranes. we have curve-fitted a three-compartment model to the urinary recovery data following intravenous injection of different sized peg molecules in the pig. the rate constants to and from the extravascular space demonstrate a strong size-dependent selectivity for peg molecules less than 502 da, but the rate constants to the ur ...19883370951
[cloning of the genes controlling the biosynthesis of bacitracin in bacillus licheniformis].the dna fragment from bacitracin-producing bacillus licheniformis strain is cloned on pmx39 vector plasmid in bacillus subtilis cells. bacillus subtilis cells carrying the cloned fragment inhibit the growth of bacitracin-sensitive tester strain. the observed inhibition of growth is due to the production by bacillus subtilis of bacteriocin substance that is identified as bacitracin by tlc-chromatography. in contrast to the data published earlier it is shown that bacillus subtilis can in fact prod ...19883374505
some pungent principles of spices cause the adrenal medulla to secrete catecholamine in anesthetized rats.we recently reported that capsaicin, a pungent principle of hot red pepper, evokes catecholamine secretion from the rat adrenal medulla. in this study, the effects of some pungent principles of spices on adrenal catecholamine secretion were investigated as compared with that of capsaicin. an increase in catecholamine, especially epinephrine, secretion was observed not only on capsaicin infusion but also on piperine (a pungent principle of pepper) and zingerone (ginger) infusion. even on infusion ...19883375268
[mechanism of the action of potassium orotate on sodium excretion from the body]. 19883378615
vitamin a and calcium-regulatory hormones. 19883386911
[study of aqueous solutions of the lipopolysaccharide-protein complex from yersinia pseudotuberculosis using hydrodynamic methods].physical and chemical properties of lpps in aqueous solutions were studied. hydrodynamic characteristics of lpps depend upon the input concentration and method of solution preparation. equation parameters for the relationship between [eta] and m omega were determined, and it was found that lpps behavior in solution can be determined by the equation: [eta] = 5.5.10(-4).m0.57. in aqueous solutions complex macromolecules form compact particles ranging from 8 to 14 nm in size.19883390479
[interaction of pregna-d'-pentaranes--pentacyclic derivatives of progesterone--with gestagen-binding sites of uterine cytosol].the interaction of promegestone (r-5020), progesterone (p) and its derivatives having and additional carbocyclic d' (pregna-d'-pentrans) with progestin-binding cytosol system of the uterus was studied in different species (rabbits, rats, guinea-pigs and men). a comparative analysis of the competitive binding data for the mentioned compounds has shown interspecies differences in ligand specificity. two types of binding sites for 3h-d'-pentran (in contrast to r-5020 and p) have been detected in ra ...19883390587
effect of high doses of dietary vitamin e on the concentrations of vitamin e in several brain regions, plasma, liver, and adipose tissue of rats.the object of this study was to assess the influence of high levels of dietary vitamin e on vitamin e concentrations in specific areas of the brain. four-week-old male rats were fed vitamin e-deficient, control, and high-vitamin e (1,000 iu/kg) diets for 4 months. concentrations of alpha-tocopherol in serum, adipose tissue, liver, cerebrum, cerebellum, and striatum were determined by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. in the high-vitamin e group, alpha-tocopherol concentrations i ...19883392549
micromanipulation in human reproductive technology. 19883396693
experimental yersinia-associated arthritis in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.sterile arthritis resembling human reactive arthritis was induced in spontaneously hypertensive shr rats by intravenous injection of live yersinia enterocolitica 0:8. histologically the synovitis appears as proliferation of the lining cell layer, with inflammatory cells present in the subsynovium. the inflammatory cells are mostly lymphocytes. infection with yersinia enterocolitica 0:3 or yersinia pseudotuberculosis did not induce arthritis. susceptibility to yersinia-associated arthritis is not ...19883401653
effects of adenosine triphosphate and alkaline phosphatase on solubilized 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine-binding activity.the t3-binding activity of salt-extractable nuclear proteins from rat liver was affected when atp (2-10 mm; ph 8.0) was added concomitantly with t3 in the incubation medium. scatchard analysis revealed that the equilibrium association constant was significantly reduced [5 mm atp, 0.3 +/- 0.1 (+/- se) 10(10) m-1; control, 1.1 +/- 0.15 x 10(10) m-1], but the maximum binding capacity remained unchanged. similar values of inhibition were obtained when unbound receptors were preincubated with atp. at ...19883402384
evolution of plague virulence. 19883405295
a direct microassay for serum retinol (vitamin a alcohol) by using size-exclusion high-pressure liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection.serum retinol (bound to plasma retinol-binding protein, rbp) can be determined by direct injection of as little as 20 microliter of serum or plasma by using size-exclusion high-pressure liquid chromatography (se-hplc) with fluorescence detection. toyo soda tsk g-3000sw columns (0.75 x 7.5-cm guard column plus 0.75 x 30-cm analytical column) were eluted with 0.2 m nacl/0.01 m phosphate buffer (ph 6.8) at 1 ml/min, with detection at 280 nm for protein elution. fluorescence of the retinol-rbp compl ...19883407933
low-frequency ultrasound absorption in aqueous solutions of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and bovine serum albumin: the role of structure and measurements on ultrasound absorption of aqueous solutions of the three globular proteins, bovine hemoglobin, horse heart myoglobin, and bovine serum albumin, at 20 degrees c are reported for the frequency range below 1.2 mhz and, in the case of hemoglobin and bovine serum albumin, to a limited extent for the range 2-30 mhz. the effect of protein conformation has been investigated by use of a range of denaturants and by change of ph. a much more detailed description of protein interactions e ...19883411029
cultured mammalian cells attach to the invasin protein of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.the expression of invasin, the product of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene, allows enteric bacteria to enter cultured mammalian cells. the ability of invasin to bind animal cells and the potential significance of this interaction in the entry process were investigated. it was found that hep-2 cells could attach to surfaces coated with bacterial membranes containing invasin. by fractionating bacterial membrane proteins on nadodso4/polyacrylamide gels and transferring the protein to filter ...19883413117
iga class antibodies against yersinia enterocolitica o:3 in patients with thyroid disease.igm, igg and iga class serum antibodies against yersinia enterocolitica o:3 and o:9 and yersinia pseudotuberculosis 1a and 3 in 41 patients with thyroid disease and 50 healthy control persons were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). concentrations of antibody levels against yersinia enterocolitica o:9 and yercinia pseudotuberculosis 1a and 3 did not differ significantly between the patients and controls. the median value of iga class antibody yersinia enterocolitica o:3 was 7. ...19883414323
evidence against oxidant injury as a critical mediator of postischemic acute renal failure.the purpose of this study is to confirm previous evidence for reactive oxygen species (ros) as critical mediators of postischemic renal injury by documenting lipid peroxidation after ischemic-hypoxic insults and by demonstrating that antioxidants confer protection. renal malondialdehyde (mda) concentrations, an index of lipid peroxidation, were measured using uncorrected and tissue-chromagen-corrected methods in 1) cortical (c), outer medullary stripe (oms), inner medullary (im) whole renal tiss ...19883414803
experimental contact sensitization with 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine.the potential of 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine to induce contact sensitization was assessed in the guinea pig maximization test of magnusson and kligman and also in the closed patch test described by buehler. the test material was a 1% solution of 3,4,5-trichloropyridazine in a highly refined mineral oil. the test material elicited moderate to severe irritation when diluted in mineral oil to concentrations of 15-25% and minimal irritation at concentrations of 1-3%. both tests clearly indicated that ...19883416588
differential patterns of anti-tumour drug responses and mechanisms of resistance in a series of independently-derived vp-16-resistant human tumour cell lines.resistance to etoposide, which was expressed following exposure of a human tumour cell line (hn-i) to fractionated x-irradiation (ii fractions to a total dose of 50gy), was found to be exhibited after delivery of only 5 fractions (total dose of 22.5gy). in addition, 2 new etoposide-resistant sublines of these hn-i cells have been developed by continuous exposure in vitro to sublethal drug concentrations. no significant differences in growth characteristics were shown between all these resistant ...19883417366
effect of retinoids on the proliferation, morphology and expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein of an anaplastic astrocytoma cell line.we studied the effect of retinoids on the growth and differentiation of a cell line (u 343 mg-a) derived from a human malignant astrocytoma. cultures treated with all-trans or 13-cis retinoic acid showed a dose-dependent inhibition of proliferation and a marked reduction in the mean cell number at the plateau phase of growth (3.5 x 10(6) vs. 1 x 10(7) cells/25 cm2) compared with untreated cultures. at confluence, cells treated with all-trans or 13-cis retinoic acid were contact-inhibited, wherea ...19883417370
genetic characterization of leishmania isolates at 37 enzyme loci. 19883417374
vectorial accumulation of cathepsin d in retinal pigmented epithelium: effects of age.the extracellular accumulation of n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase (nag) and a cathepsin d-like enzymatic activity were studied in human retinal pigmented epithelium cultured on nitrocellulose filter inserts. these enzymes accumulated in both the apical and basal extracellular fluid. for nag, the total extracellular activity accumulated in 24 hours was 7.3 +/- 1.75% of the total cell-associated activity, while the cathepsin d-like activity was 10 +/- 0.71% of the total cell-associated activity. the ...19883417409
staphylococcus aureus endocarditis in a previously healthy adolescent.infectious endocarditis is occasionally a complication of staphylococcus aureus sepsis in previously well individuals with no heart disease or history of intravenous drug use. we report a case of a 16 year old who developed staphylococcal sepsis and endocarditis probably as the result of neglected paronychia of her toes. despite adequate antibiotic therapy, the infectious process destroyed her aortic valve, thereby producing aortic regurgitation complicated by cerebral embolism. aortic valve rep ...19883417509
number of olfactory marker protein-containing receptor cells is influenced by developmental stage of the olfactory vitro studies on e15 rat embryos have shown that the number of receptor neurons containing olfactory marker protein (omp) is markedly increased when olfactory mucosa (om) is cultured in direct contact with the presumptive olfactory bulb (pob). this facilitatory influence is tissue-specific; that is, it is absent when the pob is substituted with other nervous or non-nervous tissues. in the present quantitative immunohistochemical study, we show that the enhancing influence of the pob is also a ...19883418753
interactions between host cells and yersiniae. 19863426159
yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b in experimentally contaminated raw pork. 19873430923
[a new measurement of pulmonary venous compliance by r-synchronized volume loading]. 19873432757
re: prophylaxis of gram-negative and gram-positive infections in rodents with three intravenous immunoglobulins and therapy of experimental polymicrobial burn wound sepsis with pseudomonas immunoglobulin and ciprofloxacin. 19873436681
genetic mapping of eleven spo genes essential for ascospore formation in the fission yeast schizosaccharomyces pombe.sporulation-deficient mutants of the fission yeast schizosaccharomyces pombe were isolated from a homothallic strain mutagenized with ethyl methanesulfonate. complementation tests defined two new genetic loci (spo19 and spo20) essential for ascospore formation, in addition to the 18 known spo loci (bresch et al. 1968). a novel mapping procedure using random spore analysis prior to tetrad analysis allowed us to map 11 spo genes. four genes (spo3, spo15, spo19 and spo20) were mapped on chromosome ...19863442824
lactation response to short-term abomasal infusion of choline, inositol, and soy lecithin.five lactating holstein cows averaging 13 wk postpartum were used in a latin square design to examine the effect of daily abomasal infusion of choline (22 g), myo-inositol (37 g), soy oil (325 ml), or crude soy lecithin (900 ml) on lactation performance. dry matter intake was reduced by infusion of soy lecithin as compared with infusion of water (18.1 and 21.1 kg/d, respectively). plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration was increased when cows received the myo-inositol or soy lecithin infusion ...19873448106
active smoking depresses prostaglandin synthesis in human gastric determine the effect of smoking on gastroduodenal mucosal prostaglandin synthesis, endoscopies were done after an overnight fast on 10 nonsmokers, 12 active smokers who smoked four cigarettes in the hour before endoscopy, and then 11 of the smokers who refrained from smoking for 12 hours. biopsy samples of fundic, antral, and duodenal mucosae were incubated, and the accumulation of prostaglandin e2 and 6-keto-prostaglandin f1 alpha in the incubation medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. we ...19863457547
microtubule function in human blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes: analysis through heat-induced lesions. 19863460459
effects of exogenous and endogenous melatonin on gonadal function in this article we review the functions of the pineal gland and of pineal melatonin in regulating gonadal activity in three species of hamster, the golden (syrian) hamster (mesocricetus auratus), the turkish (brandt's) hamster (mesocricetus brandti), and the djungarian (siberian, or hairy-footed) hamster (phodopus sungorus sungorus). some experimental treatments elicit the same response in all three species; this is especially true for the regulation of the nocturnal elevation of pineal melatoni ...19863462343
pseudomonas pseudomallei (melioidosis): acute septicemia and meningitis in patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. 19863463317
regional variations in oral submucous fibrosis in india.regional variations in the characteristics of submucous fibrosis were studied in two districts in india. in pune district this condition involved soft palate, uvula and retromolar areas significantly more often than in ernakulam district. the tongue, floor of the mouth and the hard palate were not involved in pune. the age of the patients in pune district was lower than in ernakulam district. associated oral cancer, leukoplakia and petechiae were observed solely among patients in ernakulam. the ...19873476249
reconstitution of hematopoiesis after bone marrow purging with ricin a chain immunotoxin.bone marrow cells from healthy individuals were treated with an antihuman t cell immunotoxin (it101). the treated marrow cells were cultured for multilineage hematopoietic colonies (cfu-gemmt) containing various myeloid cell lineages and t lymphocytes, erythroid colonies (bfu-e), and granulocytic colonies (cfu-c). optimal conditions were defined for the elimination of clonogenic human t leukemic cells artificially admixed with bone marrow cells. marrow purging with it101 led to the restoration o ...19863485318
characterisation of haemophilus spp. isolated from infant conjunctivitis.haemophilus strains isolated from children under the age of 11 months with conjunctivitis were characterised by biotype, sugar fermentation, plasmid pattern and outer-membrane-protein profiles. h. influenzae was the most common species identified and was separated into 14 groups based on sugar fermentation and biotype patterns and into more than 20 groups when plasmid and outer-membrane-protein profiles were included. small (mol. wt less than 10 x 10(6)) plasmids were identified in 11 of 34 (32% ...19863486294
possible role of protein phosphorylation in the mitogenic effect of high density lipoproteins on cultured vascular endothelial cells.the implication of protein phosphorylation in the mitogenic action of high density lipoproteins (hdl) on bovine vascular endothelial cells was investigated by incubating endothelial cell cultures in the presence of 32p-labeled phosphoric acid. the incorporation of 32p into proteins was measured after fractionation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and autoradiography of the gel. in endothelial cells seeded at low density and made quiescent by serum s ...19863486870
yersinia-associated arthritis in the rat: experimental model for human reactive arthritis?rats of five different strains were injected intravenously with live yersinia enterocolitica o:8 or yersinia pseudotuberculosis iii. twelve to 18 days after inoculation of y. enterocolitica o:8, arthritic symptoms appeared in the hindpaws of shr rats. they started with erythema, followed by swelling and painful movement, closely resembling findings in adjuvant arthritis. histologically, the inflammation was dominated by neutrophils in two cases, whereas in two others the inflammatory cells were ...19863495095
dexamethasone pre-treatment is antipyretic toward polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid, lipopolysaccharide and interleukin 1/endogenous pyrogen.the effect of intravenously injected dexamethasone on the febrile response of rabbits to polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (poly i:c), lipopolysaccharide (lps) and interleukin 1/endogenous pyrogen (il1/e.p.) was studied. dexamethasone (1 mg/kg) attenuated the febrile response to poly i:c (5 micrograms/kg) but only if administered between 0.5 to 2 h before poly i:c. if it was given after poly i:c this resulted in a potentiation of the fever. antagonism of the febrile response to poly i:c by dexame ...19873495738
local cerebral metabolic effects of l-dopa therapy in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced parkinsonism in monkeys.the quantitative 2-deoxy[14c]glucose autoradiographic method was used to map the distribution of alterations in local cerebral glucose utilization that accompanies clinically effective chronic l-dopa therapy of rhesus monkeys made parkinsonian by the administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp). this pattern of changes was compared to the effects of a similar treatment regimen in normal monkeys. l-dopa (100 mg with 10 mg carbidopa) was administered orally to normal and p ...19873497401
difference in monoamine oxidase b activity between c57 black and albino nmri mouse strains may explain differential effects of the neurotoxin mptp.monoamine oxidase b (mao-b) is the key enzyme in the conversion of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine(mptp) to n-methyl-4-phenyl-pyridinium ion (mpp+) which causes degeneration of dopaminergic nigral neurons. using a histochemical tetrazolium method for mao-b with tyramine as substrate and chlorgyline for the inhibition of mao-a, black c57 mice were found to have a higher brain mao-b activity than similar aged albino nmri mice. the difference, which was in general density rather than d ...19873498133
post-translational regulation of lcr plasmid-mediated peptides in pesticinogenic yersinia pestis.the low calcium response of wild type yersinia pestis, the causative agent of bubonic plague, and of enteropathogenic yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica is known to be mediated by a shared lcr plasmid of about 70 kb. at 37 degrees c in ca2+-deficient medium, this element promotes restriction of growth with concomitant production of virulence functions including the common v antigen and a set of yersiniae outer membrane peptides termed yops (lcr+). the latter are expressed by ...19873504547
molecular cloning and expression of calcium-regulated, plasmid-coded proteins of y. pseudotuberculosis.a number of plasmid-associated proteins (yops) of y. pseudotuberculosis are induced and expressed at high levels when the pathogen is grown at 37 degrees c in absence of ca2+ ions. these proteins were recovered both from the outer membrane fraction and the culture supernatant. two hours after a temperature-shift the yops were only found in the culture supernatant, amounting to about 5% of the total cell protein. after 4 h of incubation they were also detected in the outer membrane fraction. sepa ...19873507554
modulation of the low-calcium response in yersinia pestis via plasmid-plasmid interaction.virulent cells of yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia enterocolitica are known to exhibit a low-calcium response in vitro characterized by restriction of growth and induction of v antigen at 37 degrees c in ca2+-deficient media (lcr+). a shared lcr plasmid mediates these properties and encodes yersiniae outer membrane peptides (yops) that are expressed in lcr+ y. pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica but not y. pestis. we present direct evidence here verifying that synt ...19873507558
virulence plasmid-associated hela cell induced cytotoxicity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a virulent plasmid-containing strain and an isogenic plasmid-free avirulent derivative strain of y. pseudotuberculosis were compared with respect to the interaction with cultured hela cells. no difference in the ability to adhere to hela cells was observed. both strains invaded the hela cells to the same degree. the internalized bacteria did not multiply over a 24-h period. when incubated at 37 degrees c hela cells infected with the virulent plasmid-containing strain ypiii(pib1) showed morpholog ...19863508489
toxicity of paracetamol in human hepatocytes. comparison of the protective effects of sulfhydryl compounds acting as glutathione precursors.the hepatotoxicity of n-acetyl-p-aminophenol (acetaminophen, paracetamol) was investigated in hepatocyte cultures obtained from eight different human liver biopsies. incubation of hepatocytes with paracetamol resulted in a dose- and time-dependent glutathione depletion. glutathione decreased linearly for 8 h, reaching a minimum after 12 h of exposure. cytotoxicity, assessed as loss of cellular protein from plates, was observed only when glutathione decreased below 20% for more than 12 h. however ...19873509688
progesterone pretreatment has a direct effect on gnrh-induced preovulatory follicles to determine their ability to develop into normal corpora lutea in anoestrous two experiments carried out during seasonal anoestrus, romney marsh ewes were treated with small-dose (250 ng) multiple injections of gnrh at 2-h intervals with and without progesterone pretreatment. in exp. 1, 8/8 progesterone-primed ewes ovulated and produced functionally normal corpora lutea compared with 2/9 non-primed ewes. follicles were recovered from similarly treated animals 18 or 28 h after the start of gnrh treatment (at least 14 h before the estimated time of the lh peak) and asse ...19863511255
[epidemiologic significance of urease-positive yersiniae in anthropurgic foci of pseudotuberculosis]. 19863515752
[pathogenetic significance of the psychrophilia of yersinia pseudotuberculosis].the work presents the data indicating that the temperature of y. pseudotuberculosis cultivation is very important in regulating the activity of pathogenicity factors, necessary for the initiation of the pathogenic process in the cells of the macroorganism. low temperature (8-10 degrees c), necessary for the growth of y. pseudotuberculosis, facilitates the activation of invasive and toxic pathogenicity factors. at a growth temperature of 37 degrees c the inhibition of such necessary attributes of ...19863518305
[role of viral and bacterial infections in children with pseudotuberculosis]. 19863520471
[clinico-laboratory characteristics of yersinia infection]. 19863520875
[clinico-epidemiological characteristics of pseudotuberculosis]. 19863521084
identification of legionella pneumophila with commercially available immunofluorescence test. 19863522642
selective primary health care. xxiv. malaria.the eradication of malaria remains an elusive goal in many tropical and subtropical countries, even though methods are available that, if used correctly, will permit control of the disease in most area. these methods include chemotherapy directed against the parasite in the human host and such antivector techniques as a reduction of mosquito breeding sites and an attack on the aquatic and adult stages of mosquitoes. the direction of a malaria control program requires a detailed understanding of ...19863523703
an assay for proteoglycanase (pgase) and it's application to articular chondrocyte cultures.the role of pgase in the degradation of cartilage proteoglycans (pg) is still unclear. although several assays are available, there still exists some problems in the sensitivity, specificity and simplicity of these procedures. we therefore decided to develop an improved assay for pgase in order to detect small quantities of enzyme activity in the culture medium of articular chondrocytes. as substrates of pgase, we prepared fluorescein isothiocyanate labelled core protein (fitc-pgc) and fluoresce ...19863524145
studies of host-plasmid interactions in recombinant microorganisms.plasmid genes redirect some components of cellular metabolism into synthesis of plasmid gene products and additional plasmids. the stoichiometric and kinetic implications of these host-plasmid interactions have been investigated theoretically and experimentally. using known pathway energetics, maximum theoretical yield factors based on atp, glucose, and o2 have been estimated for recombinant escherichia coli and compared with corresponding estimates for host cells alone, indicating major changes ...19863524397
[structural changes in the kidneys during experimental infection caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis].a pronounced affinity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis to the epithelium of renal tubules has been first stated. microorganisms disseminate through blood into the renal tissue and enter the winding tubule lumen as part of glomerular filtrate. due to invasion and intensive multiplication of yersinia pseudotuberculosis within epitheliocytes the epithelium is damaged and necrotic nephrosis develops. intensive microbial colonization was noted in the tubule lumen. extra-capillary glomerulonephritis due ...19863524703
the carrier state: group b streptococcus. 19863528112
[a case of acute terminal ileitis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis]. 19863528356
[use of solid-phase immunoenzyme analysis for the serodiagnosis of pseudotuberculosis].the diagnostic test system based on the solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (eia) for the detection of antibodies to yersinia pseudotuberculosis in the sera of patients with the use of soviet-made preparations and reagents has been developed. the test has been performed in microchambers for immunological reactions, thus making it possible to decrease the consumption of reagents 10-20 times in comparison with the traditional technique with the use of plates. the results of the titration of 42 sera in ...19863529768
induction of estrus in ovariectomized cows and heifers: effects of estradiol benzoate and gonadotropin releasing hormone.three experiments were conducted with ovariectomized (ovx) cows and heifers to investigate potential neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling estrous behavior. in exp. 1, 10 ovx cows were treated with either 125 micrograms estradiol benzoate and 10 cc saline (125 micrograms eb + sal), 125 micrograms eb and 500 micrograms gonadotropin releasing hormone (125 micrograms eb + gnrh), 250 micrograms eb and 10 cc sal (250 micrograms eb + sal), 250 micrograms eb and 500 micrograms gnrh (250 micrograms eb + ...19863531135
induction of estrus in ovariectomized cows and heifers: effects of estradiol benzoate and gonadotropin releasing hormone.three experiments were conducted with ovariectomized (ovx) cows and heifers to investigate potential neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling estrous behavior. in exp. 1, 10 ovx cows were treated with either 125 micrograms estradiol benzoate and 10 cc saline (125 micrograms eb + sal), 125 micrograms eb and 500 micrograms gonadotropin releasing hormone (125 micrograms eb + gnrh), 250 micrograms eb and 10 cc sal (250 micrograms eb + sal), 250 micrograms eb and 500 micrograms gnrh (250 micrograms eb + ...19863531135
human and nonhuman infections caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis in canada from 1962 to 1985.the incidence of human and nonhuman infections of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in canada is presented on the basis of a literature review and serotyping of 101 cultures referred to the canadian national reference center for yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis.19863531232
haemochromatosis presenting with a double yersinia infection.a patient suffering from diabetes mellitus presented with yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicaemia and serological evidence of concomitant infection with yersinia enterocolitica. he was later shown to have idiopathic haemochromatosis.19863531350
the role of v antigen in mice experimentally infected with yersinia pseudotuberculosis; histopathological study using enzyme immunoassay. 19863531653
[creatine kinase activity in guinea pig tissues in experimental pseudotuberculosis].dynamics of creatine kinase activity was studied in heart muscle, liver tissue, lymphatic glands, intestine and spleen of guinea pigs infected with pseudotuberculosis microbes. the maximal increase in creatine kinase activity was observed in lymphatic glands and in heart muscle within the first day after the pseudotuberculosis infection. the enzymatic activity increase in liver tissue occurred within the fifth day, while in spleen--within twelfth day after pseudotuberculosis infection. the data ...19863532531
the role of infections with yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory, rheumatic and collagen diseases.from 50 cases of polyarthritis with febrile onset, 3 were found with serum positive yersinia pseudotuberculosis (ypt) at a titer higher than 1/100. reactive polyarthritis with gram-negative germs (ypt) serologic type i, involved in their etiology have been rarely encountered especially in north europe and in the far east. though the 3ypt positive cases mentioned above, presented on admission particularly severe forms of joint inflammation, under therapy with tetracycline and phenylbutazone deriv ...19863534995
rapid determination of csf lymphocyte subsets by labeled microspheres.a new, easy and quick method for the quantification of csf t lymphocyte subpopulations (t4, t8, leu-7) is reported. the lymphocytes form visible rosettes with plastic spheres to which monoclonal antibodies to human t cell have been coupled. the rosettes can be enumerated by light microscopy. the method is similar to erythrocyte rosette (e-rosette) techniques. the quantigen (biorad) t4/t8 assay was used for control. however, the method can also be used for the demonstration and identification of ...19863537007
rapid determination of csf lymphocyte subsets by labeled microspheres.a new, easy and quick method for the quantification of csf t lymphocyte subpopulations (t4, t8, leu-7) is reported. the lymphocytes form visible rosettes with plastic spheres to which monoclonal antibodies to human t cell have been coupled. the rosettes can be enumerated by light microscopy. the method is similar to erythrocyte rosette (e-rosette) techniques. the quantigen (biorad) t4/t8 assay was used for control. however, the method can also be used for the demonstration and identification of ...19863537007
arteriosclerotic carotid lesions in ultrasonographic study was performed in 187 hyperlipoproteinemia patients to evaluate the incidence of atheromatous lesions in the extracranial carotid tract. a high-resolution, real-time, b-mode instrument with two probes (4- and 8-mhz) was used. fifty-five subjects had high blood cholesterol levels, 70 high triglyceride values, and 62 both. arteriosclerotic disease was present at other sites in 39% of the patients. atheromatous carotid lesions were revealed in 37% of the patients, and there ...19863538944
arteriosclerotic carotid lesions in ultrasonographic study was performed in 187 hyperlipoproteinemia patients to evaluate the incidence of atheromatous lesions in the extracranial carotid tract. a high-resolution, real-time, b-mode instrument with two probes (4- and 8-mhz) was used. fifty-five subjects had high blood cholesterol levels, 70 high triglyceride values, and 62 both. arteriosclerotic disease was present at other sites in 39% of the patients. atheromatous carotid lesions were revealed in 37% of the patients, and there ...19863538944
fibrinogen/fibrin deposits in mesenteric lymphadenitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis type i: morphologic, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic studies of one case.a case of mesenteric lymphadenitis due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis type i is described in a young adult. the diagnosis is suggested by histological appearance and confirmed by serological tests. histological and semithin sections reveal granulomas with central microabscesses and concentric coagulative necrosis. by histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, fibrinogen/fibrin deposits are observed as a prominent intercellular meshwork around microabscesses or as loosely intertwining stra ...19863539084
antibacterial activity of amniotic fluid in the early third trimester. its association with preterm labor and delivery.the purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial growth inhibitory property of amniotic fluid (af) from patients in the early third trimester and to examine its relationship to preterm labor and delivery. a total of 38 af samples from patients between 27 and 35 weeks gestation with intact membranes were studied. antibacterial activity was tested against escherichia coli, staphylococcus aureus, and bacteroides fragilis. fifteen fluids were from patients in preterm labor who delivered near ...19873539135
acute anterior uveitis and conjunctivitis following yersinia infection in children.we studied characteristics of ocular inflammation associated with yersinia infection in six children, three boys and three girls, ranging in age between 4 and 14 years. four patients developed acute anterior uveitis with aqueous flare and cells, small keratic precipitates, cells in the vitreous, and occasionally with fibrinous exudates, posterior synechiae and macular edema. the uveitis was unilateral in two patients and bilateral in two. in three 10- to 14-year-old patients the uveitis resolved ...19863539842
colloidal gold-labeled insulin complex. characterization and binding to adipocytes.biologically active insulin gold complex was used as an ultrastructural marker to study insulin binding sites, uptake, and internalization in isolated rat adipocytes. the preparation conditions for monodispersed particles, ca. 16 nm in diameter and loaded with approximately 100 insulin molecules, are reported. the complex is stable for at least six weeks. single particles or small clusters were scattered across the cell membrane. the distribution of unbound receptors seemed to be independent of ...19863539893
[clinical demonstrations. fever difficult to diagnose. an unusual hypereosinophilia]. 19863541175
[effects of acute hypoxemia on fetal movement in the fetal lamb].chronically instrumented pregnant models were established using 5 dorset-rambouillet pregnant ewes with gestational age between 120 and 138 days. observation of fetal movements were started on the 3rd postoperative day or later when recovery from the surgery to the physiological condition was confirmed by maternal and fetal biophysical parameters. fetal movements were observed using real-time ultrasound equipment with linear-array transducer placed on the maternal abdomen. observation encompasse ...19863543167
interactions of a proteolytically nicked rna polymerase of bacteriophage t7 with its promoter.the association of nicked rna polymerase of bacteriophage t7 (ikeda, r. a., and richardson, c. c. (1987) j. biol. chem. 262, 3790-3799) with the t7 phi 10 promoter has been examined by dna cleavage protection. the phi 10 promoter consists of a 23-base pair consensus sequence that extends from -17 to +6 with respect to the site of the initiation of transcription (+1). nicked t7 rna polymerase alone protects 20 bases from -21 to -2 (+/- 1) base at each border. initiation and synthesis of the trinu ...19873546320
[status of the liver in different forms of pseudotuberculosis]. 19863546931
[clinical features of different forms of yersinia infections]. 19863547554
[comparative evaluation of yersinia interaction with hep-2 cells].in experiments on hep-2 cells, the comparative characterization of the mechanism of invasion and the cytotoxic action of a number of y. pseudotuberculosis strains, serovar 1, and y. enterocolitica strains 03 and 09 (24 strains newly isolated from human patients and rodents and 5 laboratory strains at different degrees of attenuation) has been made on the basis of data obtained by optical and electron microscopy, as well as by cytoenzymological analysis. as revealed in these experiments, the inva ...19863548175
yersiniosis as a gastrointestinal disease.anti-yersinia antibodies were assessed in sera from 630 patients admitted to a department of surgery for acute abdominal disease, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa). in 21 patients a high concentration of yersinia antibodies confirmed recent yersinia infection. eight patients had an appendicectomy performed; in all patients with antibodies against y. enterocolitica 9 or y. pseudotuberculosis ia a true appendicitis was found at operation. two patients with y. enterocolitica 3 anti ...19873551054
[a disease named by a. p. chekhov. febris sachaliniensis]. 19873553727
restorative dentistry.various restorative methods like composite crowns, parapulpar pin reconstructions or vast crowns and bridges, are evaluated against each other. also new methods for repair of jaw-fractures in dogs and cats by means of parapulpar pins and composites are discussed.19873554609
[pathogenic properties of yersinia and their role in yersiniosis pathology]. 19873554847
phase dynamics at microtubule ends: the coexistence of microtubule length changes and treadmilling.the length dynamics both of microtubule-associated protein (map)-rich and map-depleted bovine brain microtubules were examined at polymer mass steady state. in both preparations, the microtubules exhibited length redistributions shortly after polymer mass steady state was attained. with time, however, both populations relaxed to a state in which no further changes in length distributions could be detected. shearing the microtubules or diluting the microtubule suspensions transiently increased th ...19873558477
prevention of adolescent chemical dependency.chemical dependency is part of a significant pattern of serious health problems resulting from the breakdown of social control over impulsive, pleasure-driven adolescent behavior. the drug epidemic in north america, after two decades of relentless increases, shows encouraging signs that stopping it may be possible. chemical dependency prevention became a serious concern in the 1970s in response to the rising drug epidemic. initial efforts focused on drug-specific education in the mass media and ...19873562105
effect of the virulence associated 47 megadalton plasmid of yersinia pestis on permeability to gentian violet and sensitivity to novobiocin.the loss of the 47 megadalton (mdal) plasmid of yersinia pestis resulted in increased gentian violet uptake and increased sensitivity to novobiocin. the addition of calcium caused a decrease in gentian violet uptake and a decrease in novobiocin sensitivity independent of the plasmid. differentiation of cells bearing and lacking the plasmid was accomplished using novobiocin in the presence of calcium at 26 degrees c. the novobiocin resistance levels of cells lacking the 47 mdal plasmid and cells ...19863564897
rapid autonomic tone regulation of atrioventricular nodal conduction in man.the changes in p-p intervals and atrioventricular nodal (avn) conduction during the valsalva maneuver were studied in 17 patients. in spite of a significant decrease in the sinus p-p interval during phase ii of the maneuver (733 +/- 143 to 520 +/- 86 msec, p less than 0.005) and prolongation during phase iv (884 +/- 171 msec, p less than 0.01), there was no change in the ah interval (control: 78 +/- 15: phase ii: 76 +/- 15: phase iv: 72 +/- 14 msec, n.s.). in six patients consecutive p-p interva ...19873565243
effect of growth hormone on protein phosphorylation in isolated rat hepatocytes.hepatocytes from male rats were incubated with [32p]pi for 40 min at 37 degrees c, thereby equilibrating the cellular atp pool with 32p. subsequent exposure to bovine growth hormone for 10 additional min did not change the specific activity of cellular [gamma-32p]atp. two-dimensional gel electrophoresis or chromatofocusing followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to fractionate phosphoproteins solubilized from control or hormone-stimulated cells. stimulation ...19873567143
[combined allergic effects of volatile complexes of epoxy and phenolformaldehyde compositions]. 19873570013
[combined allergic effects of volatile complexes of epoxy and phenolformaldehyde compositions]. 19873570013
Displaying items 1201 - 1300 of 5215