
results of in vitro and in vivo genetic toxicity tests on methyl isocyanate.methyl isocyanate (mic) was tested for genetic toxicity in a variety of in vitro and in vivo assays. negative results were obtained in the salmonella/mammalian microsome assay using five bacterial strains in a preincubation protocol. the drosophila sex-linked recessive lethal test also gave negative results in studies that involved three routes of administration: inhalation, feeding, and injection. positive results were obtained for three endpoints in cultured mammalian cells. reproducible, dose ...19873113932
hypophosphataemia: a feature of malaria? 19873115481
doctors with hiv infection. 19873120998
[yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection--with special reference to etiology of izumi fever]. 19873123563
[distribution of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in japan and epidemiology of human infection]. 19873123564
[clinical findings and epidemiology of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection, especially concerned with izumi fever]. 19873123565
[community outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis occurred among primary school children]. 19873123566
[mass-infection of yersinia pseudotuberculosis 4b in shisui, chiba (clinical report)]. 19873123567
an interleukin 2 binding factor in human serum. 19883127085
[studies on the antitumor effects of human interferon (2). effects of massive pulsatile administration of rifn-gamma on advanced renal cell carcinoma]. 19873127620
evidence for thromboxane biosynthesis in established cell lines derived from human lung adenocarcinomas.thromboxane b2 (txb2) is the stable nonenzymatic hydrolysis product of thromboxane a2, a substance implicated in the initiation of the facilitative role of thrombocytes in the metastatic process. txb2 was isolated from protein-free culture medium of cell lines calu-3, calu-6, a549, and a549/asc-1, derived from human lung adenocarcinomas. txb2 and other 20-carbon fatty acid cyclooxygenase products synthesized from exogenous and endogenous arachidonic acid were identified by their characteristic r ...19883129183
the inhibition of pb125i formation in calf thyroid caused by 14-iodo-15-hydroxy-eicosatrienoic acid is due to decreased h2o2 availability.previous work from our laboratory has shown that 14-iodo-15-hydroxy-5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid (i-ho-a) is a potent inhibitor of iodine organification in calf thyroid slices. the present studies were performed in order to clarify the mechanism of this action. incubation of thyroid slices with 10(-4)m i-ho-a caused a 47 and 53% decrease in pb125i formation after 30 and 60 min incubation, respectively. in a series of experiments an inverse relationship between the degree of inhibition caused by i- ...19883131225
single dose ciprofloxacin for the eradication of pharyngeal carriage of neisseria meningitidis.single dose oral ciprofloxacin was given to all personnel in a naval training establishment as part of the management of an outbreak of meningococcal meningitis. two thousand one hundred personnel received the drug and neisseria meningitidis was eradicated from the pharynx of 97% of 570 who were swabbed two to four days later. in a cohort of 277 personnel who were followed for up to nine weeks, pharyngeal carriage was eliminated from 93% of 104 carriers. the overall prevalence of carriage fell f ...19883132442
micronucleus assay in human fibroblasts: a measure of spontaneous chromosomal instability and mutagen comparing fibroblast strains derived from individuals exhibiting chromosome instability and/or mutagen hypersensitivity (cockayne syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, and fanconi anemia) with strains derived from healthy donors, the fibroblast micronucleus assay has been established as a reproducible measure of the genotypic variation in spontaneous or mitomycin c (mmc)-induced chromosomal instability. the patient strains that were moderately or exquisitely sensitive to mmc, whereas the mildly se ...19883133207
pulmonary effects of repeated exposures to paraquat aerosol in guinea pigs.exposure to paraquat, a widely used herbicide, has been shown to produce a concentration dependent rapid, shallow breathing pattern in guinea pigs 18 hr following exposure (h. burleigh-flayer and y. alarie, 1987, arch. toxicol. 59(6), 391-396). to further explore the pulmonary effects following exposure to paraquat, two experiments were carried out. the first experiment consisted of exposing a group of guinea pigs for a period of 4 hr to 0.7 mg/m3 paraquat aerosol and monitoring respiratory vari ...19883135220
isolation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis from recent years, a number of sporadic or community infections of yersinia pseudotuberculosis were observed in several mountain area of okayama prefecture, japan. epidemiological observations strongly suggested that drinking water in those areas, i.e. non-chlorinated water from mountain stream or wells, must be the source of the infection, so we examined the waters from the epidemic areas to detect the organisms. the examinations revealed the germs in the waters; the contamination rate of water f ...19883140538
three outbreaks of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.three outbreaks of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection during 1982 to 1984 in okayama prefecture, japan are described. in outbreak a, yersinia pseudotuberculosis a causal organism was detected in 16 patients (serotype 5a). the latent period of the infection was 2 to 20 days estimating, from time of ingesting food suspected of being contaminated and onset of the illness. outbreak b and c occurred in remote mountain areas. in outbreak b, yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacilli were detected in the f ...19883142167
lysine biosynthesis pathway and biochemical blocks of lysine auxotrophs of schizosaccharomyces pombe.the alpha-aminoadipate (aa) pathway for the biosynthesis of lysine was investigated in the wild type and in lysine auxotrophs of the fission yeast schizosaccharomyces pombe. of the eight enzyme activities of the aa pathway that have been examined so far, six were present in the extract of wild-type s. pombe cells. growth response to aa and accumulation studies indicated that three lysine auxotrophs, the lys2-97, lys4-95, and lys8-1 strains, were blocked before the aa step and that four lysine au ...19883142867
carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes in the caecum and colon of normal and germ-free rats.histochemical and immunocytochemical methods were used to study the presence of carbonic anhydrase (ca) isoenzymes in the caecum and colon of normal and germ-free rats. very high enzyme activity was demonstrated by histochemistry in the caecum and proximal colon of normal rats, while the activity decreased in the distal colon. very strong immunostaining for the isoenzyme ca i was found in the cytoplasm of surface cells and upper gland cells in the caecum and colon of normal rats. in the distal c ...19883147569
seasonal, menstrual and circadian secretions of melatonin, gonadotropins and prolactin in order to evaluate the role of the pineal gland in human reproduction, day- and night-time concentrations of serum melatonin, fsh, lh and prolactin were measured by radioimmunoassays on various days of the menstrual cycle during summer (average daylight 22 h) and winter (daylight 5 h) in healthy females (n = 12) from northern finland (65 degrees n). a multifactorial analysis of variance showed that, in addition to the well-established increases of gonadotropins at midcycle and melatonin and pr ...19883147572
epidemiology of hiv infection and aids: incubation and infectious periods, survival and vertical transmission.recent research on the natural history of hiv infections and aids, specifically the incubation period of aids, infectiousness during this period, efficiency of vertical transmission and survival of aids patients is summarized. the aids incubation period is the duration of time from initial infection with hiv to development of symptoms of the disease. timing of diagnosis varies depending on the criteria used and their interpretation in different studies. seroconversion times lie between 40-60 ...19883147681
urinary infection and staghorn calculus in the left kidney. 19883153046
[campylobacter jejuni infections in slaughterhouse workers].complement fixing (c.f.) antibodies to campylobacter jejuni were detected in 83 slaughterhouse workers and 83 blood donors. workers were aged 18-65 years (mean, 41.7 +/- 12.3) and had worked in the slaughterhouse for 2-40 years (mean, 17.5 +/- 5.1). c.f. antibodies were detected according to mosimann's method and by including five antigens: campylobacter jejuni, yersinia enterocolitica types 03 and 09, yersinia pseudotuberculosis and brucella. positive titers were found in 12.1% of workers and i ...19883154982
appearance of different lymphoid cells in synovial tissue and in peripheral blood during the course of collagen ii-induced arthritis in rats.the involvement of different sets of lymphoid cells in the development of collagen ii-induced arthritis in rats was studied by means of immunohistochemical analyses on frozen sections of tissue from joint biopsy specimens taken at different phases of arthritis development. particular attention was paid to cells involved in early pannus formation. accumulation of anti-ia-reactive cells close to the cartilage surface was seen early in the development of pannus, and the anti-ia reactive cells could ...19853158067
characterization of yersinia enterocolitica, y. intermedia, y. aldovae, y. frederiksenii, y. kristensenii and y. pseudotuberculosis by electrophoretic polymorphism of acid phosphatase, esterases, and glutamate and malate dehydrogenases.acid phosphatase, esterases, and glutamate and malate dehydrogenases of 192 strains of yersinia enterocolitica, y. intermedia, y. aldovae, y. frederiksenii, y. kristensenii and y. pseudotuberculosis were analysed by horizontal polyacrylamide agarose gel electrophoresis and by isoelectrofocusing in thin-layer polyacrylamide gels. the six species were clearly separated from each other by their distinct enzyme electrophoretic polymorphism. for y. enterocolitica, the strains of biotype 5 were differ ...19883171542
receptor-like function of heparin in the binding and uptake of neutral lipids.molecular mechanisms regulating the binding, amphipathic stabilization, and metabolism of the major neutral lipids (e.g., cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and fatty acids) are well studied, but the details of their movement from a binding compartment to a metabolic compartment deserve further attention. since all neutral lipids must cross hydrophilic segments of plasma membranes during such movement, we postulate that a critical receptor-like site exists on the plasma membrane to mediate a ste ...19883174644
[elevated biliary excretion of t4--however, not of t3--in rats with nonthyroidal diseases (nti)]. 19883176822
funding of project to map human genes sparks debate. 19883177203
biotransformations of alpha-terpineol in the rat: its effects on the liver microsomal cytochrome p-450 system. 19883179523
[psychosocial consequences of hiv infection].a questionnaire survey of 103 patients of the paris pitié-salpêtrière hospital measures the changes in family life, work relations and in sexual behaviour occurring after an hiv infection diagnosis. most patients choose to keep their diagnosis secret, an attitude that places them into a double bind situation. this silence, chosen as a mean of self-protection, prevents patients from making themselves understood and from mobilising the material and psychological help they need.19883187146
characterization of two deletions that remove the entire human zeta-alpha globin gene complex (- -thai and - -fil).we have fully characterized two alpha thalassaemia mutants that occur in southeast asia, - -thai and - -fil. each mutant is due to a deletion that removes the entire zeta-alpha-globin gene complex. localization of the 5' breakpoints described here, allows the identification of unique fragments that are specific for each of the two mutations. this information can be used to assess the frequency of these mutants in southeast asia and will be of value in prenatal testing for alpha thalassaemia in t ...19883191033
[effect of endogenous opioid peptides on antibody formation in the primary immune response to sheep erythrocytes].the effects of leu-enkephalin and met-enkephalin on the number of the antibody-forming cells (afc) in the mouse spleen at the primary immune response to ram erythrocytes depending on the dose and time of the agent administration with relation to the time of immunization were studied. the data indicating diverse effects of these endogenous opioid peptides on antibody genesis were obtained. when administered before immunization, met-enkephalin increased the number of afc in the cba mouse spleen an ...19883191982
chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pi = 9.0). purification, crystallization and preliminary x-ray data.chicken liver basic fatty acid-binding protein (pi = 9.0) has been purified with a high yield by a modification of a method originally applied to rat liver. the final product is highly homogeneous and can be used to grow crystals that belong to two different space groups. the crystals are either tetragonal, space group p4(2)2(1)2 with a = b = 60.2 a and c = 138.1 a or orthorhombic, space group p2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 60.7 a, b = 40.1 a and c = 66.7 a. the second form appears to be more suitable f ...19883191992
effect of bromoethylamine hydrobromide on systemic acid-base balance.intravenous administration of bromoethylamine hydrobromide (bea) has been shown to induce papillary necrosis of the kidney. we used this model to clarify the role of the medullary structure in acid-base homeostasis. bea (25 mg) or vehicle was injected to male sprague-dawley rats. blood specimens and 24 hr urine were collected once a week totaling 4 weeks. blood bicarbonate significantly decreased in bea treated rats with no change in plasma creatinine or creatinine clearance at 3 and 4 weeks, we ...19883194903
[effect of hyperlipemic serum on the isolated culture of the aortic smooth muscle and atheroma plaque cell of rabbits]. 19883197596
[a new pathogenic trait encoded by yersinia pseudotuberculosis pvm82 plasmid].the strains of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from patients in the course of outbreaks of infection (epidemic strains) were found to possess at least two plasmids with molecular masses of 45 and 82 md. in contrast, the strains obtained in sporadic cases harbored different sets of plasmids, but never the 82 md plasmids. these plasmids designated pvm82 and isolated from strains of different geographic regions of the country were identical. pvm82 have no homology with y. pestis plasmids of th ...19883197962
dog owners and their use of veterinary services. 19883198454
virulence opposition. 19883200302
pathological and immunological effects of surgically induced varicocele in juvenile and adult rats.the presence of a varicocele in adult men has been correlated with infertility. this study documents the effect of an experimentally induced unilateral varicocele in 21-day-old juvenile prepubertal and 51-day-old adult rats (n = 10 per group) on subsequent adult testicular function. varicoceles were induced by partial occlusion of the spermatic vein. there were ten sham-operated and five nonoperated control rats in each age group. the rats were sacrificed 1 month after surgery. intrascrotal temp ...19883202238
[pathomorphology of the intestine and regional lymphatic system in pseudotuberculosis].available are data obtained at light and electron microscopy of operative specimens from patients with abdominal pseudotuberculosis and animals challenged orally with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the authors are the first to outline detailed characteristics of the intestinal and regional lymph node lesion arising in response to the infection and reflecting growing resistance to it. these features of pathological process involve marked tissue eosinophilia, necrosis due to phagocytes rexis, and gr ...19883202697
kinetic lability of zinc bound to metallothionein in ehrlich cells.ehrlich ascites-tumour cells normally contain a large concentration of zn-metallothionein. when cells are placed in culture media, containing or pretreated with the metal-ion-chelating resin chelex-100, they stop growing, remain viable and lose zinc specifically from the metallothionein (mt) pool. the kinetics of loss of zinc are first-order and are very rapid, having a rate constant of greater than or equal to 0.6 h-1. mt protein labelled with 35s is biodegraded with a rate constant of 0.07-0.0 ...19883202828
[invasiveness and cytotoxicity as criteria in assessing yersinia attenuation].the electron microscopic study of cells hep-2 and the complex microbiological and morphological study of tissues and organs of guinea pigs and mice infected with the isogenic pairs of yersinia strains (y. pseudotuberculosis i and y. enterocolitica 09) differing in the presence of the calcium-dependence plasmid, as well as y. pseudotuberculosis mutants resistant to rifampicin, nalidixic acid or crystal violet without this plasmid, have revealed that the invasiveness and cytotoxicity of the infect ...19883206956
effect of ouabain on norepinephrine-induced contractions of isolated rabbit aorta.the acute potentiating effect of ouabain on norepinephrine (ne) induced contractions of isolated rabbit aorta was investigated. ouabain, at concentrations of 3 x 10(-7) to 10(-5) mol/l potentiated the vasoconstrictor effect of ne as demonstrated by a shift to the left of the ne concentration-response curve in a parallel manner and a concentration-dependent increase in the ec50 ratio. a significant increase in maximal contractility was observed by ouabain at 3 x 10(-6) and 10(-5) mol/l. removal o ...19883212038
[measurement of aortic compliance in living dogs utilizing the changes in transthoracic electrical impedance with an induced change in volume of the aorta]. 19883216540
effect of aminooxyacetic acid on the release of preloaded [3h]gaba and radioactive metabolites from slices of developing mouse brain.the release of [3h]gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) and its radioactive metabolites from slices of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, striatum and brain stem of developing and adult mice was studied. the slices were incubated and superfused in the absence and presence of the gaba aminotransferase (gaba-t) inhibitor aminooxyacetic acid (aoaa). exposure to 100 microm aoaa totally inhibited gaba-t and all radioactivity released from slices was in authentic gaba. in studies on developing brain the 10-mi ...19883216949
the effect of amitriptyline on growth of olfactory and cerebral neurons in vitro.the tricyclic antidepressant drug amitriptyline has a detrimental effect on neurite outgrowth in primary explant cultures containing either olfactory receptor neurons or cerebral neurons, from both rat and chick embryos. when the drug is added to the culture medium in doses similar to the plasma concentrations known to be therapeutic in humans, the number of explant cultures expressing neurites is significantly reduced. in higher doses, amitriptyline reduces the amount of olfactory marker protei ...19883219556
morphological variation of echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces from hydatid cysts of human and various domestic animals in jordan. 19883220653
the replication, partition and yop regulation of the pyv plasmids are highly conserved in yersinia enterocolitica and y. pseudotuberculosis.the replication genes (rep) of the virulence plasmid pyve439-80 of yersinia enterocolitica were localized and characterized by restriction endonuclease analysis. comparison with pib1, a virulence plasmid of y. pseudotuberculosis, indicates that while the plasmids carry homologous rep genes their location with respect to the highly conserved 'calcium region' is different. this replication function is thermosensitive. mini-derivatives of pyve439-80 appear to be rather unstable. the region of pyve4 ...19883221196
quantitative evaluation of rat lymphocyte adsorption on microdomain structured surfaces of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)/polyamine.the adsorption behaviour of rat lymphocytes on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-graft-polyamine (ha) copolymers was evaluated using a newly developed chromatographic method. the quantity of lymphocyte adsorption can be varied by regulating the polyamine content in the ha copolymer. a remarkable depression in lymphocyte adsorption was observed on the surface of ha copolymer, consisting of 7 wt% of polyamine graft and 93 wt% of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (phema) backbone. further introduct ...19883224133
yersinia-induced uveitis in ireland.a prospective study was undertaken on 54 patients with an apparently idiopathic first attack of acute anterior uveitis. blood samples were assayed for antibodies to yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and tested for hla type. thirteen patients were found to have serological evidence of recent yersinia infection, eight with y. enterocolitica and five with y. pseudotuberculosis. the clinical course of uveitis did not differ from that typically found in hla-b27 positive patient ...19883228549
antibacterial antibody pattern in seronegative spondyloarthropathies (snsa).the occurrence of some anti-bacterial antibodies was studied in sera from 31 healthy donors (hd) and 101 patients with different rheumatic diseases. the cases investigated included 7 psoriatic arthritis (pa), 35 rheumatoid arthritis (ra), 17 undifferentiated seronegative spondyloarthritis (u-snsa), 13 behçet's syndrome, 18 enteric arthropathies (ea), 7 ankylosing spondylitis (as) and 4 reiter's syndrome. a complement fixation test was carried out to detect the presence and to evaluate the titer ...19883229028
examining the impact of different health levels and management strategies on dairy heifer production through computer simulation. 19883232667
an ultrastructural and morphometric analysis of the sertoli cell during the spermatogenic cycle of the rat.the ultrastructure of sertoli cells from selected stages of the spermatogenic cycle was assessed by morphometric analysis which showed significant changes in the morphological features of sertoli cell cytoplasm at the commencement of the cycle (stage ii) compared to the middle (stages vii-viii) and the completion of the cycle (stages ix-xiv). total volume and surface area of organelles (rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (er), lysosomes, mitochondria and golgi) exhibited stage-dependent and ...19883232856
effects of acute doses of ethanol administered at pre-implantation stages on fetal development in the mouse.the objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of maternal administration of acute doses of alcohol at preimplantation stages of pregnancy on the fetus and fetal membranes. single doses of 0.02 ml and 0.03 ml/g body wt. of 25% v/v of absolute alcohol in saline were administered to groups of mf1 mice on one of days 1-6 of gestation. controls were either pair-fed and pair-watered or saline-treated. fetuses and placentae were collected on day 15. resorption and fetal death were i ...19883234238
effects of long term oral administration of ketanserin and trichlormethiazide on blood pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. 19883240734
effects of long term oral administration of ketanserin and trichlormethiazide on blood pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. 19883240734
nucleotide sequence and transcription analysis of yop51 from yersinia enterocolitica w22703.virulent strains of yersinia enterocolitica, pseudotuberculosis and pestis secrete large amounts of plasmid-encoded proteins involved in virulence and called yops. a 2 kb fragment of the pyve227 plasmid from yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 encoding yop51 was sequenced. gene yop51 was found to encode a 50,882 da protein consisting of 468 amino acids. this protein shows 99% identity with yop2b, its counterpart from y. pseudotuberculosis ypiii (pib1), confirming that the virulence machinery is highly c ...19883244311
activation of macrophages by lymphokines from specifically sensitized lymphocytes with yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19883247857
glutathione transferase activities of cultured human lymphocytes.we have detected glutathione transferase (gst) activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (cdnb) and benzo[a]-pyrene 4,5-oxide (bpo) in freshly isolated peripheral lymphocytes, phytohaemagglutinin (pha)-stimulated lymphocytes, interleukin-2 (il-2)-dependent t-cells and lymphoblastoid b-cell lines. the detection of conjugating activity with bpo implies the expression of a neutral, 'mu-like' gst form by both resting and cultured lymphocytes. in a sample of 12 unrelated individuals, bpo conjugati ...19883257909
a new antigen identified by the monoclonal antibody uchb 1 delivers a costimulatory signal to a subset of human b cells.a novel anti-b cell monoclonal antibody uchb1 is described which detects an antigen present on a selected subpopulation of both normal and leukemic b cells. approximately 20% of normal tonsil and peripheral blood (pb) b cells are uchb 1+ and the majority of b cells from all cases of prolymphocytic leukemia (pll) tested, together with a low, variable percentage of pb b cells from non-hodgkin's lymphoma patients with centroblastic centrocytic leukemia also express this antigen. chronic lymphocytic ...19883257923
bone resorbing activity in synovial fluids in destructive osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.the synovial fluids of patients with a destructive form of osteoarthritis (doa) were shown to contain high levels of bone resorbing activity as judged by the ability of the fluid to stimulate the release of 45ca from labelled cultured mouse calvariae. the activity was lost on extended storage of the synovial fluids and was dependent for its effect on cellular activity in bone. bone resorbing activity was present in most synovial fluids from patients with doa and rheumatoid arthritis (ra) but occ ...19883258503
recognition of influenza a matrix protein by hla-a2-restricted cytotoxic t lymphocytes. use of analogues to orientate the matrix peptide in the hla-a2 binding site.ctl specific for the influenza a virus matrix peptide 57-68 and restricted by hla-a2 were studied. their ability to recognize a set of analogue peptides, each of which differed from the natural peptide by a single amino acid, was analyzed. this revealed a core of five amino acids, 61-65, where one or more changes completely abrogated recognition. the glycine at position 61 was the only residue where no substitution was tolerated. analogue peptides that did not induce ctl-mediated lysis were test ...19883264322
reactions in rat gluteal muscle to titanium implants.a new approach to the analysis of tissue-implant interaction is presented using rat gluteal muscle as implantation site and using monoclonal antibodies to identify and quantify cells around the implant. the method can be used for comparative studies on biocompatibility. in this methodological investigation, pure titanium (ti) was studied, revealing an initial response of macrophages, followed by the formation of a fibrous membrane, in which, even at 50 and 70 d, la-expressing cells and suppresso ...19883265638
reactions in rat gluteal muscle to titanium implants.a new approach to the analysis of tissue-implant interaction is presented using rat gluteal muscle as implantation site and using monoclonal antibodies to identify and quantify cells around the implant. the method can be used for comparative studies on biocompatibility. in this methodological investigation, pure titanium (ti) was studied, revealing an initial response of macrophages, followed by the formation of a fibrous membrane, in which, even at 50 and 70 d, la-expressing cells and suppresso ...19883265638
yersinia pseudotuberculosis sepsis presenting as multiple liver abscesses.a 50-year-old man with diabetes was found to have sepsis with multiple small hepatic abscesses secondary to yersinia pseudotuberculosis which were detected by computed tomography (ct) scan. sepsis with y. pseudotuberculosis is uncommon but usually seen in patients with underlying liver disease. those patients with liver abscesses invariably have multiple small abscesses. widespread use of ct scanning is likely to uncover more cases of hepatic microabscesses; in the appropriate clinical setting, ...19883278608
a comparison of culture, direct fluorescent antibody test, and a quantitative indirect immunoperoxidase assay for detection of chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant indirect immunoperoxidase assay that quantitates antichlamydial immunoglobulin g (igg) and iga antibodies in serum was compared with endocervical culture and direct fluorescent antibody (microtrak) for detection of chlamydia trachomatis in asymptomatic pregnant women. of the 64 women tested by the three methods, 22 (34%) had antichlamydial igg and iga in their serum. the culture was positive in nine patients (14%) and the microtrak was positive in eight (12.5%). all positive cultures were imm ...19883279354
biotyping of aerobic actinomycetes by modified killer system.forty-four yeasts belonging to the genera pichia, candida, saccharomyces and kluyveromyces were tested for their potential killer effect on 13 aerobic actinomycetes (6 nocardia asteroides, 1 n. brasiliensis, 1 n. caviae and 5 actinomadura madurae). only a few yeast strains did not display any killer activity against the aerobic actinomycetes studied, thus confirming that the killer phenomenon is widespread among microorganisms. for epidemiological purposes, a killer system was developed. accordi ...19883281858
role of antibodies in the opsonization of yersinia spp.we have determined the opsonic capacity of specific antibodies in patient sera obtained after yersinia infection. the results indicate that yersinia antibodies lead to complement activation through the classical pathway, thus overcoming the inhibition of complement-mediated opsonization in the absence of specific antibodies provided by the virulence plasmid in yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis. further, antibodies against plasmid-encoded structures, the yersinia outer membr ...19883281907
enterocolitis in cattle associated with yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.a syndrome in cattle of diarrhoea and death associated with enteric yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection is described. outbreaks occurred during winter and early spring in adult cattle grazing pastures waterlogged by recent flooding or persistent heavy rain. antibiotic therapy was effective early in the course of the syndrome. at necropsy there was severe acute enterocolitis, and bacteria consistent with y. pseudotuberculosis were observed in the lesions. this organism could usually be isolated ...19883284516
[an investigation on secondary attack rate in families and environment contamination of bacillary dysentery in urban and rural areas]. 19883289748
inhibition of phagocytosis in yersinia pseudotuberculosis: a virulence plasmid-encoded ability involving the yop2b protein.virulence plasmid-containing cells of yersinia pseudotuberculosis had the ability to inhibit phagocytosis by mouse peritoneal macrophages cultured in vitro, but cells of its plasmid-cured derivative did not. inhibition was most pronounced when the pathogen was incubated under ca2+-deficient conditions, which allowed a high level of expression of outer membrane proteins (yops). the addition of 2.5 mm ca2+ to the growth medium reduced the degree of inhibition by the pathogen, but it was still sign ...19883294185
deferoxamine inhibition of malaria is independent of host iron status.the mechanism whereby deferoxamine (df) inhibits the growth of malaria parasites was studied in rats infected with plasmodium berghei. peak parasitemia was 32.6% (day 14) in untreated controls and 0.15% (day 7) in rats receiving 0.33 mg/g in 8 hourly df injections, subcutaneously. df inhibition of parasite growth was achieved without any reduction in transferrin saturation or hemoglobin synthesis and with only a partial (56%) depletion of hepatic iron stores. dietary iron depletion resulted in a ...19883294334
cleavage of membrane secretory component to soluble secretory component occurs on the cell surface of rat hepatocyte monolayers.rat liver secretory component is synthesized as an integral membrane protein (msc) and cleaved to an 80-kd soluble form (fsc) sometime during transcellular transport from the sinusoidal to the bile canalicular plasma membrane domain of hepatocytes. we have used 24-h monolayer cultures of rat hepatocytes to characterize the conversion of msc to fsc. cleavage of msc in cultured hepatocytes is inhibited by the thiol protease inhibitors leupeptin, antipain, and e-64, but not by other inhibitors, inc ...19873294861
glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and immunoreactive glucagon in chickens selected for high and low body weight.relationships among glucose tolerance, plasma insulin and plasma glucagon were examined in chicks developed through selection for high (hw) and low (lw) body weight at 56 d of age and f1 crosses (hl) obtained from hw males mated to lw females. at 21, 42, 63 and 84 d of age, chicks from each population were intubated with glucose (2 g/kg body wt) following a 24-h fast. blood was collected at 20-min intervals up to 100 min postadministration. at all ages, the lw chicks were better able to clear gl ...19873295145
purification and analysis of rat hematopoietic stem cells by flow cytometry.the monoclonal antibody ox7 recognizes an epitope expressed on the thy-1 glycoprotein, ox22 recognizes the high molecular weight form(s) on leukocyte common antigen, and w3/13 recognized determinants found on certain sialoglycoproteins. recently, the rat colony-forming unit spleen (cfu-s) was characterized as being ox7 upper 20% positive (ox7u20%), ox22 negative (ox22-), and w3/13 weakly positive (w3/13+). in the present study these observations have been extended to include the hematopoietic st ...19873297565
comparison of the ability of enteroinvasive escherichia coli, salmonella typhimurium, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia enterocolitica to enter and replicate within hep-2 cells.salmonella typhimurium, enteroinvasive escherichia coli, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and yersinia enterocolitica possess the ability to enter intestinal epithelial cells. we used a quantitative tissue culture model employing hep-2 cells to compare the abilities of these bacteria to enter epithelial cells. s. typhimurium and yersinia species were highly infective for hep-2 cells but were unable to replicate extensively intracellularly. enteroinvasive e. coli exhibited low infectivity but replica ...19873298064
antibody response in yersinia pseudotuberculosis iii infection: analysis of an outbreak. 19873298459
[a seroepidemiological survey of the natural infection of pseudotuberculosis in human beings and animals]. 19873304653
identification of invasin: a protein that allows enteric bacteria to penetrate cultured mammalian cells.bacterial strains harboring the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv locus were analyzed in order to investigate the mechanism of host cell penetration by an invasive pathogen. the inv locus was found to be necessary for y. pseudotuberculosis to enter hep-2 cells and sufficient to convert e. coli into a microorganism able to penetrate cultured cells. both e. coli and y. pseudotuberculosis strains harboring inv mutations were defective for entry into hep-2 cells. furthermore, molecular clones containi ...19873304658
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell-cycle proteins. 19873306399
a case of reactive arthritis following yersinia pseudotuberculosis enteritis. 19873306415
yersinia pseudotuberculosis with inflammation of the appendix: a case report.human enteric infection with yersinia enterocolitica or yersinia pseudotuberculosis may masquerade clinically as acute appendicitis but it is unusual for the appendix to be histologically inflamed. we report a case of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in which acute appendicitis was present in the absence of terminal ileitis.19873306914
[clinico-immunologic indices in pseudotuberculosis (yersiniosis)]. 19873306964
do bacterial antigens persist in reactive arthritis? 19873308236
epidemiological study of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis in shimane prefecture, japan. 19873311630
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children. clinical manifestations and epidemiology. 19873311631
role of virulence-associated plasmid on phagocytosis and killing of yersinia pseudotuberculosis in vivo. 19873311634
measurement of regional myocardial perfusion and mass by subselective hydrogen infusion and washout techniques: a validation study.a technique was developed for measuring regional myocardial perfusion by intracoronary infusions of hydrogen (h2)-saturated saline. h2 concentration was detected during washout in the pulmonary artery by means of the voltage response of a platinum-tipped electrode. regional myocardial perfusion was calculated from the h2 exponential desaturation curve according to the kety-schmidt principle. in 16 anesthetized open-chest dogs, validation of this technique was performed at baseline, reduced (sten ...19873315296
measurement of regional myocardial perfusion and mass by subselective hydrogen infusion and washout techniques: a validation study.a technique was developed for measuring regional myocardial perfusion by intracoronary infusions of hydrogen (h2)-saturated saline. h2 concentration was detected during washout in the pulmonary artery by means of the voltage response of a platinum-tipped electrode. regional myocardial perfusion was calculated from the h2 exponential desaturation curve according to the kety-schmidt principle. in 16 anesthetized open-chest dogs, validation of this technique was performed at baseline, reduced (sten ...19873315296
[immune stratum of the population in relation to the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis].the state of population immunity may be controlled by analyses of placental, abortion, and donor blood. the existence of a high direct correlation between the level of the immune stratum of the population and pseudotuberculosis morbidity has been revealed. regression equations suitable for the prognostication of pseudotuberculosis morbidity have been obtained by means of computers.19873318228
effect of acute renal failure on insulin disposition in the isolated perfused rat kidney.the renal disposition of insulin in acute renal failure has not been evaluated. we used the isolated perfused rat kidney to test the hypothesis that acute renal failure (arf) decreases renal insulin clearance. we used warm ischemia for 45 min, uranyl nitrate 5 mg/kg, ureter ligation, and nonfiltering kidneys as methods of inducing arf. comparisons were made with normal control kidneys. the concentrations of insulin in perfusate and urine was determined by radioimmunoassay. acute renal failure ca ...19873318499
transforming growth factor type beta in normal human urine.tgf beta has been identified in normal human urine specimens from five individuals studied for five consecutive days. the peptide was extracted from urine using sepralyte c1 beads. detectable levels of [125i]tgf beta competing activity as measured by radioreceptor assay was found in about half of the specimens studied. the protein isolated from urine using c1 sepralyte beads was further purified using biogel p-60 column chromatography. fractions were tested for tgf beta and egf competing activit ...19873318836
in vivo immunosuppression induced by a virulent strain of yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19863318867
[experience with homemade substrates for mycology].the meaning of the words "home-made", "medium" and "soil" is defined. the formulae are given and the manner for preparing lactritmel, lacmel and tritmel is described. the same for horse and cow dung agar soils is done. the lactritmel (20 fold diluted in water) is recommended for the specific diagnosis of candida albicans in its nascent culture. the first results are communicated, as obtained by slide culturing fungi on banana (musa paradisiaca) fruit pulp without previous sterilization. the amus ...19873320629
evidence that dna involved in the expression of nodulation (nod) genes in rhizobium binds to the product of the regulatory gene rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, the regulatory nodulation nodd gene has at least two functions. it constitutively represses its own transcription and in the presence of inducer flavonoid molecules, it activates the expression of two other nod gene transcriptional units, nodabcij and nodfe. upstream of noda and nodf is a conserved sequence, the nod box, which has been implicated in nodd-mediated transcriptional activation of these genes. dna fragments spanning the nod boxes that precede ...19873320955
analysis of prolactin and growth hormone production in the mtt/f4 transplantable pituitary tumor by the reverse hemolytic plaque assay.the reverse hemolytic plaque assay (rhpa) was used to detect hormone secretion from normal pituitary cells and from the transplantable mtt/f4 pituitary tumor cells. aliquots of the same cell suspensions were analyzed by immunocytochemistry (icc). normal pituitaries had more growth hormone (gh)-producing cells than tumors when analyzed by both the rhpa and icc. however, the mtt/f4 tumor had significantly more prolactin (prl)-secreting cells. mammosomatotropic (ms) cells, which produced both prl a ...19873322022
genetic analysis of cell invasiveness by yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19863322173
a new keratinolytic proteinase from clinical isolates of trichophyton mentagrophytes. 19873325542
acute renal failure following yersinia pseudotuberculosis septicaemia.although yersinia pseudotuberculosis has not been previously reported to cause acute renal failure, it accounted for two cases reported here out of eighty referrals with acute renal failure to our renal unit over the last year. this may suggest that the incidence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis may be greater than that previously reported, and it should be suspected in patients presenting with bloody diarrhoea in association with renal failure. the septicaemic form of the disease is life threaten ...19873328192
energy-dependent transport of nickel by clostridium pasteurianum.the mechanism of nickel transport by clostridium pasteurianum was investigated by using 63nicl2 and a microfiltration transport assay. nickel transport was energy dependent, requiring either glucose or sucrose; xylose and o-methyl glucose did not support growth, butyrogenesis, or transport. transport was optimum at ph 7 and 37 degrees c, and early-stationary-phase cells had the highest propensity for nickel transport. the apparent km and vmax for nickel transport approximated 85 microm ni and 1, ...19883335482
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