
trials with portable screen rooms modified for use as animal-baited net traps for mosquito collection.trials in larimer county, colorado during july and august 1984, with recreational screen rooms modified as large animal-baited mosquito traps are described. the two units tested are free-standing, portable and require no external support. in all-night trials, 462.5 mosquitoes/trap night were captured with horse bait compared with 367/trap night with cdc light traps. in 2-hour evening comparisons, mosquitoes collected per trapping period totalled 416 for horse-bait traps, 132 for light traps, and ...19852906667
effect of fibronectin on antigen-induced lymphoproliferation and antibody synthesis in rats.macrophages are important positive and negative regulators of both primary and secondary antibody responses, and their activity may, in turn, be controlled by soluble mediators secreted by other cells. fibronectin is a 440,000 dalton normal constituent of plasma and extracellular membranes that acts through macrophages to inhibit mitogen- and alloantigen-stimulated lymphoproliferation. we examined the effect of fn on the antigen-stimulated lymphoproliferative and antibody responses in cells from ...19892911019
polyclonal anti-idiotypes influence macrophage chemotaxis in coxsackievirus-induced murine myocarditis.investigation into the mechanism(s) whereby monocytes-macrophages are mobilized to the myocardium of coxsackievirus (cvb3)-infected mice was approached by assessing the role of anti-idiotypic antibodies against specific antiviral igg molecules. balb/c mice preinoculated with polyclonal anti-idiotypic, syngeneic antibodies resulted in significantly decreased myocarditis after virus challenge. on the other hand, oil-induced peritoneal exudate cells obtained from virus-exposed animals demonstrated ...19892911021
memory enhancement with intra-amygdala post-training naloxone is blocked by concurrent administration of propranolol.sprague-dawley rats were first trained on an inhibitory avoidance task (ia) and then, two weeks later, on a y-maze discrimination task (ymd). bilateral intra-amygdala injections were given through implanted cannulae immediately post-training. retention was evaluated one week following training on each task. naloxone (0.1, 0.3 or 1.0 microgram) facilitated retention performance in both tasks. the most effective doses were 0.1 microgram for the ia task and 0.3 microgram for the ymd task. since nal ...19892914216
improved sexual function in hemodialysis patients on recombinant erythropoietin: a possible role for it was reported that correction of anemia in long-term hemodialysis patients by recombinant human erythropoietin (r-huepo) is associated with improved sexual function, we conducted the present study to further delineate the mechanism(s) by which this is brought about. serum prolactin, testosterone, and parathyroid hormone (pth) levels were followed during 4 months of r-huepo therapy. within 4 months of treatment with r-huepo, hematocrit values rose from 23.7 +/- 1.2 to 35.7 +/- 0.2% and hemog ...19892914405
thyroid function in hyperemesis gravidarum.plasma total t4 (tt4), t3 (tt3), free t4 (ft4), free t3 (ft3), thyroxine binding globulin, hcg, and erythrocyte zinc content were measured in 43 women with uncomplicated pregnancy and in 71 patients admitted with hyperemesis gravidarum. plasma concentration of thyroid hormones in hyperemesis subjects showed wide variability and 32% of subjects had high tt4 (higher than mean +2 sd of normal pregnant subjects), 33% had high ft4, 20% had high tt3, and 20% had high ft3. red cell zinc content, a tiss ...19892916376
the protective effect of thromboxane synthetase inhibition on renal function in systemic study the role of thromboxane in systemic sepsis and renal failure, peritonitis was induced surgically in 22 sheep, leading to local and systemic sepsis. a selective thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, u63,557a (upjohn co, kalamazoo, mi) was given before surgery in five animals and 30 minutes after surgery in five animals. a typical picture of volume-loaded, normotensive, vasodilated septic shock developed in all animals. twenty four hours after induction of sepsis, the control group showed a m ...19892916566
hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with glomerular disease.secondary hemolytic uremic syndrome (hus) is uncommon. when it occurs, it is usually in association with pregnancy, malignancy, severe hypertension, drugs, or collagen vascular diseases. it has rarely been reported in patients with glomerular disease. two such patients with secondary hus are described. a 17-month-old girl with hematuria and the nephrotic syndrome, negative antistreptolycin o (aso) titer, and low serum levels of c3 and c4 developed oliguria, progressive azotemia, thrombocytopenia ...19892916569
post-yersinial arthritis in cleveland, england.four cases of post-yersinial reactive arthritis are described. all patients presented with an acute lower limb arthropathy with features of an associated enthesopathy. two patients had restriction of axial skeletal movements. systemic features were prominent in three, including weight loss and malaise. mean age of onset was 34 years. three patients gave a history of antecedent diarrhoea within the previous month. three patients had raised titres to y enterocolitica type 0:3 (ranging from 1 in 32 ...19892930264
avian adductor profundus muscle: characterization of a pure slow tonic region by histochemical, monoclonal antibody and peptide mapping studies.the fibre type composition of the avian adductor profundus (ap) muscle which is composed of a thick white posterior part (post. ap) and a thin red anterior part (ant. ap) was investigated. using the histochemical atpase technique, monoclonal antibody analysis of myosin and c-protein isoforms, and electrophoretic and peptide mapping analyses of myosin, we have established that the post. ap is composed of essentially pure slow tonic fibres similar to those of the anterior latissimus dorsi muscle ( ...19852933426
radioimmunoassay of atrial natriuretic peptides in human plasma.the concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide (hanp) in plasma from venous blood of healthy subjects was measured by radioimmunoassay. hanp from 5 ml of edta-treated plasma was adsorbed onto sep-pak c18 cartridges, which were eluted with methanol/trifluoroacetic acid (5 ml/l), 90/10 by volume. the eluates were concentrated by evaporation under nitrogen and lyophilized. after redissolving the samples in 0.5 ml of sodium phosphate buffer, we incubated 100-microl aliquots with anti-alpha-hanp for ...19862936535
age-related modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells proliferation following arterial wall damage.the proliferative response of vascular smooth muscle cells (smc) to an arterial wall injury has been investigated in young (3-6 months) and old (30-52 months) rabbits, employing two different experimental models. in the first model the lesion was produced by passing an inflated balloon catheter along the abdominal and descending thoracic aorta, while in the second, the endothelium was removed from a segment of the right carotid artery by air-drying. both experimental models produced very heterog ...19852937391
cultured human endothelial cells synthesize a plasma membrane protein complex immunologically related to the platelet glycoprotein iib/iiia complex.we have previously demonstrated that endothelial cells synthesize a plasma membrane protein indistinguishable from platelet glycoprotein (gp) iia. the present study provides evidence for a further analogy between the platelet and the endothelial cell membrane by showing that cultured endothelial cells also synthesize a membrane protein complex immunologically related to the platelet gp iib/gp iiia complex. this evidence is based on the following observations: (1) c17, a murine monoclonal antipla ...19862937471
postreceptor myocardial metabolic defect in a rat model of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.hearts isolated from non-insulin-dependent diabetic rats were found to exhibit reduced rates of basal and insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism. since tissue levels of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate are significantly reduced in the diabetic heart, it was concluded that phosphofructokinase may be inhibited. however, neither glycogen nor glucose 6-phosphate accumulated in the myocyte, indicating that the phosphofructokinase reaction was not a bottleneck diverting substrate away from glycolysis. the oth ...19862937676
effects of scopolamine (0.6 mg), physostigmine (1.0 mg), and their complex on the blood pressure, the body temperature and the heart rate in man. 19852938438
complement, membrane glycoproteins, and complement receptors: their role in regulation of the immune determine the effect of complement on the normal antibody response we studied seven patients with genetically determined complement component deficiencies, guinea pigs deficient of c4 and c2, respectively, and two patients whose neutrophils and monocytes lack the c3bi receptor. patients deficient of early complement components (c4, c2, c3) have abnormal antibody responses to the t-cell-dependent antigen, bacteriophage phi x 174. complement-deficient guinea pigs (c4, c2) produce less antibody ...19862941194
dose-related effects of synthetic human beta-endorphin and naloxone on fed gastrointestinal humans, plasma beta-endorphin levels rise during application of acute stressful stimuli (vertigo, cold pain, and transcutaneous electrical stimulation) that induce gut motor disturbances. whereas it is possible that circulating beta-endorphin participates in the mediation of these central effects on gut motility, its role cannot be established solely on the basis of changes in plasma levels. therefore, we designed the present study to investigate 1) the dose-related effects of intravenous syn ...19862942039
a comparison of five different methods for the detection of tnp specific mouse ige: elisa, elisa on cells, rosetting, granule enzyme release assay and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis.using the same anti-tnp hybridoma supernatant pool as ige antibody source (2 micrograms/ml), several methods were compared for their sensitivity in ige detection and convenience for screening purposes. using rat basophilic leukemia (rbl) cells as specific receptor cells, one out of two rosetting methods with tnp-sheep red blood cells allowed the detection of 0.5 ng ige/ml (50 pg/assay) while the other was much less sensitive (60 ng/ml). more convenient for screening was an elisa method performed ...19862945867
purification and immunological studies of selenoprotein a of the clostridial glycine reductase of the essential catalytic components of the clostridial glycine reductase complex is a selenium-containing protein, selenoprotein a. an improved method for the purification of selenoprotein a has been developed that yields milligram quantities of the protein in a few relatively simple steps. ferredoxin and rubredoxin can be recovered in pure form as by-products of the procedure. the high resolving capabilities of an anion exchange high pressure liquid chromatography step were exploited in t ...19872951374
[listeria rhomboencephalitis without meningeal involvement]. 19872953019
[teicoplanin and gram-positive coccus infections. results of a multicenter study on 66 cases].sixty-six cases of gram positive infections were treated with teicoplanin in an open multicenter study, comprising 7 centers in eastern france. there were 38 male patients and 28 females. teicoplanin was given at a dose of 400 mg daily for a mean duration of 18.4 days. the most common infections were due to staphylococcus aureus, found in 43 out of 56 documented cases. 69 (89.9%) of the 78 gram + strains isolated had an mic for teicoplanin of less than or equal to 2 mg/l. there were 44 serious i ...19872956564
[immunological structure of the populations of the upper and middle volga river regions in relation to the causative agent of yersiniosis and its determining factors].the study of the immunological structure of the population in respect of intestinal yersiniosis at territories with different hydrothermal conditions has revealed the presence of a greater immune stratum (23.9% with the average agglutination titer being 1.8 +/- 0.09 log d) in humid areas, such as the region of the upper volga, in comparison with dry areas, such as the region of the middle volga, where the level of the immune stratum has proved to be twice as low (10.6% with the average agglutina ...19872961172
the pattern of atrial natriuretic peptide release during ventricular tachycardia in man.1. plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (anp) are high in many patients with tachycardia, but patterns of release with onset and termination of tachycardia and relationships to haemodynamic recordings are not clear. blood for anp measurements was therefore drawn from the coronary sinus, femoral artery and femoral vein, and simultaneous haemodynamic recordings were made in five patients before, during and after induction of stable ventricular tachycardia for 30 min. 2. tachycardia induced ...19872963719
effect of atrial peptide on collecting duct function.1. the effects of synthetic rat atrial natriuretic peptides (anp) on diffusional 22na+, 36cl- and tritiated water (tho) permeability of in vitro microperfused rat papillary collecting ducts and the effect in vivo of anp on stop-flow sodium concentrations in the terminal segment of rabbit nephrons were studied. 2. the addition of 4 x 10(-8) or 4 x 10(-7) mol/l anp to the medium or perfusion solution did not alter diffusional 22na+ or 36cl- permeability of microperfused rat papillary collecting du ...19882976327
responses to passive movement of receptors in joint, skin and muscle of the human hand.1. microneurographic techniques were employed to record unitary activity from afferents associated with digital joints of six conscious human subjects. of 120 single afferents sampled from the median and ulnar nerves at the wrist, eighteen (15%) were classified as joint afferents; the majority of the sample (72.5%) were of cutaneous origin, and 12.5% were from muscle spindles and tendon organs. 2. of the eighteen joint afferents six were tonically active in the rest position of the hand. all exc ...19882976823
corticotropin-releasing factor desensitization of adrenocorticotropic hormone release is augmented by arginine vasopressin.the desensitization of corticotropin-releasing factor (crf)-stimulated acth release from and intracellular cyclic amp accumulation in anterior pituitary cells was investigated in primary cultures of rat pituitary cells and in a mouse tumor cell line (att 20/d16-16). crf potently stimulated acth secretion and cyclic amp accumulation in both preparations. when primary cultures were preincubated with 100 nm crf, 50% desensitization of acth release occurred within 4 hr while similar desensitization ...19852981299
viremia is present in incubation period in nonimmunocompromised children with varicella. 19852981309
specific binding of radioiodinated granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor to hemopoietic cells.the hemopoietic growth factor granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, gm-csf, specifically controls the production of granulocytes and macrophages. this report describes the binding of biologically-active 125i-labeled murine gm-csf to a range of hemopoietic cells. specific binding was restricted to murine cells and neither rat nor human bone marrow cells appeared to have surface receptors for 125i-labeled gm-csf. 125i-labeled gm-csf only appeared to bind specifically to cells in the my ...19852990915
diverse involvements of ni protein in superoxide anion production in polymorphonuclear leukocytes depending on the type of membrane stimulants.effects of islet-activating protein (iap) were examined to assess the involvement of the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein responsible for inhibition of adenylate cyclase system (ni protein) in the superoxide anion (o-2) production in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) stimulated with various agents. n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fmlp)-stimulated o-2 production was inhibited by the pretreatment with iap. o-2 production induced by each of phorbol myristate acetate, concana ...19852992509
a serum-free growth of a human hepatoma cell line as a tool for hepatocarcinogenesis and virus gene expression.the plc/prf/5 human hepatoma cells were grown in a serum-free, hormone-free, chemically defined medium; we recently characterized cell growth and hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) production by these cells under these culture conditions, in the absence of interfering substances. because of the biochemical and the antigenic properties of plc/prf/5 cell line showing a marked similarity to in vivo hepatocellular carcinoma, this cell line provides an in vitro system for the study both of hepatitis ...19852995177
a single genetic locus encoded by yersinia pseudotuberculosis permits invasion of cultured animal cells by escherichia coli k-12.for many species of pathogenic bacteria, invasion and survival within animal cells is central to establishing a successful host-parasite relationship. localization within host cells protects the microorganism from host defences, or permits it to cross epithelial barriers and subsequently become systemically distributed. the precise mechanisms that permit entry of bacteria into host tissues are unclear, therefore we have been studying the invasion of epithelial cells by yersinia pseudotuberculosi ...19852995819
porphyria cutanea tarda and hepatocellular carcinoma. frequency of occurrence and related order to assess the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc) in porphyria cutanea tarda (pct), 83 patients (77 males, 6 females, mean age 57.4 years) were studied. thirteen patients (15.7%) had hcc, all of whom were male and cirrhotics with a mean age of 58.5 years. hcc patients showed a statistically significant (p less than 0.0005) longer evolution time (23 years since onset of the cutaneous disease) than patients without hcc (9.4 years), while the age of onset was similar in both groups ...19852997323
rflp for the human apolipoprotein b gene: ii;ecori. 19852997725
identification and molecular analysis of a third aspergillus nidulans alcohol dehydrogenase aspergillus nidulans functional cdna encoding an alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) was isolated by its ability to complement an adh1 mutation in saccharomyces cerevisiae. alignment of the cdna and cloned genomic dna sequences indicated that the adh gene contains two small introns. the presence of ethanol in the growth medium was shown to result in adh mrna accumulation presumably due to transcriptional induction of the gene. however, adh mrna accumulation was at most only partially repressed by the ...19852998782
epidemic of lav/htlv iii infection in drug addicts in milan: serological survey and clinical follow-up.a clinico-epidemiological study is reported concerning a group of 306 parenteral drug addicts (pdas), 71 of whom were affected with the lymphadenopathy syndrome (las); all were followed-up between 1981 and 1984. although full-blown acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) was observed only in one case, none of the other patients examined have undergone complete recovery so far. the results of our study point to a wide circulation of lav/htlv iii among our group of pdas, starting at least as ea ...19852999002
pyrimidinones. 1. 2-amino-5-halo-6-aryl-4(3h)-pyrimidinones. interferon-inducing antiviral agents.interferon induction and antiviral activity was discovered with 2-amino-5-bromo-6-phenyl-4(3h)-pyrimidinone. an analogue study incorporating a series of 2-amino-5-substituted-6-arylpyrimidinones revealed that the most potent interferon inducers were mono- and difluorophenyl analogues. these same analogues were also potent antiviral agents against semliki forest virus and herpes simplex type 1. in addition the monomethoxyphenyl analogues were potent antiviral agents but weak interferon inducers. ...19852999405
collagen accumulation can continue with decreased prolyl hydroxylase activity in the liver.a single dose of dimethylnitrosamine dose-relatedly increased total hepatic hydroxyproline content in rats 14 days after the dosing. in cases of 35 mg/kg of dimethylnitrosamine, it increased rapidly to 1.7 times the normal level within 14 days. this increase persisted thereafter until 84 days. hepatic collagen prolyl hydroxylase activity was 1.8 times the normal level by the fourth day after the dosing but normalized within 14 days. it decreased further to levels significantly lower than those i ...19852999546
13c and proton nmr studies of horse cytochrome c. assignment and temperature dependence of methyl resonances.the 13c and proton chemical shifts of the 55 methyl groups of horse cytochrome c have been determined over a range of temperatures both in the diamagnetic ferrocytochrome and in the paramagnetic ferricytochrome. specific assignments of many proton resonances have been published previously and all of the remaining methyl proton resonances are now specifically assigned. the corresponding 13c assignments follow directly, including those of contact shifted 13c resonances which are reported for the f ...19863000825
the gene for human p53 cellular tumor antigen is located on chromosome 17 short arm (17p13).a clone that cross-hybridizes with a mouse p53 probe has been isolated from a cdna library of simian virus 40-transformed human fibroblasts. this cloned human p53 cdna was used as a probe to examine dnas obtained from human-rodent somatic cell hybrids that have segregated human chromosomes. the results show that the human p53 gene is located on chromosome 17. in addition, southern analysis of hybrids prepared from human cells containing a chromosome 17 translocation allowed regional localization ...19863001719
nucleotide sequence of the escherichia coli dnaj gene and purification of the gene product.the dnaj and dnak genes are essential for replication of escherichia coli dna, and they constitute an operon, dnaj being downstream from dnak. the amount of the dnaj protein in e. coli is substantially less than that of the dnak protein, which is produced abundantly. in order to construct a system that over-produces the dnaj protein, we started our study by determining the dna sequence of the entire dnaj gene, and an operon fusion was constructed by inserting the gene downstream of the lambda pl ...19863003084
effects of anethole dithiolthione and 2(3)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole on schistosome granuloma formation.administration of the antioxidants 2(3)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (bha) or 5-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3h-1,2-dithiol-3-thione (adt) to female cd-1 mice starting 4 weeks after infection with 70 cercariae of schistosoma mansoni resulted in a decrease in the size of the inner fibrotic region of the hepatic granuloma. the cellular composition of the granuloma was not altered by treatment with these two compounds. the administration of the specific superoxide scavenger copper diisopropylsalicylate (cudips ...19853005948
effects of anethole dithiolthione and 2(3)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole on schistosome granuloma formation.administration of the antioxidants 2(3)-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole (bha) or 5-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3h-1,2-dithiol-3-thione (adt) to female cd-1 mice starting 4 weeks after infection with 70 cercariae of schistosoma mansoni resulted in a decrease in the size of the inner fibrotic region of the hepatic granuloma. the cellular composition of the granuloma was not altered by treatment with these two compounds. the administration of the specific superoxide scavenger copper diisopropylsalicylate (cudips ...19853005948
identification and solubilization of atrial natriuretic factor receptors in human placenta.specific high affinity 125i-atrial natriuretic factor binding sites have been identified in human placental membranes. using the nonionic detergent, triton x-100, these binding sites were quantitatively solubilized and retained binding activity. in the solubilized preparation, the macromolecular component that binds atrial natriuretic factor is a 160,000 dalton protein as shown by covalently cross-linking it to 125i-atrial natriuretic factor with the bifunctional chemical crosslinker, disuccinim ...19863008723
molecular cloning and restriction endonuclease mapping of the rat cytomegalovirus genome.rat cytomegalovirus (rcmv) dna was cleaved by restriction endonuclease ecori into 24 fragments ranging in mol. wt. from 34 x 10(6) to 0.20 x 10(6), of which 18 fragments could be cloned in plasmid pacyc 184. restriction endonuclease xbai cleaved the rcmv genome into 28 fragments, ranging in size from 44 x 10(6) to 0.81 x 10(6), of which 24 fragments were cloned in plasmid psp62-pl. among the restriction fragments that could not be cloned were two major terminal colinear fragments, ecori-a (34 x ...19863014047
sindbis and west nile virus infections in the witwatersrand-pretoria region.from mid-december 1983 until mid-april 1984, there was an epidemic of sindbis (sin) virus infection in the witwatersrand-pretoria region in which hundreds of human cases were diagnosed clinically. twenty-eight of these diagnoses were confirmed in the laboratory by seroconversion as being infections with sin virus, and 5 cases of infection with west nile (wn) virus were also found. attempts to isolate virus from 66 patients, mainly from serum specimens, were unsuccessful. infection rates for the ...19863016922
[experimental nephritis induced by coxsackie b4 virus in mice--transient mesangial proliferation associated with acute viremia]. 19863018334
cerebral cortical gaba and benzodiazepine binding sites in genetically seizure prone male and female genetically seizure-prone rats were assessed for sound-induced seizures. heterozygous control groups were compared with mild seizure (designated gepr 3) and severe seizure animals (gepr 9). groups of animals were killed and crude synaptosome fractions (p2) prepared from freshly dissected cerebral cortices. binding sites for gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) were assessed by [3h]-muscimol in the absence or presence of excess gaba and/or pentobarbital. binding sites for benzodia ...19863018415
[components of the outer membrane of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and their role in the pathogenesis of pseudotuberculosis].the pore-forming protein, lipopolysaccharide-protein complex and lipopolysaccharide of y. pseudotuberculosis outer membrane have been shown to participate in the penetration of the bacteria into the cells of the macroorganism, to produce a toxic effect on these cells and to enhance the ingesting activity of macrophages in small doses, while suppressing it in large doses. when introduced parenterally, protein induces a more pronounced clinical picture of specific reactive hepatitis in experimenta ...19863019047
[biochemistry of amino acid derivatives of [103ru] ruthenocene. comparison with 131i hippuran].the potential radiopharmaceuticals: ruthenocenoyl alanine, ruthenocenoyl methionine, 1'-methyl-ruthenocenoyl glycine and its esters were labelled with 103ru starting from the analogous ferrocene compounds. in a series of tests in mice and rats these substances were compared with hippuran and ruppuran (= ruthernocenoyl glycine, a ruthenocene-amino acid analogue of hippuran). the organ distribution of these compounds was measured at various times after injection. kidney concentrations of 1'-methyl ...19863019949
[biochemistry of amino acid derivatives of [103ru] ruthenocene. comparison with 131i hippuran].the potential radiopharmaceuticals: ruthenocenoyl alanine, ruthenocenoyl methionine, 1'-methyl-ruthenocenoyl glycine and its esters were labelled with 103ru starting from the analogous ferrocene compounds. in a series of tests in mice and rats these substances were compared with hippuran and ruppuran (= ruthernocenoyl glycine, a ruthenocene-amino acid analogue of hippuran). the organ distribution of these compounds was measured at various times after injection. kidney concentrations of 1'-methyl ...19863019949
nucleotide sequence of rhizobium meliloti rcr2011 genes involved in host specificity of nodulation.a 6 kb dna segment of the r. meliloti 2011 psym megaplasmid, which contains genes controlling host specificity of root hair infection and of nodulation, was cloned and sequenced. the dna sequence analysis, in conjunction with previous genetic data, allowed identification of four nod genes designated as e, f, g and h. nodh is divergently transcribed with respect to nodfe and nodg. a conserved nucleotide sequence was found around 200 bp upstream of the translation start of nodf, nodh and noda. thi ...19863020515
nucleotide sequence of rhizobium meliloti rcr2011 genes involved in host specificity of nodulation.a 6 kb dna segment of the r. meliloti 2011 psym megaplasmid, which contains genes controlling host specificity of root hair infection and of nodulation, was cloned and sequenced. the dna sequence analysis, in conjunction with previous genetic data, allowed identification of four nod genes designated as e, f, g and h. nodh is divergently transcribed with respect to nodfe and nodg. a conserved nucleotide sequence was found around 200 bp upstream of the translation start of nodf, nodh and noda. thi ...19863020515
exposure of sheep to natural aerosols of foot-and-mouth disease virus.sheep taken individually and allowed to inhale air being drawn along a duct from a cabinet containing pigs acutely infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus for 10 or 15 minute periods were infected by doses as low as 10 tcid50 of virus. the most consistent and reliable indicators of infection were viraemia and seroconversion. the mean times from exposure to onset of viraemia, pyrexia and the appearance of vesicular lesions were 2.5, 3.8 and 4.7 days, respectively. neither the time from exposur ...19863020658
tifluadom, a kappa-opiate agonist, acts as a peripheral cholecystokinin receptor antagonist.tifluadom, a benzodiazepine kappa-opiate agonist, stereoselectively inhibited the binding of 125i-cck to pancreatic membranes (ic50 = 47 nm). several other opiate agonists were ineffective. scatchard analysis indicated the inhibition of cck binding by tifluadom was competitive in nature. tifluadom (1 microm) did not displace 125i-cck binding to brain tissue or 125i-gastrin binding to fundic glands. in the isolated guinea pig gallbladder, tifluadom antagonized cck-8 induced contractions with an e ...19863027627
primary biliary cirrhosis: assessment of the quantitative importance of the adenine nucleotide translocator protein as a major mitochondrial antigen.the adenine nucleotide translocator protein (ant) is the first well-characterized mitochondrial polypeptide to be identified as an antigen for antimitochondrial autoantibodies (ama) in pbc sera. because of the potential use for a highly purified antigen as a tool in studying the aetiology of pbc, we have undertaken an assessment of the quantitative importance of ant as a pbc-specific mitochondrial antigen. immunoblotting and elisa techniques were used. both methods reveal pbc antibodies against ...19863028680
primary biliary cirrhosis: assessment of the quantitative importance of the adenine nucleotide translocator protein as a major mitochondrial antigen.the adenine nucleotide translocator protein (ant) is the first well-characterized mitochondrial polypeptide to be identified as an antigen for antimitochondrial autoantibodies (ama) in pbc sera. because of the potential use for a highly purified antigen as a tool in studying the aetiology of pbc, we have undertaken an assessment of the quantitative importance of ant as a pbc-specific mitochondrial antigen. immunoblotting and elisa techniques were used. both methods reveal pbc antibodies against ...19863028680
the chicken carbonic anhydrase ii gene: evidence for a recent shift in intron position.the complete nucleotide sequence of the coding region of the chicken carbonic anhydrase ii (ca ii) gene has been determined from clones isolated from a chicken genomic library. the sequence of a nearly full length chicken ca ii cdna clone has also been obtained. the gene is approximately 17 kilobase pairs (kb) in size and codes for a protein that is comprised of 259 amino acid residues. the 5' flanking region contains consensus sequences commonly associated with eucaryotic genes transcribed by r ...19873029691
on the fidelity of dna replication: herpes dna polymerase and its associated exonuclease.procaryotic dna polymerases contain an associated 3'----5' exonuclease activity which provides a proofreading function and contributes substantially to replication fidelity. dna polymerases of the eucaryotic herpes-type viruses contain similar associated exonuclease activities. we have investigated the fidelity of polymerases purified from wild type herpes simplex virus, as well as from mutator and antimutator strains. on synthetic templates, the herpes enzymes show greater relative exonuclease ...19873029700
arachidonic acid inhibits phosphate transport by cultured renal cells.because arachidonic acid and its metabolites are reported to be intracellular messengers of various exogenous stimuli, we studied whether arachidonic acid influences phosphate transport by cultured mouse renal epithelial cells. arachidonic acid, at 10(-7)-10(-4)m, inhibited phosphate transport without influencing cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate production. nordihydroguaiaretic acid and indomethacin, inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism, did not cancel the arachidonic acid-induced inhib ...19873032193
arachidonic acid inhibits phosphate transport by cultured renal cells.because arachidonic acid and its metabolites are reported to be intracellular messengers of various exogenous stimuli, we studied whether arachidonic acid influences phosphate transport by cultured mouse renal epithelial cells. arachidonic acid, at 10(-7)-10(-4)m, inhibited phosphate transport without influencing cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate production. nordihydroguaiaretic acid and indomethacin, inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism, did not cancel the arachidonic acid-induced inhib ...19873032193
the predicted primary structure of the peplomer protein e2 of the porcine coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the complete nucleotide sequence of cloned cdnas containing the e2 glycoprotein-encoding region of the genome of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) has been determined. a single large translatable frame of 4.3 kb starting at 8.2 kb from the 3' end of the genome was identified. its deduced amino acid sequence contains the characteristic features of a coronavirus peplomer protein: the precursor polypeptide of tgev e2 is 1447 residues long (i.e. 285 longer than the avian infectious bronchit ...19873037011
a factor discriminating between the wild-type and a mutant polyomavirus enhancer.enhancers increase the frequency of transcription initiation from linked promoter elements, most probably as a result of the binding of specific proteins to the enhancer. the polyomavirus early region is expressed in differentiated mouse cells but not in undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma (ec) cells. this host range is a function of the enhancer because polyomavirus mutants selected for growth in ec cells have mutations in the enhancer and the host range is reproduced in transfection assays us ...19873037380
three primary neoplasms in a goat: hepatocellular carcinoma, phaeochromocytoma and leiomyoma.a ten-year-old male nubian goat with no previous medical history was found recumbent. clinical examination revealed an underweight, dehydrated, very depressed and unresponsive animal. at necropsy, the liver contained multiple, well-demarcated hepatocellular carcinomas. the right adrenal gland contained a solitary phaeochromocytoma. multiple leiomyomas were present within the urinary bladder. the three primary neoplasms reported in this goat have been reported separately in other species; their s ...19873038970
nucleotide sequence analysis of cellular flanking regions of intracisternal a-particle gene 81.the cellular nucleotide sequences flanking the mouse intracisternal a-particle gene 81 were determined. the results indicated that they were made of many small oligonucleotide repeats both direct and indirect in orientation. these two different kinds of repeating sequences were often found to be overlap. the overall base composition of this region is relatively a + t rich. the most important feature of the sequences determined was that it consists of several repeated dinucleotide tracts containi ...19873039560
the effect of lead on chemical- and viral-induced tumor production in mice.female swiss mice were exposed to lead in the drinking water at concentrations ranging from 0 to 1000 ppm for 105 or 280 day periods of time. the effect of lead on urethan-induced pulmonary adenoma formation was evaluated in the 105 day study. urethan-induced sleeping times observed following ip injection of urethan (1.5 mg/g) after 3 weeks of lead exposure were not altered by lead indicating that lead did not affect the rate of urethan elimination. pulmonary adenoma formation was evaluated 84 d ...19873040844
increased virulence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis by two independent mutations.a chromosomally encoded protein, which mediates invasion into hela cells was recently identified in yersinia pseudotuberculosis. the role of this protein (invasin) in the virulence process was not, however, investigated. we show that mutation of the invasin gene in y. pseudotuberculosis abolishes the ability of the bacteria to invade hela cells. when mice were challenged by intraperitoneal injection both the mutant and the wild-type strain produced infections of similar virulence but mutant show ...19883043229
[yersinia infection]. 19883044839
yersinia pseudotuberculosis ileitis presenting with severe intestinal haemorrhage. 19883045318
[clinical characteristics of pseudotuberculosis in the presence of opisthorchis infestation]. 19883045510
[use of a genetically labelled strain for the analysis of yersinia pseudotuberculosis population dynamics in natural soils].the rifr mutant of y. pseudotuberculosis, capable of producing pure cultures in media with a high content of rifampicin, has been used for an accurate quantitation of this microorganism in various kinds of natural (nonsterile) soil in controlled laboratory and field experiments. the main biological characteristics of the mutant have been identical to those of the parent strain. the first experiments have shown that the initially high concentration of y. pseudotuberculosis in the soil gradually d ...19883046193
[chemotaxis of yersinia pseudotuberculosis as a mechanism in its search for target tissues of the host organism].y. pseudotuberculosis cells grown at biologically low temperature have been shown capable of chemotaxis with respect to carbohydrates and amino acids. during cultivation at 36-37 degrees c y. pseudotuberculosis cells retain this property for 10-15 hours and then lose it. the mechanism of chemotaxis makes it possible for y. pseudotuberculosis to "find" human and animal tissues and can facilitate the realization of the pathogenicity potential of these bacteria. when administered orally to mice mot ...19883046198
effects of estrogen on hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone release in castrated male rhesus macaques.the evidence that hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) release increases during the estrogen-induced luteinizing hormone (lh) surge in castrated female macaques and that estrogen induces a similar lh surge in the male suggests that either sexual differentiation of gnrh secretion does not exist or that changes in brain gnrh are not critical for ovulation. we tested this hypothesis by using the push-pull perfusion (ppp) technique to monitor gnrh release in the mediobasal hypothalamus ...19883048539
in vitro and ex vivo enhancement of nonspecific phagocytosis by cefodizime.the in vitro and ex vivo effects of cefodizime on some functional activities of both human neutrophils and monocytes were studied. in vitro experiments were performed with antibiotic concentrations ranging from 1 to 200 micrograms/ml. for the ex vivo study, 7 adult healthy controls were treated intravenously with 4 g/day of cefodizime for 6 days. we found that the drug modulated phagocytosis frequency and index when nonopsonized zymosan and heat-killed candida albicans were used as phagocytic ch ...19883053065
in vitro and ex vivo enhancement of nonspecific phagocytosis by cefodizime.the in vitro and ex vivo effects of cefodizime on some functional activities of both human neutrophils and monocytes were studied. in vitro experiments were performed with antibiotic concentrations ranging from 1 to 200 micrograms/ml. for the ex vivo study, 7 adult healthy controls were treated intravenously with 4 g/day of cefodizime for 6 days. we found that the drug modulated phagocytosis frequency and index when nonopsonized zymosan and heat-killed candida albicans were used as phagocytic ch ...19883053065
[pseudotuberculosis]. 19883053252
ampicillin vs. placebo for yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children.for evaluation of the efficacy of early treatment with ampicillin on the clinical course of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in children, 136 patients were randomly assigned to receive either ampicillin or placebo. subjects were those who were diagnosed as having kawasaki syndrome and those who satisfied three of the following four criteria: fever; rash; abdominal symptoms; and a history of ingestion of untreated drinking water. fifty-six patients had evidence of y. pseudotuberculosis infec ...19883054777
the plasmid-encoded outer-membrane proteins of yersinia pestis.the yersinial plasmid-encoded outer-membrane proteins (yops) are encoded by the low-ca++ response virulence plasmid present in the yersiniae pathogenic for humans. it has been shown that in yersinia pestis kim there are 11 of these proteins, which are expressed maximally during growth at 37 degrees c in the absence of ca++. to recover these proteins in outer membranes, it was necessary to transfer the y. pestis low-ca++ response plasmid to yersinia pseudotuberculosis. however, two of these prote ...19883055200
[simulation of the initiation of pseudotuberculosis infection].a decrease in the temperature of the cultivation of yersinia pseudotuberculosis has been shown to lead to the appearance of motility and adhesive properties in these bacteria, to enhance their ability to penetrate the body of the host through mucous membranes, while a rise in the temperature of cultivation has been shown to cause the loss of these properties and, therefore, a decrease in the penetrating capacity of these bacteria. y. pseudotuberculosis penetrates from the surface of the epitheli ...19883055760
[factors in the pathogenicity of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and their genetic control]. 19883055767
preoperative radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment in rectal cancer. final results of a randomized study of the european organization for research and treatment of cancer (eortc).a randomized clinical trial was conducted by the european organization for research and treatment for cancer (eortc) gastrointestinal cancer cooperative group to study the effectiveness of irradiation therapy administered in a dosage of 34.5 gy, divided into 15 daily doses of 2.3 gy each before radical surgery for rectal cancer (t2, t3, t4, nx, mo). four hundred sixty-six patients were entered in the clinical trial between june 1976 and september 1981. tolerance and side effects of preoperative ...19883056288
enteritis in cattle due to yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection.a selective medium was used to isolate yersinia sp from the intestinal tract of 222 scouring cattle in gippsland during 1985 and 1986. intestinal infection with y. pseudotuberculosis, particularly of serotype iii, was found to be especially prevalent in weaned calves, yearlings and young adult cattle. clinically affected cattle had a profuse liquid diarrhoea and many were systemically ill. haematological changes suggestive of infection were present in 38 of 49 of these cattle. at least 35 cattle ...19883056376
[production of thermolabile enterotoxins of escherichia coli by yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis].the plasmids pcg86 and rp4elt coding for thermolabile enterotoxins of escherichia coli (lt) were transferred in conjugation to yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells. both plasmids were stably inherited by the recipient cells. the elt genes of the toxins were expressed in yersinia cells at the level comparable to the one registered in escherichia coli cells. in the broth cultures of transconjugant cells the major part of lt toxin is bound with cells (74-97%). the obtained ...19883057360
hepatitis b virus dna in serum. applied molecular biology in the evaluation of hepatitis b infection. 19883059122
hepatitis b virus dna in serum. applied molecular biology in the evaluation of hepatitis b infection. 19883059122
[isolation and ultrastructure of yersinia spheroplasts and protoplasts].the conditions suitable for the cultivation of yersinia and the inhibition of their cell-wall synthesis have been selected with the aim of obtaining spheroplasts and protoplasts of these microorganisms. penicillin, streptomycin and lithium chloride have proved to be not very suitable for this purpose as they induce essential changes in the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane in altered yersinia forms. the addition of 1% of glycine (for y. pseudotuberculosis), 1-1.5% of methionine in combinatio ...19883064513
[pseudotuberculosis in surgical practice]. 19883070913
[evaluation of selective properties of mac conkey's medium enriched with potassium tellurite for growing shigella and yersinia strains]. 19883073281
an outbreak of yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in a bustard (otis tarda) flock. 19883075881
primary structure of the paramecium tetraurelia small-subunit rrna coding region: phylogenetic relationships within the ciliophora.we have sequenced the coding region for the small-subunit rrna gene from paramecium tetraurelia. similarity comparisons between small-subunit rrnas from representatives of the metazoa, the plantae, the fungi and four other members of the ciliophora were used to construct phylogenetic trees. in these phylogenies the ciliophora diverged from the eukaryotic line of descent as a loose phylogenetic grouping during a radiative period that gave rise to the fungi, the plantae and the metazoa.19863084799
some properties of lipoxygenase activities in cytosol and microsomal fractions of mouse epidermal homogenate.lipoxygenase activity in microsomal fraction of mouse epidermal homogenate was characterized in comparison with cytosol lipoxygenase activity. the major activity was identified as 12-lipoxygenase in microsomal fraction as well as in cytosol fraction by the analyses with high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. apparent km values of cytosol and microsomal 12-lipoxygenase for arachidonic acid were 5.0 microm and 6.2 microm respectively. apparent vmax values ...19863085110
some properties of lipoxygenase activities in cytosol and microsomal fractions of mouse epidermal homogenate.lipoxygenase activity in microsomal fraction of mouse epidermal homogenate was characterized in comparison with cytosol lipoxygenase activity. the major activity was identified as 12-lipoxygenase in microsomal fraction as well as in cytosol fraction by the analyses with high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. apparent km values of cytosol and microsomal 12-lipoxygenase for arachidonic acid were 5.0 microm and 6.2 microm respectively. apparent vmax values ...19863085110
[characteristics of the functional antigens of neisseria meningitidis group b].the work deals with the characterization of the functional antigens of n. meningitidis, group b. analysis of the total extract of n. meningitidis strain b16b6 with the use of sera obtained from patients with meningococcal infection, nasopharyngitis, salmonellosis, as well as from meningococcus carriers and healthy donors, by immune blotting techniques and the affinity isolation of the functional antigens indicate that protein antigen with a molecular weight of 13-15 kd is the main common antigen ...19863098003
galactosyltransferase: multiple forms in serum of normal and hepatoma mc-29 bearing chickens and from liver and hepatoma microsomal and plasma membrane preparations.the multiple forms of galactosyltransferase in chicken serum and in microsomal and plasma membrane preparations from liver and viral induced hepatoma mc-29 have been studied by isoelectric focussing. an elevation of the hepatoma plasma membrane enzyme activity was described and in the pattern of the multiple forms of the enzyme two forms were found (pi-5.34 and 8.22) which were similar to those described in the serum of hepatoma bearing chickens (pi-5.36 and 8.24). a conclusion is drawn that the ...19863102037
[studies on cytosol thyroid hormone binding proteins in the rat liver: part ii. alterations of thyroid hormone binding proteins in various thyroid function states].alterations of binding characteristics of cytosolic thyroid hormone binding proteins (cthbps) were examined in livers of rats with different thyroid function. seven days after thyroidectomy, rats were divided into three groups. group i received no treatment. group ii was treated with 230 ng triiodothyronine (t3)/100 g body weight per day for three days, and group iii with 40 micrograms t3/100 g body weight per day for three days. on the fourth day, each rat was given 0.7 microci of 125i-t3/100 g ...19873104102
[simultaneous determination of specific antigen, antibody and immune complexes in the serum of patients with chronic schistosomiasis].the main steps of a sensitive and quantitative technique for the simultaneous determination, in the same microplate, of antigen, antibody and specific immune complexes has been described. the assay involved principles of the double sandwich technique used in the "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay" (elisa). the technique proved to be useful for the estimation of antigen, antibody and specific immune complexes in sera of patients with human chronic hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis.19863108616
reflex regulation of atrioventricular conduction.we evaluated the time course of baroreflex modulation of atrioventricular (av) nodal conduction in anesthetized dogs (n = 28). beat-by-beat changes in heart rate (hr) and av interval (avi) evoked by transient alterations in arterial pressure (ap) were recorded in the intact state, after vagotomy, and following stellectomy. under each experimental condition, alterations in ap induced parallel changes in hr and avi with maximum hr and avi responses occurring simultaneously. in three animals, ap al ...19873109256
studies on the rate-determining factor in testosterone hydroxylation by rat liver microsomal cytochrome p-450: evidence against cytochrome p-450 isozyme:isozyme interactions.the aim of the present study was to examine a recent proposal that inhibitory isozyme:isozyme interactions explain why membrane-bound isozymes of rat liver microsomal cytochrome p-450 exert only a fraction of the catalytic activity they express when purified and reconstituted with saturating amounts of nadph-cytochrome p-450 reductase and optimal amounts of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine. the different pathways of testosterone hydroxylation catalyzed by cytochromes p-450a (7 alpha-hydroxylation), ...19873109324
differences between saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacillus subtilis in secretion of human lysozyme.saccharomyces cerevisiae secreted human lysozyme in the medium as an active form when the signal peptides of chicken lysozyme and a chicken lysozyme-aspergillus awamori glucoamylase hybrid were used, whereas it did not synthesize any human lysozyme protein by using the signal peptide of a. awamori glucoamylase. the secreted lysozyme was easily purified and crystallized. on the other hand, bacillus subtilis secreted an inactive human lysozyme, which seemed to have incorrect disulfide bonds, with ...19873109419
differences between saccharomyces cerevisiae and bacillus subtilis in secretion of human lysozyme.saccharomyces cerevisiae secreted human lysozyme in the medium as an active form when the signal peptides of chicken lysozyme and a chicken lysozyme-aspergillus awamori glucoamylase hybrid were used, whereas it did not synthesize any human lysozyme protein by using the signal peptide of a. awamori glucoamylase. the secreted lysozyme was easily purified and crystallized. on the other hand, bacillus subtilis secreted an inactive human lysozyme, which seemed to have incorrect disulfide bonds, with ...19873109419
comparative study of ampicillin and amoxycillin after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration in homing pigeons (columba livia).pharmacokinetics of ampicillin and amoxycillin after intravenous, intramuscular and oral administration was investigated in homing pigeons. the pharmacokinetic parameters in a cross-over study after intravenous administration of the sodium salts were comparable. the only significant difference was found for the distribution phase. the bioavailability after intramuscular injection of the sodium salts was especially low for ampicillin (26 per cent, as against 57 per cent for amoxycillin). the mean ...19873112878
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