
prevalence of salmonella and campylobacter on broiler chickens from farm to slaughter and efficiency of methods to remove visible fecal contamination.a study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of salmonella and campylobacter from farm to slaughter. the efficiency of trimming and water spray (490 to 588 kpa pressure) on the removal of visible fecal contamination from broiler carcasses before chilling was also investigated. drag swabs were used to sample litter from the farm houses. samples of ceca and carcasses without and with visible fecal contamination before and after trimming or spray washing of fecal contamination were taken dur ...201425364917
quantitative effects of in-line operations on campylobacter and escherichia coli through two australian broiler processing plants.campylobacter is an important food borne pathogen, mainly associated with poultry. a lack of through-chain quantitative campylobacter data has been highlighted within quantitative risk assessments. the aim of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively measure campylobacter and escherichia coli concentration on chicken carcasses through poultry slaughter. chickens (n=240) were sampled from each of four flocks along the processing chain, before scald, after scald, before chill, after chill ...201425104301
antimicrobial resistance among campylobacter spp. strains isolated from different poultry production systems at slaughterhouse level.the aim of the current work was to evaluate the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of campylobacter spp. isolated from different chicken production systems at the slaughterhouse level. chicken sampling at slaughterhouse was performed for cecum, carcass, and breast meat from flocks of organic (n = 6), extensive indoor (n = 14), and intensive production (n = 14), totaling 34 ceca pools, 64 neck skin pools, and 132 breasts, representing 96,386 chickens. a collection of 167 strains were ide ...201424879708
supplementation of bolton broth with triclosan improves detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chicken carcass rinse.we compared bolton enrichment broth supplemented with antimicrobial triclosan (t-bolton broth) and normal bolton broth for the isolation of campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) and campylobacter coli (c. coli) from chicken carcass rinse. whole chickens were rinsed with buffered peptone water prior to enrichment in normal bolton broth or t-bolton broth, followed by inoculation onto modified charcoal-cefoperazone-deoxycholate agar (mccda). suspect colonies were confirmed by pcr. we observed a signific ...201424813626
loads and antimicrobial resistance of campylobacter spp. on fresh chicken meat in nueva ecija, philippines.this study was performed to determine the prevalence and to semiquantify campylobacter spp. on chicken meat samples at 4 selected local wet markets in nueva ecija, philippines, and to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of the campylobacter isolates. out of 120 chicken meat samples, 57 (47.5%) were campylobacter spp. positive. the majority of isolated campylobacter strains were identified as campylobacter coli (54.4%) and 45.6% as campylobacter jejuni. most of these positive samples ...201424795322
molecular typing of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from various retail meats by mlst and pfge.campylobacter species are one of the leading causes of foodborne disease in the united states. campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are the two main species of concern to human health and cause approximately 95% of human infections. molecular typing methods, such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and multilocus sequence typing (mlst) are often used to source track foodborne bacterial pathogens. the aim of the present study was to compare pfge and mlst in typing strains of c. jeju ...201428234305
evaluation of the culture method nihsj-02 alternative to iso 10272-1:2006 for the detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chicken: collaborative study.for the surveillance of the prevalence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in raw chicken products in japan, a qualitative method, national institute of health sciences japan (nihsj)-02, was developed as an alternative to international organization for standardization (iso) 10272-1:2006. in the nihsj-02 culture method, the enrichment step is carried out in a reduced volume of preston broth at 42 +/- 1 degrees c to reduce cost and space, and to prevent the overgrowth of background bact ...201324282937
genotypes and antibiotic resistance of canine campylobacter jejuni isolates.campylobacter jejuni is the most important cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. it is a commensal in many wild and domestic animals, including dogs. whereas genotypes of human and chicken c. jejuni isolates have been described in some detail, only little information on canine c. jejuni genotypes is available. to gain more information on genotypes of canine c. jejuni and their zoonotic potential, isolates from routine diagnostics of diarrheic dogs as well as isolates of a prevalence stud ...201424210812
antimicrobial activity of essential oils and five terpenoid compounds against campylobacter jejuni in pure and mixed culture experiments.the aim of this study was to examine the antimicrobial potential of three essential oils (eos: tea tree oil, lemon myrtle oil and leptospermum oil), five terpenoid compounds (α-bisabolol, α-terpinene, cineole, nerolidol and terpinen-4-ol) and polyphenol against two strains of campylobacter jejuni (acm 3393 and the poultry isolate c338), campylobacter coli and other gram negative and gram positive bacteria. different formulations of neem oil (azadirachta indica) with these compounds were also tes ...201324041998
review of current methodologies to isolate and identify campylobacter spp. from foods.this article summarizes the most effective protocols to isolate campylobacter spp. (mainly campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli) from food, primarily poultry products, and includes a summary of the current methods recommended by the food and drug administration and the u.s. department of agriculture in the usa, and iso in europe. the recommended temperature for incubation of the samples throughout the isolation procedure is 42°c. the enrichment of the samples for 48h, which can be perform ...201323899774
absence of class 1 and class 2 integrons among campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli isolated from poultry in italy. 201323788478
improvement of karmali agar by addition of polymyxin b for the detection of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli in whole-chicken carcass rinse.the karmali agar was modified by supplementation with a high concentration of polymyxin b. the goal of the study was to evaluate the effect of a high concentration of polymyxin b on the ability and selectivity of the modified karmali agar to isolate campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli from whole chicken carcass rinse. a total of 80 whole chickens were rinsed with 400 ml of buffer peptone water. the rinsed samples were incubated with 2× blood-free modified bolton enrichment broth for 48 h ...201323550907
improved protocol for isolation of campylobacter spp. from retail broiler meat and use of pulsed field gel electrophoresis for the typing of improve the detection of campylobacter spp. in retail broiler meat, a reference method (r subsamples) based on the enrichment of 25 g of meat in bolton broth at 42°c under microaerobiosis was compared with an alternative method (a subsamples) consisting in the rinsing of meat samples for 30s in buffered peptone water with antimicrobials with incubation at 42°c under aerobiosis. one piece of meat (breasts, tenderloins and thighs) was rinse in experiment 1 (a1) and two pieces in experiment 2 (a ...201323545445
development of a selective enrichment broth supplemented with bacteriological charcoal and a high concentration of polymyxin b for the detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chicken carcass rinses.a new campylobacter-selective enrichment broth supplemented with bacteriological charcoal and a high concentration of polymyxin b was developed (charcoal-cefoperazone-polymyxin b-deoxycholate broth; ccpd broth). we compared the ability of ccpd broth to detect campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chicken carcass rinses to that of modified bolton (mbolton) broth. eighty whole chickens were purchased from retailers and rinsed with 400 ml buffered peptone water. the rinsed samples were enr ...201323474610
non-stochastic sampling error in quantal analyses for campylobacter species on poultry products.using primers and fluorescent probes specific for the most common food-borne campylobacter species (campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli), we developed a multiplex, most probable number (mpn) assay using quantitative pcr (qpcr) as the determinant for binomial detection: i.e., number of p positive pathogen growth responses out of n = 6 observations each of 4 ml (v) per dilution. working with media washes of thrice frozen-thawed chicken pieces which had been spiked with known levels of c. j ...201323380949
screening for lactic acid bacteria capable of inhibiting campylobacter jejuni in in vitro simulations of the broiler chicken caecal environment.thermotolerant campylobacter spp., specifically campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, are the most common bacterial causes of human gastroenteritis in developed countries. consumption of improperly prepared poultry products and cross contamination are among the main causes of human campylobacteriosis. the aim of this study was to identify lactic acid bacterial (lab) strains capable of inhibiting c. jejuni growth in initial in vitro trials ('spot-on-lawn' method), as well as in batch ferme ...201223234730
susceptibility of campylobacter to high intensity near ultraviolet/visible 395±5nm light and its effectiveness for the decontamination of raw chicken and contact surfaces.campylobacter is an important cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. chicken meat is frequently contaminated with this organism and is considered to be a significant source of infection. it has been predicted that lowering the numbers of campylobacter on chicken meat can reduce the risk to public health. the aims of the current study were to investigate the susceptibility of campylobacter to high intensity near ultraviolet/visible (nuv-vis) 395±5nm light and to examine its potential for the m ...201223107507
sensitive and rapid detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli using loop-mediated isothermal amplification.loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) is an established nucleic acid amplification method offering rapid, accurate, and cost-effective diagnosis of infectious diseases. from the beginning of dna extraction to final detection of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, the assay requires less than 50 and 90 min from a colony on selective media, and human feces, respectively. for chicken meat samples, the assay requires approximately 24-48 h from the beginning of the enrichment culture ...201323104296
antibiotic resistance in bacterial pathogens from retail raw meats and food-producing animals in determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of campylobacter, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant s. aureus (mrsa), and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (vre) in food-producing animals and retail raw meats in japan, raw meat samples as well as food-producing animal feces, cutaneous swabs, and nasal swabs collected from 2004 to 2006 were analyzed. isolation rates of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, salmonella, and s. aureus were 34.6% (36 ...201223043825
campylobacter sequence typing databases: applications and future prospects.human campylobacteriosis, caused by the zoonotic bacteria campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli, remains a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. for many countries the implementation of effective interventions to reduce the burden of this disease is a high priority. nucleotide sequence-based typing, including multilocus sequence typing (mlst) and antigen gene sequence typing (agst), has provided unified, comprehensive, and portable campylobacter isolate characterization, with curated d ...201222986295
prevalence of multidrug resistance campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in chickens slaughtered in selected markets, malaysia.the objectives of this study were to determine the occurrence of campylobacter spp. in live chickens sold at wet markets in selangor, malaysia and the multidrug resistance (mdr) profiles of the isolates. cloacal swabs were taken from the chickens before slaughter and their caecal mucosae were swabbed after slaughter. of the 90 chickens examined, 68 (75.6%) were positive for campylobacter. campylobacter were recovered from caecal swabs (53/90) and cloacal swabs (34/90) and campylobacter coli (46 ...201222735845
incidence and antimicrobial resistance profiling of campylobacter in retail chicken livers and gizzards.campylobacter species are one of the leading causes of foodborne disease in the united states. campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli are the two main species that are of concern to human health, and they cause approximately 95% of human infections. the number of studies investigating campylobacter in chicken livers and gizzards is very limited in the literature. the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli in retail chicken live ...201222545960
detection and genotyping of campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli by use of dna oligonucleotide arrays.campylobacter have emerged as the most common bacterial food-borne illness in the developed world. the ability to reduce campylobacter infections in humans is linked to the full comprehension of the principal key aspects of its infection cycle. a microbial diagnostic microarray detecting campylobacter housekeeping, structural, and virulence associated genes was designed and validated using genomic dna from reference and field strains of campylobacter jejuni and coli isolated from human, chicken, ...201322354794
fitness of macrolide resistant campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni.the aim of this study was to investigate the fitness of macrolide resistant campylobacter coli and campylobacter jejuni. the in vitro growth, the survival on food matrix, and the in vivo colonization of c. jejuni and c. coli susceptible isolates and their isogenic resistant mutants were studied. in vitro experiments demonstrated that macrolide resistance imposed a fitness cost when the susceptible strains and their isogenic resistant mutants were cultured in competition. when inoculated in food ...201222324770
evidence of campylobacter jejuni reduction in broilers with early synbiotic administration.c. jejuni is considered a food safety concern to both public health authorities and consumers since it is the leading bacterial cause of food-borne gastroenteritis in humans. a high incidence of c. jejuni in broiler flocks is often correlated to pathogen recovery in retail poultry meat, which is the main source of human infection. in this work broiler chickens were fed with a synbiotic product mixed with conventional feed using two different administration strategies. the synbiotic was formulate ...201728390936
current and potential treatments for reducing campylobacter colonization in animal hosts and disease in humans.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacteria-derived gastroenteritis worldwide. in the developed world, campylobacter is usually acquired by consuming under-cooked poultry, while in the developing world it is often obtained through drinking contaminated water. once consumed, the bacteria adhere to the intestinal epithelium or mucus layer, causing toxin-mediated inhibition of fluid reabsorption from the intestine and invasion-induced inflammation and diarrhea. traditionally, severe or pr ...201728386253
evaluation of usda approved antimicrobials on the reduction of salmonella and campylobacter in ground chicken frames and their effect on meat quality.the main objective of this study was to examine the efficacy of usda approved antimicrobials in reducing salmonella heidelberg (s. h.) and campylobacter jejuni (c. j.) in ground chicken frames and to determine the treatment effects on total aerobic counts and meat color. six antimicrobials (0.1% peracetic acid [paa], 0.6% cetylpyridinium chloride [cpc], 0.005% sodium hypochlorite, 1.5% acidified lactic acid [ala], 0.3% propionic acid, and 0.1% lauric arginate [lae]) applied as dip treatments wer ...201728379524
lack of evidence that selenium-yeast improves chicken health and modulates the caecal microbiota in the context of colonization by campylobacter jejuni.faced with ever-increasing demand, the industrial production of food animals is under pressure to increase its production. in order to keep productivity, quality, and safety standards up while reducing the use of antibiotics, farmers are seeking new feed additives. in chicken production, one of these additives is selenium. this element is expected to confer some advantages in terms of animal health and productivity, but its impact on chicken intestinal microbiota as well as on the carriage of fo ...201728367146
selection for pro-inflammatory mediators produces chickens more resistant to campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter spp. are the second leading cause of bacterial-induced foodborne illnesses with an estimated economic burden of nearly $2b usd per year. most human illness associated with campylobacteriosis is due to infection by c. jejuni and chickens are recognized as a reservoir that could lead to foodborne illness in humans resulting from handling or consuming raw or undercooked chicken. we recently developed a novel breeding strategy based on identification and selection of chickens with an i ...201728339707
b lymphocytes play a limited role in clearance of campylobacter jejuni from the chicken intestinal tract.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis with contaminated poultry meat its main source. control of c. jejuni is a priority for the poultry industry but no vaccines are available and their development hampered by poor understanding of the immunobiology of c. jejuni infection. here we show the functional role of b lymphocytes in response to c. jejuni in the chicken through depletion of the b lymphocyte population (bursectomy) followed by challenge. b lympho ...201728332622
administration of lactobacillus johnsonii fi9785 to chickens affects colonisation by campylobacter jejuni and the intestinal microbiota.1. campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacterial cause of human foodborne gastroenteritis in the world largely from contaminated poultry meat. new control measures to reduce or eliminate this pathogen from the animal gastrointestinal tract are urgently required, and the use of probiotics as competitive exclusion agents is a promising biocontrol measure to reduce c. jejuni in the food chain. 2. in this study, we assessed the potential of lactobacillus johnsonii fi9785, which has shown efficac ...201728318296
pathogenic potential and genotypic diversity of campylobacter jejuni: a neglected food-borne pathogen in brazil.purpose and methodology.campylobacter jejuni is a major zoonotic pathogen that causes food-borne gastroenteritis worldwide. however, there are only a few studies available that have molecularly characterized c. jejuni strains isolated in brazil. the aim of this study was to genotype 111 c. jejuni strains isolated from sick humans (43), monkey faeces (19), chicken faeces (14), chicken meat (33) and sewage (2) between 1996 and 2016 in brazil using flaa-svr (short variable region) sequencing and pf ...201728317494
enteric pathogens and their toxin-induced disruption of the intestinal barrier through alteration of tight junctions in chickens.maintaining a healthy gut environment is a prerequisite for sustainable animal production. the gut plays a key role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients and constitutes an initial organ exposed to external factors influencing bird's health. the intestinal epithelial barrier serves as the first line of defense between the host and the luminal environment. it consists of a continuous monolayer of intestinal epithelial cells connected by intercellular junctional complexes which shrink the s ...201728208612
antimicrobial activities of phenolic extracts derived from seed coats of selected soybean varieties.soybean hulls or seed coats consist of complex carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and polyphenols such as anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, and isoflavones. the polyphenolics in the seed coats give them various colors such as black, brown, green, yellow, or even a mottled appearance. in this study, the antimicrobial effects of phenolic extracts from the seed coats of different colored soybeans (yellow, dark brown, brown, and black) were evaluated against foodborne pathogens such as salmonella typ ...201728178372
identification and initial characterisation of a protein involved in campylobacter jejuni cell shape.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial food borne illness. while helical cell shape is considered important for c. jejuni pathogenesis, this bacterium is capable of adopting other morphologies. to better understand how helical-shaped c. jejuni maintain their shape and thus any associated colonisation, pathogenicity or other advantage, it is first important to identify the genes and proteins involved. so far, two peptidoglycan modifying enzymes pgp1 and pgp2 have been shown to be ...201728131954
complete annotated genome sequences of three campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from naturally colonized farm-raised chickens.campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterially derived foodborne illness. human illness is commonly associated with the handling and consumption of contaminated poultry products. three c. jejuni strains were isolated from cecal contents of three different naturally colonized farm-raised chickens. the complete genomes of these three isolates are presented here.201728126931
genome-wide identification of host-segregating epidemiological markers for source attribution in campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter is among the most common worldwide causes of bacterial gastroenteritis. this organism is part of the commensal microbiota of numerous host species, including livestock, and these animals constitute potential sources of human infection. molecular typing approaches, especially multilocus sequence typing (mlst), have been used to attribute the source of human campylobacteriosis by quantifying the relative abundance of alleles at seven mlst loci among isolates from animal reservoirs an ...201728115376
molecular epidemiological analysis of human- and chicken-derived isolates of campylobacter jejuni in japan using next-generation this research, we analyzed the main sequence types (st) and st complexes of human- and chicken-derived isolates of campylobacter jejuni in japan by using multilocus sequence typing (mlst). we also analyzed lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis locus classes (los locus classes) and the numbers of isolates carrying genes coding resistance factors against various antibiotics, and observed their relationships. st-21 complex was the main st complex in isolates from humans (n = 38) and chickens (n = 25) ...201728087306
campylobacter jejuni transducer like proteins: chemotaxis and beyond.chemotaxis, a process that mediates directional motility toward or away from chemical stimuli (chemoeffectors/ligands that can be attractants or repellents) in the environment, plays an important role in the adaptation of campylobacter jejuni to disparate niches. the chemotaxis system consists of core signal transduction proteins and methyl-accepting-domain-containing transducer like proteins (tlps). ligands binding to tlps relay a signal to chemotaxis proteins in the cytoplasm which initiate a ...201728080213
epidemiological relationships of campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from humans and chickens in south korea.thirty-nine human isolates of campylobacter jejuni obtained from a national university hospital during 2007-2010 and 38 chicken isolates of c. jejuni were collected from poultry farms during 2009-2010 in south korea were used in this study. campylobacter genomic species and virulence-associated genes were identified by pcr. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) and multilocus sequence typing (mlst) were performed to compare their genetic relationships. all isolates were highly resistant to cip ...201728035601
generation and screening of an insertion sequencing-compatible mutant library of campylobacter jejuni.the advent of next-generation sequencing technology has enabled experimental approaches to characterize large, complex populations of dna molecules with high resolution. included among these are methods to assess populations of transposon insertion libraries for the fitness cost of any particular mutant allele after applying selection to a population. these approaches have proven invaluable for identifying genetic factors that influence survival of bacterial pathogens within different environmen ...201727885613
methods for isolation, purification, and propagation of bacteriophages of campylobacter, we describe the methods for isolation, purification, and propagation of campylobacter jejuni bacteriophages from samples expected to contain high number of phages such as chicken feces. the overall steps are (1) liberation of phages from the sample material; (2) observation of plaque-forming units on c. jejuni lawns using a spot assay; (3) isolation of single plaques; (4) consecutive purification procedures; and (5) propagation of purified phages from a plate lysate to prepare master stock ...201727885595
epitope mapping of campylobacter jejuni flagellar capping protein (flid) by chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) sera.campylobacter jejuni, a gram-negative rod, is a zoonotic pathogen associated with human acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. the flagellum, composed of more than 35 proteins, is responsible for colonization of c. jejuni in the host gastrointestinal tract as well as inducing protective antibodies against the homologous serotype. in our previous study, we demonstrated that the flagellar capping protein (flid) is an immunodominant protein that reacted strongly to sera from field chickens. in ...201627865268
compliance/non-compliance with biosecurity rules specified in the danish quality assurance system (kik) and campylobacter-positive broiler flocks 2012 and source for campylobacter jejuni infections in humans could be consumption of broiler meat. transmission of campylobacter into broiler houses/flocks occurs via many routes. a number of biosecurity rules is specified in the quality assurance system in danish chicken production (kik) - for which the broiler producers annually are audited for compliance with, by bureau veritas. multivariable logistic regression models were used to investigated the association between compliance/non-compliance wi ...201727838611
genomic comparison of campylobacter spp. and their potential for zoonotic transmission between birds, primates, and livestock.campylobacter is the leading cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. wild birds, including american crows, are abundant in urban, suburban, and agricultural settings and are likely zoonotic vectors of campylobacter their proximity to humans and livestock increases the potential spreading of campylobacter via crows between the environment, livestock, and humans. however, no studies have definitively demonstrated that crows are a vector for pathogenic campylobacter we used genomics to evaluate t ...201627736787
antimicrobial-resistant campylobacter in organically and conventionally raised layer chickens.poultry is a major source of campylobacter, which can cause foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis in humans. additionally, poultry-associated campylobacter can develop resistance to important antimicrobials, which increases the risk to public health. while broiler chickens have been the focus of many studies, the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant campylobacter on layer farms has not received equal attention. however, the growing popularity of cage-free and organic layer farming necessitates a c ...201727768387
distribution of campylobacter jejuni multilocus sequence types isolated from chickens in poland.poultry is recognized as the most important source of food-related transmission of campylobacter jejuni to humans and campylobacteriosis is the most commonly reported zoonotic bacterial disease in the european union. it has been documented that c. jejuni is genetically diverse and analyses of bacterial isolates usually show a large strain variety. therefore, molecular typing of strains represents an important tool to study the genetic diversity of isolates and to trace individual strains that ca ...201627702925
tlr4 and tlr21 expression, mif, ifn-β, md-2, cd14 activation, and siga production in chickens administered with efal41 strain challenged with campylobacter jejuni.the protective effect of enterococcus faecium efal41 on chicken's caecum in relation to the tlr (tlr4 and tlr21) activation and production of luminal iga challenged with campylobacter jejuni ccm6191 was assessed. the activation of mif, ifn-β, md-2 and cd14 was followed-up after bacterial infection. day-old chicks (40) were divided into four groups (n = 10): control (c), e. faecium al41 (efal41), c. jejuni (cj) and combined e. faecium al41+c. jejuni (efal41+cj). relative mrna expression of tlr4, ...201727696326
the host-pathogen interaction in campylobacter jejuni infection of chickens: an understudied aspect that is crucial for effective control. 201627668455
validation of the ansr® for campylobacter method for detection of thermophilic campylobacter spp. in chicken carcass rinse and turkey sponge samples.a performance validation of the ansr® for campylobacter method was conducted in selected matrixes. this assay used selective nicking enzyme amplification technology to amplify target genes. samples were enriched for 20 to 24 h and then lysed. the assay was completed within 50 min using real-time detection in a combination incubator/fluorescence detector and software. when 50 distinct strains of campylobacter jejuni, c. lari, or c. coli were tested for inclusivity, all 50 strains produced positiv ...201627634328
invasive behavior of campylobacter jejuni in immunosuppressed chicken.campylobacter jejuni is a predominant cause of gastroenteritis in humans but rather harmless in chickens. the basis of this difference is unknown. we investigated the effect of the chicken immune defense on the behavior of c. jejuni using glucocorticoid (gc)-treated and mock-treated 17-day old ross 308 chicken bearing in mind that gcs have immunosuppressive effects and dampen the innate immune response. the effect of gc administration on the behavior of c. jejuni was compared with that on infect ...201627574876
peptidoglycan acetylation of campylobacter jejuni is essential for maintaining cell wall integrity and colonization in chicken intestines.peptidoglycan (pg) acetylation of gram-positive bacteria confers lysozyme resistance and contributes to survival in the host. however, the importance of pg acetylation in gram-negative bacteria has not been fully elucidated. the genes encoding putative pg acetyltransferase a (pata) and b (patb) are highly conserved in campylobacter jejuni, the predominant cause of bacterial diarrhea worldwide. to evaluate the importance of pata and patb of c. jejuni, we constructed pata and patb isogenic mutants ...201627520822
use of the potential probiotic strain lactobacillus salivarius smxd51 to control campylobacter jejuni in broilers.campylobacteriosis is the most frequently reported zoonotic disease in humans in the eu since 2005. as chicken meat is the main source of contamination, reducing the level of campylobacter in broiler chicken will lower the risk to consumers. the aim of this project was to evaluate the ability of lactobacillus salivarius smxd51 to control campylobacter jejuni in broilers and to investigate the mechanisms that could be involved. thirty broilers artificially contaminated with c. jejuni were treated ...201727432696
a large outbreak of campylobacter jejuni infection in a university college caused by chicken liver pâté, australia, october 2013, public health authorities were notified of a suspected outbreak of gastroenteritis in students and guests following a catered function at a university residential college. a retrospective cohort study was undertaken to examine whether foods served at the function caused illness. a total of 56 cases of gastroenteritis, including seven laboratory-confirmed cases of campylobacter jejuni infection, were identified in 235 eligible respondents. univariate analysis showed a significant ...201627306097
chicken cecal micrornas in the response to campylobacter jejuni inoculation by solexa sequencing.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) is one of major foodborne pathogen that cause human diarrhea by consuming c. jejuni contaminated chicken products. micrornas play an integral role in many different biological processes including bacteria and virus inoculation in chickens. in this study, we identified chicken mirnas responding to c. jejuni inoculation through solexa sequencing in the cecum. as a result, four mirnas were significantly differentially expressed between inoculated and non-inoculated ...201627303046
campylobacter jejuni colonization promotes the translocation of escherichia coli to extra-intestinal organs and disturbs the short-chain fatty acids profiles in the chicken gut.for a long time campylobacter was only considered as a commensal microorganism in avian hosts restricted to the ceca, without any pathogenic features. the precise reasons for the symptomless chicken carriers are still unknown, but investigations of the gastrointestinal ecology of broiler chickens may improve our understanding of the microbial interactions with the host. therefore, the current studies were conducted to investigate the effects of campylobacter jejuni colonization on escherichia co ...201627143773
the influence of age on campylobacter jejuni infection in chicken.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni)-host-interaction may be affected by the maturation stage of the chicken's immune system and the developing gut microbiota composition. we compared these parameters between birds c. jejuni-inoculated at day one, 10, 22 and 31 post hatch. the highest c. jejuni-colonization rate and numbers of colony forming units (cfu) were detected in caecal content of day-one-inoculated birds while the lowest was detected in 22-days-old birds. the low bacterial colonization of 22 ...201627131855
tracing isolates from domestic human campylobacter jejuni infections to chicken slaughter batches and swimming water using whole-genome multilocus sequence typing.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis and chicken is considered a major reservoir and source of human campylobacteriosis. in this study, we investigated temporally related finnish human (n=95), chicken (n=83) and swimming water (n=20) c. jejuni isolates collected during the seasonal peak in 2012 using multilocus sequence typing (mlst) and whole-genome mlst (wgmlst). our objective was to trace domestic human c. jejuni infections to c. jejuni isolates from chicken ...201627041390
effect of propionic acid on campylobacter jejuni attached to chicken skin during refrigerated storage.the ability of propionic acid to reduce campylobacter jejuni on chicken legs was evaluated. chicken legs were inoculated with campylobacter jejuni. after dipping legs in either water (control), 1% or 2% propionic acid solution (vol/vol), they were stored at 4ºc for 8 days. changes in c. jejuni, psychrotrophs and pseudomonas counts were evaluated. washing in 2% propionic acid significantly reduced c. jejuni counts compared to control legs, with a decrease of about 1.62 log units after treatment. ...201527036744
efficacy of neutral electrolyzed water, quaternary ammonium and lactic acid-based solutions in controlling microbial contamination of food cutting boards using a manual spraying technique.bactericidal activity of neutral electrolyzed water (new), quaternary ammonium (quat), and lactic acid-based solutions was investigated using a manual spraying technique against salmonella typhimurium, escherichia coli o157:h7, campylobacter jejuni, listeria monocytogenes and staphylococcus aureus that were inoculated onto the surface of scarred polypropylene and wooden food cutting boards. antimicrobial activity was also examined when using cutting boards in preparation of raw chopped beef, chi ...201627027449
detection of campylobacter in human and animal field samples in cambodia.campylobacter are zoonotic bacteria and a leading cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide with campylobacter jejuni and c. coli being the most commonly detected species. the aim of this study was to detect campylobacter in humans and livestock (chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, water buffalo, quail, pigeons and geese) in rural households by routine culturing and multiplex pcr in faecal samples frozen before analysis. of 681 human samples, 82 (12%) tested positive by pcr (c. jejuni in 66 samples an ...201626991032
validation of a high-throughput immunobead array technique for multiplex detection of three foodborne pathogens in chicken products.this study rigorously evaluated a previously developed immunobead array method to simultaneously detect three important foodborne pathogens, campylobacter jejuni, listeria monocytogenes, and salmonella spp., for its actual application in routine food testing. due to the limitation of the detection limit of the developed method, an enrichment step was included in this study by using campylobacter enrichment broth for c. jejuni and universal pre-enrichment broth for l. monocytogenes and salmonella ...201626950032
bayesian techniques for comparison of the test performance of pcr and culture for the identification of campylobacter in enriched comminuted chicken samples.using bayesian methods that do not require the definition of a gold standard, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay are compared to those of an enriched culture assay for detection of campylobacter in enriched comminuted chicken samples.201626895234
colonization pattern of c. jejuni isolates of human and avian origin and differences in the induction of immune responses in chicken.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) is the most frequently reported bacterial food-borne pathogen. poultry is regarded to be the main reservoir for human campylobacteriosis. by some authors c. jejuni is considered as a commensal of the chicken gut, but clinical signs may be observed indicating host-pathogen interaction. little is known about c. jejuni strain dependent differences in stimulation of the immune response in chicken. therefore we investigated the colonization pattern as well as humoral ...201626827832
efficacy of feed additives against campylobacter in live broilers during the entire rearing period: part b.a total of 636 day-of-hatch ross 308 broilers chicks were used in 4 independent trials carried out to screen the effect of 12 feed additives on reducing cecal colonization of campylobacterin broilers. the tested additives were probiotics based on b. subtilis and s. cerevisae, a garlic extract, a blend of herbal substances and essential oils, two different combinations of essential oils and organic acids (oa), two mixtures of flavoring compounds, medium chain fatty acids (mcfa), monoglycerides (m ...201626706354
seroprevalence in chickens against campylobacter jejuni flagellar capping protein (flid) in selected areas of the united states.campylobacter jejuni is a causative pathogen of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis. infected poultry products are regarded as a major source for human c. jejuni infection. the flagellar capping protein (flid) is highly conserved among c. jejuni strains/isolates and is antigenic as analysed by immunoblot. in this study, we used the flid protein as a probe to survey the prevalence of c. jejuni antibodies in chickens from two areas in the united states. a total of 394 samples were tested. sera f ...201626603949
eric-pcr genotyping of some campylobacter jejuni isolates of chicken and human origin in egypt.the public health importance of the genus campylobacter is attributed to several species causing diarrhea in consumers. poultry and their meat are considered the most important sources of human campylobacteriosis. in this study, 287 samples from chicken (131 cloacal swabs, 39 chicken skin, 78 chicken meat, and 39 cecal parts) obtained from retail outlets as well as 246 stool swabs from gastroenteritis patients were examined. a representative number of the biochemically identified campylobacter j ...201526579615
ex vivo proteomics of campylobacter jejuni 81-176 reveal that fabg affects fatty acid composition to alter bacterial growth fitness in the chicken gut.campylobacter jejuni is one of the leading causes of foodborne gastrointestinal illness worldwide. here we performed ex vivo proteomic analysis of c. jejuni 81-176 in chicken, a main reservoir for human infection. at 0, 1 and 4 weeks post-infection (p.i.) with the gfp-expressing 81-176 strain, inocula were recovered from chicken ceca by cell sorting using flow cytometry. itraq-coupled 2d-lc-ms/ms analyses that detected 55 c. jejuni proteins, among which either 3 (fabg, hydb, cjj81176_0876) or 7 ...201626499093
campylobacter jejuni pflb is required for motility and colonisation of the chicken gastrointestinal tract.campylobacter jejuni is the leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. although the mechanisms by which c. jejuni causes disease are not completely understood, the presence of functional flagella appears to be required for colonisation of the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. therefore much attention has been given to understanding the synthesis and role of flagella in c. jejuni. in this study we report insights into the function of pflb that is essential for cam ...201526423554
distribution of antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter strains isolated from poultry at a slaughterhouse and supermarkets in japan.fifty strains of campylobacter jejuni/coli were detected in 108 specimens of chicken meat and organs sampled at six supermarkets and one poultry slaughterhouse (large scale) between april and october 2013 (isolation rates: 84.8% from the slaughterhouse, 29.3% from the supermarkets). 46/50 strains were successfully recovered and subjected to the e-test to examine their susceptibility to three fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents authorized for use in poultry in japan: enrofloxacin (erfx), ofloxac ...201526412697
cell surface-associated aggregation-promoting factor from lactobacillus gasseri sbt2055 facilitates host colonization and competitive exclusion of campylobacter jejuni.campylobacter jejuni, one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis worldwide, is transmitted to humans through poultry. we previously reported that lactobacillus gasseri sbt2055 (lg2055) reduced c. jejuni infection in human epithelial cells in vitro and inhibited pathogen colonization of chickens in vivo. this suggested that the lg2055 adhesion and/or co-aggregation phenotype mediated by cell-surface aggregation-promoting factors (apfs) may be important for the competitive exclusion of c. je ...201526239091
messenger rna expression of chicken clock gene in the response to campylobacter jejuni inoculation.campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni) is a leading cause of human bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. previous research has shown that circadian rhythm plays a critical role in host response to c. jejuni colonization. the clock gene is one of the core genes regulating circadian rhythms and shows significant expression on 7 d post-c. jejuni inoculation. the objective of this study was to investigate temporal and spatial expression of chicken clock gene post-c. jejuni inoculation. cecal and splenic rn ...201526223235
effects of high hydrostatic pressure on campylobacter jejuni in poultry meat.campylobacter jejuni inactivation by high pressure processing (hpp) in poultry meat (chicken breast) was investigated. the pressure was created by high hydrostatic pressure piston-cylinder food processor. contaminated with c. jejuni (108 cfu g-1) samples of ground poultry meat were hermetically sealed in a polyamide-polyethylene bags and exposed to hpp for 9 different combinations of pressure (200 mpa, 300 mpa and 400 mpa) and time (5 min, 10 min and 15 min). quantitative bacteriological analysi ...201526172174
use of caprylic acid in broiler chickens: effect on campylobacter jejuni.the effect of caprylic acid (ca) on campylobacter jejuni in chickens was evaluated using two approaches: dietary supplementation or surface treatment of chilled chicken carcasses. to analyze the dietary effect of ca, individually housed broiler chickens (n = 48) were artificially infected with c. jejuni vfu612 (10(6) colony-forming units [cfu]/bird) on the 21st and 35th days of life. dietary ca (2.5 and 5 g/kg of feed, fed throughout the entire experiment) significantly decreased c. jejuni shedd ...201526114373
multilocus sequence types of campylobacter jejuni isolates from different sources in eastern china.campylobacter jejuni is a major food-borne pathogen that causes human gastroenteritis in many developed countries. in our study, we applied multilocus sequence typing (mlst) technology to 167 c. jejuni isolates from diverse sources in eastern china to examine their genetic diversity. mlst defined 94 sequence types (sts) belonging to 18 clonal complexes (ccs). forty-five sts from 60 isolates (36%) and 22 alleles have not been previously documented in an international database. one hundred and two ...201526100240
impact of a drug-free program on broiler chicken growth performances, gut health, clostridium perfringens and campylobacter jejuni occurrences at the farm level.the use of antimicrobial agents as feed additives in poultry production is a public health concern due to the overall increase in antimicrobial resistance. although some alternative products are commercially available, little is known on their potential impact on flock health and productivity. a prospective study involving 1.55 million birds was conducted on eight commercial broiler farms in québec, canada, to evaluate the impact of replacing antibiotic growth promoters and anticoccidial drugs b ...201526047674
effectiveness of inactivation of foodborne pathogens during simulated home pan frying of steak, hamburger or meat order to evaluate the effect of simulated home pan frying of raw meat and meat preparations of different animal species on the thermal inactivation of pathogens, the heat resistance (d-value) of three strains of campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli o157:h7, salmonella spp., listeria monocytogenes and two strains of generic e. coli was validated in bhi and adjusted bhi (i.e. ph5.6 and 1.5% nacl) at 60°c. the d-values were obtained of the linear phase of the survivor curves created in ginafit ...201526004267
impact of disinfectant wipes on the risk of campylobacter jejuni infection during raw chicken preparation in domestic the present study, we conducted a quantitative microbial risk assessment forecasting the exposure to campylobacter jejuni contaminated surfaces during preparation of chicken fillets and how using a disinfectant-wipe intervention to clean a contaminated work area decreases the risk of infection following the preparation of raw chicken fillet in a domestic kitchen.201525939813
microbial food safety: potential of dna extraction methods for use in diagnostic metagenomics.the efficiency of ten widely applied dna extraction protocols was evaluated for suitability for diagnostic metagenomics. the protocols were selected based on a thorough literature study. chicken fecal samples inoculated with about 1×10(3) and 1×10(6) cfu/g campylobacter jejuni were used as a model. the evaluation was performed based on total dna yield measured by fluorometry, and quality and quantity of c. jejuni dna measured by real-time pcr. there was up to a 25-fold variance between the lowes ...201525937085
comparison of epidemiologically linked campylobacter jejuni isolated from human and poultry sources.campylobacter jejuni is responsible for most foodborne bacterial infections worldwide including australia. the aim of this study was to investigate a combination of typing methods in the characterization of c. jejuni isolated from clinical diarrhoeal samples (n = 20) and chicken meat (n = 26) in order to identify the source of infection and rank isolates based on their relative risk to humans. sequencing of the flaa short variable region demonstrated that 86% of clinical isolates had genotypes t ...201525936829
the role of probiotics in the inhibition of campylobacter jejuni colonization and virulence attenuation.campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common bacterial causes of human gastroenterocolitis worldwide, leading to diarrhea and other serious post-infectious complications. probiotics form an attractive alternative intervention strategy for most of the enteric infections. however, the role of probiotics in c. jejuni infections requires detailed investigations in order to delineate the probiotic strains that are effective against c. jejuni. although there are several biological mechanisms involve ...201525934376
notes from the field: campylobacteriosis outbreak associated with consuming undercooked chicken liver pâté - ohio and oregon, december 2013-january 2014.on january 8, 2014, the ohio department of health notified the oregon public health division (ophd) of campylobacteriosis in two ohio residents recently returned from oregon. the travelers reported consuming chicken liver pâté* at an oregon restaurant. on january 10, ophd received additional reports of campylobacteriosis in two persons who had consumed chicken liver pâté at another oregon restaurant. campylobacter jejuni was isolated in cultures of fecal specimens from three patients. ophd inves ...201525879900
changes within the intestinal flora of broilers by colonisation with campylobacter most european countries human campylobacteriosis is the most important bacterial zoonotic foodborne infection. chicken meat is considered the main source of infection. since most strategies assessed so far, in reducing campylobacter colonization in chickens or in the reduction of human disease, have not been very effective, new knowledge regarding campylobacter's interaction with the host is needed. in this study we analysed fecal and cecal samples of five chicken flocks of different austrian ...201525876269
increased intracellular calcium level and impaired nutrient absorption are important pathogenicity traits in the chicken intestinal epithelium during campylobacter jejuni colonization.although a high number of chickens carry campylobacter jejuni, the mechanistic action of colonization in the intestine is still poorly understood. the current study was therefore designed to investigate the effects of c. jejuni on glucose uptake, amino acids availability in digesta, and intracellular calcium [ca(2+)]i signaling in the intestines of broiler chickens. for this, we compared: control birds (n = 60) and c. jejuni-infected birds (n = 60; infected orally with 1 × 10(8) cfu of c. jejuni ...201525825050
prevalence and characterization of campylobacter jejuni from chicken meat sold in french retail outlets.campylobacter was detected in 76% of broiler meat products collected in retail outlets during a monitoring plan carried out in france throughout 2009. campylobacter jejuni was the most prevalent species (64.7% of products being contaminated). the 175 c. jejuni isolates collected were characterized. mlst typing results confirmed substantial genetic diversity as the 175 c. jejuni isolates generated 76 sequence types (sts). the st-21, st-45 and st-464 complexes predominated accounting for 43% of al ...201525770428
role of capsular modified heptose in the virulence of campylobacter jejuni.the campylobacter jejuni capsular polysaccharide is important for virulence and often contains a modified heptose. in strain atcc 700819 (a.k.a. nctc 11168), the modified heptose branches off from the capsular backbone and is directly exposed to the environment. we reported previously that the enzymes encoded by wcag, mlghb and mlghc are involved in heptose modification. here, we show that inactivation of any of these genes leads to production of capsule lacking modified heptose and alters the t ...201525766665
antibiotic susceptibility and prevalence of foodborne pathogens in poultry meat in romania.the occurrence of pathogenic strains in poultry meat is of growing concern in romania. another problem found on a global level is the continuous increase of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria isolated from food. this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria in poultry carcasses obtained in romania in 2012-2013 and to reveal the most prevalent patterns of antimicrobial resistance in the isolated strains.201525596569
effect of human isolated probiotic bacteria on preventing campylobacter jejuni colonization of poultry.this study was performed in order to determine whether human isolated probiotic bacteria can be effective in reducing campylobacter jejuni infection of chicken intestinal cells, in vitro, and in decreasing its colonization abilities within the chicken gut. our results show that the probiotic strains lactobacillus paracasei j. r, l. rhamnosus 15b, l. lactis y, and l. lactis foa had a significant effect on c. jejuni invasion of chicken primary cells, with the strongest inhibitory effect detected w ...201525585278
intestinal colonization of broiler chickens by campylobacter spp. in an experimental infection study.consumption of poultry meat is considered as one of the main sources of human campylobacteriosis, and there is clearly a need for new surveillance and control measures based on quantitative data on campylobacter spp. colonization dynamics in broiler chickens. we conducted four experimental infection trials, using four isolators during each infection trial to evaluate colonization of individual broiler chickens by campylobacter jejuni over time. individual and pooled faecal samples were obtained ...201525471550
comparative effect of thymol or its glucose conjugate, thymol-β-d-glucopyranoside, on campylobacter in avian gut contents.campylobacter jejuni is an important human food-borne pathogen that can contaminate meat and poultry during processing. consequently, strategies are sought to reduce the carriage of c. jejuni in food animals before they arrive at the abattoir. thymol is a natural product that reduces survivability of campylobacter in vitro, but its rapid absorption from the proximal alimentary tract limits its bactericidal efficacy in vivo. thymol-β-d-glucopyranoside is more resistant to absorption than free thy ...201525421628
reactions of chicken sera to recombinant campylobacter jejuni flagellar proteins.campylobacter jejuni is a gram-negative spiral rod bacterium and is the leading but underreported bacterial food-borne pathogen that causes human campylobacteriosis worldwide. raw or undercooked poultry products are regarded as a major source for human infection. c. jejuni flagella have been implicated in colonization and adhesion to the mucosal surface of chicken gastrointestinal tracts. therefore, flagellar proteins would be the excellent targets for further investigation. in this report, we u ...201525413671
composition of diet modifies colonization dynamics of campylobacter jejuni in broiler evaluate the impact of diet composition on colonization dynamics of camp. jejuni and on related physiological parameters in the chicken intestine.201525358748
evaluation of passive immunotherapeutic efficacy of hyperimmunized egg yolk powder against intestinal colonization of campylobacter jejuni in chickens.campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis in human. chickens are the reservoir host of c. jejuni, and contaminated chicken meat is an important source of human infection. therefore, control of c. jejuni in chickens can have direct effect on human health. in this study we tested the passive immunotherapeutic efficacy of the chicken egg-yolk-derived antibodies, in the form of hyperimmunized egg yolk powder (heyp), against 7 colonization-associated proteins of c ...201425214556
detection of salmonella spp. by a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) method targeting bcfd this study, we developed and validated a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) assay for salmonella detection targeting bcfd gene, a conserved fimbrial operon gene existing in salmonella. the salmonella lamp assay we developed successfully amplified 44 salmonella strains (14 standard strains and 30 clinical isolates), but none of 9 non-salmonella standard strains (proteus mirabilis, listeria monocytogenes, escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, shigella flexneri, shigella sonnei, k ...201425199410
[identification and molecular subtyping of campylobacter jejuni isolated from chicken carcass].to characterize and investigate the molecular types of campylobacter jejuni isolated from slaughter chicken carcass, which would provide scientific data for campylobacter food poisoning traceability.201425199290
a spot polymorphism correlates with chill stress survival and is prevalent in clinical isolates of campylobacter jejuni.resistance of campylobacter jejuni to environmental stress is regarded as a risk factor for the transmission of c. jejuni from poultry or poultry products to humans. so far, the mechanisms underlying the capacity of c. jejuni to survive environmental stress conditions are not fully understood. in this study, we searched for polymorphisms in c. jejuni genes, potentially involved in resistance to chill stress. to this end, we assessed 3 groups of c. jejuni isolates (clinical, retail chicken meat, ...201425172931
antimicrobial efficacy of lauric arginate against campylobacter jejuni and spoilage organisms on chicken breast fillets.the objectives of this study were to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of lauric arginate (lae) against campylobacter jejuni (in broth and on chicken breast fillets) and spoilage microorganisms (on chicken breast fillets). in vitro antimicrobial activity of lae was determined by treating c. jejuni (in pure culture) with 0 (control), 50, 100, and 200 mg/l of lae solutions at 4°c for 2 h. inoculated chicken samples with c. jejuni were treated with 0, 200, and 400 mg/kg of lae, packaged, and sto ...201425104765
inhibition of campylobacter jejuni on fresh chicken breasts by κ-carrageenan/chitosan-based coatings containing allyl isothiocyanate or deodorized oriental mustard extract.campylobacter species are common bacterial pathogens associated with human gastroenteritis worldwide. the objectives of this study were to determine the minimum inhibitory (mic) and minimum bactericidal (mbc) concentrations of allyl isothiocyanate (aitc) against 4 campylobacter jejuni strains in mueller-hinton (mh) broth at 4, 21, 37 and 42°c and to screen the c. jejuni strains for their ability to degrade sinigrin (which forms aitc) in ph7.0 mh broth at 35°c for 21d. also evaluated was the anti ...201425058687
effects of feeding plant-derived agents on the colonization of campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens.the aim of this work was to test the potential use of plant-derived extracts and compounds to control campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens. over a 7-wk feeding period, birds were fed a commercial diet with or without plant extracts (acacia decurrens, eremophila glabra), essential oil [lemon myrtle oil (lmo)], plant secondary compounds [terpinene-4-ol and α-tops (including α-terpineol, cineole, and terpinene-4-ol)], and the antibiotic virginiamycin. traditional culture and real-time quantitat ...201425002548
intestinal carriage and excretion of campylobacter jejuni in chickens exposed at different ages.campylobacter jejuni is usually recovered from chickens in commercial broiler farms after 2 to 3 weeks of age. this study was conducted to clarify whether fecal excretion is associated with the age of exposure to this bacterium. day-of-hatch broiler chickens were separated from a flock in a local commercial farm, kept in isolation rooms, and esophageally inoculated with c. jejuni (5.5 × 10(7) to 5.4 × 10(8) cfu) at 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days of age. the remaining chicks were placed on the far ...201424988026
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