
age-related induction and disappearance of carcinogen-dna-adducts in livers of rats exposed to low levels of was investigated whether in vivo aging of rat liver is associated with changes in the induction and rate of disappearance of dna damage. for this purpose 6- and 36-month-old rats were intraperitoneally injected with a single, low dose (5 mg/kg body wt.) of the model liver carcinogen 2-acetylaminofluorene (aaf). using the 32p-postlabeling assay we found that n-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene (dg-c8-af) was the major dna-adduct formed. the minor adduct n-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-acetylaminof ...19892731307
effects of sera and steroid hormones on development of bovine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro and co-cultured with bovine oviduct epithelial cells.the present experiment was designed to identify possible effects of sera and steroid hormones added to a co-culture with bovine oviduct epithelial cells on embryonic development in vitro. bovine oocytes were matured in vitro for 24 h and then fertilized in vitro using swim-up and heparin-treated, frozen-thawed spermatozoa. at 18 and 20 h after insemination, oocytes were cultured for 3 or 7 d in a co-culture system with bovine oviduct epithelial cells containing either fetal calf serum (fcs) or e ...19892737987
expression of the low calcium response in yersinia pestis.pathogenic yersiniae undergo an established low calcium response (lcr) at 37 degrees c in ca2+-deficient media characterized by restricted growth with synthesis of lcr plasmid-encoded virulence functions. the latter include outer membrane peptides (yops) known to undergo pst plasmid-mediated post-translational degradation in yersinia pestis but not in enteropathogenic yersiniae lacking this plasmid. salient yops of y. pestis are shown here to be either maintained in the steady state or to exist ...19892739560
effects of chinese drugs "xiebai" and "dasuan" on human platelet aggregation (allium bakeri, a. sativum).adenosine (1), guanosine (2), and tryptophan (3), as well as beta-sitosterol beta-d-glucoside (4) were isolated from the n-butanol-soluble fraction of xiebai, the tuber of allium bakeri reg., which was recognized to have an anti-platelet aggregation effect. moreover, 1 and 2 were also isolated from the n-butanol-soluble fraction of dasuan, the tuber of a. sativum l. compound 1 showed a significant inhibitory activity against both the primary and secondary wave aggregation of human platelet induc ...19892740457
glycaemic effects of traditional european plant treatments for diabetes. studies in normal and streptozotocin diabetic mice.twelve plants used for the traditional treatment of diabetes mellitus in northern europe were studied using normal and streptozotocin diabetic mice to evaluate effects on glucose homeostasis. the plants were administered in the diet (6.25% by weight) and/or as decoctions or infusions in place of drinking water, to coincide with the traditional method of preparation. treatment for 28 days with preparations of burdock (arctium lappa), cashew (anacardium occidentale), dandelion (taraxacum officinal ...19892743711
[integration with the chromosome--an alternative state of calcium-dependency plasmids in yersinia].using the technique of the genes probes the naturally occuring strains y. pseudotuberculosis and y. enterocolitica of epidemiological importance were shown to contain pcad plasmid integrated with the chromosome. the strains having integrated plasmid express all pathogenicity determinants necessary for realization of infectious process.19892747704
effects of dobutamine and acetylcholine on perfused hearts isolated from streptozocin-induced diabetic order to study the responsiveness of the diabetic heart to autonomic agents, effects of dobutamine (dob) and acetylcholine (ach) on perfused hearts isolated from streptozocin (streptozotocin, stz)-induced diabetic rats and insulin-treated diabetic rats were evaluated. male sprague-dawley rats, weighing 180-210 g, were divided into control (c) group, diabetes mellitus (dm) group, and diabetes mellitus treated with insulin (dmi) group. c group was injected with buffered vehicle. dm and dmi grou ...19892751733
exposure level monitor of 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5h-pyrido[4,3-b]indole, a dietary carcinogen, in rabbits.the present investigation describes a method for the detection of minute amounts of 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5h-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (trp-p-1), a carcinogenic tryptophan pyrolysate, bound to the hemoglobin of erythrocytes and plasma from rabbits dosed orally with the dietary carcinogen. the method consists of the acid-induced release of the dietary carcinogen adducts as the free carcinogen and their extraction with methylene chloride and subsequent quantitation by high-performance liquid chromatograp ...19892753027
design and applications of biomimetic anthraquinone dyes. purification of calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase with immobilised terminal ring analogues of c.i. reactive blue 2.a 330-fold one-step purification of alkaline phosphatase from a crude calf intestinal extract has been achieved using specific elution with inorganic phosphate (5 mm) from a purpose designed adsorbent comprising a terminal ring phosphonate analogue of c.i. reactive blue 2 coupled to sepharose cl-6b-200. the resulting alkaline phosphatase preparation displayed a specific activity in excess of 1000 u/mg and was of equivalent purity to commercial "high purity" preparations as deduced by sodium dode ...19892753945
coupling of proteolytic quenching and high-performance liquid chromatography to enzyme reactions. application to bovine pancreatic ribonuclease. 19892753946
a survey for yersinia pseudotuberculosis in migratory birds in coastal japan.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from three specimens of two species of birds, the black-faced bunting (emberiza spodocephala) and pied wagtail (motacilla alba), of 528 specimens of birds examined from coastal regions in japan. the two isolated strains of y. pseudotuberculosis were identified as serovar 4b and serovar 3. this is the first isolation of y. pseudotuberculosis from birds in japan. yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from three specimens of the pied wagtail, one specimen of ...19892761013
analysis of the yopa gene encoding the yop1 virulence determinants of yersinia spp.the yop proteins of yersinia are important virulence determinants. the yop1 protein sequences of yersinia pestis, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and two yersinia enterocolitica serotypes, 0:3 and 0:8, deduced from the nucleotide sequences of the corresponding yopa genes, were compared. most differences were found in the hydrophilic domains of the proteins, whereas the hydrophobic domains were conserved. the amino acid sequences revealed a signal sequence 25 amino acids long. no cysteine residues w ...19892761389
when exercise can kill: how to spot ihss.for the patient who has idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis vigorous activity can be deadly. identifying this condition and teaching the patient how to compensate may keep him alive.19892772528
[chronic pyelonephritis in polycystic kidney].the characteristics of chronic pyelonephritis are studied in 37 patients out of a total of 53 patients with proved renal polycystosis. a group of 71 patients with chronic pyelonephritis selected at random are used as a control group. the frequency of chronic pyelonephritis among the patients with renal polycystosis is 69.8%. the difference between the mean age of the patients with renal polycystosis and chronic pyelonephritis and the patients with renal polycystosis without chronic pyelonephriti ...19892773465
renal iodide clearance in rabbits.the purpose of the study was to compare indirect clearance methods based on plasma values and external detection of activity using small skin attached radioactivity detectors with a direct clearance method based on constant infusion and urine collection. the experiments were performed in anesthetized rabbits. the plasma iodide concentration was increased 100 times to prevent thyroid organification of radioactive iodide. [131i]iodide was infused at a constant rate and [125i]iodide was administere ...19892773623
reconstruction of the four major ligaments in an unstable knee joint after dislocation by solvent-preserved human fascia lata transplantation. a case report.once the opportunity for primary repair of injured knee ligaments after traumatic dislocation has been lost, ligamentous reconstruction is difficult using only autogenic tissues because of the risk of loss of function at the donor site, so other substitutes are needed. the four major ligaments in the unstable knee of a 35-year-old man were reconstructed by solvent-preserved human fascia lata three months after traumatic open dislocation. the clinical results were satisfactory. arthroscopic exami ...19892774879
primary structure of a novel 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (sits)-binding membrane protein highly expressed in torpedo californica electroplax.polyclonal rabbit antibodies were raised against 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (sits), an inhibitor of a variety of anion transport proteins. these antibodies specifically recognize sits-reacted erythrocyte band 3 in immunoprecipitations and western blots. in western blots of sits-reacted membrane proteins derived from vesicles of the electric organ of torpedo californica (known to express a sits-sensitive cl- channel) the antibodies recognized two major species of ap ...19892775201
the interaction between carbamazepine and erythromycin.erythromycin has been reported to interact with the anticonvulsant, carbamazepine, in both children and adults. toxic serum levels of carbamazepine are observed within 24 h of antibiotic administration, suggesting a mechanism not previously described for other erythromycin-based drug interactions. in rats erythromycin significantly depressed the elimination of carbamazepine in animals induced with carbamazepine for 4 days but had no effect on carbamazepine elimination in noninduced animals. alth ...19892776076
regional histochemical aspects of xanthine oxidase activity in ischemic and reperfused small intestine of the rat.the study describes regional changes of xanthine oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase activities as shown by the ischemic and reperfused small intestine of the rat. the results are obtained with enzyme histochemical methods, including densitometrical verifications, and are substantiated with biochemical enzyme determinations. the decrease of xanthine oxidase activity was best visible in the anoxic duodenum and jejunum, where the findings of histochemical enzyme determinations agreed with those ac ...19892776176
the sz mutant hamster: a genetic model of epilepsy or of paroxysmal dystonia?attacks of sustained dystonic postures of limbs and trunk can be initiated by mild environmental stimuli in an inbred line of syrian hamsters. the trait is determined by an autosomal simple recessive genetic mutation, originally designated by the gene symbol sz, because the abnormal movements were thought to represent epileptic seizures. the attacks, which can be reproducibly initiated by placing the sz mutant hamsters in a new environment, begin with rapid twitches of the vibrissae, flattened e ...19892779593
opening remarks of president fernando e. agrait on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the cayo santiago macaque colony. 19892780954
staphylococcal wound infection in the pig: part i. course.full-thickness excision wounds infected with staphylococcus hyicus, a pig pathogen, or staphylococcus aureus, a human pathogen, were produced in pigs. the inoculated wounds were kept occluded for 2 days and then exposed and biopsied at intervals for 9 to 12 days. the exposed lesions were edematous and exudative. the s. aureus model was experimentally advantageous because the infection remained localized to the wound without systemic infection or signs of discomfort. the s. hyicus infection cause ...19892782820
[isolation and physico-chemical properties of a protein, included in an endotoxin from yersinia pseudotuberculosis].a major protein of the endotoxin from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from the complex lipid a--protein by treatment with sds and triton x-100 followed by gel-chromatography on sephacryl s-300. protein has apparent molecular mass 40 kda and alanine as n-terminal amino acid residue. cd and ir spectroscopy conformational changes of the protein molecule in the process of its isolation. the thermal and ph stabilities of the protein were investigated by the methods of intrinsic fluorescence ...19892783172
trophic effects of first-trimester human trophoblasts and human chorionic gonadotropin on lymphocyte proliferation.we examined the effects of pure first-trimester human trophoblast cells grown in long-term cultures or their secreted products on the proliferation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured alone, under allogeneic stimulation, or in the presence of concanavalin a. both trophoblasts and their culture supernatants stimulated lymphocyte proliferation. culture supernatant had a moderate enhancing effect on lymphocyte mitogenesis in mixed lymphocyte cultures and in the presence of concanavalin a ...19892785344
protection induced against acute bronchitis--the use of human and rat models to determine mechanisms of action of oral immunization with haemophilus influenzae. 19892786462
the induction of protective immunity to leishmania major in the balb/c mouse by interleukin 4 treatment.the ability of interleukin 4 (il4), administered subcutaneously around the cutaneous lesion in the form of hydrophilic gels, to affect the development of established leishmania major infections in the balb/c mouse was studied. il4 had a therapeutic effect on l. major lesion growth compared with control mice, causing not only resolution of the parasite lesions over a period of 10 weeks but also rendering animals resistant to reinfection. adoptive transfer of splenic t cells, obtained from il4-tre ...19892786473
synergistic antitumor effects of interleukin 2 and the monoclonal lym-1 against human burkitt lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo.interleukin 2 (il-2) regulates immune responses by inducing proliferation and differentiation of t-cells into cytotoxic cells, inducing lymphokine activated killer activity and enhancing antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (adcc). lym-1, a monoclonal antibody, recognizes a membrane antigen present on the surface of b-lymphoma cells and can be used for adcc. we therefore used raji (human burkitt lymphoma) cells to study the efficacy of combination therapy with il-2, lymphokine activated kill ...19892788499
variceal hemorrhage as a consequence of spontaneous rupture of a pancreatic pseudocyst into the splenic vein.we describe a case of a 68-yr-old man who died as a consequence of a massive bleed from esophageal varices. at autopsy, a pancreatic pseudocyst that communicated directly with the splenic vein was found. histology confirmed that material from the pseudocyst had embolized to the peripheral portal veins, occluding many of them.19892788993
biochemical and clinical response of fulminant viral hepatitis to administration of prostaglandin e. a preliminary report.the effect of pg on patients with fulminant and subfulminant viral hepatitis (fhf) was studied. 17 patients presented with fhf secondary to hepatitis a (n = 3), hepatitis b (n = 6), and non-a, non-b (nanb) hepatitis (n = 8). 14 of the 17 patients had stage iii or iv hepatic encephalopathy (he). at presentation the mean aspartate transaminase (ast) was 1,844 +/- 1,246 u/liter, bilirubin 232 +/- 135 mumol/liter, prothrombin time (pt) 34 +/- 18, partial thromboplastin time (ptt) 73 +/- 26 s, and co ...19892794044
a case report of chediak-higashi syndrome complicated with systemic amyloidosis and olivo-cerebellar degeneration.the histopathological observations in the case of a 24 year old woman with chediak-higashi syndrome are described. there were characteristic features of cytoplasmic giant granules in various cells and lymphohistiocytic infiltration in various tissues. amyloid deposits, which have not been reported previously in human chediak-higashi syndrome, were systemically noted and were immunohistochemically revealed to be aa type protein. another rare complication, olivo-cerebellar degeneration, was observ ...19892798223
a case report of chediak-higashi syndrome complicated with systemic amyloidosis and olivo-cerebellar degeneration.the histopathological observations in the case of a 24 year old woman with chediak-higashi syndrome are described. there were characteristic features of cytoplasmic giant granules in various cells and lymphohistiocytic infiltration in various tissues. amyloid deposits, which have not been reported previously in human chediak-higashi syndrome, were systemically noted and were immunohistochemically revealed to be aa type protein. another rare complication, olivo-cerebellar degeneration, was observ ...19892798223
presence of cytoadhesins (iib-iiia-like glycoproteins) on human metastatic melanomas but not on benign melanocytes.glycoproteins iib and iiia, a heterodimer complex, play a vital role in blood platelet aggregation and are members of a wide family of membrane receptors known as integrins or cytoadhesins. cellular interaction to extracellular matrix (ecm) adhesive proteins is mediated by integrins. certain tumor cells are known to interact with ecm and blood platelets in the process of metastasis. however, it is not known if tumor cells, compared with their normal counterparts, acquire iib-iiia-like receptors ...19892801613
ultrastructure of globule leucocytes isolated from rat tracheal epithelium.the ultrastructure of globule leucocytes isolated from rat tracheal epithelium is described. the isolated globule leucocytes appear as rounded mononuclear cells with a diameter of 6 to 8 microns. the often indented nucleus is usually eccentrically located in the cell. the characteristic intracytoplasmic membrane-bound granules vary greatly in electron-density, size, shape, and internal structure. on the basis of their internal structure, four types of granules could be distinguished. they may re ...19892804960
on the estimation of pulmonary capillary pressure from arterial occlusion.we have attempted to evaluate some approaches for estimating pulmonary capillary pressure from the transient pressure data obtained from the tip of the swanz-ganz catheter after inflation of the balloon. to this end experiments were carried out in anesthetized dogs in which pulmonary vasoconstriction was induced by infusion of histamine, serotonin, or norepinephrine or by hypoxia. in a group of closed chest dogs, the time course for the fall in the catheter tip pressure toward the wedge pressure ...19892817586
anti-yersinia antibodies in patients with behçet's disease. 19892818667
evidence for histidyl and carboxy groups at the active site of the human placental na+-h+ exchanger.the na+-h+ exchanger of the human placental brush-border membrane was inhibited by pretreatment of the membrane vesicles with a histidyl-group-specific reagent, diethyl pyrocarbonate and with a carboxy-group-specific reagent, n-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline. in both cases the inhibition was irreversible and non-competitive in nature. but, if the membrane vesicles were treated with these reagents in the presence of amiloride, cimetidine or clonidine, there was no inhibition. since ...19872822022
evidence for histidyl and carboxy groups at the active site of the human placental na+-h+ exchanger.the na+-h+ exchanger of the human placental brush-border membrane was inhibited by pretreatment of the membrane vesicles with a histidyl-group-specific reagent, diethyl pyrocarbonate and with a carboxy-group-specific reagent, n-ethoxycarbonyl-2-ethoxy-1,2-dihydroquinoline. in both cases the inhibition was irreversible and non-competitive in nature. but, if the membrane vesicles were treated with these reagents in the presence of amiloride, cimetidine or clonidine, there was no inhibition. since ...19872822022
studies on the immunoglobulin v kappa locus in human lymphoid cell lines.dna digests of 16 human lymphoid cell lines were studied in blot hybridization experiments with probes from v kappa genes and their immediate neighborhood as well as with single or low-copy probes from intergenic regions. the patterns were compared with those of placenta dna digests in which the kappa genes are in the germline configuration. the differences of patterns which were detected with the first type of hybridization probes can be attributed to v kappa--j kappa rearrangements or to restr ...19872822060
studies on the immunoglobulin v kappa locus in human lymphoid cell lines.dna digests of 16 human lymphoid cell lines were studied in blot hybridization experiments with probes from v kappa genes and their immediate neighborhood as well as with single or low-copy probes from intergenic regions. the patterns were compared with those of placenta dna digests in which the kappa genes are in the germline configuration. the differences of patterns which were detected with the first type of hybridization probes can be attributed to v kappa--j kappa rearrangements or to restr ...19872822060
repeated sequences of 3-kb dna fragment of a plasmid from yersinia enterocolitica 09 in plasmids from y. pestis and y. pseudotuberculosis. 19872822355
near-infrared spectrophotometric monitoring of haemoglobin and cytochrome a, a3 in situ. 19872823549
near-infrared spectrophotometric monitoring of haemoglobin and cytochrome a, a3 in situ. 19872823549
a molecular strategy for the study of bacterial invasion.bacterial populations are often clonal, and even within a bacterial species, the frequency of gene exchange and recombination is quite low. consequently, mobile genetic elements--plasmids, bacteriophages, and transposons--have been the central factors in the evolution of pathogenic traits. one central feature of pathogenicity, the capacity to enter epithelial cells, is encoded by the bacterial chromosome of yersinia pseudotuberculosis but by plasmid genes in enteroinvasive escherichia coli. a si ...19872825322
protein kinase c inhibitors eliminate hippocampal long-term potentiation.recent findings suggest that protein kinase c (pkc) regulates the persistence of long-term potentiation (ltp). to test the hypothesis that pkc inhibition would decrease persistence of potentiation we applied pkc inhibitors (mellitin, polymyxin b, h-7) by micropressure ejection to the intact hippocampus either before or after ltp induction. when inhibitor was given 15 min before ltp, initial potentiation was unaffected, yet responses decayed to baseline levels by 60 min after the onset of potenti ...19872825923
mucosal antibody response of calves after oral and intrabronchial administration of rotavirus. 19872827448
investigation of opioid receptor binding protein in adult and fetal mouse brain membranes by photoaffinity labeling.125i-[d-ala2,p-n3-phe4-met5]enkephalin was used to investigate the opioid receptor from brain membranes of adult (6 months old) and fetal (16 days gestation) mice. the photolabeled membranes were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. a 46,000-da protein was specifically photo-labeled in the adult mouse brain membranes. the photolabeling of this protein was inhibited in the presence of [d-ala2,met5]enkephalin and a peptide ligand specific for the mu-opioid receptor. no specific ...19882829063
neutralizing antibody development following sequential inoculation of pigs with strains of bovine viral diarrhea virus and hog cholera virus. 19872830743
molecular cloning and sequencing of a pectate lyase gene from yersinia pseudotuberculosis.a pectate lyase gene (pely) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis was cloned in escherichia coli dh-5 alpha. the gene was expressed in either orientation in puc plasmids, indicating that the insert dna carried a y. pseudotuberculosis promoter which functioned in e. coli. however, when cloned in the orientation which placed the coding region downstream of the vector lac promoter, expression of pely was nine times higher than it was in the opposite orientation and the growth of e. coli cells was inhibi ...19882832382
widespread occurrence of the restriction endonuclease yeni, an isoschizomer of psti, in yersinia enterocolitica serotype o8.the cold-active restriction endonuclease yeni, an isoschizomer of psti, was found in 12 of 14 yersinia enterocolitica serotype o8 strains of different origins, but not in other serotypes of y. enterocolitica, yersinia pseudotuberculosis, or yersinia pestis. in spite of the limited number of strains tested, the result suggests that the detection of yeni endonuclease or the gene might result in more rapid determination of the prominently pathogenic serotype of y. enterocolitica.19882833162
effects of spiraprilic acid, an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, on large artery compliance in anesthetized dogs.the present study examined the actions of spiraprilic acid, a new non-sulfhydryl angiotensin converting enzyme (ace) inhibitor upon aortic compliance (ac) in anesthetized dogs. enalaprilic acid was examined for comparative purposes. ac was determined via sonomicrometric determination of the ratio of aortic systolic-diastolic diameter (mm) and arterial pulse pressure (mmhg). one ac unit (acu) equals 10(-3) mm/mmhg. in non-thiazide pretreated animals, spiraprilic acid (1 mg/kg i.v.), caused a sust ...19872833190
evidence for two genetic loci in yersinia enterocolitica that can promote invasion of epithelial cells.virulent strains of yersinia enterocolitica cause disease syndromes ranging from mild gastroenteritis to lymphadenitis and septicemia. the ability of these bacteria to invade intestinal epithelial cells to gain access to the reticuloendothelial system is thought to be an important aspect of their virulence. we report here on the cloning of two y. enterocolitica chromosomal loci, inv and ail, each of which confers an invasive phenotype on escherichia coli hb101. the inv locus allows a uniformly h ...19882833444
yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection contracted through water contaminated by a wild animal.we performed epidemiological studies on yersinia pseudotuberculosis in one valley where a 3-year-old boy had been infected with y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b in december 1982. y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b was isolated from a water sample derived from a mountain stream from which the boy had drunk and from 1 of 41 rats trapped in the upper part of this stream in december 1986. the restriction endonuclease patterns of the plasmids in these isolates showed the rat and patient isolates to b ...19882833532
patch-clamp recording of amino acid-activated responses in "organotypic" slice cultures.patch-clamp recording techniques were used to study the properties of amino acid-activated channels in cultured "organotypic" slices from rat cerebellum and hippocampus. hippocampal pyramidal cells responded to the three main glutamatergic agonists, n-methyl-d-aspartate (n-me-d-asp), quisqualate, and kainate, whereas purkinje cells responded only to quisqualate and kainate. analysis of single-channel events recorded in outside-out patches from hippocampal neurons showed large conductance events ...19882834737
the virulence protein yop5 of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is regulated at transcriptional level by plasmid-plb1-encoded trans-acting elements controlled by temperature and calcium.the dna sequence of the structural gene (yope) of one of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis virulence plasmid-plb1-encoded proteins, yop5, is presented. the deduced protein showed a molecular weight of 22,971 daltons. a specific mutant, having a kanamycin-resistance fragment inserted within the yope gene was no longer virulent for mice. the expression of the yop5 protein is regulated at the level of transcription by temperature as well as by the ca2+-concentration of the medium. a significant incre ...19882835586
effects of gossypol on the activity of kidney (na+ + k+)-atpase and the functions of erythrocyte membrane.gossypol extracted from cottonseed oil, reputed to exert contraceptive action in males, may induce a side effect of hypokalemia. the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which gossypol produces hypokalemia are not quite understood. we have examined the inhibitory effect of gossypol on the activity of (na+ + k+)-atpase purified from the outer medulla of rabbit kidney, the half maximal inhibitory concentration (ic50) is 6.5 micron. the kinetic studies using this enzyme preparation show that gossyp ...19882836126
virulence of yersinia pseudotuberculosis isolated from pork and from the throats of swine.yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from retail pork and from healthy swine throats. these wild-type strains and their representative cured isogenic strains were tested for the presence of plasmids and several virulence factors, and these characteristics were compared with those of virulent strains from humans. two pork isolates (serotype ivb) and four swine isolates (serotypes iib, iic, iii, and ivb) harbored a 42- to 48-megadalton plasmid which had similar fragmentation patterns resulting ...19882837145
the plasmid-encoded yop2b protein of yersinia pseudotuberculosis is a virulence determinant regulated by calcium and temperature at the level of transcription.the basic yop2b protein, encoded by the virulence plasmid pibi of yersinia pseudotuberculosis, is produced under ca2+-deficient conditions. a mutant deleted for the entire yoph gene, which encodes the yop2b protein, was found to be avirulent. virulence could be restored by trans-complementation. the dna-sequence of yoph predicted a 50 737 d polypeptide lacking a typical signal peptide. transcription of yoph is regulated by both temperature and ca2+-concentration. mutations within the region of t ...19882837614
the structure of the human skin fibroblast collagenase gene.genomic clones containing the complete gene encoding human fibroblast interstitial collagenase were isolated from a lambda phage human dna library. the gene is comprised from 10 exons and spans 8.2 kilobase pairs. we have mapped the relative positions and determined the dna sequence of all the exon/intron borders of the gene. the organization of the human interstitial collagenase gene is very similar to that of rabbit collagenase and of two other extracellular matrix (ecm) metalloproteases: rat ...19882839503
the structure of the human skin fibroblast collagenase gene.genomic clones containing the complete gene encoding human fibroblast interstitial collagenase were isolated from a lambda phage human dna library. the gene is comprised from 10 exons and spans 8.2 kilobase pairs. we have mapped the relative positions and determined the dna sequence of all the exon/intron borders of the gene. the organization of the human interstitial collagenase gene is very similar to that of rabbit collagenase and of two other extracellular matrix (ecm) metalloproteases: rat ...19882839503
plasmids of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis: analysis with restriction endonucleases.the plasmids of yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis tested differed in regard to the following aspect: there were some of a molecular size of 41 to 47 mdal which could be correlated with autoagglutination of the host bacteria, and the others with a smaller size of 19 to 34 mdal that lacked the capacity to code for autoagglutination. analysis of both types of plasmids with the restriction endonucleases bam hi, eco ri and hind iii besides of some similarities revealed also cons ...19882839941
analysis of expression and thermoregulation of the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv gene with hybrid proteins.a series of translational fusions between the yersinia pseudotuberculosis inv locus and lacz was constructed. each lac+ fusion strain expressed a hybrid protein containing invasin, the product of the inv locus, at its amino-terminal end. analysis of these gene fusions allowed determination of the direction of translation of the inv gene. previous studies of y. pseudotuberculosis invasion have shown that entry into animal cells is temperature regulated. it is shown here that control of expression ...19882840402
a new hamster model for adenoviral vaccination.both adult and baby hamsters infected intranasally with human adenovirus type 5 exhibited virologic, serologic, and histologic evidence of infection. when 8-day old hamsters were infected with 4 x 10(6) pfu, concentrations of virus up to 2 x 10(6) pfu/animal were detected in the lung, peaking on day 2. the minimum infectious dose was 1 x 10(3) pfu/animal. this model may be useful in studies of conventional and recombinant adenoviral vaccines for humans.19882840876
[presence in human lymphocytes of a protein specifically binding to a cloned fragment of human satellite dna iii].pha-stimulated human lymphocytes contain the protein (sbp) which has selectivity in binding of 1.8 kb fragment of human satellite dna iii (hs3) as compared to other dna sequences. it is shown that the binding site is localized within 1kb sau3a-ecor i fragment of hs3. sbp-binding activity is increased after treatment of cells with tumor promoter 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa). the essential increase in a number of metaphases with chromosome endoreduplications in tpa-treated lymphocyte ...19882841595
effects of interferon-alpha on the activity of preoptic thermosensitive neurons in tissue slices.effects of recombinant interferon-alpha (ifn-alpha) on the single activity of thermosensitive and thermally insensitive neurons in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus (po/ah) were investigated in rat's brain tissue slices. ifn-alpha, in doses of less than 5 x 10(3) u/ml, decreased the activity in 34 of 52 warm-sensitive neurons and increased the activity in 3 of 5 cold-sensitive neurons, but had no effect on the majority (12 of 17) of thermally insensitive neurons. the neuronal responses to l ...19882841998
detection of leukotriene b4 in cardiac tissue and its role in infarct extension through leucocyte migration.the main left coronary artery of rats was ligated near its origin under light ether anaesthesia and the infarction observed for 48 h. the ischaemic area was determined after an intravenous injection of pontamine sky blue dye 1 h before induction of cardiac arrest with potassium chloride. the unstained area (true ischaemic area) decreased with time to 27.1% of the left ventricle at 48 h, whereas the intensely stained area between the normal and the true ischaemic areas increased with time, sugges ...19882844405
identification of a specific receptor for erythroid differentiation factor on follicular granulosa cell.a cellular receptor for erythroid differentiation factor (edf) was demonstrated by incubation of 125i-labeled edf with rat follicular granulosa cell cultures. the specific binding of labeled edf to the cells showed saturation; scatchard analysis of binding data indicated a single class of receptors having kd = 3.4 x 10(-10) m. a large excess of unlabeled edf reduced labeled edf binding almost completely, whereas similar doses of inhibin and transforming growth factor type beta, which are quite s ...19882844805
human placental endonuclease cleaves holliday junctions.a partially purified endonuclease from human placenta cleaves cruciform structures. the placental enzyme is active both on extruded cruciform structures from negatively supercoiled covalently closed circular plasmid dna and on synthetic x-junctions formed by reannealing short oligonucleotides. plasmids containing natural or cloned palindromes such as pbr322 and phd101-3 were used as substrates. the synthetic x-junction tetramer dna formed by reannealing short oligonucleotides, was converted into ...19882847712
expression of lectin binding in cutaneous papillomas of animals.a group of spontaneously occurring animal papillomas which were negative or positive for papillomavirus group-specific antigen were examined with a battery of biotinylated lectins including con a, wga, succinylated-wga, pna and uea-i. canine papillomas, equine papillomas, white-tailed deer fibromas, mule deer fibromas, and bovine fibropapillomas were examined. each lectin had a specific staining pattern. no obvious differences in staining patterns between normal skin, viral antigen-positive and ...19882850306
proteolysis of v antigen from yersinia pestis.lcr-plasmids of yersiniae are known to mediate a unique low calcium response characterised by restriction of growth in vitro with induction of putative virulence factors including yersiniae outer membrane-peptides (yops) and v antigen (lcr+). a medium was developed that permitted expression of high yields of v by yersinia pestis kim in large fermenter vessels. immunoblots of specific precipitates prepared by prior molecular sieving showed that native unaggregated v exists as a monomeric 37,000 d ...19872853272
prolactin and its involvement in fluid regulation in the bovine.plasma prolactin (prl) concentrations, osmolality, water consumption, feed intake, urine excretion, and fecal water output were determined in twelve steers of 3 breeds exposed to 5 feed and water regimes. breed differences were found in water intake and plasma prl concentrations when feed and water were ad lib., however, during any of the other 4 treatments, responses were similar between breeds. during dehydration and feed restriction, water intake, urine, fecal water, and plasma prolactin decr ...19852859961
[natural-focus infections in urbanized landscapes].the data on natural-nidal diseases typical for cities, urban agglomerations and culture coenoses are summarized in the paper in the light of academician e. n. pavlovsky's theory. according to the ecological principle all infections with natural nidality are classified into two large groups. concrete data from the north-western region show the role of leptospirosis, haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick--borne encephalitis and pseudotuberculosis in urbanized landscapes. modern epidemiologi ...19852861593
colonization antigens and haemagglutination patterns of human escherichia coli.the haemagglutinating properties of 223 (35 enterotoxigenic and 188 non-enterotoxigenic) escherichia coli strains with nine erythrocyte types were investigated; 153 strains were also tested for beta-haemolysis and colicin production and for the presence of cfa/i, cfa/ii, k88 and k99 antigens. a selected group of strains was also examined by electron microscopy to determine the presence of fimbriae or fibrils and to establish the relationship between these, the haemagglutinating properties and th ...19852862035
non-immunoglobin in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with alzheimer's disease and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. 19852863532
combination of mefloquine with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine compared with two sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combinations in malaria chemoprophylaxis. 19852863679
two bradykinin binding sites with picomolar affinities.bradykinin (bk) and related peptides exert a wide range of effects on several organ systems. we have attempted to sort out these effects by studying the binding interaction of [3h]bk at the membrane level with in vitro receptor binding techniques. high specific activity [3h]bk and an enzyme inhibitor "cocktail" has enabled us to label two bk binding sites with different affinity and peptide specificity in several guinea-pig tissues. in the guinea-pig ileum the high-affinity site has an equilibri ...19862871174
anatomical evidence for interactions between catecholamine- and adrenocorticotropin-containing neurons.recent studies suggest that neurons containing adrenocorticotropin and catecholamines are localized to similar areas of the brain. in this immunocytochemical study, the distributions of neurons and terminals containing adrenocorticotropin and tyrosine hydroxylase, the first enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway, were compared using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. neurons containing adrenocorticotropin and tyrosine hydroxylase formed overlapping hyperbolic lamina in the mediob ...19862871520
inhibitory effect of valproic acid on the disposition of carbamazepine and carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide in the rat.the effects of valproic acid on the disposition of carbamazepine and carbamazepine epoxide were studied in conscious rats. each animal received a constant rate infusion of carbamazepine and an iv bolus dose of epoxide in the presence and absence of valproate. the latter was maintained within its therapeutic range by iv infusion. carbamazepine steady state clearance was decreased by 20.2 +/- 12.7% in the presence of valproate. the formation clearance of carbamazepine epoxide, which accounts for 5 ...19862872025
is there negative chronotropism via adrenergic alpha receptor in isolated rabbit atria? 19852875022
quantitative electroencephalographic profile of 3-(4-hydroxy-1-piperidinyl)-6-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-pyridazine (sr 41378) in the rat.quantitative electroencephalographic (qeeg) analysis was performed in rats following the oral administration of sr 41378 [3-(4-hydroxy-1-piperidinyl)-6-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-pyridazine], a novel aminopyridazine derivative, which has been shown to possess anticonvulsant, antianxiety and hypnotic activities in mice and rats. the eeg effects of sr 41378 (10, 30 and 100 mg/kg) were compared to those of secobarbital (30 and 60 mg/kg) and diazepam (1, 3 and 10 mg/kg). sr 41378 and secobarbital increase ...19862875399
evidence for a migratory capability of rat kupffer cells to portal tracts and hepatic lymph nodes.the present study concerns the migratory ability of kupffer cells in the rat. phagocytic cells were labeled with colloidal carbon or gold, these markers being administered intravenously either into a tail vein, which resulted in generalized reticuloendothelial uptake, or in low dose into the portal vein, which produced uptake by kupffer cells alone. cells containing marker were observed in the portal tracts and in hepatic lymph nodes from 1 to 3 days after injection into the portal vein. the dir ...19862876547
[antibody formation dynamics in patients from the far east with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]. 19862876551
a glia-derived neurite promoting factor with protease inhibitory activity belongs to the protease nexins.a glia-derived neurite promoting factor (gdnpf) has serine protease inhibitory activity and in addition regulates the migration of neuronal cells. cdna cloning of gdnpf is necessary for studying the physiological relevance and the mode of action of this protein and similar cell-derived protease inhibitors. xenopus oocytes injected with rat glioma cells mrna release this inhibitor. a rat cdna clone coding for the previously purified glia-derived neurite promoting factor (gdnpf) was isolated upon ...19862877744
yersinia infection and acute abdominal 194 patients presenting with acute abdominal pain from whom sequential serum samples were taken, the frequency of yersiniosis, established serologically, was significantly higher (23%) than in 320 control subjects (2%). yersiniosis occurred in 31% of patients with acute appendicitis. acute-phase serum samples only, obtained in a further 307 patients, yielded a falsely low frequency of yersiniosis (4%). y pseudotuberculosis was five times more common than y enterocolitica, and y pseudotubercul ...19872881083
a new subtype ("brezová") of tribec orbivirus (kemerovo group) isolated from ixodes ricinus males in czechoslovakia. 19872883865
plasmid-mediated surface fibrillae of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica: relationship to the outer membrane protein yop1 and possible importance for pathogenesis.the cell surface properties of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica mutants, constructed by insertional inactivation of genes located on the 40- to 50-megadalton virulence plasmid, were examined. electron microscopy revealed an absolute correlation between expression of four plasmid-dependent, temperature-inducible properties related to the bacterial surface: (i) a fibrillar matrix covering the outer membrane, (ii) outer membrane protein yop1, (iii) spontaneous autoagglutinati ...19872887516
polymorphism of photopigments in the squirrel monkey: a sixth phenotype.we describe here a trichromatic type of squirrel monkey that resembles old world monkeys in having two well-separated photopigments in the red-green part of the spectrum; the cones of this phenotype have peak sensitivities close to 430, 536 and 564 nm. the existence of such animals is predicted by a genetic model that postulates three alleles for a single locus on the x-chromosome of the squirrel monkey. the three alleles correspond to three different photopigments in the red-green spectral rang ...19872888125
fusion of negatively charged liposomes with clathrin-uncoated vesicles.the interaction of lipid vesicles with uncoated vesicles from bovine brain has been studied by fluorescence energy transfer between fluorescent lipid analogs (nbd-pe, rh-dope), by loss of fluorescence self-quenching (nbd-pe, carboxyfluorescein) and by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. the fluorescence techniques monitor the mixing of membranous lipids and the induced release of encapsulated material. the results demonstrate a mixing of the negatively charged lipid (pa, ps) vesicles with the u ...19872888486
plasmid-mediated surface fibrillae of yersinia pseudotuberculosis and yersinia enterocolitica. correlation with outer membrane protein yop1, autoagglutination, and hemagglutination. 19872889582
haemolytic uraemic syndrome induced by yersinia pseudotuberculosis. 19882893164
[the physiological effects of beta-adrenergic receptor stimulant on the rabbit lacrimal gland]. 19872894752
enhancement of contractile responses to partial alpha-adrenoceptor agonists during warming in rat aorta.we examined the effects of warming on the contractile responses to full and partial alpha-adrenoceptor agonists in rat aorta. the contractions elicited by norepinephrine and methoxamine were not affected during warming (40 degrees c, 42 degrees c), whereas those induced by clonidine and st 587 were significantly enhanced. kcl-induced contractions of rat aorta were not affected by warming. the dissociation constants of clonidine and st 587 at 40 degrees c were not different from those at 37 degre ...19872895427
the beta sector of the rabbit's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus.the beta sector of the rabbit's dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus is a small region of nerve cells scattered among the fibres of the geniculocortical pathway. in its topographical relations it resembles the perigeniculate nucleus of carnivores, which contains neurons driven by geniculate and visual cortical neurons and which sends inhibitory fibres back into the geniculate relay. we have traced retinogeniculate, geniculocortical and corticogeniculate pathways in rabbits by using horseradish pero ...19882895931
seroprevalence and epidemiological correlates of htlv-i infection in u.s. blood donors.screening for human t-lymphotropic virus type i (htlv-i) antibodies was performed on sera from 39,898 blood donors at eight blood centers in geographically distinct areas of the united states. ten donors (0.025 percent) showed evidence of htlv-i seropositivity by enzyme immunoassays; this was confirmed by protein immunoblot and radioimmunoprecipitation. seroprevalence rates ranged from 0 to 0.10 percent at the locations sampled, with htlv-i antibodies found predominantly in donors from the south ...19882896386
regional levels of neurotransmitter markers in the pigeon telencephalon: a comparison with possibly homologous areas of the rat telencephalon.the levels of cholinergic, gamma-aminobutyric acidergic (gabaergic), and excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter markers have been measured in 18 regions of the pigeon telencephalon as well as in supposedly homologous areas of the rat telencephalon. among the basal telencephalic areas, some similar patterns of regional distribution were observed, with the noticeable exception of the ratio of levels of cholinergic markers between the striatum and globus pallidus, which was much larger in the rat t ...19882897425
human taqi rflp recognized by neurofilament gene probes. 19882897670
glutamate activation of neurons within trigeminal nucleus caudalis increases adrenocorticotropin in the cat.the role of trigeminal nucleus caudalis (vc) in control of the autonomic and endocrine correlates of nociception was assessed in chloralose-anesthetized cats. microinjections of the neuroexcitatory agent, l-glutamate (0.5 m), were directed at the marginal layers, at the central magnocellular portion, and at the deep magnocellular portion of vc. changes in the plasma concentration of adrenocorticotropin (acth), in mean arterial pressure, and in heart rate were examined. glutamate excitation of ne ...19882901707
ketamine blocks an nmda receptor-mediated component of synaptic transmission in rat hippocampus in a voltage-dependent manner.we have examined the voltage dependence of the effects of ketamine on synaptic currents in hippocampal ca1 neurons in vitro under conditions where there is a large n-methyl-d-aspartate (nmda) receptor mediated component of the response. ketamine reduced inward currents to a greater extent than outward currents of a corresponding size. d-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (apv) substantially reduced the residual outward currents recorded in ketamine, but had only a small effect on the residual inward on ...19882903476
[pili (fimbriae) of the causative agents of plague and pseudotuberculosis: their detection in the hemagglutination reaction, the passive hemagglutination reaction and in an immunoenzyme analysis system].newly developed serological methods for the detection of pili in the passive hemagglutination (pha) test with the use of immunoglobulin erythrocytic diagnosticum and in the enzyme immunoassay (eia) with the use of specific immunoglobulins labeled with horse radish peroxidase have been found to exceed the method of detecting pili, based on the determination of their hemagglutinating activity, in sensitivity and specificity. besides, the pha test and eia have proved to be capable of detecting low ...19882904200
modulation of morphine-induced eeg and behavioral effects by dynorphin a-(1-13) in non-tolerant and morphine-tolerant rats.the purpose of the present study was to assess effects of dynorphin a-(1-13) on morphine-induced changes in electroencephalographic (eeg) spectral power and morphine-induced suppression of slow-wave sleep in non-tolerant and morphine-tolerant rats. adult female sprague-dawley rats were implanted with chronic cortical eeg electrodes, electromyographic electrodes in the temporalis muscle and with intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) cannulae and, in some cases, additional intravenous (i.v.) cannulae. ...19882905786
modulation of morphine-induced eeg and behavioral effects by dynorphin a-(1-13) in non-tolerant and morphine-tolerant rats.the purpose of the present study was to assess effects of dynorphin a-(1-13) on morphine-induced changes in electroencephalographic (eeg) spectral power and morphine-induced suppression of slow-wave sleep in non-tolerant and morphine-tolerant rats. adult female sprague-dawley rats were implanted with chronic cortical eeg electrodes, electromyographic electrodes in the temporalis muscle and with intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) cannulae and, in some cases, additional intravenous (i.v.) cannulae. ...19882905786
Displaying items 901 - 1000 of 5215