
some properties of dopa decarboxylase from sarcophaga bullata. 19763361
trypsin activity in the midgut of sarcophaga reficornis and musca domestica (diptera: insecta). 197610177
age-related changes in the flight muscle mitochondria from the blowfly sarcophaga bullata.flight muscle mitochondria have been isolated from female blowflies (sarcophaga bullata) of different ages, alpha-glycerophosphate and pyruvate-proline respiration rates increase during development. only pyruvate-proline respiration declines toward senescence (30%). this decline can be overcome by atp-nahco3. cytochrome concentrations and hydrogen peroxide generation rates per protein increase during development but remain constant thereafter. total nad+ of metabolically completely oxidized mito ...1976178708
the effect of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane on levels of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate in two species of insects.within 1 h after topical application of a convulsive dose (4 mug per fly, 47 mg/kg) of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) to the adult male of sarcophaga bullata parker, guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic gmp) levels rose by 71.5% (p less than 0.05) in the head, 159.5% (p less than 0.01) in the thorax, and 23.4% (p greater than 0.05) in the abdomen compared to controls. adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic amp) levels were not significantly affected by the ddt treatment ...1976187289
3':5'-cyclic amp and hormonal control of puparium formation in the fleshfly sarcophaga bullata.injection of 3':5'-cyclic amp (camp) into larvae of the fly sarcophaga bullata 3-4 hr before the beginning of puparium formation (red-spiracle stage) greatly accelerates the onset of tanning without affecting initiation of puparium formation (anterior retraction). accelerated tanning resembles real tanning in two important respects: the solubility of cuticular proteins becomes reduced and [u-14c]tyrosine is incorporated into the cuticle. of a number of camp analogues tested, 3':5'- cyclic gmp, 2 ...1977194250
correlation between organophosphate poisoning, acetylcholinesterase inhibition, and increased cyclic gmp levels in malathion-treated insects.organophosphate poisoning with malathion caused large increases (up to 125 and 440%, respectively) in the level of cyclic gmp in larvae of mamestra configurata wlk. and in the fly sarcophaga bullata parker. cyclic amp was little affected. the malathion-induced increase in cyclic gmp was time and dose dependent. time-course studies with the head and thorax of s. bullata demonstrated that the increase in cyclic gmp level occurred precipitously after a lag period of about 1 h, during which time th ...1977195684
ph of gut & salivary glands of sarcophaga ruficornis fab. & musca domestica linn. 1975239904
[facultative wound myiasis of man in austria (author's transl)].three cases of contingent wound myiasis (traumatic myiasis) in man in austria caused by lucilia sericata (2 cases) and sarcophaga argyrostoma and lucilia sericata (1 case) are reported.1979463038
influence of diet on chromatin organization in insect mid-gut cells, and its implications for the understanding of aging in this model system.female sarcophaga bullata were fed on three different dietary combinations: liver/water; sugar/water; and sugar/liver/water. these diets resulted in different survival patterns for the insect, with the longest lifespans being expressed on the last treatment. the feulgen-dna values for mid-gut cell nuclei were determined using a scanning and integrating microdensitometer. the cell nuclei of the mid-gut reacted to the presence of nutrients by an increase in the extinction values for feulgen-dna wh ...1979480996
mitosis in the haemocytes of sarcophaga ruficornis (diptera).among the haemocytes of sarcophaga ruficornis, only the prohaemocytes divide. injection of phytohaemagglutinin-p induces 100% prohaemocytes to undergo mitosis but does not induce mitosis in other cells. mitotic stages other than the prophase are apparently very short lived.1979510476
genomic organization in the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata.the genome of the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata has been characterized both cytologically and biochemically. s. bullata has a haploid dna level of 0.61 picograms which is five times larger than the haploid genome size of drosophila melanogaster. reassociation kinetics of sarcophaga dna shows that its sequence organization is very similar to that of d. melanogaster in having a very large proportion of single copy dna (81%) and only small amounts of highly and moderately repetitive dna (9% and 6%, ...1979533665
characterization of extrachromosomal dna in the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata.the polytene pupal foot pad cells of the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata contain numerous extrachromosomal dna containing granules. we have determined both the origin and the nature of the dna sequences present in these granules. studies done with quinacrine staining of seven day old pupal foot-pad polytene nuclei showed that the granules fluoresced very brightly while the chromosomal bands to which the granules were attached did not. the only other highly fluorescent regions of the polytene karyot ...1979533666
induction of pupal diapause and photoperiodic sensitivity during early development of sarcophaga peregrina larvae.effects of long day and short day treatments during the embryonic and larval stages on induction of pupal diapause were studied on a diapausing race of sarcophaga peregrina. two long day (15l 9d) cycles during 2 days before or after the larviposition completely stopped the induction of pupal diapause on larvae which grow in short day condition before and after the long day treatment. the sensitivity appeared to decrease during the early stage of the third instar and to increase again to some ext ...1979541874
postembryonic changes in the optic primordia and optic bud in the flesh fly sarcophaga ruficornis fabr. (diptera: sarcophagidae).differentiation of the optic lobe anlagen begin in the brain of second instar. each is an elongated disc of cortical cells placed on the dorsolateral border of each protocerebrum. in the late second instar the disc elongates and its two ends bend inwards which gradually separate from the central region, thus giving three imaginal discs. the protocerebral neuropile extends into these discs and medulla interna and externa are formed. the rudiments of compound eyes (cephalic complex) appear in the ...1979545933
the diffusional and osmotic water permeability of the hindgut cuticle in larval sarcophaga bullata. 1977591730
effects of x rays on histogenesis of abnormal epidermis and age dependency of radiosensitivity during metamorphosis of the flesh fly, sarcophaga peregrina. 1978622463
mitochondrial phosphate transport and the n-ethylmaleimide binding proteins of the inner membrane.mitochondria have been prepared from the flight muscles of mature blow-flies (sarcophaga bullata). phosphate transport by these mitochondria, determined by rates of passive swelling in ammonium phosphate, is sensitive to inhibition by n-ethylmaleimide. 20 nmol of n-ethylmaleimide/nmol cytochrome a inhibit the swelling by 90%. when the mitochondria are inhibited by n-[3h]ethylmaleimide, then solubilized in dodecyl sulfate/mercaptoethanol at 100 degrees c and then electrophoresed on dodecyl sulfat ...1978687612
is a urea cycle present in insects?1. the presence of appreciable activity of the urea-cycle enzymes in the tissues of sarcophaga ruficornis, a carnivorous dipteran insect, all through its life-cycle appears significant in view of their total absence barring arginase (l-arginine ureohydrolase, ec in the phytophagous lepidopteran eri silkwork philosamia ricini at any stage of development. further, the variation of all these enzymes all through its development suggests the possibility of the operation of the krebs-henselei ...1978697760
relation between haemolymph proteins and fat body during metamorphosis in sarcophaga lineatocollis.histological changes in the fat body and in the qualitative haemolymph protein picture has been observed during metamorphosis in sarcophagalineatocollis. a clear correlation exists in the synthesizing machinary i.e., adipose tissue and the haemolymph proteins. proteins get accumulated in the fat body at the time of pupation to be made available for further metabolic processes occuring during the metamorphosis. a protein fraction identical to human serum albumin like protein could not be observed ...1978743483
the passage of serum immunoglobulins through the gut of sarcophaga falculata, pand.rabbits were immunized with brain, muscle or haemolymph of adult sarcophaga falculata, and groups of sarcophaga were then fed on serum collected from the immune rabbits. rabbit serum immunoglobulins on the tissues of the fed flies were demonstrated by the indirect fluorescent antibody method, using fluorescent goat-anti-rabbit igg. the antibodies were specifically demonstrated in the tissues that had been used as immunizing antigen. it was also shown that antibodies unrelated to fly antigens pas ...1976779684
tyrosinase activity in larvae of the fleshfly, sarcophaga barbarta. 1975805068
tyrosinase activity in the larva of the fleshfly, sarcophaga barbarta. 1975808571
the inhibition of catecholase activity by cuticle extracts in larvae of the fleshfly (sarcophaga barbarta). 1975810375
the control and site of synthesis of the haemolymph pro-tyrosinase in larvae of the fleshfly (sarcophaga barbarta). 1975810376
haemolymphal activation of protyrosinase and the site of synthesis of haemolymph protyrosinase in larvae of the fleshfly sarcophaga barbata. 1976820808
crossing between nondiapausing and diapausing races of sarcophaga peregrina.the temperate race (d) of s. peregrina undergoes pupal diapause in response to certain environmental conditions of photoperiod (13l:11d-11l:13d) and temperature (under 20 degrees c). the tropical race (nd) does not do so under the same circumstances. the tendency toward diapause was suppressed 30-40% of the hybrids of crossings d female x nd male and nd female x dmale even under such short day and low temperature conditions as 11l:13d-9l:15d, 20 degrees c. for entering diapause, the hybrids rreq ...1977844547
susceptibility of female gonads of sarcophaga ruficornis (fabr.) (diptera: sarcophagidae) to thiourea in relation to their age. 1977845899
metabolism of beta-alanyl-l-tyrosine in sarcophaga bullata. 1977915338
ultraviolet light and puparial weight as factors in the autogeny of the fleshfly, sarcophaga falculata. 1977915340
radiosensitivity of the flesh fly, sarcophaga bullata (parker), throughout larval and pupal life. 1976935345
arrest of metamorphosis induced by x rays in flesh fly, sarcophaga peregrina. 1976948561
the initiation of adult development in sarcophaga argyrostoma by beta-ecdysone. 1976965776
two cases of enteric myiasis in man. pseudomyiasis and true intestinal myiasis.dipterous larvae were found in the appendices from two postmortem examinations. the single maggot in the first case was not immediately identified in the sections. however, when the posterior end of the larva was recovered from the unsectioned portion of the appendix, it was identified as a maggot of the genus sarcophaga. the first case was believed to be a case of "pseudomyiasis,+ i.e., the accidental entrapment of a swallowed larva passing through the digestive tract. in the second case, the a ...1976983987
a survey of houseflies in bangkok and neighboring provinces.a survey of flies in bangkok and neighboring province revelaed that among 8,675 flies collected there were 10 genera and 18 species of flies, eg. musca domestica, m. bezzii, m. conducens, m. nebulo, chrysomyia megacephala, c. rufifacies, phaenicia sericata, p. cuprina, sarcophaga ruficornis, s. peregrina, s. orchidae, s. albiceps, megaselia scalaris, lispe orientalis, anaclysta flexa, morellia hortensia, hemipyrellia ligurriens and orthellia coeruleifrons. musca mostly bred in low-protein conten ...19761027114
co2-induced changes in the erg of the fly. sarcophaga bullata. a component analysis. 19751120917
formation of temporary flagellar structures during insect organogenesis.cilia and flagella are rare in nongerminal tissues of anthropods, and are generally thought to be restricted to sperm and sensory cells in insects (2). whitten (5) has reported the presence of kinetosomes at the base of mitotrichia in the dipteran fly sarcophaga bullata, but reports no evidence of the organization of fibrous elements characteristic of cilia and or flagella. during an ultrastructural analysis of morphogenesis of the colleterial gland of the silk moth hyalophora cecropia, we found ...19751127020
reversal of pupal diapause in sarcophaga argyrostoma by temperature shifts after puparium formation. 19751133489
noncytokinetic injury: sparing effect of dose fractionation for delay of pupariation of the fleshfly, sarcophaga bullata parker. 19751144695
isolation of mitochondria from sarcophaga ruficornis larvae rich in phenolics. 19751157843
[human myiasis in middle europe].a report is given on 4 cases of myiasis of the mucous membrane of different localisation and etiology observed in the gdr (vaginal myiasis by lucilia sericata, urethral and vesicular myiasis by calliphora vicina, rectal myiasis by sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis and ophthalmomyiasis by oestrus ovis). biological peculiarities and habits of life of the causative organisms, pathogenesis of the different forms of parasitosis in man and clinical pictures are described. the cases mentioned show that occasi ...19751163070
stimulation of hydrocarbon biosynthesis by ecdysterone in the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata. 19751165405
a developmental study of the cuticular hydrocarbons of sarcophaga bullata. 19751185003
effects of u.v. light and temperature on the melanization and the formation of daily growth layers of sarcophaga falculata. 19751185006
histochemical localization of trehalase activity in dorsal flight muscle of the flesh fly sarcophaga bullata with light and electron microscopy.trehalase activity in flight muscle of the flesh fly sacrophaga bullata is detected histochemically at light- and electron-microscopic levels by using diaminobenzidine, glucose oxidase and peroxidase in the incubation medium. the association of trehalase activity with the inner mitochondrial membrane is confirmed. biochemical assay shows that about 50% of the initial total trehalase activity is lost from the tissue during the histochemical processing and about 50% remains for histochemical detec ...19751194670
neuromuscular junctions and l-glutamate-sensitive sites in the fleshfly, sarcophaga bullata. 19751194706
independent replication of the ribosomal rna genes in the polytrophic-meroistic ovaries of calliphora erythrocephala, drosophila hydei, and sarcophaga filter saturation hybridizations the ribosomal (r)dna contents of the ovaries calliphora erythrocephala, drosophila hydei, and sarcophaga barbata have been measured in comparison to the rdna percentages of their diploid brains. the measurements of the ovarian rdna have been carried out on ovaries where the nurse cells in the distal egg chamber of the ovarioles had reached their highest ploidy level. the diploid rdna content of each of the respective species was chosen as a 100% standard and t ...19751201686
patterns of incorporation of tritiated thymidine by the dorsal polytene foot-pad nuclei of sarcophaga bullata (sarcophagidae:diptera).the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the dna of the dorsal foot-pad nuclei of sarcophaga bullata, during pharate adult development, was studied by scintillation counting and autoradiography. incorporation was maximal on day 4 and showed a progressive temporal decline on days 5 to 8. autoradiographs of chromosomal arms a1, a2 and d1, from late stages of the prolonged s period, showed discontinuous incorporation. on days 7 and 8 loci which incorporated the radio-labeled precursor were alm ...19761248338
histopathological effect of thiourea on the ovarian tissues of sarcophaga ruficornis (fabr.).the primary target of thiourea in female sarcophaga are the follicles in the ovarioles. the follicle cells as a result become syncytial and their nuclei get pycnotic, inhibiting the transport of nutrient material into the nurse cells and of yolk into the oocytes. the subnormal eggs produced are not viable.19761248566
uptake of beta-ecdysone by the fat body and membrane vesicles of fat body cells of sarcophaga peregrina larvae. 19761249436
the in vitro synthesis and secretion of alpha-ecdysone by the ring glands of the fly, sarcophaga bullata.the in vitro secretory product of larval sarcophage bullata ring glands has been identified as 2beta, 3beta, 14alpha, 22r, 25-pentahydroxy-5beta-cholest-7-en-6-one (alpha-ecdysone). mid to late 3rd instar larval ecdysones were isolated and identified as 2beta, 3beta, 14alpha, 20r, 22r, 25-hexahydroxy-5beta-cholest-7-en-6-one (beta-ecdysone) and alpha-ecdysone at a ratio of 27:1. the low level of alpha-ecdysone in vivo, relative to its exclusive in vitro synthesis and secretion by the ring glands ...19761265796
unidirectional ion movements in the hindgut of larval sarcophaga bullata (diptera: sarcophagidae).1. unidirectional na+, k+, and cl- fluxes were measured across the isolated hindgut of larval sarcophaga bullata. 2. both k+ and cl- are actively secreted into the hindgut lumen, whereas na+ is distributed passively. 3. the movements of k+ and cl- are not entirely independent of each other, and the movement of one ion influences the flux of the co-ion. 4. the nh4+ ion is secreted into the hindgut by a mechanism separate from k+ secretion.19761270996
selective activation of rna polymerase i in fat body nuclei of sarcophaga peregrina larvae by beta-ecdysone. 19761278592
amino acid sequence of a protease inhibitor isolated from sarcophaga bullata determined by mass spectrometry.the amino acid sequence of a protease inhibitor isolated from the hemolymph of sarcophaga bullata larvae was determined by tandem mass spectrometry. homology considerations with respect to other protease inhibitors with known primary structures assisted in the choice of the procedure followed in the sequence determination and in the alignment of the various peptides obtained from specific chemical cleavage at cysteines and enzyme digests of the s. bullata protease inhibitor. the resulting sequen ...19921304909
fmrfamide-like immunoreactivity in the stomatogastric nervous system innervating the gut of the fly, sarcophaga bullata. 19921360391
development of a recombinant baculovirus expressing an insect-selective neurotoxin: potential for pest control.recombinant nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (npvs) expressing insect-selective toxins, hormones, or enzymes could enhance their insecticidal properties. we have constructed a recombinant, polyhedrin-positive autographa californica npv (acnpv) that is orally infectious and expresses an insect-selective toxin (aait), isolated from the scorpion androctonus australis, under the control of the p10 promoter. bioassays with the recombinant baculovirus on 2nd instar larvae of heliothis virescens demonstrat ...19911367359
oral toxicity to flesh flies of a neurotoxic insect selective neurotoxic polypeptide from venom of the scorpion androctonus australis (aait, m(r) 8,000) was shown to cross the midgut of the flesh fly sarcophaga falculata, using assays of oral toxicity, column chromatography, and microscopic autoradiography of the native and radioiodinated toxin. aait induced paralysis of flies within 1-2 h after oral administration, with a lethal dose (ld50) of 10 micrograms/100 mg of body weight. oral toxicity was about 0.14% of toxicity by injection. ...19921421443
purification and characterization of a hemocyte proteinase of sarcophaga, possibly participating in elimination of foreign substances.we have reported that foreign protein injected into the abdominal cavity of sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) larvae is degraded in the hemolymph by a proteinase secreted by hemocytes [suzuki, t. and natori, s. (1985) comp. biochem. physiol. 81a, 191-193]. here we report the purification and characterization of a proteinase from larval hemocytes. this enzyme is a cysteine proteinase consisting of 26-kda and 29-kda subunits with similar substrate specificity to mammalian cathepsin b. this enzyme w ...19921425700
interneurons of the subesophageal ganglion of sarcophaga bullata responding to gustatory and mechanosensory stimuli.intracellular recordings were made from interneurons in the subesophageal ganglion (seg) of sarcophaga bullata while stimulating the labellar lobes with solutions of sucrose, nacl and with distilled water. neurons that responded to sucrose did not respond to nacl and vice versa, while sucrose-sensitive neurons often responded weakly to water. several of the recorded neurons were filled with lucifer yellow, and their morphology was reconstructed. most showed extensive arborizations within the seg ...19921432857
purification and characterization of a diptericin homologue from sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly).a protein with a molecular mass of 8 kda was found to be synthesized specifically when the fat-body from injured sarcophaga peregrina larvae was cultured in vitro. this protein was purified from the haemolymph of the injured larvae to near-homogeneity. partial amino acid sequencing revealed that this protein is a diptericin homologue. it showed bactericidal activity on growing, but not resting escherichia coli cells. e. coli cells become elongated on treatment with this protein.19921445217
the fate of the prosegment in the acute-phase and programmed synthesis of sapecin, an antibacterial peptide of the flesh fly (sarcophaga peregrina).the nucleotide sequence of sapecin cdna suggested that this antibacterial peptide of the flesh fly (sarcophaga peregrina) is produced from preprosapecin by post-translational processing. we examined the production of sapecin and its prosegment by radioimmunoassay under two different physiological conditions in which its gene is activated, assuming that the prosegment has some biological role. results suggested that the prosegment is degraded selectively during production of sapecin. we also foun ...19921445272
neural regulation of pupariation in tsetse larvae.a neural mechanism coordinates pupariation behavior and tanning in the tsetse larva. at parturition, the mature larva has already received sufficient ecdysteroid to commit the epidermal cells to metamorphosis but, before sclerotization and tanning of the cuticle can begin, the larva must first select a pupariation site and then proceed through a stereotypic sequence of pupariation behavior that culminates in the formation of a smooth, ovoid puparium. both pupariation behavior and tanning are inh ...19921487712
the specificity of yolk protein uptake in cyclorrhaphan diptera is conserved through evolution.yolk proteins are transported from the hemolymph into the oocytes of insects during vitellogenesis by receptor-mediated endocytosis. since other hemolymph proteins, both native and foreign, are not accumulated in the oocyte, the process of uptake is selective for yolk proteins. peptide domains within the yolk proteins must therefore be involved in receptor recognition. with the long-term aim of identifying these domains and to open the possibility of understanding the molecular basis of receptor ...19921487828
induction of antibacterial activity in the haemolymph of the silkworm, bombyx mori, by injection of formalin-treated escherichia coli k-12 in the anterior and posterior body part of the ligated larvae.1. induction of antibacterial activity was investigated in the ligated fifth instar larvae of the silkworm, bombyx mori, by injection of formalin-treated escherichia coli k-12 into the haemocoel in the anterior and in the posterior body part, followed by activity determination by inhibition zone assay of the haemolymph at 12 and 24 hr after immunization. 2. at 12 hr after immunization, high antibacterial activity, approximately 6.8-7.5 mm in the anterior body part and 4.5-6.4 mm in the posterior ...19921499265
infradian cycles of oxygen consumption in diapausing pupae of the flesh fly, sarcophaga crassipalpis, monitored by a scanning microrespirographic method.fine details of the infradian o2 consumption cycles that characterize pupal diapause in flesh flies have been monitored by a newly designed microrespirographic method coupled with an electronically regulated o2 generator. during the 4-5 days between the peaks of elevated o2 consumption, the diapausing pupae maintained a very low and fairly constant respiratory rate (13 microl o2 x g-1.h-1). during the intercalated peaks of increased respiratory metabolism, which lasted an average of 33.6 h to 24 ...19921504318
the 29-kda hemocyte proteinase dissociates fat body at metamorphosis of sarcophaga.previously, we reported the purification of a 29-kda proteinase from the pupal hemocytes of sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly). antibody against this proteinase was found to inhibit dissociation of the fat body by pupal hemocytes in vitro. moreover, the purified enzyme alone was shown to dissociate the fat body. this enzyme was found to be localized in granules of heterogeneous size in the hemocytes and to be released on their interaction with the fat body. from these results, we conclude that thi ...19921516741
purification of a 29-kda hemocyte proteinase of sarcophaga peregrina.previously, we suggested the participation of a hemocyte proteinase in the dissociation of fat body of sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) at metamorphosis. we have now purified this proteinase to near homogeneity from pupal hemocytes. it is a cysteine proteinase with a molecular mass of 29 kda and has a unique substrate specificity hydrolyzing both suc-leu-leu-val-tyr-mca and z-phe-arg-mca (suc, succinyl; mca, methylcoumaryl-7-amide; z, carbobenzoxy), which are substrates for chymotrypsin and cath ...19921541301
[mechanism of the dissociation of the fat body at the metamorphosis of sarcophaga peregrina--insect metamorphosis and self-non self recognition]. 19921546165
small-field neurons associated with oculomotor and optomotor control in muscoid flies: functional fleshflies, sarcophaga bullata, intracellular recording and lucifer yellow dye-filling have revealed small-field elements of sexually isomorphic retinotopic arrays in the lobula and lobula plate, the axons of which project to premotor channels in the deutocerebrum that supply head-turning and flight-steering motor neurons. the dendrites of the small-field elements visit very restricted oval areas of the retinotopic mosaic, comprising fields that are typically 6-8 input columns wide and 12-20 ...19921573052
an infantile case of intestinal myiasis.a case of intestinal myiasis in an 8-month-old girl is reported. the clinical symptoms were ill humor and mucous bloody stools containing a number of moving worms, which were identified as second-instar larvae of sarcophaga peregrina.19921580159
[human genital myiasis due to sarcophaga].human myiasis are infestations produced by fly larvae which invade human tissues or cavities. we report a case of semi-specific myiasis which consisted in infestation of the vulvar region of an eighty-six-year old, diabetic patient who was admitted in a clinical center for elderly. the development from larva to adult fly was carried out in the laboratory and it was identified as sarcophaga. the infestation was resolved extracting the larvae and washing the affected area with an antiseptic soluti ...19921589615
evidence for an increase in positive surface charge and an increase in susceptibility to trypsin of sarcophaga lectin (from the flesh fly, sarcophaga peregrina) on its interaction with galactose, a hapten sugar of the lectin.when sarcophaga lectin (from the flesh fly, sarcophaga peregrina), an insect humoral lectin, was eluted from a column of deae-cellulose in the presence of galactose (a hapten sugar of this lectin), it emerged at a lower salt concentration than when galactose was absent. in the presence of galactose the lectin was, in addition, more susceptible to trypsin digestion. the lectin was found to have an affinity for basic proteins such as histone h3 and sarcotoxin ia, but this property was lost in the ...19921599400
studies on the enzymes involved in puparial cuticle sclerotization in drosophila melanogaster.the properties of cuticular enzymes involved in sclerotization of drosophila melanogaster puparium were examined. the cuticle-bound phenoloxidase from the white puparium exhibited a ph optimum of 6.5 in phosphate buffer and oxidized a variety of catecholic substrates such as 4-methylcatechol, n-beta-alanyldopamine, dopa, dopamine, n-acetyldopamine, catechol, norepinephrine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid. phenoloxidase inhibitors such as ...19921600191
transport of the cationic fluorochrome rhodamine 123 in an insect's malpighian tubule: indications of a reabsorptive function of the secondary cell type.the pathway of rhodamine 123 was examined after injection into sarcophaga flies and after in vitro labeling of the malpighian tubules. after in vitro labeling the primary cells only retained this potential-sensitive dye for a short period while all secondary cells accumulated the dye from the tubule lumen. in vivo the secondary cells also accumulated rhodamine 123 from the lumen, but the primary cells in the distal parts of all four tubules retained the dye for prolonged periods. this was most p ...19921629249
fmrfamide-like immunoreactivity in the ventral ganglion of the fly sarcophaga bullata: metamorphic changes.1. localization of fmrfamide-like immunoreactivity was examined in the ventral ganglion of the fly sarcophaga bullata using the indirect immunofluorescent method. 2. there are six large cells in the thoracic ganglion which are highly immunoreactive at all stages of development. 3. during metamorphosis the thoracic fli neurons shift their position from ventrolateral to mid-ventral position and their axons terminate and elaborate a highly immunoreactive dorsal neural sheath. 4. it is suggested tha ...19911685426
immunocytochemical localization of human growth hormone- and prolactin-like antigenic determinants in the insects, locusta migratoria and sarcophaga bullata.1. by use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method, substances immunoreactive to antisera directed against human growth hormone (hgh) and prolactin (hprl) were localized in the nervous system of larval and adult locusta migratoria and of adult sarcophaga bullata belonging to different age groups. 2. no major differences in the distribution of cerebral immunoreactive materials were observed between males and females or between juvenile and adult insects. 3. differential immuno-l ...19901691964
cytoskeletal f-actin patterns in whole-mounted insect malpighian tubules.the distribution of actin filaments in malpighian tubules of the fleshfly sarcophaga bullata (parker) was investigated before and after metamorphosis by means of the rhodamine phalloidin staining method. the numerous primary cells show a pattern of thick basal actin bundles resembling stress fibres of cultured cells, while the apical microvillar zone shows a bright and homogeneous labelling. the less abundant stellate cells contain no such basal actin bundles and their apical microvillar zone ge ...19901700497
a novel mechanism of sarcophaga lectin gene expression. possible involvement of oxidation of the sulfhydryl group of a fat-body protein.the sarcophaga lectin gene, an acute-phase-responsive protein of sarcophaga, was found to be activated when the fat body was incubated in phosphate-buffered insect saline (10 mm nah2po4/na2hpo4, ph 6.2, 2 mm nahco3, 1 mm mgcl2, 5 mm kcl, 1 mm cacl2 and 120 mm nacl). this activation was selectively suppressed by addition of 2-mercaptoethanol. 2-mercaptoethanol did not affect the transcription directly, suggesting that the oxidation of the sulfhydryl group of a fat-body protein is required for act ...19911716202
the functional organization of male-specific visual neurons in flies.intracellular recording and lucifer yellow dye filling of male fleshflies, sarcophaga bullata, have revealed male-specific neurons in the lobula, the axons of which project to the origin of premotor channels supplying flight motor neurons. dendrites of male-specific neurons visit areas of the retinotopic mosaic supplied by the retina's acute zone, which is used by males to keep the image of a conspecific female centered during aerial pursuit. only males engage in high-speed aerobatic chases, and ...19911723431
descending pathways connecting the male-specific visual system of flies to the neck and flight motor.during sexual pursuit, male flies sarcophaga bullata, stabilize the image of a pursued target on the dorso-frontal acute zone of their compound eyes. by retinotopic projection, this region is represented in the upper frontal part of the lobula where it is sampled by ensembles of male-specific motion- and flicker-sensitive interneurons. intracellular recordings of descending neurons, followed by biocytin injection, demonstrate that male-specific neurons are dye-coupled to specific descending neur ...19911723432
human cutaneous myiasis due to mixed infestation in a drug addict.soft tissue infestation by maggots of flies (myiasis) is a well-recognized complication of neglected wounds. mixed infestation by larvae of more than one species of fly is a rarity. we report, for the first time in india, one such case of cutaneous myiasis due to mixed infestation--in this instance by chrysomya bezziana and sarcophaga sp. in a drug addict.19911746983
myiasis in two box turtles.two eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina) were treated for myiasis caused by sarcophaga cistudinis. the tortoises were examined because of swellings of the proximal cervical regions. both fully recovered following surgical removal of multiple larvae.19911748614
an alternative explanation for anomalies in "soluble lipofuscin" fluorescence data from insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic species.published attempts to extract lipofuscin from crustaceans and fish to assess age for fisheries research purposes have used essentially the same extraction methodology applied to insects, but have neither shown a conclusive age-dependence of spectrally similar fluorescence nor proved its association with lipofuscin. the reported lipofuscin solvent extraction method for fleshflies, sarcophaga bullata, was manipulated by varying wash volume. this revealed that almost all age-dependent blue fluoresc ...19911756781
comparative micromorphology of third instar larvae and the breeding biology of some afrotropical sarcophaga (diptera: sarcophagidae).four sympatric species of sarcophaga, viz s. cruentata meigen, s. exuberans pandelle, s. nodosa engel and s. tibialis macquart, which occur in the transvaal, south africa, showed oviparity under optimum laboratory breeding conditions. details of the life cycle duration under these conditions are discussed. rearing and colonizing methods were developed. scanning electron microscopy of third instar larvae provided useful data in distinguishing between the four species. the characters which were ex ...19911773122
developmental changes in the presence of ecdysteroid receptors in the central nervous system of third instar larvae of sarcophaga bullata.radiolabeled ponasterone a, a high affinity ligand for ecdysteroid receptors which agonises the effects of 20-hydroxyecdysone, was used in combination with thaw-mount autoradiography to study the stage-specific presence of ecdysteroid receptors in the central nervous system of sarcophaga bullata. in third instar larvae, nuclear high affinity binding of tritiated or iodinated ponasterone a occurs in the same target cells and both radioligands were displaced by an 100-fold excess of unlabeled pona ...19911790585
cytoskeletal f-actin patterns in whole-mounted larval and adult salivary glands of the fleshfly, sarcophaga bullata.the patterns of filamentous actin were analysed in different larval, pupal and adult stages in the salivary glands of the fleshfly sarcophaga bullata. using the rhodamine labelled phalloidin staining method in combination with detergent extraction specific actin filament distribution was detected. the salivary glands which are histolysed during the process of metamorphosis show distinct cellular morphology and actin filament patterns in larvae and adults. the large third instar larval salivary g ...19911853338
some myiasis producers in cairo and giza abattoirs.the most important insects from medical point of view, are the blood suckers or the insect-borne diseases. still others, almost non-blood suckers, but may attack man and animal to deposit their eggs or larvae causing pathogenic condition known as myiasis. in the present paper, a total of nine myiasis producing dipterous flies were collected from cairo and giza abattoirs. they were: musca d. vicina, calliphora vicina, chrysomyia albiceps, c. marginalis, lucilia sericata, l. cuprina, sarcophaga ha ...19911875078
involvement of sapecin in embryonic cell proliferation of sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly).addition of antibodies against sapecin to the culture medium of nih-sape-4 cells derived from a sarcophaga embryo greatly inhibited cell proliferation, whereas addition of sapecin stimulated cell proliferation. these results suggest that sapecin is involved in the proliferation of embryonic cells of sarcophaga. sapecin is known to have potent antibacterial activity, so it seems to have two different biological functions: i.e. protection against bacterial infection and stimulation of embryonic ce ...19911915844
novel applications of acrylamide for cryosectioning of isolated cells, tissues, and arthropods.cross-linked and uncross-linked acrylamide polymers were used to alleviate technical difficulties in cryosectioning and autoradiographic processing of marine arthropods (pycnogonum litorale), larval insect tissues (sarcophaga bullata), and amphibian (xenopus laevis) oocytes. rapidly polymerized cross-linked acrylamide was used to prepare sections from an animal with a hard thick cuticle, p. litorale. fragmentation and compression artifacts caused by tissue density differences were avoided and in ...19911918945
discrimination of visual motion from flicker by identified neurons in the medulla of the fleshfly sarcophaga bullata.1. responses to moving contrast gratings and to flicker have been studied in cells in the medulla of the fleshfly sarcophaga bullata using intracellular recordings and stainings. medullary neurons responded periodically to flicker. those which primarily discriminated motion had periodic responses or dc shifts in membrane potentials or increased noise. intrinsic neurons included a t1a cell which was directionally selective (ds) and specific non-ds amacrine cells (6 types) arborizing either distal ...19911920163
drosophila fat body protein p6 and alcohol dehydrogenase are derived from a common ancestral protein.drosophila melanogaster alcohol dehydrogenase is an example of convergent evolution: it is not related to the adhs of other organisms, but to short-chain dehydrogenases, which until now have been found only in bacteria and in mammalian steroid hormone metabolism. we present evidence that the drosophila adh is phylogenetically more closely related to p6, another highly expressed protein from the fat body of drosophila, than it is to the short-chain dehydrogenases. the polypeptide sequence of p6 w ...19911920455
comparative developmental physiology and molecular cytology of the polytrophic ovarian follicles of the blowfly sarcophaga bullata and the fruitfly drosophila melanogaster.1. the ovarian follicles of sarcophaga and drosophila consist of one oocyte and 15 nurse cells, the whole being surrounded by follicle cells. although oocyte and nurse cells are genetically identical sibling cells, and although they are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges, their physiology is very different. 2. the dna content of the oocyte nucleus (germinal vesicle) never exceeds 4c, while values of polyploidisation up to 1024c have been measured in the nurse cells, this being dependent on th ...19901976473
preferential deadenylation of sarcophaga lectin mrna during its acute phase expression.the sizes of mrnas of various defense proteins of sarcophaga peregrina (flesh fly) were shown to become progressively shorter. we studied the shortening of the sarcophaga lectin mrna, because this mrna shows acute phase expression on injury of the larvae and programmed expression in the pupal stage. results showed that this mrna underwent deadenylation when expressed in response to body injury, but no appreciable change in size during programmed expression in the pupal stage. during acute phase ...19911989696
involvement of sarcophaga lectin in the development of imaginal discs of sarcophaga peregrina in an autocrine manner.the imaginal discs of sarcophaga were found not to develop normally in the presence of galactose, a hapten sugar of sarcophaga lectin, or anti-sarcophaga lectin antibody. wing and leg discs cultured with these substances became morphologically abnormal and no imaginal discs reached the stage of terminal differentiation, even in the presence of 20-hydroxyecdysone. the development of the imaginal discs was shown to be autonomously regulated in an autocrine manner by sarcophaga lectin; namely sarco ...19911995404
purification of a stage-specific and sequence-specific dna-binding protein for the arylphorin gene of sarcophaga peregrina.a protein that binds specifically to the nucleotide sequence accacaaca located at residues -247 to -255 upstream of the +1 site of the arylphorin gene of sarcophaga peregrina was purified to homogeneity from fat body nuclei of third instar larvae. this dna-binding protein consisted of two subunits with molecular masses of 40 kda and 42 kda, respectively. accurate transcription initiation of a truncated arylphorin gene in a nuclear extract of nih-sape-4 cells, an embryonic cell line of sarcophaga ...19912025644
participation of a 200-kda hemocyte membrane protein in the dissociation of the fat body at the metamorphosis of sarcophaga.three monoclonal antibodies were raised against a 200-kda protein specifically expressed on the surface of hemocytes when sarcophaga larvae pupated. one of these antibodies significantly inhibited dissociation of the fat body in the presence of pupal hemocytes, indicating that the 200-kda protein is essential for dissociation of the fat body by the hemocytes. when the hemocytes were treated with a mixture of the monoclonal antibodies, they were found to secrete a significant amount of chymotryps ...19912060701
[anti-tumor factor in insects' hemolymph].we have purified a lectin from the hemolymph of sarcophaga peregrina larvae, obtained after injury of their body wall. this lectin recognizes galactose residues and suggested to be involved in the defense mechanism of this insect. we also demonstrated that this lectin induced cytotoxic effects on tumor cells in the presence of murine macrophages. it was found that the murine macrophages had sarcophaga lectin binding proteins. using pupal hemocytes and fatbody of this insect, we established an in ...19902085477
[native myiasis: report of 2 cases].myiasis is a well known conditions among veterinarians, as it causes ravages in cattle. however, in men is at least infrequent, even rare, as judged from the uncommon reports in the literature. we report two cases of human autochthonous myiasis, which can be described as "urban". they appeared in the same geographical area, and flies of the genera sarcophaga and lucilia were implicated.19902095263
the cecropin locus in drosophila; a compact gene cluster involved in the response to infection.cecropins are antibacterial peptides that are synthesized in insects as a response to infection. as a first step towards a molecular study of the induction of this response, we have isolated genomic clones that cover the cecropin locus in drosophila melanogaster. this locus was found to be unique, and it was mapped cytologically to the chromosomal location 99e. sequence analysis showed it to be unusually compact, with three expressed genes and two pseudogenes within less than 4 kb of dna, and wi ...19902104802
[the occurrence of diptera in living quarters].more than 150 species of diptera belonging to 46 families were caught in a flat in the outskirts of berlin between april and october 1986. 2148 specimens were collected. fannia canicularis was the most frequent species with 726 specimens. drosophila melanogaster, culex pipiens, lucilia sericata, sarcophaga carnaria, calliphora vicina, muscina stabulans and fannia manicata were other important synanthropic flies, which inclusively fannia canicularis amounted 55% of the total catching rate. the re ...19902127165
biosynthesis of dehydro-n-acetyldopamine by a soluble enzyme preparation from the larval cuticle of sarcophaga bullata involves intermediary formation of n-acetyldopamine quinone and n-acetyldopamine quinone methide.the enzymes involved in the side chain hydroxylation and side chain desaturation of the sclerotizing precursor n-acetyldopamine (nada) were obtained in the soluble form from the larval cuticle of sarcophaga bullata and the mechanism of the reaction was investigated. phenylthiourea, a well-known inhibitor of phenoloxidases, drastically inhibited both the reactions, indicating the requirement of a phenoloxidase component. n-acetylcysteine, a powerful quinone trap, trapped the transiently formed na ...19902134025
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