
of mice, and other beasts, and men. 1978244920
elective hepatic resections. 1977322336
lung transplantation update.this review has indicated that there is decreased activity in research of experimental lung transplantation and a virtual cessation of lung transplants in man. several groups are continuing active research in various aspects of the lung transplantation problems, but it is suspected that a greater effort will be required before transplantation of the lung will become commonplace for human patients. in the appendix attached to the bibliography, we have attempted to identify groups of investigators ...1977331604
a short history of blood pressure measurement. 1977341169
pasteur's work on rabies: reexamining the ethical issues. 1978348641
the dietary management of diabetes in adults.the ultimate object of all types of dietary management before the introduction of insulin was to prevent emaciation and death: the consequences of metabolic derangements due to lack of insulin. now, while dietary therapy continues to be important in minimizing the requirement for endogenous insulin or in balancing administered insulin, the major objects are changing to prevention of large vessel and microvascular disease. the next decade will probably see a more widespread introduction of diets ...1979394152
evolution of ideas on the life-span of the red blood cell. 1979399642
small animal husbandry: what should be taught?as far as the small animals are concerned, animal husbandry refers to animal welfare and management. there are five main areas of undergraduate instruction in this subject--normal animal behaviour, nutritional requirements, restraint, housing and management in disease. university education, vacational studies and personal experience all provide important sources of knowledge. most university instruction in small animal welfare and management is provided in the clinical courses where extensive ca ...1978654036
nutrition classics. the lancet 1:407-12, 1919. an experimental investigation of rickets. edward mellanby. 1976794773
a survey of patent nematode infestations in dogs.a survey of faecal samples taken from 1000 suburban dogs revealed an infestation of 7-2 per cent toxocara canis, 2-7 per cent toxascaris leonina, 1-3 per cent trichuris vulpis and 1-3 per cent uncinaria stenocephala. the faecal material examined was obtained per rectum from well cared-for pet dogs resident in an area of north-west suburban london. the age of the dogs examined, both male and female, ranged from three weeks to 18 years. the clinical picture of the dogs affected by ascariasis and i ...1977860384
toxocara canis: an estimation of the incidence of infection in puppies in an industrial town. 1976936442
salmonella infection in dogs, cats, tortoises and terrapins. 19751096443
a survey of racing injuries in the greyhound. 1976933469
animal welfare--the local authority responsibility. small animal welfare--ineffectual legislation]. 1977928642
aujeszky's disease in a pack of hounds.aujeszky's disease occurred in a pack of harrier hounds in the south west of england and caused the death of 11 of a pack of 51 animals. the onset appeared to have followed the feeding of pig carcase material from a very large fattening unit. no evidence of clinical disease was seen in pigs in this unit, but serological evidence of earlier infection was obtained. interesting lesions in the intestinal wall of the hounds are described.1977906226
rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the dog: a survey from practices in the kent region bsava. 1977853734
breast cancer and oral contraception. 1975814232
e. b. verney's demonstration of 'the antidiuretic hormone and the factors which determine its release' [proceedings]. 1976796445
toxocariasis in perspective. 1977609714
endo- and ecto-parasites of dogs and cats: a survey from practices in the east anglian region, bsava. 1977604675
waltham: its aims and achievements. 19921509927
congenital and inherited diseases. 1979516325
the treatment of acute accidental hypothermia: proceedings of a symposium held at the raf institute of aviation medicine.a symposium was held at the raf institute of aviation medicine, farnborough, hampshire, on feb. 28, 1978. the purpose of the meeting was to distill up-to-date expert opinion to provide advice for those faced with the treatment of victims of exposure or cold water immersion. in particular, it was intended to recommend practical measures which could be employed in the field. however, it soon became apparent that there are large gaps in our knowledge of the physiology of hypothermia. these made the ...1979496754
the prevalence of sarcocystis spp in dogs and red foxes.protozoan parasites of the genus sarcocystis have been recognised for many years as intramuscular cysts of numerous vertebrates. it is only comparatively recently that the two-host nature of the life cycle has been recognised and that the intramuscular cysts are a stage in the developmental cycle of coccidian parasites of flesh eating mammals (fayer 1974, fayer and johnson 1973, 1974, rommel and others 1972, dubey 1976). carnivores ingest the intramuscular cysts from herbivores and presumably fr ...1978416553
a historical perspective of renal transplantation. 1979399512
history of precordial leads in electrocardiography.precordial leads were first used by waller, whose capillary electroscope was too insensitive to detect the electric forces emanating from the human heart unless the electrode was placed over the precordium as near to the heart as possible. when einthoven developed the elegant, reliable and sensitive string galvanometer, he could record the electric forces of the heart from the hands and feet of the subject without even undressing him. when einthoven's great galvanometer became available, only th ...1978359333
the incidence of significant bacteriuria in the dog.counts of the number of bacteria in canine urine samples have a bimodal distribution similar to that found in man. therefore it is reasonable to accept the same criterion of significant bacteriuria in the dog as in man, namely a count of 10(5) or more organisms/ml. of urine. the incidence of significant bacteriuria in the total canine population was 1.4%. it was higher in bitches compared with male dogs, and higher in older animals. the larger proportion of boxers affected was attributed to thei ...1978354091
tail bites dog. 1978246554
"the proper study of mankind, is man." alexander pope (1688--1744) 1979109936
[the animal as a symbol]. 197877068
letter: dog bites in children. 197659178
the oh-/h+ concept of acid-base balance: historical development. 197827858
letter: treatment for strays--who pays? 19751121733
prevalence of toxocara canis and toxascaris leonina ova in dog faeces deposited on the streets of leeds. 19761067361
studies on the epidemiology of uncinaria stenocephala infections in british greyhounds: seasonal availability of larvae on grass runs.the numbers of uncinaria stenocephala larvae on the grass in a small paddock used continually for exercising greyhounds followed the seasonal pattern associated with gastro-intestinal nematodes of ruminants, pigs and horses in britain. contamination persisted throughout the winter months but near-zero values were recorded in the early summer, followed by a rapid rise in mid-july to a peak level in september.1976968193
by the london post. prescribing, promoting and paying for drugs--the englishman and his dog. 1976958262
hepatorenal toxicity in a dog following immersion in rutland water. 19902275081
dog bites and rabies: an assessment of risk. 1976944607
sociological and ethical considerations in small animal practice. 1976940100
salmonella dublin septicemia in a scottish terrier recently imported from england. 19751131796
poisoning at rutland water. 19892510394
the epidemiology of echinococcus granulosus in great britain. v. the status of subspecies of echinococcus granulosus in great britain.twenty-five years ago williams and sweatman suggested that in great britain there are two subspecies of echinococcus granulosus--e. granulosus granulosus and e. granulosus equinus. echinococcus granulosus granulosus does not mature either in foxes or in horses: e. granulosus equinus will mature in either. the prepatent period of e. granulosus granulosus in the definitive host is about 42 days while that of e. granulosus equinus is about 70 days. each subspecies has a characteristic morphology. m ...19892596902
editorial: new areas for small animal research. 19751146185
diabetes mellitus--a study of the disease in the dog and cat in kent. 19751152441
studies from the birmingham dogs home. (1) the problem of resettling stray and unwanted animals. (2) the effect of distemper vaccination upon disease incidence. 19751195669
a survey of the source of pups and their health status as seen in the north west region of the bsava. 19751195676
distemper in grimsby. 19921441118
operation wild dog.'operation wild dog' was the title given to an incredible escapade by two army dental corps soldiers who decided to mount their own two-man raid on occupied france in 1942. in an attempt to forestall claims of desertion, they involved prime minister winston churchill and, when they ultimately faced a court martial, were lauded in the press for their daredevil exploits. inspired by raids carried out by special services units on norway, italy and france, sergeant peter king, a regular soldier and ...19921467013
the changing incidence of human hydatid disease in england and wales.the incidence of hospital-diagnosed human hydatid disease acquired in the uk was estimated from a survey based on hospital activity analysis data for the period 1974-83. the average annual incidence in wales was 0.4 per 100,000 population compared with 0.02 per 100,000 in england. within wales, powys, and particularly brecknock, had the highest incidence (7 per 100,000 per year). compared with the period 1953-62, the average annual incidence for wales fell by half (from 0.8 to 0.4 per 100,000 pe ...19873428374
tumbu fly (cordylobia anthropophaga) myiasis in a quarantined dog in england. 19921557870
the prevalence of toxocara canis ova in soil samples from parks and gardens in the london area. 19921603928
the prevalence of toxocara canis ova in soil samples from parks and gardens in the london area. 19921609053
borrelia burgdorferi in urban parks. 19911676804
general surgery with a special interest in vascular surgery: is the tail starting to wag the dog?most general surgeons are expected to develop an interest in a surgical specialty in addition to their general surgical workload. over a 2-year period we have prospectively analysed the type of patient admitted to a general surgical unit with a special interest in vascular surgery. half of the admissions were emergencies, over which we had no control. of the elective admissions, there was a steady increase in the proportion of patients with a vascular diagnosis. this was due to increasing number ...19911757910
the prevalence of toxocara canis ova in soil samples from parks and gardens in the london area.toxocara canis is an ascarid parasite of the dog. human infection is acquired when ova of t. canis are ingested. parks and play areas contaminated with dog faeces are recognised as potential sources of infection. five hundred and twenty one soil samples were examined from fifteen parks and gardens in the greater london area to establish the prevalence of soil contamination in those facilities. samples were examined using a magnesium sulphate floatation method. t. canis ova were found in 6.3% of ...19911767007
vaccination clinics. 19863952979
tackling hereditary diseases in dogs. 19911781140
an investigation of size in irish wolfhounds with supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias. 19911781147
fleas in southern england. 19911962396
nobel prizes given for clinical research. 19902252941
sunlight and melanomas. 19714102541
cerebral microcirculation: studies by fluorescein angiography and local cerebral blood flow measurements by radioisotopes. 19734143216
pet meat as a potential source of human salmonellosis. 19674163917
meat for the dog. 19694186290
rabies in england. 19694188292
prophylaxis and clinical evaluation concerning measles virus for distemper immunization. 19704192898
dogs, distemper and osteitis deformans: a further epidemiological study.there is extensive evidence linking paramyxoviruses, notably measles and respiratory syncytial virus, with paget's disease of bone. the epidemiology of paget's disease does not fit with that of known human paramyxovirus infections and it is possible that the disease is a zoonosis with domestic animals acting as host. canine distemper, a paramyxovirus of the morbillovirus family (closely related to measles) is therefore a potential candidate. we have surveyed previous pet ownership in 150 paget's ...19902268748
non-specific pruritus in dogs. 19902327051
pressurised aerosols. a new look. 19744424356
letter: the flixborough nypro explosion. 19744432369
comparative histopathological study of the canine thyroid gland in london and munich. 19744437158
angiostrongylus vasorum: transmission in south east england. 19902368287
early intravenous anesthesia: an eyewitness account.descriptions of the earliest iv injections of various substances by individuals who actually witnessed the experiments in 1656 are presented. of particular interest is an apparently overlooked account of an experiment in which opium was administered intravenously to a dog many years before 1674 as related by the physician and anatomist thomas willis. he does not identify the precise date nor the experimenters. however, at the time of this event willis would have been at oxford. there he was a ve ...19902404427
patterns of infection with giardia in dogs in london. 19892609377
prevalence of giardia in dogs and cats in the united kingdom: survey of an essex veterinary clinic. 19892617648
johannes walaeus (1604-1649) and his experiments on the circulation of the blood. 19744604653
the first blood transfusion: french of english? 19744618310
dogs and paget's disease. 19852866320
the carotid bodies in animals at high altitude. 19734718568
[the history of resuscitation]. 19664870036
preliminary development of a live attenuated canine parvovirus vaccine from an isolate of british origin.canine parvovirus isolated from a case of haemorrhagic enteritis in a breeding kennel in england was passaged and cloned in cultured feline and canine cells. no significant evidence of pathogenicity was found during six serial passages of the modified virus back through young dogs. the attenuated virus was excreted by inoculated animals and spread rapidly to uninoculated animals held in contact. when high titre attenuated virus was given to the six-week-old offspring of a seropositive dam a prom ...19873035779
john hunter and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 19694896529
the classic: first published in 1794 by g. nicol, london. a treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds. 19634872329
paréian and listerian slants on infection in wounds. 19704923351
the ocular lesions of infectious canine hepatitis. 2. field incidence. 19734803914
the classification of melanoma.fusion in dogs. 19714934440
salmonellosis. 19674918279
tumours in captive wild animals: some observations and comparisons. 19694950344
the future control of tuberculosis. 19674962168
a round trip journey from anesthesia to psychiatry via the fluorinated ethers. 19704996149
experimental skin grafts in england, 1663-64. 19694902102
the epidemiology of echinococcus infection in great britain. 3. echinococcus granulosus and cestodes of the genus taenia in farm dogs in england in the lake district, northern pennines and east anglia. 19715103531
cutaneous protothecosis in the dog: first confirmed case in britain. 19883201697
strongyloides in british greyhounds. 19883363835
antibiotic sensitivity patterns and r factors in domestic and wild animals. 19714927560
some observations on the seasonal incidence and frequency of oestrus in breeding bitches in britain. 19715102592
obesity in pet dogs. 19705465678
toxocara species eggs in london parks. 19873604034
human rabies: wild animals challenge dogs as sources of contagion. 19705530591
tuberculosis in canine and feline populations. review of the literature. 19714942216
Displaying items 1 - 100 of 386