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an outbreak of avian malaria in captive yellowheads/mohua (mohoua ochrocephala). | eight mohua, or yellowheads (mohoua ochrocephala), were held in a large open aviary over the summer months of 2003-2004, following their capture for captive breeding purposes. two birds died of transportation trauma shortly after arrival, one became ill and died a month later, and another four died within a 2-week period in february 2004. the eighth bird also became ill at this time but survived for a year following treatment with chloroquine and doxycycline. clinical and pathological findings: ... | 2008 | 18836507 |
bioeconomic modeling in conservation pest management: effect of stoat control on extinction risk of an indigenous new zealand passerine, mohua ochrocephala. | pest control is a key activity undertaken to conserve threatened and declining species. although bioeconomic analysis has been used to contrast the relative efficiency of control strategies where pests affect economic resources, the same approaches have been adopted rarely in conservation settings. the mohua (mohoua ochrocephala) is an insectivorous passerine indigenous to beech (nothofagus spp.) forests in new zealand's south island. mohua have undergone a 75% range contraction since stoats (mu ... | 2006 | 16903109 |