
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
temperature dependence of cicada songs (homoptera, cicadoidea).the songs of male portuguese cicadas tettigetta argentata, t. josei and tympanistalna gastrica were recorded at five to seven temperatures within the range 24-38.5 degrees c. to investigate the temperature dependence of the neuromuscular apparatus involved in song production, different temporal elements of the calling songs were measured. we report a strong temperature dependence for the syllable and the echeme rates in t. josei and ty. gastrica. this suggests that in these species the neuromusc ...200211913815
spherical sound radiation patterns of singing grass cicadas, tympanistalna gastrica.the spatial pattern of sound radiation of grass cicadas emitting normally patterned calling songs was measured in the acoustic far field with an array of eight microphones at a distance of 15 cm. the array could be rotated to cover the sphere around the cicada. the sound was analysed in one-third-octave bands with centre frequencies from 3.15 khz to 16 khz, the frequency range of the calling song. the seven cicadas studied had very similar spatial radiation patterns, but somewhat different emitt ...200010707314
asymmetry of tymbal action and structure in a cicada: a possible role in the production of complex songsthe type 1 echeme of the song of the small european cicada tympanistalna gastrica consists of a pair of loud in-out pulses followed by a train of soft in-out pulses. in all nine insects investigated, the right and left tymbals buckled inwards and outwards alternately, but the echeme started with the buckling of the right tymbal. both the inward and the outward buckling movements produced single discrete sound pulses. <p> the loud in pulses were produced with the tymbal tensor muscle relaxed. the ...19989450980
phasic action of the tensor muscle modulates the calling song in cicadasthe effect of tensor muscle contraction on sound production by the tymbal was investigated in three species of cicadas (tettigetta josei, tettigetta argentata and tympanistalna gastrica). all species showed a strict time correlation between the activity of the tymbal motoneurone and the discharge of motor units in the tensor nerve during the calling song. lesion of the tensor nerve abolished the amplitude modulation of the calling song, but this modulation was restored by electrical stimulation ...19969319436
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