
TitleAbstractYear(sorted descending)
the capnocytophaga canimorsus isolate that caused sepsis in an immunosufficient man was transmitted by the large pine weevil hylobius abietis.the first vector-borne capnocytophaga canimorsus sepsis case is presented. an immunocompetent male who denied any contact with canines and who worked in a sawmill was bitten on his neck by a large pine weevil (hylobius abietis l.; coleoptera: curculionidae). bacteriological diagnosis was confirmed by 16s rrna gene sequence analysis.201424808240
contrasting responses of silver birch voc emissions to short- and long-term herbivory.there is a need to incorporate the effects of herbivore damage into future models of plant volatile organic compound (voc) emissions at leaf or canopy levels. short-term (a few seconds to 48 h) changes in shoot voc emissions of silver birch (betula pendula roth) in response to feeding by geometrid moths (erannis defoliaria hübner) were monitored online by proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ptr-tof-ms). in addition, two separate field experiments were established to study ...201424627262
penicillium expansum volatiles reduce pine weevil attraction to host plants.the pine weevil hylobius abietis (l.) is a severe pest of conifer seedlings in reforested areas of europe and asia. to identify minimally toxic and ecologically sustainable compounds for protecting newly planted seedlings, we evaluated the volatile metabolites produced by microbes isolated from h. abietis feces and frass. female weevils deposit feces and chew bark at oviposition sites, presumably thus protecting eggs from feeding conspecifics. we hypothesize that microbes present in feces/frass ...201323297108
susceptibility of different developmental stages of large pine weevil hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae) to entomopathogenic fungi and effect of fungal infection to adult weevils by formulation and application methods.the large pine weevil, hylobius abietis, is a major pest in european conifer forests causing millions of euros of damage annually. larvae develop in the stumps of recently felled trees; the emerging adults feed on the bark of seedlings and may kill them. this study investigated the susceptibility of different developmental stages of h. abietis to commercial and commercially viable isolates of entomopathogenic fungi, metarhizium and beauveria. all the developmental stages of h. abietis can be kil ...201222659253
effects of phosphorus availability and genetic variation of leaf terpene content and emission rate in pinus pinaster seedlings susceptible and resistant to the pine weevil, hylobius abietis.we studied the effects of phosphorus fertilisation on foliar terpene concentrations and foliar volatile terpene emission rates in six half-sib families of pinus pinaster ait. seedlings. half of the seedlings were resistant to attack of the pine weevil hylobius abietis l., a generalist phloem feeder, and the remaining seedlings were susceptible to this insect. we hypothesised that p stress could modify the terpene concentration in the needles and thus lead to altered terpene emission patterns rel ...201121972958
the lethal and sub-lethal consequences of entomopathogenic nematode infestation and exposure for adult pine weevils, hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae).entomopathogenic nematodes (epn) frequently kill their host within 1-2 days, and interest in epn focuses mainly on their lethality. however, insects may take longer to die, or may fail to die despite being infected, but little is known about the effects of epn infection on insects, other than death. here we investigate both lethal and sub-lethal effects of infection by two epn species, steinernema carpocapsae and heterorhabditis downesi, on adults of the large pine weevil, hylobius abietis. foll ...201020382152
volatiles from a mite-infested spruce clone and their effects on pine weevil behavior.induced responses by norway spruce (picea abies) seedlings to feeding damage by two mite species were studied by analyzing the volatiles emitted during infestation. four specimens of a norway spruce (picea abies l.) clone were infested with mites of nalepella sp., another four with oligonychus ununguis, and four were kept mite-free as controls. after a year of infestation, spruce volatiles were collected, analyzed, and identified using spme-gc-ms. in addition, enantiomers of chiral limonene and ...200919902304
competition and intraguild predation between the braconid parasitoid bracon hylobii and the entomopathogenic nematode heterorhabditis downesi, natural enemies of the large pine weevil, hylobius biological control programmes introduced natural enemies compete with indigenous enemies for hosts and may also engage in intraguild predation when two species competing for the same prey attack and consume one another. the large pine weevil, hylobius abietis l. (coleoptera: curculionidae), is an important pest of coniferous reforestation in europe. among its natural enemies, the parasitoid bracon hylobii ratz. (hymenoptera: braconidae) and entomopathogenic nematodes have potential as biologi ...200919006580
pine weevil feeding on norway spruce bark has a stronger impact on needle voc emissions than enhanced ultraviolet-b radiation.plants can respond physiologically to damaging ultraviolet-b radiation by altering leaf chemistry, especially uv absorbing phenolic compounds. however, the effects on terpene emissions have received little attention. we conducted two field trials in plots with supplemented uv-b radiation and assessed the influence of feeding by pine weevils, hylobius abietis l., on volatile emissions from 3-year old norway spruce trees (picea abies l. karst.). we collected emissions from branch tips distal to th ...200918775595
establishment, persistence, and introgression of entomopathogenic nematodes in a forest ecosystem.entomopathogenic nematodes (epn) are currently marketed worldwide for use in inundative biological control, where the applied natural enemy population (rather than its offspring) is expected to reduce insect numbers. unlike classical biological control, in inundative control natural enemy establishment is not crucial in order to achieve pest suppression. field trials in irish forestry provided the opportunity to test predictions regarding the establishment of two exotic (steinernema carpocapsae ...200818488631
beauveria caledonica is a naturally occurring pathogen of forest new zealand, two introduced scolytid beetles, hylastes ater and hylurgus ligniperda (curculionidae: scolytinae) are pests in pine plantations. investigation of the naturally occurring pathogens of these exotic pests revealed that both are attacked by beauveria caledonica, a species originally isolated and described from soil in scotland. the isolates in new zealand were identical in morphology and conserved dna region (rdna, elongation factor alpha) sequence to isolates held in the usda-ars i ...200818308525
structure-activity relationships of phenylpropanoids as antifeedants for the pine weevil hylobius abietis.ethyl cinnamate has been isolated from the bark of pinus contorta in the search for antifeedants for the pine weevil, hylobius abietis. based on this lead compound, a number of structurally related compounds were synthesized and tested. the usability of the topliss scheme, a flow diagram previously used in numerous structure-activity relationship (sar) studies, was evaluated in an attempt to find the most potent antifeedants. the scheme was initially followed stepwise; subsequently, all compound ...200818311506
antifeedants and feeding stimulants in bark extracts of ten woody non-host species of the pine weevil, hylobius abietis.bark of ten woody species, known to be rejected as a food source by the pine weevil, hylobius abietis, were sequentially extracted by a soxhlet apparatus with pentane followed by methanol. species were alder (alnus glutinosa), aspen (populus tremula), beech (fagus sylvatica), guelder rose (viburnum opulus), holly (ilex aquifolium), horse chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum), lilac (syringa vulgaris), spindle tree (evonymus europaeus), walnut (juglans regia), and yew (taxus baccata). bark of each sp ...200818719963
structure-activity relationships of benzoic acid derivatives as antifeedants for the pine weevil, hylobius abietis.aromatic organic compounds found in the feces of the pine weevil, hylobius abietis (l.) (coleoptera: curculionidae), have been shown to deter feeding behavior in this species, which is a serious pest of planted conifer seedlings in europe. we evaluated 55 benzoic acid derivatives and a few homologs as antifeedants for h. abietis. structure-activity relationships were identified by bioassaying related compounds obtained by rational syntheses of functional group analogs and structural isomers. we ...200617013662
antifeedants in the feces of the pine weevil hylobius abietis: identification and biological activity.egg-laying females of the pine weevil, hylobius abietis (l.), regularly deposit feces adjacent to each egg. egg cavities are gnawed in the bark of roots of recently dead conifer trees. after egg deposition, the cavity is sealed by feces and a plug of bark fragments. root bark containing egg cavities with feces is avoided as food by pine weevils, which indicates the presence of natural antifeedants. here we present the first results of the isolation and chemical analyses of antifeedant compounds ...200616739015
genetic structure of the forest pest hylobius abietis on conifer plantations at different spatial scales in europe.the distribution of genetic variation within and among 20 european sites infested by the large pine weevil, hylobius abietis, was analysed using dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. analysis of molecular variance was performed at the european, regional and local scales. most of the genetic variability was found within rather than among populations and the global fixation index averaged over loci was low (0.07). we found no evidence of genetic drift, even in relatively isolate ...200616705324
antifeedants against hylobius abietis pine weevils: an active compound in extract of bark of tilia cordata linden.linden (tilia cordata) bark was shown to contain an antifeedant effective against the large pine weevil, hylobius abietis. soxhlet extraction of inner and outer bark resulted in an extract that showed antifeedant activity in a microfeeding assay. the extract was fractionated by chromatography on silica gel using gradient elution with solvents of increasing polarity. the content of the fractions obtained was monitored by thin layer- and gas chromatography. fractions of similar chemical compositio ...200516124228
the effect of environmentally induced changes in the bark of young conifers on feeding behaviour and reproductive development of adult hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae).young plants of sitka spruce, scots and corsican pine were subject to high and low light, and high and low nitrogen treatments in a polyhouse experiment. the effect of treatments on resin duct size and nitrogen concentration in stem bark was determined together with feeding by hylobius abietis linnaeus on the stems of 'intact' plants and on 'detached' stems cut from the plant. resin duct size was largest on corsican pine and smallest on sitka spruce and inherent variation in duct size between th ...200515877864
feeding and oviposition rates in the pine weevil hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae).feeding and oviposition in the pine weevil hylobius abietis (linnaeus) were monitored under laboratory conditions in two long-term experiments lasting over an extended breeding season. data were also collected from weevils under semi-natural conditions outdoors. in addition, the effects of crowding and starvation were studied in separate experiments. during the main peak oviposition period, female h. abietis consumed 50% more bark tissue than males. when oviposition ceased, the feeding rate of t ...200415301696
maturation feeding and reproductive development in adult pine weevil, hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae).maturation feeding on conifer bark by newly emerged hylobius abietis(linnaeus) is essential for reproductive development. when feeding occurs on young conifer transplants, this weevil causes significant economic damage. between emergence and oviposition however, weevils feed on bark from different sources but of unknown nutritional 'quality'. the factors influencing the rate of feeding by males and females and female reproductive development were determined in laboratory bioassays using two cont ...200414972053
pine weevil (hylobius abietis) antifeedants from lodgepole pine (pinus contorta).pine weevils (hylobius abietis) fed less on bark of lodgepole pine (pinus contorta) than on bark of scots pine (p. sylvestris). two pine weevil antifeedants, ethyl trans-cinnamate and ethyl 2,3-dibromo-3-phenyl-propanoate, were isolated from bark of lodgepole pine. these two compounds significantly reduced pine weevil feeding in a laboratory bioassay. in field assays, the second compound significantly decreased pine weevil damage on planted seedlings. ethyl 2,3-dibromo-3-phenylpropanoate has not ...200111817079
emergence trap developed to capture adult large pine weevil hylobius abietis (coleoptera: curculionidae) and its parasite bracon hylobii (hymenoptera: braconidae).a novel type of emergence trap capable of capturing and separating 'live' insect catches is described. the trap was shown to be 96% efficient at capturing newly emergent adult hylobius abietis linnaeus on bare ground and at least 82% efficient over stumps on a weedy sitka spruce clearfell. the trap was more than 80% efficient at capturing bracon hylobii ratzeburg, the most commonly found parasite of h. abietis. it was also shown to be effective at capturing adult h. abietis of unknown age (98%), ...200111260725
formation of the karyosome in developing oocytes of weevils (coleoptera, curculionidae).a complex structure termed the karyosome forms in the nuclei of the developing oocytes of anthonomus pomorum, hylobius abietis and phyllobius sp. (coleoptera: curculionidae). it is composed of highly condensed chromosomes, fused with an electron-dense granular material. there are two types of nuclear body associated with the karyosome. the smaller bodies are found in the immediate vicinity of the karyosome. the larger, and more electron-dense, bodies originate next to the condensing chromosomes. ...199918627875
[isolation of an intracellular yeast, candida brumptii, from a xylophagous insect, hylobius abietis]. 19676076188
[isolation of candida brumptii from the mycetocytes of the larva of hylobius abietis l. (curculionidae xylophage). study of its oxidases]. 19664958527
Displaying items 1 - 25 of 25